#rightwing marvel fans are an embarrassment to the fandom
nerdby · 2 months
Peeps, I don't know who needs to hear this but just because a character uses guns that does not necessarily mean they are catering to conservative incels. Shout out to all the incels bandwagoners who went out and watched Deadpool, and are in for a rude fucking awakening because they never watched the other two movies or read any of the comic books.
Here are all the ways that Deadpool is leftist--
Wade Wilson is canonically queer, has dated nonbinary characters, and is in love with Peter Parker
There is even an alternate universe where Wade and Peter are heart mates
The plot of the first film is a metaphor for how disabled people are purposely misled and lied to by the medical industry resulting in life-threatening medical malpractice
Wade Wilson is disabled
He is a fucking cancer patient for fuck's sake
He almost married a sex worker
Previous DP movies have featured a biracial lesbian couple, immigrants, and a BIPOC character with vitiligo
Sorry you missed all of that because you were too preoccupied with the dick jokes and the boom sticks.
No, I'm not -- rightwing Marvel fans are a fucking embarrassment.
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nerdby · 3 months
Incels are just going out of their way to embarrass themselves today. Alan Cumming said X-2: X-Men United is the gayest film he's done so far because of the political subtext and the fact that the X-Men are a metaphor for marginalized communities, and there are just a million dudes saying he's insane. Meanwhile I'm sitting here wondering if we're all watching the same movie.
This scene is a direct reference to Bobby Drake/Ice Man coming out as gay in the comics and as a queer person, yes, I have absolutely been asked similar questions in real life.
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nerdby · 11 months
Something that annoys me to no fucking end is incel dudebros' argument that Black Widow is a bad movie because the filmmakers changed the Taskmaster into a woman character instead of sticking with the comic book canon where the character had been a male. You motherfuckers couldn't even deal with Harley Quinn and beating Black Mask in Birds Of Prey. Or Carol Danvers simply fucking existing on the same screen as Nick Fury. The amount of screeching that we fangirls would have to endure about misandry and the M-SHE-U would be neverfuckingending if we'd gotten a movie about
Natasha Romanoff facing off against a dude that also happens to be the head assassin for a human trafficking organization that specializes in female assassins.
I've said it before and I'll say it again: Rightwing Marvel fans are an embarrassment to the fandom.
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nerdby · 1 year
Eternals gets so much unnecessary hate. Like its definitely one property that would have done better as a TV series. Or a shorter movie at least, but it introduced so many interesting characters and it had a lot of potential to be good. Although I will personally be happy if the fucked up mutants (X-Men) origin story that was invented to propel the Eternals franchise never makes it to the big screen. Like even though the majority of Marvel's stories are leftist/left-leaning there is definitely some cringey shit mixed in there and that X-gene origin is one of them.
For those of you who aren't in the know after the Eternals movie came out a new X-Men book was released which revealed that the X-gene -- the gene or chromosome that allows someone to be born with mutant powers -- was NOT the result of evolution by rather was a byproduct of Celestial vomit.
So all the X-Men got their powers from alien God's puke. Anyone with two fucking braincells knows that the mutants who make up the cast of main characters in the X-Men are a metaphor marginalized communities -- queers, BIPOC, and disabled people.
Do you need me to explain why that makes the alien God vomit a harmful metaphor?
If so then unfollow me because, frankly, there is no bigger embarrassment to the Marvel fandom than a rightwing X-Men fan.
Brief reminder that Nazis are what made Magneto evil.
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