#right because what would you call the border and immigration politics? not fascist?
how are the posts about the eu elections literally more annoying than the ones about us elections. didnt think that was possible. and why is literally nobody differentiating the european union and europe. so you are politically invested but dont even bother to use the right terminology even though there are 20 different countries in europe that are not in the union? oh you worry the eu is going to become fascist now when it has been such a beacon of peace and freedom before? maybe im cynical but the takes i see make my eyes roll into my head. reverse the european union back to be a trade union im begging i cant do this anymore.
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mariacallous · 2 years
Last Friday, an 82-year-old woman wrapped up warm and set off on a 200-mile round trip for a meeting that she half suspected wouldn’t even let her in. As you read this, the film of her speaking that evening has been viewed more than five million times. Which is odd, because it’s not much to look at: a wobbly side-view of a woman with white hair, intense closeups of grey cardigan. Bridgerton this is not.
But it’s the words that count. Joan Salter has got herself down to Hampshire for a public meeting with the home secretary, and now it is her turn to ask a question. As a child survivor of the Holocaust, she hears Suella Braverman demean and dehumanise refugees and it is a reminder of how the Nazis justified murdering Jews like her. So why do it?
Even as the words come out, Braverman’s face freezes. The evening so far has been a Tory activists’ love-in, which, Salter tells me later, made her nervous about being the sole dissenter. But then the home secretary responds, “I won’t apologise for the language I’ve used” – and a disturbing truth is exposed about what Britain has become.
Braverman labels those seeking sanctuary in Britain an “invasion”. Quite the word, invasion. It strips people of their humanity and pretends they are instead a hostile army, sent to maraud our borders. Her junior minister Robert Jenrick once begged colleagues not to “demonise” migrants; now he stars in videos almost licking his jowls over “the Albanians” forced on to a flight to Tirana. Salter is right to say such attitudes from the top fuel and license extremists on the ground. We saw it after the toxic Brexit campaign, when Polish-origin schoolchildren in Huntingdon were called “vermin” on cards left outside their school gates, as race and religious hate crimes soared that summer.
Today, the air is once again poisonous. Far-right groups have been visiting accommodation for asylum seekers, trying to terrify those inside – many of whom have fled terror to come here – often before sharing their videos on social media. The anti-fascist campaigners Hope Not Hate recorded 182 such jaunts last year alone, culminating in a petrol bomb tossed at an asylum centre in Dover by a man with links to far-right groups and who would post about how “all Muslims are guilty of grooming … they only rape non-Muslims”.
Unlike those big men in their big boots frightening innocent people, Salter isn’t chasing social media clout. The grandmother wants to warn us not to return to the times that sent her, at the age of three, running with her parents across Europe in search of sanctuary. She does make a mistake in yoking the home secretary to the term “swarms”. As far as I can see, this figurehead for the new Tory extremism has yet to use that vile word. But I can think of a Tory prime minister who has used that word: David Cameron, the Old Etonian never shy of blowing on a dog whistle, who made a speech denouncing multiculturalism even as Tommy Robinson’s troops marched on Luton. And Margaret Thatcher talked of how the British felt “rather swamped” by immigrants. In those venerable names from the party’s past lies the big picture about the Conservatives’ chronic addiction to racist politics.
Because racism is not what polite people do – and yet Tories keep on doing it, commentators will often put it behind some behavioural cordon. It’s a few rotten apples, you’ll be told, after some councillor dons a blackshirt or moans about the new Doctor Who. Or: they need to fend off the effect of Nigel Farage. Or even, as one Times commentator wrote in 2019, Boris Johnson says it but he “barely believes a word” of it. Such clairvoyance! But that’s the thing about power: other people trot behind with a dustpan and brush to sweep up the mess you keep making.
Yet there was no Ukip when Benjamin Disraeli declared that the Irish “hate our order, our civilisation, our enterprising industry, our pure religion. This wild, reckless, indolent, uncertain and superstitious race have no sympathy with the English character.” It was no rotten apple but Winston Churchill, the Tory idol, who as prime minister pronounced: “I hate Indians. They are a beastly people with a beastly religion. The famine was their own fault for breeding like rabbits.” The Bengal famine of 1943 is widely estimated to have killed about 2 million people.
I draw these quotes from a new book, Racism and the Tory Party, by the sociologist Mike Cole. Far from being a mere slip of the tongue, racism, he argues, “has saturated the party from the beginning of the 19th century to the second decade of the 21st”. From Enoch Powell’s “rivers of blood” to Theresa May’s hostile environment, it courses through Tory history. And it is not just words. In its online safety bill, the government wants this week to make illegal any online video of people in small boats that shows such Channel crossing in a “positive light”. Braverman still grinds on with her plan to deport asylum seekers to Rwanda, to stay in hostels with 12 toilets and five showers for 100 inmates.
For the Tories, racism is a fire that they just love to play with. The heat it throws off can be electorally useful. But it is always someone else who gets burned. The targets change – two centuries ago it was the Irish, today it is Albanians – but the strategy is always the same: pick the group, render them inhuman, then chuck them out. The mystery is why a party with such a long and inglorious history can still be lauded by the press for sprinkling a few non-white people along its frontbench.
The woman who is today Joan Salter was in 1943 a three-year-old girl called Fanny Zimetbaum. As Polish-origin Jews, her family were not granted sanctuary in Britain from the Nazis marching into their home of France. Instead, her parents had to scramble through Europe, while Joan was shipped across the Atlantic to an orphanage in America. Only years later, through much wrangling, were the family reunited in London. By then, she remembers her parents as “thoroughly broken”. When she was in her 70s and studying for a master’s, Salter went through the archives. She read a parliamentary debate from 1943, concerning 2,000 Jewish children in France refused British visas and who were then deported to Hitler’s Germany. She read foreign secretary Anthony Eden claiming “no knowledge” of the matter. Then she read the minutes and memos that proved he was lying: he was in the war cabinet meeting where the issue was discussed. Still the children were abandoned, just as her family were left to their fate.
From her own life, this remarkable woman knows that fascism is not just a one-off and racism never a mere faux pas. They are forces of evil that lurk on the political perimeter and threaten to consume our society wholesale. Joan Salter bears a warning. The rest of us should listen.
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klysanderelias · 7 months
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There is a specific kind of liberal brainrot where people seem CONVINCED that whenever people criticize biden, especially when pointing out that he's enacting a lot of the exact same policies Trump pushed (the border wall, putting immigrants/refugees in concentration camps, ignoring COVID, etc) and that Trump would in turn enact similar policies re: genocide, that primaries don't exist.
People say shit like 'well what are you suggesting? Am I supposed to vote for Trump because Biden isn't perfect???'
No motherfucker, what's SUPPOSED to happen is that the backlash and groundswell of democrats losing faith in their candidate and expressing their disapproval leading to insanely low polling should make people go 'huh, what if we picked a different guy who DIDN'T have those issues.'
The whole point of voting, and democracy in general, is that we're supposed to be able to choose things that we support, and that politicians are supposed to make decisions that garner votes. If Biden is polling like absolute dogshit, and seems completely uninterested in changing course, the RATIONAL response would be to remove him from the ballot and replace him with another candidate that DID have popular support, if the Democratic party leadership was genuinely interested in, y'know, winning elections.
And criticising biden and making it known that his policies risk losing our votes is SUPPOSED to be a wake-up call to the party, the way that muslim communities in swing states have directly voiced.
But at some point if the DNC charges ahead with running biden as the 2024 candidate despite his low approval rates, the many people who've expressly stated that his support and complicity in genocide have lost him their vote, and the threat of fascist takeover with the project 2025 shit, that the DNC is not acting rationally or in good faith.
At best, they're so divorced from the reality of electoral politics that they're incompetent and unable to credibly threaten the republicans who are better organized and have viable electoral strategies.
At worst, they are intentionally losing because they are more comfortable with fascism and republican rulership than they are with, say, not doing genocide.
You have to, you HAVE to, accept that there is an extremely easy and rational solution to the problem that we're facing right now. I understand that in 2016 and 2020, the 'blue no matter who' bullshit had a certain amount of merit because at the end of the day, despite how I feel about the legitimacy of those primaries, Clinton and Biden DID win. We DID have to settle for a candidate that we weren't happy with because it was a result of a long electoral process.
And I think especially given some of the issues biden's been having with his mental faculties, and his age, you HAVE to at some level have a back-up plan for if his health nosedives. Campaign trails are hard. It's a difficult schedule. If he can't do it, physically or mentally, then the stance of 'well there's just no one else we could possibly throw into the position' will literally hand the election to Trump.
But like. What are people saying when they complain about Biden? Run someone else. And refusing to do so, to even consider it, ESPECIALLY with the threats on the horizon, is downright abusive.
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atheistforhumanity · 4 years
Why should we take immigrants in, especially arabs and mexicans. They are a bunch of third-worlders that do no work and turn the place to a shithole, refuse to integrate and steal the taxes of hardworking citizens. How is letting them in a good idea?!
There key to having a conversation about the morality or practicality of an action is to have common goals and values. The problem between me and a person like this is that we do not share the same values. George Lakoff showed in his book Moral Politics that Republicans are made up of people with a low sense of empathy. This can plainly be seen in their politics, as every policy benefits a narrow cross section of society. 
So I’m going to start off by saying that the right thing to do is care about other human beings, regardless of where they are from. Our globe is one society, no matter how hard nationalists in the world try to fight this reality. The moral position is to care for those that are fleeing war, persecution, poverty, or just seeking a better life. 
Morality is not decided by universal agreement. You can take any widely agreed upon moral stance and still find thousands of people that disagree. For example: stealing, lying, cheating, violence, etc. We don’t sit around thinking, I wish those thugs would realize that stealing is wrong so we can declare it moral. Similarly, your agreement that all humans deserve help when in need is not needed for the morality to be evident. 
Any society on the planet is made up of a basic social contract that says if help each other we are all better off. I suspect that you feel this only applies people in our country, and likely not everyone inside either. However, you are wrong, because we are all a community. The suburbs and the inner city, one state and another state, our nation and other nations. To turn your back to those that need help is an act full of massive self-centeredness and hate, and most of all it makes all of society weaker. Whether you like it or not, living in society is a form of taking help from thousands of others to create a more comfortable, safe, and prosperous life. Your idea that this relationship ends at the borders of America is simply delusional. 
Furthermore, your complaints about immigrants are ignorant, uninformed, prejudice, and come from propaganda. This is why no one wants to listen to you, because you have no idea what you’re talking about. Everything you’re saying is the same BS that’s been said about literally every group that’s come here, and the country is never ruined. Immigrants are very hard workers and they fill a special niche in our economy that citizens refuse to do. 
It’s unbelievably ignorant how conservatives like you can rant about immigrants “taking over” the country when America is the result of Europeans doing exactly what you rant about. They came here without asking, they invaded nations’ territories, they did not assimilate, they killed all the inhabitants. Yet, you have the nerve to say that outsiders are the dangerous ones. 
The only people who make this country a shithole are Republicans like you. You’re ignorant, greedy, cruel, uncaring, immoral, uneducated, and one step away from being fascists. Literally, all your party does is fight against moral and economic progress. The entire Republican party is worthless to society and has no ground to be pointing their finger at anyone. If you don’t like living in a country where people call you out for being a bad person and fight for what’s right, then get out. I would be happy if you left.   
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Today's issue of Captain America by Ta Nahesi Coates came out, and it showed Steve being more concerned with "a country keeping its borders" than with saving inmigrants from murder. Don't you think it's way Out of Character for him? Also, what do you you think of Coates' run as a whole?
So I read the issue - I was a bit behind on some of my comics - and I know the page you’re talking about. Discussion below the cut.
So to catch people up who haven’t been following Captain America: 
While investigating a conspiracy whereby ex-HYDRA forces were creating clones of Nuke in order to keep tensions high via repeated terrorist attacks, Steve Rogers was framed by the villainous Power Elite for the murder of General Thaddeus “Thunderbolt” Ross (better known as the original Hulk antagonist). 
In order to demonstrate that he was the good due-process believing Captain America and not the evil HYDRA one that a substantial chunk of the population think or fear he is, Rogers turned himself in and got sent to a private prison run by actual factual Nazi Baron von Strucker. 
While Steve was in prison, the Power Elite assassinated the HYDRA Cap so that they could spread misinformation that Steve *was* the HYDRA Cap. Sharon Carter, leading a clandestine all-female group called the Daughters of Liberty, helped to break Rogers out of prison while he was leading a prison revolt, having learned something about the nature of the carceral state on the inside.
This issue revolves around the now-freed Steve Rogers trying to find his way amidst a Daughters of Liberty plan to “remind the world who Steve Rogers is,” stepping away from the problematic focus on the mythos of Captain America and restoring public confidence in Steve as an individual. So far, so good.
Where things get a bit weird is that their first public relations mission is to protect undocumented immigrants being attacked by a racist militia with superweapons on the border - which is awfully close to the plot of the first Nick Spencer Captain America: Sam Wilson issue. The weirdness comes in with Steve’s reaction to the briefing:
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This is the first moment where I feel Ta-Nehisi Coates misread Steve Rogers as a character; let me say off the bat, I think he’s done a great job up until now. (Steve does come around once he gets on the ground and ends up defending said undocumented immigrants with his new/old energy shiled while reciting Emma Lazarus’ New Colossus poem, which is very Steve Rogers.) I could potentially see Steve not being completely au fait with contemporary immigration politics, given how rapidly attitudes have shifted on immigration over the past few years even within the mainstream of the center-left. 
However, I don’t buy the idea that Steve Rogers would have a problem with the idea that either he or the Daughters of Liberty should put their own morality above the law - because if there’s one thing that’s been a running theme when it comes to Steve Rogers it’s that he is all about putting his personal morality above the law. 
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Going all the way back to his origins as a premature anti-fascist, Steve Rogers is someone who routinely puts his faith in his own moral compass above the dictates of authority. He instinctively sides with dissidents against the establishment, he allies with the X-Men against SHIELD to take down Richard Nixon, and even at his lowest point he joins resistance movements of people of color against Nazi colonizers. Hell, one of the most recurring tropes in Captain America comics throughout the decades has been Rogers resigning his position in protest against right-wing governments of the day. 
So what do I think about Coates’ run as a whole? Generally, I’ve enjoyed it. My main critique is that Coates has something of a tendency to have the main character be somewhat reactive and introspective, with the plot driven by supporting characters - this happened a lot in the first couple arcs of his Black Panther run, for example - which I find makes the protagonists come off as somewhat passive. 
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Does PGC even post anymore or is that all the cute animals? So this is to NAC. First off. Do you vote? And if so what do you vote for? And second of all, what is your purpose on this site? You rip people a new one if they don't lick your boots and then block them. You've created a soapbox in an echo chamber. What the hell makes you think you're conservative? And why the hell do you think we have time to read the Mueller report. U read it, tell us why the President should be impeached?
Yes, shows you don’t pay much attention, but we’ll get back to that...but most of those animals are NAC.
Yes I vote.  And sadly it’s for a lot of third party candidates who don’t stand a chance because the two main parties are only offering me a choice of fascism and socialism.
“what is your purpose on this site?“ To express my opinion.  For whatever reasons I may have.  The same as any tumblr page.  You act as if I have to justify having a tumblr page.  The fuck?  Better question given that you admit to never actually wanting to learn what is you purpose in existence?  Because whatever it is you’re failing. Once long ago I had hopes that maybe tumblr would expose me to arguments more traditional outlets didn’t...boy was I wrong (just as I was wrong that the majority of Republicans weren’t racist, just as I was wrong once long ago that the FAIR tax was better than a flat tax, and certainly that before reading Federalist 42 and seeing that the Constitution gives no power to regulate immigration I thought for all it’s short coming on economics immigration rules should be followed because rule of law should be upheld and efforts should be pragmatically made to reduce them over time...but once I saw that it was unconstitutional I realized they have to go right now...we could go on for a long time on things I’ve learned I’m wrong about, but that would involve discussion what is I’m sure a foreign concept to you, learning).
“You rip people a new one if they don't lick your boots and then block them.“ I rip people a new one if they waste my time.  If you came into my house and started yelling at me I’d be well withing my rights to send you to hell you so richly deserve.  If you come to my tumblr page to spout drivel I will throw you out as well. 
“You've created a soapbox in an echo chamber. “ Soapbox, certainly.  Echo chamber.  It is presenting an opinion certainly, one biased by reason, facts, logic, and ethics.  But I don’t exist in an echo chamber.  Every day I keep up with CNN and Fox, Washington Times and Washington Post, AEI and Brookings, CATO and The Dipatch, The Bulwark and the Atlantic, National Review and Ricochet.  From the Far Right to the Far Left to the Far Libertarian.  I track down primary documents and I post some of the more interesting stuff I find. Not to mention hundreds of books from a variety of sources. So I’m not in an echo chamber.  And I don’t require that anyone else be in an echo chamber.  Please go find other sources than me.  But if you’re going to waste my time by commenting on my post with the intellectual equivalent of diarrhea don’t expect me to want to bother with you.  You and I both have the right to speak, and we both have the right to not listen.  You have a problem with my right to speak and my right to not listen, I am fully in support of both of yours. 
“What the hell makes you think you're conservative?“ A desire for small, limited government (unlike both parties at present).  A desire for free market capitalism (unlike both parties right now).  A desire for following the Constitution (both parties fail, but the democrats are vaguely in line with impeaching Trump, but I wouldn’t begin to fool myself that they suddenly believe in the Constitution...which is the documents benefits, it doesn’t always have to be believed in just followed to work).  I believe in low taxes and free trade like the Founding Fathers.  I believe in doing what works by that I mean things that in one example after another show pragmatic results that benefit everyone (capitalism, open border, free speech, freedom of religion, the right to bear arms).  I believe in personal responsibility, in defending liberty at home and abroad, at opposing tyranny at every turn.
  Can Trump or any of his supporters say the same?  No. Not on a single point.
So how do you claim I’m not a conservative?
“And why the hell do you think we have time to read the Mueller report.“ Because you as a voting citizen have a civic duty to hold your elected representatives to account and to do that you have stay informed.  It’s available for FREE at audible https://www.audible.com/pd/The-Mueller-Report-Audiobook/B07PXN468K It’s 19 hours.  Playing it at double speed or higher (Audible can get up to 3.5x speed, which is how I can get through more than 200 books a year...when was the last time you read even one?) means you’d only need about 10 hours.  Most commutes are 4.3 hours a week...so even if you only listened on your drive to work you’d be done in two and a half weeks. If you don’t have 19 hours to spare, what are you doing?  You never do chores (which can be done while listening to audiobooks?)  or is catching up on the Mandalorian so much more important than the fate of a real Republic...or perhaps given that well over half the pro-Trump blogs I have to block are mostly porn is it that you have other things that capture your attention. 
“tell us why the President should be impeached? “ You see this is why you get blocked.  There are literally hundreds of posts that are much shorter than a 19 hour read that I have posted which do that.  But you didn’t bother to read any of them.  You just attack, blindly, like the brainless twit you are.  But you don’t have to read my posts...but don’t then complain when I don’t have any respect for the filth you call an opinion.
But since you missed why Trump should be impeached, removed, convicted, tried, sentenced and imprisioned for the rest of his life.  Let’s go over it again.
There is the massive tax fraud he and his family were involved in
He is a money launder for the cartels
He has violated the emoluments clause from the first day
He has obstructed justice in the Mueller investigation:
“Because we determined not to make a traditional prosecutorial judgment, we did not draw ultimate  conclusions  about  the  President’s  conduct.  The  evidence  we  obtained  about  the President’s actions and intent presents difficult issues that would need to be resolved if we were making a traditional prosecutorial judgment.  At the same time,if we had confidence after a thorough investigation of the facts that the President clearly did not commit obstruction of justice, we would so state.”  I.e. Barr won’t let us charge him.  If we thought he wasn’t guilty of obstruction we’d say so.  We’re not saying so.  (I.e. he’s guilty of obstruction his handpicked Goering wannabe Barr just won’t let us charge him with the crimes he committed).
Conclusion from the Mueller Report.  https://www.justice.gov/storage/report.pdf
Is one paragraph short enough for you?
He attempted extortion of a foreign nation (I read the summary of the transcript where he said “do me a favor”, can’t read the transcript as he keep repeating because it has been illegally classified)
He did said extortion to help himself win an election a violation of his oath of office and to help his friends in Russia.  Both crimes.
And then he committed obstruction of justice/Congress by not allowing his people to testify. 
I notice also that you tried to take this back to the Mueller report because his crimes that the Democrats actually had the balls to impeach him on (a mere fraction of the crimes he is guilty of) are such an open and shut case that you prefer to take things back the Mueller Report which does requires above an elementary level of reading (which I’m guessing you, like your God-King Trump, lack). 
Now please, fascist cocksucker run along.  Don’t bother me again.  I will never concern myself with your meaningless drivel but you can shout your filth as much as you want.  I just don’t care.  Just don’t bother me unless you want to come and deal with real facts (I realize such a thing is so foreign a concept to you that you probably stopped reading long ago to go back to the porn blogs that are more you level, but still, I have to put in the request, Don Quixote that I am--that’s a reference to a book by the way, you’re supposed to read them not burn them...again I’m sure it’s a concept that goes too far for you). 
“ U read it,“ There are always of course unintentional typos and only a fool points those out on a format such as tumblr.  But “U”?  In a political argument you treat this like a high school girl texting her bffjill? And you wonder why my contempt knows no bounds.
As for me, PGC, I post once in a blue moon. Occassionally I post about my history podcast, which is only one of the many projects I’m working on that have made tumblr so very low on my priority list. Politics is no longer my main sector of interest and that was 90% of what I used tumblr for.
So yeah, I’m busy. I keep up with the news and post on twitter fairly often (@MeredithAncret aned @history_wtf, if anyone is desperate to know) but I’m starting grad school in 6 weeks (meaning my reading assignments already started), writing my podcast, and working on at least two novels and a short story series intermittantly. If someone wants my opinion they can address an ask to me and I’ll see it eventually or NAC will let me know it’s there.
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mitigatedchaos · 5 years
On Defeating Trump
Trump is not a beacon of technocratic excellence.
What, did you think I sent him?  If you want nationalistic technocrats, go scour Asia and maybe something will turn up.  
Trump didn’t come to power through genius - he was selected for by the weaknesses that he exploits.  He uses a few simple strategies that his opponents' supporting structures are vulnerable to, and he monopolizes a few key issues.  That’s it.  That’s all there is to it.
If you want to beat Trump, you’ve got to take out one of those two things.
Co-opting Trump’s tactics is redundant.  People have been saying dumb shit like “we should dissolve the United States” to out-Left each other and rile up conservatives for years.  The conservatives just don’t have the cultural power now, which is why we’re not still arguing Atheism v. Christianity (Part XVI) and internet trolls have moved on to trying to meme the “OK” hand sign into a symbol of white supremacy.
Pissing off right-wing Boomers to show off how they “really” feel?  Multinational corporations do it as a marketing campaign to sell overpriced tennis shoes.  That should be our cue that it’s stale.
Copying Trump tactics won’t make Trump go away.  Just being nice to other people won’t do it either, because even if you do it, he’ll just say something more outrageous to keep Twitter occupied.  
Because Trump is neither a political genius, nor an excellent technocrat (if he were both, this one opening would have made him President for life), if you take away his issues, there’s not enough left to keep him in power.  People won’t buy the sizzle without the steak.
Is it possible?
With enough force of will, almost anything is.
The key is that in terms of how Trump acts, what he says he wants and what he “actually” wants are two different things.  (He’s operating on sharp instincts, but without the analytics to back it up.)  Further, what Trump wants and what the marginal Trump voter want are not the same thing.
The first perspective of perceiving Trump’s hardline stance on detainment (e.g. throwing unauthorized migrants in jail) is “Trump is just an evil, racist, fascist.”  This is “how the opposition want to portray Trump,” and certainly how many claim to feel about him.
The second perspective is perceiving the hardline stance as a negotiating tactic.  Since there were previous amnesties, but large-scale unauthorized migration continues, immigration restrictionists don’t have a reason to give up leverage now for a promise that there “might” be a deal on enforcement later.  They’re going to force a deal while Trump is still in power, whether Democrats want it or not.
But I think what’s really going on is a third perspective.  To stay in power, Trump needs to push the Democrats farther to left of the median voter than he is to the right, and he does that by getting Democrats do things like say stuff that doesn’t add up mathematically.  For instance, if you combine “we’re obligated to pay for medical care for anyone who crosses the border” with “we shouldn’t kick out anyone who hasn’t committed a felony” (or something along those lines), you create an unbounded financial commitment with no upper limit.  The US doesn’t actually have the money to give medical treatment (e.g. cancer treatment) to everyone in the world who has an expensive medical issue (e.g. cancer), won’t attempt armed robbery on arrival, doesn’t live in Europe, and can afford a plane ticket.  People will notice this and vote Trump due to the unbounded commitment, even if Trump’s to their right.
Current tactics appear focused on preventing Trump from getting anything he can claim as a victory, either based on perspective one (”Resist!”) or perspective two (”don’t give in to blackmail”), combined with a sort of “starve the beast” mentality where he’ll be portrayed to his base as impotent.
But Trump has instincts.  If he won’t get anything, then he can bluff as much as he wants.  He can say to himself, “let’s go paint some random small fry from a safe district in New York as the face of the entire Democratic Party.”
It’s not that sophisticated of a strategy.  It’s just that the current environment is weak to it.  
The marginal Trump voter is not going to be as far to the right on immigration as Trump is, even if they’re skeptical.  Give up on the idea of demographic change in America as positive (”diversity is good”) instead of neutral (”race is a neutral quality”), then call Trump on his bluff.
Propose a bill that
Grants amnesty to all unauthorized migrants currently in America that have not committed a felony.  This provides a temporary non-voting status that will turn into full status some number of years into the future.  This isn’t an “I automatically win the next election” button; it’s an “empties most of ICE’s facilities” button.
Does not fund Trump’s wall.
Prohibits the employment of people who do not have valid legal immigration status in America, including not only the firms doing the hiring, but the firms that receive services from those firms (to defeat corporate shell games).  Importantly, the bill also establishes a system that will tightly (and not loosely) enforce this, probably through some sort of verification system.
Something similar to #3, but for housing.
Switches legal immigration to a more merit-based system.
Restores certain programs which involve gaining immigration status through the US Military.
This has the results
Everyone gets to feel good about most of the ICE facilities closing.  (There will still be some carjackers to be held, but the whole argument from the Left/Liberals is based on the idea that unauthorized migrants are not carjackers at a rate notably exceeding that of the native population.)
Abused migrant workers can legally contest their employers, since they won’t be deported.
People mostly stop entering America without permission, because they won’t get paid, unless they really are terrified of whatever it is they’re fleeing from.  In that case, Democrats already like asylum laws.
You’ll have to give up on the $15 minimum wage, of course.  With so many people who were paid under the table, wages are going to take time to adjust.  This is why we need point #5 - integrating all those people properly is going to be expensive, and ordinarily we might cool down immigration to allow for gradual/intergenerational accumulation of resources.  That would be unacceptable to Democrats, so this plan switches to bringing in higher-productivity workers instead.
The thing is that Trump doesn’t have an answer for this.
If you have #3 and #4, you aren’t likely to need the Wall.  If you have #5, you’re not bidding down the price of native unskilled labor.  #6 is something he already tripped up on.  And while #1 is really juicy to Democrats, delaying the voting ability (the most important part being not being threatened by ICE), combined with #3 and #4 make it tougher to argue that it’s about diluting the votes of the native population.
(If you really want to troll Trump in particular, include a federal program to teach all new immigrants English.)
Pretty much the primary reason to oppose this (from the Left/Liberals) is if you think one million immigrants (an entire metropolis) per year isn’t enough for some reason - but as already discussed, there are already major issues with housing supply, so even if you wanted to increase the amount, it would be a problem not to deal with housing supply first.
Of course, I can be confident in posting this that the Democrats won’t actually do it, since charitably the people on the Left intend to use America as a lifeboat into which to empty hundreds of millions of people due to the effects of global warming, and setting this as a precedent makes that tougher.
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berniesrevolution · 6 years
In May 2016, at a conference for Germany’s left-wing Die Linke party, Torten für Menschenfeinde (“Pies for Misanthropes”) struck again. Sneaking up the side of the conference hall, a member of the anti-fascist organization threw a piece of cake at Sahra Wagenknecht, a prominent Die Linke member in the Bundestag. It was a direct hit: Wagenknecht’s face was covered in chocolate frosting, a streak of whipped cream extending from ear to ear.
Torten für Menschenfeinde targeted Wagenknecht for her vocal position against an open-border policy for Germany. Earlier that year, she challenged Chancellor Angela Merkel’s decision to accept more than 1 million refugees, arguing that Germany should impose limits on entry and deport those who abused German “hospitality.” The cake attack—which followed a cream-pie offensive against a member of the far-right Alternative for Germany—isolated Wagenknecht in her party, which had otherwise pledged support for Merkel’s policy.
Nearly three years later, however, Wagenknecht and her views on migration have gone mainstream, in Germany and across Europe. In September 2018, Wagenknecht and her husband, Oskar Lafontaine, founded Aufstehen (“Rise Up”), a political movement combining left-wing economic policy with exclusionary social protections. The movement has garnered over 170,000 members since its official launch; according to a recent poll, more than a third of German voters “could see themselves” supporting Wagenknecht’s initiative.
“I am tired of surrendering the streets to the [anti-Islam movement] Pegida and the Alternative for Germany,” Wagenknecht said at the launch event. Onstage, she was joined by allies in Germany’s Green Party and the Social Democratic Party. “As many followers of the political left as possible should join,” several Social Democratic politicians wrote in a joint statement.
By founding Aufstehen, Wagenknecht became a member of the new vanguard of left politics in Europe. In France, Jean-Luc Mélenchon leads La France Insoumise, a left-populist movement that has been critical of mass migration. “I’ve never been in favor of freedom of arrival,” Mélenchon has said, claiming that migrants “are stealing the bread” of French workers. He is now the most popular politician on the French left, widely considered the face of the opposition to President Emmanuel Macron and a championof the Yellow Vest movement.
In the United Kingdom, Jeremy Corbyn leads the Labour Party and offers a radical vision of socialist transformation. And yet, although he was a vocal advocate for migrant rights during his tenure at Westminster, Corbyn has expressed deep skepticism about open borders as the party’s leader. “Labour is not wedded to freedom of movement for EU citizens as a point of principle,” Corbyn said, committing Labour to a policy of “reasonable management” based on “our economic needs.”
The rise of these left-nationalist leaders marks a momentous turn against free movement in Europe, where it has long been accepted as a basic right of citizenship.
Forget The Communist Manifesto’s refrain that “the working men have no country”; the new face of the European left takes a radically different view. Free movement is, to quote Wagenknecht, “the opposite of what is left-wing”: It encourages exploitation, erodes community, and denies popular sovereignty. To advocate open borders, in this view, is to oppose the interests of the working class.
By popularizing this argument, these new movements are not just challenging migration policy in Europe; they are redefining the boundaries of left politics in a dangerous, and inopportune, direction. Over the next few decades, global migration is set to explode: By 2100, up to 1 million migrants will be applying to enter the European Union each year.
Right-wing populists have already begun their assault on migrants: In Italy, Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini has called for “mass cleaning,” while Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has proposed that recent arrivals should be sent “back to Africa.” As left-nationalist movements charge ahead in the polls, it is not immediately clear who will challenge their pessimistic view of migration and fight for the right to free movement.
In April 1870, Karl Marx wrote a letter to two German migrants in New York City, imploring them to “pay particular attention” to what he called “the Irish question.”
“I have come to the conclusion,” Marx wrote, “that the decisive blow against the English ruling classes cannot be delivered in England but only in Ireland.” For Marx, Ireland would play a decisive role because of its mass emigration—the Mexico of its time. “Ireland constantly sends her own surplus to the English labor market, and thus forces down wages and lowers the material and moral position of the English working class,” Marx continued. “It is the secret by which the capitalist class maintains its power.”
In the century and a half since, Marx’s letter has become a key reference point for the left critique of free movement. The passage is cited as evidence of a fundamental tension between the traditional goals of the left—equality, solidarity, working-class power—and a policy of open borders. “Karl Marx identified that fact a long time ago,” announced Len McCluskey, general secretary of Britain’s Unite the Union and a close ally of Jeremy Corbyn, in 2016.
But critics of free movement often neglect to mention Marx’s conclusions: “Given this state of affairs,” he wrote, “if the working class wishes to continue its struggle with some chance of success, the national organizations must become international.”
Marx’s analysis of mass migration did not lead him to advocate harder borders. Instead, it made him support international mobilization to protect workers’ rights in a world of free movement.
After all, Marx himself was a triple émigré: He fled Prussia to Paris, faced exile from Paris to Brussels, and—after a brief incarceration by the Belgian authorities—found his way to London. And he was hardly a model immigrant: Poor, sick, and a notorious procrastinator, Marx was much more of a scrounger than a striver, leeching off the largesse of Friedrich Engels.
As such, Marx had little sympathy for the “ordinary English worker,” who “hates the Irish worker as a competitor who lowers his standards of life.” The solution to the Irish question was not to bow to these prejudices, he argued, but to dissolve the antagonism between the various camps of the working class. “A coalition of German workers with the Irish workers—and of course also with the English and American workers who are prepared to accede to it—is the greatest achievement you could bring about now,” he advised.
Following Marx, the concept of left internationalism came to be associated with support for free movement on both ethical and strategic grounds. Ethically, open borders gave equal opportunity to workers of all nationalities. More important, the movement of people across borders created new opportunities for a coordinated challenge to capitalism. Internationalists like Marx supported free movement for the same reasons they supported free trade: It hastened the pace of history and heightened capitalism’s contradictions.
“There can be no doubt that dire poverty alone compels people to abandon their native land, and that the capitalists exploit the immigrant workers in the most shameless manner,” wrote Vladimir Lenin in 1913. “But only reactionaries can shut their eyes to the progressive significance of this modern migration of nations…. Capitalism is drawing the masses of the working people of the whole world…breaking down national barriers and prejudices, uniting workers from all countries.”
Back in Lenin’s day, a very similar debate over the merits of migration was roiling through the European left. But while the pessimistic view of Wagenknecht and other left nationalists has now taken hold in many parts of the continent, Lenin’s, at the time, prevailed.
At the 1907 Congress of the Second International in Stuttgart, Germany, leaders of the Socialist Party of America introduced a resolution to end “the willful importation of cheap foreign labor.” Morris Hillquit, a founder of the party, argued that migrants from Asia—the “yellow races,” unlike those from Europe—amounted to a “pool of unconscious strikebreakers.” The convention rejected the resolution: “The congress does not seek a remedy to the potentially impending consequences for the workers from immigration and emigration in any economic or political exclusionary rules, because these are fruitless and reactionary by nature.”
Lenin would never forget the incident. In a 1915 letter to the Socialist Propaganda League of America, he called out the American socialists for their efforts to restrict Chinese and Japanese migration. “We think that one can not be internationalist and be at the same time in favor of such restrictions,” he wrote. “Such socialists are in reality jingoes.”
By the time of Lenin’s letter, of course, Europe’s great powers had been whipped into a frenzy of nationalist violence. In the First World War, British soldiers sang “Rule, Britannia,” the Germans sang “Deutschlandlied,” and they all marched to their deaths. Even the Social Democratic Party of Germany—a key player in the Second International—voted in favor of the war. Citing the need for national self-defense, large swaths of the European left abandoned the cause of open borders.
But by the end of the next world war—which left another 80 million people dead and 60 million more displaced—support for free movement had moved from the margins of the left into the heart of the postwar political establishment. When the United Nations convened in Paris to draft its Declaration of Human Rights in November 1948, the committee consideredmobility a matter of “vital importance.” “Freedom of movement was the sacred right of every human being,” commented the representative from Chile. “The world belongs to all mankind,” added the representative from Haiti.
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tessatechaitea · 5 years
Teen Titans Spotlight #11: The Brotherhood of Evil
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Judging by the last few issues starring Robotman, Beast Boy, Mento, and the Brotherhood of Evil, this series could have been Doom Patrol Spotlight On:.
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Warp might be the most intelligent super villain in the DC Universe!
Actually I'm not quite done not talking about The Brotherhood of Evil! I don't mean to suggest that the people who fled one kind of oppression weren't the best and kindest people in the world! The only reason I said all the awesome people wound up in California is because I'm from California and my family is pretty awesome. Don't worry! I can see all of the erasure in the above statement! It's just sometimes, you're speaking about a thing and you can't get bogged down by small details like Native American genocide or blatant anti-Chinese laws enacted in San Francisco (pretty much the coolest place in the U.S. (at least before the tech boom fucking turned it into a capitalist fascist run by tech start-ups and the angels who finance them)). The main point was that some people become comfortable with a status quo that oppresses others. And instead of fighting it, people flee from it. The people who flee often do so because they have their own status quo they want to enact and it's rarely one that provides opportunity for everybody. At least in the modern view, I tend to think (and hope it's more than hope and fantasy and wishful thinking) that those fleeing small town bigotries into big cities are actually more compassionate toward the entirety of humanity. We still make lots of mistakes but the key point is that we're trying to do better. When people discuss locking up immigrants at the border, you can either fight against the injustice and racism inherent in the entire process or simply shrug your shoulders like a douchebag and try to sound super smart by saying, "Well, they should have thought about that before they came here!" As if everybody in the world has access to media that somehow preempts the two hundred years of American propaganda that we're willing to accept the hungry and the tired and those yearning to breathe free. I grew up in the San Francisco Bay Area in the 70s and the reality of the world that existed around me at the time was fucking Star Trek: The Next Generation compared to what's going on in 2019. We had station ID breaks on KTVU Channel 2 out of San Francisco that would show a kid running around and playing and introducing the viewer into their world that would end with the kid saying, "I'm proud to be a Chinese American!", or "I'm proud to be a black American!" It's the kind of thing that would get so many people in a huff now and yet it was a simple and effective means to introduce younger viewers to the heterogeneity of their community. And now, in 2019, we have Comicsgate who can't stand to be reminded that people other than white people can be protagonists. It boggles my mind that people can get so upset over shit that won't make a millimeter wave on the cultural yacht they were born on. Fucking grow up, assholes. Not everything is about you. I think I was going to say more things about erasure! I don't mean to make light of it since it's absolutely a strategy used to disenfranchise groups or exclude them from social movements. But it's your go-to argument against everything you read, you're not going to make many friends. Lots of essays or articles or arguments need to be specific and they can't include every situation or group in the specific argument being made. Maybe it's tough to accept laser focused arguments on the Internet when the audience is harder to gauge. I know peanut allergies exist and they're deadly but I still stick the knife I just used for peanut butter in the preserves. Not because I don't give a fuck but because I know the audience using my apricot preserves. But if I were to mention this on the Internet, everybody who knows nothing about the context of my preserves and my audience and my entire existence would jump all over me saying things like, "That's really irresponsible!" and "You're going to kill somebody!" and "Apricot? You fucking monster!" I usually hate analogies but sometimes they're fun. The general problem with analogies is that people don't use them to help clarify arguments; they use them to try to simplify their argument into something nobody can disagree with. But by that time, the relationship between the actual argument and the analogy is tenuous at best! But I think my peanut butter allergy analogy is pretty rock solid! Hey! You know who's diverse?! The Brotherhood of Evil! They have a French gorilla and a British woman and a bald white guy (also French but what can you do? This team was all up in France and shit) and a brain in a jar. Hopefully Brain was African or Chinese or Pakistani. Maybe he was also autistic. He's enough of a cypher to allow any reader to identify with him, I guess. He's definitely gay! Unless he's into bestiality. One of those reasons is why he winds up fucking the French gorilla. Hmm, maybe not making it clear what Brain's intent was was a mistake by DC because doesn't that just amplify anti-gay sentiment by associating it actual deviant behaviors? If DC did make it clear and I'm the one who's obfuscating the matter, I should probably shut up. The Brain and Mallah are definitely gay for each other's human dicks. The fact that Mallah's dick is gorilla and Brain's dick is non-existent shouldn't hamper their love. The Brotherhood of Evil are being set up by some guy named Toulon. There was a lot of narration boxes that explained it but I was too busy thinking, "How is Brain going to suck Mallah's cock?" So all I know is that Toulon managed to fuck up Warp's powers and he teleported the Brotherhood to a strange world.
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Hmm, looks like Earth-11 to me!
I know this takes place after Crisis on Infinite Earths and Earth-11 shouldn't exist but it does! Maybe this story takes place before Crisis? Maybe when the story reveals they're on Earth-11, the editor will provide a note, "*This story takes place before Crisis on Infinite Earths! -- Know-it-all Knobby!" Mallah introduces himself to Tin, the leader of the good guys, I guess?, by saying, "We're the Brotherhood!" I suppose I'd shorten the name of my organization when I met new people too if it were called The Brotherhood of Evil. Unless the new guy I was introducing myself to was like Kim Jong-un or Donald Trump or Mark Zuckerberg. I'm so tuned in to world events that I first typed "Mark Zupperberg" and couldn't figure out why it looked wrong.
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Welcome to my new preschool, Tiny Tots Fucktown.
You might want to be upset with me for sexualizing young children but I'm not the fucking monster who made that advertisement. Ad Exec #1: "What if we show a guy building the model with a bunch of hot women getting wet over how well he's done it?" Ad Exec #2 Who is in Prison Now: "What if they were little kids?!" Was Earth-11 the one where DC put Tin Tin after they bought the rights? I mean, I don't know if they ever bought the rights but this guy is definitely Tintin, right?
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He also rides a big white dog that he has yet to call Snowy but it's only a matter of panels.
Trapped on a world about to be destroyed (in a worse way than Tintin and his cohorts know! Crisis is coming! Or came? No, no! I sometimes forget comic books can tell tales from the past! Although weren't writers supposed to completely ignore the Pre-Crisis universe once Crisis on Infinite Earths completed? Or why even fucking bother?!), The Brotherhood of Evil decide to help Tintin and his rebels take back control from some guy called Minos. But they're only doing it for their own selfish ends. You might remember how their name has "evil" tacked onto the end.
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You might have thought "cutting them down like grass" was the correct phrase and "mowing them down like paper mache" is stupid but this is Earth-11, dumb dumb.
Paper mache is how you spelled "papier-mâché" before you had the Internet. There might some other difference in this comic book due to the place in time it was written:
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Fuck. Now I'm horny.
The Brotherhood help Tintin and his friends steal a space ark from their enemies so that Tintin and his friends can survive the destruction of Earth-11. Never mind what happens to the people of Earth who weren't offered the opportunity to become one of Tintin's group. In payment for their help, The Brotherhood of Evil are helped back to their own Earth where they can continue to be weird and impotent. The conclusion of the story has something to do with Doctor Mist and the Global Guardians helping make the universe a better place by saving Tintin (somehow! I mean, Crisis, right?! What the fuck?), getting some guy named Toulon killed (he's only "some guy" to me because sometimes these espionage plots are just too convoluted with too many normal characters I don't care about), and getting the Brotherhood of Evil killed. They fail in getting the Brotherhood killed but seem content with their other machinations. Plus, I'm sure Doctor Mist was happy to get a small role in this comic book to pay for his bowel cancer treatments. Teen Titans Spotlight #11: The Brotherhood of Evil Rating: B-. You know I don't put any thought into the grades I give these comic books, right? You know this isn't really a review site and just a way for me to enjoy my time reading comic books while journaling, right? You know my nemesis is still the Weird Science comics blog, right? What a bunch of squares!
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pamphletstoinspire · 5 years
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The Catholic Case Against Open Borders
Support for large-scale immigration has risen dramatically in America over the past 25 years, especially among Democrats and younger people. Attitudes among Republicans and older folks have remained more stable, although they have drifted somewhat in line with the general trend.
What’s striking is that the gap on this issue between Republicans and Democrats, which has now grown enormous, only began to develop around 2006. The former retain something close to their old views while the latter have moved sharply in favor. The generational gap has also grown greatly, although not as sharply or suddenly.
Leading Democrats have gotten on board with the trend. They don’t say they want open borders, of course, but they refuse to publicly support any meaningful restrictions either. The news media fully supports the tendency, and those who speak for the Church go along with the Democrats and media (as they do on most things).
But is all this a good idea? The demand for a radical reduction of controls on immigration is very recent, and no one seems to have thought it through, even though it is (like most political issues) a matter of prudential judgement.
For starters, the Catechism states that
more prosperous nations are obliged, to the extent they are able, to welcome the foreigner … [but] political authorities, for the sake of the common good for which they are responsible, may make the exercise of the right to immigrate subject to various juridical conditions. (CCC, 2241)
In other words, authorities should be generous, but the extent to which they admit immigrants should respect the fundamental principle that legitimate authority seeks the common good of the governed.
The responsibility of government to care for the community, and the mutual obligations of citizens, make immigration a bit like adoption. Adoption is a good and generous thing, and the well-being of the child up for adoption is important, but for parents the well-being of the existing family is the first responsibility.
How would free migration work out for recipient countries — specifically the United States — and would it really further the universal common good? Of course, immigration is less fraught than adoption, since citizenship is a looser connection than family membership. But it does raise its own concerns.
For example, it often deprives source countries of people who are badly needed there. It doesn’t help Zambia if all the doctors and nurses emigrate to the United Kingdom and work for the NHS. That’s one reason several of Africa’s most prominent prelates have criticized proponents of mass migration.
What’s more, immigration necessarily separates families. Family reunification schemes can only do so much. They can, for instance, relocate a Guatemalan grandmother to be with her grandson in New York—but then her 16 other grandchildren are deprived of their Abuela. Such family bonds spread out ad infinitum, and, short of moving the entire population of South America to Brooklyn, they can’t survive the emigration process.
Immigration also means cultural disruption. For instance, a team of researchers led by Dr. Mary Adams of the University of Arizona published a startling report in 2005, which found that Hispanic teenagers who primarily speak English are more than twice as likely to be sexually active than those who are principally Spanish-speakers.
Assimilation is universally acknowledged as necessary for maintaining the social and cultural order in nations with high levels of immigration. And yet assimilation appears to make immigrants less inclined to conform to moral norms.
Cultural disruption is a problem for the recipient society as well. A big reason the cultural Left likes mass immigration, even by culturally conservative Muslims, is precisely because it’s so disruptive. Mass immigration creates a multicultural society with people attached to different ways of life with different standards. This makes it difficult to have public standards on things like family life. Progressives might not (for example) approve of Muslim women veiling in public. But calls to be “tolerant” of Islamic polygamy offer a convenient segue to normalizing “polyamorists,” who are now moving out of the fringes of the Sexual Revolution and into the vanguard.
And then there’s the problem of relations between ethnic and religious groups. Diversity is a challenge; even the Left acknowledges that. Surely, then, multiplying challenges without a strong reason is a bad idea.
From an American perspective, the practical arguments in favor of immigration mostly seem to be ethnic restaurants, economic dynamism, and low wages (a.k.a. “jobs Americans won’t do”).
But you don’t need mass immigration to grow food. We got along pretty well for thousands of years without it.
And while foreign-born, Johns Hopkins-trained physicians undoubtedly add something economically — well, we don’t suffer from a doctor shortage. Why couldn’t Johns Hopkins just educate more Americans? Moreover, as we’ve seen, these highly skilled immigrants are often badly needed in their home countries.
Low wages do benefit some people, of course. George J. Borjas, a Cuban-American economist at Harvard, argues persuasively that the net economic effect on Americans of recent immigration has been the transfer of five percent of national income from lower-wage workers to the high-salary employers. In other words, mass immigration pits less skilled and lower-income workers against each other as they compete to see who will work for less pay. No wonder the Koch brothers nearly went to war with President Trump when he tried to curb illegal immigration.
It’s hardly obvious, then, that large-scale immigration has practical benefits for the world in general or most Americans in particular. Instead, the arguments in favor are basically moral or philosophical. Radical leftists and radical libertarians both believe in the free movement of peoples as a basic human right and denounce the existence of national borders as “statist,” “fascist,” or some variation on that theme.
But can the world handle such colossal shifts in our population centers? Gallup surveys show that more than 750 million people worldwide would like to move to another country if they had the opportunity. That’s 10 percent of the world’s population. Moreover, 158 million of them would choose the United States as their top destination. And the US would be an acceptable second choice for most of the 270 million who would prefer another Western or Anglosphere country.
We can’t accommodate more than a small fraction of these people. And we could do more for those truly in need — with far less disruption to both their countries and ours — by helping them where they are.
Left-wing Catholics are always demanding this country adopt “more Christlike” border policies. The infamous Fr. James Martin, SJ has gone so far as to call America’s immigration laws “sinful.” Well, then, let’s look to the Gospel for solutions.
The Holy Family took refuge from Herod in Egypt. But they didn’t move to Rome, become citizens, and apply for the bread allotment. They stayed across the border while the danger lasted, and then went back home to Nazareth.
Give shelter to those whose lives are immediately threatened; otherwise, help to improve the political, economic, cultural, and spiritual conditions of their homeland. Sound good, Fr. Martin? That’s probably what Jesus would do. It’s what He did.
From:  https://www.pamphletstoinspire.com/
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I don’t know who needs to hear this and the quote doesn’t come from me but the death of democracy truly will not be televised. I recently drove by posters for our local right wing pretending to be concerned conservatives party and since it has been a few years since they first gained traction I felt almost nothing when I read their slogans. That is exactly the wrong reaction. 
Whenever I am at a family gathering I feel myself slipping into this false sense of security. Nobody really discusses European elections like they do national ones, the number of asylum seekers are dropping and they are hardly in the news anymore, LGBT issues and news are being ignored by at least my realtives so you know, I ease myself into some non political jokes, try to make the best of an otherwise wasted evening, and if the conversation truly stays away from politics and from minorities, I call it a good night. That is exactly the wrong reaction. 
It has always been hard for me to distinguish between the rise of xenophobia and just a general sense of growing up and realising that the people who you value and love have other political views than you that deem other human beings as lesser. but I now have even more growing up under my belt and the way we talk about immigrants, Jewish and muslim people and really all minorities has worsened. We have never been interested in the stories of these people as long as they did not relate to our perceived traditional way of life and that is shameful. It has now led to the point where it is now not even controversial anymore to publicly say that people who aren’t cis straight white christian and born in the country they are in now do not belong to this blury undefined group some dare to call the ‘real people’. These opinions have ozed out of the right fringes and have become part of the vocabulary of mainstream parties. At the same time right wing parties have become mainstream and it seems like all the left can do is to react to these forces, They controll the discourse. They will keep dominating it as long as people like me want to just have one nice night with their family. Because the people who say nothing have no voice. When we are truly going back to a time where you have to be afraid to say that Islam is a part of Europe, that we should not let people drown at our border then we need to stand up now And say these obvious truths before they start to become less and less obvious to more and more people. 
This is for people like me. Who have people in their lives that helped them through hard times, that they consider to be friends but who are conservative and feel things should be the way they have always been. You might not think these people to be harmful, they are not harmful towards you. But fascist ideology slides into people’s views too easily these days and when you point it out even in your head you might think you overreact. But one person who’s views remain unquestioned is a person who will never even blink when it is time to vote and the right wing option seems just this much more likeable than the old trusty conservative one. It seems like a small difference but reminding these people what they consider voting for can help fight the numbness that can spread when these parties remain a part of the political landscape for too long. And I would say if these people like you, give a damn about your opinions and you are not endangering yourself with confronting them, then it is your duty to do so. 
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crimethinc · 6 years
Perspectives on the August 12 Anti-Fascist Mobilization in DC: Two Interviews with Organizers
On August 12, Charlottesville fascist Jason Kessler attempted to hold the sequel to last year’s “Unite the Right” rally in Washington, DC. It did not go well for him. In the end, 2000 police struggled to protect two dozen fascists from thousands of anti-fascists and other foes of tyranny. To get some perspective on these events, we spoke with David Thurston—arts director for No Justice No Pride, a member of the steering committee of the DMV’s Movement for Black Lives, and a core organizer with Resist This—and also with an anonymous anarchist involved in organizing the anti-fascist bloc, among other aspects of the mobilization. The interview follows our comments below.
The US government spent $2.6 million to force the fascist rally upon the people of Washington, DC. Let’s do the math: that’s over $100,000 per fascist for a rally that lasted at hour at most. Would the US spend anything like that to protect a rally organized by any other sector of the population? On the contrary, when anarchists and other advocates of liberation organize public events, the government usually invests millions of dollars in repressing us, even illegally. This shows what a farce the “free speech” defense of fascist recruiting drives is—this is not an abstract question of rights, but a concrete matter of the US government asymmetrically investing resources in promoting the spread of fascism.
To put a number on it, then, the kind of “free speech” that enabled Kessler and his like to recruit someone to murder Heather Heyer is worth $100,000 per hour per fascist to the US government. That’s your tax dollars at work.
We were especially inspired by the fierceness with which the black population of DC turned out to face down the police and fascists on August 12. We have some questions about whether it makes sense for anarchists to act separately in a distinct anti-fascist contingent when other sectors of the population are mobilizing so courageously and assertively. It might be more effective for some anarchists to seek to connect with other rebels on the street, in order to bring about an interchange of tactics and ideas.
We’ve seen some alarmist reporting on the clashes, such as the following video. Permit us to repeat that what is happening here is that the US government is forcibly extorting money from its population which is then used to fund the violent imposition of fascist rallies on communities that only stand to suffer from the expansion of fascist movements. It should be no surprise that people defend themselves from police violence to this end.
One more topic bears mention: a few reactionary media outlets have taken this opportunity to accuse anti-fascists of being “violent” towards journalists for discouraging them from filming. This is the same thing they did last year two weeks after the violence in Charlottesville, when the editors of various corporate media publications attempted to create a false equivalency between fascists recruiting to carry out murder and genocide and anti-fascists mobilizing in self-defense.
In a time when fascists go through video footage identifying anti-fascists in order to intimidate and terrorize them and far-right Republican Congressmen are attempting to aid and abet them via new legislation, it should not come as a surprise to anyone that anti-fascists discourage people from filming them without permission. If these journalists are really concerned about this issue, they should prioritize helping to create a world in which no one needs to fear being documented, identified, and attacked by fascists or police just for attempting to defend their communities from fascist activity. Instead, many journalists have prioritized assisting fascists like Kessler in getting his message out.
Read on for the interviews. For one perspective on the history of anti-fascism in DC, read this.
Two Organizers on the August 12 Mobilization
What were your goals going into August 12? What did you think a best case scenario would be for the day?
David Thurston: For the past month, I’ve been working as the arts organizer for the mobilization. My first job was to make sure the rally in Freedom Plaza and the three direct action contingents got the brilliant, vibrant, colorful, and radical banners that the 411 Collective crafted. I also co-emceed the rally with Aiyi’anah Ford of the Future Foundation—we met through the organizing around the National Equality March in 2009. I wanted to see the Nazis vastly outnumbered and I wanted to see DC and DMV activists organize around a synergy and diversity of tactics—allowing us to welcome people into the movement who may never have heard of anarchist theory, but who over time could be introduced to our praxis of non-hierarchical, anti-sectarian, and revolutionary politics.
Another anarchist organizer: I wanted to make Nazis too afraid to come to DC. I also wanted to block their march. The former did not happen due to some last minute infighting, but the latter did happen.
Overall, I would say the action was an overwhelming success. Anarchists provided a great deal of labor in every aspect of the mobilization.
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What did the anti-fascist demonstrators do well? What could have gone better?
David Thurston: We succeeded in overwhelmingly outnumbering our opposition, marginalizing their toxic politics, and putting forward an organizing model that can be advanced upon in the future. There were a number of internal challenges and conflicts that took shape in the lead-up to A12, but for the most part, the various components of our effort worked from a space of deep-rooted solidarity.
Another anarchist organizer: We overwhelmed neo-Nazis numerically, but because of some tactical and intelligence failures, we did not get the chance to actually confront them. But when you have thousands of people mobilizing and holding space, do you really need to escalate when the fascists are already too afraid to come out? The fact that the black bloc did not escalate when there was no reason to do so enabled us to hold space, stay disciplined until the end, and demonstrate an ability to show restraint when necessary in order to accomplish our goals of the movement.
On January 20, hundreds of people were mass-arrested during Trump’s inauguration and indiscriminately charged with eight or more felonies apiece. How did the legacy of the J20 case influence planning ahead of August 12? How do you think it influenced those who did not participate in the planning, but came to participate?
David Thurston: The fact that there were absolutely no convictions for J20 defendants was probably a big factor explaining why our city’s multitude of police forces were relatively restrained. My inkling is that someone above or in the orbit of Chief Newsham realized that it was not in the city’s interests for local police to play the role of being the extreme right’s de-facto storm troopers. That said, the massive deployment of state power was obscene. My guess is that a few million dollars of city money probably went into massive police overtime.
There may have been some folks who were afraid to come out, but my opinion is that that was probably because of what the neo-Nazis represent, and not because of anything that went down with J20.
Another anarchist organizer: We thought long and hard about how to avoid isolating ourselves from other social movements and argued against others trying to marginalize radicals. Considering that our movement had set up the tech support, website, security, trainings, and other essential aspects of the mobilization, it was impossible to isolate us on the sidelines where we would be easy targets for police violence.
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Did it make sense to call for a distinct anti-fascist bloc, when so many people turned out to oppose the fascist rally with their own ways of being militant? Why or why not?
David Thurston: I think it was great to have an anti-fascist bloc that could plan direct action based on the worst-case scenario of a sizable far right turn-out. It was also good to have a space where the lessons of prior direct actions, especially J20, could be debated in depth.
In practice, there was a lot of synergy between the direct action contingents and the two permitted rallies, even though the permitted rallies gave voice to ideas more in line with traditional left liberal thinking.
Another anarchist organizer: I think the strategy of the bloc that day was to be able to
defend our communities
show a specifically radical presence that day.
A year after the Charlottesville “Unite the Right” rally, what do the events in DC tell us about the current political situation in the US?
David Thurston: I think last weekend’s events make it clear that the far right is in political, ideological, organizational, and interpersonal disarray. After the debacle of Jason Kessler’s pitiful mobilization, he went on a twitter rant attacking the rest of the self-proclaimed alt-right, calling them cowards for not mobilizing, and describing them as would-be Nazis living in their parents’ basements. While trying to get a permit in Charlottesville, Kessler managed to dox his own followers by turning over encrypted Signal threads, emails, and more to the state.
But we can’t rest on our success last weekend. While joining a proto-fascist organization remains a marginal idea for the millions of white people who voted for Trump in 2016, specific neo-Nazi proposals and talking points—especially around immigration, border security, and global imperialist hubris—remain appealing to wide swaths of low-income, working-class, and lower-middle-class white folk in our nation.
The radical left has immense potential to grow if we can shed the baggage of years of being fairly marginal to political debate. Anarchists need to organize creatively, finding space to work in alliance with left-leaning liberals, but also with socialist groupings with whom we have significant differences.
Another anarchist organizer: I think the rally on August 12 shows that militant anti-fascism works. A year ago, there were 500 fascists marching in the streets of Charlottesville. This year, less than 25 showed up because they were afraid. At least on the East Coast, anti-fascism has made sure the far right is demobilized.
So we’ve pushed back on-the-ground white nationalists… but as a movement, how do we use that strategy to disrupt other forms of organized white supremacy? How do we scale that strategy up to take on local right-wing lobbyists, local Republicans, police union officials, the Chamber of Commerce, DHS, and ICE officials?
The fascistic turn of the United States has been a 30-year process, and there are local people with local power who are marching us there. We need to figure out how to demobilize them.
Trump did not come to power because of the “alt right”—the alt right was able to use Trump to enter mainstream politics. Now our social movements need to identify the social leaders who pushed our local communities to the right and destabilize their political power.
The chief takeaway from this weekend is that even if we did not push the limits of the struggle, we did push a mobilization that was specifically anti-fascist. Anarchists and anti-fascists wrote the original call to action for the mobilization, provided experience, and pushed a strategy that allowed for numerous communities to come out and confront fascism.
The most challenging dynamic we had to navigate was engaging with liberals who wanted the day to look like “Boston” [the massive anti-fascist mobilization that took place there in response to a fascist rally a week after “Unite the Right” in Charlottesville] but did not emotionally prepare for the real possibility that the fascists could have mobilized hundreds.
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Do you have any particularly instructive anecdotes to share from August 12?
David Thurston: My favorite moment was when the permitted march from Freedom Plaza entered the periphery of the “Rise Up Fight Back” contingent anchored by Black Lives Matter DC. They organized a block party near Lafayette to celebrate black joy and resistance, making the point that no neo-Nazi mobilization was going to intimidate them or cast a pall on the vision of black liberation that this movement was articulating.
On a personal note, I encountered a brother named Amir who introduced himself to me at the rally. I didn’t recognize him, but Amir told me that he was one of three young black men who tried to mug me near my neighborhood in DC. Amir apologized for his actions. I was so moved and thanked him, letting him know that I wish him the best, and never wanted anyone to go to jail for something as petty as trying to take $10 from me. To see him in the struggle for a radically different future on A12 made an impact on my psyche that I have a hard time adequately explaining.
We are living through perilous times. If we organize creatively and synergistically, radicals can lay the foundation for movements that could, within a decade or so, lead to revolutionary transformation in our country and around the world. But if we fail, the threat of global political, economic, and ecological cataclysm is immense. I have friends working hard to elect left-liberal to social democratic candidates for public office, and friends whose focus is on direct action and community based organizing. We need to build a radical tent broad enough for all of the above if the revolutionary potential of this moment is to be realized.
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smalltall · 6 years
i'm a trump supporter and i'm catholic and even a trad but i do not approve of Tradcatfem. Trump is not at all like Hitler because Hitler would never marry an immigrant, and Trump has always backed LEGAL immigration just like I have. my family is of mixed race but they all got their legal citizenship. just saying being either of those doesn't make you racist. open borders is dangerous and foolish. Tradcatfem on the other hand might just be a nazi lol
I love how that’s the only difference you can name offhand.
Let’s play a game: I point out atrocious things Trump has done, with sources. In return, you read through to the end like the reasonable person with facts on their side that you claim to be. Ready? Okay:
First off, saying Trump can’t be fascist because he married an immigrant is like saying a man can’t be misogynist if he has sex with women. Besides which, Melania is the sort of immigrant Republicans accept because *whispers* she’s white. 
In fact, loads of Russian women come here to have anchor babies so they can skip steps in the immigration process–something which only seems to cause an uproar if the woman is from, say, Guatemala or Suriname. (Source 1, Source 2) Now what’s the difference there, I wonder…why are Republicans so unconcerned about anchor babies from predominantly white countries…hhhmmmmmm…
Well, gonna have to think on that one I guess.
“Trump has always backed LEGAL immigration”
Nope! The Muslim ban was totally unfounded, un-Constitutional, and created utter havoc both for legal citizens and refugees escaping war zones. Syrian families who’d spent up to two years in squalid camps, waiting for green card approval, were suddenly shit out of luck. That’s not supporting legal immigration. Oh, and the Senate voted this year to cut legal immigration by 40% for no reason (Source). That definitely doesn’t count as support.
Central Americans come to our federal offices at the southern border to plead for political asylum–this is completely legal and supposedly a protected right. (Source) Yet they are being ripped from their children and thrown in cages, usually kept there until they agree to go back to the country where they’ll likely die. (Source) This isn’t supporting legal immigration. 
What’s more, Latino-Americans will potentially lose their citizenship if they were born too close to the Mexico border. (Source) That’s…I don’t think I need to point out how wrong that is. (You know who else arbitrarily stripped ethnic minorities of citizenship? Rhymes with Mittler.)
“Open borders is dangerous and foolish”
Name me one politician in office who’s on record supporting open borders. “Compassionate and un-zealous immigration process” doesn’t mean “Open borders”. It means “ We should stop calling immigrants diseased criminals and throwing them all in cages”. When the hell did that become an extreme idea?
(I could go into how the U.S. created the war, poverty and corrupt governments that Latinx people are trying to escape in the first place, but that’ll turn this post into a whole book. For just a taste of the blood on our hands, read this article on 7 countries whose governments the CIA has deposed.)
Given this very short list of the very fascist things Trump has done so far, you will forgive my skepticism towards your claim of being different from the nazi supporters.
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European Project, Baltic Dream, Paths Forward Where American Dream Falters
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Robert J. Shiller, Sterling Professor of Economics at Yale University, 2013 Nobel Laureate, and kin to four Lithuanian grandparents, addressed attendees at the Baltic Boston Conference on November 24, 2018, commemorating the Baltic centennials.
Professor Shiller spoke about the evolution of “The American Dream,” a notion that was coined and lauded in 1931; and compared it to the European Project and the “Baltic Dream”.
Using search tools Ngram and Proquest, Schiller traced the American Dream origins to the nation’s founding thinkers, including Thomas Paine, who challenged the logic of hereditary advantage in Common Sense (1776); and Ben Franklin, who in 1782 France published the pamphlet, Information for those Who would Remove to America.
“Don’t come to America if you think you will impress people with title and money,” Franklin wrote.  “Come if you can do something. Americans say, ‘God Almighty is a mechanic.’” Franklin claimed the humble husbandman (farmer) would be respected in America.
A sister concept to the American Dream was portrayed by Israel Zangwill in his 1908 play, “The Melting Pot,” wherein a Jewish man marries a Christian woman. President Teddy Roosevelt applauded the play, making assimilation, the coming together of different nationalities and cultures, the preferred face of the nation (rather than, for example, the Jim Crow laws of the day*).
In 1930, “The American Dream” was advertising copy for a box spring mattress. (It cost $13.50).
In 1931, “The American Dream” was coined by historian James Truslow Adams in his book, Epic of America. (So named because Adams’s publisher said a book entitled The American Dream wouldn’t sell.) With that phrase, Adams was defining a hopefulness that he admired in American culture.
"…that dream of a land in which life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone (emphasis added), with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement. … It is not a dream of motor cars and high wages merely, but a dream of social order in which each man and each woman  (ahead of his time, Prof. Shiller points out, Adams specified both genders) shall be able to attain to the fullest stature of which they are innately capable, and be recognized by others for what they are, regardless of the fortuitous circumstances of birth or position."
“Ideas are contagious,” explained Shiller, “like viruses, thoughts change and mutate over time, their popularity goes in and out.” In the depths of the Great Depression, the hopeful idea of the American Dream was born, its roots already established in the nation’s consciousness, and the notion went viral.
Immigrants came to America because of the American Dream, some aspiring to own farms – one version of the Dream. America attracted hardworking people. Every young activist thought of the United States as a bastion of freedom and democracy.
Continuing the etiology, in 1931 and 1961, respectively, playwrights George O’Neill and Edward Albee* used the title with irony, dealing with the disintegration of the American Dream.
The American Dream doesn’t mean today what it meant in 1931.
1950 real estate ads painted the American Dream as home ownership: Man marries and children arrive. Man gives them a place to call their own. The ideal was a suburban home, where couples could entertain using their stylish wedding gifts. The concept had lost its idealistic and intellectual tenor since 1931, even neglecting the original idea of inclusion.
The American Dream further mutated by1980, when homes became thought of as investments. Prof. Shiller pointed to the shift in public attention from land prices to home prices, among other proofs.
Today, suburban home ownership no longer represents the American Dream. Walkable cities offering art, community space, and eateries, make life meaningful to young people.
In 2018, Frank Rich wrote in New York magazine, “That loose civic concept known as the American Dream …  has been shattered. No longer is lip service paid to the credo, however sentimental, that a vast country, for all its racial and sectarian divides, might somewhere in its DNA have a shared core of values that could pull it out of any mess.”
The American Dream is history*.
Across the Atlantic, the counterpart to the American Dream is often referred to as the European Project. In contrasting the two mindsets, Jeremy Rifkin explains:
For Americans, freedom is associated with autonomy, which requires amassing wealth. One is free by becoming self-reliant, an island unto oneself — and with exclusivity comes security.
For Europeans, freedom is not found in autonomy, but in access to a myriad of interdependent relationships with others. The more communities one has access to, the more options and choices one has for living a full and meaningful life. With relationships comes inclusivity, and with inclusivity comes security.
The American Dream puts an emphasis on economic growth, personal wealth and independence. The new European Dream focuses more on sustainable development, quality of life and interdependence.
The American Dream pays homage to the work ethic. The European Dream is more attuned to leisure and deep play.
The American Dream is wedded to love of country and patriotism. The European Dream is more cosmopolitan, less territorial, … and secular to the core.
Neither Americans nor Europeans have lived up to their respective dreams, but Europe has articulated a vision for the future that focuses on quality of life, sustainability, peace and harmony.
(Rifkin, 2004.) (Check out the highlights of a collective vision based on personal transformation rather than individual material accumulation here:
Professor Shiller shared brief references to national Canadian, Chinese, and French Dreams, elaborating on views of the Russian Dream obtained through a primary source. “They don’t talk a whole lot about it, but …we too have a national dream. Not for happiness. We dream about what the majority of Americans already have, a cottage (single family home).”
A common aspect of the American and Russian Dreams: We want to live well, and not be limited by a society that prevents us from doing what we could do.
That this is the sincere desire of a typical Russian is evidenced by the popularity of recent presidential candidate Alexei Navalny, who said, “The idea we are destined to always live in poverty is deeply engrained in people’s minds. The goal of my campaign is to conquer it.” Navalny’s run against Putin was halted by conviction of a tax irregularity.
What is the Baltic Dream? Professor Shiller picked the brains of his Yale Lithuanian, Latvian and Estonian students to elucidate its themes. Recurrent were feelings of loyalty, and of love for country and culture – though not in a nationalistic way – and of wanting to go back. It’s a dream of integration into exciting things wordwide; of being part of the family of European countries, small by might, yet world citizens, technological leaders and entrepreneurs in the vein of Finland’s Nokia and Estonia’s Skype. “The Baltic Dream is to be free, independent democracies; to own our land, and speak our language.” Power in song and dance is part of the genetic code, still as relevant and victorious as the Singing Revolution.
What comes next in the evolution of national dreams?
A desperate political atmosphere has come in after the demise of the American Dream. It’s every man for himself. There is loss of commitment to policies that redistribute to the poor, and loss of entrepreneurial optimism. Political attitudes are hostile. Troubled polarization and the rise of nationalist politics beset the quest for our identity and hope for the future.
Last year 69 million people were displaced by war and discord, and are pushing at borders.
Fear of immigrants, fear of automation stealing jobs, fear of home price inflation, especially for people who haven’t yet bought homes, is rampant.
Professor Shiller’s tone was tactful in answering questions from the Baltic Boston audience, which comprised both Trump supporters and critics. He deftly replied that discussing America First as a national sentiment and public policy requires a psychologist as much as an economist.
What obligation do Baltic countries have to help Muslim refugees? Muslim refugees don’t have that much interest in going somewhere where you have to learn an exotic language. And the national identities of small countries may be threatened by the influx of different perspectives. But certainly the Baltics should take some Muslim refugees, and be nice to them.
Shiller’s documentation of the rise and fall of the American Dream ended on a note of reasonable hope when he compared President Trump to the historical figures of William Jennings Bryan, a populist of the 1890s; Father Coughlin, a fascist radio priest of the Great Depression; and Senator Joe McCarthy, Red-scare smear tactician of 1950.
“These men all were very popular at one point in time,” Shiller pointed out. “Then they went too far and that did it. McCarthy eventually became ridiculous, even accusing communists of mind control.” The citizenry eventually withdrew support for these figures. “Trump’s antics may be pushing his luck. Calling a woman ‘horse-face’ doesn’t have to do with politics. You don’t call people that, even an opponent.”
“I just hope he does the right thing in the remaining two years,” Shiller concluded.
by Diana Mathur
* the author’s observation
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toblkflys · 3 years
A Little Brain Scrub
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I have a family member that believes there is no pandemic. How is that? I guess there is a whole movement that believes this. So, people are dying how? In 7 months 2 million people have died worldwide. In the same time period, there have been 10 million people in the US that tested COVID positive. What do we call this?  Of course, many people are using the TV/movie/book version like The Hot Zone, as a point of reference, “now that is what a pandemic looks like,” they say. They think if it were a real pandemic people would be “dropping like flys.” If it truly got to that point we would really be screwed worldwide. That would be worse than a pandemic, it would be an extinction event. The definition of a pandemic is “(of a disease) prevalent over a whole country or the world.” That is all it means. What about this is a pandemic is incorrect? People are getting the sickness/disease here, people are getting the same sickness/disease across the country and people are getting the sickness/disease in other countries. That fits the definition. I find nowhere in the definition, no matter which dictionary I look in, does it say “people must drop like flys.” Obviously, this group of people knows something even the scholars don’t. Speaking of, this group of people is quite a bit bigger than one would have guessed. That is disappointing. We have that many people in the country who prefer not to think for themselves. That is truly frightening. Of course, I am referring to my friends the Trumpsters.  And I was amazed or maybe I was horrified, I’m not sure which, the day after the election. I live in a nice retirement community with over 55 adults and most are quite a bit over 55. I drove down my street and several of the houses were flying their flag, nice, right? Not. They were flying them half-mast! Are you fucking kidding me? Just because Trump lost? Now that is a slap in the face to democracy and patriotism. These people think they are patriots, who tout the flag and talk about their rights and pro-America. These same people are basically shitting on the flag. They might as well burn it. Flying the flag at half-mast is not to be taken lightly. Only the president can order the flag to be flown at half-mast (and guess what Trumpsters, Trump lost and he is NOT your president).  “Those individuals and agencies that usurp authority and display the flag at half-staff on inappropriate occasions are quickly eroding the honor and reverence accorded this solemn act,” says the American Legion and I fully agree! I mean Wells Fargo is doing this as well! WTF?  What about flying the flag at half-mast is patriotic? Are they going to do it all four years? I get so angry every time I pass the neighbor’s house because I see it. It is an affront every time. I even printed out 20 flyers with the American Legion saying above on it. I wanted, and still want, to throw them all over their fence into their backyard. I wanted to tape the flyers to the windshields of their vehicles. I want to strike back or strike out.  Speaking of, have you ever noticed what vehicles Trumpsters drive? Trucks, SUVs, muscle cars and American-made sedans. It is horrible to stereotype says you, and you are right. But it is true. What vehicles are parked at rallies? What vehicles do you see all decked out with American flags, the bigger the better? Trucks, the higher the better, big tires, lots of modification, maybe they rock climb with their truck or they pull their toy hauler with their Polaris, going out to the dunes to drink beer and drive their UTVs around. Maybe they will take their guns so they can target practice because drinking beer, driving UTVs, and shooting guns all go together, especially the beer. Just sayin. I have another relative who, unfortunately, married a Trumpster (actually I have two, eye roll). They have a little boy. Dad is in the military and mom, my relative, used to be normal but now follows her husband. The little boy is obsessed with war movies and they encourage it. They bought him military gear, a helmet, a tactical vest, an ammo belt and of course a replica M4. They sent a picture of him all geared up, holding the machine gun at the ready with a scowl on his face. They think it’s cute.  What about dressing your child up like a killer is cute? But god help them, they need their guns, especially their fully automatic M16s because they hunt deer with them. Yeah. Are the deer shooting back or something? Are they that afraid of the deer that they need a fully automatic weapon? Or maybe it is the scary sounds in the wild while they are hunting. And these people teach their kids how to hold a gun and how to shoot as soon as they can. I remember my brother being taught and I was jealous I wasn’t because I was a girl. And this is patriotic. Dressing my 8-year-old like a sniper is patriotic. He will likely grow up hating Democrats and he will not really know why. He will join a survivalist group, hate queers and liberals, and believe that men are superior to women. He will shoot guns, practice being a sniper, learn hand-to-hand combat, all to be a patriot. Because that is the American way. War not peace. Force not negotiation. Show strength not compromise. Shoot first, not ask questions. That is patriotic.  Trumpsters have no idea where they were/are headed. Welcome to Jonestown, line up for your kool-aid, never mind the people in pain and dying. An incredible phenomenon. Trumpsters don’t see what is so very obvious to the rest of us. They are so sure that the sky is green because Trump said so. We look up and nope, still blue. But don’t infringe on the Trumpsters' rights to call the sky green!  It is so interesting to me because I have always been fascinated with Nazi Germany and what happened there. I have wondered what it was about Hitler that people followed with no question. I mean how can people do that? How can they not see what was happening? How could they let it happen? And now I know. I still don’t understand it but I have had the opportunity to witness how a leader mesmerizes a huge section of a country to believe anything he says no matter how irrational. How the leader can literally say and do anything and get away with it.  And they follow blindly. They listen to his propaganda. Definition,“information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view.” See, Hitler did this with the Jews. He villainized the Jews. It could have been anyone but he chose the Jews, lucky them. They became the enemy that everything wrong could be blamed on. There’s a shortage? It’s the Jews, they take the bread out of your child’s mouth.  And then he offers a solution. Only I can solve your Jew problem. Trump did the same thing with immigrants at first and eventually with Democrats. Now the Democrats are the downfall of the country. They are evil, horrible, liberal people. They hate god, they hate family, they hate America and want to destroy it and make America a socialist country. This is all Trump propaganda. And people listen. And they believe. Despite no proof, they don’t ask for proof. They don’t ask for examples or evidence that it is true. Like Democrats are evil and horrible. Okay. What Democrats do you, Mr. Trumpster, know who fit this bill? If they are evil and horrible they must be doing evil and horrible things, what things are they? Ask a Trumpster. Then, once the people are properly brainwashed, he proceeds to cut the country off, starts to close our borders. Hitler closed Germany’s borders, it’s called isolation. Kind of like North Korea, ever heard of it? North Korea is a good modern example of a country that has closed its borders. Not only would we keep the immigrants out, but Trump would also have kept Americans in. I believe that leaving the country would be defecting and would not be looked upon kindly in Trump’s America. Once he had all of that buttoned up and our country was “self-sufficient” he would start introducing his own police force to keep the peace. He was already headed that way. They would be deployed slowly in more and more places, eventually, there would be no local police, it would be federal and more specifically, Trump’s force. Say hello to the neo SS.  And people, through all of this the Trumpsters are clapping and holding up the American flag, which would eventually be modified to include something Trump. Their rights would be secure! They finally had a voice in Trump and he is getting things done! It’s about time that we had a real police force that came in and made everything safe and secure! It’s okay that they are everywhere with their M4s and you have to show your passport when asked. Better be safe than sorry! Since concentration camps have worked before there is no point messing with success. Put the immigrants/minorities in several which would have been built. And any outspoken Dems. In fact, herd all of the Dems up and put them in certain cities or certain parts of the city. We need to protect our white American children from the undesirables. White supremacy would reign once again. Yes, Trump would have saved this country (from democracy). The funny thing is that Trump didn’t even hide that he was a fascist or that he was promoting fascism. Dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation and forcible suppression of opposition. Boom. There you go.  So, let them fly our flag at half-mast in protest. Biden and the Dems took away the Trumpsters rights to have a fascist America. They never even got to chant Hail Trump! Or maybe they did and I don’t know about it.  They have the right to disgrace the American flag. They have a right to spread a deadly disease. They have the right to purchase and use a fully automatic weapon. They have a right to vote for a dictator. They have the right to a fascist America. And I guess a serial killer has a right to kill. The rapist a right to rape. Because it’s about me, not you. And I have the right to do what I want to do because I’m free white and American. Isn’t it beautiful? Read the full article
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rfhusnik · 4 years
Tripping Over One’s Feet Out By The Airplane
Written By:  Marshall Lawe
  This is my second submission to this forum. And again, as was the case the first time, I’m writing this reluctantly, but at the behest of my city’s mayor George Jennifer. And I’m writing this because of what our mayor rightly calls the crises at both our nation’s southern border, and inside our White House. And Charles Platt’s second letter to Ralph Hawk from Paris, which was supposed to have appeared here at this time, will be (hopefully) posted next time.
When I was a youngster I did and said what I felt I needed to do and say at every juncture. And I never concerned myself much with philosophy, or psychology, or any of those other usually mental, but sometimes physical phenomena which many times begin with a p and end with a y. But why didn’t I concern myself much with them? Well, first I suppose, as a child my mind wasn’t developed yet then to a point which allowed for much critical analysis of anything, and secondly, in the environment I knew as a child, my only goal was to get by from day to day. And on each of those days my hope and prayer was that life would transpire peacefully upon Planet Earth.
And now, although much has changed, much of that just mentioned mode of conduct remains. Yet years ago it seemed that at least whatever mistakes we made were wrong actions we committed. Today however, as a white male, I can see that according to all liberals, minorities and most women, I and those like me are to blame for all the evils currently present in modern day life. And although neighboring nations apparently can’t control their population growth, and then send massive numbers of (and let’s face it, whether you approve of the term or not) invaders into our nation, many of whom have coronavirus or aren’t even adults, I and other white males, who are only trying to live our lives in peace, are to blame. And we’re likewise guilty if a mayor somewhere does or doesn’t commit sexual harassment. And we’re to blame if rioters commit vicious acts on city streets, or police cut off the breathing capabilities of people lying on those streets, or people attack a capitol building, or a presidential election is marred by illegal actions, or someone enters a building and mass murders numbers of innocent individuals.
But today we have a plastic man to tell us about our sins, and to blame all evils upon us and the man who had his job before him. Yes, he really “tears into” us. He says he’ll make us pay. And then he trips over his own feet on the airplane entrance.
And it makes one wonder if people have no shame anymore today. Don’t they care about what the rest of the world thinks about someone who supposedly leads the free world?
And although most would agree that for a number of reasons (primarily the Coronavirus) 2020 was not a good year in The United States of America, 2021 is looking to be even worse. And the rate at which life has deteriorated in the U.S. since the swearing in of its forty sixth president seems almost unfathomable. Prices for the various forms of energy necessary to sustain the nation’s economy continue to rise because some leaders of apparently low intellect are shutting off oil pipelines and curtailing other means of energy production, while telling Americans there are new energy sources. Well, yes, those leaders have new sources – in their minds – and that’s where they’ll remain, because they’re not economically feasible. And don’t forget the oil turn down has cost many jobs which, contrary to what’s being said, will most likely never be replaced.
But then, as we leave the increased prices at the gas pump, we learn of how one political party is today evidently attempting to grasp hold of unending power in the U.S. Adding various left-wing areas as states will ensure a majority in the U.S. Senate, which will last probably as long as the nation does. And adding extra seats on the Supreme Court will turn that body liberal or radical. And driving a wedge between the various races and ethnicities which inhabit the U.S. will probably be another successful means of power grabbing. After all, everyone knows that according to the media, whites are to blame for all current American problems. Well, sure, the president is a white male, but he has a vice president who’s female and apparently non-white, and besides, those airplane entrance steps can be tricky!
So, we’ve seen the riots. We’ve seen the statues torn down. We’ve heard the police called pigs, and we’re aware that some want the salaries of law enforcement officers lowered or completely defunded. And we know that conservatives have been called fascists and children of Satan. But although conservatism is greatly hated by left-wing radicals today, that ism will never disappear from Planet Earth – nor will liberalism. If nothing else, if dictatorship someday is installed as the mode of government in the U.S., as it now appears it will be perhaps a few decades from now, there will always be a more liberal and a more conservative approach that may be taken toward every national problem, even if that approach is directly decided upon by a dictator from the Democratic Party.
And, let’s not forget the most egregious of travesties that’s been forced upon American citizens over the last few months. Unknown, and almost countless numbers of illegal aliens have gained entrance to the U.S. by one means or another. And if they’ve gotten across the Rio Grande, they’ve been coddled here. They’ve been given food and vaccinations which many real Americans still haven’t received. And many have been housed in hotels. And some have been granted a forum with members of Congress, whom they’ve apparently told that they want to be treated with dignity here! Well, my goodness! They want us to show them dignity after they violate our borders and our way of life!
And if these foreigners are going to stay in the U.S., what will become of them here? Many are children who will overcrowd our school systems in years to come. Others have no actual skills and can’t, or can barely speak English. And what effect will that have in the U.S.? Will all American children soon be required to learn Spanish?
Only so many non-productive people can be “carried” by any economic system, no matter be it ultra-right or ultra-left wing, or anywhere in between. And as the unemployment these illegals bring with them intensifies, so will crime and disease.
And those people who hide illegal aliens in so-called “Sanctuary Cities” should be made to pay the bills those “cities” generate. But instead, it appears areas of the nation which have tried to be fiscally efficient will now be required to reimburse those areas which recklessly and foolishly spent taxpayer dollars on non-essentials and illegal aliens. And a massive government bailout bill will apparently reward those areas of the nation which have fiscally “stuck it to” the more responsible areas.
And knowing that illegal aliens have brought disease, illegal drugs, human trafficking, prostitution, and only God knows whatever other evils to the U.S., is it wrong for Americans to ask why their nation’s borders can’t be secured from uninvited foreigners? And what sort of parents send unaccompanied minors into a foreign land? And what types of nations apparently do nothing to stem a tide of over-population within their borders?
And I’d like to close this piece by mentioning what I believe to be five ancillary developments or non-developments tied to the illegal immigrant and unfit to be president situations. ONE:  Although the real truth of the matter is that no certain race or sex is solely responsible for the crisis at America’s border with Mexico, white males receive almost the entire blame for it. And whenever the crisis is talked about by America’s left-wing media, no responsibility is ever assessed to the people who are actually breaking the law and living carelessly and dangerously; no, of course the blame lies with men living far away who are only trying to support themselves and their families. TWO:  The Democratic Party is now engaged in a “power play” in the U.S.. Various laws, especially H.R.1, if passed, will most likely doom the Republican Party. And that party will then no longer elect representatives, senators, or presidents, to which many liberals will probably say “Hooray”; but when Republicans are gone, Democrats will fight amongst themselves, and they’ll also need to fight a trend toward dictatorship, which will surely be present then. THREE:  Have you noticed how emboldened foreign enemies of America have become since President forty six took office? And unfortunately, lately mass murderers also seem willing to act. And FOUR:  Why doesn’t the “environmental movement” comment on the recent mass immigration into the U.S.? You would think that the massive increase in U.S. population, accrued from this assault on our borders, would greatly increase the demand for energy in time to come. And FIVE:  What will life be like for whites in America if and when they become a minority in the U.S.?  
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