#riff 2012
gemharvest · 6 months
(shitty LHUGUENY autotune voice) This Website is Great. So many Moots I can booooop. Til I can't see Straiiiiight; when can I startt? I'm addicted to boops!
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nonenglishsongs · 11 months
Christian Almerge - Trencavèl (Occitan)
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ghost-of-you · 2 years
Are you a beside you (2012) person or a beside you (2014) person?
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omg your favorite song is blame?? that is one of my top favorites too, especially the bunker sessions version. the way dan sings the last “blame” is my favorite thing in the world
i mean its so hard to pick an actual no 1 fave, but that to me is definitely one of my favourite big singles and i kind of feel like its old enough for me to have that nostalgia of early bas as well. like i remember listening to the live recordings before it was officially released on ww and being soooo excited when i heard there was gonna be a studio version, so its kind of special for that reason as well. its also one of my faves that i can actually expect to be on the setlist so thats always nice
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dreadful-windandrain · 6 months
listened to the real will wood album three times yesterday. here are my thoughts:
am i being detaIIIIIIIIINED? am i under arrest?? (yes!)
"this is a song written by a dead guy" the implications..........
unsyncopate cotard's solution right this fucking second
the transition into dr sunshine lives is SO GOOD
was it when i left the cave and swore i'd. NEVER GO BACK!!!!!!!
how did he make white knuckle jerk hornier. what's with the moans. and why do i like it better than the original.
HEART BLUER THAN MY b-b-b-b-bbbbbaaaaa~a~LLLLLS!
the weird voices he uses in thermodynamic lawyer sure were a choice
fucking ADORE front street live. even better than the original and my favorite off of this album. literally just. the tempo changes. "if you're not on your worst behavior... get the fuck out!" "is this shit enough proof for you?" "give us all that fucking osmosis! oh, yeah!!" "sing it with me you fuckers!". he made a villian song sound even more evil. wtf and well done
i trusted you i trusted you i trusted you i trusted you i tru
the long ass intro for hand me my [x], i'm [y]! is fabulous. the anticipation!!!
the tempo is also faster here than the original which is awesome but overstimulating as hell when the second half of the bridge hits
take it away, creeps
here's a song *first chord of 2012*
by retracing myyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ste-epppppppppp pssssssssss
the guitar riff that starts mr capgras makes my brain perk up like a bluetooth speaker being connected
yet another banger intro! the latter half of this album does not miss!
can we drop this shit? i wanna see you at each other's throats, man, make some fucking noise. one two three oh YEAAAAAAAH
the transition here also. magical.
i definitely didn't almost cry at the end of fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva when the tempo slowed down and everyone was vocalizing
-ish is so fucking underrated oh my GOD you people don't talk about it enough
the people who sang "myself again" after "and i'm gonna be"...... read the room
the new harmonies on where do you get off, front street, and mr capgras give me life
overall i love it but i do believe that ww didn't sing the song with five names to spite me personally. he did sing it on in case i die but still. you don't know how much tax fraud i would commit to hear it live with a full band
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psychedeliclush · 3 days
this is gonna be interesting 😭
this is like blur vs oasis but its shoegaze vs britpop
Artists: Slowdive, My Bloody Valentine, Mazzy Star, Cocteau Twins, Chapterhouse, Lush
Most popular Era: 90s
Basic definition: Shoegaze creates an ethereal, dreamy vibe through the use of swirling vocals, distorted, shimmering guitars and feedback-induced droning riffs. It gets its name from the heavy use of effects pedals, as the performers were often looking down at their pedals during concerts (gazing at their shoes).
Song examples:
Artists: Blur, Oasis, Echobelly, Pulp, Elastica (technically Lush could also be here)
Most popular Era: 90s
Basic definition: Britpop is a sub-genre within alternative rock, taking a more bright and catchy approach. As the name states, it originated in Britain, as a competitor against the American grunge scene and Britain's very own shoegaze scene. It contains elements of British pop music from the 60s, glam rock and punk from the 70s, and the indie pop of 80s.
Song examples:
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occasionallycoinpin · 1 month
i need to know what that storyline for oc 110 was
i’ll be honest, i started writing it down, got distracted by other things, and then completely forgot about it until now
so i guess i’ll dump what i have right now, and finish it up later
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occasionally coinpin 155
(collapsed for length)
(this is an m&l dream team riff so there’s a good amount of similarities bit whatev)
Many years after the competitions end, a miraculous discovery! Leafy, while going through old messages to delete to save memory, finds an odd, unopened email from January 1st, 2012. As it turns out, Dream Island wasn’t destroyed all those years ago! It was simply relocated to a new part of the ocean, the robotic staff waiting ever so patiently for their new owner to claim her island. Leafy, ever the kind soul, invites everyone to Dream Island for a wonderful vacation!
As the BFDI crew will soon come to find out, there is a very literal reason the island is named DREAM Island.
The Arrival:
The charter ship arrives at the island rather precariously, so much so that Pin, observing the docking with her friends, falls off the ship and has her point stuck in the ground. While the robotic servants assist her, Coiny and the others must head along for the introduction tour.
Rather predictably, Coiny and Firey start feuding about something or other, which begins the first boss fight: Metal Firey (they had him eat a yoyleberry earlier to not burn down the ship).
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- A tutorial fight for the basic mechanics, very simple as the only move Coiny has available is Jump.
- Done in a few hits + counterattacks.
The delay caused by the fight allows Pin to catch up with everyone else, and the welcoming festivities continue.
After a bit of exploring the Dreamscape Hotel, Coiny and Pin stumble upon a door which a robotic servant says simply leads to the basement. And indeed it does! Though the servant neglected to mention that there weren’t actually any stairs down, and the door simply led to an open chasm that the duo fall into. Time to find a way out.
The Discovery:
The basement is filled with crud you’d expect to see in a basement, as well as some basic enemies. The duo find the Hammers down here, an essential tool. As they descend further the basement starts looking less basement-like and starts looking more temple-like: the Dreamscape Hotel was built on top of the ruins of an ancient temple.
Deep in the temple, they find a wall mural of an ancient civilization seeking salvation in a figure that bears an awfully unsettling resemblance to Pin. But before the duo can dwell on this any longer, two Stone Pin statues come to life and attack!
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- An exam fight for both using two characters at once as well as using the Hammers.
- The Stone Pins can only be Hammered at first, but if properly countered they will fall on their backs, allowing Jumps that deal critical hits.
After the fight, who else shows up but Golf Ball, immediately berating the duo for destroying such priceless archeological artifacts. She’s down here as she’s set up a Lab in the basement (because of course she did) and wanted to see what all the noise was about. The duo follow her back to the Lab.
The Dream World:
A small crowd has gathered in the Lab, curious as to what the ruckus was about. GB takes this opportunity to go into a lecture about a new phenomenon she’s discovered on the island: certain spots emanate a strange energy, one that she is currently researching located right in the middle of the Lab. Pin, not really paying attention, investigates the spot and nearly immediately passes out. GB, taking this as an insult to her lecture, goes on another rant, completely distracting her from the fact a portal has opened over the sleeping Pin.
Everyone in the crowd is surprised by this development, except for Pillow, who was seemingly expecting it. She hurriedly grabs Needle and jumps into the portal. Coiny, not one to stand by while his friend gets kidnapped, hurries in after them.
Coiny finds himself in Dreamy Dreamscape Hotel and soon meets up with Dreamy Pin, the embodiment of Pin’s mental self image. In battle, Dreamy Pin will augment Coiny, boosting his stats and enhancing his Jump and Hammer. After some exploration, the duo find Pillow and the now unconscious Needle, and a boss fight against Pillow begins.
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- Pillow starts the fight by summoning a legion of False Dreamy Pins to surround her, which can both attack independently and assist Pillow with her own attacks.
- Partway through the fight, Pillow steals Coiny’s Hammer and disguises herself and the False Dreamy Pins as False Dreamy Coinys. She then proceeds to shuffle herself into the crowd, and the player must keep track of which one is Pillow. Jumping on the right one removes the disguises and returns the Hammer, while Jumping on a wrong one reveals it as a False Dreamy Pin and deals damage.
- After taking enough damage, Pillow flees the fight.
The Disaster:
Despite the fight, Pillow has enough energy left to enact her plan: she stabs Needle into the ground, creating a crack that spews a strange energy. Outside, in the Real World, the portal begins emitting this energy. Strange, dark crystals begin growing on some of the robotic servants, as well as a good amount of the BFDI crew, all throughout the island.
After the energy clears, Pillow takes Needle down into the hole she created, which closes up after them. Coiny and Dreamy Pin are dumbfounded, and, after breaking some of the dark crystal blocking the way, have no choice but to return to the Real World to reassess.
When Coiny returns out of the portal, and Pin awakens, GB can’t help but start asking a million questions about what had just happened. After one of the strange crystals formed in the Lab, GB attempted to harvest it to no avail before it mysteriously evaporated. After the duo fill her in, she deduces that the crystals must exist in the Real and Dream Worlds simultaneously, and while it is indestructible in the Real World, it is possible to break while in the Dream World. GB dubs this material Crystalized Somnolescent Energy, whereas Coiny purports the much more popular name Nightmarium.
Various objects start rushing into the Hotel, saying that more crystals are around and that anyone afflicted by them has fallen into a coma. By now, the duo’s mission is two-fold: find out where Pillow disappeared to, and destroy all of the Nightmarium that has grown across the island. While GB needs to stay in her Lab to perform more research, she produces the GB-Drone: a miniature drone that allows GB to communicate with the duo while they’re out and about. The duo set out to the closest location to the Hotel: the Fantasy Fairgrounds.
and that’s all i’ve got for now. if people seem to like this i’ll present more of the story in this fashion, and if not i’ll just dump the rest when it’s completely finished
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luizd3ad · 4 months
Music Notes | Barty Crouch Jr x Reader
ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 ࣪˖⤷ .𖥔 ݁ ˖ ࣪ ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 ˖ ⤷
Pairing: Rockstar!Barty x GN!Rockstar!Reader WC: 3,471 CW:  Soulmate AU, Rockstar AU, 2010's AU, use of Y/N, mentions of anxiety, swearing Author's Note: This is one of those fics where I'm my own target audience but if you read this I really hope you like it. Also I feel like Pandora get kinda out of character at the end but I just idk I felt like it was necessary. Summary: You meat your soulmate during the best summer of your life.
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Everyone is born with a symbol of something that you and your soulmate(s) will have in common along with their initials, and when you look into their eyes for the first time your soulmark is supposed to tingle. 
The symbol could be literally anything, it could be related to your career, a hobie, a passion or in your case all the above. For as long as you could remember you've had a music note and the initials BCJ on your wrist.
But for the longest time you were confused by your soulmark, you weren't really interested in music. I mean you liked listening to it as much as the next person but not enough to make it your soulmark.
That was until you were twelve and you met Jade. She was just so outgoing and bubbly, she made friends easily, she'd walk into a room and demand attention without even trying and she soon started showing you all these bands and artists you'd never heard of. Jade changed everything for you, she showed you a side of music you didn't know existed. And all of a sudden, you were hooked.
You became so inthralled by the music that the initial next to the note paled in comparison, you hardly thought about your soulmate because as far as you were concerned music was your soulmate. 
When you were fourteen Jade introduced you to Sammy. Sammy was a pretty shy, and quiet kid but once he was comfortable he'd talk your ear off for hours. That's how he continued to expand your love for music. Not only did he tell you about more bands and artists that ranged outside of the emo, pop punk scene, but he showed you shows, concerts. 
You, Jade and Sammy would go to any show you could. House shows, backyard gigs, if there was a guitar riff and a mosh pit the three of you were there. And that's how you met Pink.
Now Pink’s real name was Floyd but he liked being called Pink. Which you always thought was funny considering he was the strong, silent type, so the name completely contradicted his personality but he liked David Bowie so who were you to judge? Pink was your tipping point. He was a beast on the drums, you and Sammy would sit there and listen to him play all day. Which somehow led to Pink convincing your little group that you guys could make a band, a killer band at that.
And surprisingly he wasnt fucking wrong thus ‘Fighting Pixies’ was born.
C. Summer of 2012
It was the first day of Warped Tour and you couldn't be more excited. You were so excited that you didn't even care that you were in some random arena parking lot sweating your ass off in Utah. 
Not only was this Fighting Pixies first year playing Warped Tour but you were on a main stage you were going to be playing on the same stage as the bands you grew up listening to. To say the feeling was surreal would be an understatement. This is what you, Jade, Sammy and Pink have been working towards for years, you guys were finally playing the festival that you would go to every summer. 
Walking out of the bus you started making your way to the catering tent by yourself since the rest of the band left you behind because you were apparently in Pinks’ words ‘taking too goddamn long’. You roll your eyes at his words thinking how it's bullshit that they could just leave you like that, when all the sudden you collide with someone. 
“Oh shit I'm so sorry dude.”
“You alright mate?”
You and the mystery person that you just basically assaulted said at the same time. Finally after gaining your balance you look at your victim. 
“Siri?” You say raising your eyebrow when he finally looks your way with a big smile on his face.
“Oh shit Y/N! How are you? I havent seen you in fucking ages!” Sirius yells while bringing you into a hug, you hug him back laughing then pulling away.
“I've been good. I haven't seen you since you, Rem and James came to one of our shows. Is he here?” You ask, looking around hoping to catch sight of Remus.
“No not yet, he's back home with Reg, Lily and Harry. But they'll be joining us for the last few shows.”
You couldn't help but let out a little laugh. “Baby's first Warped Tour? I like it, gotta start them young.”
Sirius laughed at you, the two of you then continued on your way to the catering tent. Luckily with no further incidents.
You and the rest of Fighting Pixies met Sirius a few years ago when he collabed on a song with you guys, you also had gotten to meet James a few times during the recording process. You hadn't met the rest of ‘Beyond London’ yet, but James had made it very clear that you and their bassist, Pandora, would become fast friends. 
But you hadn’t heard much about their guitarist, Barty, except in passing from mutual friends. Sirius would complain about him sometimes but in typical lead singer fashion Sirius had a tendency to be dramatic so you never really took anything he said about Barty to heart.
Eventually you and Sirius got to the catering tent. You found your band, James and a girl you recognized as Pandora sitting at a table together. 
“Well if it isn't the second best drummer on Warped Tour.” You say with a teasing smile sitting across from James. James just laughs and shakes his head. While pink has a small smug look on his face. 
“What? So Pink’s the best drummer on tour?” James raises his eyebrow at you with a goofy smile still on his face. 
You laugh and shake your head. “No, not even close, Angelo is clearly the best drummer here. Have you heard Motionless in White’s breakdowns?” Pink then glared at you while scoffing. What? Someone has to bring his ego down.
After a few hours of making fun of each other, hanging out, watching a few bands sets and getting to know Pandora (who is literally the sweetest person ever) you and the rest of your band had to go back to the bus to get ready for your set in a few hours.
You got to get into the shower after Jade so after your shower and skin routine you walked out into the common area plopping down at the table so you could start to get your hair and other things done. 
“Dude when you were in the bathroom Sirius came over and brought Barty, dudes funny. You missed out.” Sammy said, sitting down next to you eating a bowl of cereal.
“Damn. Well I have a whole summer to run into him at some point.” You shrug, getting all your stuff out to get ready.
You actually really wanted to meet Barty based on what little you had heard about him over the years, the fact that he was one hell of a guitarist, and you'd never admit this to anymore but you were really attracted to him. Based purely off the pictures you've seen of him.
You had a lot of respect for him as a musician, you could recognize the emotions that he put into each riff, solo, hell just a strum and you could tell what he was feeling.
A part of you found it frustrating that after all these years of knowing Sirius and James you had always seemed to miss Barty, sometimes by literal minutes.
The rest of your band had met him in passing, never more than a ‘hi’ or ‘hey’ but still they've met him. 
So you couldn't help but be a little frustrated at the fact that for one of the only times that day where you weren't around your band they actually got to hang out with him. You don't know why it bothered you so much, I mean you couldn't even be upset with anyone in particular. It's literally no one's fault. So why did it bother you so much?
Eventually you and the rest of Fighting Pixies found yourselves waiting backstage to go on when you felt a tap on your shoulder. You turned to see your new favorite blond girl. 
“Hi Pandora. What's up?”
“Hi. I just came to watch the beginning of your set. I won't be able to stay long, by the time you lot get off we'll have just started our set.” Pandora explains with her signature tooth rotting smile. 
“Aw thanks, I was actually planning on heading to your guys' set when we're done here.”
“Yes, you should!” Pandora stood up straighter with a sense of excitement and urgency about something you didn't understand, but you just thought that it was Pandora being Pandora. 
You had heard over the years that she would do or say things that didn't make much sense to really anyone so you chose to just brush it off.
“Oh I also wanted to give you theses.” Pandora says while handing you two rocks.
You take the rocks confused with a raised eyebrow. “Thanks, but what are they?”
“The orange one is citrine and the pink one is rose quartz. They're meant to bring you good luck, just put them in your pocket and they'll do their job.” Pandora says with a knowing type of smile, that once again confused you but you just nodded and put them in your pocket choosing not to question the blond.
“Y/N come on, it's time to go.” One of the stage hands says passing you your guitar. You just nodded, putting the strap over your head.
“Well I hope you like our set and I'll see you at yours.” You chuckled a little as she just nodded.
You would think after all of these years of doing this you'd be used to it at this point. That you would be used to being on stage, that the anxiety of fucking up would be gone but it didn’t go away, lessened yeah but not gone. 
You also never really get used to people singing lyrics that you wrote or helped write, especially when the words were sentimental to you at one point, but it was kind of nice to know that those words are sentimental to others now too.
You wouldn't trade this for the world. You were lucky and you knew that, so many people would kill for this chance so you didn't take it for granted.
Thirty minutes later you and your band mates were running off stage sweaty and high off adrenaline with big smiles on your faces’ your first show at your first warped tour was beyond amazing it was fucking perfect you were convinced nothing could top this feeling.
You started to make your way to Beyond London’s set. The rest of the band had other sets or people that they wanted to see so you went your separate ways for the time being. 
Eventually you made it to the stage Beyond London was playing at. You had stopped a few times to talk to people and take pictures but luckily not too many people stopped you so you made it when they started to play their last song.
After all the years you had known Sirius and James you had never actually got the chance to see them play. To say they were amazing felt like the understatement of the century. 
James looked like he was in his element on the drums, Pandora was so focused on her bass but that didn't stop her from swinging herself around, Sirius had basically every person either swooning because of his looks or crying because of how beautiful his voice was and then there was Barty. 
Just the sight of him alone made your heart skip a beat, you had never seen such raw emotion while someone played the guitar. Once your eyes landed on him you couldn't, you wouldn't, look away. The way he moved, how he would throw his head back every so often, sometimes you could see his jaw clench, you could tell he put his all into the music. You had never seen something so amazing. So perfect.
The song ended and they all started to make their way to the side of the stage you were on, Barty sayed a little longer then his band mates throwing things like his picks and set lists into the crowd. 
You were brought into a bear hug and spun around by a very sweaty Sirius. You shrieked and tried to push yourself away from him to no avail.
“Sirius Black if you don't put me down right now I'll make sure you never play another show again!” You screamed threatened while continuing your best efforts to get away from your sweaty attacker. Suddenly you hear a gasp and you're put down very quickly, almost falling while Sirius scoffs and mutters something about ‘Some people’. 
Pandora came to your rescue making sure you’re okay. You were about to scold Sirius for almost making you fall, but he was already out of sight. Pandora turned you around to have you look at her. 
You looked at her very surprised with your eyebrows raised. “What is up with the manhandling right now?” you laugh slightly awkwardly. 
“Do you still have the crystals I gave you?” Pandora asks with a serious face completely ignoring your question. 
You furrowed your brows and nodded still very confused. “Considering you gave them to me a little over an hour ago, yes. I know we don't know each other very well but have some faith in me Pandora.” You once again laughed a little trying to ease the little tension that seemed to form.
Pandora just smiled at you and hugged you and whispered. “I'm so happy for you two.”
You pulled away and looked at her once again beyond confused. “What-”
You were then interrupted by James yelling over to you. “Y/N, come meet Barty, finally.” Pandora kept smiling at you and then she just nodded at you encouragingly. For what felt like the hundredth time that day Pandora confused you and you once again just chalked it up to Pandora being Pandora.
While making your way over to the three men that stood in a little circle probably talking about the show that they just put on, you were hit with a sudden wave of anxiety. 
Why were you anxious? You had been fine (other than the major confusion you went through with Pandora)  so why does it feel like your heart is going a mile a minute.
Sirius and James are facing you while Barty’s back is towards you. As soon as you're in arms length Sirius wraps his arm around your shoulder pulling you close to him.
“Barty, this is Y/N. Y/N, Barty.” James says motioning between you two.
“Hi, it's nice to finally-” You cut yourself off when you looked into his eyes, feeling a tingle on your writs.
Your whole life you've heard stories about what meeting your soulmate felt like. How all of a sudden everything seemed less important. How you would only want to focus on that person. How you'd feel like you had a new meaning to life. Honestly you thought it was all bullshit. 
But now you knew that, that was all an understatement. 
You finally felt like you were home, like everything would be okay. It felt like breathing for the first time. 
You could play a million more shows, meet your idols, win a fucking Grammy and nothing would compare to what you were feeling when you met his eyes. And based on the look on his face, Barty felt the same way.
“Hi.” You whispered still in a shocked state.
“Hi, angel.” Barty said softly with a love sick look on his face, your heart skips a beat at the nickname and you can't help but smile. He suddenly moved his eyes to Sirius and glared at him. “You'll move your arm if you know what's good for you, Black.” 
Sirius moved his arm away from around you and put his hands up in surrender, you actually forgot Sirius and James were there let alone that Sirius had an arm wrapped around you.
You hadn't thought about your soulmate in years. You didn't ever think you'd meet them, and a part of you didn't really care if you did honestly. As long as you had your music and friends you were fine, that's what you thought at least. It was crazy how in one moment that whole mindset could change.
Now you couldn't imagine a life without Barty. You didn't want to imagine a life without him. 
For so long music was your number one priority, you didn't care about much else but now this person that you just met became your number one. It felt insane and crazy but you couldn't help it and a big part of you loved it. 
You and Barty found yourselves sitting in Beyond London's tour bus talking during the almost eight hour drive from Salt Lake City to Denver. You two just talked about your lives, childhoods, things you loved, things you hated, everything. 
He told you about his Father who you now hated almost as much as Barty. Barty had the biggest smile on his face when you told him how you felt about his father in extreme detail after the stories he told you.
Eventually you both noticed the buses pulling into a new arena parking lot while the sun was rising. Both of you knew you had to go back to your bus now, you had sets and meet and greets later that day. You needed some kind of energy. 
Barty with a cheeky smile insisted that you just join him in his bunk, you just responded with an eye roll and a ‘You wish’ which earned you a ‘You have no idea’.
Barty ended up walking you to your bus, you and him stood outside of the bus talking and stalling, not wanting to leave each other yet.
“Barty, I have to go. We need to get some sleep.” You were looking down at your hands together knowing one you needed to let go but not wanting to.
“I know angel, I know.” He gave you a sad smile as if he would never see you again. 
Barty was often scared that all of this was just a dream. That one day he would wake up back in his fathers clutches and his life as a rockstar was just a dream, it always scared him. But now in his mind it wasn't only his life as a rockstar at stake but you and that now terrified him. He had admitted this to you while you were talking that night so you didn't blame him for being hesitant. You just hugged him trying to reassure him.
“You can come over when you wake up Barty. Don't hesitate, I don't care if I'm awake or asleep. I just know that if you stay we're not gonna get any sleep.” Barty pulls away from you with a smirk and raised eyebrows, you just hit his chest and roll your eyes. “Not like that. I just mean we'll stay up talking.”
He just laughs and kisses your forehead. “I know what you meant, angel, just like teasing you is all.” He pulls you against him resting his chin on your head. “Is it bad to say I'll miss you? Even if I know it's just a few hours.”
“It's not bad because I'll miss you too.” You whisper against him. 
After a moment he pulls away again looking down at you he moves his hand to hold the side of your face, cressing you cheek with his thumb. You leaned into his touch with a small smile on your face looking up at him.
“You are now the most important thing in my life now, my angel.” He's looking deep into your eyes, not a hint of lies or regret in his words.
Barty started to lean down with a sense of hesitation, you just nodded and smiled at him letting him know it was okay. You could feel butterflies in your stomach while your heart started to race. The moment your lips touched you felt electricity run through your veins. You never experienced such an amazing feeling, you were two puzzle pieces finally coming together. You already knew Barty was your everything but that kiss solidified it. It made it real in the best way possible, you knew you couldn't ask for a better soulmate.
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oldmanpeace · 2 months
My favorite album from each year, 1960+.
1960. Blues & Roots - Charles Mingus 1961. Blue Hawaii - Elvis Presley 1962. Jazz Samba - Stan Getz with Charlie Byrd 1963. The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan - Bob Dylan 1964. The Times They Are A-Changin' - Bob Dylan 1965. Bringing It All Back Home - Bob Dylan 1966. Blonde on Blonde - Bob Dylan. 1967. Are You Experienced - Jimi Hendrix 1968. Beggars Banquet - The Rolling Stones 1969. Let It Bleed - The Rolling Stones 1970. Bridge Over Troubled Water - Simon & Garfunkel 1971. Led Zeppelin IV - Led Zeppelin 1972. Harvest - Neil Young 1973. Pronounced - Lynyrd Skynyrd 1974. Pretzel Logic - Steely Dan 1975. Born To Run - Bruce Springsteen 1976. Turnstiles - Billy Joel 1977. Rumours - Fleetwood Mac 1978. Excitable Boy - Warren Zevon 1979. Rust Never Sleeps - Neil Young 1980. Heartattack And Vine - Tom Waits 1981. Moving Pictures - Rush 1982. The Number of the Beast - Iron Maiden 1983. Kill 'Em All - Metallica 1984. Purple Rain - Prince 1985. Hounds of Love - Kate Bush 1986. Graceland - Paul Simon 1987. Appetite For Destruction - Guns N' Roses 1988. ...And Justice For All - Metallica 1989. Doolittle - Pixies 1990. People's Instinctive Travels and the Paths of Rhythm - A Tribe Called Quest 1991. Nevermind - Nirvana 1992. Rage Against the Machine - Rage Against the Machine 1993. Enter The Wu-Tang - Wu-Tang Clan 1994. Weezer (The Blue Album) - Weezer 1995. Jagged Little Pill - Alanis Morissette 1996. Beautiful Freak - Eels 1997. Either/Or - Elliott Smith 1998. Mezzanine - Massive Attack 1999. Californication - Red Hot Chili Peppers 2000. Heartbreaker - Ryan Adams 2001. Toxicity - System of a Down 2002. Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots - The Flaming Lips 2003. Deja Entendu - Brand New 2004. Hot Fuss - The Killers 2005. Takk... - Sigur Rós 2006. One-X - Three Days Grace 2007. Oracular Spectacular - MGMT 2008. 808s & Heartbreak - Kanye West 2009. Man On The Moon: The End of Day - Kid Cudi 2010. My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy - Kanye West 2011. Watch The Throne - Jay-Z 2012. Born To Die - Lana Del Rey 2013. Pure Heroine - Lorde 2014. Ultraviolence - Lana Del Rey 2015. To Pimp A Butterfly - Kendrick Lamar 2016. Puberty 2 - Mitski 2017. Cult Drugs - Blood Command 2018. Goodbye & Good Riddance - Juice WRLD 2019. Norman Fucking Rockwell! - Lana Del Rey 2020. The New Abnormal - The Strokes 2021. The Horses and the Hounds - James McMurtry 2022. It's Almost Dry - Pusha T 2023. World Music Radio - Jon Batiste 2024. The Past Is Still Alive - Hurray For The Riff Raff
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black-arcana · 2 months
EPICA's Next Album Will Be Band's 'Most Epic' Release So Far
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In a recent interview with Spain's Mariskal Rock, EPICA singer Simone Simons spoke about the progress of the recording sessions for the follow-up to 2021's "Omega" album. She said (as transcribed by BLABBERMOUTH.NET): "I think that there should be a single by the end of the summer-ish. That's that's our plan. And the album should be released [in] 2025.
"I just wrote with Mark [Jansen, guitar] and Rob [Van Der Loo, bass] also yesterday that I'm so happy with the songs, I'm so proud how everything turned out and it's gonna be another amazing EPICA album.
"We added a couple of new elements, but also went back to the roots, the old EPICA," she continued. "And yeah, I just can't wait for people to hear this.
"I loved 'Omega' and we toured so much with 'Omega' and had wonderful experiences, but then when you reach the end of a touring cycle, you start to get itchy and feel, 'Okay, now it's time to do the new album. Can we do it as good or maybe even better than the last album?' That's always the thing we strive for, ways to renew ourselves a little bit. And we feel a very strong spiritual connection also that it's our ninth album. So there's gonna be themes around the symbolic meaning of nine, the number nine."
Elaborating on the musical direction of EPICA's next album, Simone said: "The songs are heavy. There's a beautiful ballad, a very cinematic song, very uptempo, very doomy, melancholic and amazing, amazing power riffs. It's the most epic EPICA, I think, so far. Yeah, I think so. I mean, I'm feeling it. I'm very happy with it. I'm proud of it. And they are going to start recording the orchestra now next week. They're flying to Prague; that's where we record the orchestra. And I will be recording my final vocals as well."
In November 2022, EPICA released "The Alchemy Project" through Atomic Fire Records. The EP was co-written and performed with diverse guests ranging from extremists like FLESHGOD APOCALYPSE, Niilo Sevänen (INSOMNIUM) and Björn "Speed" Strid (SOILWORK) along with melodic masters like Tommy Karevik (KAMELOT),keyboard legend Phil Lanzon (URIAH HEEP) and Roel Van Helden (POWERWOLF) to a once-in-a-lifetime song with Simons, Charlotte Wessels and Myrkur.
Just one day after the release of its anniversary reissues "We Still Take You With Us" and "Live At Paradiso", EPICA celebrated 20 years of existence live in September 2022 at 013 in Tilburg, Netherlands, the same place where they played their first show (supporting ANATHEMA) back in 2002.
EPICA was formed by Jansen after leaving AFTER FOREVER in 2002, and the band quickly gained attention outside their home country, taking big steps towards becoming the leading symphonic metal superpower they have long proven to be. After their ambitious debut "The Phantom Agony" (2002) and the surprisingly eclectic sophomore work "Consign To Oblivion" (2005),the road took them to new heights via their first concept masterpiece "The Divine Conspiracy" (2007) and their global breakthrough "Design Your Universe" (2009). 2012's opus "Requiem For The Indifferent", 2014's bedazzling "The Quantum Enigma" and "The Holographic Principle" (2016),cemented their reputation as not only one of the hardest-working metal bands in the business but also as one of the best. With "Omega", the final part of the metaphysical trilogy they began with "The Quantum Enigma", they reclaimed the throne without so much as the blink of an eye, amassing three million-plus streams during the first week of the album's release.
Photo credit: Tim Tronckoe
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eternalfurtive · 5 months
Robert Carlyle Projects
in celebration of bobby’s birthday soon (april 14) i wanted to share my mega link to several bobby projects on here. i’ve already shared it on tiktok but i want as many people as possible to be able to see his work. i’m constantly updating it with more projects of his i can get my hands on, but if you have any requests let me know.
unfortunately they’re not all in the best quality but they’re the best i can get right now.
link to robert carlyle projects
description key is svvtlkYEn-p4q_LQD27zUA if the link won’t work on its own.
current uploaded projects under the cut.
- angela’s ashes (1999)
- black and white (2002)
- born equal (2006)
- california solo (2012)
- carla’s song (1996)
- eragon (2006)
- face (1997)
- go now (1995)
- looking after jojo (1998)
- marilyn hotchkiss ballroom and dance school (2005)
- once upon a time in the midlands (2002)
- plunkett and macleane (1999)
- ravenous (1999)
- riff-raff (1991)
- stone of destiny (2008)
- the 51st street/51 formula (2001)
- the full monty (1997)
- the legend of barney thomson (2015)
- the mighty celt (2005)
- the priest (1994)
- the tournament (2009)
- there’s only one jimmy grimble (2000)
- to end all wars (2001)
- trainspotting (1996)
- trainspotting 2 (2017)
- 24 redemption (2008)
- 28 weeks later (2007)
- cobra
- hamish macbeth
- stargate universe
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a-silent-symphony · 6 months
The 4 songs Nightwish have only performed live once
They’ve been around for two-and-a-half decades and played nearly 1,000 shows, and through it all symphonic metal’s superstars have only performed these songs one time
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You can’t talk about symphonic metal without mentioning Nightwish. Not long after forming in the mid-1990s, Tuomas Holopainen’s majestic mavens became the measuring stick for the genre. They scored regular chart success in their native Finland while at the same time earning critical acclaim, thanks to their unencumbered, all-instruments-blaring vision.
Nightwish have written upwards of 100 songs since they started, and most of them have serenaded fans during their litany of live shows in that time. Hammer’s already listed the tracks that these maximalists have never once performed, but an even more exclusive club is that of the ones they brought out once then immediately scrapped. Below are the four songs Nightwish have only played live on a solitary occasion, according to setlist database setlist.fm.
Moondance (Oceanborn, 1998)
Nightwish’s debut, 1997’s Angels Fall First, was written and recorded with the intention of it being a demo, not a fully fledged studio album. As a result, it’s far more raw, rough and ready than anything else the Finns have ever unfurled. Followup Oceanborn swiftly chartered them down more grandiose avenues, and the instrumental Moondance is indicative of the more heroic sound the band craved: keyboardist Tuomas busts out a bombastic melody as his fellow musicians gallop along.
However, maybe because it would leave Nightwish’s vocalist with nothing to do for a bit, this segue’s only ever made the set once. It was at Club Feeniks in Turku, Finland, on February 13, 1999, performed as part of a broader instrumental suite towards the end of the night.
Sleepwalker (2000)
Oceanborn marked Nightwish’s commercial coming out party. Its lead single, Sacrament Of Wilderness, was the band’s first song to top the Finnish charts, then the album’s cover of Walking In The Air repeated that feat in 1999. Because of such success, the maestros decided to battle for a spot at the 2000 Eurovision Song Contest, hoping to represent their home nation with a newly written piece, Sleepwalker.
Sleepwalker won the public vote when Nightwish made their case on national TV to stand for Finland, but the scores of a judging panel brought them down to third place overall. The bid was disappointingly dashed, meaning that the sole performance of this song was to those stuffy judges in Helsinki on February 12, 2000.
Meadows Of Heaven (Dark Passion Play, 2007)
Nightwish brought the tour for 2007’s Dark Passion Play to an end in poetic fashion. Meadows Of Heaven is the final song on album six (the first to feature Anette Olzen behind the mic), and it ends 75 minutes of cinematic metal in appropriately operatic form. Its live debut was saved for the very last show the band played before retreating into the writing room to dream up Imaginaerum, aptly closing the main set.
Nightwish didn’t return to the stage until 2012, by which point they had 75 more minutes and 13 more songs in their arsenal. Unsurprisingly, then, Meadows Of Heaven became a one-and-done, but it served its role beautifully the one time it did rear its head.
Pan (Human :||: Nature, 2020)
Like many, many other metal bands, Nightwish saw the pandemic through by replacing the touring they should have done for 2020’s Human :||: Nature with a livestream. Actually, strike that: they hosted two. The band played a two-night set, dubbed An Evening With Nightwish In A Virtual World, which marked the debut of numerous songs from the preceding album, including Shoemaker, Tribal and Noise.
The only one that didn’t make it onto real-life stages was Pan. It’s a shame, as not only does the song continue Nightwish’s overblown ways unabated, but it flaunts some pretty gnarly riffs to boot. Sadly, though, the fact remains: this anthem was dispatched following its livestream debut. And, given that Nightwish are currently gearing up to release Human :||: Nature’s successor, it’s unlikely it’ll get its time in the sun.
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generallemarc · 7 months
Post a random mildly-interesting fact about yourself
I was a fan of Alex Rochon, voice of Caine from The Amazing Digital Circus, back in 2012 when he was part of the youtube top 10 countdowner scene with Joshscorcher. In fact, I was first made aware of ADC by a video on Josh's channel promoting it to signal-boost his friend's work. In addition to countdowns he also did riff videos in the voice of Hades from Kid Icarus Uprising, a voice that sounds similar enough to Caine's that I'll still get flashbacks to being in middle school watching Hades Riffs from hearing some of his lines.
@nerdylilpeebee @apintofguinness @silent-calling @siryouarebeingmocked
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transformers-mosaic · 5 months
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Transformers: Mosaic #642 - "Let's Play Frisbee"
Originally posted on March 26th, 2012
Story - Wout Jut Art - James Cox Colours, Letters - Brandy Dixon
deviantART | Seibertron | TFW2005 | BotTalk
wada sez: In the Shattered Glass universe, the Scrounges are a bunch of disposable, interchangable drones under Blaster’s command; a riff on Scrounge being unique thanks to his “special arm”. This one was actually published as a Mosaic! It was Brandy Dixon’s first ever lettering effort, per a comment on TFW2005.
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kikiskramz · 10 months
Trist (2003-2012)
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Not skramz but DSBM
Trist was a Depressive Suicidal Black Metal (DSBM) band from Olomouc, Czech Republic, formed in 2003, went on hold from 2007 to 2009, and disbanded in 2012. Led by one-man multi-instrumentalist Jan Šincl, the band featured PestKrist, Vincek (2007-2011), with Julius.K (2007-2008) on drums. Tragically, Julius.K committed suicide in 2021. RIP. Koronas (2007) and Kim Carlsson (2010-2011) were vocalists. DSBM, a sub-genre of Black Metal, focuses on suicide, anti-humanity, self-mutilation, nihilism, and emotional imbalance, characterized by slow tempos, distorted riffs, and raw production.
Trist once expressed, "I am more focused on the nocturnal melancholic city, hidden under a lamp or in seclusion, observing as someone passes by from time to time without noticing me. I convince myself that I am just a shadow."
Trist produced 4 albums, 6 demos, 7 splits, and 2 EPs, gaining recognition for Stíny (2006), Sebevražední andělé (2007), Slunce v snovém kraji, rozplývání, echa… (2007), Zrcadlení melancholie (2007). Their last show was in Germany in October 2011.
The reasons behind Trist's decision to halt the project remain unknown. Kim mentioned that Trist shared a similar outlook on life, stating, "when the time is right." Trist also mentioned that alcohol is his life now and will take him. Despite the nature of the DSBM genre, many mistakenly thought Trist had taken his own life, but he is still alive and expresses a desire to start a proper black metal project with the right equipment.
A random fact: when Trist was producing Snění (7 December 2007), he shared on Facebook on 3 June 2017, "It was supposed to be about daydreaming, a time to relax from all the misery, kind of. I don't know what was going through my mind; it was in 2006, and I was 17 or 18, a teenager."
You can still listen to them on Spotify and Last.fm.
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thevibraniumveterans · 9 months
S2 of WHAT IF…
Ep1- “…Nebula joined the Nova Corps?”
Love the bleak opening sequence
Fascinating how Nebula narrates the context. Her “five years of isolation” hits hard.
Nova Prime siding with Ronan was a surprise
Ep2- “…Peter Quill Attacked Earth’s Mightiest Heroes?”
Cool intro; Peter leaning into his inherent powers is interesting…
The Winter Soldier being Gorbachev’s tool to contain Peter is surprising, but not unexpected…
“Does anyone have a plan?”/“I have a plan; retreat.” 😂
Thor announcing that Peter killed off all the Nine Realms except Earth; Peter needed containment to prevent him being too powerful.
Hope breaking Peter out is unexpected.
But Peter defeating his dad is a great ending.
Ep3- “…Happy Hogan Saved Christmas?”
Cool X’mas riff in the beginning music
Avengers Tower… looking festive.
Happy getting accidentally injected with Banner blood is unexpected.
Beethoven’s 9th riff playing when Darcy discovers a whole collection!
“Time for the Hammer to get nailed” 🤣
Overall, great X’mas episode.
Ep4- “…Iron Man Crashed into the Grandmaster?”
Cool that the Guardians of the Multiverse (from S1) are back!
Gamora’s origin story is a Tony Stark episode that looks to focus a bit on Valkyrie? Interesting…
Wonder what Gamora is doing there.
The little Chinchilla is adorable.
Tony with the nicknames (“Technicolor Dream Coat” is a Andrew Lloyd Webber musical reference) is hilarious
Also, Tony building a suit that reforms into a race car on command, and back, is AWESOME
Turns out, Tony inspired Gamora to be a hero.
Gamora melting Thanos, did not see that coming.
Ep5- “…Captain Carter Fought the Hydra Stomper?”
Cool Avengers team; with Carter and Janet instead of Steve and Banner.
It’s kind of what if 2012’s Battle of New York went differently. Then we pick up kind of CATWS but it’s Peggy and Nat.
Peggy’s spin-twist was really cool.
The whole reverse-CATWS but instead of Bucky gone bad and Steve finding out, it’s Steve gone bad and Peggy finding out.
Bucky as a Secretary of State? Did NOT see that coming. But makes sense that Bucky would be the one to try to bring Steve back. Truly a reverse CATWS.
The Stomper Suit keeping Steve alive, I wonder how.
Carter’s hilarious Star Wars reference to carbonite.
Also, the camera panning around Steve and Peggy, is a mirror of the Tony/Pepper one in Endgame.
Melina being part robot is also kind of creepy.
Captain Carter having a musical is hilarious too
Also, the emotional vibes kind of veering into CACW and “Black Widow” territory is quite fascinating.
Peggy disappears thru a portal, only to be greeted by Wanda.
Ep6- “…Kahhori Reshaped the World?”
Ragnarok comes early…
Also, this episode isn’t the first time we see the horrors of Spanish conquistadors invading on native land; we last saw that in Wakanda Forever a few years ago.
But when the Watcher narrates the context, it mirrors the Black Panther movie’s narrative about how the Vibranium came to Earth and ended with the peacemaking between various tribes.
Also great to note that this is the first MCU entry where nobody, except the Watcher (and Stephen Strange at the end) speaks English.
It’s really awesome that the Space Stone energy gives the people from the Sky World (who are formerly Mohawk natives from Earth) and Kahhori very, VERY interesting powers.
KAHHORI MOVED THE PORTAL TO THE LAND!! That is an insane amount of power and strength! That’s wonderful!
Kahhori and her people sinking the Spanish Armada is a sight to behold.
Ep7- “…Hela Found the Ten Rings?”
Hela suddenly being able to speak Putonghua was a surprise.
Odin says that the bearer of Hela’s crown be merciful, which explains why Hela is at first unable to lift it. Just like the first Thor movie.
I kind of wonder why Wenwu would invite Hela to wear a traditional dress; but more importantly, why does he have one ready?
MORRIS RETURNS!! Best fuzzy thing.
Hela visits Talo.
Folding paper. That’s basically Origami. IRL history has it that China has its own paper folding traditions long ago, just like Japan, but separately.
Hela being upset that Fenrir as a puppy was taken from her, is something interesting too.
Asgard, a realm of Norse legend, and Ta Lo, a fictitious Chinese fantasy realm, coming together to free the cosmos, is something I did not see coming.
Ep8- “…the Avengers Assembled in 1602?”
Tom Hiddleston as Loki narrating Hamlet? Not surprising.
Wanda summoned Carter from three episodes ago, and turns out Thor knew about this here.
But what are those portals? Wanda warns to stop them.
Wanda speaks of a lost traveler…
Tony says “Forerunner” but the caption says “person”.
Loki speaking of William Shakespeare writing about Iago in the play Othello.
Rogers Hood. Hilarious combo of Steve Rogers and Robin Hood.
Rogers and Carter double-teaming with the shield is really cool.
Where did the Destroyer come from?
Hogan throwing out all manner of old fashioned insults is hilarious 😆
Also, why is Hogan a hulk in this episode? He was one in the Christmas episode but this one?
Turns out the Forerunner is mainMCU!Steve?
The main effect is that Carter is alone again.
Strange Supreme makes an appearance. Which we leave on a “TBC” for next episode. The fact that he went to fetch Kahhori in Ep6 must mean something big is in the finale…
Ep9- “…Strange Supreme Intervened?”
Interesting; we get the full MCU theme for the title card. We never got the full theme in previous episodes.
Peggy speaks with Strange, who keeps dangerous beings inside their own little crystals.
If the Watcher is a metaphor for us, and Strange implying that the Watcher may not always be right, that means that we might not also always be right about certain things.
Peggy enters South Dakota… where Red Skull (HYDRA) exploded the Tesseract. But why would Kahhori be a danger to the Multiverse, considering Strange net with her last episode? Why is she considered a danger in this one?
Also, Kahhori now speaks English. Not odd, per se, but it helps. She says Strange is “a universe killer.” Which, in some way, he is.
Also, a dragon from Ta Lo, which kinda sells the point.
Hela being insulted that Kahhori sent the swords back is hilarious 😆
Peggy gets an Infinity Armor is pretty to cool. Also, Peggy and Kahhori vs Strange? That’s also really cool.
Peggy gets sent back to her home, but it’s an illusion, and she sees right through it.
Though, playing with the lives of so many people to face Strange, that’s a weird effect, perhaps meant to be “comedic” in a way, but comes off as cruel, which might have been the more intended effect.
Also, the characters falling to the portal just basically overpowering Peggy with their weapons? It’s very interesting because it’s not overpowering her for no reason, she NEEDS to be overpowered to stop an already over-powered Strange. She needs to be MORE than him to win.She gets Hela’s crown, a large sword, and multiple other weapons, while Kahhori uses her powers to lift Thor’s hammers and also uses the Ten Rings. Both Peggy and Kahhori MUST be overpowered to overpower Strange and stop him.
Strange becomes a huge devil monster and falls into the Forge.
Peggy goes to the Watcher.
S2E9 ending exactly as Loki S2E6 did, that’s interesting.
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