aurianneor · 6 months
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Conspirationnistes, ridiculiser ou aider
Les théories du complot existent dans le monde entier, de tous les temps. Dans l'Antiquité, il y avait des explications fantaisistes comme par exemple un juif qui attire le mauvais oeil en Alexandrie. Les idéologies nazies se nourrissaient de théories du complot.
Les média sociaux sont révélateurs des théories. Il y a des gens qui pensent que la terre est plate, que la fin du monde arrive, les anti-vaccins. Des gens qui défient les lois naturelles et la simple observation. Cela défie l'entendement. Il est tentant de se moquer d'eux, de les traiter de débiles ce qui renforce leur idée que le monde est contre eux et qu'ils feraient mieux de rester entre personnes qui pensent la même chose ou alors recourent à la drogue.
Pourtant, il n'y a pas trop de différences entre les théories du complot et le contenu des religions. Pourtant on ne les traite pas de la même manière. On ne se moque pas de quelqu'un qui dit que Jésus multipliait les pains.
Le psychologue Abraham Maslow a théorisé le besoin. Il pensait que la science doit s'intéresser au besoin religieux. L'emprise des cultes sur les humains a été ridiculisés par la sciences. L'explication surnaturelle a été ridiculisée. Il faudrait faire de la recherche pour mieux comprendre pourquoi les gens ont besoin d'explications surnaturelles. En tuant Dieu, les gens ont été laissés dans le besoin.
Religions, Values, and Peak-Experiences d'Abraham Maslow: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/295816.Religions_Values_and_Peak_Experiences
Il s'est fait ridiculisé par la communauté scientifique. La science a arrêté de s'intéresser à ces questions-là.
Dans leur vie, des gens se sentent dans l'impasse à cause d'une terrible maladie, d'une mauvaise récolte, des feux de forêt, etc. Ils n'ont aucun contrôle sur cette situation, ils n'ont plus foi dans le monde naturel. Leur espoir est que quelque chose puisse tordre les lois de la nature et les protéger.
D'après Maslow, le cerveau humain doit être capable d'agir face à une situation terrible, face à une impasse, il fabrique des solutions. Les théories du complot ou les religions permettent d'agir: je peux prier, combattre les extra-terrestres, etc.
Pour combattre les théories du complot, il faut reprendre les recherches sur notre cerveau et trouver pourquoi on a ce besoin de surnaturel. D'autre part, il faut qu'il y ait moins de personnes qui se sentent dans une impasse, qui ont une perte d'espoir. Avoir un entourage, avec des amis et de la famille permet de trouver des solutions. Il faut arrêter de déraciner les gens. Il faut plus de professionnels pour accompagner les gens difficiles à vivre, pour qu'ils soient moins isolés. Il faut améliorer l'éducation pour que les gens soient plus à même de trouver des solutions ou de savoir où les chercher. Il faut renforcer la sécurité sociale et les services sociaux pour les aider. Il est paradoxal de ne plus avoir d'espoir de vivre dans un siècle où la science a apporté tellement de solutions à des problèmes qui n'en avaient pas, a apporté des avancées sociales. En Californie, si on perd son travail, on se retrouve à la rue. Leur vie devient sans espoir. S'il y avait une assurance chômage, ils auraient moins peur.
Ce n'est pas éthique de se moquer de quelqu'un d'handicapé. C'est cruel de se moquer des gens qui craquent et croient au surnaturel, au lieu de les aider. C'est un désordre comme un autre. N'oublions pas que le nombre de suicides ne fait qu'augmenter.
Théories du complot, complotisme et conspirationnisme - CIC Info: https://cic-info.ch/informations-utiles/fiches-thematique/theories-du-complot-complotisme-et-conspirationnisme/
Ils font rire Poutine: https://www.aurianneor.org/ils-font-rire-poutine/
Do help Mrs Dalloway!: https://www.aurianneor.org/do-help-mrs-dalloway-mrs-dalloway-virginia/
Les drogues: https://www.aurianneor.org/les-drogues/
Solidarité Hélvétique: https://www.aurianneor.org/solidarite-helvetique-democratie-semi-directe/
Ma valeur n’est ni marchande ni raciale: https://www.aurianneor.org/ma-valeur-nest-ni-marchande-ni-raciale/
Les humiliés de la République: https://www.aurianneor.org/les-humilies-de-la-republique/
Change the words “HIV” and “AIDS” by “Mental illness” and see how you feel about it: https://www.aurianneor.org/change-the-words-hiv-and-aids-by-mental/
La licorne: https://www.aurianneor.org/la-licornemore-un-air-de-maman/
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sew she? i sure hope she sews
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banqueenfrancecom · 2 years
Oubliez Boursorama, cette banque ridiculise ses rivaux avec sa prime
Oubliez Boursorama, cette banque ridiculise ses rivaux avec sa prime
⚡Oubliez Boursorama, cette banque ridiculise ses rivaux avec sa prime #Oubliez #Boursorama #cette #banque #ridiculise #ses #rivaux #avec #prime #banque #france Oubliez Boursorama, cette banque ridiculise ses rivaux avec sa prime En France, Boursorama Banque se place comme la numéro 1 du marché de la banque en ligne. Toutefois, elle subit la concurrence de certaines banques à l’instar d’Hello…
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ribesballtarot · 3 months
Team: Turkiye National Team
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What is his ideal type?
Five of wands, judgement, two or cups, five of swords, knight of pentacles, the chariot, the devil, ten of wands reversed
His ideal type is someone who can put up with a fight, who doesn't need anyone to defend their honour, who can cover that job by themselves perfectly fine. He definetely isn't into the soft cutesy type but more so an intimidating and strong-presenting persona. This is someone who is also willing to put themselves in danger and risk being ridiculised. This type is firey, very much so abrasive. He likes a resolutive and upfront person who doesn't need help and has their life together, who does not crak under pressure and can take anything.
What personalities does he feel more attracted to?
Nine of cups, five of swords, eight of wands, seven of cups reversed, queen of cups
As I've mentioned before, definetely someone who is upfront and confrontational, who wouldn't let problems linger more than necessary and would want to talk about them —or better yet, fight them through— to find a solution. Personalities that are multifaceted, who can show different sides of themselves to make the other comfortable. Sensitive enough to carry the household and still be sane enough to want to talk you through your issues, nutritional, mature. A hard-worked, who even if they're not at the top of the food chain they have something going on for them. He doesn't necessarily like someone who is up in the clouds, very creative or mystical. He wants something earthy, someone who is aware of the world's current situation. Up to date.
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vitzi9 · 11 months
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TW/CW: horror, stalking, weirdo Ethan, ghostface, mention of puking
Happy Halloween !
(31/10/2023) (2 228 words)
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It's a miracle you agreed to go to that stupid party to begin with.
But Ethan insisted so much that you gave up. He told you he needed to tell you something really important. And, well, you've been flirting with him since forever. The hope he was finally going to ask you out was really present.
You terribly want him to ask you out.
It was a Halloween party, so you had to be disguised. Honestly, you are not too fond of these parties. You rather be in your living room partying with your friends, instead of strangers. But Ethan could ask you to jump out of your window that you'd do it.
So you bought a firefighter outfit from the nearest store and went with it. It's enough. Not good or bad, but enough. you had no idea what to wear anyway. It's not sexy, because you're cold, but it's not ugly. You don't think you'll be staying long anyway. As soon as Ethan's here, you kiss him and you leave.
But your plan turned out to fail miserably as you have no damn idea where your man is at.
You've been searching for him for age and the little fun you had completely faded out into the wind.
You've been wandering in the living room and the kitchen for too long. Did Ethan stand you up ? No, he would never do that. You know him. And, not to be mean, but he does not have a lot of people running after him. He's too shy to do the first move. So he won't miss this chance. Well, you hope anyway.
Deciding that you know the living room by heart, you head to a new area of the house, discovering the garage. The car that were previously here, deducing by the tire mark on the ground, was moved. Logical for someone hosting a party like that.
You sit on the workplan. It seems like tools were here before, but removed just like the car. You lay your back on the wall and close your eyes for a minute. When you think about it, you could've also come with your normal clothes. Because there is some disguises here that look just like everyday outfit.
You could have spare some money and not ridiculise yourself with this outrageousely lame firefighter disguise.
When someone push the door open, you're forced to come back to reality. Your hope of finding Ethan standing before you disappear as a Ghostface arrive.
You thought he would head back after seeing you, or at least go sit a little further from you. But he does all he opposite.
He walks up to you without a word and stand still in front of you, right in the middle of the garage. Okay, what is this now.
You feel naive for thinking whoever that was would speak up because he stays dead silent. You're getting uncomfortable. Not because it's Ghostface, but because you're thinking of the person under the mask staring at you so creepily.
Ghostface doesn't scare you, men does.
"Uh hello ?
Ghostface doesn't budge. Maybe he can help you find Ethan ? If you describe him to him, you can try to extract information.
"Well, while you're here. Have you seen my boyfriend ? He's... You know what ? Just forget it." You gave up when he didn't even move. It's like he doesn't hear you.
Plus, you don't even know what Ethan's costume looks like, no need to ask people. It won't work.
How are you going to find him ? It's useless to call for him out loud, he won't hear with the stupidly loud music blasting through the whole house.
"Are you gonna, like, stay here and stare at me ? It's getting awkward."
Ghostface doesn't answer. A sigh leaves your lips. Tired, you take out your phone in order to call Ethan. Of course, because your life always has to be ten times harder for no reason, he never pick up. And the stranger before you seriously start to piss you off.
"Can't you go annoy someone else ? Your costume isn't even fun, or scary, you guys are like twenty to be dressed like that tonight !
What's going on with being Ghostface ? Is it the new mode ? Did you miss something ?
-Do you like scary movies ? His modified robotic voice asks. Damn, some people are really giving their best in their disguise this year. He has to be rich or something to able to buy himself a voice changer.
-You're cringe." Escapes you like a bad reflex.
Who does he thinks he is ? Ain't no way you're feeding his stupid scenario. Ghostface uses his two pointer to draw you a heart in the air. You frown your brows and questions him with your eyes but he doesn't say anything. Did he just flirt with you ? Doesn't your firefighter outfit shows your lack of enjoyment of this night ?
What a shitty night.
You don't want to be the center of attention tonight. The only attention you want is from someone who's not even there.
You jump from the workplan to the ground and leave the place, closely followed by your new pain. Hands in your pocket, you wander without goal nor direction in the hallways of the big house, stumbling upon rooms, closet and just anything and everything.
Your Ghostface was still here, of course. Why would he leave you alone after all ? This asshole doesn't have anything better to do.
You tried to call Ethan several times again but to no avail. You weren't even annoyed anymore, just plainly confused and worried. Did you do something to upset him ? He always answer your calls at the mere second you press the button.
And with the man following you around, your sanity was starting to go low. Stopping suddenly your track, Ghostface hits your back because of him walking so close to you. You turn around, a scowl on your face.
"Will you leave me alone ?"
He draws another heart in the air then point himself and you.
Sighing, you leave the room and almost run to the kitchen in order to grab a new drink. After pushing and squeezing through people all over the living room, you end up at your destination. A group is here, a few Ghostface as well. You roll your eyes and take a can of anything but alcohol, not wanting to get drunk tonight.
All you wanted was Ethan and he was nowhere to be seen.
Seriously, you're here for him and he's not ? He begged you to come, it was his idea ! You try to think of different costumes he could wear. Last year, he wore a cardboard costume of a knight. Maybe this time he's Spiderman ? Something like that. You can definitely see him in a Spiderman costume. Or Ghost from Call of Duty. Fuck, there is like a thousand of different outfit he could wear tonight.
But you know for sure he's not a Ghostface.
Everyone is already dressed as it. Ethan is more nerdy, Ghostface is too bland. There's no personality to it. Of course it can be sexy in a different context. But damn, when there's so much of them, it's just boring. And you doubt Ethan would wear something sexy. You'd love him to, but you can't have everything.
Speaking of it, another of them arrive. He's alone and he lays his weight on the wall at your opposite. Is it him again ? Then, he just completely stop moving, not grabbing a drink. You can't tell if he's looking your way or not, as his mask hide completely his face.
It's possible you're getting paranoid but with this stupid Ghostface following you everywhere, you have some reasons to. Though, maybe it's not him. There is high chance it's not him. There are so many different Ghostface tonight.
But when he raises his hand to wave at you, you just sigh and roll your eyes. That's it, you give up. Throwing your can in the nearest bin, you push yet again everyone to hide in a room. Quickly looking behind you, you can't tell if someone's following you or not. You have to stop in your track to let people get down from the staircase's step to finally go up yourself.
First thing, you rush to the bathroom and lock the door. The music is muffled but still here. A bad headache is already coming your way. You turn on the faucet and throw water at your face after taking a big breath. It's better but you're still alone and bored. Plus, you're hot. So you slide down the zipper and sit your back against the bathtub.
When you think about it, maybe Ethan won't even ask you out. Maybe he just wanted to party with you and told you he had this 'something really important to tell you' just to make you come. Either way, he's not here. You don't know what to think.
You have the umpleasent feeling you wasted your night. Spending it in your bed would have been much better. With or without Ethan.
Maybe he was going to come but changed his mind ? No, Ethan's the nicest guy you've met here. He's not like that. And even if he changed his mind, he would've told you. He's not an asshole.
But then where is he ? Is he already down there ? But how come you don't see him ?
You decide to give up, closing your eyes and trying to ease your mind. Whether he comes or not, it's too late now. You're already here in your stupid disguise.
Your short moment of peace is interrupted by someone knocking and hitting dangerously hard the wooden door, followed by a loud 'Open!'. All you can do is afflict yourself pain by knocking your head on the edge of the bathtub. Why are you here ? You don't deserve that.
Slowly standing up, you unlock the door and immediately get pushed against the wall by an impatient man. You curse, he doesn't even hear, so you leave. In the corridor, your eyes sweep the living room from the interior balcony where there is still no signs of Ethan.
Multiple Ghostface are coming and leaving everywhere but only one catches your attention. He's laying on the wall just in front of the bathroom, as if waiting. You hope it's not him again. He has a hand behind his back, hiding whatever he's holding while the other rises up to wave at you.
Putting your hands in your pocket, you tilt your head to the side when you see him draw another heart with his index, with more difficulty this time as he's only using one hand. Now, you're convinced it's the same Ghostface that you saw earlier. Has he been following you ? Fuck, he has.
Where is Ethan when you need him the most ? You don't have the strength to deal with this guy right now. Smiling fakely, you flip him off and head to the opposite direction. Which is a dead end as Ghostface was placed right before the stair, preventing you from going back to the living room. So you have no other choice but to hide in another room until he leaves you alone.
And that's what you do, you chose a random room and knock on it, hoping there is no one fucking inside. Anxiously waiting for someone to answer, it's when silence fills your ear that you push the door open.
Taking the room in, your blood runs cold. Eyes widening and hands getting sweaty. So shocked that you let the door wide open behind you. They're not real, right ? Before you, a woman is laying on the bed, blood splashed on the sheets and the wall, she is wearing a Coraline outfit. On the ground, two other people in the same state. A man and a woman this time. A devil and a vampire.
They're scarily well done. They look so real. Too real.
You move forward, desperately wanting to be sure. With your pointer, you touch the leg of the woman spread on the bed and feel goosebumps rising on your whole body when it's supple. And warm.
Just like real skin.
A nervous laugh is the only answer you can muster. The music is still going in the living room, so it's fake. They're fake, right ? Yes, yeah of course they are. There is no way something like this could happen right now. In a place where so much people are reunited. It's just a regular decoration of Halloween, of bad taste, but still.
You hope nobody enters while you're here for what you are going to do, as depending on the outline of it, you'll either be fucking creepy or stupidly awkward. Heading to the head of the bed, you touch the hair of the woman on it. It's a blue wig, of course, she's disguised. Wait. She's disguised ? Nobody dress up a mannequin, no ? You remove the hair and realize with horror that real hair are under it.
It can't be, right ? Lastly, you poke her cheek and force open her eye. If it's fake, it's not supposed to have realistic eye. But it's a fucking real and brown eye that stare at your soul when you lift the lid.
Okay, now what the fuck ? It's not funny anymore. Where the fuck is Ethan ? Your breath get stuck in your throat. You are going to throw up if you stay here a minute too long. You need to get the fuck out of here.
You back up slowly but end up stumbling into someone's chest. A scream leave you, you jump in terror and search the head of the guilty who stopped you to flee. But the only thing you're able to see is this fucking Ghostface mask. It's him. You just know it. He's been following you everywhere. You just know it's him.
"What the fuck is wrong with you ?" you yell, feeling your sanity disappear the more you were staying here.
Ghostface tilts his head to the side and the hand he had until now almost hidden behind his back comes up at the front, displaying you the bloody knife he had in hand.
You could have thought it was fake. Only, the blood was dark and drooling on the floor leaving wet red drop on it.
Just like real blood.
He's swinging the weapon from left to right on loop. All the bad words and mean behaviour you could have gave him start to whiplash in your face. If you knew he was a fucking psychopath, you would have drew him a heart too.
"Do you have a boyfriend ?" He asks.
"He's... He's not here yet." You answer partially honest. Now that he was potentially dangerous, you had no problem answering his stupid questions.
"Really ?" Ghostface says, toying with his knife. He was playing with you.
From the corner of your eyes, you're still able to see the corpse of the woman on the bed and you want to puke at the thought of her.
"Are you the one who did this ? You ask in a shaky voice.
-Yeah. Of course. He stays nonchalantly, shrugging.
-Why ?
-Three people, just like us.
For a second, you wonder who's he talking about when saying 'three'. Because you are sure there is only two people here. Does he have allies ? Maybe someone hiding in the room without you knowing ? Fuck, you hope not.
-Three, for you and your two boyfriends.
-I don't have two boyfriends. Hell, you don't even have one to begin with.
-I wouldn't be so sure if I was you.
What does he know about you ? Who is he ? Why is he so sure about it ? What is going on ? There's dead corpses behind you, you need to get the fuck out of here.
You can see people in the corridor but it's like they can't see you. Hell, they probably think he's another Ghostface like there already is.
If you move or scream, you have the feeling he won't hesitate to use his knife against you.
-W-What ? What do you mean ?
The man rises his knife forcing you to shut your eyes in fear. He's tracing forms on your face with it, gliding it to your chin to your lips and then to your cheek.
You don't dare to move even a single muscle, you stopped breathing. You know he probably left bloody marks on your face. The weight on your lips tells you everything. There's blood on it, and it's not yours.
-If I remember correctly, I had something really important to tell you, am I right ?"
What the fuck ?
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bunnyluns · 2 months
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Teacher x student
Teacher x fem reader
i couldn’t focus, no matter how much i was trying, i just couldn’t. I was sitting in the back of the class thinking about going home.
Mr. Ramirez seemed to notice that i was in my head so obviously he questioned me about the subject.
Thanks god, i was saved when i heard the bell rang. I didn’t wanted everyones to know that i wasn’t paying attention and i didn’t wanted to ridiculise myself in-front of everyones and mainly my teacher.
As i packed my books into my bag, i heard a voice calling my name.
“Kelly, come here please, i have to talk to you.”
I decided to wait till everyones was out of the room and i made my way to him.
He ordered me to close the door, so i did.
As i was walking back him, i decided to question him.
“What do you wanted to talk about Mr. Ramirez?”
“I wanted to talk about your lack of attention, you are always in ur head and it feels like you are trying to avoid my questions every time i ask you a question.” He say in a harshly tone.
“Well im so-“ I try to say, when he suddenly cuts me off.
“So im going to ask you again, what were we talking about earlier.” He said will looking at me.
“I dont know..” I answered, trying to avoid his eyes.
“Oh you don’t know”
Before I knew it, he grabbed my hand and turned me over, positioning me so that my belly was against his desk and my but was pressed against his cock.
“Now, you understand what happen when you don’t focus, i hope you will learn your lesson now” He said in my ear.
I simply couldn't answer.
He ran his hand over my but as he lifted my skirt. He pulled down my thong and inserted his dick in me.
“Hm” was the only thing i was able to say.
I knew that i shouldn’t be here and i shouldn’t enjoy but i just couldn’t help myself.
He passed his hand over my crotch and started to touch my pussy. He then suddenly inserted his fingers inside of it causing me to moans uncontrollably.
“I’m sorry please.” I was saying will i was crying.
“Now suddenly you are, you are saying that when you know that it will happen again, you are just a little brat” He said in an angry tone.
“Omg stop” I answered, i didn’t wanted him to stop, this was turning me on, i was alive. He was making me alive.
I was moaning loudly, I couldn’t stop screaming his name. I couldn’t take this.
“See, you don’t even know what to answer because you are, just admit it to yourself love” He said will kissing my neck.
“Fuck please” I couldn’t take this anymore, i was at the verge of cumming.
“That’s right baby, i know what you want to do” He answered smiling.
I ended up cumming all over his fingers will he slowly get them out of me.
“See it wasn’t that hard, now get dressed and go clean yourself, my day is finally over” He said to me heading me towards the door to go to the bathroom.
what an amazing way to end a school day.
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clhook · 2 months
mon petit secret beauté & anxiété sociale : dans un restaurant ou bar que je connais pas j'attends toujours que quelqu'un de ma table aille aux toilettes même si j'ai très envie d'y aller, puis 5-10 minutes après son retour je lui dis innocemment "tiens je vais aller aux toilettes c'est par où ?" pour éviter de me ridiculiser en cherchant par moi-même 💅💅💅
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naylor · 2 years
you know what annoys me of the taylor swift album release cycle? the incessant, unnecessary comments the general public and even some people in the fandom make about how taylor "always victimises herself for no reason", or how she "loves to play the victim when she's just a rich popstar without real problems", and more recently that she "shouldn't use words like intrusive thoughts, trauma, and emotional abuse to talk about what's happened to her or her experiences with anxiety because she doesn't know what that's like". it fucking infuriates me.
taylor swift acts and writes like a victim because, quite simply, she's been made one, point black, end of the sentence. she should be allowed to write about her experiences with abuse, any type of abuse from any source, without people deciding for her if it was actually abusive or traumatic, or policing her choice of coping mechanism.
people's unwillingness to accept and acknowledge much of what taylor has gone through during her career as abuse and trauma is baffling to me because i honestly can't think of a term that describes it better.
she has been made fun of and ridiculised by the media since she was a child for doing things children and teenagers do (be naive about love, write about boys, go on dates, dress age appropriate), she's been slut shamed by everyone on the internet for dating a less than average amount, she's gone through public humiliation on a mass scale twice now (the first one when she was just nineteen) by a much older, well respected, established male artist, she has been abused by men both professionally and emotionally, she was made an example of what girls ought not to do or be lest you end up just like her, she's been isolated since childhood because she never felt she fit in with the rest.
she's gone through all of those things while at the same time being gaslighted (and i'm using this word in its original clinical meaning and not the internet meme one) into thinking none of that was as bad as she's making it out to be and she ended up okay so it can't have caused her real trauma because nothing happened, it was all fine and a joke. these are things we recognise as hurtful, abusive, and traumatic in other people but as soon as they're experienced by someone who copes with it through writing music she then sells for a profit then suddenly it's not and she's exaggerating it for attention.
she talks about herself in the same hyper-aware, hyper-vigilant, anxious way victims of abuse and survivors of high stress situations do and that's why her music resonates with so many of us who have been abused in the past as well, because she's putting into words things we experience on the daily and i genuinely don't think it's because she wants to. no one wants to go through those things and then go through a new cycle of humiliation every time you talk about your experiences just to make a few dollars.
it's maddening that the attitude most people take when discussing her trauma is to minimise it or straight up deny it because she was able to transform some of that pain into a #1 single
i don't ask people to sympathise or feel bad about her but to accept that we have agreed that online bullying and dog piling on a mass scale is abusive and traumatic, that women being taken advantage of by the male superiors is traumatic, that women being slut shamed for enjoying their sexuality is abusive and traumatic, that being in relationships where your partner is volatile is traumatic, that being coerced and manipulated into relationships with older men is abusive, that being retaliated against in public after revealing you were sexually assaulted is traumatic; so why should none of that apply to her? why is she not allowed to be vocal about being in all those situations without someone telling her she's not gone through actual trauma? why does everyone gets to decide for her whether or not she's actually been abused and if she can or cannot claim victimhood?
accepting taylor's abuse and her victimhood does nothing to take away from yours or that of others. accepting that she's allowed and entitled to discuss her experiences doesn't silence you. you don't have to like her but to dismiss her is disrespectful because when you do that you're not only dismissing her own experiences with abuse and trauma, but that of people in similar situations who empathise and identify with her.
TL;DR: taylor doesn't write about being a victim nearly as much as the people trying to discredit her work say she does, but if she did she would be entirely justified in it because she has been in a lot of situations where she's been victimised and abused by people who knew what they were doing to her and you don't get to decide if she was sufficiently traumatised by them or not. recognising taylor's experience with abuse does nothing to minimise or invalidate yours, two people can be abused in two different ways and doesn't mean one is less entitled to compassion. it's not a competition.
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heretherebedork · 6 months
Its crazy that so many people are mad that queer people are scared to come out. Who the fuck would willingly put themselves in danger?
I hate how the writers and the viewers treat Do Han. I also hate when a show ridiculised queer people for being scared to come out. The same people who make society a hostile environment for queer people are mad that queer people want to hide. The irony!!
I hate how this show wants me to care about a straight pairing over the suffering of a queer person. I am sorry but anyone who enjoyed the show is homophobic. There is no excuse.
I'm not going to go that far. There are plenty of people who enjoy this show who might also be critical or who might be young or who might just never have thought about this. And there are people who enjoy plenty of shows that shock me a lot more than this one, frankly.
But I do hate how the writers treated him. I hate the narrative that staying in the closet is lying and selfish and cowardly when, frankly, the first time Do Han tried to come out he was literally stopped and his grandfather has always known he was gay and still tried to force him into a straight marriage. Like... of course he didn't want to come out! The fact that everyone just accepted him is inauthentic to the rest of the show and makes me uncomfortable.
The biggest issue in the show is the framing of the ex outing him to Ji Han as a favor. That's just icky. It's horrifying, It's the worst thing I've seen in a while and shows me that there probably are not any queer people working on the show (or with the power to influence it, at least). Because that sentiment? Hooo boy. Unpleasant!
Anyway, it's over. It can't hurt us anymore. And Do Han got to be a gay artist in New York and he only have to visit home once a year or so.
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aisakalegacy · 9 days
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Été 1925, Hylewood, Canada (3/4)
Je ne connais pas ton Jean, mais je me méfierais quand même un peu si j’étais toi, si d’autres personnes qui semblent le connaître et qui sont habituellement de bons juges de caractères, te disent de te méfier. Je sais qu’il existe des femmes qui sont des coureuses de fortune, mais je ne serais pas stupéfait d’apprendre l’existence de leur équivalent masculin. Je ne m’y connais pas vraiment en socialisme. Je sais que ma grand-mère en était une. D’ailleurs nous avons plusieurs de ses ouvrages dans notre bibliothèque familiale. Il m’est arrivé de les feuilleter, mais pas assez pour être en mesure de commenter les éventuelles contradictions dans les idées de ton frère. On n’apprend pas cela au pensionnat méthodiste épiscopalien…
J’ai bien ri en lisant les protestations de ton père. Ses inquiétudes sont charmantes, mais qu’il ne s’en fasse pas pour moi. Je ne fais pas d’études, c’est vrai, mais je n’en suis pas chagriné. J’aime la pêche, j’aime la guitare, et quand je ne suis occupé ni à l’un, ni à l’autre, je suis à Kingston où je travaille dans l’industrie maritime pour une compagnie montréalaise. Nous exploitons des cargos et des paquebots à vapeur pour transporter du charbon, du fer et toutes sortes d’autres choses dont je fais peu de cas. En revanche, j’apprécie particulièrement tout ce que j’y apprends sur la gestion portuaire. J’ai commencé à avoir une idée, mais je ne veux pas t’en parler tout de suite de peur de me ridiculiser si elle ne se réalisait pas.
[Transcription] Lucrèce Rumédier : (rire) Vous m’avez dépassée ? C’est peut-être vrai. Vous avez un génie naturel pour la musique que je n’ai pas. Mais j’ai plus d’expérience que vous, et c’est un atout que vous ne devez pas négliger. Lucrèce Rumédier : Je savais qu’avec assez de pratique, j’arriverai à faire de vous un pianiste aguerri. Je crois que j’ai réussi mon objectif. Agathon LeBris : Alors si je suis si doué que vous le dites, qu’est-ce qui m’empêche de me lancer, maintenant, et de faire carrière ? Lucrèce Rumédier : Vous êtes bien naïf si vous pensez que par votre simple talent, vous passerez les auditions pour des théâtres prestigieux sans qu’on ait jamais entendu parler de vous avant. Agathon LeBris : Je pense que vous êtes simplement jalouse qu’une carrière de pianiste s’offre à moi, alors qu’elle vous a été refusée. Lucrèce Rumédier : Et vous pensez mal : je suis très heureuse de mon anonymat. Vous aviez raison tout à l’heure. Je n’ai plus grand chose à vous apprendre concernant la maîtrise du piano. Lucrèce Rumédier : Mais vous êtes trop jeune pour l’instant pour faire carrière, et je vais m’assurer que vous continuiez à pratiquer. Votre égo est trop grand, et je ne supporterai pas qu'à cause de lui, votre talent se gâche.
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aurevoirmonty · 20 days
«Ils sont en train d’imaginer un système pour prendre l’épargne des Français»: Pierre de Gaulle explique le piège de Macron, von der Leyen et BlackRock
«Pour refinancer la dette», a clarifié le petit-fils du Général sur TVL (https://tvl.fr/le-samedi-politique-avec-pierre-de-gaulle-geopolitique-macron-ridiculise-partout).
Et «refinancer les erreurs de tous les gouvernements passés et du gouvernement actuel».
Vraiment des «erreurs» ou un agenda?
«Si demain BlackRock revend la dette française, on est cuits», expliquait (https://t.me/kompromatmedia_2/354) Guy de la Fortelle rappelant qu’«on a émis pas mal de dette en cinq ans».
Covid, Ukraine… un «quoi qu'il en coûte» pas si absurde, mais plutôt une opération d’endettement contrôlée.
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e642 · 3 months
Ça va encore parler de ma relation. Je ne suis pas dans le déni, je sais qu'en parler autant de manière négative est absolument révélateur de l'état de l'art de cette dernière. J'ai besoin d'en parler ici parce que mes parents n'ont jamais ete très intéressés de savoir mes états d'âme, notamment sentimentaux et qu'en plus il y a des choses qui font tilt. Évidemment que je n'avais pas d'intérêt à parler de la tromperie à mes parents ou potes proches car j'ai continué avec lui. Si je l'avais fait, s'en serait suivi de nombreux "tu te plains mais en même temps t'aurais dû le quitter", "moi j'aurais pas pardonné", ect. Ça aurait créé une atmosphère apte aux jugements/opinions tranchants non désirés, de l'inconfort et peut-être même du dégoût. Aucune relation bâtie sur ce genre d'acte et de déception mène à quelque chose de viable surtout quand tu sais que la plupart des gens font leur maximum en début de relation pour se donner bonne figure. J'ai espéré que son comportement n'ait pas eu lieu lors de son maximum et que les comportements positifs d'après ne seraient pas motivés dans le seul but de me rassurer. Dans les faits, il y a eu des hauts et des bas depuis, j'essaie aussi de me modérer, j'ai des insécurités qui biaisent ma sensation d'être aimée, le fait de faire assez, le fait de vouloir qu'on se la donné pour moi. J'ai entendu souvent "il y a des phases dans une relation", c'est vrai, pas rassurant mais en début d'année j'allais le quitter puis après ya eu 2/3 mois idylliques et à nouveau de la merde (maintenant). Depuis que j'ai validé mon année, je suis à la merci de mon esprit malade. Je me questionne très -trop- fréquemment sur cette relation. Pourquoi ne pas partir maintenant ? Pourquoi vouloir attendre que l'autre faute ? Est-ce que je regrette cette relation ? Qu'est ce qu'il s'est passé pour que je bafoue à ce point mes standards ? Qu'est ce que j'attends ? J'ai la réponse à toute ces questions, ça ne me fait pas toujours plaisir et ça montre mes failles. Peut-être pas les mêmes qu'avant, ou avec des variantes. Je remercie seulement ma lucidité. Aujourd'hui j'ai reçu son cadeau d'anniversaire, qui a mis plus d'un mois à arriver, et pendant ce mois là beaucoup de choses se sont dégradées en réalité. Quand je l'ai ouvert ce matin, je me suis dit qu'il ne le méritait pas, que c'était vraiment un trop beau cadeau pour quelqu'un qui en a pas grand chose à foutre. C'est vrai, ça me fait pas si plaisir que ça de lui offrir mais je pense à une chose bête : ma ligne de conduite. Il y a quelques mois, quelqu'un m'a demandé pourquoi rester/pourquoi ne pas me comporter comme lui, et j'avais répondu que je serai carré jusqu'à la fin. Je serai honnête, cordiale et présente jusqu'à la fin pour être irréprochable. Peut-être que je m'en voudrais quand ce sera fini, évidemment je me demanderai pourquoi m'être démenée pour rien, mais ça passera parce que j'ai conscience dans ma relation qu'il n'y a pas d'équité, que je suis le trop même en pensant être le pas assez. Je le fais en connaissance de cause en hommage au respect, aux bons moments passés, aux reproches qui ne pourront pas être formulés. Je serai restée moi, avec mes gestes, mes efforts. La seule chose sur laquelle je ne suis pas entièrement honnête c'est mon deuil.
J'ai souvent entendu qu'une femme prend sa décision, y réfléchit, commence le deuil avant la réelle rupture. C'est ce qu'il se passe pour moi, non sans peine et non sans savoir que j'en aurais quand même quand ça arrivera. C'est dur de quitter quelqu'un parce qu'il.elle ne semble pas suffisant pour nous, ça paraît méprisable comme argument et pourtant... Oui. Oui je conçois que ça puisse être un motif, le plus blessant et le moins légitime souvent mais je conçois. Derrière les "c'est pas toi c'est moi", les "on était pas sur la même longueur d'onde", et autres phrases grotesques, j'entends l'insuffisance. Elle est dure à entendre c'est pour ça qu'on se ridiculise à essayer d'appuyer ça avec des mots plus flous, équivoque mais on en revient là. C'est dur de quitter quelqu'un pour ce qu'il est fondamentalement et je le sais c'est pour ça que j'attends des évènements qui lui feraient tilt aussi. Quoiqu'il en soit, j'ai de l'affection pour lui et le fait que j'en parle si pragmatiquement est une défense. On se prépare comme on peut à une rupture mais je ne suis pas dupe, ça ne sera jamais suffisant.
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abridurif · 8 months
Il y a un mot qui commence sérieusement à me faire rire. C’est le mot solitude. Je ne l’entends plus prononcer qu’avec gaieté. C’est un mot, si vous voulez, dont je me souviens. Parce que voilà. Quand on est jeune, je veux dire jeune par l’âge, on croit à la vie ; que la vie, les hommes, les femmes, les autres, c’est dur. C’est du dur. Et on y va bravement, sans se casser la moindre dent, en général. Mais il est bien vrai qu’on souffre. C’est agréable de souffrir, quand on quelque chose à mordre, à briser, à faire souffrir. Puis peu à peu on s’aperçoit que non, c’est faux. C’est du toc. C’est mou. La vie est molle. Les hommes, les femmes, les autres, sont mous. Dans une certaine mesure ils ont bien raison de se foutre pas mal de vous. Mais dans une autre, on n’a pas tort de s’en rendre compte et d’aller chercher ailleurs le dur, l'indestructible. Le dur, le solide, je crois qu’il ne faut pas le demander aux autres hommes. Parce qu’ils sont aussi faibles que nous. Et que deux hommes face à face, voilà une sacrée faiblesse en pleine mer poétique. La poésie ridiculise la notion de solitude. Elle sauve Beethoven de sa surdité, Van Gogh de son vertige, elle sauverait tout le monde si le beau n’était pas l’apanage dérisoire des gens qui ont besoin de pisser dans de l’or. La poésie est dans la rue, dans le ruisseau, elle est tout à fait dénuée de hiérarchie, elle ne sait pas, elle ne sait rien. Elle est le chant de notre ignorance. Elle ne connaît pas son homme, ni ses amours, ni ses idées politiques, ni ses ambitions sociales. Elle est ce qui est toujours là, dans nos jours et nos nuits difficiles, et pourquoi rêvons-nous la nuit, sinon parce qu’elle ne nous lâche pas. Je ne sais évidemment pas si Dieu est mort. Non, je ne sais pas. Mais je me sens travaillé du matin au soir, et vice versa, par ce que j’ignore et qui m’ignore, que j’essaie de récupérer, pour ne pas mourir à moitié, pour que de l’homme qui est en moi ne subsiste rien. Pour ne pas mourir à côté de moi. Georges Perros, Papiers collés II, Éditions Gallimard, 1973, p. 159-160
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wallywise · 2 years
Why byler would change the world ?
(I apologize I’m not a English-speaker, I’m learning in school but it’s a English literacy so I probably made a lot of mistake :’)
This was inspired by @lordystrange !
(Its probably not very good but I tried to offer my thoughts and thinking about it ^^
It’s a great question to begin with, but it’s pretty simple to understand
First of all, stranger things is one of the most seen show in the world, so do we know a lot of world-famous show that have gay main couple ? No, or at least I didn’t know any, If byler is endgame (it will be) a lot of person will see it, the WORLD will see it
It won’t be a silly ship that the duffers would create just to please people or to fill an agenda, no it was built since the beginning, people would have been trick into watching a gay romance since the beginning (straightbaiting my belove <3)
It’s not just a couple, it’s kids that fell in love, because queer children exist, because we exist, we’re not alone and we have the right to be seen on screen.
Because it hurt to see all those straight happy-end everywhere and just a gay character in the back, whose only personality is being gay, because we don’t want a bury your gay, because we don’t want a random boyfriend to appear in the last 2 minutes of s5. Because it’s just not what we need. The world need to see two kids falling in love, just pure love, because it’s not wrong, we’re not wrong and that’s the most important things in the world
Because we deserve to have good representation and I don’t talk about gay romance like heartstopper i talk about representation in a show that is not created for a queer public. A show that isn’t based on queerness
I want to see a world where Mike and Will love each other and it’s just as normal as Lucas and Max, it’s just love after all
Because we were insulted for thinking that mike and Will could be a cute couple in s2, because we were mocked for thinking that Will might be gay in s3, because we are again ridiculised for thinking that maybe Mike and Will, a mlm ship, could be endgame
Just imagine the impact on popculture ! Stranger things would be one of the first and biggest main couple straightbait (at least as I know :’) It would be incredible, it could be one of those series/films couple that are classic, constantly referred to, just a part of pop culture. Because right now between all these famous couple there is mainly straight couple, or at least the most famous are always straight Ross and Rachel, Leïla and Han Solo, Peter Parker and MJ, i can’t think about any endgame *very* famous gay couple
Plus they’re so adorable, they are really what the other need, Will NEED mike and mike want to be needed they’re just perfect for each other and I live just to see them happy, to see Will happy because he deserve it, because he can’t be another of those character who just suffer
Byler endgame is the right choice because it just make so much more sense, they were built since the beginning, they’re mean to be together since even before s1, the « crazy together » was planned before s1 and El was supposed to die at the end of the first season, I’m sure the duffer know exactly what they are doing, and why are they doing it
That’s why i think Byler endgame could change the world, it would probably change popculture, it would give a good exemple to futur tv show, people don’t necessarily want the main couple to be straight, the genre doesn’t change that, it doesn’t matter if it isn’t a gay romcom, a gay couple can be one of the main endgame couple !!
(+ bonus : Toxic mileven shippers that insult us because of that since the beginning would be wrong and that my dear will go down in history !)
Thanks for reading this It was probably very messy I added stuff as soon as I had ideas and I didn't read it again because it's late I need some sleep but I just wanted to list it all a bit xD
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juliapark13 · 1 year
"It all depends on what you see and how you interpret it."
I'm seriously tired of this bs. No, it does not. There’s a thing called FACTS.
Intimacy is intimacy. Though there are some cultural variations, love is love and it looks pretty much the same whenever you are around the globe. Crazy, huh?
Jungkook filmed GCF in Tokyo. He sucked Jimin's ear. Jimmy gave him a hickey. He watched Suchwita with Jimin and Jimin compilation videos for close to an hour and a half smiling and giggling and staying laser focus like we rarely see him do. This is only a teeny-tiny sample of stuff Jikook has done.
Now, ask yourself in which circumstances people have that kind of behavior. Or try to show those jikook moments to the guys that you know. Your brothers, your cousins, your male friends. (Which I’m going to assume you probably don’t have). Ask them if they do the same or would do the same to their best friend. Would they go on a trip with their best friend, film a vlog of their trip and put a love song on the background. Would they suck their best friend’s ear. Let them give them a hickey. Would they watched for an hour and a half videos of said friend with stars in their eyes while watching it.
Yeah, have fun ridiculising yourself. You all saying things like that seriously lack abilities in reading people's emotions. You also clearly don't interact with men, don’t have a circle of male friends. I grew up surrounded by men, in my family and as my circle of friends because I’m what we would called a "tomboy". And whenever I read stuff like "every ship has suspicious moments", "jikook aren’t different from the other ships" yada yada yada I just can’t help but roll my eyes and laugh. Yes, they are different, they are. Sorry to tell you this but what they have is way beyond the realm of friendship, especially for two guys, no matter their cultural background, and I don’t even understand how this is not freaking obvious to everyone in this fandom. You all spend so much time on the Internet rather than interacting with people in real life that you don’t even have the capacity to understand basic human emotions or what? I just don’t get it, it’s crazy to me. You guys make no sense, get out social media for a while and observe the world around you. Watch people. You’ll learn a lot. For real.
Wow. Thank you. 👏🏽🔥
I was a nonshiper. But I get to see GCFT and then GCFS and I couldn’t stop thinking about the fact Jungkook is a perfectionist, he always knows what he does, so could it actually means they are more than friends? Then I get to know everything that happend, while always watching also original content.
I never shipped them, but I think there is no option they are only friends. I think it’s very sad this fandom always overlook and ignore what they do, because their interactions make them uncomfortable (only their). The difference between jikook and other ships is so huge. It’s so obvious.
And that they are still together is also obvious, but at the end of the day everyone believes what they want to believe.
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Éloge de la fatigue
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Vous me dites, Monsieur, que j'ai mauvaise mine, qu'avec cette vie que je mène je me ruine, que l'on ne gagne rien à trop se prodiguer. Vous me dites enfin que je suis fatigué. Oui je suis fatigué, Monsieur, mais je m'en flatte j'ai tout de fatigué, la voix, le cœur, la rate, je m'endors épuisé, je me réveille las. Mais grâce à Dieu, Monsieur, je ne m'en soucie pas ou quand je m'en soucie, je me ridiculise. La fatigue souvent n'est qu'une vantardise on n'est jamais aussi fatigué qu'on le croit ! Et quand cela serait, n'en a-t-on pas le droit ? Je ne vous parle pas des tristes lassitudes qu'on a lorsque le corps harassé d'habitude, n'a plus pour se mouvoir que de pâles raisons… Lorsqu'on a fait de soi son unique horizon lorsque l’on n’a rien à perdre, à vaincre, ou à défendre cette fatigue-là est mauvaise à entendre ; elle fait le front lourd, l'œil morne, le dos rond et vous donne l'aspect d'un vivant moribond. Mais se sentir plier sous le poids formidable des vies dont un beau jour on s'est fait responsable, davoir qu'on a des joies ou des pleurs dans ses mains, savoir qu'on est l'outil, qu'on est le lendemain, savoir qu'on est le chef, savoir qu'on est la source, aider une existence à continuer sa course, et pour cela se battre à s'en user le cœur… cette fatigue-là, Monsieur, c'est du bonheur. Et sûr qu'à chaque pas, à chaque assaut qu'on livre, on va aider un être à vivre ou à survivre et sûr qu'on est le port et la route et le quai, où prendrait-on le droit d'être trop fatigué ? Ceux qui font de leur vie une belle aventure marquent chaque victoire, en creux, sur la figure et quand le malheur vient y mettre un creux de plus parmi tant d'autres creux il passe inaperçu. La fatigue, Monsieur, c'est un prix toujours juste, c'est le prix d'une journée d'efforts et de luttes c'est le prix d'un labeur, d'un mur ou d'un exploit, non pas le prix qu'on paie, mais celui qu'on reçoit c'est le prix d'un travail, d'une journée remplie, c'est la preuve aussi qu'on marche avec la vie. Quand je rentre la nuit et que ma maison dort, j'écoute mes sommeils, et là, je me sens fort je me sens tout gonflé de mon humble souffrance, et ma fatigue alors est une récompense. Et vous me conseillez d'aller me reposer !Mais si j'acceptais là, ce que vous me proposez, si je m'abandonnais à votre douce intrigue mais je mourrais, Monsieur, tristement, de fatigue. Robert Lamoureux
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