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democracyunderground · 11 months ago
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stochastique-blog · 1 year ago
I dont Understand...
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@tomilahren and anyone else on the #TrumpTrain who hasn’t #JumpedShip already, perhaps this #TwitterPoll will convince you.
#RidenWithBiden #TrumpTrainWreck #GeorgeFloydRiots #GeorgeFloyd #DerekChauvin #RiseAboveMovement #TrumpIsLosing https://www.instagram.com/p/CDoeNjDJguq/?igshid=cacs971vdgr7
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muckraker169 · 5 months ago
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qiyra · 7 months ago
In Biden’s second term he will make it possible to fuck social media posts #ridenwithbiden
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kcyars99 · 8 months ago
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The press has lost their fucking minds.
This WH briefing is disgusting.
They are attacking and disrespecting
like her words don't matter.
They never attacked
Sean Spicer
Sarah Huckabee Sanders
Stephanie Grisham
Kayleigh McEnany
While they lied day in and day out.
Where were the questions for Ronnie Jackson, the drug dispenser?
He said Trump had "good genes," and that he did "exceedingly well" on his cognitive test and his "excellent" cardiac health.
It’s all good. It makes us want to vote for Biden even more. We will not let the press divide us.
#DemsUnited #RidenWithBiden
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benjjedi · 8 months ago
If you guys don't think your vote matters, well, it DEFINITELY does this election. The way I see it, we can vote to keep democracy as it is and have our current President help pave the way for a better four years for us and our fellow Americans or we can allow fascism to take the reigns and turn our democracy into a dictatorship in the same vain as Russia or North Korea. And in case you still aren't aware of Project 2025, here's a PDF of the whole thing: https://static.project2025.org/2025_MandateForLeadership_FULL.pdf Also, if that doesn't convince you, I share with you a breakdown of what could happen with Project 2025. Image isn't mine, of course.
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And Trump is going on about how he has no idea what Project 2025 is, which is absolute nonsense. The guy is so much of a pathological liar, you would think his middle name was Pinocchio. If Trump "doesn't know" about it, then I hope you guys have a good explanation for THIS: https://x.com/i/status/1811865440097816849 My point stands. Trump was, is and always will be unfit to lead our country. Our democracy was created after we declared our independence from an unfair and unjust monarchy nearly two and a half centuries ago. The last thing we want is to bow to a wannabe king and dictator who lies nonstop. The only way to prevent this from becoming a reality is to get out and vote. Yes, you could vote third party too, but that would be less votes for Joe Biden and would make Trump's path to the White House even easier, meaning you could literally be throwing your vote away. Vote Blue. I was riden with Biden back in 2020 and I'm still #RidenWithBiden now. I hope you guys will do the same, please. For the sake of our democracy.
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Saying "voting doesn't matter" might reach your younger peers online but it certainly hasn't reached Clangus Hargbarg who was part of the kkk in 1951 and still sends in his ballot. He hasn't missed a one.
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tularue11 · 11 months ago
#commander #lovedogs #JoeBiden #joebiden2024 #ridenwithbiden #voteblue #votebluetosaveamerica🇺🇸💙
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Democratic Star Instantly RIPS TO SHREDS Corrupt GOP Leader #RidenWithBiden#VoteBlueToStopTheStupid #SeparationOfChurchAndState
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the-psudo · 3 months ago
Thanks, @lennyinlordran I always appreciate seeing stuff from (in order of their appearance on my dash at this particular moment): @mysharona1987, @saywhat-politics, @republicanidiots, @tuulikki, @porterdavis, @whatareyoureallyafraidof, @db-1986, @ridenwithbiden, @vote-democrat-president-congress, @thesmithslover2, @gothkrispies, @coffeeman314, @mrpagesfrontispiece, and @luulapants.
positivity train!
if you see this or are tagged in it, tag a couple of your favorite mutuals/blogs and let them know you appreciate seeing them on your dash!
@h0neysugarfree @blueberrylovv @bequiteanddriveeeeeee @cherri-bomb-bomb @eg0mechan1c @fatrexicisback
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midnightfunk · 2 years ago
Arnon Mishkin, the Fox polling analyst, mentioned “Slow and Steady” as a slogan last summer after Biden’s success in passing nearly all his legislative agenda.
“Slow and Steady” isn’t catchy, I complained.
With polls dancing in his head, Mishkin said the numbers showed voters wanted the opposite of the chaos, midnight tweets, and juvenile name calling common throughout the Trump presidency.
Keep it simple.
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democracyunderground · 2 months ago
I'm changing the name of my political blog from RidenWithBiden to DemocracyUnderground.
I voted for Kamala Harris this time around, and I would again. I hope that she's the Democratic Party nominee in 2028. She came much closer to winning, than mass media has portrayed. No one was going to beat Don the Con, Elon, and the rigged Republicon Party.
While I'm left of center, I vote with the Democratic Party. But, I voted for Bernie Sanders in the Ohio Primary, not Hillary Clinton in 2016. I'm an advocate for the Environment, first and foremost, as well as Human Rights, Equal Rights, Women Rights, Black Lives, and Native Lives. I believe deeply in the Separation of Church and State, I'm Agnostic, but not an Atheist.
I'm a Democratic Socialist, and an Idealist. But, I'm also a Realist. However, I differ significantly with others that identify as such. I do not spend the majority of my time focused on the failures of the Democrats, I try to stay focused on the success of the Democrats, and the complete failures, fraud, and wage theft of Reaganomics, for most of my lifetime.
I've been warning people about the rise of Fascism since 1989. Global Warming, and the War on the Environment, the controlling interests and concentration of the Media Monopolies, the Historic Hypocrisy of Corporate Christians, the rise of Corporate Fascism, and the Treasons and Wars of Republicons for decades, including Nixon, Reagan, Bush, Bush Jr. and Trump.
I believe in a true Free Market Economy, which I do not think America has ever had. So, I will not declare myself as Anti-Capitalist, Socialist, or Marxist. I believe it is a consistent mistake on our part to use the language they establish, or the Monotheistic Dualism that dominates our discussions in terms of good and evil, right and wrong, black and white, male and female, gay or straight, democratic or republican, left or right, young and old, rich or poor, capitalist or anti-capitalist, fascist or anti-fascist, and so on. If we go to battle on their terms we lose. 
I hope that people will stay with my page, share it, and expand on it. But, I do not engage with the trolls, at all. Thanks, Hank
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moronicdevices · 4 years ago
People are acting like there is a moral dilemma about the president election. One is literally a white supremacist and the other is a politician. Do I love Biden? No, but I’m not gonna act like it’s a hard decision to make, it’s not. You’re an asshole or you’re not.
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chexawe · 4 years ago
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FUCK you JimCrow Joe‼️‼️‼️ Reposted from @the.conservative.asshole #ridenwithbiden https://www.instagram.com/p/CKqO_KqnDW0UOqNddKsKSOobAPDkSj5nOFoPnk0/?igshid=11nx0q76l4tgs
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sprocketblog · 4 years ago
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2018 JOE Ride bar mounted cup holder. #ridenwithbiden to prevent the #☕ from #spillen @joeride Sell your bike on the Sprocket Android app. Link in bio sprocket.bike #joeride #coffee #cafe #bicycle (at Jack London Square) https://www.instagram.com/p/CHpxJqmloAs/?igshid=eezssi8d7f8
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marcymassura · 4 years ago
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#Brunch !!! Featuring limonchello rosemary gin #cocktails , indoor outdoor dining, masks and moments of wishing I had a weekful of Sundays. Airforce One was landing a mile away from us at this same time. It made my heart heavy that there are so many horrible Trump idiots nearby welcoming him. Please #votehimout and help others vote to. This is our time to save democracy. Be a hero. #orangecounty #socal #ridenwithbiden #bluewavel https://www.instagram.com/p/CGf3e0PH_qp/?igshid=10kzyd04m8uln
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alanheath-privatearts · 4 years ago
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New T-Shirt!! #willyoushutupman #willyoushutupman2020 #ridenwithbiden #politicalmemes #politicalstatement #fucktrump #unfollowmeifyoudontlikeit https://www.instagram.com/p/CGHb-CBlqvP/?igshid=aetjv4kv9aap
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