#riddle of the bermuda triangle
newstownusa · 2 years
2022 Most Googled word of the year revealed
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GREAT MAGNETO PROMPT MASTERPOST (includes Music, Theme, Verse and Place Prompts)
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Plots based on a Magneto-related theme, verse or era. Plot Roulette for quick access. Add (*your muse/my muse*) for adjustments -- updated 24.06.24
001. Spionage Era .
002. Acolyte Uprising .
003. AnarchyX Revolution .
004. Future of X-Men Blue .
005. Asteroid M's Final Stand .
006. Savage Land Philosophies .
007. The White King of the Hellfire Club .
008. Brotherhood Noir .
009. Dark Fantasy .
010. Apple of Krakoa .
011. Elden Ring/Lords of the Fallen .
012. League of Legends .
013. Kree and Shi'ar War of Kings .
014. War of Arrako .
015. Peace of Arrako .
016. Resurrection on Krakoa .
017. Political Intrigue of Krakoa .
018. Legacy Virus .
019. Mothervine .
020. Mysterium Metal .
021. Secret Wars with Avengers .
022. Headmaster Magneto .
023. Magneto Protocols .
024. X of Swords .
025. Civilisation on Saturn .
026. Chimera Plots .
027. Chimera Magneto .
028. Quiet Council Secrets .
029. Uprising .
030. Paradise Genosha .
031. Ruins of Genosha .
032. Lives of Moira X .
033. Black Vault .
034. Machine Forge .
035. Expedition .
036. Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse .
037. Cosmic Cerebro .
038. Mutant Purge .
039. Broken Magnet .
040. Black Ops .
041. Game of Thrones .
042. Legacy of M .
043. Avalon Sanctuary .
044. Terrorist .
045. Brotherhood .
046. Morlocks .
047. Anomaly .
048. Riddled Alliance .
049. Civil War .
050. Lost .
051. Celebrations .
052. Studies .
053. Rebirth .
054. Family .
055. Rise of Magneto .
056. Cosmic Event .
057. Reforming Mars .
058. Living Earth .
059. Reluctant King .
060. Betrayal .
061. Corruption .
062. Imprisoned .
063. Sacrifice .
064. Infiltration .
065. Annihilation .
066. Negotiation .
067. Survival .
068. Experiment .
069. Invasion .
070. Art .
071. Judgement .
072. Banishment .
073. Assassination .
074. Forgiveness .
075. Eclipse .
076. Quantum Electromagnetism .
077. Heart of a Star .
078. Nimrod .
079. Resonance Chamber .
080. Control (Game) .
081. Blackest Night .
082. Destruction of London .
083. Boss Fight .
084. Series 97 .
085. Golden Tracks AU .
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001. Genosha .
002. Asteroid M .
003. Savage Lands .
004. Island M .
005. Wundagore Mountain .
006. Poland .
007. Berlin .
008. Krakoa .
009. New York .
010. Madripoor .
011. Dark Dimension .
012. Limbo .
013. Mars .
009. New York .
010. Madripoor .
011. Dark Dimension .
012. Limbo .
013. Latveria .
014. Underground Cities .
015. Atlantis .
016. Morlock Tunnels .
017. Xavier Institute .
018. Avalon .
019. Muir Island .
020. Research Facility .
021. Museum .
022. Astral Plane .
023. Bermuda Triangle .
018. Mojoverse .
019. Vault .
020. Jungle .
021. Phalanx .
022. Saturn .
023. Space .
018. Outerspace .
019. Eternals .
020. Avengers Tower .
021. Study .
022. Quantum World .
023. Hellfire Club .
024. Apocalypse .
025. Titan .
026. Hell .
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amandlas · 1 year
i've had it. this is too much. i cannot go another day without having elucien diaries. i'm riddled with need. the yearning is eating me alive. i could no sooner get a choice between acotar5 or solve world hunger that i'd let everybody starve if it meant elain endgame was in my hands. if i don't have lucien and elain's slowburn arranged-marriage adjacent book filled with flowers, sunshine, daddy reveals, tormenting visions, and love confessions, i'm going to kayak into the bermuda triangle.
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Someone: You smell your food before you eat it?
What I say not to sound too weird: Haha, yeah well I could spin you s yarn about how it’s about enjoying food with more senses but one of the things I got engraved young when I started to learn to cook was to use my sense of smell to make sure it wasn’t bad. Pre and post cooking. If it smells good you’re good to go. Ya know, low income family habits and what not lol. 
The real reason I probably smell my food: Look. I grew up thinking that the Bermuda Triangle, quicksand, and cyanide in my food were going to be a lot bigger problems, and when you’re neurodivergent and riddled with anxiety you just NEED TO BE PREPARED! 
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markethighs · 5 months
Title: Unexplained Mysteries: Exploring Earth's Biggest Enigmas (Part 1 & 2)
Description:  Have you ever heard of the Bermuda Triangle or the Nazca Lines? Our planet is full of unsolved mysteries that baffle scientists and explorers. This 2-part series dives into some of these enigmas, from the depths of the ocean to the vastness of space.  Join us as we explore the unexplained and venture beyond the known!
SEO Tags: unexplained phenomena, bermuda triangle, nazca lines, voynich manuscript, the hum, extraterrestrial intelligence, SETI, ocean exploration, mysteries of earth, unsolved riddles, documentary, science
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realhousewives-fan · 7 months
Riddles in the Bermuda Triangle
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The rumour that has been circulating in this group is unlike anything I’ve ever experienced in Real Housewives. It’s out of this world!
Mary Cosby was accused of being a cult leader and/or God, while Whitney Rose was accused of being a swinger.
Meredith Marks was accused of being responsible for Jen Shah’s arrest, while Lisa Barlow was accused of cheating on her husband for Jazz tickets.
And now Angie Katsanevas is a part of the Greek Mafia?!
Lisa warned that if there would be any more DMs circulating in this group with slandering accusations, she would get her cyber security team involved.
And judging from all the craziness that has gone around about them, no wonder Lisa got herself a cyber security team!
When Monica Garcia was talking about the DMs with Meredith Marks, Monica seemed more interested in talking about it than Meredith was.
“When you do bad things, Karma comes back to bite you,” she cryptically said while she was sipping on her wine.
Monica is stirring the pot by telling Lisa about her conversations about Angie with Meredith. It was the start of the disaster.
Of course would Lisa run right back to Angie.
But Monica said that “Meredith believes that Angie is in the Greek Mafia”, and that is putting some Ashley Darby sauce on that information.
The cutscene to Angie struggling to get on that inflated flamingo in the pool made me laugh though.
Monica brought up the legal documents of Angie and her husband claiming bankruptcy and owing $170,000 to the IRS!
Lisa thought that Monica was being used as a pawn to bring up the information about Angie and believes that Meredith is behind the DMs.
Everybody believes that Meredith is behind the anonymous Instagram account and sending DMs to Monica.
Everybody, except from Heather Gay.
She thought it was extremely odd behaviour to dig up documents on their friends, create a fake account and send DMs to herself.
But for someone who was heartbroken that her family cancelled on their plans last minute, Monica doesn’t break a sweat in this argument.
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kbduggal · 1 year
The Five Most Unsolved Mysteries of the World
Introduction: Unveiling the Veil of Mysteries
The tapestry of our world is interwoven with threads of knowledge and understanding, yet it is also adorned with patches of profound mystery—those enigmatic puzzles that defy explanation and continue to baffle even the most astute minds. These mysteries, like cryptic riddles whispered by the cosmos, beckon us to embark on journeys of exploration and inquiry. In this article, we shall journey together into the depths of the unknown, peering into the shadows where answers remain elusive and questions multiply. Welcome to a realm where the ordinary cedes to the extraordinary, where the known surrenders to the unknowable, and where the five most unsolved mysteries of the world await our scrutiny.
As we step into this enigmatic realm, we find ourselves captivated by the allure of the unexplained, the allure of the extraordinary. These mysteries, spanning the ages from ancient civilizations to modern-day enigmas, serve as beacons of curiosity, guiding us through uncharted waters and unexplored corridors of knowledge.
The human spirit, as ancient as time itself, has always been driven by an insatiable hunger for understanding. From the first flicker of firelight in our distant ancestors' eyes to the digital age of exploration, we have sought to unravel the secrets of our world. And yet, amid the triumphs of science and the ever-expanding boundaries of knowledge, there are mysteries that persist—shrouded in perplexity, cloaked in enigma.
In the pages that follow, we shall embark on a voyage through the uncharted territories of the Bermuda Triangle, where ships and aircraft vanish without a trace, leaving behind a trail of unanswered questions. We shall stand in awe before the towering Pyramids of Egypt, marveling at the architectural brilliance of a bygone era and pondering the secrets concealed within their ancient chambers. Stonehenge, with its massive stones and celestial alignments, will invite us to ponder the purpose of this prehistoric marvel and the engineering ingenuity of its creators.
Turning our gaze to the pages of the Voynich Manuscript, we shall venture into the mysterious world of an unknown script and perplexing illustrations, joining the ranks of countless scholars who have sought to decipher its cryptic contents. And finally, we shall plunge into the depths of the ocean in search of the fabled Lost City of Atlantis, a legend that continues to beckon explorers and dreamers alike.
As we journey through these tales of wonder and bewilderment, we invite you to embrace the spirit of exploration and inquiry. Let us cast aside the veil of the ordinary and dare to venture into the realm of the extraordinary. Together, we shall navigate the currents of speculation and discovery, guided by the unquenchable human thirst for knowledge.
So, join us as we set sail into the realm of mysteries—a realm where the boundaries of the known are blurred, where the possibilities are as limitless as our imagination, and where the answers may elude us, but the journey promises to be nothing short of extraordinary.
1. The Bermuda Triangle
The Bermuda Triangle, a loosely defined area in the western part of the North Atlantic Ocean, has garnered notoriety for the unexplained disappearances of ships, aircraft, and crews. While it's important to note that the Bermuda Triangle's reputation might be somewhat sensationalized, there are indeed instances of vessels and planes vanishing under mysterious circumstances within this region. These disappearances have given rise to a myriad of theories, including magnetic anomalies, underwater methane hydrate eruptions, and even extraterrestrial involvement.
One of the most famous cases is the disappearance of Flight 19 in 1945, where five U.S. Navy bombers vanished without a trace during a training exercise. The subsequent search and rescue mission, Flight 19's rescue plane, also disappeared. Despite extensive investigations by the military and scientific community, no definitive explanation has been established. Skeptics argue that many of these incidents can be attributed to human error, adverse weather conditions, and natural causes. Nonetheless, the Bermuda Triangle remains a captivating mystery.
2. The Pyramids of Egypt
The Great Pyramids of Egypt, located on the Giza Plateau, are among the most iconic and enigmatic structures in the world. These colossal monuments were constructed during the Old Kingdom period of Egypt's history, around 4,500 years ago. What astounds researchers is not just the size and precision of the pyramids but also the methods by which they were built.
Several theories attempt to explain the construction of the pyramids. The prevailing theory suggests that a massive workforce, likely composed of skilled laborers and slaves, quarried and transported the massive stone blocks using sleds, waterways, and possibly lubricants to reduce friction. However, questions remain about how these massive stones were precisely aligned and lifted to their towering heights.
Some alternative theories propose that ancient Egyptians possessed advanced knowledge or lost technologies that enabled them to achieve such remarkable feats with greater ease. Regardless of the theories, the Pyramids of Egypt continue to be a symbol of human ingenuity and a source of fascination.
3. Stonehenge
Stonehenge, located on the Salisbury Plain in England, is a prehistoric monument consisting of enormous standing stones arranged in a circular formation. The purpose of Stonehenge has been a subject of speculation for centuries. While it's widely believed to have served as an astronomical observatory or a religious site, the methods by which the massive stones were transported and erected remain puzzling.
These stones, some weighing up to 25 tons, were quarried from locations miles away and moved to the Stonehenge site. The prevailing theory suggests that a combination of sleds, rollers, and possibly waterways was used in their transportation. However, the exact techniques employed in lifting and positioning these stones with such precision continue to elude researchers.
Furthermore, Stonehenge's alignment with solar and lunar events adds complexity to the mystery. Some believe that it served as a celestial calendar or a place of spiritual significance. Regardless of its purpose, the ancient architects of Stonehenge left behind an enduring enigma.
4. The Voynich Manuscript
The Voynich Manuscript, named after the rare book dealer who acquired it in the early 20th century, is an ancient codex filled with intricate illustrations and a script that has confounded linguists and codebreakers for centuries. Carbon-dated to the 15th century, the manuscript's content remains unintelligible.
The script used in the Voynich Manuscript appears to be unique, with no known parallels in any known language. The drawings within the manuscript depict various plants, celestial bodies, and human-like figures engaged in mysterious activities. Numerous attempts have been made to decipher the script, but all have ended in failure.
The nature of the content—whether it's a scientific treatise, an herbal guide, or a medieval hoax—remains unknown. Despite advances in cryptography and linguistics, the Voynich Manuscript stands as one of history's most baffling linguistic and artistic puzzles.
5. The Lost City of Atlantis
The legend of Atlantis, first described by the ancient philosopher Plato in his dialogues "Timaeus" and "Critias," has captivated imaginations for over two millennia. According to Plato's accounts, Atlantis was a powerful and advanced civilization that mysteriously sank into the ocean "in a single day and night of misfortune."
Despite extensive efforts to locate Atlantis, no concrete evidence of its existence has been found. Some theories propose that Atlantis could have been based on a real civilization, while others argue that it's purely a philosophical allegory.
Numerous underwater expeditions have searched for the lost city, primarily in the waters of the Atlantic Ocean. While some intriguing underwater structures have been discovered, none have definitively been linked to Atlantis. The legend endures as one of the most captivating mysteries of human history, representing the eternal allure of the unknown.
Conclusion: Embracing the Enigma
In the tapestry of human knowledge and exploration, the world's most unsolved mysteries stand as intricate threads of intrigue and wonder. These enigmas, from the mystifying Bermuda Triangle to the ancient riddles of the Pyramids of Egypt, remind us of the boundless depths of our curiosity and the mysteries that continue to elude our grasp.
What makes these mysteries so compelling is the very fact that they remain unresolved. In a world where information is at our fingertips, and science continually unravels the unknown, these perplexing questions serve as humbling reminders that there are limits to our understanding. They challenge our assumptions and invite us to embrace the enigma—to revel in the tantalizing possibility that there are phenomena beyond our current comprehension.
While skepticism and scientific inquiry often offer plausible explanations for many phenomena, the enduring mysteries beckon us to explore the edges of the uncharted. They invite us to engage our imaginations, to entertain the extraordinary, and to consider that the universe, both natural and supernatural, may be far more complex and wondrous than we can fathom.
In the pursuit of answers to these mysteries, we find not just the thrill of discovery but also the humility to acknowledge that the universe is vast, diverse, and filled with wonders we have yet to fully grasp. As we continue to probe the depths of the Bermuda Triangle, scrutinize the secrets of the Pyramids, and seek to decode the Voynich Manuscript, we are reminded that the journey of exploration and understanding is as significant as the destination.
These mysteries, whether grounded in history, science, or legend, enrich our human experience. They serve as the spark for countless debates, books, documentaries, and late-night conversations. They are the fuel for our imagination, driving us to envision possibilities beyond the ordinary and to dream of realms uncharted.
In essence, these unsolved mysteries are the beating heart of our collective curiosity. They stand as testaments to the enduring human spirit that compels us to seek answers, to question the inexplicable, and to embrace the profound and the perplexing. As we continue to explore, investigate, and speculate, the journey itself becomes the destination—an adventure that expands the boundaries of knowledge and fuels our unending fascination with the unknown.
So, let us not merely lament the mysteries that elude us; let us celebrate them. For in their enigma lies the essence of discovery, the allure of the unexplored, and the enduring human quest for understanding. And as we contemplate these mysteries, we remain open to the possibility that within the unknown, we may find not only answers but also the profound beauty of the uncharted territories of our world and our imagination.
1. Are there any recent disappearances in the Bermuda Triangle?
As of my last knowledge update in September 2021, there have been no recent high-profile disappearances in the Bermuda Triangle. However, it's important to note that this region continues to be a topic of interest for researchers and explorers.
2. Has the Voynich Manuscript ever been decoded?
No, the Voynich Manuscript remains undeciphered. Despite numerous attempts by experts, the meaning of its unique script and illustrations remains a mystery.
3. What is the latest theory about the construction of the Pyramids of Egypt?
Various theories about the construction of the Pyramids of Egypt exist, including the use of ramps and advanced engineering techniques. However, no single theory has been universally accepted, and research in this area continues.
4. Has any evidence of Atlantis been found?
No concrete evidence of the existence of Atlantis has been found to date. While there have been claims of potential underwater structures, none have been definitively linked to the legendary city.
5. Are there ongoing expeditions to search for Atlantis?
Expeditions and research into the potential location of Atlantis have been conducted over the years, but no conclusive evidence has been discovered. The search for Atlantis remains a topic of interest among historians and archaeologists.
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64bitgamer · 2 years
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bailesu · 2 years
An Alterrnate Shadowrun - Riddlerun
In the year 2012, with the end of the Long Count, a new age began. There had long been reports of strange things ever since World War II; many believe that the first use of atomic weapons opened the way for the world to change. UFO sightings, Bigfoot, reports of Atlantis, planes and ships vanishing in the Bermuda Triangle. People were increasingly primed for something undeniably supernatural to happen.
On December 21, 2012, when the year died (the real year, not the clumsy system invented by someone who couldn't even set his start date correctly), the old age died with it. The first riddles appeared, carved into monuments, and as the sun moved across the earth from just east of Greenwich to just west of it, ancient monuments appeared, mysterious artifacts of a now forgotten age. What would turn out to have been the last age of magic. Ancient ruins full of danger, magic, strange creatures, and riddles.
Those who unlocked riddles learned magical secrets and became known as Riddlemasters. The secrets could not be taught, but the riddles could be; some had the knack and others did not and formal intelligence was not always the key. Riddlemasters were envied by some, loved by others, and heavily sought out by corporations who wanted to employ them.
But this was not the only change. It was a time of the fall of empires, for the magic of the ancient states, states forgotten by even the wisest historian, from a time before the last ice age had scourged away all evidence, that magic broke the great loyalties of the modern age. Anything much bigger than Belgium fell apart into pieces, able to hold only in loose alliances, and in some places, people found and answered the riddles and became Lord of the Land, with a mystic tie to the land; some Lords made themselves kings and others hid and acted as secret guardians.
With nation-states shattered, the great corporations, who were not tied to the land, flourished and became the real great powers, crossing the shrunken national boundaries. Freed from restraint, these corporations drove a great increase of technology, the Cyber-Age. Those who could not unlock Riddles turned to machines for power. Many of those ended up indebted to the corporations, who made wars on each other that no country could restrain in their shriveled state, save in countries with a Lord of the Land, where Lords and corporate power clashed.
But all of this is matched by a problem for everyone - the angry dead. Those who die by violence, starvation, and other ways that leave them angry or despairing at death rise again as ghosts whenever the sun sets. In areas with a Lord, the dead can be controlled, but in lands without one, the dead stalk the night, trying to get even or bringing fear and despair. Some Riddlemasters also possess necromantic secrets to master them.
There are whispers of another menace - shapeshifters, perhaps dwelling in the ocean, who walk among us, serving some secret, unknown master. They may or may not exist, for it is well known that some Riddlemasters and every Lord of the Land can achieve limited shapeshifting, able to become an animal of each of the three kingdoms (air, water, and land) and a plant. Others can achieve variation of human form. But these shifters can pass as anyone. If they even exist. They may well be the masters of the UFOs.
The UFOs definitely exist - there is too much evidence. But their technology is far beyond ours. They seem only to observe and at times, carry people off and experiment on them, then return them. They have a definite interest in the riddles. What they really want remains unknown and perhaps unknowable.
In the year 2042, young people remember no time before the change; their elders still remember the old world but know they must live in the world they have now. Who will rule in this age is yet unclear. The age of Riddles has begun.
(This is a fusion of the Riddlemaster of Hed, Cyberpunk tropes and late 20th century paranormal silliiness, written for an RPG.net thread.)
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heavensickness · 3 years
things that i thought would be a big problem in daily life when i was a child
bermuda triangle
a dragon or a sphynx asking me a riddle
checkered notebooks (i thought i wouldn't manage to use them before i went to school)
turning into a vampire and not being able to run away from my house at night to feed (bc what if i wake up my mom and have to explain to her that i'm a vampire)
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quixotic-writer · 4 years
Bermuda Love Triangle
Request: @gionline and anon(s?)
Summary: Flirting between Sal and Q had always been a little quirky joke between them for entertainment value until they both catch feelings. Sal plays it up, Q plays it off. When Sal seemingly moves on though, jealousy brews in Q and he doesn’t know what else to do but finally say what’s on his mind.
Truth be told, Q was a bit of an idiot. He was well aware of this and knew it often caused him to get into situations he sometimes couldn’t escape from. There was nothing he was more oblivious to than emotions. He was more specifically blind to romantic feelings, be it his own or others.
The moment he heard about vulquinn, he and Sal both played it up for their audience just for the reactions and their own personal entertainment. The need to always be right next to each other at live shows, their own podcast filled with inside jokes and personal stories, the way they managed to communicate through only their eyes, and the countless compliments and jokes about being romantically involved with the other.
‘If chicks can do it and be simply best friends, why can’t we?” Was his thought process. And it was true, it was just simple little gestures to one another that was merely just platonic affection. That was until it started bleeding into their regular life and the pair found themselves doing their little “act” for an audience that was non-existent around them. There was no one to get a good laugh or reaction out of, so they just tried to laugh it off.
Hidden behind those laughs was a realization within Sal that he had actually started falling for his best friend hard and fast. The flirtation slowly didn’t become an act, it melded into meaningful gestures. He found that his heart would race when Q would wrap an arm around him to bring him closer, when they made eye contact he could feel the butterflies burst from their cocoons into his stomach and tickle his throat, and the way that no matter where they would, the flirting never stopped. It all felt so real and he believed it was real too.
Q felt the effects of it all but had chocked it up to typical feelings for your best friend. Everyone felt comfortable with the thought of kissing their best friend… right? Cuddling your best friend during a scary movie and letting them hide in your arms was totally normal, all simply platonic… right? So on he kept saying how Sal was his “best friend,” little did he know exactly how much it hurt Sal to hear them being only that title and never anything more. Sal kept quiet about his feelings and never said anything not wanting to destroy or lose everything the two had built up.
One tour though, the tides quickly changed and shifted.
“Bri! This is Chris Distefano, he’s gonna be an opener for our shows!” Sal introduced Chris to Q. In that moment he got a look at this guy, he thought he looked way better than him and Q felt something inside of him coil up and make him sick. He passed it off as some nerves from being around someone new, so he remained civil and made his best attempt to make a good impression on this guy.
As the tour progressed, Q noticed that Sal wasn’t attached at his hip so much anymore. He was busy chatting things up with Chris. What he saw had made this fire ignite in his head, a jackhammer was what it felt like. He saw Sal leaning up against him, crying tears of laughter, hands folded over his stomach pushing out more laughs, and Chris in the same condition as the other. Q had thought he was one of the few people that could get Sal to laugh like that, and seeing Chris effortlessly do something he thought only he could do made him unreasonably upset.
As he lay in his bunk on the tour bus, Q couldn’t help but wonder: ‘What is going on with me? Why do I feel like this? I should be happy he’s making other friends.’ He barely got sleep that night and he was a total drag up until they were called up onto stage for their next show.
“Hey babe!” Q had never whipped his head around so fast at the sound of the familiar voice and he almost thought he was gonna get whiplash or pull something. As it turned out, Sal’s words were yet again not to him, but to Chris instead who greeted Sal with a wide smile and a warm hug. Q didn’t realize his jaw and fists were clenched so tight until Murr had pointed it out and he allowed it to relax and all the pressure in his head eased a bit and his hand stopped throbbing.
“Just a bit of pre show nerves, heard it’s gonna be a big crowd tonight.” He lied through his teeth and to himself too.
Tour had come to a close leaving Q within the four walls that he had grown familiar too along with the silence that accompanied it. He was finally able to have time to self reflect and really think about what was going on with him. It had been so long since he had even felt this strongly about anyone in his life and for so long he had kept trying to tell himself that everything they did was strictly platonic and nothing more. But Q seeing Sal with someone who was, in his opinion, much more attractive than him and doing basically everything that they used to do together had flipped the switch that this wasn’t just simple friend jealousy.
“Fuck…” He said out loud to himself, “I’m in love with my fucking best friend.” He finally admitted it out loud and buried his face in his hands as his cats nuzzled around him demanding immediate attention. Q’s head felt like it was spinning, he felt almost sick. “Why am I so stupid?!” Mentally beating himself up for not realizing things and sorting it out sooner. Now that he finally realized what that feeling was, jealousy, every other emotion attached had felt so much more intense. Magnified even. He had called Sal for lunch to get together.
“Maybe Chris could join us?” Sal asked curiously.
“Can't just be us?” Q said in quick opposition and realized he sounded like a jealous boyfriend without actually being his boyfriend, “I mean, we haven’t had a day with just us in a while.” He quickly back paddled and covered those secret emotions.
When the day rolled around, he convinced himself that he would finally confess everything. All he wanted was to finally have it all out in the open and hold nothing back. It felt weird keeping secrets from his best friend. Everything was going great, they were catching up on some things, sharing some little life updates, and as always they shared a few good laughs and stories.
“You know Q it’s great we had this day because I have exciting news that I wanna share with you! You’ll be one of the first to hear it.” Sal sat across from him in the booth they were in and had a big beaming smile plastered on his face. He looked as thorough if he didn’t get whatever it was out in that moment, he was just gonna implode.
“Well i’d love to hear what the news is!”
“Chris and I are starting a podcast together!” Q’s stomach sunk like the titanic. It felt painful and he knew he couldn’t mask any of his emotions after trying to build himself up. Sal quickly picked up on all of it and could read Q’s signals well, “Is there something wrong with me doing that Bri? I can read you like a book. You’ve been acting strange lately, what’s going on?” Q doesn’t know what came over him, but his emotions swirled him like a tornado and consumed everything.
“What’s going on? Sal, I know you’re smarter than this.” He forces a chuckle as he rubs his forehead staring down at the table. Sal had an inkling as to what it was, but he wanted to hear it out of Q.
“I don’t think I know what you mean…”
“For god’s sake Sal I like you okay! More than a friend should. Seeing you with Chris… It just…” There it was. The confession. But, for some reason it made Sal mad. All this time, the hints he kept dropping, the countless moves he tried to make. Only when Sal started taking interest in someone else did Q finally show up and show out what he had been wanting for so long.
“Does it make you jealous Brian?” Something about the way Sal said his name made it feel like his veins were wrapped tight around his neck and were suffocating him. “Only now that i’ve started showing interest in someone else do you care. I liked you too, okay?! But you couldn’t be bothered to notice my desperate hints. You just kept throwing ‘friend’ and ‘buddy’ around so I just gave up trying to win you over.” Guilt riddled Q and he felt paralyzed in that moment.
“Sal, i’m just so stupid.”
“Yeah, you are.” Both of them knew Sal didn’t mean it, but it still stung Q like a jellyfish wrapped around his leg. “I’m tired of the mind games Brian.” His head hung low as Sal left without another word. More than ever, Q had felt like the biggest clown in the circus he called his life. He tried to finish eating his food, but all he could do was pick around at it and wallow in his own self pity. By the time he left the diner, he came to the conclusion that this discussion wasn’t done and shouldn’t be left where it was.
He had made his way over to Sal’s house, approaching the front door and about to hit the doorbell
“Q?” All motions come to a quick halt as he turns around to see Chris standing there. He feels the jealousy and anger slowly building again, “What are you doing at Sal’s man?”
“What are you doing here?” It was a little sharper than he intended to sound.
“I asked you first!”
“And I asked you second!” He didn’t want to dish out any info about him and Sal, especially to the guy that Sal’s found a new interest in. Chris takes a deep breath, looking at Q with almost hurt eyes.
“Do you hate me or something? You just seemed to not want to be around me, especially on that tour. What did I do?” Before saying anything else, Q takes a moment to step back before making another mistake he’ll regret. Chris stood there with hands in his pockets waiting for an answer.
“Listen, I don’t hate you. Guess I was just getting a little jealous…” He admits not giving away too many details as he rubs the back of his neck. Looking at Chris though, he could tell he was able to piece some things together with that sentence alone. A moment of clarity hit him.
“Of me and Sal?”
“You just seem to make him happier than I have, you’re a lot more attractive than me… like honestly really attractive…” Q was trailing off and slowly understood Sal’s attraction to Chris.
“Don’t be like that, you’re quite the looker yourself babe.” Q’s cheeks rose in heat and he found it a bit hard to speak.
“You just seem to make him happier and get him to laugh really hard. Guess I let jealousy get the best of my emotions. Maybe… Maybe it’s better he has you. I should… I should just go.” Q began backing away from the door and was gonna leave, but Chris placed a hand to his chest and stopped him.
“Funny, it’s you I should be jealous of. Not gonna lie, I am interested in Sal but he told me he liked you, Q.”
“Wait what? When did he say that?”
“When… we got back from the tour..?”
“Well he just got done telling me he liked you. That’s actually why i’m here.” They both stood there in silence for a moment looking at each other. Their eyes wandered to Sal’s front door, then back again to one another. In a mirrored movement they both went right to the door and rang the doorbell. Footsteps grew louder as they got closer, the door unlocked and cracked open.
“Chris!” Sal said with a smile. Chris moved his hand out opening the door more to reveal to Sal that he had more than one visitor and his eyes grew wide. “And… Q…”
“You’ve got quite a bit of explaining Sally.” Q said with a devilish smirk as Sal broke out into a nervous sweat. When Sal looked to Chris, he wore a similar smirk.
“Yeah, babe. Let’s get to the bottom of this, shall we?”
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tsukikoayanosuke · 3 years
Twisted Vanguard: Bonus Round
Some clans for the other boys (will change when Episode 6 and 7 drop)
Malleus: Narukami (more aggressive Kagero)
Lilia: Dark Irregular (vampire and goth)
Silver: Royal Paladin (classic clan with knights)
Sebek: Nova Grappler (he’s just a tall version of Kamui)
Crowley: Gear Chronicle or Gold Paladin (either following the time-loop theory or Crowley is Tatsunagi Takuto in this AU)
Divus: Bermuda Triangle (you have to admit the idol clothes are adorable)
Mozun: Great Nature (an intellectual deck for an itellectual man)
Ashton: Spike Brothers (american football nuff said)
Sam: Dark Irregular or Pale Moon (shadowy friends from the other side)
Plot Bunnies
Heartslabyul Arc is basically early Link Joker Arc, where Ace and the rest of the first-years try to make a Vanguard Club but Riddle, the student council president, wouldn’t allow it.
Riddle used to play vanguard with Trey and Che'nya until his mother found out and won’t let him play.
Savanaclaw Arc is basically the second half of V-Series PSYquallia Arc, with the whole shock gloves making people traumatized to play Vanguard.
Octavinelle has a secret card shop that sells rare cards. If you want, you have to fight one of them. If you win, you get the card you needed, but if you lose, you give up your deck or ace card.
Pomefiore Arc is Vanguard Koshien/the Tournament Arc with Vil as their mentor.
Shroud Family is a card game developer company ala KaibaCorp.
Or maybe Idia is Maximillion Pegasus wants to resurrect Ortho ala Duelist Kingdom
Idia and Lilia play online tournaments.
Malleus is a professional card fighter, number one in the country.
Leona comes from a famous card fighter family, but he doesn’t really fit there.
Deuce is a newbie who has too many Grade 3 in his deck but eventually learns to make a balanced deck.
Epel vows to one day beat Vil after that one-time embarrassing card fight loss.
Trey’s family runs a card shop or a cafe with a small card fight area.
Cater does booster pack opening streams.
Ruggie used to play with trial deck until he met Leona who provides him with cards.
Kalim and Jamil are eternal tag duel partners.
All overblot victims might have psyquallia, a supernatural power to see the wining image/the final outcome of the game. Usually the user wins, but if two psyquallia users fight, it’ll be more unpredictable.
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brokentoys · 3 years
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@qu-tipie​​ ASKED :
" Ed! Question fa' ya'. What is tha' Bermuda Triangle? How does it work? Is it magnetism?," the clown questioned as she pulled on his suspenders using the elastic bands as a bungee to smack against him. "Is it aliens... Is it where Jervis forgot his hallucination serum? Or simply a boring government cover up?"
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Although the suspenders smacked right against him, Eddie had... little reaction to it. Other than a somewhat irritated expression on his gaunt face.
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“ Lame riddle. In a way, it’s similar to magnetism. The Bermuda Triangle just happens to be ‘ located ’ around land with bad, severe weather. Therefore, it’s more likely to crash & die if you happen to be flying near it. But I wouldn’t rule out the ‘ boring government cover up ’ . You won’t believe how many events, tragedies, whatever are all just cover & set-ups by the government. ”
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sylph-feather · 3 years
Anyways!! I have a new fun oc world I will talk about, since you guys seem to enjoy that, for whatever reason.
I think I’ve talked briefly about the prototype form of the idea, but it’s since matured. Essentially the idea is that there’s bermuda triangle like things that are essentially swamps of magic, and they’re across all universes/worlds and tether these worlds to each other.
It’s much more common in a more magical world to find these (and be aware of them), but the tethers “activate” and take things from nonmagic worlds as well every now and then… but it’s hard for “normal” aka nonmagic denizens to get back to their own world, since the connections happen in random places infrequently, and they have no magic of their own to get back with. In fact, nonmagic folk almost act as a magic DAMPENER / black hole to the denizens of magical realms near them, so they’re somehow miraculously good tanks… but once again, not really good for getting them back home.
In magical worlds, whole deserts are called “desert of the shifting sands” since it can spit you out in a different place on or off world to where you walked in. There’s also Ocean of Lost Tides, The Luring Forests, Dead Space, and a bunch of other similarly fancy stuff. Some worlds are very stable and the tethers act more as clear gates (think a fae gate— a circle of mushrooms or a hole in the tree that leads somewhere else) that are there all the time, but others are far more chaotic and will just be “well, you’re walking and now you’re somewhere random!” Their own magic can return them to its home, but still… in the latter type of realms, “guides” for these “shifty” places are common to hire.
Some random universe ideas are stuff like magical post apocalypse, a world where everything works more like it does in like legends/stories (aka there’s riddles, morals, etc rather than just a “normal” world), and scifi universe that accidentally discovered magic after ignoring it for a while (but classifies it as science still, hilariously).
I think the main story will be a human that’s stuck in this rifting and exploring many ways to get home, hoping she’ll eventually either be spit back out on earth, come across a world with a stable portal to earth, or find some world that can CONTROL portals. She probably has a helping cast of characters, too. It’ll mostly be more a fun little tour of random, episodic ideas (if I did do anything with it).
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louthestarspeaker · 4 years
So, my muse decided to return from her extended vacation in the Bermuda Triangle, so I’ve finally written something. Ah, I missed words. Anyway, I was inspired by this here post about strangers you remember. I wanted to tag whoever reblogged it in our little community but I can’t for the life of me remember and Tumblr’s not being any help so... there’s a fic about it now!
~Lou :)
Some people you just see for a moment, or speak to for a sentence, and they stay stuck in your mind in a way that makes you wish you weren't a stranger.
I remember my flight was delayed twice that day and I was sipping cold coffee and flipping through a magazine to pass the time. My phone had died, and I’m happy it did. I doubt I would have noticed the little boy otherwise.
He was maybe seven years old, with blonde hair and bright eyes, zipping about the waiting area with a toy car in his hands, acting as the commentator of an imaginary race. 
“In a desperate attempt to catch up, the Crimson Shadow takes a dangerous shortcut through Domino Canyon!”
A series of ‘vrooms’ and explosions followed as he drove the car over arm rests and coffee tables, looking quite at home in an airport. 
“Alan!” A deep voice called, and the boy startled with a guilty look. “How many times have I told you not to run off?” A tall man weaved his way through the furniture, tailed by three other boys. His sons and Alan’s brothers, if the resemblance in their faces was anything to go by.  
“Sorry, Daddy.” Alan said sheepishly, running up to his family. “I made sure I could still see you.”
The oldest boy, a redhead, ruffled his little brother’s hair. “But we can’t see you, Sprout. That’s the problem.”
Alan huffed and crossed his arms, seeming to take some offence from that statement. “I’ll get tall when I’m older. Taller than Gordy!”
“Will not!” Came the indignant reply.
“Will to!” 
“Will not!”
“Will t-”
“Boys, please, we’re in public.” Their father cut in sharply, sending an apologetic look to those who would meet his eye. I smiled when he met mine. Though annoying to some, and embarrassing to a parent, I quite enjoyed his boys’ banter.
Alan’s father commandeered a small section of the waiting area for his family, and his boys settled in. A tablet and sketchbook appeared, the older two evidently well prepared to fend off ensuing boredom, While the two youngest seemed to get on just fine with the other for company. 
Atop the coffee table with a stack of magazines and the contents of their dad’s pockets, they constructed Alan’s Domino Canyon, taking turns driving the car and manning the death traps the canyon was inevitably riddled with. 
They were shushed every other minute by their father, muttering sheepish sorrys and staying quiet for all of sixty seconds before their volume increased again. It was sweet though. 
People in airports- and people in general- always seemed to be some combination of bored, rushed, exhausted, or irritated. This family was none of those things. They chattered to each other, laughing quietly and teasing good-naturedly. They made the space seem different.
I smiled as Alan and his brother somehow shifted their whole setting under the sea, reluctantly turning my eyes back to my magazine. It was rude to stare for so long, but at least the article wasn’t as boring as I’d remembered.
Time ticked by and my flight was called at last. Gathering up my things, I rose to go. Alan seemed to have gotten bored of his race car/submarine and was now skipping around on the floor tiles (only the grey ones), being careful to stay in his father’s line of sight this time. I pulled on my coat and the little boy stopped dead in front of me. 
At a loss, I smiled hesitantly at him, and he returned it with a gap-toothed grin. He pointed a finger at my coat. “I like your jacket! It’s my brother’s favorite color.” 
I smiled in earnest now. The blue wool was very similar to the color of the little boy’s eyes.  “Thank you very much. I like your race car.”
Those eyes lit up. “Thanks!”
My flight was called for again and I quickly waved good-bye. I spared a glance over my shoulder at Alan’s family, wondering which of his brothers’ favorite colors was blue.
I ran smack into a man in my distraction. He was tall, dressed head to toe in military camouflage, and he reached out a hand to steady me until I regained my balance. I looked up to apologize, and was stunned into a stupor as a wave of déja vu overtook me.
He looked just like-
My eyes turned back over my shoulder, landing on Alan’s father.
The man followed my gaze and his whole demeanor changed. He seemed to light up from the inside out. 
“Sorry about that.” He said to me, though it’d been my fault, eyes still over my shoulder. He side stepped around me and rushed forward with long strides, weaving through the crowd with an almost giddy sort of eagerness.
Alan, still skipping on the floor tiles, was the first to see him.
The little boy took off, and Scott was running now too. He dumped his duffle bags right there in the middle of the airport as Alan leapt, catching him out of the air and lifting him high, laughing all the while. 
Scott hugged him close, Alan clinging like a koala. “Oh, Sprout, I’ve missed you.” 
To this day I’ve never seen another person convey love with such feeling as this young man toward his little brother. 
The rest of their family was upon them in a great cyclone of hugs and laughter, and the soldier-come-home was embraced at least twice by each of them. 
My heart swelled in my chest at their smiles. I’d have stayed watching them for as long as they were there, but it was the last call for my flight and I rushed to board.
I never saw them again, not in person. I send up prayers for a family of strangers now though,  and I kept my blue coat long after it was worn out. 
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sixfingersixtails · 5 years
Pines Clan: Pre-Birthday Bash
The Pines family was by no means small, thanks to various inter-dimensional shenanigans involving Sixer’s and his family’s arrival in this Gravity Falls.
Some who’d interacted with the family were already very much aware of that.
So the sight of five different versions of the same girl -- one older than the rest, and two looking distinctly not human -- swarming all over the house on June 14th was not that much of a surprise. Nor was what they were doing a surprise.
Some tourists were curious, admittedly, considering that the sight of a stage being set up against one side of the large, wooden building likely meant an event was happening, but the fact that the Shack was closed tomorrow -- and on a Saturday no less -- only made them confused. Mr. Mystery just said something about a private family gathering and not wanting to be disturbed, which at least some folks understood.
The rest were driven off by the seemingly-innocuous question of a riddle contest between the curious tourists and the local sphinx to see if they were worthy of getting more information. The multiple warnings of He will take something from you and eat it if you get a question wrong seemed to be enough to make them shut up and back off.
“I’m thinkin’ of closin’ the Shack early at this rate,” Stanley remarked to his twin. “If we get more questions like this, I’m really gonna sic Sphinxford on them.”
“He would probably get bored with them very quickly,” Stanford replied without so much as a glance at his twin. He was working on a blueprint design of something very boat-like in shape. “Besides, it’s only a day. I’m sure there are lots of other things those people could be doing with their time.”
“Like spendin’ it in another tourist trap!” An eyepatched Stanley stuck his head into the kitchen. “At least Gideon isn’t givin’ us any trouble, but I’m not too sure about his pops. Either one of them.”
“Yes, Bud and...Bob have gotten quite annoying.” Stanford frowned. “I’ll have to ask Star and Pine later if Gleeful was as attracted to the supernatural back then as he is now. Unless the trauma of that entire dimension collapsing caused this as a defense mechanism.” He drummed his fingers against the kitchen table for a moment, then shook his head. “Nevermind that. I assume our nieces have finished setting up for tomorrow, Stan?”
“Looks like it.” The eyepatched Stanley-lookalike glanced out one of the kitchen windows. “Kinda wonder why they didn’t ask their brothers. They usually do birthday bashes together, right?”
“That is the thought...perhaps they want to keep some things secret from Dipper and the others?” Stanford tapped his pen against his chin, looking thoughtful. “There could be a surprise in the works for tomorrow.”
“Considerin’ what tomorrow is, I wouldn’t be surprised.” Stanley folded his arms across his chest, frowning. “Say, Stan, ya got a tour comin’ up, don’tcha?”
“Yeah, yeah, in about ten minutes. Ford’s already in position, too.”
Stan and Stanley exchanged grins, and the eyepatched counterpart stepped out into the gift shop.
“If our circumstances were any different, I would be terrified at the thought of you working together with another version of yourself to make more money,” Stanford said dryly.
“Yeah, yeah. The plan’s still a go, right?”
“So far as I’m aware. Considering that Journal and Andrew are intent on taking a ‘cult-bashing’ tour this summer after festivities have wrapped up, and Sphinx and his gargoyle twin are going into the woods to do more research on the magical spring that seems to have popped up again, I don’t see why we con’t take on our original plans for ourselves again.” Stanford motioned to the blueprints. “I just have to get these to Fiddleford and he’ll have them made in good time.”
“Good. We’ve been puttin’ off this sailin’ thing far too long, and the kids ‘re gonna have plenty of adults ta keep an eye on ‘em. So let’s take that trip ta the Bermuda triangle or wherever.”
Stanford chuckled. “Maybe not Bermuda -- not yet, at least. But I was thinking of somewhere over in Russia....”
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