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2basefilmes · 5 years ago
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Nosso atleta @popo.gabriel Fez a mala hoje no treino da tarde. #ricosurf @riosurfcheck @resenhadasondas (em São Conrado, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBJd8QqANB5/?igshid=1my8evz7x0gzo
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rpalo-blog · 7 years ago
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SUP no pôr-do-sol! #praiadopontal #ricosurf #riodejaneiro #rio #rj #rio40graus #instario #cidademaravilhosa #TMJRio #curtarj #sky #beach #surf #pontal (em Rico Point)
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kirishimainwetsuit · 7 years ago
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by Ricosurf
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inenarravelamor · 5 years ago
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 Cansados de sofrer, exaustos de tanto lutar, esgotadas nossas fontes de energia, enfatuados de tantos desprezos, os pecadores deveriam saber que a única solução é clamar urgentemente pela misericórdia de Deus (v. 3). • Destruídos pela sociedade, esmagados pelos exploradores ricos e desprezados pelos arrogantes estúpidos, quem anda perambulando sem rumo como moribundo pelo mundo deve recorrer ao Senhor do Universo (v. 4). A parábola do filho pródigo ilustra cada um de nós que prefere servir aos prazeres carnais e enredar-se com o glamour do pecado para, depois, se ver num chiqueiro (Lucas 15:11-24). Somente quem cai em si tem facilidade para atender ao convite de Jesus em Mateus 11:28-29. Não há como ficar sem servir. Embora servir a Cristo não seja escravidão. “Um servo cristão é a pessoa mais livre da terra” (Eugene Peterson). Reavivemo-nos! – Heber Toth Armí. . . . ✅ Compartilhe Esperança 👍🏼Curta 💬 Marque seus amigos 🔔 Ative as notificações . . #ricos #ricostruzioneunghie #ricosti #ricostruzione #ricosuave #ricosticosmeticos #ricosurfrecreio #ricostruzionegel #ricostruzioneunghieingel #ricosurfmacumba #ricosta #ricosauve #ricostacoshop #ricost #ricostruzioneingel #ricostruzionegelunghie #ricosabor #ricostruzionecapelli #ricostruito #ricosticosm #ricoste #ricosguestlist #ricosanoyvegano #ricosauvin #ricoshowsurnrj #ricosurf #ricostruzionenailroma #ricostruzionetessutistorici #ricosefamosos #ricostruzioneunghieinacrilico https://www.instagram.com/p/B-uKltLDYPX/?igshid=hzm8xucdjahg
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inovaniteroi · 7 years ago
Itacoatiara Pro 2018 – Início do evento principal é adiado para sexta-feira
O vento esperado para entrar com força no meio da semana chegou antes e a direção de prova optou pelo adiamento do evento principal do Itacoatiara Pro 2018 nessa segunda (18). Com previsão de poucas ondas para os próximos dias já foi decretada que a nova chamada ocorre apenas na próxima sexta-feira (22), às 7h. Dessa forma, os atletas terão a semana livre para treinos e descanso, além de aproveitarem um pouco das belezas naturais da região.
“A chamada para day off é definitiva para os próximos dias e nós vamos retornar na sexta-feira com as previsões indicando uma boa ondulação a caminho. O vento deve ficar ainda mais forte nessa segunda então foi uma decisão bem acertada. Nessa semana sem campeonato vamos ativar bastante a parte de sustentabilidade que envolve o Itacoatiara Pro. Contamos com o apoio do INEA (Instituto Estadual do Ambiente) e da Fundação Municipal de Educação para a realização de ações socioambientais e esportivas com as crianças dos projetos sociais em parceria com os melhores atletas do mundo”, avalia Giuliano Lara.
E a decisão do adiamento agradou aos atletas que estão ansiosos para o início da competição. Segundo Dudu Pedra, um dos locais de Itacoatiara, a expectativa é de boas ondas para o final da semana. “Hoje amanheceu com essa ondulação de leste e a previsão é que ela vire para sul já nas próximas horas. Esse vento leste joga a bancada para o lado do Pampo e com a próxima previsão chegando a ideia é que o mar esteja perfeito a partir de sexta. Além disso, tudo indica que teremos sol, vento bom, ondulação na direção correta e a bancada muito mais organizada. Tudo está colaborando para que tenhamos um show a partir de sexta”, avalia Dudu.
Brasileiros em maioria no evento principal
Ao término da fase de triagens do Itacoatiara Pro o Brasil consolidou-se como a nação com o maior número de atletas no evento principal. No total serão dez atletas defendendo as cores da bandeira brasileira contra 5 havaianos, 3 sul-africanos, 3 australianos, 3 chilenos, 2 franceses, 2 portugueses, 1 marroquino, 1 argentino, 1 peruano e 1 de Ilhas Reunião.
Dos trinta e dois classificados para o evento principal apenas dois venceram o Itacoatiara Pro em edições passadas. Amaury Lavernhe (2013 e 2015) e Jared Houston (2014) têm a chance de repetir os feitos de anos anteriores. Além disso, outro dado curioso, é que cinco dos competidores sobreviventes no evento principal já conquistaram títulos mundiais. Iain Campbell (2017), Pierre Louis Costes (2011 e 2016), Jared Houston (2015), Amaury Lavernhe (2010 e 2014) e Uri Valadão (2008).
Baterias do evento principal:
#1 – Jared Houston (AFS) x Uri Valadão (BRA) x Brahim Iddouch (MAR) x Mack Crilley (HAV)
#2 – Antonio Cardoso (POR) x Tristan Roberts (AFS) x Sócrates Santana (BRA) x Adejaldo Silva (BRA)
#3 – Eder Luciano (BRA) x Alan Munoz (CHI) x Isaias Ravyc (BRA) x Patrick Orr (HAV)
#4 – Tanner McDaniel (HAV) x Maxime Castillo (FRA) x Roberto Bruno (BRA) x David Barbosa (BRA)
#5 – Pierre Louis Costes (FRA) x Miguel Rodriguez (PER) x Nicolas Chiara (ARG) x Kevin Torres (CHI)
#6 – Dudu Pedra (BRA) x Amaury Lavernhe (I REU) x João Zik (BRA) x Sammy Morrentino (HAV)
#7 – Jacob Romero (HAV) x Lewy Finnegan (AUS) x Lachlam Cremsie (AUS) x George Humphreys (AUS)
#8 – Iain Campbell (AFS) x Dino Carmo (POR) x Sacha Damjanic (CHI) x Hugo Medeiros (BRA)
Itacoatiara Pro – Galeria de campeões
2012 – Dave Winchester (Austrália)
2013 – Amaury Lavernhe (Ilhas Reunião)
2014 – Jared Houston (África do Sul)
2015 – Amaury Lavernhe (Ilhas Reunião)
2016 – Alex Uranga (País Basco)
2017 – Diego Cabrera (Ilhas Canárias)
O Itacoatiara Pro é um oferecimento da Secretaria Municipal de Esporte e Lazer e da Neltur. O evento conta com o patrocínio da SGA Toyota e co-patrocínio da NET, Kpaloa e CNH – Centro Hospitalar de Niterói. A etapa válida como evento Grand Slam do APW World Tour tem o Canal Off e RicoSurf como media Partners e  apoio do Restaurante Saboreando,  4 cantos turismo, Cerveja Sol, Puro Suco, Waysuplementos, Ofurô Brasil, Acorp eventos, Palm Club, Ecoponte e Lanchonete Céu e Mar. Os colaboradores são a Casa do Costão, Pousada Praia de Itacoatiara, Pousada Itacoatiara INN, Pampo Clube, Joama Construtora, Pousada Dunas de Itaipú, Academia Aquafish, FisiosportCenter, Pousada Pedras Brancas, Hostel Terraço Elefante e Oceanica Rent a Car. O evento é licenciado pelo INEA e pela RESEX.
O post Itacoatiara Pro 2018 – Início do evento principal é adiado para sexta-feira apareceu primeiro em Plantão Enfoco.
from Plantão Enfoco https://ift.tt/2ME9EFU
from WordPress https://ift.tt/2K2a8Y5
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jaeame-blog · 7 years ago
RIP Jean da Silva (1985 | Jean da Silva
Miguel Pupo has conquered the Hang Loose Pro Contest 2012, at Cacimba do Padre Beach, in Fernando de Noronha island, Pernambuco, Brazil. Brazilian pro surfer Jean da Silva has passed away. While Oropeza and Rendon died at the scene, Moncada was taken to hospital in critical condition but succumbed to his injuries. The news comes just one day after Brazilian Jean da Silva took his own life.
We'll update this post when we have more information. The 32-year-old surfer from Joinville was found lifeless in his residence. Jean da Silva, a 32-year-old Brazilian surf champion and regular on the WQS for the last decade, is dead.Singapore's Poon Pei Jie and Timor Leste's Jean da Silva facing off at the net during their pool-stage clash at the South-east Asian Beach Volleyball Championships on Sentosa's Palawan Beach on Thursday. Sad news out of Brazil today as reported on Ricosurf, who published the story this morning that Jean da Silva had taken his own life.
Pulse Victims And Supporting The Loved Ones Left Behind. Shareshare on facebook · Tweet · send via email · reddit · stumbleupon.Everyone handles grief differently. 06/09/2017 02:32 pm ET Updated Jun 10, 2017. Initial reports are that he took his own life, but those reports aren't confirmed at the moment.
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blogdofreire · 7 years ago
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Parabéns meus amigos, ficou sensacional!!!! 👏🏻🙌🏻🙏🏄‍♂️🏄‍♂️🏄‍♂️🏄‍♂️⚽️⚽️⚽️ #Repost @iuricorsini with @get_repost ・・・ Essa é a seleção mais respeitada de todas!!! @eduardolimasurf parabéns pela arte. Ficou animal!! Galera, confiram no link da BIO a matéria / brincadeira que eu fiz para o @ricosurfoficial, com a escalação e o esquema tático da nossa SeleSurfe. #futesurf #surftbol #criação #SeleSurf #2018 #ricosurf #deemosdevidoscréditos
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robertamororo · 8 years ago
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"Ain't no sunshine when she's gone...It's not warm when she's away" 🔥☀️🌹🌺 Mais um dia lindo pra ser reverenciado 🙌🏿 . . . #friends #recreio #ricosurf #lifeisgood #dream #sunshine #summer #verao #rj #recreiodosbandeirantes #love #amor #picoftheday #instagood #sun #sunset #music #musica #poetry #poesia #instagram #baixorecreio 🎵🎁 (em Quiosque Do Ricco Praia Da Macumba Rj)
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fabioaquinobb · 9 years ago
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Nova parceria com o @ricosurfoficial . De 15 em 15 dias vou contar alguma história sobre o #bodyboard para vocês. Fiquem ligados. @kamonasurfshop @ipanemapilates #ricosurf (em Ricosurf.com)
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rpalo-blog · 7 years ago
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1º pôr-do-sol de 2018! FELIZ ANO NOVO! #sunset #beach #sky #praiadopontal #ricosurf #riodejaneiro #rio #rj #rio40graus #instario #cidademaravilhosa #TMJRio #curtarj (em Rico Point)
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jaeame-blog · 7 years ago
RIP Jean da Silva (1985 | Jean da Silva
The 32-year-old surfer from Joinville was found lifeless in his residence. Sad news out of Brazil today as reported on Ricosurf, who published the story this morning that Jean da Silva had taken his own life. Initial reports are that he took his own life, but those reports aren't confirmed at the moment. Pulse Victims And Supporting The Loved Ones Left Behind.
We just heard awful news out of Brazil. 32-year-old Jean Da Silva has passed away. Miguel Pupo has conquered the Hang Loose Pro Contest 2012, at Cacimba do Padre Beach, in Fernando de Noronha island, Pernambuco, Brazil. Brazilian pro surfer Jean da Silva has passed away.Jean da Silva, a 32-year-old Brazilian surf champion and regular on the WQS for the last decade, is dead. Everyone handles grief differently. 06/09/2017 02:32 pm ET Updated Jun 10, 2017.
Shareshare on facebook · Tweet · send via email · reddit · stumbleupon. We'll update this post when we have more information.Although not confirmed, initial reports from Rico Surf state that he took his own life. While Oropeza and Rendon died at the scene, Moncada was taken to hospital in critical condition but succumbed to his injuries.
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jaeame-blog · 7 years ago
RIP Jean da Silva (1985 | Jean da Silva
Brazilian pro surfer Jean da Silva has passed away. Pulse Victims And Supporting The Loved Ones Left Behind. Sad news out of Brazil today as reported on Ricosurf, who published the story this morning that Jean da Silva had taken his own life. Shareshare on facebook · Tweet · send via email · reddit · stumbleupon.
Miguel Pupo has conquered the Hang Loose Pro Contest 2012, at Cacimba do Padre Beach, in Fernando de Noronha island, Pernambuco, Brazil. Moncada posted a tribute to Da Silva on IG shortly before the accident: "Rest in peace, my friend, #RIP. Even as a person as good as Jean da Silva can leave us of this world. Initial reports are that he took his own life, but those reports aren't confirmed at the moment.The news comes just one day after Brazilian Jean da Silva took his own life. Jean da Silva, a 32-year-old Brazilian surf champion and regular on the WQS for the last decade, is dead.
Everyone handles grief differently. 06/09/2017 02:32 pm ET Updated Jun 10, 2017. The 32-year-old surfer from Joinville was found lifeless in his residence.We just heard awful news out of Brazil. 32-year-old Jean Da Silva has passed away. While Oropeza and Rendon died at the scene, Moncada was taken to hospital in critical condition but succumbed to his injuries.
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jaeame-blog · 7 years ago
RIP Jean da Silva (1985 | Jean da Silva
Pulse Victims And Supporting The Loved Ones Left Behind. Singapore's Poon Pei Jie and Timor Leste's Jean da Silva facing off at the net during their pool-stage clash at the South-east Asian Beach Volleyball Championships on Sentosa's Palawan Beach on Thursday. Brazilian pro surfer Jean da Silva has passed away. The news comes just one day after Brazilian Jean da Silva took his own life.
Sad news out of Brazil today as reported on Ricosurf, who published the story this morning that Jean da Silva had taken his own life. Everyone handles grief differently. 06/09/2017 02:32 pm ET Updated Jun 10, 2017. While Oropeza and Rendon died at the scene, Moncada was taken to hospital in critical condition but succumbed to his injuries.We'll update this post when we have more information. Shareshare on facebook · Tweet · send via email · reddit · stumbleupon.
Moncada posted a tribute to Da Silva on IG shortly before the accident: "Rest in peace, my friend, #RIP. Even as a person as good as Jean da Silva can leave us of this world. We just heard awful news out of Brazil. 32-year-old Jean Da Silva has passed away.Jean da Silva, a 32-year-old Brazilian surf champion and regular on the WQS for the last decade, is dead. The 32-year-old surfer from Joinville was found lifeless in his residence.
0 notes
jaeame-blog · 7 years ago
RIP Jean da Silva (1985 | Jean da Silva
Moncada posted a tribute to Da Silva on IG shortly before the accident: "Rest in peace, my friend, #RIP. Even as a person as good as Jean da Silva can leave us of this world. Miguel Pupo has conquered the Hang Loose Pro Contest 2012, at Cacimba do Padre Beach, in Fernando de Noronha island, Pernambuco, Brazil. Although not confirmed, initial reports from Rico Surf state that he took his own life. Singapore's Poon Pei Jie and Timor Leste's Jean da Silva facing off at the net during their pool-stage clash at the South-east Asian Beach Volleyball Championships on Sentosa's Palawan Beach on Thursday.
We just heard awful news out of Brazil. 32-year-old Jean Da Silva has passed away. Brazilian pro surfer Jean da Silva has passed away. Jean da Silva, a 32-year-old Brazilian surf champion and regular on the WQS for the last decade, is dead.Initial reports are that he took his own life, but those reports aren't confirmed at the moment. Shareshare on facebook · Tweet · send via email · reddit · stumbleupon.
The news comes just one day after Brazilian Jean da Silva took his own life. Pulse Victims And Supporting The Loved Ones Left Behind.Everyone handles grief differently. 06/09/2017 02:32 pm ET Updated Jun 10, 2017. We'll update this post when we have more information.
0 notes
jaeame-blog · 7 years ago
RIP Jean da Silva (1985 | Jean da Silva
We just heard awful news out of Brazil. 32-year-old Jean Da Silva has passed away. Sad news out of Brazil today as reported on Ricosurf, who published the story this morning that Jean da Silva had taken his own life. Jean da Silva, a 32-year-old Brazilian surf champion and regular on the WQS for the last decade, is dead. While Oropeza and Rendon died at the scene, Moncada was taken to hospital in critical condition but succumbed to his injuries.
The 32-year-old surfer from Joinville was found lifeless in his residence. Miguel Pupo has conquered the Hang Loose Pro Contest 2012, at Cacimba do Padre Beach, in Fernando de Noronha island, Pernambuco, Brazil. Although not confirmed, initial reports from Rico Surf state that he took his own life.We'll update this post when we have more information. Shareshare on facebook · Tweet · send via email · reddit · stumbleupon.
Pulse Victims And Supporting The Loved Ones Left Behind. Everyone handles grief differently. 06/09/2017 02:32 pm ET Updated Jun 10, 2017.Initial reports are that he took his own life, but those reports aren't confirmed at the moment. The news comes just one day after Brazilian Jean da Silva took his own life.
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jaeame-blog · 7 years ago
Jean da Silva, Brazilian Surf Champion, Reportedly Takes Own Life | Jean da Silva
Pulse Victims And Supporting The Loved Ones Left Behind. We just heard awful news out of Brazil. 32-year-old Jean Da Silva has passed away. Initial reports are that he took his own life, but those reports aren't confirmed at the moment. Shareshare on facebook · Tweet · send via email · reddit · stumbleupon.
Sad news out of Brazil today as reported on Ricosurf, who published the story this morning that Jean da Silva had taken his own life. Everyone handles grief differently. 06/09/2017 02:32 pm ET Updated Jun 10, 2017. Jean da Silva, a 32-year-old Brazilian surf champion and regular on the WQS for the last decade, is dead.We'll update this post when we have more information.
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