#ricky esposito
jefferson-starkid · 2 years
I finally read Malibu Rising. How does TJR manage to make me care so deeply about every single character in a book where our 4 mains don’t even begin to scratch the surface?
I am in love with how she writes women.
Nina Riva. Probably my favourite protagonist this year. What a complete breath of complex & insecure & absolute good fresh air in a story filled with ambiguously asshole-ish people. I want to be like her and learn like her. I will love her forever.
Kit Riva. My honorary little sister. I care about her as if she were a real person. I want her to live her life freely. I know she’ll kick ass at it. And oh how I hope we haven’t seen the last of her yet.
June Costa Riva. The embodiment of how complete devotion can become destructive. I didn’t understand her and I hated her and then I didn’t.
Honorable mention for Tuesday Hendricks. With a name like that you can’t be anything but awesome, and I feel like there is so much more to discover under her skin. If ever there was a pick for TJR’s next story subject, she would be mine.
Lastly, all men are trash, but we been knew. Except Ricky Esposito, who gets a pass because he has done nothing wrong, ever, in his life, and I know this, and I love him.
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lyalyagushkina · 10 days
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lanphobic · 6 months
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If I could add the whole student body, teachers, and literally every resident of Bullworth I actually would.
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anhdepzai · 5 days
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testing my first tablet
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cyanityy · 2 months
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frchillingrn · 1 year
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Greaser hangout sesh 💋
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itsyoung8 · 5 months
Greasers as Pokemon
Salut la team! the idea came to me just playing Pokemon Legend Arceus. Here we go!!!
Johnny as Mightyena (French: Grahyèna)
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Peanut as Meowth (French: Miaouss)
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Norton as Tinkaton (French: Forgelina)
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Lola as Enamorus (French: Amovénus)
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Vance as Quaxly (French: Coiffeton)
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Ricky as Ceruledge (French: Malvalame)
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Hal as Bastiodon (French: Bastiodon)
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Lucky as Revavroom (French: Vrombotor)
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Lefty as Beautifly (French: Charmillon)
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wolfxplush · 3 days
“Welcome to the world clover”
EVERYONE BLAME @redninjaoutfit Afor putting this IN MY HEAD IM SICK.
It was the middle of the night when Lovette's contractions started, a rush of panic mixed with excitement filling her as Vance scrambled to get their things ready. They had prepared for this moment for months, but nothing could have prepared them for the whirlwind that followed as they rushed to the hospital. Lovette managing to calmly explain to the front desk about her water breaking, her red haired husband look a second away from fainting was not helping by screaming for a room.
Vance had been by Lovette’s side through every step of the pregnancy, absolutely smitten with her since their years at Bullworth. His love for her only grew with every day, every moment they spent planning their future. The idea of becoming parents was daunting, but it was also beautiful.
At the hospital, the medical staff took Lovette to a room, and Vance was right there, holding her hand, whispering reassurances in her ear as they waited for the baby to come. Hours passed, and Lovette's exhaustion began to settle in, but she kept strong, her grip on Vance’s hand tightening with every contraction. He didn’t dare complain once, rather his wife break every one in his hand then let her be in pain.
In the waiting room, however, a different kind of chaos unfolded. The greaser gang had arrived, and they were anything but subtle.
"I’m telling you, we need to see her now!" Johnny yelled, pacing back and forth while glaring at the poor nurse at the desk. His usual tough-guy demeanor was punctuated by genuine concern, making him even more intimidating.
"She’s fine, Johnny, calm down!" Peanut tried to reassure him, but he wasn’t doing much better, fiddling nervously with his jacket.
"You don’t know that! What if something’s wrong?" Hal piped in, his voice shaking slightly. "What if—"
"Everyone just calm down," the nurse finally managed to interrupt, holding her hands up. "Lovette is in good hands, and we’ll notify you as soon as there’s any news."
"Good hands? You’re sure about that?" Ricky muttered under his breath, giving the nurse a skeptical look.
Amidst the gang, Colt stood a little apart, his arms crossed tightly over his chest, eyes darting to the hallway every few seconds. He looked like he was barely holding it together. Lovette had treated him like her own son for years now, As soon as the girl turned 18 she was quick to file for adoption thanks to a lawyer parent of the preps, and the thought of something happening to her made him feel sick. His hands were balled into fists, knuckles white with tension.
"She’s gonna be fine, right?" he finally asked the nurse, his voice a little quieter but no less intense.
Before the nurse could answer, the doors to the delivery wing swung open, and Vance stepped out, looking both exhausted and radiant. His smile was wide, the relief and joy written all over his face. His hair a tousled mess that normally would have sent him into a panic for a comb.
"Vance!" Johnny was the first to bolt up to him, grabbing him by the shoulders. "How’s Lovette? The baby?"
Vance chuckled softly, shaking his head. "She’s perfect. Both of them are perfect. It was a healthy delivery—a girl. We have a little girl." He spoke, tears pricking in his tired eyes. The shake in his voice noticeable.
The gang erupted into a chorus of cheers and congratulations, their previous anxiety replaced with excitement and relief. Colt, however, stood frozen for a moment, his mind still processing the news. Vance smiled and gave him a gentle pat on the shoulder, knowing how much this meant to him too.
"Come on," Vance said, his voice warm. "Lovette wants to see you guys. And Colt... she wants you to meet Clover."
Colt’s eyes widened, and the nervous energy that had been holding him together finally gave way. He followed Vance with the others trailing behind, all of them still buzzing with excitement as they made their way to the room where Lovette was resting.
Lovette was sitting up in bed, looking tired but glowing. In her arms, she cradled a tiny bundle wrapped in a soft pink blanket. Her eyes lit up when she saw Colt and the rest of the greasers crowding the doorway, a soft laugh escaping her lips.
"There’s my family," she whispered, her voice still a little weak but filled with warmth. "Come meet her."
The greasers stepped in slowly, almost reverently, as if they were afraid to break the peaceful moment. Ricky, Hal, Johnny, Peanut,Norton—they all stood around the bed, each of them awkwardly trying to figure out what to say. But their silence was enough. Lovette could see the love and care in their faces.
Colt, however, lingered near the back, unsure. He hadn’t expected to feel so emotional, but seeing Lovette like this, holding her newborn daughter, made his chest tight.
Lovette caught his hesitation and smiled softly. "Colt," she said, beckoning him closer. "Come meet your sister…”
He swallowed hard, walking slowly toward the bed. Lovette gently shifted the baby in her arms, motioning for him to sit beside her.
"You can hold her," Lovette said, her eyes soft. "Don’t be scared. She’s family."
Colt hesitated for just a moment before sitting down carefully, watching as Lovette placed baby Clover into his arms. The baby was so small, so delicate, and for a second, he thought his heart might stop. He had never held a baby before, let alone someone so precious.
"Hey there," Colt whispered, staring down at Clover with wide eyes. She was fast asleep, her tiny hand curled into a fist, her little nose wrinkling in her sleep.
The rest of the greasers looked on, their tough exteriors melting away as they gathered around Colt and the baby. Hal was grinning from ear to ear, Ricky was wiping at his eyes, and Johnny, despite trying to keep up his usual cool act, looked just as emotional. Norton hiding a giant grin behind his fist.
"She’s beautiful," Peanut said softly, leaning over to get a closer look.
"She’s perfect," Vance added, his arm slipping around Lovette’s shoulders as he pressed a kiss to the top of her head. "Just like her mom."
Lovette blushed at the compliment, leaning into Vance’s embrace, but her eyes never left Colt. Seeing him hold Clover like that made her heart swell. She had always treated him like her own, hell he was her own! but watching him cradle her daughter so gently felt like the perfect affirmation that their family—both blood and chosen—was complete.
"Thanks for being here," Lovette said quietly, addressing them all. "It means the world to me."
"Of course we’re here," Johnny replied, sounding slightly offended by the notion. "You’re family."
"Yeah," Hal chimed in, giving Lovette a wide grin. "There’s no way we’d miss this."
"Colt," Lovette said, her voice softening as she looked at him again. "You’ll always be a part of this. You know that, right?"
Colt nodded, unable to trust his voice. He looked down at Clover, feeling a strange sense of pride swell up inside him. He hadn’t expected to feel this connected, but holding her in his arms made everything real. This wasn’t just Lovette’s baby—this was his family, his sister.
"You’re going to be a great big brother," Vance teased, clapping Colt on the back. "I can already see it."
Colt smiled, finally relaxing as the others laughed and cooed over the baby. They passed her around carefully, each of them taking their turn to hold her, marveling at her tiny features and whispering soft words of affection.
As the room filled with laughter and joy, Lovette leaned back against Vance, resting her head on his shoulder. It had been a long journey, but they had made it. They had built something beautiful—something that went beyond just the two of them.
Clover stirred in Peanut’s arms, her little face scrunching up in a tiny yawn, and everyone fell silent for a moment, watching the new life they were all so captivated by.
"Welcome to the family, Clover," Lovette whispered, her voice full of love. "You’ve got the best big brother, the best uncles, and the best dad in the world."
"And the best mom," Vance added, pressing another kiss to her temple.
Lovette smiled, her heart full. Everything she had ever wanted, everything she had dreamed of, was right here in this room. Surrounded by the people she loved most, with her daughter in their arms, she knew they would be okay. They were family, and that was all that mattered.
As the night went on, the gang stayed close, unwilling to leave just yet. They joked and teased each other, fawning over baby Clover and promising to always protect her. And in that moment, in that tiny hospital room, everything felt perfect.
So when I wrote this I cried so hard I started gagging
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reospride · 1 year
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Slowly but surely I will draw every clique (hopefully lol) Special thank you for @s4samus once again for picking the best colors for them!!!
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saintpaulia-av · 1 year
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Time-skip version of greasers, I guess 👉🏻👈🏻
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viridi0n · 1 year
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the greasers but w roblox faces.
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lyalyagushkina · 8 months
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My bully OC, let's imagine that it was she who dumped Ricky because of the jock, but then walked out and returned to him ^_^
questionnaire template @Jimothy-hopkins
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Stacy, a character @sourjabloki
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s4samus · 2 years
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mental illness 2
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natsu12291 · 1 year
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Clique: Greasers
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namranii · 3 days
All this Hal Esposito stuff on my fyp (not complaining) has inspired me to beg like a sick Victorian boy for Hal x reader hcs 🤭🥰
FINALLY THE FANDOM APPRECIATES HIM 🤑 (cw: mention of eating disorders)
the boy can sing. don’t ask, he has bars.
history buff. ask him anything about history and he will pull out the 🤓☝️ face.
based on his dialogue has either bulimia or binge eating disorder but is in denial about it.
has a crush on marilyn monroe.
when he was a kid, he used to go hunting with his father.
strong for a fat man (tehe i love strong fat guys)
if you’re dating him will pick you up and carry you around piggy back style CONSTANTLY.
has the most surprising rizz out of all the clique members, he doesn’t look like he gets bitches but HE DOES. trust!!
still pines over eunice 😔
makes the outfits that him and lefty use to dress up frogs with.
him and ricky are childhood best friends :3.
moonwalks on a daily basis to greet his friends.
bites his nails when hes scared or just bored. due to this, has ugly ass nails.
coughing almost CONSTANTLY. holds his breath untill his face turns red so he doesn’t cough in public/awkward situations.
laughs like a hyena.
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