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thesoftboiledegg · 11 months ago
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I was thinking about this scene in Total Rickall, and man, this would NOT happen today. Morty went from panicking during an alien experiment to calmly telling a group of mobsters that Rick's going to kill them if they don't treat him like a king.
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rickandmortyscreenshots · 7 months ago
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krsive-writes · 2 years ago
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Sorry not sorry, but this is the sexiest moment of the show, hands down. Rick on his knees? Morty standing there with his heart in his throat, hands shaking, staring into Rick’s crazed eyes and wondering if he has it in him? Rick spitting in the face of death, fucking DARING it to come take him? Hoping and fearing in equal measure that this will be the end, because he doesn’t have the balls to do it himself but maybe, maybe Morty does? Please. I can’t take it. Give me more.
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sadiecoocoo · 1 year ago
So I’m rewatching Total Rickall (cuz it’s my go to for any RnM rewatch) and does anyone else wonder if sleepy Gary wanted to be an actual human and not a parasite? Like he looked genuinely sad when Jerry didn’t want to kiss him back… also why would a parasite put a memory of them making out if they didn’t want it to be real??? And he wasn’t really trying to run away when the Smiths were shooting the other parasites, he was just kind holding onto Jerry and was genuinely terrified… like yeah he defended some of the other parasites but those were technically his real family so that’s understandable rlly… also the fact that he immediately started comforting Jerry makes me think that he genuinely cared abt him and saw all those fake memories as real even tho he created those fake memories. Also when he made Jerry have a flashback he didn’t create another parasite he just wanted Jerry to remember when they made out
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conanssummerchild · 9 months ago
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more ricks in my house
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thetooncrew · 2 months ago
sometimes when i'm really bored i don't even put on episodes i try to see how much i can memorize in my head until it draws a blank
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tinkerbitch69 · 1 year ago
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Seriously I think the similarity between the concepts of these episodes is hilarious. Begs the question has Dan Harmon seen torchwood? The public needs to know!
I’m personally team torchwood but I wanna see what tumblr thinks.
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mortypone · 11 months ago
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Unmortricken VS Total Rickall
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jerry-enthusiast · 3 months ago
I just realized something about the Total Rickall parasites
They weren't evil. It might've been written out for them to LOOK like antagonists, but they only had 2 goals; Spreads fake POSITIVE memories, and multiply.
They only way they could've been dangerous was if they overpopulated the planet, which at that point why not just send them to an unpopulated planet?
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fanbun · 1 year ago
The last Rick and Morty episode made me lose my mind. I’m now laughing way more over the “Omega Detergent” joke from the VR game since we now know the ultimate weapon is called the “Omega Device”
How does that retroactively make the game so much funnier
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bryan360 · 2 years ago
Here’s my note before I’ll get started….
On This Day - Mar. 18th, 2020
Thought this random art post can give me an idea for color palette concepts. Or just the way when trying on Summer Smith’s other imagination characters that we seen on Rick and Morty’s episode “Total Rickall.”
BTW, I’ve seen in past news for Justin Roiland’s firing due to unacceptable things he’s done. Now that he departed ways from Adult Swim, it’ll be different to find a new actor to take a role with. Hard to tell it’ll be worth it, so I would move something else.
Tagged: @murumokirby360 @carmenramcat @alexander1301 @rafacaz4lisam2k4
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yahoo201027 · 7 months ago
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Day in Fandom History: August 16…
The house is filled with alien parasites that can play mind games on the Smith-Sanchez Family, which leads Rick to put the house under lockdown until the situation is under control, but it looks like things go awry “Total Rickall” premiered on this day, 9 Years Ago.
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justacl0wn · 18 days ago
Friends 💔/j
Realizing I'm going to be Ricky Potts in my friend and my own production... I love Ricky 💔
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astr0morty · 2 months ago
Counting the # of times each R&M character sits in each chair around the dining table
I've always found it funny that the whole family is always sitting in different chairs around the dining table (my family, and I'm sure many others, have unofficial 'assigned' seats at the table), so on my latest rewatch of the show, I kept track of the number of times each character sat in each particular chair. (Please keep in mind that while I tried my hardest to count every single time and record them as accurately as I could, it's entirely possible I made mistakes/mixed something up).
Firstly, this is how I numbered the chairs:
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Most common chair everyone sat in:
Jerry: Seat #1 (17 times)
Morty: Seat #2 (14 times)
Space Beth: Seat #2 (5 times)
Rick: Seat #4 (10 times)
Beth: Seat #4 (15 times)
Summer: Seat #6 (17 times) 
Chart of the Total Counts:
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Important Note:
Sometimes there's only one seat on the side facing the window, so for consistency it is counted as #6.
When there are three seats on the 2-3 side, the middle seat is counted as #3.
More statistics/notes are listed below!
Additional characters: 
Leonard sat in seat #2, Joyce in seat #3, and Jacob in seat #5 one time (Anatomy Park)
Uncle Steve (parasite) sat in seat #4 one time (Total Rickall)
Mr. Poopybutthole sat in seat #6 one time (Total Rickall)
The President sat in seat #1 one time (Thanksploitation Spectacular)
Misc. Notes
In Rattlestar Ricklatica: Rick (seat 4), Morty (seat 3), & Summer (seat 5) are sitting at the table playing downbeat. This is included in misc. count, since it doesn't fall under the breakfast/dinner categories.
Mr. Nimbus sits in seat 4 (?) and Rick in seat 1 (?) during Mort Dinner Rick Andre; it’s difficult to tell though since the table is facing a different direction (these are not included in the total count).
Unnamed girl from Vat of Acid montage sat in seat #3 once. The chairs the rest of the family sat in during this scene is counted under the misc. category, since once again, it wasn't during a meal but they were still sitting around the table.
I made note of the decoy families during Mortyplicity, but these are not included in the total counts:
Decoy family #1: Morty: #2, Rick: #3, Beth: #4, Summer: #5 Decoy family #2: Summer: #2, Beth: #3, Rick: #4, Jerry: #5, Morty: #6  Decoy family #3: Morty: #2, Summer: #5, Beth: #6
The family from Jerry’s original dimension at the end of Solaricks is included in the total, as well as the one scene from when Morty was in the Fear Hole and they were all eating breakfast. (Generally, I included alternate families, flashbacks, montages, etc. in the total count if it was shown on-screen for more than a couple seconds, otherwise I'd make note of it seperately.)
There are several flashbacks in Unmortricken when Evil Rick and Morty show up in random homes while the family is seated around the table, shooting Rick and tranquilizing Morty. I didn't include these in the total, but listed them here:
Normal alt. dimension: Jerry: #1, Morty: #2, Rick: #3, Beth: #4, Summer: #6 Victorian dimension: Jerry: #1, Summer: #3, Beth: #4, Morty: #5, Rick: #6 Long sleeves dimension: Rick: #2, Morty: #3 (others can't be seen)
Rick and Morty eating burritos at the table in Rickfending Your Mort is counted under misc. since again, it's not breakfast or dinner.
Note about seat numbers:
This is already mentioned above, but sometimes certain seats are missing or there are extra seats; generally, this is when Space Beth is there, and there are three seats on one side. Sometimes, there is only one seat on the side facing the window.  
For example, in the following scene, I counted both Beth and Summer as seat #3 because there are 3 seats on that side temporarily. There was one other case where this happened, and I did the same then as well.
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Heres a photo of one of the most common seating arrangements I noticed (excluding Space Beth):
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Well, thats all I have! Hope you guys found this data at least a little interesting! :)
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thesoftboiledegg · 1 year ago
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After last week's brutal episode, "Rickfending Your Mort" was pure silly fun. I love the lore episodes, but serialized shows that grow increasingly dark get exhausting after a while.
While many shows (Breaking Bad, The Sopranos) grow darker until the last season is pitch black, Rick and Morty has lightened up a tad. That sounds bizarre after the last episode featured Rick beating the man who killed his wife and daughter to an unrecognizable pulp, but it's lighter in the sense that Rick's growing up and abandoning his need to be the world's smartest edgelord.
Similar episodes, such as "Total Rickall" and "Morty's Mindblowers," show Rick at his worst. Here, Rick isn't exactly at his best, but most of the scenes lean away from "cruel" and more toward "dumb and goofy."
Plus, he and Morty have some genuine bonding moments. "I don't like that he's talking down to you!" "Thank you."
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Rick and Morty might have disliked the Observer, but he cracked me up. His voice, his pettiness, the fact that he hovered outside the house to antagonize them--and his design is great, too. Rick's a man who collects crystals every third episode, so I don't know why he had a problem being surrounded by crystals and geodes.
"Rickfending Your Mort" had a few cameos for long-term fans. I'm glad that Space Beth's still hanging around, and her clip showed that she really is her father's daughter. Jerry's reaction to his clip reiterated that he's the most shameless person in the family. Rick acts like he is, but nah--he gets embarrassed.
On another note, this episode surprised me because I totally thought that the final scene was the beginning of another episode: Morty encourages Rick to get out of the house, and shenanigans ensue.
The title reveal showed a picture of Blips and Chitz, leading people to speculate that "Rickfending Your Mort" was a follow-up to "Rick: A Mort Well Lived." Honestly, I think that was a one-off. Morty's already recovered from Marta's absence; he argues with Rick, challenges him and calls him out instead of rolling over and doing whatever he wants.
Morty even took initiative here, which is refreshing because earlier episodes made him a glorified side character. He saw first-hand what killing Prime did to Rick and wants to cheer him up in a language that Rick understands: wild adventures.
Rick doesn't know how good he's got it. "Unmorticken" made it pretty clear what happened when another Morty found his Rick drunk on the garage floor.
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Talking to Dr. Wong must be helping because Rick was able to bounce back from this one. Morty had to nudge him out of it, but minutes after the Observer arrived, Rick was his usual snarky self and hanging out with his grandson again.
Letting go isn't Rick's strong suit, but Prime Rick and his original wife and daughter are gone forever. He needs to be here for the family that he has now. Morty and Summer are basically his kids. He has three girls that he can't say no to. Even he and his Jerry are close.
And now that he's endured a clip show with the most annoying geode in the universe, maybe he can stop watching his life and start living it.
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horse-surgeon-barbie · 6 months ago
what’s your favorite beth moment/episode?
OMG! There's literally so many to choose from (and yet it's still so little 😢 and that's not even counting the comics which have some of my fave actually)
Some of my fave moments (in no particular order):
in 'A Rickle in Time' I love her little smile when Rick says hi to her and she tries to approach him and the kids,, also later in the same episode when she's arguing with the veterinarian over the deer and when she's performing surgery on the deer (it's the first time where we really see that she's her father's daughter imo) AND at the end of the episode when she's laughing at Jerry's jokes about Rick and the kids wearing the collars (bonus for Rick's reaction that literally gets me everytime because he's so defeated by her laughing AT him that it kills me ok I hc that he loves making her laugh but hates the being the butt of the joke because there's at least four different times where we seem him actively trying to make her laugh 🥺🥺)
in 'Total Rickall' when the parasites have turned the family against Rick and tells her that he's her father and she's like "Oh, are you, dad? Are you?" tauntingly like it's soooooo good ok (hits a little different now too I suppose 💔)
every scene she has in 'The Rickshank Rickdemption', 'Pickle Rick', and 'ABCs of Beth', 'Star Mort', 'Mortyplicity' (one of my fave eps actually!!), and 'Bethic Twinstinct'
when she actually tries to mother the kids like with Summer in the 'whirly dirly' ep and 'The Old Man and The Seat' and Morty in the Planetina ep (I do not remeber the name sorry I actually don't really like that ep or the toilet one too much, I almost never rewatch them)
her little squeal at "my little steampunk overlord" in 'Childrick of Mort' AND her cute little speech to Rick before that Zeus guy came (he's soooooo fond of her dude that when Gaia tries to warn her about the Zeus guy that he doesn't want Gaia interrupting his "breakthrough with his daughter" AND AND he practically begs that guy not to destroy the city because it's Beth's!! Like he didn't care about the rock children, Gaia, or this Zeus guy but the fact that he got to practically play dolls with his little girl and he got sooo mad when she was about to feel the fog and when she said to leave the rock kids with Zeus because it made him feel inadequate as her father like the whole ep is just him being possessive over her as his daughter like ????)
when the hellraiser demon people in 'Amortycan Grickfitti' say that Rick said that she is, AND I QUOTE, "very cool" (emphasis on very omg!! Like I literally lost my mind at this ok, he praises her when she's not even around -- I thought this forever after Squanchy met her at BP's wedding and was all like "... and you must be Beth" like he had heard things about her from Rick already and that they were positive!!
kissing Rick on the cheek in 'Analyze Piss' omg (he does NOT deserve her affection but whatever lol)
Beth and Space Beth cuddling up to Rickbot (unknowingly) on the couch to watch Jerry's christmas movie in the s6 chirstmas ep (I forget the name) AND when they destroy Rickbot and then Beth puts his head on top of the christmas tree ????? She's sooo unhinged I love her so much
the TONGS in the kuato ep 💗💗💗
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