#ric lutze
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steponremix91 · 5 months ago
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Frankie and Johnnie Were Lovers (1973) dir. Alan Colberg
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watching-pictures-move · 1 year ago
Put On Your Raincoats | Private Private (Unknown, 1971)
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Early on, the detective protagonist played by Ric Lutze is sitting in his office and munching on a pear when Rene Bond walks on. Bond pulls out a gun which misfires, at which point she starts crying that she was trying to avenge the death of her husband and even screwed that up. Lutze explains that he killed the man in self defense, but quite frankly looks more interested in his pear. This sets up the central dynamic of the movie, more compelling than the actual plot about a bank robbery, which is that Lutze plays a compulsive eater. In any given scene he is stuffing his face with whatever food he has at hand, or going to get something to shove in there provided he isn’t occupied with genre demands. And even then his attention seems to waver, as he plays darts while being blown by Bond. (He also tells her “I’m glad I killed your husband”, which is a really weird compliment.)
When he visits Bond’s house he seems more interested in his sandwich and fries than in her. After his office gets raided, he stuffs his face while on the phone, leaving the viewer to wonder if the person on the other end of the line could make out anything he said. We even get a surprisingly long scene where he packs his lunch while in the nude. I guess that’s the joke, but the way that the movie sets it up means that it amuses more for its absurdity than any actual punchlines here. At one point in the movie I was seriously wondering whether Lutze was paid with lunch.
You know this is a great movie because there’s no credited director. The raw materials of the film were so powerful that the finished product willed itself into existence. The camera just started rolling on its own. Yup, that’s the only explanation. Anyway, this is probably typical of porno movies of this era in that it’s obviously shot cheaply and quickly, and the filmmaking can be charitably described as unfussy. There is actually something of a plot here, filtered through a sense of dramatic irony as the detective hero remains oblivious to the actual machinations of the criminals. And the climactic bank robbery happens offscreen, which perhaps makes this like the cinematic equivalent of jazz (the action scenes you don’t see). Yeah, this is real deep.
Anyway, the sex scenes are uniformly low energy, although there is one where the participants are on top of a table that creaks loudly during the action and the male grabs onto a chandelier like it’s load bearing that might have you worried for the performers’ safety. And there’s another scene where the same man speculates that he’s " the only person in the world who got his dick sucked by a person who planned a bank robbery", and I’d like a greater sample size. These things are often enjoyable for providing windows into the filmmakers’ homes, and there’s a pretty arresting painting of a caribou in one the later scenes.
Anyway, this is very obviously not good, and could probably stand to be even shorter than it is, but something about putting a detective plot in a porno always tickles my fancy (calling this a noir would be a stretch, though), and I like hanging out with Rene Bond, what can I say.
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badmovieihave · 5 years ago
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Bad movie I have Sex in the Comics 1972 it has two bonus features Sextoons and The Funky World of Adult Cartoons
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flaviof · 4 years ago
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Se vocĂȘ Ă© fĂŁ de filmes de terror, entĂŁo deve conhecer o clĂĄssico “Horror em Amityville”, certo? Conforme jĂĄ contamos em uma matĂ©ria anterior aqui do Mega Curioso, o longa foi supostamente baseado na histĂłria real de uma famĂ­lia que decide se mudar para uma casa localizada na beira de um lago.
SĂł que essa residĂȘncia havia sido palco de diversos assassinatos sangrentos no ano anterior, e logo que os novos moradores se instalam no local, fenĂŽmenos inexplicĂĄveis teriam começado a ocorrer. Mas, afinal, o que realmente aconteceu na casa?
Os crimes
Os assassinatos aconteceram na noite do dia 13 de novembro de 1974, quando seis membros da famĂ­lia DeFeo foram mortos na casa, situada na 112 Ocean Avenue, no vilarejo de Amityville, em Nova York. Entre as vĂ­timas estavam os pais, Ronald e Louise, e quatro filhos do casal, Dawn, de 18 anos, Allison, de 13, Marc, de 12 anos, e John, de 9. Todos foram mortos a tiros enquanto dormiam, e o Ășnico sobrevivente do massacre foi o filho mais velho, Ronald Jr. — cujo apelido era Butch —, de 23 anos.
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Os irmĂŁos DeFeo
Ronald e Louise levaram dois tiros cada um, enquanto os filhos do casal foram assassinados com um Ășnico disparo. Butch foi levado Ă  delegacia para interrogatĂłrio e, apesar de negar seu envolvimento nos crimes em um primeiro momento, inconsistĂȘncias em sua histĂłria levaram os policiais a pressionĂĄ-lo. EntĂŁo, no dia seguinte, Butch confessou ter cometido os assassinatos.
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Os crimes tiveram uma enorme repercussĂŁo na Ă©poca
O rapaz foi julgado no ano seguinte e, durante o processo, seu advogado alegou que ele sofria de insanidade e que os crimes teriam sido motivados por vozes que Butch ouvia em sua cabeça. Um psiquiatra contratado para avaliar o jovem chegou a apoiar essa versĂŁo e diagnosticou o acusado — que tambĂ©m era usuĂĄrio de drogas como LSD e heroĂ­na — com transtorno de personalidade antissocial.
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Butch quando foi preso pelas autoridades
No entanto, o especialista também disse que Butch sabia o que estava fazendo quando cometeu os assassinatos. Assim, no final de 1975, Ronald DeFeo Jr. foi considerado culpado dos crimes e condenado a seis penas consecutivas de 25 anos cada uma. Mas, havia algumas coisas estranhas relacionadas ao caso...
As seis vĂ­timas foram encontradas mortas em suas camas, e nĂŁo havia nenhum sinal de luta nas cenas dos crimes. AlĂ©m disso, as necropsias realizadas nos corpos nĂŁo revelaram a presença de qualquer sedativo nos organismos dos integrantes da famĂ­lia, e Butch foi a Ășnica pessoa condenada pelos assassinatos.
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A famosa casa na noite dos crimes
Os investigadores da Ă©poca concluĂ­ram que a famĂ­lia estava dormindo no momento em que os assassinatos aconteceram. Entretanto, como Butch teria conseguido balear seus pais e quatro irmĂŁos sem que ninguĂ©m na casa acordasse com os tiros e reagisse Ă  matança? Teria ele contado com uma ajudinha sobrenatural — e muito maligna — no fim das contas?
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Um dos corpos das vĂ­timas sendo levado pelas autoridades
Butch fez vårias confissÔes ao longo dos anos, e a mais consistente aconteceu no final do ano 2000, durante uma entrevista com Ric Osuna, autor de um livro sobre os assassinatos. Segundo Butch, seu pai era extremamente abusivo com a família, e Dawn, a irmã de 18 anos, foi quem teve a ideia de matar o pais. Ela estava especialmente irritada com Ronald, que a havia proibido de se encontrar com um namorado na Flórida.
Noite sangrenta
A ideia de matar a famĂ­lia surgiu na vĂ©spera dos crimes, enquanto Bucth e Dawn bebiam e usavam drogas com dois amigos no porĂŁo da casa. O rapaz disse que primeiro se negou a participar, mas acabou cedendo, e a dupla convidou o par de cĂșmplices para participar do massacre.
Então, enquanto um dos amigos ficou de guarda, o trio começou a matança por Ronald e Louise — que se encontravam na cama quando foram surpreendidos pelos tiros. Originalmente, o plano era assasinar apenas o casal e levar os irmãos à casa dos avós no Brooklyn. Mas a coisa acabou saindo do controle.
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Diagrama mostrando como John, Marc, Allison, Louise e Ronald foram encontrados
De acordo com Butch, o amigo que estava com ele e Dawn se desesperou e fugiu do local e, enquanto ele foi atrås do jovem, sua irmã saiu matando o resto da família. Dawn teria decidido assassinar as crianças para eliminar testemunhas e evitar possíveis ameaças. Segundo disse, ela forçou Marc e John a deitar de bruços antes de atirar, e matou Allison com um tiro no rosto.
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Diagrama que mostra como o cadĂĄver de Dawn foi encontrado
Quando Butch retornou Ă  casa e se deparou com a cena, ele e Dawn se envolveram em uma acalorada discussĂŁo que culminou em uma luta pelo rifle que ela empunhava. A moça desmaiou e, enquanto estava inconsciente em sua cama, Butch posicionou a arma em sua cabeça e disparou. Em resumo, nenhum espĂ­rito maligno ou entidade demonĂ­aca teve participação nos crimes, e os dois supostos cĂșmplices nunca foram incriminados.
Mas, e o papo da assombração?
Depois de ser preso, como Butch perdeu o direito de herdar a residĂȘncia da famĂ­lia, ela foi posta Ă  venda e, apenas um ano apĂłs os crimes, George e Kathy Lutz compraram a casa e se mudaram para lĂĄ com os trĂȘs filhos.
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A famĂ­lia Lutz
Segundo a famĂ­lia, durante o tempo em que estiveram na casa, eles testemunharam apariçÔes de figuras demonĂ­acas, ouviram vozes de espĂ­ritos malignos, encontraram crucifixos invertidos pelos cĂŽmodos, presenciaram um sem-fim de atividades sobrenaturais e afirmaram ver uma meleca verde escorrendo pelas paredes. Os novos moradores, aterrorizados, decidiram abandonar o local apenas quatro semanas apĂłs terem ocupado a residĂȘncia.
As experiĂȘncias se transformaram em um livro de autoria de Jay Anson, que foi lançado em 1977, e que serviu de base para a produção do primeiro filme de terror sobre a casa, de 1979. No entanto, especialistas que investigaram o local e avaliaram as informaçÔes relatadas tanto pela famĂ­lia como nos arquivos policiais — e tambĂ©m no longa! — exaustivamente nĂŁo encontraram nenhuma explicação razoĂĄvel para os fenĂŽmenos.
Os Lutz mantiveram a versĂŁo de que suas experiĂȘncias eram reais durante anos — perĂ­odo no qual eles ganharam uma verdadeira fortuna com os direitos sobre a histĂłria e os filmes baseados no caso. Mas a confirmação de que tudo nĂŁo passava de armação aconteceu quando o advogado de Butch admitiu que a histĂłria de terror nĂŁo passava de balela, e que havia sido inventada por ele e os Lutz com o auxĂ­lio de vĂĄrias garrafas de vinho — mas sem a participação de nenhum fantasma.
FONTESThe Amityville MurdersLive Science/Benjamin RadfordSnopes/David Mikkelson
IMAGENSNew York Daily NewsThe Amityville FilesDaily MailPinterestMarket Watch
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michellemagly · 5 years ago
Legally Blonde (11/11) Movie CLIP - Elle Wins! (2001) HD
New Post has been published on https://computercoolingstore.com/legally-blonde-11-11-movie-clip-elle-wins-2001-hd/
Legally Blonde (11/11) Movie CLIP - Elle Wins! (2001) HD
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Legally Blonde movie clips: BUY THE MOVIE: Don’t miss the HOTTEST NEW TRAILERS:
CLIP DESCRIPTION: While questioning her witness, Elle (Reese Witherspoon) makes a startling discovery about a perm that saves her client.
FILM DESCRIPTION: Reese Witherspoon stars in this romantic comedy, the feature film debut of award-winning Australian director Robert Luketic. As a ravishing Miss Hawaiian Tropic, sorority president, and calendar girl, Elle Woods (Witherspoon) is a big hit on the campus of her sun-drenched Los Angeles college. She’s also got the perfect boyfriend in Warner Huntington III (Matthew Davis), a wealthy East Coast blue blood. Fearing that his snooty friends and family will never accept the bubble-headed Elle, however, Warner dumps her before heading off to graduate law school at Harvard University. Determined to win back her man, Elle enrolls in the same imposing institution, quickly becoming an object of scorn and ridicule, especially to Warner’s old prep school flame (Selma Blair). Despite her penchant for malls, makeup, and tanning, Elle is no dummy and is soon showing elite Ivy League snobs a thing or two about class, self-confidence, and courtroom victory.
CREDITS: TM & © MGM (2001) Cast: Linda Cardellini, Shannon O’Hurley, Reese Witherspoon Director: Robert Luketic Producers: Ric Kidney, David Nicksay, Marc E. Platt, Christian McLaughlin Screenwriters: Karen McCullah Lutz, Amanda Brown, Kirsten Smith
WHO ARE WE? The MOVIECLIPS channel is the largest collection of licensed movie clips on the web. Here you will find unforgettable moments, scenes and lines from all your favorite films. Made by movie fans, for movie fans.
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pumpkinqueen-bonecollector · 5 years ago
Legally Blonde (11/11) Movie CLIP - Elle Wins! (2001) HD
New Post has been published on https://computercoolingstore.com/legally-blonde-11-11-movie-clip-elle-wins-2001-hd/
Legally Blonde (11/11) Movie CLIP - Elle Wins! (2001) HD
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Legally Blonde movie clips: BUY THE MOVIE: Don’t miss the HOTTEST NEW TRAILERS:
CLIP DESCRIPTION: While questioning her witness, Elle (Reese Witherspoon) makes a startling discovery about a perm that saves her client.
FILM DESCRIPTION: Reese Witherspoon stars in this romantic comedy, the feature film debut of award-winning Australian director Robert Luketic. As a ravishing Miss Hawaiian Tropic, sorority president, and calendar girl, Elle Woods (Witherspoon) is a big hit on the campus of her sun-drenched Los Angeles college. She’s also got the perfect boyfriend in Warner Huntington III (Matthew Davis), a wealthy East Coast blue blood. Fearing that his snooty friends and family will never accept the bubble-headed Elle, however, Warner dumps her before heading off to graduate law school at Harvard University. Determined to win back her man, Elle enrolls in the same imposing institution, quickly becoming an object of scorn and ridicule, especially to Warner’s old prep school flame (Selma Blair). Despite her penchant for malls, makeup, and tanning, Elle is no dummy and is soon showing elite Ivy League snobs a thing or two about class, self-confidence, and courtroom victory.
CREDITS: TM & © MGM (2001) Cast: Linda Cardellini, Shannon O’Hurley, Reese Witherspoon Director: Robert Luketic Producers: Ric Kidney, David Nicksay, Marc E. Platt, Christian McLaughlin Screenwriters: Karen McCullah Lutz, Amanda Brown, Kirsten Smith
WHO ARE WE? The MOVIECLIPS channel is the largest collection of licensed movie clips on the web. Here you will find unforgettable moments, scenes and lines from all your favorite films. Made by movie fans, for movie fans.
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the-etranger · 5 years ago
Legally Blonde (11/11) Movie CLIP - Elle Wins! (2001) HD
New Post has been published on https://computercoolingstore.com/legally-blonde-11-11-movie-clip-elle-wins-2001-hd/
Legally Blonde (11/11) Movie CLIP - Elle Wins! (2001) HD
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Legally Blonde movie clips: BUY THE MOVIE: Don’t miss the HOTTEST NEW TRAILERS:
CLIP DESCRIPTION: While questioning her witness, Elle (Reese Witherspoon) makes a startling discovery about a perm that saves her client.
FILM DESCRIPTION: Reese Witherspoon stars in this romantic comedy, the feature film debut of award-winning Australian director Robert Luketic. As a ravishing Miss Hawaiian Tropic, sorority president, and calendar girl, Elle Woods (Witherspoon) is a big hit on the campus of her sun-drenched Los Angeles college. She’s also got the perfect boyfriend in Warner Huntington III (Matthew Davis), a wealthy East Coast blue blood. Fearing that his snooty friends and family will never accept the bubble-headed Elle, however, Warner dumps her before heading off to graduate law school at Harvard University. Determined to win back her man, Elle enrolls in the same imposing institution, quickly becoming an object of scorn and ridicule, especially to Warner’s old prep school flame (Selma Blair). Despite her penchant for malls, makeup, and tanning, Elle is no dummy and is soon showing elite Ivy League snobs a thing or two about class, self-confidence, and courtroom victory.
CREDITS: TM & © MGM (2001) Cast: Linda Cardellini, Shannon O’Hurley, Reese Witherspoon Director: Robert Luketic Producers: Ric Kidney, David Nicksay, Marc E. Platt, Christian McLaughlin Screenwriters: Karen McCullah Lutz, Amanda Brown, Kirsten Smith
WHO ARE WE? The MOVIECLIPS channel is the largest collection of licensed movie clips on the web. Here you will find unforgettable moments, scenes and lines from all your favorite films. Made by movie fans, for movie fans.
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fandomstuckdiversity · 5 years ago
Legally Blonde (11/11) Movie CLIP - Elle Wins! (2001) HD
New Post has been published on https://computercoolingstore.com/legally-blonde-11-11-movie-clip-elle-wins-2001-hd/
Legally Blonde (11/11) Movie CLIP - Elle Wins! (2001) HD
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Legally Blonde movie clips: BUY THE MOVIE: Don’t miss the HOTTEST NEW TRAILERS:
CLIP DESCRIPTION: While questioning her witness, Elle (Reese Witherspoon) makes a startling discovery about a perm that saves her client.
FILM DESCRIPTION: Reese Witherspoon stars in this romantic comedy, the feature film debut of award-winning Australian director Robert Luketic. As a ravishing Miss Hawaiian Tropic, sorority president, and calendar girl, Elle Woods (Witherspoon) is a big hit on the campus of her sun-drenched Los Angeles college. She’s also got the perfect boyfriend in Warner Huntington III (Matthew Davis), a wealthy East Coast blue blood. Fearing that his snooty friends and family will never accept the bubble-headed Elle, however, Warner dumps her before heading off to graduate law school at Harvard University. Determined to win back her man, Elle enrolls in the same imposing institution, quickly becoming an object of scorn and ridicule, especially to Warner’s old prep school flame (Selma Blair). Despite her penchant for malls, makeup, and tanning, Elle is no dummy and is soon showing elite Ivy League snobs a thing or two about class, self-confidence, and courtroom victory.
CREDITS: TM & © MGM (2001) Cast: Linda Cardellini, Shannon O’Hurley, Reese Witherspoon Director: Robert Luketic Producers: Ric Kidney, David Nicksay, Marc E. Platt, Christian McLaughlin Screenwriters: Karen McCullah Lutz, Amanda Brown, Kirsten Smith
WHO ARE WE? The MOVIECLIPS channel is the largest collection of licensed movie clips on the web. Here you will find unforgettable moments, scenes and lines from all your favorite films. Made by movie fans, for movie fans.
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acid-bvrn · 5 years ago
Legally Blonde (11/11) Movie CLIP - Elle Wins! (2001) HD
New Post has been published on https://computercoolingstore.com/legally-blonde-11-11-movie-clip-elle-wins-2001-hd/
Legally Blonde (11/11) Movie CLIP - Elle Wins! (2001) HD
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Legally Blonde movie clips: BUY THE MOVIE: Don’t miss the HOTTEST NEW TRAILERS:
CLIP DESCRIPTION: While questioning her witness, Elle (Reese Witherspoon) makes a startling discovery about a perm that saves her client.
FILM DESCRIPTION: Reese Witherspoon stars in this romantic comedy, the feature film debut of award-winning Australian director Robert Luketic. As a ravishing Miss Hawaiian Tropic, sorority president, and calendar girl, Elle Woods (Witherspoon) is a big hit on the campus of her sun-drenched Los Angeles college. She’s also got the perfect boyfriend in Warner Huntington III (Matthew Davis), a wealthy East Coast blue blood. Fearing that his snooty friends and family will never accept the bubble-headed Elle, however, Warner dumps her before heading off to graduate law school at Harvard University. Determined to win back her man, Elle enrolls in the same imposing institution, quickly becoming an object of scorn and ridicule, especially to Warner’s old prep school flame (Selma Blair). Despite her penchant for malls, makeup, and tanning, Elle is no dummy and is soon showing elite Ivy League snobs a thing or two about class, self-confidence, and courtroom victory.
CREDITS: TM & © MGM (2001) Cast: Linda Cardellini, Shannon O’Hurley, Reese Witherspoon Director: Robert Luketic Producers: Ric Kidney, David Nicksay, Marc E. Platt, Christian McLaughlin Screenwriters: Karen McCullah Lutz, Amanda Brown, Kirsten Smith
WHO ARE WE? The MOVIECLIPS channel is the largest collection of licensed movie clips on the web. Here you will find unforgettable moments, scenes and lines from all your favorite films. Made by movie fans, for movie fans.
SUBSCRIBE TO OUR MOVIE CHANNELS: MOVIECLIPS: ComingSoon: Indie & Film Festivals: Hero Central: Extras: Classic Trailers: Pop-Up Trailers: Movie News: Movie Games: Fandango: Fandango FrontRunners:
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moviesandmania · 5 years ago
Necromania - USA, 1971 - overview and reviews
Necromania – USA, 1971 – overview and reviews
Necromania – on-screen title: Necromania: A Tale of Weird Love – is a 1971 American adult movie with a horror theme written and directed by Edward D. Wood, Jr (Plan 9 from Outer Space, Night of the Ghouls, Orgy of the Dead).
The uncredited cast is Maria Arnold, Rene Bond (Please Don’t Eat My Mother!; Invasion of the Bee Girls) and Ric Lutze.
The Amazing Criswell‘s coffin is seen in the film, the

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vhs-ninja · 10 years ago
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Convicts Women aka Bust Out (1973) by John Hayes. 
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