#riarkle fanfic
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starlightsweetheart · 1 year ago
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Have a very Merry Christmas, fellow Girl Meets World fans who are still reading/writing fics, making/reblogging graphics, and doing analyses.
Here's the latest update in my now 276K-word fanfic,
FIRE IN THE WATER - Chapter 29 (Riley POV) (Log in to AO3 to read/comment)
A very timely graphic considering the chapter title... 🦋
Ch29 features:
Riarkle being cute
Auggie & Riley scene regarding what he told Lucas in Texas3
A Lucaya dream (yes, in Riley POV)
Auggie & Ava #couplegoals
Riley trying to work through her feelings & the trauma she inflicted on herself by doing that
Topanga's words of wisdom
A paper plane
Riarkle being serious
Or, if you missed ALL the other updates... You can read the story from the start (it's mostly lucaya-focused until Chapter 10).
“What’re you looking at?” Farkle asked. “Oh, I’ve seen this one. The dogs would be, what— Five months old now?”
“I think so,” Riley said. “I hope they all went to good homes.”
“Well, I know one went to Pappy Joe’s," Farkle said. "Lucas house-trained it.”
What? When?  “I didn’t know that.” She frowned. “But I suppose there’s no reason for him to tell me if—”
“Friends still tell each other things, Riley.”
“Lucas and I aren’t that close now.” Did he want it that way? “I don’t know if it’s just him, or both of us, but he’s—” She hesitated. “He’s not the guy I remember falling for.”
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sterlinggothdarlings · 17 days ago
I think we should be kinder to ourselves regarding the things we make. They don't have to be perfect to make an impact. They don't even have to be good.
Girl Meets World fumbled SEVERAL bags of romance, representation and coming of age, and YET
It's been TEN FUCKING YEARS and all I have to do is look at a SINGLE riarkle or lucaya gifset and I fucking crumble like it's my first time watching
The only good thing to ever make this much of an impression on me has been Pride and Prejudice (2005). Go forth and fuck up narratives, kids, be the inspiration for many a fix-it fanfic
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dailygmw · 1 year ago
Do you guys like Rucas at all? No malice intended, it just seems like y'all favor lucaya and riarkle
I can't speak for other members but for me, personally, I don't care that much about ships especially Lucas/Riley/Maya but I do care about the group friendship, Riley/Farkle, Riley/Maya and Cory/Topanga. I did my best to stay away from triangles. I get brooke/lucas/peyton, one tree hill flashbacks when it came to triangles. As for favoring lucaya/riarkle...I do my best to reblog what's new in the gmwedit tag because that's a tag that I check sometimes and lately there's not alot of rucas posts. I do my best to reblog all ship posts. If it's a gifset, fanart, fanfic, Just tag it #gmwedit or #dailygmw. I do check sometimes.
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wellhellsbelles · 4 years ago
hey! i love everything you write and can't wait for the next chapter of ttroywh. i saw you're taking prompts and i was wondering if you could write one i saw in @rickibowen saying that riley and maya go to the bachelor and riley's supposed to fall in love with lucas but falls in love w/ farkle who is the camera man/editor of the show and she always tries to make him laugh by making faces during one on one interviews and so, while lucas and maya fall in love w/ each other
hope you don’t mind me cutting it short! i don’t know much about the bachelor and would’ve liked to expand more but the internet is not good at gleaning info on the process 😅 so here’s my take on as much of that au as i could!
Farkle took the dumb job by chance.
 Well, he did apply for it, but he never thought he’d actually get the job. In all honesty, he figured his small degree in video production wouldn’t end up fruitful, that it was only really a backburner type of deal. He still did believe that—he was going to pursue something in science, that he was adamant of. He just needed . . . a break from it (“Even geniuses need to take care of their mental health,” his mother had told him.) So he pursued videography, something that had become a sort of hobby to him, and when the summer arrived and he needed cash, he figured he’d apply for this job just for kicks.
Farkle never believed he’d end himself up on the set of The Bachelor, not in a million years.
It was sort of surreal, the whole atmosphere that followed such an illustrious television show. Farkle never bought into the appeal of the show, especially since it seemed silly to drag all these girls along just for some pretty boy to tell them they weren’t “the one”. It just seemed cruel, but then again, who was he to judge? He was earning money off of taping their dreams getting crushed, after all.
The first day on set was a barrage of sensory overload—so many voices, faces he needed to commit to memory, an itinerary of equipment he’d be handling . . . there was just so much. He was halfway tempted to run when he started becoming overwhelmed, but he remembered himself, breathing in and out until he’d maintained a sense of calm.
Farkle could do it. He would do it. There was no way he was backing out now.
The preparation for the show was massive, but then the first day of filming arrived right under his nose. Profiles he’d studied of both the bachelor and the ladies he would be choosing from were going to quickly turn to reality, no longer just faces on a page. He knew he wouldn’t be making friends or anything of that ilk, but he did want to at least talk to people, especially since he’d be the one on the other side of the camera for most of the shooting.
Farkle was going to be the main guy they all report to when it’s time to film their confessions, maybe secrets that would be aired on television but no one else on set would know until later. No one but him, which he was well aware was a heavy burden to carry. But then again, it was reality television—who said anything anyone reveal was actually real? The contestants weren’t getting paid for anything, so truth was muddied at best.
But somehow, despite all of this mess being, well, a mess, Farkle could still say he was excited at the prospect of taking part of something big. This was his shot at obtaining a glimpse a slice of a life he’d never experienced before, and he couldn’t wait to see how it all turned out.
 “I can’t believe you talked me into this dumb mess. This is your fault,” Maya groaned from beside Riley as the other girls with them in the limo talked animatedly.
“My fault? How was I supposed to know they’d pick both of us for this show? Besides, you’re the one who submitted your application while we were drunk! You could’ve backed out at anytime and you know it, Hart,” Riley said accusingly. “Besides, we’ll have fun! You need some in your life.”
“I feel like I’m being pimped out by a bunch of white guys to another white guy. I hate this,” Maya slumped down further in her seat. “And they took my phone, too! How am I supposed to entertain myself?”
“Don’t you draw? Just do that. I know you brought your sketchbook,” Riley suggested. Maya shook her head.
“Nope. Not going to happen. I am not advertising my art for the world to see. One of those dumb cameramen are going to sneak up on me and do it without my permission, I just know it.”
“Suit yourself,” Riley shrugged, turning her attention to the rest of the girls in the car. She knew there was a camera in the car with them and that the producers would prefer it if she engaged in conversation about the bachelor, but she’d rather just lay low. She’d try and play it up for them later after she’d seen him up close and personal.
But Maya did have a point. Why was she doing this again? It really was a decision she made on a whim, but unlike Maya, her decision was made completely sober.
The Bachelor had been one of her favorite guilty pleasure shows that she watched over the years, but she had never once entertained the idea of actually becoming a contestant. Perhaps it was when her long-term boyfriend broke up with her that spurred her interest, maybe she just needed something new and this was it. Whatever the case, she had been picked along with her best friend, and wherever Riley went, Maya followed.
She couldn’t be too mad, anyhow—the bachelor they had picked was incredibly handsome.
His name was Lucas Friar, born and raised in Texas. Everything about him sounded like a dream come true, but she kept a smidgeon of skepticism about him just in case the show had encouraged a little truth bending for the sake of appeal. Still, she couldn’t deny that his extensive list of positive qualities all seemed a little too good to be true.
He sounded like a true, southern gentleman, the kind that would meet you at the door and talk to your parents before escorting you out on a date. A lionhearted and loyal friend, the testimonies in his profile had mentioned. A guy who is just so down to earth you can’t help but fall for him. Loves animals of all kinds and is working hard to become a veterinarian. His experience of being raised on a farm spawned his interest in animal care.
If Riley could swoon, she would. She still might, after meeting him.
For the rest of the ride, Riley tried her best to pitch in with the “bachelor talk” the other girls were participating in. She wasn’t too terrible at it, but getting Maya to participate was another thing entirely. Despite making it onto the show and agreeing to be there (Riley told her she didn’t need to say yes to being a contestant! At this point, she’s almost certain Maya agreed for her own personal agenda that Riley’s not privy to), she refuses to play along.
After what felt like an eternity of a car ride, they made it to the mansion they’d be staying at for the duration of their stint on the show. They asked Riley to be the first one out of the limo, something that floored Riley.
First limo, first out—they had a good feeling about Riley, was what that meant. She’d watched enough of The Bachelor to know that the first person to meet the bachelor was important; it was his first impression, the real start of the show, and it meant the producers were rooting for her.
So, no pressure.
Her meeting with Lucas passed by her in a flash, but she had a good feeling about it. He found her slight awkwardness endearing and by just interacting with him, she felt as though there was a certain energy between them. Of course, she’d never been the best at reading situations, but something told her that it was right for her to be on The Bachelor.
After meeting him, she waited in the main room as the other girls got to have their own interaction with Lucas, trying to not feel nervous as they all piled in together. They chatted amongst each other, but Riley couldn’t help but notice Maya hadn’t joined her yet.
Must be the producers, she admonished in her mind.
She wasn’t allowed to keep wondering, however, as a distraction was sent her way. One of the producers walked in, announcing that they were going to start filming confessionals and called Riley up to be the first.
“We just need you to talk about Lucas a little, maybe your experience so far,” he explained as he ushered her off to another room. “Be yourself, but also realize this is television, yeah?”
“So be myself but not really myself?” Riley blurted. The producer nodded.
“Bingo, you’ve got it. Now go in there and kill it.”
With a slight push, Riley entered the confession room, the door closing shut behind her. There was a guy already in there scrawling down notes onto a clipboard, his focus undeterred until the door closing alerted him to her presence.
“Oh, sorry about that,” he muttered, setting the clipboard down. He turned toward her with a slight frown tugging at the corners of his mouth, and Riley couldn’t help but feel bad for him. It seemed less like he was trying to be a professional and more like he didn’t want to be there at all.
“Hey, I know this is a weird request, but what’s your name? I’d like to get to know everyone around here, even if I just last a day,” Riley said. The cameraman’s stormy blue eyes lit up in surprise.
“You want to know my name? No one wants to know my name,” he told her. Now it was Riley’s turn to frown.
No one here wanted to know his name? But he was helping make the show. Was the whole production team for The Bachelor really that callous?
“Well, I do. Here, I’ll start—I’m Riley Matthews,” she beamed, sticking her hand out towards him. He hesitated a moment before enveloping her dainty hand with his, the warmth comforting.
“Farkle Minkus. I’ll be your cameraman for a lot of this run, but mostly just the confessional stuff.”
“Glad to have met you, Farkle.”
After breaking the handshake, it still took Farkle a moment to gain his footing and Riley couldn’t blame him.
“Okay, so you’ll sit at that seat right there,” he gestured in front of him to the empty chair, “And you’ll have to give me a moment to set the lighting right on you and then make sure sound is good.”
Riley did as she was told, waiting patiently in her seat as he shuffled about the room. She observed him scrambling about, heart warming at the awkward way he appeared to be moving. It reminded her of herself when she was anxious.
After a few minutes, Farkle was ready, giving her a countdown to begin.
“Just start talking about your first impression of Lucas, okay?” he instructed.
“Okay,” Riley nodded. She watched in silence as he started the countdown audibly, switching to counting with his fingers when they reached three. Then two, followed by one.
Showtime, she said to herself.
 At the end of the first night, Maya was the first to get a rose. Riley wasn’t surprised one bit—Maya had a sort of charm about her and people couldn’t help but be drawn to her. It always surprised her when that happened, and that night was no exception to the rule. As someone who was also competing, Riley couldn’t help but feel a touch jealous, but more than anything, she was proud of her friend.
Despite Maya receiving the first rose, though, Riley did get quite a bit of time to spend with Lucas. He was shy and reserved, yet cheerful and inviting, and they got along quite well. If Riley was a spectator, she’d bet good money on herself.
But her time outside of filming scenes was spent hanging around Farkle. He didn’t really believe her when she said she wanted to get to know the people working on the show, so she was determined to prove him wrong, especially since she just kept being picked by Lucas. Each day, she’d greet Farkle when she’d spot him by the refreshments table set up for the crew, she’d ask how he was when he was there to film her confessions, and just do her best to cheer him up since he always looked down.
“You know you’re going to get me fired, right?” he asked her one day after they filmed a scene. “You keep making faces at me and I’m trying so hard to not laugh but I swear, Riley.”
“Is it making you laugh?” she said, curious.
“Yes, oh my god! They’re going to have to cut so much of that out not just for your dumb faces, but me interrupting their audio,” he groaned. Riley smiled.
“Good. Then I won’t stop!”
“Relentless, Riley Matthews, that’s what you are. And a pain in my ass.”
Riley liked getting to film The Bachelor, but as the days passed by, she had a feeling it was less because of her wanting to be on the actual show and vying for Lucas’ attention, and more due to the fact that Farkle was there.
And if halfway through the filming process Lucas ended it because he’d picked Maya (and she picked him too, shockingly), Riley couldn’t find it in her to be sad.
She had found Farkle, after all, so really she was the true winner of the game.
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girlmeetschikorita · 1 year ago
I'm procrastinating another fanfic that still has almost 200 pages and decided to read all the existing Riarkle fics on AO3
I'm starting to understand why I'm so enamoured by this couple, if feels like I am a product of the two characters. Now reading the fluffy stuff is like hearing parents retelling how they fall in love with each other.
Farkle is a demisexual FOR SURE btw
Nobody can convince me otherwise 😬
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huckleberrysclutterbucket · 6 years ago
Farkle: come on you have to choose one!
Lucas: Why? You never did.
Farkle: Because I couldn’t! You have to choose one so I can keep the other one.
Lucas: Fine. I choose...
Farkle: You can’t hurt Riley’s feelings. Maya would never forgive you. Maya will be fine either way.
Lucas: So... that means I pick Riley.
Farkle: Ok. Now you have to give all your attention to Riley and never again will you play or banter with Maya. Riley would get upset.
Lucas: Then I choose Maya.
Farkle: Ok then. Now I get to keep Riley. See... it wasn’t so hard.
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girlwiththestories · 6 years ago
Meeting Zay again gets Smackle musing about life, love, and destiny.
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zukoisneverhappy · 6 years ago
“People like you have no imagination,” Riley exclaimed.
Farkle crossed his arms, “excuse you, I have plenty of imagination.”
“Oh really?” Riley asked, “is that why you are so adamant on doing things your way?”
“Riles it just makes sense.”
“Don’t call me Riles! I’m mad at you!” Riley huffed.
“Seriously? Cause I want to hang the pumpkin decoration on the door instead of the wall?”
Riley and Maya’s apartment looked like a Halloween bomb had gone off in their living room. Plastic spiders clung to spiderwebs stretched around the windows, candles flickered in almost every corner, and ghosts haunted the hallway.
Every year Riley went all out for Halloween, but this year, it was going to look absolutely perfect. She woud make sure of it.
Farkle shook his head “you’re crazy. It’s just a holiday.”
Riley stepped back, placing a hand on her chest, “it is not JUST a holiday! You take that back!”
“Yes Farkle!”
“Why should I?”
Maya walked in carrying a box labeled: ‘Halloween decorations part 4’. “Riles why do we have so many decorations? This is a bit much don’t you think? I mean Lucas is on his way up with part five.”
Riley was too busy fuming at Farkle to answer, noticing the silence Maya looked between her two best friends. “Are you kidding me? Are you two arguing like children again?”
Farkle and Riley spoke at the same time:
“I am not a child.”
“He started it!”
“Wow, alright then,” Maya snickered, “clearly some of us haven’t grown up.”
Riley shot a glare at her, “I’m sorry I wanted our apartment to look festive.”
Maya chuckled, “Riley it doesn’t matter how it’s set up as long as it is right?”
She shrugged. “I mean I guess so... but it still needs some order,” she stated.
“Of course,” Maya nodded, “but is there something that needs to be put in order before we can finish?”
Riley pouted for a moment before turning sheepishly towards Farkle, “I am very truly sorry I didn’t listen to your incredibly helpful insight. You’re contribution is important to me. Will you help me?”
Farkle playfully rolled his eyes at her dramatic apology, “What are boyfriends for?”
Riley’s smile lit up her face, she left a lipstick mark on his cheek and pulled out another candle.
Lucas pushed open the door setting down Riley’s fifth box, his forehead shone with sweat. Lucas stretched his back, “goodness Riley has a lot of these and their heavy! What does she do Maya? Buy ten more decorations each year?”
“That’s exactly what I do Lucas, but you can cry about it to someone who actually cares,” Riley joked.
Sniffling, Lucas turned to Maya, “s-she has so m-many Maya, whatever shall I-I do?”
“I don’t know... and I don’t care.”
Everyone took a moment to laugh at Lucas’ expense, including Lucas.
The four friends blasted the spookiest of music while they turned the place into something right out of the ‘Adams Family’. Except for a few Farkley™ looking additions, (and Lucas’ apparent inability to decorate), it was starting to look just as Riley pictured.
Heading to the kitchen, Riley left them to finish their work to make hot chocolate for everyone. She smiled as Farkle followed and offered to help. Soon they both had two steaming mugs of hot chocolate to give to their friends.
“I hope you don’t mind how I did everything. Just know, I did the best I could okay?”
Farkle handed a mug to Maya who took it without hesitation. Lucas was a little tangled in his spiderweb so Riley just placed his on a nearby side table as she giggled, “of course I don’t mind, I got to spend more time with you! I know I was being a little overbearing, and I really am sorry. It isn’t that big of a deal, I just love Halloween and want it to be perfect you know?”
“Yeah. I get it.” Farkle said as he scooped some whipped cream off the top of his hot chocolate, and booped it right on Riley’s nose.
She gave him a look of mock shock before she smooshed her nose onto his face and wiped the whipped cream off.
Riley giggled again as Farkle pulled her in for a sweet kiss that gave her shivers. And not because she was scared.
Whoooo my first fictober writing! I hope y’all like it!
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Sweet Disposition: Riarkle AU
Because it’s December, here’s a sad Riarkle AU but with a lovely Christmas memory for all the broken-hearted shippers out there. I know that we still exist, and that this fandom isn’t dead.
“I walked through the door with you the air was cold, but something about it felt like home somehow and I left my scarf there at your sister’s house and you’ve still got it in your drawer even now.” —Taylor Swift, All Too Well
Winter, sometime in Mid-December, 2017
“Welcome back to my humble home, Riley Matthews,” the blue-eyed boy smiled kindly at the brunette, and her face light up like the coloured christmas lights draped in and out of his house. The air from outside was bitter and cold, for they could still hear the roar of the December wind swaying the trees and rustling the leaves even when the front door was barely ajar. Farkle closed the door behind her to prevent any more snow from coming in, exhaling a small cloud of cold air at the same time, followed by the removal of additional winter attire— a cream coloured pair of gloves that he had worn for the past four winters , a grandmother-knitted-esque wool scarf with threads hanging from both ends, and a pale blue bobble hat with snowflake designs on it’s hem.
Riley smiled back at him, as warm golden lights from the christmas lights hanging around the interior wall’s perimeter reflected back in her marbled brown eyes. The fire place, a short distance away on the other side of the room, was on, and three stockings dangled above it; one for himself, his older sister, and little brother. The girl looked around the room with awe in her eyes at the effort given to organise this whole place in time for the holidays. The Minkus children never failed to go all out during this time of the year. Seasonal candles flickered from the coffee table, and of course the large christmas tree, like an elephant in the corner of the room, towered over the pair of them— adorned with multicoloured baubles and tinsel. It was comforting and cozy here.
Riley dusted her coat from the snowflakes that now melted on the fabric, and rubbed the soles of her boots on the small carpet. She had been to this house many times in the months they’d built their friendship, but this was the first time she had been here during holiday season.
“Glad someone is appreciating my decorating skills,” a female’s voice said, entering the room and snapping the brunette out of her state of admiration. The voice belonged to Farkle’s older sister by five years, Margo, who was twenty-two years old and finishing studies in Columbia University. She was the spitting image of her mother Jennifer Minkus, with the same blonde hair and piercing ocean eyes. Riley liked to think they were blessed with such beautiful genes.
She approached the freezing duo and greeted Riley with a warm hug, kissing her cheek welcomingly. “Good to see you again, Riles, I feel like it’s been forever!” Margo, who also seemed like Riley’s older sister, chirped excitedly.
“Me too!” Riley exclaimed, warming up her hands by rubbing them together. Farkle invited her that day to simply laze around and watch movies because she hadn’t been over in only two weeks.
“And my little brother,” Margo rolled her eyes childishly, acknowledging
the boy as she ruffled his milk chocolate brown hat-hair. “It’s actually my humble home so I don’t know why he keeps on saying that.” Riley chuckled.
“I live here, and so does Olly. It’s my house, too,” Farkle explained, rolling his eyes back at her. The Minkus kids moved out of the penthouse years ago when Margo graduated high-school. The penthouse was located on the other side of New York City to her choice of college, so Jennifer and Stuart decided to purchase a temporary house for her in the area until she finished. A fourteen-year-old Farkle and an eleven-year-old Olly joined her at her home a year later due to the convenience of location.
“But who pays the bills, cleans, and is basically the backbone of this household? Me!” She told him before turning back at the shivering girl beside him. “You must be freezing! Come, sit by the fireplace and I’ll make some hot coco. I didn’t realise you were coming over so I didn’t prepare anything,” Margo frowned, leading the brunette to a rather comfortable couch chair with two knitted cushions.
“Oh, you don’t need to prepare anything. Farkle and I were just going to order take-out and have it upstairs,” the girl replied kindly, shaking her head. Margo was also like a mother to her as well as sister. The tall blonde looked at Farkle, who was also sat on a couch opposite her, and narrowed her eyes.
“Real classy!” She mocked and he raised a middle finger up at her in response. The girl faced the brunette once again. “Okay, I’ll get back to finishing that thesis then. Let me know if you need anything because my trashbag of a brother isn’t at all that helpful!” Riley laughed as she left the room.
“So, Christmas movie marathon?” He winked one of his charming blue eyes of his as he switched on the warm light of his bedroom. He quickly rumaged through the top shelf of his closet for a wool knitted blanket and gave it to the ray of sunshine standing before him.
“Thank you,” she said softly. Farkle nodded and began spinning a vinyl on his record player, a sweet tune playing lightly on the speakers. “It’s snowing hard out there,” she said, eyes widening. They rushed to the largest of his bedroom windows, the one at the front of the house, pulling the curtain back and peeking through the blinds that were cold to the touch.
Outside, the streets of New York City were covered inches deep with thick, crisp white snow. Their footprints from earlier were completely gone and replaced by falling snowflakes, and it seemed almost impossible to see anything else besides leafless trees and the neighbours houses. In the distance, because the land the house was on was elevated, they could see the city’s sky scraper’s in the distance, through foggy mist and grey clouds. The golden glow of the city lights were hazy in the distant horizon, blending in with the pale orange streaks that the sun setting over their home created. Together, they stood there, foreheads pressed against cold glass, watching as the snow fell continuously down on their corner of the universe, covering cracked pavements, near empty streets, rooftops, and the tops of cars and trees in fluffy ivory crystals.
“It’s beautiful,” Riley whispered in delight, clutching the blanket around her thrifted christmas sweater. She glanced at the biy beside her to see his reaction, but he was already marvelling at her.
“I know,” he told her. Her rosy cheeks couldn’t become any more crimson than they already were. Farkle Minkus gave her a smile that would have melted her on the spot had it not been freezing at that moment. “Come on.” She quirked an eyebrow, giving him a confused smile. “Dance with me.”
He stretched a hand out for her and she took it, quickly unwrapping her scarf from around her neck and laying it on top of his nightstand before moving closer to his chest and intertwining both of their hands. The sky was now shifting into indigo— like most of the winter nights, but it wasn’t the same like last night and the other nights before this one. Riley rested her head against his shoulder as their bodies, no inches apart, danced closely together to Isaac Gracie’s Reverie.
“This is my favourite Christmas movie, of all time. Honestly,” Riley chirped, biting into another slice of pizza with her head resting his shoulder. It was the fifth movie of the night. The final scenes of Love, Actually played on the wall through a projector he’d received for his birthday earlier on in the year, and the room now had a weird scent of peperoni pizza and cinammon scented candles.
“I’ve seen this about fifteen times and I won’t get tired of it,” Farkle chuckled.
“You and I are the same,” she giggled, her laugh a soft sound escaping her lips, and he thought it was beautiful. Their chemistry was just something no one could have described. Sure her best friend had been Maya for just as many years, but she was positive Farkle was her soulmate.
Present Day
“Fark!” The tall blonde exclaims in surprise, throwing her arms around her little brother as soon as the front door opens. The brown-haired boy squeezes her tightly.
“You act as if it’s been six months. I saw you at the groceries two weeks ago,” he laughs, fixing his messy hair from the embrace. The twenty-year-old enters the house, which he hasn’t stepped foot in since he had to pick up Olly for their flight to Italy in celebration of his little brother’s seventeenth birthday, which was four months ago. Farkle stops the second he enters, looking at the fireplace, the comfy couch chair, the couch opposite of it for the last time, and sighing deeply at the sight of them halfway through the process of packaging.
“Say your goodbyes to this place, kid. Your home from the beginning of freshman year to the end of senior year,” Margo says, putting an arm around him as a way of consoling him. After staying in the house for a couple of years overdue, it’s finally Margo’s time to leave. Olly‘s graduating high school soon, Farkle’s been living in the college dorms as of two years ago and Margo is starting training as an astrophysicist at Nasa, in Houston.
He stares at the fading paint on the walls, which are now bare due to all of the photo frames in shipping boxes. The colours aren’t as vibrant as they always were— they are now dull, with flakes from chipping. The floorboards creak more often than they used to. Margo’s been living there for seven years, and he’d lived there for four. His high school years have become invisible murals on the walls— of the parties he’d throw, the christmas lights they’d hang, and the sleepovers he’d have with Zay and Lucas. Most of those memories, almost gone. It was heartbreaking.
“When you’re done staring at packaging peanuts, your old room’s waiting for you upstairs,” Margo says, snapping him out of deep thought before disappearing into the kitchen.
The boy makes his way up the creaky stairs and turns to the first door on the right— which has remained untouched since he finished high school two years ago. However, the same scent of lavender and old books remain constant. Of course he couldn’t bring the entire contents of this room into a dorm, so the majority of mathletes competition trophies, vinyl records, and posters couldn’t go with him. As he scans through old possessions, he finds himself reminiscing of a certain winter night in December, where he watched the snow fall over the city beside a girl he had once known.
Farkle manages to pack everything that is still there, to return it to the penthouse for a more permanent storage place. Sunlight peaks through non-existent blinds, golden rays of light casting his shadow on the bedroom floor. He leans against a nightstand— his old nightstand— and checks the drawers for the first time in years.
He rubs his eyes as if it’s a hallucination. It’s still there. He’d sworn he didn’t have anything of the girl’s possessions anymore, yet a wool scarf remaining untouched after hundreds of days proves otherwise. How had he forgotten about it?
The memory of the night, when the golden glow of the city lights, hazy in the distant horizon as they blended in with the orange streaks of a winter sunset, remains at the back of his mind. Suddenly, Farkle’s taken aback— almost a full bore out-of-body experience. He sees himself, but it isn’t him. The boy in front of him nearly ghost-like, at the middle of the room, was younger. And the room isn’t what it is now, it’s furnished. Moment’s later it’s now snowing, there’s music, and he’s dancing with someone. It plays out before him, like a movie, watching empty floorboards as he imagines two people— like ghosts, swaying to a song he hasn’t heard in forever.
It is as if it were only yesterday. It is as if time hadn’t passed. It is as if he were seventeen again and his only problem was graduating. Farkle Minkus snaps out of the absurd trance and he frowns at the thought of time’s passing. He realises it’s moving too quickly,
because it’s been almost three years since that night.
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rileycommittee · 8 years ago
i love you, love you
the five times he told her he loved her and the one time she finally heard him
I. he’s eight years old and riley is the only one in his class who’ll invite him to play. a little blonde girl is the captain of an imaginary pirate ship. riley claims to be the queen of the galaxy and asks farkle to visit him on her home planet. maya calls out to him and says he can get there in her ship which is equipped for both sea and space travel. when recess is over and the kids are lined up and farkle has a smile so wide he reveals his missing tooth. as they walk back to class, farkle taps riley on the shoulder. “riley?” he says. she turns around and replies, “yes?” “kids! quiet in the hallways, please!” their teacher reminds them. “thank you for playing with me. i love you,” he whispers.
II. he’s eleven years old and sits behind her in her father’s history class. farkle stares at the back of her head every day. he wonders if anyone else notices how bright and kind and wonderful she is. he loves her. he doesn’t know exactly what it means, but he loves her and he doesn’t care who knows it. “i’ve been in love with riley since the first grade,” he declares. and yes, she hears him but she’s not really listening. yeah, yeah, yeah; he’s in love with her. riley throws her hands in the air and thinks, why me?
III. he’s thirteen and he cares about her so much. she wipes away tears and hugs him. riley feels warm even on a night as cold as this one. he never wants her heart to break. he does everything he can to make sure it doesn’t. “i love you, farkle,” riley says. “and i love you,” he answers. and again, she hears him, but he knows she means as friends, so he means that too. she wipes her tears one last time before her date appears. farkle’s decided what to do. he’s putting her happiness first because he loves her; he really does.
IV. he’s fifteen and she might move thousands of miles away. he’s up all night thinking of ways she could stay. he tosses and turns in bed and knows that if she leaves, he’ll never be the same. the next day, he tells her he loves her: past, present, and future. “thank you, farkle,” riley says and then lightheartedly reminds him he has a girlfriend. he knows that and of course he cares about her. but when riley’s mom says they’re not going anywhere, absolutely nothing else matters.
V. he’s sixteen and they’re sitting on her bedroom floor. his girlfriend broke up with him and he was fine until he saw her with someone else. farkle swears he’s okay, but she knows him too well. it’s not long before she gets a real smile out of him. they sit and talk and talk and talk until their eyelids get heavy. the sun rises and the rays come through the window to wake him. riley’s head is on his shoulder and he’s careful not to move her. he’s never stopped loving her. “riley?” he whispers. she’s still asleep. “i love you, riley,” he says.
VI. he’s seventeen and it’s a rainy day. the usual group, minus riley, is sitting in the cafeteria. when she walks in, her hair is slightly wet from the rain. “hey guys!” she says to the her friends. “sorry i’m late, i had to go talk to my dad. did i miss anything?” zay begins to tell everyone about his french presentation. they all listen and laugh, but farkle can’t stop looking at riley. she’s laughing and combing through her hair with fingers. he really loves her. when the day is over, farkle walks riley home. it’s like any other day, except his heart is beating fast and he’s not sure he can feel his hands anymore. he’s going to tell her. “hey, riley, do you mind if we take the long way home?” he asks. “yeah! the weather’s really nice today!” she exclaims. they walk slowly, taking in the view. riley looks at the clouds in the sky. farkle looks at riley. they keep walking and riley interlocks her arm with farkle’s. “don’t you just love the way everything feels after the rain?” she says. “the earth smells fresh, and the trees are all dewy, and there’s puddles everywh—” “i love you, riley,” he interrupts. “well, okay, that came out of nowhere, but i love you, too, farkle. you’re my best friend,” she smiles at him and keeps walking. “no, riley.” they stop again. “listen to me. i love you, love you. like, since the first grade and you know that, but i don’t just mean i love you like i love maya or like i love my computer. i mean i love you, love you, ri—” “farkle,” she interrupts him, holds his face, and kisses him. “i love you. love you, too.”
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farklesdarling · 8 years ago
Royally Engaged - Chapter 2
Summary: Riley is the princess of the Matthews kingdom, and the first-in-line heir to the throne. However, like every ruler before her, she must marry a prince to help ruling the kingdom and to reproduce. Enter Prince Lucas, her betrothed. They are quite taken with each other, but Lucas finds himself also falling for Riley’s best friend, Maya Hart. Riley finds herself in a similar situation, and realizes that her heart also yearns for Prince Farkle, the son of King Stuart in the nearby kingdom. If only her father taught her lessons in love in her classes.
Word Count: 1656
Status: Unedited
Published 9.18.17
Author’s Note: Hello hello! Guess who’s back! I apologize for the long wait (at least one year has passed since the first chapter was published!) but here it is! I hope the wait was worth it. As always, enjoy! [ Feedback would be very much appreciated <3 ]
Chapters: One
Also Found On: Quotev Wattpad
C H A P T E R  T W O
"Your what?!"
"Maya! Please be quiet!"
"I apologize, Your Highness."
Riley sighed and gave Maya a small smile. "It's alright, Peaches." She turned her attention to the window, her eyes desperately searching for something to keep her mind off of the fact that she was to meet her fiancé - and a complete stranger! - in only a week. And on her 16th birthday, too! The princess would be lying if she said she wasn't scared. She said her thoughts aloud to her friend, who listened with rapt attention.
Maya frowned. "Your Highness, your parents would never choose a dangerous man, much less a man who would be decades older than you are!"
Riley suddenly looked at her friend, her eyes wide with horror. "Maya, what if they give me to a man who is as old as my father? Or older?"
Maya could barely resist from rolling her eyes, but she knew that doing so would be disrespectful. Even though the princess was her closet friend, she still had to be respectful. "Riley." She took the brunette's hands and firmly held them. "Listen to me. Your parents love you very much and have always taken you into consideration when they make every big decision. I can assure you, your Highness, that this is no exception. I promise you that you will marry a young man that would be worthy enough in yours and your parents' eyes."
Riley blinked, surprised at the wise words her friend told her. She supposed that living in a less luxurious environment somehow made someone wiser. She was glad Maya was so, for she wouldn't know what she would have done today if Maya was not there. She told Maya what was on her mind.
Maya smiled. "I'm glad to be here as well, Your Highness. I'm thankful to call you my friend."
Riley beamed and hugged Maya tightly, feeling herself getting calmer in her friend's arms. "Likewise, Maya. Thank you for helping me." She pulled back slightly and looked up at the blonde. "Maya, we'll always be friends even after all this, right? I don't think I could bear to live without your presence."
"Of course I'll still be here, honey." Maya gave Riley a reassuring smile. "If it helps, I will gladly assign myself to a job here in the castle to stay longer, if that is what you wish."
Riley nodded and hugged her friend once again, thankful to have someone like her in her life.
"No, it's too long."
"No, that one's a bit too short."
"Too frilly."
"Too casual."
"No, Maya, that one is too bright!"
Maya couldn't help but let out a groan. "Your Highness, your party is tonight! You must pick a dress to wear for the occasion, and it doesn't help when you say no to almost every single dress you own."
Riley crossed her arms and pouted. "I'm sorry, Maya, but I- I suppose I'm scared, that's all. I don't know what to expect when - if - he arrives."
Maya carefully set the dress down on Riley's bed and walked over to her friend. She took her hands and squeezed them gently, "Riles, look at me." She waited patiently until she did so, and smiled. "Now, listen to me. Everything will go smoothly, honey. You will meet the prince, and he will meet you, and I can assure you that he most certainly will not be a dangerous or suspicious looking young man."
She smirked, "And who knows? Maybe the prince will be so handsome that you go speechless."
"I'll take that as a challenge, Maya Hart." Without realizing it, Riley Matthews felt much better after listening to her friend reassure her and looked back at her friend with a smirk on her lips.
Maya grinned and gave Riley a quick hug. "Now, please, cooperate with me this time, Your Highness. This party is for you, and today you enter a new world. So you must look the part."
The ballroom, of course, was alive and full of people, lights, and food. Everywhere you looked, it seemed the fairies had blessed the room with magic - the people glittered, the lights shimmered, and the food took you to another land.
But the most magical sight was, of course, the princess herself.
The guests slowly quieted down when the main doors opened and were enthralled at the sight before them. For at the very top of the stairs, was Princess Riley Matthews.
Like every part of her, the princess's appearance was breathtakingly beautiful.
For the dress, the silver, crystal encrusted backless bodice hugged the princess's upper half perfectly, accentuating the young woman's curves, and its high halter neckline flattering her body type. And the full, satin skirt was painted in a lovely cerulean, making the princess feel like she was floating on a cloud. A matching satin waistband topped the floor-length dress, completing the most eye-catching part of her outfit.
Her hair was intricately twisted into an elegant bun, the brunette strands decorated with small, glittering diamonds, and her ears showed off a simple, similar pair of diamond earrings. This topped off the look that outshined the others.
After all, it was her party, and she deserved the spotlight.
Riley, with a wide smile on her face, gracefully curtsied, and held her head high as she slowly made her way down the grand staircase, her wide brown eyes taking in every detail of the party her parents had prepared for her.
Among the packed crowd, she spotted her parents, her brother, Maya, and Katy, all of them watching the birthday girl with grins on their faces. Her mind refused to seek out and possibly recognize her betrothed, for she feared that if she did, she might freeze up, or worse - tumble down the stairs in an obvious ungraceful manner.
Once Riley made it down the stairs, the crowd snapped out of their trances, and immediately made their way to the princess, their eyes happy and their mouths smiling as they continuously greeted her a happy birthday. She returned their greetings in a similar manner, her voice bright and polite as she thanked them in return.
As soon as the guests had scattered away, Riley immediately looked around for Maya, or perhaps her parents. Despite the warm welcome, she still felt quite nervous about meeting her betrothed. But this time, the feeling was different.
She knew with her heart that what Maya was telling her was true; the man she was to marry was a good man with a good heart, and her heart warmed at the thought of being treated well - and most importantly, feeling loved - like her parents did with each other.
But would he see her in a good light as well?
The thoughts flew away as the young princess spotted Maya, a small, relieved smile gracing her lips.
The blonde turned her head at her name and grinned. "Your Highness!" She gave Riley a small curtsy. "Are you enjoying the ball so far? Everything is so lovely!"
Riley couldn't help but grin at the sparkle she saw in Maya's eyes. She was practically radiating happiness! "Yes, the party is indeed lovely, but..." She sighed. "I'm still quite nervous."
Maya frowned at the statement. "Nervous about what, Your Highness?"
"The Prince. I know that he must be a good man, but what if he doesn't see me as a good person as well? What if, when we know each other better, his interest in me fades? And then the engagement will be off! Maya, I can't disappoint my parents or the kingdom."
Maya simply gave her friend a reassuring smile. "You are an absolute sunshine, Riley Matthews. Don't fret; he'll come to love you. Everyone does."
Riley smiled at her friend, though her eyes still held doubt. "I trust you, Maya."
"Thank you, Your Highness."
As her friend hurried off to her mother, Riley turned to the crowd. With wide, glittering eyes, she watched with rapt attention as the guests chattered and laughed and admired the way the skirts glittered and flowed as the women danced in the middle of the ballroom with their partners.
"Everyone here truly looks magnificent, wouldn't you say, Your Highness?"
Startled, Riley gasped and turned. She stepped back to avoid bumping into whoever spoke, but her foot caught the end of her dress. Her breath hitched as she began to fall when a pair of hands took hold of her waist.
"Are you alright, Your Highness?"
There was that voice again. Riley looked up to see the most beautiful pair of soft brown eyes she had ever set her sight upon.
"Oh, I'm- I'm alright. Thank you."
The young man in front of her smiled good-naturedly, and Riley's heart fluttered.
"I apologize for startling you, Your Highness," he began to speak again, "I did not expect you to react in such a way." He paused. "Although, your reaction was quite endearing, if I may say so."
Riley blushed and looked down at the floor. "On the contrary, in my opinion. My almost fall was quite embarrassing, especially since I'm a princess."
"Perhaps, but I hope I get to see more of these genuine, unprincesslike behavior. Some authenticity would be wonderful in our typical, embellished lives."
Something in his words made Riley realize something. "You... Are you Prince Lucas?"
Lucas smiled and gave a small bow. "It is a pleasure to finally meet you, Your Highness."
"You're much more handsome than I thought you would be." Riley widened her eyes in shock, not believing that she had dared to say that out loud.
Lucas laughed, the skin by his eyes crinkling from how wide he was smiling. "I'm quite flattered, Your Highness."
Riley let out a breathless laugh. "Well, I'm glad you think so." She curtsied in return to his greeting. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you as well."
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burntblueberrywaffles · 4 years ago
My favourite hobby is to watching random youtube videos about a ship from a show/movie I’ve never seen, getting emotionally invested, and then discovering they don’t end up together, and becoming so devastated I need to read fix-it fanfics until 3 am
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nini-ricky · 8 years ago
Will they Notice?
Finally back into writing!! Couldn’t be happier. This one isn’t as great as my others. I’m still a little rusty, but don’t worry, I’ll try my best to work on it guys! Anyways, I hope y’all enjoy this! And I will update again, sometime this week, I promise!!
Where Riley starts wearing Farkle’s clothes, and the clique six begin to notice.
Rated: K+
Word Count: 742
Farkle’s POV:
I walked into Mr. Matthews’s class, as soon as first bell went off. As usual, I’m here before most people, sitting in my regular seat, right behind Riley, who is already there.
“Early I see.” I leaned over my desk, whispering into her ear. She turns around smiling.
I take a glance at her outfit. She’s decked out in an oversized black V-neck, ripped jeans, which she paired with black heels. Taking a closer look, I noticed that this black V-neck of hers, is actually mine.
“Lovin’ the outfit Riley, I can’t help but notice that shirt looks a little big on you.” I mention. She winks, “Before we left yesterday, I stole one of your tops I really liked.”
I chuckled. Riley and I have been in a relationship for 6 months now, and we have yet to tell anyone. I think this is one of her sneaky ways of hinting towards it. “Do you think anyone will pick up on it?” I asked her.
She shrugs before turning around as the final bell rang, signalling the start of class.
“Hey Riles, cute outfit, but I think you bought that shirt one size too big.” Maya compliments, the shirt’s actual owner going unnoticed. “I don’t know, I kind of like it.” Riley smiles.
“Whatever floats your boat, sweet cheeks.” Maya replies.
Well, there’s always tomorrow.
Riley is again decked out in one of my shirts, specifically one of my space shirts. But to add more ‘flare’ as she puts it, she added on a sweater of mine. Both articles of clothing are too large on her, but still insisted on wearing them.
As Maya walks in, she takes in Riley’s outfit, “Riley, again? These clothes are swallowing you.” Lucas leans over, whispering something to Maya that I couldn’t hear. Maya’s eyes instantly widen, and she just looks at Lucas, then takes her seat right next to Riley.
I wonder what that could’ve been.
Riley continued to wear a shirt or sweater from my closet, attempting to get a reaction from our friends. She has failed to get any reaction all week.
During lunch on Friday, we all sat at our usual table, in our usual seats. Zay, Riley and I on one side, and Smackle, Lucas and Maya on the other. Everyone was silent. Which was really odd for our friends.
I was the first to break the silence, “Guys, what’s up? Why are you guys acting so weird?” I questioned. Riley nods along with my comment. The remaining four look to each other, Zay was the first to speak up.
“We’ve been wondering if Riley is okay…because all week she’s been wearing oversized clothes. If there’s something going on that we should know?” Zay questions, concerned.
Before Riley could answer, Lucas interjected, “Yeah, Riley you can tell us anything. We’re always here for you. We ju-“
“Will you just tell them the truth and stop beating around the bush about it! Sheesh.” Smackle interrupted. Everyone looking a bit shocked at Smackle’s outburst. “What are you talking about Smackle?” Riley asked.
“Are you and Farkle dating or not?”
Riley and I looked at each other, not really sure if we should be shocked or ecstatic. As if we had a telepathic conversation, we both knew the answer. Simultaneously we said, “Yes.”
The whole table, erupted with congratulations and too many questions to count. The one that stood out to us, which frightened us the most was, “How long have you two been together?” Lucas had asked.
Everyone fell silent at her question, waiting for a response. “6 months.” I said. All their jaws dropped, and eyes full of shock.
Maya was the first to break, “You mean to tell me, that you two have been going behind our backs on your little dates, for 6 months, without telling a living soul?!” We nodded, a little frightened of her reaction.
“Well, it doesn’t really matter that you lied to us. I guess. I can push it all aside, I’m really happy for you guys!” Maya exclaimed. Before anyone could say anything else, the bell signalling our next period rang.
We all packed up, and headed for class. I wrapped my arm around Riley’s shoulder, planting a kiss atop of her head. I guess Riley borrowing my clothes, wasn’t such a bad idea to get the truth out there. I just wonder, when I will get them back.
Thank y’all for reading, this crappy little short. Oh and I just checked my followers 104!! I honestly can’t believe it. Anyways, y’all don’t forget, take every chance and drop every fear.
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wellhellsbelles · 5 years ago
Hii!! I'm so so glad you're back :3 your fanfics were truly my faves. I've had this idea for a fanfic where riley wants to ask farkle to prom but is too scared to do so, so she makes a deal with him that if no one asks them to prom, they'll go together, and something happens and riley has to confess that she wanted to go w/ him and asks him w/ a poster that says: you, me, prom?
ahhhh thank you so much for enjoying my stuff and thanks for the prompt! i hope you enjoy this little fic :)
“So, are ya gonna do it?”
Maya’s face pops up as soon as Riley’s shut her locker door, eyes sparkling in a puckish sort of way that can only mean trouble. Riley clutches her AP Literature textbook against her chest, a brow raised.
Maya groans.
“You promised! You told me that today would be the day! You said, and I quote, “Maya, if I don’t do it on this date, you’re allowed to make me buy you something from my mom’s restaurant for a month.” Look, I even have proof of you holding up the calendar with the big red circle outlining today’s date!”
Riley’s best friend whips out her phone, swiping through pictures until she finds what she’s looking for. She holds it up as if it’s incriminating evidence, but Riley doesn’t much care—well, she does, because that picture she took is downright unflattering and should be deleted immediately.
“Let me see that,” Riley demands, and Maya hands her the phone, clawing at her when she trashes it.
“No one needs to see that picture, Maya. I’m trying to forget what my haircut looked like at the beginning of the year.” She begins to walk off, trying desperately to ignore Maya’s prodding to no avail.
“Riley Matthews, are you going to chicken out? I thought Matthews don’t quit,” Maya says, grinning when it stops Riley in her tracks. “Ha! I got you there.”
Riley moves to make her rebuttal, but the warning bell rings to alert them that they need to be heading to their next class, so she simply rolls her eyes, waving goodbye to Maya as she heads in the opposite direction.
“We’re tabling this, Matthews! Don’t think I won’t let this slide!” Maya calls out. Riley shakes her head, sighing as the weight of anxiety starts to lift.
 Yeah, she’s aware she’s a coward. But she’s not about to do it—there’s being brave, and there’s being absolutely idiotic, and if she did go through with it?
It’d change a lot.
 She’ll take the chance of being a coward any day over spilling her guts.
 Riley’s never been one to believe in coincidence, so when Farkle swings through her window effortlessly later that day, she can’t help but damn fate a little.
“Alright, you, me, AP Literature. Now,” he says, tossing his bag onto her floor and landing on her bed with a thud. Riley pushes her feelings way down inside her, swallows them until she’s able to pretend they’re nonexistent, and glances up at him.
“Why does it feel like all you ever come to me for anymore is AP Lit stuff?”
Farkle scoffs.
“Please, we had a horror movie marathon last weekend. Plus, I brought a bribe. You do still take bribes, right?” he asks, pulling out a bag of sour gummy worms.
“Your bribe has been accepted. Gimme,” she thrusts her hand out, making a grabbing motion. Farkle laughs giving her the bag. She tries to tear it open with her teeth when she can’t rip it with her hands, whooping triumphantly when it tears.
“Don’t hog those. I want some, too.”
Riley wants to tell him he could bugger off, but she knows that sentiment would be null and void. She’d rather give up an arm than force him out of her space, and if that meant sharing his gift of sour gummy worms, she would.
“Leave the—”
“Blue-red ones, I know,” he finishes cheekily, pulling a couple of yellow-red ones out and plopping them into his mouth.
“So, AP Lit?” she asks. Farkle pulls out his textbook and notebook, settling himself comfortably on the end of her bed.
“Am I allowed to say I don’t love poetry? Because this class makes me not a fan of poetry,” he says, nose curling as he reads a question, “Why aren’t there any good science poems?”
“There are, you just aren’t looking for them,” Riley tells him simply.
“Lies. Name one off the top of your head right now,” Farkle jibes, throwing a gummy worm at her.
“The Old Astronomer by Sarah Williams. ‘I have loved the stars too truly to be fearful of the night.’ If I ever did get a tattoo, it’d be with that quote,” she answers, picking the gummy worm off herself and eating it. She looks back at Farkle, who remains . . . unconvinced.
“Pretty quote, still not interested in poetry. I think it’s the form.”
“Okay, what if I told you to look at the scientific method steps like a poem? Because it basically is. BOOM, exploded your mind with hot knowledge!”
“Riley, please. Don’t ruin science for me.”
Riley sticks her tongue out at him, gently kicking him in the thigh with her foot as she settled comfortably into against her pillows. She’s already finished her AP Lit homework, onto her AP Chemistry homework now, but she’s always ready to help Farkle when he needs it. The degree to which she’d drop everything for him, just for him, is downright . . .
But she’s learned to take it in stride. There’s something about his presence that always makes her feel a certain sort of way now, but she just reminds herself that this is Farkle, her best friend since she was five, and there’s nothing to be scared of.
Then Maya texts her, and she remembers what it is exactly she’d been fretting.
 i know the minkus boy is at ur house!
he just sent me a snap of u
u look like ur having a midlife crisis on ur bed there
better fix that by
i dunno
 Riley shuts her phone off, tossing it to the side to return to her Chemistry textbook.
Chemistry! She’s supposed to be studying for chem, and she will not—it’s absolutely out of the question—say the question that’s in her head.
 I thought Matthews’ don’t quit.
 Damnit! Maya’s right, Matthews’ don’t quit.
They shouldn’t.
 “Farkle?” she calls out to him, ignoring the way he’s mussed his hair in an adorable fashion from being fraught by the poems laid out in front of him.
“Yeah, Riles?”
“So . . .” Just ask it. Ask him, you dummy! “Uh, are you going with anyone to prom?”
“Oh,” he blinks, as if not anticipating the question (he probably wasn’t, come to think of it), “No, not that I’m aware of. Why do you ask?”
Here goes nothing.
“Youwannagotopromwithme?” Riley blurts all at once, the words rushing out of her mouth like vomit. Farkle stares at her, his mouth opening and closing a couple of times as if he’s trying to gauge if she’s serious or not. In fact, the longer he doesn’t talk, the quicker Riley tries to think of a way to recover from this, because ABORT MISSION ABORT!!!
“You know, if no one else asks you? Or you don’t ask anyone else? We can just go as friends,” she supplies, chuckling nervously. Something flashes across Farkle’s face, something that Riley thinks is akin to disappointment, but as soon as it’s there, it’s gone.
He shrugs.
“Sure, why not?”
Riley sighs with relief.
“Okay, cool. Just let me know, yeah?”
“Yeah, of course.”
 The night does not return to normal after that. In fact, it’s awkward up until the moment Farkle swoops back out the window with a goodbye and a half-hearted smile. As soon as he vanishes, Riley collapses face-down into her pillow, screaming into it out of pure frustration.
We can just go as friends.
Who is she?! That’s not what she wanted at all, but she chickened out because Maya was freaking right!
But if she had seen the look on his face before she added that . . . Riley made the right decision. She’s sure of it, because if she had been serious?
That’d probably be it, friendship over.
It’s . . . it’s better this way.
She’s certain of it.
 . . . Right?
  “So?” Maya asks as she arrives beside Riley’s locker the next morning, their usual meet-up. Riley groans, leaning her head inside the locker.
“I asked him and then added just as friends when he didn’t respond right away. So, you know, I kind of asked.”
“Just as friends?!” Maya screeches at her. Riley places her hands on her own head.
“I know! I know. I wasn’t able to go to sleep last night. It was a stupid thing to do anyway, it just made everything a billion times more awkward. Why did I let you talk me into this, Maya?”  
“Alright, did he say yes to that, at least?”
Riley nods her head.
“Okay, good. We can work with that. We’ll just have you romance him at prom, no problem.”
“What do you mean ‘no problem’? Yes, problem! I am not doing that, Peaches. I’ve humiliated myself enough for one lifetime. I think I’m going to opt out of prom, maybe bow out of senior year in disgrace or something.”
She hears Maya exhaust a long breath before she’s helping Riley out of her own locker, spinning her around and resting her hands on her shoulders.
“Riley Matthews, you are letting your feelings for a boy get to you too much. Yeah, he’s Farkle, but you’re Riley. You’re magnificent and amazing and if he doesn’t like you back? That’s his loss, because he missed the mark.”
“Thank you, Maya,” Riley smiles softly, hugging her best friend. Maya hugs her back and then releases her, giving her a look that can only mean trouble if Riley knows her well enough (and she does.)
“Okay, you know what? This whole ‘friends’ thing isn’t going to work. I need you to ask him out for real, because I know you’ll hate yourself for it if you don’t. I know it’s a hard thing to do, but you know better than anyone about making hard decisions. So do me a favor and ask him again by the end of this week—properly, mind you—and then the two of you will live freaking happily ever after because if I know Farkle, he’ll be hard pressed to say no. That boy has spent too much of his life in love with you. It’s not any different now.”
Riley allows herself to soak that in.
Is Maya really right? He did love her, but Riley’s not certain that was a real type of love. But then again, Farkle’s never been one to half-ass things. He’s loved her so many ways, so why not love her the way she loves him now?
“I’ll do it,” Riley agrees against her better judgement.
 Wednesday passes. She doesn’t ask Farkle to the prom. Thursday passes. She doesn’t ask. Friday, Saturday, and Sunday all whirl by her quickly, but she still hasn’t mustered the courage to ask. Even after the wonderful pep-talk Maya gave her, Riley still couldn’t find it in herself to breach the subject with him because she was just scared.
Liking Farkle really scared her, and she didn’t like that at all. Because scaring her meant that these feelings were more than just a passing phase, that she was bound to be stuck in this limbo of he-loves-me-he-loves-me-not for the rest of forever until she broke it.
So Sunday night she plans to ask him Monday at the end of school, even gets Maya in on it so that she can’t back out again.
She can’t back out this time; she won’t do it.
When Monday rolls around, Riley thanks whoever is out there that, while they share classes, she and Farkle don’t share the same class periods. It’s what’s helped her endure her second semester of senior year; while she appreciates having him there, she’s not sure she wouldn’t waste her class time glancing at him across the room.
Her last class period of the day moves both fast and at a snail’s pace, so when the bell rings it surprises her so much that she takes her several minutes to gather her things. Riley’s never been more off her game in her entire life, but then again, she’s never had to actually ask Farkle to prom for real before.
(Well, she’s never had to ask Farkle out period. That was always his game, not hers. Too bad she can’t get pointers from him.)
Riley heads out to meet Maya at her locker, passing by the stragglers who haven’t made it out yet, but something catches her eye instead.
It’s Farkle, at his own locker, with a girl who has people standing with her, holding several letters decorated with fake flowers spelling out PROM.
 Riley’s too late.
where were u???
i stayed at ur locker
like we planned
i even asked farkle if he saw u
he said he didn’t
so something happened
pls tell me ur okay ☹
 Riley doesn’t bother texting Maya despite knowing she owes her best friend an explanation. She’s too busy wallowing in self-pity and the humiliation of rejection to deal with anyone right now.
She should’ve been quicker. She shouldn’t have been a chicken about it and just told him about her dumb, stupid feelings and gotten it over with. Anything at this point would be preferable to the sting Riley feels in her chest when she thinks about how she missed out on not just being Farkle’s date to prom but experiencing prom with him. It’s not the same without him by her side.
So no prom for Riley Matthews. She cashed in on her one chance at going Junior year, and as far as Riley was concerned, this probably meant her chance with Farkle, too.
 But fate is not as kind to her, because Farkle climbs through her window, landing on the cushions of the bay window bench with a soft thud.
“What the heck,” he says, breathing out a sigh of relief when he’s spotted her, “Maya and I thought you died in a ditch! What were you thinking?”
Riley has no response for that. In fact, she’s pretty certain her brain’s shut off entirely for the foreseeable future, because in no way had she planned on encountering Farkle for as long as she could hold it off.
It’s now or never, Matthews, a voice that sounds vaguely like Maya whispers in her mind. Riley exhales.
“Are you going to prom with that girl?” she asks instead, eyes set with determination. Farkle stares at her, bewildered.
“What?! Your response to Maya and I worrying about your safety is some trivial question about prom?”
“It’s not trivial to me!” Riley exclaims, the burn of embarrassment bubbling up out of her. The intensity of her words must cross Farkle’s radar, because his eyes are widening.
“Riley? What’s going on?”
She makes a decision then, unable to fight with these godforsaken feelings any longer. She tosses the poster she’d worked painstakingly on for hours onto the bed, gesturing to it brazenly.
“I was going to ask you to prom for real today. I know I made a joke of it the other night, but I really meant it. I wanted to go to prom with you because I like you, Farkle. I’m tired of ignoring my feelings and pushing them away because I think it might benefit you. These feelings I have are real and they’re not going away any time soon, okay?”
Farkle’s eyes shift over to the poster, eyes tracing the words over and over again, as if it’s taking him a while to register it.
 You. Me. Prom. Let’s do this thing?
 It was hard for Riley to come up with a way to ask him that was both clever and meaningful, and she chose something that was between them and only them. He had once told her, “You. Me. Mars. Let’s do this thing.” It was always something that hardly meant anything to her back then but means the world to her now, or at least, it did before she realized she’d been too late.
“So?” Farkle asks, voice rough as if his throat had run dry. Riley tilts her head.
“Are you going to ask me properly or not? We’re losing daylight here, Matthews,” Farkle says, arms crossed against his chest. Riley scoffs, rolling her eyes. She doesn’t quite get why he’s trying to be cruel to her at this point, but whatever.
“Farkle Minkus, I wanted to know. You. Me. Prom. Let’s do this thing?”
“Yes,” comes his answer, flowing off his tongue as if it’s the easiest thing he’s ever said in his life. Riley nearly jumps out of her seat but recovers at the last second.
“Riley Matthews, yes, of course I’ll go to prom with you.”
“No, I didn’t say yes to that other girl because I had already told you that we could go together. Sure I was kind of disappointed when you said it was as friends, but . . . you’re my best friend. It doesn’t matter what capacity our relationship is, I just want to be with you.”
Riley doesn’t get it.
“Wait, so what you’re saying is—”
“Riley Matthews, I’ve loved you since the first grade. I don’t think I ever stopped, really. So yes, I’ll go to prom with you as your date, because I’m so in love with you it isn’t funny,” Farkle tells her, giving her a gentle, lopsided grin. Riley scrambles off her bed the same time he rises from the bay window bench, the two of them embracing harder than she ever has in her entire life.
“I’m sorry I freaked out on you,” she admits into the crook of his neck. He chuckles, pressing a kiss to the crown of her head.
“It’s okay. You’re the same Riley you’ve always been, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
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poweroverdrive · 4 years ago
Chapters: 6/6 Fandom: Girl Meets World Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Riley Matthews/Farkle Minkus Characters: Riley Matthews, Farkle Minkus, Maya Hart, Lucas Friar Summary:
Just a few weeks ago it was Maya's birthday and soon it'll be Riley's and all Maya wanted was Riley to tell Farkle how she felt. And all Riley wants is Farkle.
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delusions-of-adequacy · 8 years ago
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Part one of “HAPPY”
Farkle and Riley were dating but Farkle cheated on her. The rest of the fic will take place 5 years later.
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