#ria rambles
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pretty-random-writer · 2 months ago
thinking about Zayne

 thinking about being held by the waist by Zayne while cooking and swaying to music.

 thinking about Zayne glancing at your lips while your talking about how your day went.

 thinking about how Zayne would run his fingers down your spine while you two lay together in peace.

 thinking about feeling Zayne’s smile when you two kiss.
 i’m just thinking about Zayne.
(this is me rn btw)
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ria-coolgirl · 9 months ago
So I thought back on the lost boys and I noticed that the boys are not really the villains of the story, that honor goes to max, because if you look deep into it the boys are really goons in a way (henchman if you will)
And another thing I noticed was in the song cry little sister the line when said blind boys don’t lie and that got me thinking about the boys deaths.
For example David at first glance is this cool menacing bad boy who is the leader of the lost boys, but when he first sees the main protagonist Michael he is head over heels for him, like seriously he goes out of his way to impress Michael throughout the movie like you would do with a crush. And on top of that he can’t get a word out when he’s around him and always smiling at him and in the maggots and worm scene and bridge scene he uses tactic of scaring as a way of flirting which in the end leads to his death being blinded by love.
For Marko at first glance he is the time bomb of the gang, the first thing he does is get into a fight, cause someone looked at him and the guys wrong and in the motorcycle race when Michael punched David in the face he’s the first one to get up and gets ready to fight him. He is protective of his friends and is always ready to defend them, but he also playful with them and gets food for them because he is loyal, which makes his death all the more saddening that he was asleep during his death vulnerable, unable to do anything, unable to fight back blinded by vulnerability.ïżŒ
For Paul at first is the laidback one of the gang, the one who smiles at everything and is always joking around, in the bridge scene where they are hung over the train tracks he plays with Marko and when they are entering in the cave, he is holding laddie’s hand and jumps around the way down to the cave like it’s a game and when he vamps out he is laughing, because he is happy and kind to everyone around him, which makes Marko’s death hits him the most and that happy persona melts away into pure unadulterated rage and vengeance which leads to his death as well blinded by rage.
For Dwayne at first he is the silent one of the gang not really saying much in the movie, but his actions speak louder than words could ever do for example in the movie he never seen showing off to anyone and only talks when he needs to. He is admired by laddie and copy’s him as a big brother , because he doesn’t need to show off to anyone cause he knows he’s strength and in the end while facing off against Sam he becomes cocky and says the famous line “ you miss sucker” to him even though he didn’t need to say that because he was overly confident to action first leaning to him to die by being blinded by cockiness.
What do you all think about this? đŸ€” ïżŒïżŒïżŒ
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riiarichu · 1 month ago
hello i am asking about cynte’s lore. i’m very interested in the war vet part. how do you think he got into parasitology? and anything else with his lore you wanna talk about too
— @end0parasitic
Let’s start off by saying that I don’t lump Mizzizz other game with the same timeline of Endoparasitic, so if the headcannons wouldn’t make sense within that worlds universe, it’s because I don’t see Endoparasitic as part of that world.
I will also be sharing the events of Cynte’s life in chronological order.
With that out of the way

Cynte never had a, per se, good childhood. He had good foster parents here and there, but, he always knew he was just being used by them.
For example, some foster parents just wanted to fill the hole of their dead child or their unborn baby, so they used his presence to fill it.
Other parents just used him for the money the foster care system gave them. They wouldn’t use it on him, of course. They used that money to pay their bills, or to buy unneeded material possessions. His biological parents, well, they’re of course the reason why Cynte’s in that position. They never laid a finger on him. But they didn’t need to. They used their only son as emotional support. Draining everything from him.
So, he never really grew up with much.
Naturally, when he learned about parasites
 he made a few connections. He suddenly understood what the people in his life were. He understood why everyone used him. They were parasites, just like those little bugs and worms. He became obsessed, researching them at every chance he got.
The second he learned about parasitology, however
 it became his life’s goal to become the best parasitologist. He wanted to be the BEST person alive who could ‘eradicate’ parasites. Was it for his own trauma recovery, or was it because he wanted to prove something? He doesn’t know, really. It’s something he’d have to speak to a therapist about. But, Cynte doesn’t think he needs therapy— or rather, a therapist doesn’t need him.
He was already great at school—he was a topper, even. So, naturally, he took out a scholarship to an elite school across the nation. They had everything— physics, chemistry, engineering, art, world history
 and parasitology as a major. So, naturally, he decided to major in parasitology, and minor in chemistry and biology.

But, halfway through the second year

A devastating blood war broke out between the United States and Iraq.
It wasn’t fought on what America would usually fight on— for example, countless African countries, small nations

It was primarily fought on American and Iraqi soil.
He got a heavy knock on his dorm door.
He was drafted.
So, they shaved his head, put him in heavy gear, and he was flown across the world to be deployed in Iraq. (Of course after everything else they had to do to him.)
After killing hundreds of Iraqi soldiers, and accidentally killing civilians in the process, stepping on landmines and having to defuse them before he stepped off, seeing left and right, physically tasting blood, seeing blood coat the snow, using machine guns to obliterate everyone and everything in his path

He grew desensitized to killing. He became desensitized to illness, to his own injury, to being in small, dirty, claustrophobic spaces, he’s performed emergency self surgery and even amputated one of his fellow soldiers arms

All things that would’ve seemed unimaginable before just became second nature.
One night, at their base, they were ambushed. Cynte wasn’t wearing his war uniform, so many things were exposed.
He was shot countless times in his chest. Anyone probably would have died, but he couldn’t seem to. Most others were killed in the process, but not him. He carried that with him. (Also it left a PRETTY nasty scar on his chest that never healed well.)
After 4 years of war in Iraq, the war was over, Iraq surrendered and America won.
Cynte was never given the full details of why he even went to war. Well, besides some propaganda, but he was smart enough to know that wasn’t the real reason. He came to the conclusion that there was no reason, besides the respective governments wanting to see bloodshed, and they wanted another war win in the history books.
Anyhow, he was finally done with war, and he wanted to get back into his schooling.
He finished the rest of his university without a hitch, and even took three additional years for extra knowledge.
A few extra things that don’t really matter but may or may not matter at the same time (???)
After leaving the military, he grew out his hair to distance himself from it. Even though he was desensitized to the violence itself, he still didn’t want to have any ties to a useless war.
He lives black coffee. As tasteless and bitter as you can make it. “It’s not about flavor, you dunce. It’s about energy.”
He is perpetually tired. All the time.
He literally just ate the bare minimum to survive. “Food doesn’t fuel you, the gods of science and my own damn willpower does, you fool.”
He is definitely gay, like very very gay. He thinks men are hot, he wouldn’t mind being under one *insert Lenny face* and he is just gay.
He never really disliked Praví. He himself always saw it as “friendly competition” but since he’s so socially handicapped, he has no clue that Praví genuinely thought Cynte hated him.
He was never really a “bad person” until after what happened with Karis.
What happened with karis? Well, someone heard Cynte and Karis’s
 personal moments or something and reported it to the research board. Karis wasn’t allowed to notify Cynte or be around him until he was forced to move to the arkship. Leaving Cynte feeling upset. He didn’t feel used, but he was so confused. Well, someone eventually told him why Karis had to leave, and he immediately blamed Praví. He didn’t know why, but he had a feeling it was Praví’s fault. (Spoiler, it wasn’t praví’s fault.)
Cynte’s last name is Klein. (Not pronounced “CLEAN”, but pronounced “kl * ai * nn” “ein” pronounced as in Einstein.)
Cynte is of German decent đŸ‡©đŸ‡Ș but he doesn’t have a German accent (obviously, he’s a deep throated guy man
He genuinely loved Karis. So much so that he was even considering a legal marriage once they could leave the asteroid.
MF was caught day dreaming about that silly little doctor a few times.
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levana-stark · 1 year ago
Today I learned that kids in Monaco basically have a holiday on the Grand Prix weekend (from Thursday to Sunday).
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xar1asstuff · 5 months ago
Might open commissions. I just want an excuse to draw...
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solipsismbyproxy · 2 years ago
Soo what brought you here, and how long have you been here?
Do you have any advice to a new-ish Tumblr user?
I came here during the Twitter migration! (basically like a month after Elon took over, which only puts me at a couple months?) I was honestly kind of convinced that Twitter would not even be accessible by now, but it's basically unusable so I just treat it like it is most of the time.
I'm still extremely figuring stuff out but by far my most dopamine filled tumblr era was when I picked a Fandom tag and started posting a lot in it - it got my posts a lot of visibility for a new user and it was a lot of fun to dive deep into a topic I liked!
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ria-coolgirl · 9 months ago
Man fandom can so petty sometimes, but you shouldn’t let those kind of people make you feel bad for ship your oc with a FICTIONAL character who is not even real!!
In short, keep going with Jordan and Marko because they are so cute and fun together.
OC x Canon Update
I never talked about this but last week I found out ppl in a discord server I'm in don't like when ppl ship Marko with girls. When I told them I had an oc x canon like that they seemed to really despise that. They say it's because he's most likely gay because of the dynamic Alex Winter set up for him.
Ever since then I've been a bit insecure about posting my oc x canon because I don't want people to think that I'm trying to take away the queer aspect of his character. I'm sorry about the lack of posting them recently, I was gonna continue my fic and make art, but after that experience I'm honestly seriously considering scrapping them. I don't want to, but learning that it makes people uncomfortable bothers me a bit. Maybe I'll just replace Jordan idk...
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official-bodensee · 2 years ago
As soon as the sun comes out I can't see shit
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the-hugger · 4 months ago
Can you give @walkthruthewords and @thatrando13 (Atlas) and @thatrando13 (Freida) and @kimu-dem and @supermilkshakebanana and @brb-on-a-quest and @onewingedsparrow and @beautiful-songbird and @ramblings-of-lola and @lilliesandlight and and @plaid-n-converse and @thecrazyalchemist and @carrotsinnovember and @life-is-okay-rn2 and @givemeasong-singamelody and @igotthisaccountunderduress and @bleep-bloop-boo and @alchemicalwerewolf and @fresh-bed-old-sheets and @cocusnuss and @thebookshelflord and @reiningsoral and @dandelions-arent-weeds and @a-wondering-thought and @friesnoketchup and @maximum-tragedy (hope she's ok) and @the-thing-of-worms and @sonofshu and @ria-coolgirl and @florsial and @deetealeaf and @waitingforthesunrise and @mintytealeaves and @azures-grace and @a-resplendent-mushroom and @quackethh and @ so many people I can't remember the usernames of a hug and ask them if they want to be on the list and guys, thank you so much for making memories with me. I treasure every one of you and though I don't talk to all of you very consistently I think you're amazing and you hold a special place in my heart and I love you. I think about you all the time. I apologize if I've ever hurt you and I take joy in every time I made you smile and I want you to be okay. And sometimes life is hard but I promise you are strong. And you're not alone. Know you have someone who is proud of what you've accomplished and who loves you, probably plenty of people because you're so awesome that it's probably inevitable, but at least one. Another day will come and You'll see the rain out of the window and feel the sunshine and smell the petrichor and fresh grass and feel the satisfaction of resting after hard work and feel the breeze on your skin and find beauty in little things, laughter, clothes swaying on a clothesline or leaves curling shriveling leaves like dying curses at the sky, or a soft sunset, or the breath of a cat as it lies on its side, a dog happy to see you, the grin of a person who catches sight of you like you're one of the best things in their life. There will always be hope and you will always be loved and I hope you find it soon and that you find it plenty.
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@brb-on-a-quest @onewingedsparrow @beautiful-songbird @ramblings-of-lola @lilliesandlight
@plaid-n-converse @thecrazyalchemist @carrotsinnovember @life-is-okay-rn2 @givemeasong-singamelody
@igotthisaccountunderduress @bleep-bloop-boo @alchemicalwerewolf @fresh-bed-old-sheets @cocusnuss
@thebookshelflord @reiningsoral @dandelions-arent-weeds @a-wondering-thought @friesnoketchup
@maximum-tragedy @the-thing-of-worms @sonofshu @ria-coolgirl @florsial
@deetealeaf @waitingforthesunrise @mintytealeaves @azures-grace @a-resplendent-mushroom
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pretty-random-writer · 9 months ago
just watched ultraman rising
 now i have a thing for Kenji Sato

don’t be surprised if i post a fanfic about him.
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ria-coolgirl · 8 months ago
Hear me out butâ€ŠïżŒ
The lost boys, but Michael is sleep deprived and David helps him through it!
David:Hahaha, having fun Michael?
*Michael zones out a little bit*
David:Are you okay?
Michael:Oh, yeah I’m fine.
*David grabs his hand and runs over to his bike*
Michael:Hey, where are we going?
David:I’m taking you home.
They cuddle together on Michael bed and drink warm milk with cinnamon to help them sleep.
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riiarichu · 2 months ago
hey so I wanna clear a few things up umm
“Why is your art style so inconsistent?”
Well, totally not Riariichu, I don’t have an art style. I have never really had an “art style” in the traditional way, and I don’t really want one. I have, arguably, a different art style for each fandom im in
 and or I copy the style of whatever reference I’m using. Now, this can and will cause tracing allegations, but if you suspect me of tracing, please, I beg you, direct message me or send an ask in for my speedpaint. I use ibis paint, and I can even screen record myself showing the layers.
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levana-stark · 1 year ago
Having so much motivation to write, but since I only have my phone with me...
And my dad always yells at me when I'm on my phone for more than 0.4 seconds...
So yeah I'm working on the next chapter, but it's going slow until I'm back home tomorrow evening.
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yaoimothman · 7 months ago
biggest dream is to be one of the famous mcr fanastists who’s style everyone recognises and knows and to be apart of a zine or a similar fan project
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just-another-miserable-prick · 13 days ago
Gordon in a dress, 2025 version!
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A redraw of my first post, 3 years later!
Overall I'm still unsure about how I feel about this, but I like it more than the old one for sure! Some things never change, do they?
Here's to another 3 years!!
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sunflower-cathedral · 1 year ago
Went to check ren's stream schedule and????
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(even twitch is like "do not separate them")
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