#ri simps
Everything about Mahito is hot, but lord those smiles...
He's so fucking beautiful and for what?
It's his little laughs that get me the most, they're just dripping with malicious intent mixed with genuine joy.
I'm down bad.
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oh-miniso · 1 year
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If this doesn't get animated I'm committing mass murder
Nobdy can change my mind!!!
(╬ ̄皿 ̄)╯┻━┻
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nbkdramathings · 7 months
I love Ji Chang Wook’s smile so much.
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fratricideknight · 9 months
"competency kink" i have an incompetency kink, i cannot lie to you. i recently discovered that this guy i simp for came in last place in this special gaming championship thing and went full heart eyes someone save me from loserboy
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treel · 1 year
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Hoppy Year of the Rabbit! 
One of Ris’ nicknames is Bunny. Is it because of the ear-like antennae? The tendency to bite without provocation? His excessively amorous nature?  No one really knows, but “bunny” starts with “b” and so does “bomb”, so he likes it.
He does not know what a bunny is, and refuses to find out. 
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riddle-me-ri · 2 years
Some fluff with PI Riddler would be absolutely fantastic. Love your writing :)
A/N: PI Riddler, PI Riddler, PI Riddler. I am here for it. I am here for it. Since he’s a PI in Gotham City Sirens, it’ll be that interpretation of him, plus I just adore him in that comic. He looks so damn good in that comic asdfgg Also…this sorta turned into like a one-shot? It was going to just be random fluff but it sorta grew into a story so now it’s fluff with the context I hope you don’t mind, rip.
Trigger Warnings: none just an obtuse amount of fluffiness
Word Count: 1.3k
Gotham City Sirens Riddler x Reader - Just a Man
“Edward Nygma…I swear…”
“Choose your words wisely, dear. I may just hold you to whatever you’re about to threaten me with.”
“I-I just need you to be still!” You giggled out of breath. 
You were once again playing the role of home nurse. A role you have found yourself fulfilling more times than you desired to. You started to have a nagging feeling in the back of your head that Ed had ulterior motives to getting hurt…just to see you tend to him. 
Attempting to wrap gauze around your lover’s torso after sewing up a stab wound in his lower torso, cleaning it and bandaging it. The gauze was just an extra measure of protection and to keep the wound clean, yet Ed was making it a point to be difficult. 
Because why wouldn’t he.
Edward was constantly contorting his body in the opposite direction you required him to be in. Everytime you tried to wrap around his right side, he blocked you. Same with the left. You could tell he was just messing with you cause of the shit eating smirk on his face. 
“Eddie!” You squeaked, albeit sternly…sorta. 
“Okay, okay, I’ll concede..” He sighed. Ed held his arms out to the side so you could wrap the gauze. 
As you leaned forward and began finally wrapping the dressing around his torso. As you gave a finished pat to the end of the wrapping with some tape, you instantly felt a pair of warm strong arms around you. 
Edward squeezed you into him. You hesitated to fall into his embrace, to try and show some restraint and defiance. You weren’t going to let him get away with being difficult…oh, who were you kidding.
You did go out of your way to roll your eyes and scoff annoyingly, before ultimately wrapping your arms around him and laying your head on his bare chest. 
The drumming of his heartbeat. A humble reminder to him and yourself that for all Edward Nygma was and is in this current moment. For all his brilliance, determination, and ingenuity…for all he has gone through and has yet to overcome. 
He was still just a man. Once a supervillain, somehow reformed to a private eye. 
Still just a man with a beating heart, somehow still in one piece. 
“Is this a sufficient apology for my antics earlier?” He mumbled in your ear.
“Mmm…not yet, just a little longer…I’m just getting comfy” You picked your head up to look at him. 
Ed chuckled softly.
He lifted his arms up for a moment, so you could properly sit sideways in his lap. Your head and left side laying against his front, and your legs stretched out on the couch. Edward put his hand on one of your bent knees, and began slowly rubbing your shin up and down. 
You laid your head back on his chest, closing your eyes, engulfing yourself in his natural warmth. “Yeah…I guess you can be forgiven…atleast this time.” 
“I’ll be sure to up the ante for next time .” He snickered.
“I really wish you wouldn’t, Eddie…” Your eyes widened at the admission. 
You know who he is, and you wouldn’t change him for anything. You knew no matter how much you lament to him about his reckless impulsiveness…Ed was going to do what he wanted or what he sought fit at the time. 
“I-I’m sorry…” You tried to quickly rectify your concerns that surprisingly slipped out. “I just…don’t like seeing you hurt.”
Edward waited on bated breath, but eventually exhaled in empathy. “I-I know, darling. And trust me I don’t like getting hurt…” He leaned into your ear. “...unless it’s by you.” Ed whispered. 
You groaned as you playfully shoved his head away from the side of your face. Ed let out a soft whine at your assault, as if to highlight his point. 
“You’re absolutely incorrigible, Nygma.” 
Ed’s hand that was caressing your shin, slowly, teasingly began making headway to your thigh. 
“I know.” He smirked.
You already felt the hairs on the back of your neck stand up as you felt the growing tension of another trap ahead. Like a mouse eyeing the metal bar and the cheese laying on the platform waiting to be triggered. 
“Eddie! I’m being serious! I swear, if I didn’t know any better. I would say you’re getting yourself hurt just so I can patch you up!”
“My dear, of all efforts I go through in hopes of obtaining your affectionate attention…the least favorite of mine is when I’m hurt…although…you’d look exquisite in a nurse uniform.”
His hand has made itself known on your thigh now, still rhythmically stroking the skin up and down by the tips of his fingers. 
“Sorry, sorry. But I do mean it, darling…it is with every intention I come home to you in one piece. Even with my rather, simultaneous constant and growing desire to want you as close to me in every intimate way possible…” 
Which did nothing to help you come up with a response to his rather vulnerable, yet amorous statement. 
Ed took your silence as an opening to continue his argument. “...You and I both know if I can get out of something unscathed I can and I will. But you know as well as I do, the unruliness of Gotham…some things just can’t be avoided.”
“You’re still just a man.” You repeated the thought from earlier, over the same heartbeat that brought the thought up in the first place. 
“Indeed.” He kissed your head. “I know you get worried. If I could take those thoughts away I would.”
“I know.” You squeezed your arms around him. “You know I wasn’t actually accusing you of harming yourself right?” 
“I know, but that was a damn good argument I made, wasn’t it?”
You pinched at his love handle causing him to let out an almost pathetic yelp. 
“I changed my mind. You’d make a sadistic nurse.” Ed sneered. 
You chuckled. “Aww, Eddie…I thought you liked it when I hurt you.” You whispered in his ear. 
“Yes, when it’s consensual. Pinching me whilst I’m in recovery is an entirely different circumstance.” 
“Aww, I’m sorry here…” You put your hand to the side of his face, making his head turn to face you. 
“Let me remedy that for you…” You brought his head down, while you leaned closer and met his lips with yours in a sweet loving kiss. 
You felt the arm that was wrapped around your waist tighten it’s grasp around you. The hand on your thigh, paused in it’s stroking pattern to grip your skin like a vice. Reluctantly you pulled away from his lips, you looked up at him with a pleased smile. 
Ed smiled back, before he leaned in and kissed your cheek. Next, your jawline, then the start of your neck. He began making a trail from your cheek to your shoulder, before reversing to go down to your collarbone. 
You giggled softly at the tickling sensation of his breath on your skin. One of your hands going around his neck and the other seeking refuge in his hair. Ed began kissing back up your neck and back to your cheek. He rested his forehead against yours, staring into your eyes. 
“I love you, Edward Nygma.” You breathed. 
“I know.” 
You brought your hand back into view from behind him. You mimicked a pinching motion with your index finger and thumb. You chuckled when you felt more than heard Ed’s dramatic gasp. 
“I-I love you too, dearest, sweetest, merciful darling!” He smiled warily, almost shrieking his exclamation. 
“Correct.” You kissed the tip of his nose, before properly rewarding him with another deep kiss. 
For all intents and purposes, Edward Nygma is a lot of things. Formerly known as The Riddler, a well-known adversary of the Batman. One of the most intelligent man the city’s ever known, for all his debonairness, resourcefulness, and prowess. 
He is still just a man. 
A man so devotedly yours, and you wouldn’t have him any other way.
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exoticalmonde · 10 months
Around getting my new laptop and studying for a final exam for this semester, I haven't had as much time to go through the Monster Hunter event ://
Today's update is more about how I got 200K LMD and managed to spend it all almost in one go.
First off, though, we will see this scene.... 15 bajillion times and it will always be so hauntingly beautiful to me. The entire setup of leaves, water and moon are so peaceful. If only someone wasn't struggling to exist right in the corner.
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My guy the forest will BREAK YOUR knees.
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Anyways, I got these three scruncles and a lot of headache over the idea that if I don't farm the stages hard enough this RNG is going to kick my butt. All I have been getting are Module stuff. Please cease. Be kind to me, I've had a rough time. I don't trust this thing called 'fate' anymore.
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Also got Qanipalaat after saving up red credits for 2 months (Farming them is a scam and a loss of time and sanity unless you need catalysts and I still think you can find them better elsewhere).
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'Which has a lot of fun pictures in it' - boy I will kiss you on the forehead, smack middle so my lip stain stays forever.
He... He... H-he-him he defends her............. So cute my heart is going to melt away
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They're so cute. What do you mean crush crush? They're holding hands? They're married under those gloves.
(I also love the baba fox kids so much, little floof balls of cuteness. Specifically this one.)
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I'm one lucky bastard for someone with only 30 pulls. I am also someone very poor and will be working on them later because I have 0 exp cards to my name, only hopes and dreams of getting any from the RNGSHOP
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emeraldenha · 1 year
for all the lovely engenes who have been deprived of enha content on this page, hopefully that will change bc chaconne alone has brought back my enha hyper fixation
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saetoru · 1 year
ris catching up on bllk update: he’s met yukimiya !!!! YAY. he has disrespected my boyfriends tiddies !! BOO. he does not appreciate babie oliver like he should
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h0rr0rsaxo · 2 years
So this is a new one, including Ris, Kellin and Addict! We all know Ris doesn't know much about human things, so she is just sitting next to Kellin because they are total besties and they are both watching Addict clean some knives or just doing something she normally does and they both are just quietly simping....well Ris is less quiet about it and she is asking him questions about Addict like....
"What does it mean to love someone...?" Kellin answers and then she says..."Does that mean I love Addict?"or "Does Addict love anyone?" and Kellin is just simping so hard and is answering all of Ris's questions in cute ways.
It doesn't even have to be that specifically it can be anything cute like that and if you wanna make it extra heart melting later you can have Ris hang out with Addict and Ris totally accidentally confesses to Addict without realizing and Addict is just sitting there, trying to be calm about it but is super flustered.
[ I think I love you - Simp Party ]
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SYNOPSIS; Ris asks Kellin important questions about Addict,
PAIRINGS; Ris x Addict, Kellin x Addict
GENRE; Pure unfiltered fluff
WARNINGS; This is way too damn cute..
WORD COUNT; 9, 806
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The sapphire hues on the side of Kellin watch in awe at the scene in front of her, eyes wide open with a dilated lovestruck expression when she sees Addict. She was sitting on a chair, she sharpened the blade of her reaping dagger, pushing down with the grinding stone and scraping it across the sharp edge. Old, dry blood scraped off on grinding stone as it went along, Addict treating it hospitably like a human being. Kellin's cute smile was one of happiness growing, he could just watch her for hours. You could see how it came from deep inside to light his eyes and spread into every part of him. The corners of Ris' mouth slid upwards, tugging at a silent yet joyful smile. 
Kellin's head turned to her, and caught Ris staring at the same figure as well. "Are you staring at Addict as well?"
Just a mention of the girl caused Ris's face to turn into an embarrassing reddish hue. She looked away nervously, but she couldn't hide the red glow that came over her face. She remained silent for a moment, and trailed her hues back to Addict. "What…is this feeling..?" She asked. 
"What do you mean?"
Her hand slowly reached up and rubbed the side of her neck, eyes opening slowly to stare at the sky and further sink herself into her thinking. "When I look at Addict…it feels as if…I can't breathe...." she muttered. This was a feeling she wasn't used to, the suffocation that wrapped around his throat was a new phenomenon, and she felt that it would most likely never go away. She had always been able to bare it before, it had become like a simple background noise in her head, and she had told herself it would go away. It wasn't physical, it was simply strange unrelenting thoughts of having to thoroughly think through anything at all and assure she doesn't slip up in front of Addict. "It doesn't hurt…it feels so fuzzy..and warm."
The things Ris would do just to see Addict smile everyday, it made her feel so…happy to see Addict smile. She didn’t know why. Ris could hear her words echoing in her ears every time she thought about it. But everything else was blank, a dark void of nothingness was in the place of where her knowledge on this matter should be. Even with this fact, she would imagine Addict slowly leaning in, pulling her in as well, and pressing her lips against Ris's. Ris would imagine herself returning the kiss, lips gently wrapping over each other as it deepened slightly. As she imagined this, her fingers had come up to her face, grazing against her upper lip, wetness against her skin, and she felt her head spin slightly as she pulled her hand back and thoughts repeated. "This…what is this?" 
Ris was lost in thought when she heard her name being called out loudly, which caused her to look up quickly from the girl she had been staring at. She looked up at Kellin who seemed confused as to why she wasn't answering him. "I-I'm sorry, what was that?" She asked softly. Her arms were tightly looped around her body, wind running through her hair and causing the strands to sway in the wind. 
        "Are you even listening?" Kellin asked as he watched Ris. 
     "I apologize, " she quickly repeated, "What was that…?" She hesitated, before swallowing dryly and looking up at him, "I didn't quite hear you, I'm afraid."
Witnessing his playful eye-rolling gesture, he smirked and shifted his eyes back to Addict for what seemed like the fifth time, resting his hands on his lap after taking a seat. Addict unknowingly tortured them by showing her indescribable auburn eyes. It wasn't the color itself, but the colors of her emotions would swirl across her eyes and the stories within her eyes. Ris tried to speak again, mouth opening and mouthing words, but it was like her voice had been taken from her, Ris's eyes slowly averted, she felt the blush welling up again and she did her best to let her embarrassment show. 
"Anyways...what I was saying is that feeling you feel..it might be love." Before he got another chance to speak, her eyes widened slightly, and she interrupted.
"What is that…?" She questioned, "What does it mean to love someone?" 
"Well..I'll try to explain the best I can, because I get what you're talking about…" He let out an exasperated sigh, "To truly love someone, is to want to be by their side.. and to have them by your side always. To feel almost dependent on them, to trust them. That's..kind of the best explanation I can give," he chuckled nervously, he trailed his eyes back to her "Do you…feel that way around her?"
Suddenly, as Ris tried to pinpoint a specific memory when this had started, the soft laugh of a certain girl rang through her ears. Addict.
She had to look over her shoulder to assure herself the girl wasn't there, she wasn't and she was sitting alone with Kellin. But she could hear her so clearly, laughing and teasing, and with this came the image of a smile so small and riddled with playfulness that it could be considered a smile. Ris closed her eyes again, trying to get more clarity in her mind, and she visualized the girl again. With her long brown hair that she flicked away in annoyance when it got in the way. Her soft chocolate-adorning eyes wavering slightly as she stared off into the distance, entire stories would dance through her eyes in the silence. And her hands, roughened in patches with different thickness in certain areas from training. 
Ris felt a hand gently glide onto her shoulder, hee eyes opened quickly and her head turned to look over at the black-haired male that softly shook her out of her trance. "This love feeling…do you feel for anyone?" Ris asked curiously.
"Yeah," His lips pulled into a love-struck smile, giggling slightly as he leaned into the palm of his hand. He to was in love with the girl just several feet away, letting out a shaky sigh his pupils seemed to be dilating ever so slightly at the very sight of the proxy. "I definitely do.."
"How about…Addict? Does…does she love anyone?" Ris eyes trailed up to Kellin once again, hope subconsciously overshadowing her expression. It made him smile at the sight as they shared a platonic moment. He beamed,
"You'll have to ask her yourself."
A chill ran through Ris. For the past couple of days the two of them had been spending more time than usual together. Lounging on in Addict's room they had spent hours singing along to the songs to her music. She hadn’t realized it then, but whenever she looked at Addict she couldn’t help the idiotic grin that spread across her face. A warmth would spread through Ris when Addict smiled at her. She grabbed her pillow and covered Addict’s face, trying to muffle the thoughts.
"Ris?" Addict questioned, tugging at the pillow covering the majority of her face. "Are you okay? What's going on?" Finally Ris calmed down enough to remove the pillow and she fell back onto her bed. Staring at the ceiling with these strange feelings invading her mind she whispered ever so slightly, but Addict could still hear it.
“I think I love you.."
A moment of silence passed between them before she spoke. A reddish hue blew across Addict's cheeks, her mouth opening slightly, but closing as she was completely flustered.  Addict was caught completely off guard as Ris scooted up closer to her and wrapped her arms around Addict's neck, pulling hrt in with a soft, but tight grip. Ris rested her chin on her shoulder and took a breath, letting it out slowly as she took in Addict's warmth. Addict didn’t move and she looked down at her, not knowing what to do in the certain situation. Even though they had been through hell, her hair still smelt oddly sweet. Addict lightly flinched when she put her hand on the back of her head, but her muscles relaxed when she felt Ris's soft hands run through her hair. Ris smiled when she could hear her heartbeat, and it was beating fast.
"....I hope you love me too."
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bnpd · 3 months
SYNOPSIS: After an unexpected encounter with the infamous Gojo Satoru at a local convenience store at 3 A.M. You're given the opportunity to worm your way into his life, but not without a personal invitation from Gojo himself. One thing leads to another, and you're the first person they call when he gets a career-threatening injury, forcing both of you to spend day and night together, but not without some obstacles of course: your cousin.
WARNING TAGS: Modern!AU, no cursed magic, small age gap, Gojo is 30-31, reader is 24-25, hurt/comfort, angst, SLOW-BURN, torn PCL injury (not gojover), gojo lore, alcohol, dumb/clueless gojo, self-assured reader, groveling, nameless reader, nameless cousin, playboy gojo (he has a reputation), SMUT 18+, oral, penetrative sex, hand jobs, blow jobs, nipple play, pussy eating, fingering, semi-public sex (locker room), vanilla/soft sex, make-up sex, tension, cum eating, squirting, semi-manhandling (consensual), hair pulling, vocal gojo (whimpers/groans/moans), prone-bone position, missionary, doggy, and standing up sex.
Based off the movie: Just Wright !
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STATUS: Ongoing
001 — LONG SHOT : 8K.
↳ 05/02/2024.
002 — LONG SHOT : 7K
↳ 05/07/2024
003 — LONG SHOT : ?K
004 — LONG SHOT : ?K
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TAGLIST : @luvwithau : @sugacor3 : @seajunie : @woahguy278 : @4townn : @miiyaaswrld : @forest4bee : @fadingpalacebonkpsychic : @usercpat : @rainzelenia : @bloopsstuff : @purplegemadventures : @cowsforkenji : @wateronlyhaha : @poet-dae : @fushitoru : @serenityfauna : @luna-v-roiya : @thvamour : @gojocupid : @julsssssss : @ssleepycenzi : @ri-sa20 : @3lliesrifle : @a-trashbag : @mjsnightmares : @forever-war : @en40p : @aishies-stuff : @allofffmypeaches : @laviefantasie : @ritsatoru : @ssleepycenzi : @roscpctals99 : @noyaskneepad : @dearneverland : @platrom : @jaegersity : @rjswrld : @semra4 : @loversjoy : @gojonegs : @uziwork : @sushiimara : @misspoptart05 : @sapphireandange : @honoredalone : @notmazikeen : @liannele9 : @chanelmalandro : @jotarohat : @fartm : @sunarinss : @ivy-vivii : @ioveartfilm : @goreedo11 : @manyno : @altyx : @cielhidalgo : @vestasrants : @deluluforcarlos55 : @fangirlingoverfanfic : @gojostit : @lialia3945 : @simp-plague : @fuckerenyaeger : @jaelahh : @rintcrous : @nvmlolo : @miabiaria : @lavender-hvze : @vixzat : @minidrake : @um-no-ok :
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feel more than welcome to submit a request <3 ᥫ᭡ join my taglist:
©2024 bnpd. All rights reserved to the copyrights owner. Do not share, plagiarize, or translate.
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Hisoka shower scene?? Hisoka with his hair down?? SIR.
My dear, when I tell you my whole brain shut down during that moment...
Completely lost it.
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boneblushed · 1 year
Mine (Taylor’s Version)
short n sweet + unedited xo Ri
“You’re lucky we weren’t together when Red Taylor’s Version came out,” you muse, your pretty eyes alight with mischief.
“Because you’d have asked me to fake break-up with you?” Rafe asks, though he knows the answer to his question already. He snakes his arm around your waist and hands you the purple concoction he’s created — expensive Prosecco with just enough soda water to fizz, an amaranth liqueur making it taste like candied grapes. You take a generous pull, feeling his hand slide up and cup the side of your jaw.
When he turns your head to his, it’s mostly for selfish reasons. He ducks down and gives you a slow kiss, his wet tongue pressing over yours steadily. “You’re right,” he breathes out, breaking away for just a moment. “Although, I was already prettily heavily in love with you by then.”
“It was two years ago,” you huff, as if that explains it.
Rafe raises his eyebrows. “And?”
You balk. “C’mon. You’re fucking with me, right?”
“You think it was a coincidence that I posted All Too Well ten minute version on my Instagram story the day it came out?” Rafe asks then, somewhere between amused and exasperated.
“I thought you liked Taylor Swift,” you reply, a little indignant.
“Oh yeah, love her,” Rafe nods, faux-solemn. “Especially Shake It Off. Love Story, too. Great songs, really…”
You roll your eyes and make to break away from his embrace, “If this is your way of telling me you aren’t going to listen to Speak Now Taylor’s version with me —”
“The opposite, actually,” Rafe interrupts, only tightening his hold in response. He ducks his head again and sponges a kiss to your neck, another to your jaw, a few more to your cheeks and nose, just enough to have you giggling and gasping for breath. “You know how whipped I have to be to cancel my Friday plans to listen to music I don’t like with you?”
“You like Taylor Swift,” you command, your soft voice still a little breathy.
“I like you,” Rafe corrects, angling away a little. “Love you, actually. Would do anything for you. Even,” he gestures around his living room meaningfully, decked out in Speak Now memorabilia and speakers galore, “have a 2-person Speak Now party with you, apparently.”
You grin up at him, fond and amused. “Simp.”
“Tell anyone,” he ducks his head to your earlobe, his rough voice raising goosebumps over the skin of your neck, “and you’re dead.”
“Oooh, I’m so scared,” you tease, pressing a kiss to his cheek, the stubble rough on your lips.
“You should be,” Rafe replies, faux-serious.
“What’re you going to do, Cameron? Put me on your Instagram story with Mine playing in the background?”
Rafe doesn’t sound as grim as he probably wants to when he replies, “You know I did that as soon as we listened to it.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Rafe replies, nudging your drink with his own purposefully. “We going to keep going, or what?”
You fix him with a serious look. “You know once we’re done we’re just going to go back and reply, right?”
“I grew up with two younger sisters, baby,” Rafe replies, his handsome face full of mirth. “I know exactly how this goes.”
“Not to mention, you’re a swiftie.”
Rafe eyes widen, and he looks around mock surreptitiously. “Christ, sweetheart,” he hisses, feigning indignation. “Keep your voice down. I’ve got a fucking reputation to uphold, yeah?”
“Oh yeah?” You waggle your eyebrows, placing both of your drinks onto the counter to free your hands. As you pull him against you, your arms around his neck, his automatically encircling your waist, and you add, “I remember how it felt sitting by the water…”
“…and everytime I look at you, it’s like the first time,” Rafe murmurs back, any amusement fading away as his blue eyes deepen, his strong figure pressing you close.
“I fell in love with a careless man’s careful daughter…”
“She is the best thing, that’s ever been mine,” Rafe finishes, and then he pauses, his gaze ablaze with pulse-jolting conviction. “Although…”
“Although,” you repeat, voice weak.
“Enchanted’s a bit more our song, don’t you reckon?”
You crinkle your nose up at him, his words making your heart feel too large for your ribcage. “Yeah?”
“Oh yeah,” he nods, ducks his head again. “Freshman year: please don’t be in love with someone else; sophomore year: please don’t have somebody waiting on you; junior year —”
Your eyes widen. “That long?”
“Longer,” Rafe admits. Another pause. “I was enchanted to meet you, you know.”
You can’t help it. A peal of laughter escapes your lips, the sweetest sound Rafe has heard in a while. It’s just — this guy, six-foot-two with a football scholarship and shotgunning record, is quoting Taylor Swift lyrics to you like it’s the most natural thing in the world.
“If your team could see you now,” you tease, still swaying against him.
“They’d say,” he leans down, kisses you hard, “that I’m,” again, “the luckiest motherfucker on Figure Eight.”
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kishmishorkissish · 2 months
Aur pta hai insb mai hate kisko milegi sabse jyada ishan ko 💀💀💀
Vo sb chodho ye dekho , ye to har hafte ki kahani hai 💀💀💀
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Presenting you the most beautiful girl on this earth (if she existed) Ishani kishan 🎀🎀🎀🎀
Like swarg se utri koi apsara lg ri hai 😭😭😭😭 and that mole 😭😭😭😭😭
koi simp nhi bolega 💀💀💀
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fratricideknight · 8 months
bruh where is the appreciation for re2 leon? :( yeah he's hot as hell in re4, and in the later games tbh, but. my bby boy. my sweet little rookie officer thrown into the freaking zombie apocalypse. my man on the verge of tears when he confronted ada about who she really is. my naïve, malleable, easily manipulated little guy. i do not have a type nor a thing trust me
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They gave me, the young nerdy Spencer Ried and the Casanova Derek Morgan to simp over...Yet I chose this hot dilf who is double my age to day dream about.
Something is really wrong with me and I blame Aaron hotchner.
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