dippedanddripped · 2 years
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Thierry Lasry
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pixlpxie · 7 days
Ranking how rideable ateez's noses are👃🏻
1) Seonghwa
Extremely prominent bone structure. Not only is it big, but it also has 🫦texture🫦to it, you would definitely feel it at all the correct spots
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2) Mingi
Its big, long, structured and it's sharp. That pointy tip would press against you so perfectly and that lenght would get *into* you
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3) Wooyoung
Are you seeing that hook? Yes. That's all I have to say.
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4) Yunho
Now in my heart hes the 1st yall already know that. I dont know how but his nose is never the same in two pics ever like such an interesting nose structure it just constantly shapeshifts. Anyway, I would sell my soul to ride that shit. Its both hooked and wide and, like everything on his body, its long. I love his nose.
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5) Yeosang
His nose is actually the most prominent nose along with Seonghwa and Wooyoung, its wide, strong and big hed make you feel full but i put him below Yunho bc his nose is tiny bit sharper but honestly they're almost equal
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6) Hongjoong
It's small but sharp as fuck, its so pointy it'd actually push against you so perfectly but had to rank him a little lower bc its not as *big* but honestly idc id ride it like im the mf rhodeo
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7) San
Naw bro i don't know why im ranking him at 7, its literally the perfect nose. Would fit perfectly. He's at 7 bc compared to others he has less texture to his nose, its the perfect size, lenght and its straight as well so
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8) Jongho
Literally has the nose that ppl pay thousands of dollars on plastic surgery to be able to have a nose like this, literally show a picture of his nose for the perfect button nose. It is also why he is the last, its still massively rideable pls don't get me wrong, but its small and low bridged, and its rather rounded. But imma still fuck that nose idc
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morendodifame · 5 months
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" ain't my first rhodeo, " he grunted, stroking his hand along the animal's fair, " ain't the first cow I've bought for my son, " gabe added, " you think they'll like it? " he leaned back against the fence. he was only a little thing, not quite yet fully grown but not bound to get much bigger-- miniature, by very definition.
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rodeoxqueen · 1 year
Happy summer to you, Rhodeo! If you're still writing for the DMC boys, can you please do Dante and Vergil w/an S/O that loves sleeping and cuddling on their back while in bed? Thanks so much!
I've done a similar work in the past that may be your fancy.
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caramelbowtie · 10 months
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I figured that since I've been working hard on developing this character, that I would share him here too. This is my Persona 5 oc Kento! His Phantom Thief codename is Six! Kento is a second year who has just moved back to Japan with his father after spending most of his life living abroad. Since his mother is on an international work trip, he's planning on finishing school at Shujin while his dad works at his new job. Before he chose the name Kento, he was known as Himari. He was still in denial over being trans when the phantom theives discovered he has a newly formed, small palace. [Its rhodeo themed I'm working on drawing it right now.] After accidentally ending up in his own palace and accepting his shadow [Persona 4/Futaba style] he awakens to his persona Lone Ranger, joins the Phantom Thieves, and chooses the name Kento! Now they must team up to put a stop to the evil plot Kento's father has gotten himself wrapped up in. Now Kento has an amazing group of friends who accept him, and he's ready to change some hearts!!
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lu-twilights-pup · 2 years
Oh my gosh. oh my gosh rodeo Warriors. Rodiro Waroris he's- him rodahe wars rodiro Cowboy man ✨ rodwso wareisose w ahwuh waeawswarsw rhODEO-
no cause same.
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fated-normal-767 · 3 months
What if fuyuhiko grew his hair out and joined the Rhodeo . As a clown, yeah .
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I should make a compilation of these.
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rhodeo0 · 4 years
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❤️️Little Parakeet❤️️ pic I made. My little brother really likes these birdies, and he's right, they are sooo cute. Actually, all birds are cute, as long as they don't bite, scratch, are bald ... In short: I just had to draw them, I hope you like it.
This is my first time on Tumblr, I really like this app. I just don't know how everything works, so for those who read this: tech tips are welcome. ;)
~ RhodeO
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catboyminato · 3 years
everyday I resist the urge to edit minato to mirrorball and I’m begining to cave
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atiny-piratequeen · 3 years
Hi Fie looking forward to crying again when you post that chapter! I figured I’d ask a question since I’m here so which of your friends would get fucked by ateez verse fuck them and which member/members would you think? And please include yourself too for funsy if you want, thank you for always giving us such great content!
Thats a loaded question with a long ass answer but deadass all of my close friends would fuck their respective biases. Now the level of spice varies but like.
Thalia and Yunho? Absolutely. Probably would go to barnes and noble after blowing her back out tbh.
Tay and Jongho?
Rhodeo. Yeehaw. Somebody better hold on for dear life. I want front row seats like its wrestlemania tbh
Dior and San/Woo/Hwa? Gonnna hear them mfs down the block. Whos topping? Whos bottoming? Dunno! Tag team take turns!
Chye and San? Yea he gonna eat her alive. Literally.
Zie and Yunho? If that mf dont fold my wife in half imma push his ass aside and show him how to do it and if she to shy to dick him down I can gladly demonstrate.
Gaia and Hwa?
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And me? Im running a train through the whole band. And vice versa. Whole team game lets go im gay as shit poly, switchy as fuck and have years of unresolved sexual frustration, aint NOBODY walking after this.
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kachuuyaa · 3 years
Hi it's 🐗 anon here
I might be spamming your inbox every day and I'm sorry about that but I had this thought I wanted to share and idk what plot to make out of it but like,
I was thinking of this scenario where by some fuckery, an enemy or obstacle for hitman/contract killer! Reader manages to get their way into the Genshin world where CK! Reader resides, attacking reader, traveler, and their party and surrounding them with the intent of slaughtering all of them.
The leader bares their teeth in a grin, "I'm going to riddle your body with bullets until not even god can recognize you."
Before the party accompanying you can ask you anything, can get into a stnace to fight, your impassive voice cuts through their thoughts, stoic face not betraying anything in your tone.
"...I don't believe in God."
And with just a shift of your stance, your party watches as the men with lethal firearms too fast for them to dodge tense up in weariness, or maybe fear.
Your newfound companions know you're not normal whatsoever, but they almost doubt you. They witnessed how those metal capsules from those weapons could move faster than a being could blink, and how lethal they could be if they hit their mark, and you're smack dab in the middle of multiple barrels pointed at you. This could very well kill you.
Although, instead of fear, relief slowly seeps into their veins and spreads in them when they look at you. Every muscle in your body looks relaxed as you stand in position, looking like you know exactly what to do, like this isn't your first rhodeo.
The unknown, unintrested, and unafraid traveller that made their place in their universe was unique. A kind of comfort for the damned and the vulnerable, it was like everything was a little more safer with their presence.
That's why your party watches, watches without panic or without interruption as the enemies surrounding your figure fidget, as you crouch down in position and your mind delivers ways after ways of ending this in a bloodbath, eyes reflecting every intent of finishing this encounter with the intruders' existences being wiped off every map.
Blood pumps faster in your enemies out of fear, while blood pumps faster in your companions out of anticipation, when they hear you say,
"Fire at will."
hi 🐗 anon,
HELLLOOOOOOOO this is so good?:?:??/?22! THIS IS AMAZIGN??? i’ll happily give u my credentials and run my blog (/j) BUT WOW holy shit. the guns the. the vsbebdjsndnsjVv this is all so nice ?
this is worded very very beautifully i Love it. i don’t know what will happen when guns r introduced (save for the pyro gunslinger though) to trhe genshin world
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corvinuscorrax · 3 years
I got it from Rhodeo
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sofflepoffle · 3 years
for what it's worth i live on a real genuine island unlike SOME of these rhodeo clowns
!!!! Maggie Island??? Maybe the world is ok after all!
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melon-kiss · 4 years
The Cool of The Dawn, Part 4
yes, yes, I promise, we’re coming to the end... and this chapter is the one before last.
The Cool of The Dawn, chapter 4
“Molly, don’t fall asleep”, she heard from her right. She turned her head towards very worried John. “Please. Tell me a story.”
A story? She didn’t know any good ones. She had a great one in her life... and it had been slowly coming to its tragic end.
“Have I ever told the one when I was locked in a freezer?”
John managed to chuckle.
“Maybe you should tell me a story?” she said. “You have more interesting live. Mine’s just about corpses and stomach contents. You were at war.”
“There are no good stories about war”, he replied. “I can tell you a lot more about my roommating with Sherlock.”
Sherlock. Her heart shrunk at the twinge of sorrow.
His pale face came up in front of her eyes, smiling. She grinned, forcing her frozen muscles to warm up, moving her eyelids slowly: up and down, up and down... The quiet humming of the freezer engine led her into a calming trance. She imagined his hand reaching to her face, caressing her cheek and finally, his lips warming up hers, his fingers tangled in her hair.
But the smile faded away once she realised what happened a couple of days ago.
“No”, she whispered. “H-he c-could f-freeze to death h-here. H-he doesn’t d-deserve this. H-he can’t d-die. Not like t-this. H-he was born to do bigger t-things.”
“Molly, what are you talking about?”
She was shivering but couldn’t tell the reason: it could be the cold as much as her fear.
“What an irony, huh?” she said, forcing a smile. “We are s-supposed to d-die and our only h-hope is the b-biggest pain in our b-butts.”
John chuckled again.
“Not m-my first r-rhodeo, my f-friend”, he responded.
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thegentlemanjames · 4 years
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NEED: Rhude X Thierry Lasry Rhodeo Sunglasses
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redand51ue · 4 years
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The RHUDE x Thierry Lasry // Rhodeo in Tortoise Shell w/ Light Blue Lenses (610). Tap to shop.⠀ ⠀ @rhude @thierrylasry #rhude #thierrylasry via ✨ @padgram ✨(http://dl.padgram.com) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBIy9JtDHln/
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