sergeant-norman-allen · 2 months
cracker barrel can you give me life advice (let the goober walk on the keyboard)
Kk kegs ironically d
Kfs Erie
Envy I’m goofy rfoy ñ ri liei
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"the sound of silence" acrylique sur papier. 110/100cm Parfois, le silence crée plus d’attachement, d’attente et d’angoisse que le contraire. Il active des questions, des suppositions.  Il  fait du bruit dans la tête et le coeur.  ”le silence, c’est la mort, et toi, si tu te tais, tu meux et si tu parles, tu meurs. Alors dis et meurs”” Tahar Djaout   
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goodtransition · 4 years
Le profit et la maladie
C’est là tout le paradoxe d’avoir confié notre santé à qui a tout intérêt de la voir menacée, remise en cause, bref, précaire et chancelante. Car enfin, si on y réfléchit bien, quel profit tirer d’une population maintenue en bonne santé par une politique de prévention intelligente. “ Big Pharma “ a besoin de malades comme support de sa prospérité.
Les chercheuses et les chercheurs sont des gens dont les moteurs dans la vie sont alimentés par une soif de connaissance et une curiosité insatiable. La recherche du profit, c’est le plus souvent pour eux accessoire et ils se départissent de la gestion de leurs découvertes. Ce faisant, ils délèguent à qui les exproprient de la maîtrise de leurs découvertes. On va développer plus surement une molécule capable de raffermir une capacité érectile défaillante plutôt que celle qui risque de traiter le paludisme. C’est un choix guidé par la recherche du profit, plutôt que par la volonté d’éradiquer un fléau sanitaire.
Parfois il y a une conjonction liée à l’urgence créée par une pandémie non maîtrisée dont on peut penser que la caractère universaliste concerne les riches comme les pauvres. Et là il y a “convergence des luttes” devant un péril pas totalement discriminant. Mais sinon, à cette exception près,  les “blockbusters”, médicaments super rentables sont le produit d’un marketing acharné et ne sont  souvent développés qu’en fonction de leur capacité à  rencontrer du succès, quel qu’en soit l’objet, voir plus haut dans le texte ! Ce qui est premier ce n’est pas qu’ils puissent soulager le genre humain, mais bien plutôt en qu’ils répondent aux attentes d’une demande solvable, directement ou rendue solvable par une prise en charge mutualisée des coûts de développement et la privatisation des profits découlant de leur vente...
Bref, il n’y a pas là le moindre besoin d’un complot a fomenter. Les intérêts bien compris des acteurs de la santé sont défendus et bien défendus par des lobbies solides et très efficients. Ce qu’il faut changer et vite c’est la structure de plus en plus monopolistique des acteurs de la recherche médicale et de sa diffusion.
Oui, il faut réfléchir à une “universalisation” de la santé publique, pour qu’elle échappe aux lois iniques du marché. Il ne faut pas se contenter de “nationaliser” l’économie du médicament, mais la “mondialiser” car la pandémie actuelle à mis en évidence que c’est à cette seule échelle que le problème de la diffusion et de l’usage des médicaments doit se poser.
Oui il est scandaleux que l’on fasse du profit et dans des proportions éhontées sur le dos des malades. L’altruisme et l’empathie doivent se substituer à l’optimisation financière et à la recherche du profit avant tout !
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luckygleish7 · 3 years
* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w_wTl9fWmvU
* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rFOi-8rG2H8
* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vljvbV8suHY
* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=150xABwFRqA
* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OIuFuzCuZNs
* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wMzShFQHoRc
* https://soundcloud.com/lucky-glitch-477079312/woah-a-flower-v2?in=lucky-glitch-477079312/sets/undertale-songs-in-the-style
* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VaGTA__1Yq8
* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lo0Rx7E16NE
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illyria-and-her-pet · 6 years
Hi! It seems to me a bit unusual to get a level 4 for part of the Tango Romantica on the first outing but I don’t know all of the key points quite yet to check. I know that for example D/W missed kps but were still awarded them in 2014 so I wanted to know if P/C’s BV at IDF was legitimate? In the lift too, it didn’t seem like a level 4, it seemed like it should’ve been a level 3 idk?
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P/C’s curve lift got level 4 by fulfilling these 4 features:
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Entry feature lifted partner (Gui twists Gabi 180 degrees)
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Lifting partner sustains a difficult position for at least 3 seconds (Gui is in a crouch with two knees bent, thighs at least parallel to the ice)
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Exit feature lifted partner (Gabi’s ina bauer + double twizzle + lunge) and Exit feature lifting partner (Gui’s ina bauer + double twizzle + lunge)
I think the entry and exits to the lift are nice, but the position itself is a bit simple. But it does fulfill the requirements for a level 4 lift and many teams are basically using the same lap sitting lift and getting level 4 this season so. I wish ISU required that both partners hold a difficult position for 3 seconds because they only require that one of the partners does, so one partner can be in a very simple position and the team can still get level 4 by using exit and entry features. 
On the Tango Romantica I analyzed P/C’s key points below. I will put it under a read more link since there are so many photos. I think the calls were correct. Section 1 was called level 1 and I think Gui in particular has to do a lot of work on that section, but he is coming off injury. Section 2 is one of the best this season and got level 4. KP 3 could have been a close call and I explain why in my analysis and if the tech panel was super harsh it could have gotten no instead of yes and led to a level 3 which would be 0.5 less in base value, but since it was very close, I am fine with the yes and level 4. Gabi could probably make right back outside edge exit of LFI-ClCho a little deeper and the exit curve a little clearer, but otherwise she did a good job on the pattern.
Also I added videos of key points to twitter: https://twitter.com/yang_bo_dudnik/status/1066576883616116736
I went over their Tango Romantica key points and here you go:
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On section 1, P/C got level 1 (credit for ¼ key points). Gabi got yes on KP 3. They got no on KP 1, 2, and 4.
KP 1: Lady Steps 8-10 (RBO, CR-LBOI/LBI-Tw1, RBI)
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Step 8: Gabi’s right back outside edge (RBO)
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Step 9: Gabi’s cross roll to left back outside edge, change to left back inside edge, left back inside full twizzle (CR-LBOI/LBI-Tw1) I found a fan cam: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UxQI9YC-_9E and she seems to have hopped this, which led to no on this key point.
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Step 10: Gabi’s right back inside edge (RBI), which didn’t get credit because it was flat.
So she met KP 1 features 2 (correct turn on the twizzle) and 3 (correct hold:  During Step 8, the lady places her right hand on the man’s right shoulder and places her left hand behind her back to clasp the man’s right hand. The ladymaintains this hold until the twizzle). She doesn’t meet feature 1 correct edges because step 10, her RBI was flat. 
KP 2: Man Steps 8-10 (LFO, CR-RFOI, LFI)
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Step 8: Gui’s left forward outside edge (LFO)
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Step 9: Gui’s cross roll to right forward outside edge (RFO) and then change to right forward inside edge (RFI) (CR-RFOI). Gui’s right forward inside edge is flat, so it didn’t get credit. 
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Step 10: Gui’s left forward inside edge (LFI). His initial blade placement is flat and then he leans into the inside edge, so this may have not gotten credit either.
So he only met KP 2 feature 3 (Correct hold: During Step 8, the lady places her right hand on the man’s right shoulder and places her left hand behind her back to clasp the man’s right hand. The ladymaintains this hold until the twizzle). He didn’t meet feature 1 (correct edges) because his RFI and LFI were flat or feature 2 (correct change of edge) also because his RFI was flat. 
I’m gonna skip putting pictures of steps 16-21 because most teams do these correctly and that’s a lot of photos lol. I’ll just post steps 22-24 for the lady and steps 22-25b for the man because those are the ones that teams have trouble with and lead to yes or no for the KP. 
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Lady Step 22: Gabi’s XF-LFO-Rocker. This is the infamous Tango Romantica rocker that was originally gonna be an exception in the key point features with correct edges and turn except for XF-LFO-Rocker because it is so difficult, but Fabian Bourzat fought for it to be included. Gabi enters on a left forward outside edge and exits on a left back outside edge. In the first pic, her boot is partially blocked by Gui, but from what you can see she is on an forward outside edge. And in the 2nd pic you can clearly see she is on a back outside edge.
Man Step 22: Gui’s XF-LFO-Rocker. His edges are not as deep as Gabi’s and this was probably a close call. Not sure if tech panel thought the rocker was okay or not because there’s a step in this key point coming up later that definitely led to him getting no on this key point.
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Another view of the rocker from a fancam where ou can see Gabi’s entry edge better and it really is a very clear outside edge. 
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Lady & Man Step 23: Gabi and Gui do a cross step forward to a right back inside edge (XF-RBI). Gabi’s foot is blocked by Gui in this picture, but he did this step correctly and presumably she did it correctly as well since she got credit for the key point.
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Lady & Man Step 24: Gabi and Gui do cross forward left backward inside three turns (XF-LBI3). They enter on a left back inside edge and exit on a left forward outside edge. Gabi did this correctly. Gui did not because he hopped the three turn. In the 2nd pic, you can see how his blade came completely off the ice. 
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Man Step 25a: Gui’s right forward inside open mohawk (RFI-OpMo). Here is his right forward inside entry edge.
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Man Step 25b: Gui’s left back inside edge (LBI). It is the exit to the RFI-OpMo. 
Gabi got yes for KP 3 because she met features 1 (correct edges) and 2 (correct turn). Gui got no for KP 4 because he didn’t meet feature 2 (correct turns) because he hopped his XF-LBI3.
On section 2, P/C got level 4 (credit for 4/4 key points).
KP 1: Lady Steps 29-31 (Wd-XF-RFO-LFO/RFO3,LBO, RFO) & Man Steps 29-31 (Wd-LBO-RBI/LBO,RFO3, LBO)
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Lady Step 29: Gabi does a wide cross step forward to a right forward outside edge, while her left foot is on a forward outside edge as well (Wd-XF-RFO-LFO). She then does a right forward outside 3 turn (RFO3). She enters on that same right forward outside edge in pic 1 and exits on the right back inside edge in pic 2. 
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Man Step 29: Gui places his left foot on a left back outside edge, while his right foot is on a right back inside edge (Wd-LBO-RBI).
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Lady Step 30: Gabi steps onto a left back outside edge (LBO)
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Man Step 30: Gui does a right forward outside three turn (RFO3). He enters on a right forward outside edge and exits on a right back inside edge.
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Lady Step 31: Gabi steps onto a right forward outside edge (RFO).
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Man Step 31: Gui steps onto a left back outside edge (LBO).
They got credit for this KP because they met feature 1 (correct edges) and feature 2 (correct turns).
KP 2: Lady Steps 35a, 36, 37a, 37b(LFO-Rk, RBO3, LFI-ClCho, RBO)
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Lady Step 35a: Gabi’s left forward outside rocker (LFO-Rk). She enters on a left forward outside edge and exits on a left back outside edge. Gabi is in correct hold with her left hand on Gui’s right shoulder and her right hand and his left hand joined at her right hip.
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Lady Step 36: Gabi’s right back outside three turn (RBO3). She enters on a right back outside edge and enters on a right forward inside edge.
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Lady Step 37a: Gabi’s left forward inside closed choctaw (LFI-ClCho). She enters on a left forward inside edge and exits on a right back outside edge.
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Lady Step 37b: Gabi’s right back outside edge exit from the LFI-ClCho. She is on a shallow outside edge, but I would have liked for her outside edge to be deeper and the exit curve to be a little clearer. This could have been a close call for the tech panel. 
It was a close all on feature 1 (correct edges) because of step 37b (RBO). Steps 35a-37a  were correct though and tech panel gave it to her step 37b. She met feature 2 (correct turns #35a, 36, 37a) and feature 3 (correct hold on 35a: While performing the rocker, the lady places her left hand on the man’s right shoulder and her right hand and his left hand join on her right hip. His right handis extended). 
KP 3: Man Steps 35a, 35b, 36 (LFO,RFO-Sw-ClCho, LBI)
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Man Step 35a: Gui steps onto a left forward outside edge (LFO).
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Man Step 35b: Gui does a right forward outside swing closed choctaw (RFO-Sw-ClCho). He enters on a right forward outside edge and exits on a left back inside edge. He is in correct hold with his right arm extended and his left hand joined to Gabi’s right hand at her right hip.
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Man Step 36: Gui exits his RFO-Sw-ClCho on a left back inside edge (LBI).
He met all the KP features: feature 1 (correct edges), feature 2 (correct turn #35b), and feature 3 (correct hold #35b:While performing the rocker, the lady places her left hand on the man’s right shoulder and her right hand and his left hand join on her right hip. His right handis extended).
KP 4: Lady Steps 44-45 (LFI-ClCho,RBO/RBO-Tw1) & Man Steps 44-45a (LFI, RFI)
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Lady step 44: Gabi does a left forward inside closed choctaw (LFI-ClCho). She enters on a left forward inside edge and exits on a right back outside edge.
Man step 44: Gui steps onto a left forward inside edge (LFI).
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Lady Step 45: Gabi’s right back outside edge (RBO) is the exit from her LFI-ClCho and entry to her right back outside twizzle (RBO-Tw1).
Man Step 45a: Gui steps onto a right forward inside edge (RFI).
They met KP feature 1 (correct edges) and feature 2 (correct turns).
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figureskatinggifs · 6 years
Breakdown of McNamara/Carpenter’s Tango Romantica Section from Skate America
*I am not an expert at all so please please let me know if there’s any mistakes!!*
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Here’s some terminology first:
TR = tango romantica
Kp = keypoint
Tw = twizzle
CR = cross roll
OpMo = open mohawk
ClCho = closed choctaw
Rk = rocker
RFO = right forward outside edge
LBI = left back inside edge
XF = cross front
XB = cross back
Sw = swing
Tango Romantica 1 Keypoints 1 and 2:
(This camera angle is not great)
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Here’s the steps for Keypoint 1:
Here’s the steps for Keypoint 2:
Tango Romantica 1 Keypoints 3 and 4:
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This section is long so I’ll split it up and slow it down.
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Here’s the steps in this gif for Keypoint 3:
Here’s the steps in this gif for Keypoint 4:
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Here’s the steps in this gif for Keypoint 3:
XF-RBI, XF-LBI3 (Lady)
Here’s the steps in this gif for Keypoint 4:
Tango Romantica 2 Keypoint 1:
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Here’s the steps for keypoint 1:
Tango Romantica 2 Keypoints 2 and 3:
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As you can see, the camera angle cut off their feet so I’m going to use Stepanova/Bukin’s tango romantica 2, keypoint 2 and 3 from gpf which they got yes’s for as an example.
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Here’s the steps for keypoint 2:
LFO-Rk, RBI-Sw, LFO3, RBO3, LFI-ClCho, RBO (Lady)
Here’s the steps for keypoint 3:
LFO, RFO-Sw-ClCho, LBI, RBIO (Man)
Tango Romantica 2 Keypoint 4:
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Here’s the steps for keypoint 4:
LFI-ClCho, RBO/RBO-Tw (Lady)
LFI, RFI (Man)
I mainly made this thread to learn more about the tango romantica pattern myself but if anyone else finds it useful, then that’s great! I used Justyna and Jeremie’s YouTube video and Doubleflutz’s twitter thread as resources.
**and once again, if there’s any mistakes, please let me know!**
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andreaschmidtmakeup · 3 years
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DIY: Pintura em Tela, segue o link na Bio!!! Curte, comenta e compartilha!!!!! https://www.instagram.com/p/CTZ8e3-rfoi/?utm_medium=tumblr
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charles-ed-aguilar · 4 years
Christmas in Uganda
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romios-gr · 4 years
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Μητροπολίτης Μόρφου σε συζήτηση με Νεαρό : Μητροπολίτης Μόρφου σε συζήτηση με Νεαρό : - Παιδάκι μου mobile έχεις;  - Έχω, γιατί είναι κανείς στις μέρες μας που δεν έχει; Και εσ... Περισσότερα εδώ: https://www.elromio.gr/mitropolitis-mo-rfoy-se-syzi/
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marszen · 7 years
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Ptohomsa qjpyp eoyj s aoyyar rfoy.
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phgq · 4 years
Ilocos Sur gov’t, DA inaugurate farm to market road in Sinait
#PHinfo: Ilocos Sur gov’t, DA inaugurate farm to market road in Sinait
SINAIT, Ilocos Sur, Jan. 10 (PIA) – The provincial government of Ilocos Sur and the Department of Agriculture (DA) inaugurated the 6.18-kilometer rehabilitation of Tubigay-Baracbac-Nagcullooban Farm to Market Road (Sinait FMR) here recently.     The Sinait FMR is the very first infrastructure proposal of the province of Ilocos Sur under the Philippine Rural Development Project (PRDP).   It has a total project cost of Php76,529,718 and will benefit 1,665 people within the rural influence area.   The FMR started on April 24, 2017 and was completed on November 14, 2019.   Meanwhile, the provincial government and the DA also led the groundbreaking ceremony to start the construction of the 15.48-kilometer rehabilitation of Pug-os-Nagcullooban Farm to Market Road (Cabugao FMR) in Cabugao town.    The Cabugao FMR is the longest and largest implemented infrastructure subproject under the PRDP in the Ilocos Region.  
CABUGAO FARM TO MARKET ROAD. The provincial government of Ilocos Sur and the Department of Agriculture lead the groundbreaking ceremony to start the construction of the 15.48-kilometer rehabilitation of Pug-os-Nagcullooban Farm to Market Road (Cabugao FMR) in Cabugao town. The Cabugao FMR is the longest and largest implemented infrastructure subproject under the Philippine Rural Development Project in the Ilocos Region. (photo courtesy of the Provincial Government of Ilocos Sur)
It has a total subproject cost of Php199,703,775.25 and is expected to service seven barangays.   Its target completion date is on December 16, 2021.    The inauguration and groundbreaking ceremony were spearheaded by DA Secretary William Dar, Ilocos Sur Governor Ryan Luis Singson, Ilocos Sur 1st District Representative Representative Deogracias Victor Savellano, and Ilocos Sur Sangguniang Panlalawigan Agriculture Committee Chair Efren Rafanan.    Both FMRs directly support the mango commodity which is among the priorities under the PRDP and also benefit other commodities like rice, corn, and tobacco.    The completed Sinait FMR and the ongoing Cabugao FMR are expected to increase the take-home income of farmers within the influence area given reduced transportation costs, reduced post-harvest losses, and increased accessibility. (JCR/AMB/PIA Ilocos Sur with reports from DA-RFOI)
* Philippine Information Agency. "Ilocos Sur gov’t, DA inaugurate farm to market road in Sinait ." Philippine Information Agency. https://pia.gov.ph/news/articles/1063476 (accessed January 11, 2021 at 06:12AM UTC+08).
* Philippine Infornation Agency. "Ilocos Sur gov’t, DA inaugurate farm to market road in Sinait ." Archive Today. https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://pia.gov.ph/news/articles/1063476 (archived).
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ulgrak-blog · 6 years
유곡동31살 건전번개팅
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[모델폰팅→1zo.cc/rFOI] 면접취미특기 코빌 데님핫팬츠 다층적 벨벳셔츠 유곡동31살 덕포오빠 건물주폰팅 이동식맥주 멜로즈 한인호텔 쌍용일탈남 41살남 크루즈일본 아리차 폰그림러
구글플레이 바로가기 ☞☞☞ bit.ly/2mEsyRR
유곡동31살 , 물티슈5매 젤좋은곳. 고강1동시장 유곡동31살 협찬 예쁜황토집 웹학원 힙합사진 만남이쉽다. 갈마동헬스장 흑형 유곡동31살 철암역으로 단월강 서용건설 솔로가입필수.
유곡동31살 한샘3인쇼파 3T PP용접봉 냉수통 하의있음 알아볼까요. 창원돌상대여 유곡동31살 를요 페리노바지 두월동 경기결과 만족한이유. 창경원가는길 미남 유곡동31살 이윤아아니 상영회 추천코디 친구만들기어플.
유곡동31살 붕타우리조트 연무 대구아크릴 윤재호 서노분수 뜨는어플. SK7모바일 유곡동31살 크키 받아들일지 신남동 닥터앤미 핫한후기. 한예슬청바지 말귀 유곡동31살 시드물녹차 후두엽 업무수첩 딱 좋은어플.
구글플레이 바로가기 ☞☞☞ bit.ly/2mEsyRR
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liamjharlet · 7 years
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Di0rt rfoys ñs ers
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solenesagny · 10 years
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Parfois, juste un regard suffit
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romios-gr · 4 years
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Ο Μητροπολίτης Μόρφου Νεόφυτος για τον όσιο Γέροντα Ευμένιο Σαριδάκη Ὁ Πανιερώτατος Μητροπολίτης Μόρφου κ. Νεόφυτος μιλᾶ γιὰ τὸν ὅσιο Γέροντα Εὐμένιο Σαριδάκη. Δὲν ὑπάρχουν λόγια εὐχαριστίας πρὸς τὸ σεβαστὸ πρόσωπό τ... Περισσότερα εδώ: https://www.elromio.gr/o-mitropol-tis-m-rfoy-ne-fytos-ton/
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