Thank ya kindly, pardner. Sorry I’m so late, there’s been an awful lot goin’ on lately.
I’m mighty grateful fer y’all an’ I hope yer all doin’ well.
Stay safe, folks.
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I've been studying for 16 hours and I still feel unprepared and anxious and I haven't finished my homework, I still have so much to do help????
Goddamn, pardner! Take a break! Yer brain can’t do nothin’ if it’s overworked.
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projects myg crampsb onyo you uurhhhdgghhh ... sprays

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I literally come here bc you are my comfort character I want to hug you even though I hate physical contact and I don't really like people but you are good in my eyes and I hope you know that
- @dialtownconfessions
I always appreciate y’all’s appreciation so much. Yer all welcome here and I love y’all, stay safe.
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everyone (including me) carnally desires you do you know that
Yeah yeah y’all been tellin’ me since th’ beginnin’. Any o’ y’all REPULSED by me? Now THAT’D be interestin’.
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Repostin’ this in light o’ th’ bullshit that happened yesterday.
Howdy yall. I know I ain’t been on here much lately but I wanted to come on and say that fer yall American citizens, I’m sorry. Yes, I’m gettin’ political, because I assume yall as queer, trans, and neurodivergent folks are scared if yer in America right now.
I love my country, but I’m feelin’ a lotta hate fer some people livin’ in it right now. I know that time an’ time again it’s been proven that th’ system favors homogeneity an’ tradition over sensibility, an’ I know that don’t feel good. I’m sorry y’all, I really am.
This ain’t th’ end though, ya hear? It ain’t always gonna be like this. An’ remember that even in th’ cold o’ hatred an’ ignorance, yer fellow humans will huddle up together and survive it. It ain’t th’ end.
Stay safe y’all, be gentle with yerselves an’ others.
God bless America.
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OooOooO you love answering my asks soooo much ooOoOo also I might be getting a body pillow of you soon :3
I don’t know what a body pillow is in this context but I do know I don’t like th’ sound of it.
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I just scrolled through your whole account for 3 hours until yiur forst post instead of studyinh I want you so bad
That’s as flatterin’ as it is concernin’, pardner.
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im a crab n i’ve learned english from yer posts. 🦀
Well howdy crab, welcome t’ th’ English language. Anythin’ I can do t’ help ya out?
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I mean yeah- it was kinda run by some kind of clown with a god complex i think. We repainted the place to look like a zoo. I think gingi was also there doing something but at this point he could just be invadeing my dreams.
Honestly sounds like a damn good time.
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Norm- you may or may not have been in my dream last night. We took down a burger chain together- any thoughts?
Honestly don’t sound all that terrible- was it a bad burger chain?
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liscks uour forehea d like a cat. birhtdya gioft
Gingi.?? Is that you?
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my god
Norm did you know there's a very cool site with groovy art of you? It's called r34 you should try searching your name up some time 😁😁
Well I don’t trust yall but I s’pose a little internet exploration couldn’t hurt.
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Norm did you know there's a very cool site with groovy art of you? It's called r34 you should try searching your name up some time 😁😁
Well I don’t trust yall but I s’pose a little internet exploration couldn’t hurt.
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Play minecraft
I’ve been wantin’ t’ try my hand at that. Since I done all that kinda stuff in real life, it’s gotta be easier in a game, right? Shouldn’t be too hard.
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