#rex wisconsin
papacrunchymilk · 2 years
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Steve Benen at MSNBC's MaddowBlog:
As brutal as Donald Trump’s family-separation policy was during his presidency, the Republican hasn’t ruled out a sequel in a possible second term. In fact, as recently as Friday, the GOP nominee’s running mate, JD Vance, also hedged on whether to expect another round of family separations if voters return Trump to power. But in case that weren’t quite enough, it was something the Republican presidential hopeful said a day later that was every bit as jarring. As USA Today’s Rex Huppke noted in his latest column:
[At his weekend rally in Wisconsin, Trump brought up his sadistic plan to deport millions of immigrants, and he spun a dizzyingly dishonest tale about immigrants: “In Colorado they’re so brazen they’re taking over sections of the state. And you know, getting them out will be a bloody story.”]
[...] But it was the use of the word “bloody” that stood out. As a Washington Post analysis explained, “It’s a pledge not just of the cruelty of ostracism or subjugation. It’s a promise that the purported dangers of immigrants will be met with force, with cracked skulls or — as Trump reportedly suggested while serving as president — gunfire.” What’s more, let’s not lose sight of the larger pattern. Trump has targeted migrants with dehumanizing rhetoric that echoes Hitler — complaining about migrants “poisoning the blood of our country,” and insisting that migrants are “not humans” — all while promising to create militarized mass deportations and detention camps if voters reward him with a second term. He has even talked about putting migrants into a ring to fight for Americans’ entertainment.
Donald Trump’s 2nd term will feature a much crueler deportation agenda. Vote Kamala Harris to prevent such a nightmare scenario from happening.
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deepdreamnights · 6 months
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Real name: Tyrannodus Maximus (translation) Known Aliases: Ty Maxon, the Dinoman of Wisconsin, Shellbreaker Occupation: Champion of Core City, adventurer Identity: Public Legal status: Citizen of Core City. Legal resident of the United States with a criminal record (pardoned), escaped felon in Ultramerica. Species: Dinoid Tyrannosaurus Rex Place of Hatching: Core City Martial Status: Single, betrothed. Known Relatives: TyrannoLucian (father), MegaloDiana (mother), TyrannoMaxine (grandmother, deceased), TyrannoCass (brother), TyrannoJulia (sister), Lady StegoJune (fiance), DeinoSteve (blood brother), Tyler Wrex (second cousin). Known affiliations: Warriors of the Core (member, current), Sevenfold Guardians (member, reserve), Wally Manmoth (ally), Johannes Factotum (ally), WoMinotaur (ally), Dr. Underfang (nemesis), Department of Inhuman Affairs (contractor). Base of operations: Soapstone, Wisconsin, Core City in the Fossilized World. First appearance: Tyrannomax #1 (1975)
From the Coctus Catalog, it's TyrannoMax!
His power/ability box is under the fold.
Physical Strength: TyrannoMax’s strength is exceptional, even for a dinoid. He can lift (press) 10 tons with his arms or tail. Known Powers & Abilities: Like all diniods, TryannoMax’s muscles and bone tissues are more dense and durable than human analogues, resulting in vast strength and resistance to physical damage. His scales can deflect an armor-piercing .50 caliber machine gun fire at 30 feet. TyrannoMax’s bite force is sufficient to bend a 5” diameter titanium rod. His teeth and claws are both sharp and strong enough to rend metal, and he’s able to leap up to sixty feet forward or twenty feet straight up from a standing position. Like all dinoids, TyrannoMax possesses a high degree of psychic affinity, which he can access through his psychic roar. This unique psychic talent allows TyrannoMax to imbue his roars with psionic power. He can attune the pitch of his roar to deliver physical psychokinetic force, stun the minds of those in its path, or induce fear and panic in enemies. Known Weaknesses: Dinoid physiology is only partially warmblooded and is vulnerable to cold. Temperatures below 56 degrees Fahrenheiht reduce TyrannoMax’s speed, strength and concentration in direct proportion to his body temperature. If lowered to the freezing point gradually, he will involuntarily enter a state of hibernation. Rapid freezing is deadly to dinoids.
TyrannoMax's art was made in the same fashion as the Wally Manmoth comic, with his body being composited out of several Midjourney attempts and his head coming from Dall-E 3, since MJ's rexes are always too modern for the 70s throwback of Tmax.
From there the colors were removed entirely, and the new lineart touched up and then re-colored using the classic comic colors from the DC 1981 style guide. And then "vintaged" in the process.
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tariah23 · 5 months
Rex Wisconsin…
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fetchmearum420 · 1 year
So Ralston actually played Dickinson in a production of 1776 a few years after the movie, still the 70’s. He did it at the Melody Top in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
I find it amusing just imagining him as Dickinson. I just wish there was footage of him singing CCCM lmao.
He also directed a production or two.
He was supposed to direct my cousin in a production, but then he died very unexpectedly so that was the end of that.
I’m also still waiting to hear David Ford sing CCCM, I’m on a waiting list for audio. 🫣
Lots of shit happening.
Oh yeah, and Ralston played Stephen Hopkins at the Williamstown Theatre festival in the early 90’s I think and he was once again directed by the great Peter Hunt. That production also starred Rex Everhart, who we all know from the Broadway production when he took over numerous times for Howard Da Silva, and he did the musical on and off for a very very long time and directed productions of it.
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He’s right in the middle
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djregular · 2 months
Scientists and even museums have no means of breaking up the "hellish" trinity of dinosaur auctions, Thomas Carr, a paleontologist at Carthage College in Wisconsin, told Artnet after a Gorgosaurus skeleton sold at Sotheby's for $6.1 million in 2022. This trinity consists of auction houses, the commercial companies that grub up fossils to sell, and the deep-pocketed private buyers. Before Stan was auctioned in 2020, the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology, a nonprofit scientific organization comprising approximately 2,000 paleontologists from around the world, wrote to Christie's asking the auction house to limit bidders to public institutions. The request was ignored. Now, about half of the 120 known specimens of T. rex are owned privately and not to the public. “They are thieves of time," Carr said.
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blissfullybloomed · 11 months
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Happy November 1st 2023! 
It's been 30 days since my last blog post and we have updates. Before we get to those updates- How are y’all? Y’all doing alright? Did you have a good Halloween? I actually went trick or treating twice this year! Hopefully you got to dress up and be a kid again for a little while, or walk around with your nieces or nephews. It's the time spent that actually counts. First snow of the year, on Halloween, in the streets of Columbus, in the land of Hocus Pocus it started to feel like a scene out of a movie. Streets were lined with trees of red, yellow, and orange leaves. Snow falling, hot chocolate steaming off the disposable coffee cups, costumes of t-rex and Garfield running through the streets. It was bliss for a few snowflake moments. Life is still really good. I'm happy. 
So, let's get to the updates. 
Passed the MBLEx(Massage and Bodywork Licensure Examination)
Quit the Chiropractor Office for Full Time at Hand and Stone
Went to a Motionless In White Concert with my man - super dope!
Trick or Treated with my family for the first time since I was a child- the dopest!
Went to Circleville Pumpkin Show- Big pumpkins and hella pumpkin food!
Went to the Renaissance Festival - Where has that been all my life? - The best!
Met the boyfriend's father- he's cool as a cucumber, and we watched EDM videos together on Youtube! He's a big softy. I totally see where my man gets his empathetic nature. 
Whew! October was loaded! Super excited for November! 
November is going to be a special month for me this year. It's the first year I've spent Thanksgiving with my family in a very long time. Shoot, typically, it's the Macy Thanksgiving Day Parade,  the WestMinster Dog Show , and Cracker Barrel delivery solo with Chunk and Chee. This year…I get everything. I get my sisters, niece and nephews, sister in law, brother in law, family friends, and my boyfriend all under one roof.  Sharing a meal together, going around the table telling each other what you're thankful for- Yeah, this year…it's gonna be incredible. 
It's crazy to think how fast this year is wrapping up. Makes you really reflect on what you've accomplished, and what you have yet to accomplish. Take stock today. Figure out where you are with those goals we established a few months ago. How do you close out today- this week, this month, this year so that it's a success? Just because it's the end of the year…we ain't done yet. Keep moving on your diets(which by now are lifestyle habits), your financial goals, your relationship goals, your professional goals…all of them…you're not done yet! 
We have risen like phoenixs this year. We have recreated who we are. We have clawed our way out of the pit. We have transformed. 
We have bloomed. 
I love you guys! Here's to the next 30 days! Kill it out there!
"Beauty in the red stone and the blue waters, the light guides the way." - Thankyou Sheboygan, Wisconsin. *Victoria Bloom*
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jaygore1672 · 1 year
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Rex Brown and Zakk Wylde following their Pantera set at Rockfest in Cadott, Wisconsin on July 13, 2023.
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oldmke · 1 year
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Motorists who pass it every day might find it difficult to believe that this peaceful street is now W. Wisconsin av., between N. 9th and N. 11th sts., Milwaukee's Court of Honor. Lovely trees lined the avenue, known as Grand av. in those days, and pedestrians, horse carts and an occasional streetcar provided its only traffic. This scene, just after the turn of the century, shows the Court of Honor as it was decorated for one of Milwaukee's yearly carnivals. Two colonnades of plaster pillars marked its beginning and end and decorative columns lined the street in front of the Kneeland estate to the right, and the former Mitchell estate, now the Wisconsin club, on the left. Still familiar to Milwaukeeans who pass the site are the carnival column, built to honor Rex the Carnival King in 1900, and the Soldiers monument, honoring Wisconsin men in blue who fought in the Civil war. No longer a part of the scene, however, are old fashioned gaslights which illuminated the city's streets until electrification was completed in 1921; or the lovely ladies protected from the sun by their gay parasols, quite at home in the middle of the thoroughfare. (Picture and information from the local history collection of the Milwaukee public library.)
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xtruss · 1 year
Bernie Sanders: We Must Raise The Minimum Wage To A Living Wage
In the richest country on earth, if you work 40 hours a week you shouldn’t have to live in poverty
— Opinion | Minimum Wage | Monday 17 April 2022
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Demonstrators rally at New York’s City Hall Park to demand a higher minimum wage in November 2022. Photograph: Derek French/Rex/Shutterstock
Congress Can No Longer Ignore the needs of the working class of this country. At a time of massive and growing income and wealth inequality and record-breaking corporate profits, we must stand up for working families – many of whom are struggling every day to provide a minimal standard of living for their families.
One important way to do that is to raise the federal minimum wage to a living wage. In the year 2023, nobody in the US should be forced to work for starvation wages. It should be a basic truism that in the US, the richest country on earth, if you work 40 hours a week you do not live in poverty. Raising the minimum wage is not only the right thing to do morally. It is also good economics. Putting money into the hands of people who will spend it on basic needs is a strong economic stimulant.
“The federal minimum wage has lost over 27% of its purchasing power since it was last raised 14 years ago”
When over 60% of American workers are now living paycheck to paycheck, when the life expectancy of low-income Americans is in decline, when we have the highest rate of childhood poverty of almost any major country, we can no longer tolerate a federal minimum wage of $7.25 an hour, a wage that has not been raised since 2009. Incredibly, the federal minimum wage has lost over 27% of its purchasing power since it was last raised 14 years ago. That is unacceptable. Millions of Americans cannot be allowed to fall further and further behind economically, unable to afford the housing, food, healthcare, childcare and education they desperately need in order to live in health and dignity.
Whether they are greeting us at Walmart, serving us hamburgers at McDonald’s, providing childcare for our kids or waiting on our table at a diner in rural America, there are too many Americans trying to survive and raise families on $9, $10 or $12 an hour. It cannot be done. This injustice must end. Low-income workers need a pay raise and the American people want them to get that raise.
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Bernie (Bernard) Sanders
“Cities and states all across the country are taking the low-wage crisis into their own hands and raising their minimum wage”
That was then. Now is now. And things are changing. As a result of years of congressional inaction, cities and states all across the country are taking the low-wage crisis into their own hands and raising their minimum wage. Some are doing it through legislative action. Others are doing it through ballot initiatives.
Since 2013, the people of 12 states – New Jersey, South Dakota, Arkansas (twice), Alaska, Washington, Maine, Colorado, Arizona, Missouri, Florida, Nevada and Nebraska (twice) – have voted on ballot initiatives to raise their state’s minimum wage. Every single one of these initiatives passed, none with less than 55% of the vote. And these are not just strong “blue states” voting for economic justice. In the recent November 2022 midterm election, two states that voted in Republican governors, Nebraska and Nevada, voted to raise the minimum wage. In 2020, the citizens of Florida, with a Republican governor and two Republican senators, also voted to raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour.
The MIT living wage calculator estimates a living wage as a salary that is adequate enough to support a family without luxuries. For two working adults and one child, a living hourly wage for each adult would be $18.69 in West Virginia, $17.55 in South Carolina, $21.57 in Maryland, $20.01 in Utah and $19.33 in Wisconsin. Even in my own state of Vermont, the living wage is $19.58, more than $6 above the current state minimum wage.
But there are many families that do not have two working adults and rely on single moms who are raising their children on their own. In that case, the required living wage is much higher. As an example, a single mother in West Virginia would need to make $33.39 an hour to support herself and one child.
So it is not radical to suggest that raising the minimum wage to $17 an hour over a period of several years is the right thing to do. In fact, had my 2015 bill to increase the minimum wage to $15 an hour that was indexed to median wages became law, the federal minimum wage this January would be at least $17.40 an hour. And while we deal with the minimum wage, we must also address the scandal of the tipped wage, which has been stuck at an abysmally low $2.13 an hour for more than 30 years thanks, in large part, to the powerful restaurant lobby which has spent millions in campaign contributions and lobbying expenses since 1991 to keep workers in poverty.
Together, these two proposals would provide an increase in pay for tens of millions of desperate Americans – disproportionately women and people of color. It would also be a huge boost to single moms. Let us not forget that these are the essential workers who kept the economy going during the worst of the Covid pandemic. At that time we called them heroes and heroines. Well, rhetorical praise is nice. A livable paycheck is better. Let’s do it.
— Bernie Sanders is a US Senator From Vermont and the Chair of the Senate zcommittee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions
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sohannabarberaesque · 2 years
Postcards from Snagglepuss
Is it really TOO early to think Character Convocation?
That very idea of a Character Convocation--that magical sort of time when we of the Hanna-Barbera Pantheon get together in a sort of reunion for ourselves as much as to cross paths with fans bound to remember our glory days on the TV, coincident with some especially interesting sort of community festival somewhere in the country--is probably one of those things which Huck and I can easily stumble upon.
And it's been that way since the first such back at the Truth or Consequences, New Mexico Fiesta some years back, out of homage to the tradition of Ralph Edwards of bringing some emerging Hollywood talent to the hot spring resort in recalling his getting Hot Springs, New Mexico so restyled to mark the show's ten-year anniversary on radio in 1950. Encompassing, as time went on, the likes of the Steamboat Springs Winter Carnival, the Minneapolis Aquatennial, Wo-Zha-Wa in Wisconsin Dells, the 4th of July Parade in Bristol, Rhode Island, the Moxie Festival in Lisbon, Maine ... and even Mardi Gras in Mobile!
So, after 2021's exercise at Rex Beach, Minnesota, coincident with appearances by The Banana Splits and the Cattanooga Cats at the Rex Beach Casino, and last year at the Mackinac Island Lilac Festival, it comes down to where we ought to gather among as much ourselves as the fan base ... and yet a couple possibilities come up: Springfest in Ocean City, Maryland ... and later on in the summer, Cheyenne Frontier Days, known to the rodeo community as "The Daddy of 'Em All!"
The latter becoming an especially interesting discussion topic one evening on the patio of our motel, taking stock of the evening imminent upon the Atlantic.
"You know, Snagglepuss," Huck asked me that evening in his lazy little Carolina drawl, "Cheyenne Frontier Days might not be a bad little festival to have a convocation in."
"And rather close to the heighth of summer," adds I. "Especially where we could get Quick Draw McGraw and Babalooie, Ricochet Rabbit and even Wendy and Rita over."
"Especially so this Ricochet Rabbit," Huck brought up.
To which I add, "Can you just imagine him calling the rodeo at Cheyenne Frontier Days?"
That certainly brought quite a laugh from Ol' Chuckleberry.
"Yet," I remarked, "just be thankful there isn't a Kentucky Kumquat Festival ..."
At any rate, Your Humble Narrator would like to use this opportunity to suggest any specimens of interesting community festival across the United States across the mid-late spring and summer periods that you feel is deserving (even if but in fanfic) of Hanna-Barbera Character Convocation treatment. Especially where a certain je ne sais quoi is inherent in its presentation. Leave a comment or reblog this to offer up your advice for due consideration.
@warnerbrosentertainment @thylordshipofbutts @shewhotellsstories @archive-archives @thebigdingle @jellystone-enjoyer @screamingtoosoftly @themineralyoucrave @princessgalaxy505 @nighttimehound @theweekenddigest @warnerbrosent-blog @iheartgod175 @emptyspace2001 @warnerbros-blog1
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alien-doodles · 3 years
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Started reading this manga as a joke but now I’m kinda into it
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irritablebowels · 3 years
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lionsoulhomestead · 3 years
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Elon & Tulip are two of my amazing Rex rabbits. For anyone who may not know, Rex is a breed of rabbit as well as a fur type in rabbits. Rex fur has a very plush feel kinda like squish mellow plushies!! These 2 had a beautiful litter, and now we have just 1 buck (boy) left to go his new home. I'll be posting his pics within the next day or so. If your interested in a new pet or future breeder send an email to [email protected] Just remember you'll have to be able to pickup in Adams county Wisconsin - no other pickup will be allowed at this time.
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outweek30 · 5 years
Small Town Passes Mystery Gay Law
MUSCATINE, IOWA [July 24, 1989] — The city council in this Mississippi River town (population 23,000) passed a gay rights ordinance July 6 [1989] by a four to three vote.
The ordinance bans discrimination in housing, employment, credit and the offering of services. It will take effect July 20 [1989] unless Mayor Don LeMar intercedes with a veto.
No gays or lesbians lobbied for the measure, which was initiated by the city's Human Rights Commission. The town has no gay organization or meeting places.
According to Human Rights Commission member Beverly Delveau, Muscatine has never received a complaint of discrimination based on what the ordinance calls "affectional preference."
But commission co-chair Kory Darnall told reporters that the town needed to take action before such discrimination occurred.
The commission discussed the proposal for a year during meetings that Darnall says "couldn't have been more open. There was no clandestine effort to push this through," she said.
City Council member Gayle Sayles spoke in favor of the ordinance on the evening of the vote, saying, "Lack of tolerance for others' rights threatens all our rights."
Muscatine is not the smallest town in the United States to pass a gay rights measure; that distinction is believed to belong to Alfred, New York.
But according to Urvashi Vaid of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, "it's pretty amazing nonetheless."
Iowa City, a university town, is the only other Iowa city to protect gays and lesbians from discrimination.
Across the Mississippi in Illinois, however, five cities — including Chicago — have passed gay rights ordinances, and neighboring Wisconsin has a state-wide gay rights law, the only such law in the U.S.
— Rex Wockner, OutWeek Magazine No. 5, July 24, 1989, p. 13.
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