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In March 2017 I learnt how to gild using 23ct, 24ct yellow gold, 12ct Italian white gold and copper... here’s my favourite pieces!y phone broke and I lost all my work so here’s some bad Instagram recordings of them! Thanks to everybody who ordered (specially the ones that waited for the smashed ones to be remade 😫😂) Much Love! #gold #gild #reverseglassgild #24ctgold #23ctgold #12ctgold #art #interior #nike #versace #typography #lettering #type #fonts #handmade #glasswork #painting #enamel #1shot @ashandover @wrights_of_lymm @jacksons_art
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Dorure mate sous verre pour @bykilian ✨ #peintreenlettres #reverseglassgilding #parfumeur #wip #vitrine #bykillian (à Rue Cambon) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxjhIREg0x4/?igshid=1o2wjybdavjh5
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I made this the other day. It was my first time doing reverse glass gilding. I learnt a lot, and still have loads to figure out. #alwayshandpaint #reverseglassgilding #oneshotpaint (at Sins Of Style) https://www.instagram.com/mister_murphy_paints/p/BvGgJdKD7yp/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1wdvkl7bb8nvo
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Neues Logo-Bild für die Werkstatt 🐥 23 Karat Gold auf Glas mit alter Rahmung.
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🌼🔐🌟 #gold #goldleaf #gilding #reverseglassgilding #alexmayhughes
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Returned to the studio after a lovely bank holiday break - - Walkers has dried real nice, ready for a second coat of enamel (in reverse) just to make it pop.
In this image the center of each letter on the word Pharmacy also has a small 3mm circle in filled with a pale blue @1shotpaints enamel paint using a number 1 series 333 brush from @ashandovermatching the name Walkers. - This piece measures 1170 x 180 mm -
Feel free to drop me an email for enquiries on price and options for a sign for your retail premises or maybe something special for at home.
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Local wisdom.. Reverse glass gilding with 24ct gold leaf for @unionwell supply co. . . Lettering & gilding : @ilhamherry Ilustration : @gemmafalah Music : West Java Syndicate Video Shoot : @_rezarahman Video edit : @twin_photo . .#reverseglassgilding #goldleaf #unionwell #handcrafted #lettering #belmenid #kaligrafina #vintage #typegang
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My first ever completed gilded piece! Hand painted in reverse with 23k gold 😍 @champagnepapi vibes haha! Large up @eddyartist for all the advice! @ashandover for the equip an @fromvirginiaben for the temporary background! So so stoked over this, off to the framers! New addiction! @stoneisland_official #stoneisland #gild #reverseglassgild #gold #23kgold
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Signalétique et vitrines peintes et dorées à la main pour @hotelmontecristoparis ✨Design @atelier.deux.ce ✨Déco @studio_delphinesauvaget @pauline_dhoop #sign #signs #signpainting #signpainter #signgeeks #lettrespeintes #peintreenlettres #peintalamain #signaletique #hotel #parishotel #hoteldesign #reverseglassgilding #verreeglomise #montecristo #enseigne #decoration #interiordecor #parisianstyle #typographie #graphicdesign #alwayshandpaint #dorure #feuilledor #vitrine #designhotel #dailytype #artisan #artisanat (à Hôtel Monte Cristo) https://www.instagram.com/p/BpygR12FdTU/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1c21x2jczow7i
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Détails de lettres dorées trouvées à Vienne, Autriche 🇦🇹 #sign #signs #signgeeks #signhunters #signpainter #signpainting #peintreenlettres #enseigne #enseignes #typographie #typography #typehunting #typelove #trema #umlaut #vintage #vintagesign #patine #reverseglassgilding #lettering #handlettering #lettrage #lettre #vienne #autriche #wien #austria (à Vienna, Austria)
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Dorure brillante et mate réalisée entièrement à la main pour @papillesrestaurant ✨ Design @solal.9k #sign #signs #signpainting #signpainter #peintreenlettres #lettrespeintes #dorure #signgeeks #gilded #reverseglassgilding #goldleaf #feuilledor #enseigne #alwayshandpaint #lettrage #lettering #typographie #graphisme #designgraphique #dorure #verreeglomise #eglomise #papilles #restaurantparis #vitrine #typedesign #typelove #typism #workinprogress (à Papilles)
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« Beurre Œufs Fromages » trouvé à Paris 11e. #sign #signs #signpainter #signpainting #signgeeks #peintreenlettres #BOF #beurreoeufsfromages #enseigne #enseignes #paris11 #vintage #vintagesign #signporn #beurre #oeuf #fromage #streetsign #signhunting #typehunter #dorure #gilded #reverseglassgilding #lettrage #handlettering #vernaculartypography (à 11th arrondissement of Paris)
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« Henri Grout - Cartonnage artistique » trouvé à Paris 3e. #signpainting #reverseglassgilding #peintreenlettres #enseigne #typehunter #cartonnageartistique #parisjetaime #vintagesign (à 3ème arrondissement, Paris) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByqBSIsiuaS/?igshid=nzt09jmtxz5x
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Lettres peintes à la main et « dorées » à la feuille de cuivre pour @lamaisondumochi 🇯🇵 Ouverture aujourd’hui ! Architecte @magaliev - Photo @mathildamotte - Com @agencelucky #peintreenlettres #copperleaf #verreeglomise #reverseglassgilding #japan #mochi (à Paris, France) https://www.instagram.com/6lettres/p/BwWOJBOFhVT/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1pdu21cwwzca2
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Détail d’une lettre peinte à la main et dorée pour @ohpeparis10 #reverseglassgilding #verreeglomise #peintreenlettres (à O/hp/e) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtVyW5-hama/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1t0kmzcd4z74d
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Vitrine peinte et dorée à la main pour @nomosrestaurant, Guillaume Sanchez à Paris 18e. #sign #Signs #signpainting #signpainter #signgeeks #peintreenlettres #lettrespeintes #dorure #verreeglomise #eglomise #reverseglassgilding #gilded #feuilledor #vitrine #nomos #guillaumesanchez #montmartre #paris18 #designgraphic #enseigne #restaurant #alwayshandpaint #watergilding #faitmain #artisan (à Nomos)
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