#reverse punk nerd au
retromotherfuckers · 6 months
OBX Rock Band AU (headcanon)
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jj maybank, john b routledge, pope hayward, kiara carrera, sarah cameron
Word Count:
i have no idea if this has been done before but the idea came to me the other night in the shower lol. i’m in a band so you can guess what i loosely based this on
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JJ - Drums
is my opinion biased on this one? probably
my favorite band member and character
the one with the most problems
drinks a little too much,  stoner
personal life in shambles most of the time
once he found the drums as an outlet he dove into it, eventually becoming an intensely devoted musician 
that drum set has seen some things
jj lets his anger out on that poor, innocent drum set
all the different pieces have had to be replaced so many times because he beats the living shit out of them
the one that got john b into rock music and the rest was history
he's not one of the chill drummers who just shows up and does their thing, this man is a show-off
so many tricks
long solos whenever the chance arises for one
flirts with the entire band
music genres: rock, grunge, alt, metal
bands/artists: Sex Pistols, Led Zeppelin, AC/DC, Nirvana, Guns N’ Roses, Def Leppard
John B - Lead Vocals/Rhythm Guitar
a no-brainer. this is practically canon
no i will not be hearing opposing opinions at this time
he's the frontman
the one most people's eyes are drawn to right away
controls the vibe in the room
him and jj put on a show
is naturally a gifted singer, but had a vocal coach for a little while to get some pointers
rhythm guitar because most rock songs need at least two guitars and he's played guitar since he was a kid just for fun
music genres: country, rock, alt, pop when jj isn't around
bands/artists: The Rolling Stones, Paramore, Fall Out Boy, Aerosmith, Taylor Swift, Johnny Cash 
Pope - Lead Guitar/Band Manager
he's just there to vibe but also an incredibly skilled guitarist 
the one that tries extremely hard to keep everyone on track, but can't because no one listens to him
also the one that found kiara and Sarah
he's classically trained, but he only did classical as a kid because that's what he thought the smart kids were supposed to do
he plays like Slash: relatively controlled body language, but his fingers fly back and forth on the frets 
music nerd
everyone can tell he loves what he's doing
manager because who else would manage these fools?
music genres: rock, alt, indie rock
bands/artists: Falling in Reverse, Foo Fighters, Arctic Monkeys, Green Day, Hozier, The Killers, The 1975
Kiara - Bass
i will not be accepting arguments on this one
she 100% grew up on cello, but wanted to rebel against her parents as a teen and switched to rock but realized she fucked with it
this girl is hot as all hell and knows it, but has nothing to prove
she's one of the more responsible members of the group but also super laid-back
effortlessly keeps everyone in check 
she just wants to vibe and play some songs
flirts with the entire band
weird, hippie, earthy screams bass player
music genres: indie rock, r&b, pop punk, anything from the '60s and '70s
bands/artists: Janis Joplin, The Strokes, Young The Giant, Hozier, Paramore, Joan Jett, Whitney Houston
Sarah - Backup Vocals
she was definitely an attention seeker in her young years and would've hated backup, but now she's perfectly content chilling in the background with some killer harmonies 
she has a few songs she leads in the set when john b needs a rest
she absolutely KILLS them
but she loves playing with the melody and adding a harmony on something that you wouldn't expect
this girl has perfect pitch so harmonizing takes about 3% effort from her
if a song is too low for her or too high for john b, she transposes everything (perfect pitch and all)
she will. not. touch. an electric guitar with a 10-foot pole. 
don't ask, i have no explanation for that one
on the occasion a song needs keys, she's the go-to
music genres: she's a retired theatre kid so she listens to just about everything under the sun except country
bands/artists: Taylor Swift, The Beatles, Queen, Marvin Gaye, Stevie Knicks, Amy Winehouse
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rougedragoonreaper · 1 year
MistyNat Au Prompts
This is here for anyone that wants to USE these prompts. I won’t be using them myself. When I come up with any more, I’ll add them to one of the lists in a different color. or at least try to change the color. but sometimes it doesn’t work for me. 
You don’t have to ask or credit me. Enjoy. 
Teen MistyNat AU ideas
College au: Having to share a dorm room, your typical jock and nerd friendship or romantic trope. Misty always offers to help Nat with her classwork, but Nat wants to avoid Misty's help. Nat can handle her classwork and soccer stuff on her own.
Role reversal Au: Misty is the punk/Gothic girl on the soccer team, while Nat is the weird nerdy girl, the group's equipment manager. 
Theater/Play au: the football team pulls a prank on the theater kids. They end up distorting the play's set. The football team pins the stunt on the girls' soccer team, and the school forces them to help with the play, or they forfeit nationals. 
Robin Hood Au: Nat is robin hood, Misty is Little Jon, Lottie is Maid Marion, Laurel Lee is friar tuck, and the rest of the yellowjackets are merry men. Umm... the males can be the villains.
Animal Transformation AU: (NOT OMEGA-VERSE) It’s just kind of like Animorphs, but not really. They just have the ability to turn into an animal. Maybe they gain this ability when they are in the wilderness. It’s up to you what animals mistynat can turn into (and the rest of the yellowjackets).  
But I’m a Cheerleader AU: the yellowjeckts get sent to a rehab camp (cause all of them are gay as fuck) Mistynat are the main ship. and the rest are side ships that are either trying to get them together or stop them from dating.  
Are You Afraid of the Dark Au: The yellowjackets sit around a campfire telling scary stories. Misty is an outsider looking to join the group. Some yellowjackets are skeptical if she could even mean a frightening tale (cause she is a theater kid, likes to show tunes and dresses weirdly). Maybe Natalie and a few others (maybe Van, Jackie, Tai, and Laura Lee) give her a test to prove she can tell a scary story. And perhaps someone tries to sabotage her frightening tale.
10 things I hate about you AU: (Basically the movies plot) Misty is Kat, Nat is Patrick, Jackie or Laura Lee is Bianca, and Shauna or Lottie is Cameron. 
 FoxFire AU: Misty and four other girls want to make a teacher pay for making sexual advances at them. The principal isn’t on their side and punishes the girls. Misty and the other four girls now including Nat. They break into the school, to get their confiscated items back. This leads to them setting an accidental fire. The girls grow closer but some of their demons are ready to pull them apart.  
She’s All That au:  Misty is unpopular and bullied for her looks. Nat and the rest of the yellowjackets are pretty famous. Their team has gone undefeated in 3yrs. At one of their victory parties, some girls dare Natalie to turn Misty into the school's next prom queen. Natalie doesn’t like the idea initially, but when the girls say they will pay her (insert amount of money here) if Misty wins. Natalie agrees to do it. Misty doesn’t fully trust Natalie, yet she has been crushing on the star athlete for years. So, she lets Natalie help her with her looks while she helps Natalie with her school work. The two grow closer as they work together. Learning things about each other no one knows. When prom comes, everyone, even Natalie, is shocked by Misty’s new look (straighten hair Misty HC goes here). Misty overhears the other yellowjackets talking about the bet in the girl's bathroom. Sadly she knew Natalie was using her; she just hoped that Natalie would come clean and that they were becoming friends. Natalie (and maybe a few other yellowjackets) feels like shit for this stupid bet. Will Natalie be able to earn Misty’s trust again?   
D3: The Mighty Ducks AU: The Yellowjackets are awarded scholarships to a prep school. They must play on the school JV team in their new school colors. Not only that, but they need to learn how to get along with the Senior varsity team. How can they when the Senior Varsity team is always pranking them? Can the yellowjackets hold their team together and overcome the senior varsity team's pranks, or will the team split? As a few members want to prank the seniors back, others want to take advantage of this opportunity they have been given. Besides adjusting to a new school and how they are treated there, some yellowjackets need to learn how to deal with their growing feelings for their teammates (MistyNat, LottieLee, JackieShauna, TaiVan). Will they survive at this school and finally confess their feelings to their teammate, or will they crash and burn?
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Adult MistyNat AU ideas 
Medieval AU: Nat is a knight or rouge, and Misty tries to prove she can be Nat's apprentice. Caligula can be Misty's mini pet dragon. 
Parents AU: Nat and Misty adopted (young) Lisa after realizing that Lisa's home resembles how they grew up. Nat is a teacher at Lisa's school, while Misty is the school's nurse. Both women rent a house together. They are both in denial about how they act like a married couple. They are nothing more than housemates. But one thing they do agree on is they care about Lisa.
Pirate AU: Nat and her crew sail the seas striking fear into the hearts of those that challenge her ship, The Yellowjackets. She and her first mate (whoever you think it should be) realize they are the only ship with an all (mostly all) female crew. Sadly one day, they find a woman who claims to be a doctor has stolen away on their ship. Misty is a self-proclaimed doctor that constantly wants more to life, so she decides to sneak aboard The Yellowjackets. Nat realizes that Misty might be helpful even though she is a headache (Misty would be like Stede Bonnet from Our Flag Means Death or AC4: Black Flag, change my mind.)
Person of Interest AU: Nat is Shaw, and Misty is Root. Or Nat is Shaw’s intern/apprentice, and Misty is Root’s shadow/apprentice. 
Bodyguard AU: Misty is a particular person interested in a feral case. Tai hires Natalie to protect Misty at all costs. Though she does warn Natalie that Misty can be a handful. At first, Natalie doesn’t believe her old friend/teammate. Soon Natalie finds out how wrong she was to dismiss Tai’s warnings. Can Natalie handle this job, or will Misty be the end of her?
Never Been Kissed AU: Misty has to return to the hell hole that was once her high school. As a journalist, she must go undercover and discover what teens are into nowadays. Shauna, the school's English teacher, decides to help her. That is, if only Misty helps Shauna get closer to her daughter Callie, a popular girl. Misty agrees to help Shauna. Everything is going according to plan until Misty's old high school crush starts working at the school as a guidance counselor (or Radio teacher) Natalie Scatorccio. Will Misty be able to keep her promise while keeping her job, or will her past be too painful? 
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Either Adult or Teen Au ideas
Buffy Au (crossover): Nat is a slayer in training (probably under Faith or Buffy... maybe both), While Misty could be either a witch (training under Willow AND Tara cause Tara didn't die) or she could be a vengeance demon (like Anya)
Fake dating au: Misty asks Nat to pretend to date her, hoping Walter will lose interest in her. Nat only agrees to do so when they "break up" Misty promises to leave Nat alone. 
Arranged marriage au: Maybe Nat's parents and Misty's parents are business partners, and they want to keep the business in the family, so they decide that their kids should get married.
Xena Au: Nat is Xena, and Misty would be Gabrielle
Groundhog's Day au: Misty is sent back to either when she broke the black box or the night she killed Nat. If she doesn't stop herself from doing one of those things, that day will start over until she figures out what to do. (Like if she picks the day she distorted the black box and fails to not destroy it. That night she'll have dreams of future events. But they'll only not come true if she does destroy the black box. And if she picked the day she killed Nat, she'd have symbolic dreams about that day.)
 The Crow Au: You could make up your own Crow story or follow any of the movies/comic books. Cause honestly both Misty and Natalie would make for a great ‘immortal’ character that wants to get revenge on those that kill her lover.   
Wild Things AU: (Kind of similar to 98′ movie. but not really) Nat and Misty come up with a plan to get revenge on their guidance counselor (cause maybe he is a dick). Maybe they end up killing him (or whatever) and now they have to cover it up. Or they just expose him for the dick he is. (yes i know the girls are the villains in this movie. I don’t care cause I’m changing stuff, deal) Maybe the fall in love or in bed along the way. 
Viking AU: Idea coming soon?! I hope lol
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thelastspeecher · 2 years
eregyrn-falls replied to your post: "the roommate is finally making me watch Grease for..."
Oh, i imagine you’re gonna really enjoy it! i could have sworn you already kind of had a Stangie AU that had that same flavor? we’ll see!
oh yeah I enjoyed Grease! I never stopped thinking "that's just my boy Clark Kent" when John Travolta made an expression that was eerily like one Tom Welling might make, but that didn't reduce my enjoyment. if anything, it increased my enjoyment. also, I finally heard the entirety of "You're the One That I Want" instead of just the beginning.
(and I've determined that song goes on the list of Stangie songs, bc damn if it doesn't work. Angie being like "I want you to be my man but you gotta grow the fuck up first" is v accurate.)
you might be thinking of my West Coast Trio AU, which I believe I first called the Greaser Angie AU or something along those lines. Angie's a badass punk type lady in that AU and Stan's a nerd (bc of getting a severe illness as a child) and they meet at West Coast Tech. so it's got similar vibes but reversed.
a proper Grease AU, tho, no, I don't believe I have suggested before. I mean a lot of Stangie AUs have similar-ish vibes just bc Angie's a sweetheart and Stan's a rapscallion. but it's not "sweet Angie meets literal leader of a greaser gang Stan and also this is the 1950s".
we may or may not already be deep in discussion of that sort of AU on the Discord and may or may not have already come to the conclusion that it's a musical AU but Angie and Stan don't actually sing. like, they've got lines in songs but a different person sings for them off-screen and they just lip synch. bc Stan...can't sing. and Angie refuses to sing in front of people.
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swelling-feeling · 8 months
"Two Lovebirds, and a Peeping Tom"
Inflation Story - Monster Prom AU - Starring Trifecta "Inky" (aka Maxim), Susie (aka Spinel), and Zoe
▽△ Story under the Cut △▽
Inky and Susie have both been skipping classes, more than usual as of late, and as Zoe is on the lookout for more fanfic material, she decided to investigate. After a good bit of time searching the grounds, she managed to find a little abandoned area, which seemed to be consecrated by Trifecfa, over his sigil being nearby, as she hears voices, choosing to follow them, but be sneaky. She finds who she was looking for, the new lovebirds of spooky high, Trifecta the nerd and Susie the punk… Both seeming somewhat nervous.
"…J-just asking again, to be sure - you're sure you're fine with this? What we're about to do?" "Of course, dummy. Regardless, if things do take a turn for the worse, you know you can cease all this at any time, as agreed." "…F-fair, just…"
He stumbled on his words, clearly wanting to do something, but clearly hesitant and shy. It was then Zoe noticed Susie's choice of clothing, most of it is her usual getup, yet she was really showing off her plush today, indeed. Trifecta had trouble looking at her, his face a nice violet blush.
"…I-if you're sure…" "I am." "…Then its best we begin."
He sighed, handing her some kind of vial of swirling green and purple liquid, to which Susie makes a mock toast, before downing the vial in one go, Trifecta softly humming in suprise, and begining to seem antsy. A moment of silence, zoe was curious as to what was in the vial, before Susie's stomach begins making soft noises, making trifecta blush, and Susie look down at her plush tummy.
"…Huh, is there really no kick to it?"
She asked, poking at her belly.
"…P-patience, Susie, just… give it a tick."
inky muttered, his eyes glowing, as Susie's eyes lightly widened at her noisy her stomach was becoming, and then - the soft hiss. Susie's already chubby stomach was now slowly begining to expand, making her blush as she blinked, trying to understand the new sensation. Trifecta's mind was winding up as he saw Susie's belly slowly expand bigger and bigger, the soft hiss not ceasing, as he lightly stepped closer to her, as if to get a closer look, watching as her stomach filled out into a nice, roundish shape, and continued growing and growing. Susie lightly chuckled in disbelief that this was happening, as she lightly poked her belly, making it lightly wobble in response, and making Inky hum, as he poked her belly as well, and then a bit more as he snickered. Susie was lightly flustered by this, and at that Trifecta grinned.
he muttered with a snicker, poking her belly one more time,
"…How are you feeling, love?"
"…I… I dunno… Light, thats for sure."
The doll tried to explain, softly humming as her tummy distended onwards, growing still, her hands lightly hovering over her belly, hesitant to touch it or hold it. Meanwhile, Zoe was furiously taking notes, while trying to stay as quiet as possible. Trifecta softly chuckled at the reversal of roles, humming once Susie's belly was reaching the size of an excersize ball, as he smiled wider, slowly moving his hands closer, before putting his hands on her belly, causing Susie to let out an
and blush furiously. She blushed even more, feeling how her love felt her belly, gently squeezing it, and tracing over it with his fingers.
"…My, my…"
He spoke with a purr, his previous dorky concerned tone gone,
"…So springy, so light… but not full, yet…"
Susie let out a soft noise as inky squeezed her growing belly a bit more,
"…No… not full yet, indeed."
Susie was experiancing a lot of emotions, as well as sensations, as he continued gently tracing her giant belly, his face slowly shifting to a darker, more eldritch tone, as he smirks, visibly this time, as he rubs her belly, making her let out a soft noise at his touch.
"…So cute…"
He muttered, his smirk growing as her belly grew, making him trace a little heart on her belly, before tapping on it, his brows lightly rising and eyes glowing brighter in interest, hearing the hollow thoom sound in response, making him smile.
"…So very, very cute…"
He purred, as her belly began expanding to the size of a beach ball, making him chuckle, as Susie had one hand on her stomach, and the other next to her lap, as he hummed with a smile.
"…feeling… Good, love…~?"
He softly teased, tracing a circle before poking her belly, as if to emphasize the word 'good', as he smiled more, the etheric inside of his mouth being shown, as he purrs louder still. Zoe had never seen this side of either of them, understandably so, since this must be a side of them that only they choose to show eachother. That, and only on deviantart has she seen someone be blown up that big, and bigger still… Seeing it in real life… …Is she really into it? Did Trifecta and Susie accidentally give her a new kink? Oh fuck, who knew? Susie's belly kept growing bigger still, and Inky guided Susie to try to relax, and rest on her growing tummy, as he held her hand, the other still lightly tracing her belly.
Susie murmured,
"…Sso… g-good… so l-light…"
"So full of love…~?"
He purred, softly laughing once seeing his love nod and chuckle at his words. Behind his new found confidence, he was just happy that she was fine, and enjoying this, that he could share this interest of his with her without fear of judgement ir disgust… He was.. He is, happy with her. Fuck, he struck jackpot with that punk doll. Her stomach kept growing nonstop, as trifecta climbed up on top, laying in front of her, as he smiled, amused by the rubbing sounds her belly made.
"…Hm… These sounds your tummy's making… Are you sure you're made of felt, Susie? Cuz it sounds like rubber to me."
He joked, rubbing her belly to make it squeak, as to prove his point, to which Susie lightly chuckled and shrugged in amusement, now lightly tracing her own belly as well as she could.
"…Say, love…"
He muttered, a hint of his dorky caution returning in his tone,
"…Do you wanna be… bigger?"
He asked, knowing the effects might wear off soon, to which Susie looked at him, thought on it for less than a second, before nodding,
"Y-yeah! I wanna be bigga'!"
Inky laughed, finding her accent adorable, to which he smiled, his maw showing, and a bit of some mixture dripping, as he moved closer to her… Susie's blush was undeniable, as her whole face was a deep shade of red. He pulled her into a kiss, a bit of the mixture moving down her chin, as he purred, allowing her to drink. One, two, three - and a dozen more gulps later, they broke the kiss, trifecta smiling, and blushing, as he hummed.
"…G-gods, you're such a good kisser."
"I do ma' best~"
She teased with a smirk, before they both noticed the hiss in her belly grew in volume, and her stomach's growth picked up pace. Both were happy he climbed up, when he did. Zoe now tried moving away to a diffirent hiding spot while still furiously taking notes - this was going to be such good material for her next fic on the two. Plus, she was tempted to try to see how soft and light Susie's tum was, but she could not risk them knowing she was there. She didnt want to feel like an asshole, after all. The two simply stayed silent, seeing how fast her belly was inflating, before Susie lightly chimed in.
"…S-so, what am i f-fillin' with, 'xactly…?"
"I told you, love."
He chuckled, before skftly sighing, smiling at her.
"It's a kind of air, mostly… Besides, i dont wanna make it a science lesson, since that's exactly what we are avoiding."
He laughed, making Susie laugh as well. Susie softly hummed then, before looking at Trifecta,
"…C-can i have some m-more…?"
She asked, meekly, which made inky's heart melt.
He purred, feigning thinking about it, as he tapped a finger against her belly - which made an even greater, more hollow t h o o o m noise, before smiling,
"Sure, love. But, do remember we're trying to hide, we cant have you be the center of attention…"
He warned with a soft smile.
"…at least, not until we need a blimp for a parade…"
He quickly muttered. Susie blushed deeply anew, hearing what inky said, but before she could ask, he gently grabbed her by her cheeks, and pulled her into another hydrating kiss, letting her drink her fill anew. This time, as she drank, her already giant and still growing stomach began hissing louder still, as it grew and grew faster and faster. Zoe could not believe what she was seeing, since this shit shouldnt be even possible, and yet here they were; Susie becoming a giant, leviathan blimp, and Trifecta providing the means to become so. Fuck, yeah she definetaly got a kink now, and its their fault. Just looking at Susie's size made her a tinge jealous. All the same, she kept writing. Susie broke the kiss, softly panting as more of the mixture dripped down her chin, which Inky lovingly wiped away with a smile. Said smile dissipated, once he saw Susie's expression turn more focused, and a bit worried. Her stomach began making a lot of noises, hissing, squeaking, creaking, groaning, and she was sure that rumbling was next on that list with how fast she was expanding. She felt his hand slightly tracing her cheek, and looked at him, seeing him only smile.
"…Dont worry, love. You wont pop. I wont let you."
He hummed, with a purr at the last word, causing her to blush, as she smiled back, knowing he meant what he said. They simply looked into eachother's eyes, his one hand tracing her cheek, while the other rubbed her belly, his touch making her belly squeak and creak, but not really alerting the two, as they smiled. Susie's look lightly softened, in contrast to the rising pressure in her blimp of a stomach, as she hummed.
"…y'know… I'm actually enjoyin' this." "…Y-you are?"
Muttered Inky, both happy and a bit in disbelief.
"Yeah… Suprisingly nice feelin'… Despite all the pressure, heheh." "…W-well… w-w-we c-could…"
He started, before Susie put a finger over his nonexistant lips,
"I wanna do this again."
Trifecta simply basked in that moment, feeling happy that she also enjoyed this as much as he did, as he smiled back.
"…Not right away, though." "Oh yeah, no, obviously."
He laughed, making her laugh as well, as they enjoyed their time. Zoe was slowly stopping to write, simply in disbelief at her classmate's utter size, and even more so that it was trifecta of all people to be the source of it all… Mayby, she could try to ask him for some of that mixture, but how would she do that without alerting him and losing his trust? Guess that's a plan she'll have to figure out later. …the curiosity was too much though, and she hesitantly pressed her hand against Susie's stomach… Her eyes widening once seeing that it had very little give. She was nearly drum tight. And it seemed that the two realised that too, as Trifecta tried to Press against her belly, to gauge her pressure, noticing the growing lack if give, which made Susie softly hum in worry.
Inky started, humming, holding her hand to try to calm his love,
"…You may pop… But you will not be harmed by it. I wont let that happen."
This time, like in all times, she put her trust in him. The hissing beneath them kept increasing, and the creaking and groaning increased in volume and pitch, which made them both hum in worry. Zoe stood back, admittedly afraid of doing anything, as she looked at the magnitude of Susie's blimp of a belly, her mouth lightly agape in disbelief. The sounds only grew and grew louder and squeakier, creeeeaaaakkkinggg, and grrroooaaaaaaaaaannniiiiinnnggg, louder and louder, rising in pitch more and more… Trifecta, Susie, and Zoe below all closed their eyes, and tried to plug their ears, and hold their breath…
…nothing. No boom, bang, or anything of the sort. Trifecta and Susie opened their eyes, Inky cautiously testing her pressure… Finding her perfectly drum-tight hard.
"…W-well… You didnt pop. Hooray…?"
He muttered with a shrug, relieved she didnt pop indeed, as Susie sighed, relieved as well. Meanwhile, Zoe's mouths were all agape. She did not think this possible beyond only fantasy, and here they were, proving her wrong. To say she was shocked, or suprised, was an understatement. Trifecta merely took the moment to carefully move himself closer to Susie, squeaks being heard at the friction, which made the two chuckle at the amusing akwardness of it all, as Inky simply nuzzles Susie, before kissing her briefly on the lips. She smiled warmly back at him, kissing him back, a bit longer than before, as inky softly hummed, melting to her affection.
"…Y-yep… Great kisser…~"
He muttered, before being kissed again, melting more into her affection. If he wasnt so focused on her loving kisses, he would have cackled at how she can make him melt with her affection, even when at the size if an utter blimp. Absolutely amusing. Zoe finally composed herself, and went back to her notes… She could only imagine what was happening up there… But if she knew the two, and she likes to think she does, she believes the two are simply sharing affection like always, nothing out of the ordinary. She begins to take such notes with a soft hum, blushing greatly from this whole predicament. As the two kept kissing, Trifecta began taking the wheel, as he kissed her again, and again, now making her melt, as the two smiled in shared love and content joy. The two get a bit lost in the affection, Trifecta's hands cupping Susie's cheeks anew, as he pulled her into a deep kiss, purring to her lovingly like a kitten, as the two enjoyed the shared affection for what feels like hours. …until Trifecta lightly sighs into the kiss, letting a little bit of air go past her lips. The two's eyes open, and they break the kiss, once the creaking and groaning return, rising in volume and pitch, as Susie and Trifecta instinctively hold unto eachother, as the doll begins really feeling how tight she has become, unknowingly making noises right into Inky's ear… To which he is blushing furiously in response. Zoe looked at the giant blimp that was Susie begin to creak, groan, and squeak with overfullness, which took a second to register, as the eldritch cutie began to lightly panic, closing her notebook, standing up, trying to leg it - They all braced for impact, a soft little
being heard, before…
B A N G ! ! !
The forest was almost flattaned from the force of the explosion, as zoe was flung into collision with a tree, and causing the two lovebirds into falling from very high up. Luckily, realism, for Trifecta, is optional, so as Susie is clinging unto him for dear life, he conjures a parasol, opens it, and allows them both to glide down. Susie was still clinging unto Inky, smiling at him sheepishly, to which he smiled back softly. They admired eachother as they glided down to the forest floor. After landing, Susie kissed Trifecta, smiling at him, before it clicked back to her what just happaned, and moving her hands over her belly… To find no damage.
"I told you no harm would come to you, love."
He smiled, kissing her cheek with a purr, which earned him another kiss from Susie, this time filled with a combination of love and greatfulness. Zoe has perfectly fallen into a bush, and was unnoticed by the lovebirds as they left, going back to the school, as she stood up, grabbing her head… She didnt know if she wanted to see that again, or experiance that herself… But she did get a lot of content for her fics and art, and she sure as hell wouldnt waste it! And so she began stumbling back to school, still dizzy from the force of the impact, and trying not to be seen by the lovebirds themselves. Trifecta and Susie have forged a very important memory this day… Unaware of Zoe's witness to it.
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harley-style · 4 years
I have a HiJack Punk/Nerd AU concept
Its like a mix of both pnau and r!pnau
let me explain
so jack frost is your typical trouble maker punk with studs in his ears and undercuts and what not -hes also one of the most infampus students at Dreamworks high. he gets detention nearly every day, flippantly disrespects authority and gets away with it, and is generally considered an untouchable high school god.
hiccup, on the other hand, is considered a societal outcast because 1) hes a nerd, especially about engineering and dragons 2) he doesnt talk to others all that much, very quiet 3) he wears SUPER BAGGY CLOTHES so he must be skinny
no one would think that these two were dating
jack frost in reality is very much a geek, loving folklore and childhood related mythology and actually styled himself as a winter spirit. his punk style is really because he has no impulse control and half of these fashion choices were dares from his friends (damn it aster)
HICCUP, on the other hand, is super, super sarcastic and very deadpan. the only ones who have made him laugh successfully are his best friends astrid and toothless, and, of course, his boyfriend jack. he's also very toned because he helps out his uncle gobber in his workshop, aptly named "the blacksmiths" and has had to carry stuff ever since. and despite popular belief, hiccup's more of a badass than he lets on because he already has his own bike, took on martial arts classes with astrid as a joke, AND has a tattoo he hides with his baggy sweaters.
jack LOVES hiccups tattoos. loves them. he's also adopted astrid's habit of braiding hiccups hair, which hiccup then undoes when they get to school.
bth of them arent really asahmed of their relationship, but theyre such little shits that they make a game out of hiding their relationship, going so far as to convince their friend groups to not associate with them as often
this doesnt really crop up to drama, bc like the smart teens they are they have group chats in which they constantly pester their real friend groups about how fucking bored they are
jacks super happy in comparison to hiccups surliness
jack pretends to push fishlegs around but actually shoves him to hiccup
fishlegs actually figures it out and realizes that hiccups actually more of a punk than jack is but also not?
i mean, theyre normal people.
no one knows jack helps out at the kiddie community center and is super popular with the kids there. its how he met hiccup, actually.
toothless attends the community center and has hiccup pick him up with his bike which he shouldnt even be driving
hiccup does not have his license yet, but hes working on it
jack's impulse control is basically hiccup saying "i dont think this is a good idea, babe" "NONSENSE WHERES YOUR SENSE OF ADVENTURE HICS"
jack is most definitely a cryptid hunter with his cyptid parter jamie benett
jamies in his last year of middle school when hiccup and jack are sophomores
stoick and jack's parents know the two are dating and are pretty accepting
stoick's fight with hiccup was actually about toothless prior to adoption. kiddie hiccup was adamant they help his mute friends but stoick, already worked to death, refuses. but then morals come and stoick realizes having a brother would be good for them both, and welcomes toothless.
hes fucking mad about that name though. eventually, he and hiccup agree that toothless is a nickname and taanlaus (from hitchups) is his real name...which toothless finds hilarious.
anyway jack is super precious and hiccup would throw hands in a heartbeat
if any of you have more to add feel free to!
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xamaxenta · 3 years
Gonna return to my fucjed roots because yall know whou ar
Im gettivng hives saying it but r!pnau butnits judai and johan
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goddess-of-fluff · 8 years
March Madness 2017 - Round one Battle one - RPNAU
He stood stalk still. Like he was frozen in time, and maybe he was. The universe was crumbling around him. Like, this couldn’t be reality. It defied logic. It had to be a dream or something. He couldn’t just walk up and talk to Hiccup Haddock. The hottest, most bad ass looking guy in the whole school. So how had he wound up here? He wasn’t even sure, it had just sort of happened. One second he was talking to Toothiana, then she had left. He got up, not even sure what he was doing or where he was going, just kind of on auto-pilot, and now he was standing right behind Hiccup. They were both in a lowered sitting area near the cafeteria. Everyone had left but them, and Hiccup was currently standing in front of one raised flowerbed reading some papers he had scattered across the narrow surface.
It wouldn’t even be that strange for him to talk to Hiccup. They both had friends in the same social circle. Most of them had been there during the lunch break in fact, but had already left. A lot of people wouldn’t find it strange for them to talk except that… that Hiccup was amazing, and edgy and… soo hot… There was also the fact that Hiccup was a punk and Jack was… not. Jack bit his lower lip, suddenly enthralled with Hiccup’s spiked and studded leather jacket.
He could melt looking at the other teen, he thought to himself as he felt butterflies in his stomach. To say they were “fluttering” could never do it justice. They were dancing. Spinning little pirouettes, and performing intricate jumps. It didn’t help matters that he knew the opposite side of Hiccup which he couldn’t currently see, was sporting a tight sleeveless shirt. He knew there were two piercings on one side of his lower lip, another at the edge of an eyebrow, and a larger band earring high on one ear. He also knew that under that jacket there was a tattoo going up one arm. He was sure it was a dragon. He couldn’t guarantee it, and it seemed a bit cliché, but for Hiccup, it worked. From behind Jack could see black combat boots that tied high up his legs and were partially hidden under Hiccup’s pants… God, those pants! Torn cargo pants. Black with way too many straps, chains and metal hoops. It was like a bondage fetishists dream. Jack wasn’t really into that sort of thing… But if Hiccup ever asked to tie him up, he’d leap at the chance.
He grinned mischievously at the thought, but it faded quickly. To top it all off, Hiccup was incredibly nice for someone that looked like they could destroy you. All in all, he was amazing and Jack… Jack was nothing special. His shoulders slumped and he looked around a moment. At least no one had witnessed him awkwardly standing behind his crush. He had just convinced himself to walk away when the bell rang, and Hiccup scooped up his things impossibly fast and was turning around. Jack panicked instantly, looking around for… something! Anything he could use for an excuse for why he was just standing there!
Hiccup jolted slightly at finding Jack right behind him. Apparently slightly surprised to see him there. He smiled. “Oh. He-hey Jack.”
Jack’s mouth opened slightly as Hiccup greeted him. The butterflies were dead. That smile had murdered them! “Uhh…” He stammered trying to collect his thoughts. Oh dear god! Hiccup knew his name! And he was speaking to him! He cleared his throat. This was not part of the plan! What plan? He had never had a plan! Think! He needed a reason why he was there… And suddenly it came to him. It wasn’t much. But it was a reason. “I – umm. Sorry, I wasn’t really paying attention in class today. Do – do you remember when that history essay is due?”
Hiccup’s smile stretched wider. “Umm. Monday, I think.” He pulled his bag up onto one shoulder. “Sorry, I…  have to get to class,” he said as he moved past. “… but I’ll talk to you later.”
Jack felt his chest constrict as he watched hiccup leave. That…had actually just happened. He had talked to Hiccup, and the other teen hadn’t been put off by him, or made fun of him or… What was he thinking. Of course not. Hiccup was waay too nice to… He shook his head suddenly as he came back to his senses. What was he doing?! He had to get to class too. He grabbed his bag and rushed off. He could puzzle over this later.
Several halls over Hiccup dropped his bag near his assigned seat, slid into his seat and dropped his head against his desk. Jack Frost… Had just spoken to him. What the hell? Why? He was only the most gorgeous guy in the whole school. Not to mention one of the smartest. Why would he talk to him. He was a punk. He expected guys like Jack to look down their noses at him.
“You alright?” He heard tuffnut ask from behind him.
Hiccup shook his head against his desk. “No.”
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story-kat · 6 years
Reverse Punk Sheith AU
Shiro was sitting astride his speeder in the parking lot waiting for the bell to ring signaling school was going to start. “I can’t wait to get out of here” he was thinking looking up into the hills towards the skyline. “There’s so much I want to explore.” Just behind him another speeder pulls up and a man slugs him in the shoulder.
“Hey Shiro, we’re racing this weekend, right?” Matt asked.
“Yup” Shiro answered grinning, “Up in the sandy hills.”
“Awesome” Matt said and grinned back “We totally have it beat.”
Matt reached out his fist for a bump when Shiro jerked forward towards him. Looking over his shoulder, Shiro saw someone had bumped into him and managed to drop all the books they were carrying.
“Crap.” I’m sorry the boy apologized before dropping down to pick up his rather large pile of books.
Laughing, Shiro crouched down to help him. He noticed a large amount of physics books and finally looked at who bumped into him. “Keith?” Shiro questioned.
Keith looked up at Shiro with a terrified look on his face. Shiro couldn’t help but notice how cute he looked with his bangs pinned back. “You know who I am?” Keith managed to squeak out all but grabbing his books from Shiro and starting to back away.
“We’re in the same advanced physics class.” Shiro answered.
“Oh, well then…..uh….see you in class…..yeah….bye” Keith mumbled out quickly and turned to leave, bumping into the trashcan beside them and practically running away.
“What did you do to that kid?” Matt asked Shiro barely containing a laugh.
“I have no idea?” Shiro answered.
“He’s kind of cute……. for a nerd.” Matt said.
Shiro glanced at him out of the corner of his eye. “Yeah, he is. And really smart.”
Matt just smiled at him with a knowing gleam in his eye, while all 6 feet 2 inches of tattooed, pierced, buff, leather wearing Shiro blushed bright red.
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sboochi · 2 years
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Hijack week 2022 Day 6: R/PN!AU (Reverse Punk/Nerd AU)
Super late with this ok byeee
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okthatsgreat · 3 years
Pleeease tell me about your roleswap au
YES YES funky-art-cactus ILY. get ready everybody i’m going to start ranting. entering my annoying arc
(here is the art btw!!)
OKAY so first of all adaine abernant who has swapped with fig. this is an adaine who has accepted LONG AGO that she wasn’t the favorite child and she was never going to live up to her parents expectations, so instead of trying or meekly protesting adaine goes into a remarkably rebellious phase where she listens to punk music and swears and smokes!!! there will always be a part of adaine who is insecure about the family she comes from and i do think a part of her arc would come from the realisation that she’s putting on some sort of persona not because she wants to because it’d be the biggest “fuck you” to her parents. and then she starts further questioning if the people around her would like her if she revealed these insecurities.... also, she’d still be a wizard (before her rebellious phase she was a real arcane nerd lol) and everybody keeps making fun of her for it lmfaoo
riz gukgak swaps with fabian!! i imagine that sklonda pushed for riz to use his dexterity and play sports instead of fixating on another mystery and losing tons and tons of sleep lmfao. he's still an inquisitive rogue, and one of the reasons he joined the bloodrush team is because he had a few suspicions about their coach. but this little guy is a BEAST on the field. he runs so fast that he practically IS the ball. they dont call him riz "the ball" gukgak for nothing!!! riz is still socially awkward but definitely tries very very hard to make friends (mainly because he cant stand upsetting his mom), but i imagine that he isn't the most popular on his team due to his inquisitive nature. this version of riz is a lot more desperate to please others and be the popular guy than the original riz is!! id say swap!riz would rather make friends than solve the mystery, which completely reverses the original. much of his arc would be him realising that pushing himself to be somebody he isnt isnt the best thing for him.
kristen applebees swaps with gorgug! this is a kristen who is remarkably insecure, probably concerning her sexuality and her faith, and definitely tends to underestimate herself. shes a cleric from the twilight domain, having grown up in the church of helio but had a religious revelation before freshman year when she started to realise that she was attracted to girls. she's much more timid and shy, and definitely tends to beat herself up a bit regarding how awkward she can be. also, since this is a swap au, i guess that would make her parents........ super supportive and nice?????? like the thistlesprings are??????? maybe they were all supportive of the church but left once they discovered how Off it all was. a lot of her arc would be about self-discovery and growing comfortable in her own skin. also tracker would swap with zelda so they'd meet each other at school :]
fabian swaps with adaine!! this fabian is more than desperate to prove himself in the eyes of both his parents and his peers. his dad already has a pretty horrible reputation, one that fabian recognises and ultimately feels shame about, so he definitely leans more into his mother's heritage than he does his father. this fabian attempts to be classy and prestigious in order to prove to his classmates that he is worthy of being there and that he is NOTHING like his father. he duels with trainers and instructors (as he is still a fighter), but i imagine he has never duelled to the death before, meaning that the first encounter he has with the corn monster is just absolutely horrifying for him lmfaoooo. like adaine, he also suffers from fairly severe anxiety, and the need to not be like his father definitely plays a role in that. i feel like his arc could go either way: either he realises that his father was never as terrible as people said he was or he accepts that he is his own person with unique motivations and aspirations, and therefore he is nothing like his dad.
FIG SWAPS WITH KRISTEN and honestly i think this one excites me the most because it's a tiefling cleric!!!!! a tiefling cleric !!!!!!!!! imagine a fig who grew up in the church of helio, who sings at church every sunday and is the lead vocalist, who was told by priests and her parents all her life that she was the "chosen one", that she was helio's beloved child. and now imagine fig waking up one day, only to see HORNS GROWING ON HER HEAD. how MORTIFYING WOULD THAT BE. this is a fig who has been told her entire life that she was going to corn heaven only to wake up one day and discover that her mom had an affair with a demon!!!!!!!!!! like wtf!!!!!! this version of fig wears a hat over her horns to hide them and is much, much more secretive about her being a tiefling than the original fig is, and spends much of the first half of fantasy high frantically attempting to keep up this holy persona. and then when that crumbles to pieces and people start noticing her horns, it becomes an inner conflict within herself in regards to her faith and her falling out with religion. her arc would concern self-discovery and finally finding out her identity outside of the church, an identity that she has been scared of revealing for so long.
and finally, gorgug thistlespring swaps with riz :] gorgug has grown up with adoptive parents all his life and was basically set to become a barbarian from the get-go. however, one day his babysitter (who most likely is swapped with another maiden, katja maybe???) disappears! and not only that, but her disappearance might be connected to his LOST DAD???? this version of gorgug is so desperate for answers regarding his birth parents and his vanishing babysitter that he basically becomes an impromptu investigator overnight. he's not great at it by any means-- his intelligence is not incredible and his lack of charisma often scares witnesses away-- but he still asks questions as much as he possibly can. he carries a metal flower that his babysitter made with him as potential evidence. if simple questions dont work, then brute force can!!!! the comedic potential is THERE-- just imagine some 6'4", absolute UNIT of a teenager walking up to you and asking if youve seen his lost babysitter. what are you supposed to say, no??? youre gonna tell this kid, who has a metal flower sticking out of his vest, no????????
thank you for asking, and thanks for reading if you did !!! :]
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universal-kitty · 3 years
1 for the AU meme for your ship with REGGIE I MEAN WRENCH
Reverse Self-Ship AU Meme
[ referencing This Post ]
What kind of blog does your f/o have?
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A general self-ship blog! It's largely focused on the game and pictures of the MC- me!- but he also ship-posts a LOT in reference to his self-ship. Like... As far as "balance" goes, the blog is probably structured about...70% game posts (with majority being his own screenshots), 30% his self-ship content (commissioned art, fanfic [his and comm'd], etc.)
Do they selfship on main?
Yes and no. His main blog has largely been abandoned after he started self-shipping. Said sideblog used to also be a "gaming" sideblog, before he got neck-deep in the game and decided to just give in.
So the blog isn't a main blog, but it might as well be, since it gets more love than most of his accounts. (His Twitter is second-most used. He still retweets pics from the game or fanart, tho.)
Do they look like a regular fan?
More or less, yeah! He still dresses as he did in his OG canon (so very punk, wears his full, electronic mask OR a "face mask" that's all deco'd up), but when lazing around at home or going to a convention, he'll start wearing merch. Maybe on bad/need-comfort days, too.
Otherwise, you'd be hard-pressed to know the shit-talking punk at the local gig is a huge self-ship nerd in love with a video game character.
Quiet reblogs or lots of gushing?
SO much gushing. It's why he made the blog! His friends were sick of him filling up the group chat with his gush-posts, so he understood...and made a blog about it, instead. (Marcus follows it and cheers him on; it was sorta his "fault" that this happened, anyways.)
He's shy to gush on other people's posts/art/etc., so you'll see him get quieter there...but it's very not uncommon for him to make a post after the reblog and gush there, instead. So he doesn't embarrass himself with far more public gushing.
Lots of analyses of your character and your source or incoherent blabbering?
Both! Incoherent blabbering is what most people get after the content runs dry or he doesn't have energy/time that day to get more content... Though he uses his rudimentary people skills (of which he admits to having little) to analyze the game and my character.
...He's also the Fandom Troublemaker as he sometimes posts hot takes in the tags. Largely that he fully believes none of my romance interests are good enough for me and I deserve better, etc. etc. He's a little shit and doesn't pretend otherwise, but there are DEFINITELY people in the fandom who are sick of hearing him, LMAO. (Those who don't have him blocked at this point try to troll... Only to typically get hacked. Bigger "crimes" get worse off, too; Wrench and Co. don't hold back. He's a nuisance, but he's THEIR nuisance and they'll help him shoot back when someone gets really bad.)
Do they have a headcanon blog?
He's considered it, but ended up just following HC blogs, instead. He's admittedly pretty jealous and very picky on what ships he likes (which are few and far between, especially in-canon), so... He'd rather separate himself from that side of things.
Do they try to roleplay as you?
Also no! 😂 Again with the jealousy/clingy thing... However, he does do F/O Takeovers! He loves those and getting to write out his ideas of how I act, how our relationship is, etc.
(He is definitely the type to icon collect, tho. Another reason why he loves Takeovers! Finally, his screenshotting and editing skills are put to use...!)
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allwaswell16 · 4 years
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This is a rec list of Larry breakup fics as requested in these asks. The breakup happens during the fic in these fics as requested. You may want to keep an eye out for the @1dbreakupfest which will publish breakup fics in November. Also, @crinkle-eyed-boo will be publishing one soon for @onedirectionbigbang​.  You can find my other fic recs here. Please leave the writers kudos and comments if you enjoy the fics!
Happy reading!
🔘 scintillating, @scrunchyharry (E, 263k, long distance relationship au, Disney World, xfactor, first love, coming of age, break up, smut, hate sex, slow burn)
🔘  Love Is A Rebellious Bird, @gloriaandrews and @100percentsassy (E, 134k, enemies to lovers, London Symphony Orchestra, conductor Harry, concertmaster Louis, hurt/comfort, angst with a happy ending, smut)
🔘 Say Something, @kingsofeverything (E, 105k, a/b/o, alpha Louis, omega Harry, mpreg Harry, heat/rut, age difference, insecure Harry, lawyer Harry, theater manager Louis, hurt/comfort)
🔘 The Last Something That Meant Anything, jaded25 (M, 95k, canon, break up, angst, emotional hurt/comfort, smut, attempted non-con not between H&L)
🔘 Strawberries & Cigarettes, @dimpled-halo (E, 76k, a/b/o, alpha Harry, omega Louis, time jump, coming of age, friends to lovers, secret relationship, nerd Harry, punk Louis, rich Harry, miscommunication, smut)
🔘 The Fire and the Fate, @dimpled-halo (E, 56k, movie au, A Star is Born adaptation, famous Harry, alcoholism, depression, not famous Louis to famous Louis, musicians, touring, angst with a happy ending, break up, getting back together, forgiveness, sobriety)
🔘 The End Should Be A Good One, @anylessreal /bananasandboots  (M, 43k, producer Louis, teacher Harry, break up, exes to lovers, angst with a happy ending)
🔘 Take It To The Limit, @taggiecb (E, 37k, Newfoundland, fisherman Louis, songwriter Harry, angst with a happy ending, breakup, storm)
🔘 Time Out, @smokingluckiesalltheway / Speechless  (E, 27k, exes to lovers au, breakup, angst with a happy ending, role playing, bl, jealousy)
🔘 enter exit (enter), @louisandthealien (M, 17k, high school au, college au, 1980s, Illinois, long distance, break up, angst, ambiguous ending)
🔘 Milkshake, @smokingluckiesalltheway / Speechless (E, 13k, friends with benefits, bottom Louis, light d/s, dirty talk, smut, biphobia)
🔘 End of the World Tonight, @crazyupsetter / whoknows (E, 12k, canon divergent, angst, break up, getting back together, coming out)
🔘 Paper Houses / @allwaswell16 (E, 11k, famous/famous au, model Louis, actor Harry, break up, getting back together, LA, magazine articles, jealousy, smut)
🔘 You and I Were Made To Get Love Right, orphan_account (E, 8k, established relationship au, photographer Harry, bookstore owner Louis, job offer, break up, getting back together, proposal)
🔘 Stars and Boulevards, @cherrystreet (M, 6k, friends to lovers au, coming of age, angst, break up, getting back together, smut)
🔘 back for you, happilylarry (NR, 5k, military au, soldier Harry, sad Louis, break up, angst, getting back together, war wound)
🔘 We Had a Good Thing (Going), @phd-mama / phdmama (T, 4k, reverse chronology, break up, based on Spaces, ambiguous/open ending)
🔘 Never Again, jacinth (T, 1k, uni au, break up, angst, Louis pov, not Larry endgame, Louis/omc)
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gatorademachinegun · 4 years
part three of my momomina punk nerd au! now officially titled Full Throttle! 
part one    part two   
Momo leaves the room slowly, dragging her feet in the metaphorical sense, it’s improper to drag your feet literally when you're wearing heels. Ugh. Exhaustion weighs heavy enough on Momo that her mothers teachings are filling her head, instead of her own thoughts.
Fumi is gone when Momo looks up, replaced by an older brother of Shouto’s that Momo had never been close to. He nods at her as she passes, and she offers a weak smile in return.
She’s surprised when she looks over and sees Ashido Mina, sitting on the floor next to Shouto’s room, a sleeping man using her legs as a pillow. The same man that had staggered out of Shouto’s room nearly as soon as Momo herself had arrived.
Mina smiles when she sees Momo, waving over the man’s head, “Hey!”
Even though she’s whispering, her voice sounds like a gunshot in the quiet of the hospital.
Momo smiles, “I didn't realize-” she gestures at the man, grateful that she's too tired to blush at the sight of them so comfortable with each other.
“Mm? Blasty? He’s just a friend, don't worry.”
“Ah,” Momo sits in the chair  across the hall from them, careful to avoid the water spill, “when did you two meet? If I may ask?”
“Back in highschool, he was such an asshole back then. Especially in freshman year, but me and a bunch of our other friends took one look at him and went ‘yep, that’s the one we want’” Mina’s laugh is low and rich, full of memories. “I think he never really had friends you know? Especially not ones that argued with him, and drug him to movie nights. He was a lifesaver during exams. My ADHA would get so bad back then, but he was patient during our study sessions. Oh man you should have seen when Kaminari-”
Momo smiles, letting the cheerful tamber of Mina’s voice wash over her, a balance point to her own heart ache.
Shouto will lose his vision in his left eye, at least partly, and the burns will leave him scarred forever. He’s alive though, he’ll pull through.
Tears blur the cute girl in front of her till she’s just a smear of pink and brown against the white of hospital walls. Shouto made her promise to visit his mother, to tell her that he didn’t blame her. Mrs. Todoroki was taken to an institution as soon as the paramedics discerned what had happened. Oh god she’d have to be the one to tell her- tell her she’s scarred her youngest son-
“Hey,” Mina’s voice cuts through the suffocating swirl of thoughts, the weight of her hand a soothing point of pressure against Momo’s knee, “hey it’s alright. He’s strong, he’s gonna pull through.”
Momo scrubs the tears away with one hand, her quiet laugh choked with despair. “You don’t know him.”
“Oi! I’ve got his boyfriend takin’ a nap in my lap right now,” Momo smiles at the unintentional rhyme, “-I’ve got the gist of what’s going on, and he’s going to be okay. Shouto Todoroki is tough, he’s mostly gonna be annoyed that his depth perception is off when he wakes up.” Mina peers up into her face, smiling gently, “he’s okay.”
“Yeah well I’m not.”
Jerking back Momo nearly topples out of her chair. Bakugo sits up between them, rubbing sleep (or are those tear tracks?) from his eyes with one hand, glaring at her. “I’ve got a crick in my neck and everything fucking aches now, couldn’t even get a 10 second nap in with you two being all mushy mushy over my head.” He crosses his arms over his chest, slumping against the wall with a harumph.
“Aww come now Blasty~” Mina leans over into his lap, a near perfect role reversal of before, “last I heard you were all mushy over-“ the last of her sentence is cut off with Bakugou’s hand over her face, “Die,” He says flatly, then recoils flapping his hand around, “Did you just fucking lick me?!”
Sticking her tongue out at him. Mina laughs, “mushy~” she sing songs, heavy boots already scrabbling against the tiles, “Bakugo Katsuki is the mushest- wait wait wait!” Mina shrieks when Bakugo’s hand find her waist, ticking relentlessly. Momo moves further back watching with fascination as Mina forces her knee up between them, shoving Bakugo away. She rolls to her knees diving in the middle of him crowing about turna back being fair play.
Momo watches their tickle fight turn into tussle, the two of them rolling around in a flurry of elbows and knees, pink and blond and black, a blur of movement
Tucking her hands neatly in her lap Momo ducks her head, avoiding the stern looking nurse tapping her foot impatiently. Bakugo and Mina break apart, breathless and disheveled. Bakugo’s face falls into a scowl when he sees the nurse, Mina’s breaks into a blinding smile.
She has a beautiful smile, like watching a sunrise. Hot tears slide down Momo’s cheeks, will Shouto be able to smile like that with the scarring? Will he ever want to smile again? What if-
“We’ll be out of your hair in the just a second!” Mina’s suddenly at her side, a steady solid point of contact against Momo’s spiraling thoughts, “we were just-“
“M. Yaoyorozu?”
Momo blinks up at the nurse, politely dabbing at her face with her fingertips, “Yes?” She doesn’t recognize the woman.
“You're with these two.. hooligans?”
“Yes ma’am. They escorted me here and-“
“Well I expected better from the Yaoyorozu household,” the nurse snaps, bowling over Momo, “it’s disgraceful what these two are doing! Wrestling in a hospital for god’s sake! We have patients recovering in this wing and they do not need to be woken by all this rowdy behavior-“
The woman goes on but Momo can’t hear her anymore, her words echoing her mother’s constant lessons and warnings. “Disgraceful. Expected better. Rowdy behavior. ‘A lady is never unseemly and she doesn’t acocatie with those who are’
“Shut up.” Bakugou’s cold voice cuts through the woman’s scolding, through the echoes in Momo’s head. He pulls his shoulders back, standing tall and Momo is struck with the realization that he’s only a little bit shorter then her, even the same maybe, if they’re both not wearing taller shoes.
“The three of us are well within our rights to do whatever the fuck we want in this hospital. No one’s hurt and Ponytail was just a bystander. You can piss off and leave her out of it.”
Fingers dapple across Momo’s shoulders. Mina leans against her, hip cocked, the keys to her motorcycle jangling in her hand. Her fingertips press hard into the back of Momo’s shoulder, a warning or a message? Momo’s head is too muddled to make sense of it.
“We’re leaving,” Mina says coolly, rattling her keys again. She presses Momo into standing, tucking her a little bit behind she and Bakugo. “Have a nice night ma’am.”
Bakugo steps back too, taking her lead with only a quick tap against his arm to move him. He tosses an arm around her shoulders, raising one eyebrow in challenge when Momo doesn’t move to copy.
Instead she bows to the nurse, “my apologies ma’am” she says, hating how rough her voice is, “they were cheering me up as I have received poor news about the condition of a loved one.” She stands straight, “we won’t make a ruckus again.”
Feeling brave, and a little woozy, Momo slides her arm through Mina’s, feeling the back of Bakugou’s fingers brush her neck as they leave. They take up nearly the entire hall, walking in a row as they are, but the smell of leather and success carries Momo forward, her heels clicking against the tiles.
She came here on the back of a pretty girls dangerous motorbike because her best friend needed to see her to be okay again. She had held his hand as he tried to look at her past the bandages and tears. She had made a promise to him to forgive his mother. She’d watched his boyfriend take a nap in someone else's lap.
Nothing about this evening felt real. Not the warm weight of an arm linked through hers or the brush of fingers against her neck. She doesn’t feel like Momo Yaoyorozu. She feels...free
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asparklethatisblue · 5 years
Punk Aziraphale and Prep Crowley. No not a reverse AU. Aziraphale is just a bastard and Like That compared to other angels, very much doing what he wants within his role, eating weird stuff. Crowley is pouring a ton of work into his lazy approach, his cute little power points, his math and hacking and research to make minimal effort but not really evil.... so please. Aziraphale the bad guy and Crowley the nerd, but everything is exactly the same
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Sweet Dreams are Made of This
Another continuation of the WCBI AU! Just wanted to write a small one-shot of them being teenagers for once. :D
(Reading the Origins arc is not required to understand this fic outside of one or two sentences)
Words: 3,048
Warnings: NSFW mentions, copious amounts of making out, allusion to the crusades, mentions of neutering, killing mention (in the form of jokes)
Ships: Romantic Remile, Platonic NaRemile, platonic LAMP
Tags: @fandermom @patchworkofstars @poisonedapples @hogwarts-my-love @opaque-puppet @omni-hamiltrash @darling-elm @jynxlovesluck @madly-handsome @strickenwithclairvoyance @limitededitionsanderssidesblog @ultimate-queen-of-fandoms2 @ab-artist  @sometimeswritingsometimesdying @because-were-fam-ily @gattonero17 @analogical-mess @joaniejustwokeup @whycantihavemorethan32characters
Remy walked into school with an old pair of fleece space pants he had stolen from Logan and a night mask with the words “Lights Out” painted on sitting on top of his head. He always claimed to participate in school dress-up days out of irony, but anyone who knew him well knew better.
He smiled as Emile stepped out of the car next to him, dressed head to toe in a Stitch onesie with matching blue Converse. His heart melted as he took in the sight of his boyfriend. “Aloha,” he teased, stepping closer and greeting his boyfriend with a gentle kiss.
“No PDA in the parking lot!” Narcissa yelled, interrupting their moment. Emile giggled as Remy kissing him again while flipping her off. “You two are disgusting.”
“Disgustingly cute maybe,” Remy said with a wink. He looked up and down at her Falling in Reverse pajamas. “Has anyone told you punk is dead?”
“Has anyone told you that I don’t give a shit?” she asked with a smile as she pulled her hair back into a ponytail, showing off the multitude of piercings she wore. “Plus, Roman roped me into this whole thing. I’m sure he’s running late in an Olaf onesie somewhere.”
The trio walked through the school gate. “I’m sure he’s already in the chorus room,” Remy said. “God knows he loves to be early.”
Narcissa groaned. “Remember when he made us get up at six for a chorus concert?”
“I have never wanted to kill him more than I had at that moment.”
“I’m the only thing stopping you two from killing each other,” Narcissa bragged with a laugh.
“Only because you’re going to kill one of them first,” Emile laughed. “Now, of course, I’d never tell you to bring harm to Roman, I’d just like to suggest you keep my boyfriend alive.”
Narcissa laughed as she looked Remy up and down as if scanning him. She winked at Emile. “No promises.”
Emile pouted and Remy swooped in with a quick kiss. It was hardly a matter of seconds before they were back to making out. Narcissa took her water bottle out of her bag and poured some of the ice-cold contents on Remy’s head.
“YOU BITCH!” he screamed, jumping back as his white shirt became halfway soaked.
“We’re getting you neutered after school.”
“I should get going,” Emile laughed, mostly dry. “I’ll see you at lunch.” He blew a kiss towards Remy and skipped off towards the science building.
Narcissa took a sip of water with a smirk. “Ah. How refreshing.” Remy punched her in the arm.
Virgil always loved to go all out for pajama day, so it was no surprise to see him in plaid pajamas with slippers and a bathrobe on. It was, however, surprising to see Logan sitting in a Batman onesie.
Virgil wolf-whistled as he sat down. “Didn’t take you for the vigilante type.”
“I’ll have you know, Bruce Wayne is a brilliant deceive.”
Logan sighed, mumbling, “And my English teacher gives extra credit to anyone who participates.”
“You’re such a nerd,” Virgil laughed affectionately. “Princey will never let you live this down.”
Logan sighed, hitting his head against the desk. “I’m well aware.”
Patton had grown used to eating lunches alone. He wasn’t particularly upset about it, in fact, he found the time alone to be peaceful. So it was quite a surprise when Emile grabbed his hand and ran with him to a crowded lunch table.
“I’m not letting my best friend eat alone on this momentous holiday,” he proclaimed.
“It’s... it’s not a holiday,” Patton stammered but no argument could stop Emile from sitting Patton down between himself and Roman.
“Are those Christmas Pajamas?” Logan asked, scanning him with knitted eyebrows.
“It’s never too early to celebrate Christmas!” Roman said, fully clad in a Pikachu onesie.
“Halloween was last week,” Virgil and Logan both argued.
“And then Christmas!” Roman yelled.
“Forgetting something there, babe?”
“In this house, we don’t stan Thanksgiving,” Narcissa said, biting into a slice of pizza.
Logan looked at her for a long second before taking a sip of Virgil’s soda. “I will never understand today’s youth.”
“You’re seventeen. And a coke stealing thot.”
“I’m the thot here?” Logan asked, pointing at Emile and Remy. Emile was sitting on Remy’s lap, legs around his waist as they made out.
Roman gagged, covering Patton’s eyes with his hand. “That’s practically foreplay.”
“I’m calling the vet,” Narcissa said, her phone held to her ear. “Getting this horny bitch neutered.”
“Who wants my cousins dick?” Virgil teased. “EMILE PICANI, YOU PERV, PUT YOUR HAND DOWN!”
“You’re corrupting the innocent child,” Roman scolded.
“I’m fifteen.”
“Exactly. You are small like baby.”
“You’re only three years older than me.”
“Three cold and hardening years,” he said pressing a hand to his chest and moving his forearm to his forehead dramatically. “You’ll understand when you’re my age. You’re basically a sixth-grader.”
“I’m a tenth grader.”
“Being an asshole to Sophomores,” Logan laughed. “Another thing you’ll understand when you’re his age.”
“I thought Juniors are the ones who are supposed to be mean to Sophomores.”
“No, no, no,” Virgil said. “Juniors hate freshman.”
“This is exhausting,” Patton groaned.
“You know what’s not exhausting?” Narcissa asked, jumping up onto the bench. “Going to a party at my house.”
Patton, Logan, Roman, and Virgil all exchanged glances. Virgil pulled his bathrobe down over his arms as Patton ghosted his fingers over his eye.
“How many people?” Roman asked.
“Just us,” Narcissa said. “I’ll give rides to anyone who needs it.”
“My mom doesn’t let me ride with student drivers,” Patton said sadly.
Narcissa nudged his foot and winked. “She doesn’t need to know.”
“What’s your plan for dealing with He Who Shall Not Be Named and his dreidel?” Virgil asked.
“If anyone gets a boner I’m kicking them out,” she said. “And I mean anyone. Logan gets a boner? They’re out.”
“Dreidel,” Roman laughed. “I just got that.”
“My house, after school. I’ll get Dad to order some pizzas.”
“Pizza from Papa Draco,” Roman said.
“If you call him that tonight, I will kill you.”
“Logan, write my will.”
Patton didn’t like lying to his mom. Well, it wasn’t exactly a lie he was at a friend’s house after all, but he wasn’t truthful about the reasons why. He hated lying, but he didn’t want this to be the first trial of whether or not his powers work over the phone. He sat in the back of Narcissa’s car with Virgil while Logan sat in the front.
“So, Patton,” Narcissa said, “house rules are simple. Don’t swear too loudly and try not to spill anything on the carpet. Oh- especially nothing purple. Remy spilt grape juice once and he was banned for a month.”
“True story,” Virgil verified. “He wouldn’t stop pouting about it. You would have thought he was banned from seeing you or something.”
“Was this the legendary Draco party I keep hearing about but never get details on?” Logan asked.
“It’s one thing Remy and I have in common,” she teased. “What happens at our parties, stay at our parties.”
“Should I be worried?”
“No,” Narcissa said.
“Yes,” Virgil replied.
Patton felt a knot twist in his stomach and sink into him like an anchor. This was going to be a long night...
All three cars arrived at roughly the same time, allowing the group to follow Narcissa as she unlocked the front door. “Dad! I’m home!” she yelled. “And I even brought all my male whores with me!”
“Don’t get pregnant!” he yelled back from somewhere deep within the house. “Pizza’s on the stove!”
“Aww fuck yeah,” she said, grabbing a box. “Thot, Hoe, you grab the other two.”
Patton stood in mild surprise as Remy and Emile immediately followed suit. Then he remembered lunch and was less shocked. He followed everyone upstairs towards a door painted black.
Narcissa’s room was just about what Patton expected from a friend of Roman’s who wore all black and probably ten earrings at a time. The walls were painted black and dark blue. However what he did not expect was a large blue, pink, and white flag covering most of the wall above her bed. Patton smiled and Narcissa nudged his shoulder, “Got a demisexual one for Roman for Christmas. I can send you the link to the Etsy shop I use if you want some pride shit. You’d look cute with a rainbow lapel pin.”
Patton laughed, settling between her and Virgil as all of them took a seat around a circular purple rug on her wood floors. Emile passed around paper plates and they all started grabbing slices of pizza.
“Let’s play a game,” Remy suggested with a sly smirk. “Spin the bottle?”
“I think we’ve seen enough kissing for one lifetime,” Logan said. Roman stuck his finger down his throat and gagged.
“Good old fashioned game of truth or dare?” Virgil suggested. “Think of it as a housewarming for Patton.”
“Oh boy.”
“Oh boy, indeed,” Logan laughed, a sly grin growing upon his face. “I’ll go first-“
“Nope!” Remy yelled. “Roman! Truth or dare!”
“I was going to ask first!” Logan protested.
“House rules,” Remy said, “he who wears the leather jacket goes first!”
“He who shall go fuck himself,” Logan murmured earning a laugh from Virgil.
“Truth,” Roman said.
“Who was the last person you had a crush on?” Remy asked with an innocent smile but devil eyes hidden behind his sunglasses.
Roman glared daggers at him. “Jon Cozart. Patton, truth or dare?”
“That’s a lie!”
“Prove it,” he said through clenched teeth. “Patton, truth or dare.” Roman never took his eyes off of Remy and Narcissa.
“Uh, truth,” Patton mumbled weakly.
“I dare you to kick Remy’s ass.”
“He said ‘truth’, Roman,” Emile said sternly. 
“Fine. What’s your favorite color?”
Patton fidgeted with his sleeves. “Blue. Emile, truth or dare.”
“Dare,” Emile said, leaning into Remy’s side.
Patton swore under his breath as he tried to think of something but his mind was drawing a blank. Virgil tapped his knee, prompting Patton to lean into him. He whispered something causing both of them to laugh. “I dare you to stop making out with Remy for an hour.”
Emile rolled his eyes and grabbed his phone. “Once this timer is over I’m sucking his dick in front of every single one of you.”
Narcissa threw a pizza crust at him. “I’m neutering both of you.”
Roman rolled a water bottle towards him. “Since you wanna be so fucking thirsty.”
Emile gave a hand gesture that Patton was honestly surprised to see from his best friend. (How well did he actually know anyone here?) “Narcissa, truth or dare?”
She bit into a piece of pizza contemplatively. “Dare.”
“Exchange an article of clothing with someone of your choice.”
“Virgil, hand over your hoodie,” she demanded. As Virgil sighed and took off his jacket, she made quick work of taking off her bra from under her shirt. She threw it at Virgil and snatched his hoodie within the same second.
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me,” he said. “I’m not putting this on.”
“Virgil, truth or dare?” she asked.
“I dare you to put the bra on.”
“I picked truth.”
“Hmmm, I don’t think you did,” Narcissa said with an innocent smile, pulling up the hood of Virgil’s jacket.
“Sounded like dare to me,” Remy said.
“He said dare,” Roman confirmed with a smirk.
“Princey,” Virgil said as he took off his shirt, “you are fucking dead to me.” Remy took careful note of the eyes raking over every inch of Virgil’s skin as he struggled with the bra.
“Do you need help?” Patton asked.
“No- No, I got- I can do this- I-“ Virgil sighed. “I need help.”
Patton rolled his eyes and did the clasp in one easy move, handing Virgil his shirt to put back on. “Not that hard.”
“Oh-Em-Gee, you know what this means?” Remy asked loudly with a look of false shock. Patton’s eyes went wide and his heart started racing. “Patton’s a fucking wizard.” He relaxed slightly but Narcissa made sure to take his hand where no one could see as she rubbed gentle circles against his skin.
“This wire is a bitch,” Virgil said.
“You’re a bitch,” Narcissa corrected.
And so the game continued into the night. Some small secrets revealed and many ridiculous dares completed. When an alarm went off on Emile’s phone everyone groaned loudly. He gave Remy a gentle peck on the cheek and they continued playing.
“Who wants to stay the night?” Narcissa asked with a yawn. Roman and Virgil both quickly volunteered while everyone else gave regretful glances. Patton sunk in on himself slightly.
“I, uh, need a ride home,” Patton said quietly.
“You live by Emile, right?” He nodded. “Cool, I can drive you.”
“If I may be at your mercy as well-“
“Yes, Logan, I’ll drive you home. If you don’t mind stopping by my place for a few minutes first. I need your input on something.”
“Oh?” Emile asked curiously.
“You’re not getting anything out of me,” Remy stated.
Emile moved closer, putting his hand on Remy’s knee and slowly dragging his fingers towards his hip. “Anything?” Emile asked innocently, pressing his body against Remy’s.
Narcissa pointed at Remy’s dick. “If that gets hard I swear to fuck I’m banning you from my house again.”
“We’ll have more fun at my house anyway,” Remy said with a smirk.
“Oh please,” Remy groaned. “You’re not the only one here who has to deal with people in this room wanting to suck your cousin’s dick.”
“Patton,” Narcissa said. “Can you help me bring the boxes downstairs?”
“Uh, yeah, sure,” he uttered, grabbing two empty boxes into his arms. Once they were in the kitchen, Narcissa put the boxes on the stove and gently laid a hand on Patton’s shoulder.
“Are you okay?” she asked. “I saw Remy get under your skin a little- he doesn’t mean anything by it, I’m sure he doesn’t even know.”
“Remy’s... fine,” Patton said. “I’m just a little paranoid.”
“And that’s okay,” she said. “But I want you to know you’re safe here. Obviously, no one is going to ask you to disclose that information, but if you ever did, you’re one of us now and that means we’re going to support you. All of us.”
“How did you, you know, talk to them about it?” Patton asked shyly.
Narcissa smiled, soft and genuine. It was the first time Patton saw her as anything other than another scary upperclassman. “I know I give Remy a lot of shit but, if not for him and Roman, I don’t know if I ever would have come out. But they helped me,” she explained. “Remy’s easy. He makes it all seem so effortless, you know, using the right name and pronouns.”
“And Roman?” he asked nervously.
“Roman helped make me who I am. He’s the reason I stayed in chorus. He’s the reason I came out to my parents and why I get to be myself today.” Her smile grew a bit brighter. “I’d do anything for him.” She leaned in closer to him and whispered, “Plus, it was nice knowing Roman’s charm had no ulterior motivation.”
“Motivation?” Patton asked.
Narcissa grabbed the boxes from the stove and winked at Remy who stood at the base of the stairs. “I think that’s a story for another party,” she teased. “Preferably one with more alcohol.”
“Um, yeah,” Patton mumbled.
“Almost ready?” Remy called out.
“Emile’s a lucky guy,” was all she said. “Goodnight, Patton.”
Patton was faced with the familiar feeling of reading a new book, gears turning as the reader is faced with unfamiliar worlds and characters. Narcissa was something far greater than a new protagonist; she was something mysterious and fantastical, a great dragon hiding far from the edge of the kingdom.
He got into Remy’s car, sitting in the back with Logan. It was a silent drive, Remy preferring to have the radio off to stay focused on the road, with only the sound of the wind coming from the small way Emile’s window was cracked open and the gentle tapping of Logan’s fingers against his book bag. Patton held his bag to his chest, growing desperate to take off his binder. It was calming and peaceful, a state of tranquility men have killed to achieve.
When they pulled in to Emile’s driveway, Remy walked him to the front door. Patton and Logan watched in silence as the two lovers held hands tightly and pressed a gentle kiss to each other’s lips. It wasn’t as passionate and hungry as they usually were in public and Patton almost felt awful for looking, yet the tender moments of domesticity are what draw us in and capture our hearts. Patton couldn’t look away until they were once more two separate individuals.
“I imagine we’ll be seeing a lot more of each other,” Logan said stoically.
“That’s what friends do, isn’t it?”
Logan let out a laugh, but no joy or humor, and twisted his face in such a way that was unreadable in the shadows of the car. “Friends,” Logan repeated. Patton felt a tug at his heart that he couldn’t quite place. Whatever it was he was feeling, he certainly wasn’t a fan. “It’s... nice, I suppose, all four of us being in the same room with no powers or arcane beings to worry about.”
“Oh! Speaking of, Morality-”
Logan pressed a finger to Patton’s lips to silence him. “I was just commenting on how nice this break is. Please do not disrupt that, this is not the time for us to be heroes.”
“Right,” Patton said. “Sorry, Logan.”
Remy and Emile met for one final kiss as Emile unlocked his front door with his free hand. They said their goodbyes and goodnight wishes as Emile disappeared behind the door.
“Do not apologize, Patton,” he instructed.
Remy got back into the car and the rest of the evening was silent, peaceful. The rest of the evening was what men kill for.
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Bad Drawings of a Monster Prom OC? Bad Drawings of a Monster Prom OC.
[Note: skin is supposed to be more purple-grey; scanner was weird]
Meet Cole Scythe [play on  Cù Sìth, who was a Scottish escort to the afterlife]
They/Them or He/Him (Older than the concept of Gender)
Details under the Cut
They are a Psychopomp [the Greek name for angels and spirits who act as escorts for the recently deceased] No, they are not a grim reaper, an angel, or a vampire (they get guessed those a lot)
Also, no, they do not choose who lives or dies. Actually, Cole is one of the safer individuals at Spooky High to hang out with (depending on your definition of ‘safe’) because while they are incredibly powerful, all their powers are non-lethal. It is just their job to escort the spirits of the deceased to their afterlife.
Cole is mostly asked to escort kids, as they appear very young and have a youthful outlook (plus it helps that they often bring along their dogs: Infinity and Eternity.
This Also led to them having a Punk/Stick-It-To-The-Man Outlook. They have escorted too many children who died from wars where they were innocent bystanders, diseases that they couldn’t afford the treatment, or starvation in times of plenty but those with authority, wealth, and power were hoarders.
Many people assume Cole is very dark and gloomy, but they’re honestly a huge nerd. They will rant to you about how every artistic movement was political in some way. People think Cole is angry at the world, but no. They’re angry at the top 1% who control most of the world (”GUILLOTINE THE RICH!”)
Will sometimes revert to old ways of speaking, especially in times of high emotion (Especially Elizabethean/Shakespearean; “What Fools These Mortals Be” is Cole’s most said quote)
The scythe is more a joke. The Prank Masterz decided it would be a funny gag gift with how annoyed Cole gets when they are referred to as a reaper (plus their last name), but just to annoy them Cole reacted like it was just what they wanted and has carried around ever since. They did dull the blade though. It has been useful as almost a shepherd’s crook to keep classmates from getting into trouble.
... yeah, if you couldn’t guess based on their personality, Cole doesn’t get along super well with Miranda and Vera. Miranda is spoiled and doesn’t care about the lower class. Vera at least is hard-working and a feminist.
With most individuals, Cole is not exactly a friend, but also people like having them around. The Witch Coven and The Slayer like that Cole wants to help humanity, even if they don’t see eye-to-eye on each other’s methods. Still, Cole is the most welcoming of the heroes.
When it comes to the dangerous monster antics, Cole has a mindset of “I won’t get in your way unless someone undeserving is about to get hurt.” (Basically: Vera is poisoning someone for attention? Fine; just give them the antidote when you’re done. Damien wants to set the whole school on fire? *gets Damien angry at a banana then throws it into the bathroom so the separate building is all that’s set on fire... Miranda’s hair/dress may or may not be collateral damage*) People act like they don’t like Cole getting in their way until they’re saved from month-long detention or worse by Cole’s rep among teachers as a goody-two-shoes (Especially Damien and the Prank Masterz).
Hanging out with Damien is practically babysitting. (”Damien, do you know how much paperwork goes into reversing someone who dies before their time because of you? No! You can commit arson, but not around mortals!”)
Definitely chill with Zoe and Oz. They’ve known each other since before the earth was formed. Also, they’re kinda the nerd/fandom squad. They have pretty much made a Shakespeare!AU for every fandom they are in, as well as other time periods.
Liam and Cole have an interesting relationship. Liam was the first undead spirit Cole was asked to escort, and they both had a mini-freak out because Liam was “dead” but not DEAD. (turning into a vampire is a weird sitch) Still, it led to a dynamic where Cole will call out Liam’s Hipster-ness and describe how what he enjoys is not hipster-esque at all. (”Just Like What You Like, Dude!”)
While Cole isn’t close with every soul they’ve escorted, they are really close with Polly. They’re in a lot of the same classes and they relate to having nerdy interests while not looking like stereotypical nerds (You know the trope of when someone is high they’re a philosopher? Their friendship is like that but with a lot of references to literature. They’re also science nerds who live by “the difference between messing around and science is writing things down”)... also Polly died on impact, but her family held on for a while. You kinda become close when you’re waiting almost 36 hours to see if the trip to the afterlife is just going to be you two, or if mom, dad, or younger sibling are coming along as well.
All-in-all, Cole isn’t one of the most popular or charismatic classmates, but they’re seldom alone. they’ll often be found talking fandoms through history with Zoe, what it means to be human with Calculester, playing catch with Scott, wrangling the mischief-makers, giving Liam a hard time, or chilling with Polly.
The Wings are mostly feathered, but when angry the feathers burn off and appear as bat-wings
Grey skin with slight purple tint
Black shadows under eyes to no tomorrow. Are they overworked? Is it stress from their classmates? Is that just how their face is colored? Who knows?
Hair changes color to match mood, but brown with purple streaks is kinda the default
Very tired, Euro-centric version of an angel basically (angels are actually more the multi-eyed, winged, horrifying orbs in Hebrew mythology; the term angel just got mixed with psychopomp because Europeans didn’t have a closer term so that’s why angels in European artwork look like Psychopomps *Note: I have not done research to confirm this, but it makes sense to me so I think Cole would describe it that way*)
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