#reverend henry kane
andrewckeeper · 2 months
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horror-in-my-veins · 1 year
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aemiron-main · 4 months
Brennry Kane: Henry Kane, Henry Creel, ST5 Leaks, and Brenner (ft The Henward Brenner Merge)
So, on Discord the other day, I mentioned that the new S5 leaks of Jamie/Henward reminds me of Kane from Poltergeist 2:
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And FOREVER ago on Discord, I was talking about Poltergeist 2, the parallels to the Creels, and Kane’s parallels to Brenner:
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And so, now, I want to talk about both of those things/how the parallels between this Henward leak & Henry Kane connect to the parallels between Henry Kane and Brenner.
But before we get into that, let’s do a quick overview of who Henry Kane is.
Who Is Henry Kane?
So, in the first Poltergeist movie, there’s a ghost called The Beast:
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And then, in the second Poltergeist movie, it’s revealed that The Beast was once a man named Reverend Henry Kane, who led his cult followers to their deaths in order to gain more power, and now, Kane/The Beast is walking the earth once more and appearing as he did in life, despite being long-dead (although there's a whole thing re: how he can't technically actually die which makes me think of the whole "Mummies never die" line from S1 versus Brenner Sr's mummy imagery):
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Now, let’s look at the parallels between this S5 BTS Henward vs Henry Kane.
S5 BTS Henward vs Henry Kane
So, when we look at this shot of S5 BTS Henward with this blonde girl, it’s definitely a parallel to Kane with Carol Anne:
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And, of course, Henward’s whole outfit with the fedora etc is very similar to Kane’s outfit.
But let’s take a look at Brenner versus Henry Kane, because that’s where the real similarities lie.
Brenner vs Henry Kane
So, what similarities does Henry Kane have to Brenner (including Martin Brenner, Richard Brenner, TFS Brenenr Jr, and Brenner Dr/Captain Brenner under the same “Brenner” umbrella because god knows who is who at this point)? Well:
Both Kane and Brenner shownup to families’ doors, claiming to want to “help” them, and the scene of Kane showing up at the Freeling family’s house is very, very similar to the scene of Brenner showing up at the Wheeler house in S1.
In Poltergeist 2, Kane shows up at the Freeling house and talks to the parents (especially the father, Steven) and claims that he’s trying to help them, and then, in ST1, Brenner shows up at the Wheeler house, talks to them (and Ted answers the door, much like Steven Freeling) and claims that he’s trying to help them/help Mike:
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And Kane also talks about how Steven “doesn’t have to believe him,” versus Brenner’s fixation on belief and trust & the constant use of the word “belief” surrounding Brenner:
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(And also, the whole “asking for permission” thing makes me think of the emphasis on SAYING things in TFS and how that could tie to the whole belief thing, like I talked about in this post and this post.)
Both Kane and Brenner are connected to priests/priest imagery.
Kane’s full title is “Reverend Kane,” as he was a priest/cult leader.
Brenner is frequently connected to priest imagery/reference in ST, like how I talked in this post quite awhile back about the parallels between Brenner and the priest from The Exorcist & the idea of Brenner masquerading as a priest as part of the exorcism done at the Creel House.
There’s also the whole “Mr Newby vs Father Newby” thing versus Brenner Sr’s parallels to Mr/Father Newby.
Both Kane and Brenner are connected to vampire imagery/are vampire coded.
Kane can’t enter a house without permission, just like a vampire (and also is weirdly “immortal” like a vampire):
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And Brenner has a TON of vampire references/coding. For example, in TFS, he literally takes Henry’s blood, and also doesn’t age at the end of TFS despite a 20 year time jump. 15 year old Brenner also has dark/slicked-down, Dracula-esque hair. Plus, like I talked about in this post, in-show Brenner straight up doesn’t have a reflection in some of the NINA scenes, just like vampires lacking reflections.
TFS Brenner also behaves eerily similarly to Lestat from Interview with the Vampire (which also has me thinking about the fact that in-show Henward also behaves a bit and looks like Lestat during the 1979 massacre versus the fact that during those massacre scenes, he suddenly has the Brenner-styled hair, and the idea that Brenner may have been “possessing”/puppeting him within NINA during the massacre, something I’ll touch on again in a bit), which is on the S4 board:
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(Which, all of Brenner’s vampire coding versus Vecna getting referred to as “sleeping Dracula,” in S4 is yet another point for Brecna)
And also, as mentioned earlier, the vampire-coded scene of Kane talking to the family & trying to get permission to come into the house in Poltergeist is very, very similar to the S1 scene of Brenner at the Wheeler house.
Costuming parallels & visual similarities
Kane is an old man with white hair and a black suit, and Brenner has a very similar look, especially in S1, being an old man with white hair and a black suit:
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Kane and Brenner’s shared demon imagery and The Beast vs The Brennergorgon
So, not only was Kane The Beast back in Poltergeist 1, but in Poltergeist 2, Kane also ends up shapeshifting into this weird, grey creature that Steven spits out (much like Will spitting up the UD slug):
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Which, that grey creature form that Kane shapeshifts into reminds me quite a lot of the ST Demogorgon:
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And Kane also gets referred to as “a man filled with a demon”:
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And so, then, when it comes to Brenner, that brings us to The Brennergorgon. I talked in this post about Brenner and the ST “Demogorgon,” versus the DND Demogorgon & the fact that Demogorgon in DND is the “Prince of Demons,” and the idea that Brenner represents the Demogorgon & the idea that Brenner was the demon in the Creel house (see: Victor talking about how the demon took his kids versus Brenner’s longrunning habit of stealing children):
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But one thing I didn’t really talk about in that main Brennergorgon post (but have talked about elsewhere) is the idea that in addition to Brenner symbolically representing the DND Demogorgon, Brenner (one of the Brenners, at least), is likely ALSO the grey shapeshifting Doppelganger-Demogorgon creature, which would then be another parallel between Brenner and Kane, with both of them transforming/shapeshifting into grey supernatural creatures.
Kane possessing people vs Brenner’s possession stuff
So, Kane is able to possess people- he possesses Steven Freeling during Poltergeist 2.
And then, when it comes to Brenner, there’s what I just talked about in the last bullet point re: Brenner being the demon in the Creel house & the way that demons possess people (like Kane does) versus Brenner’s demon imagery.
But then there’s ALSO stuff like what I’ve talked about in this post re: NINA, and the idea of Brenner “possessing” people (such as Henward, and especially NINA Henward) in a similar way to how Agent Smith “possesses” Bane in The Matrix 3:
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And hell, the way that Kane possesses Steven is really similar to the way that Smith possesses Bane- in both cases, the possessed person keeps their usual appearance (so Steven and Bane both look normal on the outside, just like how Henward looks like Henward in those BTS pics), but their mannerisms and speech patterns are altered (Steven gains Kane’s mannerisms, Bane gains Smith’s mannerisms), which a.) is just like the weird Brenner-esque Henward during NINA, and b.) is just like what I talked about in this post (a post I’m also going to come back to later in this current post) regarding the fact that this new BTS S5 Henward shares mannerisms (and costuming parallels) with TFS Brenner:
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Both Kane and Brenner are connected to invisibility
Kane is able to turn invisible. Meanwhile, Brenner Sr’s bandages make him look eerily similar to The Invisible Man-
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-and the whole point of Project Rainbow was to try and make the Eldridge and its crew (of which Brenner Sr was captain) invisible:
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So, point is, Kane and Brenner have bunch of connections, and while Henward and Kane also have connections, the connections between Kane and Brenner are much stronger, and the connections between Kane and Henward are likely due to some of the weird Brenner-Henward connections/the weird Brenner-Henward merge stuff that I’ve talked about before, and that I’m going to talk about again in this next section.
How The Brenner-Kane Stuff Could Connect To S5 BTS Kane-Paralleled Henward & A Brenner-Henward Merge
I talked in this post recently about the fact that the Henward in these S5 leaks not only dresses similarly to Brenner, with the vest outfit & very similar style of pants, but also does the same “hands clasped behind the back” pose that TFS Brenner does:
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And there’s also what I’ve talked about in posts like this post, this post, and this post, re: TFS Brenner and Henry and the weird connections between them/the weird “Brenner is somehow Henry but wasnt always actually Henry” stuff, as well as what I’ve talked about in posts like this post, this post, this post, and this post, re: one of the in-show Brenners getting merged with one of the Henwards like how Seth Brundle got merged with a fly in The Fly.
And so, with all of that in mind, PLUS what I just talked about in the previous section of this post re: how Henry Kane is connected not just to Henry Creel, but also (and more strongly) to Brenner, I wonder if Henry/Edward is trapped with Brenner in some sort of Brenner-Henward merged/if Henry/Edward is being “possessed” by Brenner like how Kane possesses Steveb and how Agent Smith possesses Bane.
And so, I wonder if we’ll get a scene of Henry acting normal towards that blonde girl (Holly, Jane, Daughter Virginia, whoever she is) versus his demeanour suddenly changing into a more Brenner-esque demeanour & if we’ll get a parallel to TFS Alice’s “you’re not Henry, you’re not him,” scene, and if this blonde girl might pull out some sort of line about how Henry’s “not stuck/lost in there/in a Place, but instead, is stuck/lost in Him/in Brenner’s mind” or something along those lines.
Which, something extra interesting that’s stuck out to me re: the idea of a person as a place/being stuck inside a person/inside a mind etc is the connections between peoples’ names versus the names of places in ST.
For example, like I also talked about in this post recently, Nancy’s fake name when she goes to Pennhurst is “Ruth,” versus “Ruth, Nevada” being pointed out to us in S4 (and TFS Henry and TFS Brenner both being from Nevada):
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And like James talked about, Henward’s S5 outfit is also a parallel to Indiana Jones- Indiana Jones, who adopts a name (Indiana) that’s the same name as a place (the state of Indiana, which is also where Hawkins is).
And then, of course, we also have the “you can’t spell America without Erica” moment:
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Point is, ST has a little running pattern of associating the names of people with the names of places, which could then connect to the whole idea of a person as a place/being trapped inside of a person.
Long story short: Brenner’s fingers are all over this, as usual, and I REALLY don’t think that this S5 BTS Henward scene & the Henry Kane parallels are going to end up with Henry himself being this evil, Kane-esque figure. Instead, I think that there’s something deeper going on, and that Brenner is definitely involved.
Even if I’m entirely wrong about the whole “this S5 Henward has Brenner merged with him” idea, the overall point is just that this isn’t solely a Henward parallel re: Kane, and that there’s more going on here than “Henry is being creepy and evil.”
(And also, as a final little sidenote, it’s interesting to me that Kane took his cult followers down into a cave to die so that he could harvest their souls to gain power versus TFS Henry having gotten lost in the cave in Nevada. And Kane also absorbed the souls of his followers, which is what gave him extra powers, which makes me think of the whole “when 001 kills, he consumes” thing versus the idea of a version of 001 having absorbed a Brenner and the whole Brecna thing/Brenner being connected to the “consuming people/absorbing people” stuff, especially considering the Brenner-Demogorgon Doppelganger stuff & the way that DND Doppelgangers can consume/absorb the personalities, memories etc of their victims before shapeshifting into them)
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resmarted · 9 months
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alright fine, is this what you want? here it is, the weirdly sincere version of me that comes to casually haunt you late into the night, she's right here. did you want me to tell you how i'm scared this is just another trick or too jaded to believe in the niceties of others, that i am beside myself over how pretty you are and that something that once seemed fairly easy to ignore has made its way through the floorboards pounding at my conscience with such ruthless fury? i don't know exactly when this happened, i think it started in very small flickers that i could easily smolder without much thought. i think surely you must interact with everyone this way, that you're just very nice and everyone sees these same shining eyes and has to protect their own hearts accordingly, that perhaps it has been like this since you were a kid and that your mother probably has stories for days about what that was like for all the sweet stupid girls and boys that got overlooked and left behind. i try to make sense of it, water it all down with pure logic, like surely you must feel bad for me or want to put me at ease in some sense of duty as any nice caring person would. surely you knowing me by my government name has hindered your ability to really see me and i can rest easy knowing it's just an extension of grace and generosity with good manners mixed in. i woke up randomly from a dream a few weeks ago where we were talking and could only manage to think huh, that was weird. i didn't want to keep thinking about it. i can't keep doing this to myself, the whole reading too much into things that are not there and overinvesting energy better spent elsewhere. this always happens when i am already stuck on someone else that doesn't give me the time of day, when i am wrapped safely in the cocoon of a delusion so refined that i couldn't possibly make room for anything new. i can never just be normal about things. i need obsessions to keep me going and it usually takes a new one to snap me out of the old, like some strange autistic train hopping from one infatuation to the next, lest i feel dead inside with nothing or no one to aimlessly yearn for and pine over. i can obsess over work and find things to do and people to bide my time with, but i can't unsee you. not lately, anyway. you are invading my thoughts and filling the space in my brain that is usually reserved for dead air and practical affairs. i keep thinking it's still early enough to get a grip, that i can simply meet someone new or find something shiny in the nick of time, that life isn't so bland to the point where i need a constant source of disassociation to mend the wounds of reality - not yet anyway.
jealousy is a disease and everyone around you is dying. you don't even see it. it's a pattern i see in all my favorite people, their humble nature always blocking their sight from all the ways in which people are out to get them, the subtle nonverbal cues and the small minded mentality unbearable to witness by those that actually do care for them. i can't help but suspect people have sabotaged you in similar ways all your life, how envy has wreaked havoc on you in ways you still haven't quite grasped as you're never competing with those determined to beat you at any cost. it's too presumptuous to think someone could be so calculated and vile, and that it only sounds crazy because it is and they are. but what do i know? i've been kept hostage in this cave my whole life while reverend henry kane siphons and harvests my light for personal gain. i've only ever known betrayal and alienation, it's the pure love that is difficult to navigate. it's the unabashed kindness and the rorshach of angelic whimsy all around me all the time, how did that happen? i am trapped in a prism, warm gooey blackberry dreams melting over me and vague memories of summers spent in westerly reading novels that took place in the same towns, wondering how strange it felt to be surrounded by such seemingly normal and decent people. i've lost so many versions of myself over time, so many variations and talents that were suppressed for survival, jumping from timeline to timeline until i can't seem to figure out my age anymore.
people scare me for various reasons, mainly the ones who come too close and want to stake claim, to feed off my energy and hoard it for themselves. i can't deal with anyone else trying to own me, i am still trying to wash the slime off from prior experiences. i am safe in solitude but i can come out to rage and party in these wildly extreme ways before disappearing for lengths of time, and i forget all the time that i'm not a kid anymore. which is weird because i am constantly insisting i have everything handled and i don't need any help! i'm fine i'm fine no really i'm okay it's fine!! it's literally never fine and hasn't been for so long but if i say it out loud then it becomes real and i can laugh off a thousand problems until it eventually becomes funny; a fake it til you make it kind of thing. it is very likely true that i am the evil narcissist monster people love to paint me as, because how dare i like myself, right? how dare i carve a place in this world and defy all odds when it would be easier for everyone if i just crawled back into the hole and stayed put, fall in line and act oh so grateful for anyone to ever possibly give me the time of day, oh my! i didn't survive this life to stay silent and if anything the ones that have tried to keep me in this space for so long had better find a new god to pray to if they know what's good for them. i am not here to bore you with the gory details of a life spent growing up in hospital beds or the disdain with which grown adults would look at me and still do, how people must think it was easy for me to get this far or underestimate all the burning buildings i crawled through on my way here. i hold no resentment about it, nor the desire to relive any of it. i just wanted to tell you i forget i lived through any of it when i look at you and something softens inside of me in a way that is both terrifying and thrilling. i can barely remember the hatred in their voices or the violence or the mockery or the way they thought i never caught on to any of it, how gallantly they cackled like the most pathetic coven of washed up pseudosorcerers as they feigned so poorly a threadbare kinship. all of it washes away when i look at you and for a moment i actually believe in something other than the corruption of tethered souls and the enigmatic greed that only the most clueless pawns in spiritual warfare could succumb to. i look away before i get too lost because i don't really think i can believe it, your charm far too sugary sweet for any of it to be real or reliable, but god do i wish to be fooled.
i hate that i felt my heart drop to my feet or that i even cared enough to let it be more than what it was. i guess if i could go back i wouldn't change anything, and i probably wouldn't go back at all, even if only to look at your face up close once more. i can't handle the obsession, it's not good for my fragile little psyche. i managed to be so good at not caring and then you had to go and fuck it all up and look at me like that. i tell myself you do this shit to all your hoes and that there are likely a dreadful amount, that i am being the exact version of silly according to some sick plan and falling into the trap just as designed. but then you act like a shy idiot and i am into it, i want more even though i hate this stupid game, i hate these little techniques used to reel me in like a beta fish and i want to knock you off a very high horse for daring to get me lured in this far. and i want to stare at you for a while and listen to you talk in that uncontrollable way where you do the thing starting on one topic only to wind up in fifteen other places, and i'm there along for the ride. i am following to every single rest stop, taking every little note, and watching every slightest glimmer in your eyes as you light up like a little kid in emphatic fervor. i can't tell if i want off this ride or if i want to just crash and burn and get it over with already. can't stand not knowing how long this is supposed to last but when i review the omens they seemingly all lead back to you. i was so sure it was someone else back when i wanted so badly for it to be them, and now i can't tell if i'm making it out to be you for the same reason, but the descriptors are eerily accurate and things have already happened as predicted which could not only suggest that this isn't an intricately built snare but perhaps even a safe haven where i am to finally rest my head and sleep soundly without fear for the first time ever. they say there are false twins that will mirror back the things you want them to be, that can mimic the true soul mate and deceive you into falling for the wrong one. i can't help but notice everyone that came before was just a bad imitation of you, terrible actors in a low budget cable movie in hindsight. i don't know if i can handle another fully formed entity posing as all the things i want, i'd rather turn you off completely before anything can even get started. but then what if i throw away the only person that could ever feel like home? all because i'm a superstitious dummy afraid of getting hurt. i am hurt all the time, i suppose there's not much more to be afraid of at this point. but i do know if you were to look away now it might kill me, and even worse, i might enjoy the decay.
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kitschykitschykoo · 11 months
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Let me in...The Reverend Henry Kane from the film Poltergeist.
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tonkihill · 2 years
Calico critters burger shop
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#Calico critters burger shop how to#
#Calico critters burger shop movie#
#Calico critters burger shop series#
In the first film, the Krites' fur is styled so that their stomach is shown, but in subsequent films, it too is covered in fur. They have large rotund bodies, covered in a haze of black fur. The Krites are small aliens resembling porcupines or hedgehogs. In the first film, their vocal effects were provided by Corey Burton who also provided the voice of Reverend Henry Kane in the last two Poltergeist films.
#Calico critters burger shop movie#
On October 22, 2018, it was announced that SyFy (originally known as Sci-Fi) was in talks to acquire the rights to the movie Killer Klowns from Outer Space and the Critters film franchise in order to produce new sequels to both properties. In the first film, there were only 8 Critters (there were 10 at one point, but they were so rapacious that while on their way to Asteroid prison their escorts had to kill two of them in order to make their provision last longer) but in the second film, there are possibly half a hundred that form an entirely large rolling ball to go faster into feasting on humans.
#Calico critters burger shop series#
The Krites (also incorrectly spelled Crites), better known as the Critters, are a hostile alien race and the titular main antagonists of the film series Critters. Johnny thinks that’s a great idea and adds the special burger to the menu.They eat so fast, you don't have time to scream. “I know! Why don’t we put this on the menu, too?” She can eat it in one bite, and it tastes great! It is a special hamburger, with the patty and buns shaped like a cat. “I was wondering what you liked best, and all I could think of was a hamburger,” he says. She opens the bag, and in it is a hamburger. “You always help out here,” he says, “so I’m giving you this as a present.” One day when Silk Cat Susie comes into the cafe, she finds her father there holding a take-out bag.
#Calico critters burger shop how to#
Now, of course, everybody knows how to use the drive-thru, and sometimes families come simply because it’s there. They ordered in the car, but when the food came they brought it into the cafe and ate it there! “With a drive-thru, you can order hamburgers and drinks right in your car,” explained Johnny, to the Hopscotch Rabbit family. People weren’t used to the drive-thru window yet and nobody was very interested. When the restaurant first opened, they had a few problems. You can order hamburgers and fries and other yummy treats from the menu. When you’re driving in your car and want to quickly pick up some delicious food, you can stop at the drive-thru window. There are lots of tables, and a terrace, so the Burger Cafe is popular with moms and dads as well as children. While Silk Cat Susie is working, she often stops to chat. While he’s waiting, he watches Silk Cat Johnny fry the hamburgers and add salt to the fries.įrom the seats by the big window, you can always hear the girls laughing and playing. “Fries, juice, and.should I have a cheeseburger, or veggie burger?”He just can’t decide! Sunshine Bear Brian reads the menu above the counter. She designed the interior of the restaurant and the family’s Oakwood Home. It’s a nice, relaxed place that is always busy. The owners Silk Cat Father Johnny, Mother Holly, and daughter Susie are always there to welcome customers. When the aroma of hamburgers fills the air, everybody’s stomach starts rumbling and they all go running to the Burger Cafe! Everybody loves the building, with its stylish mixture of red bricks and cream-colored walls. The Burger Cafe has opened in Calico Village.
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olivrsm · 3 years
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moonlightgemsart · 6 years
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cCa6hF-2y7I)
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bluebird167 · 3 years
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Poltergeist (Anime Style) Cast
I chose to only do the cast for the first movie and the second because I didn’t like the third.
Steven Freeling - Inuyasha (Inuyasha) Diane Freeling - Kagome (Inuyasha) Dana Freeling - Moroha (Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon) Robbie Freeling - Killua Zoldyck (Hunter x Hunter) Carol Anne Freeling - Ushio Okazaki (Clannad) Tangina Barrons - Kaede (Inuyasha) Dr. Lesh - Riza Hawkeye (Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood) Ryan - Roy Mustang (Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood) Marty - Jean Havoc (Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood) Teague - Wadou (Witchblade) Ben Tuthill - Shikamaru Nara (Naruto) Taylor - Kakashi (Naruto) Reverend Henry Kane - Naraku (Inuyasha)
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theheadlessgroom · 4 years
(1, 10, 13, 14, 22 and 24, please!)
Thank you!
1. Aside from the enigmatic status Ol’ Hatty maintained for several decades, being built up into a larger-than-life legend among parkgoers, before being revealed to be real after all and making a triumphant return to the Mansion, I was really enthralled by the idea of him being the intended of the Beating-Heart Bride, especially given his head and her heart being in sync, not to mention all the promotional and tie-in materials that seemed to make it pretty clear that she was ‘his bride’. That, combined with the open-for-interpretation nature of the ride, led me to start drawing my own conclusions, and I felt he’d make a great character to RP, once I had a solid history down for him!
10. I feel like there’s a lot of overlap between the fandom’s interpretation and my own: A lot of other fans, at least as far as I’ve seen, tend to interpret Hatty as being from the lower-class, not to mention being predisposed to being generally cranky and cantankerous, not exactly a social butterfly, but at the same being good-natured at heart, and being absolutely head over heels (pun fully intended) for the Bride. Obviously, there are exceptions to these examples, but those are the most common tropes I’ve seen crop up. 
13. Some of my favorite threads include...
1. Family Reunion/Baby Boos - Maybe I’m cheating by including two RP’s here, but the two are so inextricably linked that I can’t list one without the other! The characters of Randall’s parents, Wilhelm and June Pace, have really grown into their own since I started this blog, stepping out of the background to become vastly more front and center as fully-fleshed characters, and they were defidently front and center in these two RP’s with @beatingheart-bride, in which the Pace parents arrive at the Mansion and not only reunite with their only son, but also meet their daughter-in-law and lend a hand in Randall and Emily’s graduation to parenthood. They’re both warm and fuzzy RP’s (in particular the latter), and I love going back and reading through them.
2. From Beyond The Grave - Keeping with the theme of Randall’s parents becoming a larger part of both his mythos and the RP’s, June showed up in this RP with @askthebrokenones-fm, reuniting with her son as well as getting to know his friends, up to and including a fellow ‘Hatty’, the demonic Egore, whom she’s quickly become very motherly to in follow-up RP’s (such as Motherly Instinct). It’s a relatively short but nonetheless RP, I love watching Randall’s parents interact with other characters in the Mansion, and June’s interactions with both Sinclair and Egore makes me smile, as well as makes me really look forward to what future RP’s hold for her, Randall, the Sentient Staircase, and the Ghost Demon!
3. Videodrome - I never expected to see an RP blog based around any children Hatty and the Bride would have, but @erika-de-claire has taken the concept and run with it, and we’ve had some very entertaining RP’s because of it. While it was sorely tempting to put the more recent ExtraTerrorestrial Alien Encounter (mostly because of Erika’s adorable interactions with Skippy, her new alien pal), I just had to put this modern AU one, involving Randall and his daughter being trapped in a video store on a rainy night, trying to avoid becoming the prey for a fear-hungry monster in the vein of John Carpenter’s The Thing and Poltergiest’s Reverend Henry Kane. It’s such a creepy and atmospheric RP, and I do wonder if that monster will ever crop up again in the future-it’s possible the flaming nitrate didn’t kill him...
14. I think Randall and I would get along pretty well: We do have similar interests (nominally being classic horror literature and film, including those starring Lon Chaney Sr.) and are artistically-inclined (him being passionate about millinery and tailoring; while I’m passionate about writing and film), so I think we could find a lot to talk about!
22. Three interesting facts about Randall include...
-He and Emily would always bake a cake for Mardi Gras: A tradition of Mardi Gras is the king cake, a braided brioche dough laced with cinnamon, filled with a flavored filling (Randall’s favorite, unsurprisingly, is strawberry filling) and smothered in a glaze or colorful frosting, and usually has a little figure of a baby inside of it. When the two married, each year they would celebrate the holiday by baking this cake together, and seeing who would get the figure first (usually, the tradition is that the one who finds it has to provide the cake or host the party next Mardi Gras, but as it would usually be just the two of them, they ignored it). It took them a few tries to get the cake right (the first few years they tried it, something always seemed to go wrong), but they eventually mastered it, and when it was their turn to bake the cake when they celebrated Mardi Gras at the Mansion, they did it with aplomb.
-His favorite New Orleans dish is a crawfish boil: Although Randall ate his fair share of Irish dishes in his youth (on account of his mother preparing the recipes her husband brought with him from the Emerald Isle), he naturally grew up eating plenty of Louisiana cuisine, including po’boys (which could be made with just about anything on hand and made a quick, easy meal that could be taken on the go) and dirty rice (another simple but filling dish that he ate a lot of, since it was relatively cheap and made plenty of helpings). By and large, his favorite was a good crawfish boil: He would catch them down at the river and bring them back to his mother, who would cook them up, usually along with a small tray of biscuits or potatoes. The Mansion’s cooks still prepare plenty of New Orleans dishes (given their master is a New Orleans native as well), and so Randall still gets to enjoy these boils every now and again, particularly during the summer.
-His least favorite story is Peter Pan: I’ve made very clear Randall’s fear of the Fae (mostly spurned on by the stories he heard in his youth of their turning foolish mortals into all sorts of unnatural things), and as a result of this, his least favorite story is J.M. Barrie’s famous story about the Boy Who Wouldn’t Grow Up. Randall finds nothing whimsical or fun about fairies stealing innocent children away from their parents, feeling that’s the start of a horror story than a fairy tale, and as a result, has not read the original story, nor has he watched Disney’s famous adaptation. At the most, he’s at least quite sympathetic towards Captain Hook-being continually terrorized by a Fae child sounds awful, and he can relate to the struggle of having lost an appendage: If a fairy cut off his hand and fed it to a crocodile, he’d be pretty cross too.
24. “Are you sure you don’t wanna watch Peter Pan with me?”
“Absolutely not!”
“Oh, come on, Randall! It’s still a fun movie, it’s cute, fairies aside!”
“Child, they steal three children from their bedroom, and whisk them away to a far-away world where the elder sister is terrorized by an angry fairy and is nearly drowned by mermaids! That does not sound like fun!”
“It’s not Tink’s fault, she’s only got room for one emotion at a time on account of her size!”
“And the murderous mermaids?”
“...okay, I don’t have anything to say about them, but c’mon! Can’t you put aside your fear of the Fae for just one night?”
“How about you put aside your fear of spiders, and we watch Arachnophobia instead? What do you say to that, lass?”
“...never mind.”
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chojin-cu-chulain · 4 years
Random Fact About Me
When I was a little kid I was afraid of the Quaker Oats mascot because I got him confused with the Reverend Henry Kane from Poltergeist 
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Sapphire Springs: Season One Cast!
Because it’s finally that time!! 
Kestrel Kane: Meaghan Cassidy
Michael Dering: Henry @ageeksnerdyworld
Ada Casler: Eri Arwen (me?)
Agent Daniels: Kudzai Zinyemba
Cassidy Kai: Alania Anderson
The Reverend: Seth Stein
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quakerjoe · 6 years
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From the mind of the great Reverend Henry Kane.
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Storyteller ~ Julian Beck — Kindness - Wisdom💥
Storyteller ~ Julian Beck — Kindness – Wisdom💥
The new Julian Beck Arguably one of the creepiest villains in horror history is Reverend Henry Kane, the human form of “The Beast” played by thespian Julian Beck. He’s the gaunt, 19th century-looking cult leader who spends most of Poltergeist II trying to infiltrate the Freeling residence and abduct Carol Ann — and yes, he’s […]Storyteller ~ Julian Beck — Kindness – Wisdom💥
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pixelken · 7 years
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Daily Sketch 10/16/17 #1171 Reverend Henry Kane #dailysketch #illustration #people #character #portrait #reverendhenrykane #poltergeist #inktober #31daysofhalloween http://ift.tt/2kUHb56
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