#revenge tickling
tickly-giggles · 6 months
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First Image
Nathan: C'mon, sweetheart, let it all out~. It's okay to laugh. Coochie coo~!
Eric: Pff hehehaha! N-Nahahathan! N-Nohoho, I'm nohot t-ticklish-!
Nathan: Are you sure~? Don't lie to me, Eric~!
Second Image
Nathan: Pleasepleaseplease nohohoho mohohohore~!! Eheheheric!
Eric: What was all that you said? It's okay to laugh~. What? You can dish it out, but you can’t take it?
Nathan: Ihihihi'm sohohohorry! Ihihihit tickles~!!
Eric: Good. God, you're so cute.
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thebest-medicine · 1 day
67 for bakugou and sero???
Explosively Ticklish [part 1] [part 2] [part 3] [part 4] [part 5] [part 6] [part 7]
Prompt 67 - "Well now, that seems like wishful thinking."
“Any chance you’d spare me if I use my quirk to help you get everyone else back?” Sero sputtered, grinning meekly.
“Well now,” Katsuki snorted, “that seems like wishful thinking.” 
“Might as well try–” Sero replied quickly as he shot out lines of tape, trying to make a run for it.
“Not so fucking fast!” Bakugo scolded, reaching out with one arm while positioning the other just behind himself with a small, controlled blast to propel him forward. It worked. He caught an ankle and reeled Sero back in.
“Wait-wait can’t we– can’t we talk about this?!” Hanta pleaded, scrambling to curl in on himself.
“You can talk all you like.” Bakugo advised, satisfied grin seeping through his words. He coiled the leftover tape that he could reach that was still attached to his friend and wrapped it a few times around his middle, effectively trapping him in place. Sero squawked in protest, giggling despite himself as he tried to protest. 
“Now, listen. I do like your line of thinking… Your quirk could definitely be of use, maybe we can make a deal later.” Bakugo began, “But five on one? And you let them have me… Now that deserves more than one round of vengeance, consider this your first payment.” He fitted one hand around each of Hanta’s hips and squeezed, grinning when his friend squealed in shocked response.
“You’re just sorry you got caught.” He dug in further.
“Wait? Yeah- no, I don’t think so.”
After a few minutes of tormenting his friend’s midriff, he repurposed some of the tape to hold the dispenser’s ankles together.
“Nohohoho- nonono not my feehehehehEEEHEHEET!” Sero gasped, cackling.
Bakugo rolled his eyes, adjusting so that he was sitting over his calves and could fully focus on the feet in front of him.
“PLHEHEHEEHEE AAHAHAH PLEAHEHE AHAHASE!” Sero wailed as Bakugo scratched incessantly up and down his soles. 
Bakugo faked a yawn. “Ask me again in a few more minutes, and I’ll think about stopping.”
“Oh, it’s not just you. Trust me. I’ve got plenty planned for the rest.”
[more sentence starter fic prompts]
[other sentence starter fics]
[read this & further MHA drabbles on ao3]
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Therapy Session
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Welp, with that huge amount of love for them it was destined to happen sooner or later-
I LOVE these dorks, so don't mind me to self-indulge on them as well~
I think Aven deserves it (he needs a lot of therapy + he is a cutie <3) and we all know, Dr. Ratio would be happy help him.
Also don't worry, Doctor made sure to give him breaks throughout :3
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>>PART 2<<
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teamfortraven · 8 months
A follow up to the last post I made…
Claws can be dangerous!
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kril-tkl · 4 months
My belly button isn't ticklish so let me live vicariously through yours~
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It can't tickle that much can it? Such a tiny little spot.
I hope for your sake my finger doesn't get stuck inside.
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What are you hiding in here? Hm? Let me explore your ticklish navel so I can understand what it's like with each tool.
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switchy00 · 2 months
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eliastk · 2 months
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[Ace and Michael- oc]
Ayyy hi tickle community, it's been a while <3
Here's some silly stuff I drew recently
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tired-and-ticklish · 8 months
Bonding Exercise
Sequel to “Rough Day”
Summary: Angel and Husk try to escape Charlie’s new idea for a bonding exercise, but The Princess, her girlfriend, and a certain Radio Demon are persistent.
TW: Tickling (slightly intense), Swearing, Slight Restraints, Alastor being a bastard, References to Alastor’s past, Angel Dust being Angel Dust.
Disclaimer: I do not support V*v*z*epop, I simply like the characters and exploring their dynamics, usually in silly ways.
Part Three
Despite the distance the two demons had put between themselves and the Radio Demon, they both could clearly hear his voice, accentuating how absolutely fucked they were. Angel was a bit faster, his longer legs giving him an advantage, but Husk wasn’t far behind, running quicker than he ever had in his life or unlife.
“Split up!” Angel exclaimed, quickly turning down a random hallway.
“Don’t need to fucking tell me twice!” Husk replied, almost skidding to a halt as he course-corrected down an entirely different hallway.
Charlie stopped upon seeing them both go in different directions, pouting slightly “Now who do we go after?”
“How about you two go after our effeminate fellow, and I’ll go after Husker?” Alastor suggested, though Vaggie raised an eyebrow.
“We’re not trying to torture them.” The bodyguard replied, to which the deer waved a hand.
“If I intended to torture either of those two, everyone would know.” Alastor replied, the radio effects of his voice becoming more sinister, but just for a moment. “No, I simply think our dear bartender needs to smile a bit more!”
“Come on Vaggie, I think I know where Angel’s running!” Charlie exclaimed, grabbing her girlfriend by the arm before she could protest and starting down a different hallway.
Vaggie couldn’t help but give Charlie a smile, despite thinking the whole idea was a bit ridiculous. Still, it gave her an excuse to get Angel back for all the times the spider demon had messed with them, or done anything that pushed back his ‘progress.’ She also knew she couldn’t find it in herself to say ‘no’ to the Princess, especially when she got that determined glimmer in her eyes.
“Good luck, darlings!” Alastor called as they both ran off, before continuing his own pursuit of the bartender.
Angel ran as fast as his legs could carry him, listening for any signs of his pursuers. All he needed to do was get to his room and barricade himself in there until Charlie forgot this whole dumb idea. However, Hell was more likely to freeze over than its Princess giving up or forgetting any of her ideas.
The spider knew his room was close, and he hadn’t seen or heard any of the purseres. Maybe that all went after Husk? A small shudder went up Angel’s spine as he looked behind him. As much as he did not want to be tickled again, the idea of the cat demon being tickled by Charlie, Vaggie, and Alastor was a fate he wouldn’t wish upon anyone in the hotel.
“Oh Angel!” He was torn from his thoughts, looking forward and almost screaming as he saw The Princess and her girlfriend, waiting right in front of his door.
“Found you.” Vaggie said, grinning mischievously.
Angel attempted to turn on his heel, but couldn’t slow down enough for it to be effective. His legs got tangled in one another, and he tumbled to the floor, groaning as he did. Before he could even attempt to get up and flee, the girls were upon him, Vaggie holding his upper pair of arms over his head, while Charlie straddled his waist.
“L-Ladies please,” Angel attempted to beg, tugging his arms as best he could. “Y-You don’t have to do this.”
“Oh, we know.” Vaggie said with a sly grin. “But we want to.”
Charlie immediately started skittering her figures on Angel’s stomach, making the spider snicker. Angel attempted to shove the Princess off with his lower set of arms, but anytime he tried, Charlie would ‘accidentally’ tickle a bit harder, making him lose focus. 
“C-Chaahahaharlihihihihe wahahahait!”
“Awww but Angel, you look so happy right now!”
“Behehehecause yohohohou’re tihihihihckling mehehehe!”
Angel squealed as Charlie’s claws made their way to his lower set of armpits, shaking his head. In his attempts to plead with the Princess, he didn’t notice until it was too late that Vaggie had changed her position, pinning his upper arms with her legs, soon feeling her fingers on his ribs.
“EEP! NohhoohoHOHOHOT THEHEHEHEHerehehehe!” Angel shrieked, his face turning a light pink shade.
“Hey, Angel, do you have more or less ribs as a spider?” Vaggie asked, ignoring his pleas. “Guess I need to double check.”
“Dohohohon’t YOHOHOOHHOU DAHAHAHRE, Vahahahahagina!”
The pornstar felt Vaggie stop tickling him for a moment, making him realize he had just dug his own second grave. Any begging he could have done was soon cut off by the feeling of the hotel guard’s fingers slowly and torturously dragging over his ribs, followed shortly by her counting.
“SHIHIHIHIT SIHIHIHHIT IHIHIHIHI’M SOHOHOHOHRRY!” Angel cried out, kicking his legs as the girls continued tickling him.
“Two… three… Fiv- Wait, that’s not right.” The spider could practically hear the smirk in Vaggie’s voice “Can you hold still? I’m trying to count.”
“Aww, sure you can Angel!” Charlie said encouragingly. “I’ll even go slower so you can focus!”
At that, Angel felt Charlie’s tactic switch from scribbling on his lower armpits, and a finger on each one just slowly start circling around the hollows, driving him up a wall. It tickled just enough to get him giggling, but also left him wanting more. The spider was starting to get the suspicion that somehow, someway, the girlfriends had gotten Cherri Bomb to tell them exactly how to destroy him.
“Five… six… Huh, you’re actually doing a good job.” Vaggie said as she tickled between his ribs “Guess the redemption work is paying off.”
“Well, he hasn’t asked us to stop.” Charlie pointed out, making Angel’s face turn an even darker shade of pink. “Maybe he’s enjoying this~?”
Fuck, despite how kind Charlie was, she was absolutely fucking evil when it came to tickling. 
Alastor hummed as he casually walked the direction Husk went. Sure, the Radio Demon could simply summon the bartender to him, but where was the fun in that? If there was one thing he loved more than the act of killing, it was the thrill of the chase. The fear and desperation in people’s eyes, the absolute panic that washed over as they were cornered, before he descended upon them.
An expression he’d like to see on that obnoxious, pompous, piece of shit television one day.
It was an expression he had seen Husker make many times over their years knowing each other. Though, often that was because the cat had done something to make the deer angry. Now? Now, Alastor would be seeing the hotel’s dear bartender making that expression for an entirely different reason.
It was one of the reasons he suggested to be the one to go after Husk. Not just due to their longer time knowing each other, but because the Radio Demon was already aware of what would cause the cat to break from his usual grumpy demeanor. Surely, people would assume Alastor of all people would think tickling was a waste of time, but oh, how he enjoyed it.
Spending time with both Husk and Niffty, he had learned a few things. Specifically, the maid wasn’t at all ticklish, whereas the bartender was entirely too ticklish for his own good. If nothing else, Alastor was known for dealing in extremes.
“Ah, there you are!” Alastor exclaimed, seeing Husk had run himself into a corner, the cat quickly turning to look at him.
“Shit, fuck, dammit!” A string of expletives left the bartender’s mouth as he tried to look for a way to escape. Any hopes of that were cut off by the shadows that followed the Radio Demon pinned the cat to the wall. “Look, boss, t-this whole thing is ridiculous.”
“Oh, on the contrary, Husker, I think this will be quite enjoyable!” Alastor said, looking the bartender over. So many good places to start, and each eliciting a different reaction from Husk.
Husk, meanwhile, tried to free himself. If he hadn’t known any better, the cat would have assumed Alastor somehow planned all of this. Which, he really couldn’t put past the deer, but planning for Nift to tickle Angel, leading to this whole thing? That was the type of planning not even the Radio Demon could come up with.
Mostly because no one could really ‘plan’ for anything with it came to the hotel maid.
“I recall this,” Alastor began, the claws on his right hand gently wiggling on Husk’s chin. “Being a wonderful place to start.”
The reaction was instant, the cat’s fur quickly puffing up slightly as he bit his lip. He wasn’t going to give the bastard the satisfaction, not if he could help it. Of course, he had tried, and failed, in the past, but that didn’t mean he was just going to give in to the Radio Demon’s antics.
“Still trying that tactic, are we?” The deer hummed in amusement, moving his other hand to Husk’s side. “I never understand why you must make things so difficult!”
A few snickers came out, but the bartender was determined, trying to squirm away from Alastor’s hands. Said hands simply followed where the cat moved. Now, Alastor could use his powers to tickle multiple spots at once, but that was something reserved for those who pissed him off enough to face his wrath, but not enough to where he’d be satisfied by killing them.
“You know, Husker,” Alastor said casually, like he wasn’t tickling the demon before him. “When we were filming that ridiculous commercial for the hotel, I had half a mind to have our darling Niffty tickle you, just off-camera, so you’d be smiling!”
“Bihihihihite me!” Husk replied, doing his best to glare at the Overlord.
“A poor choice of words, considering who you’re talking to.” The Radio Demon chuckled, now slowly moving his left hand toward the bartender’s side. “You should really think before you speak.”
Husk tried to growl at Alastor, but it was cut off by the ticklish feeling on his side. More snickers gave way, the cat demon’s lips forming a wobbly smile despite his best efforts. He felt the deer’s right hand move from his chin and start poking his ribs, making the bartender snort a bit. He knew the deer was messing with him, taking his time before going right for Husk’s death spot.
“I never tire of counting your ribs, Husker.” Alastor mused. “Afterall, I need to make sure you’re all together!”
“Yohohohohou cohohohohocky bahahahastard!” Husk retorted.
Alastor tsked, and the cat felt himself start to panic as the Overlord’s hands went toward his stomach. “Always with the fowl language, that should be reserved for birds!”
If Husk could groan, he would. Of course Alastor had to get one of his stupid ‘jokes’ in while the bartender couldn’t just walk out of the room. Though, the puns did help whenever the Radio Demon wanted Angel Dust to leave him alone. He didn’t know what was worse, the Overlord’s love of ‘dad jokes’, or his insatiable sadistic streak. 
“Wohohohuld yoohohhou stohohohp- FUHUUHUHUHCK!” Husk exclaimed as Alastor scratched and clawed at his stomach. The first of the bartender’s worst spots.
Once he was sure Husk couldn’t escape, Alastor snapped his fingers, causing the shadows to let him go as the bartender slid to the floor, still trying to run away from the Radio Demon’s fingers. The deer poked and prodded, even circling a finger slowly around where the cat’s belly button would be.
“Don’t cats enjoy having their stomachs petted?” Alastor teased, a small laugh track coming from him.
“THAHAHAT’S dohohohohohgs yohohoHOHOHO PRIHIHIHICK!”
“Ah, forgive me.” Alastor said, not at all sounding apologetic “I was never a ‘dog’ person. Cats are much more amusing!”
“Thhihihihihis IHIHIHISN’T AMUHuhuhuhuhumsing!”
“You’re entitled to your opinion, but you wouldn’t be laughing if it wasn’t!”
Husk was going to kill him. Okay, no, he wasn’t that stupid or reckless, but he was going to make sure the Radio Demon paid for this. However, Husk’s plans of revenge were cut off by the feeling of two of Alastor’s tendrils stroking his wings, causing the bartender to scream with laughter.
“You know, I think Niffty needs to brush your wings soon, when was the last time she did that?” Alastor asked, despite knowing Husk wouldn’t be able to answer.
Despite both Angel and Husk being tickled out of their minds, they both hated to admit they were having fun. Maybe Charlie’s idea wasn’t so dumb.
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al-911 · 3 days
Would you ever consider being the one bound and tickled?
I switch, and have been subjected to the vengeance of many a recently tortured woman. I enjoy it almost as much as being the torturer, and I think knowing what I'm putting Lees through makes me a better torturer.
Hell hath no fury like a woman tickle tortured...
Bonus answer: absolutely yes if multiple female lers were involved!
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jazzy-a · 1 month
There's only one way Alastor could really get away with embarrassing Angel Dust.
And that would be going the "mom" route.
He will publicly out this boy for the fact that he's technically old enough to have been in Alastor's "outdated" era and understands all his references. If this man finds out that Angel has any memories or love for classic things from when they were both alive, he'd use it against him.
It would be like your parents pulling out your baby book in front of the biker gang you just joined.
Angel's like, "I DON'T like the Charleston! I-It's stupid and lame! I'm a fricken' stripper, baby, of course I wouldn't be caught DEAD doing that!" (visibly sweating)
Has to make a call on one of Alastor's phones and doesn't think twice about being like, "Operator, connect me to 2247," while checking out his nails.
Makes ONE reference to an old starlet in 1925 that no one (except Husk and Alastor) knows who he's talking about and he tries to backpedal so hard.
As Angel fumes to deny he is old or outdated and is IN FACT trendy and modern, Alastor is wearing a shit-eating, patronizing, grin, like, "Aw, it's adorable how he tries." (Boops his nonexistent nose)
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inkiechancreates · 1 month
Hi! I'm back with another drawing! Some info below the pic
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This time it's "Undead Unluck".
I was like "I wonder, could Andy be ticklish, or not?" You know, it's the first time I couldn't come up with any hc for a character. So, instead I accidentally came up with this, like "we will never know"...
I didn't turn it into digital sketch, cuz it would've taken quite a long time. I just photoshopped it to the point when the pencil was visible. Yes, I don't have a scaner
*revenge for the moment in ep. 15, if you know you know, if you don't – go watch Undead Unluck
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strawbbfluff · 9 months
yeah i’m bad at mario kart but doesn’t mean i’ll just let you win <33 suddenly you’re not a whole lap ahead of me when i’m drilling my fingers into your hips now are you? now you’re not making snide remarks when i just give up on my controller completely and use both hands to claw your ribs right? uh oh~ looks like we both lost. 🩷
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A Payback
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A continuation? I bet you didn't expect it!
I couldn't just leave the little story I made end on just one comic-
So, here's a second part to this!
Looks like Aven got a higher ground this time~
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And what a suprise! The gambler's eyes sparked bright once more!
>>PART 1<<
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thebest-medicine · 2 months
could you do 104 “What, did you think you were just going to get away with that?” with switch!kaminari and bakugou :)
Explosively Ticklish [part 1] [part 2] [part 3] [part 4] [part 5] [part 6]
Prompt 104 - "What, did you think you were just going to get away with that?"
A/N: [part 1] a continuation (see above) featuring Bakugo’s revenge on Kaminari (for the switch / ler kami stuff you’ll have to check out part 1! he’s all lee all the time here baby) also under a cut bc she got long lol OOPS 1k words 🤷‍♀️ continued here [part 3]
“Oi! Idiot!” Bakugo’s voice comes from behind the door, accompanying a quick but hard knock. “Open up.”
Kaminari walks over and opens the door to his dorm hesitantly, just a crack. It had only been a few hours since he and the others had put their friend through the very-embarrassing wringer. “What’s uuuuuup, buddy?” He smiles anxiously.
Bakugo stares at him. “Can I come in?”
Denki stutters, “uh- sure- what, uh, what do you need?”
Bakugo stares at him again, deadpan. “Isn’t it obvious?”
Kaminari shakes his head.
Bakugo huffs out a laugh. “Okay. You’re either really an idiot or just naive. Wanna do this in the privacy of your room? Or do I have to drag your ass out into the hallway?”
“D-Do what?” Kaminari flinches.
“You really are stupid, aren’t you?” Bakugo asks as he shoves the door the rest of the way open and reaches out to grab at Denki’s waist.
“YeeEEK!” He jumps back from his spot. “Wait- wait- you’re not gonna-?”
Bakugo scoff-laughs. “What? Did you think you were just going to get away with that?”
“Kihihihinda!” Kaminari is giggling already, scrambling out of his reach and backing up to his bed, then crawling backwards across the surface of his mattress. “Nohoho please- Bakugo- don’t! I cahahan’t! I- hehe- I’ll zahahahahap you!”
“Yeah?” Bakugo glares. “Try that and I’ll kill you for real.”
“Nohohohohot a threat!” Kaminari squeaks, putting as much space as possible between himself and Katsuki. “I can’t hehehehehelp it!”
“Oh really?” Katuski smirks, picking up his charm. “Can’t help but explode with giggles, huh, dunce face?”
Kaminari shakes his head, snickering wildly. He flails his hands about uselessly as Bakugo stalks closer.
“And then what happens after, hmm? Fry your stupid little brain and you just get even gigglier I bet.”
“Stahahahahop!” Kaminari wails, already laughing.
Bakugo puts a knee on the bed. “I’m not even tickling you yet, idiot, and you’re laughing already? You’re fucking doomed.”
Kaminari shrieks at that and tries to lunge off the other side of the mattress. Only, Bakugo grabs his calves easily and then wraps his legs up in the crook of one arm. He is halfway off the bed, giggling madly and flailing his arms about. “NonononoNO WAIT!” He cries. “Lemmego!”
Bakugo laughs wickedly, tugging his friend a bit more so that his back is on the edge of the mattress, stretching his torso across the corner of the bed and leaving him open. Denki’s shirt has bunched up in the tussle, and he keeps trying to desperately tug it down (up?) while pleading with Bakugo. “Plehehehehehease! Dohohohon’t!” He cries, giggling. His cheeks are rosy with embarrassed anticipation.
“Not a fucking chance. Got your ass right where I want you.”
He starts to scribble over Denki’s scrunched soles, making the other student gasp and start laughing even louder. Grumbling about his damn toes getting in the way, Bakugo moves to spider over the tops of his feet, earning him a squeal. He tugs again, this time readjusting and targeting his electric friend’s knees. There’s no sign of frying yet.
Kaminari shrieks with laughter. “Plehehe- HEHEHEASE! Not there! Not there! Nohohoho Bakugohohohohohho STAHAHAHAHOP! I cahahahan’t!” He pleads as fingers pinch up along his thighs. He’s quaking, his arms flailing about. He tries to sit up and throw his arms in a way of defense, but Bakugo just pushes him back down easily each time with a little chuckle of his own.
“Don’t know why you crossed me if you’re this ticklish, moron.” Katsuki continues. He readjusts Kaminari’s legs down, sitting over his shins and keeping him pinned halfway off the bed. He peaks down at his friend, red in the face and grinning wildly, wide-eyed. Bakugo smirks. He brings both hands down slowly, wiggling in menacing claws descending upon Denki’s partially exposed and fully stretched tummy.
“Don’t don’t don’t DOHOHON’T!” Denki cries, scrambling to get a grip anywhere or pull himself upright. His attempt fizzles to nothing but quaking laughter as Bakugo’s hands shoot down to scribble and spider against the skin of his stomach. They crawl up further under his shirt, pinch his sides, walk up to his ribs. Kaminari is lost to laughter, pleasing incoherently, when suddenly, the hair on Bakugo’s neck stands on end before…
Bakugo realizes he’s been knocked backwards onto the bed, but still conscious. His arms are a little tingly, he rubs his neck. “Idiot! You coulda killed me!” He grumbles, getting back up. Kaminari has slunked down, his back against the floor and his feet in the air. His eyes are big and empty, his grin wobbly as he gives Bakugo a thumbs up and laughs sweetly.
“I wasn’t done with you yet, but this should make things a little easier.” He notes before reaching for Kaminari’s ankles and hauling him back halfway up on the bed. What could he say? It was a great position to tickle someone in.
“EHEHEHEHEHEHEHEEE! WahahahahHAHAHA-” Denki squeaks and giggles and Bakugo tickles his midsection anew, this time watching for any signs of sparks. He scratches over and over at the line under Denki’s bellybutton, just over and around the ticklish, exposed spots on his lower stomach. Every spot from hip to hip sends him careening into laughter.
Bakugo takes another peak down and sees tears of laughter in Denki’s empty-minded eyes. He pauses his tickling for a moment and watches as Kaminari attempts uselessly to catch his breath.
“Alllllllll right, I think you’ve had enough for now.” Bakugo slides off of his legs.
“Haaaa- ahh.” Kaminari’s eyes roll back as his head drops against the ground. He gives a serendipitous thumbs up with a goofy, out-of-it laugh as he slinks down slowly so his full upper body is on the floor again; finally it stays there.
“So that was one… there were 5 of you guys before, right?” Bakugo mentions, pushing his friend’s legs down next to him on the ground “So that means, four more times to go. I’ll be seein’ ya, Pikachu.”
“Ahhh?” Kaminari makes a confused sound as Bakugo stands and exits the room, leaving his electrified friend to recover his spirits in a half-ball on the floor, alone.
Katsuki has a busy schedule ahead of him, after all.
[more sentence starter fic prompts]
[other sentence starter fics]
[read this & further MHA drabbles on ao3]
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giggly-squiggily · 3 months
I hope it’s okay to request Romantic!Reader and Mitsuya for the event🥹 A hc where reader is brattier and more playful than usual, Mitsuya shows them the mighty power of a twin dragon until reader admits defeat, smth along those lines ueheuehehehe
(Headcanons to Dabbles: OFFICIALLY CLOSED)
Jkarjkejrjkakjeajkerkje I had too much fun with this one akjrkjaejkrejk God I love Mitsuya so much- he is a GEM! I've gotcha covered, anon!
“What are you- ah, stop!” Mitsuya jerked, arching when you dragged your finger down his spine once more. “I’m trying to work!”
“Oo, stop, I’m Mitsuya- I’m working~” You teased him, grinning as you ran your finger back up again, making him twitch with a muffled giggle. “Oo, my back is soooo sore after I hunch over my desk all morning- I hope my partner gives me a massage after, ooooo~”
“Ahehaa, is thahaht what this ihihis? Mohohotivation to sihihit up- GOTCHA!” He cried, twisting around and catching your hand. “There. Try to do that now, you brat.”
You only smiled, bringing up your other hand and pinching his side.
“AH! You son of a- come here!” He cried, throwing himself at you. The two of you wrestled into the couch, your shrieks delighted and challenging as you tugged at his hair and fake bit his shoulders. “You wanna play with a twin dragon? Bring it on!”
“Not much of a power house without your other half!” You cried back, giggling the entire time as you poked at his ribs. You went to pinch his nipples when he suddenly grabbed your sides, squeezing and tickling. “Ehehehheeh! Sthahahap, shthahahhap! Gehahahahaha, Mihihihihitsuuhuhuhuya!”
“Take that back, you brat! Take it back!” He growled playfully, snickering as you thrashed and squealed beneath him. “Who’s not much of a power house now? Huh? Say it again!”
“Yohoohohou ahahhahahre! Yoohohohou’re stihiihihll whehahahhak!” You cried back, your laughter shooting up an octave when he attacked your stomach. “Nohohohohoo nohohohot thehehehehehhere!”
“Still weak, huh? You’re really asking for it now!” He adjusted his grip so he could bend over, shoving up your shirt with twinkling eyes. “Last chance to take it back.”
You responded by flipping him the bird. He snorted before taking a deep breath. Seconds later, you were in shambles.
“Oo, I’m hot too! I got a bonus out of all this.” He cackled against your skin, giving you one last ticklish bite before sitting up and fixing your shirt. He reached out and traced your hot face, admiring your breathless smile. “And you were wrong earlier. I’m not without my other half. I’m looking at them right now.”
You felt your face warm and your heart race. He smirked, annoyingly smug at your reaction.
You stuck your finger in his nose in response, setting off another round of play fighting between you two.
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chibimochii · 2 years
Heeyyy ^^
Maybe, lee Cyno/ler Tighnari
Spot: ribs or armpits?~
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Sweet payback ✨
*cough* I may or may not have wrecked him a bit too good here. But my inspo for lee Cyno really peaked during this windbloom event-
Let’s be honest, this was bound to happen ƪ(˘⌣˘)ʃ
Also I’m sure my writing is worse than usual. Been squinting trying to write it cuz I’m sleepy heh~
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