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donfadrique · 2 years ago
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qualityrain · 1 year ago
brainrot is so bad im pulling for cloud retainer (eating shit in the gacha) and her banner being called passerine herald is just reminding me of that the oh hellos song in somebodys hny playlist
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butmakeitgayblog · 8 months ago
In canon clexa au, does Clarke ever get these urges once in a while where she just pinches Lexas cheek affectionately? Coz hell she could give me these sassy looks any day and I’d just see baby.
As adorable as this visual is - and it is - nah I tend to not think that'd be something Clarke nor Lexa would really appreciate in their relationship. I just think given how often they each have to deal with condescension from their elders and peers and so on, a gesture like that would almost end up feeling a bit more... demeaning? Belittling? Those feels like too harsh of a words, but hopefully you get what I mean. Affectionate, but not necessarily given or recieved in the good way?
However, I do think Clarke would still be very affectionate. Perhaps even to a degree of doting. I could see her being the type to constantly reach out and fix Lexa's hair - brushing it away from her temples or quickly retwining a braid that had come loose with a mindless precision that showed she'd been doing it for ages. I think she'd be the type to drift her fingertips along Lexa's jaw whenever she noticed she was clenching her teeth in annoyance. She'd fix little smudges of her warpaint to keep them neater in the times when Lexa hadn't been able to refresh the look for hours. I think she'd kiss her little lip freckle and brush her thumbs along her cheeks as she held her face because... whew, it's a pretty great face. But it would all be with the air of not only supporting Lexa, but taking care of her. Building up that feeling of power within her role as Commander, while also wordlessly reminding Lexa that she's loved her through the best and worst of it the only way she knows how.
And I think it'd be kind of wonderful for Clarke watching the years pass across her face, feeling the baby fat of youth slowly fade away into even more defined cheekbones and a jaw made of very sexy steel. Literally getting to feel the transformation of time under her fingertips as Lexa grows from the strong but young leader she met when she fell to Earth, into this even more regal and devastatingly beautiful ruler.
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shiningwizard · 10 months ago
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Forbidden Letters (Arthur J. Bressan Jr., 1979)
A man waiting for his man interned. Unbelievably tender. Every stroke, suck, thrust and discharge instilled with longing and loneliness. Ejaculate like tears. B&W for a forced distant present, colour for a lost past of togetherness. Perhaps other than intended, but the voiceover is some glorious inarticulate articulateness, disembodied for bodies yearning to be retwined.
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commajade · 2 years ago
for the books ask: 3, 6, 10, 15, and 20! 📚
thanks for sending!! these r rly fun!!
3. what is ur fave genre?
it's rly hard to pinpoint a favorite! i think i tend to enjoy experimental or hybrid forms that express the marginalization or hybridity of the speaker?
more straightforward versions of this is octavia butler's earthseed religious texts interspersed in the story and leslie feinberg's use of the epistolary form to express what the narrator feels but cannot say. dictee by theresa hak kyung cha has a rly challenging mixed media and language form. carmen maria machado is a master of doing this in a fun very present-day way.
my faves tho r the ones that use culturally specific and usually oral storytelling forms like folktales and myth to tell previously stories. the woman warrior by maxine hong kingston is a straight example but the best are the gay ones i've already talked about: audre lorde's biomythography and larry mitchell's gay fairytale manifesto. real art!!
6. what books have u read in the last month?
read another section of zami by audre lorde it was about her time in mexico, rly magical.
recently bought a lesbian anthology called women on women edited by joan nestle and read a couple stories.
read the first couple pages of mexican gothic. read the first couple pages of i'm glad my mom died. read a few pages of gods of want by k-ming chang, specifically the story called "dykes"
i just got this is how you lose the time war and read the beginning of it! pretty prose, rly fun concept, excited to see how the story unfolds!
10. do u have a guilty fav?
15. recommend and review a book
oh huh.
pls read human acts by han kang it will reach into ur chest and grab ur heart and crush it into little pieces, briefly separate ur spirit from ur body, connect u to something old ever-present and universal, and retwine it with ur physical form in a way that is wiser about the nature of structural violence and human pain and the persistence of loving memory. u will sob. i sure did.
20. what are things u look for in a book?
for reading it: original premise, good prose, interesting thematic elements, idk general vibes
for buying it: i care a lot about the cover actually. almost didn't buy janelle monae's book cuz i didn't like the cover design.
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nightfallwolfkincrafts · 9 months ago
Looped linen on a brown glass bottle
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I have this spool of thick linen cord, but it unravels as soon as I take it off the spool, so I've started just completely unraveling it and separating the strands for retwining into better cordage. It's very useful for practice because it's nice and even in length and thickness and I can make really long lengths without having to splice. I will probably make more of these as I have a metric arseload of these wee bottles. I figured it could be used as a hanging vase or a necklace to wear a wee posy in.
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ecnanossa-daily · 1 year ago
November 17th
light your roman candle, light your votive, over the sea I'll seal something meaner than prayer into the wish, that I am struck by you, that you are struck by the sea as it delivers us, separately, itemized, fizzling out to a path retwined.
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iscahmckrae · 5 months ago
thanks for the writing prompt. ~iscahmckrae
In A Flash
After he'd grabbed a shirt for himself and the coffee mug she'd wanted at the merch stand, Jess sees her eyeing the booth. "Really?" he asks, pausing a beat. "But those things are so cheesy; an' I look hecka weird in pictures—no, it's a fact," he says at her refuting glance.
"It's okay, we don't have to," she says, a bland smile crossing her face, an almost invisible crease to her brow.
".....but you want to."
A tiny frown and a shake of the head convince him far more fully than an affirmative glance would have.
"C'mon," he says quietly, leading her with fingers intertwined.
"Are you sure, it's—" But they're in the booth before she can finish her sentence.
"Smile or frown or something so it doesn't catch you talking," he interrupts. For the first two, he feigns shock at the camera while giving her bunny ears, then sneers, sticking his tongue further out of his mouth than ought to be humanly possible. This makes her crack up laughing and the third flash catches a subtle but soft fondness in his expression, watching her laugh.
Despite his initial protestations of the whole prospect, he forks enough money into the machine to get a copy for each of them.
Tucked next to one of the venue's walls, they spend a moment, him slipping it into the book from his back pocket as a bookmark, her sliding it into one of the plastic photo protectors in her wallet. He catches a glimpse of another photo booth strip beside it, though not long enough to catch the faces.
"Concert tradition?" he inquires casually. It's never much been a part of his life, but he knows the Gilmores are big on traditions.
"Oh. no." Amusement mixed with something else he can't define crosses her features. "My last concert was with Paris, Madeline, and Louise. We were too busy tracking down Madeline and Louise at a party they disappeared to with some guys in the middle of a set to think about photo booths or merch or anything."
He doesn't ask who the people in the strip were because it's really none of his business. He wasn't prying; just curious what made her clearly want this so much, even though she pretended not to.
".....It was of my parents," she answers his unspoken question, "when they were our age. I found it in my mom's old room. It was...... I dunno—more alive than her other pictures—like I could hear them laughing."
He knows what it is to wonder about your parents' good times. His had gotten married even. Not that that seemed to be a huge deal to his mother, but... it probably meant they were happy once. There were no traces of that happiness that she kept, though. Not that he had ever seen.
Of course she kept it in her wallet.
Would tonight only be a flash of happiness? Something one of her kids finds in an old shoebox someday and asks who the guy is......... was...?
"We should use 'em to document our concert-going experiences," he says impulsively and not insistently, but in seriousness. "Make, like a... thumbtack collage out of it or something."
The smile that flashes across her face is more dazzling than any he's seen except the night they met and the night they first kissed as a couple in front of the gas tanks. The soft one he returns is the moon to her sun and doesn't part his lips, but shines from his eyes.
When he deliberately retwines their fingers and parts the crowd for them, weaving towards the exit, an electric warmth flows through their hands; and even if all signs point toward doom, he hopes that it's more than a flash of happiness.
Just throwing every scenario I could think of so far. Add yours in the tags 🐱
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auntarctica · 3 years ago
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(I am so bad at Tumblr. I have these awesome Asks that are so great and intriguing I put off answering them because I want to answer them perfectly and comprehensively and then they sit forever)- but, but: If you read reboot, I do come bearing Chapter 7 of Do Not Speak Against the Sun, accompanied by this lovely amuse-bouche of a full embedded illustration by Sylpherius (https://twitter.com/nitebana) ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  https://archiveofourown.org/works/21182588/chapters/95872810#workskin
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motorettemx · 6 years ago
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The new oldies... #retwins #royalenfield #ridepure #rerides #interceptor650 #scrambler #classic #motorcycle #rider #nexxhelmets #california #streetphotography #highway #motorette #motorettemx #motoretteclub @royalenfield_na (en Santa Cruz, California) https://www.instagram.com/motorette.mx/p/BwJCyHmAT1x/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1jtt5ga95fx08
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lifeonhighway99 · 2 years ago
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You may not find a path, but you will find a way. #googlepixel #pixel4a #madebygoogle #teampixel #googlepixel4a #pixelnofilter @googlepixel #royalenfieldtribe #royalenfieldindia #pixel4aphotography @madebygoogle #interceptor650 #twin650 #gt650 #retwins #interceptor650twin #gt650twin #bikersofindia #motorcyclediaries #cruiseeasy #motogram #bikersofinsta #bikersnetwork #bikegeneration #motorcyclelove #nte_click #650twin #oneride2022 #googlepixel3axl #seenonpixel #googlepixel6 #googlepixel6pro (at India) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjjI2Qxh-wr/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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charmblooded · 10 months ago
"Let's go!" Diarmuid agrees, almost too-eager, his voice rising as he takes Nanna's hand in his.
They are brilliant - this he knows. He does not see it as self-absorbed - only true. He and Nanna are alike in appearance, and his sister is truly beautiful. She warms his heart, her smaller hand in his. The tight bonds of family that had once been stretched thin have retwined into a stronger rope than ever before.
His heart beats between his fingers, where their hands meet.
"I'm happy," his voice rises with the music as they step onto the dance floor, an admission for her and her alone - "that you were looking forward to this, dear sister."
Is this selfish, or selfless? Are they ever giving, or are they taking? He finds that he cares not - only that he is here and now and experiencing a dream.
circling the nighttime sun
charmblooded asked: Perhaps it's not strictly traditional, but Diarmuid can't help himself. When Nanna finds herself unengaged in anything - he'd hate to interrupt! - he approaches her, sunshine to sunshine, magnified in her presence. "Nanna!" he calls, just barely curbing himself from waving eagerly. "I know this may seem odd, but - would you share a dance with me?" She is his dear sister. They are together scattered light.
"Diarmuid...!" She had been observing him for a long while, touching base with others as she cradled a crackling heart. He seemed to wait until the ebb of a wave before stepping in, as though sensitive to the wiles of her conversations. Her smile burst open, palms ready to cup his hand in hers. He works so much��too much—and in a way she found increasingly relatable. Perhaps it was in their blood that they rippled and flowed, passing a handful of stars as the tide pulled around others. He was even more meticulous than her, and she wanted him closer because of it. Because she felt like she understood it, wordlessly. This giving, careful heart.
"Never odd...! In fact," She brought an index up between them. "It's what I've been looking forward to the most!" Crow feet crinkles touch the edge of her eyes. She is overcome.
He twinkles. He rises. Even if the lights go out, she finds him dappling her vision.
"Dear brother, I am for you as you are for me. A hello, and a song perched on my lips." Nanna's gentle pat pressed them both forward. Her gown swooped to one side, as it hugged at his legs. "Let's go, shall we...?"
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rcmediahouse-blog · 6 years ago
This was the first time I was riding @royalenfield bike.Interceptor 650cc How was my experience? Full Review Video on YouTube "Rishabh Chatterjee" Thanks to @cvsmotors for arranging this #testride @sidlal @royalenfieldkarnataka @royalenfieldreposts @rcmediahouse @youtube @goproin #royalenfield #retwins #bike #motorcycle #YouTube #influencer #motovlogger #motovloggersofinstagram #youtuber #Bangalore #bengaluru #gopro #vlogger (at Bangalore, India) https://www.instagram.com/p/BsVYXvUjrgZ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1llplht4u5t9v
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asakdesigns · 3 years ago
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RE Continental GT 650 twin . Need more bike arts? What you think about it? Tshirt design coming soon.. . DM for commissioned works . #continental #gt650 #gt650twin #royalenfield #recontinentalgt #650 #REgt650 #enfieldlove #continentalgt #retwins #caferacer #cafes #caferacers #caferacergram #caferacersofinstagram #ridersuniverse #refans #royalenfieldclassic350 #enfield_world https://www.instagram.com/p/CfWLT8yD5_4/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ramkarthikeyan · 3 years ago
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Sun ☀️ doesn’t matter when you ride bike.. #randomclicks #retwins #rockcitysuperbikers (at Tiruchchirappalli) https://www.instagram.com/p/CcFGlEvJdMnsLdF9oNh_wAbop7GP2GvW7S12yo0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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punnybonessnas · 2 years ago
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“Maybe, but I feel it’s pretty hard to top.”
He blinked at the indignant puff of his cheekbones, starting to snicker a little from the odd expression, though it quickly quieted when his hand was taken and pressed to his chest, able to feel the staccato beating of his soul, and watch the dark shine from beneath his palm.
The faint rainbow hue across his face became much more pronounced, leaning against his hand as it cupped his cheek, smiling and quietly blinking a tear from his socket, gazing up at him while he gently caressed the ink blotch on his cheek.
It’s not as if he didn’t know how the two of them felt with his whole shard of a soul, but it was still so meaningful for it to be verbalized, such declarations much easier for Ace to voice than his other self-conscious partner. For Rory, it was far simpler to express his feelings through actions, rather than words.
But both methods of expression meant so much to him regardless.
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“Funny, when I feel the same way about you two. I definitely wouldn’t still be here without Rory.”
Gently taking his hand from over his cheek, he pressed a kiss to the back of his knuckles before retwining their fingers, nodding his head with a reassuring squeeze of his hand.
“I’m sure. No chance I’m tapping out, I’m in it for the long haul cowboy.”
He paused, then leaned forward to cup his opposite cheek, staring up into his eyelight on what he knew to be Rory’s dominant side when they were both conscious - so that he knew that he was talking directly to him, and would pay closer attention as a result.
“Rory, love.. as Ace shares, you need to listen as well. I know it’s the last thing you want.. and I do respect your reasoning for that. But this will be a benefit to both of you. Ace won’t be able to let go if you don’t accept this as your past. And there’s.. always the chance it’ll find another outlet through you. Let this be acknowledged, and done with.. okay?”
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“Also I.. want to make the promise that no matter what I hear, I won’t go looking for him either. No matter how much I might want to..”
“It was neither a compliment or an insult, dear.. just a statement of fact.”
Percy responded in kind to his grumpy nerd’s grousing with an innocent smile, though it would quickly get too convoluted a conversation if he answered the both of them, when there was some physical contact, the bond did allow him to hear Rory’s contributions as well.. albeit he was much quieter, and he had to focus in more.
He also didn’t want to get into the habit of it, unless it was strictly necessary. Anyone without the context of his mate’s split might just think he’d gone batty. Or well.. gone crazy all over again.
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It was difficult not to snicker from Ace’s chosen comparison, even if it did make a weird sort of sense, Rory definitely hadn’t been a fan, not that he blamed him in the slightest.
The reciprocated squeeze of his hand drew his attention back to the other, a soft tint of color to his cheekbones as he gazed up into his currently-white eyelights.
“I would hope not.”
Noticing that the worst of the pixelation had stabilized, he chanced an affectionate nuzzle, only to break out into giggles from Ace’s over-the-top reaction, shaking his head and gently cupping his cheek, complete with a caress of his thumb beneath his socket. 
“I stand corrected. That is the silliest thing you’ve said yet. It would be shitty.. if you were pining after him, or bragging about him.. or comparing us. These are repressed traumatic memories coming back to you.. that’s very different, Ace.”
He half-closed his sockets, the colors and shapes of his eyelights telegraphing nothing but love, and trust.
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“So long as they don’t make you go and chase after him, I’m good. I want you to be able to talk about it.. so those old wounds don’t fester. Don’t let him keep any power over you. Let me help you banish him.. however long that takes. Okay?”
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“Well M’sure I’ll say somethin’ to top that, seems I tend ta’ say a lot silly thangs.” he lets out a soft chuckle as he leans into the others touch, chancing a gentle bonk to the others forehead. considering, he hadn’t heard the crackly objection from his counterpart, he assumed that it was fine.
Though from the mere mention of it causing him to go and chase after Amos, his cheeks puffed up as he gave a sharp shake of his head, carefully taking Percy’s hand and placing it over his chest, the soft glow that had been previously unnoticeable had brightened significantly from the proximity.
“Ain’t no way m’going after anybody but you. I may heckle Rory ‘bout things but, I wouldn’t be here without ya, might not always see eye to eye wit’ him but if there’s anything that we can actually agree on, it’s that yer the best thing that’s ever happened ta’ us.”
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He cups the others cheek, thumb brushing over the ink splotch on his cheek. “Ain’t nothing can compare, I jus’ wanted to make sure ya got that in yer head before I crack open the can o’ snakes.” he smiles softly at his partner before leaning back and letting out a sigh as he intertwined their fingers again.
“If I’m talkin’ bout it.  I gotta start at the beginnin’….which might make this a pretty long story. Might have to take it in chunks to keep stable. Don’t wanna crash or somethin’ not entirely sure how that still works. but I think I’m gettin’ it.”
“Ya sure ya still wanna go into it? Last chance to tap out.” he asks with a playful grin.
Maybe it was just the hesitance on his part of things that made him feel the need to offer another opportunity to just bury it and ignore it.
But if he didn’t offer than he’d be kicking himself about it later, even if he could feel the metaphorical eyeroll of his counter part. It’d be good for him too he supposed. It was easier to process things when you could put it as something that happened to someone else.
In a way, Rory had done a good job of protecting himself with his refusal to consider Ace and himself the same person. Hopefully not enough to continue to suppress everything.
It’d be hard to deal with and let go if half of him denied it’s existence in the first place.
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