#return to animatronica
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im going back into my return to animatronica phase i don鈥檛 know how to feel about this
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FNaF World: Welcome to the Freakshow!
Today I challenged myself to see how many characters I could complete in one day. We've got a lot to cover, so let's get started with...
Scrap Baby!
Pizzeria Simulator's iconic wretched dumpster clown!
Some of my finest modeling and animation! Scrap baby was a doozy of a design to try to simplify. She practically has the detail of every Sister Location character combined! Naturally, this proved to be quite the challenge, but in the end it turned out great. The shapes are very smooth and the rigging is exquisite. You can hardly even tell with how swift the animations are, but I was very deliberate with how those little wire-orb things were rigged. They move with the limbs and body to skillfully avoid obvious instances of clipping!
There were lots of hooks and curves involved in the blender process, and it was a meticulous and precarious process, but I managed to pull Scrap Baby together in about three days. After finishing her today, I figured "Hey, why not do a couple more! I have it in me!" And with that, my quest began. The next character(s?) I tackled was...
The Minireena duo!
Everyone's favorite claustrophobic nightmare children!
I decided to go with two of them, in reference to Sister Location Custom Night's two different sets of Minireenas, and also because just one would be far too small!
Now these little punks were a delightfully obnoxious design process! I'd never had the (dis)pleasure of working with two separate armatures in one character before this, and it was quite the challenge. But you all know I like a good modeling/animation challenge. It gives the sometimes boring process some novelty!
Sidenote: Minireenas' eyes are kind of weird. They show up only in specific instances, but are absent the rest of the time. Obviously so, as you can see their little endoskeleton in their custom night icon. No eyes! I think Scott just needed a way to make their jumpscares a little more intense, and didn't want to worry about giving them eyes anywhere else. But hey, those beady yellow peepers definitely worked! They're quite the uncanny sight!
Next, we've got the one, the only...
Sister Location Custom Night's very own adorable nuisance!
Remember earlier, when I mentioned how just one Minireena would be too small by itself? There wasn't any getting around it this time. Bonnet is, by all accounts, a palette swap of Bon Bon, but does that hold her back from having her very own identity independent of his? Absolutely not! Bonnet has set herself apart with her signature mosey, her insecurity about her (literal) button nose, and her unnerving ability to maneuver around without the aid of an uncanny, leg-bearing, scary bear companion! (Try saying that five times fast!)
It's a little tough to make a character like this work on their own, but I managed to pull it off, and have somehow produced some of my favorite animations so far. Her big leap is very rabbit-like, and it's pretty natural-looking. Her hurt animation has a little shiver to it, like she's shuddering from discomfort. Her animations managed to be very lifelike, despite the limitations of the character's design.
Next up, in a sort of redundant fashion, we've got...
The oddball salesman adapted for the screen!
Kind of an odd choice of character, considering Lolbit's already been in FNaF World, but with their breakout roles in Sister Location Custom Night and Ultimate Custom Night since their initial debut, I figured it was prudent to include them. My working theory is that once the story of FNaF World had concluded, Lolbit got bored of hanging around in Animatronica, and decided to find some business elsewhere, winding up with their unforgettable inclusion as a face on a series of screens that forces you to type buttons on your keyboard. Not the most stunning appearance, but hey, it's unique! And it's funding the development of new and better Bytes! Then once their contract expired, Lolbit returned to Animatronica to continue developing Bytes, only to find that new shopkeepers had arrived to take their place. Naturally, this meant Lolbit had only one thing left to do: tag along with the adventurers to find someplace to sell without competition!
In contrast to Funtime Foxy's monstrousness, I gave Lolbit the cheeky, cheerful charisma they've been rocking in every one of their appearances across the franchise. As a result, Lolbit's animations are teeming with callous impudence!
Finally, the character you've all been waiting for, the main attraction, the star of the show... It's:
Gumball Swivelhands!
Pizzeria Simulator's shockingly stupendous sweet-supplier!
Bet you weren't expecting this one, were you? Move over Candy Cadet, Gumball Swivelhands is the new star of the candy-dispensing show!
This character was unexpectedly fun to animate, and I adored the opportunity to model its face, but I must say, that expression seems awfully familiar. I can't quite put my finger on it, but it makes me feel a profoundly frustrated sense of d茅j脿 vu...
Pizzeria Simulator is chock-full of memorable character designs, and despite its apparent genericity, there's always been something striking to me about Gumball Swivelhands. A concentrated sense of whimsy permeates this character like the suffocating aroma of six different flavors of bubble gum surrounds a gumball machine.
To me, this is what FNaF World is all about! Identifying and celebrating even the strangest corners of Five Nights at Freddy's history! There's a place for iconic, fan-favorite characters, right alongside obscure, sometimes even downright forgettable weirdos like this one! Five Nights at Freddy's is a freakshow, but not one that ridicules its freaks, one that holds them up high with a combination of joy and pride, like a father whose son has won the big sports game. "That's my son!" FNaF says, gesturing to the Eggbaby. "Hooray!" I scream from the bleachers. "Three cheers for these wonderful weirdos! Hip hip, hooray!"
I look forward to whatever I have to share next time. As always, thanks so much for tuning in! I'll catch you on the flipside!
#art#mellowtrashtrash#3d artwork#blender#3d animation#fanart#fnaf world#five nights at freddy's#fnaf#animation#circus baby#clown#gumball swivelhands#lolbit#scrap baby#fnaf sl#fnaf 6#bonnet#minireena
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Traumas and Confessions (tealer x frill) @waluigis-massive-fucking-tits @that-gay-crow
(Ok so i was originally gonna make this wholesome, but decided to make some angst at the beginning. Also im not a good writer so sorry if cringe. Also this si my first time writing angst)
It was a month after the "incident". An incident that changed everything.
A murder.
Tealerland closed, its doors probably never opening again. Left to rot. Forgotten.
And tealer could not help but feel disgusted at himself. He fully believed it was his fault.
He alongside the others, willow, frill and tacey, were moved underground so they would not suffer from vandalism.
But in reality they were put in there becuase of them. Not safety for them, but safety from them.
The corpse of the victim was found inside him. Or more like pulled from him. If tealer could vomit, he would have. He still remembers most of it...
Tealer opens his eyes, or well, activates them. He was under maintinence, and was getting checked up by one of the workers. Keyword was.
"Hm? Whats this?" He said to himself. He felt heavy. He also noticed something that caught him off guard.
The worker was nowhere to be seen, instead, he saw frill looking at him with something he never saw frill have.
Fear. Fear and disgust.
He then heard his voice. "Tealer, please." Frill said with Dont. Look. Down." Frill said with emphasis on every word. Tealer got scared, because he has had experiance with an angry frill, and seeing him like this scared him.
But tealer ignored him, and looked down.
Now he knew why he felt so heavy. He saw a very human looking arm sticking out of his stomach. He also noticed the blood on his fur.
Did he......?
Tealer started shaking, and felt like he was choking. He never felt this way what is happening?
"Tealer?" He could hear frill's voice. "Tealer!? TEALER!?" Frill screamed his voice multiples times. Each time he sounded further away. He then heard the sound of a door opening.
"TEALER!!!!" "EEEEK" Tealer practically jumps and screeches. He then noticed where he was. 3 animatronicas were there with him. A wyvern, a smaller dragon holding a doll, and a mime treceratops.
Willow, tacey, and mischievous were looking at him worried.
"Tealer are you ok? You looked like you were spacing out." His younger brother, mischievous looked at him with worry.
"Huh? Oh im fine buddy!" Tealer tried acting happy to try to not worry them. "I feel better as ever! I was just thinking about good jokes to tell that is all!" Tealer said with a grin. The other 3 did not buy this at all.
"If you were thinking about jokes, you would have not screamed like that when i called you the 7th time." Willow said with a serious look on her face, which was rare. Tacey also looked serious.
"Are you really ok tealer? Be honest please." Tacey tried being as polite as she could. She alongside mischievous, did not want to see their elder brother hurt.
Tealer felt terrible, because he knew he was worrying them. But he did not want to worry them further. "Im serious! I really do fee-" he was interrupted when he felt a hand grab his shoulder. He looked behind him and saw frill looking at him with a face that meant business. Did he anger him again?
Frill looked at the other 3 "i need to speak with tealer in orivate. I hope you dont need him?" He says looking at willow.
"No, but please be careful with him, he just spaced out." Willow said. Tealer gave her a "what are you doing!?" Look, while frill glared at him.
"Come. Now." Frill says walking away. Tealer follows suit horrified.
"Did you have to tell frill that? He looked even more mad now." Mischievous asks willow. Willow looks at him.
"I know what im doing. Trust me."
Frill and tealer are currently in a supply closet. It was an udnerstatment to say the frill was angry.
Tealer was scared, because he knew what frill was going to say.
"S-so, W-what did you n-need?" Tealer was shaking.
"How many times did i tell you? How. Many. Tealer." Frill said with his arms crossed. "If you dont feel ok, come to me." Frill looked at tealer with a more calmer look.
"R-right. Sorry." He really did forget. But he did not want to worry frill.
"So, what happened?" Frill asked.
"I was thinking... about it." Tealer responded looking down at the floor.
"The... corpse?" Frill said with caution. Tealer nods. But then he says something that pisses frill off.
"My muerder victim..." tealer says looking down. He then hears loud footsteps and ths souns of armor. Frill was infront of him looking at him wirh anger.
"What did you say?"
Tealer shakes his head "i-im sorry i did not-" tealer winces as frill slams a hand in the wall beside him.
"Why are you apologizing!? ITS NOT YOUR FAULT!" Frill screamed. And tealer out of nowhere, felt angered.
He looks at frill angrily. "It IS my fault." Tealer says with a glare. "I dont even know why you even care for a murderer like me..."
"Stop that..." frill threatens tealer. "Dont say that. You know its no-"
"NO!" tealer pushes frill, knocking him to the ground. "I AM A MURDERER FRILL! A MURDERER! WHY YOU EVEN STILL CONSIDER ME A FRIEND IS WEIRD!" Tealer pants cause of his outburst. He then realized what he did.
Frill started standing up and tealer prepared for the worst. But what happened next will always be remembered by tealer.
Frill looked at him, and proceeded to hug him. Tealer was frozen in schock, he did not expect this. Before he could protest, frill spoke.
"Listen to me. Please." Frill said in a calming voice, something he never saw frill do towards him. Tealer could feel calmer in his embrace. "You are not the murderer. You were framed." Frill pulls out from the hug and teal saw that frill no longer had a angry look, but a sad one. Tealer took time to process what he said. This whole situation has tealer confused.
"By who?" Tealer asks, his anger gone.
Frill sighed, and the words he proceeds to say surprsie tealer.
"David artel." Frill said as if it was taboo. "He, was the one that killed him and... pushed the corpse inside you..." frill said with clear disgust.
"I-i-" tealer could not speak properly. He knew frill is not lying, frill would never lie about these things. But instead of feeling happy that he was not the murderer, he felt another way.
Betrayed. David, his creator, framed him for a murder.
"It hurts." Tealer said looking down. "I thought he cared about us. And this is what he does?" Tealer was not even mad, just dissapointed. But at the very least, tealer could be at some peace since he did not kill someone.
But something other than the incident has been bothering tealer.
Tealer noticed that since the incident frill has been the one helping him. Yes the others did help him too, but frill has been since day one taking care of tealer. He was also the one that was there with him in the incident. Its not that he does not appreciate his help. He just never understood why.
Frill has been known to not be the nicest lizard. He is always serious or very strict. But when he is around tealer, he is very kind or calm with him.
In fact, he was the one helping tealer during panic attacks, as the others did not know what to do.
And so he took the chance that they were in private.
"Thank you frill. I really am grateful you told me this. But i still dont understand something." Tealer said looking at frill in the eyes. Frill raises an eyebrow.
"Why do you care so much about me?" At this question frill narrows his eyes. "O-oh i m sorry if that was out of line!" Tealer quickly apologized, and his fear returned.
"Its fine. In fact, im glad you asked." Frill said smiling a bit. "That was the reason why i was looking for you in the first place."
Frill looked at tealer in the eyes. "When we first performed together, i for some odd reason had my eyes on you. Seeing you happy, playing around with the children, laughing." Frill smiles as he remembers those moments. "Honestly, i thought you were to cute for your own good." Frill chuckles a bit. Tealer blushes like crazy, but he did not say anything so he did not interrupt frill.
"You really are an amazing dragon tealer. You always made the others smile, even me. Everyone here loves you." Frill then sighs. "So when i found you in that room, with the body inside you, i panicked. Not only did something horrific happen, you were hurt and blamed for something you did not do." Frill then scoffs. "Its an understatment to say i was angry when i found out it was david. I almost killed the bastard." So thats why david has not returned. Frill got him tealer thought. "I then noticed how this changed you. You were not always as happy as before, and dont pretend i have not heard you crying alone." Tealer lowers his head cause it was true. He did cry in secret.
"To be honest, i did not understand either why i cared so much about you. But yesterday i realized why." Frill approached tealer.
"Tealer. I love you."
Tealer, surprised beyond imagination, simply stood there looking at frill.
"Everytime you laughed or smiled, something inside me told me i must protect you. And soon i began seeing you in a different way. I wish to cherish you and your smile. I want to be the one to make you smile. And i want to be the one to help you in your darkests times." Frill then proceeds to kneel.
"Tealer, willl you let me be the lizard to make you happy?" Frill said looking at tealer.
Tealer begins to cry. "Frill i-" he does not how to respond, so he too kneels and proceeds to hug him. He then proceeds to sob. "Frill, *sniff*thank you. Thank you so much." Tealer, with teary eyes looks at frill with a smile.
"Let me be too the one to make you happy." Tealer says as a response to frill's earlier question.
Frill smiles like an excited child as his eyes to start to tear up. " Is this a yes!?" Frill says as his long tail begins to wag in excitement.
Tealer laughs at the sight. "*sniff* yes you dork!"
Frill then kisses tealer.
He widens his eyes and gives tealer an apologetic look. "Im sorry i just-" tealer kisses him back.
As they break the kiss tealer giggles. "Its fine. I liked it." They both stand up. Frill's tail was still wagging in happiness. "Look at you all happy. And then you say im the cute one!" Tealer give frill a playful jab. Frill laughs.
"Well sorry to break it to you jester, but you are the cuter one!" Frill says as he procedss to give a head pat to tealer. He then notices how tealer begins to wag his tail aswell. "Aha! You just proved my point!"
Tealer simply snuggles with frill. But they heard squeals from outside the door
"Mischievous, tacey! They are gonna find out!" Willow whispers.
"Sorry!" Tacey and mischievous apologize quietly.
Tealer and frill look at each other, and proceed to exit the room. They then saw tacey, mischievous and willow in the hallway. They both knew why they were there.
Frill sighs. "Let me guess, willow decided to spy on us and and ypu two joined." Frill said looking at the clown and mime. They both nod scared.
"Aww c'mon frilley, they were gonna find out soon enough!" Tealer said, making frill blush at the nickname. Then tealer looks at the other 3.
"Now then, may we know how long you were here?" Taler said crossing his arms and tapping his legs on the ground like a mad parent jokingly.
"We arrived when frill started his confession. And i have to say frill, you should become a romance writer!" Willow said giggling. Frill blushes even more with a now grumpy face.
"Oh you are buring at the stake today witch!" Frill with sword in hand, was about to charge at her when he felt someone grab his tail.
Tealer, gripping frill's tail, pulled him back. "If you attack her, no cuddle later." Tealer said in a fake angry tone. Frill gasps dramatically and then looks at willow.
"You are safe this time. But know that this is not the end." Frill sheaths his sword.
After that silence.
"So, want to play go fish? I found some cards earlier in one of the offices." Mischievous says trying to break the silence.
They all agree and proceed to go back to one of the offices. They noticed tealer and frill holding hands, and tried all they could not to squeal so they dont anger frill.
(Quick note: t lure and deterrent are not activated yet.)
#tealerland#tealer#frill#willow#tacey#mischievous#friller#whooo boy#this was actually fun to write honsetly#sorry if cringey again
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Character Name: Michael Dieter Schmidt
Character Role: Lone Fox of the Dusting Fields (Offense)
Mun Name: Gery/Vincent
Blog: sxhmiddy
Group: Solo
Origin: A human with an extreme healing factor from a version of the flipside filled with magic
Brief Background:
聽 It's been a long time since Mike had been deposited face-first into the land of Animatronica. He can't even remember how long it's been.
聽 Mike had blamed the strange occurrence on the wild magic of his home universe, and expected fully to be randomly returned home and back to his original form not too long after. But it never happened. Mike began to grow desperate, nearly trapping himself in the fourth layer of the sub-tunnels trying to get home.
聽聽Now, Mike lives in a burrow near the Ferris wheel in the Dusting Fields, his sense of pride and independence keeping him from joining a guild or team. Scrounging the land and battling the enemies he鈥檚 encountered has worn the cloth covering clean off his hands, and an encounter with a boss monster cost him his left arm. He struggles to get by, but refuses to get help.
聽聽He misses home, and he misses his family. His only goal is to get back to them.
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Jewel Shark Toy Foxy
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Piranha Plushtrap!
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Sunken Toy Bonnie
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this a group for people who play fucking RETURN TO ANIMATRONICA. why are you telling this guy his public execution is coming soon 馃槶
why is there drama on the fazbears funtime service roblox group wall excuse me
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