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ceeejus · 1 year ago
Hi so like. This might sound like a very silly question but how did you get your art riso printed? Like, did you order it from a printing shop, or print it yourself? I looked at the prices of these printers out of curiosity and they seem like, surprisingly expensive so it got me thinking that I missed some cheaper offer or smth because I'm seeing more and more mention of riso printing and just. Wonder how anyone other than an office or smth can afford that lmao
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hey anon! not silly at all--i love to talk riso and am always happy to share resources! putting this under a readmore because i got very rambly lol
i do print 99% of my risos myself-- i bought a used/refurbished riso EZ220 in 2020 (which is a pretty old model) so it was ~$750 USD for the machine + one color drum (this is a whole separate beast of costs). but you're absolutely correct, risos (especially new/not refurb) can be very expensive-- brand new current model ones i think can be like. the price of a new car, which is crazy. some of that's due to it being a very complicated machine, and some of that might also be due to import costs depending on location. sometimes riso dealers will have sales, especially on refurbished models, so if you are someone who's interested in buying one i would keep an eye out for something like that*. but also buying a riso definitely isn't something i would recommend if you're just starting to get into it-- they require more upkeep than a standard printer, in addition to the price (NOT TO MENTION THE SIZE.. mine is a smaller model and it weighs more than 200lbs. trying to get it into my apartment was a nightmare.)
(*if this is something you or anyone else is interested in i have further tips on this but i dont think thats really the point of this ask so i wont put them here LOL)
HOWEVER! aside from owning your own riso, there's definitely way more accessible/affordable* (*not usually cheap but definitely cheaper than buying a thousand dollar machine) ways to get into riso printing. a lot of risograph small presses will offer print services, where you set up a file and choose colors and they print for you and send them back to you. some places may also provide file setup for an additional fee. this kind of thing is definitely more expensive than ordering a standard print, and often there will be a minimum quantity that you have to order (due to the way the riso works, the more you print the more economical it is to make the print, basically). the 1% of prints i haven't printed myself i got from retroJAM Taiwan as part of a group show/order, but there are a LOT of printshops that offer this! I'm not sure what country you're in, but stencil.wiki has a great atlas here-- i'm not sure all listed here offer this, but worth a look. looking around in tags on instagram or twitter might also get you results of print places that aren't listed here.
another option (depending on location) is to take a class. a lot of colleges or community art centers have risos-- some print shops may also have community risos. classes can definitely be expensive, but often after you take the class sometimes there will be options to buy studio time to continue using the machine. (often you can't do just studio time without class, because risos are expensive and particular and very easy to break haha. obviously this makes the whole endeavor more expensive because you have to pay for class too, but once you're certified at a location you gain a bit of trust lol.) before i had my machine i was lucky enough to take a class at sva and use their print lab, which is beautiful!! and also kind of expensive to buy lab hours for (iirc, this was like 5 years ago) unless you're enrolled which makes sense. for a LONG time after that i printed at the EFA riso room which was a little more affordable (and overall easier to book studio time at. i love them!!!!)-- if covid hadn't happened i would probably still be printing there. most of my knowledge of classes is for the ny area, but again depending on where you are there might be some in your area too-- again stencil.wiki or even just poking around on instagram is how i usually find other print shops whose work i want to check out (so hopefully it'll work for this kind of thing too lol).
this definitely isn't like. an exhaustive list of riso options but hopefully this answers your question!! again i am always happy to talk riso-- i spent a long time wanting to get into it and not being sure how to and am also relatively a riso hobbyist (as opposed to like, a printing press) so always glad to pass on knowledge of how to get into riso Casually, haha.
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evonyo · 7 years ago
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Went to taiwan on vacation recently and went to my favorite print store retro jam. Made a bunch of dumb bug t-shirts and cloths. And made my first riso print! So much fun!
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chuyi12312 · 5 years ago
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sungdiyen · 5 years ago
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2020 The year of You 子鼠於你 獻給汲汲營營,工作不停,社畜人生,永不止息的社畜們。 Item: 賀年卡 Graphic Design: Sung, Di-Yen 宋狄諺 Illustrator: Sung, Di-Yen 宋狄諺 Print: Retro jam Taiwan -Paper: 素白紙 -Color: 金、綠、橘紅 More https://www.behance.net/gallery/94904549/2020-The-year-of-You- #graphic #graphicdesign #retrojam #printmaker #screenprint #risographic #印刷 #riso #mouse #newyear #newyearcard #鼠年 #print #printdesign #card #Rat #cat #illustration #插畫 #typo ,#typographic #賀年卡  #thedesignblacklist #visualgraphc  #designinspiration #graphicindex #certainmagazine #snapmag #posterreposter #grafikradar(在 Taipei, Taiwan) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-05NbGBcr_/?igshid=lpknp7p195zy
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medium2studio · 8 years ago
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\ [ 庸貳雜談5 ]
這次我們特地用工業設計用的3D軟體執行賀年卡封面,而不用插畫繪製封面。雖然封面上的雞只佔很小的空間,我們還是把他完整的由手稿發散到3D全部做了出來,軟體部分是使用Rhinoceros,搭配Vray for Rhino進行算圖。
Nurbs這種曲面方式其實不太適合建構生物曲面,但經適度簡化、理清造型頭緒後,其實是完全沒有問題的。Nurbs是一種四邊成面的構成3D曲面方式,其自由度以及極高的曲面品質,讓它成為工業設計裡執行複雜外觀的利器。目前主流Nurbs軟體是Alias以及Rhinoceros,兩者認真講起來還有相同血緣。至於誰優誰弱,則沒有個一定的講法,庸貳設計目前是使用Rhinoceros 5進行外觀設計。
印刷部分,則採用了RISO孔版印刷,很幸運的今年台北開設了來自大阪的[ Retro印刷JAM ],讓大家可以更快速、更親民的體驗這種印刷方式。這種低廉的印刷方式其實缺點很多,網點明顯、漸層不連續、色板板位難以對準,但卻別有一番風味,讓大家更能去注意、去體驗油墨的美。有機會的話建議大家都可以試試!或是RETRO也有另外一種自行手刷的捐印可玩,也非常推薦。
詳細的卡片製作過程請進入相簿裡面瀏覽,謝謝。 今天雜談就到這邊, 祝大家 新年快樂 萬事如意!
\ [ いろいろな話 ]
年賀状のカバーの鳥はイラストじゃなくて、スケッチから3Dソフトまでプロダクトデザインの仕方で描きました。 ソフトはライノセラスとVRAYです。
Nurbsサーフェスで生き物の3Dデータを作るのが難しいですが、形を簡単にすれば、全然ありです。 Nurbsサーフェスは四つ辺で組み合わせで、クラスAサーフェスを作ることができます。デザイナーにとって、どんな複雑な3Dデータでも作れます。よくNurbsサーフェスを作るソフトはアリアスとライノセラスで、どちらの方が良いのか人によって、違うと思います。私たちが今使ってるのがライノセラスです。 ソフトについて、詳しいことはまた別の日に話します。
ところで、年賀状の印刷はリソグラフという仕方で去年、大阪からのRetro印刷JAM台北支店に頼まれました。リソグラフが速いし、コストも低いしメリットがあります。一方、ハーフトーンも見やすいし、グラデーションも自然じゃないし、版ズレが起こしやすい欠点があります。でも、完璧じゃないところこそ魅力があります。 RETROで手刷りの網点印刷も体験できます。オススメです。
詳しい年賀状を作る過程の写真を見てください! 今年もよろしくお願いいたします。
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spaceboundspacehound · 7 years ago
If you think someone is too pure for this world they're probably way too pure for you and if you have a tendency to catastrophise and hate yourself for the smallest indiscretions, congratulations, you will self-flagellate and self-destruct 👍👍👍
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cedieleprince · 7 years ago
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Karaoke nights with loves @sammonjardin @coldpey @yupyupyap @joseph_lou and GP! Tawang-tawa kami sa *applause* button! 😂👏🎤🎶 #cookielove #karaoke #friends #RetroJam #highschoolneverends (at Retro Jam KTV Lounge)
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20sixmtb · 7 years ago
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Can you beat these two at the #20sixmtb #retrojam in September. New venue this year @hodgemoor_trails so lots more to play on #linkinbio for entries in advance. #retromtb #retromountainbike #classicmtb #classicmountainbike #26er #26aintdead it’s getting dressed up and messing about in the woods. (at Hodgemoor Woods Bike Park)
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headlesssamurai · 8 years ago
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hengalonsy · 7 years ago
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Retrojam AR market !
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cariller · 6 years ago
Click to listen at CDBaby  
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jamesdbuzzard-blog · 7 years ago
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Still looking to get into Retropie? The Retropie Installation Guide is up at JamesDBuzzard.Com 👨‍💻 check it out! #Buzzlabs #retropieproject #retrojames #retrogames #raspberrypi #raspberrypi3 #makerspace #modders #RetroGaming #jamesdbuzzard #blogger #webdesign #website #wordpress #contentcreator #instructions #diy #guide #instructionalguide #instructables #howto #retropie #emulationstation #petrockblog #techwiztime #pie #pieday #sundayfunday #vintagegames #personalwebsite #jamesdbuzzardcom #facebook #retrojamesretrogames (at Aurora, Illinois)
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languages-for-businesses · 8 years ago
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Your life, Your Playlist by Diogo Silva Santos, 21st June 2017
Isn’t music great at taking you back to certain times in your life and helping you to reminisce?
#Retrojam is one of those #websites with such a clever but simple idea behind it that I don't understand why it wasn't created sooner!
Through this easy-to-use and free of charge website you'll know what was rocking when you were born, and listen again to all the great songs you still remember and enjoyed while graduating (and also some of the songs you wish you had forgotten...)
The results are based on #Spotify and clearly American-biased, something that I imagine will change and improve as the website becomes more popular, and more data is added. Nevertheless, even as it is right now, you will definitely have a great time walking down the memory lane.
Go to #www.retroj.am and enjoy your musical travel!
(And don't you worry about some past hits that you enjoyed very much sounding way better back then. You have evolved as a person so your #musical taste could only evolve and improve too!!)
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letsgobacktolacanau · 9 years ago
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Retrojam with these huns 👯💃🏼🎉 #retrojam #Southampton #uni #fourthyear #sleepalldaypartyallnight (at Junk)
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akanehuang · 9 years ago
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久違絹印體驗! #retrojam #看板娘奧莉維亞蔡
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e-lephante · 9 years ago
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Bae since dae 😘 #vsco #vscam #vscocam #junk #retrojam #southampton #mygal
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