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dansnaturepictures · 5 months ago
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08/09/2024-A Sparrowhawk in the garden which we had a thrilling encounter seeing, beautiful rainbow at Hill Head, fuchsia in the garden and another great recent Osprey sighting at Hill Head. We saw a Sparrowhawk at Hill Head today too.
Only my third ever Wryneck my 205th bird of the year an exquisite bird to see, Hobby in a very strong start to a week off work we have this week for seeing birds of prey, my first Brent Geese of the season amazing to see two of my very favourite birds Brent Goose and Osprey on one day not something I've done before being a winter migrant and summer migrant respectively here their seasons don't overlap by much, Whitethroat, Painted Lady and Red Admiral butterflies chasing each other, Emperor dragonfly, restharrow and scentless mayweed at Hill Head and Blue Tit seen well at home too were among other highlights today.
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theyoungwaldschrat · 2 years ago
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Medicago sativa ssp falcata - sickle alfalfa Ononis repens - restharrow Reseda lutea - wild mignonette
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greencheekconure27 · 7 months ago
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floralfemm3 · 8 months ago
I saw SO MANY flowers today y'all
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les-larmes-d-eros · 5 months ago
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Bugrane (Restharrow EN), par Viki Kollerová, 2022
La Bugrane est le nom de la plante qui constitue le buisson de cette photographie. (Note de Larmes d'Éros)
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delightingintragedy · 1 year ago
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Mars Correspondences
From Christian Astrology by William Lilly
(It is mostly word for word. I tried to format it to fit into a nice correspondence list, but the information itself is untouched.)
Zodiac: Aries is his Day-house, Scorpio is his Night-house. Exhaulted in Capricorn, Depressed in Cancer, Detriment in Libra and Taurus.
Nature: Masculine, Nocturnal Planet, in nature hot and dry, choleric and fiery, the lesser Infortune, author of Quarrels, Strifes, and Contentions.
Profession: Princes Ruling by Tyranny and Oppression, or Tyrants, Usurpers, new Conquerors. Generals in Armies, Colonels, Captains, or any Soldiers having command in Armies, all manner of Soldiers, Physicians, Apothecaries, Surgeons, Alchemists, Gunners, Butchers, Marshals, Sergeants, Bailiffs, Hangmen, Thieves, Smiths, Bakers, Armourers, Watchmakers, Botchers, Tailors, Cutlers of Swords and Knives, Barbers, Dyers, Cooks, Carpenters, Gamesters, Bear-wards, Tanners, Curriers.
Diseases: The Gall, the left Ear, tertian Fevers, pestilent burning Fevers, Migraines in the Head, Carbuncles, the Plague and all Plague-sores, Burnings, Ringworm, Blisters, Frenzies, mad sudden distempers in the Head, Yellow-jaundice, Bloodyflux, Fistulas, all Wounds and Diseases in men's Genitals, the Stone both in Reins and Bladder, Scars or small Pox in the Face, all hurts by Iron, the Shingles, and such other Diseases as arise by abundance of too much Choler, Anger or Passion.
Colour: Red colour, or Yellow, fiery and shining like Saffron.
Savour: Those which are bitter, sharp and burn the Tongue.
Herbs: The Herbs which we attribute to Mars are such as come near to redness, whose leaves are pointed and sharp, whose taste is caustic and burning, love to grow on dry places, are corrosive, and penetrating the Flesh and Bone with a most subtle heat: They are as follows: The Nettle, all manner of Thistles, Restharrow or Cammock, Devils-milk or Petty spurge, the white and red Brambles, the white called vulgarly by the Herbalists Ramme, Lingwort, Onions, Scammony, Garlic, Mustard-seed, Pepper, Ginger, Leeks, Dittander, Horehound, Hemlock, red Sanders, Tamarinds, all Herbs attracting or drawing choler by Sympathy, Radish, Castoreum, Aresmart, Assarum, Carduus Benedictus, Cantharides.
Trees: All Trees which are prickly, as a Thorn, Chestnut.
Beasts: Panther, Tiger, Mastiff, Vulture, Fox; of living creatures, those that are Warlike, Ravenous and Bold, the Castor, Horse, Mule, Ostrich, the Goat, the Wolf, the Leopard, the wild Ass, the Gnats, Flies, Lapwing, Cockatrice, the Griffin, Bear.
Fishes, etc: The Pike, the Shark, the Barbel, the Fork-fish, all stinking Worms, Scorpions.
Birds, etc: The Hawk, the Vulture, the Kite or Glead, (all ravenous Fowl), the Raven, Cormorant, the Owl, (some say the Eagle), the Crow, the Pye.
Places: Smith's Shops, Furnaces, Slaughterhouses, places where Bricks or Charcoal are burned or have been burned, Chimneys, Forges.
Minerals: Iron, Antimony, Arsenic, Brimstone, Ochre.
Stones: Adamant, Loadstone, Bloodstone, Jasper, the many coloured Amethyst, the Touchstone, red Lead or Vermilion.
Weather: Red Clouds, Thunder, Lightning, Fiery impressions, and pestilent Airs, which usually appear after a long time of dryness and fair Weather, by improper and unwholesome Mists.
Winds: Western Winds
Angel: Samael
Planetary Alliances: His Friends are only Venus; Enemies all the other planets.
Week Day: Tuesday
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Correspondence posts for the other planets: [Sun] [Moon] [Mercury] [Venus] [Jupiter] [Saturn]
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come-outside · 2 years ago
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some photos i took on the dunes at beach A!
dunes are formed on beaches with a wide breadth; as the wind blows inward from the shore on sandy beaches, beach grasses such as matron will root in the loose sand and give it structural integrity. the sand will up the bank, crest the peak, and settle behind, building up dunes! the grass is crucial to this process.
you get a lot of variation in plant life depending on the stage of the dune — embryo dunes, mobile dunes, or fixed dunes, which transition into grassland typically.
the order of these photos goes, from first to last, from the dunes closest to the coast to those furthest away. they are in order:
semi-fixed dunes:
coltsfoot and … i think a form of restharrow? i am not sure! — coltsfoot gets its name from its hoof-shaped leaves. it is a flowering plant! none were flowering yet though.
bird’s-foot trefoil — another generalist, but i see it most along the coast. it is the larval food of the common blue butterfly!
fixed dunes:
bloody geranium — this gets its namesake from its new growths, which appear bright red!
ragwort — a generalist of a flower than can be found in most grasslands!
white deadnettle — another generalist
hemlock — a generalist often found near path sides, as this one was. i believe it is hemlock rather than cow parsley due to the purple splotches on its thick stem.
dove’s-foot crane’s-bill (a geranium)
here are some other photos of the dunes that show a variety of other plants:
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these were all taken in the semi-fixed to fixed dunes! we have in order:
goose grey and some more bird’s-foot trefoil
miniature daisies and mouse-ear hawk weeds
dandelion, hawks bit, common yarrow, and meadow pea!
there was so much to see on the dunes, and i definitely did not cover all of it. i believe a majority of the grass was marram grass. i also saw a lot of snail shells, and some sycamore trees were encroaching down the hill (although they weren’t doing great!)
the surrounding area is magnesium limestone that is unique to the northeast of england, meaning that the cliffs here are alkaline rather than acidic. it is also rich in calcium and, of course, magnesium — which gives us great potential for species richness and contributes to the uniqueness of our heritage coasts. most of our magnesium limestone comes in the form of dolomite!
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kadunudtarkus · 1 year ago
Haisev jooksjarohi
Ononis arvensis L., Papilionaceae Luutõverohi, luuvalurohi, luujooksvarohi, põld-jooksjarohi, soonejooksvarohi, tõhklane, õhklane Field restharrow
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Haisev jooksjarohi kasvab aruniitudel, sagedamini teede läheduses, tarade ääres, liivikutel.
Ravimina kasutatakse juuri, mida korjatakse septembris ja oktoobris.
Tarvitatakse hemorroidide vastu ning uriinierituse soodustamise ja palaviku puhul.
Haisev jooksjarohi kasvab aruniitudel, sagedamini teede läheduses, tarade ääres, liivikutel. Vars on püstine või tõusev, tugev ja oksine, sagedasti punakaspruun, 30-60cm pikk, pikkade eemalehoiduvate karvadega, mille vahel on tihti näärmekarvu. Lehed on ülal lihtsad, all kolmetised, lehekesed piklik-elliptilised, hambulised, enam-vähem teritunud, enamasti näärmekarvased, veidi halvalehalised.
Õied liblikjad, roosad, harva valged või valkjad, kahekaupa lehtede kaenlas või ladva pool pikliku kobarana. Vili - paisunud kaun, lühem kui tupplehed.
Õitseb juulis ja augustis. Esineb sagedamini Lääne- ja Põhja-Eestis ning saartel. Mujal kasvab harva või puudub koguni.
Ravimina kasutatakse haisva jooksjarohu juurt - radix Ononidis. Ametlikult võeti see droog apteekides kasutamisele alles hiljuti.
Jooksjarohu juuri kogutakse sügisel. Juured kaevatakse maast välja ning raputatakse mullast puhtaks. Maapealsed taimeosad lõigatakse ära. Juured pestakse külgejäänud mullast kiiresti jooksvas vees ja lastakse mõni päev kuivas kohas närbuda, selle järel aga hästi tuulutatavas ruumis õhukese kihina kuivada. Pikad juured lõigatakse lühemateks tükkideks.
Droogi moodustavad silinderjad või kandilised juured, kuni 40cm pikad ja 0,5-2cm jämedad. Väljast on juured pruunid, seest kollakasvalged või hallid; neil on omapärane lõhn ja vastik mõrkjas maitse. Droogis lubatav niiskuse sisaldus on kuni 14%, tuhajääk 10%, orgaanilisi ja mineraalseid lisandeid võib olla mitte rohkem kui 1-2%.
Jooksjarohu juured sisaldavad kahealuselist triterpeenalkoholi onotseriini, isoflavoonglükosiidi, ononiini ja tundmata struktuuriga glükosiidi onooni, vähesel määral eeterlikku ja rasvõli, valku, fenoolseid ühendeid ja mineraalsoolasid.
Jooksjarohu juure keedist tarvitatakse peamiselt hemorroidide raviks.
Annused: võetakse 30 grammi droogi 1 liitri vee kohta; keedetakse seni, kuni on jäänud 1/2 liitrit vedelikku. Kurnatud vedelikku juuakse 3 korda päevas enne söömist, 1/4 klaasi korraga. Ravi kestab 2-4 nädalat.
Müügil on ka haisva jooksjarohu tinktuur - droogi alkoholväljat��mmatis, mida kasutatakse sama haiguse ravimiseks.
Haisva jooksjarohu keedist on tarvitatud ka uriinieritust soodustava vahendina ning palaviku ravimisel. Seda soovitati ka raviks neeru- ja põiekivide ning -liiva puhul, reumaatiliste haiguste ja kroonilise ohatistõve korral. Eestis on selle taime keedist tarvitatud peamiselt jooksva puhul. Sellest on taim saanud ka oma rahvapärased nimed.
Taime levi
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Tammeorg, J., Kook, O. & Vilbaste, G. (1973). Eesti NSV Ravimtaimed. Tallinn: Valgus.
Eesti taimede levikuatlas 2020
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loneberry · 2 years ago
All Souls
Saskia Hamilton (RIP)
Chemical burring of the tongue.
Good to be on the other side
of treatment for now.
We scroll on. Would a codex restore
the balance of recto and verso.
Take up the book. Dreams luminous
in anticipation of the alarm.
When it comes, how dark and modest waking is.
Reading the news, waiting for sleep or the night to pass, tap of rain on the window unit, desk of unfinished work in the next room. X the painter has died. Images in my hand of the enormous faces she painted, the cause of death in narrative paragraphs, all the world of representation compressed on the screen.
Why retell the stories of those before us? They already spoke them, or held their tongues—fell silent. A lifetime to overcome the prohibition not to. But the lens is all wrong these days. I’d thought it a sunset, a sketch, told again as all sunsets are. To say something sincerely yet inauthentically is the danger. And Eliot struck “Ode” from the first U.S. edition of his poems to prevent his mother from seeing it.…
What prompted that thought? Body does not want to sit up just yet. One two one two go the taps. The child stirs—light herewith emitted in the dark.
In search of a medicinal hour. Hortus:
sitting at the café with apple cake
while garden-goers stir the gravel path.
Compacted here, luxuriant trained growth
of teaberry, gentian, trumpet vine,
comfrey, field restharrow, &c.
Our apothecary ancestor with his liber ingressus
token entered here to gather the herbs
for infusions that were to aid the unwell
caught in the far gone far alone glance
of mortality, moving the clock hands
from one hour into the hour.
Who is there now to announce the triumph
of hope? But by and by, after
seeds have been scattered, stirred and covered over,
blossomed, gathered, dried, crushed. Hot, late afternoon,
bees crossing bees and white butterflies.
“Death closes all.” Yes. But were they granted
anything, none know beforehand,
breath going out for a decade,
returning in a century,
while those gathered there fall out of
their own pockets, or is it
the count and rhythm, unable
to fix a mark or a lover’s thought
at the moment when the face of the encounter
became knowledge completed.
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landfilloftrash · 2 days ago
My partner is avidly requesting the flower language meanings in the valentines' post (some of them aren't quite visible, but they are There) so I'm just gonna put it up here bc fuck it; you all get to know. Hope you all had a lovely Valentine's! Btw; The meanings I'm using are specifically from my book of flowers language, so if some don't show up in a google search, that is why. Agrimonia eupatoria (Agrimonia) - Gratitude/Thankfulness (it was said that to be able to offer protection against evil, poison, as well as banish negative energies and negative spirits) Anemone (Garden Anemone) - Abiding love, Anticipation, Sincerity, Healing, Love, Every Gardener's Pride (specifically in reference to how the God this campaign is also referred to as the Gardener) Aster amellus (Michaelmas Daisy) - Elegance, Faith, Hope, Light, Like a star, Power, I partake your sentiments, Symbol/Talisman of Love Myosotis (Forget-Me-Not) - Clinging to the past, memories, faithful love, forget me not Onobrychis (Saintfoin) - Agitation, Trust in God (gods & God in this case) Ononis (Restharrows) - Obstacles (a believed power was that it prevented spells)
Verbena officinalis (Common Verbena) - Cooperativeness, Enchantment, Hope in darkness, Peace, Pray for me, Rest, Safety, Security, You enchant me [specifically associated with Scarlet variation]; Church unity, Unite against evil
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motguernesiais · 10 months ago
Rigolisse n. m. [riɡolis] "Liquorice (plant or confection); common restharrow (due to similarity of flavour)", Glycyrrhiza glabra/Ononis repens
En Norouague il oiment lé rigolisse salaï; ch'est d'tché tchuriaeux, haen? - In Norway they like salted liquorice; it's strange stuff, eh?
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dansnaturepictures · 1 year ago
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Some more photos from my week off over the past week of; view at Pennington last Saturday, restharrow at RSPB Minsmere on Monday, Black Darter at Thursley on Tuesday, Osprey and White-tailed Eagle in Poole Harbour on Wednesday, Water Vole at Minsmere, Fallow Deers and Red Deer at Bushy Park on Thursday, Red Squirrel on Brownsea Island on Friday and Hobby at Thursley.
I love when we do a week off and fill it with day trips (albeit Minsmere required a night away) as much as wildlife holidays as it's just so nice to have so much time to look for and watch things, walk and take photos and often the momentum just flows through the week to get so much done and seen and this week was a phenomenal one. For photos and wildlife watching I used the time to join up dots of things to add/complete in my sensational year of wildlife watching. Getting my Red Squirrel photos in England this year on Brownsea to ensure I'd seen and photographed them in England, Scotland and Wales in 2023, in an amazing week of birds of prey with so many seen getting photos of many incredible birds including ones seen again that were key earlier on in my year which I didn't manage photos or flight photos of but did manage this week White-tailed Eagle and Hobby and the Black Darter sighting confirming my dragonfly and damselfly year list as my highest ever meaning all five of my year lists this year are my highest ever.
As well as a wonderful week of birds of prey waders/heron/ibis family birds played a big part with Bittern at Minsmere and Red-necked and Grey Phalarope in Hampshire on the Saturdays at Keyhaven and Titchfield Haven respectively fantastic additions to my bird year list. Greenshank in huge numbers at Brownsea, my recent good run of Ruffs continuing, Little Stint, Snipe, Common Sandpiper, Avocet, many gorgeous Spoonbills and Little Egret were other highlights. I enjoyed ducks Gadwall, Wigeon, Shoveler and oh so many Teals in places in fine colours. There were also the more unexpected moments like being serenaded by Woodlarks at Thursley and getting an amazing Kingfisher encounter at Titchfield Haven yesterday. Mammals ruled the week too with the Bushy Park experience we do every year a key part of the week with Red and Fallow Deers and Grey Squirrel, the latter again and Red Deer with Water Vole and Muntjac seen amazingly at Minsmere and Sika Deers on the Poole Harbour boat trip other highlights.
It was also a strong insect week with Migrant and Southern Hawker, Common Darter, Red Admiral, Peacock, Comma, Speckled Wood, Small Copper and Small Heath other dragonflies and butterflies seen well, still going well. Spiders, crickets and hornets were other highlights, with a small reptile theme early in the week too with the Grass Snake seen at Minsmere and those gorgeous Lizards sunbathing on Thursley's boardwalk. Marsh mallow, sundew and honeysuckle as well as heathers were among floral highlights of the week, with my good run for hawthorn, rose hips and other fruits running through the week. I got to take in many beautiful landscapes and I think as much as anything this week be that harbour, woodland, parkland, heath or wetland I was able to immerse myself in vast, wild and peaceful landscapes. With it all joined together, and it's not quite over yet with an afternoon ahead of us, it has been the perfect relaxing and joyful time that I needed.
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normystical · 28 days ago
alr i'll do it on a separate post so you can search tags. i'm just gonna finish browsing the list and write notes of potential names here for myself...
gaillardia, foxglove, galax, gayfeather, hollowroot, hollyhock, laburnum, larch, laurel, leadwort, larkspur, mallow, mazus, mezereon, myrsine, privet, restharrow, saffron, salix, scille, starwort, tares...
now i have to figure out what names to put in the poll :P
acanthus deadnettle and cybebus primrose, of course...
mazus gaillardia?
evron woodbine?
caspia burdock?
salix edelweiss?
do any of those work or???
im not sure what to name him,, for some reason "sirus" comes to mind but idk. (no typo btw. sirus NOT sirius. pronounced like cyrus lol) thoughts??
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(latter two doodles are by my mutuals @purplehairball and @sadcabbages respectively)
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greencheekconure27 · 7 months ago
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floralfemm3 · 8 months ago
I saw SO MANY flowers today y'all
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sixofclovers · 3 years ago
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eyes of god moms good looks
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