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exploresmallworlds · 1 year ago
A Sabbath for us all
As a child I was frustrated that on Saturdays we didn’t do anything because we were Seventh Day Adventists and we had the concept of a Sabbath. This was frustrating because I couldn’t do the things that I wanted to do. Most Saturday afternoons were spent by my parents napping because it was the end of a week and they needed rest. However, we were kids and we didn’t understand that this was actually a good idea. 
I’m a little older now and I’m fully a proponent of naps and no time to take them. The idea of the Sabbath is the most visceral thing that I miss. The rest of my background and former faith identity comes and goes in its intensity. But the idea that now that I’ve left that version of faith behind means that I have also left behind the intentional rest period is something that I want to institute back into my life and I often cannot. Hospitality, where I work is unforgiving, between that and a full time university degree I have gone weeks without significant periods of rest because the next thing just comes along and needs to be solved. It never really ends. 
I was completing assignments hours before I was supposed to go on placement. And I had just finished paid work. It's no wonder that I miss it. It's something that most working adults do get some version of but in this whirlwind of unpaid placements and full time university work and the fact that I have to pay endless continuous bills I don’t get the luxury of. And if we are honest with ourselves, the stresses of modern life are stripping those periods of rest away from those other working adults - it has increasingly become a luxury. 
I took a holiday because I knew that the bullshit couldn’t last forever, and it was a sabbath from a state and its associated worries but it was also a sabbath away from the people I loved and kept me there. So I'm back now. And the bullshit is still here. The reminders of failure because I didn’t have the time to rest are catching up on me now. That is why I write. The sabbath came at a relief and rest but it also generated its own concerns. 
Work for the sake of work, without sabbaths from mind and body is not the way that things have to continue. In ecology - plants and other non-human beings are afforded periods of rest and recuperation in a way that I don't think that our society appreciates or at least in their most natural forms. I’ve worked in industries that are relied upon for other people’s sabbaths and never their own. I am angry and disappointed that this continuous workload is the expectation and the norm. Rather than just an abnormality in times of crisis and maybe this shouldn’t continue. We are in a crisis - or the intersection of a few. The idea that this is inevitable is something that I am groaning against. 
The economics of infinite growth that destroys the earth and its inhabitants needs to be stopped. And we all deserve a sabbath. A sabbath for us all.
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queencryo · 5 months ago
honestly im getting a little bored of Dredge. However, I also want to never play it again. ergo, i need to finish dredge.
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redbean-nom · 8 months ago
the contrast between elsbeth's tribe (nightsister... commoners? peasants? villagers?) fighting grievous vs talzin's clan (nightsister royalty) is so funny like.
elsbeth's clan: probably-Mother Selena dueling grievous with two fire sickles that melt/short out when hit by lightsabers (grievous didn't even split his arms! it's literally a leisurely spar for him). approximately three archers in the background. one single unit of B1s and B2s plus possibly a handful of commando droids. elsbeth hiding in a tree and falling out.
talzin's clan: Mother Talzin voodooing Dooku from the castle basement and then levitating in a giant electric sphere and zapping the entire droid army for like five minutes straight. Ventress dueling four-arms grievous for equally long. An entire army of archers casually force-speed/force-jumping over entire trees. Grievous' full fleet, a bomber squad, a unit of commando droids, magnaguards, state of the art experimental tanks, more regular tanks, and a full army of B1s/B2s. Daka long-distance-necromancing the entire clan and resurrecting every single dead nightsister in the entire region. Talzin finally not-surrending by turning herself into a force ghost and then promptly going to start a cult to revive herself/the dead nightsisters.
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fern-pajamabrain · 1 year ago
hermanos argentinos, perdón si alguna vez insulté a su nación, son bienvenidos a comer torta fritas y tomar mate y quedarse a vivir de este lado del charco🫂
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inufaiya · 2 years ago
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La situacion se esta volviendo demasiado peligrosa para los que estan aguantando, el grupo de Selene no pudieron resistir y Zafiro se la llevo antes de que la mataran.
Ahora solo pueden hacer una cosa, espero que esten preparados
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bidhuan · 7 months ago
FDA Menyetujui Lisocabtagene Maraleucel untuk Pengobatan Limfoma Sel Mantel yang Kambuh atau Resistan
Lisocabtagene maraleucel (Breyanzi; Bristol Myers Squibb) adalah terapi sel T CAR yang diarahkan pada CD19 yang diberikan sebagai infus satu kali. Diperbarui pada 30 Mei 2024, pukul 14:46. FDA menyetujui lisocabtagene maraleucel (liso-cel, Breyanzi; Bristol Myers Squibb) untuk pengobatan limfoma sel mantel (MCL) yang kambuh atau resistan pada orang dewasa yang telah menerima setidaknya 2 garis…
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shampoo1234ghgdc · 9 months ago
UV Protection Wayfarer, Retro Square Sunglasses (52)  (For Men & Women, Black, Black)Special price₹199₹99980% off
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eurekadiario · 1 year ago
Bill Gates: Las personas que resistan el 'tsunami de ARNm' serán excluidas de la sociedad
Las inyecciones experimentales de ARNm reemplazarán todos nuestros medicamentos, según Bill Gates y la élite globalista, quienes advierten que nos veremos obligados a recibir cientos de inyecciones de ARNm cada año si queremos participar en la sociedad.
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A pesar de las legiones de personas que han muerto repentinamente o han sufrido consecuencias devastadoras para su salud, Bill Gates y los globalistas están promocionando las inyecciones de ARNm de Covid como un gran éxito.
Según los ejecutivos de las grandes farmacéuticas, “se avecina un tsunami de medicamentos de ARNm”, incluso para enfermedades cardíacas y cáncer, que resultan ser los dos principales problemas causados por las inyecciones de ARNm en primer lugar.
Únase a nosotros mientras exponemos a los responsables de este crimen contra la humanidad y ayúdenos a correr la voz para que sus perversos planes no se hagan realidad.
Suscríbete al canal si aún no lo has hecho y únete a la comunidad People's Voice Locals para obtener acceso a videos sin censura y unirte a nosotros en nuestra misión de despertar a las masas.
En lugar de ser llevada ante un tribunal internacional por crímenes contra la humanidad, la élite globalista está dominando a las masas, alardeando de que los encierros, las mascarillas y los golpes forzados de Covid fueron solo el comienzo.
Anthony Fauci salió de las sombras esta semana para declarar que las personas no vacunadas deben ser encerradas este invierno.
Durante una aparición en la Universidad de Georgetown, Fauci dejó claro que apoya el bloqueo y el castigo de aquellos en la sociedad que aún no están vacunados.
Los ejecutivos de las grandes farmacéuticas cantan con el mismo himno, declarando que cualquiera que se atreva a rechazar sus inyecciones de ARNm en el futuro debería ser castigado con la exclusión de la sociedad.
Y en caso de que se lo pregunte, las grandes farmacéuticas tienen literalmente cientos, sí, cientos, de diferentes inyecciones de ARNm en la línea de producción en este momento.
“Se avecina un tsunami de medicamentos de ARNm”, según Melissa J. Moore, directora científica de Moderna.
Si eso no fuera lo suficientemente inquietante, el director científico de Moderna también se jactó de que las grandes farmacéuticas pronto inyectarán ARNm directamente en los corazones de las personas. Sí, está hablando de los mismos corazones que estaban sanos hasta que el lanzamiento de la vacuna provocó que millones de personas en todo el mundo, incluidos jóvenes y atletas de élite en forma y sanos, se desplomaran por problemas cardíacos.
Y no se preocupe por los millones de casos de turbocáncer causados por ARNm en todo el mundo. Las grandes farmacéuticas también tienen una respuesta para eso. Así es, más ARNm.
Así es, la élite ahora admite que crearon el pinchazo experimental en una hora y tratan de convencer a las masas de que es algo de lo que estar orgullosos.
Realmente ahora vivimos en el mundo de Orwell. La guerra es paz. Ignorancia es fuerza. La pedofilia es normal. Y las vacunas creadas en una hora no son motivo de preocupación.
No nos equivoquemos, la élite mundial se está relamiendo ante los cientos de vacunas de ARNm en proceso. En la cumbre de Davos de este año, el ex primer ministro británico Tony Blair se jactó de que la “gran cantidad de nuevos inyectables y vacunas” brindará al FEM la oportunidad de cambiar el mundo.
Observe cómo el notorio globalista lucha por mantener la cara seria mientras promete que los nuevos inyectables beneficiarán al mundo.
Las élites no contaban con que la humanidad se diera cuenta de sus malvados planes.
Tan pronto como quedó claro que un porcentaje significativo de la población era demasiado inteligente para vacunarse, tuvieron que trabajar en astutos planes alternativos para imponernos sus golpes.
Informar sobre la élite globalista es un trabajo de tiempo completo porque, como nos dice la Biblia, los malvados no duermen.
Tomemos como ejemplo a Bill Gates. En lugar de admitir que la humanidad ha despertado a la verdad sobre las desastrosas inyecciones de Covid-19, Gates, que no es médico, está redoblando su apuesta y asumiendo la responsabilidad de vacunar al mundo de forma sigilosa.
Según el eugenista multimillonario, los animales de granja, incluidas las vacas, los cerdos y las gallinas, tienen una genética inadecuada. Y la única manera de “arreglar” esa genética es “vacunar” a todos los animales de granja del mundo con nuevas vacunas de ARNm que llegarán a los platos de su familia.
Así es, Bill Gates, el mayor propietario de tierras agrícolas de Estados Unidos, se ha jactado de estar introduciendo ARNm en el suministro de alimentos.
Países infiltrados en el Foro Económico Mundial, como Australia, se están sumando al nuevo plan de Bill Gates, desesperados por castigar a los que no cumplen en su país.
Pero Gates no se duerme en los laureles. Su objetivo de vacunar al mundo entero, cumplan o no, también le ha llevado a invertir cientos de millones de dólares en mosquitos genéticamente modificados diseñados para funcionar como “vacunadores voladores”.
Y si esto suena descabellado, debe tener en cuenta que los NIH ya están vacunando a humanos utilizando los mosquitos de Gates.
Según Robert F. Kennedy Jr., cualquiera que esté dispuesto a permitir que Bill Gates dicte la política sanitaria mundial y estadounidense debería analizar detenidamente su historial en África.
“Quizás millones de niños hayan muerto innecesariamente”, según Kennedy Jr., quien compartió información de una publicación revisada por pares en una revista respetada.
"Cualquiera que defienda a Bill Gates y a la OMS debe explicar Morgensen et al 2017".
"Esta es una publicación revisada por pares en una revista respetada por científicos destacados que describen resultados similares al genocidio", dijo Kennedy Jr.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. también criticó duramente a Gates y su “convicción mesiánica de que está ordenado a salvar el mundo con tecnología”.
Hablando de falsos mesías, el Foro Económico Mundial dejó escapar que están tramando planes para vacunarnos a través del suministro de agua.
No podemos permitir que estos globalistas y empresas de biotecnología se salgan con la suya. Dado que sabemos que la élite está decidida a despoblar el mundo, es hora de trazar una línea en la arena.
Como afirmó Kennedy Jr., esto está empezando a parecerse inequívocamente a un genocidio.
Aquí en People's Voice, estamos decididos a exponer los crímenes de la élite y llevarlos ante la justicia. Pero no podemos hacerlo solos. Necesitamos su ayuda para difundir la verdad por todas partes. Suscríbete al canal y únete a la comunidad Peoples Voice Locals para unirte a nosotros en nuestra misión de educar a las masas sobre lo que realmente está sucediendo detrás de escena en el mundo de hoy.
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buytarpaulinuk · 2 years ago
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gogogodzilla · 1 year ago
Easy Mornings
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mike schmidt x reader warnings: nsfw 18+, unprotected sex, creampie, hair pulling, mike’s POV, almost getting caught, i know the majority voted for a different way this could go, but i already had this one started (sorry y'all, that one is coming soon) part 1 ✩ part 2 ✩ main masterlist ✩ read on ao3
Mike gripped the steering wheel with an iron grip for the entire drive home, excitement buzzing throughout his body. Your panties weighed heavy in his front pocket, now covered his cum. 
His hands shook as he pulled into the driveway. He wondered how he’d find you. Would you be buried under the covers of his bed, one of his old t-shirts just barely covering your modesty? He’d gently pull the covers off of your sleeping form, exposing yourself to him. His breath would catch in his throat as he took in your figure and his hands would trail up your bare thighs. 
His mind got lost in the possibilities as his hands rested on the steering wheel. He shook his head, attempting to rid himself of thoughts of you at least long enough for him to get in the front door. 
His keys jingled softly against the lock and he breathed in the scent of freshly-brewed coffee. You had your back turned to him, leaning over the kitchen table and scanning over one of your textbooks. 
You clutched your coffee mug in your hand and took a sip, not noticing his presence. Morning sunlight shone gently through the windows, illuminating the kitchen and bathing you in a soft glow. You were wearing one of his old t-shirts, just as he thought. You looked heavenly in this light, and Mike would have the image burned into his mind forever. 
He set his bag quietly down by the door and padded closer to you. You jumped as he wrapped his arms around your center and tugged you closer to him. His hands gripped your hips and held you in place as his lips moved on their own accord and trailed down your neck. 
He could practically feel your grin as you hummed, leaning into him. “Did you enjoy what I packed for you?”
His grip tightened on your hips as he pulled you into his growing bulge. He breathed in your scent, taking in the moment alone with you. 
“Sure did,” he hummed against your skin. “I think I’ll enjoy the real thing a bit more.” 
His hands drifted down your body and under your shirt, skirting over the bare skin of your thighs. He lets out a satisfied noise as his fingertips trailed over your ass. You were bare for him, your panties still sitting snugly in his front pocket. 
One of his hands drifted down and across the backs of your thighs to run his middle finger through your folds. You let out a small gasp at his touch and pushed your hips against him, already needy for him. His fingertip grazed across your clit, and his lips attached to your neck once again. 
“Mike,” you whimpered softly, attempting to keep your voice down. Abby was due to be woken up soon. 
His finger dipped in your entrance before returning to your clit, and your frustrated groan was interrupted by him sliding inside of you. He slowly pumped it before allowing his pointer finger to join it, stretching you divinely.  He removed his other hand from your hip to draw lazy figure-eights across your clit, earning him one of those pretty moans he loved to hear. 
Mike removed his hand from your clit to work at undoing the button of his pants and tugging the zipper down. He removed his fingers from your dripping core and slipped them past his lips, sighing at the taste. 
“Gotta be quiet, baby,” he murmured against your ear as he freed his painfully hard cock from his boxers. You hurriedly nodded as he dragged his cock through your folds, gathering your slick. His grip tightened on your hip as he was already getting lost in the feeling of you. You both let out soft moans as his tip bumped your clit before moving back to tease your entrance. 
You jutted your hips against his, “Mike.”
He answered you by angling his cock up to your entrance and slowly pushing inside of you. He barely met any resistance as your pussy greedily swallowed him whole, and he let out a low groan. 
He presses his palm against the space between your shoulder blades, nudging you to bend over the kitchen table for him. You pushed your textbook and coffee cup out of the way. He lifted your shirt to get a good view of the way you were taking him like you were made for him.
You arched your back as he started to move his hips against yours. Your walls fluttered and clenched around him, and he wasn’t sure how long he’d be able to last. You felt divine against him as always, and he gripped your ass. 
“Ah— fuck, baby. Taking me so good.” 
Your arms moved upward to support yourself as he thrust into you, fingernails digging into the wooden surface of the table. You let out a satisfied moan at his words, and he felt you clench around him. 
You stood on your tiptoes, allowing him to hit the spot inside you that had you squirming against him and mewling. Your teeth sunk into your bottom lip in an attempt to stifle the moans that were escaping you, and the desire to kiss you nearly overwhelmed him. 
He ran his fingers through the hair at the base of your neck and pulled you so your back was flush against his chest. He gripped your chin and turned your head so he could put his lips against yours. The angle was awkward, but he didn’t care. You didn’t seem to either as you reached back and tugged his hair, pulling him closer. 
He jutted his hips deeper inside of you, and the familiar coil formed in his belly. He pressed hurried kisses against the side of your neck, nipping at your earlobe just to keep you on your toes. He reached around you and rubbed tight circles around your clit. You whined loudly and he clamped a hand across your mouth. 
He shushed you as he increased his pace, “Fuck… Gotta be quiet, baby.” 
He squeezed his eyes shut, jaw clenching as he became lost in the sensation of you. He was hanging by a thread, but he wanted to feel you cum around him. The thought had been driving him insane all night, and he needed it. 
The kitchen filled with the sound of his hips slapping against yours and the slight shake of the table from his thrusts. The chance of getting caught spurred him to drive his cock deeper inside you with every thrust, earning a high-pitched mewl muffled by his palm. 
Your entire body tensed against him as you came hard around his cock, squeezing him just right. His hips stuttered against you as his orgasm rapidly approached. 
With a final, deep thrust of his hips, he was cumming inside you. His release painted your insides, and he let out a low groan as he continued to ride out both of your orgasms. 
After a few more drags of his hips, he stilled within you, panting. Slowly, he pulled his cock out of you and watched how his cum dripped over your puffy folds. 
Muffled footsteps originated from Abby’s room, and the both of you straightened. He hurried to right himself, and you had just enough time to tug your shirt down to cover yourself before Abby came padding out of her room. 
“Hey, Abs,” you greeted as you tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear and picked up your coffee cup. You stood with your legs crossed, watching as she entered the kitchen. 
Mike attempted to appear casual as he commented, “You’re up early.”
Abby shrugged, furrowing her brows, “A loud noise woke me up, but I’m not sure what it was.”
Mike’s eyes widened as he met your equally embarrassed gaze. 
You set your mug down, “I’m gonna go get dressed.” 
Your footsteps were hurried as you made your way to Mike’s room. He grinned at the thought of his cum dripping out of you and down your thighs. 
He moved toward the fridge as Abby sat at the kitchen table, “How ‘bout I make you some breakfast?”
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resistan-t · 10 months ago
toda essa
que você deixou
dentro de
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a-twistedheartslonging · 7 months ago
They/Them used for the reader, your tummy gets grabbed, dirty talk.
“-oh my, do you doubt my love for you then?”
“Huh? Oh, no . Nonono, of course not. I know you love me, and I love you a whole bunch too. It's just…I don’t understand why you're attracted to me... physically I guess.”  At that Jade immediately halts his steps, pausing mid-stride as he processes their words.
“Uh…Jade?” They question nervously from his side.
Shifting his towering, frame, he takes a moment to quickly survey his surroundings, glancing left and right to ensure they are alone before decisively closing the distance between them. With a sense of purpose, Jade plants his hands firmly on either side of the Prefect's head, the sheer size of his palms able to nearly engulf their face as he leans down, bringing his features mere inches from theirs.
“My my, what a cruel little human you are…”
“W-what? Jade, I don’t-”
The words die in their throat as an intense, bi-colored gaze bores into their eyes, an unreadable expression on his face as he silently scrutinizes them, the air thick with anticipation. They can feel Jade's warm breath ghosting across their skin, heart pounding in their chest as they wait with bated breath to see what the imposing figure will do next, half expecting him to use his unique magic to get his answer. 
Jade gazed down at the flustered human, a mischievous glint in his eyes as his mouth began to split into a wide grin, showing off the sharp teeth he typically hides. He could see the confusion and uncertainty written all over their face, and it only served to pique his interest further. 
With a low, rumbling chuckle, he leaned in closer, his face mere inches from theirs. "My dear pearl, you truly have no idea the effect you have on me, do you?" he murmured, his breath ghosting across their skin. The way their eyes widened, the faint tremor in their voice - it was all so deliciously endearing to him. Jade knew he was an imposing figure, towering over the smaller human, and he reveled in the power he held in this moment. But beneath his teasing, there was a genuine longing.
He ached to show them, to make them understand just how captivating they were in his eyes. With a featherlight touch, he trailed his fingers down their cheek, drinking in their flustered reaction. "Or perhaps," he purred in a low tone, "this is your way of testing me, of seeing how far I'll go to prove my affections?" His gaze darkened, smoldering with an intensity that left the Prefect trembling. Whatever the reason, Jade was determined to make them see - to make them feel - the depth of his love and attraction. This was no mere game; it was a dance of passion, and he fully intended to lead.
“Once you are again ready for me, I will be sure to kiss every freckle on your skin. I will bury my face into your soft pliant stomach, lovingly draw our initials with my fingertips, and savor the comforting warmth and-” His hand then drifts lower, caressing their hip with a gentle, almost reverent touch before moving to gently grasp a handful of their soft stomach.
“Suppleness of your lovely form.”
He moves his face to rest by their ear before speaking again, swallowing his salvia he almost drools at the combination of the Prefects scent with the mental picture of his next words. “How I look forward to when I get to once again kneed and suck that soft chest of yours...in the way I know you love. I want to see it bounce for me when I dig my claws into your hips and make them move with my thrusts. I want to again be crushed and choked by your cushy thighs. To nibble every inch of your body and leave many new marks, because not only do I find you lovely…”
“You. Are. Mine.”
As he speaks, he carefully enunciates each word, ensuring that every syllable is clearly articulated and emphasized before he slowly pulls back. Jade's hands linger on their body for a moment, his fingertips tracing the contours and curves one last time.
There is hesitance in his movements, a subtle resistance to the idea of removing that physical connection. Yet, with a deep, steadying breath, Jade straightens his posture, rolling his shoulders back and lifting his chin. The loss of that intimate contact is palpable, but he steels himself, pushing past the almost instinctive desire to maintain the closeness. His expression returns to his usual smile, betraying none of the conflict playing out within him, and clears his throat.
With a tilt to his head, he finally asks. “Now…shall I continue escorting you to your class?”
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yourplayersaidwhat · 1 year ago
That wasn't a question.
We're in a magic castle, frozen in time. We managed to dispell the magic sealing the last door, behind which lies a giant magic orb. Other two players are a Bard, and a hybrid multiclass Barbarian/Cleric/Monk/Shaman. I play an Earth/Metal Kineticist.
DM: so, the magic is now dispelled. what do you do?
Multiclass: is the door open?
DM: ... well, no? you didn't try to open it. it's dispelled yes, but still seems sealed shut.
Me: I open it
DM: uhh, it's giving some resistance
Me: what's the door made of?
DM, terrified: ... pure iron?
Me: I open it.
DM: it has a sturdy bar on the other side, it's still giving resistan-
Me: that. wasn't. a question. I don't try to open it, I open it. Chuck this shit out the other side
DM, ooc: please I'm trying with this campaign and you're just making shit fly
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darkesttiimelines · 2 years ago
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Throughout history, women have left an undeniable impact on society with their hard work, creativity, and dedication to progress. Unfortunately, their accomplishments have often gone unnoticed, been undervalued, or even stolen. Despite these challenges, brave women of today continue to push boundaries, break barriers, and pave the way for a more fair and equal world. It's our duty to keep going, so that future generations of women can inherit a kinder, more just, and supportive world. By following in the footsteps of the incredible women who came before us, we can create a world where every woman can flourish and succeed, and where their contributions are recognized and celebrated.
Joan of Arc is a patron saint of France, honored as a defender of the French nation for her role in the siege of Orléans and her insistence on the coronation of Charles VII of France during the Hundred Years' War. Claiming to be acting under divine guidance, she became a military leader who transcended gender roles and gained recognition as a savior of France. She was put on trial by Bishop Pierre Cauchon on accusations of heresy, which included blaspheming by wearing men's clothes, acting upon visions that were demonic, and refusing to submit her words and deeds to the judgment of the church. She was declared guilty and burned at the stake on 30 May 1431, aged about nineteen.
Rani Lakshmibai was the Maharani consort of the princely state of Jhansi from 1843 to 1853. She was one of the leading figures in the Indian Rebellion of 1857 became a symbol of resistance to the British rule in India for Indian nationalists. When the Maharaja died in 1853, the British East India Company under Governor-General Lord Dalhousie refused to recognize the claim of his adpoted heir and annexed Jhansi under the Doctrine of Lapse. She rode into battle with her infant son strapped to her back, and died in June 1858 after being mortally wounded during the British counterattack at Gwalior.
Rosalind Franklin was a British chemist and X-ray crystallographer whose work was instrumental in the discovery of the structure of DNA. Her contributions were largely overlooked by her male colleagues, James Watson and Francis Crick, who used her data without her permission or acknowledgement. This theft of her intellectual property and erasure of her contributions is a prime example of the systemic sexism that has historically plagued the scientific community.
Hedy Lamarr was an Austrian-American actress and inventor who co-invented a frequency-hopping spread spectrum technology during World War II that was used to guide torpedoes. However, her contributions were largely ignored and dismissed by male engineers and the military at the time. It was only later in life that she received recognition for her scientific achievements.
Emma Weyant is an American competitive swimmer. She was the US national champion at the individual medley. She qualified for the 2020 Olympic Games in the 400m individual medley and won the silver medal in this event. Weyant finished second in the 500-yard freestyle at the 2022 NCAA Division I Women's Swimming and Diving Championships. She was beaten by William (Lia) Thomas, a fetishist, who when competing as a member of the Penn men's team, which was 2018-19, ranked 554th in the 200 freestyle, 65th in the 500 freestyle and 32nd in the 1650 freestyle. Weyant is the fastest swimmer in the 500-yard freestyle and had her position stolen by a man.
Maryna Viazovska is a Ukrainian mathematician who made a breakthrough in sphere packing, solving the centuries-old mathematical problem known as the densest packing of spheres in dimensions 8 and 24. She was awarded the Fields Medal in July 2022, making her the second woman (after Maryam Mirzakhani), the second person born in the Ukrainian SSR and the first with a degree from a Ukrainian university to ever receive it.
Hannie Schaft was a Dutch resistance fighter during World War II who played a crucial role in the resistance movement against Nazi occupation. Schaft was a former university student who dropped out because she refused to sign a pledge of loyalty to Germany. Nazis arrested and killed her in 1945, just three weeks before the war ended in Europe. According to lore, Schaft’s last words were, “I’m a better shot,” after initially only being wounded by her executioner.
Shakuntala Devi was an Indian mathematician and mental calculator who was known as the "Human Computer" for her exceptional ability to perform complex mathematical calculations in her head. Her extraordinary abilities earned her a place in the 1982 Guinness Book of Records. Her lesser known achievement is that in 1977 she wrote what is considered to be the first book in India on homosexuality titled “The World of Homosexuals.”  
J. K. Rowling is a British author and philanthropist. She wrote Harry Potter, a seven-volume children's fantasy series published from 1997 to 2007. Known for her philanthropy, she was doxxed and harassed after coming out with support for women's and gay rights in 2020. Rowling secretly donated hundreds of thousands of pounds to save 100 female lawyers and their families facing murder in Afghanistan. In 2022, she funded a women's only rape shelter in Edinburgh.
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miramagiccreations · 5 months ago
So i turned Batman, Joker and Red Hood into Magical Girls and i’m not really that sorry
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( MORE UNDER THE CUT: Stickers, prints and YOUTUBE video about the process!! )
Stickers: https://miramagiccreations.etsy.com/listing/1754764452
A5 Prints: https://miramagiccreations.etsy.com/listing/1769135243
YOUTUBE PROCESS VIDEO!!: https://youtu.be/sgvBx_QNhcY?si=rm_HhqLlIUPZzd1x
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athena5898 · 28 days ago
Lessons from Syria, Lebanon: Resistance is the only guarantor of sovereignty
Israel’s actions in the wake of Syria’s collapse exposed a calculated Zionist thrust for regional expansion and domination. Without Resistance to Tel Aviv's unchecked aggressions, the sovereignty of every West Asian state will come under threat of economic, military, and political occupation.
By Mohamad Hasan Sweidan (https://thecradle.co/columns/mohamad-hasan-sweidan)
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