#rescue prompt
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jordanstrophe · 2 years ago
Without a word, whumpee was taken. 
And without a word, they were returned. 
In much rougher condition than before. 
They’re monitored in the hospital while caretaker tries to find out what happened. They gently ask questions; where they were and what happened. Sometimes whumpee mumbles some vague details, sometimes they just go silent. 
But the heart monitor never does. 
The questions whumpee goes quietest tend to be the monitor’s loudest.
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stealingyourbones · 8 months ago
Lois Lane has been reporting for many many years and has seen things both in her career and in her daily life that most folks could never imagine.
For instance, right now she's being held captive by Parasite AGAIN and is waiting for Superman to help her out of this. It's the same old rhythm that it's always been. Be captured, get tied up, wait, Superman rushes in, fights the bad guy of the day, incapacitates the bad guy, and frees her.
So far she's gotten to step two of the rhythm. Now she just needs to wait for-
Lois startles as the ropes binding her glow a faint green and fall to the floor. She turns to find whoever freed her...
That's no Superman.
Standing behind Lois, a semi transparent young girl with bright green eyes and glowing white hair silently holds her finger to her lips and holds out her hand for Lois to take.
Lois has had wilder rescues. She accepts the little girl's outstretched hand. She's ready to get out of here.
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ikiprian · 1 year ago
Clone’s Best Friend
“Cute dog!” the girl says. “What breed is he?”
“Uh,” blinks Kon. "Are you asking what breed Superdog is?"
“Uh, duh?”
Well. She’ll have to forgive him his stunned expression, ‘cause he doesn’t usually run into other dog walkers on this path. This is, of course, because “path” is used in the loosest sense, the one that connotates direction and not tread ground, and the “walk” bit is entirely inapplicable, with all of them currently flying one thousand feet above sea level.
“Cujo’s a rescue,” she continues, swinging her feet in the sky, “so we don’t know for sure, but my sister thinks part husky, part shar pei. Half-and-half, like me!”
Cujo is also, apparently, half green and half glowing. He wiggles happily in a play-bow. It’s very cute, except for the way he’s the size of a small house.
Krypto’s tough, though. He barks and chases his new friend through cloud cover. Gamely, Cujo flees. They frolic in the chilly condensation, occasionally poking a head out before diving back in, like a fox in a snowdrift.
Neither of them see anything surprising about this. It’s all good fun. And, well. Krypto’s always been a good judge of character.
Kon turns back to the girl and gives her a megawatt smile.
“He’s Kryptonian. Like me. But he looks like a white lab!”
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whumperofworlds · 3 months ago
When a Whumpee is rescued and the first thing they tell their rescuers is, "I'm sorry."
Rare but it's good shit.
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lumpsbumpsandwhumps · 1 year ago
amnesia as a trauma response has the potential to be so fucking funny because imagine you just spent like 6 months breaking Whumpee down piece by piece, stripping them of their rights, destroying their mind and body with scars that will never heal, relishing in the irrevocable damage done by your hand even after they've been rescued
and then you run into them at a grocery store and they're like "oh hey (: sorry didn't see you there ((((: no i have no idea who you are but you're blocking the shelf i need to look at"
my ass would be humbled so goddamn fast. i would be shinji gripping the sink sobbing in the mirror because Whumpee basically just called me cringe. my brilliant torturing apparently meant fuckall and i'm not even worth the time of day. they'd probably misspell my name on a starbucks cup. whumper turned whumpee because how do i recover from that. what the fuck.
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mynameisjag · 5 months ago
Danny Phantom/DC Prompt Idea: Forced Recovery
It seemed no matter where he went, he was never safe.
Breaking through Amity's block, finally getting the attention of older actual heroes, who jumped to help them, the Ecto-Acts proving to be false claims upheld by the now debunk and dismantled G.I.W.
Danny should have been safe now, should have been able to continue with his life a little easier now…
Instead he found himself snatched up and placed with a family that were pure strangers, far from his home and the now shut-downed portal, his parents arrested and waiting a trial, and Jazz barred from seeing or knowing his whereabouts and health.
He was trapped in a mansion with rich fruitloops, an anklet bracelet that monitored his health and would trigger an alarm if he went passed the gates.
House arrest with the excuse of it being for his benefit, the Justice League saying that there was still Agents out there looking for him, families from Amity realizing that most of the damage to their town was his own family’s fault and they couldn’t get to his parents as easy as they could get to him, then they threw in concerns of his health.
With the portal closed, he would have to rely on environmental ecto, so low ecto meant low power usage, he was practical malnourished, overstressed, overworked, underweight, a list that was more like a novel by the time the doctor got through with his examination.
It all came together in one big warm shit pie.
He just needed to wait this out…wait for his parents verdict…wait for his health to get better…wait till Jazz was allowed to get in touch with him…wait…all he can do is wait…
For now, he was going to get breakfast and hide away from the rest of the residents of the Manor.
Gotham was blessed and cursed with an abundance of ecto just floating around, enough to aid his healing and health…not enough to restore the levels he needed to regain his full strength and powers though.
Even with the filter he created to concentrate the ambient ecto into a pick me up drink, he wasn’t gaining health as fast has he liked to.
Speaking of his filter, the contraption sat next to Tim’s near worshiped coffee pot, granted it was built out of refurbished carbonated soda stream, so it didn’t look too out of place in the kitchen. And luckily it seemed the only person up right now was Alfred, the older man smiling gently at him as Danny grabbed his thermos to fill it up for the day.
“It’s good to see you up and about.”
“Just filling up for the day before heading back to my room.”
“Of course, as usual, rest is good for your health but so is social interaction.”
Ah...that was a…hint…wasn’t it…he guessed he has to fill the social quota himself before the others decided to do it themselves.
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whump-in-the-closet · 5 months ago
a disorientated whumpee at a party with whumper's hand uncomfortably wrapped around their collarbone. There's a spiraling fear that they can't quite name-- they're losing themself in this nightmare of insinuating whispers.
The music is pounding and Whumpee can feel it in their teeth.
Whumper pulls them into a dark corner to push a drink up to their lips. "Your friends are coming," Whumper's voice is low, it's calm, it's measured, and Whumpee's skin crawls. "You're going to tell them you want to stay with me."
"Or one of them will take your place."
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writinglittlepains · 4 months ago
Someone searching for Whumpee. They can hear them calling their name just beyond the door. But Whumper has a hand to their mouth and a knife to their throat.
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wigglebox · 6 months ago
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Supernatural September - Day 2 | Identity
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whumporama · 7 months ago
Caretaker who is rescuing Whumpee, but Whumpee is so out of it they don't recognize them.
Caretaker needing both of them to be quiet, and dragging Whumpee behind a wall, holding them down against Caretaker's chest and holding a hand over Whumpee's mouth.
Caretaker feeling Whumpee's panicked fight, too weak to do anything but still trying. Their too fast breathing from their nose, the whimpers that slip through anyway, their hands pushing against Caretaker's arms...
Caretaker feeling so guilty, but the alternative is being found, so there is no choice. Whumpee will know who they are soon and forgive them.
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whump-queen · 8 months ago
a trope I love and don’t see nearly enough: when a battle/fight breaks out but nobody bothers to free the prisoner.
whumpee is just stuck chained up or tied down while chaos erupts around them. perhaps dangling from the ceiling, or locked to the floor on their knees, all while getting grazed with arrows or bullets that just barely miss them. or maybe they don’t miss.
whumpee getting pummeled into when one assailant’s body slams another. someone else’s blood spattering whumpee’s face when one stabs another.
the captivity has left them so weak. maybe they’re barely conscious of the commotion around them, dazed eyes flitting over flying fists and spattered blood.
do they cry out for help? is there anyone they can trust here? do they dare? does anyone care? can anyone even hear them over all the commotion?
are their friends trying to rescue them? or is it just another team who wants whumpee to themselves? if their friends are trying to save them, whumpee is now they’re just stuck watching their friends get hurt by whumper’s goons and being unable to do anything about it but cry out to them and tell them they’re sorry. they shouldn’t have come. they’re so sorry.
terrified whumpee yanking at the restraints and begging their friends to turn back. that it’s not worth it. to leave them here and surrender, retreat, to escape while they can before they end up just like whumpee, chained up and useless and utterly helpless to whumpers whims.
I like the idea of a whumpee panicking when they see their friends coming to rescue them. they know there’s no chance they’d win, not against whumper. that was the only solace whumpee had, that at least their loved ones were safe, and now they’re watching that slip away with every team member captured before their eyes.
the guilt, the panic, the helplessness, I love it all.
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ready-to-read7 · 13 days ago
Prompt #12
Okay I have seen a few things of Damien and Danny being siblings but most of the time they are twins but that is not the angle that I’m currently going for since I do remember reading once when Danny was Damien’s older brother some time ago  and  I’m going to throw in some trance Danny misunderstandings with baby elly but a lot more interference from clockwork
so Danny was reborn as Danielle al Ghul and for some reason he was born female but he did not care since he could just simply proclaim himself trance when he’s older, he knows he’s a baby he still has all  his memories from his first life and his time as the ghost King but he sees this as a vacation  that will take an entire lifetime but a vacation non  the less one that finally will let him relax hopefully.
but unfortunately he was born to a family that worships a thing known as a Lazarus pit   a hole  of disgusting, old  ectoplasm that has become corrupted, not to mention he found out later he was born into a league of assassins, and these two things wouldn’t really be a problem since he still has his durability and enhanced senses so he could avoid getting killed, and  he thought  the ectoplasm  would not affect him but unfortunately due to how old and disgusting it was it was making him sick so from when he was a baby he was ill and obviously his grandfather saw this as a liability but his mother somehow convinced his grandfather that he might have inherited his biological father’s intelligence so he might be useful for something other than one day taking over the league of assassins, and that she would simply try and bear another child in order to get the perfect heir,
when Danny was 4 his mother gave birth to his little brother Damien who unlike him was not affected by the Lazarus water so was the perfect  heir in his grandfather’s eyes.
They both were still being trained Damien obviously because he was supposed to be the next heir of the league of assassins but Danny was being trained more in intelligence and healing but it does not mean his assassin training didn’t happen and to the surprise of everyone he was keeping up with his training  the only thing is his illness made it difficult for him to gain his grandfather’s approval since Danny would randomly faint or start coughing up blood.
Also despite constant attempts to keep Danny and Damien apart most of these attempts being done by  grandfather they had a good relationship and Danny had become the league of assassins head healer by the age of 12 and his grandfather, Ra's al Ghul could admit that Danny was not as useless as he once said but despite that Danny’s condition was getting worse, so much that by the time Damien was 10 and about to leave to go to his father Danny could not leave his bed.
okay so a time skip happens of 4 years and this is where I’m going to have to explain on how elly fits into the story, so something happens in elly  gets put into her core and while Danny is on a mission clockwork gets in touch with him again and explained the situation with elly and explains that she needs to be incubated a.k.a. he has to carry her like a normal human baby and Danny Seeing this is a chance to reunite with his daughter along with to get away from the league of assassins makes a plan and stages something that makes it look like he got (assaulted) when in reality all that happen is that he absorbed elly’s core,now for his plan to get away from the league of assassins
he writes a letter to Damien explaining the situation blaming their grandfather for the entire thing by stating that he had been getting worse and   grandfather had sent him on the mission regardless to a place that was honestly more dangerous than he could handle in his much weaker state and now things have happened ( he does not mention that he is pregnant technically since it would be too early to know that for a normal human)
Damien having lived for 4 years with his father and siblings had learned that most of the things the league of assassins did was not okay and receiving this letter from his brother that he had kept secret from his family because he honestly thought that his brother was safe and he did not see a point in telling them about Daniel, was absolutely furious how could grandfather do this, Daniel was a cherished member of the league of assassins he was the best healer, what would be the reason for grandfather to put him in such danger and then he would think Daniel had always been strong his fighting prowess was that on almost the same level as mother  the only reason it wasn’t better was because he was ill and to be honest if he was not ill he probably would’ve far surpassed grandfather,  Damien comes to the conclusion that grandfather was scared of Daniel and was purposely keeping him sick and putting him in dangerous situations just to keep him in line, Damien would not accept this and would immediately set up a meeting with his father so that they can rescue Daniel.
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slippedtheknot · 16 days ago
"Easy, Easy, it's Okay,"
When Caretaker opened the door, cold air hit them in the face. Caretaker took their time scanning the cell; their eyes examining the metal bars that allowed the frigidness to enter and the concrete walls that added to Caretaker's feeling of disgust. Nothing in there gave hints of human life, and yet...
Caretaker gasped and almost dropped their gun when they saw a chain connected to the wall that disappeared into a small, human body shivering.
A shaky breath leaves Caretaker as they slowly approach; holstering their weapon when they let their knees hit the ground. "Hey, um, I'm Caretaker. Can you turn over for me? Please?"
Whumpee gave no indication of hearing them, so Caretaker knelt with hesitant hands hovering inches away. "I can...turn you over? If you're unable?"
Caretaker's heart sank when Whumpee let out a high-pitched whine from their warm hand settling on their shoulder.
"Easy, easy, it's okay." Caretaker wrapped his arm around Whumpee's body and pulled him into his lap for more warmth.
Whumpee immediately relaxed in Caretaker's hold and started sobbing from relief.
"Sh sh, I know, I know, it's all alright now." Caretaker started rocking and rubbing Whumpee's back. "You're safe."
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hypewinter · 2 years ago
I've had a brainworm for a few days now so here me out.
After an accidental reveal gone wrong, Danny is forced to flee the country with both his parents and the giw after him. While he's trying to find some place internationally to settle down, he comes across a secluded complex.
Said complex happens to have access to an ectoplasm run off which Danny is in desperate need of. Though it has been corrupted by whatever the people of the complex have been doing to it, that's no problem for Danny as he can easily purify the portion he takes in to survive.
Deciding this is the perfect place to live off the grid, Danny sets to work figuring out how to blend in. It turns out that's the easy part. With his temporary stint as a ninja, his training with his black belt mom, and his general ghost physiology, he fits in pretty well.
He fits in so well in fact that he is told he'll be training someone one of the head bosses has their eye on. A kid his age.
Basically what follows is Danny accidentally ruining Talia's plans for Jason by unconsciously purifying his corruption and just talking him through his emotions. When Jason gets back to Gotham, he returns without a clouded mentally and realizes just how much Bruce went through after his death.
Instead of unleashing his complicated plan, he quietly takes over the underworld. He loves his father but also knows there are situations in Gotham that require a more firm hand. Jason decides to be a firm hand in his dad's place.
(I imagine he is only revealed on accident yet his reunion with his family is just as dramatic as Under the Red Hood. Tbh it probably has something to do with the joker suddenly going missing.)
Meanwhile back at the League of Assassins, Talia is impressed by Jason's training and is under the impression that his failure in Gotham is due to him getting cold feet at the last second so she puts Danny in charge of Damian's training.
Danny this time takes a more conscious role in ruining the league's brainwashing by challenging Damian's beliefs and teaching him he should use his weapons to protect, not to harm. By the time Damian gets to Wayne Manor, there is significantly less deprogramming that needs to be done.
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jordanstrophe · 3 months ago
Whumpee who save themselves instead of waiting for rescue. Whumpee who waits at home for caretaker to find because they didn't know where else to go or who to trust.
Caretaker, who just came home after a hopeless day of no leads for whumpee's disappearance to find them passed out on their couch.
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lunasdestiny · 1 month ago
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Impress your crush with super wicked courtship dance!
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