#rescue opens with mention of future graduation -> ‘we are’ is like the graduation song
bandsanitizer · 3 years
everywhere i’ve been // everywhere i’ll go
a playlist for @clumsyclifford
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Temporary is a paradox: a heart-break’s cast;
If everything is temporary, impermanence won’t last.
Distance will disappear with future’s present’s past
And there will be a day to leave no question unasked.
For everywhere I’ve been with you,
Someone else has travelled to;
And if there is somewhere new,
Let us meet there, too.
For everywhere we will go
Becomes another place to grow;
That as we walk in unknown,
You are a star that I know
Hanging in the sky of the darkest day;
The brightest light there to guide the way.
So when we need to change and can’t ask the other to stay,
Know that everything is temporary and I swear we’ll be okay.
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Those Shoes (Ch.1)
Notes: The title is referenced to a song by The Eagles, it’s a classic song about exotic dancers, as well as a popular song to play in the clubs. Rita, or @youtubequeens and I brainstormed this piece, and I was so excited to finally write it :3
Warnings: Language, Exotic Dancers and their life, talk about sex, Trigger Warnings!!!: Mentions of and non-consensual acts such as groping and touching, and other horrors.  
Notice: Dancers should be treated with respect, and this is not a fic to downgrade them, nor to spread false truths. It sheds light on what can and does happen in real life, and how that it can be a dangerous job. The warnings are here for a reason. Thank You.
 “Honey, I neeeeed your help!” Your mother whined through the phone. You sighed loudly as you sat on the bed. You’ve just finished with a hefty amount of homework, two tests, and you had another coming up, soon. Not only were your friends squealing that they need to celebrate your upcoming graduation, but your mother had called you, needing something. Again.
“Before you hang up!” She started as your thumb hovered over the red button. “I know that you’ll be graduating college, soon, and you’re needing a job, asap, sooooo, I was wondering if I could hire you, soon?” She baited, and you felt a chill of dread down your spine.
“No way in hell.”
“Oh, Come on! You know that you’ll need a job! I can’t find decent hire, anywhere. How about I hire you until you find a better job? Please? These outfits need to be patched up, and I need makeup expertise! Other than my own!” She added.
You felt your stubborn nature wilt as common sense pile drove in. Your mother was a crafty, sneaky, snake, and she knew that you were needing money to make end’s meet, especially when you were about to move to a better apartment. There were good businesses waiting to hire, and some even were willing to sponsor you, but of course it could take months until you could officially land a good job.
Unfortunately, your mother knew this.
“Above minimum wage, and I get to wear what I want.”
“Deal.” She didn’t even hesitate.
“Fine. I’ve got tests…and the girls are throwing me a surprise party, of all things at the end of the month, so I’ll see you when I see you.” You breathed out, and your mom giggled.
“Oh, a surprise party? Maybe I could send-”
“Mom, no.” You blurted out, and she laughed.
“Oh, my baby girl!” She cooed. “You don’t need physical experience to enjoy-”
You clicked the red dial, ending the call as you sighed with defeat. How did your life turn out like this?  More than likely, she’ll gather your small group of friends and convince them to try to get you to loosen up. It was not only your graduation day, but also your birthday, coming up.
 Your mind froze with fear at the memories of past birthdays. After you’ve turned eighteen, she tried multiple times to send out one of the male dancers, scantily dressed in an ice cream sundae uniform, holding a card that basically said “to pop your cherry”.    
Yeah, you didn’t really had any contact with her, really.
“Surprise! Happy Graduation and Birthday, Girl!” Your friends screamed with joy as you entered your apartment. Finally. After years of hard work and several job offers that will get back to you within a month, you were a certified beautician with a knack to patch and design clothes. Sure, it wasn’t your first idea of a job, but it grew on you. Dying hair, painting nails, mastering different techniques of applying makeup, and seeing the sparkly eyes of your patients as they admired your hard work, had won you over.
Of course, your mother had a major influence over you. Although you weren’t into dancing, you were happy to practice makeup and help patch up certain outfits. As you grew older, you went with what you knew, and soon, your school had paid for your college due to your good grades, and you made your way up, ever since.
“Oh hey, girls! Where’s the cake?” You wondered, and they wasted no time with mischievous giggles. You stilled.
“Don’t worry, Babe! It’ll be here, soon. Try this cucumber Sake!” Rumi grinned as she held out the small cup. The white-haired woman had been your friend since late high school, the only one knowing about your mother’s business back then. She and your other friend, Keigo, had now opened up a pet store. Said man who had bird-like perception wasn’t here, right now, but your more…flirtatious friend, Nemuri, was here with her girlfriend and your attention-seeking friend, Yu. Both girls had worked for your mother, and although you were close, you were weary of their similar antics.
“You’re hiding something.” Your eyebrows furrowed. Nemuri smiled coyly as she slung an arm around a giggling Yu.
“It wouldn’t be called a surprise if we weren’t.”  
The four of you had cut up and were laid back, enjoying small talk and stories that you all missed out on. Nemuri and Yu were doing great with the future wedding funds, Rumi had admitted that Keigo was trying his best to win over some goth from Hot Topic, and you, well, you were still doing the things that you loved to do, despite a busy schedule. Rumi smiled, knowing fully well that your more secretive hobbies had leaned towards being more humanitarian, despite your busy schedule.
You wanted to do things that you wanted to do, not gain attention from them, yet your close group of friends had known of your little skits: Feeding not only stray cats, but taking time to volunteer to help with the homeless and the orphanage. The conversation had quickly turned to about working at the strip club, and you were relieved that the subject had changed.
“Ugh. I hate it when they get up. They’re suppose to sit, and be obedient.” Nemuri huffed.
“Isn’t that against the regulations?” You wondered, and Yu nodded.
“Yeah. I heard that one girl in the private room was far into her dancing, she didn’t notice the guy standing up. Luckily there’s cameras, and so when the staff noticed that he pulled his dick out, they broke into the room and threw him out. Hah, he didn’t get his cash back or anything.” She finished, and you couldn’t help but feel sympathy.
You weren’t raised in the club, but your mother had told you plenty of stories, and dropped off the outfits or brought home a “dummy” to practice makeup on while she told you to never let your guard down. It wasn’t until you were nineteen when you fully knew what she had meant as you were working as a hostess at her building.
Although you were dressed in bartender clothes, it didn’t stop anybody from trying to make a grab at you. You were lucky that your mother had hired good bouncers, and she herself was like a tiger who prowled upon those who didn’t belong there.  
“That’s awful.” You admitted, and Nemuri nodded in agreement.
“Yeah. It’s especially gross when you’re giving them a lap dance, and you feel something gross and sticky on the back of your thigh.”
“Or when they kept saying that ‘you’re too pretty to work here’. I know I’m pretty, and I want the attention and attraction to work here. Just because I dance, doesn’t mean that I’m easy. I’m in a committed relationship for six years, thank you.” Yu bantered back while Rumi and you listened quietly.
“You girls go through a lot. Damn. Poor birthday girl had to wear a miniskirt while handing out food and drinks.” Rumi piped up, offering to say what she knew about the subject. Nemuri sighed.
“I remember that when Yu and I first started. Her mom’s not too picky when it comes to help, especially when it’s low pay and her own kid. Like a lamb in a den full of lions, I tell you. Luckily our ladies and gents knew how to swoop in to the rescue.” She finished, and you felt yourself blushing.
Everyone jumped as the doorbell rang, and you watched the Grinch-like grins spread on Nemuri and Yu’s faces, as Rumi let out one that was almost feral.
“Cake’s here.” They said, and you couldn’t help but feel a case of dread as Nemuri didn’t hesitate to waltz over there, and sling the door open, and you couldn’t help but to swallow thickly.
“You did not.” It was a whisper that died on your throat.
Of course you should have known. Of all things-
 He stood in the middle of the door, holding a prettily frosted cake, but it wasn’t the cake that caught your attention.
 Tall, blond, muscles, was sporting thin square glasses that were about to fall off of his nose, a sleeveless white vest with a loosened tie and one button undone. His pants were no better, the zipper and buttons were undone as it snagged nicely on his hips, leaving a blond treasure trail for the world to see, and of course, sleek black and orange high heels that looked as if they cost more than your rent.  
“I’m here to teach our Birthday Girl a lil’ lesson.” Came out the smooth purr as he twirled a red sucker in his mouth, and damn it did that not help you. You hated to admit it, but he was the handsomest ones that you’ve ever seen, and of course you knew who sent him. Pretty amber irises stared at you, drinking you thoroughly as if he was silently contemplating something.  
“Name’s Fatigue, Sugar.” He grinned, lolling the sucker within his mouth as Nemuri took the cake from his hands and set it down on your living room table.  
“Don’t work our girl too hard, Tai. Poor thing gets a little flustered, easily.” She giggled, pinching your cheek rather playfully. You gave her a small glare despite that your ears were burning, now. Tai, or “Fatigue”, let a slow, lazy smile stretch his face as he looked down at you with a cocky look mixed with hunger.
“Jus’ sit back an’ relax, ‘nd enjoy the show. You deserve it for workin’ so hard.”  He cooed with what seemed to be affection, and you swallowed thickly and nodded. Sure, you could do this. Giving an affirmative, he didn’t give you much time before he took out his phone and pressed some button, instantly music had started playing as he started.
He was like a magnet, snapping your attention to him in awe as he spread his legs wide, letting himself sink low to the floor, heels perfectly grounded into your carpet as his glasses stayed neatly perched on the crook of his nose. He grinned at your amazed stare, as if eating it up. Of course he had a bag full of tricks, and you couldn’t believe that you were finding yourself eager to know each one.
He didn’t fail to deliver, hopping back up with a dive of his hips, sliding a hand down to the side of his pants, palming his thigh as he bent low, ass in the air. Each movement was in sync with the beats, and was absolutely filthy as he used his body to curve and twist into movements that oddly made you feel hot and your throat dry. Who was he? Where did your mom even find somebody this good?
Your friends were no better. Rumi had sported a look of stupor, and to your own surprise, Nemuri and Yu looked impressed, a rare sight for you knew that their technique was high dollar and quality, too.
He was all over you, not touching, but close, not letting you take your attention away from him as he ran his hands close to his hips and inner thighs, his sharp focus was only on you as he gauged your reactions, seeing which little movements brought a spark to your eyes or a flush to your face.
Then, like his routine, he did another unexpected move. Taking your cake, he set it neatly on your lap. Not giving you time to really question anything, he gingerly took your hand, dipping your fingers into the frosting, and brought it to his mouth.
Hot. You couldn’t help but feel hot all over as your lips burned on how he licked and sucked at the frosted digits, lolling his tongue over each one as he gave you such a dirty, heated look, and you swore that you heard him groan. Or was it you? You couldn’t tell as he gave your digits one final suck, letting go with a wet pop as the last song ended.
“Delicious.” He purred, and you couldn’t help but bite your bottom lip at how he sounded it.
“Holy shit.” Nemuri broke the silence.
“Language, young Missy.” Fatigue tutted, waving his finger at her, laughing lightly as she gave him one of her own, before turning his attention back to you.
“Didja enjoy the dance, Sweetling?”
“Yeah.” You admitted in  choked voice, and he gave a small laugh of affection as he walked towards the door.
“You have a Happy Birthday. I do hope that I can see ya, again.” He gave one last final look at you that you couldn’t decipher, as he headed out.
Silence enveloped you girls, before Yu started laughing.
“You were so blushing! He looked as if he wanted to eat you up!” She noticed, and you could feel your lip starting to hurt from biting it constantly.
“Woah, did he even know that you’re the boss’s kid?” Rumi asked, and Nemuri shook her head.
“Nah. We hired him yesterday, and her mom didn’t say anything, other than that she had a very special job for him. Heh, I didn’t know that the new meat was this good.” Nemuri explained, staring at her nails.
“’I do hope that I can see ya, again’.” Yu mimicked before giggling with glee. “Somebody’s has taken a shine to our homebody.” She grinned and your face flushed with realization.
“I gotta go see my mom.” You blurted out, instead, and was rewarded with grins and knowing smirks.
“It’s so cute how you’ve finally began to open up, my little touch-starved Chickadee. A stripper, of all things, huh?” Nemuri laughed at the irony, and you couldn’t help but join.
“I guess that it’s time to admit that I don’t have to live my life as the Lone Wolf, anymore.”
“And finally get laid, right?” Yu said it ever so casually, and you rolled your eyes.
“Ah, leave her alone. It’s nice that those brick walls are falling down.” Rumi grinned, slinging an arm around you and you smiled.
“It’s getting late, ladies. I got to see my mom early, tomorrow. Before you leave, take some cake with you.” You admitted.
“Will do! I’ll tell her that the new guy had done the impossible, by gaining your heated stare.” Yu giggled as she wrapped an arm around Nemuri’s waist.
“Hah, Kei’s gonna have a laugh at this.” Rumi smiled as she got up, leaving for your kitchen to grab the plates and forks.
After cake was cut and eaten, and the girls hugged you and kissed your cheeks before heading out, you were now laying on your bed, face flushing furiously as your heartbeat quickened. A stripper of all things shouldn’t have done that to you. You grew up with your mom’s flirty attitude towards strangers, and from an older teen, had been working in the club in a vest, shirt, and miniskirt with low heels, being constantly flirted with.
You didn’t know what made him to be so different, but like a magnetic connection, you were pulled, and despite you loner, homebody attitude, you kind of did wanted to see more of him.
He sighed, slipping off the expensive shoes as his feet and body ached for a hot shower. She didn’t know him, but he knew somewhat about her. Although the two of them shared the same college, he’d never shared a class with her, and she had lived in the apartments that was near, but not the dorms. Yet, he seen her almost everyday while either to or from his way to classes, work, or in general.
She tried to hide it, but he knew of the little empty cans of tuna near the dumpster that kept the stray mother cat and her kittens fed, was from her. He could hear her cooing to this day, smile rivaling the sun, as she looked down at the bunch with a touch of softness, not noticing the world around her as he took the same route past the alley every day.
 Of course, he was a little intrigued. He had a sweet tooth, and despite his refusal in ever taking a bite, he wanted to drink in on what this strange woman was doing. He knew that she was busy, if the bags underneath her eyes indicated anything, and yet she still took time to do small and big things. Picking up littered cans and tossing them in the recycling bin, helping struggling students study, and he’d even seen her face at the soup kitchens, pouring generous amounts of soup into the bowls which were held in the hands of the hungry.  
All around. She was all around and yet tried to make herself small and trivial. Others didn’t really notice, but he did. He couldn’t help it. Like a little magnet, she pulled him in, and she was unaware of it. Honestly, he felt like a stalker, yet he knew that he wasn’t. She was just…all around. Existing, helping, laughing, and smiling. It cut through a crack in his dark little world.
Of course, then she graduated, and he was surprised on how much he had missed her laughter, the softness in her eyes as she handled the kittens or gave out food. He didn’t know her. Didn’t speak to her, never went to the same classes, and yet, he felt a little empty when she was gone. It boggled and irritated him.
The literal icing on top was when he had finally gotten hired, the smirking woman telling him that he had a special job, and he couldn’t help but look in surprise at the address. The same door number that he seen her excitedly rush out from while he was on his way to class, was written on the address sheet with instructions. He had already met her friends, who were surprising her on her birthday. To be honest, he was surprised that the woman had friends such as Nemuri and Yu, but he didn’t question it further, as he felt the excitement build up.
Then, he couldn’t help himself when the two of them had finally met. He suppressed a shiver. He had a no touching rule. He didn’t want to touch, and he didn’t want to be touched, but something broke in him. He wanted to be touched by those shy inquisitive fingers, wanted to be stared at so innocently, and yet so dirty, and he couldn’t help himself. She was so sweet, and he didn’t mind letting himself having a taste, for once.
He really did hope to see her again
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faulty-writes · 4 years
Warning: Self-Esteem and Emotional Issues. Crying. Mentions of Heart Break. 
Fandom: My Hero Academia 
Pairing: Mirio Togata x Reader 
[So this piece was inspired by the song Coming Your Way by Beach Avenue, which is probably my new favorite thing to put on repeat. So enjoy.] 
[You recently graduated from U.A. High School, but there’s a slight problem. Somehow you find yourself at a loss of muse to be a hero, something you trained for your whole life. What’s wrong? You’re not sure, but you decide a change of scenery might spark your dream back to life. But what happens when you tell Mirio you’re leaving and what lengths will he go to keep you with him?] 
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“Hey, y/n.” you turn your head, watching Nejire run up to you. “I thought I’d catch you here, someone said you normally take walks around this time,” she said with a smile and though you tried your best to return it, you couldn’t. Faking happiness isn’t something you did. “Oh ...yeah,” you responded as you glanced at her. She was in her hero attire, even though you had only graduated six months prior. It seems that most of your classmates were already making their way in the Pro Hero world, some of them working through the process of starting their own agency while others stayed with the agency they chose during their internship.
Most of them seemed happy, but somehow or another. After graduating, all the excitement you felt for being a hero faded. It was strange, at first, you thought it was just a phase. But as the weeks turned into months, you noticed this empty feeling only grew and you lost all your motivation. When you were attending U.A. High School, becoming a hero was all you thought about. Alongside Tamaki Amajiki, Nejire Hado, and Mirio Togata. You were all pretty close and you all held the same dream, despite Mirio being quirkless for some time. Eri helped bring the hope back to his heart when she reversed the effects Overhaul bestowed upon him.
So it was nice to know he was back to his old self and he was doing great, being the same giving and brave hero he was meant to be. Unlike you and you knew Nejire was getting close to figuring that out. She blinked, her normal happy face now painted with a frown. “Y/n, what’s wrong?” you jumped at her question and brushed a piece of your hair behind your ear. “Uh ...nothing, look I gotta-” Nejire grabbed your arm before you could do anything. “Why do you look so depressed lately?” she questioned and you internally cringed. Deciding to try and play it off. “Do I …” you replied and she nodded, a stern expression coming to her face.
“You’re pretty easy to read, even if you don’t think so.” she said and you sigh, “Am I …” you said, “Yes, you’ve been wearing that same expression for months now. It’s become the default mood for you. Is everything alright?” you felt your heart sink and reached up to clench your shirt, your heart beating fast. You wanted to keep how you felt a secret, even if you knew it was wrong to keep such a serious problem to yourself. You trusted your friends, but not telling would hurt them less when you finally left. You looked at Nejire, her arms were now crossed and her eyes slit. You assumed she was angry at you.
You opened your mouth to speak, but a loud voice pierced through the air. “HEY!” you immediately recognized it as belonging to the overenthusiastic blond, Mirio Togata. You turned, seeing the man run up to you much like Nejire had. “I thought I saw you two! This is pretty convenient timing huh?” he said with a playful grin and Nejire tilted her head. “Mirio? I thought you were at Sir Nighteye’s Agency?” you kept quiet as Mirio nodded. “Yeah, but I finished patrol early and well …” he paused and turned to look at you, his heart fluttering. “I was going to swing by this area anyway, I was kind of hoping to run into someone special,” he said and you chuckled, Mirio had someone special? How nice that must be, you almost felt envious of this special someone.
You looked to the sky as Nejire and Mirio talked to one another. You kicked at the ground before taking a step back and walking away. “Y/n!” Mirio called and you stopped before looking over your shoulder. Nejire was standing beside him, a concerned expression on her face. “Where are you going? I thought we could ...maybe hang out?” he suggested, acting nervous as he rubbed the back of his head and though you couldn’t see it, a blush painted his cheeks. You frowned and shook your head. “Sorry, I’m a little busy right now. I have somewhere to be.” you lied, truthfully you had nowhere to go. Except straight home to continue being consumed with this depressed feeling.
“Oh …” Mirio said, feeling his heart sink. He really wanted the chance to hang out with you, he didn’t get to see you as much since graduation. “Um ...okay I guess, I’ll see you later?” he said and Nejire nodded, “Yeah, maybe I’ll swing by your house tomorrow,” she suggested and though you wanted to tell her no, you didn’t want to cause any drama in front of Mirio. So instead, you nodded. “Yeah, that sounds fine,” you replied before waving them goodbye and continuing down the sidewalk. Once you were out of sight, Nejire turned to Mirio. “Have you noticed y/n hasn’t been feeling well lately?” she questioned and Mirio looked surprised.
He had noticed you seemed busy, running off to do something else whenever you saw him. But he always gave you the benefit of the doubt. “They aren’t well?” he questioned, slipping his hands into his pockets. “Yeah, I’ve seen it myself, and even though I’ve asked them what’s wrong. They never tell me,” she said with a huff, her cheeks turning pink. “But hey!” she smiled and stepped closer to Mirio, placing a hand on his chest. “I’m sure they’ll definitely feel better if you go see them tomorrow! I have their address, you can go and see them and I’m sure they’ll talk to you!” she said cheerfully, sparkles in her eyes.
Mirio pressed his lips together, looking away from Nejire. The truth was, he knew where you lived. In fact, he knew a lot about you. Probably more than most would care to notice. He had first met you when he entered U.A. and he was immediately drawn to you. Of course, he was more than happy when he finally became friends with you. He loved how he could share anything with you and of course, you were both excited about your dreams coming true. He always found you adorable when you rambled off about your future plans, how you’d open your own agency, how your name would be in lights and how the crowd would sound when you saved the day.
He loved your passion and drive, you always pushed through every obstacle in your way and he downright loved you for it. Of course, he couldn’t really determine the moment he realized he was in love with you. But it was probably after he had rescued Eri and lost his quirk, the way you ran into the hospital room with tears streaming down your face. It killed him to see you like that, but he loved it when you hugged him. Your grip was so tight and you were trembling so much, he just wanted you to feel safe. Though he was afraid to tell you that he lost his quirk, you told him you didn’t care about that.
You were more worried about his well-being and even admitted you couldn’t live without him, which surprised him the most. Of course, he regretted not kissing you when the hug was over because when he had you in his arms. For the first time in his life, he felt truly complete. The words ‘I love you’ rang in his head whenever he looked at you from then on. But he never got the chance to tell you, between taking care of Eri and figuring out what to do with his free time from U.A. and, the fact that he was a little afraid to admit his feelings. He didn’t want to lose you, period. But even after he had gotten his quirk back, even after he became a successful Pro Hero. He still hadn’t confessed.
But knowing how you felt at the moment, that you weren't well. He wouldn’t stand for that and even if you rejected him, he’d still be there for you. Even if it hurt, he loved you too much to give up on you even if you somehow didn’t feel the same way. But he knew better than to show up at your house, he knew your schedule well. Even though you seemed to have taken a hiatus from your hero work. You still showed up to your agency and worked at the front desk, taking calls and organizing paperwork. This also meant you took the train back and forth and that’s where he’d meet you. After all, you couldn’t possibly avoid him that way, could you?
The next day, he stood outside the train station. His eyes scanning the crowd, he couldn't risk missing you. However, you were just running late. You groaned as you adjusted your bag, the shoulder strap was digging a little too much into your skin and you struggled to get out your card so you could step through the gate. You sigh, what a day. You reached up to run your hand through your hair before you heard your name being called. You jumped and looked to see Mirio running toward you. “Mirio …” you whispered as he approached, “I knew you’d be coming back around this time,” he said and your eyes widened, what was he a stalker?
You swallowed and looked at the ground, your hands curling into loose fists as a gentle breeze came. Mirio noticed your behavior and stepped closer, “Hey …” he said as he laid a hand on your shoulder, “I was thinking that ...you and I, haven’t really talked properly.” you felt your lip quiver and swallowed hard. “We ...haven’t,” you said, agreeing with him before you shyly glanced up. His soft blue eyes and concerned expression were enough to make anyone’s heart melt. You took a breath, knowing you’d regret your next set of words.
“Do ...do you want to come over then?” you questioned, but your stomach twisted knowing that Mirio would ask questions once he was there. Mirio looked surprised but a smile came to his face, “Sure!” he replied before reaching down to grab your hand, threading your fingers together. Dragging you behind him, you struggled to keep up. Mirio was excitable, but it was almost nice to see someone so positive. Almost, just not enough to make you smile again. Your legs felt like jelly by the time you arrived at your apartment building, but when you got to your door you felt a little nervous. Mirio was standing behind you and you could tell he was eager to finally get some time with you.
Despite the knots in your stomach, you hesitantly opened your door. There were cardboard boxes stacked on top of each other. Each one holding your possessions and your apartment itself looked empty apart from the few things hanging on the wall and furniture. Mirio looked around, a little shocked as this wasn’t the apartment he remembered seeing before. “Uh, are you planning to move to another apartment or something?” he questioned and you ignored him as you took your bag off and threw it onto the couch. “Do you want something to drink?” you questioned as you walked into the kitchen. “I was going to make some tea.” Mirio frowned and walked over to one of the cushions you had on the floor.
“Uh sure, that sounds amazing!” he said, trying to remain hopeful and positive. But the fact that you had boxes stacked up and things packed away. Well, it didn’t sit right with him, what were you up to? He wasn’t entirely sure if he wanted to find out. But still, he took his seat and waited patiently until you had made the tea. You put everything on a tray and walked over, placing it on the floor before taking your seat. “Here,” you said as you handed him a cup and he took it with a smile. “Thank you!” he happily took a sip, though the hot liquid burnt his tongue a little. Guess he forgot to blow on it first, silly mistake.
He chuckled and rubbed the back of his head. “So hey, I-” you interrupted him, “May I speak before you say what you have to say?” Mirio raised his eyebrow before placing his tea down and brought his hands to rest on his thighs. “Uh sure,” he replied and you took a breath, “Thank you.” butterflies began to rise in your stomach but you tried to ignore them the best you could. “I know it seems like I’ve been avoiding you and I truly am sorry about that,” you said as you looked Mirio in the eye. “But for the past couple of months, really since graduation ...my love for being a hero, my muse for doing what’s right ...i-it’s not there,” you explained and Mirio’s eyes widened.
“What do you mean …” he said as he leaned toward you. Your lip began to quiver and you sank your teeth into it before glancing down. Your hands tightening around your cup of tea. “I ...I don’t know, it just disappeared. I feel unmotivated to do my hero work, my love that was once so strong for it is nothing now ...I feel nothing and …” a sob threatened to come but tried your best to choke it down, despite the fact you got teary-eyed. “I don’t know …” you said, reaching up to tug at your hair. Shaking your head. “M-Maybe it’s because there are too many heroes here already, there’s no room for anyone else and I ...I need something new,” you explained and Mirio grew cross.
“Something new?” he repeated and you nodded, “The boxes are …because I’m leaving …” you said, your voice quiet, “I-I’m going away, somewhere new and fresh. Hopefully, when I do ...my muse will return. I used to love being a hero ...I need that feeling back and I’m not going to find it here.” you confessed and looked up at Mirio. He was wearing a frown and his jaw was clenched, you noticed he was trembling and his hands were now curled into fists. But his eyes held a mix of emotions, and much like yours, they were watered over with tears threatening to spill. “Y-You can’t go away y/n!” he suddenly shouted which made you involuntarily drop your cup of tea. It fell to the floor, luckily it didn't shatter but it still made a mess.
You reached out to grab it but Mirio was quick to grab your wrist instead. You gasped and tried to pull away, “Mirio!” you looked back at him, freezing when you saw a few tears roll down his cheek. “Do you hate me!?” he snapped and your heart sank at his words. You had never seen him like before, apart from when Sir Nighteye passed. “Answer me, y/n! Are you going away because you hate me!?” he exclaimed and his grip on you tightened, you hissed and once more tried to pull your wrist away.
“M-Mirio ...I ...no I don’t hate you! You’re my friend, this ...this isn’t because of you! I’m doing this for myself.” you tried to explain before you felt him release your wrist which made you sigh in relief. Mirio lowered his head, a sob escaping him before he reached up to wipe his nose. “I ...I don’t want to be your friend …” he responded in a whisper and you blinked, “W-What?” Did he mean that? He would never say something so mean, would he? You gasped when he snapped his head back up and reached out to grab your hands, squeezing them tight. “I love you y/n!” he blurted out, his heart racing and tears still streaming down his face.
He just couldn’t let this happen, you couldn’t just leave him! “I love you so much! I’ve been in love with you since the first day I met you and y-you can’t …” his tears were now running like a river down his face as he pressed your hands against his forehead. Your jaw dropped and it felt like some sort of weight had been put on your shoulders at his confession. It’s not that you didn’t feel the same way, but ...you just couldn’t give him what he wanted. You had made your choice to leave and you couldn’t go back on it now. “Mirio ...just stop …” you said, your voice cracking as you pulled your hands away from him. He gasped and tried to reach for them once more, but you were quick to stand on your feet.
He looked at you, his facial expression almost reading ‘Why are you away from me?’ but you tried to ignore it and looked away from him. “I already made my choice,” you said, your hands clenching. “I ...I love you too Mirio, I truly do. But I can’t stay here, I lost my place in this ...nothing town. I have to leave now.” you said and Mirio swallowed before slowly rising to his feet. “This is just like you …” he said in a hushed voice, “You’re still the same old y/n you were before, you’re still the hero you strive to be. You rush in by yourself and you never stop.” you cringed at his words, your mind replaying your old happy self from U.A. Yeah you once did whatever it took to be a hero.
It hurt to think about and you closed your eyes, your body trembling. “There are things about myself ...I just can’t explain Mirio ...okay!?” you snapped, opening your eyes to glare at him. So many emotions were running through you at the moment, but none of them were stronger than the anger and guilt you felt. “I ...I-I’m not as good as you think I am!” you snapped, your own tears coming. You sniffed and reached up, brushing the loose hair out of your face. “I ...I think you need to leave, NOW.” you demanded, pointing a finger toward the door. Mirio sucked in a breath, shaking his head.
“N-No! I’m not leaving until you say you’re going to stay! I told you how I feel, does that mean anything to you!? You said you loved me back!” he said, tears still coming. Your heart sunk further and a frustrated growl came before you tugged at your hair. “I know what I said!” you snapped at him, “A-And?” his voice was shaky. He was terrified, he had faced down countless villains. He had been shot, he had lost his quirk, lost his mentor. But none of that compared to the fear of losing you. You felt your heart break, this was going to be painful. “Get out of my house now or I’ll call the police.” the words left your mouth in a dark tone and as much as it pained you to say those words.
Mirio’s hurt expression absolutely killed you, his jaw was dropped. His eyes void of any emotion, though they looked red and puffy from his tears. “Y/n please …” he whispered, the words barely audible but you shook your head. “Out,” you repeated and turned your back as Mirio’s shoulders dropped, his sobs echoing through the air. His heart shattered inside his chest and he felt hollow and broken as he turned and slowly made his way to the door. He paused after he opened it and looked at you. “I ...won’t give up …” he said as he finally stepped through and left. You let out a sob and covered your face with your hands.
You fell to your knees, the pain in your chest was enough to make you want to give up and die. But maybe it was better this way, after all, you were going to leave. You needed to leave, for the sake of your own mental health. For the sake of finding your love for being a hero again, you couldn’t help but think about what happened to that happy person back in U.A. But it didn’t matter, you would travel as far as you had to in order to find yourself again. Maybe Mirio didn’t understand that or maybe he just needed time to understand it. You did love him, but damn it was such bad timing. Even so, you couldn’t let that stop you from doing what you needed to.
You wiped your eyes, trying to shake off the feeling as you looked at the boxes that surrounded you. “I n-need to finish ...packing …” you had planned to leave in a few days, but now you felt the sudden urge to disappear and kicked everything into high gear. Working through the night into the early morning to make sure everything was packed. You were dead tired when morning came and wiped the sweat from your brow. You wanted nothing more than to collapse and sleep, but you knew you could always sleep on the train. If not, you could get a cup of coffee on the way to the transit station.
You groaned as you tried to operate your phone, the screen looked a little fuzzy and the brightness irritated your eyes. But somehow, you managed to navigate to the keypad and called the moving company you had chosen. Though you had to pay extra for them to arrive a few days early, they assured you that your belongings would be delivered to your new address by nightfall. A yawn escaped you and you rubbed your eyes, they felt so heavy. Damn, you shook your head and packed your bag of choice before looking around your empty apartment. As much as you hated to admit it, you would miss your apartment in Tokyo. But it was for the best.
You took a deep breath and finally closed the door and it felt like you had just closed a chapter of your life. You kept your head down as you made your way to the train station, a part of you was paranoid that you’d run into one of your friends on the way. You knew it was wrong, not telling them you were leaving and they’d probably try to contact you. More than likely you wouldn’t know what to say to them, but eventually, everyone had to leave right? You couldn’t stay friends with someone forever, that was just the nature of life.
You purchased a coffee before getting onto the train, it was going to be a long ride. But you didn’t mind, you even managed to snag a window seat and your coffee was gone before the first announcement came. You settled back in your seat and closed your eyes, soon drifting into an overdue sleep as the train took you to the start of your new life. But as Mirio promised, he wouldn’t give up on you and despite the way, you had broken his heart. He went home only to tell Nejire what had happened. From there word spread of your dilemma and the solution, you had come up with to solve it. Mirio was going to let you be, believing that if you just saw what life was like without your friends, without him around you’d change your mind and come back.
But Nejire had convinced him otherwise, “Stop crying! You love y/n right!? You can’t just give up on someone you love, no matter how much they push you away. You have to fight for them, come on we’ll help! Right Amajiki!?” she said, turning to the shy boy who nodded. “Yeah ...w-we won’t let you l-lose them …” he promised and from there, they used their skills to figure out what train you’d be taking and where you would get off. Though Mirio was a little uncertain, he knew he needed to do this. If he couldn’t stop you from leaving then ...he was about to get desperate. Tamaki, Nejire, and himself raced to beat your train and all three stood outside the designated gates of where you would get off.
Each one of them was looking for you, but Mirio was the one that found you first. One of the train conductors had woken you up when you were nearing your destination and oddly enough, you found yourself smiling. Almost feeling downright excited, a new town. A new start. It was perfect and you eagerly stepped off the train, taking a deep breath. “This is the start of a new beginning,” you said as you made your way up the stairs and through the gates. Your eyes widening at your new surroundings, but your happy moment was shattered when you heard your name. You gasped and turned your head, much like before Mirio had appeared before you, which left you speechless.
He stopped about a foot from you and smiled, “May I speak before you say what you have to say?” you swallowed at the sound of your own words being redirected at you and took a step back, “Mirio ...you’re not stopping me! I need a new start, I need-” Mirio stepped forward and pressed his fingers to your lips. You swallowed back the squeak that threatened to come and a moment of silence filled the air before Mirio removed his fingers. “I love you y/n and you feel the same way about me, don’t you?” he questioned with a stern expression. You looked down, curling a hand to your chest.
Damn it, this isn’t the way you wanted it. “Yes …” you replied, knowing that there was no way around this. “I do ...but I already told you-” he grabbed your shoulders and leaned close. “I know ...I know what you said and I know what you want to do.” you felt a little nervous being this close to him. “Which is why ...I want to join you.” he squeezed your arms to prevent you from moving, “Y-You ...what do you mean?” you questioned, getting a little defensive. He just smiled in response and pecked your lips. “Sorry I guess I should have been clear. I love you and I realized when I said I wasn’t going to let you leave that maybe I just meant I wasn’t going to let you leave me,” he said in a soft voice and your heart accelerated as you looked into his gentle eyes.
He was telling the truth, that much was clear. You pressed your lips together, “Leave you …” Mirio nodded and released his hold on you. “I could never let the person I love go and if this is really what you want, then that’s fine with me! I can be a hero anywhere and as if I’d ever let you go through something like this alone. I’ll make sure that you find your happiness again, I’ll do whatever it takes to make sure you are the amazing hero you’re meant to be. Even if it means leaving home and starting anew with you, sunshine.” he said as he took your hand, “Oh and in case you think I’m joking …” he reached into his pocket and pulled out a ring.
Though it didn’t look expensive, he slipped it onto your finger. “This promise ring says otherwise, see I got one too!” he said as he raised his hand and sure enough, there was a ring there. “Uh …”  you blinked and looked at the ring he had slipped on your finger. It was silver but had a few gems. “I ...I don’t know ...t-this is …” Mirio chuckled and brushed his thumb across your knuckles. “Not what you expected I know, but if you’re leaving. I’m going to follow you, doesn’t matter where. I’ll never let you go. So ...will you have me and will you ...let me be part of your new life?” he questioned, a pout on his lips.
Your head was spinning, you had tried to cut all the strings you could. Even going as far as pushing away the person you happened to love. But he came back as strong and as determined as ever. Not many could say they had someone that would chase them down like this, make them promises that they would actually keep. “D-Do you really mean it. That you want to stay here with me? I ...I don’t know if I’ll find my muse again ...are you willing to live with that?” you questioned and Mirio smiled before pulling you close. “I’ll be the hero for both of us until you find your passion again, sound good?” your heart fluttered at his words, why was he so sweet? 
You took a breath, glancing back at the ring he had gotten you before resting your hands on his chest. Mirio was a man who loved affection and intimacy. He was also a man that never gave up, even though you wanted to start a new life, the one constant that would never change was Mirio and for the first time in a while, you found yourself laughing. “Yes!” you said as you jumped up and wrapped your arms around him. Hugging him close, he laughed in return and squeezed you. “I’ll never let you go,” he promised as he placed his hand to the back of your head.
“Even if we have to hit the road again, I’ll be there for you every step of the way,” he said before you pulled away from the hug, smiling at him. He returned the smile before his eyes looked past you, Nejire and Tamaki were smiling and waving him goodbye. Mirio waved back, “Hm?” you turned to watch the two members of The Big Three walk away. You blinked and turned back to Mirio who reached down to take your hand. “How about you show me where our new home is?” he suggested, all too eager to start this new life with you.
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Kylux ‘No-Smut’ Fic Rec
As we all know, the Kylux fandom has no shortages of smut fics; we’re kind of notorious for it. But it’s not all kinks and fucking. Sometimes you just want a read a fic where there’s no sex and that’s what I’m here for! Below is a list of fics rated anywhere from General (Hux) Audiences to Mature Audiences and they all have one thing in common: they are completely smut scene free.
To Be Truly Seen by @theknitterati (G, 3.9k, Fluff, H/C, Self-Esteem Issues)
Kylo wears a helmet because he's extremely anxious about his appearance and thinks he's hideous. Hux finally figures this out and soothes him through a panic attack.
You're Awful by zamwessell (G, 2.3k, Bickering)
“Why are you trying to inspire them with speeches?” Ren asks. “I thought they were programmed from birth to obey.” “And why would I take any advice from you, Mr. I-Inexplicably-Have-A-Black-Bucket-Over-My-Head?” “Careful.” “I’m sorry, Darth I-Inexplicably-Have-A-Black-Bucket-Over-My-Head.”
General Hux and Kylo Ren hate working together. For different reasons.
To Entertain An Idea by @it-wasnt-me-really (T, 6k, Drunk Kylo, Jealousy, Friends to Lovers)
The Supreme Leader and Grand Marshal come to an understanding, which turns into a realization, which turns into a drunk freakout, which turns into something else entirely.
Captivity by @kyluxtrashpit (T, 1.9k, H/C, Aftermath of Torture, Hair Washing)
Against all odds, Kylo is taken captive by the Resistance. When he's finally rescued, he doesn't expect such simple comforts to feel so good.
Inseparable by Kittens (T, 3k, Keep Him Close Tumblr Event, Crack)
Supreme Leader Kylo Ren doesn't trust General Hux not to betray him, so he keeps him close. Really close.
Hold Me Back by @reyisaspacegay (T, 3.2k, H/C, Angst, Fluff, Past Child Abuse)
In which various things go wrong, and Hux learns just how affectionate Ren can be.
I Get By With A Little Help From My Subordinates by @obsessions-and-dreams (T, 1.8k, Crack, Fluff, Phasma Ships It)
Everyone on board the Finalizer can tell that the General doesn't get enough sleep. They decide to take matters into their own hands. What could possibly go wrong?
sunburn by @honeypothux (T, 4.2k, Angst, H/C, Exes)
“You’ve been crying,” Kylo says. The again is unnecessary. They both know its true.
black bacta bandages and other first order love stories by @lady-starkiller (T, 3.7k, H/C, Pining, Kyux Breakup Drama) 
After the battle on Starkiller Base, after Kylo's defeat at the hands of the Resistance, the First Order retrieved him from the imploding planet. And the First Order remained to see him heal.
I Follow Rivers by @bioticnerfherder and @agent-nemesis (M, 14.2k, Dealing With Injuries, Dismemberment) 
Kylo Ren returns to the Finalizer after completing his training to find General Hux missing in action. Determined to prove himself as a leader, he resolves to find the general no matter the cost. The Force, however, has other plans, and Kylo finds out more about the past than he does the future.
Alternate Universe:
Your Visible Soul by @obsessions-and-dreams (T, 6.1k, Modern AU, Enemies to Friends to Implied Lovers, Humour, Fluff, Cats)
Hux’s new neighbor was big, loud and messy.
And so was its owner, Kylo.
FN-1984 by @starhaxa (G, <1K, Addams Family AU, Crack, Outsider POV)
The stormtroopers know better than to say anything or even seem like they might not be minding their own business.
Comfort by @sparrowlicious (T, 2k, High School Au, H/C, Fluff) 
Hux seeks refuge at Kylo's place only to find him in need of support. He gets a chance to repay Kylo for letting him hang out at his place every time he needs to.
Third Time's The Charm by @theweddingofthefoxes (T, 2.6k, College AU, Praise Kink, Touch Starvation) 
Ben and Armie haven't been dating for very long, but maybe things will get more interesting on their third date. Ben's just hoping Armie won't think his praise kink or desire to be touched are weird.
Grounding by @absolutecreed (G, 1.5k, Modern AU, Dissociation, Fluff) 
Hux wakes up to a phone call from Kylo, saying to come pick him up.
What makes that request odd is that it's 4am. And its their day off. And nothing is open.
Hux gets worried.
fathers & sons by @claude-lit (M, 3k, Funerals, H/C, Mentions of Child Abuse)
Han dies. Hux picks up the pieces.
Homecoming by @warlike-god (M, 69k, Modern AU, Family Issues, Slow Burn)
AU in which Kylo has cut off all contact with his parents for the past seven years, but one phone call brings him right back to his dysfunctional family, and away from his hopeful art career. Now he has to deal with Han and Leia's foster daughter Rey, Governor Organa herself, and Armitage Hux, his high school rival who seems to keep showing up at every turn. Worst of all, he has to reconcile with Han, and figure out how to say goodbye.
stet by @acroamatica (M, 17k, Novelist/Editor AU)
Kylo Ren knows how to write a bestseller. All he needs is a good enough monster and a small enough town, a cast of people who are relatable but maybe not very bright, and an editor who will sit back and let him do his thing.
First Order House’s newly-promoted senior editor Hux, however, is not that editor.
Take Me Home, Country Roads by @multi-purpose-tool-guy (G, 8k, Kylux-Adjacent Ship, Clyde Logan/Caleb Smith, Family Drama) 
After the events that occurred at Nathan's home in the mountains, Caleb feels he needs to escape back to the sun-baked and beer-sticky West Virginia where he grew up. Some things have stayed the same but a lot has changed since he's been gone, including Clyde Logan, but thankfully not in any of the ways that matter.
Alternately; in more ways than one, Caleb comes home.
One Song Glory by @bioticnerfherder (T, 33k, Rock Band AU)
Over two years after graduating from Juilliard, Ben decides he wants to reunite the Knights of Ren, a cover band they formed to make rent as college kids in New York City. But two years can be long time, and the band members have moved on - friendships are strained, romantic feelings forgotten. Or are they?
featuring: Ben on vocals and bass, Poe on lead guitar, Finn on rhythm guitar, Phasma on keyboards, Rey on drums, and Hux as their songwriter/kind-of manager.
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With the impending release of his fifth studio album — the first since the four-time platinum, Grammy-nominated 2016 Views — Drake has many questions surrounding him. Can he again move a million units in a week? Can he prove all the doubters wrong after two years of ghostwriting allegations? Can he top “Hotline Bling” or “One Dance”? Can More Life overtake Take Care as Drake’s undoubted classic album?
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But also, can he, like so many artists in 2016 — Beyoncé (Lemonade), Solange (A Seat at the Table), Rihanna (Anti), Kanye West (The Life of Pablo), Young Thug (Jeffery) — take risks on his new album, exposing a deeper version of himself? Drake and his legion of fans — and his seemingly equal number of detractors — are waiting with bated breath for March 18 to see what the 6 God has been cooking up. But before we can call the new project “classic” or “trash,” before we spend the next few weeks debating the best and worst tracks, here’s the most important question that Drake has to answer: Can he stop attempting to control women?
Over the past eight years, Drake’s built up a reputation as being the compassionate and less threatening (read: soft) rapper who appears on The Ellen DeGeneres Show, cuddles up with professional athletes, and gets tattoos of Aaliyah. He’s played the role of Nice Guy by constantly smiling, and apparently wearing his heart on his sleeve. This appeals to the sensitivities of the women in his fan base. But, as is often the case with these so-called nice guys, Drake plays the charmer — he’ll call you beautiful, open doors for you and send you smiley-face emojis — but the minute he has sex with you, or you move on to someone else, he turns into Michael Ealy in The Perfect Guy.
Drake’s corniness, outward kindness and lack of sexual aggression has been misinterpreted as an overarching respect for women. He’s even been referred to as a feminist. But Drake is as much a feminist as Rachel Dolezal is a black woman. His entire catalog is steeped in respectability politics, accepting women so far as their body count goes.
Those songs pale in comparison to “Shot For Me,” “Marvin’s Room” and “Practice.” They are Drake at his worst.
While he’s constantly praised Nicki Minaj over the years, Drake belittled the Grammy-nominated artist during his beef with her former boyfriend, Meek Mill — Is that a world tour or your girl’s tour? — implying that it’s emasculating for a man to receive second billing to his significant other.
As with stars of rock and country music, almost every successful rapper today, from Jay Z to Future to Chance the Rapper, has at some point performed lyrics that objectify or exploit women. J.Cole’s music has taken on more social justice elements over the years (Drake has spoken out for black causes as well). But Cole, in a 2013 song, called women “b—–s” —I got smart, I got rich, and I got b—–s still/And they all look like my eyebrows: thick as hell — and patriarchally dismisses female sexuality on 2014’s “No Role Modelz”:
My only regret was too young for Lisa Bonet, my only regret was too young for Nia Long/Now all I’m left with is hoes from reality shows, hand her a script the b—h probably couldn’t read along
Even so-called progressive rappers fall into this trap, namely the androgynous Young Thug and the genderfluid Young M.A.
Sometime between Drake’s early rise and his third mixtape being converted into 2009’s So Far Gone, the rapper known for singing about his romantic feelings and the pressure of newfound fame — with a flow that made every 16 bars sound like the hottest verse ever — became his own worst enemy. Drake, known for hits like 2009’s “Best I Ever Had” and 2010’s “Find Your Love,” became synonymous with quote-heavy memes on social media, and fake Twitter accounts such as @drakkardnoir pumped out fake deep quote after fake deep quote.
But the rapper’s verses about loving and being proud of college-educated, independent women — Sound so smart like you graduated college/Like you went to Yale but you probably went to Howard — paved the way for hypermasculine diatribes against the sexual agency of seemingly any woman he’s ever encountered. Through an examination of Drake’s four studio albums, plus mixtapes, collaborative projects and guest features, it is clear that the man who made music for folks who couldn’t get over their exes was himself struggling with the basic concept of “moving on.”
While So Far Gone doesn’t count as a studio album — it was his final mixtape before signing with Universal Republic — it gave listeners a sneak peek into the troublesome lyrics Drake would release in subsequent years. On the soothing track “Houstatlantavegas,” he raps about “saving” an exotic dancer from a strip club:
You go get f—– up and we just show up at your rescue/Carry you inside, get you some water and undress you.
I give you my all and the next morning you’ll forget who or why, or how, or when/Tonight is prolly ’bout to happen all over again.
Thank Me Later, Drake’s 2010 debut studio album, features the rapper slut-shaming women for having previous sexual partners. From “Karaoke” (I hope that you don’t get known for nothing crazy/Cause no man ever wants to hear those stories ’bout his lady) to “Miss Me” (Work somethin’, twerk something, basis/She just tryna make it so she’s right here getting naked. I don’t judge her, I don’t judge her/But I could never love her) to “Thank Me Now” (Alohas to women with no ties to men/That I know well, that way there are no lies), Drake positions women with previous sexual experience as undesirable. On the Rihanna-assisted “Take Care,” he seems to open up to the idea of women having sexual agency, relenting I’ve asked about you and they told me things/But my mind didn’t change and I still feel the same.
Thank Me Later was also at times a celebration of independent women – appreciating women’s “book smarts and street smarts” on “Shut it Down” and “Fancy” — but set the foundation for 2011’s Take Care, which was, at that point, the peak of Drake’s overt misogyny and objectification of women. On Take Care, which won Drake a Grammy for best rap album — he continues his focus on sex workers with “Lord Knows”:
To all these women that think like men with the same intentions
Talking strippers and models that try to gain attention.
Even a couple porn stars that I’m ashamed to mention.
“Under Ground Kings” (Sometimes I need that romance, sometimes I need that pole dance/Sometimes I need that stripper that’s gon’ tell me that she don’t dance) even creates a binary of acceptable and unacceptable behavior. While Drake has an infatuation with exotic dancers, he also makes it clear that admiration only goes as far as sex. “Trust Issues,” which Drake said he made for “fun” and thus didn’t include on the album, has Drake playing into the thoroughly debunked myth that women can’t want sex as much as men, rapping And it’s probably why I’m scared to put the time in/Women want to f— like they’re me and I’m them.
Those songs, though, pale in comparison to “Shot For Me,” “Marvin’s Room” and “Practice.” They are Drake at his worst, going beyond the behaviors of the paternalistic and disapproving ex. He goes from telling a woman she’s drinking away the pain she feels due to leaving him on “Shot For Me” — Yeah, I’m the reason why you always getting faded — to cursing out another for finding happiness with a new lover on “Marvin’s Room” (F— that n—-a that you love so bad).
Despite admitting that he’s a flawed individual in the latter song, in the former he tells the woman that he “made” her and calls her a “b—-.” This then leads to Drake’s most confusing and disturbing song to date, “Practice.” While acknowledging that women can have sex — the song is about a woman having multiple partners — Drake then spins it to his advantage: All those other men were practice, they were practice/Yeah, for me, for me, for me, for me. He senses “pain and regret” in the woman from her past, and then reluctantly accepts the fact that she has casual sex. He tops the song off with an uncomfortable, familial request: You can even call me daddy, give you someone to look up to.
But, Drake can still change. His lyrics paint the picture of a man who is constantly questioning himself.
It’s 2016’s “Hotline Bling” that ignited the re-examination of Drake’s entire catalog. The song is the rapper’s second-best-selling single of all time (behind fellow Views track “One Dance”), and won him two Grammys at last month’s award show. Not to mention, the visuals for the song will go down in music history as one of the most memorable music videos of all time.
But while the chorus is equal parts infectious and mesmerizing, Drake sneaks in two verses and a bridge full of “reductive stereotypes” and body-policing lyrics about an old fling. Whether about said woman “wearing less and goin’ out more” or “going places where you don’t belong,” Drake makes it apparent that he’s offended that she has the audacity to move on with her life. By the end of the song, Drake’s become so desperate that he’s even concerned that the woman is “bendin’ over backwards for someone else.” Textbook narcissism.
His guest appearances have been a mixed bag as well. On rapper The Game’s 2011 track “Good Girls Go Bad,” Drake raps Who’s still getting tested?/Where’s all the women that still remember who they slept with? and a year later added to 2 Chainz’s “No Lie”:
She could have a Grammy, I still treat her a– like a nominee
Just need to know what that p—- like
So one time is fine with me.
Over the past couple of years, Drake has put out two mixtapes, a solo effort If You’re Reading This It’s Too Late, and What A Time To Be Alive with Future. His male chauvinism can be found on tracks “Legend,” “Energy” and “Madonna” and repeatedly calls a woman “ungrateful” for living her life without him on “Diamonds Dancing.” As writer Tahirah Hairston pointed out, Drake has also had questionable lyrics on “Wu-Tang Forever,” “Own It,” “Furthest Thing,” “I’m The Plug” and even notable feminist Beyoncé’s “Mine.”
Back in October, Drake released three tracks from his upcoming More Life album — “Fake Love,” “Sneakin’,” and “Two Birds, One Stone.” Looking solely at those tracks, it appears Drake has let up a little on his control, instead rapping about success, fake friends and his long list of haters. Even his appearance on labelmate Nicki Minaj’s diss to Remy Ma, “No Frauds,” he steers clear of trying to preserve women’s sanctity.
For nearly a decade now, Drake has wrapped up his alarming lyrics inside catchy, Instagram-caption-worthy choruses and tunes. The “light-skinned Keith Sweat” gets away with this because he carefully crafted a “nice guy” persona that deflects the criticism that, say, a 21 Savage, Kodak Black or the Migos would receive.
For many men, Drake’s attitudes reflect their own attitudes and desires, which in turn reflect a patriarchal society that views women as sexual objects meant to be gazed at. For women, they’ve had to deal with sexism in the arts since the beginning of time, so choosing to not enjoy an artist because of his views on sexuality would mean giving up on music all together. And at the end of the day, Drake is just that good at his job, unquestionably the most influential and popular musician in the business right now.
But Drake can still change. His lyrics paint the picture of a man who is constantly questioning himself, consistently trying to become a better person, whatever that entails. From So Far Gone to More Life — age 22 to 30 — he’s learned all the lessons life can teach, from whom to trust to what forms of happiness money and fame can buy. But it seems he’s yet to learn that women aren’t sexual objects. They’re human beings. If the only women of the world were all exactly like the women he seems to respect — his mother or Rihanna or Aaliyah or Serena Williams — we’d call him Aubrey the Riveter. But, they aren’t the only women who deserve his respect.
He knows that. But it begs the question: Does he care?
Martenzie is a writer for The Undefeated. His favorite cinematic moment is when Django said "Y'all want to see somethin?"
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