#bandsanitizer 2022 celebration
bandsanitizer · 3 years
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y’all know what time it is!!! happy 2022 to all of you!!! hope it keeps getting better ✨ and for celebration I am once again making playlists!! this is both in new years celebration and reaching 4.4k🥺💕 as a gift for this new chapter and for being really cool and awesome!! the playlists were so much fun to do last year so I’m excited for them once again!!
I will be accepting asks from now til Jan. 9th! I just ask that…
you send:
a concept (you could send me a character or ship or color or plant or title or feeling, etc.) (or a mix) **see below for more info
lyrics or a song (yes the song of the lyric you send will more than likely end up on the playlist but will not count towards the 8-11 tracks)
and I’ll give you:
playlist of 8-12 songs
cover & track list edit
little blurb (length will vary depending on idea)
by request: explainations for the song picks
the playlists from last year can be found here for some ideas, other playlists I’ve shared can be found here, and examples of asks people sent (and track explainations) can be found here! posting will occur towards the beginning of february with the goal of being done before the end march!
I look forward to see what you send in and wishing you a fulfilling and safe new year!!! 🎉💖
some addition info/specifics below
if there is an artist, song, or topic, you DO NOT want to be included please let me know. feel free to mention it in a separate ask if you don’t want it posted (I just ask that you specify you want me to respond to it privately) or if we’re mutuals feel free to send me a pm.
if there is an artist, song, or topic, you DO want included, let me know and I will do my very best!
my fandoms include: 5sos, jatp, bts, 911, pjo, 1d, and many more lol if you’re unsure of an idea feel free to ask! if I’ve blogged about it it’s fair game tbh. if there’s anything I don’t think I’ll be able to complete successfully, I’ll let you know (:
again, pls no explicit prompts. additionally none explicitly about self harm or EDs please. if you have a questionable concept feel free to ask first.
I reserve the right to decline any prompts that make me uncomfortable (as in any of the point above or like… yeah)
followers will be somewhat prioritized (as in if you send on anon pls lmk who you are) regarding the order in which playlists are made and posted, as this is for them/you, but playlists will still be done pretty chronologically
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bandsanitizer · 3 years
a playlist for @allsassnoclass
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Some might call you opposites in the way that puzzle pieces that fit together are opposites. The way sides of a tessellation are opposites. The way the two points on a line are opposites. The way ends of a battery are opposites.
It’s not that you are too different. It’s not that your concurrent existence is an exhibition in polarity. It’s not that you could never find common ground. You’ll find you are the same in way that opposites come in pairs—two versions of something broader, something greater.
You two are the two sides of a coin. You are the instance where black and white blend to grey. You are the horizon as night turns to day.
You are the moment when energy does not disappear, but transform.
You are both whole on your own, but that doesn’t mean you have to be alone.
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bandsanitizer · 3 years
let it come down on me
a playlist for @redrattlers
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A little kindness for the person that I used to be. A reminder of the good, the bad, and every decision inbetween. The days we can wake up and know exactly who we are, and the sleepless nights we see ourselves as everything we aren’t. To love the person that I was for bringing me to where I am, but learning from the mistakes we can’t take back.
A little hope for the person I will become. A whisper of a wish for every day ahead. May there be stars in the darkest unknown to guide the way and moments to choose the path we take on the brightest day. Not the promise of a happy ending, but reassurance all the glory and misery will come to pass and who we will be, will be a reflection of the past.
A little honesty for the person I am now. A candid take as we hit the brakes and face exactly where we are. For all the roads I have travelled through and every turn that waits, may I trust myself and every step I make. That when we hit the horizon as night turns to day, may I be the sunrise and light up the world as it comes my way.
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bandsanitizer · 3 years
in Real Time
a playlist for @pixiegrl
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Love will have you stumbling—intoxicated or infatuated, you’ll be head over heels at some point.
Love gets you thinking you know all the words and all the right things, but will have you falling short of everything you mean.
Love means navigating miscommunications and unknown waters.
Love will be discovering all your fears and wondering if it’s worth it.
Love is deciding it is worth it.
Love is not a promise of perfection, but staying through its absence.
Love is all the ease of falling into gravity and all it takes to keep afloat.
Love is an admired painting of a sunrise in all its shades of pink, orange, and blue.
Love is the work of its artists, too.
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bandsanitizer · 3 years
everywhere i’ve been // everywhere i’ll go
a playlist for @clumsyclifford
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Temporary is a paradox: a heart-break’s cast;
If everything is temporary, impermanence won’t last.
Distance will disappear with future’s present’s past
And there will be a day to leave no question unasked.
For everywhere I’ve been with you,
Someone else has travelled to;
And if there is somewhere new,
Let us meet there, too.
For everywhere we will go
Becomes another place to grow;
That as we walk in unknown,
You are a star that I know
Hanging in the sky of the darkest day;
The brightest light there to guide the way.
So when we need to change and can’t ask the other to stay,
Know that everything is temporary and I swear we’ll be okay.
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bandsanitizer · 3 years
a playlist for @igarbagecannoteven
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Every tick from the clock is a reminder of the time that passes and the time passing by. Is life a game of wishing for tomorrow or yesterday? Are we living afraid of the future or that things will never be the same? Tick, tick, tick. No amount of standing still will keep the world in place—will stop the Earth’s rotation in space. Tick, tick. Growing up is nothing but inevitable and, maybe, a few years ago that would have been cause for celebration. Yet, here you are and getting older is everything it never everything it seemed it was. You’re years away from who you were, but less sure of who you are. Tick. The growing pains will make you want to stay the same, but you need change to go from who you are to who you want to be.
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bandsanitizer · 3 years
Only Just Met
a playlist for @chamaleonsoul
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Fireworks and make-believe come to life.
Wasn’t searching through a crowd that night,
But eyes locked and everything felt right.
A funny feeling you just can’t fight,
Something like infatuated at first sight.
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bandsanitizer · 3 years
You Knew What It Was
a playlist for @ijustdontlikepeople
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Maybe it’s the moment your eyes meet on opposite ends of a blade and opposite sides of a game. Maybe it’s an intrigue to a way of looking at the world you don’t see yourself trying out, but, hey, if they’ve gotten this far, they must be doing something right.
Maybe it’s the moment you realize you’d follow them quite anywhere. (As long as they let you take the lead once or twice.) Maybe it’s the way they remind you that who you were is not who you are now, even if you still are yourself.
Maybe it’s the moment a promise is made without words—spoken into an alone silence. Maybe it’s holding on to someone holding on to you; trusting them to be with you. You don’t look back and they’re there with you.
Maybe it’s the moment you see them for the first time, again, and you learn all the ways you’ll never be the same. Maybe it’s the day when pieces fall into place and you think, “There you are,” as you run into their arms.
Maybe it’s the moment you’re hanging at a cliff side. Not dissimilar from the last time, the end of the fall isn’t in sight, but, different from last time, you know you’d be letting go, but you can’t. You won’t.
Maybe it’s the moment they see you in the right light, the light that makes all your shadows come to life. But you’ve both seen the shape of darkness in action and, perhaps, you’re defined by much more than every pain-fueled reaction.
Maybe it’s the moment you make it out alive and they are there by your side. They didn’t save you and they’d never ask that of you, but you’ve both helped each other to grow. And that’ll be the moment when you know, whatever future might be true, there is no else you want more with you.
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bandsanitizer · 3 years
Talk to Me
a playlist for @fiddlepickdouglas
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How do we get from where we were to where we are to where we want to be? How do we shift from who we were to who we are to who we want to be? How do we navigate a cityscape of unknowns? Perhaps the only way to truly be known is to let yourself be known—to be heard or understood. To listen to ourselves and each other.
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