#request from twt yay
beetlelunch · 10 months
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skwiss for the soul 🙏
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zukkaoru · 3 months
🌹until forever disappears🌹
“Fine,” Maki relents. “I’ll be done for now.” “Yay!” Nobara stands up straight, just to grab Maki’s hands and drag her up as well. She’s dressed in rose-patterned pajama pants and a faded t-shirt, hair still slightly damp from a shower. Her skin almost glows in the evening light, and before she can say another word, Maki leans forward, closing the distance between them to connect their lips in a kiss. It’s clumsy, with the way Nobara is grinning into it, but it’s perfect all the same.
a quiet evening with nobamaki, ft. cuddling
🌹 1.4k words || nobamaki 🌹 written for @sapphireruby24 for the jjk gotcha 4 gaza on twt (requests are still open until july 15)
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togethernow · 5 months
ah yay, you do requests
please draw the tangotronic in the outfit of springfest Frye from splatoon 3 please 😀
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(Tried my best TwT)
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Have Mr. Mangophonics all dripped out for spring! oh yeah and a bunny too
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chibishortdeath · 2 months
Had to remake this entire post cause I got gunk in my eye and set my phone down for two seconds to clean it and it crashed (´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`)
Anyway, unfortunately slightly less excited/passionate version of this post it is then ughhhhh
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Explanations yippie!
I got requested by some friends to draw Simon with short shorts and so I delivered. Really happy with the anatomy on this one :3
Yes this is Fuma slapping his ass and yes it was also a request lol
Simon did not expect that—
But it was a welcome surprise ;3
Simon and Fuma are cuddling in this one! It’s a little hard to make out what’s going on with their arms and legs tho whoops
Just a doodle about the artstyle crisis I had a bit ago with his hair. It didn’t last long and I ended up going right back to drawing it how I usually do anyway, but it was an interesting concept to try. Maybe I’ll try it out again someday cause it looks nice, but ehhhh I just didn’t end up enjoying drawing it very much tbh (TwT ).
To pair with the first image, I drew Simon in his cursed era with short shorts too hehe :3. I also started adding little dark vein patterns to the curse in this doodle :O. I think it’s giving cursed a lot more than just the bloody scratchy patterns I usually draw.
I like to think that maybe if Simon succumbed to the curse he’d end up a vampire. I mean, it’d track with vampire folklore surrounding the vampires’ curse. There’s a lot of stories where the vampire, even when dead or buried, can still long distance drain and inflict someone with illness and the end stage of it is death and coming back as a vampire or other spirit/ghoul. Aughhhh I had a much better rant about this written before the crash but I just can’t replicate it properly aaaaaaa curse you memory problems (;_; ). I’ll have to rant about vampire folklore in a separate dedicated post eventually, it’s fun :)
Yay, pose practice :3! Also this one is never getting finished, the anatomy was too fun to cover with big clunky armor 😔😔😔
This one I am also so proud of X]. I think this is my best depiction of the effects of the curse yet tbh. I had an explanation of the traits I usually depict it having before the crash, so I’ll try to make another one. First things first, it drastically affects the healing process. Things just don’t close up properly or at all in most cases. Old scars tend to open back up a lot easier and this is in part because of the second major effect: rotting. Rotting is a very explanatory word when it comes to physical ailments, implying decay or necrosis! It usually starts at the extremities or around the edges of wounds with skin darkening, bleeding, and either a dryness or wetness, then spreads inwards and downwards or through the blood to other areas. Especially in extreme cases, which I think 6 whole years qualifies for 💀. Simon would probably have very fragile skin in the most affected areas and long story short his hands and feet are probably raw most of the time yikes, ouch, this poor guy :(. I imagine that he probably has some kind of Belmont specific regenerative and resistant ability that’s kept him from dying from it for so long, since they are kinda implied to be a little superhuman in some way. Which is probably a blessing and a curse in itself because on one hand it did allow him to live long enough to fix the problem, but on the other hand that had to absolutely suck (haha, Drac haha). I’ve explained other elements of it in another older post now that I think of it, so I might have to gather all this stuff together and make a more in depth post about it cause it’s really neat to talk about :3! I had like a huge special interest as a kid for injury and disease cause I started making ocs and ran into a bunch of “how to write realistic injury” posts and I’m glad for it cause it comes back any time I’m writing or drawing something that requires that knowledge. :)
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karmic-toast · 2 years
How To Be A Good Tumblr Author (200 follower special)
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So I decided to write down some tips for a writer.
1. Have a notebook
It is good to have a notebook or little sticky notes on your ideas. Like how I always think about good stories and forget about them later.(⇀‸↼‶)
2. Be consistent
If you abandon your channel for a while people will lose interest in you smh. Like who would ever get bored of me?(• ε •) So an easy way to fix that is to have a bunch of stories and save them in the drafts. And if you ran out of ideas don't hesitate to say it. People that are nice might send requests!
3. Ideas for when you run out of ideas
If you are stuck and have writers block, post about your adventures in genshin. Funny glitches and memes are always appreciated.
4. Have a plan for ALL of your stories
This is something I am guilty of. I start random stories saying there will be part 2. Then I try to pressure myself to post that part 2 asap. Then I get stressed and don't want to do the story anymore. ヾ( ̄□ ̄;)ノ So you see, I do this to myself too often.
5. Make sure to give yourself a break
Because if you don't, you'll get bored of writing stories.
6. OMGGGGGG I was gonna write something from here but I forgot it... Wait nvm I remember now. A trick...
Ok, so I'm gonna tell you guys who got this far into this post a secret. But you mustn't abuse this technique. For those who want a boost in their stories can add as many tags as you can on your stories. I'll do this as an example on this post. You can see what types of tags I put on there.
But DON'T use this technique too much. It gets kinda annoying when you search up xiao fluff and all of a sudden there's a unwanted picture and a big MINORS DNI sign pops up. Kinda ruins your whole fluff reading time.
My methods may not be the best, but they brought me all the way here so...
Anyways thank you guys so much for 200 followers!! TwT I'd never thought I'd get this far.
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zmayadw · 2 years
H-hi, could you do some fluff for Jail Jake x Phil? If it's not a problem ofc qwq
I am not sure what I would expect, feel free to do anything you feel comfortable with, it can be even a 5 word fic saying they were watching tv, but there is so little content about these two it's just sad TwT
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Sleepless In Duskwood
Summary: Our bar owner reaches for his secret hidden talent to help the young hacker fall asleep. Will he succeed?
Pairing: Jake x Phil (aka Jail 🤭)
Genre: Fluff/Humor/Flirtatious teasing (check the warnings for more detailed explanation 😊)
Words: 1576
Warnings: Uh, I don't know, I suppose some parts do kinda give hints towards more serious flirting (ok, ok, it's a bit se*ual hinted at some parts 😅 so I guess if you don't want to read something like that with this pairing do skip it altogether). There, you've been warned 😎
A/N: Yay, I managed to finish this before episode 10, so here we are! 😁
Alrighty my dear anons, I thank you both for your requests! 😊💚 I hope you don't mind that I combined them, as you both requested a similar thing. 😊 Also, I really hope that you will somehow find this to your liking. 😊 I actually had much fun writing this, so I sincerely hope that you will have fun reading it. 💚 And ofc, as always, please don't mind any mistakes you might stumble upon, as english is not my native language and I do give my best to try and spot them all before posting. 💚
„Will you STOP already!?“ Phil breathes out irritatingly and reluctantly lifts his head from his pillow to look at the black haired hacker. It's been little over an hour since he got home from the Aurora, and he really hoped to get those few precious hours of sleep before having to get up again, but the constant tossing and turning from the hacker started to drive him crazy.
Jake sits up and turns to him with an apologetic look „Sorry, but I can't sleep.“
Phil raise his eyebrow at him „Sunshine, if I counted correctly all the empty energy drink cans at your desk, I'm honestly surprised you're not walking on ceiling.“
„Huh? Oh, nah, it's not that. I only had three of those today.“ the hacker counters with a wave of his hand and turns his look away from him.
„We should definitely have a talk about your 'cleaning' habbits.“ Phil mutters to himself, but obviously not silently enough because Jake's eyes were back on him in a flash „What?“
„Oh, nothing, nothing.“ Phil quickly flash him with his most dazling smile, making a mental note about the cleaning talk before continuing „Ok, so what's up then?“
Jake sighs „I can't sleep.“
„Yes, we already established that, Sherlock.“ Phil snorts and roll his eyes, getting a scornful look back from the hacker in response.
„Look sunshine, I have like...“ he pause for a second to look at the clock on his phones display „...less than five hours to sleep, and you know I like nothing more than having you here with me.“
Even in the dimly lit room Phil could notice the young hacker blushing at his words, inciting a smile to his face, but no matter how cute the black haired might look at that moment, it still didn't change the fact that he really, really needed his sleep.
With a heavy sigh, he reluctantly continues in a more serious tone „But, I do have an extremely bussy day tomorrow, or should I say today. So sunshine, you might be cute and all, but I swear to gods, if you don't tell me something more concrete, I have no problem sending you to sleep on the couch.“
„All right, all right!“ Jake quickly replies, he very well knew how uncomfortable the couch is, as It happened more than a few times that he fell asleep on it. „I'm just- I can't relax enough.“
„Ahh, now we're getting somewhere.“ Phil exhales relieved that he finaly got something more out of him then grins „And luckily, I can help with that.“
It was now Jake's turn to raise his eyebrow with a doubtful look „If you're gonna suggest me to go drink a glass of warm milk or something like that, then I choose the couch straight away.“
Phil laughs amused „You're so cute, and funny. But no, sunshine, I have something much, much better in mind than a silly glass of warm milk.“
The look on Jake's face turns from doubtful to a curious, and slightly concern one „Uhm, ooookay. Well, are you gonna tell me, or we playing the '20 questions' game here?“
Phil chuckles and grins again „A massage.“
„A massage?“ Jake questions making Phil roll his eyes again „Am I speaking in tongues? Yes, a massage.“ He raise his eyebrow and adds jocularly „You do know what a massage is, right?“
„Ha ha, funny.“ Jake replies not trying to hide the irritation from his voice. „And, yes, I know what a massage is, I've had a few, just so you know.“
„So then, where's the problem?“
„No problem, it's just – I'm not really a fan of them.“  Jake remarks with a casual shrug.
„Ahh, sunshine, I can assure you you will change your mind once these magic fingers are done with you.“ Phil smiles devilishly and playfully wiggles his fingers at him.
„Eh, I don't know..“ the hacker groans unhappy, making Phil cross his arms and shrug indifferently „Well, either that or the couch way. Your choice.“
„Fine!“ Jake exhales defeated and throws himself face down on his pillow „Just, don't get pissed if your 'magic' won't work.“
„Trust me, sunshine, it will most certainly work.“ Phil leans down and whispers teasingly to his ear, the sensation of his warm breath on his skin sending electrifying tingles through his whole body.
Clearing his throat he tries to make his voice come out as steady as possible „Whatever. Go on, let's see your 'magic' at work.“
„As you wish.“ Phil says shortly, and even if he couldn't see his face, Jake was sure the bar owner was grinning confidently as he made himself sittuated to start.
He honestly didn't expect much from all this, but the moment Phil's lean fingers started movig across his back, with each move touching exactly the right spot with the exact right amount of pressure, he was unable to suppress a long sigh of pleasure escaping him.
„Oh, sorry, what was that you said?“ Phil teases with a chuckle, but he was so entranced fighting hard to make his lips to move and form any kind of comperhensible sentence, he barely managed to breath out „Magic, indeed.“
Phil laughs triumphantly and move his hand, once again hitting another right spot, getting another long sigh of pleasure from the hacker in response „Don't ever doubt me, sunshine.“
Not even fifteen minutes later Phil slowly leans back down on his pillow with a blissful smile. The room was quiet once again, the young hacker was sleeping peacefully next to him and he could finally do the same.
Unfortunately, just as he was about to drift off into the dream land, the loud snoring sounds from the hacker made his eyelids abruptly open. „You got to be KIDDING me!?!“ he groans in disbelief and sits up. And just when he thought the worst was over, this happens?
And so, after many desperate attempts of doing everything he could possibly think of to stop the hacker from snoring, he gives up, grabs his pillow and phone and drags himself to the living room. With a heavy sigh, he leaves the phone on the table, lowers the pillow on the couch and exhaustedly throws himself on it „I'm gonna need a coffe IV to survive this day.“
~ ~ ~ ~
Few short hours later, Phil jumps up at the sound of his alarm. Turning it off, he stands up and stretch, the sound of bones cracking from sleeping on the uncomfortable couch make him groan. „Ugh, I definitely need a new couch.“ he comments out loud sleepily moving towards the kitchen to put the coffee on.
Going back to the bedroom to get some clothes, his eyes fall on the still sleeping hacker. The temptation to jump on the bed and wake him up was great, but he quickly decided against it – it's been a while since the last time he slept for this long. And he did look cute, so yeah.
Dressed, he walks back to the kitchen, get some coffe and sit at the table with his laptop. Waiting for it to turn on, he takes a big sip of coffe moving his other hand to his neck to rub it – even if it was only a few hours of sleep he had on the couch, it was more than enough to make him all sore and stiff.
His attention at some important work stuff on the laptop suddenly gets interrupted by a cheerful voice of the young hacker "Good morning!"
Phil just shortly glance at him „Speak for yourself.“
He didn't really get fazed much by Phil's snarky greeting – he knew Phil was grumpy without enough coffe in the morning.  But as he was advancing towards kitchen, his eyes fall on the couch. „Did you – you slept on the couch? But why?“ the hacker asks confused.
„Sunshine, your snoring would wake up the dead. So, yeah, unfortunately, I slept on the couch. If you can call it like that.“ Phil answer without averting his eyes from the laptop a bit more sharper than he thought necessary. He wasn't really mad at him, but the lack of sleep and the stiff pain made him a bit more grumpier.
The hacker turns back to him with a sincere apologetic look „Eh, I'm so sorry.“
„Yeah, yeah.“ Phil waves his hand absently then notice the time „Shit, I'm gonna be late.“ He hastily stands up collecting his stuff from the table, takes one last sip of his coffe and grabs the car keys and sunglasses from the counter.
Putting the sunglasses on, he hurries pass the hacker towards the doors „Gotta rush. Later, sunshine.“
„Wait, don't leave mad!“ The hacker calls after him „I'll make it up to you tonight.“
Phil pause at the half open door and raise his eyebrow intriguingly. Turning around, he pulls his sunglasses a bit down and regards him with a flirtatious look „In that case, sunshine, you better restock on your energy drinks – as I expect a lot of making up from you.“ With that, he turns and leaves the apartment and a completely red-faced hacker.
Outside, he adjust back his sunglasses walking to his car, unable to get rid of a goofy grin from his face. As he drove out of the parking space, he thought how even though today will be utterly exhausting for him, he definitely won't mind spending another sleeples night. Not at all.
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izanas-servant · 2 years
Heyy, can I ask for matchup request? Cute blog by the way ☺
I dont mind both Tr and and Haikyuu you could do both if possible, thank u❤
I literally forgot to put things about in match ups 😂😂😂
So my pronouns she/her, I like reading a lot, writing, I still love to take photos the most its one of my passions.
I prefer reading more than movies, although both sometimes. I love love love music (rnb, pop, classics), I like arts, I do love dressing up, I'm a libra and yes I am also indesicive, my love language is gifts and quality time. I do love blue.
A/N: yay thank you ^^ and ahh it's kinda short but I hope it's okay >.<
Your Tokyo Revengers matchup is… 
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Chifuyu will always listen to you and even if I don't think he is the kind of guy for reading books often he will maybe do it for you
He wants to talk with you about what you like and maybe both of you could watch a good movie together <3
I also think with Chifuyu you will get all loooot quality time (ngl) 
Chifuyu will LOVE to go shopping with you 
He just want to see you happy so he will do whatever you want
Imagine going while shopping with him he will rate the clothes you try on
And trust me this guy would love to buy them all for you <3
And when the both of you just spend time to chill with each other and listen to music and cuddle you (I need someone to cuddle meeeee TwT) 
Your Haikyuu matchup is… 
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I'm 100% sure he loves reading books and he has a good taste
So if you don't know what to read ask him
But it also works the other way: if you have a good book he will read it too
Okay now let's try to get away from books
I just think Suga will support you with all your hobbies it doesn't matter what it is
So that means the both of you will spend a lot of time together (as much time as he has besides volleyball) 
I also think  he will introduce you to the team if you want to
so a lot of fun? Definitely a yes! 
But Sugawara knows in which moments it's okay to have others around and and in which situation you prefer private time
He is definitely a gentleman so whenever you two are on dates he will always bring little gifts too <3
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fawnbegone · 2 years
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ok so, the quality is shit on this one cause i original got messed up and i had to save it from my twt. but yay, sapphics 
(i made this one by myself, no one requested it)
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lunarreaper-ut · 3 years
It seems my strategy of switching from traditional to digital art worked, I'm back on drawing. Finished drawing part of the second part of your request. I'll show it when I finish the rest and make the refs for it. Flighteningverse bois on the way! Specifically Horror, Dust, and Killer. Wooo!
Yay! That's good to hear! I'm excited!!!
Well, as much as I can be with low energy TwT Feeling sluggish and groggy... Just woke up from a nap. Probably gonna eat something and pass out again TwT
But it's good to know you have motivation! I can't wait to see when you're done! Hopefully I can finish up Nightmare's ref for Kingdomverse? soon!
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ggukkiedae · 3 years
[12:30pm kst, june 3 (i think?)]
hi guys!!!
soooo i’m gonna propose two things, one is something short term for over the next three days ig, and the second is long term until i decide to change it again akdjfhf (check them out under the cut if you wanna 😊)
first, i’m in a pretty good mood rn so drop some questions directed at the girls or their friends in the ask box, and they’ll be answering them in a bit
i thought i’d drop by and just list a few recent events that aren’t big but also really cute
yoonmi accidentally ending up visiting mayfly’s dance team because she mistook chan’s directions (she thought the rappers were in kq and that the dancers were in cube and vocals in jyp)
yangyang being a clingy boyfriend and constantly messaging hannah good morning to start the day and supportive messages before and after every schedule
seri encouraging seungmin through call being caught by cameras and broadcasted on kingdom
yoonmi’s tattoos making stan twt panic bc thE BABY HAS TATTOOS NOW OMG
hannah actually doing (skz)jisung’s nails bc why not?
seri yeeting herself to hug (en-)heesung when he visited her on a live once again making everyone panic esp bc she just cleared up dating rumors with (svt) dino
yoonmi and jungkook going live with dipper and nala while streaming and jamming to butter (ft. hot sauce, bruno mars songs, some dua lipa, and a liiittle bit of other songs)
hannah and renjun’s great dorm escape where they snuck to the rooftop at half past 3am, ordered food, then came back down to the dorm before anyone else woke up
yeonjun teaching seri how to drive and it not going too well... (a car was scratched and an eldest member was not taken seriously)
anyway, tell me if you want me to write little drabbles about these or anything else becauuuuse i’m opening requests agaaaaain 🥰 now that i’m on break from school i have more time to write! yay! so far with my free time i’ve helped a friend with her school work (bc we end at different times) and i’ve tried painting again aksjfbf sooooo send stuff in while i still have free tiiiiime
anyways that’s all: send in questions, and requests are back on! remember to stay safe and healthy and spread love and happiness 🥰
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kouei116 · 5 years
Diabolik lovers Lunatic Parade: Kanato Sakamaki
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Earl Walter stole Yui's heart and replaced it with Kleinod. Yui and Kanato went to the earl's castle to ask for it back, but he wasn't there. They were advised to try find the butler to ask where his master was. Kanato wanted to get some rest first so they headed to a hotel. Due to the parade, the hotel was fully booked, Kanato demanded to see the manager - who recognized Kanato was Karlheinz's son and ordered staff to prepare the best room for him. While they filled in the accommodation card, the receptionist asked if Y was his friend, and Kanato replied: “She is my wife" (♡´艸`)
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K: Hey Y, do you hate becoming a vampire that much?
Kanato told Y if Kleinod broke, it'd still be fine because he'd turn her into a vampire and they could be together forever. Y couldn't make a decision abt becoming vampires yet, Kanato got upset that she didn't understand his feelings and ran out of the hotel room. Y ran around town shouting his name looking for him. Seeing her desperately trying to find him, eventually Kanato came out in front of her. She must be tired from all the running so he suggested going to eat. While eating, Y suddenly fainted. Kanato brought her back to the hotel, he apologized it was his fault causing Y to run around earlier, he was very worried that if she remained human and someday she will die, he'd really hate it, he wanted her to stay with him forever. Y told him again that she wanted to find her heart first before making a decision. Kanato respected her decision and agreed to help get her heart back. 
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K: If you don't use cunning/dishonest means, you won't get the things you truly want.
They went to Reine de Aji general good store (Aji the lady owner here is the younger sister of Saba - the shop owner in Vandead Carnival game) to ask abt the butler. Aji asked them to get her the forbidden apple pie before answering. This forbidden apple pie was extremely popular and too many people queuing to buy, Y said this couldn't be helped and was drinking smoothie talking to Kanato in this CG. He wanted to use his dad’s power to get the pie but Y wanted to find other ways. 
A boy bumped into Y, spilling smoothie all over her clothes. Kanato was angry demanding the boy to apologize to Yui properly and the boy started crying. Y told the boy she didn't mind, it's alright. The boy apologized to both of them and ran away, then came back with his Dad - who was the forbidden apple pie shop owner. The Dad said Y forgave his son with a smile, she was a kind vampire (Y noticed that he mistook her as a vampire) so he wanted to gift Y a forbidden apple pie. Kanato accepted it but Y wanted to return the pie bc she didn't treat the boy kindly to receive rewards. Kanato got mad (bc he wanted the pie to exchange for the butler's info) and ran off. Y tried to follow him, she bumped into the boy and he said his Dad was testing Y, it was actually a poisoned apple pie; if Y was a genuinely kind person, she'd return the pie.
Kanato arrived at the shop, giving the pie to Aji, but now she said she didn't remember any promises with Kanato?! She was happily having the first bite when Y rushed in and warned her abt the poison. Aji was skeptical but Yui's face didn't look like lying. Aji thanked Y, said from the start she didn't plan to tell Kanato the butler's whereabouts, but for Y, she'd help. The butler liked medicine herbs so when the Earl was away, very likely the butler would be at the Smaragd volcano to gather them.
Kanato told Y he found it strange why the Earl still put the Kleinod inside her after stealing her heart, and he felt like everybody they met in town today were testing them. He worried abt Y's health and suggested returning to the hotel to rest. Y slept and had a dream abt a mysterious man telling her: he granted her wish, since he took the heart away, she didn't get into any troubles with the vampires; the Kleinod can work forever, the Sakamaki lied to her abt it being temporary because they want to suck her special blood. Y woke up to a worried Kanato but she lied that she didn't remember this nightmare well enough to tell him. She trusted Kanato but she got anxious if he would still love her without the special heart. 
Y and Kanato went on a gondola to get to Tirkiss waterfall near the volcano. The scenery was very pretty, Kanato said in town they couldn't enjoy the parade so they should take a break now, they know the butler is here, no need to worry. A fortune-teller lady invited them to try her shop that was famous for accurate love fortune. She gave Y a cup of tea to drink up then looked at the remaining tea leaves to predict that Y was having doubts abt Kanato. Y denied this but suddenly her body felt hot, her consciousness started fading and she fell into the water. Kanato jumped straight into the water to save her but the water was strong, she realized if going on like this, he’d drown...
K: ... Quiet! Only I can decide your fate. Don't die without my permission, I won't forgive you!
Y got drifted away and couldn't see Kanato anymore. She woke up in a cave with Kanato collapsed nearby. She was very happy he was still alive. She apolozied and told him the truth abt the dream. He said he only knew those kleinod to work temporarily, and:
K: Besides ... Even if the heart disappears, I will always love you. It's more important to me that you are alive than being able to suck your blood. I thought even if I don't say it in words, you already understood ... but seems like I was wrong. I ... love you *kiss*
Suddenly lots of bats appeared <Minigame Whack a Bat>
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K (patting her head): It's a reward for your working hard (fighting the bats in the minigame). I’m praising you. 
After beating the bats, it wasn't likely that the butler was here so they should return to the hotel. Y sneezed, Kanato asked if she was cold, checked her forehead and sensed a bit fever, told her to give him her hand bc it'd be troublesome if Y collapsed (aweee) Y saw somebody collapsed and ran over to check even when Kanato didn't want them to get involved. This man woke up and explained he was picking up a rare moss growing inside a cave that has poisonous gas even to vampire. He bowed his head to thanks Y and Kanato for saving him. They noticed he had a red granite stone on his forehead and they realized he was the butler! Y explained her situation, the butler could only give them the card written by the Earl hinting the location: On the full moon night, when it raises the crown at the very high peak, I'll return. (sorwy, I don't understand what this means TwT)
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Y thought the Earl could be either at the tower or the mountain. Unexpectedly she overheard the girls nearby talking about the Zatan's mouth at Diamante fountain: if you put your hand inside the mouth, it will tell you the truth, but no one have tried yet because it's said that a disaster may occur to you e.g. splitting up with your lover. Kanato was very cool put his hand right in and got the answer: The Earl will appear at Onyx tower. Y asked if he wasn't scared of losing her, but he said: “If that happens, I will take you back. It's not likely that you belong to anyone else but me...”
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They came to the tower and Earl Walter was there. He said he’d return Y's heart with a condition that she vowed to part from Kanato forever. She replied that he was wrong, he didn't take her most important thing. There's no way she'd exchange the 2nd most important thing (her heart) for the most important thing (Kanato). Kanato was very happy to hear her feelings. Suddenly the tower started to crumble and they got thrown outside, Kanato managed to catch her and said: 
K: Y! Don't leave my side. Hold on more tightly. Please don't let go no matter what. I will definitely protect you, now and ...in the future. You can stop worrying, it'll definitely be alright. I love you... I love you.
When Y woke up, she and Kanato were in the Earl's castle. He said he did want her heart but he realized that Y and Kanato were worthy of keeping such a treasure hence he returned it. Kanato demanded him to show his face but he refused. He hoped they would enjoy the festival and he needed to leave for his next target to steal.
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Y had fun at the parade because Kanato was at her side. The forbidden apple pie shop owner gave them an apple pie (not poisoned one this time yay) and Kanato fed Y from his fork
Y: ... It’s extremely delicious! Just like you said Kanato!
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K: That's good. You can eat the rest.
Y: Eh, is it ok for you Kanato? Does it not suit your taste?
K: No, it's not that. Because, as expected, I like this better *kiss*... Fufu, thanks to you eating the apple pie, this feels sweeter than usual *Nnn....n...Nnn.....*. You're a special. Y, to me you're probably the forbidden fruit. I love you ... From now on, you're mine and mine alone, forever ....
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Care for Vampire:
K: ... Thank you. Thanks to you, Y, I've felt much better. Let's sleep together like this. If you sleep with me, I will get well. (...) From today, you will be my personal pillow. ... Are you happy? ... Fufu, me too. Please let me hug you like this forever...
I really like Kanato's sub scenario with Carla. Kanato requested room service to hold a sweet party just for the two of them in the hotel's guest room aaaand Carla was eating their sweets there. Kanato was getting grumpy but Carla complimented Kanato's taste in choosing sweets - esp the religieuses that have high artistic value and sweeter than anything he has eaten, he’d ask Shin to get it for him - making Kanato smile again. Then Carla, Kanato, and Yui ate religieuses happily ever after hahaha. Just like my sis-in-law said, it's nice to see my old man and little boy getting along (人´∀`) The route is sweet, Kanato always worried abt Y’s health, he jumped straight into the water to save her, I squeaked for 15′ when he said Y is his wife haaa(˶′◡‵˶)It's just... I guess bc Yui's heart was missing, there wasn't any sucking blood scenes, only a few kissing scenes at the end, my ears starved playing this oughhh ;u;
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kaisooficrec · 6 years
Hello! Are there any new tutor kaisoo fics? Perferibly Kyungsoo the one tutoring Jongin, but either is fine too! Thank you so much :)
Hey ♥ I have a great variety ranging from new to older, a bit more tutor!soo fics followed by tutor!nini as well ^^ 
tutor soo:
Et Lire Entre Les Lignes - college au, hMMhHm‘kay, jongin accidentally sends his smut fanfic to his tutor kyungsoo, who is also very hot and jongin’s big crush asf :Q
We Can Go Home - jongin needs help from kyungsoo who can tutor him in math but he is reluctant at first as kyungsoo is his ex-boyfriend
Five Nights - kaisoommer classic ;) jongin is stuck at home with an injured leg and kyungsoo, the class’ genius is sent to tutor him. they have never spoken before but jongin soon realises what he has been missing
changdemic’s twit fic - college freshman kim jongin makes a habit out of studying at the cafe on monday afternoons, not because he’s particularly fond of coffee or, god forbid, hitting the books, but because of this guy kyungsoo
Physics (and my attraction to you) - jongin doesn’t like science, especially physics but when kyungsoo notices how much jongin struggles in the library, he volunteers to tutor him :) so sweet!
Get to know me - kyungsoo is assigned to be jongin’s tutor, jongin is a bad boy and kyungsoo has a secret crush on him, enemies who also sleep tgt (smut, top!jongin)
make me understand, s'il vous plaît - fluffy college au, jongin struggles with french and kyungsoo tutors him. short and very sweet too~
Enamoured - age gap, teacher student au. kyungsoo is a 24yrs old english teacher and jongin is a 17yrs old bad boy/problematic student in kyungsoo’s class. kyungsoo helps him through a lot and jongin falls for kyungsoo, but for obvious reasons can’t be together (slow burn). dw for there’s a happy ending!!!
Call Me Monster - by the non au queen at1stsoo,inspired by the monster mv ;) i guess this can count too, kyungsoo is jongin’s vocal coach and both practice together in a soundproof room to perfect jongin’s high note… soundproof room means hello smut ;p
Sexuality with an A - fluff :3 kyungsoo is jongin’s tutor and when they get closer, jongin finds out kyungsoo is an asexual and jongin gets curious. they spend more time together and jongin realises he likes kyungsoo regardless of his sexuality
Troublemaker - thanks to kyungsoo’s noisy beagle line friends, all of them get in trouble and as punishment they have to mentor troubled freshmen. he meets jongin who acts tough (but he really isn’t :)
Such a crude arrangement - old 2013-type of fic with super innocent, nerd soo. he has to tutor jongin who slacks off in his class. jongin is a bad boy who only likes to hook up with soo, but is also in denial that he’s straight. happy ending~
You’re So Hypnotizing - jongin is the bad boy at school that kyungsoo has an unfortunate altercation with, and has to tutor later on.
tutor nini:
Do You Have The Balls? - jongin is head over heels for kyungsoo and offers to help clueless soo in improving his basketball game ;D
Maintenance - coming of age, uni au. so jongin is a catholic school boy and he gets madly attracted (sexually) to kyungsoo, his brother’s friend,  which makes jongin feel conflicted. kyungsoo is nice and drives jongin to his practices while jongin tutors him in chem. smut, w. for internalized homophobia
clair de lune - royalty/wolf au. kyungsoo the alpha bears a burden of carrying the crown and marrying a nice omega princess but he only wants to look at his ballroom teacher, shy omega jongin who he may or may not have imprinted on ccc: jongin teaches him how to dance but is all soft and uwu
Kaisoo AU - also twt fic with pics yay! where kyungsoo is failing in math and his mom hires her colleague’s son, jongin as his tutor who also happens to be the popular jock of soo’s high school
Rated kaisoo AU - bless twt fics! ji’s laptop won’t turn on so he sends it to a repair shop,being told to leave it overnight for their staff to work on. kyungsoo,a part timer, fixes it but is shocked when he accidentally finds jongin’s nudes & masturbation vids. it’s hard to act like nothing happened when jongin is his tutor. wowie ;)
twt fic with single dad!jongin and his baby son taeoh - this might be very unrelated, but a fluffy fic is always good? ;) (jongin’s work is an english tutor) he likes his neighbour and his son too!
also our last tutor!soo request if you haven’t checked it out yet~ enjoy!
- Admin J
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