#request 1480
lostdrarryfics · 1 year
I am searching for a fic from AO3, rated E and I can't find it. Potter is a werewolf and before he was bitten I think he was an Auror. After his bit he works as a bodyguard for Malfoy. Malfoy is the head(?) or really high up of an organisation. Idk if criminal or not. Harry thinks Draco doesn't know that he is a werewolf, but he does.
I also think in this fic there is a secene were Draco meets with another business man/criminal who wants to make a deal and flirts with Draco and Draco filtrs back to get the deal. The man is also a werewolf and it makes Harrypossessive and jealous.
I am sorry I can't think of anymore. Also thank you so much for all the work you are doing !
We believe you are looking for Who we are in the shadows by Quicksilvermaid (99k, E)
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"dance recital" - hotch x mom!reader!
your family attends your daughter's dance recital
1480 words, domestic family fluff
cw: none? unless u hate kids then don't read this xD
a/n: i am looking at requests and actually have a couple of them started! inspiration just struck and i needed dance dad hotch xD plz keep sending requests i love getting them
Lizzy had been practicing for weeks, at home, in the car on the way to school, even in the waiting room at the dentist’s office. If there was a free moment, she was up on her toes, practicing her dance routine.
When she turned four, she was so excited to sign up for dance class, and now her very first recital is later today. She takes it very seriously, and you attribute that entirely to her hardworking father. 
You’re standing in the kitchen, packing the picnic lunch you’ll be sharing as a family after her recital in the park. PB&J, no crusts, for Jack. Even though he’s nearly ten and he should be eating his crusts, you can’t help but to baby him a little. He’s been such a good big brother to Lizzy. You were anxious about that when you were pregnant with her, since Jack was so used to being the only kid. And there would always be the looming presence of Haley and the family he was a part of before you came along.
But Lizzy became the center of Jack’s world when she was born. He’s so doting and always playing with her, from when she was an infant to now. 
Nutella and peanut butter sandwich for Lizzy, because she has a sweet tooth just like her mother. Turkey and cheese for you and Aaron. “D’you want mayo, honey?” You call out to wherever Aaron is in the house. He was in the living room just a few minutes ago, but with your two crazy kiddos, he could have ended up anywhere. 
“Just the mayo, no honey,” Aaron jokes and nearly makes you jump as he enters the kitchen, padding silently behind you despite being the largest person in the house. Must be that fancy tactical FBI stealth training. 
He stops at the counter, leaning against it and facing you. Your eyes meet his and his voice is low when he speaks to you. “You need to make a big deal out of this,” he prefaces, nodding to the doorway. You don’t fully know what he’s talking about, but you understand enough, so you set your butter knife down and turn around to face the doorway. Aaron makes a drumroll on his thigh. “Come on in, kids!” 
Jack enters first, in a bright orange t-shirt that is definitely a size too big. Written in blue, puffy fabric paint, no doubt by Jack himself, are the words PROUD BIG BRO. Jack’s also holding Lizzy’s hand, escorting her into the kitchen. She’s in her violet tutu and has her hair up in two haphazardly pulled-back pigtails that could only be described as the work of her father. She’s walking on her tiptoes, with her free hand arched up in a semicircle shape, mimicking all the ballerinas in her books. 
You’re beaming, and take the sight in silently for a moment before bursting into uproarious (for one woman) applause. “You guys look so great!” You exclaim, grinning at the kids, and then back at your husband. He’s got this sly look on his face and you want to smooch it off. “When did you make this shirt?” You ask Jack, stepping forward and grabbing his face with both of your hands. You kiss his forehead and ruffle his hair.
“Dad and I did it while you were at the store last night,” Jack explains. 
“I love it, baby,” you tell Jack, and he beams. You stroke the apples of his cheeks with your thumbs before releasing him. 
Lizzy lets go of her brother’s hand and leaps for you. “My big girl is all dolled up for her first recital,” You lift her up, hugging her close. “Did Daddy do your hair for you?” you ask.
“Yes! He sang our song and I didn’t cry!” she says. You always sing Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star to Lizzy while you brush her hair because she’s very tender-headed. It makes your heart soar to learn that Aaron did it, too. 
“I’m so proud of you!” You kiss Lizzy’s face all over until she squeals and wriggles to get away. “Why don’t you guys go play in the living room for a little bit, and we’ll get going soon,” you suggest. Jack races Lizzy into the living room, leaving you and Aaron in the kitchen alone. 
“You did her hair,” you say as you smirk up at Aaron. 
“Yeah, I know. It's not as good as when you do it,” he settles back against the counter and you roll your eyes. He’s holding his palms out, wiggling his digits. “I’ve got sausage fingers, and she cries if you pull the twist-tie too hard. It’s heartbreaking.” 
“And you made a shirt with Jack,” you say, ignoring his self-deprecation. Your smirk has turned into a full-force, Category Five Grin. 
Aaron realizes what you’re doing as you inch a little closer. He takes your wrist delicately, tugging you toward him, and you kiss his lips three times in succession, each a quick thank-you for all he’s done. “You’re the one driving her to classes twice a week,” Aaron deflects. “And Jack to school, and to soccer practice, and doing all the shopping and-“
“Aaron,” you roll your eyes in warning. You hate when he butters you up like this. You’re just doing your job, just like he is when he’s away on cases. 
“Okay, okay, I’ll stop,” he holds his hands up in defense, and you snatch them like they’re precious jewels. You kiss him again, this one longer and lingering. 
You finish packing your family’s lunch into the cooler. Lizzy’s recital is at a small amphitheater in the park, and after you drop her off with her teacher backstage, you and your boys find a good spot on the green to set up your picnic blanket. 
Aaron makes this small grunt when he squats to sit down on the ground and you hold back a snicker. Jack does not read the room and calls him an old man. 
You’re giggling as you sit down, Aaron tugging you to sit between his legs. You affectionately run your hand through Jack’s hair a few times before the first class comes up onto the stage. 
You watch the first class, and the second, clapping politely. Then, the four-and-five-year-olds are announced, and you are on your feet immediately. You hear a bit of rustling and Jack and Aaron are standing up, too. You grin when you see Lizzy with the other little kids, holding the hands of the boy in front of her and the girl behind her as they all walk in a line. 
Their dance is simplistic and whimsical and joyful, set to a light, poppy tune that makes you think of spring. You’re grinning and watching Lizzy float across the stage. She’s not the most graceful, but she hits every move at the right time.
You hear rustling behind you and turn over your shoulder to see Aaron and Jack subtly performing the dance with the class. They’re not moving nearly as dedicatedly as the group on stage, but they’re helping Lizzy from the audience. It’s so sweet you want to cry. 
When Lizzy’s group is finished, the three of you on the lawn explode in applause. Aaron wolf-whistles behind you and Jack is cheering, “that’s my sister!” 
After the other classes go, you’re allowed to head back and pick up Lizzy. She’s giggling with the other kids in her class, but she freezes and grins like it’s Christmas morning when she sees you. 
“Mommy!” she squeals, and runs to you. You lift her up off the ground in a hug and spin her around, before passing her off to Aaron. He does the same thing. “Dizzy! Dizzy!” She’s squealing, and Aaron finally sets her down. 
“Dizzy Lizzy, huh?” Aaron teases, running his thumb and his forefinger down one of her pigtails. “You did so good, sweet girl!” He was never the best at baby-talking to Lizzy, but now that she’s a little girl, he speaks to her so excitedly and she always beams when she learns her father is proud of her. 
“You got the leap at the right part!” Jack exclaims proudly, and you watch as Lizzy hugs her big brother. 
You point out the picnic blanket with the cooler and tell Jack to take Lizzy ahead to it. Jack loves being responsible, so he takes Lizzy by the hand and leads her towards your family’s setup. 
Hanging back with Aaron, you look up at him and brush his dark hair off his forehead. “You learned her dance?” you ask with a small smirk on your face. 
Aaron’s dark eyes gaze into yours and he wraps an arm around your shoulders, tugging you close to him. “She was doing it every chance she got,” he shrugs, like it’s totally no big deal. “You’re telling me you don’t have it memorized?”  
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lfzyxf · 5 months
Could you please write some isaac lahey fluff, maybe about reader wearing his sweater?
I'm so excited to write for Teen Wolf again. Thank you so much for requesting this, I hope its to your liking! Masterlist Word count: 1480
It’s easy to forget that even in Beacon Hills, California the weather gets colder during the winter. So easy that you’re now sitting in class shivering and struggling to focus on whatever Coach is saying. You pull the sleeves of your sweater down to cover your hands before rubbing them over your hands, trying to warm yourself up.
After a few more seconds of trying to warm yourself something in the corner of your eye grabs your attention. You turn slightly to see it’s a cardigan being handed to you by Isaac. You’re not that close to him even if you wish you were, you mostly got to know him when he became friends with Scott. But even then, you were too shy to actually try and get to know him better.
You hesitantly move to take the cardigan before smiling softly at him. All he does in response is wink at you before turning back towards the front of the class. Holding the sweater in your hands you feel how soft it is, you recognize it as well. It’s a long grey and black striped cardigan. You recall it being his favourite with how often he wears it.
Finally, you put it on, instantly feeling a lot warmer. The sleeves fall past your hands which makes you roll them up. When you look back up you see Isaac staring at you, a soft smile resting on his lips and his cheeks tinted a soft pink. You smile back at him before finally focusing on whatever Coach is going on about this time.
After an incredibly boring 40 minutes class is finally over. You quickly rush to grab your stuff so you can make it on time for your next class on the other side of the building. You barely make it on time, plopping down in your seat next to Lydia. “Did you run here?” she asks looking at you with a raised eyebrow. “Basically, I don’t know who made my schedule but when I found them-” she interrupts you, pointing at what you’re wearing “is that Isaac’s cardigan?”.
Shocked you look down; you completely forgot you were wearing his cardigan. “I-uh, yeah. I was cold during class, so he lent it to me. I completely forgot to give it back.” You explain while Lydia just stares at you with a smug look on her face. “He just happened to notice you were cold and offered you his favourite cardigan?”
Your cheeks start to feel warm; you shake your head while playing with edge of the cardigan. “I’m sure it didn’t mean anything to him, he was just being friendly I’m sure” you reason. She clearly doesn’t agree as she just shakes her head right as the teacher walks in.
Classes are finally over for today causing you and Lydia to walk back to your lockers with excitement. The group is going over to Scott’s place to hang out for the rest of the day. When you arrive at your lockers the others are already waiting on you. Stiles is leaning against the locker next to yours with Scott next to him, they’re talking to Allison about something. You quickly open your locker, stuffing your books into it. “Is that a new cardigan?” Allison asks confused, pointing at it. You don't get a chance to respond before a different voice responds, “It’s mine actually.”
You quickly turn around, and behind you is Isaac, leaning against the locker next to you, similar to Stiles. He smiles at you before asking, “I hope it kept you warm?” Your brain takes a moment to catch up before you respond, nodding “Yes, yes it did thank you! I’m sorry for running off with it, i had to run to make it to my next class and I just completely forgot about it.” Your cheeks are heating up again as he looks down at you, eating up your every word.
He shakes his head softly “Nah don't worry about it, you look better in it anyway. Wouldn’t want you to freeze either” he says before standing up normally “are we leaving?” He asks nodding towards the exit. There’s a moment of silence before Scott speaks up and we leave to go to his place for the scheduled hangout.
While making your way to Scott’s place Allison and Lydia hang in the back with you. “So, what was that about?” Allison asks smiling. You shrug “I have no idea-” “he clearly likes you” Lydia interrupts. You push her softly before shushing her. “Maybe don’t talk about it so loudly?” you say with wide eyes, glancing at Isaac hoping he didn’t hear anything with his heightened senses.
Lydia simply rolls her eyes while Allison puts her arm around your shoulders. “Why don’t you just ask?” You stare at Allison for a moment before replying, “Are you actually insane? Do you need medical help?” She laughs before shaking her head “You won’t know until you ask.” You sigh softly, looking at the ground “What if he doesn’t like me like that? It would just get awkward between us.” “But what if he does” Lydia responds, she’s smiling softly at you, a comforting look in her eyes. “You can’t let this opportunity go to waste just because you’re scared.”
You take a breath before nodding “I’ll talk to him about it later.” The two girls smile at you until Stiles interrupts the sweet moment “Can you guys walk any slower?”
Stiles is terrible at Mario Kart, that much is clear by the fact that he’s lost 3 times in a row. He still refuses to give up, convinced that he’ll one the next round against Scott. You stopped playing after the 2nd round, your head started to hurt from how loud Stiles screams when playing. Lydia and Allison are sitting on the sofa watching Scott and Isaac absolutely kick Stiles’ ass in the game. Even after another round of losing Stiles is convinced he can win so he goes up against Scott once more. This time Isaac doesn’t play, similarly he complains his head is starting to hurt. “I’m not even that loud!” Stiles retorts, or more so yells. “Yes, you are” all of us reply in turn.
You’re still laughing when Isaac walks up to you, crouching so only you can hear him. “Could we talk for a moment?” He asks looking up at you. You nod briefly, wondering what on earth he would have to say to you in private. “Of course,” you stand up before following him to the kitchen, moving to sit on the countertop with him leaning against the kitchen table.
The both of you stay silent for a moment, tension high in the air. “So, what did you want to talk about?” You ask softly, playing with the hem of his cardigan that you’re still wearing. It takes another moment for him to respond, “You know, when I first met you, I was wondering why on earth you were even talking to me. I was an absolute nobody, I barely had any friends, and I wasn’t doing great in lacrosse.” He sighed before continuing “After Derek bit me I was convinced I could finally ask you out. That you would finally want me like I have wanted you. But even then, I was too scared, I couldn’t get myself to tell you how I felt.”
He moved closer to you, his hand moving to cover your cheek before softly caressing it. “But today I finally had the guts to make a move, and when I saw how adorable you looked with my cardigan on, I knew I had to tell you. But then you ran out of class, and I missed my chance. So, I’m telling you now because I’m not missing another chance.”
He moves even closer, your knees pressing against his legs. He tilts his head down to look into your eyes before he speaks once more “I really like you-” he laughs softly “Honestly, I think I might be in love with you.” You can’t hold back your smile; your hands move to rest on his chest when you ask if he’s being serious. He nods, his head dropping down to rest against yours. “I feel the same way” you laugh, “I was too scared to say anything.” The two of you laugh for a moment. Finding the fact that both of you felt the same way but were just too scared to say anything incredibly stupid.
“Then, could I ask for the honour of being yours?” He asks, smiling at you, his cheeks painted an adorable red. You quickly nod in response, smiling before finally kissing him. His hands move to hold your face, the two of you enjoying the moment until you are once again interrupted by Stiles screaming in victory as he finally wins a game. 
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maximwtf · 1 year
Can you write Villain/tall era! peridot x sapphire! reader? Idk what else to put there but maybe she was with peridot to help her with her research? (like directions, how the experiment would likely turn out etc) ;p
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  Peridot  x Sapphire reader
words: 1480
google docs pages: 3
Warnings: none?
opening: A sapphire has been assigned to join Peridot on her research concerning the kindergartens and the cluster on earth. How can you make the stubborn gem listen to you?
AN// Thank you for the request! I’m looking forward to writing more su fanfics!^^ I’m mainly going to write for Pearl, Peridot, Holly blue agate, Jasper and Yellow/Blue diamond for now!
I’m also not sure if sapphires can see multiple futures or just one, but I think they’d be more useful if they could see many, so that’s what I went with !
Gif by: Me
                    “Watch out!”
You had been assigned to follow and help a peridot on her mission. She had been sent on earth to check on the cluster and to do tests on the old kindergartens. Your job was to make sure nothing goes wrong, and to keep the green gem safe. 
But before the two of you could even warp there, the homeworld warp pad on earth had to be fixed. To do that, the green technician had sent a bunch of  flask robonoids down there. In all of the futures you saw, the warp pad had been fixed, which meant that there was nothing to warn Peridot of. 
You watched from behind as the gem typed something on a screen, mumbling about log dates as she went on. You happened to hear her state her facet and cut number too. Peridot Facet-2F5L Cut-5XG. Unimportant information, but you’d still savour it in the back of your mind. You heard the screen she had been typing on close and the boot of her limb enhancers hit the surface of the warp pad. “The robonoids have finished their task.” She said, indicating that it was time to go on earth for the first time. You made your way on the pad too, standing next to the tall green gem. Your form looked much smaller than her’s, but that didn’t bother you. A bright white light overtook the bodies of you two, moving you to a warp pad you had never stood on before. The blue sky matched you perfectly, alongside with the blue crystal like warps that surrounded the two of you. The stomping noises the peridot had made got your attention. She was making sure the warp pad was properly fixed, but you already knew it was. The robonoids had done a good job on it. 
As Peridot began to write down another log date, your attention started to wander. Her voice and the noises from the screen were just background noise now. Your mind went through multiple futures to see if there was any danger around the area. In most of them, the first visit seemed calm, no danger. A silent gasp left your mouth, not loud enough to alert the working peridot. In a few of the futures a group of gems appeared. You furrowed your brow and kept looking. There was no way that could have been the most possible future. Were you imagining things? 
The sound of Peridot breaking one of the damaged robonoids brought you back to reality. “Peridot.” You said silently, turning to look at her even though she couldn’t see your eye. She seemed to have not heard you, as she walked down the small steps, only to find something that didn’t belong there. “Peridot!” You said a little louder this time. She looked up at you. “There’s something here. We still have time to go.” You said quietly, still unsure if the gems you had seen were here, and if they were, where were they? Even with the uncertainty, it was safer to leave for now. “So it seems. This site may have been compromised.” The green gem said as she got up. With the newly found item in her hand, she stepped back on the warp pad. 
You watched her place a glowing green box on it and then you were off again, soon back on homeworld. 
After this, and throughout the whole mission a group of gems and ‘a Steven’ had been on your backs. They were in all of the possible futures you saw. With your help, she had been able to avoid most contact with the gems, up until she had started to act on her own. The green gem had lost the bottom part of her limb enhancers on one of her legs, and also all contact to homeworld. You were stranded. Telling the green gem that ‘I told you so’ didn’t help. This mission was sensitive, and as much as the peridot seemed to want to change the future, it shouldn’t have been done here. That had ended the two of you in the least likely future, where you got stranded. 
There was one future that you saw. One where this ‘Steven’ was able to fix the homeworld warp pad. And so you had sent Peridot on a mission to get this Steven to the Galaxy Warp, where you were waiting. 
The place was calm, not a noise nearby. Only the sound of waves hitting the sides of the Galaxy Warp. You had located yourself on the homeworld warp pad, sitting on top of it as you waited. 
Soon, a bright light overtook the darkness of the night, and Peridot appeared with the ‘Steven’. They fought for a while, before the green gem got tired of wrestling and levitated the ‘Steven’ in the air. It was asking what the two of you wanted, which she replied to by saying. “I want to get off this lousy Gem-forsaken planet!” Before dropping him on the ground. She did most of the talking, telling the ‘Steven’ why she needed him.
Peridot had placed herself in front of you, knowing you were more precious than her. Your personal rubies had stayed on homeworld, and not that they could come and help anymore either. You had no way to contact home. This mission was supposed to be quick and easy, but you should have seen this coming. 
As of right now, there seemed to be no threats. ‘Steven’ would either be able to fix the warp pad or not, but as of now him fixing it seemed the most possible. You watched him try, but nothing happened. The warp was still broken, and you had no way to go back home. Your mind began to wander through possible futures again. What if that didn’t work, what then? 
Peridot kept yelling at the Steven in the background, which you had grown used to over the time you had spent with her. A lot of complaining. A second silent gasp left your mouth. The likely future was the one where the gems appeared here. In that it either ended with you escaping with Peridot or-  The futures began to mix again as Peridot began to speak of the cluster. And so it happened, the gems appeared right on time. 
Peridot placed herself in front of you, shooting at the gems. Your mind was going through the most likely situations as quick as it could, but nothing seemed to lock in place. Hearing the gems beat up the green gem in the background was when you saw it. They were going to poof her. “Peridot!” You called out, but just a little too late. You watched Pearl place herself behind the green gem as distraction, and when Peridot would turn around, Garnet would finish her. 
You sped up to her, dodging an attack Amethyst had been trying to land on you. Taking a firm grip on the green gem’s hand, you tried to run off the edge of the altar with her, but it was too late. Just as you were able to take a hold of her hand, Garnet grabbed Peridot’s waist which caused her to poof in a matter of seconds. Hearing her gem fall on the ground stunned you, but there was no time to stagger. 
As stubborn as the gem was, and as much as you would have liked to blame her for getting you trapped here, you needed her. Ducking down as the pearl’s spear went over your head, you picked up the green gem and sped to the other side of the arena. After placing yourself on one of the warp pads, your mind found the most peaceful place to warp to. You had to give Peridot time to reform. 
With one last look at the limb enhancers from which smoke rose from, the warp pad under you activated. It consumed you and the green gem in your hand with bright white light, and took you away from harm's way. The gems would be after the two of you, but in a good hiding place you might have just been able to stay for long enough to get Peridot back. She wanted back home just as much as you did. Without the limb enhancers the already failed mission would have been even harder to complete, but you could try. Maybe she would now listen to you. 
Pt. 2 - "Keeping up hopes."
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Marauders Masterlist
Sirius Black
The Way We Were  Pairing: Sirius Black x Original Female Character Word Count: 21,444 [11 Parts] Rating: Mature Only the Good Die Young Pairing: Sirius Black x Original Character Word Count: 2300 Rating: Mature Dive  Pairing: Sirius Black x Female Reader Word Count: 2300 Rating: Teen A Little Magic  Pairing: Sirius Black x Female Reader Word Count: 1300 Rating: Gen The Other Evans Girl Pairing: Sirius Black x Original Female Character Word Count: 250k Rating: Mature The Girl of My Best Friend Pairing: Sirius Black x Female Reader, Remus Lupin x Female Reader Word Count: 2995 Rating: Teen & Up The Boy Who Broke His Own Heart Pairing: Sirius Black x Female Reader,  Word Count: 26534 Rating: Mature The Dating Game Pairing: Sirius Black x Female Reader, James Potter x Female Reader Word Count: 13380 Rating: Mature
James Potter
The Dating Game Pairing: Sirius Black x Female Reader, James Potter x Female Reader Word Count: 13380 Rating: Mature
Remus Lupin
Sundays  Pairing: Remus Lupin x Reader Word Count: 1113 Rating: Gen She’s Got You  Pairing: Remus Lupin x  Female Reader Word Count:3000 [2 Parts] Rating: Mature I’m a Monster  Pairing: Remus Lupin x Reader Word Count: 5000 [4 Parts] Rating: Mature Let’s Do It  [Requested] Pairing: Remus Lupin x Reader Word Count: 5000 [2 Parts] Rating: Mature Perfect  Pairing: Remus Lupin x Female Reader Word Count: 1000 Rating: Gen Hearts Don’t Break Around Here  Pairing: Remus Lupin x Reader Word Count:500 Rating: Gen Furry Little Problem Pairing: Remus Lupin x Reader Word Count: 1480 Rating: Teen
On My Own Pairing: Remus Lupin x Sirius Black Word Count: 1210  Rating: Teen Complexly Chaotic Pairing: Sirius Black x Female Reader, Remus Lupin x Female Reader Word Count: 968 Rating: Teen & Up
Comfort Zone Pairing: Marauders x Reader Word Count: 2758 Rating: Teen & Up
The Grand Tour  Pairing: None Word Count: 2103 Rating: Gen Eraser Pairing: None Word Count: 220 Rating: Teen Castle On the Hill  Pairing: None Word Count: 1300 Rating: Teen Our Family Pairing: James Potter x Lily Evans Word Count: 2264 Rating: Teen
Head Canons
Dating James Potter Dating Sirius Black Dating Remus Lupin Sirius Black [NSFW Alphabet] Remus Lupin [NSFW Alphabet]James Potter [NSFW Alphabet] Marlene McKinnon
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gingerjunhan · 9 months
Hello! First of all Merry Christmas, I hope that next year will be a good year for you and nothing bad will happen.
Can I please request ot6 reaction to having their first sleepover at your place and sharing bed with you for the first time? I'm craving some giggly cute fluff 🥹
Also can I be your 🌱 anon?
☆彡 hiii 🌱anon!! So sorry this took a while, writers block hit me pretty hard :( so if there’s something you aren’t happy with please let me know! Thank you so much for the well wishes, and I hope your year had a wonderful start! 🩷🩷
word count: 1480 | pronouns used: none | genre: fluff, established relationship | cws: written during very bad writers block, reader has a “girls night” w/ Gunil, sex joke (not about reader!) w/ Gunil, swearing, eating, bad family dynamics? (mentioned), Jooyeon’s is a lil angsty?, not really proofread (shocker!), lmk if I missed something!
goo gunil
You had asked Gunil to spend the night at your house one Friday night once you were both done at work for the day. You joked that it could be a stereotypical “girls night,” including face masks, cheesy movies, gossip about your coworkers (probably more your coworkers than his)- the whole nine yards. You seemed excited, so he said yes. It was a great time, filling him in on all the workroom gossip and having him eat it up.
“I’m telling you, Gunil,” you told him over a plate of takeout, “I wouldn’t be shocked if she was sleeping with our boss.”
“No way,” he gasps. “That bitch!”
It was the perfect, relaxing and fun night you both needed. When it finally came time for the both of you to go to bed, that’s when Gunil started to panic. You were in your bedroom, changing into pajamas, and Gunil was mentally giving himself a pep-talk in the bathroom. It won’t be that awkward! It’ll be fine! You guys have cuddled in bed together before, so this is no different! It’s okay!
Gunil shook off (more like, repressed) the last of his nerves and made his way back to your bedroom. You were climbing into bed as he walked through the door, and once you threw your arms open for him, Gunil felt his nerves melt away for good. He quickly made his way over to your bed, bringing you into his embrace as well, getting ready to have a well earned night of rest.
kim jungsu
After a bad storm blew in while Jungsu was over at your place for the day, you insisted that he spend the night. He tried to put up a fight, saying that it wouldn’t be necessary, but you insisted.
“It’s not safe for you to go out in that storm. You’re staying here and that’s final.”
It wasn’t like you were unprepared for his stay- you had stolen enough of his clothes that supply him with at least three other outfits, and your bed was plenty big enough to sleep the both of you. Again, he tried to put up a fight, insisting that he would sleep on the couch. You basically laughed in his face when you refused. You were honestly glad the storm came through when it did. You’ve been wanting to ask Jungsu to spend the night for a while, but wasn’t sure if he would want to do it. The storm gave you an excuse.
Jungsu felt the same way, but he didn’t want to make you uncomfortable. Since dating you, Jungsu always made sure to have some sort of plushie or pillow to hold on to, always wishing you were next to him instead. So, when the two of you finally decided to turn in for the night, you welcomed each other with open arms. It was a little strange at first since neither of you wanted to make the other uncomfortable- but soon enough you both fell into a very comfortable sleep.
kwak jiseok
When you had invited Jiseok over to spend the night, he was practically vibrating with excitement. Jiseok would spend every minute of every day with you if he could- and now he can!! He was going to come over for dinner, stay the night, and then you guys were going to go out for a cute little breakfast date in the morning.
When you both made your way to bed, Jiseok was the first to be ready. When you returned to your room, Jiseok faced you with a teasing smirk.
“Who’s this little guy?”
A well-loved plushie was now being held by its scruff in Jiseok’s hand as he let out a chuckle. He found the fact that it was a little yellow duck to be very endearing. You felt yourself blush.
“Don’t hold him like that!” You quickly grabbed the plushie from Jiseok, “You’ll hurt him.” With a frown, you took the plushie into your arms and crawled into bed, Jiseok following closely behind you. He found your need to parent your plushie to be cute, and he let you know by giving you an apology for a kiss on the cheek.
When the two of you finally got settled, Jiseok made sure to hold you close to him- even if there was a plushie squished in between you.
oh seungmin
Showing up at each other's homes unannounced wasn’t uncommon between you and Seungmin. However, tonight was a little different.
It was around 10:00 when you heard a knock at your door, and when you found Seungmin on the other side, you gave him a confused look.
“You’re here late.”
“We unexpectedly got the day off and… I missed you,” he admitted into the cold air outside your door. “May I come in?”
You welcomed Seungmin into your home with open arms- quite literally. Seungmin had been working a lot recently, so you hadn’t seen him in a while. You threw your arms around him in a tight embrace, and that’s when you noticed his backpack.
You chuckled, “What’s with the bag?”
“Since it’s already late I figured I’d be here a while, so I brought some stuff in case. Is that okay?”
Your eyes lit up and you practically dragged Seungmin back into your bedroom, tossing him down on the mattress and jumping on top of him. He let out a laugh as you both got comfortable. He knew that you had been missing him, so he figured a nice, long, extended cuddle session was exactly what you both needed right now. Although, there was no use in Seungmin bringing his things. You almost didn’t let him out of your grasp when he said he was going to change into pajamas.
han hyeongjun
Hyeongjun had been waiting anxiously for this day to arrive. He was finally going to be spending the night at your place, and he was nervous to say the least.
The evening started off simple. You had made a small dinner together and watched it over a new show you both had planned on starting. It was all going well until Hyeongjun saw you starting to yawn.
“Sleepy?” He gently ran a hand up and down your back. You nodded.
“I think I’m gonna go to bed soon,” you admitted.
At this, Hyeongjun’s cheeks went pink, and he hoped you didn’t notice. After a short while, you went back to your room to start your nighttime routine, telling him that he could come join you if he wanted. He nodded his head and swallowed hard.
He walked into your room as you picked out your pajamas, and he was quick to stop you.
“Hey! Is that my shirt?” He quickly came over to you and examined your choice of sleep shirt, causing you to laugh. “I’ve been looking for this!”
After some light teasing and nagging, Hyeongjun finally let you go change. Once you returned, the heat quickly returned to Hyeongjun’s cheeks. He excused himself to go change before you could see it.
Once he came back and found his way into your embrace under the covers, you laughed lightly to yourself.
“What?” He asked.
“Nothing,” you pinched the hem of his shirt between your fingers. “I’m just thinking about how I should steal this one too.”
lee jooyeon
After a bad family get together, Jooyeon could sense the way your attitude had shifted. You seemed to be dragging your feet through your day to day routine. Jooyeon knew that you had never really gotten along with some of your family members, so he chose not to pry. Instead, he decided to do whatever it took to make you feel better.
The weekend had finally arrived, and Jooyeon made his way over to your apartment. He brought what he referred to as “his bag of tricks” with him. He brought snacks, games, extra clothes for him to wear and for you to steal, sweet drinks, you name it. Jooyeon was determined to get your typical smile back on your face- even if it was just for a little while.
The night started with games, and then somehow quickly turned into karaoke. You had found yourselves with your fake microphones in hand, rapidly approaching a noise complaint from your neighbors.
“C’mon, (Y/N)! Pick our next song!”
The singing and dancing worked you well into the night, and had done a good job at tiring you out. One by one, you excused yourselves to go get ready for bed.
Jooyeon now had you flush to his chest with a hand in your hair. He hoped you couldn’t hear how his heart was racing. He was planning on blaming it on some leftover adrenaline. Jooyeon was telling you a story, but he quickly realized that you weren’t listening anymore. He looked down at your sleeping frame, seeing the smile on your face, and returning it with one of his own.
taglist: @dazzlingligth , @mini-mews , @mxlly143 , @somethingaboutcheese , comment to be added!⁎⁺˳✧༚
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boyhood · 1 year
this is an odd request but an Earnest one...
Do you have any favorite paintings of wounds?
Sorry it took me a second to get to this- I have been genuinely thinking about it and trying to come up with an answer.
I think my answer is this:
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It is listed in Medieval Bodies: Life, Death and Art in the Middle Ages, by Jack Hartnell as
"A page from a devotional book made for an unknown Englishwoman soon after 1480, showing a mass of Christ’s blood and the individual wounds of his skin."
I find this work incredibly moving, and touching, because the body has been so abstracted but the wounds are very real. Wound after wound after wound with blood on a background of bloodied skin. There's something really powerful to me about the wound as subject, as focus, but taken entirely away from the body.
This work, to me, is more meaningful than other Jesus's side wound works, because the focus becomes not on the individual would that killed him, or the entrance of Thomas's hand into the wound to prove its realness, but the multitude of wounds that destroy together, cumulatively.
I also think about the work The Burden of Guilt by the Cuban artist Tania Bruguera (1997) in which the artist stands naked, wearing the flayed body of a lamb while eating soil mixed with salt and water (representing tears).
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For 45 minutes, Bruguera ate the soil in reference to stories about indigenous Cubans vowing to eat only soil rather than be captives to Spanish colonists.
The writer Edward Rubin described the work as "[a] harrowing piece... first performed in Havana, where the audience was duly reminded that freedom, liberty, and self-determination are not abstract ideals, but achievements that deeply inscribe their meaning on our physical being."
I like this work for a multitude of reasons, but like it as an image of a transposed wound, a wounded body representing the bodies of many, and of taking on of generational wounds, both literal and figurative.
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7grandmel · 7 months
Todays rip: 16/02/2024
Owner of a Mahjong Board
Season 7 Featured on: SiIvaGunner's Highest Quality Rips: Volume Ruby Also on: Now That's What I Call Quality! 3
Ripped by circunflexo
Requested by yhenestik! (@youtubepoopmusicvideo)
Happy (late) birthday, circunflexo!!
The trilogy of "Now That's What I Call Quality!" albums are some of the most interesting on SiIvaGunner's discography. A majority of the channel's other albums can be categorized into three categories - There's the mega-albums, compiling rips from several months; the event albums, bringing together most of the rips featured in one or several channel events; and finally the themed albums, that collect rips of a similar type spread across the entire channel's life. Yet as is hinted at by their title, the Now That's What I Call Quality! albums are unique in their mission purpose: beyond featuring a handful of rips first featured at MAGFest, they also aim to be a concise bundle of some of the finest rips made during the most recent Seasons of the channel. And with Season 7 being perhaps the strongest year yet in terms of rip quality (in my eyes only truly rivaled by Season 6), it was inevitable that Now That's What I Call Quality! 3 would end up being one of the best - if not THE best - album the channel has ever released.
I've covered rips from these albums a few times before, yet its typically been ones of far larger scope. For instance, Everyday Goodbyes (SiIvaGunner Band Cover) as featured on the first Now That's What I Call Quality! album is perhaps the most pure form of a "passion project" that the channel has ever released. Much the same can also be said about the still-insanely-impressive Initial Deluxe (I've Just Raced on this Course Before) featured on this third album - yet passion comes in all sizes, all forms, and all kinds of ambitions. What Owner of a Mahjong Board, and so many of the other rips featured on these albums demonstrate, is the rippers of SiIvaGunner putting their best foot forward, showing in as many varied ways as possible just how talented they all are. The value a rip holds is not merely about its scale or complexity - crucially, as we all know, high quality rips are all about...well, quality.
Owner of a Mahjong Board, then, brings us back to the territory of Mahjong Bangers, as I first defined back in Never Gonna Give Up Mahjong and previously covered in voiceless - simple ds series vol. 01 - the mahjong (¥1480). These rips are never ones to bring in the views by pure virtue of most SiIvaGunner fans lacking nostalgic attachment to them, yet they're consistently some of the most well-done arrangement rips on the channel - simple, yet deviously effective. There's some sort of mythical curse, some sort of shared, spiked beverage that all the Mahjong game composers drink, to where they all wind up featuring incredibly distinct, banging soundscapes - most prominently on SiIvaGunner itself, showing off the pure vibes of its Nintendo DS entries in particular. Owner of a Mahjong Board's YouTube upload sits at barely about 6K views, yet in my eyes deserves so much more. Different from the prior rips of his I've covered such as You Are Book Smart or Windows Wonga Wappa, circunflexo here gets to show off his skills as a pure arranger, with this being a rendition of Owner of a Lonely Heart by Yes. The dance-rock feel of Owner of a Lonely Heart lends itself perfectly to the particular instruments featured in "Simple DS Series Vol. 1 - The Mahjong" in particular - its lounge-y feel, compressed guitars, and bevvy of synths give the track such a unique yet recognizable texture, wholly identifiable as Owner of a Lonely Heart, yet also oh-so-clearly Mahjong at the same time. The premise of the rip is deceptively simple for a rip that feels so incredible layered, dense in authenticity to the original Yes song whilst showing off every little piece of the patented Mahjong Banger soundscape that earned them that title to begin with.
I could dissect Owner of a Mahjong Board layer by layer (and believe you me, the guitar solo in particular deserves special mention) yet it all amounts to the same core point: circunflexo has done an incredible job of translating a banger song in the style of games with a banging set of instruments. Be it sentence mixing, arrangements, YTPMVs or anything inbetween, the guy seems to be downright unstoppable - dare I say, one of the best rippers from the channel's recent seasons - and I cannot wait to hear what more he's got cooking for Season 8.
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notyour-valentine · 2 years
Hello Val! I’d love to send you a request for your 1000 celebration (congrats again! 🥂)
I’d like to go with a blurb for modern!Tommy and the following prompt: “It is a common phenomenon that just the prettiest girls find it so difficult to get a man.”
Thanks ❤️
The Prettiest Girls ~ modern!Tommy Shelby x Reader (Fluff)
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[Celebration] [Celebration Masterlist] [Masterlist]
Warning: Mention of sexism in society, patriarchy, some swearing (18/21+). I do not consent to my work being translated, copied or posted elsewhere on this platform or any other.
Words: 1480 words
“Oi!”, she snapped as Tommy reached for the packet of still warm falafels and pulled them towards him without even sparing her a glance. 
“Those are mine!”, she hissed, snatching them right back.  For that, she had to get up and lean all over the polished black chrome table.
His head shot up and he glared at her with nothing but annoyance and impatience - as if she had insulted him.
“Seriously?”, he hissed, “You drink and eat here for free, the least you can do is give some of me own fucking food!”
“It’s not your food!”, Ada reminded him. “Its from that new vegan place around the corner.”
“We’ve got vegan food!”, Arthur argued, always quick to defend his establishment. “Chips and sweet potato chips and salad, I think?”
“If I eat nothing but chips all the time, I will break out worse than a freshers flu!”, she argued, dipping another one of her deliciously crispy fried falafels into the hummus. 
This was becoming a weekly thing, actually it was becoming almost normalcy. Ever since the Shelbys had moved into London too, it was more than convenient for her and Ada to spend their evenings here. Groceries was expensive and here they could practically drink them dry and even if they ordered food more to their taste, they could put it on Arthur’s tab. 
He didn’t mind in the slightest, not when it came to his sister and their childhood friend. 
Usually it was actually quite fun, with John in town too and Tommy actually having time to join them for a change, or so they had thought. 
But instead of a few rounds and some fun stories for old times sake, he was sitting in the corner of the private room, hacking away at his phone with such ferocity, she could have sworn he must’ve drilled holes into it by now. 
Always busy. Always occupied. 
As if that wasn’t enough, he cleared his throat and swiped. 
“Yes?”, he demanded to know, bringing his phone to his ear. “Is he for real now?”, Ada demanded to know as Tommy began to have a full on conversation with no regard to them and their talk. 
“Oi, at least put it on speaker!”, she offered with a chuckle. 
He threw daggers at her and got up, but on his way out, he swiped the bag with the remaining four falafels from the table. 
“Hey!”, she argued, but the door only fell shut, separating her from the rest of her dinner.
“Arrogant git.”, she hissed. 
“Don’t be harsh on him, love!”, Arthur insisted. “He’s busy with the business.”
She only shrugged. 
It was bothering her more than it should. She had left Birmingham to go to college, and had moved in with Ada so that they could share the costs. Then, before long, Tommy had bought them not only a house but a car, not that they needed it in central London, but it was nice to have.
She had thought him buying a house would mean he was around a bit more, but no. 
Only once had she passed him in the hall when he had been on his way out, and he had greeted her with a small smile and a meaningless “All good?”, but he was already on the run.
She missed Birmingham, she missed them all, but with Tommy it felt like the only place she yet held in his life was on a list of expenses - and that stung. 
But what was there to be done?
Tommy was his own man and she was her own woman. Besides, she was his little sister’s friend, hardly anyone of much importance in the busy life of Mr. Thomas Shelby. 
She still had Ada, and Arthur and John, so she needn’t mourn too much. 
Ada of course, had decided to enrol in the same university as she had, taking on Sociology, Politics and Gender Studies all in one go.
She was well suited for it and burned to share her knowledge with her, and now her brothers too. 
While (Y/N) could only contribute anecdotal evidence, they were certainly in agreement of many things. Especially in regards to the differences between men and women in society. 
And before long they were on a roll, with John blushing and Arthur paling with every word. The door behind her clicked open again, as Tommy returned - without her falafels. 
But that didn’t stop her from making her point.
“Women constantly get underestimated and reduced to their looks.”, she insisted, throwing her hands in the air. “It is just so exhausting!”
Ada nodded ceremoniously, impatient to get her own point in. 
 “Did you know Marilyn Monroe was actually really smart?”, she asked.
“If she was so smart why did she stand over that subway vent and have them take pictures up her skirt?”, John asked. 
“That was for a movie!”, Ada hissed, glaring at her brother. 
“Speaking of movie stars - everytime you turn on music in your car, that’s due to Hedy Lamar - the one with the stars.”, she insisted, waving around the back of her head. “She invented Bluetooth, or rather the technology behind it.”
“So far more than looks- but history remembers them as pretty!”
Ada said the word as if it was a slur, or at least a taint. 
“Anyway, back to the original problem. Women get reduced due to their looks so much that it impacts every aspects of their lives!”
“But isn’t that also a good thing?”, John asked. “I mean, there is pretty privilege, right?”
That made her stomach coil. 
“Wanting to sleep with someone isn’t the same as listening or valuing them!”, she snarled, considering if she should try to aim for his shin under the table. 
“Besides,”, Ada added, “most men are intimidated by both attractive and intellectual women. Combine the two and 99% of men run to the hills.”
She leaned back and sighed in dramatic fashion, giving her a lamenting look. “It is a common phenomenon that just the prettiest girls find it so difficult to get a man, one who is not intimidated or even fells insulted.”
“My words exactly!”, she added with a nod. 
Across the table, Tommy scoffed. 
“You got something to say?”, Ada hissed, as always ready for a fight, especially with her favourite sparring partner. 
She loved to argue, but arguing with Tommy was the rarest and most favoured pastimes for her. 
And he didn’t care to back down from a fight and so met his sister’s gaze with that barely-there knowing smirk of his, as if the universe had laid bare all the secrets it contained in front of him and him alone. 
“Maybe?”, Ada asked, “Go on then.”
He shrugged in dismissal once more.
“I think you’re making things too complicated.”
“We? We are making things too complicated?”
Ada’s cheeks began to flush and she could practically see the speech beginning to form. 
“Yes. I’m not exactly saying that society’s perfect but it’s not the cause of everyone’s problems.”
“It kind of is, though!”, Arthur argued.
Tommy shot him a dark glare, all playfulness he had in his eyes when he had faced Ada gone at the sight of his brother’s betrayal. 
“If (Y/N) can’t find a man, it’s hardly the patriarchy’s fault. Perhaps she’s just looking in the wrong places.”
She choked on her drink, feeling the liquid climb up to her nose as she coughed, barely managing to cover her mouth with a napkin as Arthur hit her back. 
“Wait what?”, Ada asked, staring at her brother in utter disbelief.
“When did this discussion become about me?”, (Y/N) managed to croak out, her eyes burning. 
“Yeah, what are you on about, Tommy?”, John demanded to know, before his face split into a wide grin. “Hang on-”
“Shut up!”, Tommy hissed, as his ears began to turn red. “I must’ve misheard, alright. Nothing to get stuck up on.”
He fidgeted with his cufflinks. 
John threw his head back in laughter and even Ada giggled.
“Did he just call me pretty?”, (Y/N) asked, bracing her elbows on the table as she leaned forward, having recovered from her drink mishap. 
“Pretty and intellectual!”, Arthur added for formalities sake, earning more throaty chuckles and giggles, as Tommy’s ears turned the shade of ripe tomatoes. One could even see the colour sneak up his neck. 
“What do you want me to say?”, Tommy hissed, “You’re not ugly, are you?”
His anger only made her giggle more as she leaned back. “I should put that on a t-shirt.”, she suggested with a smirk. 
“We could start a clothing line, make it Shelby Company Limited official and Tommy can write off a bit of tax, that would be nice, wouldn’t it, Tom?”, Ada teased, giving her brother a playful shove. He was hacking away at his phone again, pretending he didn’t hear, while his ears seemed to glow so brightly they couldn’t have lit the entire room on their own.
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Thank you so much @flyingjosephine-blog for requesting and participating in my celebration and for requesting modern!Tommy - I had such fun with this and I hope you like it!
Thank you everyone for reading and as always, I hope you enjoyed and would love to hear your thoughts!
If you want to participate in my celebration, click here!
@lilyrachelcassidy @jyessaminereads @chlorrox @watercolorskyy @books-livre @quarterpastmidnight  @lilyevanswhore  @polishcrazyone  @zablife  @just-a-harmless-patato  @stevie75 @flyingjosephine-blog @runnning-outof-time @babayaga67 @butterfly-skinnylegend @cillmequick
@knowledgefulbutterfly  @signorellisantichrist @lespendy @geeksareunique @look-at-the-soul
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wishesofeternity · 1 year
A queen's position privileged her relationship with the church hierarchy. This allowed  visible material expression of her personal devotion, and Elizabeth Woodville, though hardly  renowned today for her piety, was a case in point. Some of her requests were for very  private purposes, for example (in 1474) to have a portable altar. Others applied outside  the court. In 1477 she gained, at her own petition, an indult to enter Carthusian houses of  royal foundation, with eight to ten women servants, to hear masses and other divine offices; two years later she and the king were granted a licence to hear services within the Carthusian house at Sheen. Crawford (1985) uses this evidence to credit Elizabeth with a piety "beyond the purely conventional", but does not show how these actions prove it, given that  the queen, any queen, had a far greater range of resources and opportunities to express piety than most women. Crawford also shies away from reconciling this comment with her earlier assertion that "many of Elizabeth's actions show her to have been grasping and totally lacking in scruple"  
Elizabeth Woodville's devotion to the Feast of the Visitation (also adduced by  Crawford) had complex implications. The main objective of her 1480 petition to the pope regarding this feast was that the people of England, including herself, not be deprived of the papal indulgences associated with its celebration; this was an issue because the date of the newly instituted feast conflicted with some traditional English ones. The pope declared an arrangement whereby neither observance would be lost. Elizabeth displayed even more of a sense of mission in requesting extra indulgences for practitioners of the Salutation of the Virgin, apparently wishing "the devotion of the faithful of the realm for the said Salutation to be increased more and more". But however important this was for contemporary English piety, and however useful for a broader understanding of Elizabeth Woodville, it does not  seem to take us far "beyond the purely conventional". More thought-provoking, perhaps, is the queen's surrender of her parts of two Worcestershire manors in 1479, which she granted to the monastery of St. Peter's, Westminster, with specific, detailed instructions for the observances she desired on behalf of the royal family. The same year she granted the  monastery of Jesus of Bethlehem 48 acres of land out of her manor of Sheen. One  wonders why Elizabeth undertook almost all her religious projects within a brief period, 1477-80. Had the necessary resources finally come her way, or was there a more personal reason -- for example, the death of her first royal son, George, at the age of two, early in 1479?
It is safe to assume that for any powerful woman of the fifteenth century, piety and patronage were unavoidably related. One of Elizabeth Woodville's first acts of intercession, in 1466, was to gain a royal licence for the founding of a London priestly fraternity. Despite Crawford's contrary assertion, at least one of Elizabeth Woodville's household clerics  became a bishop: her confessor Edward Storey, later bishop of Carlisle. The queen  maintained this ecclesiastical connection, later appealing to the pope on Storey's behalf. As for Elizabeth of York, her "singular devotion" for the Cistercian monastery of St Mary,  Woborn, led her, toward the end of her life, to send the pope a "most instant request" for the  union of that house to the parish church of Salisbury, but her wish was accompanied by those  of the bishop, the dean, the archdeacon of Buckingham and the chapter of the church, all by  the "will" of the king. This may indicate that the queen's word by itself would not have guaranteed the success of the petition.  
Queenly patronage might still be much more direct than this. Elizabeth Woodville was granted the right of presentation to the hospital or free chapel of St. Anthony, London, in 1468. In 1499 Elizabeth of York wrote to the prior of Christ Church, Canterbury, asking  for a literal carte blanche of presentation to the highly desirable, centrally located living of All Hallows, Gracechurch Street, London, for which Elizabeth Woodville and her husband had also wanted preferment. The prior was to leave a blank on the certificate which the   queen would fill in with the name of her candidate (Richard Southayke received the benefice). Both queens were granted rights of presentation to canonries and prebends in the royal chapel of St. Stephen, Westminster, but these were often shared, e.g. Elizabeth of York's grants of 1486 with the bishop of Ely, or of 1487 with four others. They might also be carefully qualified, applying only to the next vacancy, or to "become void after the king, or some one by his grant, has presented to one canonry and prebend in the same chapel". And even a queen could have competition; in 1500 the university of Oxford received letters  from Elizabeth of York, the prince of Wales, and the king's mother recommending three  different candidates to the same position.  
The queen was not restricted to court or high-profile appointments, and she might exercise her influence even over livings to which she had no legal claim. In 1469 John  Pas ton II informed his son that the "free chapell in Caster", a Paston property, was to be  given to a chaplain of Elizabeth Woodville, "Master John Yotton", "at the speciall request of  the Qwen and othere especiall good lordes of myn". This seems to have been contrary to  Paston's original intentions for the living; moreover, the queen expected a higher stipend for her candidate than Paston was willing to provide. 120 Whatever salary was agreed on was evidently not enough to keep Yotton at his post, since before long "a prest to syng in Caster"   was again needed; John Paston III advised his father that "now thys parlement tyme ... I thynk  [Yotton] shalbe awaytyng on the Qwen. " Elizabeth of York claimed to be the exclusive patron, as queen, of the hospital of St Katherine-by-the-Tower, and attempted at least twice to obtain a plenary indulgence for it [...].
Naturally, a queen's ecclesiastical patronage could have less spiritual motives, whether personal or political. In 1479 Elizabeth Woodville's brother Lionel was granted a papal dispensation to hold four simultaneous benefices, though this was at the petition of both king  and queen.  The papal "relaxation" she obtained for those visiting St. Augustine's Church, Huntingdon, is also open to cynical interpretation, since one of the conditions is that the visitors "give alms for the maintenance of its buildings and ornaments". It is less obvious why, in 1488, a papal inhibition of "disturbances in the matter of the right of succession, etc." among Irish ecclesiastics, was said to originate in the concern of both Henry VII and Elizabeth of York, though we should note that the queen's chancellor was an Irish peer. Elizabeth Woodville's record of "protectyng and defendyng the libertes and  ffrauncheses" of Westminster Abbey, and her "bounteous" donations for its repairs, stood her in good stead when she wished to lease a house there.  
Pious patronage might extend to literary patronage, and the prime example of this for our purposes is William Caxton. The dedication to Caxton's printing of the Fifteen Oes of St.  Bridget of Sweden states that the book was printed at the joint commandment of Elizabeth of York and the king’s mother. The reason for this patronage is unclear, since there is nothing especially queenly or even feminine about the content of these prayers. Of course, Lady Margaret's active piety is well known, and it has been suggested that the queen was her protegee in the patronage of devotional literature. In 1477 Caxton had dedicated his Boke of the histories of Jason to the prince of Wales "by [the king's] licence and congye [and] by the supportacion of... the Quene", Elizabeth Woodville; his reference to the new translation also formally acknowledges both king and queen. Contrary to what one might suppose, the reference to the queen is probably more meaningful than that to the king; Woodville patronage had been important in Caxton's early career on his return to England, and his connection to Elizabeth was probably the critical one.
It is reasonable to suppose that in an age when learning was still so strongly connected to the church, a queen's educational benefactions might fall under the rubric of pious good works. We lack any other substantiated motive for Elizabeth Woodville's patronage of Queens' College, Cambridge, which is first explicitly mentioned in 1465, even before her coronation. Elizabeth's main accomplishment, in 1473, was to give the college its  statutes (never provided by the original foundress, Margaret of Anjou), in which she  described herself as vera fundatrix and stated in part "the duties of our royal prerogative  require, piety suggests, natural reason demands, that we should be especially solicitous  concerning those matters whereby the safety of souls and the public good are concerned, and  poor scholars ... are assisted". The queen shared in the power to alter or rescind any of the provisions of these statutes. Unfortunately no records remain of any further direct benefaction to the college from Elizabeth Woodville; her daughter's involvement is even more obscure except for a fragmentary "mandate for selecting ... Billington to a fellowship or scholarship" Elizabeth Woodville apparently also gave "large sums" to Eton College, probably after 1477 (when Henry Bost, the provost who allegedly influenced her, was elected).  
Queens could, of course, be involved in more overtly worldly patronage, often in an intercessory role. A well-documented example is the involvement of the Mercers' Company of London with Elizabeth Woodville in the late 1470s. The queen first interceded for the  merchants in 1478, regarding a "fraye" between the king's servants and some London  citizens. By December 1479 the company had a much more serious problem; it owed the king an onerous sum for non-payment of its subsidy, and for its alleviation it looked to both Elizabeth and the king's chamberlain (William, Lord Hastings). From the beginning the queen's abilities were recognized as exceptional, not only by the company but by Hastings, who encouraged the merchants to cultivate her rather than himself. In January 1480, after the  merchants had given "grete lawde & thanke" to their court connections, including Thomas Grey and "the lord Ryvers", they reported that Hastings had cautioned them "to be more  secrete of theyre frendes and that non avaunt be made who that is frendly and laboureth for us  Except the quenes good grace oonly, whiche that is, & always hath ben, oure verrey good &  gracious lady in the said mater & c." Evidently dealing with the queen alone would get  the company into less political trouble than open lobbying of her relatives -- an indication,  perhaps, that Elizabeth was not considered one and the same with "the Woodvilles".  
By 8 January 1480, the queen had managed to convince Edward to forgive 500 marks (£333 6s. lOd.) of the fine, and the company decided that she was their most promising option; four days later the fine was further reduced by the same amount. Although this left the company still owing 3000 marks (£2000), which the king made clear was his final offer, the difference was significant enough to earn Elizabeth the merchants' gratitude. This episode helps to explain Elizabeth Woodville's membership in two London fraternities connected to the Skinners' Company. She was the fifth queen consort to belong to the Fraternity of Corpus Christi, and the book of the Fraternity of Our Lady's Assumption contains a painting of her in her coronation robes. Presumably this company had learned in the past that queenly connections were worth maintaining, and reasoned that to honour Elizabeth twice would be even more effective in keeping it in her good graces.  
The queen's intervention was not limited to the business sector. In June 1467, Elizabeth Woodville wrote a sharply worded letter to the earl of Oxford when he failed to restore Simon Blyant to a disputed manor. Her involvement did not end with this gesture, for we know that the archbishop of York was to speak with her about it in August even though she had taken her chamber. Another landowner, Catesby of Hopsford, eventually appealed to the queen in a matter involving a number of lands, though we do not know the outcome. Where families were concerned, the queen's influence might help to undo a marriage as well as to arrange one. From October 1471 until at least April 1473 Elizabeth Woodville and her council were involved, at John Paston H's request, in trying to cancel his engagement to Anne Hawte. Difficulties might arise when an individual had no such convenient connection to the queen; the prior of Bromholm asked John Paston for help because he did not know how properly to make his appeal to Elizabeth Woodville for "certeyn  tymber".
The queen's contact with cities was not defined solely by ceremonies of entry. In December 1467 the city of Coventry voted Elizabeth Woodville a gift of 100 marks (£66 13s.  4d.). Even if this was merely a New Year's gift, and not in response to any special situation, it may represent the city's recognition that it could be in their interest to pay tribute to the queen. For her part, Elizabeth made a gift of twelve bucks to Coventry in September 1474, not long after her visit there with the prince of Wales. The queen's dealings with Coventry were not a matter of mere courtesies. Three months later she wrote to the corporation to express her regret for the disturbance caused by one of the king's servants there. Elizabeth promised that the offender would be dealt with appropriately, and thanked the city for its recent kindness to her and the royal children. The point to take from this is that the relationship a queen might develop with a city could be quite independent of her husband, though useful to him. It was more effective for Elizabeth to communicate with Coventry even though the situation she addressed had nothing to do with her. Here we see queenly intercession operating, as it were, in reverse.
- Derek Neal, “The Queen’s Grace: English Queenship, 1464-1503″
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thdtyhttuhhgttgbb47 · 9 months
The Ancient Greek goddess of love, beauty, desire and all aspects of sexuality.
She could entice gods into affairs with her beauty and her sweet whispers of nothings. Aphrodite was born near Cyprus from the severed/cut genitalia of the sky god Uranus.
Aphrodite was worshiped by everyone alike, men, women etc.
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(“ The Birth of Venus” which is a painting by the Italian artist Sandro Botticelli in about the mid 1480s, and it is stored in the Uffizi Gallery in Florence, Italy)
Aphrodite is immortal, as she cannot die through natural causes or weapons ( such as steal swords, bow and arrows, etc ) that can easily kill a mortal. Only other gods, divine weapons or other immortals, can probably harm her.
She was married to Hephaestus, the blacksmith of the gods, but Aphrodite had many lovers among the gods, as well as among the mortal men. Her lovers included Ares, the god of war, and the mortal Anchises, a Trojan prince with whom she had a famous son, Aeneas. Her most famous lover, however, was the handsome and young mortal Adonis. Aphrodite was so attracted by his looks that her jealous husband, Hephaestus, disguised himself as a boar and had killed Adonis. Supposedly, a flower ( the anemone ) sprang up either from Aphrodite’s tears over the death of Adonis or from the handsome mortal’s spilled blood, and even today, the red anemone is considered a symbol of the death of a loved one, or a symbol of forsaken love.
The Greek poet Hesiod recounts that Aphrodite was born from the white foam produced by the severed genitals of Uranus, the personification of heaven, after his son Cronus threw them into the sea. Hence, why the goddess's name comes from the Greek word aphros, meaning “foam”
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All photos found on Pinterest, just search up ‘aphrodite quotes’
Thank you for reading, if you have an requests on a certain god or goddess ( Greek or Roman etc ) please ask, you can check my pages other post if you’d like to see what else I write. Sorry my first information post took so long to come out, I’ve been busy on a vacation 😭❤️.
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sskk-ao3feed · 2 months
BSD Smutshots
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/zw0MLTC by simyasuke Requests open I wont do a ship I dont like, pls respect my opinions Words: 1480, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: 文豪ストレイドッグス | Bungou Stray Dogs Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi Characters: Fyodor Dostoyevsky (Bungou Stray Dogs), Nikolai Gogol (Bungou Stray Dogs), Dazai Osamu (Bungou Stray Dogs), Sigma (Bungou Stray Dogs), Nakahara Chuuya (Bungou Stray Dogs), Nakajima Atsushi (Bungou Stray Dogs), Akutagawa Ryuunosuke (Bungou Stray Dogs), Kunikida Doppo (Bungou Stray Dogs) Relationships: Fyodor Dostoyevsky/Nikolai Gogol (Bungou Stray Dogs), Dazai Osamu & Fyodor Dostoyevsky (Bungou Stray Dogs), Fyodor Dostoyevsky/Sigma (Bungou Stray Dogs), Dazai Osamu/Nakahara Chuuya (Bungou Stray Dogs), Akutagawa Ryuunosuke/Nakajima Atsushi (Bungou Stray Dogs), Dazai Osamu/Kunikida Doppo (Bungou Stray Dogs), Nikolai Gogol/Sigma (Bungou Stray Dogs), Dazai Osamu/Sigma (Bungou Stray Dogs) Additional Tags: Fluff and Smut, Smut, bsd, Soukoku | Double Black (Bungou Stray Dogs), Sex, plssendhelpp read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/zw0MLTC
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rhianna · 7 months
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Holdings Record Display
*Location:Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts (MRMSS)
*Call Number:MS M.0630.4
*Record ID:332021
*Accession Number:MS M.630.4
*Name:Pierpont Morgan Library. Manuscript. M.630.4.
*Title:The Pope.
Created:Milan, Italy, ca. 1450-1480.
Summary:Tarot Card: Pope -- Pope, veiled, wearing triple crown tiara, is seated. He raises right hand in blessing and holds cross in left hand.
Manuscript Record:Related RecordsFULL TITLEDATESAUTHOR/CREATORVisconti-Sforza Tarot Cards.1445-1485Pierpont Morgan Library. Manuscript. M.630.1-35.
Genres:Miniatures (Illuminations)--Italy--Milan--15th century. Miniatures (Illuminations)--Gothic--Italy--Milan--15th century. Tarot card. Cardboard.
Notes:Artist: attributed variously to Bonifacio Bembo and Francesco Zavattari. School: Italian, Lombardy, Milan. Style: Gothic. Description based on record created by Index of Christian Art, Princeton University.
Associated Names:Bembo, Bonifacio, illuminator. Zavattari, Francesco, active 1414-1453, illuminator.
Formatted Place:Italy--Milan, production place.
Cite as:Pierpont Morgan Library. MS M.630.4.
Subjects:Tarot cards--Italy--Milan--Illustrations. 1445-1485. Tarot Card--Pope. Clergy, Pope 1. Portrait. Cross--held by Clergy, Pope.
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richmond-rex · 1 year
[Henry VII] was not the first English monarch to dabble in discovery voyages. As early as 1465, Edward IV profited from Mediterranean trade that netted him information about Portuguese activities in Africa, as well as a gift of lions from the Barbary coast. Despite favorable trade alliances with Iberian merchants, Edward sought greater levels of profit from commerce. The expulsion of English traders from Icelandic waters in 1478 pressured him into direct competition with the Portuguese. Early in 1481, Edward appealed to the pope to authorize English trade and exploration along the Guinea coast, requesting that the grant be backdated to November 1, 1480. But the pope ignored the request, having just favored Portugal through the Treaty of Alcáçovas. The next year, the Portuguese discovered evidence of an Anglo-Castilian plan to send an expedition to Guinea.
Lorraine Attreed, Henry VII and the "New-Found Island"
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seawitch62 · 2 years
A curse, a painting.
Can the maiden escape her imprisonment?
Word count 1480
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Once upon a time, a long, long time ago….
Time was free of the concept of technology, one does not have the time for imaginative frivolous thoughts, chores and survival are the concerns of utmost importance. 
There lived a young beautiful maid, vibrant and full of life. Her smile wobbled the knees of many young suitors. Her harmonious voice pleasant to the ears, her body, desirous of many young men and old alike in her atmosphere.
Many had asked for her hand in marriage. She respectfully declined, she was not ready for matrimony and the shackles it included nor was she ready for children, her child bearing days are her future not her present.
Her parents desperately wanted to see their lovely daughter settle down and be protected by a husband. Her father often said "if you do not choose a worthy husband, I will do so!".
Life was pleasant for the maiden,
Her daily chores kept her busy, chatting and giggling with her family and friends.
 A dark cloud loomed over,  ominous and petty, unbeknownst to the lovely maiden, she had caught the eye of the Overlord.
The Overload an older gentleman, paunchy and balding and even in his prime not an attractive man. Genetics were not kind to him in the least. What he lacked in looks was compensated with wealth and power. This is a man that rules with an iron fist, not one to take lightly any slight, imagined or real.
His deviant eye watches her, his mouth waters as he imagines what he would like to do with this lamb. He bides his time watching, waiting like a spider on a well spun web, awaiting his moment.
The day like any other for the young woman, her Mother requested she take their monthly quota of vegetables to the Overloads kitchen.
The kitchen normally full of hustle and bustle as the staff prepare the daily meals was noticeably quiet. The room was warm and the aroma of freshly baked bread filled the air. "Good morning" a voice male in gender but by no means masculine in fact his voice was high pitched, that irritated the ears. Startled, she turns, knowing it's the voice of her Overlord.  "Good morning  Sir" she replies, her curtsey revealing to his lewd eye and vision of supple young breasts.
"Maid come hither!" He instructs, hesitantly she does as she is asked, plump fingers touch her face, his garlic and onion breath so close she fights the nausea swirling within like a tornado. "Maid I want you!" He states as his fingers play with her hair.
"I crave your body, and you will give it freely". His hands fondle and squeeze her breasts, her nipples hurt, frozen in fear, she only stares. "You will give yourself to me!" He demands.
Vegetables drop to the floor, "no" she screams as she runs out the door.
Running and not stopping till she reaches her favourite spot, the local stream, surrounded by trees and flowers she sits on her log and sobs.
The Overlord angered beyond words, the Wench dares rebuff his advances. This is not a man to trifle with, especially his ego.
This man dabbles in  dark magic. 
"Curse thee wench!" He yells.
"I curse you forever to  see what you see! That no one sees you! 
Only when you are truly seen will you be free! I curse you!".
The lovely young woman was never seen again, her parents valiantly searched but no clue ever surfaced. 
A mystery of the ages. Some believed the Overlord had a play in her disappearance but none dared to speak these words out loud.
The Overlord's new acquisition became his obsession. A painting of a young maiden, surrounded by trees and flowers facing a stream sitting on a log, her back is all that you see it's evident she weeps.
Years rolled by the young woman's parents passed away never knowing what befall their beloved daughter. The Overlord eventually turned to dust after living an abnormally long life. His death was greeted with relief and rejoicing.
His prized painting, from that moment, was in the possession of many  hands, never seeing only gazing. 
Eons passed, the young lady now has learned to navigate her surroundings, minuscule as they are. To the outside world she remains weeping on the log.
She freely roams her canvas prison, hoping, wishing, one day to be released. 
Watching as her world slowly changes she can only observe and never participate.
Off the beaten track far removed from the tourist trade,  a world weary traveler stares at the painting through the window of the second hand store.  He is drawn to the art, he knows not why only that he should have it.
Upon entering the establishment his eyes roam the premise seeing many oddities. He states his business, the owner an elderly woman with a keen nose for business. She tells the well tailored gentleman her price, most shudder and make a hasty retreat. Not this man, he does not blink, instead he pays her asking price immediately.
"The painting is very old,'' she tells him. Thanking the woman he exits the shop, hops into his chauffeur driven limousine that waits patiently for him.
Jiyong is very pleased with his purchase and decides he will hang this art in his entertainment area once he is home.
Kwon Jiyong also known as G Dragon or simply GD, a world wide recognizable face by many, fashionista, trend setter, underneath all that glitters is a very lonely man. A man who hopes that someone will see him! Not the image but him! Lonely in a world where everyone is your friend, hoping that the Jiyong sparkle will rub off onto them.
Where every acquaintance and friendship is left with the thoughts "do they see me?". It can be a very lonely existence. Cameras click click click your every move. Reporters clamoring about looking for the exclusive.
Which is why his home is his castle, his haven, his refuge. He shares his home with his 'babies' Lye and Princess Zoa. Jiyong is also known to his kitties as Dad.
They are the true rulers of his kingdom. 
All in all life is wonderful for the trio in their penthouse.
The young lady in the painting watches with indulgent amusement as Jiyong dresses Zoa in cute outfits, she also witnessed Jiyong running around worried and fretful looking for his baby, who was Peacefully taking a nap in the tub. Lyes, disapproval at his 'Dads' attempt to put clothing on him. The kitties keep her amused and are her only companionship.
"Animals always sense me, see me, never their owners" she sighs.
Jiyong notices his kitties preoccupation with the painting. He catches them sitting and staring for extended periods of time. Not understanding why, but always the Cat Dad he moves the settee in front of the weeping woman painting so the three of them can enjoy the art together.
"Why do you weep in such a serene beautiful setting?" He thinks out loud.
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"Booze" he tells himself. No way the weeping woman is standing by the tree he tells himself.
Shaking his head he once again looks at the painting she is back on her log.
'Time for bed' he tells  himself.
"He saw me" she utters, happiness overflows, feeling like a gold miner who's claim glistened in the sun, "he saw me" she murmurs.
Obsessively, Jiyong sits on the settee and gazes at his painting.
Lye and Zoa join him, often falling asleep on his lap.
Drowsily he yawns sleep beckoning as he stands before his painting, Lye and Zoe attention is directed at the art, looking back at his cats then his gaze returns to the painted canvas.
Disbelief, the woman  is kneeling beside the flowers.
"No no no!" He exclaims loudly.
The weeping woman upon hearing his distressed tone looks up and their eyes lock.
They see each other. 
"He sees me!"
"She sees me!".
The curse is broken, the spell no longer holds her in her artistic cell.
The maiden walks out of the painting into Jiyongs  entertainment area.
Lye and Zoa hiss and  growl and run away to hide.
Jiyong can only stare, she bestows a smile of such warmth and gratitude it melts his fears.
The weeping lady who now no longer weeps but smiles hugs the stunned Jiyong whispering over and over her thanks.
Stepping back tears well in her eyes and trickle down her cheeks.
"Thank you" she says in many languages she has learned since her incarnation.
Jiyong witnesses in horror, as she ages and decays before him, her skeletal form turns to dust.
Staring at the dust at his feet, he turns to the painting, it's exactly the same minus the weeping woman.
Her loneliness has ended.
His continues.
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whaleofatjme1920 · 2 years
Finally finished my semester and I think I deserve a reward. So I wanna ask for a quick fic of Theo finally requesting Lyx for that private dance we mentioned in our roleplay. You can keep it at just the lap dance, or take it all the way with them unable to keep their hands to themselves~
Touching You Will Burn Me (Your Kisses Will Act As Balm)
Theo X Lyxtus
[Warnings: Suggestive, allusions to sex, MINORS DNI]
[AN: This was running through my head for the entire week!! Congrats on finishing finals. Here’s this for you love bug. May be a little OOC?? I've been,,, mentally out the window and out of touch with these guys :( Of course, Lyxtus belongs to @huniebunny /the requester 1480 words <3]
It’s embarrassing, he thought, embarrassing to be seen here and even more embarrassing to admit why he had come in the first place. 
The foyer he stood in was far too dim. From a well-seasoned proxy’s perspective, it was horrible for visibility, scouting, and clearing all at once. When was a job ever easy? The scent of pungently sweet and sensual perfume thickly clouded the air. It brought to mind the image of roses and kisses, something tight and warm and wet all at once. It sent shivers down his spine. 
He hasn’t even seen him yet and his heart is racing. 
Theo shifted his weight between each leg, slowly bouncing back and forth before he glanced up at the girl at the front desk. It’s almost comically formal how Sexual Offenderman can run these things. She was a pretty little thing, a virgin, is it? Dark eyes, soft skin, and she was just small enough that he could fit her in the palm of his hand. Gods, if he wasn’t there for the man that’s been running loose in his mind for months, he would have asked her to spread her legs for him. 
“Are you daydreaming already?” A smooth, teasing voice called out as it leaned against a mahogany colored doorway. “I hope it's of me.” 
The proxy moved his blue eyes over from that pretty virgin to the voice that melted like chocolate, sweeter than honey and caressed him like silk. Tall, gorgeous, piercing eyes and an outfit that didn’t leave much to the imagination stood Lyxtus. Theo found it more than amusing that the lighting of this seedy place, though the same hue, failed to be as warm as the man’s hair. It reminded him of fire, but not raging, more so dancing, and gods did it know how to work a pole from the way it could climb and contort. 
He breathed sharply before opening his lips, “you wish.” But still, Theo followed like a starving dog chasing a bone. He knew it wasn’t a good idea, but the sight of the pale, lithe man guiding him with swaying hips led him on further. 
Lyxtus had turned his head back a few times to stick his split-tongue out at him, showing off the cutesy silver heart piercing in the middle. It caught the light in a way that made Theo’s heart throb, along with another organ heading down south. Lyxtus was more than pretty in the soft reddish pink lighting. Every step had called Theo closer and closer to him. Upon reaching a singular red door, Theo felt his breath hitch. 
He’d paid for a simple lap dance, something he could not actually touch Lyxtus during. Anything more might inspire them to misbehave, and gods know how that goes for them. The room smelled much sweeter in the sense it’d been used before. Theo was no stranger to sex. He could feel it in the air and hear it faintly through the walls. People on the verge of orgrasm, nails digging into flesh, someone’s response to a stretch that felt oh so good, and cries to a god that did not care for them. 
Theo glanced about the room and sat down, legs spread slightly to bring some level of dominance to the situation before finally speaking once more. “Like what you’ve done with the place.”
The casualty of the statement made Lyxtus giggle. He moved about the room gracefully before finding the speaker. It was already playing music to allure the senses, but it was far too soft. “Do you have any requests?” He asked, wanting to ensure his guest was comfortable. 
Theo shook his head. “Whatever you find best to dance to,” he said as he eyed the man’s posterior, wondering what he’d look like bent down on the floor before him, taking him inch by inch. 
Lyxtus turned the volume up before stalking back to the dark haired proxy sitting with his legs spread. He grinned slightly, amused that Theo had a few more scrapes on his forearms, stories she had to explain sooner or later. Despite the last time them being here ended more than awkwardly, neither could resist the urge to spend a night together. Lap dance or not, it was nice to be in the other’s presence. “I should remind you that you don’t get the privilege of touching me,” he whispered as he rested his soft hands on Theo’s muscular thighs. 
The black haired man rolled his eyes but nodded. “Was told by the fine piece of ass at the front desk,” he replied. “Get to it,” he teased. 
Lyxtus felt a slight heat paint over his cheeks and felt it bloom brighter, growing fuller by the second. Why was it that Theo’s prickly nature could even begin to pierce through his carefully crafted front of being a performer better than most? He turned to let Theo see his back and began to grind on him. His hands danced across his waist to pull at the hem of the skimpy top he’d been wearing. Teasingly, he brought it up, letting Theo watch the subtle flex of his muscles in the low light. He rolled his hips against him, his thighs flexed slightly. 
Theo watched with half-lidded eyes. He was more than amused at what was going on, in fact, he could feel his cock twitch in his jeans. Lyxtus was his forbidden fruit. He wanted a bite, but under the current circumstances, it was forbidden. Instead, he focused his sharp gaze on the way the red headed man rolled his hips and worked him up. His hands held tight onto the edges of his seat practically white-knuckling it. He huffed softly. 
Lyxtus took it as a sign that Theo had wanted to see his face, and in a swift, but delicate movement, shifted his body so they were eye to eye. His legs straddled the proxy’s while his forearms draped over Theo’s shoulders. “Are you having fun?” Lyxtus asked in a whisper, his voice dropping octaves to see the man gulp. 
He nodded in a vain attempt to hide the way his body was reacting. “Yeah, it’s passable.” 
Lyxtus laughed before swatting the comment off. “Passable? I can feel your hard cock pressing against me. Can you feel me?” Lyxtus inquired in a mock innocent tone, his gaze turning big and sweet like he had no idea what he was doing. “I’m right there.” He moved his hips downwards, sensually grinding on him. He focused on his cock though, rolling and rubbing his ass against that spot in a way that made Theo’s breath hitch. 
Theo averted his gaze for a moment before shifting his position. He hated to admit just how easily he was beginning to fold. “Don’t you move from that spot,” he sighed as he finally met Lyxtus’s gaze. 
The red head giggled as his eyes went wide. “Oh, you’re a naughty boy… using me to get off, aren’t you?” He swiveled his hips downwards and rolled against him, his cock already growing half-hard. He could feel Theo’s cock as it struggled in his jeans creating an uncomfortable tent. “Gonna have to charge you extra for that.” With his chest pressed hard against Theo’s, he could feel his heart hammering inside of his chest. Looking downwards, he could see Theo’s hands balled into fists and gripping the chair. Poor thing looked like he was in pain having to restrain himself like that. He snickered. “Remember not to touch me,” he reminded in a sing-songy voice, giggling at the proxy’s annoyance. 
Theo huffed again and rolled his hips upwards on instinct. “Shut up and keep going,” he hissed as the faintest of a blush rose to his cheeks. He reveled in the sound of Lyxtus’s laughter that followed in suit. “What?”
“You’re just adorable when you’re all pent up.”
“I am not-”
Lyxtus nodded fervently and rolled his hips in just the right way to press hard against his strained cock. He grinned before licking his lips. “Almost hard to believe I let you top-” His eyes went wide with surprise as Theo’s rough hands gripped his waist (not hard enough to leave a mark, amusingly) to pull him down hard onto his lap and stop the semi-hovering. Blue eyes caught his gaze, cold, swirled with lust and annoyance. They stared at each other for a few moments. Lyxtus’s blush was almost as red as his hair. 
“Take this shit off,” Theo had begun with labored breathing, one of his hands leaving Lyxtus’s milky toned waist to the skimpy bottoms he wore, “then spread your legs.” 
Lyxtus smirked, his forearms gingerly plucking off Theo’s tensed shoulders before one of his index fingers hooked under his chin. He pressed his lips to his, chuckling at the small grimace. “Yes, sir,” he replied, his voice teasing and airy.
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