#request 1413
lostdrarryfics · 1 year
Hi!!! I've been looking for this fic for quite a while so its kinda old and nsfw. it's in Hogwarts. Basically harry finds a spell that makes the other person feel his touch even when he's not touching them, so he uses draco to see how it works in class and to what extent the spell works without Draco's consent. Draco obviously finds out is him and they keep doing it I think. Thank you so much for your work ❤️
We believe you are looking for New Spells by agentmoppet (3k, E)
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ms-snape · 1 month
Matchmaker (Young!remus lupin xHufflepuff!reader)
Request: not a request, requests are opened btw
Summary: Remus finally find the courage to confess to y/n, with a little help from Sirius.
Warning: insecurity, jealous Remus, Sirius being his flirty self, fluff, happy ending,marauders era
Word Count: 1413
The sun dipped low in the sky, casting golden hues across the Hogwarts grounds. As students flocked to the Great Hall for dinner, Remus Lupin lingered near the edge of the lake, a book clutched in his hand but neglected. His gaze was fixed on a figure shimmering in the last rays of sunlight—Y/N, a Hufflepuff with laughter that danced through the air like fireflies on a warm summer night.The other marauders were sprawled near him, their antics echoing while James was animatedly recounting another tale of his latest Quidditch exploits, his hands flailing dramatically.
“—and the Bludger nearly took my head off! Can you believe it?” he exclaimed, eyes sparkling.
Sirius leaned back, a smirk plastered on his face. “You mean it nearly took your ego off. You’re practically invincible, Potter.”
“Hey!” James shot back, tossing a piece of popcorn at him. “You’d be singing a different tune if it had hit me!”
“Oi, Moony!” James' voice broke through his reverie, punctuated by the sound of footsteps crunching on gravel. Remus turned, forcing a smile "Are you listening to us or-"
“Yes, prongs,” he replied, though his eyes flicked back to Y/N.
“Still staring at her like a lovesick pup?” Sirius Black grinned as he joined them, a teasing glint in his eye. “You know, if you keep this up, you might just scare her away.”
“Shut it, Pads,” Remus muttered, a blush creeping up his neck. “It’s not like that.”
“Sure, it’s not,” Peter Pettigrew chimed in, adjusting his hair as he caught up with the group. “You’ve only been watching her for weeks. Just confess already!”
Remus sighed, running a hand through his hair. “It’s not that simple. She’s… different. Perfect, really. I don’t want to ruin our friendship.”
“Or you’re just scared,” Sirius said, a smirk playing on his lips. “How about this? I'll maybe go talk to her i mean she's pretty good looking. Get a rise out of you. Then you’ll have no choice but to confess.”
Remus shot him a glare. “You wouldn’t dare.”
“Watch me,” Sirius said, his smile widening as he strode toward Y/N, who was laughing with her friends near a patch of wildflowers.
“Pads, don’t!” Remus called after him, but it was too late. Sirius was already leaning against a tree, his posture casual but his eyes sharp with mischief.
“Hey, Y/N!” Sirius called, his voice smooth like honey.
Y/N turned, her eyes lighting up with recognition. “Sirius! What’s up?”
“Just enjoying the view,” he replied, winking dramatically. “But I think it just got a whole lot better now that you’re here.”
“Ugh, Black,” she laughed, rolling her eyes, but a flush crept into her cheeks. “You’re impossible.”
“Impossible to resist?” he shot back, that trademark grin of his flashing.
Remus clenched his fists, a knot of jealousy tightening in his chest. He glanced at James, who was watching with an amused expression.
“See? This is what happens when you don’t act, Moony,” James said, nudging him with his elbow. “You have to let her know.”
“I can’t just—” Remus started, but the sight of Y/N laughing at something Sirius said made the words stick in his throat.
“Come on, go talk to her,” Peter encouraged, his eyes bright with excitement. “What’s the worst that could happen?”
“What’s the worst?” Remus echoed, heart racing. “She could say no.”
“Or she could say yes,” James countered. “And then you won’t be the sad, lovesick werewolf anymore.”
“Those are some high stakes,” Remus muttered under his breath.
“High stakes are what make it fun,” James answere,while sirius was still flirting with Y/N. “I mean, who wouldn’t want to be swooned over by a Black?”
“Just… give me a minute,” Remus said, feeling the weight of the moment. He took a deep breath, trying to steady his racing heart.
As he watched, Sirius leaned closer, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. “You know what? I bet a girl like you would love a midnight stroll around the lake. Just the two of us.”
Y/N giggled, her smile wide but hesitant. “I don’t know, Sirius. What if I get lost? You might just lead me into the Forbidden Forest.”
“Or I could protect you from all the monsters,” he declared, puffing out his chest dramatically. “I’m practically a knight in shining armor.”
Remus felt a surge of frustration. It was now or never. He pushed off the tree he’d been leaning against and strode toward them, each step heavy with determination.
“Y/N!” he called, his voice cutting through the air.
Sirius turned, surprise flickering across his face. Y/N’s eyes widened, and for a moment, Remus thought he saw a flash of delight there.
“Remus!” she exclaimed, her smile growing. “What’s up?”
“Um, I—” he stammered, suddenly aware of the attention of his friends and the curious gazes of nearby students. “Can I talk to you for a minute?”
“Sure!” Y/N glanced at Sirius, who was feigning innocence, and then back at Remus, her expression warm and inviting.
Remus motioned for her to follow him a short distance away, his heart pounding loudly in his chest, drowning out everything else. He took a deep breath, trying to calm the chaos inside him.
“What’s on your mind?” she asked, tilting her head slightly, a playful smile resting on her lips.
“Uh, well, it’s about… Sirius,” he said, feeling the heat rush to his face as he awkwardly scratched the back of his neck. “I know he can be a bit over the top sometimes.”
Y/N laughed, a melodic sound that made Remus’s heart flutter. “He definitely can be. But he’s harmless.”
“Right, harmless,” Remus echoed, feeling a wave of frustration with himself. “But I—”
“Remus, what is it?” she asked, her tone shifting to something more serious.
He swallowed hard, the weight of his feelings pressing down on him like a leaden cloak. “I don’t want you to think he’s serious about all that. He’s just… well, he’s trying to make me jealous.”
“Jealous?” Y/N raised an eyebrow, clearly intrigued. “Why would he do that?”
“Because I—” Remus hesitated, the confession teetering on the edge of his lips. “Because I like you, Y/N. A lot.”
Silence stretched between them, the sounds of the bustling students fading into the background. Y/N’s eyes widened, and for a heartbeat, he thought he might have misread everything.
“You like me?” she whispered, a soft smile breaking across her face.
“Yes,” he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. “I’ve liked you for a while now. But I didn’t know how to say it.”
Her smile grew brighter, and suddenly, all the tension in his shoulders melted away. “Why didn’t you just tell me?”
“Because I didn’t want to ruin our friendship,” he said, his heart racing. “And I was scared. Scared you wouldn’t feel the same way.”
“Remus,” she said, stepping closer, her eyes sparkling with warmth. “I like you too.”
He blinked, a rush of disbelief flooding through him. “You have?”
“Of course! You’re kind, smart, and you don’t take yourself too seriously.” She laughed lightly, her voice ringing with sincerity. “And you’re really cute when you’re flustered.”
“Cute?” Remus echoed, his heart soaring.
“Definitely,” she said, her gaze softening. “So, what do you say we make this official?”
“Are you asking me out?” he asked, his voice rising slightly in surprise.
“Maybe I am,” she teased, tilting her head to one side.
Remus grinned, the weight of his insecurities lifting. “Well, in that case, I’d love to go out with you.”
“Perfect!” Y/N exclaimed, her cheer infectious. “How about a walk around the lake tomorrow night?”
“Sounds like a plan,” Remus replied, feeling a warmth spread through him. It was a feeling he hadn’t realized he’d been missing—a sense of hope and excitement.
“Tomorrow night, then?” Y/N asked, her voice soft
“Tomorrow night,” Remus echoed, his heart soaring as he smiled at her, the words feeling like a vow.
Meanwhile, Sirius, having watched the exchange from a distance, turned back to James and Peter with a satisfied smirk. “Well, that went better than I expected. Looks like I’m not needed anymore here after all.”
James chuckled, nudging Sirius playfully. “You’re a right matchmaker, you know that?”
“Just doing my part,” Sirius said, feigning modesty, though his eyes sparkled with mischief.
Peter grinned, shaking his head. “You didn’t even have to try that hard.”
“Maybe I’ll charge them for my services,” Sirius mused, crossing his arms with a smug expression.
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imagineanime2022 · 9 months
Ryomen Sukuna X Reader
Word Count: 1413
Requested: Anon
Request: Heyy, love your fics! Could I request a platonic Sukuna x teen reader who Sukuna considers as a daughter? She's in the same class as Yuuji at Jujutsu tech and she has like a terrible relationship with her parents and sometimes talks to Sukuna. Can it be kind of an angst to confort?? Tysmm
Warning: Bad relationship with your parents (not detailed), Sukuna is OOC I tried to stay as true to him as possible but he probably seems a little OOC
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You had never been happier to know that Jujutsu Tech had on campus dorms, you had never been happy living at home, you had neve gotten on with your parents, they didn’t see cursed spirits the same way that you did so when you were a child they called you a liar or clumsy or an idiot for things that you would say or do, it caused you to recede into yourself, your cursed technique developing the more time you spent alone until one day Gojo knocked on you door.
Your parents were the ones that opened the door “Hi. I’m a representative from a private school in the city. We've been watching a few candidates from your daughter's school and have decided to offer her a place at our school.” Gojo explained. “Our daughter, are you sure?” Your father asked as you curled forward on your desk trying hard to ignore the conversation that you could hear from your window about it, hoping your homework could keep you busy. “Yes, your daughter (Y/N) (L/N).” Gojo confirmed and your father nodded, your head tuned to the curse that lingered around you because of your ability. “Six eyes!” The shill voice called out as you looked at it before turning back to the window, where you could hear your father inviting the man in, you could hear them coming up the stairs and then your door swung open and you looked at the door waiting for one of them to speak. “(Y/N) this is Satoru Gojo, he wants to talk to you about joining his school in the city.” Your father said, when you didn’t answer he gestured for Gojo to enter the room before walking back down the stairs. “Strange of them to want to leave their daughter with a man that they just met.” Gojo muttered under his breath. “They’ve never cared about me.” You answered with a shug. “So they’ve never believed you when you talked about the little guys that you can see?” Gojo asked. “Never… Why are you asking me that? How do you even know that?” You asked. “Have you ever been able to hurt them?” He asked. “Not on purpose, before when I was little, I was able to root around in their minds but the weaker ones seemed to come out of it confused and now they stick to me like guardians, telling me what little they know. They don’t like you.” You explained and he smirked. “Most of them don’t like me, my family is one of the strongest in the sorcerer's world.” He explained. “They call you six eyes, is that why you wear the blind fold?” You asked. “It is but not for the reason that you're thinking, I don’t actually have six eyes, it’s the name of one of the techniques I use.” He answered. “Are you sick of being stuck here?” “There’s nowhere else to go.” You answered. “If you choose to come with me, there’s dorms and you’ll get a job straight out of school you’ll never have to come back here unless you want to.” Gojo explained, you had only dreamed of something like this and now that it was offered to you, you didn’t know what to do, you hated where you were now but it was safe a known discomfort, if you were to leave you’d be in a whole new place and you didn’t know if you could go through that.
It was only a week later that you were properly moved into you dom, you met one of you classmates Megumi Fushiguro and a couple days later you met Yuji Itadori and Nobara Kugisaki, you all became the first years students a small class of great people who treated you better than your parents ever had. The first time that you met Sukuna was on the first night that you had all been watching a movie, you had all fallen asleep in the communal area. You often had trouble controlling your technique in your sleep, and this was no different, the problem was that you hadn’t even realised what you had done, Sukuna was aware of you long before you were of him.
Sukuna had seen you in his domain a few times before he decided to interact with you, his head leant on his hand as he called out “Hey kid! Are you going to wake up!?” He didn’t move from his throne and he had no idea why he had even woken you. “Where…” You mumbled as you looked around and before you could move he was standing over you. “What are you doing here little sorcerer?” He asked. “I don’t know.” You answered, he smiled as he saw the immediate submission in tone and actions as you looked at the floor below you, if you were disgusted by the liquid you were sitting in you didn’t show it. “Your technique is strong, you know you could tear someone apart if you controlled it properly.” He muttered. “I remember your family in the Heian era, they were worth the respect that they garnered.” “You know my family? Who are you?” You asked. “Knew.” He corrected “they’ve likely changed now, your parents are they able to do what you can?” “No. They hated me for what I could, thought I was crazy.” You answered. “Mmm and you believe them?” He asked with a smirk on his face “they’ve broken you, you need someone to build you up again.” “B-build…” You mumbled as you looked at your hands, he lifted your chin, your eyes glazing over with memories of fights he had with your family. “All you need to do is accept my help.” He offered you a hand, you reached up and took it but before anything else could happen you were shaken from your sleep, eyes falling on Yuji as he smiled. “I thought you were never going to wake up.” He laughed, “We have to get ready, we're going to be late.”
The next couple of weeks were filled with you visiting Sukuna and settling into a relationship much like a surrogate father, he told you stories of the past and helped you understand the technique that you had been given. It was only a little while that it started to scare, both your parents had hurt you and you were scared that it was something that you did. You had stopped sleeping as much, short naps didn’t allow for your technique to take hold but Sukuna noticed your absence the first night that you didn’t show, he wasn’t worried until he started to see you deteriorate though Yuji’s eyes. They were all so wrapped up in themselves that they hadn’t noticed so he’d have to fix it himself. He waited until he was sure that Yuji was sleep before taking control of his body, he easily navigated the dorms, completely silently finding and entering your room, you were sitting on the window seal facing away from him. “You should pay more attention to your surroundings.” He said and you jumped. “Yuji-” “Not quite.” He smirked as he moved forward, it seemed to dawn on you what was going on. “Sukuna, what are you doing here? This is because I’ve not been to see you, I’m sorry I didn’t-” “Stop talking.” He ordered, he knew that you mind was reeling and the fact that you were so tired but he needed you to calm down, what he wanted was fo you to rest, he told himself that you were too good of an asset to lose to your own mind, but the truth was far deeper than that, he wasn’t ready to admit that. “Sorry.” You said softly looking down. “Stop that, don’t apologise, why are you avoiding me?” He asked. “I just figured that I was bothering you.” you answered “I don’t have anything to offer you in return for everything, I should stop taking from you.” “Have Iever asked for anything, little one?” He asked. “No but-” “I don’t want anything else, you will pay me back in time, your ability is more than enough.” Sukuna answered. “Come on time to rest, you will become stronger and then when I take the world back you will be the only sorcerer left standing, my chosen child.” “Chosen?” You asked. “Of all I have seen you are the best.” He answered. “Now get some rest.” “Okay.” You answered softly.
Request Here!!
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bey0nd-1he-stars · 2 years
Masquerade ball - Nikolai Lantsov
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Pairing: Nikolai Lantsov x reader
Wordcount: 1413
Warnings: none
Summary: based on this request
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Part 2
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You’d taken out your simplest dress skirt in a light blue color that conveniently enough matched the blue that was embroidered into the Lantsov’s royal clothes. A simple, yet elegant, white shirt with wide arms and a daring neckline, and a black corset. 
King Nikolai was hosting a masquerade ball and your family was invited as your father was one of Nikolai’s advisors. You’d grown up at the palace but had left the city to study at the university of Ketterdam at a young age and had just returned from your studies. Now you stood in front of your wardrobe trying to pick out the most simple clothes you had. Your parents had decided to go to your servants, asking them to sew something new for the occasion, but you’d insisted on wearing an actual costume rather than a dress that just resembled something. Although, you had to admit that the servant girls had done a wonderful job with your mother’s dress. She’d requested a dark blue or black dress that could resemble the night sky and when she showed up at your door to show it to you, it looked like she’d draped the sky over her body. It was flowing swiftly and smoothly, the fabric glittering and complimented your mother perfectly. 
Your father on the other hand had decided to just wear his uniform from the first army. You complained that it was boring but he said he had an image to uphold. It didn’t really make sense since it was a masquerade ball and people probably wouldn’t even recognize him if he dressed up, but he was stubborn as a goat so you just gave up on the dream of seeing your father in a costume. You had decided to go as far from royalty you could get with your costume, hence the plain clothing. Tonight, you’d enter the grand palace as a pirate. 
The coach that was taking you and your parents to the gates rolled steadily over the streets. It was a summer night so the sun had yet to go down, and now the world seemed to bath in the warm summer air and the soft, refreshing breezes it brought. When the grand palace came into view it seemed like it was shining in the sunbeams. It was breathtaking. 
Stepping out of the coach you saw that fresh, grand flower decorations had been placed at either side of the door. A long, light blue carpet had been rolled out and it matched your dress perfectly. Lines of guards had been placed out and a few servants were helping the guests with whatever they needed, if it was water, a hand to hold the door to the coach or just a pointing hand to where to go. Your mother’s dress glittered in the sun and caught many eyes. Your father wore a proud face as he offered his arm to your mom which she gladly took. After showing the guards your invitations you trailed behind them as you started walking through the gates, taking in the impressive surroundings. 
Pillars in marble held up the roof, they were elegantly carved and were polished to perfection. Light blue curtains draped the walls, framing the big windows that let in the sunlight. Gold details were placed everywhere and the double eagle sigil was placed all over the palace in discrete ways, you only managed to find them if you looked long and hard enough. Grand chandeliers hung from the roof, lighting up the room and reflecting the sunlight in their crystals. It was beautiful. 
The ballroom was already pretty crowded when you passed through the door. Usually the king would sit on his throne until the guests had arrived but neither the throne or the king was in sight. It was a masquerade ball, after all. If he’d greeted everyone when they arrived, everyone would know what the king had dressed up as, and that ruined the fun. Your parents bid you goodbye for now and swept away to the dance floor as soon as the next song began and you found yourself looking around the room to check out other’s costumes. 
A beautiful girl with dark, flowing hair was wearing a dress that brought the mind to a thunderbird. It was dark blue, almost black, and on top of her shoulder was the head of an eagle laying, like it was sleeping, resting its head on her shoulder and draping its wings around her. You knew that it was Zoya Nazyalensky, there was no mistaking it. 
Beside her stood a girl with red curls falling down her back. An eyepatch covered one of her eyes and you saw the scars that ran down her face. It was Genya Safin. The most skilled tailor you’d ever heard of. She was wearing a beautiful dark purple gown with gray threading and glimmering rubys creating a waterfall kind of look down the skirt of her dress. She glimmered in the light, a breathtaking sight. 
On the other side of the room was someone wearing an angel costume. White, flowy fabric and elegant wings covered in white feathers. Another was dressed as a butterfly and a guy behind them was wearing clothes that looked like they were from the bottom of the barrel in Kerch’s capital Ketterdam. Then the vibrant color of a teal rock caught your eye. 
Dark pants that were tucked into high boots, a white shirt, a green vest with flowers embroidered in the neckline and the bright blue coat that reached him to the knees was making the top. Messy, blond hair and a smirk resting on his lips. He seemed to sense your eyes on him because he looked up from his glass of champagne for a second and caught your gaze. With a few long strides across the floor he reached you and came to a halt in front of you. 
“Did you intend to match with me, my lady?” He smirked and eyed your costume up and down. A smile made its way to your lips too. 
“Didn’t think anyone else would dress as a pirate. The people here seem to be too noble,” you said quietly to make sure you didn’t offend someone, “but not you, I see.” He raised his eyebrow and gave you an understanding nod.
“Privateer, actually,” Nikolai insisted and offered you a hand when the band started a new song, implying that he wanted to dance. You placed your hand in his and let him drag you with him. 
“You dance very well for a pira-,” you stopped mid sentence with a smile, “privateer. Too well-spoken too.” He smiled, “you too.” He raised an arm and spun you around, almost pulling you closer than before. His warmth radiated off of him and you found yourself melting into his embrace. You blushed at the gesture but he just smirked and continued to lead you through the dance. The dance floor was crowded and the air in the room was hot making you flustered but Nikolai just smiled down at you as he led you over the floor. 
“So, what’s your name, Sunshine?” He raised an eyebrow. You smiled at the nickname he gave you and spun around in his embrace before answering.
“You just said it,” you teased and smirked. He chuckled at that, “your real name,” Nikolai insisted. 
“Y/N,” you said softly as the song came to an end and the dance stopped. Nikolai led you out of the dance floor and stopped by at a table to whisk up two glasses of champagne. The glass he'd had before the dance had disappeared, probably picked up by a servant. He handed one to you and raised it quietly in a salut, “Nikolai.” Then he turned and disappeared into the crowd of people, leaving you on your own with a giddy feeling blooming up inside of you.
A surprised laugh slipped through your lips. You just danced with the king of Ravka, and not to mention, matched your outfit with him. Even if it was accidentally, people could easily think that the two of you were a thing. He’d left you alone for now to enjoy the rest of the evening, but when a guard came towards you and handed you a note stamped with the double eagle sigil that represented the Lantsov family, you figured you would see him again in the near future. And you definitely didn’t complain about that. 
Part 2
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A Call For Help… | Tommy Shelby (written through letters)
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Request: no - part of @raincoffeeandfandoms ‘s Peaky letter writing event
Pairing: Tommy Shelby x OC (written in form of letters)
Summary: Tommy tries to find a way to better an old flame’s current situation while also hoping to make her aware of the fact that things have changed since they last saw each other.
Warnings: mentions of abuse, starvation and isolation, mentions of an arranged marriage
Word Count: 1413
A/N: this is unlike anything I’ve ever written before…thank you Flor for creating this super unique event, and Aimee ( @dandelionprints ) for writing the first letter - it was so fun to respond to…I hope it’s ok that I took a bit of an angsty route, and I hope that it makes sense. Enjoy! :)
A/N 2: the woman mentioned at the end of the second letter is not Grace (or at least I did not imagine it to be as I was writing). She doesn’t have a name though, so it could be her if you want.
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— letter writtten by @dandelionprints —
Dear Tommy,
I'm sorry if it comes as a surprise that I'm writing you this letter, I'll completely understand if you decide to read no further than this part, throw it into a fire and scatter the ashes as if ridding yourself of me for good.
I fear you were not told the truth about why I went away. I'm sure my father told you that I'd had a change of heart, that I could never truly love someone who called themselves a 'Peaky Blinder'. Oh how wrong that could be.
The truth is that it was not my choice to be parted from you, in fact I kicked and screamed with all my might to stay but it did no good. I was still manhandled into a car and driven off to Scotland to wed a man that I cannot stand, a man who knows nothing of loyalty or love. A man who is nothing like you.
My father told me that it had been agreed between himself and my now husband's father that I were to be married into their family, all to settle a debt that my father created by drinking and gambling his way through his wages. If I married this man then his father would rid mine of his debts and make sure that my parents would live a comfortable life.
Why they wanted me of all people, I don't know. I have no money to give them, only services that I'm forced to do against my will, otherwise a beating is in order. Sometimes I take the beating, I'd rather that than to do the things they want me to. All I do know is that I wish it could be different, wish that I could have stayed back in Birmingham with you...
Anyway, I'm sorry. You probably don't need to know about that and also probably don't care. It's been two years since you last heard from me so I completely understand if you want nothing to do with me. You might even have a new love now, I wouldn't blame you if you do.
They stopped me from sending letters to anyone but my parents, I have to be chaperoned everywhere I go.
I've lied and said I don't feel well today and the man whose job it is to make sure I don't do anything I shouldn't has left me in my room to sleep though I fear he will be back soon. I knew I had to use the time wisely and write to the person I've wanted to speak to since the moment I was dragged from my house by the arms all that time ago. You.
I'm planning an escape soon, I can't take much more of this life. The beatings, the withholding of food to the point that my clothes hang off my frame, the feeling that there is not a soul around that I can turn to for comfort.
I don't know where I will go but I won't be able to leave this God forsaken place for at least another month. If you write a letter in response to this then please find a way to get it here without having to go past other people in this house first, I'll never get the chance to read it if it does.
As I said before, I'll understand if you have a new love or if you just want nothing to do with me, time has passed now and feelings change. I'll leave it up to you to decide what to do.
Yours, always,
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— letter written by myself —
I'm sorry.
I haven't a clue of how long your letter has sat on my desk. A lengthy trip to America took me away from Birmingham for some time and I've just finally gotten back to my office now.
It's been too long, Aimee. Since I've seen you; since I've heard from you. And the reason behind it makes sense now, but it was a struggle to figure it out in the interim.
I hate to know what has happened to you; what the reason behind the silence was. I would have fought against it had I known what type of situation you'd be taken into. I wish this letter would have found me sooner. Maybe if it had, things could have been resolved before they got to their current point.
I looked for you around Small Heath, and when it turned up empty; I widened the search to the whole of Birmingham. The decision to write this letter came when those efforts returned unsuccessful. I write it with the hope that you have not since left this address, and that you will receive it when I send it out.
Help will come, Aimee. I cannot give all of the details here for fear of interception, but know that I will do all that I can in order to improve your situation.
The man that your father struck a deal with is easily influenced, as I am sure you might have already figured out. I have spoken to him and have managed to get him to switch some of his operations around. He has hired some of my men onto his payroll, and they will allow us to trade correspondence in the future; if you feel inclined to, that is. When the time comes, you will be able to leave, and if things go according to how I have planned them, that time will arrive sooner than later.
As for the man you were made to marry...the things he does are worse than anything I have ever carried out. How your parents cannot see that perplexes me and makes me wonder if there was more than the debt that needed to be paid back. I could have helped, Aimee. I could have made your father's situation disappear; I could have changed your entire family's life for the better. How can he be wary of me but yet sell his daughter to a man who so clearly resembles the devil in all of his doings? I never understood how he conducted things; how he could be so scornful at times, but I withstood that to continue to be with you.
I was told that you moved away. That you had dreams bigger than Small Heath and you were finally going to work towards achieving them. I should have recognized the dullness in your mother's eyes when she told me these things, but I was not one to over-analyze what was put forth as the truth then. I understood what it was, and is, like to hold dreams that others think are too big to become reality. I've worked hard to make the Shelby Company Limited into what it is today, and I guess a part of myself was content with thinking that you were off wherever it was that you went, also working hard to make your dreams a reality. Had I known what your actual reality was…
So much has changed over the years we’ve been apart from each other, but I cannot deny the fact that reading your words allowed me to escape back to a time when things were easier. When there wasn’t much else other than you and I. I often think of those times; of you in the summer, sitting under a blue sky with not a care in the world. You always felt much better outside, and thinking of those times makes me feel better…like the weight of the world is lifted off of my shoulders, even if only for a moment.
But like I said, things have changed since then. I’ve found someone whom I love. She has become my wife and has given me a son. They ground me in a way that you used to.
I couldn’t wait for you, Aimee. I had to allow myself to continue on with my life while thinking that you were bettering yours. I thought I’d never hear from you again. I needed to move on.
I want to help you though, and things will get better. They just may not get better in the way that you’d hoped upon writing your letter.
I hope to hear from you again,
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Tagged: @zablife @call-sign-shark @shelbydelrey @look-at-the-soul @cljordan-imperium @there-goes-thefighter
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ao3feed-bakusquad · 2 years
Maple Syrup
Maple Syrup by selfindulgentkitten
Katsuki is fucking tired of everything, but maybe a visitor will make it a little more bearable.
Words: 1413, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Twitter Emoji Fic Requests
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Bakugou Katsuki, Kirishima Eijirou
Relationships: Bakugou Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou
Additional Tags: Bakugou Katsuki Swears A Lot, Bakugou Katsuki is Bad at Feelings, Kirishima Eijirou is a Ray of Sunshine, Pro Hero Kirishima Eijirou, Pro Hero Bakugou Katsuki, Mutual Pining, First Kiss, Alternate Universe - Canada
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/44895076
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nixediusly · 1 year
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Jade 1413 render
Request by winxp96_
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It's been quite a while since I've posted any snippets, so here's a cute chapter that I finally managed to write:
Song listened to while writing: If You Only Knew (Shinedown)
Word Count: 1413
Characters: Akio and Haru
Timeline: Canon timeline
Akio’s relationship with Haru was different from his relationship with Tori—he loved them both, so, so much, but it worked out that way. Feelings were definitely more romantic toward Haru, and warmer and hotter…Tori, on the other hand, told Akio and Haru that she was asexual, and certainly didn’t mind what direction Akio and Haru went with their relationship…
And Akio didn’t have both ‘Other Akio’ and Yami screaming at him that Haru was icky. And so, they spent a lot of time together. But…
Through all that, Akio didn’t know if Haru really…knew him. He didn’t doubt that Haru loved him as he was, and he knew Haru very, very well. He was there, after all, even when the other was in front. And so, he was making things go slow. Trying to judge if Haru really did love him as he was now or if it was…lingering sentiment for who he wasn’t.
He hated the self-doubt, but…he wanted to be himself for longer. Let everyone know him—only Tori truly knew him, after all, but…
It was nice that things were calm. For the most part, they were able to be normal teenagers.
It had been officially decided, by conversations between Kairi and Sora and the school board that Akio would not be attending the school any longer. Akio didn’t get to be part of that decision, unfortunately…He was too physically fragile to return yet, and the school gave them no real other options…he did his best to learn what he could anyway, but it stung.
Still, if that was the only way he couldn’t be normal, even with all the Keyblade stuff—and being so, so frustrated that he was being kept from it—then he would be happy. Normal had never been imaginable…or, it was, but unattainable…
“Akio? You okay?” Haru asked, drawing him from his thoughts. They were walking toward the beach—a request of Akio’s that was only granted when Haru went along, but he wanted to be with Haru anyway—
“Yeah. Sorry. Lots of thoughts today.” He sighed and took a deep breath, trying to get the tension to leave his body. Haru grabbed his hand, and that sent the rest of it away.
“Thoughts are okay, but you were really tense…Not bad thoughts, right?”
“Nothing dangerous,” Akio replied, knowing full well the actual meaning of the words. He had been having some bad thoughts lately, and without anyone to step in the way…well. He was thankful he had Haru and Tori to check in.
“Good.” Haru sighed and squeezed Akio’s hand tighter before gently letting it go
Even after that moment that night after the nightmare—even though it made things so clear—it was still hard to believe that Haru really loved him, not the other Akio. He knew it was true, but still…
Haru grabbed his hand again. “You got tense again.”
“Sorry, sorry. Can’t keep things…present.” Akio sighed and looked away.
Haru paused for a moment before speeding up, altering the path a little bit.
“Where are we going?”
“Trust me, okay?”
“There’s just something I want to show you—somewhere on the islands I don’t think you’ve been.”
They cut into the forest a bit—the small bit that was on the islands, that was. It led up a hill, and to a beautiful overlook.
“You’ve said before that seeing new things helps things be more ‘present’, as you say. So…yeah.”
“Yeah…it does, but—how’d you find this place?” Akio spun in a circle to look around.
Haru smiled, but looked almost…shy. “Well, there have been a couple of things…” He sighed. “When you were unconscious, I had a hard time being by your side. I wandered the islands a lot. That’s when I found this place.”
“After that, I’ve been going through some of the obscure places I found, trying to figure out how I could…show you these beautiful places. Your health has been touchy, so I’ve been afraid that your mom would get on your back, but…” Haru sighed. “We were close to this one, and…I’m tried of waiting. There’s so much beauty here that you never got to see. And…”
Akio felt himself almost tearing up but swallowed it back. “Haru…”
“I know that this has all been really hard for you too—way harder than it was for me, but…” Haru finally looked back at him. “I’m so happy that I get to be with you now. I did love the other part of you, but I love you now.”
Akio laughed and looked away.
“I’m serious!”
“I know, I know. It’s just…as though you read my mind.”
“It’s happened before but…I was just worrying today about…if you really know me.”
Haru grabbed his hand. “I don’t fully know you, but that’s okay. What’s life without learning new things about the people you love? Every single day…it never should end.”
“Haru…when did you get so smart?” Akio tilted his head.
“When I thought I lost you forever,” Haru said earnestly.
Akio was quiet for a long moment at that, grabbing Haru’s other hand and looking up into his eyes. Blue, but teal—some mystical thing in between the two colors. He loved Haru so much and he knew…
Akio caught Haru glancing down at his lips before looking up questioningly. Akio smiled and nodded, standing on his toes and grabbing Haru’s chin to press their lips together before Haru had to close the ground.
Haru made a slight noise of surprise before putting his hand gently behind Akio’s head, sighing contently against his lips. Akio had no idea how long to keep a kiss going, but it was nice—soft lips, Haru’s breath, his hand against his head…
Akio gently pushed Haru back and relaxed flat onto his feet as Haru seemed to fully process what had happened. “Whoa…” was all that came from Haru’s mouth.
Akio couldn’t help but laugh at that response. “You should see the look on your face.”
“Hey, don’t laugh. You’re one to talk!” But Haru chuckled too.
“Guess that was our first real kiss, huh?” Akio marveled, honestly overjoyed.
“It was. The last time you weren’t you, and it wasn’t…consensual.” Haru looked away, guilt on his face.
“That’s past now. You’ve grown up a lot.”
“Dummy! Look at me.”
Haru looked at him.
“I’m not mad anymore.”
“I know, but—”
“Then kiss me again, damnit.”
Haru laughed at the response for a moment before pulling Akio into a more passionate kiss, making Akio’s heart race, this one more full of emotion and love and just better.
They finally stepped away from each other before thing time both of them laughed. It wasn’t really funny, per se, but it was fun and just so…normal. Something two normal boyfriends would do, not two that had gone through the shit they’d gone through…
“Akio, I love you,” Haru said, as a fact.
“I love you too,” Akio said, grabbing Haru’s hand.
“I’m guessing any doubts are gone now?”
“For now at least,” Akio said, looking away again. “It’s still not…easy. But I’m so happy to be here, you know?”
“I’m so happy you’re here, too.” Haru sighed and brushed hair away from his Akio’s eyes. “I thought this could never be real, you know?”
“Me too…But…it is.”
“It is!” Haru agreed, more enthusiastically.
After a short pause, Akio asked, “You say there are more places like this that you found?”
Haru nodded. “Yeah. There are. All over the islands.”
“Well, you’ll have to show them to me.”
“Not all in one day. I think this is enough excitement for the day. Don’t want to overdo it.”
“This was a pretty far walk, but I’m feeling fine. But it can be saved for other days.”
“I could carry you back,” Haru teased. “You’re small enough.”
“I’m not small!” Akio complained. “And I don’t need carried.”
“But I could if you needed it.”
“I know.” Akio looked away, blushing slightly.
Haru paused for a long moment. “One more kiss before we go home?”
And so, they shared one more kiss, all the better than the first two before stepping apart and joining hands.
“Let’s go home,” Haru said.
Akio smiled and nodded. “Yeah…Let’s go home.”
It was nice to have a happy home to go to, and to walk there with Haru.
As long as they had each other, the worlds felt safe and warm and…right.
(Stay tuned for part two--hopefully tomorrow--from Haru's thoughts)
Edit to add: The comment of 'first consensual kiss' is just a throwback to in Part 1 of the Power of Memories, Haru misreads a moment and kisses Akio, who isn't angry just shoves him back as is his reaction to things at the time (as the 'Other Akio' was mostly in control)
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umadeochake · 4 months
Seed Treatment Market: Upcoming Opportunities with SWOT Analysis By 2036
According to a recently published report by Research Nester on “Global Seed Treatment Market: Global Demand Analysis & Opportunity Outlook 2036” delivers detailed overview of the global seed treatment market in terms of market segmentation by type, by formulation, by application, by crop type and by region.
Further, for the in-depth analysis, the report encompasses the industry growth drivers, restraints, supply and demand risk, market attractiveness, BPS analysis and Porter’s five force model.
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Advanced productive agricultural materials are used to fulfill the food demand of the growing population. There have been rapid advancements in recent years in order to improve the agricultural yields through various technologies. Demand for seed treatment is increasing widely as it prevents seed borne insects and diseases to the crops. Increasing demand for organic fruits and vegetables as a result of health concern is boosting the growth of agricultural industry ultimately leading to the growth of the market. Economic and industrial developments is forcing the farmers to increase their crop yield. Attributing to these factors, the market is anticipated to record a CAGR of around 8.72% over the forecast period i.e. 2019-2027.  
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The market is segmented by type into chemical and non-chemical, out of which, the non-chemical segment is anticipated to have significant growth on account of increasing demand for bio-based treatment and concern for environment. The non-chemical treatment segment is in its early stages of growth though it is anticipated to be fastest growing segment during the forecasted period.
The market is further segmented by formulation into liquid form and dry form. On the basis of application, the market is segmented into insecticides, fungicides, herbicides, fertilizers, bio control and others. Out of these, insecticide segment is anticipated to be the most adopted treatment owing to its ability to get adjusted with other products.
By crop type, the market is segmented into cereals and grains, oilseeds, sugar beets, sugarcane, vegetables and others out of which cereals and grains segment account for largest share of the seed treatment market owing to seed treatment being used on high productivity cereals and grains crop such as corn.
North America is projected to have maximum market share owing to the growing demand from the agricultural industry, presence of technological advancements and ban on chemical products followed by Europe. Asia Pacific is anticipated to grow at a faster rate owing to growing demand for organic products in Asian countries and increased awareness among the farmers regarding environmental hazards.
Farming activities are increasing worldwide and leading to technological advancements
Technological developments in the agricultural sector have led to the development of various treatment methods owing to rising health concerns by the consumers and pressure on farmers to increase their crop yield. Farming activities are increasing globally on croplands and this has generated need for high productivity which in turn, is propelling the growth of the seed treatment market.
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This report also provides the existing competitive scenario of some of the key players of the global seed treatment market which includes company profiling of Bayer Crop Science AG, Syngenta, FMC Corporation, Monsanto Company, Nufarm Limited, and ADAMA Agricultural Solutions Ltd.
The profiling enfolds key information of the companies which encompasses business overview, products and services, key financials and recent news and developments. On the whole, the report depicts detailed overview of the global seed treatment market that will help industry consultants, equipment manufacturers, existing players searching for expansion opportunities, new players searching possibilities and other stakeholders to align their market centric strategies according to the ongoing and expected trends in the future. 
Access our detailed report @ https://www.researchnester.com/reports/seed-treatment-market/1413
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Research Nester is a one-stop service provider with a client base in more than 50 countries, leading in strategic market research and consulting with an unbiased and unparalleled approach towards helping global industrial players, conglomerates and executives for their future investment while avoiding forthcoming uncertainties. With an out-of-the-box mindset to produce statistical and analytical market research reports, we provide strategic consulting so that our clients can make wise business decisions with clarity while strategizing and planning for their forthcoming needs and succeed in achieving their future endeavors. We believe every business can expand to its new horizon, provided a right guidance at a right time is available through strategic minds.
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La Marche des rois - Chant trad. provençale repris par Bizet dans L'Arlésienne (partition,sheet music)
La Marche des rois - Chant trad. provençale repris x Bizet dans L'Arlésienne (partition,sheet music) Easy Piano Solo arr.
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The March of the Kings or The March of the Three Kings or, in Provençal, La Marcho di Rèi is a popular Christmas carol of Provençal origin celebrating Epiphany and the Three Kings. Its revival by Georges Bizet for his Arlésienne popularized the theme. The precise origins of both the tune and the lyrics are uncertain and debated. The words are regularly attributed to Joseph-François Domergue (1691-1728), priest-dean of Aramon, in the Gard, from 1724 to 1728, whose name appears on the first manuscript copy dated 1742 and kept at the library of Avignon. The text is published in the Compendium of Provençal and Francois Spiritual Songs engraved by Sieur Hue published in 1759. Subsequently, the work was included in the various editions of the Provençal Christmas collection by the poet and composer of the 17th century Nicolas Saboly (1614-1675) to which it has often — and erroneously — been attributedNote. According to the 1742 document, the song uses the air of a Marche de Turenne1. This mention corresponds to the established practice of noëlistes consisting in placing their texts on “known” French songs spread by the printing press. One hypothesis is that this Marche de Turenne would be a military march dating back to the 17th century, in honor of the victories of Marshal de Turenne, which some authors wanted to attribute to Lully, although no document corroborates this attribution. An Avignon tradition rather dates the Marche de Turenne back to the 15th century, at the time of King René (1409-1480) while certain authors from the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century leaned towards a reference to Raymond de Turenne (1352 -1413), known as Le Fléau de Provence, grandnephew of Pope Clement VI and nephew of Pope Gregory XI. In the 21st century, several American researchers postulate that the March of the Kings has a medieval origin dating back to the 13th century; it could then be one of the oldest Christmas carols listed with Veni redemptor gentium, and perhaps the first entirely composed in the vernacular language, and not in Latin. According to research carried out by the scholar Stéphen d'Arve at the end of the 19th century, the only known score is that of Étienne-Paul Charbonnier (1793-1872), organist at the cathedral of Aix-en-Provence , who — perhaps taking it from the chain of its predecessors — had reconstructed it from memory, modifying its orchestration as new instruments were introduced. Henri Maréchal, an inspector of the Conservatoires de France who did research at the request of Frédéric Mistral, thought, for his part, that 'La Marcha dei Rèis' must have been composed by the Abbé Domergue himself. Covers and adaptations The March of the Kings is one of the themes of the overture to L'Arlésienne (1872), incidental music composed by Georges Bizet for a drama on a Provençal subject by Alphonse Daudet. According to the musicologist Joseph Clamon, Bizet was able to find the melody of this march in a book published in 1864. After the failure of the drama, Bizet drew from incidental music a suite for orchestra (Suite no 1) which met with immediate success. In 1879, four years after the composer's death, his friend Ernest Guiraud produced a second suite (Suite no 2) in which the March of the Kings is taken up in canon in the last part of the revised work. Certain passages are also found in Edmond Audran's operetta Gillette de Narbonne, created in 188219. The words of a song 'M'sieu d'Turenne', which can be sung to the tune of the March of the Kings, are due to Léon Durocher (1862-1918). The March of the Kings has become a traditional French song and one of the most common Christmas carols in the repertoire of French-speaking choirs. It has had several covers by performers such as Tino Rossi, Les Quatre Barbus, Marie Michèle Desrosiers or, in English, Robert Merrill. The piece has been adapted many times, notably by the organist Pierre Cochereau through an improvised toccata in 1973 for the Suite à la Française on popular themes. Read the full article
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jacularmetteld · 6 years
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adri-2022 · 2 years
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Fandom: Chicago PD
Characters: Jay Halstead x FemReader/ Trudy Platt/ Will Halstead/ Adam Ruzek/ Kevin Atwater/ Kim Burgess
Warning: mention of miscarriage/ fluff
Word count: 1413
Jay Halstead Materlist
A/N: Hi guys. Here is a request from @kylieargent34 if this will be triggering to you please DON'T read it.
Don't be afraid to leave your comment!
Happiness has always been on your side, coming from a very loving family, by your parents good example you learned to love and have the highest standards for love. For you love didn’t have any limits and neither did age, him being 35 and you 25. You met your husband when you first started working at dispatch -you being a dispatcher-, him being a Detective on the 21st district you had both coincided by a call.
Now married to the love of your life, and currently expecting your first child together. You had managed to keep everything a secret, and with everything I mean everything. No one from his unit knew about your relationship, your marriage and your baby on the way -well no one except from Trudy and Will-.
Strange I know, you had met Will in one of Jay’s facetime calls while dating, where he forgot that you were sleeping next to him; Will caught a glimpse of you which ended in him finding out about the two of you.
As for Trudy, she was suspicious of Jay’s change of behavior, which made her drop in a little unannounced visit to Jay’s apartment, ending in you opening the door, then pretty much her confirming her suspicions. Come on if Trudy didn’t know, then who would -she knew everything about everyone-.
The thing is, the reason you both wanted to keep everything a secret from everyone, is because of the dangers of Jay’s job. It was unpredictable, you both had agreed on it. You weren’t gonna risk anything happening to your baby and Jay, well he would kill anyone who dared try and put their hands on you.
Jay had left the apartment this morning leaving a kiss on your lips, a kiss on your belly, a serious talk about being careful and not to climb on top of things to reach stuff. Yes, he had caught you doing that before -you were unstoppable that’s for sure-. As always before entering the district he took his wedding band off putting it on the chain around his neck and under his shirt.
A couple of hours later the team had to go to med in order to question a suspect. Adam and Kevin staying outside of the suspects room while the others did the work. Everything was silent until,
“So, Jay when are you gonna get yourself a girl?” Adam asked,
“God. Not again…” Jay groaned throwing his head back, Kevin continued,
“C’mon man. Are you really not gonna try to get out there again?”
“Nope. I’m good, thanks” he said dismissive as he watch a couple of nurses rush out to the entrance, Will hot in their heels with a frown on his face. Turning back to them bored expression on his face,
“I’ll tell you what…you leave the topic alone and I’ll do your paperwork for a week” Jay bargained with them, making both Adam and Kevin snicker before nodding. All three of them laughing. This until Jay heard a very familiar voice, which made him turn around.
“Something is wrong. I just know” it was you, worried expression on your face while talking to Will. This made Jay rush towards both Will and you worried expression on his face,
“Hey honey. W-what’s going on? Are you okay? Are you in pain?” he rambled once he was at your side making you look up wide eyes -you weren’t counting on him being there- which ended up making you more worried. Trudy appear behind the gurney, looking at Jay, raising one hand in a calm matter.
“She’s okay Halstead. She called me because she felt weird. We’re here now let’s get her checked” Trudy said trying to calm both you and him.
“Thanks, sarge…” Jay said taking a breath and nodding, making her nod back with an encouraging smile. Before disappearing towards a treatment room, Will pulled Jay into an empty room.
“Jay, you need to calm down alright”
“Calm down. That’s my wife!” Jay said trying to get pass his brother.
“Hey I know. But you need to keep calm, so she’s calm. We don’t want her having a complication, alright?” Will said serious look on his face, making Jay take a deep breath and nod before going over to you.  
“Alright sis. What are you feeling? Can you describe it for me?” Will said while putting on some gloves. You nodded; your hand now clamped on Jay’s while he caressed your hair.
“I- It’s a weird feeling. Like- it’s like a pressure” “Alright, where do you feel the pressure?” your brother-in-law asked while pulling your shirt up slightly so he could inspect your belly,
“Not in one place. It all over my abdomen. That’s why I got so scared” “Okay we’ll do a quick ultrasound to just make sure baby Halstead is alright” Will then smiled encouraging when seeing the look of terror in your eyes.
“I- I’m miscarrying, am I not?” you asked tears in your eyes as you looked at everyone in the room. Immediately Jay shook his head,
“Hey baby. Don’t think like that, okay, everything will be fine” he said looking at Will with an uncertain look, knew he couldn’t promise something like this,
“You can’t promise me that Jay” at this point you had tears running down your cheeks,
“Ah…alright I think I know what it is.” Will said in a recognition manner. Nonetheless this made the air in the room thicker.
“Miscarriage?” you looked at Will wide eyes, “Stop saying that babe…”
“You shut up this is your fault” you exclaimed looking at Jay who had his mouth agape,
“My fault. You were the one who told me you wanted a baby! I just delivered” he chuckled, but you weren’t finding any of it funny,
“Ha, Ha, very funny Halstead” you said sarcastically; Will looking at the both of you with an amused expression. This pretty much happened every day, the bickering the joking, it was routine now. Just then you felt the pressure again, making you put a hand over the area.
“Y/N did you feel the pressure just now?” Will asked making you nod cautiously. He smiled looking at both your husband and you,
“Spit it out dude!” you exclaimed,  
“Your baby is kicking…” Will smiled slightly at both of your surprised faces,
“Seriously?” Jay asked, while you smiled back putting a hand on your belly.
“I hadn’t felt it before. I thought something was wrong” looking at Jay who kept looking at you, his hand on your belly.
“It’s normal for first mom’s to get scared. But in your case- well- let’s say baby Halstead will be a good sports player” Will chuckled while you both laughed. Jay sitting down leaning to kiss you, then starting to talk to your baby.
Unknown to you the entire unit was in the waiting room, confused look on their faces as Will approached Trudy who stood up immediately,
“She’s alright, they’re both okay. The baby was kicking which made her panic…” Will said lowly that only Trudy could hear and smiling slightly at the thought of his niece or nephew. Trudy breath a laugh thanking Will.
“I’m so confused…” Kevin talked first, making Trudy sigh in annoyance turning around an unamused look on her face.
“Listen here idiots. That was Jay’s wife Y/N. In case you dumbasses didn’t understand they’re expecting a baby, she felt sick so a brought her in. They’re both okay” everyone in the waiting room raised their eyebrows in surprise.
“So, why didn’t he tell us…” Adam asked to which Trudy send a bored look his way
“Because Mr. I ask stupid questions. You all have a very dangerous job, that has affected your personal lives one way or another. They didn’t want that for them period, point, blank” she said raising an eyebrow towards them,
“But…” Kim went to talk,
“But sh sh sh! Bla bla bla. But nothing. I don’t want to hear you nagging Mrs. Ruzek. And no one is going to make a comment, or a joke about this. Are we clear?” they all nodded afraid of their sergeant; she was truly a momma bear. Kim going red from what the woman had said about her and Adam’s last name.
“God I seriously don’t know how you call yourselves the most elite unit in Chicago. Pretty sure you are the most oblivious and dumb people I have ever met” with that she left rolling her eyes.
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childhood friends
summary: Boba Fett contacts an old friend to help him out in Mos Espa. Together they fight. (Y/n) quickly develops an stronger bond with Din Djarin.
pairings: Din Djarin x Reader, Boba Fett, Fennec Shand
warnings: !SPOILERS! canon typical violence, fighting, some angst, fluff
words: 1413
a/n: kind of inspired by this post and me being obsessed with clones and buir skirata lol
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“You should really check the backdoor!“
Every single weapon inside the ruins of the Sanctuary aims at her; Fennecs modified sniper rifle, Bobas blaster rifle as well as Dins blaster. For one moment, the air is so thick, no one dares to breathe. Then Boba laughs warmly, lowers his blaster and approaches (Y/n). While Fennec follows the lead of the Daimyo, Din keeps his visor focused on the stranger. He watches Boba welcome her with a tight hug, even picking her up a bit. A keldabe kiss follows.
With a wide smile on his lips, Boba turns around, one arm still around (Y/n)s shoulders. “This is (Y/n) Skirata, my friend and our reinforcement“, Boba introduces her. Finally, Din lowers his blaster too and replaces it to his thigh holster. The female Mandalorian lowers her gaze to greet Bobas friends, at the same time reaching for her helmet and removing it. That doesn‘t really surprise Din at all, Boba showed him there are more ways than one to be a real Mandalorian.
“Fennec“, (Y/n) smiles cheekily and winks at the sniper. Fennec only rolls her eyes and turns back to the entrance, watching out for any possible danger. The two of them seem to have got a past together, still Boba and (Y/n) seem closer, like they know each other for decades. Only Din has no idea who she is, but right now he is more interested in solving the conflict in Mos Espa. However, Din has to admit that (Y/n) looks rather gorgeous under her helmet.
The three Mandalorians and the sniper stand in the ruins of the Sanctuary, waiting for messages of their allies and or action from the Pyke Syndicate. For a long time nothing happens, still no one dares to interrupt said silence. Then a hooded figure approaches the bombed cantina. The second Boba recognizes the hat which belongs to Cad Bane, he grabs (Y/n) by the biceps and drags her back inside the Sanctuary. “You stay here. Keep your thoughts of revenge to yourself. He is not worth it. I will sort that out, do you understand me?“
“They were your brothers too. How can you keep so calm? He killed dozens of them! He deserves to die!“, (Y/n) whisper yells with much emotion. One might even see tears in her eyes. Hopelessly, she tries to get out of Bobas firm grip to kill Cad Bane, who murdered so many clones, so many family members.
“And he will, ad‘ika!“, Boba returns with a smile. He pats (Y/n)s cheek with his gloved hand and then leaves her in the middle of carbonized wreckage and bodies. She takes a deep breath. Her mind tells her to listen to her childhood best friend, but her heart screams for revenge. (Y/n) has hardly taken a step forward when a hand gets placed on top of her chest armor. The strange Mandalorian, Din as she remembers Boba calling him in his holo message, stops her. “This won’t make you feel any better. Boba knows what he does.“
“I don‘t think so. He once punched me in the face while I was still wearing my helmet. A Mandalorian should know the quality of pure beskar“, (Y/n) grumbles as she shrugs Dins hand off her armor. With her blaster in hand, she takes position at a bigger opening and aims at the head of Cad Bane. She hesitates, even more when the stupid stubborn Mandalorian rests a hand on her blaster and pushes it down. “He might deserve it, but if you pull that trigger, war will come way faster.“
(Y/n) rolls her eyes because Din is right and replaces her blaster to its holster. She leans against a stone, eventually sitting down on the dusty floor. The voices of Boba and his old enemy reach the destroyed walls of the Sanctuary, currently everything seems calm.
“Who did he kill?“, Din asks silently. Now and then his gaze wanders from the two men outside to the female Mandalorian at his feet. The helmet is back on top of her head, probably to cover up every emotion. Slowly, the visor tilts aside as if to consider if (Y/n) wants to tell this stranger something so personal. Looking at their current situation, they could be dead by tomorrow, so (Y/n) starts talking.
“My family. My brothers. Clones“, (Y/n) answers in few words. The faces of dead men appear in front of her inner eye. She misses them deeply and wishes to avenge them. “My father brought me with him to train them. That is how I met Boba. We kind of grew up together.“
Din opens his mouth to return something, but Boba already returns, explaining their next steps. Fennec leaves them to cut off the snakes head. Boba, Din and (Y/n) stay in the Sanctuary and wait for the best. But soon the worst arrives: more than a dozen Pykes. While Boba and Din discuss about honor and the right way, (Y/n) arms herself.
“Could you stop flirting for a moment?“, she asks snarky and steps in between the two Mandalorians to throw a grenade in front of the Pykes feet. The war starts. At first, the Mandalorians fight well and kill many Pyke soldiers, but eventually they get overrun. (Y/n) gets shot in the thigh and falls to the ground. Din covers her, trying his best to stay uninjured himself.
The moment the three are at their breaking point, kneeling on the floor, hope returns with the people of Freetown. Din drags (Y/n) behind their land speeder and is quick to treat her injury. Her blood paints his gloves, yet he presses a hand to her thigh while the other one rips a piece of his cape. As Din tightens the cloth around (Y/n)s injured leg, she groans under her helmet, but also thanks him for taking care of her.
For one second there was hope for them, but then these huge droids appeared and started bombarding the soldiers of the great Daimyo. Most run for their lives, only the Mandalorians stick together until (Y/n) gets an idea. “Boba, get your new lovely pet. And we…do our best.“ Boba nods without saying a word and leaves them.
With Dins arm around her waist, (Y/n) manages to run from the droids because fighting them has no use. Again and again they are almost hit, the blast letting them fall over a few times. At last, Din pulls (Y/n) into a house. They entrench themselves in there, hoping for the best. A small loophole allows them to frantically shoot at the droids.
“If we survive this, I will kill Boba myself for requesting me here on this stupid sandy planet“, (Y/n) growls as she leans her head against the wall, sitting next to the Mandalorian and waiting for the droids to stop blasting at their shelter. The visors of their helmets meet and both smile, not knowing the other does.
“I‘ll help you“, Din returns with a chuckle and starts shooting again. His few blaster bolts are quickly followed by another bombardment. He sighs exhausted, not knowing what to do right now. Walking out of their hideout will definitely kill one of them, so waiting is the best option right now, waiting for Boba to return with reinforcements.
“Hey, what ship do you have?“, (Y/n) asks randomly. She has taken off her helmet and is now smiling directly at Din, who is rather confused. They are in the middle of a war and this strange woman asks him about his ship. After some time, he opens his mouth, knowing this conversation might distract from death waiting outside.
“N-1 Starfighter.“ “Pre Empire? I like that!“ “Have you got a ship?“ “Of course! A Razor Crest, not as fast as your starfighter, but more room and-“ “You fly a Razor Crest?“ “Yes, that‘s what I just said.“
Din has to suppress a laugh. The female Mandalorian instantly becomes ten times more sympathetic to him. “After this is done, you can come with me for a short ride“, (Y/n) suggests as she realizes Dins fascination. Before she replaces her helmet, she smiles cheekily and even winks at him. Then she turns her focus back on the droids.
“I would love to“, Din whispers and aims his blaster back at the droids. Both want this fight to end, not just because of their shared friend Boba, but also to get to know each other better and go on that trip with (Y/n)s Razor Crest.
taglist: @lightning-wolffe @gwenebear @caswinchester2000 @shadowfoxey @luvzoria @remmyswritings @periwinklehoney @maximumcoffeeme @jojos-trooper @ladykatakuri
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seidenbros · 2 years
Hello! Saw your link to the drabble prompt list, and there are so many good ones there! Are you still taking those? Could you go for Geraskier with any of: “Please don’t do this.”, OR “I’ve seen the way you look at me when you think I don’t notice.”, OR “I wish I could hate you.”? Your pick ;) Thanks ahead!
Thank you so so much for sending these, and YES I love these drabbles, especially because I end up writing somethign at least a little shorter than I usually tend to do. I decided to go for "Please don't do this" and "I wish I could hate you" all in one, because it fit so perfectly together. I might do the other one later on as well, because they are so mich fun to write
(Taken from this list and here are some other prompts, but feel free to request anything <3)
Warnings: angst, hurt/comfort, fluff Word Count: 1413
He'd had enough. Jaskier couldn't stay here anymore, couldn't take more of Geralt's self-destructive behaviour in order to feel something. He'd told Jaskier that he needed to feel something, that he was lost, that the only time when he really felt alive was when he was fighting monsters, physically draining his own body. Every time Jaskier had stitched him up, had taken care of his injuries, but he'd also pleaded with the Witcher to be more careful. He wouldn't feel alive anymore of one of the monsters managed to kill him because he wasn't careful enough.
Last night had absolutely taken the cake. Geralt had barely made it out alive. Jaskier had managed to get him to a healer, had helped as much as he could, but it had been painful for the Bard. Gods, he'd loved that man for years now, had never said a word, because he hadn't wanted to destroy their friendship, but by now... he couldn't take that anymore. If Geralt wanted to get himself killed, Jaskier wouldn't stop him anymore, but he would also not stay by his side and watch him do that. He couldn't. It broke his heart to see his friend, the man he loved like this, so for his own safety, he had to leave, had to take a different path. Throughout the night, he'd had lots of time to think about it, to weigh the pros and cons, but with Geralt behaving this way, there was nothing positive in staying with the Witcher, even if the thought of leaving already made Jaskier weary. But he'd tried to talk to him, to tell him that he needed to stop, but Geralt hadn't listened.
In a way, Jaskier understood Geralt's behaviour, because he'd wanted to feel alive as well, which had been his reason to leave Oxenfurt. So, he'd ended up with a Witcher, which meant getting in danger on the one hand, but on the other, he also had someone around who knew how to deal with every kind of creature.
Jaskier had stayed up to watch over Geralt, make sure that he was alright, until he woke up in the eraly morning hours. The Witcher stirred, slowly opened his eyes and found Jaskier's. Immediately, a smile spread across his face, relief flooded his body, because his Bard was here.
“Jaskier,” he started, voice hoarse from sleep and a dry throat which was why the bard handed him some water.
“Good, you're awake. That means, I can go now.” Jaskier got up from where he was sitting. If he stayed any longer, he knew that he wouldn't go though with his plan, that Geralt would do or say something that made him stay in the end, but that would only lead to more pain, wouldn't it?
“What do you mean?” Geralt asked, slowly, carefully sitting up so that he could lean his back against the headboard of the bed, eyes intently on Jaskier. Did he have to be somewhere? Was he supposed to be on stage somewhere? Not likely at this time of day, that was for sure.
“I'm going home. I'm sick and tired of watching your trying to get yourself killed and DON'T tell me that's not what's happening.” Jaskier didn't let him speak up, even though he knew, could see that Geralt wanted to protest. The bard was tired, worn out, and couldn't deal with worrying about the man he loved all the time. Right now, he had to think about his own well-being, even if that meant leaving Geralt behind.
“Please don't do this,” Geralt said, wrapping his hand around Jaskier's wrist when the bard tried to walk away. He couldn't let Jaskier go, couldn't let his best friend just leave him, when he was the only thing that still somehow made sense in his life. Geralt didn't even know how it had happened, but Jaskier had turned from annoying little singer to the person that held his heart. But he could never expect Jaskier to love him, because who could ever love a Witcher? He'd heard it more than enough, but Jaskier had stayed by his side as a friend, and if he couldn't have Jaskier's heart, he wanted to keep him as a friend.
Jaskier stilled, he laughed to himself, because he'd known that, had known that if Geralt got the chance to say anything, he'd think about his own plans again. “You know...” he started, shaking his head, Geralt's hand still wrapped around his wrist, not letting him go. “I wish I could hate you, then I would actually be able to leave and not care about what happens to you.”
Right now, though, Jaskier only hated himself for loving the Witcher so much, for not being able to walk out on him, when it was the healthy thing for him to do, to keep his own sanity.
“I'm sorry, Jaskier...” Geralt loosened his grip on the Bard's wrist and instead took his hand in his own. “You can hate me. Hate me all you want, I deserved that!”
“No you don't. I could never hate you.” Jaskier heaved a sigh, looking down at their joined hands. “But I hate myself for loving you.”
Oh... Oh... he'd really said that out loud. Melitele help him, because that was not what he'd wanted to say to Geralt. Right now, he wanted to get away even more than he'd done before. All these years, he hadn't said a thing, and now, he blurted it out like it was the most normal thing in the world. All the more reason to get away, but there was no chance, as Geralt's grip on his hand tighetened.
All of a sudden, he felt himself being pulled towards the Witcher, onto the bed and into Geralt's embrace. The Witcher winced because of Jaskier's body hitting his chest, the injuries there still fresh.
“What are you doing?” Jaskier asked, heart beating rapidly in his chest. He stayed completely still, not knowing what to make out of this behaviour, but Geralt didn't say a word. Instead, he ran his right hand along Jaskier's back, places the left one on the Bard's cheek. Jaskier swallowed hard, but then Geralt turned his face towards him so that he had to look at the Witcher – and then his lips were on Jaskier's. Soft, but still demanding, his tongue urging Jaskier's lips to open up for him, and he complied. A shiver ran down his spine, the kiss making his head spin. Was he imagining things? Head HE hit his head instead of Geralt? This couldn't be happening, could it?
Oh, but it felt all too real! The soft stroke of Geralt's thumb against his cheek, the Witcher's warm skin beneath his own fingers as they connected with his broad shoulders... This was happening, it wasn't just a dream. Jaskier eventually broke the kiss to gasp for air. Eyes only halfway open, he looked at the Witcher before him. His Witcher, who now opened his eyes and looked straight into Jaskier's.
“What-” Jaskier started, but he was cut short by Geralt with words he'd never expected to hear from him.
“I love you, Jaskier.” Slowly, a smile spread across the Witcher's lips, something Jaskier hadn't seen in a very long time, and it filled his heart with happiness. “I just... never thought you could love me.”
“Oh Geralt...” Jaskier sighed, framing the Witcher's face with both his hands. “I've loved you for years. Believe me, if I had a say in this, I would have fallen for someone else and not for my best friend.” The Bard shrugged his shoulders, a smile spreading on his face. “Yet, here we are.”
“So... does that mean, you're not leaving?” There was something desperate, something scared in the Witcher's voice that Jaskier had never heard before, and it touched his heart even more.
“If you promise not to be so reckless anymore... then I'm staying.”
“Promise!” Geralt didn't miss a beat to answer him, to make him realise that he was serious about this. “I've got someone who makes me feel alive by my side, and I don't want to lose him.”
Jaskier's heart skipped another beat when he heard these words, so he leaned forward to touch his lips to Geralt's again, and he wasn't going to stop with that so soon.
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emeralddaydream · 3 years
𝙰𝚖𝚘𝚗𝚐 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚃𝚛𝚎𝚎𝚜
Xavier x GN!Reader
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(gif credit to @codyfernsource)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: injuries, blood, sad/scared Xavier and reader... this ended up being pretty angsty (based around eps. 2-3 of 1984, so a lot of fear/death talk)
Word Count: 1413
Requested by @auroracalisto: i have another prompt for xavier plympton: "why are you bleeding?"
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When you'd agreed with your friend Brooke to tag along and become a camp counselor for the summer, there were a lot of things you hadn't been expecting. You hadn't expected the myriad of rules put in place by the camp's owner, Margaret. You hadn't expected to be immediately smitten with Xavier, a fellow counselor, the one who'd driven you all up to Redwood. You certainly hadn't expected the situation you currently find yourself in. Alone in the middle of the woods in the dead of the night, shaking like one of the leaves on the trees above you, biting your lips hard to keep from crying out; you hadn't planned on having to literally run for your life.
You've concealed yourself amid a cluster of tall trees, your back pressed up against the bark of a tall pine as you fall to the ground, silent tears streaking down your face. You struggle to control your breathing as you think back of the horror you've experienced in the last half hour.
Somehow, during fleeing the infirmary after the Night Stalker's attack, you'd gotten separated from your group, quickly deciding that hiding would be your best option for now; you couldn’t see a thing.
So, here you sit, shivering at the chill whipping the air as you look wildly around, the sounds of every twig snapping and leaf rustling putting you on high alert; you have no idea how you'll be able to fight him off if you're found. You're in the middle of looking for a stick large enough to use as a weapon, when the trees a few feet away from you shift, the sound of a heavy footfall closing in on you. You hold your breath, eyes closing instinctually as you brace yourself; this is how you're going to die.
"Y/N?" You're shocked when you open your eyes to find a pair of brilliant blue ones staring back at you. Your heart leaps into your throat and pull Xavier to the ground beside you and throw your arms around him, muffling your small cry of relief against the crook of his neck.
"X-Xavier," You sigh, more tears falling from your eyes as you hold his body tightly against your own. "I-I thought it was him."
"Jingles?" he asks breathlessly, his own shaking hand running along your back.
"N-no, the Night Stalker. He's here, Xavier, he really is. Brooke was right. H-he attacked us when we were trying to find Rita’s keys.” He stiffens at the mention of the nurse, but you don’t ask. “Everyone ran. I lost them... God, I was so sure it was him." Your face presses harder against his neck to soften your cries when he tells you Jingles is here, too; he'd seen him kill... Your tears are leaving wet patches along Xavier's shirt, but he doesn't care, much more concerned with the way you're shivering. He's quick to remove his lavender jacket, draping it gently across your shoulders; something on your forearm catches his attention, however, and his eyes widen as he pulls it gently into his lap. It's only now that you notice the nasty gash along the skin there, bright crimson seeping from the wound.
"What happened? Why are you bleeding?" he asks gently, looking back at you with concern when you let out a small hiss from the pain.
"I-I don't know. I fell on my way out of the infirmary... Didn’t even notice..." Your voices are no more than a whisper, the moment feeling surprisingly intimate among this little enclave of trees; while you certainly still don't feel safe, you definitely feel a more secure with Xavier by your side. He's quick to pull at one of the tears in the cotton of his shirt, ripping off a strip of fabric. He holds your arm gently as he carefully wraps the strip around it, tying it off at the end.
"There," he says gently, placing the appendage back into your own lap. "Hopefully that'll stop some of the bleeding."
"Thanks," you murmur, a few more tears falling down your cheeks from the kind gesture. "Please, it's the least I can do, after this shit show." He's grimacing, jaw clenched tightly as he tries to fight back the flow of his own tears. "God, I'm sorry, Y/N. So sorry"
"You… You haven't done anything, Xavier." You bring a cautious hand slowly up to his shoulder, heart fluttering strangely when he leans into your touch, but his gaze is still hard, his frustration evident through his watery eyes.
"Are you kidding?" he asks, feeling pitiful and weak as he gazes into your worried eyes. "It's my fault we're all here in the first place! All because I'm- God, I'm a fucking moron." His eye brim over with fresh tears, and he shrinks into himself, falling away from you, back against the trunk of the tree behind him. "Fuck, I shouldn't have even come over here.” He lets out a desperate whimper. “W-we’re all probably doomed now."
Your heart breaks as you watch him with sympathetic eyes. Not wanting to upset him further, you're slow your movements as you inch toward him, and his heart beats faster as you sit in front of him; what're you going to do to him? Whatever it is, he's sure he deserves it and more.
"Xav," you whisper, taking his hand. You wait for him to meet your eyes before you continue. "None of this is your fault. You couldn't have known how...” It takes you a moment to find the right word, “…fucked this place is." You turn his hand over, staring down at the creases of his palm from the cast of the moonlight above you, too nervous to look at him as you speak your next words. "Look I know we just met, but, I mean... I can tell you're a good guy.” You peak at him to find he’s watching you intently. “I-I'm looking at you now... You might be an actor, but you aren't this good. Nobody could be." You gently lift a hand to wipe some of the tears from his face for emphasis. "You wouldn't do anything to put your friends in danger. I know that."
Everything feels still as the two of you watch each other, him seemingly trying to discern if you're screwing with him or telling the truth; in the end, he seems to see the understand that you’re serious, because in the next moment, he's reaching a hand out to gently cup your face; when you don't pull away from his touch, he leans in letting his lips brush against yours tenderly, before pulling you into a proper, fervent kiss. His lips are warm against yours, soft and comforting; they fit wonderfully against your own, and you'd love nothing more than to stay in this little bubble the two of you have built as long as possible.
Unfortunately, the two of you pull away from one another after a few blissful moments, hearts beating fast you try to catch your breath. You're a little dumbfounded when you meet his eyes once more, having briefly forgotten the situation the two of you are in. Not knowing what to say, you stammer, "W-what was that for?"
He shrugs, a sad smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "Been wanting to do that since we met. Wasn’t sure I’d ever get the chance again." You swallow hard, reaching for his hand, intwining your fingers with this own. You lean into him and he wraps his arms tightly around you again, ready to shield you from whatever or whoever may want to cause you harm.
A piercing scream in the distance makes you both jump, and you let out a quiet whimper, Xavier pulling you impossibly closer.
"What was that?" you mouth, too afraid to speak. He shrugs, both of you listening for a few seconds, and sure enough, the scream sounds again, this time, the word "help" clearly discernable this time around.
"I-I think... I think that's Chet." Xavier whispers, standing slowly and pulling you up with him.
"Where's his voice coming from?" you ask, waiting for another scream. You don’t have to wait long, and figure out it’s coming from the right of you. “Here, this way.” You take a quick peak out from among the trees, grasping Xavier's hand for dear life as the two of you make your way along the forest floor, toward the bellowing cries.
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taglist: @americxn, @kitwalkerangel, @elaineygrace, @liandav, @milly-louise, @undeadcortez, @sallyscigarettes, @mossybank (please fill out this form to be added/ removed here)
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wakatvshi · 4 years
Hello! Since request is open may I ask for one where.. y/n likes jean, but they know about his crush on mikasa but still want to pursue jean. you can make it angst but with happy ending please? or not, whatever you prefer. i know it's such a vague request but i don't know what else to add. thank you so much! have an amazing day!
I really hope this is what you wanted because this kind of got away from me? But I really hope you like it because I enjoyed writing it!
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warnings: none
wordcount: 1413
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You were sitting at dinner listening to Jean talk to Connie and Sasha. Now and then Sasha would lean over and talk to you but she’d stopped trying that a while ago. They all seemed to have gotten the message that you weren’t in the mood for much talking. There was a small part of you that felt guilty about it, they didn’t deserve to be put off because of you were in a bad mood. But no matter how much you tried to be sociable with them but you couldn’t force it. 
Sometimes your eyes would shift to Jean. It seemed every time you did though, he was looking at Mikasa. You hated it, you hated that he never looked at you. You understood it, Mikasa was a great person and god she was gorgeous but she never looked at him. He spent so much of his time wanting her and you weren’t sure he even noticed you were there half the time. It wasn’t fair, if you could force this crush away you would but nothing you’d done so far had worked. You’d sat there and told yourself all the bad things about Jean you could think of, but that didn’t work. You still wanted him.
Running your hand down your face you hadn’t noticed everyone leaving the room until you were being nudged. Looking up you were surprised to see Jean looking at you, an eyebrow raised and looking as if he was waiting for you to do something. “Did you not hear Sasha?” 
Again the guilt grew, you hadn’t heard anything she said. You didn’t even realize she oe Connie had left. “Sorry.” Your face heat up at the fact that you’d been too busy staring at Jean to hear her. “What did she say?”Glancing at the door she’d left out of you wished you’d noticed and went with her. The last thing you wanted right now was to be left alone with Jean. 
Instead of telling you what she said he just looked at you. There was a part of you that felt self-conscious when he did, you weren’t good at being scrutinized. Not by Jean. “Are you okay?” 
You knew that question was coming , of course you knew it. As much as you hated the fact that he didn’t see you the same way you saw him, he was still your friend and he did care at least like that. Letting out a small sigh you nodded, “I don’t know. I’ve just been really ti-” Jean wasn’t looking at you. Mikasa was across the room talking to Armin and he was looking right at her.
Letting out a bitter laugh his eyes went back to you, he at least had the decency to look ashamed of himself. “Sorry I was just… you know.” He rubbed the back of his neck and you could see a blush creep up his neck. 
You tried to force a smile, force anything but the longer you looked at him the angrier you got. The second you thought he was going to take time to care about you. “Screw you Jean.” You pushed past him, ignoring him when he called out to you. There were already tears welling in your eyes and there was no way you were going to let him see you cry. 
Passing by the other three that lingered in the room you heard Eren say your name but you didn’t stop to talk to him either. If you stopped you’d probably say something to Mikasa and that wasn’t fair to her, you didn’t want to take anything out on any of them. Except maybe Jean. But even then you didn’t have it in you to do that. You wanted to be able to yell and scream at him, tell him how much of an asshole he was. When it came to him though, you were weak and you hated that. 
Anyone else you’d have no problem standing up to them but around Jean you just fell apart. You were in love with him, how it happened you didn’t even know. One day you were just listening to Jean talk and it hit you, you loved him. This man was everything in your eyes and no matter how much you tried to stop it, when you saw him again it came back. Right now you’d give anything to make it stop and just go back to seeing him as a friend. 
Hearing Jean’s voice behind you, you clenched your jaw and did your best to ignore him. You kept walking, you didn’t care where you ended up as long as it was away from him. “Come on YN talk to me!” He was getting closer and short of breaking out in a full sprint you weren’t going to get away from him. “What’s wrong with you?” 
That stopped you, he had the nerve to ask you what was wrong? Standing there, you stared at the ground in front of you, was he serious? There wasn’t any way he didn’t know why you were pissed. He couldn’t be that stupid. When he touched your shoulder you spun around to look at him, “Are you serious?” Jean looked surprised at your outburst. “You asked me what was wrong and then ignored me.” 
“When did I ignore you? When I looked at Eren?” Sure it was Eren. “He was yelling again of course I was looking at him. It’s hard not to when he’s making a scene.” 
Holding up your hands you stepped back from him,“You were looking at Mikasa. I saw you, you’re always looking at Mikasa.” You couldn’t hold back the bitterness. Even if there was nothing you could do about it, you were still bitter. 
Jean was quiet for a few seconds, you could see him holding something back but you didn’t know what. “It wasn’t-” he stopped himself, “You saw wrong.” 
The same blush from earlier was coming back to his face and it sent you over the edge. The annoyance, the jealousy and the heartbreak bubbled out of you. “Why her?” Jean’s eyebrows raised but you continued. “She doesn’t… she doesn’t care about you like that. You know that. You know she’ll only ever see you as a friend.” Maybe it was cruel to say but you couldn’t stop it. “You look at her like she’s everything and you don’t even notice that… that I would give you everything.” The laugh that escaped you was almost hysterical. You regretted the words but you continued. “You know how it feels when you look at Mikasa and she’s staring at Eren? That’s what it’s like when I look at you. Every time I think I’ve done something to get your attention you don’t notice!”
Letting out a frustrated groan you noticed Jean reaching out to you and you jerked your arm away, “Y/N…” 
Wrapping your arms around yourself you closed your eyes, you needed to calm down. You were so close to breaking down in front of him, if what you were doing now wasn’t already considered a breakdown. “Just tell me why it’s her.” Still you didn’t look at him, “Tell me what’s wrong with me, why everything I’ve done to get your attention doesn’t work?” He didn’t say anything, of course he didn’t. You weren’t sure what you expected, Jean wasn’t good with emotions. You knew that. 
Not to mention the fact that he didn’t like hurting his friends and he knew that whatever answer he gave would hurt. But his silence was enough of an answer for you. Nodding to yourself you turned towards him, forcing a smile. You didn’t want to make him feel bad, that was why you were trying to get away from him. “Jean don’t worry ab-” Before you could finish speaking his hands were on your face and his lips were against yours. 
For a few seconds you were frozen, your mind trying to catch up with the fact that Jean was kissing you. Slowly your hands moved to rest on his raised arms, barely able to kiss back before Jean was pulling away, his hands still holding onto your face. “Mikasa was safe. I knew she didn’t like me I couldn’t… risk messing up with you.” His tongue darted out to wet his lips and you couldn’t look away. “But I always notice you. I’ve always noticed you.” And you believed him, everything in you believed him. 
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