petraevesplace · 1 year
Flower Language for Jugdral, Pt. 3
Tailtiu- Crocus: Cheerfulness, innocence, spirit of positivity, new beginnings, youthful, abuse not, the best days have passed us
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Claud- Penstemon: Spiritual knowledge, inner strength, gentle courage, understanding, risks of the heart
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Arvis- Wisteria: Serious devotion, inspiration, creative expansion, success, good luck especially for the start of a business or new marriage, welcome, wisdom gained from a long life, humility, reflection, endurance in the face of heartache, sadness, sacrifice
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Eldigan- Daffodil: Regard, chivalry, respect, new beginnings, hope, memories, forgiveness, omen of misfortune
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Rahna- White Jasmine: Motherhood, love, respect, beauty, hospitality, honor, warmth, sensitivity, gifted to leaders
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Byron- Hawthorn: Protection, hope, longevity, faith, love, best wishes for others’ well-being, attract misfortune
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Annand- White Camellia: Admiration, perfection, respect, care without romantic interest, devotion, death
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Lombard- Black Hollyhock: Ambition, status, nobility, fruitfulness, powerful presence
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Reptor- Muscari: Power, confidence, wisdom, disappointment, death
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Aida- Rhododendron: Warning, danger, rarity, hard work, danger beneath beautiful outer appearances, used to indicate someone is making the wrong choice, temptation, caution, harbinger of adversity to come
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juls-art · 5 months
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Terrance, another beloved oc from yonder years u vu
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edmundthearchwizard · 1 month
Some Genealogy of the Holy War gen 1 memes.
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sukimas · 1 year
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"hey guys where's everybody else?"
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jadeddangel · 6 months
lute with an exterminator reader? And maybe with some added angst of reader dying or getting extremely injured
"Just a few more breaths..."
Lute x reader
Summary: During the attack on the hazbin Hotel, you, lute's partner gets significantly wounded and is given the choice between saving you and Adam.
Warnings:Cussing, Graphic Violence, Talk of Death, abandonment issues, Angst
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You and Lute were sharing short kisses in the alley, desperate for any form of touch from the other. It was only 15 minutes until the attack on the hotel, Lute had begged you to be left out of the attack to Adam but Adam made the decision to keep you in due to needing "all hands on desk". So, instead of training, Lute had been spending as much time with you as possible. She was terrified of losing someone who actually loved her, someone who didn't want to lose her..Lute held you closer to her body, nuzzling into your feathered neck.
It had been almost 15 minutes since you and Lute had separated, and the fight was well.. gruesome, bloodstained dirt that had developed into a deep covered mud. Lute and Vaggie were in a rough tossle in the hotel as they both fought for their lives and well.. love. As cracks began to litter all over the concrete walls of the Hazbin hotel, the walls began to Crack under the pressure of the aggressive fight between Lucifer, The King of Hell, and Adam, The First Man.
You were fighting against the cannibals, tossing them over your shoulder when they cane close enough to push their teeth into your body. You had lost chunks of your wings and arms when the cannibals had gotten close. Your body was in a searing pain from what seemed to be angelic weapon encrusted teeth that they had. But you hadn't given them the pleasure of hearing your cries and/or screams. You were probably bleeding out of major arteries, but at this point, your mind had turned off pain reptors to your body. That wad until you were starting to get dizzy from blood loss, it felt like you were dying all over again... and it was... scary.. you hadn't been scared in so long...
The building finally collapsed, and all attention was on the giant pile of rubble as you saw your girlfriend, Lute, dive out of the building holding her bleeding stub where her arm once was.
"Lute!!" You screamed, pushing the cannibals off of your bleeding body using your wings as best as you could to soar over to Lute helping her up out of pity. Lute stood and pushed you away from her, "Don't focus on me! Get that fucking brat of lucifer's!" Lute yelled not even bothering to look at you or your wounds knowing she wouldn't be able to stop herself from babying you, if she knew you were hurt.
You flinched and moved back from Lute and pulled your wings in. She had never yelled at you. Suddenly, you saw vaggie dive in and push Lute to the ground, both of them quickly wrestling for dominance. You were panicking a bit, causing you to drop your guard, allowing The cat demon, Husk, the opportunity to sneak behind you, holding one of his divine cards to your neck.
As if on cue, you heard Adam begin screaming and giving a speech, "No! You don't get to end this! I'm fucking Adam! I'm THE fucking man, and you're just some fucking clown or something. I started everything on Earth! All of mankind came from these fucking nuts! You all should be worshipping me! You ungrateful, disgusting, fucking, LOSERS!!!" Adam screamed at Charlie and the surviving demons and then suddenly and out of nowhere, Squelch!! .It was sickening as everyone paused to watch the large divine sewing needle piercing through Adam's gut. Lucifer poked at his own gut, "Uhm, you've got a little something, like right there" Lucifer didn't really flinch or show any form of discomfort. Adam fell to his knees and then onto his stomach, you heard Lute scream and push vaggie off of her, rushing to Adam shaking him and tuning him over letting out cries and screams. You couldn't bear to look anymore as you shifted your gaze to the ground, you were too scared to move to much knowing your throat could be slit at any moment.
Lute turned her gaze towards you, noticing the danger. She knew she had to choose between you and Adam. It was a blur. All you remember is falling to the ground suddenly and your neck burning with a ferocity that you had never felt before. Your hands gripped onto your neck, feeling the warm feeling of blood, "Oh.." he had barely missed your jugular and windpipe, but it still didn't hurt. You heard a loud scream and heard a Lute rush to you laying your head in her lap, "no no no no.. not you, please.. please.. I can't lose you and Adam.. I don't wanna choose.." Lute, let out sobs punching over your body. You reached up and held lutes cheek, "Hey hey.. don't cry.." You croaked out struggling to breathe and speak. You had never seen lute cry so much. Slowly, all of the demons around you connected the fact that you were, in fact, lovers from body language. Vaggie walked closer, "Lute.. I.. I didn't realize you guys were still.." Vaggie started. Lute held your body closer to her, gritting her teeth, "Haven't you done enough?!!" Lute yelled through tears, holding you closer to her body.
Vaggie hesitated and backed up, putting her arm out defensively in front of Charlie, though Charlie was quite far behind her. Lute's lip quivered and held you closer to her, "Hey Lute?... i-i.. if I don't make it..." You started feeling your vision start to go black. "No, no, don't.. I'm not gonna let anything happen! We made plans! We... we were gonna have dinner together..get a pet together.. you said nothing would happen.. you said you would be fine.. I can fix this.. I can fix this.. this is all my fault.. I should have pushed to let you stay..I-I can fix this.. This is all my fault!!.." Lute ranted, only to be caught off by your loud coughs and blood splattering on her face. "Lute!.." you yelled the best you could. Your body was trembling against your will. "It's not your fault, Lute, I... it's not your fault.." You repeated gripping onto Lute's feathered neck. Lute held you closer to her understanding that she had no control over this anymore.
You couldn't see anymore, "I love you L-... Lute.." You struggled as you breathed out, passing out, making your body go limp...
Ending 1(you survive):
You shot up as you awoke, and you held your neck, remembering the struggling to breathe and the pain of the cut. You were shaking in pain as your head was on a swivel as you looked around paranoid. You recognized where you were. It was one of the angelic hospitals, It was mainly just for injuries from training with the angelic weapons. You felt yourself relax as you finally felt the large amount of pain from all over your body. It was from the bites, the stabs, and... the... the wound that almost killed you... You swung your legs off of the hospital bed, looking around terrified. Wait.. where was lute?! She came too, right? She hadn't stayed down there, right?! Your mind was racing as you heard talking outside of the hospital room and them the door opening to the hospital room. Your eyes flipped up to the person who had entered the room. You held your breath reflexively before relaxing, seeing Lute's familiar face, "I... wait.. Lute?..." you whispered, your voice was hoarse from the lack of use. Lute rushed to you and hugged you tightly, pulling you closer desperately, "You're ok!!" Lute yelled in surprise, sniffling a bit as she began crying in happiness. Turns out you had been in the hospital for about 2 months and had gone into critical care multiple times due to your weakened immune system. After you had gotten released to be able to go home, you and Lute had gotten promoted as commanders of the exorcist army. You had adopted a little angelic kitten and named it Adam. It was your guys' way of mourning the loss.
Ending 2(Reincarnated as a demon):
You shot awake holding your neck and looking around searching for the destruction you had caused, but nothing.. You looked down at your hands and froze.. your skin looked wrong.. you weren't in pain, though.. you reached up to feel for your halo but didn't feel it.. instead, you felt 2 rough horns that were so sharp that you nearly pierced through your palms. You let out a hiss of pain as you got up. You still had wings, but they were black with red splotches where you had been bitten and where chunks had been ripped out. You looked all over your body, noticing that the pattern had carried over your body. You were almost pitch black in color aside from red that had been where all of your scars were. And then, you connected all the pieces and headed straight to the pride ring, trying to get back to Lute.. trying to get back home...
Ending 3(???):
You opened your eyes slowly, before squinting them, there was a bright light, it was almost like... the sun? Your eyes adjusted after a moment as you opened your eyes completely. There was tall grass and tall cedar trees... it was beautiful.. it was somewhere you and Lute had always talked about.. You were in a large clearing that was surrounded by flowers and mushrooms that didn't seem poisonous or harmful. You saw smoke in the distance as you slowly walked forward.. you felt drawn to it almost.. You slowly followed the flowers that had almost created a trail towards where the smoke was.. You followed the "trail" and found a pretty little cabin. It was perfect. You opened the door to the cabin, I mean, the place seemed safe enough so it couldn't be too bad.You opened the door to see... Lute? She was in the kitchen. The sunlight licked at the window, leaving a golden glow on the window paine since the sun was sitting on the horizon. Lute was pouring steaming hot water into 2 cups that were in front of her before looking up at you, "Welcome home my love, make sure you close the door behind you, we wouldn't want Adam getting out again" Lute laughed a bit, she seemed relaxed. You tilted your head confused at the name until you saw a golden, almost ginger colored cat approach you rubbing against your legs affectionately. You shut the door softly before picking up the kitten, "What are you making?" You asked quietly. "Wellll I didn't know if you wanted coffee or tea, so I made your favorite kind of tea!" Lute smiled at you brightly. She approached you, holding the cups before holding one out to you. You smiled, setting the cat down and taking the cup, "I figured we could cuddle up on the couch and watch a movie together, maybe?"Lute said. You smiled, "That sounds perfect.. we always did talk about how we could do that forever and how we never wanted it to end.." you muttered. You knew this wasn't real.. but you were happy... and you would be with her for the rest of time..
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Tailtiu / ティルテュ and Ethnia / エスニア
Tailtiu is the middle child of Duke Reptor of Friege and self-proclaimed bodyguard of Father Claud in Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War. She is named after Tailtiu, an Irish goddess and wife of the Fir Bolg's final king. After the Fir Bolg were defeated by the Tuatha Dé Danann in the First Battle of Maige Tuired, some sources like the Book of Invasions claim that Tailtiu became the foster mother of the god Lugh. She died of exhaustion after clearing the fields of Ireland for agricultural purposes; her foster son memorialized her by holding the Tailteann Games, an Olympics-esque event held in Teltown - named after the goddess by her husband. This ceremony would evolve into what is now known as Lughnasadh, a Gaelic harvest festival. In Fire Emblem, Tailtiu being on the losing side of history may have been a loose interpretation of the Fir Bolg's loss against the Tuatha Dé Danann. Additionally, her death - her body giving out after years of abuse at the hands of her aunt - seems to have a loose parallel to the goddess dying by pushing her body to her limits. Tailtiu's character also reflects both aspects of the Tailteann Games: her bubbly and energetic personality can be interpreted as a reflection of the celebration and the atheltics of the event. However, the Tailteann Games also mourned not just the death of Tailtiu, but honored all of the fallen. This may have been adapted not just in her own tragic death but in her much more dour mindset following her joining Sigurd's army.
In Japanese, Tailtiu's name is ティルテュ (rōmaji: tirutyu), officially romanized as Tailto. There doesn't seem to be a most common rendering of the name Tailtiu in Japanese, but the two most common forms I've seen are ティルテュ, as seen here, or タルトゥ (rōmaji: tarutu).
Ethnia (JP: エスニア; rōmaji: esunia) is Tailtiu's younger sister and mother of Amid and Linda. Her Japanese name is but one of numerous renderings of Ethniu, also called Ethlinn, the daughter of the Fomorian King Balor kept at the top of a tower to keep her from birthing a prophecized son. Eventually Cían - a member of the tribal rival of the Tuatha Dé Danann - makes his way into the tower, and the two fall in love, though they cannot stay together. Upon the birth of their son Lugh, the child is cast out to sea but manages to survive. The name primarily serves as forming a parallel to Tailtiu, making these sisters named after both Lugh's biological and adoptive mothers. Ethniu also experienced a much more direct tragedy, having to part from her beloved and having her child taken from her and presumed to be dead.
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lumenfilia · 2 years
cont. from here // @zephyntus
he doesn't have any memories of his mother, least not ones where he remembers what she looks like. he knows of hair the same color his and has an inkling of knowledge of her sunny disposition— one which he recognizes now has a mask she put on to keep her kids from despairing over their situation.
tailtiu.  that's what she says her name is. her hair is the same color as his and she smiles up at him but he can tell there is something more behind the look she gives him. he wanted to believe it her badly, but what are the odds his mother would come back from the dead?
thinking logistically. none.
so he doesn't believe her. "arthur," he finally speaks after a moment of silence on his end, shoulders stiffening. someone claiming to be his dead mother— this is not something he can strategize his way out of.  with a deep breath his voice turns accusatory.  "what reason do you have to lie about your name like that?" he asks, being only as polite as he can manage in a situation like this. really he'd like to shout at her for using his dead mother's name, but what good will that do here? no good at all.
As soon as he speaks his name, Tailtiu feels emotions rush over her like the tide. Arthur. Arthur. If she could savor that sound, hear it in his voice a thousand more times. Her son, her Arthur. The boy she couldn’t save-
And then he practically spits his next words at her feet, saved only by the thinnest veil of politeness she has perhaps ever seen.
“To... lie about my name? You’re kidding.” He isn’t. Tailtiu’s throat feels dry. “It’s the only name I’ve ever had. Tailtiu, House Friege, daughter of Reptor and all that. Velthomer, I guess, if you’re angling for specifics, but...”
Every word feels a breath closer to crying. She wonders if he hears the desperation behind them. “...you know all of that, I think.”
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randomnameless · 1 year
If I can be the devil's advocate, the victim blaming helps illustrate how misguided Supreme Leader is and is one of the few aspects that support her status as the villain/antagonist. (And if anyone defends victim blaming especially wrt imperialism, yikes).
You're not playing devil's advocate anon, rather IS/KT's lol
If the devs didn't bail out at the last moment - CF and Supreme Leader could have been fascinating bonuses for the FE series, play as the red emperor - see how the red emperor recruits/their tactics to keep the population ignorant at large and demonise the people they're attacking, etc, etc...
But no, instead Supreme Leader wondering why people are not happy when she's Aymr'ing them is played seriously, and we're left puzzled with the character we see, are we supposed to follow Flamey - who lies and manipulates people, ultimately ditching them when they're useless - on her quest to conquer the world, seeing how this manipulation works, the "must have good PR" tactics unfold etc etc?
Because that's part of what we see in Tru Piss - the lie about Rhea using Nukes, the lie about "unlike u i let people go when i stormed Garreg Mach" and the Aeneid approved "what is a pincer attack?" where Supreme Leader apparently marvels at how the "pincing" army supposedly waited until the first army was already ko to intervene, limiting their losses - when it's just a pincer attack with added plot rain -
And then we have the brainfart moments "why are people resisting?" that completely retcon the entire "uwu blood at my feet" because, hey, you knew blood would rain since you uwu'd about it, so why now you're wondering why people are dying? - that is also played seriously, are we following Flamey and a red Emperor, or someone who thought she was playing with dolls and forgot her own words?
Everything falls flat when the games give the victim blaming lines to other factions, aka the victims themselves!
Like in
(SS's worst support)
I get victim blaming when you're siding/following the red emperor's mindset, because PR, or maybe because they're delured enough to think they're doing this for the "great-err good" - but the invaded parties?
Where the fuck in FE Tellius are people telling Ike started Ashnard's war because he sheltered Elincia? Sigurd pretty much says "fuck off" to people telling him Granvalle might hate him for, hm, sheltering the Prince of an enemy nation instead of dicing him in cubes, because said prince is only a kid in hiding and Siggy will protect him (which will of course be used as an argument leading to his downfall) - When Reptor and Langobalt (and Andrei don't forget him!!!) attack Sigurd and deem him a traitor, Sigurd doesn't think they're right and it's his fault if he and his men are branded traitors because they rescued a child, no, he wants to cleanse his (and his father's !) name by rekting the aforementioned dudes.
Unless we're supposed to understand Supreme Leader's information campaign reached far and wide, why the world blames the Central Church, you know, the Elincia who was kicked out of her home, for the start of the War? What were they supposed to do? Die ?
I still have to check with friends about the accurate translation, but Supreme Leader's battle lines even in Nopes, lampshade this victim blaming, telling the Nabateans or Church peeps she's only fighting because they do like -
you want them gone and they want to survive, it suspiciously looks like some "it's your fault I have to smack you/you made me do this" - but hey, from the Red Emperor, it's normal, they deflect and redirect the blame because they are the Red Emperor, and they manipulate, it's their MO (even if Supreme Leader's quite weak compared to people like Ashnard or Arvis who legit framed Siggy!).
And that's where the Hresvelg Grey pours like an endless fountain - the victims will never be allowed a voice to the chapter - the plot ignores them and so it's their fault, and nothing says the contrary. It's because Rhea is so BaD and sekritly controls the World that Supreme Leader has to invade the Alliance who pretty much doesn't give a fuck about what Rhea says or does.
And no one will ever point that out.
In a nutshell, I love Tru Piss as a concept, the unreliable words you're told vs the world you see - the contradictions between your side's story and the rest of Fodlan, how the dissonance is too strong and culminates with "Rhea BaD she razed Arianrhod" and yet... nothing comes from this. The plot warps at the 11h59 hour to fit with the "world as you're told" and Tru Piss shines on Fodlan.
Sothis forgots you've terminated her daughter (and maybe son+granddaugther?) because Supreme Leader doesn't believe in... Sothis, or how she fulfills her fated enemies agenda to have brainsex with Billy and shares with them some of her power to make sure they still live as she poofs in oblivion if she wasn't S-supported - completely retconning what we knew of Sothis (the supposed loving mother) and what we will later learn about her (the vengeful being who's pretty pissed at people who slaughter her kin).
TLDR : Fodlan's victim blaming could have been better implemented in the Red Emperor "information campaign" to depict how warped information is, in times of war, or in general, the dangers of misinformation coupled with a charismatic person's spouting utter shit to justify... something that is not justifiable. But Tea must be sold, and so everyone buys the "information campaign" even if the world screams against it.
Victim blaming becomes unsufferable in Nopes and in the worst support ever, Rhea's straight out asking Billy if the war - eating nukes, being tortured in Enbarr for 5 years, a continental war, disparition of civilians, Baldos and Waldis being manufactured, etc etc - is her fault and Billy never saying "of fucking course no".
When Ninian blames herself for Elbert's death, Eliwood tells her it's not her fault, Elbert died trying to do what he thought was just, and Nergal was the one who killed him.
Oh well.
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louvay · 6 months
Congratulations, human, you have won the gift of Callisti Apple! You must hand it to a Jugdrali first gen, and I'll teleport you back to your world. See, I need to dispose of this apple somewhere. Getting tired seeing unending wars somewhere with magical blondes, curious giant horse, and some Helen from finance department!
We give the apple to Arvis, telling him it is the apple of a love goddess and he will obviously give it to Deirdre, telling her that she is the only queen deserving of living through this war. This of course, causes Lombard and Reptor to turn their suspicions against him after he blurted that out and thus we have Velthomer + Belhalla going head to head against Friege, Dozel and with Andrei’s help, Yngvi.
So basically the entirety of Chapter 5 of Fe4 has no enemies, Travant isn’t hired by Arvis to deal with Sigurd because he’s too busy fighting the other conspirators and thus literally most of Sigurd’s army will live at the end because the bad guys basically marked each other for death and Arvis can’t pull off a Belhalla BBQ because his army is destroyed. At least his words were true, Deirdre did indeed survive the war.
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ulircursed · 7 months
♡ mananan would've made a better match for ayra i think (sorry andrei) but he didn't arrange a marriage at all so let's just roll with it
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from here! holy shit who is this guy changing the hair color changed everything
(the twins are here too! yeah, they get three children bc i do not like to shadow realm one of a pair of twins. they look the same as they do in canon bless u ayra and ur black hair)
but oh god ok in this au, ring reacted faster than all the conspirators and actually advised kurth to bring an entourage to meet mananan at the edge of the ribaut clan before reptor could assassinate the isacchian king. they get their peace treaty and the war ends! in exchange, mananan agrees (is forced to agree) to send ayra to grannvale to marry. because... something something od holy blood. maybe they take shannan too. anyway they are basically political prisoners grannvale is just too polite to say so.
and so she is wed to andrei, as the son of duke ring. at this point in my hc he has been officially declared heir i think. andrei makes no attempt to treat ayra as anything but a political prisoner, knowing that the chances of him having a major blooded child with a minor blood from a whole 'nother crusader are slim to none. at the same time, with ring right there and no conspiracy on the horizon (yet), it's not like andrei will do anything too crazy of his own accord (i've said this before, but while his relationship with ring wasn't good, it also wasn't bad enough that he would've at all wanted to kill his father without an outside reason). so they have a child.
meet black haired 'scipio'
the kid is born with only minor od blood. this is not great for andrei's mental health, and andrei makes his disappointment known to the kid from the moment he is consciously aware of his surroundings. at the same time, political prisoner ayra wasn't exactly encouraged to form a bond with her child so he also doesn't have a mother's support throughout all this
he ends up inheriting his father's self-worth issues wholesale, but worse bc at least father had minor ullr blood??? he has Nothing except the Political Prisoner's Bad Blood. hates himself deeply but tries to keep up a haughty appearance to cover that up. inferiority-superiority complex to the extreme
he will become a master knight in this iteration. gotta prove himself and his nonexistent self-worth u know
a few years later, the twins are also born! they have minor ullr blood and andrei ends up deciding that's worse, the idea that ullr's legacy is being mixed with another crusader's blood. when i say he doesn't have a healthy attitude re: ullr this is what i mean. he ends up liking the twins even less than 'scipio', and edain is aware of this.
ANYWAY back to the lore. a large part of the tellius gen i asks is just figuring out how we even get here ahaha. eventually, the conspirators find a chance during a big event that andrei is expected to bring ayra, and assassinate kurth during that time, blaming the whole thing on ayra but also insinuating that chalphy and yngvi were in on it. they publicly execute ayra and order that mananan and mariccle answer for their family member's crimes or they'll like. kill shannan too.
at this point byron and ring figure out what's going on, and they rescue shannan and get sigurd to smuggle him out of the country using the excuse of political visits to the surrounding nations. the yied desert is no longer a viable route at this point bc reptor and lombard would have troops there to intercept them, so sigurd plans to get to isaach via going through verdane and agustria then getting a ship north to silesse and then to isaach. he leaves with some of his friends, edain included, and edain brings her niece and nephew the twins, thinking that this might make their cover story of innocent visits more convincing if they brought children along (shannan is also along but he's the whole point of the excursion so he has to hide at all times). andrei then kills ring, takes the duchy and throws in his lot with the conspiracy 'for yngvi's sake'. byron also is killed.
everything that happens in canon with sigurd's party happens at this point, even though it's a little bit late. manfroy pulls strings behind the scenes to convince both verdane and agustria that sigurd is here to conquer them instead of basically just. smuggling a small child. and so they run into Problems along the way. he meets deirdre, they have seliph, manfroy comes in with a steel chair, etc etc. anyway the gang is in silesse when they receive news that mananan and mariccle are both dead, isaach has officially fallen, and grannvale knows what sigurd and co are up to and they'd best come back before they're all labeled as traitors. chapter 5 happens and the people/kids who do escape originally still escape.
ok the story took a huge extra few years to get back on track but ultimately everything stays the same, except scipio now has black hair, od blood and hates himself more. sorry.
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irysan · 2 years
Spitballing a Fire Emblem Jugdral mod for a Paradox Grand Strategy game + Some Alt History Ideas
This idea originally started off as thinking about a Europa Universalis 4 mod since that's the only paradox game I've played, but thinking about it later, Crusader Kings is almost certainly a better choice. I just don't know the mechanics as well so what follows is mostly alt history ideas with some EU4 mechanics that I think exist in some capacity in CK. The primary religion of most of Jugdral would be something resembling either the way different Islamic Schools work in EU4, or like Hinduism with every nation being locked into choosing patron Deities representing the founding Dragon of that country. Cult of Loptyr would exist in a few scattered provinces.
Grannvale would probably be something resembling the HRE, with Belhalla as The Emperor. Their heir dies at war with Isaach, and a regency council is implemented for Belhalla given Azmur is too sick to rule. This council would comprise of Reptor, Lombard, Arvis, Ring, Byron, Claud.
Chalphy would have a unique mission tree and events to subjugate surrounding territories and incorporate them into the Empire's territory, and Sigurd would be heir for the earlygame, with insane general stats. Event would fire giving him Consort Deidre of unknown Dynasty. Verdane probably has razing mechanics so Horde-esque government. Agustria probably has Eastern tech or some kind of boost to cav to infantry ratio. Artillery probably get represented by Mages depending on tech group and Archers (which are worse) are what you get if you don't have the right tech.
If Sigurd succeeds in subjugating Agustria, a event will fire with most members of Grannvale declaring a coalition war on Chalphy, Silesse will ally Chalphy but be having a pretender war rebel problem that has to be sorted out first.
Winning that war triggers the event where Arvis assassinates Sigurd and Revokes the Privilegia. Gen 2 then follows as you'd expect with state religion being changed to Cult of Loptyr for the Empire, and this leading to a revolution with Seliph at the head of it.
But, more interesting than this is the potential for alt history. What if Sigurd dies early?
Well, presumably, Grannvale descends into a Civil War. If Veltholmer comes out on top, the same broad plot will unfold, Arvis will just have to finish the subjugation missions himself before Gen 2 can fire.
If another Grannvale Duke wins, then we'll assume Julius has been born already and Manfroy takes him away. Manfroy can then start his own revolution with Julius at the head, and Julius himself would not be Literally Just Loptyr at this point, so he'd take a similar role to Seliph. There might be some kind of event chain that could be used to delay him falling to Loptyr possession, because it could get pretty interesting if he hasn't consolidated power yet but changes state religion to the Cult, you could get another internal conflict, possibly between him and Julia (religious league war).
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Ah damn, all of Reptor's army falls once you kill him.
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Poor Sigurd doesn't get to make it to level 30.
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Halloween Themed Latin Names
Ignis + Agnis - from Ignis
Neco + Nico + Necco - from Necō
Specto + Hector + Specta - from Spectō
Vesper + Vespa + Ves - from Vesper
Voco + Volo + Voci - from Vocō
Bestia + Beast - from Bēstia
Ira - from Īra
Corpus + Cor - from Corpus
Luna + Lunas + Lunae - from Lūna
Cremo + Cremat - from Cremō
Sica - from Sīca
Fleo + Flo + Feo - from Fleō
Silva + Silvia + Silvan - from Silva
Periculum + Perri - from Perīculum
Nihil - from Nihil
Repto + Reptor - from Reptō
Ululo + Ludo - from Ululō
Vasto + Vas + Vato - from Vastō
Antiquus + Antique + Antiq - from Antīquus
Avarus + Avar + Avrus - from Avārus
Caldus + Cad + Calus - from Caldus
Ferus + Fe - from Ferus
Iratus + Irat - from Īrātus
Foedus + Foe - from Foedus
Malus + Mal - from Malus
Ater + Aer - from Āter
Deleo + Del + Deo - from Dēleō
Nox + Noctis + Noc - from Nox
Mordeo + Mord - from Mordeō
Terreo + Terr + Teo - from Terrō
Mors + Mortis + Mort - from Mortis
Timeo + Tio + Ieo - from Timeō
Cetus + Cet + Etu - from Cētus
Veneum + Vene + Venum + Venom - from Venēum
Tenebrae + Tenbra + Teb + Tebra - from Tenēbrae
Luceo + Lux + Luc - from Lūceō and Lux
Draco + Drac + Dac - from Draco
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eat-a-dicker · 3 days
it is extremely funny how fe4's first gen would have won the war if they did. y'know. stormed grannvale and had taken down reptor and arvis. sigurd was right, but he died because he was told by everyone to play respectability politics
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sukimas · 2 years
everyone gives sigurd such a hard time for being a dumb fuck but arvis started off by trusting the guys who literally told him they wanted to bring loptous back from the dead. he then immediately got rid of prince kurth, who was absolutely not fucking and thus would have no heir besides A Surprise Tool That Will Help Us Later, because he couldn't wait five seconds to take over the world. it doesn't get better from there. he tricks langbalt and reptor but only because they think that the balance of power is different to what it is. he does nothing to ameliorate the fact that his son has a chance of being turbocursed, which is handily revealed by a literal birthmark. when his son DOES get turbocursed, he immediately gives up on doing anything about it except trying to kick him out of the country. because that would work. he went into managing an empire after having offed eighty percent of the people who could help him manage it. and let's not even get into how he didn't realize about the whole deirdre thing until After the kids were born. the only brilliant mind he ever had was for strategy and politicking and i mean. he is good at those! but my god, man
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Some memes about the start of a recent campaign my friend is DM-ing.
Svena is my character, she's an elf druid.
Sol is my husband's character, he's a half orc fighter.
Reptor (pronounced reptile) is my uncle's character, he's a Dragonborn monk.
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