tob-art · 8 months
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petraevesplace · 1 year
Flower Language for Jugdral, Pt. 3
Tailtiu- Crocus: Cheerfulness, innocence, spirit of positivity, new beginnings, youthful, abuse not, the best days have passed us
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Claud- Penstemon: Spiritual knowledge, inner strength, gentle courage, understanding, risks of the heart
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Arvis- Wisteria: Serious devotion, inspiration, creative expansion, success, good luck especially for the start of a business or new marriage, welcome, wisdom gained from a long life, humility, reflection, endurance in the face of heartache, sadness, sacrifice
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Eldigan- Daffodil: Regard, chivalry, respect, new beginnings, hope, memories, forgiveness, omen of misfortune
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Rahna- White Jasmine: Motherhood, love, respect, beauty, hospitality, honor, warmth, sensitivity, gifted to leaders
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Byron- Hawthorn: Protection, hope, longevity, faith, love, best wishes for others’ well-being, attract misfortune
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Annand- White Camellia: Admiration, perfection, respect, care without romantic interest, devotion, death
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Lombard- Black Hollyhock: Ambition, status, nobility, fruitfulness, powerful presence
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Reptor- Muscari: Power, confidence, wisdom, disappointment, death
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Aida- Rhododendron: Warning, danger, rarity, hard work, danger beneath beautiful outer appearances, used to indicate someone is making the wrong choice, temptation, caution, harbinger of adversity to come
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aidenlydia · 9 months
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Young mShenko first kiss <3 The gentle biotic and his gangster boyfriend~
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sol-consort · 7 months
Consider how funny it is for Kaidan to go from Rahna, a delicate and fragile spring flower with the sweetest heart who got scared by him protecting her.
To Shepard. Especially renegade Shepard.
It's like two opposite extremes.
That's super soldier, first human spectre, made out of steel and titanium Shepard. First human to attend a krogan rite and beat a thrasher maw on foot. First human to kill a reaper time after time after time.
And like no slander on Rahna, she is obviously a very different person with different traits, she sounds very sweet and kind hearted.
But it is hilarious that he went from playing knight in shining armour for a damsel in distress, to getting carried fireman style on Shepard's back multiple times and having Shepard scream commands at him during shootouts. Like Shepard's presence is just so dominanting by itself, imagine a renegade Shepard who puts everyone at their place at every turn.
Home boy thought he'd go for a slightly more adventurous person, not realising he signed up to be the squeeze stress toy for the Atlas of the galaxy carrying the world on their back as the most famous human alive.
That's six-pack Shepard with a sculpted god-like body. That's always in military uniform with everyone addressing them with the utmost respect Shepard. That's knowing how to use every rifle type known to mankind and nerves of steel Shepard. Powerful and dangerous.
That's short-temper and always yelling loud enough over the sound of gunfire and explosions Shepard. That's ordering people to stand down and obey them without question Shepard. That's requiring absolute devotion from their crew and somehow earning it every time they get assigned a new crew Shepard.
Can you imagine how different his life would've been if Rahna just didn't reject him? He would've had an average marriage with the most stereotypical gentle strong husband and delicate sensitive wife relationship. Got an office job maybe or something instead of signing up for the military, rarely used his biotics or just joined C-sec as an officer if he was feeling a little adventurous.
Instead of you know, standing at Shepard's side during war negotiations with admirals to face the reapers. Being taken to cure the genophage, resolve a war that's almost a thousand years old, visit the asari's most sacred temple and witness Shepard stand in front of a reaper like it's nothing while stepping away from the burning laser beam storming their way.
Man that's wild. Kaidan really didn't know what he was in for when he thought his new commanding officer that Anderson introduced him to, is kinda cute and maybe he'll hint at liking them and see if they want to spend some shore leave together. Why not step out of his comfort zone and try a slightly different type than Rahna you know? What's the worst that could happen?
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ayumitsuu · 9 months
I kinda love the conversation between Sigurd n the queen in ch4. Dramatic irony and everything
Big sameeeee~ it’s so cute how she treats him like a son but at the same time, MA’AM. That’s his wife 😭😭😭 PLEASE
Also, the icing on the cake was the convo with Lewyn after where she was like, “Son? What son? The one who ABANDONED me? Nope, haven’t seen him in years.” 🤷‍♀️
QUEEN 👏👏👏 (well obv she is, so ;D)
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nityanandapradhan · 21 days
Watch Pujya Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj | Ishwar TV Streaming Now on JioTV: https://l.tv.jio/5ec56df5
Jaraa dhhyan she suniyeji Janam maran rug katneki medishin in sat sangme he ji 💯🙏
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the-overbear · 9 months
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borat voice my wife
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queen-scribbles · 2 years
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Stole an open tag a while ago, I think from @twiddletaffy to make your Dragon Age OCs in this picrew, went with my canon babes and I could actually get all of them pretty well \o/
Rahna Tabris ∙ Astrid Hawke ∙ Tighe Lavellan
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master-gatherer · 2 years
The more I think about this whole description the more insane I get:
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Text Description:
“Even Systems Alliance Marines Need a Break
Kaidan Alenko might be a badass sentinel marine with powerful biotics that can kick the life out of his adversaries (and commanders who dare to duel). But even this warrior needs a break once in a while. And just like on a sunny day on Earth, a “cold one” in space does the trick. In this Kaidan Alenko statue, you find him seated with his legs crossed, a cold beer in his, and his eyes lost in thought, perhaps about Rahna. His outfit is recreated to perfection, with every little detail from the creases in his folded sleeves to the texture on his pants.”
Okay! So! One by one:
“Kaidan Alenko might be a badass sentinel marine with powerful biotics that can kick the life out of his adversaries (and commanders who dare to duel).”
I just really hate how this is phrased and the word choices in general, but I’m gonna hone in on that parenthetical clause: “commanders who dare to duel.”
Who? Which commander? Because Commander Shepard never dueled Kaidan.
They had a duel/fisticuffs with James. They had a stand-off with Kaidan. But they never dueled Kaidan.
When did they duel Kaidan, Bioware? I would remember if they dueled. I would not shut up about it if they dueled.
“a “cold one” in space does the trick”
I am just fascinated by putting cold one in scare quotes. Like that’s special Mass Effect slang for a beer, and not like... a general colloquialism in the States (and maybe Canada? Canadians let me know.)
(Although if its strictly a States thing that may go a long way to explaining why it’s in quotes.)
Also gotta make sure this ad copy is strictly profesh for our collectible statue of a video game man. Don’t want to get too familiar with potential buyers.
“his eyes lost in thought, perhaps about Rahna.”
I’m not going to go too into this since this is what our little corner of mini-fandom has been focusing on, many others have pointed out the ridiculousness of this.
I will just reiterate what I’ve said elsewhere: whoever wrote this skimmed the fan wiki entry for Kaidan. That is the only explanation I can think of for why they’d name drop a character he mentions twice in the first game, and who is never seen on screen and is mentioned once outside of those particular conversations, if you happen to make the choices to get that dialogue line.
Like the writer was stumped for stuff to put in this description, hopped to the wiki, skimmed the entry about his early life, “oh he loved Rahna, I’ll put that in there, see boss I totally how to weave in game details,” and called it a day. Because I don’t know about you, but if the world was ending around me and I had to fight cyborg zombies all day, I’d be thinking about my high school crush.
The truly baffling thing is this should have been a layup. “His eyes are lost in thought, perhaps about a certain commander....” BOOM! The Shenkos would eat that right up. Particularly since who the fuck else is spending $125 USD on this? You can lean into the romance options on character merch if they’re a romance option. It’d be like if Thane’s body pillow’s description talked about how he missed Irika. Sure, yes, but maybe don’t mention it on the thing you’re selling to people who like to pretend to smooch on him?
Damn I lied, I did go too into this.
“His outfit is recreated to perfection”
Okay this really irked the nerd in me.
This is not his outfit:
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This is his outfit:
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The outfit he’s in for the statue are the fatigues that Shepard wears at the start of Mass Effect 3:
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I don’t know if that has a special name or not, I’m not about that life.
What I AM about are tiny little details like this. You can put Kaidan in that outfit with mods, and he does look good, but that’s not “his” outfit. Hell, his outfit isn’t really “his”, it’s the default casual look for most of the Alliance characters.
It’s not that I don’t like the outfit. I mind that the copy says they’re recreating it “to perfection” and it’s not even his.
Anyway I have had a total of 10 hours of sleep over the last two days (work stuff - don’t ask) and am going to try to rectify that now that this is out of my system. Apologies for grammar/spelling mistakes, again, 10 hours of sleep over two days.
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kaidans-alenko · 2 years
Okay living for the description…however that’s me3 Kaidan and the AUDACITY of them to assume he’s thinking about Rahna and not Shepard….
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takizawakick · 2 years
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rokkzalm · 23 days
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Militant Leader Rahnas
7112BA / 45001F / F67187 / 3A0006 / 515234
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squidwardposting · 11 months
Sometimes I do call it house and not home, cause it stopped feeling like one ...!
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sky-scribbles · 1 year
You know what I really appreciate about Kaidan's character arc? He gets a story about finding self-acceptance and letting himself let go and feel things - but at the same time, he still gets to be an introvert. He still gets to be, in his words, someone who isn't 'the life of the party, who has a lot of friends'.
I mean - in ME1, Kaidan fully admits to a romanced Shepard that he doesn't feel human. When he killed Vyrnnus, he became someone Rahna was afraid of, someone she saw as dangerous... so he holds himself to nigh-impossible standards. 'You never let yourself lose control,' Shepard tells him. He's very, very indirect in a lot of his conversations with Shep, because he's trying so hard not to be too direct, too forward; he's constantly polite and disciplined and professional because he can't be a problem. He can't let anyone see him as unpredictable or dangerous because that's when they start seeing you as terrifying. That's when people you love look at you like you're not human.
But Shepard can encourage him to let himself feel, and show it - 'I might need to loosen up. A little,' he admits, sheepishly - and when you see him again on Horizon, he lets his feelings be open and messy and a Problem. By ME3, he's completely embracing his nature as a biotic, gleefully letting everyone know at the Citadel party that he can Reave now, joining in with the other biotics roasting James in the 'biotics vs strength' argument. He's accepted himself, he knows his friends accept him, and he's letting himself laugh and drink and dance like a complete dork, and he's grown so much, and yet -
And yet, he's still a fundamentally quiet, self-contained person. Maybe I'm just jaded from all the media where introverted characters get told to loosen up, and then they suddenly realise that they do want to be the life of the party now actually. But Kaidan? Kaidan hangs out in the observation deck, perhaps the quietest part of the Normandy - the same place where Samara spent her time, a place where no other characters are present. (Ashley, in comparison, spends a lot of time hanging out in the bar, where there are constantly other characters around). Kaidan's Citadel hangout with Shepard? He doesn't head out onto the Silversun Strip with you like many of the other characters; his ideal evening is cooking a meal for his friend/partner and having a chill time with the two of you. A lot of the conversations you have with him on board ship are quiet, introspective. His hangout place on the Citadel is a quiet Presidium cafe.
It's just... comforting to me. He grows, but he doesn't have to change who he fundamentally is, y'know? ME3 Kaidan is more confident and sociable and (despite everything) happy than ME1 Kaidan, but he's still a guy who's not fond of too much lights or noise or crowds, who's soft-spoken and sensitive, who gets caught up in his own thoughts sometimes. I just really appreciate that.
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sol-consort · 8 months
It would be so ironic if like a paragmatic Shepard ended up on the news one day for sparing a villains life and showing mercy.
And Rahna ends up seeing it and developing a crush on them, maybe even contacting Kaidan after all those years just to ask about his commander.
It would be extra funny if Kaidan was already seeing Shepard in a non offical way, where they've been flirting but nothing else.
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ayumitsuu · 9 months
Currently on Chapter 4 and that convo wrecked me too... Like noooo I know she doesn't know but NOOOO
I found an amazing thread of FE4 art on Twitter where the artist is just like "oh no" at that scene. That's all of us. ;'D
Oh no... OH. NO.
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