#reptile expos
I'm attending an reptile expo for the first time since my husband is not on-board with owning a reptile and he's happy to give me an outlet for my snake obsession 😁. Do you have any dos or don'ts for decorum or general practice? Anything I should look out for/avoid?
So exciting, I hope you have a great time!
Feel free to take your time looking around! No one will be annoyed if you spend a good amount of time just looking, even if you're not buying anything
Be considerate of space, however. Reptile expos are often held in pretty crowded smaller venue halls, so be considerate that you're not blocking the view for others or standing in the middle of tight aisles
Ask to hold some reptiles if you'd like - some vendors will likely have snakes out chilling with them, and are often happy to let attendees hold or touch them
At expos, you'll often see smaller snakes especially displayed in deli cups. This is fine because they're very convenient ways to display snakes and take them home from the expo, and you can pick them up to get a better look - but be careful with them! You wouldn't believe how often I've seen people basically slam snakes around in those cups.
Make small talk and ask questions! Lots of vendors will be happy to engage in conversation about their reptiles and their care
Ask about expo events! Lots of expos will have talks and presentations from reptile education organizations (you might meet someone like me!)
Ask to hold every reptile you see - good etiquette is that if an animal isn't already out being held and passed around by their owner, only ask to hold them if you're seriously considering a purchase
Hold all of a vendor's attention - many will be more than happy to talk, and most people will be super enthusiastic about it, but do be considerate of their time and the fact that they'll want to be easily available for all attendees
Block the flow of traffic. Especially at crowded times and at small venue halls, there can be bottlenecks around vendor tables. Take your time, don't feel like you have to rush, but if it's getting crowded in one spot don't be afraid to move on and loop back around. I've witnessed many a traffic jam at crowded expos that could've been prevented.
Bringing hand sanitizer is always a good idea, too. I hope you have a nice time!
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crestiegeckos · 14 days
They canceled the biggest reptile expo in my area today :/ I'm so bummed, I was so excited, we rarely have anything fun/big around here, so I was really pumped. Sorry for the small rant
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Nothing beats a hands on reptile show or reptile party in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. Whether you live here or are passing through, the best reptile shows in Australia are here. Learn more about kids reptile parties, adult reptile expos and more at http://www.reptileshows.com.au and make it a date.
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kedreeva · 1 year
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I was vending at the reptile expo when I felt a little tug on the back of my shirt and suddenly I had a baby to keep me company. He was very tired of being manhandled by the small child he belonged to, and slept up on my shoulder in peace for about an hour before stealing some of my water and heading back to his own people.
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finiel · 2 months
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modern unicorn (they/them)
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ashmcgivern · 3 days
Help me name this Gecko
I have a new friend!! But I cannot decide on which name is best!! Put me out of my misery and help. They’re a Lined Day Gecko so they will get a lot more colorful as time passes. Don’t know the gender yet and I won’t for several months!!!
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mandsleanan · 7 months
Partner and I were very responsible- we went to the region's autumn Reptile Expo, and only left with one betta.
I always recommend people visit expos and trade shows, even if the primary focus is only tangentially related to your interests. I don't keep herps and I'm a novice with terrariums, but we like to go to gawk at what vendors bring and I peruse the horticulture offerings while Partner looks at the curiosities. Most people specialize in more than one thing, so it's like a treasure hunt.
First row I hit the jackpot- a reptile vendor who bred bettas on the side.
I must have spent fifteen minutes chatting with the owner and trying to decide which one I wanted. I was torn between a bicolor rosetail and a veiltail with coloring I'd never seen before. Since I couldn't decide I asked my partner to pick. They weren't interested in either of those, instead they were completely taken with a tiny male koi plakat shoved to the side in the first row. Not one I would have chosen but then I did hand the reins over.
Thus Mulberry entered our lives.
Frankly I think he should have been a cull. He's runty compared to the other stock the vendor was offering, and his mouth doesn't seem to be constructed quite right. He struggles to grab food. Truly a scrungly little man.
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Then two days into quarantine I can't find the little fucker. It's a 5.5 tank. It's tightly covered. Filled with plants but not so dense I can't find a fish. Not behind the small internal filter, either. That left the filter itself. But there was no reason for him to enter, and it would be a tight fit even for a wee plakat. I opened the top and started pulling out parts anyway. Yep, saw a flash of scales in the murk.
Genius boy had somehow gotten past the two media plates in front and was in the main body, unable to escape. Brilliant little man.
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God's Perfect Idiot.
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niqaboy · 2 months
i love seeing other muslims in public cause like. even if we cant say our salaam's for whatever reason, we just kinda look and nod and smile at each other. solidarity
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marblemartian · 3 months
NARBC dallas is coming up! heres a tip for anyone looking to go, or anyone looking into getting into reptiles for the first time:
breeders are a GREAT resource for information, but remember that a lot of their advice is from "doing this for 30 years". THIS IS A RED FLAG! that doesnt mean that anyone who says this is a bad keeper by ANY means, but this phrase truly means nothing.
has that 30 years been spent keeping these animals in too tight enclosures? animals who dont thrive long term? animals who have bad health, but a keeper who isn't educated enough to realize? animals that have bad genes? upfront, reputable, trustworthy animal keepers and breeders specifically will show you the conditions their animals are in. trustworthy animal keepers will backup their care standards with up to date research and scientific understanding of the animals they keep. if they cannot keep up with current care standards and current biology, which is readily accessible via the internet these days from other trustworthy keepers with degrees and education who can talk the talk AND show off their healthy animals and always strive to improve their quality of life. always ask questions, always do your research, and always be kind. do not buy animals from people who dont know what theyre doing, it gives them the means to continue doing it. as long as you buy from them, theyll continue to sell.
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kingoftieland · 10 months
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My wife and I finally got into the arachnid game recently, adding this beautiful little Curly Hair Tarantula to our family! Obtained at the 2023 NY Metro Reptile Expo, this Tliltocatl albopilosus is native to areas of the rainforest in Nicaragua and Costa Rica and is an opportunistically burrowing species. It’s also a great starter spider, as Curly Hairs are highly adaptable to humidity and temperature changes, feed readily on commercially available crickets and superworms, and are typically docile.
As for her name, the Breaking Bad superfan in me had to go with Lydia – a reference to the woman Todd Alquist becomes obsessed with and the tarantula he keeps after murdering Drew Sharp. 🕷️
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Hi! Inspired by you, i got recently very into snakes and this Sunday i finally went to a small local reptile con! This was the first time I could hold a snake in my hands.
The boa constrictor was very friendly, it wasn't afraid at all and loved to climb on my hands, it was a very sweet snake.
Sending love and thank you for your work!
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Super awesome!! And what a cute little baby! I'm glad you got to have such a cool experience!
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defilerwyrm · 11 months
AifL dragged my ass but who could say no to that little face
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arborix · 3 months
had a pretty major depressive episode and forgot to eat all day then suddenly ate way too much and now I'm back to feeling terrible
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kedreeva · 1 year
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My friend that's been taking me around to the reptile expos just posted up one of her high-white Solomon Island ground boa baby holdbacks from 2019 on morph market and it is killing me. The high white babies like this just keep getting prettier as they get older. Their scales are keeled so it feels like petting a dragon, and they only get like 2-3 feet long (the boys like this) and every time I see one it makes me wish I was still keeping snakes.
She actually posted a bunch of other snakes too, if anyone's interested in acquiring some really cool species! She does ship!
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html-linx · 7 months
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balls balls balls balls balls
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morbidsmenagerie · 5 months
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Went to PACNWRS.
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