#reposting to see if itll show up in the tags this time
kinosternon · 2 years
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I posted 71 times in 2022
That's 56 more posts than 2021!
20 posts created (28%)
51 posts reblogged (72%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 70 of my posts in 2022
Only 1% of my posts had no tags
#haruka nanase - 8 posts
#free! spoilers - 6 posts
#for my own reference - 5 posts
#writing advice - 5 posts
#free! the final stroke second part - 5 posts
#albert volandel - 4 posts
#ikuya kirishima - 4 posts
#rin matsuoka - 4 posts
#free! the final stroke - 4 posts
#about the writer - 4 posts
Longest Tag: 135 characters
#itll be /better/ with a single sentence saying 'and then time passed' than a long drawn out scene that fought you every step of the way
My Top Posts in 2022:
Okay, I'm doing it.
I'm writing a summary for the last Free! movie.
12 notes - Posted April 30, 2022
Hello, I was your secret santa for @natsume-ss this year! I really enjoyed your prompts, so I hope you can enjoy this fic as well ✨
Title: Peace of Mind Relationship: Gen, Natsume Takashi & Tanuma Kaname Prompts used: Gen fic, any kind of reveal fic
He felt frozen, caught between two answers. The first, the easiest, was also one he could never say: It's fine. I'm already taking care of it. The second answer was the one that pertained to what they were really asking, he knew. And the answer was: I have no idea what to do for him right now.
read on AO3
13 notes - Posted December 27, 2022
NaNo 2022: not writing exposition or dialogue but a secret third thing (epistolary novel)
14 notes - Posted November 1, 2022
Official online Nabari Kuji!
Kamatani Yuhki announced recently on their Twitter that a new company is holding an online kuji (lottery) for official Nabari goods! It's rare to see something like this come out so long after a series ends, and I want as many people as possible to get the chance to participate. (According to the site's Q&A, you can register through a third-party company to have prizes shipped internationally, though I haven't tried this myself.)
All the prizes are random, and use official manga/promotional art—prints, badges, magnets, and so on—focusing on a variety of characters.
The kuji runs from today (August 19th, Japan time) through September 30th, 2022. You see what you've won right away after purchasing, but the items themselves won't be shipped till late December, and international shipping will probably cause further delays.
Link coming in reblog because I'd like this to show up in the tag.
17 notes - Posted August 19, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Walthrough: Reposting your old FFNet fics to Ao3
In light of recent rumors that FanFiction.Net might be receiving little/no ongoing support, and could suddenly disappear one day with very little warning, I wanted to offer a resource that might help preserve another fic or two. Just in case.
I'm already keeping a private collection of favorite fics from FFN that I can't bear to lose, but this tutorial isn't for saving other folks' fic. Instead, this tutorial is for people who might want to republish their own fic to Ao3 in a streamlined, relatively painless way.
Using these steps, I was able to upload an entire 16-chapter fic, with all the correct original formatting and without doing any fussy HTML editing, in about an hour. (And that was while making up the steps as I went along!)
What you'll need:
A link to your old FFNet account URL OR the those of the fics you want to save (no login necessary)
Access to a working Ao3 account
A web browser, permission to download zipped HTML files, and an unzipper (most computers have these by default)
How to save your fic for posterity:
Copy the link to the first chapter of the fic on FFN that you want to save. (Right-clicking the title of the fic on your profile and choosing "Copy Link" will do this.)
Go to https://fichub.net/ and paste in the URL. Press Export, then click "Download as zipped HTML." This saves your entire fic at once, no matter how many chapters, with formatting intact. Everyone thank the team who made this tool, because it's amazing.
Navigate to your downloads (or click on the pop-up that'll probably appear) and open the zipped HTML file. It will probably open in your default browser on its own, but you might need to tell it to open by right-clicking the unzipped file and choosing the desired browser. The resulting file should have all the chapters of the fic laid out one after another, with clear breaks between each chapter and the original HTML formatting (including section breaks).
Post a "New Work" in Ao3. (Can't import with FFNet, sadly, which is why this tutorial exists.) Add the title, relevant tags, and summary. (I used my FFNet summary with a note that the fic is crossposted.) Backdate the fic if desired by choosing a publishing date from around the time the fic was written.
Here's the magic part: Switch to Rich Text Mode in the "Work Text" field, then copy-paste the text from your first chapter into the Rich Text Mode window. (Note: You may see the stray space appear around italicized/bolded text, and an extra line break tends to appear between section breaks. Otherwise, though, the formatting is generally very well preserved.)
Optional detail: Hit "Preview," then "Save Draft," then "Add Chapter" to avoid posting any of your chapters till you have them all set up and ready to go.
Side note 1: Don't put an endnote on the end of your Chapter 1. Or if you do, go add a chapter 2 first, and then go back to add a chapter 1 endnote. Otherwise it'll end up at the end of your fic instead. It's a fixable outcome, but an annoying one.
Side note 2: If you use a pseud to post, you'll need to be careful to select the correct pseud for each chapter you upload, or you'll end up being listed as the author twice, once under each pseud you selected. If you notice this happening, it's because you've missed switching one in one or more chapters. This is fixable by checking the author listed under each chapter heading using the "Entire Work" button and keyword searching the username you're trying to get rid of.
While I didn't find a way to post all chapters at once, you can do it pretty quickly in the right order, without skipping, by doing the following steps in a loop:
Press "Entire work" at the top of the page.
Use your browser's "Find in page" function for the text "post chapter".
Hitting the "Post Chapter" button that appears.
Just continue the loop until there's no more "Post Chapter" buttons.
Once your chapters are all uploaded, you're done! Congratulations.
A final note
I know that this latest rumor might be blowing certain hints of FFNet's siterunners' inactivity out of proportion. I know that Ao3 isn't everyone's favorite (though I don't agree with most of those people). And I know, most of all, that some folks would rather some of their older fics not see the light of day anymore, for whatever reason.
But look. I'm a trans guy who used to be a teenage girl who (enthusiastically) wrote Twilight/Doctor Who crossover fanfic. I get it, and yet I'm still managing to stun the part of me that cringes long enough to preserve my stuff, because I think that fic should survive whenever possible.
There are options to help make the cringe factor more manageable. Use a pseud for your older stuff (like me), or to minimize any connection to your current account, you can use the Anonymous collection or the Orphan Work function as soon as you're done posting. Do whatever you need to feel comfortable.
But remember that every creative work is a victory just for existing. Please, if you can, find it in your heart (and your schedule) to preserve your work. Past!you worked hard on it, after all. And besides, you never know who might stumble across it someday exactly when they need it.
(PS: Please let me know about any other FFN preservation efforts, by the way! Hopefully this is all blown out of proportion, but you really can never be too careful.)
376 notes - Posted September 21, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
0 notes
yergink · 4 years
Bravery and a Bowline Ch.3
I think this could partially count as whump, but mostly it's just shameless hurt/comfort. Plus, getting in some Willow POV!
3k words
First Chapter
Crossposted to Ao3
Summary: Willow learns what Walter's afraid of.
Warning for slight medical/wound imagery
It’s nearly sunset when the barking starts.
It begins quietly, as usual. A low rumbling, the mesh of growls upon growls that could almost be mistaken for the sound of the wind rolling over the hills. This time, Webber is the one who hears it first. He’s playing cup-and-ball by the firepit when he freezes suddenly, head lifting in alarm and announcing, “Doggies!”
Within the breath it takes for the warning to register, Willow abandons the strips of meat she’d been hanging on their drying racks, rushing to scoop her spear off the ground and gesturing for the kids to follow her out of camp. Wendy takes a few extra minutes to collect Walter, urging him to hurry. By the time Willow latches the gate shut behind them, Webber’s already started a beeline for the forest where the spider nests sit, dragging an axe in the dirt behind him. Wendy speaks softly to her flower, and after a moment, Abigail bursts out of it, glowing and angry, huddling close to her sister. Willow trusts the two of them will be safe.
Meanwhile, Walter keeps glancing around at all of them, looking confused.
“There are dogs?” he says, carrying a half-asleep Woby in his arms. It makes Willow’s heart ache, just how hopeful his tone is. She’d thought that, upon being here this long, he’d have figured out that there weren’t many things on this wretched island that were friendly.
“These aren’t good dogs,” she warns, taking his arm and leading them away from the camp and towards where the beefalo herds roamed the plains. Walter threads quietly, and she wishes he would move a bit faster.
“All dogs can be good,” he says plainly, like there’s no room for debate. “Maybe Woby can make friends with them.” Willow doesn’t give a reply to that, lacking the heart to argue. She wishes she could have even a fraction of his optimism.
The sun is just a sliver of light above the horizon, and Willow flicks her lighter on anxiously, in anticipation of night. Walter has set Woby down, and she’s threading between his legs, looking worried enough for the both of them. Willow puts a firm hand on Walter’s shoulder. “Listen,” she tells him. “Get a torch ready. Mostly, this’ll come down to avoiding them for as long as you can.” She points to the beefalo. “The dogs love a slow target, so after a while, they’ll get tired of chasing you and go after them instead. Got it?”
Walter nods tersely, still frowning. “Sure… But what do I do while they’re still after me?”
“You’ve got that slingshot on you, right?”
He nods again. It’s tucked away in his back pocket, along with several rounds.
“Shoot ‘em.”
They don’t get much more preparation time than that. Walter readies his slingshot, biting his lip dubiously. The barking is so loud now, Willow knows that any moment the pack will crest the hill, or burst from the grass, teeth bared.
She isn’t let down.  The first hound springs from behind a tuft of grass like it’d simply materialized there, scrambling along the plains with spittle flying from its opened chops as it lunges towards them. Walter starts moving immediately, backing up and taking aim with his slingshot. Willow sees him get a shot into the first hound’s side before the rest of the pack rise to join it.
The first of the hounds reaches it, it’s jaws snapping shut where her arm had been just a moment ago. Willow slashes forward, grazing the tip of the spear along the beast’s face and neck. It loses its balance in the grass, but regains it quickly, snarling as it prepares for another lunge.
Just as it leaps, she stabs the spearpoint into its side, tearing it open and spraying thick, purple blood onto the grass. It attempts another snap at her before it dies, missing sloppily and collapsing. Unfortunately, another one quickly replaces it. She dodges the second hound’s teeth, keeping a distant eye on Walter sprinting around with a torch outstretched as another hound bites at his heels, Woby nowhere to be seen.
She isn’t given much time to divert her attention, as the hound bites at her again, and she just barely manages to avoid it, the yellowed fangs tearing into her sleeve instead of her arm. She swings the rod of the spear into its skull like a baseball bat, then jabs the spearpoint into it, kicking it away when it attempts to jump back up and knock her down. Somewhere behind her, she hears Walter yelp, and her heart sinks. With another good thrust, the hound falls, and she whips her head around, surveying the scene.
The rest of the pack had lost attention in them and had decided to try and attack the herd before being swiftly taken out. She sees the dogs’ bodies, bludgeoned and torn apart by horns, laying across the field. There isn’t time to scavenge, though.
Just then, a familiar high-pitched whine pierces the relative quiet, and it makes Willow’s blood freeze. Before she knows it, she’s squinting through the air, spinning around to pinpoint the source of the sound because that’s Woby’s whine, and something’s wrong because the dog sounds absolutely terrified.
She sees it then, a pinprick of light in the dark, and she sprints towards it, her heartbeat like thunder in her ears.
The light is from a fallen torch, smoldering quietly on the grass, and when Willow emerges from the shadows, she finds Walter sat on the ground beside it, his slingshot discarded and forgotten at his side, and Woby nearly howling in worry.
Immediately, Willow notices that he’s bleeding, and it barely takes a beat for her brain to switch to emergency mode. There’s a set of puncture wounds in his leg, just above his ankle, where a hound’s teeth had sunken in. He’s put his hands over the wound on instinct, pressing down and biting his lip from the pain. Willow quickly kneels, setting her lighter to the side and pulling his hands away.
She hisses air in through her teeth, unable to keep herself from muttering, “Shit,” as she gets a better look. It’s not the worst she’s seen, not by a longshot, but she does notice a spot of white in one of the marks where a fang had snapped off and stayed embedded in the flesh. Walter’s breathing is shallow, rapid and unnatural, and Willow moves to his side, trying to block his view of the wound while she checks him over.
“Hey,” she says, trying to get his attention. “You’re okay. You’re good. We’ll get back to camp and get this wrapped up and you’ll be all set, alright?” It’s hard to see under the blood, but the bite doesn’t look too deep, and the bleeding is sluggish, so she doesn’t think he’s in any immediate danger. She presses around the edges of the wound, feeling for fractures, but he seems to be fine on that front as well. Still, they’re going to need to disinfect it, and it’s sure to take a few days to heal. She silently scolds herself for letting this happen in the first place. She’s supposed to be looking after these kids for fuck’s sake.
She glances back up, ready to help him stand, and falters. Walter’s face has gone totally ashen, and he’s staring down at the blood on his hands like it’s the only thing he can see. His breathing is harsh, tears welling in his eyes. She thinks she can see his hands shaking.
He doesn’t move, even as she nudges him, and Woby keeps yapping and whining like crazy, pawing at his side and licking his face, but he’s barely responding to it. The look on his face makes her worry more than the bite does. It’s this blank, terrified expression that seems so foreign on him.
It makes her remember that, despite all he’s said, despite all the courage he’s shown, he’s still just a kid. Amidst everything, she’d somewhat forgotten that.
“Come on kid, you’re gonna be fine,” she murmurs, reaching for his shoulder. Although then, she hears something, and it gives her pause in the midst of the action, her head whipping back to the surrounding shadows.
From somewhere beyond the torch glow, a low snarl emits, a warning that the danger has not yet passed. Willow stands abruptly, grabbing her lighter and thrusting it out in front of her, trying to get a better view in the dark. The snarl comes again, louder this time. Another hound, still alive, stalking them.
Woby, noticing the still-present danger, whimpers and presses against Willow’s ankle. Willow glances down at the injured and unresponsive boy on the grass and realizes there’s only one thing she can do.
Hurriedly, she scoops Walter up, trying to avoid jostling his injured leg, and starts sprinting back across the field towards camp, hearing the hound’s barks fade behind her as it finds a less mobile target in the beefalo.
She’s got her lighter out, trying her best to avoid holding it too close to Walter’s face. He’s not fireproof like she is. Woby is racing somewhere in the dark alongside them, barking intermittently as if to alert her presence. As they’re running, Walter’s laying with his eyes squeezed shut, face tightened in a grimace. Willow just barely hears him say something over the roar of her pulse.
“What?” she asks.
“...tried to hit it,” he mumbles, and she glances down to find his eyes are cracked just barely open, looking vacantly up at her. “But it was too fast.”
“It’s okay, you did good,” Willow reassures, trying to move faster. Her calves ache, but she figures it might be good to get in a decent panicked run from time to time. It keeps her from getting too complacent.
By the time they reach camp, Webber and Wendy are already back, speaking quietly to each other by the unlatched gate. They both startle as Willow kicks it open, but she doesn’t give either a chance to say anything.
“Sorry we’re late!” she announces, shifting Walter in her arms. She brushes past the two children, avoiding their concerned stares as she ducks into the tent.
It’s warm and stuffy inside, especially compared to the chill late-autumn air, but Walter’s still shivering even as she carries him in. She lets the flap fall closed behind her, but Woby keeps pawing at it, barking anxiously. Willow barely has a moment to set Walter down among the wool blankets before letting the dog in.
Huddled there amongst the wools, Woby nosing up against his side, Walter looks incredibly small. She hadn’t realized how much of his presence relied on his boisterous personality and loud, confident voice. Seeing him like this, so quiet and still, it feels indescribably wrong.
Willow shakes her head. It wasn’t the time to ruminate. She digs out their box of medical supplies before turning her attention back to Walter. Although, when she does, she notices that his gaze seems to be fixated on something just over her shoulder. When Willow looks, she can’t see anything there.
Kneeling to his side, she taps his cheek with her palm, trying to get his attention. With difficulty, his eyes slide to meet hers, and she forces a small smile. “That’s it, kid. Don’t pay those things any mind, okay? It doesn’t help.”
A good night’s sleep would shake Them out of his sight, but for now, there’s a hound bite to deal with.
She opens the medical kit. Usually, in cases of precision treatment, Wilson would be the one to take over. He’s got a steadier hand than most of them, and experience on top of that, which made him the perfect candidate for it. But right now, he’s not here. It’s just Willow, staring down at their small homemade surgical kit, and a kit with a tooth stuck in his leg lying beside her. So she’s going to have to step up to the plate.
Walter’s still kind of out of it, but Woby seems to be doing her best to help in that department, licking his face and resting her paws over his chest. Her presence seems to help; Walter buries his fingers into her fur in long, slow pets.
They have several spider glands cleaned and stored for these sorts of occasions. Willow rips one of them open, wiping her hands clean before wetting a strip of fabric with the juice. The harsh smell of the antiseptic wafts, filling the tent, and she wrinkles her nose as it. Gently, she cleans around the wound, wiping away the blood and clearing the area around the tooth before putting the rag aside and taking the tweezers in hand.
She grips the base of the tooth with the tweezers, just below where it’s widest. The fang is jagged along one side, she knows, serrated enough to cause an uneven, messy cut, and that thought alone makes her wince at the prospect of removing it. She takes a deep breath, trying to calm her nerves. Faintly, she feels the urge to set something on fire.
“This’ll hurt a bit,” she warns, bracing Walter’s leg with one hand in case he flinches.
He’s lucid enough to brace as well, his eyes shutting tight as he tenses.
Willow shifts the tooth, angling it against the smoother side and beginning to draw it out. She doesn’t get very far though, because he sucks in an upset breath and yelps, “Stop!”
Willow does. She hesitates, watching his face twist in a frantic attempt to keep from sobbing. “I’m sorry, I know, but it has to come out,” she tries to soothe, moving her free hand to his arm. “You just gotta hold on a little bit. I’ll be quick about it.”
He turns his head to the side, breathing raggedly, and Willow thinks she’s not meant to see it, but a few tears slip down over his nose. After a few more squeaky inhales, he nods. “Okay,” he says shakily, the word small. “Do it.”
Returning to the tweezers, Willow holds her breath, angles the tooth, and pulls. It comes out in one clean piece, and she immediately sets it to the side and presses a rag against the wound to soak up the blood. She sees Walter’s fists clench around the blankets, but he does not make a sound.
She’s not sure if the wound needs to be stitched, but she doesn’t quite trust herself to do it, either way. Keeping pressure on the wound, she rummages through the box for the supplies for a healing salve.
She  preps the salve one-handed, gathering a bowl and shaking a handful of their stored ash into it. With her nails, she tears open another gland and starts squeezing the fluid out into the bowl. As the juice soaks into the ashes, she sits back, looking over her handiwork as she tries to think about how she’s going to explain this whole situation to Wickerbottom. Willow can imagine the conversation.
“Hey, remember how I was supposed to make sure the kids stayed safe? Well, while you were gone, another one showed up and got hurt. Crazy, right?”
Somehow, she doesn’t see any explanation that would end in her favor. Either way, she doesn’t get much time before that train of thought falls away, because as she starts applying the salve to the wound, Walter whimpers. He straight up fucking whimpers and the sound might as well have broken Willow’s heart then and there.
In a rare show of bravery, Woby starts growling, clearly on the basis of some protective instinct. She nips at Willow’s arm, whose reflexes just barely let her pull away fast enough to avoid getting bitten. “Hey!”
Walter clumsily reaches for the dog, grabbing her around the middle and holding her close to his chest. “Be nice,” he mumbles, pressing his face into Woby’s thick fur. “Willow’s helping me.”
Willow continues as the dog calms down, holding steady even when Walter flinches at the spread of the salve. “I know it stings,” she says sympathetically. “Bear with me for just a few more seconds.”
She scrapes the bowl out, and when the bite is completely slathered with salve, she uses their silk bandages to wrap it, hiding the marks from view. There are a few red spots darkening the wrap from where he’s bled through, but she ties the knot off and sits back on her heels. “There,” she says. “You’re done.”
After a glance over, she notices with relief that Walter looks significantly better. The color has come back to his face, and that dazed sort of look in his eyes has all but vanished. He still looks absolutely exhausted, though.
“Thanks,” he murmurs, and some of the tension leaves his body as he sinks farther into the wools.
Willow smiles softly.
She sits with him the few minutes it takes for him to fall asleep, setting away the medical kit and clearing away the used rags in the meantime. Willow sighs, readying herself to leave, but somehow being unable to.
It just feels unfair to see Walter like this, lying there, hurt and afraid and ever so young. She’d seen so much of herself in him, but, in truth, he wasn’t like her at all. He wasn’t some orphan with no prospects, barely scraping by on the streets. He had a home to get back to, a family he spoke fondly of, years of life he had yet to experience. And while the Constant may have been the best thing that could have happened to Willow, it had stolen away Walter’s entire life.
The world was truly, unimaginably cruel, she decides, to have brought this boy here.
Woby’s head perks up from where she’s curled by Walter’s side, seemingly having sensed Willow’s distress. She pads over, pressing her head against Willow’s hand, and Willow relents, petting the dog gently. She scratches behind Woby’s ears and is rewarded with a lick on the nose when she leans down. Somehow, despite the awful night they’ve all had, it’s enough to make Willow smile.
She leaves the tent eventually. Webber and Wendy say they’ll keep a night watch, and Willow feels too tired to argue. She falls into a fitful sleep by the firepit, curled around the rocks, letting the warmth bleed into her body.
5 notes · View notes
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what the fuck……gay little assistants lol
62 notes · View notes
rivaiin · 4 years
im like binge reading dorohedoro and finally caught up on everthing from the anime + a couple more volumes and im. crying
0 notes
meruz · 4 years
some asks - sorry some of these are kind of old. I only get around to answering stuff once in a blue moon.
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I do not! Nothing against it but I just don’t personally enjoy the process so I don’t use it in my personal work. Too much transforming and filtering.. too little actual drawing. I have however used it for professional work and sometimes I will sketch things individually and collage them together to make it easier for me to work depending on the scale. But yeah, no photobashing normally.
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Thank you! (post in reference) I didn’t use any perspective grids for that drawing but occasionally for bigger pieces that require a stronger adherence to perspective I’ll use the Perspective Tools extension by Sergey Kritsky which is ABSOULTELY worth the price here on gumroad if you’re a photoshop-user - makes grids very easy to set up. You can actually see some of the grids in my process work if you’re looking for it lol
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I used to be such a square abt it like “bluh perspective is just a bunch of lines i dont need a tool to do it for me like a DUMB BABY. I can just draw the grids myself and itll be good enough!!! :\” dont be like that LOL, I started using perspective tools for work last year and ported it over to my personal work so damn fast its like one of the best artistic decisions ive made. If you can make less work for yourself, PLEASE make less work for yourself.
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I don’t remember what post this is but I’m like 90% its these brushes because these are like all the brushes I use LOL
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hi yes thank you i LOVE grookey.
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Thank you! They’re the best family!! KAROL IS MY FAVE........
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you’re SO welcome. I recently watched Last Evolution Kizuna and [spoiler] WILLIS WAS IN ONE (1) SHOT...  [/spoiler] so whoever was in my comments section telling me toei would never bring willis back, I think you owe me like $20
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Yep! My Instagram, Twitter... I don’t have a patreon because I’m too lazy to set up tiers but I have a ko-fi if you want to drop a lil tip in my metaphorical buskers hat
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You’re probably done by the game by now given how old this ask is but I’m flattered my art got you to play!! And I’m glad you love Akechi though I’m curious to know if your feelings on him have changed since sending this LOL. His latter act character stuff is one of those things that can really turn an opinion one way or another.
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Thank you! Though I want to preface this by saying I don’t take requests but you can always contact me for commissions at [email protected].
I will probably draw naruto again because like every 4 years of my life I go through a naruto phase. I have drawn dangan ronpa before many many years ago and I gotta say the only time I will ever draw it again will be if I’m commissioned to lol...Nothing against it personally, it’s just not really my thing. Kiritetsu+Colossus.... I would but honestly I don’t even know what I’d draw, I feel like I covered it with that one drawing. But if you’ve got an idea... you can always commission me!!! And I’d be happy to.
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Uhhhh they’re good! I like them! Yusuke’s character arc is maybe like my favorite or second favorite in the game and I love Ryuji first and foremost for max mittlemans voice acting and secondly because he is just so...so much better than P4 Yosuke who I truly could not stand.
I’m not big on Mishima but I think he’s an incredibly well written depiction of like. that dude in class who you didn’t really mean to talk to but ended up talking to and now its a little weird. I really like that event where you run into shinya while hanging out with mishima and shinyas like “whos this your friend” and ren is like “no, king, hes no one” LOL this is mostly because I just really like shinya. 
ships.... I like yusuke/ryuji a lot, just aesthetically and personality wise its an interesting dynamic. I like ryuji/ann bc theyre good friends. I like ann/yusuke if I close my eyes to all the early plot stuff and just pretend theyre like.....fujiko and goemon from lupin III LMAO. ryuji/makoto? kinda woke?? I mean I feel lesbian makoto deep in my bones but also their showtime opened my eyes a lil. I think they could bond over action movies. mishima/protag is kind of fun in like a sad pathetic way.. I’m a little interested in mishima/JOKER actually bc i like identity porn plotlines lol.
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YEP GO AHEAD I’ve been getting a lot of messages like this lately so I want to lay it out here and I’ll probably copy paste it into a FAQ later lol.
8Tracks and Spotify Playlists: Go ahead! please credit me either meruz.tumblr.com twitter@automeru or ig@automeruz -  AND SEND ME THE PLAYLIST this is not a requirement really but I would love to listen to it.
Twitter/Tumblr Layouts/Headers: Good by me! but again PLEASE credit me somewhere VISIBLE on the layout. If it’s a twitter header/icon credit my twitter @automeru and if its tumblr credit my tumblr @meruz​
Phone BGs, Desktop Wallpapers: definitely ok!! Any personal and non-commercial use of this nature, I’m cool with. If you ask me, I may even send you a hi-res version of the file but you have to promise to not scam me and sell it lol...
Instagram Reposts: A lot of artists would say no but I’m gonna say go ahead as long as you credit and tag me in the post, again my ig is @automeruz - if you don’t, and I find it, I will bug you about it in the comments and possibly even report you. Nothing personal, its just standard procedure.
Twitter/Tumblr Re-posts: Don’t?? Just RT or RB it from me?? whats wrong with you? I will report this.
Other site re-posts: I’ll probably say yes but again please credit and for this one PLEASE ask me first. It’s nothing personal really, I just want to know where my work shows up.
Video edits/fancams/comic dubs: Yes! Absolutely go ahead! And please send me a link I especially love to see this stuff!!
I also reserve all rights have you take it down if I do not agree with the usage or context, especially association with politics on the webpage/app/etc. 
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Thank you!!!!!!!! ;-; These are all so nice.. tucks them into a little pocket near my heart. I love drawing and I will keep trying my best to make art...! Hope you guys can look forward to it...!
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scandeniall · 4 years
mirrors for friends ch//1
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Pairing: TBD x reader (repost bc its not showing up in tags and ive had ppl check too sigh)
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Summary: Youre in a band, Mirrors For Friends with your college best friends Kuroo, Iwaizumi, and Atsumu. They're chaotic, your chaotic but you guys are on your way to the top together. Check a/n at end.
warnings: This IS multichapter. recreational marijuana mention. Everyone is over 21, tags will be added as needed but they're adults what do you expect.
wc: 1253
Inspiring playlists (updated as i find stuff) Apple music | Spotify
Ch. 1 // Mirrors For Friends: The Intro
The air was a mixture of sounds. Instruments being prepped, jokes being thrown, random conversations and the occasional song that played in the background. Just another day in Mirrors For Friends, well for everyone except for you. Earplugs in and an eye mask on, you’d been laying on the dingy couch since you arrived at the bar hours prior. Of course you just had to get a migraine on a day where your band had a show. It was about two hours to showtime, and you were just as good as dead. For once, you were thankful that you had your bassist, Atsumu to cover at least some of your vocals.
Atsumu, Miya. The youngest member remains a complete pain in your ass, but you couldn't see your life without him in it. He was the life of the party, and had been your party buddy during your early 20s. The one always down for a good adventure. You could always rely on him to tell you the honest truth, although it had taken a while to get past his overly blunt nature. Once you did, you saw the resident “pretty boy” for the dork that he was. The one who gets pouts whenever the conversation is moving too fast and he can’t think of a retort fast enough. The one who absolutely melted at the sight of food and would even share some of his brother’s famous onigiri with you. When he's not plucking bass strings he works as an assistant volleyball coach for the local high school. Your love for your band mate had eventually replaced your first meeting with the basest. A meeting than ended in you wanting nothing more than to wipe his stupid smirk off with your fist. You had just started your second year of university, completely minding your business until a stray volleyball made its way to the back of your head. Before anyone could even apologize, you’d manage to throw a few curses at the group of rowdy boys. Your future band mate had come over to apologize but ended it with “maybe you should've been paying more attention.”  After flicking him off you never thought you’d see him again, until you were formally introduced by none other than your drummer.
Hajime, Iwaizumi. The drummer of Mirrors For Friends. The oldest member of your quartet. There was only one year between you and him, but two years between him and Atsumu. Iwa, is the backbone of the band. The most responsible one, having taken care of a drunk you more times than you’d like to admit. If your feet were ever hurting, he’d be the one to give you a piggy back. He definitely looked the most bad ass of you all, with two sleeves of tattoos. Despite that he has a soft spot for the band. He's the most responsible of the band, but you learned that despite that nature, he knew how to have fun. He’d definitely supplied an underage you with alcohol before. When he’s not playing with the band, he's a tattoo artist, and has tattoo’d every member of the band multiple times. In fact, he was the only person you trusted to tattoo you. You’d met him midway through your first year of university, when he was an apprentice. Despite being 19, he’d already had a full sleeve and a shiny eyebrow piercing. In his attempts to calm you down, you learned that he was only a year above you. He was definitely more calming than the jerk that had dragged you to the tattoo shop in the first place. That person being your guitarist.
Tetsurou Kuroo, the guitarist of Mirrors For Friends. He was one of the first people you’d met in university where he ended up being your across neighbor. You’d had your door open in an attempt to get some air circulation in the stuffy dorm, when he noticed your guitar. Full of stickers, it looked used and he was curious. After, finding out the two of you had a common interest in music, the two of you became best friends. He’d ended up being the brother you never asked for. His teasing is similar to Atsumu, however he knew how to keep up. You two became nearly inseparable. He was the member you tended to confide in first, because it was just natural. The one always down to just vibe. You remember the many nights spent in private study rooms, just writing and talking music together. You quickly found out that his writing skills were incredible, not only that but he had the best ear for composing of any of your band mates. Some of your favorite pieces came from writing sessions with just the two of you. When he isn’t antagonizing your band, he works as a TA for a science class at your university. He decided about a year ago to go back to school for a higher degree in biochemistry.
Then there was you. Lead singer, keyboardist, and occasional guitar player when you felt like it. At 26, you’d been in the band since you were 20, and you wouldn’t change it for the world. You loved writing, you loved performing and you loved your boys. Even now when you could feel napkins that you had no doubt were greasy pizza stained ones being thrown at you. It took for the fifth one to hit your forehead to finally sit up, removing both your earplugs and eye mask. Groaning at the combination of fluorescent lighting and noise you shot death glares at your band mates. Who were all miraculously just standing next to one another, pretending to have just been doing nothing but talking. “Would you three do me a favor, and drive off a fucking cliff.”
“I told them to stop,” is what Iwaizumi said, but the smirk on his face said he played a role just like your other idiots.”
“Dude you threw the last one!” Kuroo chimed in.
“Yeah well Atsumu started it”
“What the fuck Iwa- selling me out”
If it weren't for the pounding behind your eyes you might’ve been amused and the usual bickering between the boys. Afterall, it was never serious. If only you could enjoy it.
“Would the 3 overgrown toddlers shut up.” Burying your face into your hand’s you felt the couch dip beside you in the now empty space, and another voice picked up from across the room.
“Yo- what's with the attitude today,” your bassist questioned. He had settled himself on a smaller couch, eyes narrowed on your miserable form. Once he heard the mention of a migraine, his gaze softened. “Tsumu, I’m gonna need to to sing a little more today alright. '' The younger boy nodded, placing a comforting hand on your shoulder. He mentioned something about going to look for a pen and paper, so you two could outline a plan and to make sure you had a stool for tonight.
“You wanna go smoke? It should help a little,” the body next to you moved and you looked up to see Kuroo, offering a hand.. “It’s a spot in the shade out back, c’mon.” You took the hand and before you could head out your last bandmade stopped you.
“I have enough time to go pick up some Advil and maybe some caffeine. Don’t smoke too much, you know how strong Kuroo’s shit is. We still have a show tonight.”
“Don’t worry daddy Iwa, I’ve got our beloved lead singer. We’ll be fine.”
a/n: alright so i’ve been inspired by samwrites Elixir (which YES 100000/10 recommends) AND sam has had an anon talking band au’s lately AND i saw a msby band au edit on twitter so i cracked out my keyboard.
ok but seriously, idk which guy im gonna end up doing so for now itll just be band dynamics, and then whoever sparks my interest or whoever is voted on after a few parts will win. I did a randomizer, got a winner and started but then started feeling the other possibilities. Anyways whoever is not the chosen ones its just friendship, no love triangles and shit. But whoever wins, just know I have a potential plot for ALL ((((im just too un-dedicated and busy with summer college courses to actually fully commit to all of them)))
lastly, this is me again experimenting w/ diff ways of writing so bare with me AND if anyone cares i could make a taglist.
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eloquent-music · 4 years
Fill out & Repost ♥ This meme definitely favors Canons more, but I hope OC’s still can make it somehow work with their own lore and Lil’ fandom of friends & mutuals. Multimuses pick the muse you are the most invested in atm.
Tagged by: @polyhexianchicken​
Tagging: anyone who wants to do it!! Just go ahead and say I tagged you
> Putting under a read more bc of the length <
MY MUSE IS.   canon / oc / au / canon-divergent / fandomless
* is your character popular in the fandom? YES/NO
* is your character considered hot™ in the fandom?  YES (from what i see from a lot of people in the fandom including myself)/ NO / IDK.
* is your character considered strong in the fandom?  YES / NO / IDK.
* are they underrated?  YES ( I believe there’s more depth to him that some don’t see) / NO.
* were they relevant to the main story?  YES (Sorta?) / NO.
* were they relevant to the main character?  YES (Kinda sorta esp to Megatron) / NO
* are they widely known in their world?  YES / NO.
* how’s their reputation?  GOOD / BAD / NEUTRAL.
I try my best to follow canon as best as possible. I do put in my own twists here and there.  I have added things into his character have been shared later on through Tweets on Twitter from Jro and Milne. I take their portrayals and incorporate them into my Tarn. For example, Milne said that Tarn was Pharma’s new lover and they had a special relationship and since I’m weak for that pairing I really wanted to incorporate that in. Also Red doesn’t help we both feed into each other ilu <3  ALL IN ALL though, I do like to keep him canon and not too much off character to where he isn’t Tarn anymore. I want him to be Tarn not someone else
SELL YOUR MUSE! (aka try to list everything, which makes your muse interesting in your opinion to make them spicy for your mutual.)
I could sell Tarn for hours and a few friends know this very personally. IM SORRY. ANYWAYS. Some may find what I love about Tarn to not what they like but it’s my opinion on him! So here goes.
I love his damaged nature (I’m sorry Tarn muse). I find his addictions interesting, even though they weren’t technically shown in the issues. It’s part of who he is from who he used to be (however they came about). I will always love his flaws and I enjoy showing those sides of him so be aware that I will show his addictive personality (through Transformation, Nuke abuse, and murderous tendencies).
Which brings me to... His murderous/torturous nature. We see killers a dime a dozen in the series but to be a leader of a torturous group? Like that’s pretty rad and completely different from a lot of other characters. Can you tell I like the baddies? sdifhoisdf This brings up this ONE side of him. He doesn’t like killing / taking part in the demises of SOME of their victims. Why? I think I may know the answer to that. Why does a mech like him want to advert his gaze while the others have their way with them. Talk about something deep we never got to understand that.
He has a soft spot for musical pieces, especially classical piano music. I love Chopin the most, so you’ll see me post that all the time!
He apparently loves pineapples and just I LOVE THAT SO MUCH UHG.
He’s a big tank with Daddy (Megatron) Issues! You gotta love it LOL  He’s got biolights literally everywhere. FLASHY
When he’s only around his team, he can be a little bit more calm even though he can drop it at the drop of a dime.
He’s a touch starved mech odifhsodif
NOW THE OPPOSITE! (list everything why your muse could not be so interesting (even if you may not agree, what does the fandom perhaps think?)
Even though I kinda sold him on this I thought I should mention it here too. I don’t think people find him interesting for how dark he is as a mech. Push aside everything and look at how purely evil he can be. He’s cruel. He’s torturous and very sadistic. He will thrive off of every little bit of pain you give him. He can be manipulative at times.
Tarn is a huge hypocrite. It shows so much throughout the comic issues if you really look at it. I show it a lot (he will deny it sometimes but don’t worry I know he’s one) Probably one of the biggest hypocrites in the whole 2005 IDW Series.
Tarn is easily-influenced and persuaded by certain situations (to not look weak) and mechs.
He is very easily angered from the smallest things.
He holds onto grudges
I know I’ve been asked this before and when I’m asked again I forget the GOOD reasons why I was so inspired to write him so I hope i do okay this time around. Even though I know I will leave out the good shit. Idk why I just dont draft on what truly inspired me. Just watch, itll come a day later and I’ll add it in just wait and see
I started rp’ing him on here as soon as he debuted in the MTMTE series (i think it was back in 2013 or 2012?) I did kind of poof for a few years due to being so busy sdiufhs. Anyways, I fell instantly in love with his character. I loved his dark ways and how he was so drastically different of a villain. His musical tendencies. And how he could offline a mech with ONLY his voice? Like damn sing to me all day you Musical Angel. He is dark and mysterious. NOT TO MENTION, black and purple my favorite colors.
His design was flawless and MTMTE #7 sold me on who he was and from then on I just couldn’t stop loving this murderous tank. I love how Jro and Milne have come out later on to answer more questions about him and just I love him that much more. Looking back years later on it, I see a little bit of myself in him.  
He’s pretty easy to flow out honestly. Just like my other muse I have. If he does struggle some, I just pop on some Chopin and he’s good to go. What really does keep me going more than anything is continuously exploring who he is as a mech and as a Decepticon. I want to know so much about him literally everything. Even though I could write headcanons all day and drabbles too, I love making him interact with others to find that personality.  It’s really just my never-ending curiosity for him.
* do you think you give your character justice?  YES / NO. ( i hope I do! )
* do you frequently write headcanons?  YES / NO.
* do you sometimes write drabbles? YES / NO.  ( i love writing drabbles!!!)
* do you think a lot about your muse during the day? YES / NO.
* are you confident in your portrayal?   YES / NO.
* are you confident in your writing?  YES / NO. (Most of the time, I know sometimes I mess up and its honestly just me not seeing it for whatever reason. Im so sorry if my replies come through scattered sidfhfs)
* are you a sensitive person?  YES / NO. (Not really at all. I don’t get offended or anything but certain things can bug me)
Only if its constructive criticism. I love it when friends bounce ideas or talk to me about him. I will take into consideration of changing him slightly from only my close friends and that’s because we’re close. I will not change my character for anyone because they don’t like how I portray him because he is my portrayal of him, not yours.
I love all the questions you all send him, either on anon or not. Even the most awful ones! Tarn may not like them but most I find absolutely hilarious. I think the more personal questions really help for exploring who he is or if I post drabble prompts, go ahead and send me one! Even if I dont send in one and you wanna know more about him I will try my best to respond to it.
This is a hit or miss question. I don’t really want to exactly know why unless if I ask you personally on it (which is usually just between close friends because sometimes I just aint thinkin straight). I don’t mind bouncing off ideas but ishdfoisdfh i really truly don’t know the answer to this one
I honestly don’t care. People won’t like every character out there and that’s just part of being human. I understand why people would hate his character in the series in all honesty. But I love him for all his flaws.
I don’t blame people for hating Tarn but I do not want hate sent to me. That is unacceptable and not okay. You don’t have to like my portrayal but please don’t shove it at me that’s just uncalled for. If your character hates him that’s totally different but don’t come attacking me for any reason.
I think I am. I’m usually fairly quiet. But once you get to know me, I am kinda strong on the goofy/funny side and a bit blunt/straight-forward sdoifhodsf. I tend to be really easy going and laid back. My personality has drastically changed since I’ve gotten into my mid-20s. I don’t like drama and dont wanna be apart of it.
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grovey · 6 years
tag shadowbanning
okay enough testing because my test image of maelle here stopped working consistently haha (she used to be a ‘safe’ image, now the filters hate her) Here are some observations. these were done on browser/web. i haven’t done mobile as much but it looks like it shadowbans less.
I’ve noticed a certain pain for many artists here where they post but their work doesn’t show in the tags, despite it being sfw and despite their post apparently not being flagged. I still think tumbo is filtering them in some way.
offsite links will pretty much always get your post filtered. In fact even normal links to links within the tumblr domain (username.tumbo/post)  will shadowban your posts.
Unless it’s literally just “tumblr.com” or, for some strange reason, AO3??? AO3 doesn’t get shadowbanned, which is strange.
Links seemed to be checked for all the time, so if you have a link and then remove it, your post probably will show up again if nothing else is tipping off the filter, while if you add a link to an existing post, it’ll vanish from the tag.
I think having too many tags might tip off the filter too sometimes? not sure
Now for photo posts being filtered... I often check just the text contents under my photo posts (and even tags) on their own to see if they get past filter. If they do, it’s usually safe text.
In that case, it’s the photos that get your otherwise okay post shadowbanned. Sometimes they just take forever to show up in the tag, but it’s better y’know if you can see them immediately and know if they actually made it past filters???
Single photo posts, if they get past filter, will always show up in the the tag immediately.
I thiiink that’s the case with 2-photo posts too, but I’m not sure since it isn’t really consistent with me, I think I usually have one picture that tips off the filter and thus the whole post goes kaput
The filters hate photosets with 3 or more photos. no question. They like, never show up in the tag immediately, if ever.
This might just be because of the higher chance for multiple photos to set off filter, but I really can’t remember having a success on pc
However, on mobile, you can make faux-photosets (text posts with embedded image sets) and these don’t tip off the tag shadowban. I think.
And posting just regular photosets on the mobile app also is similar, i think: doesn’t tip off the filter, but i’ve only tested this once.
The filter isn’t consistent, as mentioned. Sometimes a filtered picture will pass upon reposting the same thing, or vice versa.
I think the filter only works when you first post a picture. Note I didn’t test this with drafted posts, though.
Editing a post to add another picture, I thiiink, will never tip off the filter again.
But also editing a post to remove a picture after it’s tipped off the filter won’t save it. it’ll stay shadowbanned.
That said, here’s the workaround for browser:
Post a picture and check to see if it’s been filtered. If it got through, go ahead and edit in the actual photos lmao and it should all show up???
As in literally I posted a picture of one dragon that went through safe and was able to add in another nine when in the past, some of those dragons always tipped off the filter and just having 10 photos means the tag will hate you
Again, another way is just to use tumblr mobile’s lol (unfortunate if that means a lot of photo transferrin)
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canon-critical · 4 years
⇲Date Posted: January 14th, 2021
⇲Source: None
⇲Posted/Sent by: Mod Queen, canon-critical
⇲Includes: Introduction, What this blog is about/does, What we'll accept, The mods, Rules, How to submit criticism
Hello there, and welcome to canon-critical! Please make sure you read this entire post before sending in any criticism or reading amy of our posts! Thank you!
The Mods
This blog currently has 2 mods, Queen and Spade! Following this will be both of their introductions!
Heya! My name is Queen, but you can call me Q! I'm 19, go by She/Her pronouns, I'm AroAce, and I'm American! I'm currently in college, majoring in Psychology!
I'll be this blog's writer! Pretty much for mine and Spade's main fandoms we'll be writing rewrites and fix-its, so stay tuned for that! With all that said, I'm looking forward to interacting with all of you!
hey, name's spade. acceptable nicknames are s or ace. im currently 20 and i go by he/they. lesbian. i am autistic so i have a hard time telling tones and shit.
ill be the artist, so any art you see here is mine. i ask that you dont trace or repost my art unless it has the tag #repostable. itll be mainly warrior cats and dragons tho bc hell yeah lmao. dont like how often i curse then dont interact/blacklist #mod spade.
What this blog is about/does
So me and Spade made this blog on a sorta,,, whim? Like, I follow this confession page on my main and someone sent in a submission complaining about how people kept criticizing the books and kept complaining about the fandom.
I usually rant to Spade about everything, so I got my phone and I asked him, "You wanna know what would be a fun idea?", and like the buzzkill he is he responded, "I don't, but you're probably going to tell me regardless so go ahead."
And he was right but that's not important. So I brought up the post I saw and proposed the idea of making an entire blog based on that, a place where people could send in any criticism they had about a book or a show or a fandom and if someone didn't like it they could simply scroll.
Of course, we couldn't decide what fandom to do it for, so now we're just an all fandom blog.
As for what we do, we post criticism! Pretty much, we take a fandom or a source, we look at all the problems in said fandom/source, and we post well deserved criticism to a certain problem. We'll try to get AT LEAST one post per day, and we do accept submissions! We do both fandom and canon and any source so please make sure to specify! The next parts will over submission rules and how to submit criticism, so make sure to read over those carefully!
Submission Rules
Your submission won't be posted if it contains: you condoning pedophilia, abuse, rape, racism, ableism, homophobia, etc or if you suggest you engage/partake in any of the former
While we accept crits from any source, some sources are particularly problematic and we acknowledge this. Anyone trying to defend the creators of said problematic sources or defend problematic imagery/themes used in the source will be given ONE warning that the source is problematic. If they continue after that it's a block
Any and all submissions having to do with r4pe will be deleted and the person who sent them blocked. No exceptions.
0 tolerance. If an argument starts and it gets far enough everyone involved will be punished. Depending on how far you went, you can either simply get a reminder that that kind of behavior isn't okay or you can get full banned.
Any nsfw/flirts directed towards either of us will result in a permanant ban. I'm AroAce, and Spade is in a relationship already.
With the exception of r4pe submissions, flirts, and trying to defend problematic creators/sources, we have a strict 3 strikes and you're out rule.
1st strike - A Warning. A simple, "Hey, We'd appreciate it if you didn't do that!"
2nd strike - You'l be blocked for 24 hours
3rd strike - Permanent Block on here, as well as our main accounts
How to submit a criticism
I'd say it's pretty easy.
You have the option of going anon or just submitting.
Pm us! Simply go;
"I wish to be anon please (or some variant)
Source: [book/show/game name] by author, [what it is (book, show, game)], Fandom/Canon
And we'll do some good old copy and paste and post it!
"I'd like to be on anon!
Source: Wings of fire by Tui T Sutherland, book, canon
[Enter criticism here]"
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