#replies: nina and oskar and felix
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Nina doesn’t gain any satisfaction from the quip she directs to Felix at Isabella's expense, but she does manage a slight grin and rolls her eyes heavily. "Oh, please. I never said it was a bad thing." she backtracks, throwing up a weak hand in apology. "And there’s no way either of you will survive a trip together without someone there with a brain. I was actually complimenting her." It isn’t a lie. People like Isabella Belcourt are necessary, Nina thinks, to balance out the world that might otherwise be ravaged by people like herself. She glances between her brothers, noting how Oskar dances on the edge of intrigue about the notebook despite his usual aloof facade. That brings a more genuine grin to her lips, and Nina nods as if the situation has resolved itself.
"Great. Well, that’s settled." she says, clapping her hands together and taking one last look at the boxes they stand among. "You both talk to the ladies who hold your leashes and get back to me. Then I'll sort out some dates." a shiver of excitement crawls up her spine, making Nina shrug her shoulders in a contented wriggle. "I think we should place bets. Just some harmless fun. I say abyssal magic, and she killed her children with it. Greta survived." Nina speculates, slowly raising her hand and looking at her brothers. "Possibly accidental, possibly not." she adds, her tone contradicting the sinister topic.
Nina doubts there is anything else of interest in the boxes, but she takes another look at the notebook as thoughts churn briefly. "Greta might reach out after your visit and tell our dear mother about this, so we should think ahead." she says and although communication between mother and daughter has been limited for years, Nina doesn't take any chances. "Or, try to be coy about how you mention it, if either of you can manage that." her gaze flits between the brothers again, wondering if this trip might help them better understand one another. But Nina doesn’t particularly want to be there for the brotherly bonding itself, predicting it will be nauseating and something that could have been resolved years ago. "Despite how fun this was, I need to go." she declares, heading straight for her purse and coat to conclude the afternoon on her own terms. She pauses at the door, turning slightly to give one last nod. "I mean it, though. You do look well, Felix. Less gaunt. But maybe next time you'll offer us a coffee." @dxrkenedheights
It's obvious how they have retreated into their own corners and it's not them against the world but against each other. Retorts are thrown into the ring, spinning blades to see who gets cut first. Oskar remembers a time when it wasn’t always like this, though he can’t pinpoint the exact moment things shifted. His adulthood started long before Nina’s and Felix’s, and sometimes he blames that for the rift. He wasn’t really there, but he still remembers flashes of a bond that felt real. It’s as if one day it vanished, or maybe it bled out slowly, a wound compressed but never truly healing.
Hearing about his daughter’s struggling magic hits him, though Oskar has long known that Madisyn keeps him at arm’s length. He reads the expressions on Nina and Felix’s faces, keeping his own stoic. A slight scoff escapes him when Felix finally reveals Madi's attempt to open the book, finding a flicker of humor in his brother’s dry remark. Yet, none of this quells Oskar's desire to wash his hands of the entire ordeal. He wants to keep whatever secrets the book holds buried, far easier to deal with that way. When Nina calls him out, he throws his hands up in a careless shrug. "Okay. My point still stands. She lived years ago, and she died a while ago. We've managed all this time without knowing what's in there, so it can't be that important."
Like Nina, Oskar shifts his attention to Felix who talks about going to Sweden for answers. The mention of Madi wanting to join piques his interest further. He understands why immediately. Just because Oskar doesn’t openly discuss emotions doesn’t mean he doesn’t notice them. His head bows slightly, absorbing the revelation that his daughter feels as disconnected as he feared. Countless years have passed without him mending that gap. Before he can respond to Felix, Nina takes the lead, outlining the trip from start to finish. When she mentions Bella, Oskar’s eyes flit briefly to Felix feeling a twinge of guilt for Nina’s offhand comment about the Belcourt.
As always, he remains quiet, hands slipping into his pockets as he reflects. "I…" Oskar hesitates, shrugging cluelessly. "It could only be for a week, but that's more than enough time." he glances at Felix. "I'll need to talk to Thea first. I can’t just whisk my son away to another country whenever I feel like it. I hope you both understand." his voice carries a dry hint of his own sarcasm, though it's brief. "I still don’t see why anything in this book matters, but…" Oskar pauses, considering Madisyn’s desire to connect with the past she was deprived of. Considering the reasons why Felix wishes to dig into secrets. Another emotion that Oskar can highlight yet doesn't dare speak of. "I have no problem helping." his tone softens. "I think this is a waste of time. Just so it’s known." @manybcdthings
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Nina's thoughts move in several directions. She thinks of the business, the absolute shit show that waits for her on Monday morning. She thinks of the money, she thinks of their mother and father's overreactions. How Agneta will possibly lock herself away for the weekend, distraught of course, and Olaf will be on a soapbox giving a lecture. But Felix has always had a way about him, her youngest brother is more of a void than a person. Something with it's own gravitational pull, demanding to be heard. Or rather, Felix has always spoken to the other thoughts that Nina has. How the business will remain standing, the shit show on her desk on Monday is nothing more than emails in the grand scheme of things. Agneta always finds any chance to declare her disappointment and Olaf will always be on a soapbox. How, during all of this, Felix is a lost soul adrift and nobody can grab the rope fast enough to reel him in. Felix is many things, but he certainly tells the truth. Even if his methods exhaust her. So Nina stares at him, her gaze mirroring his as she attempts, silently to tell him how she feels. I'm sorry.
Oskar's voice cuts through again, Nina turning her attention to the older brother with a scoff. "Oh, shut up. You weren't cut off when you were a deadbeat father. Twice." she gets that in quickly, so quick in fact that her mouth barely even moves with her words. Nina's sole focus is simply getting them all out of there, also not acknowledging the staff as Felix tries to cause as much of a commotion as possible. "You've made your fucking point, Felix." she snaps at him as she ushers him through the restaurant, grabbing his arm and hooking hers through it as if she's now tethering an unruly toddler. She can hear Oskar's steps following after them, shooting a glare to him at his leaving commentary, pulling Felix into the opposite direction. "Do you need a ride home?" Nina says, freeing him from her grip as she retrieves her phone. "I think it's safe to say, don't come into work on Monday while I deal with mom and dad." she glances to him slowly. "Do you feel better now, hm? Is this teenage Felix again? Or, what next? I'm genuinely curious. Where do you want to go from here?" @manybcdthings
In the icy glares exchanged among siblings, Felix could decipher not only hatred in Oskar's eyes but also resignation on Nina's face. Stoicism ran deep in their lineage, and Felix adeptly mirrored the emotional void that defined their interaction. He responded to Oskar's rebuttal with a dry scoff, cutting through the tension with biting sarcasm. "I don't smoke crack. I snort cocaine. Just like half of Manhattan." he muttered, his tone dripping with cynicism. He offered a mock bow to Nina, dripping with false gratitude for keeping him tethered to their suffocating familial bonds. "Oh, thank you. I don't know what I'd do without any of you. One big happy family." his arms gestured wide to include both Nina and Oskar, a hollow smile on Felix's face. As he helped himself to another glass and filled it with whiskey, this time with no intention of throwing it, he let out a quick laugh to Nina's comment. "I think I've changed enough, don't you? When's it your turn?" his glance included Oskar, a sinister grin across his features.
Felix's patience wore thin as Oskar approached with venomous words, stoking the flames of his simmering rage. "Careful, Oskar. You're almost saying how you feel." Felix snapped back, his gaze fixed on his brother as if daring him to provoke further. Even when Nina, ever the voice of reason, intervened with calculated precision, Felix refused to acknowledge her presence, his focus locked on Oskar as he scoffed to their sister's words. "No, it never is, is it? How about we schedule it instead? Eight thirty next week? Does that work for you both instead?" his words had reached something beyond sarcasm, beyond dry emptiness. They were sharp and cold as he snatched his arm from Nina's grip, downing the whiskey in a swift motion before he peeled away for the door. "I can get my own fucking coat, Nina. I think they've suffered enough having to serve you all evening." he quipped, waving a weak gesture to the stunned and confused staff. "I bet they didn't even tip, did they?" Felix added with cold amusement, pointing to Oskar. "He never does. He thinks people in the service industry have never once applied themselves in life, by the way."
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"I'm thirty two." Felix instantly replied with a simple tone, and he wasn't surprised that Madisyn was kept in the dark about even her own life. Another Ranstromen special. However, his initial statement still applied and Felix blinked at her before nodding his head the once. "I'm thirty two." he repeated in an identical tone as before. "I was five when you were born, Madi. I have zero idea what the fuck happened." he explained, before his hand signaled he wasn't quite finished. "But, I can do math...which, you can't, and given the fact Oskar was nineteen, I think they might have had some opinions. Nina has a theory that they tried to make him and your mom get married and he refused, but I don't know. I was five. Because it was twenty seven years ago and I am thirty two now."
A part of Felix wondered why the revelation was only just hitting Madisyn. He watched his niece with a hint of sympathy, even if she seemed to be handling the realization far better than he did when he was younger. "I have mentioned it once or twice, but I'm glad people are finally starting to listen." Felix commented blankly with an agreeing nod about his family's strange and fractured ways. However, Madisyn's tone made him blink with disbelief again. "I don't have a Nanna Dot." he interjected before trying to feign interest about Madisyn's cooking escapades. He dreaded the thought of being even anywhere near a kitchen space with her. "Okay, great, Australia, murder, jail, fraud, let's-" Felix remarked quickly, his deep breath urging them to move on. "Get back to the point. They're still alive but they're old, Madi. If you want to see them you should be thinking about a plane ticket for Monday at the latest."
It was instant for Felix to laugh at Madisyn's question, throwing his hands up in a dumbfounded shrug. "I...literally don't know. I only know pieces. That's..." why they're so broken. "Sven was the closest thing you'll get to someone with a soul in this family. Maybe Elisa. My aunt and uncle. Your great aunt and uncle. They worked here." he waved a hand to correct himself with a tsk. "The institute. For a while. But they left when I was like six?" another clueless shrug lifted his shoulders. Felix had every intention of diving into the family history with Madisyn, but he stared to her while remaining in silence after she finished her suggestion. "Okay, if I'm going to go through this stuff with you, I need you to say this with me. We don't have..." he trailed away his words, a look of eagerness given to Madisyn to join with the correct response. "We don't have the same grandma."
"if i'm almost thirty that means you're almost forty." madisyn won't let it go and can twist words to suit her needs at any time of day. a few glasses of champagne and gin and tonics won't stop that. she gives a quizzical expression as felix explains about agneta, frowning to herself. "so..." she blinks, realizing the hypocrisy and seeing it clear as day. "so wait, they weren't pissed off when my mom was pregnant with me? because i always thought they were. that's what my mom says." madi seeks clarification, because it dawns on her that felix is the only one willing to say anything to her. maybe she should be nicer. which is easier said than done when he's a constant flurry of sarcasm.
there isn't much comfort in the fact she apparently has three great grandparents alive and well, all of which she knows nothing about. and there isn't much comfort as felix explains it's just as fractured for the rest of them. madisyn hums with a thoughtful note, but it's tinged with judgement. "you know that's like, not normal, right? to have family you don't even see. i visit nanna dot every week. well, every other...other week. my nanna dot. she's so cute she always gives me a little box of herbs for my cooking classes." madi explains with a pep in her tone. "which i like stopped a few months ago, but, all there is to it is either baking, frying or boiling." she adds flippantly. "but like does anyone even know why no one talks to each other!? oh my god, has someone killed someone? we thought an uncle or whatever did away with his brother or something in the 50s but turns out he just went to jail for fraud then moved to australia."
the kennedy watches as felix brings forth some information, and admittedly it's nothing madisyn ever knew before. but she hums again, the same tone that's a mixture of thoughtfulness and judgement. "mmk felix, you misheard me. i asked who they are not what they did. like...personality!? like do i just have an amazing way with words because someone loved to read? not you, you don't count. i mean older." now there's no use for her phone and madisyn slips it away to her clutch as felix mentions his lack of contact with her grandma. his grandma? she wasn't listening. "well, grandma's literally love when you just show up. it's like they live for it." even if agneta seems to have her entire day ruined when madisyn shows her face. "well like, normal grandmas. and you're her actual grandkid so. it's different, she'll be fine. or i can just go and get the box, and go to your place."
#felixranstromchat#interactions; felix and madisyn 001#HAHAHHA#I had to insta reply because this is hilarious
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"Oh, right." Felix laughed, taking another glance to the bags and boxes. Not certain if he felt stupid or embarrassed for getting a barrage of toys that his nephew didn't even need. "Is that because he's...turned into a cat or something?" his tone remained serious even as he gave Thea a slight grin. It became a chuckle, a vivid image of Henrik smashing drums to pieces. "Oskar has enough room in his place for a set." Felix shrugged with a somewhat coy expression, reveling in any potential of torturing his brother. "At least with piano, he can learn all the same pieces, Oskar and Nina and I know and be the next little show horse Agnes likes to trot out at her dinner parties." Felix quipped, taking a sip of his drink. "Yeah, I can't see her wanting guitar as much, which obviously is fair enough considering she carried Henrik herself for nine months."
He settled more comfortably as Thea replied, raising his brows in a slight teasing manner of acknowledgement. "Oh yeah, forgot. Can't talk about the impending machine takeover. I'm fine, though. I always say please to my open A.I." he laughed before returning to seriousness and delivering a more polite nod. "Sounds awful, honestly." he mentioned with a thoughtful tone and a lingering chuckle. "You know, in an impressive but depressing sort of way." it certainly wasn't pity in his tone, maybe sympathy if he had to find a word for it. And of course, Felix was quick to deflection. "Oh, yeah. Barely have a chance to think. I wake up, scratch behind my ears, drag my butt around on the carpet and then spend all day sniffing other people's." he shrugged. "Which is exactly what it was like before, but nowadays I get a particular sense of excitement for the word park. So, make of that what you will."
"S'fine," Thea shrugs with a grin at the toys. "You know he'll probably like the boxes more than the toys." She says with a slight chuckle, taking another bite and shaking her head. "Exactly. violin and drums are out of the question. As is most percussion in general. I can't do it. Doubt Oskar can either. I might entertain guitar but I don't think that's what your mom had in mind when she brought up lesson." The smirks, "too pedestrian, no?" And for the sake of peace, they'll keep Henrik in piano for a year before determining his talents lay elsewhere. She fills up their glasses and lifts her shoulders again as he declines the food.
"Mmm, I'm afraid that's classified, Fe." The witch says with a wink. "But something like that. Though I suppose I'm more of a glorified babysitter at this point. Making sure everyone's doing what they're supposed to. Not as much in the lab anymore these days." Something she laments but had known was inevitable. Sinclairs ran things. They weren't run by others. "And you?" Thea cants her head to the side a bit, observing her ex-brother-in-law. "Busy days?" She hasn't seen him in weeks, but doubts texts would merit any response. Still, the fact remains she's thought of him, and wonders how this new adjustment is going. If it can be called that. Forced evolution might be a more apt description.
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Odessa's belief in the silent dialogue shared among women is unwavering. Subtle expressions and unspoken cues, a language all their own. Men, she finds, often lack the finesse to grasp these nuances, preferring the bluntness of words over the poetry of silence. Quinlan and Oskar, with their authoritative atmospherics failed to earn her trust. Leaving Odessa convinced that they got off on the sense of their own importance, and quickly making her decide that they would be of no importance to her.
But Beckett is different. A faint whisper echoes in her thoughts, almost tangible, but Odessa blinks it away so she can meet Nina's gaze with a slight smile. "They are fine but..." her hand waves dismissively as she replies with a nonchalant shrug about her previous instructors. Catching the dry humor in Nina's words, Odessa accepts it with a chuckle. "If I do that, it will be with rope. No mess." she mutters before her head tilts to the mention of Felix. "We already meet. Now I read Dostoevsky like school." but now she has met all three of the Ranström witches, and Odessa's mind conjures fleeting images of their dynamic. A sense of order that borders on rigid. "Felix is your brother too, hm? Ranström?" Odessa gestures with a nod to the door.
closed starter, asphodel nina and odessa @rviner
The thought of being a mentor can easily bring a cackle out from Nina. There's nothing nurturing or guiding about herself which she has long accepted, just two of the ways she reminds herself of her own mother. Instructing, however, she can do. And does. Even if she begrudges Felix's fall from grace that has now landed her time at the institute. But, this little file plopped on her lap is certainly interesting. An Odessa Kashirsky with an apparent limited knowledge in magic entirely. Curious. And then a little note: listens better to women. Well, already Nina can relate. She gives a slight smile as she sets down the papers, glancing to Odessa opposite her desk. "I see you had a few sessions with Quinlan before this. He's an acquired taste, I don't blame you for wanting someone else." Nina begins with a flippant air. "And for some reason they then thought my brother Oskar would be better." she snickers then arching a brow. "Apologies for that. Surprised you haven't slit your wrists. Anyway, Kashirsky is Russian, hm? Try and hide that from Felix if you meet him, he won't leave you alone."
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In full amusement, Bella perks up in a playful show of interest, tilting her head with a look of intrigue. "Mm-hm." she nods as Felix begins, already feeling her smile grow. "Well, if is a very strong word in this, Felix. And it also has proved one denominator here, that your family has ties to Pazi Shermany in order for Emine to show her Pazi nature to you." her head tilts the other way then as she offers him a teasing scrunch of her nose. It's instant for Bella to refuse Felix's next words, her head immediately shaking. She knows he isn't them, even from the fleeting moments she's seen Oskar and Nina, Felix is completely different. Clearing her throat, Bella lowers her voice again. "Nope. I personally think we should show grace to the people we've needed to be to get through something." she says, but offers the commentary as an aside rather than a topic to indulge. The look on his face as her finger wiggles is enough to bring an abrupt laugh from Bella, and she wiggles it again for effect. "This isn't sass! I was...what do you mean I didn't say anything? I made a point!" she declares, doing the movement again with her finger for emphasis. "And you should write it down!"
And then it happens again, where they're both laughing at seemingly nothing. Bella doesn't even consider how they possibly disturb the other people sitting for lunch, too enthralled within the moment. "It's sort of what happens, Felix. Honestly." she nods passionately. "You pretend you're this grumpy boy but once everyone gets to know you, you're rather incredible." she offers the compliment with a haughty British accent slipping through for the sake of levity. "Gen calls you a sweetiepop any chance she has." she highlights proudly, even if Felix can never accept the positive impact he makes on others. Chuckling, Bella's brows bounce upwards as he mentions a photo of Oskar and sheer mischief enters her expression. "Okay, I need to see that. Please can I see that?" her hand retracts from his just so she can bring hers together, as if in prayer. "Does he look like Henrik or is Henrik cuter? Henrik's cuter, right?"
More laughter follows as Bella rolls her eyes playfully to the faux debate, grabbing Felix's hand and makeshift microphone. "I'm not actually taking any questions today, please send all inquiries to my team." she forces a professional tone through her laughter before her hands clap together because Bella, just like Felix, often can't help herself. "I'm not getting into subjective reality with you, Felix. It's simply true and you're just refusing to acknowledge it." her finger wiggles again, Bella now aware that she does it often. "Write it down." she mutters with a grin, which breaks into more laughter at his attempt of diverting from the topic that started all of this. "Oh, great. That makes it better." she replies with light sarcasm but plenty of amusement in her tone. There's only a brief pause in their banter as the server approaches their table, Bella shooting Felix a quick glance and grin as she grabs the little menu to place her order. "You don't have to if you have plans already." Bella says teasingly once the server leaves, giving Felix a knowing look. "But I know you just love literacy gimmicks so maybe we could go to Shakespeare in the park. See how you consider them to butcher Hamlet this time."
"Okay, no." Felix returned, laughing despite his serious tone as he leaned into the joke. "Humor me for a second, right? If," he composed himself, clearing his throat and raising a finger to indicate the utmost seriousness. "If you were a Pazi, trying to convince everyone around you that you were too sweet and innocent to be a Pazi...who better to reveal your Pazi nature to than someone who's family has a history with Pazi Shermany?" he shrugged like the Oprah gif, keeping his expression composed before a slight laugh escaped. Felix nodded, softer to Bella's encouragement and reassurance. Strangely, he hadn't realized he needed it until it was given and his smile was easier across his features. "Thanks, but ignore when you see how I am like them, yeah?" he smirked subtly before another laugh followed, mainly for the way Bella squiggled her finger through the air like a strange point. "So? Isabella, you...didn't say anything. Why are you sassing?"
Her words managed to make him laugh out louder, and sometimes Felix wasn't even sure if he recognized the sound of his own happiness. It was as if the noise came from the distance, until he realized she had him constantly in a fit of chuckles. "Oh yeah, well that's definitely a warning. Watch out, you're going to discover I'm fucking delightful." he quipped at his own expense easily and there it was again, amusement dancing over his expression as Bella kissed her own hand. "The self-love movement has gone too far into conceit." he uttered, happily letting her move their hands so she could kiss his. As soon as she was done, Felix copied, pulling their joined hands towards him to press a quick affection across her knuckles. "Definitely was a creepy baby. I remember seeing one photo of Oskar as an infant, very Swedish the whole thing, but if it's anything to go by, I was fucking hideous."
Felix wrinkled his nose to the statement before his brows raised in a playful expression. "Oh wow, you've promoted yourself from nihilist to epistemological realist. Lovely, now we're talking." he feigned getting comfortable as if they were in for a debate, offering his a free hand as a fake microphone. "Bella. Why is it true if I don't believe it and it's true if you do?" he grinned to her with nothing but affection and amusement in his gaze. Another laugh followed and Felix slumped his shoulders slightly. "Okay, the legs of this have grown too long now. Just want to clarify, really quickly, my family weren't anywhere near the Pazi party as members. They just sold things to Germany, the country." war materials, but he was going to forever ignore that. Laughing, Felix offered her a shrug of fake sympathy and a quick sardonic nod. "I believe it. It's always been a genuine fear of mine, he's a very charming man." Felix uttered through a grin, watching as the server neared after her wave and he settled back in his seat, giving her a smirk at her comment. "That's a very cute and deflective way to say you wanted to spend the rest of the day with me. I accept."
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There are two words, beginning with L, that Nina avoids ever using in her life. So when Felix mutters one of them, her eyes move to the youngest with a sharp and scathing glare. She refuses to reply until a scoff escapes her at his remark about their family. As far as Nina's concerned, every family has their issues. Distance and emotional fractures are the lesser of the two evils in life, especially when they come with a healthy helping of opportunity and wealth. "Oh Christ, just pick a struggle." Nina's mutter is the most abrupt yet flippant it's been to Felix in quite some time, her sharp edges returning for his previous jab at her expense. The only joy she can find is when the tables turn to Oskar's little predicament with Madi and her eyes flicker between the brothers with a quiet smugness. Felix resting behind the island with a cold glare, more protective than she's seen him be. Oskar, clearly stumbling over the direct truth. But, Nina says nothing. From her perspective, the two of them together need to find a resolve. She's half tempted to grab them both by their heads to knock together, hoping for a better result than whatever this is.
Family matters, however, are pushed to the back of her mind. A shared trait, perhaps. As the potential of abyssal magic in their blood and family becomes far more pressing. Especially the sinister sensation that crawls through Nina's veins after her and Oskar are obstructed by the advanced magic within the book. She stares at it now, in a mild horror and confusion, her glance lifting to Felix when he mentions how it physically maimed Madisyn. "Oh, thanks for the heads up." Nina remarks in a cool sarcasm but her words are drowned by Oskar taking charge of the moment. A typical sight that forces her eyes into a heavy roll, especially when she hears his dismissive instructions. "Oskar, that's nonsense and you know it." Nina quips quickly to her older brother. "If nothing but research is in this thing, it would be far easier to open. Especially considering she would have found nothing wrong with how she obtained her studies and theories." she adds, as her attention is drawn to Felix.
Now, is the youngest brother's turn for a grand speech. Remember what Nina thinks about a rose between two thorns? However, she listens intently and finds her head forming a subtle nod in agreement. "I think you should." she responds with an eerie calm, gesturing to the notebook. "I want to know what's in that thing and I would come with but...if we all just get up and leave for Swit..." Nina blinks, not used to making a single error and tsking. "Sweden. Agneta is going to have far too many questions." her problem solving brain kicks in, pointing at Oskar. "You have to go because Felix doesn't have his magic and now we know Madi's isn't reliable." Nina isn't apologetic with her statement. "Take Henrik to make it seem like a family trip. Meeting them all before they all croak, because let's face it, it isn't long." her instructions roll free and she waves a hand as she acknowledges Felix. "Take Bella, too. For her magic and Lord knows you'll all need a mediator and she gets off on that sort of thing. I'll stay here and hold the fort, stop Agneta getting hysterical with the questions." Nina finishes her words with a pointed shrug, glancing at her brothers expectantly. "Well? I know a company that can have a plane ready for you in a few days." @dxrkenedheights
Oskar is all too familiar with Felix's sharp tongue, wielded like a sword, cutting through atmospheres with precision. Every sarcastic quip from his brother is a carefully crafted barrier, deflecting and derailing. Oskar sighs, the sarcasm washing over him like a wave and he fights the urge to roll his eyes as Felix’s strategy works like a charm, leaving him speechless. "Okay, we get it. You're the comedic genius of our family." he retorts, his tone as dry and defeated. But beneath the sarcasm, something piques Oskar’s interest. He shares a glance with Nina, both of them intrigued by the valid point Felix raises. The children in the photographs are real. The burning question is where they are now and, more puzzlingly, why no one has ever mentioned them. Not their grandmother, not their mother. Oskar looks at Nina and then Felix, nodding thoughtfully. "Giving away children was seen as an embarrassment, hm? Maybe they were quite literally placed out of sight and out of mind."
However, as they delve deeper, Oskar senses their speculations are veering them off course. The contents of the box scream black magic with a sinister hint of abyssal depths. A shiver runs down his spine, the same one he’s sure Felix and Nina feel. Something dark festers in their family’s past. It doesn’t help his unease when Felix and Nina witness his realization, the ignorance regarding his own daughter. Clearing his throat awkwardly, Oskar mumbles. "Right. Well. I'll…send her a text. See if I can help." his shrug is a surrender. "If she just told me what was happening, I could have helped a lot sooner. I can't read minds." his voice deflects the guilt, though he knows it’s well-earned. Felix's next remark only deepens Oskar’s unease. He knows their younger brother can't help with the magic-bound notebook and he gives Felix a withering look before joining Nina, focusing his efforts.
Eyes closed, he channels his magic visualizing it reaching out to the book’s force. But every attempt is thwarted, his magic repelled, a blur of black at each thread’s edge as if the book itself is alive and resisting. His magic turns sharp, painful in his veins and when the book erupts with disruptive energy, he and Nina recoil in unison. "Jesus." Oskar hisses as his sister does, magic feeling as if it's piercing his veins. "That's…this is very advanced." he says, breath tight as he glances between his sister and Felix. Nina’s suggestion makes him shake his head immediately. "I don’t think so. That thing knows when you’re trying to connect to it, before any spell or attempt is even made. That's…" Oskar trails off, words failing him at the sheer sophistication of the magic. "Is this what happened to Madi?"
Then, his hand waves. A dismissive gesture to the book that sits on the kitchen counter. "This is ridiculous. The most that could be in there are research notes. Let's face it, the early 1900s aren't exactly known for their kind methods." Oskar decides, his voice a strict tone as he decides to wash his hands of the entire thing. "Truthfully, this was a waste of time. What does any of this even prove? There were children nobody talked about, possibly for a reason. And Hanna, more than likely, wasn't very humane with her studies. That's...just history. This is a nothing situation, Felix." @manybcdthings
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Tough crowd, Nina thinks as a faint grin curls over her lips. Momentarily, she becomes a silent observer of her brothers and her gaze flicks between Oskar and Felix while tension sizzles beneath their quips. As usual, the younger Ranström's words cut sharper and Nina stifles a smug chuckle at Oskar's expense. But she’s never immune to their barbs. Daintily, she waves a hand in defeat. "I'm just saying, Father runs a tight ship. If he and Mother had divorced when we were kids, we wouldn't have seen a dime either, I'm sure of it." she defends herself, wary of these supposed aunts and uncles who may or may not exist.
But, Felix makes a valid point. These relatives did exist once, only to vanish from all conversation. She scoffs lightly. "I don't know why you're surprised, Felix. I thought your whole resentment thing," she waves a finger at his general being, "is because nobody talks?" Nina shrugs, her attention caught by the box and notebook. Immediately, she retreats into her analytical brain, connecting dots from the vague pieces of information she’s heard about Hanna. "She was into medicine and research, hm?" she ponders, abandoning the black magic items to study the book. "If these were for a specific ritual, it makes sense Greta and Agneta kept them. So it wasn’t reversed or obstructed." she muses.
Her curiosity shifts into smugness as Oskar takes the notebook and discusses Madisyn’s magic with Felix. Although, Nina doubts Oskar will see the clear sign in front of him: his own daughter doesn’t trust him with her life’s happenings. She observes, noting Felix’s protective words for their niece and Oskar’s obvious guilt. Without a word, but with a knowing smirk, Nina nods to the request to attempt to access the book. She acknowledges Felix with a look that might seem sharp enough to be pity but is tinged with remorse. She doesn't laugh nor grin to his remark, if anything his words manage to twist at her heart. But, as always, her features remain expressionless.
Nina raises her hands, eyes closing as she taps into her magic with a deep breath inward. The energy flows through her like a current, but as she reaches out to the book, a darkness blurs at the edges of her magic, making the thread of connection slippery and elusive. Sharp attacks strike her energy at every attempt, the book seemingly predicting her moves. Each touch of it's powers send a jolt of pain, like needles prickling her essence while fleeting moments of near-success tease her to continue. Finally, she catches the thread, binding her magic to the book's but a searing pain jolts through her veins, shattering her concentration and throwing her out of the attempt. "Shit." Nina hisses as she takes a stumbling step backwards, staring with contempt at the notebook before her gaze flickers to Oskar. Who she presumes has shared the experience. "What the fuck is that?" her remark drips with concern yet her tone doesn't raise even a decimal. She thinks for a moment, glancing to the book again. "What other attempts are there? Maybe it's been bound by the usual ones and that's why it feels as if it can predict them?" @dxrkenedheights
It's as if Oskar doesn't realize a moment until it's already passed him. Felix's response to the tense atmosphere blurs around the older brother, Oskar unable but desperately wishing to rewind a few words. More than a few. But he's fairly certain an apology will be met with a snarl, and a heart-to-heart will end up how they always do. With disgruntled words, and a familiar game of deflection. It leaves Oskar no choice but to let the moment of potential reconciliation pass by, letting out a dry scoff to Nina's quip. He refuses to indulge the joke, giving their sister an unimpressed look before he diverts his attention to Felix. "Maybe they died, Felix. Medicine wasn't quite what it is today." he speculates with a simple shrug.
The quick witted yet careless remark from Felix doesn't surprise or shock Oskar, but the older brother can't help the frown that appears on his face. "I heard sniffing was better for a dog's mental health." he muses with a dry tone, certain his quip will land as an insult instead from Felix's perspective. Oskar also isn't surprised that Nina's first thought is the money and estate, making him laugh slightly. "I don't even think Sven or Elisa have anything to do with it all now, so definitely not anyone from mother's side." he concurs but as always, their family proves to be masters at half-truths, vague stories and unwritten endings.
Oskar watches as Felix moves to the boxes, attentiveness written over his expression as his hands anchor to his hips. He doesn't realize the strength required to budge them until he tries to push the first box out of the way with his foot, needing to engage his whole strength just to see it slide along the floor. He says nothing, but notices the similar expression on Nina's features. And for the first time, in perhaps years, all three of them wear the same look as the contents of the second box is revealed. "Jesus." Oskar remarks, smoothly but with a hint of concerned surprise. "Black magic may be bones, but the second you start needing...this many." he grimaces as he studies the box, giving Nina and then Felix a worried look.
The notebook is equally as curious, but of course their nimble fingered sister snatches it before Oskar has a chance to study it for himself. Leaving him to glance again into the box before watching her hold the stone up to the light. As soon as Madisyn's magic is mentioned, Oskar's thoughtful frown returns and a slight clueless look in his eye. "I..." he clears his throat. "I've not heard anything about that." Oskar says lowly. "I thought she was at the institute because she's trying her hand at tech things now with Seraphina?" his head tilts slightly, glancing to Felix for clarification but seizes the opportunity to take the notebook from Nina. "Sounds like a deterrent more than anything, she's probably unsure how to bypass it. I'm sure it will be easy enough. Shall we?" obviously, his glance then only includes Nina, and without meaning to bars Felix from any inclusion. @manybcdthings
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Nina is the rose between two thorns, wedged between Oskar and Felix as she has been for as long as she can remember. The tension between her brothers is palpable, an electric charge that darkens the apartment and sends a shiver up her spine. But one she takes no notice of. If anything, it feels just like home. Their silent standoff is a familiar dance, and their intense gaze to one another is enough to chill the air. Felix's eyes are practically glowing green with intensity, Oskar's a frigid blue. Nina sighs, her attention drifting to the old photo album on the table as Felix's quip makes her stifle a dry chuckle. "Good. I always thought Oskar was the one with a weird fascination with collars, but I must have got it wrong." she remarks, her tone light and simple.
She knows all too well how Oskar and Felix can be a united front when it suits them. Today is no different as they murmur about the family and the children. As Nina inspects the photograph of the Henrik look-a-like, she finds herself reluctantly agreeing. "So, that's the discovery, hm? We might have great uncles and aunts alive, but they just so happened to vanish?" her head tilts, her voice dripping with skepticism. "I'm fairly certain the estate and everything has remained firmly with the Ranström side, so if you're worried about them or cousins popping up with grabby hands, I'm sure father has already considered it all."
As Felix moves to the chests, Nina discards the photo album on the kitchen counter with her curiosity piqued. She watches him haul the heavy leather-bound boxes as if they weigh nothing, biting back a comment about his newfound strength. And then the second box opens, revealing an array of ritualistic items, the notebook with intricate designs, and a large, mysterious gemstone at its center. "It's…" Nina hesitates, crouching to inspect the vials filled with blood and preserved organs. A sinister shiver creeps down her spine. "Awfully close." she mutters, with no need to speak the abyssal magic they all think of. "But it depends entirely on the intentions used with these things."
Straightening from the box of horrors, she reaches for the notebook, her fingers brushing against its worn cover before Oskar can beat her to it. The mention of Madisyn's magic sparks her curiosity, and Nina tilts her chin thoughtfully. "Oh? Since the Beekman, I suppose?" she steps away from her brothers to study the book, holding it up to the natural sunlight streaming through Felix's kitchen. The gemstone remains dark, absorbing rather than reflecting. "I would say this is obsidian, but…it's hard to say." she muses. "What did it do to her? Just block her attempt to get in, or…?" she glances at Felix, her gaze sliding momentarily to Oskar as her mind races. "This is the first time I've heard about her struggling with her magic. You, Oskar?" @dxrkenedheights
"That's usually whats inside this sort of thing, yes." Oskar grins faintly, even if he knows there has to be something much more interesting than vaguely sentimental items. Unless this is what his relationship with Felix has become. A precarious attempt at recovering their brotherhood around dead people's belongings. He offers an attentive nod as Felix delves into the contents, watching as his younger brother rummages through and then extends the photo album. The question hits his ears like a bizarre inquiry. "What? No. She was an only child from what I was told." he answers, but his gaze falls to the pictures scattered through the album. The young boy catches his attention first, how at a quick glance, he looks like little Henrik. "Maybe photographs were lost, Felix. What are you insinuating? They went missing?" his tone isn't judgmental until it is.
Oskar can't help himself. It's a reflex, a muscle memory. It's learned behavior from having a mother and father that comment, quick and precise. Sharp words from cold hearts. As soon as Felix makes his confident and flippant remark, a scoff follows from the older witch. "None of us know how often she goes into these things. That's a careless thing to say." he responds in a dry mutter, but immediately hears how his words do not do his intentions any justice. He wants things to be better. He wants to resemble brothers again, even if he can't even remember the last time they did. But, Oskar can't backtrack. The moment moves on, as comments and remarks are always made so gently and subtly that it's impossible to highlight them.
Nina's arrival prevents any apology from being uttered in the next breath, Oskar taking the time to search through the photo album as their sister ventures into the kitchen. He gives a small nod at the suggestion of a school, and then a contemplative shrug after Nina takes away the photos from his hold. "I would agree, but one of the boys looks like Henrik." Oskar muses, tapping a finger over the vague similarities. "Just a quick glance. Look too long and it's not there. But, squint and that could be him. Makes the same face if you put a block in the wrong place." which Oskar does purposely to try and teach his son patience, which doesn't seem a virtue that either he or Thea possess. When Nina then turns her attention to Felix, the older of the siblings goes quiet and can only nod in a silent agreement. He offers no other comment, and only looks to the youngest with an expectant gaze for the reason why they're all standing awkwardly in the kitchen. "Might not be dead, Nina. If Greta is still alive." Oskar then corrects her in a drone but waves a dismissive hand to the conversation, moving his attention back to Felix who he's reading like a book. "There's something else, isn't there?" @manybcdthings
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Yes, Nina has delayed her arrival, and yes it is deliberate. She believes this nonsense radio silence between Oskar and Felix is due to come to an end, and while she isn't delusional enough to believe twenty or so minutes is enough for them to break an awkward silence, she does believe it is a faint step in the right direction.
Although, her good deed for her brothers comes to an end when her curiosity piques too high for her to delay any longer. Her movement into Felix's apartment is eager but not rushed, gaze immediately landing on the old worn chests that seem to have a magnetic pull. "God, I have been dying to get into these ever since I was little girl. Madisyn has more balls than the rest of us." Nina comments, only halting when she notices the photo album in Oskar's hands and as Felix's question stops her from diving straight into the open chest. She blinks at first, hands hovering from their paused motion before she tsks. "Maybe Hanna had a school for young witches? Or held classes for alchemy. Greta has never said anything about brothers or sisters." Nina states, hands then raveling around the photo album to pull it from Oskar.
The delicate snatch sees her in control of the pictures from the past, hurriedly flipping through every page with a contemplative frown. "How strange." her remark is both puzzled yet faint, turning back a few pages. "Well, if they were all her children maybe she sent them to boarding school. Six is an atrocious number." Nina muses with a dry little chuckle, gaze lifting from the photo album and then to Oskar, and finally to Felix. It's only now that she takes her younger brother in, soaking in his atmosphere after weeks without speaking to him. "You look well." Nina comments in a slight nod, glancing momentarily between both brothers. "Is that what this gathering is all about? Dead and forgotten great aunts and uncles we never knew about?" @dxrkenedheights
where: felix's apartment
with: oskar ranstrom, nina ranstrom and felix ranstrom @manybcdthings
As stated, Oskar arrives at his brother's apartment at precisely 1 p.m., his punctuality not surprising nor his meticulous nature. However, as he steps into the familiar space, there's a noticeable slump to his posture. He quickly realizes that Nina, likely for her own amusement, has delayed her own arrival. Leaving him and Felix alone after weeks of no contact. Navigating anything with Felix these days feels like a minefield. Oskar stands awkwardly, unsure of where to step next. He observes his brother, noting that Felix seems slightly rejuvenated, a spark in his eyes that wasn’t there before. Oskar equates this newfound vitality to the return of Isabella Belcourt in Felix’s life. A small pang of guilt tugs at him, remembering the conversation he had with her at the Beekman Hotel. A conversation that now feels like a betrayal.
The room is heavy with silence at first, the kind that wraps around you like a dense fog. Uncomfortable and tight. When they do speak, the small talk is stilted and their words barely break the surface of their strained relationship. Desperate for a distraction, Oskar turns to the purpose of his visit, using it as a lifeline. He glances at the two large leather chests in the room. Old and worn, their leather cracked and tired after traveling through countless generations. Buckling under the weight of untold secrets. With a weak wave of his hand, Oskar gestures towards them, trying to deflect the awkward tension. "So, Madi got hold of these somehow?" his voice resonates with a hint of intrigue. "I'm guessing on the day when she told me she left her purse at our parents' place." he had found it odd at the time that Madi had visited Agneta and Olaf, a rare occurrence that now makes much more sense.
Taking hesitant steps towards the chests, Oskar's mind races back to their childhood. "I remember seeing these as kids. Not inside them, obviously. Mom seemed to want them out of sight and out of mind. I'm guessing for a reason, one that you and Madi have carelessly discovered." he looks to Felix with expectancy and with a casual wave of his hand, he dismisses Nina’s absence. "What have you found? She can catch up." Oskar's eyes linger on the chests, their presence a physical reminder of the mysteries that have always surrounded their family. He feels a mix of curiosity and dread, wondering what revelations lie within those old, tired containers. "You should have texted me when Madisyn arrived with them, Felix. Agneta will lose her mind when she finds out."
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"I picked all of them." Felix muttered with a sinister and amused grin. From a young age, he learned to navigate a world of remarks, retorts, and passive aggression. Honing an ability to twist words to make each one count. He had become relentless, dodging and weaving through verbal onslaughts to lessen their impact. If he knew Oskar saw their family as a slowly healing wound, Felix would agree with the analogy. But he would also point out how satisfying it was to press on it. To dig fingers into the trauma, desperate to feel it bleed and obsessed with peeking beneath dressings that never healed a fucking thing.
The notebook felt like one of the useless bandages, offering Felix his first chance to look beneath and see how deep the wound had festered. Even if he already knew it reached bone. Watching Nina flit between sides was nothing new, their sister always aligning herself to whatever side suited her. Felix barely reacted as she corrected Oskar, but her agreement to search for answers and meticulously plan their itinerary caught him off guard. Even if it came with a flippant remark about Bella which made his already tense demeanor sharpen. "Don't. Not when you're in my fucking home. Save that for your family dinners." he interjected, his voice calm but precise. It was Oskar’s sudden involvement that confused Felix, his tension giving way to genuine surprise. For a bitter moment, the three of them seemed unified but Felix didn't know how to handle such a feeling.
A faint scoff escaped him. "I’m sure she'll jump at the chance to have a break while knowing you're spending time with him, Oskar." he said, his dry tone cutting through their brief sibling unity. He felt instant regret for it, but once words were said there was often no return. An endless cycle they seemed trapped within. The only thing Felix could do was continue regardless of his quip and he drew in a deep breath. "I..." he hesitated in a similar way Oskar had, shoulders lifting with a thoughtful shrug. "I'll talk to Bella, I guess. But it's hardly going to be very tempting as vacation of the year." Felix looked straight to Oskar as he said this, his tone only lightly tinged with a joke at the expense of the intense atmospheres they emitted. Especially when together. "Madi said she needed to think about it but I'll text her and explain the update." Felix explained, looking from Nina and back to his brother as he realized it was a potential in for Oskar to reach out to his own daughter. "Unless you want to." @secrettyrant
There are two words, beginning with L, that Nina avoids ever using in her life. So when Felix mutters one of them, her eyes move to the youngest with a sharp and scathing glare. She refuses to reply until a scoff escapes her at his remark about their family. As far as Nina's concerned, every family has their issues. Distance and emotional fractures are the lesser of the two evils in life, especially when they come with a healthy helping of opportunity and wealth. "Oh Christ, just pick a struggle." Nina's mutter is the most abrupt yet flippant it's been to Felix in quite some time, her sharp edges returning for his previous jab at her expense. The only joy she can find is when the tables turn to Oskar's little predicament with Madi and her eyes flicker between the brothers with a quiet smugness. Felix resting behind the island with a cold glare, more protective than she's seen him be. Oskar, clearly stumbling over the direct truth. But, Nina says nothing. From her perspective, the two of them together need to find a resolve. She's half tempted to grab them both by their heads to knock together, hoping for a better result than whatever this is.
Family matters, however, are pushed to the back of her mind. A shared trait, perhaps. As the potential of abyssal magic in their blood and family becomes far more pressing. Especially the sinister sensation that crawls through Nina's veins after her and Oskar are obstructed by the advanced magic within the book. She stares at it now, in a mild horror and confusion, her glance lifting to Felix when he mentions how it physically maimed Madisyn. "Oh, thanks for the heads up." Nina remarks in a cool sarcasm but her words are drowned by Oskar taking charge of the moment. A typical sight that forces her eyes into a heavy roll, especially when she hears his dismissive instructions. "Oskar, that's nonsense and you know it." Nina quips quickly to her older brother. "If nothing but research is in this thing, it would be far easier to open. Especially considering she would have found nothing wrong with how she obtained her studies and theories." she adds, as her attention is drawn to Felix.
Now, is the youngest brother's turn for a grand speech. Remember what Nina thinks about a rose between two thorns? However, she listens intently and finds her head forming a subtle nod in agreement. "I think you should." she responds with an eerie calm, gesturing to the notebook. "I want to know what's in that thing and I would come with but...if we all just get up and leave for Swit..." Nina blinks, not used to making a single error and tsking. "Sweden. Agneta is going to have far too many questions." her problem solving brain kicks in, pointing at Oskar. "You have to go because Felix doesn't have his magic and now we know Madi's isn't reliable." Nina isn't apologetic with her statement. "Take Henrik to make it seem like a family trip. Meeting them all before they all croak, because let's face it, it isn't long." her instructions roll free and she waves a hand as she acknowledges Felix. "Take Bella, too. For her magic and Lord knows you'll all need a mediator and she gets off on that sort of thing. I'll stay here and hold the fort, stop Agneta getting hysterical with the questions." Nina finishes her words with a pointed shrug, glancing at her brothers expectantly. "Well? I know a company that can have a plane ready for you in a few days." @dxrkenedheights
#felixranstromchat#interactions; felix and oskar and nina 001#I had to insta reply this is sad#but good
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Nina's eyes flit between her brothers. At first, to Felix, reading the sharp edge to his entire demeanor. Even now as the air fills with a certain touch of rage, his words about Oskar cause Nina to dip her head out of caution from laughing. Because none of this is a laughing matter, and somewhere through the concern for the lost money is concern for what truly matters. Her youngest brother. And then her eyes are to Oskar, who's voice is as deliberate and domineering as it always is. She says nothing when he shrugs at her, but Nina's expression is far from approving of the subject and she glances back to Felix with a subtle shake of her head. "No one is cutting anyone off. That's not how we do things." her words are just a simple statement, a slight begrudging tone aimed at Oskar only. "But something obviously has to change, Felix." she adds, cold and precise while clearing her throat. She directs her attention to Oskar and focuses her mind to money again. "It is all we have. Nobody sane would stand up and talk about Ivana Trump's cunt in front of the fucking CEO of Shell, for Christ sake."
There's a startled silence when the glass launches to the wall, the shattering of shards pulling Nina's attention to the impact before her gaze slides to Felix. Considering the outburst she can sense lingering in the air, as Oskar steps to Felix, Nina is there ready to hover as a mediator. She disagrees entirely that nobody is ignoring it. There's been moments she's heard their parents mention Felix's magic as if it still exists, to names and blurred faces that are so far removed from the situation they would never know it's a lie. Yet in this moment, she can almost hear the emptiness echoing back from Felix for the loss of it. Her breath sharpens. "I really think now is not the time and here is not the place." she warns to both of her brothers, her tone demanding acknowledgement. "Oskar, go home. Felix, come with me." Nina mentions, a hard grip around Felix's arm to get him moving and the only time her frustration slips into her words is when her gaze meets with the staff again. "Obviously if there's three of us here and two of us have asked for our coats, then it means that we're all leaving. Christ." she exasperates at the confused faces, gesturing flippantly for Felix's coat as she moves with him. @manybcdthings
"Oh no, did I say something?" Felix's laughter cut through the air, mocking and defiant as the clients scattered like roaches fleeing the light. Their outraged glares were fuel to his fire, each one met with a smirk of devilish amusement. Words, he knew, had the power to wound deeper. As if people couldn't resign the meaning of them themselves if they so wished. "Well, I hope some of you enjoy the cocaine you pretend you don't take." he spat out, his parting shot a grenade tossed into the midst of their social wreckage.
But then the room was plunged into a subzero temperature, Oskar and Nina's disappointment as palpable as their mother and father's. It was why Felix's laughter continued, a cruel echo in the face of Oskar's scrambling panic he could sense. "Oh, no. Let him, Nina." he chimed with a cold sarcasm. "Only time he's animated is when it's about fucking money, let him feel him something for once." Felix's tone matched Oskar's but carried with a bitter edge, the glass in his hand felt like a lifeline as he downed the contents. "I don't give a fuck. Cut me off entirely." Felix then challenged, because he knew it was coming. He felt the ax hovering over his head long before this moment. Even if this time was different. This time, there was a loss that Felix couldn't even put into words. A void so dense that it mocked him for thinking he ever knew what the word meant before.
As Nina sprang into action, her voice cold and detached, Felix felt himself drifting to the periphery of the conversation. It was as if he wasn't even there, as if his pain and anger didn't exist or worse, were invisible to the world. His eyes darted between Oskar and Nina, an expression of disbelief over his features as anger simmered through his veins. An intense rush of the frustration that he had nowhere to release, until he felt the glass in his hand crack under the pressure of his hold. Reminding him of the reason why he felt this way in the firt place. Within the next second, Felix launched it across the room so it shattered against a wall, cutting right through his brother and sister's conversation. "Can you fucking hear yourselves!?" Felix's voice was raw with emotion, his words a desperate plea for acknowledgment. "Nothing worth talking about, really? Ignoring this doesn't mean it hasn't fucking happened, Nina!" he meant him, his loss of magic and with it his loss of himself. All of which was being swept away like nothing.
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Nina fights back a soft roll of her eyes at Felix's dry quip, her lips pressing into a thin line to withhold any additional comment. The discomfort his words evoke is palpable, but it's become his trademark humor. A precarious dance between what's deemed acceptable and what's not, but it strikes a chord within Nina where her concern rises tenfold for his well being. As Felix rises to his feet, a subtle hesitation flickers across Nina's face, mingled with caution as she glances to Oskar. There's a silent agreement between the older witches as their gaze meets. They both understand that rushing to usher Felix away would only exacerbate the situation he's orchestrated, perhaps something their dear baby brother knows himself. So, Nina remains seated, exuding a cold calmness as she hears the frustration laced within Felix's words, the subtle cry for help buried beneath this show of bravado.
It's a slow and agonizing moment, Nina watching as the clients retreat from the table, their expressions all a mixture of disgruntlement and offense. She doesn't take action until they're alone, and with a calm demeanor she retrieves her phone, her mind already racing through strategies. Without glancing to the older brother, Nina scoffs. "That isn't going to help anybody, Oskar. Christ. Get a handle on the testosterone." she asserts firmly, her tone cutting through the tension like a knife. "Let me think." Nina adds in a mutter, cold eyes glancing to Felix where the gaze softens with concern but not completely void of judgement.
"We'll wait until Monday, if we do anything over the weekend we'll look desperate. I'll make the calls, just a simple blanket statement about mental health. We're supporting him during this time and appreciate understanding." Nina's attention fixes to Oskar, giving him a curt nod as she rises to her feet, signaling for her coat and to settle the tab. "You find some investments with a good return, nothing too risky. We offer them that but not too much. As Felix said, we don't need their money, Oskar. We have it already and we want to keep it." she reminds him, slipping into her coat once it's brought to her. "I suggest we all go home, nothing worth talking about tonight." Nina announces, reaching for the unopened bottle of whiskey so she at least has some way to end the night with a positive note. @manybcdthings
Did time slow down? Felix stared blankly to his sister as seconds stretched around the moment. Or through it? His glance shifted to the bodies around the table. The ache was back that he couldn't explain, gnawing at his insides somewhere between guilt and resentment. The night around him felt suffocating and meaningless, and Nina's voice trailed into a muffle while all other sounds amplified in his ears. Each clink of glass, even the raspy inhales as people talked, all grating on his nerves like sandpaper against rough skin. "Well, here's to using that as an excuse and it not being a lie." Felix said simply, moving to his feet and patting his sister's shoulder. "I meant the other one. We have...had two." he commented as an aside, his arm flinging up as he rounded to the head of the table.
"I just want everyone's attention for a few seconds. I promise, it won't be for long because I have to get back to Sweden on the four hour flight." Felix ignored the awkward laughter and just met the table with a grin. "Because you all knew what my brother and sister said was bullshit but...nobody wanted to be the one to say it. Except for when you all...leave, obviously." he waved his hand to the windows. "I did the quick...tally up and I think the net worth of this table sits at over a billion. I mean...that is crazy when you think about it. Impressive." they thought of his words as a compliment and Felix even delivered them as such, catching Oskar and Nina's gaze with a slight grin.
"Anyways, we're also all pretending, for some reason, that this dinner isn't about money. Money which we don't even need, and money I don't even care about. Which is also obvious, given the fact that I've talked to some of you maybe three times in the past year." he shrugged. "The truth is, I would much rather claw out my eyeballs with a spoon that's been in and around Ivana Trump's cunt than have to listen or look at any of you for longer than I need to. And honestly, I just want to go home and have a little treat of cocaine, which we also pretend a bunch of us don't even do. So that's what I'm going to do now. Goodnight." @dxrkenedheights
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Felix wasn't surprised when there was no sign of Nina as Oskar arrived. His sister had long since realized she was the buffer in their dynamic, the only one who could smooth out the rough edges. Without her, there were empty words and awkward silences, especially after weeks of limited contact. Felix engaged in the small talk with a dreary tone, both he and Oskar painfully aware that they were dancing around something far more significant. It was as predictable as it was exhausting. When Oskar gestured to the two old trunks, Felix's gaze followed. The chests had been haphazardly packed away and were now stacked one atop the other in his kitchen. They contrasted sharply with the modern decor, an uncomfortable metaphor of time that Felix preferred not to acknowledge. He mirrored Oskar's hesitant step towards them, moving closer with caution to the time capsules. "Yeah. That's exactly what happened," he replied sincerely, though he bit back other words. If Oskar paid more attention to his own daughter, perhaps he’d notice when she was pulling the wool over his eyes.
Felix rubbed the back of his head before crossing his arms, lingering near the chests as his expression remained blank while he listened to Oskar. "There's actually not much of interest in them. A few old books, clothes, photos. That sort of thing," he explained, intercepting his brother’s curiosity as he opened the top trunk. "There was this photo album, Lars' and Hanna's." the album was just the beginning of the questions it raised. "Do you know if Greta had any brothers or sisters?" Felix's tone lifted with the question as he dug around in the chest, pulling out the album. He turned to the same picture that showed a young boy with a striking resemblance to Henrik. "These…very happy-looking children appear in a bunch of photos and then just…don't." Felix said, passing the album to Oskar at the same time that brother’s lecture filled the space between them. A familiar cadence that Felix had grown accustomed to, despite responding immediately with a dry chuckle. "Well, if these chests were out of sight and out of mind, then Agneta isn't going to notice they're missing. So, we have nothing to worry about."
Before Felix was able to say anything else, the sound of Nina's arrival buzzed through his apartment and he used it as ample opportunity to escape the painful conversation with Oskar. Letting their sister enter, Felix just bopped a quick nod in greeting while gesturing to where the questions about their family were, once again, circling. "Great, now we can actually get to the good part." he commented, following after Nina to his kitchen. "In the second chest, there's a..." Felix paused, looking to Oskar and then to Nina. "Do you know if Greta had any brothers or sisters?" he backtracked, pointing to the photo album Oskar held. "There's kids in a bunch of photos, and then it's like they disappeared." @secrettyrant
where: felix's apartment
with: oskar ranstrom, nina ranstrom and felix ranstrom @manybcdthings
As stated, Oskar arrives at his brother's apartment at precisely 1 p.m., his punctuality not surprising nor his meticulous nature. However, as he steps into the familiar space, there's a noticeable slump to his posture. He quickly realizes that Nina, likely for her own amusement, has delayed her own arrival. Leaving him and Felix alone after weeks of no contact. Navigating anything with Felix these days feels like a minefield. Oskar stands awkwardly, unsure of where to step next. He observes his brother, noting that Felix seems slightly rejuvenated, a spark in his eyes that wasn’t there before. Oskar equates this newfound vitality to the return of Isabella Belcourt in Felix’s life. A small pang of guilt tugs at him, remembering the conversation he had with her at the Beekman Hotel. A conversation that now feels like a betrayal.
The room is heavy with silence at first, the kind that wraps around you like a dense fog. Uncomfortable and tight. When they do speak, the small talk is stilted and their words barely break the surface of their strained relationship. Desperate for a distraction, Oskar turns to the purpose of his visit, using it as a lifeline. He glances at the two large leather chests in the room. Old and worn, their leather cracked and tired after traveling through countless generations. Buckling under the weight of untold secrets. With a weak wave of his hand, Oskar gestures towards them, trying to deflect the awkward tension. "So, Madi got hold of these somehow?" his voice resonates with a hint of intrigue. "I'm guessing on the day when she told me she left her purse at our parents' place." he had found it odd at the time that Madi had visited Agneta and Olaf, a rare occurrence that now makes much more sense.
Taking hesitant steps towards the chests, Oskar's mind races back to their childhood. "I remember seeing these as kids. Not inside them, obviously. Mom seemed to want them out of sight and out of mind. I'm guessing for a reason, one that you and Madi have carelessly discovered." he looks to Felix with expectancy and with a casual wave of his hand, he dismisses Nina’s absence. "What have you found? She can catch up." Oskar's eyes linger on the chests, their presence a physical reminder of the mysteries that have always surrounded their family. He feels a mix of curiosity and dread, wondering what revelations lie within those old, tired containers. "You should have texted me when Madisyn arrived with them, Felix. Agneta will lose her mind when she finds out."
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"Right. It definitely sounded like one." Felix remarked dryly, a small huff punctuating his words as his sister backtracked. He didn't even read Oskar's statement as an attempt to placate the quick rise in tension and waved a dismissive hand at his brother. "Okay, well, no offense, but I won't blame her if she doesn't exactly want to be used as a magical pawn. So, I'll let you know." Felix bit back quickly, feeling the familiar sensation of needing to remove himself mentally from his surroundings. It was something that only occurred frequently with his brother and sister, as if his soul was tired of the constant defense needed for whatever quips might fly through the air.
The resolve and plan for the trip, however, worked to quell Felix's curiosity about the notebook and Nina's dark humor managed to pull a weak chuckle from him. His hand lifted in a sheepish mirror of hers. "I think the same thing. And I also think Agneta and Olaf are part of a whole abyssal conspiracy, probably did the Beekman." he claimed grandly without a single ounce of shame, even if he could easily read Oskar's disapproval. There was no warm farewell as Nina made her leave, Felix drawing in a deep breath as if anticipating the sense of relief that would sweep through his apartment once his brother and sister left him alone. His gaze flicked between her and Oskar as the strange compliment was repeated, making Felix's nose scrunch slightly as if in disgust. "Okay. That's...wonderful." he commented simply, feeling as if Oskar had a gun to his head to agree. He half expected his brother to seize the opportunity to leave next, but something much worse followed.
As Oskar tried to strike up a warmer conversation, Felix couldn't control the scoff that left him. It was a deeply bitter but amused sound as he packed up the other box. "Ah, yeah. So fond of her that you tried to belittle her work and our relationship." his words were a sharp mutter and Felix wasn't looking to Oskar as he moved around him to stack the boxes away again. "You can go, Oskar. I don't want this conversation and you don't either." Felix stopped himself from further comment, knowing that anything heartfelt would simply be a stiff and tense atmosphere that lingered. Possibly for days. "Yes." he reply was simple about the notebook, but his expression lacked any enthusiasm. "Maybe you're not sure what a werewolf attack consists of, but it's all teeth and claws. My memory of magic is still intact. I'm fully capable to figure this out alone. So if you're messing up your precious work schedule because you think I'll struggle, you can...just not?"
Nina doesn’t gain any satisfaction from the quip she directs to Felix at Isabella's expense, but she does manage a slight grin and rolls her eyes heavily. "Oh, please. I never said it was a bad thing." she backtracks, throwing up a weak hand in apology. "And there’s no way either of you will survive a trip together without someone there with a brain. I was actually complimenting her." It isn’t a lie. People like Isabella Belcourt are necessary, Nina thinks, to balance out the world that might otherwise be ravaged by people like herself. She glances between her brothers, noting how Oskar dances on the edge of intrigue about the notebook despite his usual aloof facade. That brings a more genuine grin to her lips, and Nina nods as if the situation has resolved itself.
"Great. Well, that’s settled." she says, clapping her hands together and taking one last look at the boxes they stand among. "You both talk to the ladies who hold your leashes and get back to me. Then I'll sort out some dates." a shiver of excitement crawls up her spine, making Nina shrug her shoulders in a contented wriggle. "I think we should place bets. Just some harmless fun. I say abyssal magic, and she killed her children with it. Greta survived." Nina speculates, slowly raising her hand and looking at her brothers. "Possibly accidental, possibly not." she adds, her tone contradicting the sinister topic.
Nina doubts there is anything else of interest in the boxes, but she takes another look at the notebook as thoughts churn briefly. "Greta might reach out after your visit and tell our dear mother about this, so we should think ahead." she says and although communication between mother and daughter has been limited for years, Nina doesn't take any chances. "Or, try to be coy about how you mention it, if either of you can manage that." her gaze flits between the brothers again, wondering if this trip might help them better understand one another. But Nina doesn’t particularly want to be there for the brotherly bonding itself, predicting it will be nauseating and something that could have been resolved years ago. "Despite how fun this was, I need to go." she declares, heading straight for her purse and coat to conclude the afternoon on her own terms. She pauses at the door, turning slightly to give one last nod. "I mean it, though. You do look well, Felix. Less gaunt. But maybe next time you'll offer us a coffee." @dxrkenedheights
#felixranstromchat#interactions; felix and oskar and nina 001#It's sad because why can't they talk HAHAHA
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Felix's absence is already predicted and dealt with, Nina seamlessly interjecting Oskar's hint of stress in his tone with the perfect excuse. Only for it all to come undone when Felix, from their client's point of view, has returned from Sweden within a record breaking time of four hours. A Scandinavian vision of resurrected Jesus before their very eyes, on no other than Easter weekend. She blinks to the younger brother as he nonchalantly carries himself to the seat beside her, Nina clearing her throat as she reaches for her drink. "They're your accounts, Felix." she mutters her reply through the corner of her lips, hiding her slow blink as she hears the stuffy sniff of his cocaine binge. "Were." is added sharply but quietly as she adjusts in her seat comfortably. Thankfully, the sudden appiration of Felix doesn't stir commotion and her shoulders ease from tension as conversation continues.
"We told them you were in Sweden, so you know the drill. Accent. Stumble on some words. Although, aim for dad's tone. Not mother's. You always turn mother for some reason." Nina speaks hurriedly, despite the languid movement of placing her glass back to the table. "I said you were there for a few months, hence why some of their...shit hasn't been handled." she turns to him slowly, giving him a look that only their family can muster. And despite all of the issues their brother causes for them, Nina manages a dry chuckle at Felix's trademark humor, her eyes following to Oskar with a grin. "A dog walking on it's hind legs would be cute. This is just tragic." she joins as a smile threatens to break her stoicism. "Have fun? In Sweden?"
felix ranstrom and nina ranstrom @secrettyrant
His disdain for social gatherings was already well known. Even more so when they were under the pretense of business. Because nothing said hard work like a $700 per person meal. Felix viewed it all for what it truly was, a pretentious display of wealth and egos. Tedious stories, forced laughter that if you listened to closely, carried a hint of a melody. Give us your money. It seemed worse to him that everybody knew what it was, yet nobody dared break the play. The only time he enjoyed a social gathering tinged with the promise of wooing a client was when the oil tycoons had sons and daughters with the same tastes he had. And regardless of what anybody thought about it, nobody could deny the correlation between Felix's massive coke binges with a few heiresses and accounts then earned.
All that being said, Felix was late. In fact, all that being said was precisely why he was late. Strolling into the restaurant to the clink of glasses and chatter with the slowest pace he could muster. He was practically dragging his feet towards the table, slipping into the seat beside Nina. A quick sniff indicated where his time had been spent and he shot her a quick smile before giving an apologetic nod to the potential clients. And then, of course, a wry grin to Oskar as the conversation continued. "Who are these people?" Felix muttered to his sister, keeping a level smile on his face as he eyed around the table. "If you say Israeli's, we're going to have a problem." he added without looking to her, catching a story about a yacht scattering around the guests. "Wonderful. Well, at least I haven't missed anything important." he grinned to himself, tucking himself more comfortably under the table, his foot may or may not have collided against Oskar's with a slight kick. "How annoyed is he? Let's take a bet. If his eyebrow does the thing when he looks over, I could possibly be fired." Felix uttered in full amusement, not glancing to Nina as he spoke and instead watching their dear brother as Oskar entertained for his life. "It's kind of like watching a dog walk on it's hind legs, hm?"
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