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secrettyrant · 8 months ago
closed starter, tuscany nina and JAKOB @ofwrxth
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There's a wider grin across her lips than Nina normally ever shows, a glance taken to Ines in the distance and then to her baby brother. Then to the shifter again, and then back to her baby brother. For a moment, she wonders if Jakob thinks his staring is concealed by his sunglasses but she eventually chuckles. "Well, she's adorable, obviously." Nina remarks simply, flicking open a pamphlet with the intention of finding something to do on a day or two of the trip. "Don't worry, I won't say a word." she adds, still not looking to Jakob despite an amused smirk twitching over her lips as she reads. She clearly speaks of the two oppressive figures in their lives, the ones who make any personal venture near impossible to navigate without their input or opinion. "I think it would be rather hard to hate her, though. Nobody intelligent hates cats." the older witch continues, amusing herself again momentarily. "The Count will like her, that's for certain."
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secrettyrant · 8 months ago
closed starter, tuscany nina and felix @manybcdthings
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Nina tries to immerse herself in a book, one she's been intending to read for weeks but can never find the time. The general liveliness around the pool is easy background noise for her to filter out, but there is one sound that isn't. Felix's voice. As Lilith uses a precise movement of long legs to turn the page, it's Felix's self amused laugh that pulls Nina straight from the words to his face. "What on earth are you droning on about? I haven't listened to a word." she remarks, Lilith scurrying from cover to her hand as Nina peers to her brother over her sunglasses. "If this is about capitalism again, I'm going to drown you."
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secrettyrant · 8 months ago
closed starter, tuscany nina and isabella @rviner
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"Oh, a breakfast champagne. Lovely." Nina comments as she hears the familiar pop of cork, beckoning the witch towards Bella and the table of food. "Have to say, when Felix mentioned this trip, I was expecting a forced Vegan week for all." it's only a teasing comment as she eyes the bacon, eggs, pancakes and the lingering catering staff. Immediately, a hand reaches out to take her glass of champagne with barely a flicker of acknowledgement for their service. Slowly, she glances through the villa and the quietness of the morning that's yet to be disturbed by the rest of their group.
Nina clears her throat, still surprised for wrangling herself free from her work schedule to be here. Also surprised by the sense of gratitude for being invited. "You know, I..." the words falter ever so slightly on her lips before something peculiar occurs. Stiffly, Nina's free hand moves out to bring Isabella into an awkward and very brief embrace. It's over within a flash, Nina straightening her posture once more as if it never happened. "I think I've made it obvious that I can tolerate you far more than I can other people. But after Switz..." she tsks. "After Sweden, I haven't quite thanked you. In some ways, my younger brother is back. The one I can remember from when we were younger. Ever since he met you." she nods sharply, ensuring her words are delivered with a steadiness. "I look forward to calling you my sister-in-law at some point." Nina adds, lifting her glass to Isabella's in a soft clink.
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secrettyrant · 11 months ago
closed starter, asphodel nina and odessa @rviner
The thought of being a mentor can easily bring a cackle out from Nina. There's nothing nurturing or guiding about herself which she has long accepted, just two of the ways she reminds herself of her own mother. Instructing, however, she can do. And does. Even if she begrudges Felix's fall from grace that has now landed her time at the institute. But, this little file plopped on her lap is certainly interesting. An Odessa Kashirsky with an apparent limited knowledge in magic entirely. Curious. And then a little note: listens better to women. Well, already Nina can relate. She gives a slight smile as she sets down the papers, glancing to Odessa opposite her desk. "I see you had a few sessions with Quinlan before this. He's an acquired taste, I don't blame you for wanting someone else." Nina begins with a flippant air. "And for some reason they then thought my brother Oskar would be better." she snickers then arching a brow. "Apologies for that. Surprised you haven't slit your wrists. Anyway, Kashirsky is Russian, hm? Try and hide that from Felix if you meet him, he won't leave you alone."
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secrettyrant · 8 months ago
Nina's glare remains fixed on Nate, eyes slowly scanning over him as he rattles off more jokes. There isn't even a twitch of a smirk from the witch, if anything her only response comes as a heavy roll of her eyes while she takes a deep breath. "You're lucky I even talk to you. Do you know that?" she says next, considering their families back and forth and the hostile atmosphere between the Hawthorne's and Ranstroms leading up to Felix's attack. Nina doubts the wolves are behind it, but that doesn't stop her from using whatever she can as leverage. Her grin only arrives as Nate waves to Lilith, one of the spider's legs lifting up in response. "That means nothing." Nina quips, taking her drink with her as they meander from the gathering. "Despite never wanting to hear you sing one of those songs again, I'm not going to champion for ethical magic, Nate." she mutters, taking a sip from her glass as she surveys the other supernaturals. "Anyways, before you can sing about your pretty titties. Do you think Asphodel is lacking funds?" Nina's tone lowers, glancing back to the wolf. "All hands on deck for security measures because of a dodgy bank account. Or is this meeting a very polite way to say how Beckett Rhodes fucked up and it's a price we all have to pay?"
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Nate chokes back a laugh, knowing that while she has some patience for him, it's growing thinner by the second. Soon, it'll shatter. He recognizes that, somehow, he's got more bandwidth than most (he's not sure how), but still he clears his throat and nods, shifting in his seat. "Okay, fine, you didn't dance." The werewolf winks, "you probably just had like ants in your pants or something," he reasons when Lilith crawls on his shoulders. Giving the spider a small wave, he glances to Nina, "Rude, but fine. If you insist." Nate agrees before humming ah ah ah I wanna fuck your gf, shoulders shimmying a bit, taking Lilith for a little ride. "More your speed, right?" He gives her an innocent look, like he's just making a friendly suggestion before holding up his hands. "Kidding. Look. It's not my fault they're ear worms. Maybe you need to bring up a motion about making songs addictive."
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secrettyrant · 11 months ago
closed starter, asphodel nina and oskar @dxrkenedheights
"Is it just me or are mother's texts getting more and more unhinged?" is Nina's smooth way of greeting her older brother, slipping into the room as if it belongs to her and showcasing her phone. Upon the screen is a thread of messages from dear Agneta, clearly struggling with the voice to text function. Naturally, Nina takes a moment to study the space Oskar has been provided for his training. A judgmental glint in her eye that can't be erased for love nor money. "Mine's bigger." she comments, as if it isn't obvious the institute will give a vaster working space for an instructor that spends more time within Asphodel walls. "Anyway, she's too old for all of this. Who showed her the microphone?" Nina adds, whipping away her phone back so she can begin the grueling task of responding to their mother. "Surprised she's even still breathing these days." what with the constant threat of a heart attack looming overheard from Felix's shenanigans, the thought of which causing Nina to glance back to the open door. "He's showing his face, right?"
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secrettyrant · 10 months ago
Nina doesn’t gain any satisfaction from the quip she directs to Felix at Isabella's expense, but she does manage a slight grin and rolls her eyes heavily. "Oh, please. I never said it was a bad thing." she backtracks, throwing up a weak hand in apology. "And there’s no way either of you will survive a trip together without someone there with a brain. I was actually complimenting her." It isn’t a lie. People like Isabella Belcourt are necessary, Nina thinks, to balance out the world that might otherwise be ravaged by people like herself. She glances between her brothers, noting how Oskar dances on the edge of intrigue about the notebook despite his usual aloof facade. That brings a more genuine grin to her lips, and Nina nods as if the situation has resolved itself.
"Great. Well, that’s settled." she says, clapping her hands together and taking one last look at the boxes they stand among. "You both talk to the ladies who hold your leashes and get back to me. Then I'll sort out some dates." a shiver of excitement crawls up her spine, making Nina shrug her shoulders in a contented wriggle. "I think we should place bets. Just some harmless fun. I say abyssal magic, and she killed her children with it. Greta survived." Nina speculates, slowly raising her hand and looking at her brothers. "Possibly accidental, possibly not." she adds, her tone contradicting the sinister topic.
Nina doubts there is anything else of interest in the boxes, but she takes another look at the notebook as thoughts churn briefly. "Greta might reach out after your visit and tell our dear mother about this, so we should think ahead." she says and although communication between mother and daughter has been limited for years, Nina doesn't take any chances. "Or, try to be coy about how you mention it, if either of you can manage that." her gaze flits between the brothers again, wondering if this trip might help them better understand one another. But Nina doesn’t particularly want to be there for the brotherly bonding itself, predicting it will be nauseating and something that could have been resolved years ago. "Despite how fun this was, I need to go." she declares, heading straight for her purse and coat to conclude the afternoon on her own terms. She pauses at the door, turning slightly to give one last nod. "I mean it, though. You do look well, Felix. Less gaunt. But maybe next time you'll offer us a coffee." @dxrkenedheights
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It's obvious how they have retreated into their own corners and it's not them against the world but against each other. Retorts are thrown into the ring, spinning blades to see who gets cut first. Oskar remembers a time when it wasn’t always like this, though he can’t pinpoint the exact moment things shifted. His adulthood started long before Nina’s and Felix’s, and sometimes he blames that for the rift. He wasn’t really there, but he still remembers flashes of a bond that felt real. It’s as if one day it vanished, or maybe it bled out slowly, a wound compressed but never truly healing.
Hearing about his daughter’s struggling magic hits him, though Oskar has long known that Madisyn keeps him at arm’s length. He reads the expressions on Nina and Felix’s faces, keeping his own stoic. A slight scoff escapes him when Felix finally reveals Madi's attempt to open the book, finding a flicker of humor in his brother’s dry remark. Yet, none of this quells Oskar's desire to wash his hands of the entire ordeal. He wants to keep whatever secrets the book holds buried, far easier to deal with that way. When Nina calls him out, he throws his hands up in a careless shrug. "Okay. My point still stands. She lived years ago, and she died a while ago. We've managed all this time without knowing what's in there, so it can't be that important."
Like Nina, Oskar shifts his attention to Felix who talks about going to Sweden for answers. The mention of Madi wanting to join piques his interest further. He understands why immediately. Just because Oskar doesn’t openly discuss emotions doesn’t mean he doesn’t notice them. His head bows slightly, absorbing the revelation that his daughter feels as disconnected as he feared. Countless years have passed without him mending that gap. Before he can respond to Felix, Nina takes the lead, outlining the trip from start to finish. When she mentions Bella, Oskar’s eyes flit briefly to Felix feeling a twinge of guilt for Nina’s offhand comment about the Belcourt.
As always, he remains quiet, hands slipping into his pockets as he reflects. "I…" Oskar hesitates, shrugging cluelessly. "It could only be for a week, but that's more than enough time." he glances at Felix. "I'll need to talk to Thea first. I can’t just whisk my son away to another country whenever I feel like it. I hope you both understand." his voice carries a dry hint of his own sarcasm, though it's brief. "I still don’t see why anything in this book matters, but…" Oskar pauses, considering Madisyn’s desire to connect with the past she was deprived of. Considering the reasons why Felix wishes to dig into secrets. Another emotion that Oskar can highlight yet doesn't dare speak of. "I have no problem helping." his tone softens. "I think this is a waste of time. Just so it’s known." @manybcdthings
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secrettyrant · 8 months ago
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Stepping into the meeting room, Nina isn't surprised by the sly glance her mother gives to the clock followed by cold eyes moving to the coffee cup in her hand. Far more than just business is discussed between mother and daughter, even when no words are said at all. Scrutiny beams from Agneta's eyes at any given time. A presence that can be felt more than acknowledged.
Nina takes her work seriously, as expected, but not even five or ten minutes on the clock can save her from punctuality being questioned. She's now old enough to know it's all by design, but behavior roots itself like second nature and she reverts instantly. On edge, stepping on egg shells. She's already moving to the chair when Agneta gestures to it, fighting back a scoff and instead using every ounce of her energy to compose herself. "Yes." she remarks as her mother pulls the report, watching the way Agneta scans over it.
Her hard work is under the firing line next but Nina wears a contrived smile to her mother. "Of course it's realistic." a faint nod moves over her head. "The fifteen percent increase has come from using digital channels for engagement." a dainty hand reaches then to pluck the paper from her mother, a pen pulled from the holder to underline where she reads from. "Here." she passes back the report, a silent gesture that perhaps her mother should open her cold, dead, eyes. "Now we will shift to personalized outreach and advanced data analytics to better understand and predict audience preferences. This way, we can tailor our talent's content to what the audience really wants." Nina explains, tone direct and to the point. "Naturally, we will see an increase."
where: zenith entertainment
with: agneta ranstrom and nina ranstrom @secrettyrant
As Nina steps into the meeting room, Agneta's gaze flickers briefly to the clock on the wall before drifting back to her daughter. It's then that her eyes deliver a silent critique for the coffee cup in Nina's hand. Her daughter may not be late, with minutes still to go until the arranged start, but this doesn't stop Agneta from noting the time with an almost clinical disapproval. She smooths out the papers on the glass table before she gestures to the chair beside her, an invitation and command. "The latest performance metrics." Agneta begins with a controlled murmur as she scans the report. Her eyes finally meet Nina's with a slight smile surfacing over her features. "A fifteen percent increase is a step in the right direction, but you and I both know it's not nearly enough." she says in a deliberate tone. "Do you think twenty percent is realistic for you?"
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secrettyrant · 10 months ago
Nina: Since when did you have those meetings? Why aren't I involved? Nina: Not funny, Felix. Nina: Rude. I like Bella, I'd send flowers too. And a sympathy card. Nina: How the hell did you get hold of those? Nina: I can be free tomorrow
Oskar: I have meetings with Olaf and Agneta at 12 every day Oskar: So also not free Oskar: Yes, thanks. We're working on it. Oskar: Felix if this is an engagement or pregnancy announcement, can you please say so and I will send flowers to Isabella
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secrettyrant · 7 months ago
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"How dare you." Nina teases with a soft tone of playful offense. Her grin becomes knowing as Jakob looks to Ines, finally returning his attention to the moment. The second their gaze meets, Nina quirks a brow. "Well, we'd be there. Felix seems to be doing his new wolfy thing, too." she shrugs, waving a fleeting gesture to their brother in the distance. The witch isn't sure of the technical name for it, but Felix's sudden protective streak is most amusing to her. And slightly touching. "There's no rush, though. Obviously. I just mean that it probably won't be that bad when it finally does happen." Nina adds with more sincerity, as it hasn't been long since Ines appeared in Jakob's life. She glances to the pamphlet at his question, giving a soft shrug before passing it over to him. "I can't decide. You can do the honors. I think the little yacht thing seems nice, but not if there's other people. Peach picking seems hilarious, too."
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Jakob waves a hand. "You know what I mean. Don't go all Felix on me." He says with good-natured affection towards their brother. Nina has an annoying habit of reading between the lines and, truthfully, even Jakob knows that the lines aren't very hard to read. Not when it comes to Ines. He glances back at his sister, lifting his shoulders. "Just because she can handle it doesn't mean I want her to have to." The younger Ranström sighs and rakes a hand through his hair before scoffing. "Well...I never said that." And, quite frankly, it's the exact opposite. It's the fact that he wants Ines to stick around that he doesn't want to put her in the line of fire. But by that logic..."But I guess you're right. If she is...it'll have to happen eventually." It's the nature of being a Ranström and having parents like theirs. "I'll think about it." Jakob finally concedes before nodding at her pamphlet. "What's on the agenda for today? I'll go with..."
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secrettyrant · 7 months ago
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Nina points in playful warning to Bella, as if catching the Belcourt out within a conspiracy. "I knew it." she says dryly through a grin, but quickly decides it's enough teasing between the two of them. As if on cue, Nina's demeanor shifts as the lighthearted humor sheds from her like a second skin. "No, I'm quite alright with this." she nods sincerely, lifting the champagne flute in her grasp. "None for you?" Nina asks but there's a hint of curious suspicion in her tone, eyes moving to Bella's stomach before flicking to the other witch's face.
As they sit beside one another, Nina lets out a slight laugh. Watching Bella scramble to not offend her is perhaps the most amusing thing she's seen so far, and Nina plays along with a serious nod of her head. "Well, you can possibly say. Because I'm asking you. Do I seem as if I would have stiff hips, then?" she asks, another grin forming over her lips quickly. "You can relax. I know they're not." Nina finally concedes, relaxing back in her seat and leaning to bask in the Tuscan heat. Of course, she has gravitated to a place with ample shade beside the pool. "A dance off?" Nina lets out a genuine laugh to the idea, but she pauses to consider. "Hm, maybe. I think it depends how much wine and percoche is flowing."
"Yeah, it is super peaceful here." Bella nods in quick agreement about the villa. It always felt like it's own world tucked away from everywhere else. Somewhere that forced everyone within it to escape, unable to even think of anything beyond it. As she finishes fixing her plate for breakfast, she grins faintly to Nina's teasing, leaning into the joke happily as she chuckles. "Well, I would...perhaps, celebrate it, yeah." she says in a light jest, knowing she has (hopefully) already established herself as the non-militant type. A quick laugh bubbles up to Nina's wit, and she offers the witch a playfully innocent shrug. "Unfortunately, that's all there is so welcome to the dark side." she teases before shaking her head. "I'm kidding, there will be others, if you want that instead."
Bella doesn't dwell on the brief show of affection by Nina. She knows it's something she will never utter a word about. Except to Felix, obviously. But, she's overjoyed that the Ranstrom witch even felt an inkling of that sentiment and wears a subtly proud smile as she follows. Bella gets comfortable beside Nina, setting down her plate before the question takes her by surprise. The Belcourt blinks, glancing to Nina and then back to her breakfast as she takes a bite. Quickly, Bella is shaking her head. "I don't think I've ever seen you dance, so I couldn't possibly say." except for the fact she has seen the briefest glimpse of Nina's dancing, but Bella wouldn't dare mention it. "I really doubt they're stiff...I mean, even if they were, which I doubt they are, nothing wrong with that. If I don't focus, it becomes super obvious how dominant the Belcourt genes are." she laughs for a moment and then waves a hand. "But honestly, I mean it. I doubt that they're stiff. Why? Were you thinking of...a dance off, or something?"
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secrettyrant · 7 months ago
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"Interesting is an opinion." Nina quips, her tone level as she fixes her attention to her book. But, she should know better that Felix never leaves anything alone. His questions and statements leave him at a rapid speed, leaving Nina no choice but to abandon the pages of her book again to stare at her brother. She blinks, leaving a long pause of silence between the end of his words and the start of her own. "There is one topic of discussion that is universally agreed upon to be interesting, Felix. And that's how big of a baby you were. And how mother dearest quite obviously bounced you on her knee when there were low ceilings."
Her only interest comes when she's almost enlightened about the altercation by the pool between Chloe and Ines. But, almost is the operative word. Nina's grin slinks away into a frown when Felix explains next to nothing. She gives a tsk when he mistakes Switzerland for Sweden, perpetuating the cycle and the likelihood of her doing the same thing. "For Christ sake, I don't know why I even bothered asking you." she mutters in annoyance, turning back to her book but glancing over the top to Chloe at the question. "She reminded me of the last puppy picked from a litter, left to wonder why since she wasn't the runt and saddened that the brother and sister with the weird legs and tail were more appealing than she ever was."
Felix's expression fell neutral at his sister's comment, throwing a hand up in a sarcastic surrender as clearly his input wasn't asked for. "Okay, fine. I won't try and talk to you about something interesting." he said with a teasing bitterness as he settled back in his seat and turned his face away from Nina to make his point. "That means it will be small talk now, I hope you know that." Felix then said and waved a hand to the villa. "Are you coming to the vineyard thing today? I think all of us are, I'm not sure. Except for Tyler. Talk about dedication. He's great, isn't he? I can really see why him and Rosie work. They sort of remind me of Jakob and Ines." he laid on the small talk thick, purposely choosing topics he knew his sister disliked the most. "And this weather is great for it, too." he added with a smirk but the act quickly fell away when Nina nodded to Ines the other side of the pool.
Felix shrugged at first, not sure if it was something worth mentioning considering Ines and Chloe seemed to be staying well away from another. And, there didn't seem to be any atmospheres impacting anybody else's time. "It was weird." Felix admitted, his nose wrinkling because he was still convinced there was a manipulation at play from Chloe. "It was weird but also stupid." he added, not that it clarified much but he sat straighter so he could lean closer to Nina. "Be honest. In the spirit of Switz-" he tsk'd. "Sweden. What did you used to think about Chloe? When she was with Jakob?"
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secrettyrant · 8 months ago
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"Choose another song, at least. I don't want to think about how pink your pussy is." Nina mutters, her voice a razor-sharp edge trying to cut through Nate’s persistence. Another attempt is made to ignore the wolf, but a small huff escapes when Nate manages to transfer the tune to her own head. His grin is insufferable, especially when he mentions her dancing. "I most certainly was not dancing to that depraved music." Nina's glare to him could burn holes through concrete, if he hadn't known her for so many years. Something she still wonders how has even happened. Her words are both a statement and a warning as she slowly rises from her seat, in need of a cigarette. "Sing something else, I mean it." she snaps to him like a nagging mother, pushing his arm to get him moving to the doors. "I'll hurt you." as she says this, Lilith is already making her presence known, crawling to perch at Nina's shoulders, pincers giving a little snip in the wolf's direction.
Nate bites back a grin at Nina's scathing look. He's more than used to them by now that they hardly bother him. "That doesn't mean it's not catchy" He shrugs with a slight twitch of his lip. "They're about to break anyway," he whispers lowly, coughing a laugh when she begins to hum it too. "See? Catchy," the werewolf mouths as he shakes his head a little to the beat that's now in both of their heads. Which coincides perfectly with the shuffling of chairs as Beck calls for a break before voting on the next motion. "Besides," Nate gives Nina a pointed look, "I saw you shaking those stiff hips at the club." He taps his temple, "werewolf eyes, remember?" Able to see that despite being appalled by the lyrics at the club, the beats were catchy enough to prompt even the ice queen herself not to abandon him.
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secrettyrant · 11 months ago
Instantaneously, Nina is struck by the curiosity that is Odessa Kashirsky. An immediate grin remains over the Ranström's lips as she fights a laugh at the comment about Felix. "Yes, just Moscow. In luxury resorts, mind you. Although, I'm sure he has a few stories that might rival teeth fishing." Nina's nod is also without hesitation, agreeing to the statement with sheer intrigue in her expression. "I don't doubt that for even a second, Odessa." she remarks, her tone uncharacteristically warm yet still within the confines of her very curt nature. "Where have you been hiding." Nina adds, her voice lifting with sheer amazement as if she's stumbled across a lost jewel or an almost extinct exotic animal has found it's way into her path.
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Which is why she listens closely as Odessa begins to explain her knowledge, Nina sweeping up the file so she can compare notes. Clearly, there's been a slight miscommunication and she isn't as new to this as her file makes it seem. Although, there's still a long way to go. "So, practical magic. Tips and tricks, hm?" Nina remarks, the grin not quite fading from her lips even as her gaze flicks to the ring Odessa shows her. "No matter the size of the stone, it matters more about the energy within it." she tells her simply before a shoulder lifts in a shrug. "I take it, if you own that," Nina nods to the ring. "You know how to cleanse it and set intentions, yes?" she asks curiously, deciding then that it is the one word to describe Odessa best. A curious little witch. "We're not quite there yet, but I don't doubt we will be doing that shortly. Do me a favor and set a basic warding spell in this room for me, let me see your technique."
Odessa returns the smile that she catches over Nina's expression, a slight relief that the atmosphere to the room is something she finds more relaxing. There's no mark of a man anywhere near them, for that matter. A sensation that already eases Odessa's shoulders as she shifts more comfortably in the seat. "He is fine. And love Russia more than me..." she laughs about Felix, shrugging. "I know he only visit Moscow, hm? No story of lady catching fish with teeth." she chuckles to herself, an airy sigh leaving her next as if she's amused by a story she won't recount. Possibly ever. "You and Felix..." Odessa nods to show her appreciation for their ways. "We will get along." Oskar not included, for reasons she doesn't need to mention. He didn't stand a chance, anyways. Odessa deciding from the moment she saw the older witch that...she just didn't like the energy.
When it comes to the topic of her magic, however, Odessa's smile wanes. There's a sense of vulnerability whenever she speaks about her powers, or lack of them. A possibility of exposing a life she left behind, and then a life she couldn't leave no matter how hard she tried. "I know basic, but the men did not listen when I say this. I know how to ward. I know how to..." she waves a hand to the floor. "To sense when someone comes. And..." the same hand lifts, twirling through the air. "To listen and make myself quiet." she adds, and still isn't quite finished. "I know magic to make crop grow faster, and to freeze meat. And make myself warm." she realizes as she speaks, her certain knowledge of magic are all for particular situations. Some of her childhood. Some not quite as nostalgic. Odessa gently pries a ring from her finger, lifting it. "Here. I do not like black so it is small." she mentions about the little obsidian stone sitting within gold, slipping the ring back over her finger. "I want to learn how to send it back to sender. Like you say. Now, if we can do that."
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secrettyrant · 8 months ago
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"Oh, it was lovely. Very peaceful." Nina answers with a nod, thankful for the soundproofed rooms considering the villa is packed full of couples. And not the kind that she wouldn't mind overhearing. The witch chuckles lightly to Bella's humor, arching a brow to the Belcourt. "I know you are only joking, Isabella. But, we shouldn't pretend that you wouldn't be elated if everybody suddenly announced their new vegan lifestyle." her quip is with good intentions, as she and Bella have long since overcome the initial stage of knowing one another. Not to mention, Nina almost resembles a different construction of herself when nowhere near the icy grip of her parents. Her glance moves to the champagne in her glass as a slight chuckle escapes. "So that explains why it's never been my favorite." she teases easily in a simple tone.
It doesn't matter if the two witches have established a bond with one another, Nina showcasing any form of tactile or sentimental bond with another is simply unheard of. Which is why she's thankful Bella doesn't overload the strange moment of their embrace with any heavy emotion. She appreciates the care extended to Jakob and herself with a curt nod, happy to move right along. "Yes, thank you. I can't say I look forward to that part, but the rest is fine." Nina says, already starting towards the pool with the assumption Bella will follow. "Now that we have that out of the way, there is something I've wanted to ask you." her words adopt a serious tone, as does the look she gives the Belcourt. "I want your complete honesty, because I'll be able to tell if you're lying." she adds, choosing the lounger that she wishes to occupy for the morning. "Do I have stiff hips when I dance?"
"Good morning, starting the day how we mean to go on. How did you sleep?" Bella chimes, but not quite as bright and cheerful as she usually would. It's not out of restraint while navigating her dynamic with Nina, but more so an understanding that the other witch would simply recoil from her otherwise. Probably in horror, actually. Bella chuckles about the vegan options and offers Nina a playful shrug. "Well, this is how it starts, good ol' false confidence and then slowly I start replacing everything with vegan dishes and then by the end of the week, we're hugging trees." she grins and nods towards the flute of champagne Nina takes. "Laurent-Perrier is vegan. See, it's already starting." Bella waggles her brows and is thankful that, after the time of knowing Nina, she can get away with the teasing comment.
One thing she has never experienced, however, is the put together and immaculate Nina stumbling over words. The very brief falter causes Bella's head to tilt, and then, the moment becomes slightly more confusing. All at the same time as being heart warming in the most Ranstromen way. Bella chuckles in the stiff embrace, deciding to pat Nina's back instead of embracing the witch fully. "That means a lot, thank you." she says sincerely but she doesn't soak her words with too much of a sentimental tone. Bella grins at the mishap that keeps catching them all off guard and she bops her head into a quick nod, almost to say that Nina doesn't need to say any of this at all. "I know mushy stuff is never gonna be your thing, or our thing, but I care about Felix. Obviously. And by proxy, that means you too. And Jakob, obviously. So, I look forward to when I can torment you as a sister-in-law by telling you everything that's already vegan." Bella winks then, purposely injecting levity. "We can go back to quips before you combust if you want."
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secrettyrant · 8 months ago
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"Of course you don't." Nina responds with a chuckle, gaze sliding above the pamphlet and to the little shifter. Even Ines' mannerisms resemble a form of energy that Nina recognizes suits her youngest brother, glancing to Jakob with a knowing grin. "No one sane does start wars. We're a world run by senile old men." she flicks the pamphlet at that statement, dangerously veering towards a Felix-like rant if she isn't careful. But she never said she disagrees with him. The witch's attention scans over the information she reads, and she doesn't think twice but to nod. Their mother in particular is a force to be reckoned with, and Nina doesn't blame Jakob for wanting to avoid his new sweetheart being analyzed so intently. "She might be able to handle it. Isabella did. Anastasia even says she likes her." though, those opinions can change swiftly where Agneta is concerned. "I suppose it's early days." she adds with a more agreeing tone, another glance taken to the shifter and then to her brother. "If you don't plan on keeping her around for too long, then it would be pointless, of course." she says purposely, as the look on Jakob's face tells her an entirely different story.
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Jakob blinks when he hears his sister's voice, shaking his head. "I don't know what you're talking about." The youngest Ranström shrugs, attempting to appear nonchalant as his lip twitches into a smile. She is adorable. It's true. He sees her playing with Mia and clears his throat, glancing back to his sister now. "Well...that's like saying no one sane has ever started a war," he snickers, "because we still have them." And he can just imagine how their mom will react. Especially now that it's been a month and change. How could you not tell me? Do you hate me? He sighs. "I just don't wanna put her in the line of fire. You know how mom is." If anyone does, it's Nina.
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