#replayed memory
dranother-memory · 1 year
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𝐍𝐨𝐰 𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠…
"Kurokawa, unfortunately, I have one more piece of evidence that say you are the culprit." Maeda... What..? I didn't...
"No..... Stop....!! Stop it...!!" I didn't kill Yamato-nii...
"It's this. The dying message! With the letters of "Mikako" written in blood on the lab! This is the proof you're the culprit!!" Maeda shouted. He's wrong...
"T-there was a dying message?!" Taira exclaimed
"I-if there was such a thing, you should have told us sooner! I'm sorry I only doubted Maeda...!" Otori spoke, he's falling right into their lies...
"I couldn't tell. Because no matter who you look at, Kurokawa was the only one who could have committed the crime, because there's so much obvious evidence left behind that we thought she wasn't the killer. In that situation, the dying message pointing to Kurokawa gives a rather odd idea that she wasn't the culprit." Maeda explained.
"Yea.. but now things have changed. Maeda, who we thought was the culprit, is actually completely impossible to commit the crime...Because Mikako Kurokawa started to say gibberish." Rei spoke.
How was I meant to even come back t their 'evidence'. It's all wrong, if I say it, I'll die, if I stay quiet, I'll die either way. They just want to pin Yamato-nii's death on me...
"In some way, she might even be more daring and smarter than other criminals. Because you left a lot of evidence that anyone could say it was you, so you rather scaped the suspect line very cleverly." Maeda... stop it... You really won't give up, will you?
"It's a reinforced version of what Satsuki came out at the same time the trial started in the previous one." Rei spoke.
"I-isn't that too much of a guess? The only culprit in the world saying they're a culprit and leaving the evidence so openly..." Taira while she was still confused, there was a good side in her.... even if we don't get along till the end, I'm glad she has suspicions of this whole thing being a lie...
"It's not a guess, it actually worked. She left the suspect line and waited for our reasoning to reach it's peak, so that one innocent victim is pointed out in the end. If you reach this stage, you will self-proclaim to be the "accomplice role who became a victim". They didn't let the person who was identified as the culprit to even gamble.But this was thanks to him, Maeda, who did nothing wrong, became the culprit... My apologies, Maeda." Rei was so confident in her answer... but...
"N-no... There's no need for apologies." Maeda spoke.
"B-but it's really Kurokawa the murderer..." Otori was still under the wrong impression...
"Actually, I thought it was too difficult to go back. Mikako Kurokawa also has a good motive." Mekaru... Why would I use the motive... to kill my own sibling...
"The motive?" Taira spoke.
"Think about what motive Monokuma came with. This time Monokuma introuced the "transfer student" named Yamato Kisaragi and said that he was the motive itself. And the reaction of Mikako Kurokawa as soon as she saw the transfer student was... unique, watching that reaction had nothing to do with Yamato Kisaragi, it was Monokuma's reaction." Mekaru....
Why... Why is even Mekaru going against me now?! You would be shocked too if someone who was close to you... You thought had died before the game even started and just shows up suddenly like that!
"How about that? Now it's you who's cornered, Mikako Kurokawa. I have a lot to ask you, before you die, so you better answer to us." Mekaru wasn't going any easier on me.
"Wait!! ... I can't die... If I die... I must not die here...!!"
"You can't die... you, what do you mean by that? Maeda spoke.
"Don't worry about that! It's just the culprit's rambling!" Otori shouted at Maeda.
"No... No.... You can't do this... You guys... I...... Bough." I felt something start to boil in my throat. My head had been pounding this entire time but I was trying to ignore it.
"W-what? What's wrong?" Taira asked.
"....N... not yet... There's a problem left to be solved." Come on... I know you can solve this...
"What?" Rei asked.
"....If I'm the culprit... How did I leave open my own door then? Besides, you don't even know what the exact material the weapon was made of." There's plenty of things that still don't make sense even without me knowing the truth.
"T-this is annoying!! Even if we don't know such trivial things, it's already certain that you are the culprit!!" Otori shouted.
"No... I'm sorry, but that's what we said. Leaving the private room oor wise open aside from other things..." Rei spoke.
"I can't die now... I can't die like this...! If you can't solve that mystery, you can't admit that I'm the culprit...!!" I hate this, why won't any of them listen to me!
"D-do we have to come all this way here and guess again...?" Taira asked.
"... Assuming that Mikako Kurokawa is the culprit, if we look back at the case, we might find something we've missed." Rei... At least she was willing to restart to find the right thing...
"W-We... better come up with a complete answer... I'll do my best with my brain going all out." Otori spoke.
"Kurokawa......." Maeda spoke.
"....Ugh.... Haa....." The feeling was growing worse...
"T-then... now that the alibi problem has been resolve, the most urgent problem is the murder weapon..." Maeda had already thought about the next topic thankfully.
"Nope, leave it until there- Time's up~ It's time to vote!" Monokuma spoke. Is it really that time already...?
"....What?" For once, I think I agree with Maeda... It shouldn't be time yet.
"We're literally out of time! It seems that the discussion was not over, but unfortunately this class trial is over-" Monokuma was cut off by Rei.
"What is this... Are you kidding me now? This has never happened before."
"I am not kidding, are you? Either way time's over! Class trial is over! We're closed! Ding ding ding!"
"..........N-no....! Wait, something is wrong here...!!! I can't admit this.....!! THIS IS NOT TRUEEE!!!!" No. Nonono. I refuse to die without them knowing the truth! I don't care what Monokuma or Maeda says!
"Well, anyway, time over it time over! It's your own fault for sticking around for so long! Anyway, did you get the results? It can't do much, so please vote with the switch in front of you based on what you've deduced so far. Oh yea, I'm stressed once again, invalid votes are an immediate punishment! I can't tolerate it! Understand!? Puhuhuhu! Then, as a result of the vote, who becomes the blackened1 And the answer, will it be the right or the wrong answer--!? Now, What's it gonna be---?!" Monokuma went on a monologue as usual when it was time to vote.
I watched as the screen turned to vote for myself... I didn't kill Yamato-nii... I didn't even vote. I wanted to vote for Maeda so badly, but I kept my voting to myself. It all hurts, watching everyone I grew close with... Really believe I would do something like this.
"Ah, Good, Good! The vote ended unanimously! The blackened chosen was.... The correct answer!! Mikako Kurokawa!! She was the blackened who killed the victim Yamato Kisaragi!" Monokuma let out a cackle.
What. Everyone fell silent as they looked at me in shock. I didn't- I would never have... Why... Maeda... Why...? We were all so close... Why did you..."...No... It shouldn't be like this... Something like this should never have happened...!!"
"Now, shall we go straight away with the punishment time?" Monokuma seemed as excited as ever to get rid of me, just as he got excited for everyone else...
"What..? Now, wait a minute! Aren't you in a hurry? At least give us a little time to talk!" Maeda... was trying to reason with Monokuma?
"...No.... Nonononononono... Waaaah!!" The feeling came up and I felt something split at the back of my throat. I quickly covered my mouth trying to keep it down.
"Now then, I've prepared a special punishment for Mikako Kurokawa, the Ultimate Exorcist...." Monokuma yet again was cut off, this time by Taira.
"w-wait! As Maeda-kun said, you're in too much of a hurry! Didn't you give us more time like in previous trials?!"
"Oh? I did? I don't know? As far as I'm concerned, the culprit has been determined, so I'm just trying to execute them! Monokuma huffed.
"W-well there's something I don't understand... What' with the time out...?" Otori said.
"Wait a minute!!" Rei spoke suddenly.
"Eh?" Monokuma answered.
"Hey, Mikako Kurokawa!! Calm own and answer!! What's your identity? Tell us what you only know!!" She's shouting at me... Can I even say it? Truly say everything without risk anymore...?
"M-Mekaru-sama...?!" Taira gasped.
"For this moment, I don't give a damn if you're a murderer or anything. You obviously know something. You've been avoiding us all along saying that you can't tell us, but... Are you really satisfied with that?! Would you really be satisfied if you die doing nothing like this?! When you drove Maeda, like a rapid-fire gun, you had guts, I mean it like that time!!"
How was I even supposed to answer... I just stood there in shock as she continued talking.
"Don't you guys like that too? If this woman dies like this, we might miss the chance to know the truth for the rest of our lives!" Mekaru shouted, I could see one of her hands slowly forming into a fist an there were pikes of tears in her eyes.
"Mekaru..." Maeda spoke.
"... Without knowing anything in my life... We're going to stay here forever. I hate that!! Kurokawa, I ask you from me as well. PLEASE! If you know something, can you please tell us!!" Otori...? Would you even be able to handle it...?
"Kurokawa-sama...!" Taira tried to speak before being cut off by Monokuma.
"I'm afraid it's no use anyway. Because Ms. Kurokwa can't say anything." Monokuma let out a hum... He knows just about everything as well doesn't he... It makes sense since he's an AI...
"....What?" Rei questioned.
I want to explain it so badly... Please.. I need to say something.
"I mean literally! So don't exhaust yourself, and let's get to punishment time quickly now..." Monokuma yet AGAIN, being cut off by Rei.
"W-Wait!! Mikako Kurokawa....No, Mikako. We all know thing have gotten weird, incluing you, since we left the ballroom. Whether you knew it, whether you committed murder, even if you're the mastermind... hope was handed to you by Satsuki. That's why.... If you believe in hope... Please tell me, I'm begging you like this please..." Rei was... pleading to me?
I tried to hold in a cough but my head was ringing like crazy, I could barely hear anything... something... Something was going wrong...
"Oh boy, what the people say... Can't you understand the bear? It's no use!"
"......I, ..................I......Koghk!!" Blood started spewing out of my mouth. Everything hurts so much, it feels like there's buzzing in my ears. My eyes ache too..
"Kyaaaa!! Kurokawa-sama!!" Taira shouted.
"Whoaaa!! No matter!! Just give up and take the penalty already!" Monokuma began laughing at me.
"...........no....I want.... to say......" I refuse to just lose like this... even if it hurts, I'll keep going...
"Mikako!" Maeda shouted.
"H-Huh? Wait a minute!" Monokuma began getting antsy.
"I wanted to tell you everything I knew.... But I couldn't... I wanted to tell you, but it was all too much..... But now, I'm going to go beyond life an death to pass it on to you guys....... I'll tell you no matter what happens to me. If..... It ends like this... If i die without telling anything.... Then.... I won't be able to face Yamato-nii..... KYAGH!! Ugh....!" I spit up more blood as I talked.
"Mikako, you..." Rei tried to talk to me....
"M-ms. Kurokawa! That's really dangerous... Are you willing to die? Then... I won't be able to punish you..." Monokuma still trying to eagerly execute me...
"....I can't say the details....... but you said I could die here.... right? .... Thanks to Yuki and everyone.... Listen, this is a trap.... of the mastermind.... I..... I believe in you guys..... It wasn't a long time.... but... you guys... became my friends....... Believe in yourself. God believe in the hope you have in yourself........ Hope..... Hope never falls to despair." I tried to smile towards everyone, I felt everything have a loud boom sound, my hair came undone and I fell over onto Rei. I couldn't find the strength in me to move anymore.... but I still wanted to reach them....
".........Meka......ru........ I have to........ tell you.......... about it...... The..... mastermind...... has...... been..... with.... us..... in.... all....... our....... events..... That's......... the key......" Everything became way too blurry after that. Just what else could I do? At the least... I got to tell everyone that. My hearing completely vanished at this point and I could barely make out Rei who was holding onto my body.
I can only assume things went on for a bit longer in the trial room as I felt the warmth of Rei's body against mine... Until I felt something pick me up away from her. I can't tell what's happening even if I wanted to. Next thing I knew, I could feel the cold metal of something against my legs and a rope tied around my torso.  Whatever I was tied to, it was going fast.... I could feel the wind hitting my face as it continued speeding up. Then suddenly everything had stopped. Even with my vision blurry, I was able to make out some shapes... but now, it's complete darkness. Yamato-nii.... The power must've gone out...
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narsh-poptarts · 7 months
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Long time no FD how we feelin
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wyvernity · 5 months
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been thinking about the sinnohtrio lately......plus misc other stuff
also, casual ko-fi drop!! get something in this sketchy style starting at $10 woop woop
#finally decided to do a commission test run u_u#pokemon#trainer lyra#trainer kris#trainer dawn#trainer lucas#rival barry#rival silver#ayalumi#hisuian zorua#luxio#timeskip tag#rkgk#anyway it's sinnoh time !!!#still figuring out their designs and lore but this works for now#god's specialest little guys & their very normal bestfriend who they would kill/die for. up to interpretation who is killing/dying#dawn is the platinum protag who meets giratina and becomes champion#distortion world affected her way more than compared to cynthia and cyrus since she's still a developing kid. but hey cool ghost hair!#4-5 yrs later lucas gets blasted to hisui..lost his memory for the three years he's there and when arceus sends him back he's just like Man#the entire time barry is CHILLING PLAYING HAVING FUN#and forever worried abt his friends ): dawn & lucas are soo nonchalant about what happened to them it's a bit concerning to everyone else#design comments umm the only thing that matters is that they still have their og scarves 👍#and i guesss these are spring/summer outfits. winter dawn gets leggings and big coat ok. she already has too much yin energy#btw i use the cleanse tag as the direct opposition to the spell tag even tho that's probably not a real thing LOL)#oh yea barry wears the tower master ribbon 24/7. tower tycoon in training and won't shut up about it (i love him)#character dynamics i will talk abt that in another post if i feel like it... these days i just want to go replay pla aughh
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blazingjackdaw · 3 months
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Drew a quick Fenris as a treat because I miss him <3
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killjoy-prince · 2 months
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Spaceship thoughts
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labotor · 4 months
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"I'll keep your secret, DiMA."
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savingthegeneration · 6 months
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Silent Hill: Shattered Memories ↳ UFO Ending
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hey son catch
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so sorry … .
version where you can behold him
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macaroonkitti · 1 year
Request: Link hanging out with the light dragon?
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I'm ill about them
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sssseazu · 1 year
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just finished playing ME trilogy for the first time ✌️
no thoughts in brain only garrus vakarian
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dranother-memory · 1 year
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𝐍𝐨𝐰 𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠…
How... How?! My plan, sure it was poorly scrapped together but... It should've been fool proof! Yet here Maeda is accusing me of being the one who killed Maki! He's right but dammit! I don't want to die. Yet when he questioned me again, I couldn't find a single word to say.
"Ha. He must have forgotten how to speak." Rei quickly chirped in. Damn her. Damn them all!
"What kind of.... Nonsense is that... T-this is just purely... out... rageous..." They can't really prove any of it right? They're just making a guess based off my talent!
"...Mitsuhiro. It's over... Please, be honest... It's meaningless for us to keep attacking each other!" Ayame tried to get me to see some sense into giving in but I refuse! There's no way this shit is right!
"Higa-sama... Was it really you...? Why? Why did you commit something like murder!?" Akane spoke up.
"....No. It wasn't me. I'm not...It's not me. It's not me, notmenotmeNONONONONONONONONO...... IT WASN'T MEEEEEEE--!!!" Why, why are they all against me?! I didn't... I couldn't have! Please- I don't want to die I don't want to die I don't--
"W-woah! This idiot is going all crazy!" Kizuna toyed with her hair as she refused to even look in my direction.
"OMG...! Mitsuhiro's totally gone wacko!" Satsuki jumped back a bit as she spoke.
"UAAAAAAAAA!!" I let out a shout as I tried to back away from everyone. This can't be. They're really about to send me to my death... Just like that... It's all over!?
"Upupup... Huh? It looks like you're done! As the headmaster, let me say your discussions were packed with passion in a fashionable way! Hm...? Passion and fashion...? Are they the same? Are they different? Oh, who cares! You don't need any of those to live a good life anyway. So, let's move on to voting time! You don't need any extra explanations, right? Pick the person you believe is the blackened! Everyone, make your choice using the switch in front of you! And one more thing, just as a reminder...Triple check that you voted for someone! If I ever see a blank ballot... You know what happens! I'm sure none of you would want to be punished for something so minor like that.... Okay then, time to get excited! Who will be chosen as the blackened? Will you make the right choice, or the dreadfully wrong one? What's it gonna be? What's it gonna beeee--!?"
One by one I heard everyone cast their votes. I slowly watched the machine fill up with votes for me. Even as that stupid bear started monologuing, I could feel my time running out. Damn you Maeda. All of you... You're so willing to just cast away someone like that. The pressure kept building up inside as I watched the machine click into place. Every one of them... They all voted for me.
"OOOH- Bingo!! The blackened of this trial-- that i, the murderer who killed Kiyoka Maki-- is none other then Mitsuhiro Higa!!" Monokuma let out a cackle after he finished speaking, purposefully antagonizing.
"W-w-what? H-hold on." I wanted to try and reason more, are they really going to just kill me? How am I just supposed to accept that!?
Kanata looked over at me with concern. "M-Mr. Higa... Did you really..?"
"Hiro... Why did you kill her...? Tell us." Haruhiko spoke, still sounding like he was trying to piece it together. "I was... a big fan of yours...!! I liked soccer too... I admired your talent as a rising star...! Why did you have to....!"
"Cut it out and say something!!" Kizuna shouted at me, the anger in her face quickly rising.
"F-fine....I killed Kiyoka Maki!" I just admitted it. That's what they all wanted to hear all along anyway.
"Are you serious...!" Ayame took a deep breath, trying not to face me.
"Finally..." Rei seemed relieved they I actually admitted to it.
"...Higa-sama. Assuming everything we found out is true, you killed Maki-sama even though you weren't targeting her, right? I'm not saying it was okay for you to set up a murder, but you could've quit and spare Kiyoka when your plan went wrong... Why didn't you do that? Why... Why were you so stubborn about killing someone!? Maki-sama... Maki-sama did nothing to you!!" Akane shouted at me as she held her arms in a defensive state.
"Bu-but still...I just HAD to get out of here after watching that video!!!!" That's right, everything I worked so hard for... It was all gone....
"That... Video?" Teruya spoke.
"Just as I thought...That is the only possible answer." Tsurugi looked at me only with more disappointment mixed with anger.
"...You mean, the motive?" Yuki spoke seeming to take the time to try and recollect the DVD.
"I was aware of how serious of a crime this is. Even a million apologies won't be enough for what I did... But... But.... I had to do it....! I had to get out of this place, and for that I had to murder!" I can't stand it here anymore.
"MITSUHIRO... YOU BASTARD!" Kakeru shouted throughout the trial room, it could be heard nearly anywhere...
"I-I don't know what was on your video... but can you even guess what was on mine!? Every soccer stadium in the world being reduced to ashes, terrorists attacking FIFA headquarters, and world-class soccer players going missing... On top of that... My home team was also.........." It hurts so much even just thinking about it all.
"H-how could such a thing be possible...? I'm sorry..." Kanata had at least some sympathy as she began tearing up.
"Attack on FIFA HQ...? Come on...! You know that's utter nonsense!" Haruhiko spoke.
"Right! And it doesn't only pertain to yours. All of our videos must have been fake! You shouldn't have fallen for this trap... Ugh!" Ayame's voice quickly filled with annoyance.
"... I couldn't stop trembling after watching my video because it was as shocking and terrifying as yours. It wasn't just you! It was everyone's fight... even Maki-sama's... Even though she watched the same absurd video, she was trying to overcome the temptation of murder! Akane shouted across the trial room.
I couldn't bring myself to say anything. What kind of defense could I even make at this point...
"YOU BASTARD...!" Kakeru shouted at me yet again.
"I couldn't help it... Soccer is my everything. I'd even say it's more important than my life... I know murder is wrong... But I jut HAD to see with my own eyes if that video is real, even if it means killing another person...." Soccer... It's become the only thing I was ever good at, the only thing people ever noticed me for...
"... Let me ask you one thing. Suppose that your plan went without a hitch and you got out. What if you found that video was forged? Then what were you going to do? You heard about the class tril in the enterance ceremony, didn't you? The victory of the blackened... Is equivalent to the death of everyone minus the blackened. My point is this. By setting off your murder plan, you opted to take the lives of us fourteen for your own needs. but were you aware of the full weight of your choice, or at least prepared to face the consequences? I doubt it." Rei went on a lecture but...
"U-Umm..." She was right. I didn't think that far.
"You're nothing more than an ignorant moron who wanted to get out of here using soccer as an excuse. Of course our videos were as shocking as yours. Otherwie, it won't even be a motive. If that alone was sufficient to make a person murder, all of us would have done it by now. But in reality, you were the only one to commit murder... What do you think was different between you and the rest of us? Could it be... Prioritizing your desire to escape over your so-called "friends"? Rei scoffed as she crossed her arms.
"R-Rei! Cut it out! Don't try to make this any more complicated!" Yuki shouted at her.
"Are you telling me this idiot got shocked by the DVD and just went on to murder someone because he was tempted without even being mentally prepared?" Kizuna of course, sassed back like usual.
"N-No!! I won't deny it, but soccer really was my everything!" I tried to snap back but was quickly overcast by Kakeru.
"Ugh!!" I didn't know just what to say in this situation... It's not like it'll help me any.
"...Bull's eye, I suppose." Kinji spoke.
"You know what, Hiro? Right after watching the motive... Kiyoka told me, Haru, and Satsuki this. ' Murder, motives, anxiety... Just push 'em to the side, and have fun! That was we can all chill out... and strengthen our bond.' Kiyoka probably got the same mount of shock as you, but she was trying to overcome this situation by getting everyone together. If she had a chance to talk with you yesterday, things could have been different..." Yuki... was trying ot comfort me...? Could I even say anything in response... He was right but... It's too late now.
"Why... Isn't it so frightening? Who would've guessed that world-class celebrity is actually just a bad-tempered coward? This is why you should never judge a book by its cover. No one would've ever thought THE Mitsuhiro Higa would murder!" Monokuma spoke.
"What? What are you... even talking about!? It's your fault. This entire situation, Hiro's murder, it's all your fault...! How can you even say that!?" Yuki shouted back.
"Aww, don't be so salty! What's done is done; don't you gotta carpe diem? Oh...! What's up with that attitude? If you're trying to fight me, give up! you'll probably end up hanging out with your dead friend anyway... Besides, you don't scare me at all! Monokuma let out another cackle of a laughter.
"Shut up, Monokuma. I don't know where you got the balls for that, but someday I'll bring you to justice myself." Tsurugi shouted at the bear.
"Tsurugi might be an exception...Gee! Look how long you guys have been holding me back. We better get started!" Monokuma got excited, that's never a good thing.
"S-Start... What?" Akane asked.
"The punishment! What else would it be!? I told you! the punishment awaits the side who lost the class trial!" Monokuma shouted.
"P-Punishment... you mean, execution...!? Ayame spoke.
"Ju-Just give me a sec...Of course I'm guilty. I deserve death. I deserve any kind of punishment. I know I can't ever make up for my crime. B-But still... Are you really going to kill me? Sure, I killed Kiyoka, but isn't this a bit different? Seriously? You're going to take my life? I-I can explain... I really must've gone crazy. I'm sorry. I'll never do that again. I can rot in a jail for the rest of my life, just don't kill me... Y-yeah. I'll do anything you want. You can have all the money I earned by playing soccer. Okay? I DON'T WANT TO DIEEEE!! HELP MEE!!! I'll do anything but dying, I'm begging you PLEASE JUST DON'T KILL MEEEEEEEE!!!!" H-Hey! Guys! Do something! I'm gonna die for real! THIS IS NOT A JOKE!!!!" I tried getting any of them to answer me, just something. Nothing. They all turned on me. Who am I kidding! They won't even try. None of them will even look at me.
"Upupup... What is this? Are you scared of dying? Weren't you ready for this when you became the blackened? Above all, you disrupted order. You killed Kiyoka. Whatever the outside laws may be, the rule here is simple: an eye for an eye, a death for a death. No matter what you do, you can't avoid punishment! Once you're revealed to be the blackened, you are punished. This is an iron-bound rule! Now, save your breath and let us begin. I certain wouldn't want me students to procrastinate! So I've prepared a special punishment for the blackened: Mitsuhiro Higa, the Ultimate Soccer Player!"
"N-NOOOO!! Go away, GO AWAYYYYY!!!!" Please someone help me. Anything. I don't want to die. I don't want any of this.
"Let's give it all we've got! It's punishment time~!!!!" Monokuma brought down a gavel onto a hammer.
"NOOO!!!" I tried to shout and run but my legs couldn't move. I looked around t everyone in a panic when I felt something come flinging around my neck.
It tightened it's gripped and pulled me backwards into darkness. I couldn't help but try and hang on to try and keep the pressure off but the sheer force was enough to make me sick. I felt the tears pour down my face, when I looked around all I could see was a soccer stadium. I was tied to a giant soccer ball and even though I tried to wiggle free, the chains were too strong to slip out of. Rows of Monokuma's began to surround me as they were dressed in soccer uniform shirts. Before I knew it one came up to me and raised it's foot, kicking me right in the face while sending the ball flying towards another Monokuma. No doubtfully it broke my nose with the force and other Monokuma's soon followed short, kicking the ball between each other. My head hit the ball so many times that my vision began fading into darkness. I could barely see a thing but I knew it wasn't done with yet. They formed into a circle and began kicking the ball between the six of them. I felt the ground underneath me burning up. Hot... It was so hot, they managed to make friction so hard that the field started to go ablaze. I felt the fire touch my skin for a bit but it was so numbing tingling that it barely felt like it was there. I could surely hear it though. The cracking of the flames going off the metal from the Monokumas began breaking apart from the heat temperature and thuds were heard as they hit the ground. It's all over now.. right..? It should be... So why can I still hear things... The lights flicked off with a loud bang and I could only assume I'd be left to rot here myself.
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yrlocalghost · 8 months
none of the statues of the hollow knight have the loops on the armour. do you hear me. can anyone hear me. is anyone home
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yogurtlid10000 · 8 months
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To the like 3 people who follow me for hnk I finally drew them again. 😓 they are so dear to me 🙏 when will th new chapter come out pls
🤔I was thinking about cairn and phos when phos lost that long luscious hair 🤬high ponytail was elite
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frogintheair · 3 months
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alm with sommie :)
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floristmatt · 4 months
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chris: I'm gonna be honest I almost started by saying it was me, so I don't know who it was
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mythgendered · 10 months
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i like these games a Normal Amount, and naem can attest the growing pile of unposted fanart is testament to just the tip of the iceberg of Normal ive been about my most recent (re)plays
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