#rent winnebago
revivedbigguyschlatt · 2 months
*In Schlatt's mail was a letter that said the following* "I want to apologize. I've rented us a private room and shooed away the slimes so we can talk like adults. I've thought about everything and I think I need to apologize. Mocktails on me."
[Schlatt opened the letter, putting on tiny reading glasses to read the letter and closes it back up before thinking and getting in his Schlatt & Co winnebago, driving off to las nevadas]
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tboybuck · 2 years
Steve buys a Winnebago.
In the aftermath of everything, Eddie had been the one to finally confront Owens from his hospital bed, half stoned on world class painkillers, to demand some kind of government compensation for what they'd all gone through. And they'd gotten it. All of them.
Owens didn't even need to pull any strings to do it, either. No sooner had Eddie asked, and Owens cut each and every one of them a hefty check.
Steve knows he should save the money; his parents aren't going to let him live in their house forever, and Robin's going to college in Indy in the fall, so the smart thing would be to put the money away until later in the summer, and then find a house or apartment near campus for them to rent.
But he can't stop thinking about a camper van. He can't stop thinking about driving across the country, seeing the Grand Canyon and the Rocky Mountains and the Pacific Ocean and everything in between. He can't stop thinking about his conversation with Nance, that day; it's not her in that fantasy, not anymore. Maybe it never had been in the first place. Maybe he needs to go it alone. Maybe after Robin leaves for college, he should just... go. At least for a little while.
He spends the whole summer thinking about it. The money from Owens is burning a hole in his pocket, just sitting in an envelope in his bedroom, as he tries to go through the motions of normalcy. He helps Wayne nurse Eddie back to health, helps Max's mom through her daughter's bad days, carts the kids around town, puts in his shifts at the video store with Robin, and he thinks about a Winnebago.
Steve doesn't tell anyone about it, but a week before Robin's set to leave, after she's already put her notice in at the video store, he goes to a dealership and looks at campers. He doesn't buy one that first day he goes. He's got enough cash to buy a decent one outright, but the more he thinks about it, the more Steve realizes he wants someone else's input.
Someone specific.
It's been months, and Steve has spent more time at Wayne and Eddie's new double wide than he has at home. He crashes there most nights, sometimes on the pullout in the living room, and sometimes beside Eddie in bed. There's something there, something neither of them has had the courage to act on yet, and Eddie mumbles excuses about nightmares each time he asks Steve to stay, but when they wake tangled up in one another in the morning, there is something.
So Steve takes Eddie with him to the dealership. He doesn't tell him where they're going, he just gets Eddie in the passenger seat and makes the twenty minute drive. In the parking lot of the Winnebago dealership, Eddie's expression drifts from blank confusion to realization to clear, perfect understanding.
"Hey," Steve says, taking Eddie's hand in his, "do you wanna see the west with me?"
Steve buys the Winnebago.
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patchworkgargoyle · 8 months
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🩸 A Steddie Big Bang Fic 🌙
Chapter 3
story by: @patchworkgargoyle || art by: @mcdadarts || playlist to come by: @steves-strapcollection Rating: E || Words: ~4.3k || CW: graphic depictions of violence, blood drinking || Full tag list on ao3! || Posting: weekly Fic title from Wolf Like Me - TV On The Radio NOW WITH ART!!! Thank you so much again, Gabe!! Please go check out his post and give it a reblog!
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With a long, drawn out exhale, smoke oozed and twisted from Eddie’s lips. He watched it curl in the tiny vortices in the air and then dissipate into the rest of the haze hanging above his head in his bedroom. Iron Maiden blared, flat and tinny, through the speakers of the shitty tape deck he’d salvaged from the thrift store. He half-mouths, half-whispers along to the words, “Melting his face, screamin’ in pain, peeling the skin from his eyes…” and lazily shakes his head along to the increase in tempo, pillow messing up his hair.
It had been a good night. He’d made a few deals, enough to slip Wayne a bit of rent before he’d left for the plant and kept some for his new guitar fund. The thought made Eddie grin. Shifting, he glanced at the cut out ad from the metal magazine he’d snagged from the record store, taped up on the mirror. An old cigar box sat beside his Fender amp, propped open with the steadily growing stash solely for the Warlock. He couldn’t fucking wait to get his hands on it. Wayne’s old guitar was great, sure, but a Guyatone is no Warlock. Soon as he had his hands on that pretty thing, he’d be unstoppable. Y’know, figuratively.
Sighing, he flopped back onto his bed and recounted the money in his head, the calculations easy after all the times he’d run them through. If he’d had a motivator like this in school, maybe he’d actually bother to pay attention in math class.
Not that it mattered anymore. Kinda hard to attend class when sunlight burned  his skin like gasoline on a bonfire. Turns out, being a vampire wasn’t all it was cracked up to be. Eddie should’ve taken Louis de Pointe du Lac more seriously instead of rolling his eyes at the book and calling him dramatic. And he knew dramatic. Who wouldn’t want to live forever as a badass creature of the night? Well, he ate those words for sure.
He sings along to another song now, the rapid drumbeat pulling him out of his tiny pity party. “Now you’re alone but alive for how long? Dead men tell no tales,” he rasps out, throat dry from the smoke, but managed to wail along and play some air guitar with a small grin.
It would’ve drowned out the knock on the trailer’s front door, should have if not for the whole “vampire thing.” But little escaped his notice now. It was annoying when the neighbours in the Winnebago a few lots down wouldn’t do the decent thing and fuck quietly. It’s like they didn’t care that a creature of the night lurked amongst them. The nerve of some people.
The knocking came again, more demanding this time, and Eddie groaned loudly. Not bothering to turn off the cassette, he rolled out of bed with a frown and stomped down the hall. As he unlocked the door, he started speaking.
“If you’re not a petite blonde or looking to get high, you’d better have a great fucking excuse for–”
The words died out as soon as he saw Steve Harrington looking up at him from the bottom of Eddie’s stoop, half lit by the light from the kitchen, half shaded by Eddie’s silhouette. One of his eyebrows twitched up quizzically, as if Eddie was the odd man out here. He nearly laughed before his throat closed around the sound.
Not only was it weird to see Harrington gracing the Forest Hills trailer park with his presence; not only was it strange to see Harrington at his door when they’d barely even interacted before. It was fucking terrifying. Eddie knew what he was. Chrissy had told him. Steve Harrington, star of multiple Hawkins High sports teams in his day, rich and entitled asshole hailing from hoity-toity Loch Nora, hunted goddamn monsters on the side for funsies. And Eddie, of course, was one of those monsters.
“Well, well, well. The Hair Himself at my humble abode. To what do I owe the honour?” Eddie asked with a tight smirk, bowing sarcastically.
“Uh,” Steve said eloquently. His eyes darted over Eddie as he straightened out of his bow, his confused eyebrow drawing higher. “Just hoping to buy some weed, man.”
Eddie hesitated. Weighed his options. “Fine. One sec,” he said, turning back inside. He went to close the door and leave Harrington waiting outside, but Harrington jogged up the steps, following like a lost puppy, and Eddie froze, staring at him.
“What, you’re really leaving me outside? It’s cold,” Harrington said. It must be, Eddie figured, though he didn’t exactly feel the cold anymore. But Harrington had shown up in a polo of all things, not a jacket or sweater to be seen.
Had he planned it that way? It was a good excuse to get inside, and if Eddie denied it he’d be an asshole at best, but look suspicious at worst. Or, y’know, more so than the rest of Hawkins already thought. Eddie might seem like he was hiding something. He hated being out-schemed.
“Bring a jacket next time,” he sneered, but left the door for Harrington to close behind himself. 
Trudging to his room, Eddie heard Harrington follow a short distance behind. His heart beat faster than its usual sluggish pace, knowing he now had a whole-ass monster hunter in his home, had turned his back to the guy even. Jesus christ. If he survived this–if Harrington really was just after some weed–he’d thank whatever unholy thing probably held his undead soul captive for letting him see another night.
He cleared his throat. “I don’t got much left, so you might be S.O.L. if you’re looking for more than a few grams.”
“Got any pre-rolled? Kinda bad at doing it myself.”
“Of course,” Eddie muttered to himself. Then, louder and sarcastically sweetly, “I’ll whip one up just for you, sweetheart.”
“Thanks.” He heard Harrington give a short laugh.
In his room, Eddie gestured to the one chair least covered in dirty clothes. “Make yourself at home.”
Harrington stared down at the clothes pile before apparently deciding to lean against his dresser, arms crossed over his chest. Eddie fished his lunchbox out from under his bed–sending a few dust bunnies and crumpled campaign notes scattering–and sat on his bed with a huff, watching from under his bangs as Harrington awkwardly took up space. He’d started to aimlessly rifle through the various odds and ends piled on the dresser.
“You’re nosy,” Eddie commented dryly, and Harrington withdrew his wandering fingers, tucking them back under his arms. Unfortunately for Eddie, he could sense the flush of embarrassment that flooded Harrington’s cheeks, blood tingeing his cheeks just the slightest bit pink that might as well have been a flashing neon sign to Eddie’s ever-present hunger, even if it did smell a little… different. Must be something about hunters, and that thought pulled Eddie right back to the present. Telling himself to screw his goddamn head back on straight, or as straight as it could be, Eddie pulled out some rolling papers, weed, and a grinder and got to work.
“So what’ve you been up to these days?”
Eddie snorted at the question. “Don’t need to make small talk, dude, awkward silences are just fine with me.”
“I wasn’t- I’m just curious, Munson. Don’t see you around town much.”
“So you’ve been keeping tabs on me?” Eddie tried his best to sound not terrified. Maybe leaned a little too flirty, but it was hard to control the impulse when the thought of Harrington watching out for him sends a thread of panic down his spine. It might prove to be a decent distraction at least.
Scoffing, Harrington said, “Nah, you’re just hard to miss.”
That, at least, made Eddie laugh some. “Got that right,” he mumbled, shaking the grinder out into a rolling paper. “Been up to this, Harrington. Selling illicit substances to the not-so-sober populace of Hawkins. Maybe playing a few shows at The Hideout once in a blue moon.”
“That’s all, huh?”
He sounded casually judgemental, even stood there examining his nails, but Eddie didn’t miss the keen way those brown eyes met his briefly before glancing down to his chest. Eddie swallowed.
“What, not good enough for you?”
“Just saw you at Penny’s party last weekend, hanging out with Chrissy Cunningham is all.”
Eddie’s fingers paused around the half-rolled joint. He couldn’t look up. Forced his hands back into their habitual motions. “Yeah. I go to parties sometimes. Kinda part of the job.”
Silence stretched like frost between them, a chilly, widening divide, while Eddie finished the joint. Somehow he managed to keep his hands from shaking. Eventually, he had to look up, so he did and held the joint out across the chasm of the small room.
Harrington was watching him. Really, it felt like he hadn’t taken his eyes off Eddie since his first question, his gaze intense. His stomach threatened to drop through the floor.
“You guys go anywhere else that night?”
He blinked. “What- is that what this is about?” He stood and tossed the joint to the floor. “Did fucking Carver send you? Is that asshole seriously sending his old basketball buddy to come intimidate me because he thinks ‘his girl’ is fucking another guy? Well, newsflash shithead, we didn’t do anything!” Eddie glared at Harrington as he stomped towards him, ignoring the voice in his head telling him to calm the hell down. He really couldn’t afford to lose control. But he was tired of getting kicked around by these fuckers for no actual reason, and he sure wasn’t going to let them drag Chrissy through the mud either.
To his credit, Harrington stood his ground as Eddie stalked forward. “That’s not what this is–”
“Oh, it’s not?” Sarcasm dripped from Eddie’s words. “Good. Then get the fuck out of my house.”
“Fuck you, Harrington. Get. Out–”
With a single step, Harrington got right in Eddie’s face. Grabbing the collar of his shirt, he brought his free hand to Eddie’s face and before he could pull away Harrington jabbed his thumb against Eddie’s lips. His upper lip. Pushing, he exposed Eddie’s teeth. Eddie froze.
Oh fuck.
“Weird how your teeth got pointier the angrier you got, Munson.”
Breath caught in Eddie’s lungs. Not that he needed to breathe anymore. But as his wide, panicked eyes stared into Harrington’s cold, single-minded stare, he still felt like choking on air. That thumb still pressed against his sharpened canine tooth, the warmth of it as shocking as it was… enticing. Eddie could feel the subtle pulse of blood under the pad and, unbidden and unwanted, he started to salivate. Goddamnit, this wasn’t the time.
“Listen–” he began, his tongue brushing against that fucking thumb and sending a wave of hunger through him right as Harrington tore his hand away from his mouth with a sneer. “Man, I swear, I haven’t done anything or killed anyone-”
“So that werewolf in the woods out back was, what? A ghost?”
“Sorry, werewolf?”
Harrington yanked him closer. “Don’t play dumb, Munson.”
“I’m not!” Eddie yelled, but Harrington wouldn’t budge. He could hear it, in his elevated but steady heartbeat, saw it in the set of his brow. Shit. Shit.
Whatever. He was just a fucking human. Trained to fight things like Eddie, sure, but that’s all. Eddie wasn’t.
The low light of his room grew brighter as his eyes changed. He could see, now, the faint jump in Harrington’s neck, but pushed it aside. Grabbing Harrington’s arm, hand still clutching his shirt, Eddie twisted, fast, faster than a human. The momentum, the speed, sent Harrington stumbling. His knees hit the bed, but before he had the chance to recover, Eddie ran.
As he sped down the hall, a low growl rumbled out of his room. “What the fuck. What the fuck!?” he panted.
Rapid footsteps thundered behind him. Eddie’s hair stood on end. Reaching the door, he went to throw it open, desperate to get the hell out of there, but Harrington slammed into him. A broad hand shut the door with enough force to knock mugs off the wall and rattle the window. Another landed on his back. Eddie’s face and chest hit the door. He let out a pained groan, wincing his eyes open.
There, right by his face, was the hand Harrington had been examining earlier. Only the blunt nails were growing. Thick brown hair started to sprout from the back of his hand as dark, curved nails–claws–embedded themselves in the metal of the trailer door with a muted squeak.
“What the fuck are you, man!?” Eddie’s voice broke, raw and breathless. The hand on his back grabbed his shirt and flung him towards the living room. Nearly tripping, Eddie floundered until he found his footing, spinning to face whatever Harrington was turning into as fear clawed its way up his throat.
Standing in front of the door, chest rising and falling rapidly, Harrington looked changed. Like he was mid-transformation. His hands were the worst, furry, animalistic. His eyes were flashing more golden than brown, and his face–
“You should already know. You killed one of my kind last weekend,” Harrington grit out, almost growling, his lips moving awkwardly around the strange array of canine and human teeth, his nose and jaw uncannily elongated.
“I told you, I didn’t do it!”
Harrington’s head cocked to the side, dog-like, as his eyes roved over Eddie’s face. They narrowed. Just as he opened his mouth, primed to say more, the door behind him crashed open. Both men jolted, and Harrington whipped around to face the sound.
He came face to face with a tiny, furious cheerleader wielding a wicked crossbow, the bolt pointed between Harrington’s eyes. Her hands shook, and her eyes widened when she saw what Harrington looked like, but she didn’t waver.
“Leave him alone.” Her demand rang through the room, her usually sweet voice strong.
Eddie wished he could collapse with the relief that flooded through him. Still, he stayed upright, tension keeping him at a knife’s edge. Harrington wasn’t budging, so Eddie leaned into a crouch to pounce if the asshole tried to attack Chrissy. Like hell was he going to let her get hurt, coming to his rescue again.
The trio didn’t move. It felt like a stand-off. Eddie hated it, hated staring at Harrington’s back and hoping he could catch any telltale twitch of muscle foreshadowing an attack. The fur on his arms kept receding and growing, like he was stuck, deciding whether to fully transform–into a goddamn werewolf–or revert back to a human. It was weird as fuck to watch.
“Chrissy, you shouldn’t be here,” Harrington eventually said, hands balling into fists.
“No, I really should be. Whatever you’re after him for, he didn’t do it. He doesn’t kill people.”
“He’s a vampire, of course he does.”
Eddie let out an indignant, “Hey!”
“Okay, and werewolves, what? Don’t lose control on the full moon? Don’t randomly attack people?” she asked. Her perky sarcasm nearly made Eddie laugh, couldn’t help but let a small snort escape. Yet, while she spoke, Harrington’s head tilted to the side again. Like he was listening for something. In the silence, Eddie caught it too. Bike wheels.
They came to a skidding stop and the bike clattered to the ground while a familiar voice cursed up a storm and bolted up to the trailer. A mop of curls barely contained by a cheesy trucker hat bounded in the open door, past Chrissy, shouting, “Wait! Wait, wait, wait!”
“Henderson?” both Harrington and Eddie said, the two of them glaring at each other.
“Yes, because apparently all of you need someone around with some actual goddamn sense!” Dustin waved his finger at all three teens, who looked at him with varying levels of annoyance, before landing on Harrington and pointing with the utmost sass. “Especially you, Steve! I told you Eddie was innocent. But did you listen? No!”
Harrington gave an offended scoff. “Are you kidding me? Dustin, it’s him. He’s a vampire, has the strength and speed to take down a whole werewolf if he really wanted to.”
That was news to Eddie, who didn’t bother hiding his surprise. Dustin immediately looked to Eddie, but instead of fear he looked fascinated. Awed.
“Really?” he asked, a grin breaking over his face. When he started walking towards Eddie, Harrington held him back with a decidedly human hand. Thank fuck the claws were gone. Dustin tried to shake him off, but the grip on his hoodie was too strong.
“Don’t go to him!”
“He’s not gonna hurt me, Steve, jesus christ you’re so overprotective.”
Eddie started to put his hands up, but went slower when Harrington began to growl again. “Listen, Harrington, I have zero interest in hurting Henderson. Or anyone. I swear on,” he gestured to the ceiling, and then the carpet, “whichever deity you’d trust more. I have no idea what you were talking about with this werewolf either.”
Squinting at Eddie’s chest again, Harrington gave a frustrated huff, and Dustin finally broke free from his restraint to speed walk over to Eddie. He didn’t even hesitate to grab Eddie’s wrist and start feeling his pulse, which Eddie protested with a half-hearted, “Hey!”
“You know he’s telling the truth Steve,” Dustin said. Harrington merely crossed his arms and went back to glaring at Eddie. In turn, Eddie pursed his lips and wiggled his head with mock triumph, letting Dustin do whatever poking and prodding he wanted to do just to prove to Harrington he could shove his suspicions where the sun don’t shine.
Chrissy, who watched the exchange alertly, finally lowered her crossbow and worked at getting the bolt out. “Why are you after Eddie, Steve?” she asked.
“The night of Penny’s party, Dustin and his friends found a dead werewolf in the woods a little ways away.”
“It was decapitated,” Dustin helpfully supplied, as if it were a fun fact and not a gruesome murder.
“Oh.” Chrissy paled. Meeting Eddie’s worried expression with her own, she said, “That’s pretty bad.”
“Doesn’t explain why you went after me, though,” Eddie said. “Do I just give off ‘werewolf killer’ vibes?”
Harrington’s jaw clenched and he stared at the floor. “You smelled like blood. At the party.”
“I what now?”
Sighing, Dustin planted his hands on his hips. “Yeah, because, clearly, he’s a vampire. Of course he’s gonna smell like blood.”
“I didn’t exactly know that, Dustin!” Harrington threw his hands up. “And where’d he be getting the blood from anyway?”
“Oh. Uhm. That would be me.” Dustin and Harrington turned to gawp at Chrissy. She’d leaned the unloaded crossbow against the open doorway and had started fiddling with the bolt, avoiding the sharp point. It was so at odds with her preppy, pastel sweater. She smiled at Eddie apologetically. “I might’ve insisted, since it’d help him eat regularly and he wouldn’t have to try and find it somewhere else.”
When Dustin turned to wiggle his eyebrows suggestively at Eddie, he frowned and smacked the kid’s shoulder. Lightly. Light enough. “No.”
“Does Jason know?” Harrington asked, seeming tense. It didn’t ease when she shook her head, but he did let out a slow exhale.
“Is that the only reason you went after me? I just stank?”
It was Harrington’s turn to shake his head. “No, we found one of your weird band shirts there.” 
“Oh yeah, like there aren’t other metalheads in Hawkins,” Eddie snarked. Not that he thought any of the ones he knew could take on a werewolf, if Steve’s strength was anything to go by.
“It smelled like you, man.”
“Which is exactly why my theory is that you’ve been framed!” Dustin said, completely interrupting Eddie’s bizarre realisation that Harrington knew what he smelled like. He held his index finger aloft. “Someone knew it was yours, planted your shirt there, killed the werewolf. Why? Maybe they had some sort of feud. Maybe they thought other werewolves would find the corpse and seek revenge.” Eddie had a flat expression on his face as he motioned to Harrington, but Dustin waved him off impatiently while Harrington rolled his eyes. “No, no. I don’t think we were supposed to find it. No one knows about Steve except for our group, and maybe one or two creatures we’ve helped. Creatures who definitely wouldn’t do this. The killed didn’t account for us. And, I think, didn’t account for you being a vampire.”
Eddie groaned. “Okay, great. Someone’s pinned a fucking murder on me! This night just keeps getting better!” Without anything better to do, and wanting to ignore the desperate desire to grab Chrissy’s hand and run, he flopped onto the couch hard enough to make the springs squeak and covered his face with his hands.
“But! You have us on your side now.”
Peeking through his fingers, Eddie took in the sight in front of him. Dustin, hands on his hips again and chest puffed out, grinned in a way that was somehow both egotistical and childish. Harrington looked only slightly less aggrieved than Eddie felt, but at least he looked fully human again.
Slowly, Chrissy walked over to Eddie and sat beside him. She took one of his hands away from his face and held it reassuringly, despite the clear furrow of worry between her brows. He gave her hand a squeeze, a silent thank-you.
“Fine. What do you propose, my little detective?” Eddie asked, taking a tiny bit of glee from the slight sneer Dustin made at being called “little.” 
“I propose that we hide you away, make it so the real killer doesn’t know where you’ve gone, and see if that either flushes them out while they try to find you or if they commit another murder.”
“Jesus christ, Dustin, we can’t just wait around for another person to die!”
“I know, Steve, but that’s the cold, hard truth! We don’t know their next move. Hopefully they try to find you,” Dustin pointed at Eddie, “before they find another werewolf to kill again.”
Eddie didn’t miss Harrington’s pained grimace as he shuffled uncomfortably. The guy may have just pinned him against his own front door and flung him across his living room, but Eddie could, begrudgingly, sympathise. Harrington could very well be that next werewolf. Which, what a wild discovery that was.
“Did you know Harrington was a werewolf?” he whispered to Chrissy while Dustin and Harrington argued about the plan.
“No, not at all. Pretty sure Jason would’ve warned me if he knew, too. Though…” She pursed her lips and glanced at the subject of their gossip. “Maybe not. I don’t think he’d leave Steve alone if he knew.”
That seemed like a massive understatement. With what little Chrissy could relay about Carver’s reputation, Eddie knew that Harrington would be at just as much risk as Eddie would be if that asshole knew. Watching Harrington as he bugged out his eyes and shook his head at Dustin in frustrated disbelief, he also knew that he’d have a trump card over Harrington if he tried to rat him out to Carver or any other hunters. At least that was an upside to getting found out so disastrously.
Dustin seemed to win the argument, clapping his hands once and turning on his heel to face Eddie and Chrissy again. The kid really had a flair for the dramatic. “Alright. Eddie, you’re coming with us.”
“The hell I am,” he laughed, baffled.
“You need to. Either the killer got your shirt from somewhere, or they broke into your house and stole it. And pretty much everyone knows where you live, so. You can’t stay here.”
“And my uncle is, what, chopped fucking liver? What happens if he’s here, but I’m not, and the killer comes knocking?”
“I doubt he’s at risk. He doesn’t seem like a likely target. Unless he’s also a vampire?” When Eddie shook his head, Dustin continued, “There you go. Problem solved. You’re staying at Steve’s until we find this person.”
Harrington met Eddie’s offended look with one of resigned dread. “No way. Hide me at Chrissy’s.”
“I don’t think my parents would, uhm, agree to that.” Chrissy laid her other hand on top of Eddie’s. “Not to mention Jason.”
A low, whiny groan oozed out of Eddie as his head thumped back against the couch. It got louder when Dustin said, “Plus, if we saw you and Chrissy together, who’s to say the killer hasn��t?”
He felt like throwing a temper tantrum, fists flying and legs kicking, the whole shebang, if he weren’t being framed for murder. “Holing up at The King’s giant rich bitch mansion for who knows how long? Great. Wonderful. Always wanted to see how the other side lived,” he grumbled, not missing the loud sigh Harrington let out.
“Deal with it, Munson. This is the best we’ve got. I’m not thrilled about it either.”
“Oh goody. I’m an unwanted houseguest, even.”
“Eddie,” Chrissy started, “I know you’re scared, I am too. But… I do think they want to help. Their plan makes sense to me.”
Sighing, he dropped the sarcasm and dramatics. For now. “Yeah. I guess. Alright, Detective Henderson, I’ll go along with you and your loyal bloodhound.”
Dustin and Eddie both snickered at Harrington’s unimpressed frown.
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taytrashmouth · 2 years
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She has your eyes
Steve Harrington x pregnant reader.
TW: accidental pregnancy, pregnancy at a young age, body shame from both the reader and Steve’s mother, self-consciousness, language, stress.
Steve was your high school boyfriend, you’d been together almost 4 years and it was great. Now at age 20 you were both out of school, studying, struggling and trying to find work.
Steve had decided he wanted to teach, he barely got into Hawkins University but he was studying hard while working at the family video with robin.
You were trying to peruse a career in writing, it was easy to write fiction when you dealt with inter-dimensional beings from time to time.
1986…this year things had not gone according to plan as per usual.
“Shit, shit, shit!” You whisper-yelled to yourself, tears filling your eyes. You were sitting in the tiny bathroom of the Winnebago staring down at a positive pregnancy test.
You wiped your eyes and took a deep breath, feeling almost sick. You were 20 you couldn’t do this.
You exited the bathroom and opened the door to see Steve and robin toasting with Molotov cocktails just outside.
“Robin.” You stated simply.
“Will you come here a second?” Your voice sounded urgent and so she followed you inside as you locked the doors and checked that all the drapes were closed.
“Y/n what is it?” She asked, looking concerned.
Tears filled your eyes once more.
“You’re really freaking me out right now n/n.” Robin spoke again as she pulled you into a hug.
“Steve and I had sex.” You stated blankly after pulling away.
“It’s been four years I should hope so, and ew.” Robin frowned.
“Robin-“ you held up the pregnancy test and her eyes widened.
“Shit! Holy shit!” She exclaimed.
“Holy shit.” You responded.
“You have a person inside of you, an actual person and it’s part dingus.” She exclaimed.
“I know!”
“And he’s right outside! And he-he doesn’t know, holy shit!”
“I’m 20, we’re 20 I can’t give birth, I barely have a tolerance for paper cuts, I can’t afford to pay rent now, let alone with a child, oh god! I have to take care of a person!” You started to panic.
“Calm down it’ll be fine.” Robins high pitch wasn’t convincing. “Steve likes kids right?”
“Yeah…I mean we’ve talked about it be it was always going to happen and was never happening now. I mean what if he hates me?”
“Then I’ll kick his ass, or get Eddie to do it, he’s probably stronger.” Robin joked. “Steve is probably gonna love you even more and you’re gonna be a good mom….and I vote you name it Robin.”
You smiled and fell into her arms again. The subject didn’t come up again until after the fight…after Eddie, max, everything.
You and Steve he’d just gotten home from visiting max.
“Yeah?” He looked up at you after flipping down onto the couch.
You hesitated for a moment.
“I’m pregnant.” The words felt bitter on your tongue and the suspense felt worse.
He stared at you and you stared back.
“Steve?” You asked after a moment.
He just stood up.
“Steve?” You asked softer this time, about to cry.
He fell into you, engulfing you in a hug. You hugged back. When he pulled back to kiss you, tears were visible on his cheeks, you had never seen him cry.
“How long?” He asked.
“Well it’s longer than I thought…when the doctors checked me out after the fight he-he figured out I was pregnant and he said 2 months. I-I’ve only known for a week.” You rambled.
“T-two months?”
You nodded.
“You aren’t scared?” You asked.
“Oh no no, I’m terrified right now.” He shook his head and you both laughed. “But we’ll figure it out, we always do.”
You hugged him again. “Thank you.” You whispered.
“For what?” He asked in the same tone.
“Not hating me.”
“I couldn’t hate you if I tried, and besides this is like 60% my fault.” He joked and you laughed.
“It’s just once, we don’t need a condom…” you mimicked.
“I do not sound like that and I was drunk!” Steve exclaimed.
“Whatever, there’s a raspberry sized Steve Harrington inside of me right now and it’s all your fault.” You exclaimed.
A month had passed and you had started to show.
“Steve!” You called from the bathroom.
“What n/n?” He asked, his hair a mess from napping on the couch.
“You can see it.” You frowned.
“See what?” He asked.
You glared up at him and lifted your shirt.
His face lit up as he bent down.
“Holy shit!” He beamed. “Can I?” He asked and you nodded and he felt your stomach, it was almost firm-ish where it had grown.
“We’re having a baby.” He smiled and you smiled back.
“Yeah it’s not the only thing that’s growing…” you grumbled staring at Steve.
He frowned.
“My bra is starting to be way too tight and my shoes all suck and my jeans are slowly becoming too small!” You ranted.
“Your bra huh?” He smirked.
“Shut up.”
A few weeks later you walked into the living room with Steve looking through a baby book.
“Let’s get married!” He exclaimed.
“Come on we live together, we’ve been going out four years, there’s a baby on the way? What to do you say?”
You smiled and thought for a moment before nodding. He jumped up and kissed you, holding your cheeks.
“By the way, now that you’re in a good mood uh- we have to go have dinner with my parents.” Steve blurted out.
Your mouth hung open.
“What a con! You propose so I’m happy, so that you can convince me to go!” You exclaimed.
Steve smiled. “Go get ready we’re leaving in an hour.”
“Asshole.” You mumbled as you walked to the bedroom to go get dressed.
“But you love me!?” He called.
“Mmmm.” You mumbled in response.
After a long hour of contemplating outfits and trying not to cry when nothing fit you, hating your body and managing to do your makeup, you had made it to the car.
“You think they’ll know?” You asked, looking at your slightly larger stomach.
“Well maybe…I don’t think so, I mean your showing but not enough to tell right?” Steve was unsure himself.
You had decided on a red dress, a stretchy one, still fancy though. It framed your slightly larger breasts and had a frill near the stomach, which you hoped distracted from the baby itself. You had squeezed your swollen feet into some heels, hoping not to draw suspicion.
“I’m sorry I’m making you come.” Steve sighed looking at the road.
“We have to tell them.” You shrugged.
“About the wedding or the baby?” Steve sighed.
“Both! I mean my mom already knows about the baby.”
“Yeah but I like your mom! My parents are such snobs and are always making these backhanded comments.” Steve sighed.
“We will survive one night, besides it’s not like we’re getting married anytime soon-“
“What!? Why not?” Steve frowned.
“First of all the financial aspect, we have a baby on the way, we can’t spend money on a wedding and second I won’t fit into a dress!” You half-laughed.
“No no! I wanna do it soon, before the baby.” Steve looked over at you. “ nothing big, outdoors, just our parents and our friends, and-I mean…”Steve paused.
“You mean..?” You smiled at the thought of being a Harrington, of being with Steve forever.
“I think you’ll look cute…” Steve’s cheeks were slightly red.
“At the wedding?” You frowned.
“With-with the bump.” Steve let out as he pulled into his old driveway.
You smiled. “You like me better pregnant don’t you?”
He looked down, smiling.
You just laughed, sort of surprised as you got out of the car holding your arms over your stomach as you walked to the door.
“You ready?” Steve asked.
“Never.” You shook your head as he rung the doorbell.
Almost immediately Steve’s father opened the door and Steve’s back straightened.
“Steven.” His father shook his hand and led him in.
“Y/n, you look…you look nice.” His smile was fake and suddenly you felt self-conscious.
The Harrington family had a way of doing that, suddenly making you worry about silly things….Steve was different.
Dinner was slow and awkward, laughing at Mr.Harrington sexist jokes and pretending to care about Steve’s mothers travel.
“Mom, dad-sir, I-We-we have something to tell you.” Steve spoke up after an awkward silence.
You shot him a nervous glance.
“Well go on Steven! Spit it out.” Mrs Harrington rolled her eyes.
“We-we’re engaged.”
They thought for a minute before smiling.
“Good! Steven finally! I thought you would never try live a normal life.” His mother laughed.
“Oh well, congratulations, when will the wedding be?” His father asked.
“We haven’t-“ Steve started but you interrupted him.
“Soon, we want to do it soon, in the summer maybe, a small ceremony-“ you explained as Steve smiled that you had liked his idea from the car.
“What’s the rush, that’s barely anytime to plan?” His mother asked.
“It’s because I’m pregnant.” You blurted out.
His mother screamed in joy and stood up, pulling you out of your seat.
“Our first grandchild! Oh how wonderful! I was worried you were just getting fat!” She laughed as your smile faltered slightly. “I definitely wasn’t expecting it so soon but this!” She exclaimed.
“Congratulations, I’m sure you two will make fine parents.” His father stated.
After a long evening of Steve arguing that you wouldn’t come stay with them and that you didn’t want their money you had finally escaped.
The next two months were spent reading books on baby’s, planning the wedding, dress shopping with robin and Nancy, getting excited about having a girl and watching Steve get all excited too.
You had been writing and Steve had picked up extra shifts, continuing studying. The apartment looked better than ever after spending money on decent furniture and decorating the spare room and Turing it into a nursery.
Six months pregnant and finally it was two weeks before the wedding.
“Okay so who’s all coming?” Steve asked.
“Robin and max as my bridesmaids, Dustin and Eddie as your best men, although Eddie might have to sit or lean on something, he says he’s fine but he’s still healing-“
“N/n, he’s fine, and I still can’t believe robin is your maid of honor and not my best woman…continue.”
“Okay then there’s Nancy, Jonathan, el, mike, will, Lucas, Erica, Joyce and hopper, and my mom.” You finished.
Steve’s face fell slightly.
“Steve? I’m sorry your parents aren’t coming…” you half-smiled.
“They’re douches anyway, but I don’t know, I just feel like they should be there, you know?” He sighed.
“I know, I wish my dad was coming to walk me down the aisle.” You hugged him as best you could.
Your father had died in 85, he was flayed.
Steve rubbed your back.
“Getting hard to hug you….mom.” He smirked as you smacked his arm.
“I’m not that huge, am I?” You pouted.
“I’m afraid you are babe, but it’s a good thing, you’re keeping her healthy.” Steve smiled and you groaned, you’d been in denial for a few days.
You were huge, it looked as though you were having twins…it sucked. And it was only the sixth month, the doctor said you were only going to get bigger from here.
“I hate being pregnant.” You sighed.
“I like it.” Steve shrugged.
“No you don’t! That’s something you men say to make the hormonal pregnant woman happy!” You exclaimed.
“No I’m serious! I love having to help you out all the time, cheering you up when your sad, holding your hair back when you’re morning sick, watching the bump grow- I thought you looked cute a month ago with the little bump but I actually- I actually think I like you like this, like a mom…like a lot,” Steve smiled.
You had tears in your eyes, it was partially The hormones and partially that Steve was perfect.
“I love you.” You began crying.
“I love you more.” He whispered into your hair as he hugged you from behind this time, so he could properly be close to you.
“Go get the wedding file.” Steve gestured to the coffee table.
“Why me? I’m the one carrying a living thing.” You asked.
“Cause I like your little waddle.” He smirked as you turned around.
You were slightly offended. “My walk has not turned into a waddle!”
“I’m afraid it has.” He sighed.
It was the day of the wedding and the phone at hoppers cabin rang. You were all getting ready there as the ceremony was in the field just outside the cabin.
“Oh bride! It’s for you!” Robin handed you the phone.
“I’m sorry n/n.” Your mothers voice on the other end was crying.
“Mom, what’s wrong?” You sat up straighter.
“I can’t make it-I-I’m so sorry.”
Your heart sunk. “Oh-um-well that’s okay-“
“It’s not y/n! It’s just a patient has gone into labor and I’m the only one who can do it-“ she sobbed.
“Mom-really it’s fine, do what you need to do.” You spoke.
“I’m really sorry.”
“I’ll see you soon, it’s really okay. Bye mom.”
“What was that?” Nancy asked.
“My mom can’t make it.” You shrugged, obviously sad but you understood.
“Oh I’m so sorry y/n.” Nancy hugged you.
“Really it’s okay, I’ll be fine.” You smiled.
“Okay well let’s get you ready then!” Robin smiled and you returned it.
While el wore a light pink floral dress and pink eyeshadow on, max and robin wore their pale, sage green bridesmaids dresses, robin and max had both curled their hair, and Nancy had helped decorate maxes wheelchair with flowers.
Nancy had straightened her hair to make a natural wave, she was wearing a short, pale purple dress.
Your wedding dress barely zipped up, but it still fit, the top was a floral design that continued down your arms and stopped just above the bump while the skirt flowed down to your ankles, the same floral design fading down the skirt. Everything perfectly white.
El cut the stems of white flowers for your hair, while Nancy curled it and robin did your makeup.
“So y/n Harrington, huh?” Max smiled.
You smiled too, trying to keep still. “You know I pictured myself getting married at like…30, and definitely not pregnant.”
“Yeah but you always knew it was Steve, you had a crush on him for forever before you two got together!” Robin laughed.
“I did not!”
“Eddie!” Robin yelled with a makeup brush hovering near your cheek, shortly after Eddie entered the room.
“You ladies are looking especially elegant, what’s the occasion?” He joked.
“Eddie how long had n/n liked Steve?” Robin asked.
“Oh years before they hooked up man! Like forever!” Eddie let out.
“Oh shut up.” You frowned.
“It’s true.” Robin smiled as Eddie left.
“How’re you feeling?” Nancy asked gesturing to your bump and she and el arranged the flowers in your hair.
“Scared, more than anything.” You nervously laughed.
“Can I feel?” El asked and you nodded, she was endlessly fascinated with the baby, she loved feeling it stir or kick.
“I should be scared, he wants six of these things.” You let out.
“Holy shit is he trying to start an apocalypse?” Max exclaimed.
“That’s what I said.”
“I can see the headline now, Dingus uprising! The Harringtons are coming!” Robin laughed.
“You are all done mrs Harrington.” Nancy smiled as you looked in the mirror.
You took a deep breath and smiled.
About an hour later the ceremony was about to start, Steve was already standing by the altar and Hopper and Joyce were on their way down.
“Hop!” You called.
“Yeah kid?” He turned around.
“Do you mind coming here for a sec, I just-Steve can’t see me it’s bad luck or whatever. “
He walked up onto the porch.
“Do you think- do you think you could maybe walk me.” You let out.
“Walk you?”
“Down the aisle.”
He looked shocked.
“You don’t have to it’s just, you’ve taught me so much and my parents can’t be here, and you’re as close as so-“
“Of course I’ll walk you.” He smiled softly.
“Thank you.” You mouthed.
As you walked down the small aisle that was covered in white petals, your arm linked with hoppers.
You saw your closest friends in the audience and smiled, a little teary already, seeing Steve in his black tuxedo with his sage tie. And Dustin with his hair slicked back and Eddie with his tied in a low bun.
You made it to the front of the gorgeous outdoor set up, flowers and lights everywhere. It was perfect.
When it came to reading your vows you listened to Steve’s words so carefully.
“Y/n, you are the most beautiful woman I have ever known, inside and out, you are kind, and you care so much about everyone and everything and I love that about you. I see the way your smile lights up the room and makes my heart skip three beats. We’ve been through almost everything together. I come home everyday feeling so bad about life and tired from work, and you always manage to bring me back to life, to make me laugh, to talk so much I forget I’m even upset because looking at you is the cure, being with you, and loving you is the cure. You are my light in the dark and somehow even while carrying a whole other life inside of you, you still manage to do all these things. You’re my forever.”
By now you were fully crying, and thanked robin for insisting on using waterproof makeup.
When Steve kissed you, he really kissed you and when you danced that night he made sure you were comfortable, when robin and Dustin gave their speeches he laughed and held your hand. Everything was perfect.
“I can’t say I’ve known Steve his whole life, partly because I am only half his age, and partly because when I met Steve he was an asshole of the highest order.” Dustin started and everyone chuckled. “But as he and y/n started to get closer, started to become close, she brought out a kindness And a life in his eyes that nobody had ever seen before. I’m friends with both of these incredible people and I mean it completely when I say they bring out the best in each other. To Steve and y/n.”
Everyone toasted as robin stood up and spoke.
“Steve and I only became friends about a year ago, and although close…y/n will always be my favorite.”
Steve made an offended face before laughing with the rest.
“I’ve known y/n since we were about five and out of all the dinguses she’s gone out with you’re the best dingus. However I found an old note she left in my locker, back in the forth grade and I thought I should let the groom know. ‘Rob’ I can’t believe it! I kissed Eddie Munson! I’m in love with him! He’s in a band and I’m going to marry him!’ “ robin read and everyone laughed as you’re cheeks turned slightly pink as you laughed too.
Steve pretended to be offended as he joked with you, Eddie winked at you from across the table smiling.
“I was so shocked when I read that letter and I remember talking about it for weeks…I just thought that Steve should know her heart belongs to another. To the newlyweds!” Robin laughed again.
“It’s true.” You shrugged and Steve smiled as he rested his head on yours.
Lucas danced with max as well as he could, Dustin had kindly invited El to dance with him as she was all alone because will had eventually convinced mike to dance, both of them blushing like crazy.
Jonathan was taking photos, Eddie let Erica dance with him, hopper an Joyce danced too while robin and Nancy talked with you and Steve.
When you through the bouquet of white over your head, will had jokingly caught it and gave mike a smile, while mike blushed like an idiot.
However a flower had flown out of the bouquet and robin had caught that. She laughed.
“Yeah right.” She smiled. Nancy took a deep breath before she grabbed robins cheeks and pulled her in to her lips.
As they broke away everyone was smiling knowingly at them.
3 months later, you were bigger than ever, you could barely sleep and your back was aching, needless to say when you went into labor, although terrified you were sort of relieved.
16 hours of sweat and tears, pushing and absolute exhaustion, the little girl was finally born.
Steve was so supportive, he held your hand and let you squeeze it as hard as you needed, he kept saying how much he loved you, and even though he was so panicked you were glad you didn’t miss the look on his face when he saw her.
After cleaning everything up and moving you out of the operating room, you finally got to hold your baby again, you had held her briefly just after she was born but it was too quick.
“We made this.” You smiled exhaustively at Steve.
“Yeah.” He smiled sitting next to your bed.
“You wanna hold her for a while.” You asked and he nodded.
You carefully handed her to Steve and he held her so carefully and he almost looked worried.
“She’s so small.” He stated, looking a little teary.
“She’ll grow.”
He smiled down at her.
“You know what to name her?” You asked.
“Robin?” He smirked and you laughed softly.
“I have an idea, what about willow?” Your eyes were closing slowly from exhaustion.
“Willow.” He repeated.
“We used to talk under the willow tree on the field, there’s one outside our apartment, there was a willow tree at the wedding…” you explained.
“She looks like a willow.”
You smiled at Steve and willow.
“Willow Harrington.” You whispered.
“The plus side is my parents will hate it.” Steve joked.
“She has your eyes.” You slurred as you drifted to sleep.
And at that moment Steve needed nothing more, this was his forever.
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tavi-the-rat · 6 months
top 3 dk songs? :)
winnebago warrior - this song has been living rent free in my head for 2 weeks now it's so good both in making fun of american camping/hunting culture but also instrumental-wise
dog bite - the song is like a minute long but ill forever be thankful klaus wrote this song it's literally so silly. also jello making animal sounds at the beginning is just top tier content
back in the ussr - ok technically its a beatles cover but i think i like it a lot better than the original. also the chatter at the end of the performance is awesome i love it
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tkstrandreyes · 2 years
Marjan quit her job as a first responder earlier this season to, as Karam puts it, "find some answers and do some soul-searching. She's recalibrating and getting her instincts and impulses back in line. That process takes a whole lot of effort, there's a whole mountain to climb."
That journey leads her to help a seemingly loving couple — Grant (Dahmer and American Horror Story's Cameron Cowperthwaite) and Kiley (Mr. Iglesias' Brooke Sorenson) — fix their Winnebago, only to find that Grant has been emotionally and physically abusing his girlfriend. Marjan works with a trucker (Glee's Dot Marie Jones) to try and help Kiley escape, but ultimately Marjan has to get Grant apprehended by to cops in order to free Kiley from the relationship.
"Through helping this woman escape, she realizes that her calling is in fact to help people," says Karam, "that she does nothing better in this world, and finds nothing more important than being of service to other people. She's incredibly good at being of service to other people in high-stakes life-is-on-the-line dangerous situations, which not everybody in this world is capable of doing."
So is Marjan now happily heading back to the 126? When we see her next, Karam's character will have sold Owen's bike, rented a car, and hit the road back to Austin. "She's thinking, 'It's all been solved. I'm going home. Captain Strand's going to welcome me with open arms,'" says the actor.
But nothing is easy on Lone Star, and Karam teases that Marjan will end up in a "terrifying standoff" with Grant that leaves her in "a fight for her life" that all leads up to "a big twist" in the final moments.
"I think it's an episode that you're going to have to rewatch once it finishes," says Karam, who herself had to process it more than once. "When I was got to the last few pages of the script, I audibly gasped. I instantly went all the way back to the beginning and read it again."
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researchrealmblog · 2 months
Recreational Vehicle Market Share, Size, Future Demand, and Emerging Trends
Market Overview
In 2024, the recreational vehicle industry is projected to generate revenue of USD 51.3 billion, which is projected to experience a CAGR of 4.2% over the projection period, to attain USD 53.1 billion by the end of the decade. This will be because of the increasing customer expenditure on eco-tourism, camping, and sustainable travel worldwide.
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Eco-friendly travel options are in enormous demand worldwide as they emphasize on protecting natural ecosystems and decreasing the negative impact of travel. Such vehicles also provide a blend of mobility, convenience, comfort, and versatility, and also satisfy the evolving preferences of modern travelers.
It highlights on efficiency, sustainability, and comfort in recreational vehicles with less or no conventional fuel dependency. Electrification of cars, particularly RVs, offers sustainable travel options, which is appealing to consumers with a conscience. The advancements in battery technology enhance the performance and endurance of EV RVs hence attracting more customers. Integration is useful in applying aerodynamics in RVs since it reduces drag force and is useful in designing the RVs. These technologies inform the sector given the dynamic needs of the new generation of tourists.
Status-oriented customers look for vehicles that reflect their aspirations. As a result, RV firms are offering their clients options to choose from different customization options to help them design the RV of their dreams. Producers are buying hi-tech solutions along with high-quality materials to retrofit RVs with comforts and differentiate personal space.
Key Insights
Towable RVs are the higher-revenue-generating category, holding around 50% share in the market.
Increasing usage among campers, families, and adventurers.
The detachability option provides transportation adaptability for daily activities and holidays.
Motorhomes lead the market in growth rate with a CAGR of 4.6% during the forecast period.
Growing consumer inclination toward road trips.
Provides home-like comfort with living spaces, bathrooms, kitchens, bedrooms, and living areas.
Personal bifurcation dominates the market with a share of 70% in 2024.
RVs provide a homelike experience and allow engagement in outdoor activities like hiking, fishing, and camping.
Technological advancements in smart home connections, fuel efficiency, and luxurious interiors.
Appeals to consumers seeking luxury and comfortable travel experiences.
Commercial bifurcation is the faster-growing category with a CAGR of 4.7% during 2024–2030.
The trend of renting RVs and flexible accommodation options.
Convenient for less-regular travel based on trip length, distance, and required amenities.
Remote work and hybrid work models drive the need for RVs with modern facilities such as mobile workstations.
Non-motorized category dominates the market with a share of 75% in 2024.
Flexibility, accessibility, versatility, and affordability.
Low initial cost, simpler setup, and ease of maintenance.
Diverse options like travel trailers, fifth wheels, and truck campers.
The motorized category will witness a higher CAGR of 45% during 2024–2030.
Combined mobility and living spaces for long-distance journeys and full-time living.
Built-in facilities are similar to homes, such as bathrooms, kitchens, living areas, and sleeping quarters.
Appeals to travelers seeking comfort, convenience, and independent travel experiences.
North America is the largest market with a share of 45% in 2024.
Home to a highly competitive RV manufacturing industry.
Key manufacturers include THOR Industries, Winnebago Industries, and Forest River.
Source: P&S Intelligence
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vickierubin · 3 months
In October, Mitch and I sold our RV after touring the country and mastering cassette toilets, deciding renting is the way to go. And then...
Please save us! October, 2023- Mitch and I decided to sell KanVan, our EKKO Winnebago RV. We saw the country, were attacked by flies, met terrific people, and learned how to work a cassette toilet, and it was time to move on, literally. We agreed that if we were to travel by road, a rental RV would be our solution.   And then…. OPEN HOUSE Driving along the road, Mitch and I noticed a really…
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the-firebird69 · 3 months
A son has an idea for this B rated movie company and we already have a movie guy if he would be the head of entertainment news movies he does all that and the guys are saying no he just does a lot of movies and TV shows and we do the whole rigamarole. And you know in the whole rigmarole so it's really a group of people running it. And the guys lovely idea and it opens a whole bunch of topics up and it will motivate Clint Eastwood to make a movie and even a real one. So one of his ideas is Clint Eastwood in fistful of pesos. You can have A like a Clint Eastwood is kind of down on his luck doesn't have as much money and he's trying to squint his eyes to see things and it looks just like him because it is him they've got him like looking at a little younger and there could be all sorts of Mexican folk part and vital and goddess wife love it and Lobo and proxima midnight they're both really famous for it and Mac Daddy is over there saying he likes it too and he's a little bit sad and he gets it. So this might cheer people up and get some fun things going on and it's funny because when he was doing the movie they'd be saying this isn't Clint Eastwood. And it's like this joke movie thing is really in it but it doesn't look a sound like him 100 percent 'cause he's older and he'd be trying to look a little younger and it fixed him up better food and stuff so he likes it and it's a great idea he says. And hang him higher And it's a good idea too and you know the guy can't get off the thing so he brings the horse up and it's like I'm already done save yourself when he goes no II can get yard and he stayed he was a stand on the horse instead of sitting on it. It's a it's a whole it's a whole thing about gags but they're real and it happens to you idiots all the time there's millions of them. They did it with Star Wars already and it was one of the funniest shows I've ever seen. Especially with John Candy and a camper there's a one point he started blabbing went to turn everything into a spaceship. To kidnap people. And when he's rented the Winnebago he has one that looks like it's a spaceship and that's the joke and it got into the movie.
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bewellr · 11 months
RVs go EV
Even RVs are going electric. This posts suggests why and how a powerful supportive EV infrastructure can help.
Even RVs are going electric. It appears Winnebago is attempting to Practice Paneugenesis. If RV’s are electric, this could generate comprehensive improvements by creating net-positive, closer to regenerative, pervasive, reciprocal, selfish, selfless synergistic interactions from which everyone and everything would benefit. I think this can be great. I previously rented an RV and used it on a…
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P&D Dumpsters-Rental
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Owner name: Jeffrey Prater
Address: 7210 E State St Ste 8 Rockford, IL 61108
Phone: (815) 296-1654
Business Email: [email protected]
Website URL: https://pddumpsterrentals.com/rockford-il/
Keywords: dumpster rentals Rockford, dumpster rentals in my area, dumpster rental service Rockford, 10 yard dumpster rental, 15 yard dumpster rental, 20 yard dumpster rental, 30 yard dumpster rental, 40 yard dumpster rental, roll off dumpster rental, dumpster rental near me, cheap dumpster rental Rockford, dumpsters near me, small dumpster rental, dumpster service, garbage bin rental, construction dumpster rental, residential dumpster rental, dumpster company near me, garbage container rental, roll off dumpster rentals, dumpster rental Rockford il, rent a dumpster near me
Description: P&D Dumpsters-Rental in Rockford is a leading provider of waste management solutions for residential, commercial, and industrial clients. Our company specializes in dumpster rental services, offering a wide range of sizes to suit any project or budget in Winnebago County.
At P&D Dumpsters-Rental, we understand that efficient waste management is critical to the success of your project. That's why we offer flexible rental periods and prompt delivery and pickup services to minimize disruptions to your work. Our team of experienced professionals is committed to delivering exceptional customer service, providing personalized attention and support to ensure that all of your waste disposal needs are met. We pride ourselves on our environmentally responsible practices, recycling as much material as possible and disposing of non-recyclable items in compliance with local regulations. Our transparent pricing structure ensures that you know exactly what you're paying for, with no hidden fees or surprise charges.
Whether you're managing a home renovation, organizing a community cleanup, or running a construction site, P&D Dumpsters-Rental has the expertise and resources to handle your waste management needs. Contact us today to learn more about our services and reserve your dumpster!
Year Founded: August 31th 2005
Number of Employees: 35
Operation Hours: 6am to 8pm
Social Profiles: https://goo.gl/maps/z9Ezc5gi2fimzFiP9
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singularartjournal · 2 years
For those who don’t travel by Rv I thought I would let you know some of what we have learned in our two years of Covid-induced Rv life of adventure.
We are in sunny Tucson now. Our small van sized Rv called a Travado is built on a Dodge Ram truck chassis below and Winnebago has built a RV “house”on top of it. This is the way they are all built:an existing auto manufacturer below and a RV builder above. So we have all the comforts of home, kitchen (stovetop/frig/sink/microwave), with storage cabinets, a table, a TV/stereo system,a bed and bathroom (sink/shower/toilet) all in a 21 foot long vehicle! We can park in a regular parking spot and can do a uturn handily. Our dogs love it too!
We use KOA campgrounds because they are franchised and standardized in having showers/laundries/dog play areas and usually a swimming pool. Sometimes restaurants and game rooms.
We are staying in the Tucson Lazydays KOA which is especially large and nice. And must have been in operation for a while. There are mature orange/grapefruit/lemon/olive trees between each parking site. You can rent lots with grills/dog fences/cabins.
This one has a weekly calendar of activities. Pickle ball courts/swimming pool and kid activities like this “train” on wheels (see picture below) which zips around the park. And people sit out watching tv on their side panel TVs or having outdoor parties with grills and fire pits.
And I looked at the license plates here. Many of them are “snowbird” plates from more northern climes. However, many rvs in the spring through fall seasons represent people from around the country, young and old, from every income level and profession. Some are retired, some are working, some with kids,bikes,dogs,some are home schooling etc. experiencing the adventuring life in their own portable hotel. These homes range from inexpensive to very expensive. (The large bus chassis ones cost over a million dollars, not counting the car towed behind!)
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We love having stumbled into this adventuring-in-the-US life. We have traveled to almost all the southwest beauty we can imagine, California, and through southern states to Florida. Hooray for America’s diversity and beauty!! Hooray for adventuring RV’ers!!!
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rvforamerica · 2 years
Standard post published to RV for America at January 12, 2023 17:00
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For those looking for a getaway filled with the full creature comforts of home in a serene, scenic setting, RV for America offers the perfect solution. Located in the sunny town of Jupiter, Florida, we provide the most extensive range of camper rentals, RV rentals, and motorhome services. Not only do we offer amazing deals on all of these services, but our knowledgeable staff and commitment to customer satisfaction make us the go-to travel partner for outdoor adventures. RV for America believes that renting an RV, motorhome, or camper rental should be as hassle-free as possible. That’s why we only offer top-of-the-line RV and motorhome rentals from well-known names like Fleetwood, Winnebago, and Thor.
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source https://local.google.com/place?id=4632607024271963888&use=posts&lpsid=7161976438314986484
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When I Was 23…
I spent a season in a Mini Winnebago. No running water, on a dirt lot by the water with a port-a-potty rented by the month. I had a box filled with Marvel movies to waste my days away watching on a laptop; a bottle to keep me company. I warmed up fingerling potatoes in the microwave and drowned them in pesto for breakfast. Warmed up Top Ramen and frozen broccoli for dinner. Alcohol as a side…
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rivetra · 5 years
The little Skyscanner RV ABC: everything you need to know
KOA offers a dense network of campsites along the main tourist routes. More information on this in our article Camping in the USA. If this option is not used, the lessee is responsible for paying all toll charges within California and any fines incurred during the rental. In the event of fines for returning the vehicle, the rental company reserves the right to subsequently charge you these costs plus a fee of up to US $ 50 or to charge your credit card. Best Time RV has been offering brand new, high-quality Winnebago, Coachmen, Roadtrek and Hymer motorhomes for rent in Las Vegas, Phoenix and San Francisco since June 2015. Best Time RV's goal is to offer customers an incomparable and exceptional camping experience with personal service and high quality vehicles. Journeys to Alaska, the Northwest Territories and the Yukon to Canada are permitted between May 1st and September 30th for a fee of US $ 450 and only with advance booking, whereby forest roads and Britz campervan unpaved roads are not allowed. Personal property that is damaged or lost due to an accident or theft is also not insured. It is advisable to take out private insurance in your home country. From 3 days the normal rebooking rule applies as previously explained. You can book our motorhomes through the RVShare.com, Outdoorsy.com or Mighway.com portals or directly from us. To restore your password, enter your email address and we will send you the appropriate link. This page uses cookies. By continuing your actions, you agree to the agreements. Here you can enter all your data directly online. With the booking confirmation / invoice you will receive your booking number from us, which you should enter there together with the date of the vehicle pick-up and the code of the rental station when you pick up the vehicle. Mats Wilander has to laugh. The former number one in the world rankings knows such encounters. However, a mobile home on wheels is allowed. The laws on setting up mobile living spaces such as campers or tiny houses are not only special in Germany and require careful examination. The lessee is liable for all fees, duties, fines and penalties incurred in connection with the use of the vehicle, for which the lessor is used, unless they are caused by the lessor's fault. In the event of any fines for incorrect parking or speeding and / or undisclosed accidents / damage when returning the vehicle, the lessor reserves the right to subsequently charge you these costs plus a fee of up to US $ 50 or your credit card strain.
Congratulations, you have registered.
He is a small all-rounder who allows you to be mobile to be and at the same time offers you a cozy retreat.
If you liked this little ABC, you can read more travel tips from Angelika on her blog Reisefrunde.
Maybe that's why he enjoys not to do it.
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US caravan rental is available from our branches in Denver, Los Angeles, Las Vegas and San Francisco. Since 1985 Apollo Motorhome Holidays has helped customers enjoy unforgettable self-drive trips. I have read and understood the information on handling user data in the data protection declaration. Budget campers for the USA can be found here, mid-range campers here, campers for Alaska here and our camper overview here. No Best Time RV vehicle is older than model year 2019/24 months. Please note that model year does not mean "year of construction", the manufacture and first registration of a 2019 model already starts in 2018. All dimensions and size specifications are approximate values ​​and are based on the information provided by the lessor, errors and misprints excepted. If the notification is not made at least as long in advance, no transfer can take place and it is canceled without replacement; there is then no entitlement to the transfer or reimbursement of costs for your own journey to the depot. The lessee is always fully responsible for all damage to the vehicle caused by hypothermia, frost or freezing of tanks, hot water boilers and pipes, these costs are not covered by any insurance.
Best Time RV
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Join our community and share your best travel moments and photos from the camper or camper. The van, half a camper and half a camper, is agile and unobtrusive.
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remora1212 · 5 years
Motorhome of the top class Winnebago Suncruiser ICF RQ GMC Truck Coach USA
Our Cheapa Campa and Hippie Camper brands are cost-effective alternatives for self-drive enthusiasts. Apollo motorhomes and campers are designed by engineers and by our market leading Australian motorhome manufacturer Talvor Motorhomes. Has always been Pippi Longstocking rather than Annika. Works as a freelance copywriter and line breaker and loves road trips all over the world.
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The Swiss owner has more than 30 years of experience in motorhome rental, which is a very good prerequisite for this. In terms of climate, the east coast of the USA can roughly be compared to Germany. A popular travel time is the autumn months, when the colorful Indian summer begins. In Lago Maggiore 2 boats are for rent. Discover you other boats in this area. If you liked this little ABC, you can read more travel tips from Angelika on her blog Reisefrunde. Under the vehicle type B-21 6 different van models with different layouts are offered (Winnebago Travato Touring Coach Class B, Hymer Aktiv Class B, Roadtrek Zion Class B, Roadtrek Simplicity Class B, Roadtrek Simplicity SRT Class B, Carado Banff Class B). The motorization is always the same, all vans have a sleeping facility for 2 people, toilet, kitchen, running hot and cold water, waste water tanks and air conditioning. When booking vehicle category B-21, one of the 6 models is allocated on site when the vehicle is picked up. A specific model cannot be requested or guaranteed by Best Time RV. May to September 30th conditionally allowed, but must be requested and confirmed before departure. A non-refundable Northern Surcharge of USD 450 plus local tax is payable locally. ¹ The correct number and correct installation of seats for babies and children is of course essential for a family camper trip.
Motorhome rental with dog - From 119 EUR TOP Semi-integrated MAXI 5 people WOBI.de Camper vermi
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The range of jeeps and caravans underlines Best Time RV's claim to position itself as an innovative premium provider in North America.
A friendly voice with a Swedish accent asks about the tennis coach on the facility.
In the event of fines for incorrect parking or speeding and / or undisclosed accidents / damage when returning the vehicle, the lessor reserves the right to charge you these costs plus a fee of up to Billing 50 US $ afterwards or
Connors tried to train Andy Roddick and today also works as a television expert.
Apollo motorhomes and campers are designed by engineers and by our market-leading Australian motorhome manufacturer Talvor Motorhomes.
Of course, a ride in the cable car from San Francisco should not be missed during the USA trip! You can experience all of this in the wonderfully cozy vehicles from Best Time RV. Best Time RV makes every effort to provide you with the booked model, but reserves the right to provide an equivalent or higher value vehicle at no extra charge in the event of unforeseen circumstances if the booked model is not available for any reason. The resulting additional costs such as
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for fuel, ferry crossings etc. will not be replaced. However, there are some points that you should consider before renting and especially when you are traveling on four wheels with the house. We have listed the most useful tips and an explanation of the technical jargon for you. We use cookies to make our website optimal for you and to continuously improve it. By continuing to use www.crd.de you consent to the use of cookies. You can find out more in our privacy policy.
US hikers
to buy used motorhome of the top class Winnebago Suncruiser ICF RQ GMC Truck Coach USA. Other highlights include an electric patio awning, radio in the cab with USB port, cruise control and a reversing camera. We offer you affordable prices and have special offers all year round. Our incredible $ 1 a day vehicle campervan hire New Zealand from NZM Rentals return special is just a prime example of this. Talvor, the largest motorhome manufacturer in Australia, proudly builds vehicles for Apollo according to our high and demanding standards.
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