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افضل خدمة ايجار سيارات بافضل الاسعار في مصر
ايجار سيارات مطار القاهرة
افضل خدمة ايجار سيارات بافضل الاسعار في مصر 01003203210:
ايجار السيارات من الخدمات المهمة و المنتشرة في كل دول العالم و احنا في تورست كار 01003203210
هنوفرلك كل المعلومات و الخدمات اللي هتحتاجها لما تيجي تاجر عربية.
لانها مش مجرد خدمة بتقضي بيها مشاويرك و مناسباتك دي وسيلة بتوفرلك خدمة مريحة و حياة اسهل .
معلومات محتاج تعرفها لما تدور على ايجار سيارات 01003203210 :
من اهم الحاجات اللي محتاج تعرفها هي ايه العربية اللي محتاجها و ايه احسن نوع يناسب مشواري.
دلوقتي مع تورست كار بنوفرلك كل الانواع اللي بتدور عليها لمشوار شغلك ليوم زفافك و لجميع تنقلاتك .
محتاج كمان تعرف عن امان و احترافية المكان اللي هتاجر منه و ده سهل تعرف عنه في تورست كار لاننا بنوفرلك كل طرق الامان في الانتقلات و الخدمات و الدفع .
لذلك اهم حاجة هتحتاج تاخد بالك منها هي فحص السيارة و التاكد من عملها بشكل جيد و احنا في تورست كار بنقدم الخدمة دي بفحص شامل للسيارة قبل و بعد التسليم.
اعرف مميزات و فوائد ايجار السيارات في القاهرة01003203210 :
ايجار سيارة بيوفرعليك وقت طويل ممكن تقضيه في المواصلات ، وايجار السيارة المناسبة لمشوارك بيضمن سرعة اتمامه و نجاحه.
و لو انت عريس و هتحتاج عربية انيقة ليك انت و عروستك هنوفرلك عربية انيقة مناسبة ليوم زفافك ،
بالتالي من مميزات تاجير السيارات مع تورست كار توفير سواقين مع السيارة حياة من الرفاهية متشيلش هم الطريق
مع تورست كار.
بنوفر ايجار سيارات مطار القاهرة لوافددين و المسافرين بسائق و بدون.
ايجار سيارات بدون سائق مع تورست كار افضل اختيار 01003203210
ليه اختار التعامل مع تورست كار ؟
تورست كار بتقدملك خدمة ايجار السيارات بافضل مستوى خدمة في مصر .
توفير تاجير سيارات من مطار القاهرة بدون سائق .
كما نوفر ايضا سائقين محترفين على كفاءة عالية و معرفة و دراية بالطرق في مصر .
و كمان بتوفرلك احترافية مع خدمة عملاء على اعلى مستوى .
لذلك نوفر لك افضل الخدمات باقل الاسعاراختار راحتك و رفاهيتك و بادر بالاستئجار معانا
للحجز و الاستفسار :01003203210
متاح خدمة واتساب
مواعيد العمل من السبت الى الخميس ( من 9 الى 6 مساء)
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افضل مكتب تأجير سيارات في القاهرة يعد شركة تورست كار من افضل مكاتب تأجير سيارات في القاهرة حيث نوفر جميع انواع تأجير السيارات الفارهه. تاجير مرسيدس ايجار سيارات دفع رباعي تويوتا لاند كروزر , نيسان باترول ,جراند شيروكي , توريد للشركات سيارات للايجار و ايضا لليموزين . ايجار سيارات في مصر ايضا لديها ايجار سيارات هيونداى توسان و كيا سبورتاج , و ايجار سيارات اقتصاديه هيونداى النترا . و توفر خدمه ايجار الليموزين من مطار القاهره والاستقبال و التوصيل من مطار القاهره وايضا خدمه ايجار سيارات الليموزين زفاف وافراح . مكتب ايجار سيارات للايجار اليومي كم ايجار السيارات بمصر ؟ لذلك تعرف معنا علي تفاصيل تاجير السيارات بدون سائق , تاجير سيارات للشركات , تاجير سيارات يومي القاهرة . سيارات للايجار في القاهرة احجز الان افضل انواع السيارات من خلال شركة تورست لايجار السيارات والليموزين . تاجير سيارات علي الطريق الحديثة مع تورست لايجار السيارات والليموزين توافر العديد من ��سائل الحجز بكل سهولة وامان. لذلك يفضل الكثير من العملاء شركتنا لانها تعد من افضل شركات تاجير السيارات والليموزين . ايجار ليموزين مطار القاهرة توفر شركة تورست لايجار السيارات والليموزين خدمة ايجار ليموزين القاهرة , ايجار ليموزين مع سائق في مصر . تعمل تورست كار علي تقديم افضل خدمات الليموزين في مصر من خلال توفير العديد من وسائل الراحة والرفاهية عند تاجير ليموزين مطار القاهرة https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=892107489610535&set=a.554139023407385&locale=ar_AR
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أيجار سيارات -ايجار مرسيدس
افضل مكتب تأجير سيارات في القاهرة
يعد شركة تورست كار من افضل مكاتب تأجير سيارات في القاهرة حيث نوفر جميع انواع تأجير السيارات الفارهه. تاجير مرسيدس ايجار سيارات دفع رباعي تويوتا لاند كروزر , نيسان باترول ,جراند شيروكي , توريد للشركات سيارات للايجار و ايضا لليموزين .
ايجار سيارات في مصر ايضا لديها ايجار سيارات هيونداى توسان و كيا سبورتاج , و ايجار سيارات اقتصاديه هيونداى النترا .
و توفر خدمه ايجار الليموزين من مطار القاهره والاستقبال و التوصيل من مطار القاهره وايضا خدمه ايجار سيارات الليموزين زفاف وافراح .
مكتب ايجار سيارات للايجار اليومي
كم ايجار السيارات بمصر ؟
لذلك تعرف معنا علي تفاصيل تاجير السيارات بدون سائق , تاجير سيارات للشركات , تاجير سيارات يومي القاهرة .
سيارات للايجار في القاهرة احجز الان افضل انواع السيارات من خلال شركة تورست لايجار السيارات والليموزين .
تاجير سيارات علي الطريق الحديثة مع تورست لايجار السيارات والليموزين توافر العديد من وسائل الحجز بكل سهولة وامان. لذلك يفضل الكثير من العملاء شركتنا لانها تعد من افضل شركات تاجير السيارات والليموزين .
ايجار ليموزين مطار القاهرة
توفر شركة تورست لايجار السيارات والليموزين خدمة ايجار ليموزين القاهرة , ايجار ليموزين مع سائق في مصر .
تعمل تورست كار علي تقديم افضل خدمات الليموزين في مصر من خلال توفير العديد من وسائل الراحة والرفاهية عند تاجير ليموزين مطار القاهرة
#أيجار سيارات#ايجار مرسيدس#سيارات للايجار#تأجير سيارات#ايجار سيارات مرسيدس#ايجار سيارات فخمه#rent lux car#rent luxe car#مرسيدس ايجار#ايجار المرسيدس باليوم#مرسيدس للايجار#rent car lux#سعر ايجار مرسيدس#ايجار مرسيدس e200#مرسيدس ايجار يومي#سعر ايجار مرسيدس 2021#مرسيدس للايجار اليومي#ايجار سيارات مرسيدس بدون سائق#اسعار ايجار سيارات مرسيدس#اسعار ايجار مرسيدس#ايجار سيارات فخمه حراج#ايجار مرسيدس 2021#ايجار مرسيدس c180#ايجار مرسيدس بالسائق#ايجار مرسيدس يومي#سعر ايجار سيارة مرسيدس#سيارات مرسيدس للايجار
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ايحار مرسيدس ليموزين
ايحار مرسيدس ليموزين
تعتبر مرسيدس ليموزين من رموز الرفاهية والأناقة في عالم ايجار سيارات. إن إيجار مرسيدس ليموزين بالتالي يقدم تجربة سفر فاخرة للأفراد الذين يتطلعون
إلى الراحة والأداء الرفيع. في هذا المقال، لذلك سنستكشف سمات وفوائد إيجار مرسيدس ليموزين
فوائد إيجار سيارات مرسيدس
1. التصميم الرائع: لذلك تتميز مرسيدس ليموزين بتصميم خارجي يجمع بين الأناقة والسحر. الخطوط الرشيقة والتفاصيل الدقيقة لذلك تمنح هذه
السيارة هوية فريدة وتلفت الأنظار في كل مكان.
2. داخلية الفخامة: عندما تدخل إلى داخل مرسيدس ليموزين، يستقبلك فخامة المواد والتفاصيل الدقيقة. المقاعد الجلدية الفاخرة، والإضاءة اللطيفة،
والتجهيزات الخشبية،لذلك تجمع كلها لتخلق بيئة داخلية تعبق بالرفاهية.
3. راحة الركاب: إيجار مرسيدس ليموزين يتيح للركاب الاستمتاع برحلة مريحة وممتعة. المقاعد الفاخرة توفر دعمًا مثاليًا، ونظام التكييف يضمن درجة
حرارة مثالية، لذلك مما يجعل السفر مريح .
4. الأداء الرفيع: لذلك تأتي مرسيدس ليموزين بمحركات قوية ونظام تعليق متقدم، مما يوفر أداءً فائقًا.لذلك تجمع بين الرشاقة والقوة، بالتالي مما يضمن رحلة سلسه
واستجابة سريعة على الطريق.
5. الخدمات الإضافية: مع إيجار مرسيدس ليموزين، بالتالي يمكنك الاستمتاع بخدمات إضافية مثل سائق محترف، وتوصيل إلى الفعاليات، وتخصيص
الرحلة بالتالي حسب احتياجاتك الشخصية.
خدمة إيجار سيارات ليموزين
إيجار مرسيدس ليموزين يضيف لمسة من الفخامة والأناقة إلى تجربة السفر. لذلك سواء كنت في رحلة عمل هامة أو تحتفل بمناسبة خاصة، لذلك تعد مرسيدس
ليموزين خيارًا مثاليًا للأفراد الذين يبحثون عن تجربة فريدة في عالم تاجيرالسيارات الفاخرة.
لذلك تعتبر مرسيدس ليموزين رمزًا للفخامة والأناقة في عالم ايجارالسيارات. لذلك يُعتبر إيجار مرسيدس ليموزين خيارًا ممتازًا لأولئك الذين يبحثون عن تجربة سفر
فاخرة وراقية. في هذا المقال، بالتالي سنلقي نظرة على فوائد إيجار مرسيدس ليموزين وكيف يُضيف لمسة من الرفاهية إلى كل رحلة.
إيجار مرسيدس ليموزين يجسد فخامة السفر والتنقل بأسلوب راقي. إنها تقدم تجربة فاخرة تتجاوز مجرد وسيلة للتنقل إلى تجربة حقيقية من الرفاهية
والتميز. اختر إيجار مرسيدس ليموزين لتحويل كل رحلة إلى لحظة فاخرة .
إيجار مرسيدس ليموزين..تتألف من جزئين:
إيجار (Ijar):
تعني “الاستئجار” أو “التأجير”.
تستخدم للإشارة إلى عملية تأجير سلعة أو خدمة لفترة محددة مقابل دفع رسم أو أجرة.
مرسيدس ليموزين:
“مرسيدس” تشير إلى شركة السيارات الألمانية مرسيدس-بنز، وهي معروفة بتصنيع سيارات فاخرة وعالية الجودة.
“ليموزين” تشير إلى نوع خاص من السيارات، يتميز بطوله وفخامته، وغالباً ما يُستخدم لنقل الأشخاص في المناسبات الرسمية أو الفعاليات الخاصة.
إيجار مرسيدس ليموزين تعني عملية استئجار أو تأجير سيارة مرسيدس من نوع ليموزين، بالتالي وهي عادة مركبة فاخرة طويلة تستخدم لنقل الركاب
برفاهية خاصة، وغالباً ما تكون مزودة بميزات فاخرة داخلية.
لاتتردد ب��جز سياره مرسيدس من فريقنا 01003203210
ايحار مرسيدس ليموزين
#ايجار سيارات#سيارات للتأجير#سيارات للايجار#تاجير سيارات#استأجر سيارة#ايجار مرسيدس#ايجار سيارات مرسيدس#ايجار سيارات فخمه#rent lux car#rent luxe car#مرسيدس ايجار#ايجار المرسيدس باليوم#مرسيدس للايجار#rent car lux#سعر ايجار مرسيدس#ايجار مرسيدس e200#مرسيدس ايجار يومي#سعر ايجار مرسيدس 2021#مرسيدس للايجار اليومي#ايجار سيارات مرسيدس بدون سائق#اسعار ايجار سيارات مرسيدس#اسعار ايجار مرسيدس#ايجار سيارات فخمه حراج#ايجار مرسيدس 2021#ايجار مرسيدس c180#ايجار مرسيدس بالسائق#ايجار مرسيدس يومي#سعر ايجار سيارة مرسيدس#سيارات مرسيدس للايجار
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the A.Z. Fell & Co bookshop is a money laundering scheme (it is never open and nothing is for sale) and a front for the mob (the main visitor is a guy who wears sunglasses at night and drives a million £ car) and Mr. Fell is a sugar daddy (the sunglasses guy has no job but can afford his lux lifestyle plus he just has that vibe) with ties to the criminal underworld (how do they pay rent without ever selling anything and sometimes people in bespoke white suits come by). there was a violent gang war (a scary horde calling themselves 'the demons' attacked the shop) and Mr. Fell killed all of them (there was screaming and booms) and now the shop is a crime scene (there is a cop inside all the time now) and Mr. Fell is either on the run from the law (he has disappeared) or in prison (sunglasses sugar baby is crying)
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[CN] MLQC's Lucien Binding Knot Date English Translation
This post contains a detailed spoiler for a date that has not been released in EN yet! Feel free to notify me if there are any mistakes in the translation~
She told me that a person's life is too short. In the blink of an eye, it's five years, and then another blink, it's ten years.
That's how she and her husband lived their lives, bickering and muddling through, and they ended up spending their whole lifetime together.
Looking back, the bumps in the road and trivial matters along the way don't hold much significance compared to being able to harmoniously live together for a lifetime.
Translation under the cut~
[Notes from Lux: Here's the CN video link if anyone want to follow along his Voice Acting. VERY recommended to re-read S1 chapter 9 and his Chinese Wedding SP Bound By Love/A Love Not in Vain because this date specifically references these two stories. AND perhaps Sacred Mountain Date regarding his belief in God(s)]
[Part 1]
Lucien: Today is Saturday. Didn't we agree not to work?
Lucien places a bowl of freshly washed blueberries on the coffee table and casually feeds me a few. I sit on the sofa, engrossed in the documents on my laptop.
MC: Kiki has sorted the photography registration form; I need to quickly finish reviewing it so that I can contact them earlier.
Recently, our company launched a charity project called "Taking Family Portraits for One Hundred Elderly People." After the announcement was made, we received dozens of registration forms in just two days.
MC: By the way, Lucien, if any professors from Loveland University are interested in this project, you can invite them as well.
MC: We've rented the best photography studio, and the photographers are top-notch, so you can rest assured about the photo quality.
Lucien: With so many people applying, I think we should try to avoid giving slots to people we know, right?
MC: Don't worry. Even though we're promoting it as a hundred people externally, we've discussed it internally and will try to accommodate as many as possible.
MC: We're willing to help strangers, let alone the people we know.
Lucien: In that case... I do have an idea.
Lucien points to the peace knot hanging on my wall- a knot that Grandma Wen taught me to weave, and it still hangs on one side of Lucien's bookshelf.
MC: Are you talking about Grandma Wen?
Grandma Wen is an elderly person who lives alone. Lucien and I have a close relationship with her. We've learned how to weave knots from her and even borrowed wedding attire. So, we visit her whenever we have free time.
She is also very hospitable to us, always arranging snacks for us to enjoy. She also advises us young people not to focus only on work but to remember to take care of ourselves.
MC: Actually, I did consider inviting her at first, but Grandma Wen's husband has already passed away, and having her take a family portrait alone might be a bit…
Lucien: Are you worried that it might make her uncomfortable?
Seeing me nod, Lucien leans back on the sofa, tilts his head, and smiles slightly.
Lucien: [chuckles] I think she won't mind at all.
Lucien: How about we ask her? One never knows.
After a lengthy discussion, we decided to call Grandma Wen. I carefully choose my words and extend the invitation, but Grandma Wen laughs heartily and readily accepts.
We finalize the shooting schedule. Lucien and I will pick her up together when the time comes.
However, Grandma Wen suggests she'd like to bring her cat, Baby, along for the photoshoot.
[Part 2]
On the agreed-upon morning, we arrive punctually at Grandma Wen's doorstep. While Lucien parks the car, I take the initiative to go and knock on the door.
The black-and-white spotted little cat lies under the eaves, rolling around playfully and occasionally pawing at something in the air, looking quite content.
MC: Baby~ Come here kitty for a hug~
But the little kitty pays no attention to me, completely engrossed in rolling on the ground. It rolls several times and ends up a meter away from me.
Lucien: (gently calls the kitty) Baby, come here.
Just as Lucien approaches, Baby suddenly gets up, takes two steps, and runs to Lucien's feet. It raises its paw and paw at the cuff of Lucien's pants, meowing incessantly.
MC: That's quite a contrast in treatment!
MC: Although I've played with it plenty of times before, it still prefers you. That's unfair!
Lucien lowers his gaze and sighs at the cat.
Lucien: [chuckles] You see, I didn't do anything, but she's angry just because you like me more.
Lucien: If you could talk, I'm sure you'd also think this is even more unfair to me, right?
Lucien crouches down and strokes the cat's head, using his fingers to rub its cheek gently.
Lucien: Please remember to be a little more coquettish with her later. Otherwise, I'll be in a tough spot.
MC: ...Hmph, you're not in a tough spot at all!
Lucien can't resist laughing and takes out a sealed bag of cat treats from his pocket, feeding them to Baby.
Lucien: Baby is actually relatively easy to please. Just give it some treats a few more times, and it will be circling around you.
Grandma Wen: MC, you're here…
I turn around and see that Grandma Wen is already standing at the door.
MC: Grandma! You look so beautiful today!
Grandma Wen is wearing a short jacket with a standing collar and a diagonal button today. It's evident at a glance that the craftsmanship is exquisite.
The satin fabric is smooth and lustrous, while the embroidery is lifelike with intricate stitching.
Grandma Wen sheepishly waves her hand.
Grandma Wen: These are old clothes I haven't worn in seven or eight years. It's rare that I've taken them out.
MC: Old clothes? I can't tell. They look just like new…
MC: Is the embroidery on the hem here the Lotus Pond? Each lotus is transitioned with several colors... It's really beautiful!
MC: Did you embroider this yourself, Grandma?
Grandma Wen touches the hem, smoothing the embroidered threads of the lotus leaves.
Grandma Wen: My husband made this for me when he was still alive.
Grandma Wen: From pattern drafting to embroidery, he did every step himself, insisting that his craftsmanship was better than mine.
Grandma Wen: These embroideries used to be even more beautiful, but unfortunately, the thread colors have faded over time.
MC: I can't tell that the thread colors have faded. I think it looks incredibly beautiful.
MC: Your complexion looks great today. When it's time for the photo shoot, we'll have a hairstylist do your hair. We must create a hairstyle that compliments this dress perfectly.
Lucien walks over carrying a cat carrier and lets Grandma Wen check Baby's condition.
Lucien: I used some cat treats to coax it into the carrier, and it didn't make any fuss and was very well-behaved.
Grandma Wen: Baby~ Baby, today we're going out for a photoshoot. After we get in the car, you must be good and not cause any trouble for your brothers and sisters, okay?
Grandma Wen claps her hands toward the cat inside the carrier, and Baby starts to scratch the carrier, about to meow. But Lucien offers a cat treat, and it immediately quiets down.
I give Lucien a thumbs up - only he can do it.
Lucien: How about you sit in the back with Grandma Wen later? If Baby wants to come out, you can feed it some cat treats.
MC: Mm, no problem~
Grandma Wen: Is it time to leave? Let me grab a few things.
Grandma Wen goes back inside and returns with a Chángshān covered in a dustproof cover. I have a vague idea of who the owner of this robe might be.
Grandma Wen: I made this Chángshān for my husband when I was young. It was his favorite outfit. I'll bring it along for the photoshoot. So, it's as if he's also accompanying me.
Lucien takes a half step forward, probably thinking that the gown in the bag is not light and wanting to help Grandma Wen get it into the car. However, when he catches my gaze, he takes a step back.
Lucien: Let's get in the car, Grandma.
Lucien opens both car doors, assists Grandma Wen into the car, helps her fasten the seatbelt, and then checks that the cat carrier on my lap is secure before closing the car doors.
[Part 3]
After arriving at the photography studio, the makeup artist has to apply makeup and do the hair for Grandma Wen.
I'm worried that Grandma Wen might hesitate to communicate her needs with the makeup artist, so I am constantly accompanying her, talking to her, and helping her with her makeup.
Lucien is responsible for taking care of Baby, who starts running around as soon as they enter the photography studio.
Grandma Wen: When we first found Baby in the wild, it was only as big as the palm of a human hand. I made a nest for it with a towel, and it slept under the dining table.
Grandma Wen: In the blink of an eye, it has grown so big.
Grandma Wen: When it was little, it wasn't this mischievous. It used to lie in the corner every day obediently and didn't let anyone approach. As soon as someone got close, it would run away.
Grandma Wen: Now, it plays with birds, teases dogs, and does all sorts of daring things. There's nothing it's afraid to do.
Grandma Wen gently squeezes my hand and says.
Grandma Wen: You should go outside and take a look. It's not easy for Professor Lucien to keep an eye on Baby all by himself. There are machines everywhere here. Don't let that smelly cat cause any trouble for you.
I nod and walk out of the makeup room.
In the living room of the photography studio, there is a bright lounge area. Lucien is holding a cat teaser toy, playing with Baby as it pounces back and forth on the sofa.
MC: You even brought a cat teaser wand?
Lucien: Not just that, I also have a cat jingle bell ball and a laser pointer in the trunk.
Lucien: I consulted my colleagues who have pets, and they said that if you want your pets to behave well for photos, you need to let them play for a good hour beforehand.
Lucien: Once they get tired from playing, they can cooperate more.
I walk over and sit down on the sofa, gently petting Baby's head. It doesn't resist and tilts its head up, allowing me to scratch its chin.
Lucien finds a moment to rest and casually picks up a book from the bookshelf, leaning back on the sofa.
MC: (smiles) It seems like this method is working. It's already behaving quite well now.
Lucien: It's probably just temporarily tired from playing. After a short rest, it will be jumping around again.
Lucien: After all, it's the most mischievous kitten I've ever seen.
Lucien gently taps the top of the Baby's head, and the kitten raises its front paw, quickly grabbing his finger.
Lucien: It climbs trees, catches birds, and even fights with stray cats... When it's full of energy, there's no stopping it.
I recall not too long ago when Baby went missing again. When we found it, it was in the middle of a fight with a stray cat outside, and its face was scratched up.
We were afraid that Grandma Wen would worry if she saw its condition, so we didn't return it directly. Instead, we told her that we were taking it to the hospital for a check-up and would bring it back once it recovered.
MC: (smiles softly) Do you remember what you said the last time we took Baby to the hospital?
Lucien: Hm?
MC: You said that despite its many escapades, Grandma Wen never considered keeping it indoors and always let it go out to play.
Lucien: I remember, if it were up to me, I wouldn't let this little cat run wild everywhere.
I pick up the cat teaser toy and start playing with the little cat, swinging it on and off.
MC: As soon as we mentioned taking a family photo, Grandma Wen immediately thought of bringing the cat along.
MC: It's clear that in Grandma Wen's heart, it's her most important family member.
MC: That's how it is among family members. No matter how worried or concerned we are, we still want the other person to be happy and do what they want to do.
Lucien: ….Our Great Producer has something to say and found a good way to start the conversation.
Noticing that I had a hidden agenda, Lucien had already guessed what it was.
Lucien: Grandma Wen already told you, didn't she?
MC: Right before the makeup session, Grandma Wen pulled me aside in a corner to talk.
MC: She said that you've been to the Matchmaker's Temple alone several times before and also visited her along the way.
I sigh meaningfully.
MC: Professor Lucien, have you encountered a problem that materialism* can't solve?
[T/N: Materialism in this context is more of a philosophical belief that only physical matter exists and that everything can be explained through the physical world and natural laws.]
Lucien leans back leisurely on the sofa, wearing only a light smile.
Baby rolls over under his palm, purring contentedly.
Lucien: Gods don't solve problems. I'm a researcher, and I still have to uphold certain principles.
Lucien: But when it comes to matters of the heart, it's just too complicated... variables abound, and there's no optimal solution.
Lucien: So, I often wonder if a certain little fool occasionally worries about me or gets angry for me. Is it because I haven't done well enough?
He lifts the corner of his eyebrows, seeming not to be troubled by this matter, just candidly sharing his feelings.
The unbridled sunlight streams through the curtains, illuminating the tenderness in his eyes with exceptional clarity.
Lucien: Questions without answers are better left to metaphysics.
Lucien: Even if the problem doesn't get solved, you can still find some comfort in it to some extent.
As Lucien speaks, he no longer plays with Baby. The cat feels neglected and keeps nudging Lucien's palm with its head.
I stroke its fluffy head and realize that it's been a very long time since the first time I saw this cat with Lucien in the wheat field.
Some things probably don't have answers in either science or metaphysics; the experiences of life are what will eventually reveal the truth.
MC: Lucien, do you know what Grandma Wen just said to me?
Lucien: Tell me.
MC: She told me that a person's life is too short. In the blink of an eye, it's five years, and then another blink, it's ten years.
MC: That's how she and her husband lived their lives, bickering and muddling through, and they ended up spending their whole lifetime together.
MC: Looking back, the bumps in the road and trivial matters along the way don't hold much significance compared to being able to harmoniously live together for a lifetime.
Lucien straightens up, seeing that there's no one around, and then suddenly leans down to place a kiss on my forehead.
The warm sunshine reflects in his eyes as he looks at me. He smiles a little and casually picks up the kitty, holding it in his arms as if nothing happened.
Lucien: Grandma Wen is right.
[Part 4]
After the lighting technician adjusts the lighting, Lucien and I stand in the corner of the photography studio.
Grandma Wen sits on the mahogany bench, spreading her husband's Chángshān flat across her lap. The photographer holds Baby and places it on the Chángshān.
The naturally mischievous cat is being incredibly well-behaved at this moment. No matter how the photographer handles it, it's willing to cooperate and even knows how to look at the camera.
Photographer: Grandma, please reach out your hand and gently touch the cat's head—yes, that's right, just a natural touch will do.
Photographer: This cat is so well-behaved, cooperative and calm.
Grandma Wen: Good Baby, I'll make you some fish to eat when we get back tonight.
Photographer: Grandma, let's maintain this pose and take two more shots.
Lucien gazes at the scene before him, momentarily lost in thought.
Lucien: From the first time we entered her house, I noticed that there were no photos of her and her husband displayed in her home.
Lucien: Upon careful inquiry, I discovered that they had indeed never taken any photos together.
Lucien: ...Two people spending a lifetime together is something worth commemorating. They should have had a photo together.
After he says that, he turns his head slightly and whispers in my ear.
Lucien: Thanks to the producer's help, at least Grandma Wen has a family portrait now, regardless of the circumstances.
For a moment, I'm unsure of what to say.
He's truly humble for someone who has doubted his understanding of love.
After the shoot, Lucien and I accompanied Grandma Wen back the same way we came.
Grandma Wen: Stay for dinner. You two don't be so polite…
Grandma Wen: I feel bad that both of you have been busy all day. Having a meal together is no big deal, just a few extra pairs of chopsticks.
We don't want her to have to deal with cooking after a long day of photoshoots, so we politely decline.
Lucien: Grandma, it's still early. MC and I plan to visit the Matchmaker Temple, so we won't stay.
Lucien: You've had a long day today. Remember to rest well.
MC: Yes, Grandma. After the photos are developed, I'll bring them to you right away. We'll have the meal you promised then.
Grandma Wen didn't insist on keeping us any longer, but she promised that the next time we visit, we must stay for a meal. We quickly nodded in agreement.
On the way to the Matchmaker Temple, the sun gradually sets, casting a beautiful array of evening colors between the trees and stone steps. It's hard for anyone walking through this scenery not to feel relaxed.
MC: It's quite rare for this place to be this peaceful.
Lucien: Festivals have yet to happen recently, so there are very few tourists. The Matchmaker God can take a break too.
MC: With no incense burning at the Matchmaker Temple, does it mean that everyone hasn't been facing relationship difficulties? It seems like a good thing, doesn't it?
Lucien: (shushes and whispers) Shhh... with a troubling view like that, you might upset the Matchmaker God. Be careful not to displease him.
I can't help but laugh at his teasing, and I also find his words reasonable. I quickly pull Lucien to pay respects to the Matchmaker and offer incense.
I hope that the Matchmaker is understanding and doesn't take my words to heart.
After offering incense and making a donation, Lucien and I found a couple of chairs inside the temple and sat down. We plan to watch the sunset for a while and leave when the temple closes.
The faint scent of sandalwood here blends with the natural aroma of the forest, creating a tranquil and enduring atmosphere that instantly soothes the heart. I lean closer to Lucien and ask softly.
MC: Lucien, what wishes did you make when you came here alone before? Have any of them come true?
Lucien bends slightly, brushing away a cluster of dandelion seeds that accidentally caught onto his shirt cuff. He then leisurely curves his lips into a smile.
Lucien: I don't even remember the specific wishes I made anymore.
Lucien: They were probably just about small things, like planning to meet up but then having something come up at the research institute, causing me to break the appointment.
Lucien: Another example is when I promise to sleep well, but then accidentally stay up for a few nights and get caught by you.
Lucien: (laughs softly)....
Lucien: Now that I think about it, they were indeed all trivial matters, and you've always been very understanding.
Lucien lifts his gaze, meeting my eyes.
Lucien: Although we quickly forget these minor disagreements.
Lucien: But occasionally, I do pay attention to these little disagreements that fill our lives. After all, even the smallest things have their own meaning.
I can't help but let my lips curl up slowly, and Lucien lifts his chin, revealing a somewhat helpless expression.
Lucien: It's evident that the Great Producer is very pleased with my introspection.
MC: …..Pfft, not exactly 'very'.
MC: I'm just marveling at how Professor Lucien sets such astonishingly high standards for himself.
MC: It seems like I don't reflect on my actions much when I make you angry... But from today on, I'll try to change that.
Lucien: [chuckles] It's okay.
Lucien changes the topic, and a smile spreads in his eyes.
Lucien: Now that I think about it, these little bumps and trivial matters aren't really that important.
He takes a knot from his pocket and hands it to me. The way the knot is tied resembles the peace knot that Grandma Wen had taught me before, but the weaving method seems more intricate.
Lucien: This is a knot that Grandma Wen taught me to weave as a special thank you for us.
Lucien: She also said that the name of this knot is yí shì yíjiā (宜室宜家).
Lucien: Today, it seems like I have a clearer understanding of the meaning of this word.
[T/N: 宜室宜家 is a Chinese idiom that means "live harmoniously; make a harmonious and orderly home." It is often used as a congratulatory message on a wedding. The idiom comes from a line in the poem "Tao Yao" in the Book of Songs, which reads, "之子于归,宜其室家" (the son is returning home, where he should live harmoniously with his wife and make a harmonious and orderly home). And it fits with the date theme of living harmoniously together for a lifetime despite all the small bumps🥺.]
Suddenly, my heart feels soft, and I take a small step closer to Lucien's shoulder. I pick up my phone and open the front camera.
I put both of us in the frame.
The setting sun casts a gentle glow behind us, and the breeze is light, creating a tranquil and beautiful atmosphere.
MC: The sunset today looks beautiful. Let's take a photo together.
MC: 3, 2, 1–
My trailing voice fades away in the warm breath as Lucien lowers his head and kisses me.
[Bonus Call - "Family Portrait"]
Lucien: Hello, it's me. I have some good news to tell you.
MC: What is it?
Lucien: Didn't you put Grandma Wen's family portrait photo on the company's public social media account?
MC: Um... Grandma Wen said it was okay, so I posted it. What's the matter?
Lucien: A professor from the university recognized Grandma Wen's clothes and said he had seen the person in the photo before, right at the West Moon Street intersection.
Lucien: This professor was a photography enthusiast when he was younger, and at the time, he noticed Grandma Wen's well-dressed appearance and couldn't resist taking a photo.
Lucien: Later on, he always wanted to give the photo to Grandma Wen, but he went to West Moon Street a few times and never encountered them again.
MC: "Them?"
Lucien: Mm, that's the good news I wanted to share. The photo the professor took is a picture of Grandma Wen and her husband.
MC: That's quite a coincidence!
Lucien: There's an even greater coincidence.
Lucien: I just got my hands on this photo, and in it, Grandma Wen is holding a tiny kitten the size of her palm.
MC: Is it Baby?
Lucien: Judging by its patterns, it seems so.
Lucien: Although the photo is quite old, I've contacted a professional photo restoration expert, and if all goes well, it should be restored within about a week.
MC: So, we can bring this photo to Grandma Wen next weekend?
Lucien: Exactly. They're real family portraits, and I hope it can truly make up for her regrets.
MC: ...It's really amazing, it feels like there's something guiding us in all of this.
Lucien: Who knows, maybe it really is.
Lucien: Let's go together to get the photo restored later. I know you're eager to see it as soon as possible.
MC: Um—I'll finish up what I'm doing, and then I'll come find you right away!
[Lux's Short Rambles]
I didn't expect this date to be this good huhu. It's far better than last pet date where it feels like a plot that got way longer than it should 😂. It's also nice to see old NPCs getting mentioned again. The story of Grandma Wen with her husband is touching.
The theme of spending a lifetime together, despite how short life is, never fails got my heart clenched. And I love how this date highlights what a sensitive person Lucien is (in a good way, well, most of the time). He doesn't mind her getting angry at him because he knows that she does it because she cares about him. But he also genuinely fears that she might not be happy; so he goes to the Matchmaker's Temple alone and cares about these small conflicts, believing that they also have meaning :". But in the end, such trivial things and bumps on the road don't matter compared to being able to live their whole lives together, so rather than getting caught up in minor conflicts or trivial matters along the way it's better to priotize living together harmoniously for a lifetime.
He also noticed the smallest things, like how Grandma Wen and her husband never had their photo taken together since the very first time he and MC met Grandma Wen back in S1 Chapter 9. To quote MC, for someone who claimed he doesn't understand what love is, he's truly humble; perhaps back then, he already understands what love is in his heart by loving MC.
#FINALLY SOMETHING TO HEAL MY HEART AFTER PAIN FROM MAIN STORY AND HALLOWEEN DATE#and touching too; i tear up a little reading this#mlqc lucien#mr love queen's choice#mlqc cn#mlqc spoiler#mlqc#mlqc translation#mr. love queen's choice#mr love lucien#mlqc xu mo#mlqc spoilers
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Love You Goodbye
This will be discussing March 2015 and include whatever I can find on all of the boys in that timeframe. I believe Truth lives in the middle. I don't want to spread opinions, so these will contain facts only. If there are pictures I will indicate, but due to limitations of Tumblr can't post them all. There is a 6-7 hour time difference between Asia and London.
Another thing of interest, at this time, Dan Wooton is over The Sun and The Daily Mail. Simon Jones is the Publicist in charge of the image of all the boys in One Direction. Simon Jones is still the active publicist for Perrie Edwards, Louis Tomlinson, and Niall Horan.
March 10, 2015:
Lou Teasdale, Lux, Gemma Styles and Lottie Tomlinson arrive at Changi Airport in Singapore. Pictures with fans.
Niall tweet
H pictured leaving LAX on private jet
March 11, 2015:
H pictured arriving at Changi airport wearing Red Velvet Star Jacket.
Louis is pictured with fans in Changi airport.
Z pictured on private jet with cousin Jawaad. Upon landing in Singapore takes pictures with fans.
One Direction performs at the National Stadium in Singapore.
Gemma is seen at Singapore show with Lou Teasdale and Baby Lux.
March 12, 2015:
H arrives in Bangkok. Pictures exist of Harry at Nightclub with Gemma.
(Pictured Jawaad Malik, Zayn Malik, Martina Olsson, and her friend). Notice his and Jawaad shirts are the same night he's pictured with Laura.
Of note, Seduction Nightclub is an adult themed night club, with scantily clad women dancing on tables. It is not a strip club, just adult themed. This Nigh Club permanently closed in 2019.
According to The Daily Mail, Maria Olsson says Zayn and Louis went to Seduction Night Club where she met and left with Zayn, had a one night stand, and met up with him again the next morning after Lauren had left.
March 13, 2015:
I do need to make a side note, the distance from Smalls to the Sukhothai Hotel, where everyone stayed, is 3 min in a car. Literally just around the corner and up the street. The distance from the hotel to the stadium where they performed is 22 miles in a car.
Smalls is a 3 story building with a restaurant in the lower floor, where they have live music and a DJ booth. The upper two floors consist of an enclosed bar and a covered outdoor bar.
According to my research, Harry had gone to Smalls Live Music Nightclub.
Gemma pictured in Bangkok with Lou Teasdale and a fan.
Pictures also exist of Gemma and Harry at a Nightclub together, which I am going to assume was Smalls.
Zayn went to Seduction Night Club with Louis and cousin Jawaad, to watch DJ Examples set. This is where he met and was photographed with Lauren Richardson. She later stated she was invited to a Villa at a Hotel that Louis and Zayn we're renting in Phuket.
March 14, 2015:
Louis Tomlinson photos kissing Lucy Julian were reportedly taken at the same all-night pool party at Bangkok’s Sukhothai Hotel at 6:30am on the morning of their March 14 concert, The Daily Mail reported.
There are pictures of Louis exiting the pool and returning to the lobby of the hotel.
H is photographed with DJ Buddha and DJ ONO before the show
The band played in Bangkok, Thailand at the Rajamangala Stadium.
H photographed with Model at dinner.
Gemma and Lou Teasdale photographed with with a fan in Bangkok at a restaurant.
According to Joe Cummings, after their concert, Harry came back to Smalls and was told by Harry he and Zayn had a falling out.
The timing of this is the concert started at 8:00 pm local time. Their set was 20 songs and and encore of 3. Their opening act was DJ ONO, and DJ Buddha was his promoter at the time. So 1D would have gone on by 8:30-9:30 pm. 1D set would have been about 1.5 - 2 hour set...they would have been done by 11:30 pm. 25 min drive back to the hotel, gets them back close to midnight. Which is when Joe says he started talking to H. There's some wiggle room in there for showers and what nots.
My Assumption - The argument has have been before the concert and before H was photographed with DJ Buddha and DJ ONO. DJ Buddha is the one who told H about Smalls and made introductions to Joe.
March 15, 2015:
Louis, Ollie Nightclub in Phuket, Thailand
March 16, 2015:
March 17, 2015:
Harry tweets
Cheating rumors run in media as pictures of Zayn and Lauren Richardsons are published. Richardson will later say nothing happened between them, they met and enjoyed each other's company while together, then went their separate ways. Richardson eventually lands a role in June 2015 on Love Island. For years she is attacked online as the reason One Direction broke up.
March 18, 2015:
Pictures exist of Lou Teasdale, Lux, Gemma Styles, and Lottie Tomlinson in airport in Hong Kong.
Picture of Lottie, Gemma, and Sophia taken at 1D concert.
Zayn tweet
Band plays last performance with Zayn in Hong Kong
March 19, 2015:
Zayn is photographed in Heathrow airport in London, England at 5:00 am, Perrie is the one who picks Zayn up from the airport. The flight from Bangkok to London is 14 hours and 15 min.
Gemma and Sophia drinking a glass of wine posted on Gemma's IG.
News of Zayn's departure runs through media. Cited as stress, assumptions made about drug use.
March 20, 2015:
March 21, 2015:
Perform in Manila, Philippines
March 22, 2015:
Perform in Manila, Philippines
March 23, 2015:
Louis Tomlinson pictures published kissing Lucy Julian. 1D publicist indicates E and Louis have been broken-up for 2 weeks.
March 24, 2015:
March 25, 2015:
Performance in Jakarta Indonesia
Statement released via Facebook that Zayn has left 1D.
March 26, 2015:
Media starts reporting Harry wants to branch out in his own solo projects, Harry crying on stage during March 25 concert.
H tweets: All the love as always. H
Liam: So glad to hear in bed after a strange 24 hours.
Niall: Been a mad few days and your support has been incredible as per usual ! This in turn Spurs us on to make the best music we possibly can
Louis: Been a crazy couple of days but know that we are going to work harder than ever to deliver the best album we've ever made for you guys !
March 27, 2015:
March 28, 2015:
Pictures of Harry in Johannesburg airport carrying guitar case
Perform at Johannesburg, South Africa
March 29, 2015:
Perform at Johannesburg, South Africa
March 30, 2015:
Pictured with Perrie in London, house hunting with Tricia Malik.
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Adolescent Antichrist (Book 4) Chapter Five
Father Figure! Lucifer x Teen! Reader
Chapter Five: I'm a Goddam Person
Summary: (Y/N) is attacked, and Lucifer and Chloe's friendship breaks.
Chloe groaned as her phone rang. It was bad enough they had no leads on their latest murder since every clue led to a dead end and someone with no reason to kill her. Now Chloe was close to tears as Lucifer called out how she had spoken to Kinley and knew that she had a vial that could sedate, if not kill him. Lucifer had even tried to drink it despite Chloe’s attempts to convince him it was nothing. She hated how betrayed he appeared as he gazed at her in furious silence.
But Chloe was on a case, and when she saw Dan’s name as the caller, she answered it. Her eyes widened as he related the information to her. She turned to Lucifer even as he glared at her in betrayal. “Lucifer, I know you’re upset, and I swear I can explain everything, but we need to get to Oscar’s house. He’s the killer, and he’s trying to escape.”
Lucifer scoffed. “Fine. Put off getting rid of me by getting rid of a murderer.” He turned away from her and sullenly got into her car.
Chloe let out a sad sigh. She had really messed up. And she wasn’t sure if she could fix things this time.
Both Lucifer and Chloe were silent as they arrived at Oscar’s house. The lights were off, and Chloe entered the unlocked home with no issue. There was no one around.
“Well, no one’s here. Don’t tell me you brought me here to get rid of me with no one looking? That would be low, even for you, Detective,” said Lucifer venomously.
“Lucifer, I swear, I’m not going to hurt you. I don’t know why no one’s here, but I’m not trying to hurt you. I promise. You have to believe me,” said Chloe, trying to get control of the spiraling situation again.
Her phone went off again, and Chloe answered in frustration. “Yes?”
Ella’s hurried voice came over the speaker. “Chloe! We just got Oscar’s records in, and we just found the weirdest thing. The house he lives in is owned by the Catholic Church, he’s been visiting a certain church regularly, and a priest named Kinley has been paying his rent to the church for him.”
Chloe’s eyes widened at the mention of Kinley.
“Ella, he’s not here,” said Chloe.
“I’ll get Dan and track down where else he could be. Maybe he has another place to stay,” said Ella. “Somewhere he actually owns.”
Chloe paled as she made a terrible connection. “I know where he is. Get backup to Lux.” She hung up.
“Backup to Lux? Detective, what’s going on?” said Lucifer, narrowing his eyes.
“Oscar is being paid by Kinley.” Chloe looked away from Lucifer’s face and took a deep breath. “He’s most likely on his way to Lux thinking you might be there.”
Lucifer froze. “(Y/N).” He was out the door before Chloe said anything else. His kid was in danger.
(Y/N) felt the shadows around them bristle wildly when a bang went off in the living room. They reacted instantly, rolling from their seat at the table and landing on the ground. They pulled themself behind the island and glanced up at the mirror hung behind the bar. A man was looking around the Penthouse with a gun. (Y/N)’s blood ran cold. Lucifer was out. Em wasn’t home. (Y/N) was alone with someone trying to kill them? Lucifer? They couldn’t be sure, but they had a feeling it really didn’t matter. The man had a gun. He could hurt them at the very least.
“Where is it?” muttered the man frantically. “Father Kinley said the abomination would be here. I must do my duty…”
Abomination? That’s a new one, thought (Y/N). Usually, their parents had just called them a disappointment, and some kids called them slurs.
(Y/N) moved around the bar as the man continued through the room, trying to avoid being seen. The man caught their eye in the mirror, and both froze.
The man pivoted and shot at (Y/N). They scrambled away, and the shadows pulled up from the ground to create a brief shield. It shattered as the bullet hit it, but the lead fell to the ground with the pieces of shadow as (Y/N) made a run for another room.
Another shot nearly hit them, and (Y/N) turned on instinct, stumbling to the ground and pulling back as the man advanced on them, finger still on the trigger.
“What the hell do you want with me, you crazy fuck?!” shouted (Y/N). Stupid? Yes. Great distraction? Also yes.
“I am sent to avenge the Earth and stop Armageddon!” said the man, pointing the gun at them. “I will end evil and send you to Hell where you belong.”
He pulled the trigger, and (Y/N) shouted in fear. Another wall of shadows pulled up, and the man stared in shock at the moving darkness swirling around (Y/N).
“Monster! Abomination!” he cried as the shadows protected (Y/N). “Freak!”
(Y/N) snapped at the word freak. That was what their biological parents had called them. Every time (Y/N) didn’t live up to their expectations or fit into their mold of a “normal” kid, they were a freak. (Gender, clothes, attitude, everything and anything about (Y/N) was wrong wrong wrong to them). (Y/N) despised it.
“Don’t call me freak,” hissed (Y/N), the shadows sharpening around them. The man stepped back. “I am not a freak! I’m a goddam person!”
Their eyes flashed red, and the man cried out, stumbling backwards at the side. (Y/N)’s shadows overtook the room, and the man’s eyes widened as he stared at the definitely not human being before him.
“M-Monster!” cried the man in absolute terror.
Pure darkness saturated the room. There was no light, just (Y/N)’s fiery glare. They felt the itch of their wings wanting to appear, but (Y/N) pushed it back. They weren’t ready for that. But obscuring every bit of sunlight and turning the penthouse into a maze of shadow controlled by their own mind? Absolutely. The look of fear on their attackers face just made it better. It was partly rage pushing their powers so far, but it was also practiced precision at a grander scale.
“Monster? Me?!” hissed (Y/N), and the man cowered. “You came in here and tried to shoot me! The only monster here is you!”
The door of the penthouse dinged, and Lucifer and Chloe ran in. Lucifer paused, eye’s wide, and Chloe froze. The entire penthouse was bathed in darkness, bullet holes sat in the wall beside (Y/N), and they were standing over a terrified man with a fallen gun at his side.
“(Y/N)?” called Lucifer, more concerned about him than worried.
(Y/N)’s eyes went to him, and the darkness receded until just their own shadow remained. “Dad!” they said in relief, and then they collapsed from exhaustion. Lucifer ran forward and caught them.
“Detective Decker, get that filth out of my sight,” hissed Lucifer, glaring at the man.
Chloe broke from her shock. Her eyes followed (Y/N) where they took deep breaths in Lucifer’s arms. To see (Y/N) do that was nearly as shocking as Lucifer’s face had been, if not more so since Lucifer had been honest about being the Devil. (Y/N) had never acted anything but human.
Chloe cared about (Y/N), and she didn’t want them to be hurt by Oscar. She hauled him up and handcuffed him quickly. This would protect (Y/N), and it would show Lucifer that she was okay with him, with (Y/N). She wasn’t going to hurt them. Now she could see why he was so betrayed. It wasn’t just him that had abilities that could frighten humans. It was (Y/N). And Lucifer was a father. He would put (Y/N)’s safety above his own.
Oscar struggled against Chloe as she pulled him to the elevator. “Monster! Abomination! I must rid the world of your evil! I must stop Armageddon! I must kill the abomination!”
Lucifer’s arms tightened around (Y/N). He turned their face away. “You’re not an abomination,” he promised. “You’re a good kid. You’re okay.”
And even in the face of so much hatred, (Y/N) felt safe in their dad’s arms.
“Father Kinley?” Chloe walked purposefully into the church, and Kinley and Bishop Hoffman turned to face her.
“Ah, Detective Decker, just the person I’d like to see,” said Kinley. He smiled. “I need you to explain to Bishop Hoffman here what you saw on Lucifer Morningstar’s face.”
“That’s not why I’m here.” Chloe pulled out her handcuffs. “I’m here about Oscar Rivas.”
Kinley paled. “What?”
“You worked in the same parish as him. Quite the coincidence. And you were helping him pay his rent to the Catholic Church,” said Chloe.
“He’s a good man. A true believer. I was simply rewarding his dedication,” said Kinley.
“His dedication? You mean his willingness to kill to people and attempt to kill an innocent teenager?” said Chloe.
“(Y/N) (L/N) is not innocent. They are evil, an abomination upon this Earth,” seethed Kinley.
Chloe’s eyes narrowed, and Hoffman’s eyes widened in horror.
“Then you admit to knowing who you sent Oscar Rivas to kill,” said Chloe. “You’re under arrest.” She pulled out her handcuffs.
Kinley scoffed. “Bishop, tell her she’s ridiculous. I had no such connections to Oscar.”
Hoffman shook his head in horror. “A child, William? I’m sorry, but you’re sick, William.”
Chloe had hoped talking would help them. Lucifer had hoped for the same. But even after Kinley was arrested and (Y/N) was safe, their relationship couldn’t reconcile. There had been too much, and there were too many emotions attached to sort through.
“You’re the actual Devil, Lucifer.” Chloe was crying. “Every story of good and bad from throughout history, throughout time, says that you are the embodiment of evil.” All of her confused thoughts about Lucifer spilled out of her heart. “And how am I, Chloe Decker, a nobody, supposed to deal with that?!”
“And what about (Y/N)? Are you going to think they’re evil for their abilities, too?” said Lucifer softly, broken.
“No! No, no, that’s a child. A good, innocent child,” swore Chloe. “They’ve proved time and time again they’re good.”
“And I’ve been the evil the world says I am?” said Lucifer.
“I…” Chloe wasn’t sure how to respond. She’d seen Lucifer’s anger and ferocity as much as she’d seen his kindness and openness. “They said you’re evil—!”
Lucifer scoffed and stepped back from her. He turned his back.
“But then I returned,” continued Chloe softly. “And I saw you. I really saw you. And I remembered how you made me feel. And I realized, Lucifer, you’re not that guy.”
“No?” Lucifer couldn’t believe his words. He couldn’t afford to. Not when the betrayal had hurt so much to begin with.
“No,” said Chloe.
“What if I am that guy?” challenged Lucifer.
“That guy wouldn’t be the good father to (Y/N) that you are,” said Chloe. “And if you think you are, then you can change.”
“But what if I can’t?” He faced Chloe again. His Devil Face appeared, and she flinched away. “Could you accept me like this?”
“I…uh…” Chloe wasn’t ready to make eye contact with the Devil, yet. “You have no idea how much I want to,” she said honestly. She faced him bravely. “I do. I’m…I’m trying.”
“But could you?”
Tears rolled down Chloe’s cheeks. “I don’t know.”
Lucifer’s human face returned, and he scoffed lightly to avoid his own sadness from showing. Tears threatened to fall. “Then I have my answer.”
There would be no reconciliation that night.
“Lucifer and Decker aren’t going to make up, are they?” murmured (Y/N), sighing and putting their head in their hands.
“Tonight was a big scare,” said Em. “You could’ve died. I think the boss is scared about Kinley and his influence on people. Other people could try to hurt you, and let’s face it, you’re the boss’s top priority.”
“But Decker wouldn’t,” said (Y/N).
“They’re both scared,” said Em, shrugging. “Decker still isn’t sure around the boss, and the boss feels betrayed. I think it’s gonna take time.”
“…I wish that didn’t make sense,” said (Y/N).
“I wish it didn’t, either,” said Em. She glanced at (Y/N) and cleared her throat. “Uh, for what it’s worth, I’m sorry that I wasn’t here when you were in danger.”
(Y/N) put a hand out on Em’s arm. “It’s okay, really. I don’t expect you to always be there. And I took care of it.”
“But I feel so stupid because I want to help you, and I was gone for a really silly reason.” Em turned a bit red, and they stood up. She opened her back and pulled out something. “I had gone out to buy these.” They turned around to hold a bouquet of red tulips. “I feel stupid, now, but they were for you.”
(Y/N) fought not to turn pink and failed abominably. “Me?”
Em cleared her throat. “Yeah. I wanted to…” They trailed off and groaned. “Damn, this is so stupid, this isn’t the time.”
“Go ahead, Em,” said (Y/N), leaning forward. “I’m doing fine.”
“I wanted to ask if you wanted to go to Homecoming,” admitted Em. “I thought the flowers would be nice, but now there was this attack, and you’re tired and probably in shock, so I just feel stupid—”
“Oh, shut up.” (Y/N) rolled their eyes fondly. “I’d like to go with you, Em. Homecoming would be fun with you.”
Em turned a bit red and averted her gaze. “Well, we’d also be with Leon, Marcel, Olive, and Noa, so you don’t have to feel that pressured, it’s okay—”
“Seriously, shut up. I wouldn’t say yes if I didn’t want to.” (Y/N) smiled at Em.
“Great! Great.” It was amusing to see Em stumble over her words. “Uh, here.” They awkwardly held out the flowers, and (Y/N) took it.
The night had been terrible, and Lucifer and Chloe were struggling, but (Y/N) and Em had found some good in all the tragedy.
Kinley finished his prayers and stood up as Bishop Hoffman entered the room of his holding cell. “Your Excellency. Did you change your mind? Are you here to get me out?”
“I am here to take your confession,” said Hoffman diligently.
“I have nothing to confess,” said Kinley.
“William,” said Hoffman. “You are responsible for the deaths of two people and the near-death of a third, a child. For what?”
“I’m trying to save lives,” said Kinley, as convinced and passionate as ever. “To stop the prophecy.” Hoffman shook his head in exhaustion as Kinley repeated the prophecy. “ ‘When the Devil walks the Earth and finds his first love, evil shall be released.’ ”
“Enough with this damn prophecy you’re obsessed with,” said Hoffman.
“The Devil is walking the Earth,” said Kinley.
“His Holiness has issued an order,” said Hoffman, interrupting Kinley. “You’ve been excommunicated.”
Kinley looked down but kept his decorum. “I…may have failed, temporarily, to prove that Lucifer is the Devil, but I nearly removed his first love.”
“That child?” Hoffman looked at Kinley, aghast.
“He sees them as his own child with a true paternal love. They are the prophecy coming true,” said Kinley in deep conviction. “They must be pushed apart and removed. The Antichrist cannot be allowed to walk the Earth alongside the Devil.”
Hoffman sighed. “Lucifer Morningstar is not the Devil, and (Y/N) (L/N) is not the Antichrist. Give up this foolish obsession. Make your confession. Ask God for forgiveness for your sins.”
Kinley stared solemnly at Hoffman. “I will not ask forgiveness for being right.”
Lucifer held his head in his hands, and a drink sat abandoned on the coffee table. The moon was high in the sky above him, but he had no idea how long he’d been sitting there, stuck on the rift between him and Chloe.
“Are you okay?”
He looked up to see (Y/N), wrapped in a red throw blanket, looking at him. He forced on a smile. “I should be asking you that.”
(Y/N) sat down next to him. “You know I’m okay. I was mostly just shaken by how strong my abilities were.” They looked at him before he could open his mouth. “But I’m more worried about you.”
Lucifer sighed. “It seems the Detective and I have reached an impasse. She still can’t accept who I am.”
“I think she accepts more than you think,” said (Y/N). They nudged his shoulder. “You guys will be okay.”
Lucifer smiled slightly. “So optimistic,” he said fondly.
“Me? No. I have too much mental illness for optimism. But I do believe in truth, and you and Decker will be fine. I’m sure,” said (Y/N).
Lucifer smiled. “You’ll have to believe for the both of us.”
“No problem,” said (Y/N), smiling back. They spread out their blanket around their dad. “I have to take care of you, too.”
Lucifer pulled his kid closer. “That’s my job.”
“Sure, Dad, sure.” (Y/N) rolled their eyes and hugged him back. “Keep telling yourself that after all the problems I’ve solved for you.”
Lucifer let out a light chuckle. He was glad to have (Y/N) with him. They were really his kid in everything but blood. They meant the world to him.
Lucifer paused and looked down at (Y/N). Wasn’t adoption an option…?
#adolescent antichrist#x reader#x gn reader#gn reader#x nb reader#nb reader#x teen reader#x teen!reader#lucifer x teen reader#lucifer x teen!reader#lucifer tv#lucifer x reader#lucifer fic#lucifer#netflix lucifer#lucifer netflix#netflix#father figure#found family#found family trope#oc#oc x reader
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Here is a 4 house "apartment" complex with a community shared gym. This build is on a 50 x 40 lot and costs a whopping $412,519 (Half of the budget is the fake cars from LorySims). I use this build with the For Rent pack and create 4 units for different households to rent.
CC used for this build are listed here + links:
LorySims Toyota Supra 2020
LorySims Nissan GTR 2011
LorySims Nissan Juke 2020
Yuka_Tanga Mazda MX5 1994
Harrie Octave Part 2
Pralinesims Bathroom Tiles
Vesta livingroom furniture by Severinka – TSR
WondyMoon Sodium Tabletop Plant
[zyx] Random Paintings
Felixandre x Harrie BAYSIC
Ung999 Bathroom Pisces - Folded Towel V2
House of Harlix - JARDANE
[WondyMoon] Rhenium Plant
RedHeadSims - Nintendo Switch
SIXAM CC - Kessler Kitchen
Pierisim MCM part 1,2,4 & 5
Pierisim DAVID APARTMENT part 1 & 2
SIMcredible - Dexter Backpack
House of Harlix - BAFROOM
[Onyxium] Lisbon Toy Box
House of Harlix - LIVIN' RUM
WondyMoon Sauveli Bathroom Decorations
HARRIE - Coastal part 3
Police Office Decor by soloriya
Sims House - Wall Art Abstract Leaves
Severinka - Virgina Hallway
illogicalsims DHD Mini Addon
Maxsus Store - Dining Room Kit
House of Harlix - TINY TWAVELLERS
Harrie - Coastal part 1
Bathroom Pack by Max20
littledica - The Sims 4 Rise&Grind Coffee House
Harrie - Coastal part 4
Harrie - Brutalist Bathroom
BuffSumm -The Laundry - Decoration - Towel v4
Shoutout to all the CC creators!
Packs used listed here (there's a lot sorry): If you don't have some/all of these packs I downloaded all mine for free, so shout out to Anadius!
For Rent
Horse Ranch
Growing Together
Highschool Years
Snowy Escape
Eco Lifestyle
Discover University
Island Living
Get Famous
Cats & Dogs
City Living
Get Together
Get To Work
My Wedding Stories
Dream Home Decorator
Journey To Batuu
Jungle Adventure
Dine Out
Spa Day
Outdoor Retreat
Home Chef Hustle
Tiny Living
Laundry Day
Bowling Night
Vintage Glamour
Backyard Stuff
Romantic Garden
Cool Kitchen
Perfect Patio
Party Essentials
Modern Luxe
Book Nook
Basement Treasures
Bathroom Clutter
Everyday Clutter
Pastel Pop
Desert Luxe
Décor To The Max
Blooming Rooms
Industrial Loft
Download is available on my patreon! <333
#simblr#sims 4#sims 4 cas#sims 4 cc#sims 4 custom content#sims 4 gameplay#sims 4 maxis match#sims 4 screenshots#sims 4 story#the sims cc#simsbuild#ts4build#thesims4build
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hii!! this is my first time requesting something so sorry if its too vague, but i wanted to ask what do you think dkb's reactions would be to dry humping? appreciate your work and I'm glad to see a bb writing something on this app cause there's literally no dkb fics🥲
hi cutie ! i gotcha haha ! i put it in a headcanon type style too if that’s okay with you ! hope you like it ! <3
DKB REACTION : dry humping
you were at a basketball game, him hugging you from behind as you stood up for the final 10 minutes
it was packed so you were already pressed up against him
him slowly bricking up is a lie- he’s been bricked up since you were looking a little too good for his liking in public. he wanted you to look the way you looked now in private
you knew it too that he was bricked..so you took it into your own hands
first pretending to stand on your tip toes to see the players
then pretending to pick something up
finally- outright going for it
his hands grabbing your waist tightly as he hisses
he moves up and down against you, letting out the tiniest whine
“fuck if we weren’t going to an after party i’d rip your clothes off right now”
he can’t hide it so he has to change clothes into bigger ones
you guys were watching a movie
you were desperate to have some attention since he just revoked your punishment from testing him two weeks ago
deciding the movie was a good time to try to get some action, you moved
you turned around to koala bear hug him and play a ‘im tired’ card
he thought nothing of it and started stroking your back gently to lull you to sleep
moving your hips, he froze and glanced at you quickly thinking you were just joking
when you continued on he got what you were trying to do and let you continue
“babydoll if you wanted me to help you feel something, you should’ve asked”
he lifted his hips up as if to thrust into you causing you to whimper from his action
he just continues watching the movie and let’s you help yourself- his motto:
want it? work for it.
once you grinded harder down against him, continuing to make yourself get off
“did you finish princess? good girl, now let’s clean up this mess hm?”
(his fucking arms,, i want him to choke me like he hates me with a burning passion)
you were doing the take me down dance that he created, preparing to do a dance video to it
both of you have the hots for each other but he doesn’t know how to ask you out since you’ve got the powerful aura that makes everyone bite their lips
you were wearing shorts since you’ve been practicing all day and just a sports bra
part of the choreography had you hovering above him- just a couple of inches above him
couldn’t stand the fact he was unintentionally be teased
your legs started hurting and you ended up sitting on top of him
which he was okay with
continuing to dance that part, you grinding on him as you only have a sly smile through the mirror
the loudest groan leaves his mouth
you both forget about the dance and he smashes his lips against yours as you continue grinding on him
once you stop and get off him as to not get in trouble, you wink at him and disappear for a ‘break’
with him i highly doubt you’ll even dry hump
like deadass
wooyoung’s little brother frfr
as soon as he started
he’d stop and just fuck you then and there
please when he danced to PTSD
has the prettiest whines i bet
but tease him enough, he might just show you why he’s the head choreographer
this is unintentional but
you were all in the car
they wanted to take you to this luxe studio they rented since it reminded you of the one you have back home
you were sitting in his lap, the road being bumpy
you planted yourself as hard as you could against him
the bouncing didn’t help the fact that every twist and turn you were grinding on his throbbing cock
whispers into your ear
“please try to hold onto something that will give you stability and not make you move”
his face was red because he was with his members
they wont let him live it down
his moans were about to burst through his throat
only wished for it all to end
you were at the pool in the middle of the night
he had his eyes closed as he relaxed and listened to the music coming from the speaker
sneaking onto the daybed next to him
you grin and rather than hump him, you lick a stripe up his cock
simulating that you were sucking him off
you suck and he opens his eyes and moans
he’s pretty but that moan is prettier
lemme stop before my thoughts win
y’all were sleeping
then it got hot
so you started moving whilst in his iron bear hug
he woke up because you were moving way too damn much
hearing your whines turned him on and he bricked up
“b-baby please? stop moving? let me sleep?”
he forced you awake and gave the cutest smile that had the scariest meaning behind it
sheepish apology
can’t recover so he dances away
he’s so soft my heart 🥺
he’d be sort of surprised that you even asked him
this boy just smiled and says sure
you take it slow
the tiniest sound made by someone else besides the two of you makes him freeze
he’ll help you or try to make you feel good
might even pull something out his ass that yuta aniki taught him
he laughs at your whines and smiles softly
encourages you to do it as many times you like
he might even get handsy and do something for you instead
“right now? for real?”
“hyungs are going to come in soon”
“try it”
sitting in his lap on the dance floor
under the guise of finding a comfortable position
he moans out loud once
then chokes and turns red
keeps his head down
notices his precum showing
gets shy
is shocked that he can’t combat nor tease anymore
all because he’s chokeheld by you
now he wants to just go to his room and screw you until you black out
#kpop#dkb#dkb d1#dkb heechan#dkb gk#dkb smut#dkb harry june#dkb yuku#dkb junseo#dkb lune#dkb teo#dkbk fic#dkbk fanfic#dkb echan#dkb imagine
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Michael x Gn!Reader, Marriage
Can you please do a marriage scenario and how Mike cannot believe he landed his lover. requested by @kaal-naagin
Starts off with head-canons then ends it off with a cute little story! I hope that this meets your expectations, I tried, not very good at writing wedding stuffs.
-I feel Michael wouldn't want to have a big celebration, because i see him as awkward in areas full of people.
-if you wanted a celebration tho i feel he wouldn’t mind, he would just ask it to be kinda small, not too crazy.
-if you agree with no big wedding you could have more of a party after! No need to dress in an uncomfy suit/dress
-regardless of a party or full on wedding it would be small, no rented out venue, it would be held at LUX
-Lucifer definitely tried to help with any planning for the party/wedding, hence why it would be held at LUX regardless of what you plan to do.
y/n had been driving the car to LUX after they married Michael, the car was filled with a calm silence. As y/n drove Michael mostly stared out the window, a soft smile on his face as he was lost in thought.
They soon arrived at LUX and exited the car and walked into the building, y/n looked at Michael and saw his smile, they playfully nudged him, “what’s got you smiling?” they jokingly say as Michael smiles wider, they have now entered the elevator. “Oh nothing, just happy” Michael had a gleam in his eyes as he spoke, gazing lovingly at y/n . y/n's own smile widened in response as the elevator doors opened and revealed to them the small party being held for them in Lucifer’s club, and Lucifer standing right there, “Well look who's finally made it! Took you lovebirds long enough to get here!” he jested as y/n and Michael stepped out and were now being led by Lucifer to where all of their friends were sitting. “Guys, the newlyweds have arrived!” Lucifer announced to the group at the table, y/n and Michael are now seated as everyone started to congratulate them on their marriage.
It had now been a few hours into the party and everybody was having fun, playing drinking games and whatnot, but Michael had left for the balcony to get some fresh air from all the excitement, y/n noticed and gave him a few minutes before leaving to check up on him.
As Michael was standing on the balcony he was thinking, as he was lost in thought he began to worry about what could happen in the future. When y/n joined him on the balcony he didn’t notice their presence until they leaned against the railing next to him, “What's on your mind cutie?” Michael smiled at y/n's words, but his face soon changed into a more serious one, “just thinking,” “about?” there was a pause, “... you” He said, y/n smiled warmly and said “good things i hope?” Michaels facial expression softened, he looked less serious now, brows not furrowed, more calm. “I feel… scared, scared about what will happen in the future. All of the things that could happen.” Michael said, y/n was silent before he responded, “don’t be scared about the future, we cross that bridge when we get there, for now, enjoy the present.” Michael was smiling again, taking in his partner’s words. “Yeah, I know, I just can't help it because you've been so nice to me since the first time I met you,” he paused. “Sometimes I feel like I don't deserve your kindness, I've done a lot of bad things.” y/n sighed, “I know what you've done, Lucifer told me all about it before I met you,” Michael’s demeanor changed as he stiffened up, feeling more awkward. “But regardless of the over-dramatized version I heard from Lucifer, I still wanted to get to know you, and I still love you, Michael.” y/n smiled at Michael, he was less rigid now, gazing at y/n. He leaned down and gave y/n a kiss. “I love you…” he muttered against y/n's lips, y/n smiled into the kiss, “love you too, you goof” Michael pulled back and chuckled, pulling y/n against himself and holding him there, “wanna go back inside?” y/n asked, “just a few more minutes.” Michael said.
#archangel michael x reader#michael demiurgos x reader#michael#michael lucifer#michael demiurgos#tom ellis michael#michael x reader
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