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thebibliomancer · 1 year ago
Essential Avengers: Avengers #304: "... Yearning to Breathe Free!"
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June, 1989
Vs. the U-Foes! Special guest appearance by the pouncing PUMA!
Look at the roster box trying to pretend Reed and Sue are still around. You can't fool me.
And, hey, the U-Foes! They're a quirky miniboss squad that hasn't fought the Avengers so far, at least not in the Avengers book. Which feels weird!
The Avengers should fight all the quirky miniboss squads. They're practically made to fight all the quirky miniboss squads.
Well, now they get to fight this one.
And Puma is a guy. I don't really know the guy. He's a mid-80s Spider-Man book guy.
Also also, this is very clearly a fill-in issue. I mean, so was the Super-Nova arc. But that had the goal of writing Reed and Sue out of the Avengers, which it couldn't even manage.
This one seems to be more in the style of one and done, spin the wheels until John Byrne takes over.
... That's happening a lot lately.
Last times in Avengers: long story short, the team broke apart but a new team formed during the X-Event Inferno. And then after fighting a big guy from space, 2/5ths of the new team fucked off.
This is a fill-in, you don't gotta know a lot.
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Huh. The opening splash waxes poetic about Ellis Island and the title is a line from the New Colossus poem that was written for the Statue of Liberty.
Will this be a Very Special Episode about immigration? I'm sorta not confident in this era of Avengers to do a Very Special Episode.
Least surprisingly of all, the terrific trio of Avengers are at Ellis Island because it's being renovated and a Department of the Interior pal got Captain America permission for a special preview visit.
Steve Rogers is, of course, a huge fan of Ellis Island and immigration and just all the good America stuff. He loves America so much.
And being a huge nerd, he invited Thor and Gilgamesh along as a kind of casual relaxing activity after all that Super-Nova biz.
Thor: "I, myself, Steve, am an immigrant of sorts -- from eternal Asgard. I share much in spirit with those who passed through here."
Dammit, Thor. I don't think your situation is really the same since you retain whatever counts as citizenship in Asgard and freely go back and forth whenever you want to live in a giant castle.
Also, you have a fake identity set up by the American intelligence community which most immigrants don't get.
Gilgamesh calls Ellis Island meager compared to the cool architecture that the Eternals are used to. But adds "there is an aura of greatness all about" which may or may not have just been to cushion the insult.
While the heroes in civilian duds wander around and look at construction, they overhear one of the workmen muttering anti-immigrant sentiments to himself.
Charles Little Sky: "'Noble immigrants.' Hah! Nobody wants to admit the real truth."
Oh, no, we are in for a Very Special Episode.
Captain America being Captain America even when he's being Steve Rogers, decides this is an invitation to a conversation and asks the guy to elaborate on his thoughts.
Charles Little Sky: "Yeah, I've got a beef, mister, why shouldn't I? I'm an American Indian!" Thor, in glasses: "And...?" Charles Little Sky: "And my people were here long before anybody. These 'immigrants' who came through here were just another group to come and take my people's land... Just like foreigners, starting with the Mayflower, have always done! This place should be called the Museum of Theft!" Captain Steve: "I understand your bitterness, son. Injustice was done to your people. But those who came through here certainly weren't to blame. They were just looking for a refuge from poverty and oppression themselves."
Captain America makes bold stand: pilgrims bad, immigrants good.
I hope the Avengers don't just bother this dude all day.
Thor, in glasses, asks why Charles works here if he hates it so much but, c'mon, everybody needs to eat and not everyone has a palace in a magical sky realm or gets paid $1000 smackeroos a week by Tony Stark.
Charles also mentions that he can't afford to be choosy about jobs that don't ask a lot of questions. Then realizes he's oversharing with strangers and just teal deers it as he needs the job and he's gone once he has enough money saved up.
Then he spots HIM! He's been found by HIM!
And runs off, to the Avengers' confusion.
Then a sharp-dressed man in a bolo tie tells them its none of their business, stay out of it, and yells for Charles to stop running away because he means him no harm.
Then the man transforms into some kind of furry and chases after Charles.
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Pretty much guaranteeing the Avengers are going to get involved after all. Because a dude turned into a furry right there in Ellis Island and chased after a terrified young adult.
Also, the dude is Thomas Fireheart, aka Puma.
But do the Avengers know that?
Yes. And they don't know if Puma is a hero or a threat or a menace. So definitely decide to get involved.
Thor slams his hammer to put on his working duds while Cap duck behind something to change his clothes.
He shouts at Puma to hey maybe explain what he's up to. And since Puma ignores him, Thor throws his mighty hammer. And when Thor throws his mighty hammer, its because he's done with the yammer. Or something.
Since Thor wasn't throwing at 'turn Puma into salsa' force, the cat man is able to jump over the hammer and yell that Thor better not delay him!
That's not an explaining himself though so Captain America throws his mighty shield. But instead of yield, Puma catches the shield and throws it back.
What a jerk!
Gilgamesh, who I guess hasn't decided whether he's going to get involved or not because he's just standing around, jumps in front of the shield so nobody else less tough gets hit by it. And Cap catches it when it bounces off Gilgamesh's gilgapecs.
With this exchange of violence exchanged, Cap asks Puma again to explain things.
Since Thor and Captain America are standing in his way, he actually does.
Puma: "The youth and I are both of the same tribe. He possesses great power -- power that could unleash itself at any time! My uncle -- our tribal shaman -- realized this. He sent me to retrieve Charles, so that he could be trained in the power's use... for his own -- and for the world's -- good."
See, was that so hard?
The two Avengers happened to catch Puma right when he was like five feet from catching Charles Little Sky because the young adult is just right there. In the scene.
He insists that he doesn't have powers, that the elders are just making shit up to prevent him from leaving the tribe.
And sure, he has headaches sometimes and they make him act weird sometimes but that doesn't mean he has powers!
Thor and Cap pause to ponder this. Charles Little Sky is clearly hiding something. And Puma is a dubious source because while he very heroically fought the Beyonder once, he's also a mercenary who has worked for some shady customers.
But while Thor and Cap ponder what to do, Puma makes the decision, in his mind a tough decision but for the greater good, to escalate the conflict and endanger by-standers. Rather than risk the Avengers deciding against him.
So he rushes off (while Thor and Cap just watch) and topples one of the tall scaffolding towards a crowd.
Sure that the Avengers will jump to deal with that and backburner him. Which they do. Good job saving lives, the heroes!
Thor wind-blasts the scaffolding toward Gilgamesh, who catches it. Cap ushers civilians towards the exit.
Leaving Puma free to pounce on Charles Little Sky.
Puma again states that he's just here to be a helpful helper man but Charles says crock to that. He tries to punch Puma but only hurts his own hand.
Apparently, breaking a knuckle punching a cat man is one of the triggers for Charles' great world-threatening power.
Light and kirby crackle burst out of Charles and he feels as if he's being torn apart.
Then, he's blasted back as a rift in space opens.
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And out of the rift in space-time strolls the U-Foes!
Not a surprise, since they were on the cover, but hey! The plot is here!
Real quick: The U-Foes. They're like an evil Fantastic Four. In that there's four of them and they got their powers from cosmic rays. By explicitly copying the Fantastic Four's space trip. Two of them are even siblings. Do these guys fight the FF a lot because they're a better evil opposites than the Frightful Four.
Vector: the one with all the lines and suns on his design. He has telekinesis, which often manifests as repulsing lasers.
Vapor: she's a gas lady, made of gas. She can turn into any kind of gas.
X-Ray: he's pink and looks like a really weird bunch of perspective lines. A guy made out of energy. Can blast various kinds of heavy radiation.
Ironclad: big tough guy made of mineral. He's a pretty blatant the Thing or a Colossus but he can increase or decrease his weight so he's at least got that going on.
So, why did the U-Foes pop out of a portal?
Why, the power of retcons and a shared universe!
Sometimes, a book writes out a character. Has them die or depowers them or just puts them in a situation where they're not available.
And then another book will go "and here's how they got out of that one."
It can be interesting to trace a character through various books, trying to figure out what the hell has been going on with them.
In the U-Foes' case, the Hulk trapped them in different dimensions that counteracted their powers. And possibly killed them.
But they all survived and managed to assemble in the dimensional crossroads to luckily get brought back to Earth by one random portal.
Nothing like a classic contrived comic coincidence.
Anyway, having just gotten back from tailor-made space exile/death, Vector is quite enraged when the Avengers propose to just capture the U-Foes and send them to jail, for being dicks.
Vector blasts Thor, Gilgamesh (still just in his civvies) Captain America, Puma, and Charles Little Sky outside through a window.
Puma is worried because he heard from TV news that the U-Foes were powerful enough to knock around the Hulk. They might kill the Avengers and any civilian in their way!
Buuuuut... he is only here for Charles Little Sky. Opening a random portal that random supervillains fell out of proved to Puma that portal kid is the biggest threat.
Maybe he should just let the U-Foes kill the Avengers!
Is his thought process.
Dammit, Puma.
Anyway, Thor tells the U-Foes that they brought the inevitable beat-down on themselves by blasting him through a window.
So X-Ray blasts Thor. Ironclad slugs Gilgamesh, figuring that if he's hanging out with the Avengers, he's probably one. And Vector blasts Captain America.
Puma goes wow sucks for them that they're getting their asses kicked but at least now nobody will get in my way.
Except Vector and Vapor notice him running away and decide, nah.
The U-Foes have deduced that Charles Little Sky could portal them back to the dimensional crossroads so they need to do something about him. And that means getting him before Puma can.
Vapor turns into carbon monoxide and gives Puma carbon monoxide poisoning.
Vector tells Vapor to turn to chlorine gas and just murderify Charles Little Sky.
Puma belatedly realizes that the better idea would have been to team up with the Avengers to beat the U-Foes. Womp womp.
He decides he needs to buy time for the Avengers to recover from their asses getting beat by getting his own ass beat for a while.
Puma tries to jump between Charles and Vapor.
... But she's gas. How does that work? I mean, it doesn't, in this case. But that's because Ironclad shows up and starts trying to bear-hug him to death.
Then Ironclad get's KLONG! by Mjolnir slightly before Puma gets crushed to death.
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It's Thor! Turns out one blast of radiation isn't enough to put him down, obviously.
And he whirls Mjolnir really fast to blow Vapor away from the unconscious Charles Little Sky.
Charles regains consciousness to see X-Ray try to french fry him, only to be stopped by Captain America tackling him.
Even through (or around?) Captain America's mighty shield, he can feel the burn from the radiation X-Ray is putting off.
Vector decides he'll kill the kid himself but Puma jump kicks him towards Thor who clobbers him.
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Charles is so freaked out by all of this that his powers start going off again, opening portals to random dimensions, some filled with aaaaaah, real monsters!
Gilgamesh deduces from earlier that Charles' powers don't work if he's unconscious so he eye beams Charles Little Sky unconscious.
Cool contribution, Gilgamesh.
Wait, you have eye beams?
Ironclad tries to throw a Big Rock on the again unconscious Charles Little Sky but Gilgamesh uses his eye beams again to blow up the Big Rock.
Ironclad decides fuck this actually and runs away off-panel.
Vector and X-Ray try to double-team Thor and they have him stalemated by blasting him full power. He can't advance but he's not retreating either.
But in secret, Thor is just face-tanking Vector's telekinesis blasts and using Mjolnir to absorb X-Ray's radiation. Not just the radiation X-Ray is blasting but all the radiation in his body. And when X-Ray passes out from too drained, Thor blasts the radiation at Vector who also falls down.
Possibly with turbo cancer now.
Puma's puma senses detect an invisible lethal gas floating towards Charles so Thor blasts the spot with lightning until Vapor passes out.
Ironclad is still running away
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So Captain America trips him with his mighty shield and Gilgamesh decks him in the face BWOM!
With the U-Foes kicked firmly in the butt, Puma rerails the plot to him definitely taking Charles Little Sky back to the tribe.
Captain America says that Charles might be a mutant and there's just a bunch of mutant teams that could train him to control his powers. The tribe isn't the only place he could learn control.
Rather than drag him back against his will, Charles should be given the choice where he will go.
Puma: "And if he chooses no training? If he chooses to continue on the run? It is a danger to the world I cannot allow. Nor can I risk strangers training him incorrectly. Allow me to take him... or I will fight you to the death."
Gilgamesh points out that the death would be Puma's death. There's two god-tier dudes here. And Thor says that Charles will decide for himself.
Charles wakes up and he decides for himself to flee.
Puma tries to leap at Charles but Captain America tackles him.
Thor instead jumps in front of Charles to cut him off but Charles shouts that he's not anyone's property and he wants to be free.
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Yeah, he fucks off through a portal.
Despite being a character created for a fill-in story, Charles Little Sky has a small pile of appearances.
Danny Fingeroth brings him back for a bunch of Darkhawk issues but he gets roles beyond that.
Puma: "Thor -- you fool! You've let a being of untold power get away! He could be anywhere now, hurting or being hurt, frightened, alone. Most probably, though, he'll soon be dead!"
Thor points a finger right back. Saying this all happened because Puma decided he was in far too much a rush to explain the situation to the random superhero bystanders.
That relentlessly chasing the kid is obviously what triggered his portal powers going off and letting the U-Foes come through and cause trouble.
Puma retorts that, hey, hindsight is 20-20 but he still thinks he did zero things wrong and that it's all the Avengers' fault.
Captain America says they only have Puma's word that his intentions were good and Puma has a really mixed reputation so it's really hard to take him at his word.
Thor suggests they beat up Puma and Puma fucks off through the broken window, yelling they'll have to catch him first.
Except, the Avengers don't even bother.
There's no charges against him and he eventually helped them against the supervillains.
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Left behind to deal with sending the U-Foes to super jail, the Vault, Captain America muses how Charles Little Sky "who was so bitter about immigrants... ended up being, himself, an immigrant in a new dimension. And he entered it through Ellis Island."
That's really deep, Cap. Really makes you think, probably.
Thus ends a Very Special Episode of the Avengers.
Follow @essential-avengers because next East Coast Avengers issue, its Byrne time. Like, reblog, comment, maybe.
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colorsunlikeanythingseen · 2 years ago
Trials of Apollo Fics I Recommend
Fall of the Sun by Curioser
Five times Apollo fainted and one time he didn’t
The fic did a really good job of getting into Megs head and portraying her. An excellent exploration of her relationship with Apollo as well.
See You Yesterday by JustMcShane
Meg,” Apollo says, instead of doing something undignified like dissolving into a puddle of tears on the floor, and then he says it again for emphasis. “Meg. What – you – this is my palace.”
“Duh,” comes the typically eloquent response. “Where else was I gonna find you?”
Something’s wrong with Meg. Something’s up with Apollo. Neither of them are talking about their respective things. Things will most definitely get worse before they get better.
This is an incredibly well written mystery and I do not want to spoil anything by elaborating on that.
Apollo and the Aftermath by Ceruleancats
The Roman emperors and Python have been defeated, the oracles reclaimed, and Apollo restored to godhood. He's having somewhat of a hard time adjusting to being back among the gods, which is understandable after his six-month grow-a-conscience speedrun. But something else is rotten in the state of Olympus, and before it can really feel like home, it's going to require some serious renovation.
One of the best fics exploring the consequences of Apollo’s character development and what that means for Olympus.
Bad Sons by thesungod
Hades turned to the demigods that were still kneeling.
“I need to speak with Will Solace,” he said to the shocked room, in the tone he could have used to say “I came to ask if one of you could lend me a pen.”
“Alone,” the god added after a moment, staring right at Nico
Or, Will and Nico go on the stupidest quest ever. And it’s all Apollo’s fault.
Another excellent mystery fic with plenty of twists and turns. Also there is Solangelo and an amazing quest mate/ third wheel accompanying them.
I give a tour/ Nico questions everything/ Nothing to see here/ by Imnobody122
After Thalia crashed the sun chariot Apollo stuck around a bit longer to visit his kids and gives Nico an excellent tour.
Might take place during a Titian’s Curse but every bit of Apollo’s narration in this show that they have read ToA. It is just Apollo visiting his kids and Nico not being traumatized.
A day of Two Halves by TsarinaTorment
You know those days where everything goes wrong no matter what you do? Today was one such day. To begin with, anyway.
One of my favorites of the author’s one shots, though all of them are good and you should go read them. It is just really good Apollo and his children fluff.
Through the Son’s Eyes by Hollowsun
A journey through Asclepius' relationship with his dad, from Ancient Greece to modern day.
Exactly what it says on the tin.
ToA Analysis
A series of essays on the Trials of Apollo. Apollo is a very complex character and unreliable narrator and these essays are excellent at diving into his character and the themes of the novels.
The Tails of A Pollo by ceruleancats
The hunt for the Teumessian Fox hasn't been going great, but thanks to a new prophecy (of sorts), it looks like Apollo may be key to aiding the Hunters of Artemis in the beast's defeat. In like, a super badass, heroic way, of course. Actually, on second thought, maybe just imagine the monster's defeat in your head. You definitely don't have to read this. I'm certain you get the gist of it already. You can simply exit this tab real quick, no biggie. Have a lovely day!
If a fic has a pun in the title there is no way it can be bad. The author does a good job at capturing Apollo’s voice as well as his relationship with Artemis. Honestly this author is just really great and you should read all of their fics.
Wild Nights, Wild Nights by Hollowsun
using my new twitter account to livetweet my epic game of Monopoly
A monopoly game played by, Leo, Lityerses, Hazel, Nico, Apollo, Meg and Reyna. It is hilarious and very chaotic.
The Stolen God by TsarinaTorment
Python is defeated. The prophecies are restored, and Nero has fallen. Apollo has not been seen since. His trials are over; why isn’t he back on Olympus?
There are a surprisingly amount of excellent quests and mysteries in this fandom. It is very well plotted with a completely accurate and rhyming prophecy. Also a love their characterization of Will.
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erazonpo3 · 4 years ago
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Lance Strongbow Appreciation Week Day 8 - Free Day (CTA AU) ✌️
“And get this- Grandma Pearl looks at me and she says, Lancy, whatever you do don’t eat the pâtê, and I ask why, Pearly? And she says, because it tastes better the second time you swallow it down,” Lance says, and bursts into laugher. Then with a sigh he wipes away a tear and adds, “It’s a shame she sold us out to a cult.”
“That’s grandmas for you,” Lio nods, and raises her glass to clink against his.
Across the room, Eugene squawks as Cassandra tugs on her side of the banner, and Rapunzel paces back and forth between the two of them like a horse on patrol. They’re setting up a ball for something or other— the palace’s new renovations make it the perfect venue for hosting international parties, after all— and Lance and Ilione had been directed to sit this one out on account of the amount of unintentional arson they’d caused at the last ball. Lance maintains that it was the faulty pyrotechnics at fault, but admittedly their competition to provide the most extravagant entertainment didn’t help.
Now they were kicking back and letting the three musketeers do all the work, revelling in their frustration with only the faintest hint of spite. They’d agreed to take a sip every time Cassandra groans or Eugene makes a half-hearted quip, which had ended up being more often than they’d anticipated. Lance is beginning to feel the rosé kick in already, so he can only imagine how Lio’s doing.
Rapunzel furrows her brows at the streamers and whispers something to Cass, earning another groan. They take a drink, and Lio lets out a groan of her own.
“Do you think you should maybe slow down?” Lance raises an eyebrow at her, glancing away from the unfolding disaster.
“You sound like my dad,” Lio pulls a face.
“Hey! Don’t make me remember how old I’m getting,” Lance groans, and Ilione stifles a laugh in her glass.
“Sorry. You know, I think he’d like you, but I’m not about to invite him over so that he can start comparing me to your daughters.”
“I don’t think either of us want that,” Lance agrees, and they drink to that too. Across the room, the squabbling grows louder.
“Eugene, I don’t think I need to explain why a confetti cannon is a bad idea after last time,” Rapunzel crosses her arms.
“No, no- I think launching flaming confetti across the room would be a great way to warm this place up,” Cassandra grins, and Eugene scoffs with his entire body.
“Ugh. I can’t watch this,” Lio’s head rolls as she plants her chin in her hands to watch more intently.
Lance has never felt like an outsider amongst his friends, but when Cassandra comes home he can’t help but feel like the unnecessary fourth wheel to their squeaky tricycle. He knows it’s nothing against him, because when Cass had brought her cousin in tow, Ilione had found herself stuck with the same problem. They’d gotten on right away, and he enjoys her company in the balcony box, sharing their peanuts and snide remarks.
“So guys, what do you think?” Eugene approaches them, and Lance opens his mouth only to close it again. The banner tears away from its pin on the left side of the room, and drifts lazily towards the floor.
“I think they should take over,” Cassandra slides a hand across her face. Rapunzel pinches her nose and releases a deep sigh.
“No fireworks,” she points to Lance, then turns to Lio, “and no swans.”
“Relax Rapunzel, the professionals can handle this,” Lance grins. She already looks as though she’s regretting the decision, but they both know she has more important details to worry about than fixing up the lacklustre decorations and entertainment herself. They’re pressing enough that Rapunzel scurries off almost immediately, cursing herself for wasting so much time already, and like clockwork Cassandra and Eugene chase after her. Ilione leans over closer to him.
“They didn’t say anything about a flaming piano.”
“I like the way you think,” he laughs.  
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yer-cute-when-you-scream · 4 years ago
Prince Park Jinyoung~ Royal!AU
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WARNINGS:  Fluff, Jinyoung Being A Gentleman. (I’m probably forgetting something)
A/N: Fair warning, I did not proof read this, but I will at a later date. How is everyone doing? This is the fourth headcanon for the Royal/Prince!AU, I hope you enjoy it!
Prince Jinyoung is very intelligent, sophisticated, and courteous.
A true gentleman, while most people of nobility or royalty wouldn’t even think about opening a door for their female servants, Jinyoung does it with a smile.
His parents were wonderful, they were proud of the man they had raised.
If the King wasn’t available, Jinyoung would accompany the Queen when she went on strolls through the park.
The Queen and King had a private tutor for him, but unlike Mark’s parents, they did not shelter him.
He was still allowed to go outside and play with the kids, as long as a guard was nearby.
He had a liking for art and theatre, and he loved going to the shows that were put on every 2 weeks.  
He was a hopeless romantic, so of course he loved plays involving romance more than the others.
He loved literature with a passion.
In his quarters, he had a tall bookcase full of books he had read multiple times.
The genre of books he had were made up of history, romance, mystery, poetry, and adventure.
The books were passed down to him by his parents, and because there wasn’t a book shop in town, he never had any new books.
One day, two siblings moved into an abandoned shop and renovated the entire place, opening a book shop to the public.
When the Prince had heard about the new book shop, he was thrilled, he immediately left the palace and went into town. 
His mind raced with thoughts about what genres he would find, how many books would be there, and how many he would be able to carry.
 As he slowly opened the shop door and walked carefully inside, he silently gasped at the amount of books there were. Jinyoung walked along the bookcases and took in the earthy aromas around him, he trailed his hand along the shelf as he started to feel at peace. 
He turned the corner and noticed a figure putting books away on a wooden ladder, the ladder had wheels and was attached to the bookcase so you could move while standing on it. 
You were too preoccupied to hear Jinyoung enter the store but thank god he was there, as you were about to place the last book on the shelf, the step you were on snapped and you fell backwards. Jinyoung swiftly caught you before you hit the floor, once you got back onto your feet you turned to thank who you thought was your brother. 
“Thanks, I shou-” 
You stopped and widened your eyes as you realized it wasn’t your brother; it was the Prince. You immediately bowed and started apologizing, he waved his hand and chuckled, “There is no need for any of that, are you okay?” Jinyoung asked softly, before you could reply your brother walked in. 
“What was that noise??” He asked, standing just out of sight from Jinyoung. “The ladder broke while I was putting books on the shelves, but I’m okay! I was caught before I hit the floor...” “By who-” Your brother takes a few steps forward before cutting his sentence off with shock, he then bows to Jinyoung, “Prince Jinyoung, it’s an honor.” 
“Thank you, but you don’t have to bow to me, I am just a customer,” Jinyoung smiled, he noticed the book you were holding before you fell was on the ground. He bends down to pick it up and hands it to you, you let out a shy thanks and placed it on your desk. 
“You said you were a customer? Is there anything specific you were looking for?” you inquired, your brother started replacing the ladder step as you helped Jinyoung. 
“Yes, I have only read the books on my shelves and I’m in search for something new, but I’m not sure what.” Jinyoung started as he looked around at all the books, “There are so many books in here, I’m not even sure where to start.” You nod with a smile, finding the way his eyes lit up enchanting, he looked so content with being here. 
“Okay, what’s your favorite type of book to read?” 
“Romance, and mystery.” 
You motioned for him to follow you as you headed for two bookcases, he eagerly followed you and listened as you explained which books were which.
“So, this section right here is romance,” you told him, pointing to the large bookcase before turning around. “And this section is mystery.” 
Jinyoung smiled brightly at you, “Thank you!” “No problem. Let me know if there is anything you need, and feel free to look at any book you want to.” Jinyoung browsed the store for hours, before finally coming up to you, “Only one book?” you curiously ask, he chuckled and nodded. “Yeah, there is plenty more I’d like to read but I’d like to read one book at a time.” 
Jinyoung reached for his coin purse on his side but you stopped him, “You don’t have to, consider this a gift and a thank you for catching me,” you insist. 
Jinyoung shakes his head, “That’s very kind of you, however I respectfully decline it,” he then places a few gold coins in your hand, which is a very considerable amount for a book that only costs silver coins. “I know this is more than I’m supposed to give you but consider this a payment in advance for the next time I’m here.” Jinyoung explained. 
You both say your goodbyes and he starts to head for the door, turning at the last second just to get one more look at you.  
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katedrakeohd · 5 years ago
After the Rain
(Wacky Drabbles #51)
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On a drizzly grey, February morning, Drake is in his closet picking out clothes for his morning workout. The renovations to the basement gym facilities were finally complete and he was anxious to try them out. The former Duchess of Valtoria had been an eccentric woman and an exotic animal collector. Along with her menagerie of wild animals she had also kept an alligator pool under the manor. Thankfully the gators had been relocated after one had tried to escape. After the old Duchess died, the pool was drained and that part of the building had been closed off for safety reasons.
Drake missed having access to the Royal Palace’s training gym and swimming pool and upon hearing about the available space under the manor he couldn't wait to make an exercise gym of their own. And with an indoor pool no less. Kate was sceptical that Drake could make the dudgeon-like, former reptile habitat into anything useful, and being pregnant she had other priorities. But she promised Drake that once the necessary baby proofing of the upper part of the manor was completed, he could pursue his own project.
Once Drake was dressed in his sweats and running shoes, he packed a towel, his bathing suit, extra t-shirt, shorts and phone into his duffel bag. He wasn't sure yet what kind of workout he was going to do, but wanted to keep his options open. On his way out of the closet with his bag, he hears the sound of a notification coming from his phone. He pulls it out of the pocket to check. It's a weather report:
⛈ Heavy rain, and possible thunder showers are expected in Valtorian County for the afternoon of Thursday, February 13th.
Drake frowns, knowing that Kate suffered from anxiety about thunderstorms. He decides to ask her if she wanted to come along with him, so she wouldn't be alone. Or if she wanted him to stay to keep her company. Turning the corner and walking into the bedroom, Drake finds Kate sitting up in bed with a nest of blankets all around her. To him she looked adorable with her hair piled up on her head in a messy bun, wearing his pyjama shirt with the long sleeves rolled up to her elbows. She had a magazine open in front of her and was sipping a cup of tea. When he approaches the bed, she looks up with a smile, “Don't you look all sporty, off to wrestle some gators down in the dungeon?”
Drake laughs, setting his bag on the corner of the bed and leaning down to kiss her on the cheek. “It's hardly a dungeon anymore. Why don't you come with me and I can show you the improvements we've made?”
Kate carefully leans over to set her tea cup on the end table, trying not to tumble out of bed, her large belly made her top heavy. “I'll pass for now. Take some pictures of what our new gym looks like. I'm hoping it's more spa like, and less stone walls, chains and rocks for weight lifting.”
Drake shakes his head, placing his hands on his hips “Who do I look like to you, an orc from the depths of Mordor? I know we live in a stone house that looks medieval, but come on, I can accomplish something a lot more modern than that.”
Kate looks Drake up and down in his sweat pants, and t-shirt that accentuated the swell of his biceps and showed off his hairy forearms, thick wrists and strong hands. She knew how much he loved to show off the physical results of his daily workouts. He may have adopted the cushy life of a Duke, but he refused to let himself appear soft and weak because of it. Knowing this though, Kate can't help but tease him a little after his Lord of the Rings reference.
“Definitely not an orc, but with that shaggy hair and those big feet of yours you could pass for a tall hobbit.”
Drake snorts with a smirk, picking up his bag, “Just for that I'm not inviting you to spend Breakfast with me later.”
Kate giggles, “Not even second Breakfast?”
“Nope,” he attempts to frown but can't, raising his chin to hide a mischievous grin on his way to the door. He drops the act as Kate goes back to her magazine, “All goofing aside, it's going to rain all day and there's a chance of thunder. Are you going to be Ok if I'm not around once the rumbling starts?”
Kate smiles, her eyes shining with gratitude, “I'll be fine, thanks honey. Hana is coming over to keep me company, and have a girls day with me. If the thunder gets too loud I'll just use the noise canceling headphones you gave me. Go get all buff and sexy, and I'll see you later.”
Drake turns back from the door to crawl across the bed to give Kate another kiss before he leaves. When she leans into him, and wraps her arms around his neck, he reluctantly pulls back, whispering, “Or maybe I'll skip the workout and stay here.”
Kate smooths the hair back from his face and traces the shell of his ear with her fingers. She enjoys the way his eyes darken as he lifts his eyebrow and gazes back at her, accepting her touch as an invitation to stay. She playfully traces his bottom lip with her thumb, as he leans in for another kiss. He avoids her mouth and kisses the side of her neck instead, causing her to cringe and giggle at the tickling of his lips on her skin. “But Hana���” she squirms, as Drake works on unbuttoning her top.
Drake kicks off his shoes, pushing the magazines to the side, as he moves over to straddle Kate's knees. She places her hands on his shoulders in an attempt to push him back as he leans forward to press a kiss to her lips and lean her toward the headboard. He braces his hands on the headboard on either side of her head, and she shakes her head with a grin. “She's going to be here any minute.”
“I only need another minute…or two.” He chuckles, sitting back to finish unbuttoning her top. When her shirt falls open he grins at how her full breasts rest on top of her full belly. He leans in again and Kate sighs, dropping her hands to her sides. Expecting him to bury his face in her breasts, she's pleasantly surprised when he delicately cradles her belly and kisses it instead. “Baby needs kisses goodbye too.”
Kate strokes his hair as he places little butterfly kisses all over her belly, murmuring sweet nothings to the baby. “Daddy can't wait to meet you…Give me a little wiggle if you can hear me…hehe I felt that. Daddy loves you."
Happy tears mist Kate's eyes as Drake caresses gently with his thumbs and she feels their baby move. “Someone else is eager to meet Daddy.” she whispers.
There's a gentle knocking at the bedroom door, and Kate blinks, wiping at her eyes. “Time to go.” She smiles, laying her hand on Drake's cheek.
He sits up and gives Kate one last kiss before climbing off the bed, “I'll go let her in.”
Drake grabs his bag, and shoves his feet back into his shoes as the knocking comes again. “Coming,” he calls out.
Kate hears Drake and Hana exchange quiet “Good mornings,” and quickly pulls her shirt back together managing a couple of buttons. She sits back up in bed just in time to see Hana wheel a Breakfast trolley in with various sweet and savoury offerings, along with a pot of tea. On the bottom of the trolley is a basket of magazines, along with a basket of various beauty supplies for their Girls Day.
Drake quietly slips out the door with a wink to Kate, and then closes the door behind him.
“Good morning, Kate!” Hana bubbles with enthusiasm, as she leans in to give her a hug.
“Hi, sweety.” Kate answers, hugging her back.
Hana scampers over to pull a chair over to the side of the bed, to sit down. “Ready for Happy Friends Day?”
Kate frowns slightly and glances at the heart shaped cookies and red, white and pink themed items on the trolley. “Oh yeah, tomorrow is Valentine's Day. I can't believe you remembered to do all of this for us today.”
Kate couldn't believe she had forgotten that tomorrow was Valentine's Day. This was going to be their first Valentine's Day together, and she had totally forgotten a gift for Drake.
@julychoiceschallenge #Day14-Love
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bigfan-fanfic · 5 years ago
Written for me by the amazingly talented @jacklyn-flynn for a giveaway! I love how she’s written Cullen and Teddy’s relationship! Beautiful! So grateful to her for this, everyone check her work out!
Walking through the Winter Palace with his husband-Maker, his husband-was a surreal, almost ethereal, experience. Teddy could feel Cullen’s thumb brushing back and forth over his own as they wandered aimlessly through the nearly empty halls. He chanced a peek over at him but found that Cullen’s amber eyes were already on him. Feeling a happy blush on his cheeks, Teddy squeezed his hand. 
“What?” Teddy could barely contain his grin. 
“Nothing,” Cullen said softly. “Everything.” He gave Teddy that lopsided smile that drew attention to his scar. He felt his heart leap at Cullen’s words. Perhaps, more specifically, the emotion behind them. 
“Do you know what I’d really like to do?” Teddy halted them and turned to face Cullen. “I mean, really like to do?” 
Cullen drew his hand up, placing a light kiss on the back of Teddy’s slim fingers. Fingers capable of working all kinds of magic. “I know several things you really like to do. Which did you have in mind, love?”
“I’m hungry for-” Teddy stopped with a smile and leaned in close, his lips brushing against Cullen’s ear. “Food.” 
Cullen leaned back sharply, surprise written on his features. “Food?” 
Teddy used his distraction to kiss him, his tongue lingering to tease Cullen’s scar. “Yes, food. I didn’t eat before the wedding because I thought I might throw up. Now I’m absolutely famished.” 
“Well, I’d imagine there are one or two kitchens around here somewhere.” Cullen rubbed the back of his neck and chuckled. “I thought you had something else in mind.” 
“I have several things on my mind, food is just the first of many,” Teddy assured him. “Food is also what we will require to get through all of the other things on my mind.” 
Cullen almost snorted with laughter. “Fuel for the fire.” 
“So to speak.” Teddy agreed, tugging at Cullen's hand. They fell into step together and continued down the hall, wandering aimlessly. Noticing an open door, he peeked in before they walked by. A plump, older woman was humming to herself, changing sheets on a bed that was surely big enough to sleep half a dozen people. 
“Excuse me, might we trouble you for a moment?” Teddy spoke softly not wanting to startle her. 
She looked up and smiled politely. “How can I help you, monsieurs?” 
“Could you point us to the nearest kitchen?” he asked, smiling warmly. 
“There are several events going on at the moment, monsieur. Of which are you a part of?” She set down the linen and stepped closer. Her hair was mostly silver, but they could still see strands of the vibrant red it used to be. 
“We’re with the Inq-” Cullen started. 
“We’re off duty today.” Teddy cut in, elbowing his husband in the ribs. “It’s our wedding day. It was rather unplanned, so I don’t think we’re an official event.” 
The woman’s smile morphed from polite to genuine. “Congratulations, dears! And what a handsome couple you are!” She walked to them, waving her hands toward the door as she did. “Come with me and we’ll get you set up,” she assured them. 
“Madame?” Cullen offered his elbow as she approached. Her cheeks flushed with delight and she slipped her arm through his. Teddy did the same and they headed down the hall, one on either side of her. 
“Tell me, how did such a steadfast Fereldan village boy come to seduce a Free Marcher noble?” She asked jovially. 
“I-how do you know?” Cullen couldn’t keep the surprise from his voice. 
“Monsieurs, I was not always an old woman who changed sheets and washed windows,” she chuckled. She looked up at Teddy. “Your attire quite gives you away-” She paused. 
“Teddy.” He supplied with an amused smile. 
“Mm, Trevelyan. Of Ostwick?” She phrased it as a guess, but her tone was confident. 
“How could you possibly-” Cullen wondered, looking down at the woman. Teddy could only look over her head at his husband and smile. 
“Well, the attire is undeniably Free Marches. The kilt sports the colors of the Trevelyan family. The quality of the sporran is undeniably high end, which suggests nobility, not just any old family member. The jacket is also high quality with expensive findings. Silverite findings from Ostwick are of a particularly exquisite quality.” She laid all of her reasonings out one by one. 
“Brilliant. Do Cullen next,” Teddy requested with a grin. 
Cullen closed his eyes briefly and willed the flaming blush on his cheeks to dissipate. 
“Cullen, a good strong Ferelden name. Southern, certainly. Not much of an accent left though so only during his childhood. Most of the densely populated areas are in the north so village dweller is much more likely.” He felt her arm squeeze his. “Strong, and fit,” she mused. “A warrior. Good one too if that’s the worst of your scars.” 
“It is,” Teddy confirmed with an unabashed smile. This was all far too much fun. 
Cullen groaned, scrubbing a hand over his face. “Maker’s breath, Ted.” 
“Your livery is certainly standard, but the quality isn’t that of a standard soldier's. A man with a higher rank. Too nice for someone under Captain. Of course, with all of the people about the Palace right now a captain would be here to work only but a Commander might have some free time?” She guessed. 
“Two for two!” Teddy laughed. “We know a certain Orlesian who would be interested in your talents if you ever want a different job.” 
“Oh dear, no. I’ve had quite enough adventure for one life.” She led them with gentle movements down hallways that were growing steadily smaller and less decorated. Eventually, she slipped her arms from theirs to unlock a heavy wooden door. “Come along,” she urged. 
The short stairway led down into a stone kitchen that was cool and smelled of fresh baked bread from an oven long cooled. “The bakers work here at night so you shouldn’t be bothered this time of day. There’s food in the pantry and you’re welcome to any of it.” 
She turned to them again and smiled. They were both quite a bit taller than she was so she had to tilt her head back. “Do you want to know what else I can see in the two of you?” 
“Please, tell us.” Teddy urged, pulling out a stool at the workbench for Cullen. The Commander sat and Teddy laid his hands on his broad shoulders, gripping and releasing tightly to ease the tension there. Even on their wedding day the man was filled with it. It would take years to teach him how to relax. 
“I see forever.” Her smile widened and her green eyes sparkled. “There is so much love in both of you and so much need for it. You both take and give in equal measures and do so gladly. Nothing can repair the sadness and pain that you have both seen, but love only looks toward the future.” 
Laying her hand over one of Teddy’s she rested the other on Cullen’s cheek. “You didn’t know then, during all of the pain, that this is what you were fighting for. But it was and you’re here. Don’t ever stop fighting for each other. All evil is fought for one reason, so that others may live. So that they may find what you have found. And now that you have it, you know how dear it is.” She rummaged through her skirts, the tell-tale jingling preceding the giant keyring she produced. 
“But today is your wedding day.” She unhooked an ornate bronze key and handed it to Cullen. “Two handsome young men in love. This key is for the suite overlooking the southwest gardens. That wing is being renovated at the moment however no one is working with all of the hubbub going on. Can’t have too many of the help bumping elbows with the guests.”
“I'm sure your work will require you to return to the real world soon enough. I can’t give you a longer honeymoon, but I can give you a nicer one. One where no one knows where you are.” She said with a suggestive wink. 
Cullen set the key on the bench and dug into his pocket. He produced a few sovereigns and held them out to her. “Thank you. We can’t tell you how much this means to us.” 
She pushed his hand back and shook her head. “You’ve paid me enough. You let me walk with you and bask in your happiness. And feel up your beautifully sculpted muscles. Lucky man, you are,” she said to Teddy who found himself blushing this time. 
Heading to the door, she smiled back at them once more. “I wish you all of the happiness this world has to offer Teddy and Cullen. Don’t let it, or each other, go.” 
They both watched the door with an odd sort over wonderment after she’d left. “You saw her too, right?” Teddy asked, breaking the silence. 
Cullen laughed, looking over his shoulder at him. “What are you suggesting?” 
“That I think a spirit of love is masquerading as a servant in the Winter Palace.” He looked down at his husband who was giving him an odd look. “She gave us a suite-no-a whole wing in a royal palace.” Teddy pointed out. “Things never go this right for us.” 
Turning on the stool, Cullen pulled Teddy to stand between his legs. His hands moved to the small of his back, then lower over the soft fabric of his kilt. “Then perhaps we should enjoy it before the other shoe drops,” he suggested. 
“Food first, remember?” Teddy asked with a laugh. 
“You could drive a man mad, you know that?” A resigned Cullen got up from the stool and headed to the pantry door. It was large inside and quite cool. Wheels of cheese, dried herbs and preserved food filled the shelves. Teddy followed him in, looking around for something that looked appealing. 
“Do you know what this reminds me of?” He asked, browsing slowly. He heard Cullen’s questioning hum. “That time in Skyhold when you were sick with withdrawal all day. In the middle of the night when you were feeling better you just had to eat then and there.” He turned at Cullen’s chuff of laughter. He knew where this was going. 
“In fact, you were feeling so much better, you bent me over that giant ale barrel and showed me that all of your appetites had returned.” Intentionally, he lowered his voice, letting the rumble of his accent give it richness. 
Cullen closed his eyes and scrubbed a hand down his face. “Ted. Love. You have to stop.” 
“Do I though?” Teddy asked with a laugh, opening a jar of peaches. He reached in and pulled out a slice, taking a bite. The juice dripped down his chin and Cullen reached out to brush it off with his thumb before bringing it to his own lips. 
“Yes,” he said firmly. “Or I won’t be letting you eat.” 
“Alright, I suppose I could dial it down just a little bit. For the sake of your sanity.” Teddy held out a peach and Cullen leaned forward to eat it. They found a tin of some kind of citrusy cake as well as a small wedge of cheese and a crusty loaf of bread with a soft, airy center.
They headed in the direction of the southwestern wing, their gait once again slow and lazy. “I feel a little guilty that we didn’t ask for her name.” Cullen broke off another piece of the cake. 
“I’m telling you.” Teddy shook his head. “She’s a spirit.” 
Cullen chuckled, covering his mouth with his hand to hide his chewing. “I think this is it.” He grabbed the massive and ornate doors and tugged. They didn’t move. He retrieved the key they had been given and it granted them access. 
The hallway was a disaster. Cloth was hung over the doors with scaffolding lining the walls. Tools were strewn about, clear that the workers were nowhere close to finished. 
“You don’t think it’s that big one at the end, do you?” Cullen glanced at the other doors as they passed, all covered. 
“That is the end of the wing and it would overlook the gardens.” Teddy pointed out, stuffing the cheese and bread into the tin and closing it for later. The key worked just as well on the locks of the uncovered doors and they each swung one open. 
“Maker’s breath!” Cullen exclaimed, his jaw falling open. “This is incredible!” 
Teddy looked around in awe. “I’ll say…” He agreed, his voice trailing off. 
The room was adorned in rich crimson and ivory, gold accents glittering in the fading evening light. The vaulted ceilings were intricately painted with battle scenes from ages past. The massive, four-poster bed was draped in thick curtains of rich, red velvet. The sheets looked incredibly soft, turned over a fluffy duvet. 
A door to the left was open, showing the washroom with a massive tub inset into the floor. The door to the right was also cracked open, showing a hint of fully stocked wall to ceiling bookshelves and comfortable leather chairs. Balcony doors framed either side of the bed. The wind fluttered the gossamer curtains around the rich stained glass doors. The smell of the gardens wafted up from below. A warm cherry wood floor covered the whole room, broken occasionally by strategically placed rugs of ivory. The hearth would easily hold five men inside and it was already prepared for a fire. 
Teddy set their snacks on a small table against the wall while Cullen closed the doors behind them. “I’ve been to a lot of fancy places” -he assured his husband- “but this is fancy.” 
Cullen turned to face him, smiling that smile that drove Teddy crazy. The scar, the way his eyes lit up so easily. “Do you want to explore a little?” 
“Absolutely not.” Teddy was emphatic, rushing Cullen to kiss him fiercely. One of Cullen’s hands snaked to the back of his neck, the other around his torso to tug Teddy closer. Teddy teased his lower lip with his teeth, tugging gently and eliciting a groan from his husband. He loved Cullen’s little noises of pleasure. 
Cullen pulled away from his lips to rest his forehead against Teddy’s. “Please tell me you aren’t hungry for food anymore?” he pleaded. 
Nuzzling Cullen’s nose with his own, Teddy smiled. “I’m definitely hungry for you now.” He started to remove the belt and rich gold sash from Cullen’s waist. Once removed, they both worked the buttons of his jacket so that Cullen could shrug it off, letting it fall to the floor. Teddy’s jacket and vest got the same treatment. Each article of clothing seemed to bring out more need in both of them. 
Reaching over his head, Cullen drew his undershirt over his head. Teddy reached for the fastening of his kilt but Cullen’s hand covered his quickly to stop him. “Not yet. I’ve been thinking about what’s under the kilt all day.”
Teddy closed his eyes and let out a huff of breath. “By all means,” he invited. “Please, slake your curiosity.” He opened his eyes again when he felt his sporran removed from his waist. Cullen met his eyes and kept his gaze as he knelt before the love of his life. Teddy was already half-hard with anticipation, but the appreciative hum his husband gave when he lifted his kilt made him twitch and grow harder. 
“Maker, you are magnificent, Ted.” Cullen’s murmured praise was accompanied by his large hand and long fingers wrapping around Teddy’s cock. Running his fingers through Cullen’s hair, he gently urged him forward. Since he had planned on doing so anyway, Cullen didn’t resist the silent request to take him into his mouth. His free hand kept the kilt bunched at his stomach while the other stroked him with maddening slowness. 
Cullen’s mouth was exquisite and he knew how to use it to drive Teddy crazy. His tongue lapped at the bead of pre-cum that formed on the swollen head, smiling at the responding twitch. His amber eyes looked up at Ted as he took him into his mouth, tongue teasing the underside. 
He loved pleasuring Teddy. The already dulcet brogue that Cullen adored only grew more rich when they were together. Teddy hissed in pleasure at the contact of his husband’s gaze. His husband! He loved being able to use the term. 
Cullen’s fist pumped slowly in time with the motions of his mouth. His cheeks hollowed as he sucked, his tongue moving over the head in sloppy circles. In response to Teddy’s soft moan of pleasure, Cullen mirrored it, letting him feel the sensation. Feeling Ted’s hand tighten in his hair and tug, he released him with a pop of his cheek. “What’s wrong?” Cullen’s hand continued to pump slowly over his cock, clearly not too concerned that something was amiss. 
“Only that I’m being selfish. Your pants must be uncomfortably tight by now.” Teddy was already starting to breathe hard, swallowing as he watched Cullen lap at the head of his cock once more before releasing it and standing. 
The rest of their clothes were thrown off in a frenzied rush and Teddy practically threw Cullen onto the bed. The man laughed, moving back onto it as Teddy mounted the bed, watching Cullen with a predatory glare. “I can’t believe you’re mine. All mine.” The rumble of his voice made a shiver shoot up Cullen’s spine. Ted moved his attention to Cullen’s thick cock, resting heavy against his stomach. Must to his dismay, Cullen tsked when he reached for him. 
“I want you to feel the back of my throat when you taste me.” His voice was also low and sultry, the rumble coming from deep in his chest. Teddy shifted himself and laid on his side next to Cullen who turned to face him as well. He wasted no time in taking Ted’s cock into his mouth again, throat constricting around his length. 
Teddy gasped, his hand squeezing Cullen through the distraction of his enthusiasm. Cullen found a steady rhythm with his hand and mouth, allowing Teddy to concentrate on returning that pleasure. His hand moved to Cullen’s tight sac, rolling them in his hand as he ran his tongue from base to tip and back again. 
He felt Cullen’s hum of pleasure in his core and Teddy couldn’t help the slow pumping of his hips, seeking more of his lover’s hot mouth. He felt Cullen’s hand grip his backside, squeezing and urging him deeper until Ted could feel his nose against his sac, throat constricting around him. 
Feeling that he wasn’t giving as much as he was getting, he redoubled his efforts. He released Cullen’s balls and slicked his finger before eagerly returning his attention to Cullen’s throbbing cock. His finger teased at Cullen’s tight ring, making his hips jerk. 
Cullen couldn’t decide if he wanted to thrust into Teddy’s inviting mouth, or push back and impale himself on his finger. Teddy’s mouth left him to kiss and bite at the flesh of Cullen’s thigh as his finger teased deeper. “I can’t wait to be buried inside of you.” His tongue chased Cullen’s cock, flicking and teasing. 
Cullen’s agreement was apparent when he released Teddy’s length and moved out of his reach to sit up. He started to move onto his stomach but Teddy stopped him with a hand on his shoulder. “No, I want to watch your face.” 
Rolling onto his back, he gave Teddy that bright smile he loved so much. He could see the intensity and love in the Commander’s eyes and knew at that moment he was the only thing in Cullen’s world that mattered. 
Teddy moved to straddle Cullen’s left leg, moving forward until he could wrap his hand around both of their cocks, stroking them together slowly. Cullen let out a low moan, brows furrowing for a moment. His hands moved to roam Ted’s body, feathering over the rough scar on his side before moving to his chest then his arms. He loved the feel of his muscles moving beneath Teddy's skin as he stroked them. 
It wasn’t long before Cullen found his eyes again. The mossy-green hazel reflected his own feelings. He had never doubted Ted’s love for him and the emotion in his husband’s eyes only reinforced that. Cullen would never, ever regret marrying this man. His soulmate, found in the most unlikely of places at the most unfortunate time. Or perhaps, most fortunate. They’d found each other when they were both in the most need of companionship and support. 
He’d never questioned how Ted was able to produce the warm, tingling oil that now coated their cocks mostly because he was half out of his mind with need at the time. Like he was right now. 
“Tell me what you want, my love.” Teddy’s strong hand around them, the feel of his hard cock against Cullen’s own aching one was so distracting, he almost couldn’t answer. He knew that eye contact was an extremely intimate thing for both of them so Cullen made sure to keep his gaze. 
“I want to feel you inside of me.” Cullen’s tone was intense, almost demanding and yet it was still a plea. “All of you. Maker, you feel so good when you fuck me.”
Teddy released them, gripping the base of his cock to slide the head around Cullen’s sac and then down to tease his tight hole. “Tell me why.” Teddy wrapped his arm around Cullen’s right leg and drew it up and over his shoulder. He pushed into Cullen slowly, withdrawing before the head of his cock was swallowed. Cullen’s cock twitched and he let out a low groan of disappointment. “I love when you tell me why.” 
Cullen swallowed hard, his adam’s apple bobbing. “Ted, we don’t have enough time in the world for me to tell you all of the ways you make me feel good.” This elicited a laugh from his lover which made Cullen’s heart clench with joy. He could feel the thick head continuing to tease yet no matter how he shifted his hips, he didn’t get what he wanted. “Besides, I would much rather listen to you talk.” 
With a slow roll of his hips, Teddy started to sink into Cullen’s tight, inviting body. “I know you would.” Teddy’s voice took on a sensual tone. It had taken Cullen a long time to admit he loved Ted’s voice, especially when they were making love. Teddy was glad he’d told him. It created such raw, visceral reactions in Cullen. Though he’d only ever been with Cullen he got the feeling that it wasn’t always like that between lovers.  
“Do you know how perfect you are?” Ted asked, watching his cock sink slowly until he snapped his hips forward to bury the last few inches and make Cullen cry out. His back arched and Ted enjoyed watching the way his muscles shifted and his face screwed up. “You take me so well. So tight.” The pleasure was also apparent in his voice, strained with the need to move faster, harder. To make Cullen come so hard he’d never forget this night. 
Breathing hard, Cullen had to talk between his pants, unable to get out a full sentence. “So big...full...Ted I love...Maker, I love it. Don’t stop...” 
He was having an equally hard time coming up with words. He started to move with agonizing slowness but found that he couldn’t keep up that pace for too long. Cullen’s moving hips and tightening muscles were driving him faster and faster. He wrapped his hands around Cullen’s thigh, using it to pull his husband against him with each thrust. 
It was all happening too quickly. He wanted this to last. Slowing his thrusts, he released Cullen’s leg. Mistaking his intentions, Cullen’s head snapped up. “What’s wrong?” He panted, reaching up to rest his hand on Teddy’s chest over his rapidly beating heart. 
“Nothing,” Ted responded, blanketing Cullen’s body with his own to kiss him. He responded eagerly, sucking at Ted’s lower lip. He’d stopped the movement of his hips completely. Cullen’s long fingers slid through the messy chestnut curls and used them to tug Teddy away from his mouth gently. 
“You can’t lie to me, Ted.” Cullen chastised gently. “Talk to me.” 
“I want this to last. Our first time as a married couple. All I can think of is pounding you until you can’t think straight-” Cullen groaned at that “-but I want it to be perfect for you. You were my first and I want you to be my last.” 
“Oh, love. It is perfect. You’re perfect.” Cullen tightened around him, making Teddy bite his full lip and let out a small whimper. “We have all night. The rest of our lives. If I ever made you think that you weren’t enough, or not doing the right things, I’m sorry. It is always perfect with you.” Cullen assured him, his thumb brushing back and forth on his cheek, over the rough stubble. 
“Tied down, you in me, me in you...even just pleasuring ourselves for the other to watch without touching...all of it is making-love because it’s you and I love you.” Cullen chuckled, pressing his forehead to Teddy’s and closing his eyes. “If you want to go slow, we go slow. If you want to rut into me like an animal, then do that. If you want me to bend you over an ale keg, we can do that too. Whatever it is, it’s perfect. It’s our wedding night and I will never forget tonight or wish things had been different.”
When he opened his eyes, he found Teddy’s screwed tightly shut, moisture gathered in the corners. They both had insecurities that seemed to come and go. “Hey, look at me, love. I just want you, Ted. Any way I can get you. Maker’s breath, I love you.” Although the last was whispered, he couldn’t use it to hide the break in his voice. 
Teddy’s lips slammed to his and he swung his leg over Cullen’s trapped one. Cullen wrapped them both around Ted’s waist, returning the kiss with a feverish need. He started moving again, long steady thrusts that teased Cullen’s tight ring with his head before sinking to the hilt again. 
Taking Cullen’s hand, he laced their fingers together and brought them over his head, pinning him to the bed. Cullen’s other hand found its way back into his hair as he moaned into his lips. He could feel Cullen’s cock trapped between them, sliding against their stomachs with each movement of their hips. 
It was Cullen that broke the kiss first, panting and pressing his forehead against Ted’s. “I’m so close..” He groaned, rolling his hips to increase the friction around his cock. 
“Me too,” Ted whispered, kissing his way along Cullen’s jaw and down his neck. “Tell me what you need.” 
“Just don’t stop.” Cullen squeezed his hand tighter the closer he came to the edge. 
“I love you.” Ted said against his skin, his arm sliding around him to hold him even closer. 
Cullen whimpered, his legs squeezing. “Say it again.” His plea was accompanied by another long moan as Teddy changed his pace. He started to slowly withdraw, then snap his hips forward hard enough that the bed creaked in protest. 
“I love you, Cullen. I’m almost there. I’ll say it as many times as I need to. Come with me.” Teddy promised. The movements of Cullen’s body told him that he was so close. He may not know much about pleasuring other people, but he knew Cullen like the back of his hand. 
The hand in Ted’s hair tightened almost painfully, though Cullen seemed to know that limit. “Again!” Cullen cried, rutting against Teddy’s stomach as much as he could. 
Pressing his lips to Cullen’s ear, Teddy’s deep voice rumbled to his very core. “I love you.” 
Like a rope under too much tension, Cullen snapped. Teddy could feel his cock twitching between them as he came, wetting their stomach with his spend. The cry of pleasure that ripped from his lips was enough to send Teddy after him. His thrusts became erratic, only pulling out a few inches. The primal need to bury himself into his mate was deep-seated. He was powerless to resist Cullen’s call to join him. 
The pleasure thrummed through Teddy, deep and resonating. He could feel Cullen shaking beneath him, his grip still tight on Ted’s hand. It seemed like an eternity until either of them could think straight. Neither wanted to move for a long while. The aftershocks of their release sending little jolts of residual pleasure. 
“If you think that wasn’t perfect or that I’m going to forget that” -Cullen nuzzled his cheek so that Ted could feel his lips curl into a smile- “you are absolutely insane.” 
Lifting his head to look down at his golden haired husband, Teddy couldn’t help but smile back. “That memorable?” 
“More than. I’ve never felt anything like that.” Cullen breathed out in wonder. 
“Neither have I.” He released Cullen’s hand and his arms immediately wrapped around him, encasing Ted against his hard body. With a quick twist of his body, Teddy suddenly found himself beneath Cullen who was rolling his hips in little motions. The sensations around his softening cock made him hiss, drawing air between his teeth. Then, quite disappointingly, Cullen was gone. Already off the bed and moving to the washroom. 
Propping himself up on one elbow, Teddy called after him. “Are you just gonna leave?” 
“You’ll see,” Cullen called over his shoulder. Teddy laughed and fell back against the bed with a deep sigh. He didn’t even mind the seed smeared over his stomach. He got the idea that would be taken care of shortly. 
After a few minutes, just when Ted was going to ask what was happening, Cullen’s voice called him into the washroom. Sliding from the bed, he walked in to find Cullen shoulder deep in the tub, steam rising from the water. He crooked his finger with a sly grin. 
“Come here, love.” He beckoned. Swirls of fragrant oils skimmed the water's surface.
Ted stepped down into the water and, despite having enough room to sit wherever he wished, sat between Cullen’s legs, leaning back against him. Cullen’s strong arms wrapped around him, murmuring soft words of praise and love into his ear. Sliding a little lower, he laid his head against Cullen’s shoulder, turning his head to rest it under his chin. He rested his hands on Cullen’s arms as they held him tight and secure. 
In that moment, everything else melted away. He could feel Cullen’s slow, even breathing against his back. Sliding one hand down to Cullen’s, he fingered the band around his ring finger. The one he’d placed there just hours before. 
“I’m going to fall asleep if we stay in here too long. You're far too comfortable.” Teddy closed his eyes and let himself relax completely. 
“I won’t let you drown and I promise I’ll only wake you in the most pleasurable of ways.” Cullen’s soft chuckle made his chest tighten with emotion. 
“I’ll hold you to that. I have a lot more planned for tonight.” Ted couldn’t hide the sleepy contentment in his voice. 
“Tonight, and every other night.” Cullen pressed a kiss into Teddy’s curls. “I hope you have enough plans to last you the rest of your life, husband. I know I have more than a few.” 
Teddy let out a chuff of a laugh. “I rather like that. Husband.” 
“I shall endeavour to use it as much as possible,” Cullen promised. “I love you, Ted.” 
With a hum of affection, he squeezed Cullen’s hand. “I love you too, husband.” 
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indiatourpackagess · 5 years ago
Renovated Palace on Wheels is Coming with New Look
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eyesopen2019 · 6 years ago
A busy week in London
On May 22nd, we flew with Westjet from Toronto to London Gatwick.  It was a night flight and we all arrived pretty tired after getting the tube to our Airbnb in Shepard’s Bush.  Leon failed in his attempt to stay up all night and had a few hours sleep on the flight, as did Lani.  We found our flat above the shops on Uxbridge Road and reasonably close to the tube station and very central to major tourist sites in London.  After settling in, we left the kids watching on their devices and Hung and I went for a wander and had a lovely vegetarian meal at a restaurant serving food from Damascus.  We shopped on the way home and cooked the kids dinner when we got home. They were all fairly content to chill out and not go anywhere much – as they are on most travel days.  
On our first day out we got the tube to Oxford Circus and wandered around that area exploring Trafalgar square, Piccadilly Circus and Covent Garden.  There was a lot to see and take in and the kids all enjoyed seeing the double decker red buses like in the movies the most.  We wandered through Harrods, mostly because that’s where my Mum wants to go. It was so expensive, and I can’t imaging spending $200+ on a cardigan for a baby let alone $3000 for a grizzly bear teddy standing 2 metres tall!  Kai especially couldn’t believe the prices there.  In the afternoon, Lani and I went to Abbey Road to visit a school friend of mine Connie and her daughter Abby.  We had a lovely afternoon catching up and swapping travel stories and were treated to a delicious dinner at a nearby restaurant and a nighttime walk through The Regents Park.  We also stopped to visit the Abbey Road studios and take a photo on the famous crossing.  Lani felt a bit naughty scribbling her name on the wall of the studio along with everyone else and didn’t really understand what it was all about – any who are The Beatles anyway?
We had busy days out in London with lots of walking as well as tube and bus rides.  We all enjoyed riding the red double decker buses and sitting up top and looking at the streets go by.  The tube is easy to navigate and quicker, but we got the buses whenever we could.  Hung, as usual, wanted to hop on the bus and ride until the end of the line, which he did once or twice on his own.  
Of course we visited Buckingham Palace and spent quite a bit of time watching the red guards and waiting for them to make a mistake and move.  Leon was pleased to get a photo with a London bobby wearing his Banora Point school hat and him wearing the police hat.  We spent a morning touring the Arsenal Football Stadium and Museum which Kai really enjoyed, especially siting in the teams changing room.  We managed to see Matilda one evening with Leon and Lani which was fabulous and just as good as the Australian production we had seen previously.  Hung went out one night and saw Phantom of the Opera on his own which he hadn’t seen before and enjoyed, except for the noisy tourists next to him.
One morning we arrived early at Buckingham Palace to see the Changing of the Guard but it was so crowded and such a limited view that we ended up going to nearby Green Park and playing soccer for an hour.  We also saw Kensington Palace but didn’t pay to go inside and just wandered the beautiful gardens where Harry and Megan had their ?engagement photos in Diana’s memorial garden.  Leon and Lani ventured to the British Museum with Hung and I and we spent most of our time checking out the Egyptian mummies and coins from several thousand years ago. We had a quick walk though several other areas before leaving to find some lunch.  I’ve realised when visiting museums with young children you need to make a beeline for the high value targets before fatigue and boredom sets in.  The museum was completely free which was an added bonus.
Kai, Leon, Lani and I were brave enough to venture onto the London Eye where you get into a glass bubble with about 15 other people and get taken around the huge wheel to view the London skyline.  After we had just got on Leon said (very loudly) was like watching paint dry as it moved so slowly!  However, he thoroughly enjoyed the 4D movie that was included in the ticket price we watched after.  I enjoyed looking at all the places we had visited from so high up and seeing their relationship to each other.  I especially enjoyed seeing the gardens of Buckingham Palace and how big they were. After the London Eye we wandered through to Big Ben (undergoing renovations), Westminister and Westminister Abbey.  I enjoyed seeing those places but the kids weren’t very interested.
We also spent an afternoon wandering Camden market as well as Borough Market and wanted to try all the delicious foods on offer.  I had a day out with Kai, mainly to replenish his wardrobe at Primark as he is outgrowing all his shorts and T-shirts.  I also had a day out with Lani and we visited Hamley’s Toy Store and Foley’s bookshop, both 5 storey shops with an enormous variety of things to explore and tempt us. We did well, coming away with a LOL doll for Lani from her pocket money and a book each for her and Leon to keep their reading going.  We had a few coffee and ice cream stops along the way!
Aiden went out most days alone to explore the same areas, but on different days to us.  He really enjoyed Camden Town and the various parks where he would go for a midday nap.  He said he thinks London is the ‘best city in the world’ and he wants to go to university in London.  He found the transport system especially easy to use.  With an Oyster card and the maps app you can get around London easily and cheaply wherever you want to go.
On our last night in London we had a lovely dinner at our Airbnb with Dolf and Charlotte, who are the parents of the family I worked for as an au pair when I was 18.  It was lovely to see them again, have them meet the kids and catchup with what everyone is doing.  We cooked a very basic meal in the Airbnb flat with its very limited kitchen and enjoyed a couple of bottles of wine.  
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ilovejaipur · 3 years ago
What to do in Jaipur: Explore the Pink City
Description: The recent addition of excellent shops, bars, cafes, and creative spaces has made the city quite hip along with historical places. 
 Jaipur is the desert capital, "Pink City" and, a UNESCO World Heritage Site and part of the famous Golden Triangle tourist circuit. The city's aging mansions and forts, with elegant architecture contemplative of their royal ancestry, are top displays. However, the recent addition of many fantastic shops, bars, cafes, and creative spaces has made the city quite hip. Read to explore the best things to do in Jaipur.
 World's Largest Cannon on Wheels at Jaigarh Fort
The Fort holds great appeal for military lovers, as it contains the world's most giant cannon on wheels. The battery has never been fired, and neither has the Fort been apprehended. As a consequence, it has remained impressively intact over its extended life.
Admire the Remarkable Jal Mahal
Jaipur's remarkable Jal Mahal (Water Palace) magically floats on Man Sagar Lake. Not a lot is acknowledged about its antiquity. Still, Maharaja Sawai Madho Singh I believed to have made it a resort for royal duck hunting excursions in the mid 18th century. The palace has four floors submerged below the water, with specially designed lime mortar to prevent water seepage. Unfortunately, despite being renovated, the court not yet open to the people, so you'll have to be satisfied with observing it from the side of the lake.
See Sunset at Nahargarh Fort
Robust Fort is roosted high on the mountainous Aravali Hills of Jaipur city. Sawai Jai Singh II employed it in 1734 to help establish the security of his new capital. The Fort affords spectacular panoramas over the city, especially at sunset. The attraction inside the Madhavendra Bhavan palace complex is the latest Sculpture Park. There's also a wax museum, a sophisticated fine-dining restaurant called Once Upon a Time, and a budget government-run eatery named Padao.
Off-Beat Tour of Jaipur
Go sightseeing in a classic restored Ambassador car or custom-designed e-rickshaw driven by an enterprising lady from a low-income household which will look sporty to make your trip memorable.
Iconic Hawa Mahal
Hawa Mahal is Jaipur's most illustrated building. Maharaja Sawai Pratap Singh built it in 1799 to stretch the women's quarters of the City Palace to facilitate the royal women to gaze out over the main street beneath without being watched.
Jantar Mantar Observatory
Jantar Mantar's intriguing structures are a collection of astrological devices. Each has functional astronomical instruments, such as predicting eclipses, measuring time, and tracking stars. The most impressive one is the vast Samrat Yantra sundial. It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and one of five astronomical observatories constructed by Maharaja Sawai Jai Singh II, a distinguished mathematician, and astronomer.
Amber fort, Jaipur
Amber Fort perches atop a hill facing Maota Lake, about 30 minutes north of the city center. Inside is a series of lavish halls, gardens, palaces, and temples. Elaborate mirror work supplements to the beauty.
Royal Cenotaphs
Most tourists overlook gator ki Chhatriyan cenotaphs at the foothills of Nahargarh Fort. It makes them delightfully quiet most of the time. The superbly sculptured cenotaphs honor Jaipur's departed kings, from Sawai Jai Singh ll to Man Singh ll.
Take a Hot Air Balloon Trip
Skywaltz operates two different hot air balloon routes. The principal one is north of Jaipur, surrounding Amber fort. The balloons float over local villages, fortresses, and palaces. The other route covers the virgin area around Samode Palace and town.
 Old City Heritage Walk
Investigate Jaipur's Old City behind its famous monuments on one of the initial morning or evening immersive heritage walking trips escorted by Vedic Walks. It uncovers some of the Old City's lesser-known architectural wonders and traditions of local communities.
Encounter Royalty
Maharaja Sawai Jai Singh II constituted the City Palace as part of the new capital in Jaipur. With a minimal ticket, you get access to palace courtyards, galleries, Jaigarh Fort, royal cenotaphs, and Pritam Niwas Chowk, with colorfully painted doorways symbolizing the different seasons.
Jaipur Market
Jaipur is a commercial hub having artisans and traders. The city is a fabulous place to shop! You'll find an enticing assortment of assets, including expensive gemstones, silver ornaments, bangles, clothes, fragrances, blue pottery, and textiles. The passages in the Old City's markets are dedicated to unique handicrafts.
Heritage Water Walk to the stepwell
There are two little-known but essential stepwells with the unique architecture around Jaipur (one at Nahargarh and the other near Amber Fort). Heritage Water Walks conducts informative walking tours. Their explanation of the ancient water catchment systems used to supply water to the forts is fascinating.
Patrika Gate, Jaipur
Jaipur's ninth colorful gate, Patrika Gate, graces the entry to Jawahar Circle garden, five minutes run north of Jaipur airport. This freshly constructed but traditional-style ornamental gate is called after the Rajasthani press and media organization Patrika.
Galtaji Temple
Visit late during lunchtime, near sunset, when the monkeys gather over the temple. From the road, to get to the temple, drive up the hill to the white Sun Temple and follow some steps downhill into the gorge.
Jaipur Flower Market
Early risers shouldn't drop from the list to go to the fragrant wholesale flower Bazar, known as Phool mandi, which holds just inside the Old City's Chandi ki Taksal Gate. It goes moving at around 6 a.m., with traders exchanging sacks filled to the edge with bright blooms of marigolds and roses.
Jaipur Museum
Albert Hall Museum of Jaipur is housed in a luxurious old Indo-Saracenic structure. Rajasthan's oldest museum has an eclectic compilation with several items from the city's past, including paintings of kings, jewelry, costumes, woodcarvings, sculptures, pictures, and pottery. The most prominent display is an Egyptian mummy about the Ptolemaic dynasty.
Museum of Legacies
Lately, the Rajasthan government converted the Rajasthan School of Arts building in the Old City into a museum devoted to the state's arts and crafts. The Museum of Legacies was inaugurated in 2017 and is housed in a mansion. It was initially constructed in 1823 as the home of Pandit Shivdeen.
Experience a Festival at Gangaur Festival
The iconic Jaipur Literature Festival occurs every year towards the end of January, the largest literary festival in Asia-Pacific. Significant religious festivals glorified in Jaipur include the Kite Festival, Holi/Dhulandi, Gangaur, Teej, and Diwali.
things to do in Jaipur
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chrysaliseuro2018 · 7 years ago
When my brother Dougal married Genevieve in 1982 who would have thought it would indirectly lead us to the Turkish beach city of Side (pronounced Sidday) on the Mediterranean 36 years later.
The link? Genevieve’s sister Barbara and her friend Penny when travelling in Turkey during the late ‘70’s met and went on to marry Turkish men. While Barbara and her husband Hasan spend time in both Tasmania and Side, Penny and Ali live permanently in Turkey.
As luck would have it Dougal and Gene’s house renovations, yes they are crazy enough to embark on two, are currently affected by the usual permit delays. So being opportunistic travellers they decided to squeeze in a month’s worth of travel while the local council bureaucrats twiddle their thumbs. As luck would have it their dates in Turkey coincided with ours so a rendezvous in Side was planned.
Doug and Gene stayed in Side a few years ago but for Chris and me it was a wonderful opportunity to share the experience. Side, while not exactly your quiet beach getaway, is a tale of two cities.
Firstly there is the new section cluttered with over development of the worst kind. Not unlike our charmless Surfers Paradise, it’s dominated by huge monolithic hotels. In a laughable attempt at authenticity some have been topped with faux Mosque-like domes. They are the palaces of package tours. Apparently Russians in particular subscribe to all-in resort packages which apparently suffered during recent years of unrest and the odd terrorist incident in Turkey. Now the tourists are returning and in our mind’s eye we could only imagine the morning bun fight for pool lounges.
Secondly there is the quaintly named ‘Antique Side’ which is where Penny and Ali run their little beach front hotel The Beach House. In contrast to the vast new developmental expansion of modern Side, Antique Side is perhaps realising what an unrealised gem it has right under its nose. It occupies an entire small peninsula which was clearly Roman given all the artefacts, pillars, foundations and mosaics to be found there. In recent years developments which were built on the ruins have either been compulsory removed and replaced with glass flooring over the ruins, or glass flooring has been installed in shop floors to expose the ruins. Further excavation is still underway and with some cooperation and planning the entire peninsula could be a major Roman site for visitors.
Apart from the hotel Penny and Ali also have traditional stone house and an apartment on the other side of the peninsular to the hotel. This is only a 5 minute walk through streets dense with shops selling t-shirts, soccer shirts of every variety, jewellery, bags, Turkish delight, nuts and all kinds of souvenir dross. First two nights were spent at the hotel followed by another 2 at the apartment. Originally we all planned to stay at the house but with a disco not 100 metres away pumping out door doof until the wee hours we all, even our resident disco king Chris, thought better of it.
The hotel offers a certain quaintness with a location right on the little beach. It has particular appeal to Poms of a certain age demographic - Chris had no trouble striking up conversation. Many have been returning for a number of years enjoying a relaxed and familiar environment. Penny and Ali were congenial and generous hosts who let Chris and me ride on the familial coattails of Doug and Gene offering us free accommodation. We were very fortunate indeed.
So how did we spend our 4 days at Side......
# The weather was hot so many an hour was spent on the hotel sun lounges or bobbing in the warm Mediterranean. We took to the beach umbrellas unlike the Poms who thought nothing of laying out all day in the blazing sun (judging by the brown leathery skin this has been their habit through the decades).
Generally in the morning the sea was flat but as the day went on the choppier it got. Making the most of the calm sea were several party boats in the guise of faux pirate ships complete with artificial rigging, a sliver of cloth purporting to be sails, a statue of a captain with eye glass at the bow and a plank to walk off at the stern. Amusingly on closer inspection one was a catamaran - a very modern take on a pirate ship indeed. Dougal thought they looked so unsturdy that it would only take one decent wave to capsize the whole contraption sending 100% pirates overboard. I confess to spending 4 days secretly wishing for that rogue wave.
# Gene, Barbara and I went to Manavgat the neighbouring town to do some shopping at the warehouses with Hasan as our driver. Unfortunately it was a Sunday meaning many were closed. Still we found a few open and got a few odds and ends. Highlight was a visit to a shop selling spices, grains, dried fruit, nuts, pastries and Turkish Delight of all colours and flavours. Generously they encouraged us to sample whatever we wanted and even some things we didn’t even know we wanted. If only weight and customs restrictions didn’t limit overseas purchases. But when a whole box of Turkish Delight (well over a kilo) costs 8.30 Turkish Lira, about A$2.50 which is less than the cost of one piece in Melbourne, it became a must-have even if i can’t get through it all.
Finally we paid a brief visit to Hasan’s 80+ year old mother. Mum sat quietly in the corner chatting to her sister and niece until Barb put her son Michael on FaceTime to speak to his grandmother. The transformation from quiet little old lady to excited and animated little old lady had to be seen to be believed.
# Penny’s husband Ali has a farm at Akseki just over one hour’s drive north east of Side. Fortunately Ali frequents the farm regularly so we all joined him for a day. Took 2 cars as Ali was staying overnight (we considered it but decided to make it a one day trip) so we had Dougal at the wheel. Turkish drivers have scant regard for road rules....step out on to a pedestrian crossings if you dare, stopping at red lights is optional and double white lines on the road are treated as decorations. Needless to say the drive was a little hairy at times.
First stop, the local market at Akseki. If one were looking to buy fresh market veggies, fruit, grains, nuts and pulses of all varieties, undies, clothes circa 1970, pots and pans, oversized wooden spoons, little sewing kits or even nail clippers this was the place to visit. A few nuts were purchase along with some strawberries which while tasty were a little over the hill and disappointing.
Next stop lunch. Nothing like a local to take you to a restaurant. Feasted on meat pides and like their Italian cousin the pizza, the serves looked enormous. But what you think at the outset you’ll never finish, somehow seems to go down a treat. Add to this a simple but delicious salad and a view over the valley....perfection.
Then onto Ali’s house in the town to admire his menagerie. A summary: 2 English setters, a cat, dozens of laying chooks, a couple of roosters, pheasants, bantams, hatching eggs, chicks, budgies, two quails and a partridge in a pear tree! Then the mini orchard of apricots, cherries and sour cherries. Not done with yet we then drove to their farm. Largely it has been planted out with walnut trees as a crop. Along with those was Ali’s veggie garden of onions, melons, beans, garlic and more fruit trees. It has to be said he is a man in touch and in love with nature.
Headed back towards Side but stopped at Sarihacilar a sleepy one horse town. The old if-you-blink-you-miss-it sort of place. It’s unlikely many tourists make their way to this town but Doug and Gene had recommended the museum. Totally overpriced in the scheme of things but actually worth every penny in a weird and wonderful way. Exhibits were largely routine; lots of butter churns, cooking pots, rusty old tins and a random collection of firearms, musical instruments, clocks and of all things, radios ranging through the decades. The two highlights were (1) the ‘curator/guide’, himself a rusty old relic, who escorted us around trying embellish the tour by bringing his artefacts to life with his several words of English. (2) the wooden baby’s cot complete with inbuilt potty. This worked by strapping on one of two funnels to baby, ingeniously designed to accommodate genitalia differences of males and females, so the pee was funnelled into the potty. Only design fault was baby had to always be asleep on its back. Otherwise genius and a big saving on sleep time Huggies.
Museum done, complementary chi enjoyed we were then given a tour by the proud owner of the renovated hotel. There are some walking trails around here one of which Doug and Gene had previously walked. (Mid 30 degree temperatures discouraged us.) In the heat and dryness the Nordic feel of the pine lined lodge-like hotel seemed totally incongruous. But apparently it gets bitterly cold in winter which would make this an ideal bolthole to bunker down in with a pack of cards and a few bottles of wine.
Having seen the ‘major’ sites and heading back to the car, the Mosque caught our eye. Well more accurately we caught the imam’s eye. With the help of his young son’s schoolboy English, of which the imam was glowingly proud, we did a little tour of the Mosque. It was unremarkable yet lovely. As always a beautiful chandelier, modest decorations but some lovely framed versus of the Q’uran. Chris formed the strongest connection with the imam who gifted him a copy of the Q’uran Abridged. (Conversation rate 0 to date). Just as we were leaving the call to prayer started so Chris and I whipped off out shoes, I re fitted the supplied headgear and we ducked back inside....was it the imam calling live or a recording? Happy to report it was the former.
All in all a wonderful day out.
# Hasan generously invited us all to the Turkish night at his cousin’s multi storeyed hotel (everyone seems to be everyone else’s cousin in Side). It was a glorious night on the open air rooftop and Hasan secured a table in the corner to take advantage of the view. Dinner was a buffet and advice was to get into it before the locals arrived at 8.10 starving after a day of Ramadan fasting. So we all ate well and lots, a particular highlight of the savoury spread was the smoked trout, while those with a sweet tooth, rated the Baklava highly.
After dark the belly dancer appeared shimmying and shaking her way though a routine to more contemporary music than we were used to hearing nightly when we lived at York Place. When it became time for audience participation I was grateful to be so blocked in as to be unavailable. Chris was the most likely candidate but Miss Nubile had enough willing participants before getting to our table. We all enjoyed watching the various efforts of tight shoulder and tight hipped conscripts however I suspect Chris was just an incy wincy bit disappointed he wasn’t up there strutting his stuff.
So after 4 days of hanging with the locals it was time to move on making sure not to overstay our welcome. We had been thoroughly spoilt and indulged. As we left for for our next adventure we couldn’t help but think sometimes you just get lucky!
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starqueenadonis · 8 years ago
Gemini Horoscope September 2017
My Royal Gemini,
Nurture a sense of belonging through improvements to your home-base.  The revelatory Full Moon in your Palace of Dreams helps to align your home with your career. She materializes a door in your professional development as you take steps to climb the ladder of success on Sept. 6th.  A link between your heart and mind focuses you attention on goal attainments.  She is a groundbreaking moon who delivers a dream for which you toiled and sacrificed.  The status quo of your life will change as you as you take a step toward becoming your best self. The illustrious Sun revives the greater role you play in life as he transits across the Full Moon.  He illuminates your Palace of Home to uproot the negativity in your life and plant new seeds of identity.  Your home palace has the power to transform your whole identity and purpose by bringing one’s focus to the order at home, which marks the start and end of your day.  Mercury, your planetary ruler, was in retrograde in your Palace of Home until he receded into your Palace of Knowledge (more on that later, or check out last month’s horoscope to learn more). He does return to restore the new order in your domestic setting, Sept. 10th - 29th.  The place you call home requires thorough improvements, from the arrangement of the furniture, bills, expenses, and your national roots to your homeland, which may be different now from your birthplace.  How you live your life with acceptance of your identity and empowered choices altogether determine the quality of your life. The beautiful Venus, gracious goddess of love, fills your home space with warmth, security and creature comforts.  She recycles the ugly negativity in your life, from self-loathing for your identity related to nationality, upbringing, class, or home conditions.  We are not at fault for the reality we are born into, however, we do have the power of choice every moment of life. Through visions inspired by Venus of your ideal home-life write shortly worded statements, which you can use as mantras as you create the home life you aspire. For example, “I order my home around an easy, efficient and productive order,” “I am master of my domain.”  You make quick strides in manifesting your ideal home life with Mars, the celestial lover of Venus and ambitious god of strategy.  Your shortly worded statements should be positive, personal and present-tense, and with Mars’s help, add a defined end date.  This statements can be goals to guide the improvements and changes you seek to make in your home.  The harmony of your home-space is entirely under your control and Mars shows you the way to proclaiming your home as your sanctuary.  Ultimately, Mars’s warrior-like independence shows you how you are a spiritual being and your body is your true sanctuary.  Open the windows for a new breeze to fill your home upon the New Moon of Sept. 20th.  She takes a dance with the Sun to swirl a flurry of change.  Within a month’s time of this moon, your space will be renovated, a space to truly refill your spirit with positivity.  Home is best separated from work, society, conventions, and actually, you should live as free when in the world at large.  The New Moon reawakens your inalienable right to the Earth, and to the spiritual experience of living your truth as a human.  
Your mental realm is enriched by Mercury’s recession into your Palace of Knowledge.  Your sovereign Mercury gives you the words with which to express the improvements needed to your home, roots, physical being and role in the world.  Between Sept. 1st - 9th, you may feel lost in the darkness of an existential abyss.  However, Mercury uncovers your absolute free will and sparks an insatiable curiosity.  You will let go of the past as you realize so much of there is little to be gained from the past but experience with which to reinforce your wisdom.  Prior to your home-improvements, Venus accompanies Mercury to allow you the ability to look upon your traumas and grudges with indifference.  She helps you recall the horrors and disappointments of the past with little emotional reaction.  This mental clarity is the key to healing as you take the lessons themselves and abandon the stories.  Intellectual curiosity is rewarded with resources, teachers, practitioners and masters in your interests.  Mars completes his visitation to your Palace of Knowledge, Sept. 5th. You indeed understand the knowledge of books and the experience of wisdom, which are different, yet united to open your mind.  The mind is the root of spiritual existence, and its earth must be tilled to help it stay fertile.  Plant new seeds of positive thinking of yourself, your home, and role in the world.  Write mantras using the three-p’s and repeat them to yourself, like, “I am worthy/good enough/perfect/whole/complete,” “I love myself and my life.”
The Sun opens your life’s doors for more romance and passion after nurturing your roots to this earth. He transits your Palace of Enjoyment, Sept. 23rd - Oct. 24th, to awaken the hardened rock of your volcanic heart and allow the passionate lava to melt your heart’s rock away and ignite its truth to shine glorious. Jupiter has subjected your heart to the wild ride of his wheel of fortune.  In the past year, you have experienced ups and downs as made attempts at true love.  Lovers may have come and gone, though filled with so much yearning in your heart to stay.  Times of desperate solitude and feeling under appreciated for your beauty may have lead to questions about true love’s possibility. Luckily, the Waning Crescent in your Palace of Ego, Sept. 13th, rekindles self-love.  This is the secret ingredient necessary, however, it is difficult to come by.  Self-love requires one to accept their true self now, in terms of gender, sexuality, outlook, inner thoughts, past sins, future hopes, daily frustrations.  The Waxing Crescent of Sept. 27th urges you to be your best friend and ally.  She stops by in your Palace of Energy and come bearing self-love.  You are reborn upon this night as you see your precious identity as a rare commodity, which cannot be wasted or misused for or by others, lost to addictions and invested in better habits.  Pluto will go direct, as he has been retrograde, two days after this crescent, helping you finally break the walls of your frustrations down. And finally get laid! Or paid! Or simple reborn with a greater passion for your life.
Love till the end of time!
xoxo, Star Queen Adonis
PS: You can now download a free copy of my novel, An Ideal Man,  at www.anidealman.com. It is my goal that in these divisive times we choose love and show the world what the United in the United States of America means. I mention goals very often, and I love to write. I also want to be a vessel for the elevation of love in the world. Thank you so much for your support. I hope my novel inspires you to believe in the possibility of an ideal world. Where every individual can be their true self. Be you, the most beautiful you. 
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kliwoofsweden · 8 years ago
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My trip to London
This is a story about my trip to London. It was around Christmas time, I decided to go on a seven days long trip to London. I was really excited, and I had planned to visit a lot of places.
When I arrived at the airport, the sun was shining and the landscape around me was covered with snow. The first thing I was going to do was to take a bus to my hotel. A few weeks before I went on my trip, I had found a London Pass on the internet that cost about £42 pounds for seven days. It was necessary to have if I was going to travel by bus or underground. It also made some of the sightseeing and attractions I was going to visit a little less expensive. With the pass I was also given a guidebook where I could find out how to get to each attraction, open hours, and location on the map. After I had picked up my luggage I got on the bus that would take me to the hotel. I had found a really nice hotel called “The Sumner Hotel” which was located in the middle of London on 54 Upper Berkeley Street. It was only a two minutes walk from the hotel to the tube station, Marble Arch. The Sumner Hotel is a historic building, recently renovated with facilities like: credit card accepting, safety deposit box available 24 hours, tourist information, mini fridge, wireless internet connection, hairdryer in room, air condition, heating and also a lounge bar for relaxing with a drink after a long day’s walking. Each night stay at the hotel cost about £145. It is quite expensive, but most of the hotels in this area cost about that much.
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Madame Tussauds!
I unpacked my luggage and decided to start my week in London with one of the most famous tourist attractions, Madame Tussauds! It was only a ten minutes walk away from the hotel. I had pre-booked a ticket at home so I didn’t have to wait in long lines to get in. The cabinet has about four hundred dolls today, and it was very fun to see the new music zone with artists like: Justin Timberlake, Robbie Williams, Christina Aguilera and Britney Spears. I also enjoyed the amazing figures of the Pirates of the Caribbean actors like Johnny Depp, Orlando Bloom and Keira Knightley. I had a wonderful time.
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Hyde Park
After Madame Tussauds I had a quick lunch, and then I felt like doing an outdoor activity, so I took a walk in Hyde Park. It’s a huge park which has been open to the public since 1637. Before that it was owned by kings for deer hunting and so on. From the very beginning it was owned by the monks of Westminster Abbey, but it was given to Henry VIII in 1536. Anyway, as I was walking around in Hyde Park, I got to Speakers Corner. It’s a place where people are allowed to do public speaking, and you can almost say whatever you like without getting caught. The only things you’re not aloud to speak about are the British Government and the Royal Family.
I left Hyde Park after a lovely couple of hours in the beautiful area and the well-spoken Speakers Corner. I was going to finish the day with a nice dinner and then visit the famous musical, Phantom of the Opera. The musical is played at Her Majesty’s Theatre in Westminster and is a musical based on the novel written by Gaston Leroux, who was a French novelist. Andrew Lloyd Webber is the composer of the music.
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Opera ghost musical
The musical is about an opera ghost (the Phantom) with a deformed face. He is unlucky and very much in love with one of the chorus girls whom he taught to sing. He even kidnaps her at one time to hide and marry her.
It was a very thrilling and exciting story when the phantom terrorised the actors and workers at the opera house in Paris (that’s where the story took place). I enjoyed it very much and the music was absolutely fantastic. It was a perfect end of my first day in London.
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Piccadilly Circus
The next morning after a very delicious breakfast buffet, I was heading towards Piccadilly Circus, which is situated approximately fifteen minutes walk away from the hotel. Piccadilly Circus is a big square located in the centre of London. It used to be an attractive place for companies to advertise, often in neon lights. Today it’s only one of the many buildings that are available for advertising. In the south western part of the square there is fountain called “The Shaftesbury Memorial Fountain” It was built in 1893. I went into the Lilywhites, a five floors big building, and it’s one of the biggest sport stores in England. It was incredibly big!
After a lunch at one of the restaurants at Piccadilly Circus, I went to visit the Buckingham Palace. I placed myself at the forecourt to watch the changing of the guards. Then I took a guided tour through the “Queens Galley” where I could see the art and jewellery collections.
Theatre of St Martin
Since I had been walking all day long, I looked forward to sit down and watch the famous play, The Mousetrap. I took the tube to West end where the theatre of St Martin’s is situated. I have heard that it is the longest running show of any kind in the whole world; it has been played for the past 52 years. It is written by Agatha Christie, who was one of the greatest crime writers. So I just had to see it. I finished the evening with a great dinner back at the hotel and then I went straight to bed.
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Tower of London
The morning after I woke up early and had a quick breakfast, then I went to the underground station. I was on my way to the Tower of London. I was in a little bit of a hurry to get there in time for my guided tour through the tower. I had heard that the guides were beefeaters and that they told the nine hundred years old story about the castle. I jumped of the tube at Tower Hill station, where the tower is closely situated.
It was going to be very exciting to listen to the horror stories about executions at the castle with the nickname “The Bloody Tower”. Close to the Tower of London, is the Tower Bridge, and for all people who had a London pass, the Tower Bridge exhibition was free of charge. The exhibition took place in one of the two towers, and there was also a museum. The view from the bridge was one of the most beautiful I had ever seen. I could almost see the whole city of London. In the afternoon I visited the big department store Harrods, which is situated in Knightsbridge. This famous department store was built in 1849 and it is over 160 years old. It started out as a grocery store. Today there are more than five thousand people working at Harrods. It is a very expensive store, so I didn’t buy anything, even though you could find everything here. After a couple of hours wandering around in the huge store, I took the tube back to the hotel. I was very exhausted and my legs were tired so I fell asleep quite soon.
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The old gothic church
The following morning I woke up, had my breakfast, and then I got to the tube station. I was going to visit Westminster Abbey, which is a nine hundred years old gothic church in London. Its proper name is The Collegiate Church of St. Peter, but it’s more often called Westminster Abbey. It s situated in the heart of London, next to Parliament Square and opposite the House of Parliament. At eleven o’clock, I went on a tour through the church. The guide was informing about the history of Westminster Abbey while he showed us around. We went to the Library and Muniment Room houses and saw all of the very important collections that belonged to Dean and Chapter of Westminster.
After a couple of very nice and interesting hours I went to eat lunch at a restaurant located not so far from the church. During the afternoon, I went on the Jubilee line to see the Millennium Dome. It is an arena in London which opened in December 1999, and after that it has been open to the general public during the whole of the year 2000. The Dome has the largest coherent roof in the world and it is among other things connected by twelve supporting towers that represents the twelve months of the year. It really is a huge arena, and it is nice to have seen it.
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Millennium Dome and the Oxford Street
Later in the evening after visiting the Millennium Dome, I took the tube to Oxford Street. Oxford Street is a one and a half mile long shopping street, and it claims to be the busiest street in Europe. It has got hundreds of shops and big department stores. Some of the best-known are: Selfridges, Marks & Spencer and John Lewis. The biggest department stores are about seven floors high. The street begins at Marble Arch and ends at Tottenham Court Road. At Oxford Street you can find all kinds of shops. It’s the major shopping street in central London, but it’s not the most expensive or fashionable. I bought a lot of presents to bring home to my family.
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Fish and Chips
It was amazing to walk down the street that I had heard and read so much about. I finished the day with a famous fast-food dinner, Fish and Chips. Then I walked home to the hotel (which was only two minutes away) and went to bed. I looked forward to a new and exciting day tomorrow!
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London Eye
I woke up after a good night’s sleep, prepared for new adventures. I was going to start the day by visiting the famous London Eye which is a huge Ferris wheel located next to London aquarium and Big Ben. It is the largest Ferris wheel in the world. It’s about one hundred meters high and weighs approximately 1600 tons. It has got thirtytwo cabins and the ride goes on for about 30-40 minutes. The view from the top of the wheel was fantastic. I could see some of London’s other sightseeing spots like Big Ben and Buckingham Palace. Depending on the ticket you had bought, you could get a binocular and a guide who showed and featured most of the sights you could see from the London Eye.
St. Paul’s Cathedral
After the ride, I went to the Waterloo mainline station which is situated within five minutes walking distance. From there I took the tube towards St. Paul’s Cathedral, a big church in London, built in the 16th century. It is the biggest cathedral in north Europe and the most classicists one in England. It also has the heaviest church clock in the United Kingdom, it weighs 16 tons. I took a tour through this big and beautiful cathedral which took about two hours. It was very interesting.
Not far from the church you could see the river Thames. I went there on a boat trip later in the day. It was called The Route. The trip began at Westminster Abbey. During the boat ride we passed by a lot of old famous historical places like The London Eye, St. Paul’s Cathedral (where I just had been) and Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre. Finally when we came through London Bridge we saw the Tower of London and the Battle-Cruiser HMS Belfast. After the boat trip I had dinner at a very nice restaurant close to the pier. Another great day was finished and later in the evening I went back to the hotel and had a relaxing end of the day.
National Portrait Gallery
The following day, I had decided to visit the National Portrait Gallery, because they had a Pop art exhibition going on. The Gallery is situated in the centre of London, at St. Martins Place. Some of the painted portraits I could see at the exhibition was; Marilyn Monroe, painted by Andy Warhol, and Elvis Presley, painted by Allen Jones. The exhibition was divided into six sections but I thought that it was most fun to look at the drawings of the famous Marilyn Monroe and Elvis Presley.
Trafalgar Square
When I had walked around in there for a couple of hours I went out to get some lunch. Then I moved on to the famous Trafalgar Square. Trafalgar Square is a very big square with a lot of history in central London and is one of Britain’s great tourist attractions. In the middle of the square there is a big column, called Nelson’s Column, surrounded by different kinds of fountains and big bronze lions designed and sculpted by sir Edwin Lutyens and Sir Edwin Landseer in 1939.
On the east side of the square is the St. Martin’s in-the-Fields church and on the north side is the National Gallery. After a lot of walking it was very nice to finish the day by going to the cinema and watch a movie. I went to the Cranbourn Cinema, at Leicester Square and saw a movie called Ratatouille. It was a lovely Disney movie about a rat and a boy that together made a perfect couple in a restaurant kitchen. A lot of complications occurred, but of course a happy ending as always in Disney movies. I was in a good mood when I went back home to the hotel and got to bed.
Shakespeare’s famous theatre
The last day, I hadn’t made up any plans, but the previous day I had found a brochure about Shakespeare’s famous theatre, The Globe, so I decided to go there. But first I had to shop the last things that I needed to bring home, and then do some packing. I didn’t have to leave the hotel before six o’clock, so I had plenty of time. About twelve o’clock I arrived with the tube at Waterloo Mainline station, and from there it was excellent footpaths along the river that took me to The Globe. I had read the story about The Globe and how it was dismantled and moved on a boat over the river Thames during a single night. The Globe is open for the general public seven days a week. I spent almost an hour walking around, exploring the Elizabethan theatre which was from the beginning an open amphitheatre. It is today recreated to fit the modern London It would have been great to see one of the famous plays like Romeo and Juliet or Hamlet, but at this time of the year it was only different lectures and classes going on in the building. So that had to wait.
House of Parliament
After a lunch at the restaurant near The Globe; I headed off, towards the House of Parliament. The House of Parliament is situated at the north shore of the river Thames and along with the Big Ben clock tower. This house is the ultimate symbol in London. I took a seventy-five minute long tour through the Parliament, at a price of £3.50, which was quite a good price. I got to see treasures like; King Charles’s death warrant, the throne and the robing rooms etc. It was really exciting. The tour was certainly worth the time and the money.
The end of the tour
When the tour was over I went back to the hotel and packed the rest of my stuff. I had a couple of hours left before I had to leave the hotel and get to the airport (I had booked a late flight that didn’t leave until nine o’clock). Now I didn’t really know what to do. Then I got a brilliant idea. I could go and see a football game! I looked it up on the internet at the hotel, and booked a last-minute ticket to a match between Fulham v Blackburn River. I didn’t recognize the teams, but that didn’t matter. The game was held at Craven Cottage stadium which was the home arena of Fulham Football Club. I had read that the site of the ground had been built in the late 1700th century, and that it had a historical background. The ticket cost about £20 and the game started at 4 o’clock.
Afterwards, when I got back to the hotel, picked up my luggage and sat down in the bus, I looked back at my trip. Time had flown very quickly, but it had been a very fun and interesting week. I learned a lot of things. I would love to go to London some time again!
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nightmare-afton-cosplay · 6 years ago
SoCal House of the Future Comes Equipped With a Drone Helipad
The Agency
When it was built in 1959, the Southern California house known as Starview was considered the house of the future. The midcentury exhibition home built by architect Jacob Tracht was considered a masterpiece of futuristic design.
These days, the Starview is still a masterpiece of futuristic design thanks to the efforts of Rick Perkins of Perkins Development Group.
The developer purchased the property in 2016 for $2,270,000 and transformed it into the home of the future … for today’s age. His dramatic renovation also comes with a distinctly 2018 price tag of $12 million.
Starview helipad
The Agency
The Agency
We attended Starview’s launch party to see what went into this multimillion-dollar project
“The Starview has always been a dream for me,” Perkins said. “I wanted to find a home with a steep history of forward thinking and reimagine it. My team and I were able to transform it into a show palace of luxury, decadence, and environmental responsibility.”
How does going green mesh with decadence? Well, the home is able to function off the electrical grid, thanks to a series of solar panels on the roof that draw in energy and store it in Tesla batteries.
Though visionary the power system may be, it’s not the sexiest feature of the home.
That honor goes to the passenger drone helipad. You read that right. There’s a landing area for a passenger drone helicopter, which falls in line with a home for the future.
SureFly, a personal drone helicopter
Ali Leventhal (The Agency)
If you’re unfamiliar with the concept (which we were), the drone provided by SureFly is an octocopter (four arms, eight rotors) with an advanced autopilot system. In other words, the thing flies itself.
It’s as quiet as a car, and the rotors won’t ruin your ‘do. It features a two-hour flight time battery, can carry 552 pounds, and has an emergency ballistic parachute. It’s as close as we’ve come to a flying car and looks like the perfect vehicle of the future. However, the FAA hasn’t approved the drone yet and it’s illegal to land a helicopter in this tony neighborhood.
Perkins believes the rules will change over the next couple of years. He’s prepared for cities to accommodate anticipated services, including Amazon drone delivery and Uber’s proposed aircraft on-demand project, Elevate.
SureFly octocopter on its helipad
Ali Leventhal (The Agency)
Even if you don’t want to shell out $200,000 for a SureFly of your own, the developer thinks you’ll be able to summon an Uber aircraft to land in your backyard someday. Perkins himself is on the SureFly waiting list, ready to enjoy a 9-minute commute from his work in Brentwood to his home in Burbank.
The rest of the house of the future is equally stylish and extremely livable.
Perkins expanded the interior living space from 4,517 square feet to 8,059. He added a third-floor master suite on top, and an entire lower level below the original home. With the home situated on the side of a hill, all the additions have the same spectacular views of the city, ocean, and iconic Getty Center.
The deck extends out over the new lower level.
Ali Leventhal (The Agency)
The home now has six en suite bedrooms and 7.5 well-appointed bathrooms. Two of those bedrooms are master suites, both with walk-in closets measuring approximately 250 square feet.
Before: master suite
After: master suite
Ali Leventhal (The Agency)
Before: bathroom
After: bathroom
Ali Leventhal (The Agency)
There’s a main-floor great room with an open, modern kitchen featuring an enormous island. We also loved the open-air atrium on the main floor.
New kitchen
Ali Leventhal (The Agency)
Dining room and atrium
The Agency
The new downstairs level features a game room, media room, gallery, and gym with bathroom featuring an infrared light sauna.
Ali Leventhal (The Agency)
Ali Leventhal (The Agency)
The attached three-car garage now features a car-lift, so you can store your fanciest wheels underground—away from prying eyes.
Garage with car-lift
Ali Leventhal (The Agency)
Perkins also rebuilt the pool and gave it a Baja shelf. The outdoor decks offer plenty of room to entertain, and the helipad doubles as a viewing deck when no drone is perched there.
New pool
Ali Leventhal (The Agency)
Naturally, this home of the future is fully automated, allowing the homeowner to control the lights, audio, room temperature, doors, and a 28-foot glass wall that opens up the main living area to the pool deck with an iPad.
“Whomever purchases this home will be light-years ahead in terms of home technology and off-the-grid sensibilities,” says Perkins.
Listing broker Billy Rose, founder and president of The Agency, agrees.
“Rick Perkins and his team have created the home of the future with their Starview masterpiece,” Rose says. “This property is arguably one of the most exciting new homes developed in Los Angeles.”
Builder Rick Perkins and broker Billy Rose
Ali Leventhal (The Agency)
After sitting in the SureFly and the sauna, enjoying the views, watching that car-lift in action, and enjoying all the lights and music powered by the Tesla batteries, we have to admit he has a point.
The post SoCal House of the Future Comes Equipped With a Drone Helipad appeared first on Real Estate News & Insights | realtor.com®.
from https://www.realtor.com/news/unique-homes/home-future-brentwood-drone-helipad/
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rollin-like-reigns · 8 years ago
liminal, the beginning
this is going to be a series of short oneshots following roman after he moves into a weird, out of touch with reality town with even weirder people, and some ambreigns moments eventually I guess (inspired by my weird interest in liminal spaces) ((also it’s set in new zealand))
taglist (if anyone would even wanna be tagged in this lmao): @sabrina-the-champ
Everything in him had screamed when he saw the house for sale in his local newspaper, and not in a good way. The house wasn't rent like he'd been looking for, but the price of it was so unbelievably low that he could nearly buy it straight up.
In hindsight, it was a little weird that his local paper had advertised the house. But he was desperate, and didn't care it was miles away in some place he'd never even heard of.
He bought it. It was done.
And he hadn't been expecting much. Three bedrooms, one bathroom, and a big backyard . . . the pictures weren't promising, though. The previous owners had been in the process of renovating it, because the house was in a bad state of neglect. 
There was a list of problems longer than Roman's pinkie finger. But again, he was desperate, and the timing couldn't've been more perfect for him. His current place wasn't exactly a palace, either, a shitty, cramped apartment with only two windows.
The countdown to moving day was brief, the previous owners had up and left nearly the same day Roman had bought the house. He doesn't know why he didn't find that weird.
He doesn't have much to pack anyway, either, so with only a few boxes and a couple of pieces of furniture, he turns the lights off for the last time in his old apartment and closes the door behind him, not even looking back.
Moving trucks be damned, he thinks as he finishes hoisting the furniture into a small, borrowed trailer all by himself. This feels infinitely different from when he first moved out of his parent's house, he realises.
That time, he had friends over to help, and even his parents themselves, helping him simply load a few boxes into his car and holding him painfully tight before letting him go. It had been a bittersweet day, but it'd been necessary. He always knew he could've gone back if he wanted to, anyway.
The smile fades as Roman stops reminiscing. Today isn't that day. (He isn't that person anymore). He has to get moving.
Open roads are the best thing about driving. As a boy he always liked to lean out the window like a dog until his cheeks were numb from cold winds. He can't do that anymore, but he can have all the windows open, and an arm lazily hanging out as the other controls the wheel and vibey music rolls out from some local station.
The only thing around him is typical farm land, and mountains off in the distance. He swears he knows the name of two of them, the shapes familiar, but the names escape him no matter how hard he tries to remember. 
It's just the day for rides like these, too. Sun out, warmth pouring down lazily onto Roman's sun kissed skin.
He suddenly wishes he'd been able to find a place by the beach, maybe a small little bach with lots of friendly neighbours, a small dog and a cat that would only get along occasionally. He'd have barbecues in the backyard and invite all his friends and-
He didn't have enough money for that. He pushes it out of his mind.
Instead, he focuses ahead, sees a dark cloud looming above, staring the sun down, like a silent threat. It looks like it's over the direction he's heading in. He sighs. It doesn't matter. Nothing he can do about it.
The thing that alerts Roman he's close to his destination is a graveyard.
It's just there, to his left, not even fenced off (another thing that's weird, there's no fences around the road. How can there not be farms out here?) and it looks old. There's only a dozen or so stones there, and once he's passed it, he feels like it didn't even exist. Why the hell was there a graveyard just . . . there? Was there a battle around here?
Then he sees it; the sign. Possibility the shittiest looking welcome sign he's ever seen.
"Harae mai, Wairua." He has to squint to make out the words, the sign so rusted and dirty.
Another minute of driving brings him to the 'main road', if you could call it that. It's literally just a single road, with shops that seem to provide only the bare necessities for people. No chain stores, no other roads leading off with other stores. The place doesn't even look like it has a memorial hall. What town doesn't have a memorial hall?
All the signs are old, and there is hardly anyone out and about. Roman grips the steering wheel just a little bit tighter. It's just a small community. That's all.
To get to his new house he only has to turn a couple more times. All the houses look fairly normal. A few have seen better days, but for the most part the streets look like any other that he's seen.
One thing he does notice is that there are no kids running around like he's so used to seeing, especially in smaller towns like this. Not a single lawn he passes has any toys or anything at all. He frowns to himself, but brushes it off.
Finally, he turns onto his street, houses to the left of him and another unfenced field on the right.
He knows which house it is. The two houses next to his look exactly like the kind of house you'd expect old people to live in. Brick, a massive garden, some small naked lady statues. Except, no one lives in them, and the grass has overgrown and all the carefully tended to flowers are dead.
His house, however, is an even sadder sight.
Peeling paint, grass up to his knees, one of the front windows broken . . . but still, he was expecting it.
The closing thud of his car door is loud. He realises the sun isn't shining anymore, and as predicted, the dark cloud is looming directly above. Roman pauses for a second, looking up one end of the street, and then down the other, wondering what kind of neighbours he's landed with.
He fiddles with the key in his hand as he approaches the door, looking around at all the random crap the previous owners had left behind. He sighs. Nothing he couldn't deal with, anyway.
The door takes forever to unlock, but it does, and it creaks open noisily to reveal a bland hallway. Bedroom immediately to the right, living room at the end of the hall to the left, kitchen to the right of that, bathroom and other bedrooms to the right.
His feet thud loudly on the wooden floor as he walks down the hall, the air so, so much colder in here than it is outside, a stark contrast to the drive here. All the rooms are bare.
It's like no one has ever even lived here, but that's just crazy, of course people have lived here before.
He stands in the centre of the living room, hands on his hips as he sighs, staring at the ground.
Well. He's here now. His new life.
The only thing he can do is hope that he hasn't just made another mistake.
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wikitopx · 5 years ago
This sacred town in Normandy’s Calvados department hardly needs an introduction for Catholics as it’s France’s second pilgrimage site behind Lourdes.
The 19th-century Saint Thérèse spent nearly all her life in the Lisieux, first in an idyllic house with her father and then at the Carmelite convent from the age of 14. If you’re following in her footsteps there’s a smattering of Thérèse-related sites around the town. But for everybody else there’s just as much to see and do: Lisieux has a real gastronomic pedigree, making Calvados apple brandy and some of France’s most prized cheeses, while there is a welcoming zoo, Deaville's sophisticated castle and luxurious resort just a breeze away. Discover the best things to do in Lisieux.
1. Basilica of St Thérèse
This church built in St Thérèse’s honor is the second most-visited pilgrimage site in France after Lourdes. To get a picture of the fervor that Thérèse generated in the first decades of the 20th century, the entire cost of this church was paid for by donations.
There was enough to start work in 1929 and following a pause, during the war, the decorative neo-Byzantine basilica with a 45-meter high campanile was consecrated in 1951. The crypt is the essential bit and was the first section completed; it is furnished with sculpted marble and mosaics depicting the stages of Thérèse’s life.
It was here that Lisieux’s few remaining locals took refuge during the Allied bombing in 1944.
2. Château de Saint-Germain-de-Livet
Located in a forest outside Lisieux, this magical castle dates back to the 1400s. The property was built on top of an earlier fortress, but apart from the moat, you can tell that this home was designed for luxury rather than defense.
The Renaissance gatehouse and towers are from the end of the 1500s and are made from stone and glazed bricks arranged in a chequerboard pattern, while the bulk of the house is older, from the 1400s and is half-timbered.
The interior was richly decorated and had paintings by the romantic artist Léon Riesener, a cousin of Eugène Delacroix.
3. Les Buissonnets
Saint Thérèse's house was 4 to 15 years old, when she joined Carmelite Monastery, Les Buissonnets was a lovely 18th-century hotel a short walk from the town center.
The Martin family moved to Les Buissonnets in 1877 shortly after Thérèse's mother died and it was here that she contracted an unknown disease that she attributed to the statue of the Virgin Mary in her cousin's room.
Step inside to browse the Martin family properties, like the cloak Thérèse wore for the first communion she and her father learned. In the garden, there’s a statue memorializing the moment she asked her father if she could enter the Carmel in 1887.
4. Musée d’Art et d’Histoire de Lisieux
With an enchanting home in one of the last remaining timber-framed houses in the town, Lisieux’s museum of history and art reopened in 2013 after a few years of renovation. It holds the coveted French Museum label, and traces the story of the city from Roman times to the present day, pausing at the most important periods along the way.
So you’ll get detailed insight into the 19th-century dressmaking industry, the post-war reconstruction of the town and the medieval bishops who wielded great power hundreds of years ago.
5. Lisieux Cathedral
At the transition between Norman Romanesque and Gothic, Lisieux’s cathedral was built in 60 years up to 1230 and was one of the only monuments to come through the war without too much damage.
Outside the architecture is sober and understated, but inside you’ll be awed by the height of the vaults in the nave, which are similar to those at the Notre-Dame in Paris. If you’re on the Thérèse trail you’ll be thrilled to learn that it was while praying in the cathedral’s chapels in the 1880s that her religious calling was revealed to her.
She would stop to pray in the Notre-Dame Chapel here every morning before going to school, while the confessional was just like she had visited after receiving her first Communion.
6. Zoo de CERZA
A couple of minutes outside Lisieux is a 60-hectare safari park where more than 1,000 animals live in semi-freedom in woodland and green valleys. You’ll be able to view them on two trails, or aboard a “Safari Train”, sure to go down well with younger kids.
Many of the species in the park are threatened with extinction, and CERZA is involved in 40 breeding programs and directs profits conservation around the world. Some rare species have given birth at the park in the last few years, like the Indian rhinoceros (a first for France) and red pandas.
7. Carmel Museum and Chapel
At 14 Thérèse moved from her home to this Carmelite Convent where she remained until she passed way in 1897 at just 24 years old. This is a working convent but there’s an exhibition about her time here and a chapel where you can visit her reliquary.
The temple has a saint's supernatural marble sculpture on top of her remains, carried through the town in a procession at the end of September. If you’re less interested in the Thérèse phenomenon you’ll appreciate the footage and photographs that give an idea of the life of the Carmelites up to the present day.
8. Jardin de l’Évêché
André Le Nôtre, a gardener in Versailles, placed these gardens next to the church in the 17th century.
And in true Le Nôtre style, they have an official French plan, with geometric lawns, flowerbeds, and roads organized around a fountain and placed below a terrace where you can reflect on the vision.
The park was laid for the city’s bishop and canons, who lived in the episcopal palace next door, which was later converted into Lisieux’s courthouse.
9. Deauville
You can be on the beach in half an hour from Lisieux. And there, there's nothing normal about the nearest resort: Polished Deauville is a seaside outlet developed in the 1860s and put on the fashion map by Coco Chanel in the 1910s.
Earlier, Deauville had been visited by the writer Flaubert and painter Eugène Boudin, who died here in 1898. The American Film Festival has been bringing stars since September and the resort's luxury resort is highlighted by casinos, beach spas, luxury hotels, shops, and two racecourses.
But for a day trip from Lisieux, you can content yourself with more than three kilometers of spotless golden sand.
10. Graindorge Fromagerie
Livarot is under 20 kilometers from Lisieux, and this village is a household name for anyone who loves good cheese.
You can visit Graindorge Fromagerie here, which has been operating since 1910. Each wheel of Livarot and Pont l’Evêque it makes is the product of three generations of cheese-making knowhow.
The diary has been laid out in a way that allows you to see most aspects of cheese production through the enameling galleries looking directly at the diary floor. There are explanatory videos, information boards and you’ll get to sample of the fromagerie’s delicious wares at the end of the tour.
More ideals for you: Top 10 things to do in Libourne
From : https://wikitopx.com/travel/top-10-things-to-do-in-lisieux-708912.html
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porhomme · 5 years ago
Photos and words by Atif Kazmi for Por Homme
The view from the bi-level penthouse of the newly renovated Hotel de Paris in Monaco is tremendous. The street right below plays host to the Monaco Grand Prix every May while the Monaco Yacht Club sits right past it. The palace sits out in the distance and tourists can be seen taking photos and going in and out of Hermes and other boutiques that line Avenue de Monte-Carlo. And even with all the luxurious touches throughout the square-mile city-state, there’s nothing quite like seeing the sun rise over the Mediterranean. The Hotel’s renovation was a four-year project that ran the bill up to nearly $300 million, with the ultimate goal being to modernize the iconic establishment while preserving what made it so special in the first place. With the introduction of the all-new 2020 Bentley Flying Spur, the goals were similar and just as ambitious.
With a 100-year legacy on the line, anything Bentley does now is met with scrutiny. Loyalists are holding on to the brand’s storied history while a younger generation is waiting to be pulled in with technology and a future-thinking approach to luxury. JP Gregory, Head of Exterior Design for Bentley, and his team have been up for the task and they’ve already proven themselves through the success of the all-new Bentley Continental GT. But although many of our favorites elements of the GT have made their way into here, the Flying Spur is focused on an experience that’s as engaging for the driver as it is for the folks in the back. It’s like a double-sided coin where losing isn’t even an option.
Those looking to purchase the all-new Flying Spur understand this quite well. They’ve put in countless days and nights to achieve the highest level of success and aren’t showing any signs of letting up. They’ve also been the ones flipping the coin and writing their own paths in the process. For the journey, there’s no alternative as versatile.
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The all-aluminum body work is a massive shift from past generation Flying Spurs, making this the most nimble Flying Spur to date. Muscular fenders give it a confidence stance and the lightweight structure helps translate the W12’s monstrous performance figures into numbers that are startling for a sedan of this stature. The 626 horsepower and 664 pound-feet of torque give the all-new Flying Spur a top speed of 207 mph and a 0-to-60 time of just 3.7 seconds. The engine’s got an intelligent cylinder deactivation system that delivers a 500-mile driving range and fifteen percent more efficiency over the outgoing model.
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Help from various innovative features makes driving the 2020 Bentley Flying Spur more enjoyable and easier. All Wheel Steering helps with the car’s turning circle at low speeds and delivers more agility and maneuverability on the open road with less steering effort. Blend this with the luxury sedan’s All-Wheel Drive system and Bentley Dynamic Ride and how you drive it has become as bespoke and customized as its interior.
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Our time with the Flying Spur throughout the South of France had us maneuvering through tight, winding roads as well as open highways. We drove but also gave the reigns so that we could be driven. It’s remarkable that the invisible veil between the front and rear makes for such a stark contrast between the two. Everything you see from the driver’s seat caters to the driving experience while there isn’t an element or amenity you can’t access or adjust from the back seats. The touchscreen ejects as the press of a button and quite literally puts everything in to the hands of the person being driven. This includes everything from controlling the glass-to-glass panoramic sunroof to just about anything you might normally access from the 12.3-inch Central Display that’s a part of the Bentley Rotating Display up front.
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The luxury sedan’s interior features a contemporary design that’s balancing innovation with contemporary, impeccably-crafted detailing. The Bentley Rotating Display may be the first thing to grab your attention but there’s plenty more to keep you there. The quilting design in the seats and doors pulls inspiration from what we’ve seen in the new Bentley GT but has it going all the way through in a way that adds more richness and 3D dimensionality. If you’re looking for even more depth, opt for the 19-speaker Naim audio system.
Bentley’s commitment to the next 100 years goes beyond the cars and SUVs that ultimately land on the roads. The process and resources used to bring them to life matters also. That’s why our friends in Crewe have announced the completion of UK’s largest ever solar car port at the Bentley factory. It covers over 1,300 parking spaces and ensures that all electricity used to manufacture every Bentley is solar or certified green.
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The introduction of the 2020 Bentley Flying Spur proves that true luxury is uncompromising. It’s also the finishing touch on what has been a remarkable year for the iconic British brand. See more of the Flying Spur in the gallery and look for it to land in Bentley showrooms soon.
To Drive or Be Driven | 2020 Bentley Flying Spur Is For Those Looking To Write Their Own Paths Photos and words by Atif Kazmi for Por Homme The view from the bi-level penthouse of the newly renovated Hotel de Paris in Monaco is tremendous.
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