#reno riggins
machobusta · 5 months
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Diesel and Shawn Michaels vs. Reno Riggins and Gary Scott WWF Superstars October 15, 1994
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hostilecityshowdown · 2 years
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The Garbage Man was just another wrestler... until PWI ranked him 500th in the "PWI 500." When he finally got a big-time match to go with his big-time rating, his loyal fans were ready. He did not disappoint them.
Everybody talks trash. In sports, if you don't talk trash nowadays, you aren't playing the game right. At least, that's what the trash-talkers say.
The Garbage Man does more than talk trash. He picks it up and hauls it away. When he isn't throwing punches and dropkicks, he's filling dumpsters with coffee […]"
"Someone has to anchor the annual "PWI 500" survey, and this year it was the Florida-based Garbage Man. The ranking turned out to be a major break in his career, as he got a WWF tryout and defeated Reno Riggins."
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federationforever · 2 years
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WWF Superstar August 28th 1993 Utica Memorial Auditorium Utica, New York
1-2-3 Kid v  Brooklyn Brawler The Heavenly Bodies v  Tony Roy & Jason Headings Virgil v Ludvig Borga Mr. Perfect v Duane Gill The Smoking Gunns v Reno Riggins & Barry Hardy
#WWF #WorldWrestlingFederation #Superstars #WWFClassic #Flashback #OldSchool #WWE #WrestlingCommunity
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thisstylesguy · 7 years
I was tagged by @rakkauskul and @lovingharry2017. Thank you so much :)  Rules: Tag 20 friends you would like to get to know better Nickname: Nat, Nati Zodiac sign: Leo Height: 5′4" Last thing you googled: Guantanamo Bay for a paper I’m working on lmfao Favourite music artist: uhhhh way too many lol The Killers, Boston, John Mayer, Duran Duran, Empire of the Sun, ABBA, The Strokes, 1D duh Song stuck in my head: Shooting Stars - Bag Raiders Last movie you watched: Beauty and the Beast What are you wearing right now: pjs  What do you post: Harry, shocker!! Why did you choose your URL: not sure, I just typed it in and it wasn’t taken so I went with it Do you have other blogs: Nah fam, one is more than I can handle What did your last relationship teach you: boys suck Religious or spiritual: I can be religious at times but it doesn’t dictate my life Favourite colour: black tbh Average hours of sleep: probably like 7 Lucky number: n/a lol I ain’t lucky Favourite characters: Sean Maguire, Tim Riggins, there are more but I can’t think rn lol How many blankets do you sleep with: 2 Dream job: I’d love to flip houses and do home reno one day. Or be a big corporate exec
I feel like everyone has done this so if you haven’t done this and you want to, this goes out to you. Cheers!  
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mattylovescomics · 8 years
MattyLovesPodcast #52 -"A CHIKARA Special with Kevin Ford"
MattyLovesPodcast #52 -“A CHIKARA Special with Kevin Ford”
In this latest episode of MLP, Matt de Simone interviews Pro Wrestling Ponderings co-founder, NOVA Pro Wrestling’s lead commentator, and the operator of The CHIKARA Special, KEVIN FORD. They discuss their earliest introductions into pro-wrestling, Ford’s connection to CHIKARA Pro Wrestling, NOVA Pro Wrestling, and Reno Riggins.…
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wrestlingmullets · 7 years
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Reno Riggins
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scheduledfor1fall · 7 years
Raw 3/22/93 Review
Well, this is it, everyone. The last episode of Raw before the big stinker itself: Wrestlemania 9! After sifting through weeks of Raw and watching the card come together, I’ve gotten it in my head that following my review of Wrestlemania IX, which shouldn’t be too much longer after this, I’ll be making a post with my ideas for improving the show. I’m usually not too fond of armchair booking, per se. I usually do it in terms of predicting where the booking might go and comparing it to my own predictions, but I just don’t have it in me to pull out booking ideas as a WhatCulture-esque “I could do it better” game. That said, Wrestlemania IX to this day has a reputation of being one of the worst, if not the single worst Wrestlemania of all time, and I think outside of large scale angles like The Invasion, would probably be a common target for rebooking. So, expect to see those two posts in the near future. But, for now, let’s get right into it; the go-home show for Wrestlemania!
 Raw starts with the intro and goes right into introducing our commentators for the night, Savage, Bartlett, and McMahon. After Bartlett’s tedious imitation of McMahon last week, I’m weirdly relieved to see the genuine article here at ringside. We’re back at the Manhattan Center, as they run down the card, which reads like any other mediocre episode of Raw from this time. Excitement! The Bushwhackers music hits for what I believe is their debut on Raw. Already in the ring is the awesome tag team of Damien Demento and Repo Man. After some delay, the Bushwhackers are seen parading around the balcony. Back from the break, as the Bushwhackers are still in the crowd, albeit in the lower level. They climb in the ring, and one of them plants a kiss on the larger ring girl, who seems to be a recurring character on Raw.
 Yuck. Awful, awful match. I’m aware of The Bushwhackers’ reputation as violent heels, but they were just abysmal here. Lots of biting, lots of deliberately missed spots, and just general goofiness that wasn’t even entertaining enough to laugh at. At least Demento and Repo Man tried. 1/4 *.
 After the match, Vince speculates that we may be seeing more of The Bushwhackers in the future, which I take as a threat. After the break, out comes Tatanka, for what feels like his ten thousandth match in the Manhattan Center. He’s squaring off against Reno Riggins, a longtime jobber best known for his work in Memphis in the 90’s:
 Your usual Tatanka squash. I’m not sure if the crowd’s just getting jaded on Raw in general, but they were deathly silent for this match. Maybe it’s a condemnation of Tatanka, or maybe they’ve just seen it all at this point. I know I feel that way watching Tatanka on Raw.
 After the match, Vince McMahon announces that a WWF Hall of Fame was recently formed, and the first inductee is none other than the recently deceased Andre the Giant. We get a nice video package highlighting Andre’s career in the WWF, officially signaling his induction. The story of Andre the Giant is absolutely extraordinary, and he’s honestly one of my favorite wrestlers to just read about. Classy tribute to the Eight Wonder of the World. After the break, out comes the Tag Team Champions Money Inc., as they get ready to face the team of Scott Rich and Jeff Armstrong. Before the match, IRS warns the crowd that the tax deadline is drawing near, advising them not to cheat on their taxes. I adore the one-track nature of IRS:
 Short, one-sided squash. I was actually very distracted here, as they cut to Rob Bartlett switching through channels at ringside during the match. Well, that’s a nice idea to plant into the viewer’s head. Actually, if I were watching live, I would probably just stick with the program, just so I could be doing the opposite of Rob Bartlett. Have I mentioned he sucks lately? Because he does. He really, really does.
 We get the last Wrestlemania IX Report, as they hammer home the big matches, as well as the thrilling “toga party” aspect of the event. Gosh, I wonder why people don’t look on this show so fondly. I should also mention that Mean Gene claimed his toga had less material than a piece of dental floss, so I would not be surprised if people were scared away from buying the show just from that one statement. After that, we get a plug for the main event, Kamala vs. Doink the Clown. Dear God. Out comes a newly afroed Doink, holding a present once again. Out next is Kamala with Reverend Slick:
 A sideshow main event that really didn’t do much to entertain. The finish came when Kamala started chasing Doink around the ring, until Doink offered him the present, which turned out to be empty. They awarded the match to Doink, I guess because he got in the ring first, but I believe both men were counted out at the same time, as they were both outside when the bell rang. Doesn’t matter much, the match sucked regardless. 1/2 *.
 Post-match, Kamala chases Doink once again, but this time, Doink crawls under the ring. Kamala follows suit, but Doink emerges on the other side, steals Howard Finkel’s chair, and hits Kamala in the head with it as he tries to emerge. Holy shit, Doink the Clown is actually a pretty great heel. Kamala eventually emerges from another side of the ring, sneaks up behind Doink, and chases him to the back with the chair.
 After a few commercials, we cut back to ringside, as the commentators are surrounded by 3 large ring girls. Vince McMahon announces Rob Bartlett as the winner of the 1993 Spam Eating Contest. I’m not going to touch that one. Vince refers to the ring girls as members of Bartlett’s fan club, possibly the sole members, one of whom proceeds to make out with Bartlett. Wow, if you thought Mauro Ranallo was mistreated, wait until you see this segment. It’s becoming more and more clear that they want Bartlett out with each passing week. The feeling is mutual on my end. They plug a USA Special that serves as the true go-home show to Wrestlemania, with Savage vs. Yokozuna, and Bam Bam Bigelow vs. The Undertaker. That sounds awesome, but I don’t believe it’s up on the Network right now. I should probably just stick with Raw and PPV’s for now, anyways. Raw goes off the air with Savage denying Bartlett a handshake, and Vince plugging the Rob Bartlett fan club. Gripping stuff.
 I thought that last week’s Raw was perhaps the worst episode I’d seen to date. I’d like to apologize for that hasty statement, as I now sincerely believe that this episode was even worse. I guess I can excuse the lack of proper build to Wrestlemania by acknowledging that they had a USA special a week before the show to do that. But that doesn’t excuse the half-assed matches and the insufferable Rob Bartlett segments. I was actually a little miffed that the Manhattan Center crowd was appearing to grow jaded, but now I think I get it. Week in and week out, meaningless squashes, half-hearted angles, and stupid comedy. Thumbs down for this miserable episode of Raw.
 Up next, it’s a review that I’ve been personally anticipating for weeks now; Wrestlemania IX!
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rocknwrestling · 9 years
Episode #54 of Smoky Mountain Wrestling from February of 1993 is on the air! Ron Wright announces that he has taken Robbie Eagle under his wing and plans to make him a star! Eagle gets in the ring with Reno Riggins, who rejected Wright’s proposal for managerial services! Dirty White Boy berates Riggins after the match and even bitch-slaps him! Reno challenges the White Boy to a match next week! Commissioner Bob Armstrong is still in Japan and has yet to see the shenanigans in last week’s tag team title match, but has ruled that Tom Prichard of the Heavenly Bodies will be fined $5000 if he ever uses his loaded boot in a match again! Kevin Sullivan has something bizarre to say about his upcoming first blood match against Prime Time Brian Lee! Killer Kyle takes on Johnny Kidd! The Rock ‘n’ Roll Express are fired up and want to regain the Smoky Mountain tag team titles! Bob Caudle interviews the Heavenly Bodies because Dutch Mantel refused to do so himself! Apparently Beautiful Bobby Eaton is the newest addition to the team! Jim Cornette announces that the Heavenly Bodies are a corporation and any combination of the trio can defend the tag team championship! Prime Time Brian Lee squares off with the Dark Secret! Kevin Sullivan and the Nightstalker try to jump Lee after the match, but Tim Horner bursts onto the scene to back up Prime Time! Tracy Smothers defends the Smoky Mountain television title against Sean Powers! The Wild-Eyed Southern Boy also has some words of warning for the Dirty White Boy because he is hot on the heavyweight champion’s trail! The Stud Stable gets in the squared circle with the Batten Twins! Robert Fuller debuts a new submission move that looks devastating! Fuller and Jimmy Golden have something to say about both the Heavenly Bodies and the Rock ‘n’ Roll Express as we go off the air!
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Announcers: Vince McMahon & Jerry Lawler
WWF Tag Team Championship Tournament Quarterfinal Match: Heavenly Bodies (w/Jim Cornette) def. The Bushwhackers
Hakushi def. Reno Riggins
Lex Luger def. ???
Jeff Jarrett (w/The Roadie) def. ???
Doink the Clown (w/Dink) def. ???
King Kong Bundy (w/Ted DiBiase) def. ???
Other Segments:
Vince McMahon conducted a pre-recorded sit down interview with Diesel. Diesel wished the fans a Merry Christmas and said he was looking forward to facing Bret Hart at the Royal Rumble and that the better man would win. 
It was announced that Razor Ramon would defend the WWF Intercontinental Championship against Jeff Jarrett at the Royal Rumble
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Announcers: Vince McMahon & Jerry Lawler
Men on a Mission (w/Oscar) def. Duane Gill & Barry Hardy
British Bulldog def. Bam Bam Bigelow (w/Ted DiBiase)
Kwang (w/Harvey Wippleman) def. Ben Jordan
Bob Holly def. ???
Heavenly Bodies (w/Jim Cornette) def. Tyrone Knox & ???
Aldo Montoya def. Reno Riggins
Other Segments:
It was announced that Bret Hart would be unable to compete against Bob Backlund in his upcoming WWF World Championship rematch at Madison Square Garden and that Diesel would be his replacement.
A vignette aired hyping the debut of Henry Godwinn.
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Announcers: Vince McMahon & Jerry Lawler
The Undertaker (w/Paul Bearer) def. Jim Neidhart (w/Owen Hart) via DQ
Adam Bomb def. Reno Riggins
Jeff Jarrett def. Mike Bell
Razor Ramon def. Nick Barberry
King Kong Bundy (w/Ted DiBiase) def. Ben Jordan
Other Segments:
The Heartbreak Hotel featuring Bret Hart and the British Bulldog, who spoke about Bret’s submission match against Bob Backlund at Survivor Series, before Backlund and Owen Hart interrupted. Bret said that it was scary to see what Backlund had become and he would defeat him at Survivor Series to retain the WWF World Championship.
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