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thewickedbohemian · 10 months ago
"Rage", a poem I wrote based on the Emily Dickinson poem "Hope" and some of my positive interpretations of the Rage aspect
(and also kind of emotionally motivated by my struggles to try and get So Help Me Todd saved #savesohelpmetodd #renewsohelpmetodd)
"Rage" is the thing with fire
That's burning deep inside
When justice needs a little push
Or rules need be defied
And though it may not seem like much
When only from one voice
The rage of many joined as one
Can shout above the noise
The fire must be kept alight
And do not stop the song
For it's a call to set things right
Together we are strong
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fandomrelatedshowerthoughts · 11 months ago
Remember how before Ezekiel's real backstory was revealed (albeit somewhat not jiving with how he's talked about in season commentary but that's another issue) there was this whole big theory among the The Librarians fandom that he was Jenkins's kid. Well, if you watch So Help Me Todd (and if you do you should help save it), you'd know that (albeit half-genderbent and with a couple siblings) the relationship between Margaret and Todd Wright is essentially that (that kind of dynamic but they are indeed parent-child)
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thewickedbohemian · 10 months ago
Which is why we should save/resurrect what we've got
no offence but the reason tumblr is “dying” is, well, yes, of course the cursed like/reblog ratio and the change in user behaviour (because of people being used to how instagram and tiktok work) BUT also the lack of weekly shows. i say it with my whole chest, they don't produce captivating and engaging stupid weekly tv shows anymore because streaming killed that so you have spikes of activity here when Something happens in general fandom or up to three days after a new season of whatever drops and then it's a wasteland. this is obviously an old woman yelling at a cloud missing supernatural and the vampire diaries and pretty little liars and all these other shows type of post but honestly give me back weekly tv shows where i have something to watch for 40 minutes almost every day of the week after work so then i can read and reblog it on tumblr give it back for the sake of my sanity
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thewickedbohemian · 5 months ago
If I had a nickel for every 2020s major-network procedural drama-but-not-a-gritty-one where a somewhat-neurodivergent young-ish-adult male protagonist with daddy issues but not the conventional kind gets rescued from a professional failure by the opportunity to work for his very-enneagram-1-esque mom in a work environment that puts him in contact with a lot of strong women (including an old female friend in the sense of old friend not old woman) and a much more straightlaced guy who's a dramatic foil to him to the point of homoerotic sexual tension, I'd have two nickels (or should that be Nichols) which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice
Now let's get one of those shows picked the fuck back up and make sure the other show doesn't share its fate of needing to be saved that way
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fandomrelatedshowerthoughts · 10 months ago
Everyone fearing that (especially with Lyle/Ariel) more So Help Me Todd seasons would still mean no chance at Tyle clearly doesn't have a lot of familiarity with how slowburns on procedurals work. There's always at least one One Before The One (like how on Bones Booth had Cam and Hannah among others and Bones had Sully) until things take the time to get realized (and also so we can see the hints at true feelings through jealousy). Even if we end up with Lyle/Todd/Judy (my preferred outcome if possible as I see the case for Tyle but I don't want to sacrifice Jodd for it) there's still a perfect parallel to that with the Leverage trio and Elliot also having had outside girlfriends.
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thewickedbohemian · 4 months ago
Hyperspecific poll for opinions on fandoms (as opposed to the last one I did which was relationship with fandom as a whole)
Some explanations
my theory of the Tonys having anti-teen bias is evidenced by snubs of various kinds for shows like Starmites, The Lightning Thief and Be More Chill and Dear Evan Hansen only swept imho despite this because (despite how its own movie would end up turning out) it's kinda the Broadway equivalent of an Oscarbait movie
the thing about changing the HP-related things' names is e.g. the only reason the irl quidditch league or w/e should have changed the sport name to quadball is the adjustment needed for Muggles to play and since in concept and using-house-symbols the sortinghatchats system still shows its HP influence, it shouldn't have dropped house labels
what I mean about the Eureka thing is that I have a theory that due to things like when Eureka was founded, the kind of people it attracts and the endogamy implied by its secrecy, not a lot of people in town know much of anything about Aspergers/"high-functioning" autism/"low-support" autism despite how many people in town would probably test as having it so only a case of autism as severe as pre-time-jump Kevin would register to most Eurekans as autism (and he didn't get cured he just got higher-functioning/lower-support, still doesn't explain how a timeline jump changed that though)
She-Hulk's show not only deserved more seasons but longer ones, think of what it could have got on a network instead of a streaming service
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thewickedbohemian · 10 months ago
And if we help another network save So Help Me Todd, it and Elsbeth can create a new better-written trend of ADHD super detectives #savesohelpmetodd #renewsohelpmetodd
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Community Basic Intergluteal Numismatics | 5.03
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thewickedbohemian · 11 months ago
Because so help me Todd, we cannot let this end on the reported cliffhanger
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thewickedbohemian · 4 months ago
ADHD headcanon poll
These are all obscure ADHD headcanons either because the thing the character's from isn't a big-name fandom or not a lot of fans of it had thought about the character having ADHD but I have and I want to see who else does
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thewickedbohemian · 5 months ago
Thoughts on the High Potential pilot (a day late as I caught it on the re-broadcast)
Nice way to set the scene and what's the name of that song
quite the impression of your parenting girl
wow...just...wow with the math
Sheldon Cooper voice "someone touched my board"
So did they seriously think she was the potential suspect
actual potential suspect full of righteous anger
cue the infodump, I wonder how much this show is going to teach me
you say HPI I say neurodivergent something
nice timing ex
and now they're both in the holding cell
good info Letty but I feel like the wrong guy asked
and we've set up the couple
good on boss lady admitting vulnerability
That's what she needed, empathy
going about mach 3 (mentally and verbally) and giving me Elsbeth flashbacks
surprise entrance after dramatic storm-off in 3...2...1
because nobody ever suspects the cleaning lady
Morgan's quirks come with crime-show genre-savvy I see
weird alibi, maybe on purpose?
I like how the stock footage or w/e kinda subverts the trope of the whole Sherlock/Shaun/Cassandra thing
"dark night of the soul" before the start of the partnership right on cue
Why do I feel like the kids might Jessica-Fletcher her in to the answer
already with the family-coded foreshadowing of where this is probably going to end up if this sticks around a while (plus another ballin' needle drop)
working in synchrony and holy Rube Goldberg murder plot
And a similar fake-out to the Elsbeth ending
You've made your point with the childcare thing
But also I hate to sound like a broken record but if you enjoyed this pilot as much as I did you should also sign this petition to get So Help Me Todd picked back up for a 3rd season (as if you like this pilot you should watch SHMT and if you miss SHMT you'd like this) so we can help keep a wave going of female-led procedurals especially with "weird girls" at/near the center (as SHMT has Judy who if the show goes on could very well be "Todd's Todd" in terms of detective-apprentice-ing)
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thewickedbohemian · 10 months ago
Had the chorus of the Owl City song "This Isn't The End" stuck in my head for hours while in a state of anxiety over trying to save So Help Me Todd and, well, this filk resulted
(original song here for reference)
The planned seven seasons of So Help Me Todd
Shouldn't end on a cliffhanger so help me god
Scott said although the fight might be tough
There might still be a chance if we're vocal enough
The questions and loose ends that leave us all vexed
Cannot be solved just by article text
We want the new stories on our TV
So let's fight for someone to make season 3
When the rain falls down
When it all turns around
When the light goes out
This isn't the end
The fall season schedules are already out
But that shouldn't cause us some despair or doubt
Midseason, cable, and streaming too
Are options to seek to give this show its due
When the rain falls down
When it all turns around
When the light goes out
This isn't the end
When the rain falls down
When it all turns around
When the light goes out
This isn't the end, no
Keep signing and writing and spreading the word
As its chance depends on us all getting heard
Or get on the news if that's not enough
By waging a protest or sending in stuff
This show deserves the ending that Scott had planned
And didn't deserve to get suddenly canned
Keep up the hope and keep up the fight
Help the little guy like Margaret and Todd Wright
The defense attorneys we must defend
It's just the beginning this isn't the end
It's just the beginning this isn't the end
(As long as Scott Prendergast says there's a chance we can get more show (and the stories told not just the questions answered in interviews) we should fight to make that chance as high as possible including spreading the hashtags #savesohelpmetodd #renewsohelpmetodd and #sevenseasonsandamovie)
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thewickedbohemian · 10 months ago
Thoughts on a show that deserves to not have this end its run and a show that can carry CBS's Blue Sky torch while the former hopefully makes it to another network
So Help Me Todd
ok where are they
boy is Todd a fish out of water
nice to see you two again
Never noticed the logo's a nest before
Hi Judy from seemingly out of nowhere nice to know they're continually dating not just one
ok where'd everybody go
ADHD's worst nightmare, reception
As if Margaret needs more on her plate Allison
OK Beverly sounding like a GoT character
hi suits, hi potential setup
nice multitasking and nice trick
Wright vs Easton
OK gay Tyle moment and Pitch Perfect reference
not Lyle getting an Elliot Spencer moment of accidental fame
anyone else think Margaret might be autistic
no no no triggering phobias
Todd how much phone shenanigans have you been doing
So Judy is Todd's Todd, cute
We're just bringing out all the returning faces
Gus goes dad mode on his gf
getting a little bit of Librarians vibes with the trio working together
Esp. because Judy knows multiple languages
metaphorically-RIP Francey
Answer the phone Margaret
this smells like a setup
good standing up for yourself Allison
cue ending montage proving why we should have a S3; Jodd kiss, senior associate Susan, detective!Allison in the future etc.
not as dangerous a cliffhanger as I was expecting but still something that means we deserve more seasons to have answers
ok so alcohol snobs now (why are we always investigating rich people's cases here)
writer girl's cute
some of their talk feels like it codas the SHMT that just ended
mom had almost that kind of roommate
taking matters into his own hands I see
would the real Gemma Nelson please stand up, we're gonna have a problem here
I love that both SHMT and Elsbeth had bribery framing metaplots
Elsbeth playing with everything again
Bejeweled breast pumps no thanks
that looks like the cutest mocktail I've ever seen
whatcha doin with your shoes
still think Claudia's the real mastermind
nice unintentional foreshadowing (or at least dramatic-ironic foreshadowing) with the bartender thing
Joe feels like the most sympathetic killer and Gemma the most unsympathetic victim this show's ever had
the random acts of kindness shit (though not to lethal levels obviously) reminds me of stuff my sister used to do in a club at her high school
Ivy's too obvious a red herring even without the dramatic irony
No Broadway reference so far I'm surprised unless Deborah S. Craig counts (as she's half of what counted in E3)
Cue everyone immediately trying to make that mocktail (he listed the ingredients it's a matter of ratios)
I would think the story about bullying's a lie except Teddy's gay
and Joe's superhero complex suddenly got scary
One sting another sting
And Captain Wagner pulls a Todd
Weirdest Elsbeth outfit ever and ending you'd expect of a season finale when it's not
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thewickedbohemian · 10 months ago
So Help Me Todd fans or whatever you want our demonym (a la stuff like Whovians) to be, our efforts have been noticed by freaking Forbes. Keep spreading the petitions and the message around and try to contact the networks if you can to get even more eyes on us/it. In the words of Margaret Wright "We MUST win"
#savesohelpmetodd #renewsohelpmetodd
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thewickedbohemian · 10 months ago
I understand that this is a good idea in reality too but that SHMT-fan feel when your-as-in-my first thought was Todd and Allison Wright
we need civil partnerships for siblings and I’m not joking
the desire to file taxes jointly =/= the desire to screw each other
a pair of identical twins who live in the same house should be allowed to share social security benefits and they shouldn’t have to pay inheritance taxes
i think it’s reasonable to want to extend your health insurance to your own flesh-and-blood that lives in your home. I mean, hypothetically, I could just marry a random person I met last week and get all of those sweet, sweet legal and financial benefits, but as of now, in the US, the law makes it impossible for a pair of siblings to contribute to each other’s IRAs, and I think that’s a travesty
just my wacky, controversial opinion
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thewickedbohemian · 10 months ago
Thoughts on a show CBS should make room for and its perfect "roommate"
So Help Me Todd
In medias res so in medias I can barely follow
Okay so why is Beverly in France
I would take that as a Tyle tease if they didn't both have a date
Lylex, please, not in that much public
Todd, Lyle can hear you
And yet again with thing I interpret as metaphor for show's issues, this time Susan's career (#savesohelpmetodd #renewsohelpmetodd #wrongdecisionCBS #makeroomforsohelpmetodd)
Oh hi Gus Oh hi three patterns at once
That's a little too-suspiciously suspicious
Todd being all ADHD again
Of course the burner plays Pokemon music
Todd got punked, of course
And Todd gets revenge via emotional manipulation and a whole lot of donuts
Susan totally looking like more Margaret's daughter than Allison
generation wars, girl athletes who sound like walking TikToks and sus tennis coaches, did the writers of Elsbeth write this
And the prank war's still on
Wow, Judy cleans up nice
Way to be subtle Todd and isn't those distractions suspicious
Ok, Alex isn't Alex, and my hopes for a potential S3 involving a Lyle/Todd/Judy triangle similar to the Leverage and Librarians OT3s just went up
To be fair Todd kinda deserved getting got by his own prank after the glue
More proof SHMT and Elsbeth are meant to be together, yet another "Ball Girl" (Elsbeth S1E5) reference with Margaret playing tennis in astrobrite pink
Of course parking tickets tipped off Lyle
Judy's turned on by detecting ;)
Margaret/Gus = Tyle parallel?
was she supposed to be the one who got glitterbombed (I'm surprised she didn't forcibly shut down their prank war)
And so a trap is laid
Susan seems like yet another "kid" of Margaret's she has to save
Spontaneous date night go
So Alex isn't even Mabel and I have a crazy idea for how we get CBS to get this back if the two remaining episodes of the season don't contradict this; we have the real her join the ensemble of one of the FBIs linking SHMT to that universe without diluting it
controlling parents, creepy bosses and people not being who they seem, I guess this is a dual-way parallel
could the dance guy be more obviously gay
Another dumb Elsbeth murderer, the tape makes it not look like an accident
Of course she found the cake
I love the throughline of the murders mirroring her adapting to New York
Convenient sus affair is sus
Please tell me those fleeting mentions of Fosse and Broadway aren't all that count as our Broadway-reference-of-the-episode
What is Elsbeth wearing?
So not gay just Extra^TM
Of course Elsbeth wants to learn that Chicago dance
even more SHMT flashbacks as Kaya whose side are you playing
For half a second I thought they were going to pretend to be lesbians and this was going to be SVU with Benson and Rollins at the fertility clinic all over again
Having a bit too much fun with the golf cart are we, I'd be the same if I could drive worth a darn
Oh so that's where the tape went
I know it's not the exact one but it's more than just rainbow; Elsbeth looks like she's wearing Riley's sweater from Inside Out
Yoda are we quoting?
Please don't ADHD out near the dangerous things in the kitchen
Dissolves in water, huh...
Time for a science lesson
Oh so there's the Hot Honey Rag, I was worried we weren't going to get a proper Broadway reference (and now I'm wondering how Carrie Preston's singing voice is as Elsbeth could totally pull off a Psych-esque musical episode just like SHMT)
Elsbeth's place is just so Elsbeth and there's everyone from previous episodes who didn't turn out to be a murderer and I think the intern chick and hip hop tour guide are going to be a thing (and fingers crossed these people show up in more episodes that didn't just spotlight them)
Uh oh here comes the captain and now things are getting as whose-side-are-you-on as they are for Susan on SHMT
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thewickedbohemian · 1 year ago
Watched the So Help Me Todd S2 premiere and I Have Thoughts
Nice to see Todd taking things to the next level and feeling even more like Shawn Spencer (even down to the helipad thing feeling totally a Shawn reaction, or maybe an Ezekiel Jones one)
Speaking of which, it seems Todd's trickster luck's still in full force (as since early on S1 SHMT I've grouped Shawn, Ezekiel and Todd together in my mind as similar tricksters who feel like they all have the same pseudo-magical freaky luck/Bugs Bunny bullshit (Shawn has been Word-Of-God said to work by Bugs Bunny rules as much as one could in a live-action setting) going on hmm maybe crossover fic potential esp. since Bugs Bunny takes a lot of Doylist influence from the mythological Loki do with that what you will )
Alison's blonde hair leading to (esp. as she might be an INFP like me) even more "self-recognition through the blorbo" (as if she'd had bangs it would look a lot like mine) and between that and how much I already am in the weird state of both relating to and crushing on Todd, if we get more depth on Lawrence and there's something other than gayness there for me to connect to (like people have said if anyone in the ensemble could be neurodivergent autistic!Lawrence is a possibility) it's going to be (albeit without the crush for the example with minors) The Middle all over again with me vibing with all three siblings and a mom a lot like mine
Speaking of dyed hair is it just me or does Margaret's look as if she dyed it black I mean seriously she looked a bit like an older Regina Mills at some points
OK so how many permissions did they had to get for how much they expied about CBS news (I mean to the degree of having a J. Giannola as an anchor and I think the weatherman's name was also similar to one of our local (Oregonian here) guys)
Even if it was only briefly Lyle singing was not on my bingo card (that and the announcement of Heather Morris joining the recurring cast makes me wonder if musical episode in our future?)
Love the Margaret/Harry and Todd/Susan moving on parallels
Between those and all that stuff with the station full of gays including the actual-news-interns thinking Todd's cute and even down to them pointing out his "gay" look at dinner, potential tease for Todd rebounding with a guy?
Love the whole Phantom Of The Opera motif with not just the lighting "chandelier" drops and the music but the culprit being the lovestruck guy with the facial disfigurement who right before the final drop said something about "love never dies" (aka the title of the POTO sequel)
Major ?! about the whole scene with Beverly and Susan and the partner track, I know firms can have more than three partners but if you'll pardon throwing a blorbo from another show briefly under the bus what is it with badass beautiful bitches named Beverly and butting their butt into everyone's business (and yes the alliteration was accidental until about halfway through)
Just going to bring this petition back around so people keep fighting to make sure this isn't the end (it being Elsbeth's lead-in (albeit two weeks later than I originally thought) indicates the network has some degree of faith but I want to make sure especially because online acquaintances in the industry have told me IF it gets a third season (but that's the operative part here) a fourth is almost a guarantee)
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