I am. so normal. about Jonathan Sims.
421 posts
Any Pronouns Work | Genderfluid | Bi | Aro | I have no good thoughts so don't expect them
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sammiekel · 18 hours ago
Hehehe I thought you might notice rhys sjhdjs
Eloise let out a small excited gasp when she recognized the drums that started playing. She swayed to the beat, letting the music fill her thoughts. “I get up in the evening,” The vocals started, filling her with an energy she didn't think she had this late at night. “And I ain't got nothing to say.” Moving more energetically now, she mouthed along to the lyrics. She felt a small tug on her scalp. “Ow.” though it didn't really hurt. “If you want this braid done, you gotta stay still.” In lieu of a response, Eloise just sang along to the lyrics. “I ain't nothin but tired,” she dialed up the theatrics, getting a resigned sigh from Amias, who tried their best to finish the braid. August beside her nodded his head to the beat, humming along to the parts he knew. The smile she had grew as he got more into it. Eloise picked up in movement again, much to Amias’ dismay. “Do you even want this braid?” “We can do that later,” Leaning back to look at them, she smiled. “This is a good song! Enjoy it!” She flashed a mischievous grin as she moved in time with the drums. Amias eyed her suspiciously. “Can't start a fire,” The song rang out. “You can't start a fire without a spark.” Eloise's voice blended in nicely with the singer’s. She shot up from her seat on the floor, Amias' work on her hair dissipating as she moved. They shook their head, a small smile on their face. “This gun’s for hire!” Outstretching a hand to Amias, she waited for them to take it. “Even if we're just dancin’ in the dark.” Amias didn't take it. They weren't much of a dancer. “Come on!” Eloise groaned. “Dance with me!” When they didn't take her up on her offer, she groaned dramatically before going and turning the speaker up. By this point Harper and Monika had noticed what was happening. Harper smiled at her partner. After an exchange of words, the two of them stood up, Harper leading Monika closer to the speaker playing the music. “See!” Eloise gestured to the two. “Dance with me!” Amias finally relented. Rolling their eyes, they stood up, the smile never leaving their lips. Eloise beamed at them. She took their hand, guiding the two of them into a clumsy dance only partially on beat. Spinning around as she sang was enough to knock her off balance, falling into Amias, who only barely was able to keep them both upright. Already out of breath, she laughed breathlessly in their arms until the dizziness went away. It didn't take long for August to join in. His dancing was more like flailing, though. Eloise cheered as she watched him. “You are so bad at this,” She yelled over the music, which had been cranked up again. August flipped her off with a spin. “You’re just mad I’m a better dancer than you!” “Oh yeah?” Grinning, she grabbed Amias’ hands, bringing them into a spin. They let out a small yelp, unprepared to suddenly be spinning in circles. Both laughing as dizziness set in. It didn't take long for somebody to trip over the other’s foot, causing one of them to let go. Crying out involuntarily at the disruption, Eloise entirely lost balance, falling to the floor while Amias was caught by August. She laid on the floor for a moment, red-faced and giggling as she recovered. Warmth bloomed in her chest, as she leaned up on her elbows. Amias was similarly gaining their bearings, soft laughter escaping them. “Case in point!” August laughed, helping to steady Amias.
Amias’ headband was nowhere to be seen, thrown somewhere in the chaos. They extended a hand to her, hoisting her up off the floor and bringing her into a dance. “Come on.” They swayed back and forth together in time with the beat, singing the lyrics together with no sort of rhythm or harmony. Amias led Eloise into a spin again, the two of them nearly tripping over limbs and veering off into the others. Giggling could barely be heard over the music. The music was loud enough they could feel it in their chests, each beat on the drums filling them with more energy as they continued dancing.
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sammiekel · 18 hours ago
6 has already been answered haha, but I will give you a snippet of 5 since that one is still unanswered! Ben and Klaus hehe
Klaus couldn't find the words to respond. He couldn't even bring himself to look at Ben, staying focused on the stars in the sky, the hard metal of the hood of the car, the chirping of crickets. The stinging of the lump in his throat. Klaus took a deep breath when he felt something cold encompass his hand. It could've been the night air, just a cool breeze, but without even looking he knew what it was. Neither said anything for a long time. And if Ben noticed the warm tears sliding down Klaus’ face, well, he didn't mention it. Time drifted by in a haze. Klaus might've fallen asleep a few times, he wasn’t sure. He didn't even realize when Ben sat up, a book in his lap. “Where's the book from?” Klaus asked, voice thick with exhaustion. “Didn't know people kept their nerdiness beyond the grave.” Lazily giggling as he spoke, as if his joke was the funniest thing he'd heard. Ben rolled his eyes. “Get your rest.” Klaus made a vague noise in response. “You're going to want to be fully rested for when we bring Diego his car back.” More vague noises, this time accompanied by waving of the hand. “He might actually try and kill you.” A pause. That is a possibility. Grumbling, Klaus got off the hood. He fumbled almost immediately, a yelp escaping him as he fell to the ground. He got up quickly, like nothing happened. “Fine, Mr. Negativity, I'm going to bed.” He declared as he walked around the car. Ben only rolled his eyes as Klaus stuck his tongue out at him. Not looking as he fell into the back seat, he slammed into a thing of soda cans. "Aw fuck.” He winced, wiping the stickiness of a leaking can onto the side of the seat. He pushed them off into the floor, grimacing at the loud clash. It'll be fine. Diego would just have to buy himself more soda now.
Blindly, he felt around for anything soft. The only thing around was one of Diego’s coats. It smelled vaguely sweaty as he draped it over his shoulders. It didn't take long before Ben followed Klaus into the car. He sat in the front passenger again, continuing his book. Klaus could feel the familiar clutches of sleep drag him under. “Mmmmm, love you Benerino,” His words were more mumbles than anything. “Don't die on me again.” “I'll try.” Ben didn't look away from his book. “Night Klaus.”
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sammiekel · 18 hours ago
2. Silentsight shenanigans
The girls!!! Little sleepy snippet of Monika and Harper <3
It was cold, was the first thing Harper noticed. The blanket had been dragged off of her in her sleep. She didn’t move, listening, trying to figure out what time it was. The sounds of crickets and wind came from outside the window. It had to be night then, right? She was fairly sure. The next order of business was getting some of the blanket back. She was not going to go back to sleep shivering, thank you. She crept her hand slowly around, not wanting to disturb Monika with her movement. She chuckled softly. Monika had wrapped herself up with it in her sleep. Pulling gently, the blanket was struggling to come out from underneath her. So she tugged a little harder. Too hard, apparently. “Harper?” Monika whispered, voice croaky and laced with sleep. Harper opened her mouth to respond, then closed it, remembering. Instead, she tapped a few times on Monika’s arm, managing an ‘s’, but nothing more. Damn it. She wracked her brain, trying to muster up the memories of Morse Code. After a moment of too long silence, Monika spoke again accompanied by a soft laugh, “It’s okay,” She said in that lazy, half-asleep voice. Harper startled when she felt a hand to her face, bumping awkwardly into her nose. “Sorry,” Monika mumbled, fixing herself to cup Harper’’s cheek. “Should’ve warned you.” Harper smiled. These were her favorite moments. Just them, no one else. Tugging softly on the blanket in silent request, Harper made a promise to herself to practice the code more. In lieu of a response, Monika shifted around wildly for a moment, then Harper felt the warm mass of fabric plop on top of her. “There you go,” Monika wrapped an arm around her, pulling her close. Their bodies pressed together perfectly, doing more to chase the chill away than the blanket. “Thank you,” Harper curled in close, relishing the touch. It was becoming more and more dear to her with her new condition. “Thank you,” She whispered again, though she knew the words would be heard by no one but herself.
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sammiekel · 2 days ago
Ur doc names are so cool bro
Tua content! Warning for gore btw!! Not super bad, but still worth mentioning as there is wound treating! This is old writing and I need to rewrite this actually (maybe I'll pick the fic up again after months omg) (←delusional)
“Fuck.” Eudora cursed, seeing the sizable wound oozing blood on his waist. She wasn't usually a person who got queasy when she saw blood, but the shredded skin around the wound was nearly enough to make her throw up. “What the hell did you do, Diego?” She made eye contact with Diego for the first time that night. The worry was clear as day on her face. “You should see the other guys.” There was no real humor in his voice as he spoke. He couldn't manage it with his headache getting worse and black creeping around the edges of his vision. She rolled her eyes dug around in her first aid kit before producing a white tube of what he assumed was antibiotics. The sting wasn't even that bad. That's what he told himself, anyway, despite him drifting in and out of consciousness as she worked on him. He barely remembered the experience, anything he could recall were bouts of pain and discomfort as she dressed his wounds and shifted him around. He was briefly conscious for her tending to the cuts on his face, but the next thing he knew he was being moved to a laying down position. “I’m done now.” She told him when she noticed his eyes open. Despite him being as out of it as he was, he managed to grab her hand as she began to walk off. He just laid there with his mouth open trying to speak for a moment before managing a small “Th-thanks.” A bittersweet smile crept upon her face. The last one he’d see in a good, long while. “Good night, Diego.” She tugged her hand out of his grip, and without another word, she left. The familiar words no longer held the same warmth as they once did, leaving a dull, cold ache where they used to leave warmth. It was the last thought on his mind before he drifted into quiet slumber.
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sammiekel · 2 days ago
6 👀👀👀
Bamboozlers!!! Very underdeveloped wip here hehe
“What did you want to be, Scar?” Lizzie asked quietly, so as not to disturb the quiet of the night. Slowly, she turned her head to look at him. “Surely this wasn’t the life you wanted as a kid?” Scar didn’t return her gaze, continuing to stare at the city below. She wondered if she had spoken at all, neither Scar nor Jimmy said anything in response, and it was so quiet it could have just been her thoughts. Then a small smile formed on his face, in contrast to the dried tears. He opened his mouth, then closed it, then opened it again. “I always wanted to run a theme park,” He spoke softly into the breeze. She almost didn’t hear it. Jimmy let out a sharp laugh, startling the others with the volume. “A theme park?” His somber mood from earlier gone, he grinned. “What did you want a theme park for?” Scar turned to look at the others finally, his smile bigger. “I wanted to make people happy!” He laughed, pulling his legs up from hanging off the building to sit criss-cross and face the other two. “I had a whole park planned out as a kid.” He made a grand gesture with his hands. “I was going to have the greatest rollercoaster ever seen.” His voice got light and airy, his eyes full of wonder. Lizzie sat up, pulling her legs up, too. “A rollercoaster?” She smiled. “I’ve never been on a rollercoaster before.” Scar gasped. “What?” “You’ll have to take me on one,” She chuckled. He nodded seriously. “Absolutely, it’s my life mission now.” The three shared a laugh at that, silently promising to make it a thing in the future.
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sammiekel · 2 days ago
Hehehe I thought you might notice rhys sjhdjs
Eloise let out a small excited gasp when she recognized the drums that started playing. She swayed to the beat, letting the music fill her thoughts. “I get up in the evening,” The vocals started, filling her with an energy she didn't think she had this late at night. “And I ain't got nothing to say.” Moving more energetically now, she mouthed along to the lyrics. She felt a small tug on her scalp. “Ow.” though it didn't really hurt. “If you want this braid done, you gotta stay still.” In lieu of a response, Eloise just sang along to the lyrics. “I ain't nothin but tired,” she dialed up the theatrics, getting a resigned sigh from Amias, who tried their best to finish the braid. August beside her nodded his head to the beat, humming along to the parts he knew. The smile she had grew as he got more into it. Eloise picked up in movement again, much to Amias’ dismay. “Do you even want this braid?” “We can do that later,” Leaning back to look at them, she smiled. “This is a good song! Enjoy it!” She flashed a mischievous grin as she moved in time with the drums. Amias eyed her suspiciously. “Can't start a fire,” The song rang out. “You can't start a fire without a spark.” Eloise's voice blended in nicely with the singer’s. She shot up from her seat on the floor, Amias' work on her hair dissipating as she moved. They shook their head, a small smile on their face. “This gun’s for hire!” Outstretching a hand to Amias, she waited for them to take it. “Even if we're just dancin’ in the dark.” Amias didn't take it. They weren't much of a dancer. “Come on!” Eloise groaned. “Dance with me!” When they didn't take her up on her offer, she groaned dramatically before going and turning the speaker up. By this point Harper and Monika had noticed what was happening. Harper smiled at her partner. After an exchange of words, the two of them stood up, Harper leading Monika closer to the speaker playing the music. “See!” Eloise gestured to the two. “Dance with me!” Amias finally relented. Rolling their eyes, they stood up, the smile never leaving their lips. Eloise beamed at them. She took their hand, guiding the two of them into a clumsy dance only partially on beat. Spinning around as she sang was enough to knock her off balance, falling into Amias, who only barely was able to keep them both upright. Already out of breath, she laughed breathlessly in their arms until the dizziness went away. It didn't take long for August to join in. His dancing was more like flailing, though. Eloise cheered as she watched him. “You are so bad at this,” She yelled over the music, which had been cranked up again. August flipped her off with a spin. “You’re just mad I’m a better dancer than you!” “Oh yeah?” Grinning, she grabbed Amias’ hands, bringing them into a spin. They let out a small yelp, unprepared to suddenly be spinning in circles. Both laughing as dizziness set in. It didn't take long for somebody to trip over the other’s foot, causing one of them to let go. Crying out involuntarily at the disruption, Eloise entirely lost balance, falling to the floor while Amias was caught by August. She laid on the floor for a moment, red-faced and giggling as she recovered. Warmth bloomed in her chest, as she leaned up on her elbows. Amias was similarly gaining their bearings, soft laughter escaping them. “Case in point!” August laughed, helping to steady Amias.
Amias’ headband was nowhere to be seen, thrown somewhere in the chaos. They extended a hand to her, hoisting her up off the floor and bringing her into a dance. “Come on.” They swayed back and forth together in time with the beat, singing the lyrics together with no sort of rhythm or harmony. Amias led Eloise into a spin again, the two of them nearly tripping over limbs and veering off into the others. Giggling could barely be heard over the music. The music was loud enough they could feel it in their chests, each beat on the drums filling them with more energy as they continued dancing.
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sammiekel · 2 days ago
Mutuals changing their icons makes me feel like a child crying when their dad shaves his face bc they don’t know who he is
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sammiekel · 2 days ago
WIP folder game
Rules: Make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIP!
Tagged by: @icyfox17
So I don't really have a lot to share rn oops butttttt here is what I do have!
1. And I wonder, does it have to be the same?
2. Silentsight shenanigans
3. Dancin' in the dark
4. Writing exercise
6. Bamboozlers controlled superhero au
No pressure tags: (ignore that I don't have 6 ppl to tag lmfao) @icyfox17 , @jiksvokrat , @cristalmystery , @viaalterego
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sammiekel · 2 days ago
😦 oh my god
"Bobby's hands are cold."
For the WIP tag gameeee
I am most intrigued by: mmmm mind control mmmm
OKAY SO i have been threatening to chicken pot pie my 911 blorbos for So Long and last week i FINALLY DID IT
The context for this snipp is both buck&bobby are empaths (my fav au ever) but bobby got attacked by someone with apathy powers. They took his emotions sammie THEY TOOK THEMMM. And now bobby is no longer Bobby ☹️ he has been chicken pot pied and buck is there to reap the consequences
"What's wrong, kid?" Buck stares at his hands, slowly moving his fingers. Something about his powers, he was thinking about his powers. Are they broken? He looks back up at Bobby and suddenly his legs collapse under him, and he falls onto Bobby, Bobby's arms coming around him and holding him securely. He looks at Bobby, looks at his strangely robotic expression. It's wrong, something is wrong. Bobby isn't supposed to be expressionless. Bobby's eyebrows should be furrowed, his lip curled down in the corner the way it always does when Buck's done something reckless and he's scared for him. There's none of that now. Bobby just looks... Lifeless. Buck in fear, desperately grabs his hands again, making sure there's skin to skin contact. He pushes a bit of his worry through, not even bothering to hide it. He looks at Bobby's eyes and waits. And waits. And waits. Nothing's sent back. No reassurance, no warmth. Bobby's hands are cold. Buck yanks his hands out of Bobby's.
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sammiekel · 3 days ago
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Anonymous, Lesbian Ethics, Volume 3 No. 3, (1989), Guerilla Feminism
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sammiekel · 4 days ago
Anyone want to buy a cake and eat it with me
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sammiekel · 4 days ago
Anyone want to buy a cake and eat it with me
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sammiekel · 4 days ago
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sammiekel · 4 days ago
Anyone want to buy a cake and eat it with me
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sammiekel · 4 days ago
Well obviously I can’t have chronic fatigue, that’s a real problem for real disabled people that’s diagnosed by doctors probably. Clearly I just have some sort of perpetual exhaustion issue, that is also almost certainly my fault somehow
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sammiekel · 4 days ago
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oh how i love you impossible minecraft
(from jimmys new video)
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sammiekel · 4 days ago
Anyone want to buy a cake and eat it with me
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