#renata talks
keirientez · 6 months
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spamming this everywhere but yes yuri r27 but like 666 timeloops worse. teehee
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wakeofvultures · 1 year
(Quote Under the Cut)
“I hate you all,” said Mercymorn passionately. “I have hated you for millennia ... except you, my lord.”
“Thanks,” said God.
“I merely want to put you in a jail,” said his Lyctor, now meditative, “and fill up the jail with acid once for every time you made a frivolous remark, or ate peanuts in a Cohort Admiralty meeting, or said, ‘What would I know, I’m only God.’ Then at the end of a thousand years, you would say, ‘Mercy, I have learned not to do any of these things, because I hated the acid you put on me.’ And I would say, ‘That is why I did it, Lord. I did it for you, and for your empire.’ I often think about this,” she finished
(Harrow the Ninth, Chapter 36)
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deathsbestgirl · 1 year
even disregarding anything beyond s7, they literally live such joyless lives. like, the grief they have experienced is overwhelming, how could they ever truly be happy with that grief always hanging over their heads, the discomfort that would bring is enormous
well, no. they did not have joyless lives. like everyone, life happens to them and that means pain & grief but that doesn't mean their entire lives & existence are joyless.
we really only see them at work, we don't know what goes on outside of it.
they're actually really happy in season 1 & season 7. in season 1, they're getting to know each other, they become best friends quickly. the smile & laugh constantly, they tease each other. they always enjoy their debates & most cases. even when they're scary, even when they don't get all the answers. they get to know each other so well in that time and it's a gift to them both. they still have light moments in every season and you can't love like they do and be just miserable. in season 7, they're together. they're experiencing so many new things in their relationship that they've wanted for a long time and finally let themselves have. they're constantly flirting & smiling and talk about their feelings more openly than they have in the past.
and the other years, they find so much in each other when the world turns their back on them. mulder is scully's light when she loses melissa, when they close her case, during her cancer, with emily. he fights so hard for her and holds her up when she needs it. scully is mulder's light through every hard case, when he loses his mom, helps him find closure about samantha. she is always pulling him from the depths. he tries so hard to tell her what she means to him in his mulder way, and she finds so much meaning in a keychain & he's in awe of her. she's always asking him to get out of the car because the truth & work doesn't have to be all their lives are. and eventually he starts to learn and they play baseball and they dance and have movie nights and exchange gifts.
mulder & scully learn what to do with their grief, the love they can't give to the people they've lost. mulder fought for every child & family they came across and never gave up until they had answers, or were safely returned to their families. scully goes back into the medical field and helps every child & family she can. they go home to each other and they have a quiet life for a while.
yes, mulder was sick for a while but he comes out the other side more able to relax and he lives. he asks scully on dates, they go back to the work they love and it's much lighter than it was before. until they come across their son. there was pain in that, but there was also so much relief in knowing that jackson was loved. he had parents who loved him and took care of him and tried to get him help when he needed it. he played baseball. and for a little while they thought he was dead, but scully realized the moment his body disappeared that he wasn't really dead. and they sought him out and he gave scully small little gifts that he could. the snow globe, the knowledge that he was alive & could protect himself & that he really wanted to know her. he heard every word she said to him. my struggle iv ends very open ended. they think jackson was shot but scully is pregnant again, and they have a chance to be parents to another child like they always wanted. and you can believe they never see jackson again but that just. can't be the truth. it's open ended to leave room for them to come back, because the x files never gives us all the answers. because the fact that jackson is alive & they're having another baby is so hopeful. maybe we don't see them as a family in the end, but i think they made it clear mulder & scully never give up and jackson wants to know them. he wanted to protect them but he's just a teenager.
grief is hard but it's a part of life and it doesn't mean they can't be happy. it might never be pure, but there's no such thing as pure, untainted happiness. it's the human condition. we get to feel the whole spectrum of emotions and life grows around grief. you learn what to do with it. you learn ways to share the love you can't actively give to the people you've lost. but the connections & love don't go away. that love is belongs to you and there are so many ways to honor it, to share it with others and it can still be all about that person. that's what the x files is all about for mulder & scully. it's always what the show was about. chris carter was right: mulder and scully are the light in dark places. the show is all about their love, the way they love each other & the world & all the love they're surrounded by.
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aventvrina · 5 months
Was talking with @zorkaya as we're plotting and it finally gave me the push to put into words my thoughts on how Aventurine views his past.
It's not that he denies it's impact or that he's ashamed of it. He doesn't try to cover anything on himself that tips off just what he went through, neither his eyes nor the commodity brand are hidden except for his left hand when he's making a risky gamble. With that said though, I don't feel that he's very forthcoming about it either.
Sure, there's allusions and assumptions that can be made if people know the background situation of Sigonia-IV and the fact that the Avgin's are essentially extinct, however, if asked directly about it (unless under duress like when Sunday made him face Xipe's judgement) he would most likely give half truths. He wouldn't deny but wouldn't confirm either.
It is my headcanon that he's not as transparent about his time in Sigonia-IV not because of trauma but because of guilt. He was powerless and helpless, a spectator to atrocities while being encouraged to flee instead of taking arms. Though I don't think he feels regret since he was following his sister's plea, he does feel guilt for doing nothing.
In fact, I think he believes his "past" starts on the day he killed the slave owner. It was the first time he took life into his own hands and stopped being a passive actor under destiny's hand. The action of survival stopped being an action the moment he was forced to kill those slaves for the sole reason of testing his value, this was the turning point for him as he saw himself become more than a simple commodity. Avgin's always repay their blood debts.
On this note also, the line delivered by his sister is extremely poignant given that the clan truly believed they could repay the massacre with the IPC's help. Sadly we don't know the state of the Katican's to understand if they were indeed executed after committing massive genocide or if they are still in the desert. There's only mentions of Avgin's being made martyrs for the Amber Lord, but the Interstellar Peace Broadcast does state that the hammer of Preservation will fall on all beings, so it was publicly condemned just probably not acted upon.
Developing this string a little more, on his in game character story he mentions people who helped him and this is also a very telling line. Given that Avgin's have very specific easily identifiable features and that they were extinct, it makes sense for the IPC to try to cover his survival by moving him out of the planet and selling him into slavery. If news of a survivor were known he'd be protected but the Avgin extinction was a deliberate act in the name of Preservation so they couldn't let a single soul surface. On this currently unidentified planet, he was possibly helped by some people after killing the slave owner and those might be the ones who he's mentioning. Whether they died for helping him or for other circumstances it's unclear at the moment but it adds to his blood debt towards the IPC.
It's by no coincidence that he chose to appeal to Diamond, not just because he accepted talent regardless of origin, but also because of his direct opposition towards Oswaldo Schneider. The Ten Stonehearts are regarded as outsiders in the IPC, a near independent movement that feels like a small army loyal to Diamond alone. Diamond definitely has his own agenda within the IPC (also fascinating that he is an Emanator given that only P48'S should have that ability but I'll discuss that later) and that passes by preventing Oswaldo from rising to the board seat like him which is perfect for Aventurine.
I went on a tangent here, but this was all to say that Aventurine would sooner talk about the blood on his hands than on his soul because he feels humiliated to have been so passive on such a decisive moment of his life.
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lovinggreeniehours · 2 months
pre construct renachrome i think is like the epitome of "individually competent, stupid when together" dynamic
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art-leon · 2 months
shocking! local tumblr artist actually works on her ocs for once
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wishing-stones · 1 year
I bet if ren ever meets someone who, mid battle, tries to take a jab at them having so many partners/calling them a slut, they, without hesitation, state “I have 6 partners. You look to only have… zero? Seems like one of us is undesirable, and it’s not me.”
"Sounds like a skill issue. Sounds like you have no bitches. Imagine having absolutely no attractive qualities. Couldn't be me."
And if anyone calls them that within earshot of one of the boys, they'd better start running. Some might let the offending party live, some absolutely will not.
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opera-shitpost · 2 years
Me: :(
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Me: :)
(the good stuff starts at 5:27)
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idolcandy · 1 year
I'm playing some LL episodes during the AP event and Renata still blows me away with what a stone-cold villain she is, but a fairly believable utilitarian one who believes a righteous cause justifies whatever you do to further it. In her argument with Priya, Renata says she could have 'pressed' Rayan into confessing. She was ready and willing to coerce a confession out of him.
And Renata doesn't think she's doing anything wrong. She justifies it, explaining that in her naive younger years she believed justice would prevail. But after seeing rapists get away with it, she changed her methods and hasn't lost since
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do they prepare their clothes before going to sleep, or do they prefer to improvize?
do they prefer their shampoos and soaps plain, or do they like to smell like something specific?
do they have a proper meals everyday, or do they tend to skip or get just a snack for lunch/dinner?
which chore is the one they dread doing the most?
are they the kind of person who think of their car as if it was their baby? perfectly clean, not a scratch, almost overly protective of it?
what's their background and lock-screen?
are they registered to any social media?
what's their usual sleeping position?
For my beloved Reaper, Renata, Halyna, Lara and Sage pls <3 (or pick a few if it's too much)
Improvises for sure, she has never nor will ever prepare an outfit for the next day
Reaper likes bath soaps that have berry-related scents or coconut scents, she doesn't care when it comes to shampoo and conditioner
She has a habit of eating lunch kinda late sometimes, on those days she will get a snack or just skip dinner
The laundry (she will hide pile of clothes on her bed with her blankets lol)
Reaper doesn't go that far about her car but definitely values it, considers it one of her "safe spaces" since she can be alone, so she does keep it tidy and everything
Background is whatever it came as when she first got her cellphone, her lockscreen though will be her Beloved (Reaper is not ashamed of this)
She has instagram only so she can look at the accounts for her friends', s/o, an inspo instagram account, etc., discord, and Whatsapp; she used to have vimeo
Reaper is a supine sleeper b/c she wants to take care of her back, but is a stomach sleeper at heart
Renata is the last person on the earth to plan any of her outfits, she definitely goes with the Flow (her mood is the Flow)
She's fond of floral hygiene products
She'll grab a snack for lunch every now and then
All of them, Renata forces herself to do all of her chores in one day so she can just get it over with
Renata has become rather fond of her vehicle over time (mostly b/c she talks to it too much) so she does give it such treatment
Her background is a picture of her sister, sister-in-law, and niece and nephew, her lockscreen is a picture of her grandparents
Her younger siblings forced her to get Snapchat
Renata is a strict left-side sleeper
The first person on earth who can and should be suspected of preparing her outfits for the next day, Halyna absolutely takes the time to do this
Funnily enough, she can be overwhelmed by fragrance, so either her products have "gentle" scents or none at all
Like her mother, the poor gal will skip breakfast (if she's with someone she must be forced to eat breakfast) or at least drink some coffee
The dishes, Halyna has to wear two sets of gloves to avoid the Textures at all costs (and she despises the Smells as well)
Yes but only b/c it's probably a Fancy car, she does not have such feelings for a vehicle
Her background is a picture of a place from home that she has good memories of, her lockscreen is the default bc she doesn't want anyone seeing her pictures (will probably become Icarus later on)
Only Pinterest, she used to have an instagram but grew tired of all the bullshit Discourse and doesn't feel like dealing with anything else
Halyna switches between sleeping on her back and her right-side
Lara SOMETIMES does this, mostly if she knows she has something important to do later in the day and doesn't wanna feel out of place for the event, or if she simply wants to put extra effort into what she's wearing the next day
She usually doesn't consider this sort of thing, though she does enjoy dessert-themed scents more than others
Definitely a three-meals-a-day gal
Vacuuming and dusting, the former is overwhelming when it comes to the noise and she gets annoyed with having to make sure she doesn't trip on the cord; the latter is just something she doesn't like to do
Another person who will take care of her care b/c it's a "safe space" for her
Her background is a picture of her and Eike together, her lockscreen is a picture of something related to the Mid-autumn festival
Used to use Skype, she wasn't allowed to have other any social media accounts until she got older; now uses Whatsapp and Instagram (doesn't post selfies or photos of others, mostly nice views, things she think were interesting to take pictures of, etc)
A stomach sleeper that hugs her pillow like nobody's business
Sage prefers to plan his outfits b/c he's terrible at improvising and is really bothered by it
He doesn't care, he just focuses on avoiding strong fragrances
Only eats lunch and dinner b/c Lara reminds him he needs to, he will hyper-focus on something and forget to eat
Cleaning, no matter how bad his messes are, Sage Knows where to find things and organizing messes with his head
He keeps his vehicle clean b/c his mother raised him to, the most he'll give is that he appreciates when he doesn't have to get it checked out at a shop
Background is an animal, probably his favorite species of snake, his background is another favorite species
Whatsapp and Instagram (Bunny made him make an Instagram account); his experiences on social media in the past have left a bad taste for him
Switches between his left and right sides
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💭 (for Viktor about Jinx and for Renata about Silco)
Muse Thoughts | Accepting
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"It truly is remarkable how trauma can shape a human mind in something so fragmented and broken beyond repair. A testament to how fragile humanity is and it's need to evolve."
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"I don't think Silco knows what he's doing, his attachment to that daughter of his is going to get him killed sooner or later and that vacuum he leaves behind will need to be filled. Should be a good profit venture in time."
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i genuinely love when a new split starts and there's a champion in the meta i have literally never seen before
it's so funny to me like who tf is this small child i hope he stays permabanned so i don't have to learn what he does
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3, 20, 25?
3- Favorite musical artist / group you started listening to this year?
it's Queen, and okay yes everyone knows queen, but i feel like this year i actually listened and particularly appreciated them more. i have the LP of a night at the opera and every single song on that album is imprinted in my soul it's sooooo good. i got another queen record recently so >:)))) i plan to one day get them all, or at least all the ones i like (which is probably gonna be all of them anyways lol)
20- what's something you learned this year?
someone told me this a few years ago, but this year especially is when it really sunk in for me: if you think you're really good at something (like in a hubris-y way specifically), you're not as good as you think you are, and if you think you're really bad at something, you're not as bad as you think you are. 
i also learned from antigone funn and bijou from wooden overcoats that "you're out there, being you, in front of other people!" "that matters to you?" that matters. your heroes may seem perfect and graceful and put together, but they're people just like you and just like you, they get nervous and have their own insecurities. you are your own worse critic, and that also applies to the "best of the best" too. and here's the thing, no matter how good or bad ANYONE thinks they are at their craft, it matters to somebody out there. maybe it's just you, and maybe it's someone in a crowd you'll never meet, or maybe it's someone long long after you're dead. but what we do matters.
25- did you create any characters (in games, art, or writing) this year? describe one.
sadly i did not :/ i can tell you a bit about my oc renata though (in the tags)
#behold an ask!#IM SO SORRY IT TOOK ME LIKE A WEEK TO ANSWER THIS#prapuna#okay so my oc renata basically spawned bc one day i was like what if immense romantic tragedy#so the general gist of their story is: once upon a time there was this mercenary (who had a lot of magical power) and they were hired to#infiltrate a kingdom and so they got hired as a guard to the princess#but whoops after a WHILE of being near the princess the two of them fell in love and it's really cute but sad#because the princess is being married off to this guy#and so the night before the wedding renata (mercenary) and zarita (the princess) are trying to figure out what to do#and they fight and they don't really come to a solution#zarita talks to the guy she's being married to and they do try to work something out#but the next morning he's found dead- murdered#renata got desperate and killed him#so now. whoops but it gets WORSE bc this guy was like a Chosen One by the gods#he was destined to do Something that changed the course of humanity but renata somehow for in the way of fate?? and fucking killed him#and the gods are PISSED#since his death is technically renata and zarita's fault the gods punish them to eternal rebirth#and renata is cursed to remember everything perfectly#EVERYTHING from that point forward EXCEPT her original life#that is normal memory which means over time it fades and changes and all the shit that happens to memories when time passes#and as they go through the years renata's power (which was already considerable) grows and grows#and eventually they really fucking lose their mind solipsism-style#and they become corrupted and do murder and shit and zarita may not remmeber but they always love renata#inexplicably. even though sometimes renata is a horrible fucking person they still see the good in them and the positive qualities#that made them fall in love in the first place#oh yeah and as soon as zarita Remembers renata and their whole history they're doomed to a tragic death#yeah. can you tell i was deep in quarantine when i came up with them. anyways#they (renata) weren't inspired by scarlet witch but their magic IS red and i always liked the concept of scarlet witch from the comics#losing her mind and her grasp on reality#but i only realized the similarities after i made them lolol
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widevibratobitch · 2 years
hello! who's kissing tebaldi in your icon? and would you perhaps want to share some of your favourite arias or songs along with who sang their best renditions? love your blog<3
Oh anon dear, the first question is very easy. It's my most beloved baritone, one of the very finest in the history of opera if you ask me (and many others) and a certified operablr sexyman, Ettore Bastianini.
Now, the second question... is a bit more complicated and I honestly don't think I could ever possibly make an exhaustive list of all my favourite arias and recordings, it'd be much easier if you gave me some specifics of what exactly you're most interested in (time periods, composers, voice types, singers etc. - do feel free to DM me, I'd be happy to help!).
So I've decided to narrow it down thematically to the ask you've sent and give you a list of a few of my favourite aria recordings of Tebaldi and Bastianini (under the cut).
these are literally just a few from the top of my head, arias from their most iconic, signature roles, but there's more, there's so much more. there are also countless recordings of these arias that I love but I tried to choose mostly the ones when you can *see* them sing because 1. they're always more fun; 2. they're both so hot fr;
Renata Tebaldi
Voi lo sapete from Cavalleria Rusticana by Mascagni (with an absolutely delightful io piango at the end)
Suicidio from La Gioconda by Ponchielli
Io son l'umile ancella (and Monologo di Fedra, though there's not much singing there) from Adriana Lecouvreur by Cilea
Sì, mi chiamano Mimì from La Boheme by Puccini
Un bel dì vedremo from Madama Butterfly by Puccini
Vissi d'arte from Tosca by Puccini
Senza mamma from Suor Angelica by Puccini
Pace, pace, mio Dio from La forza del destino by Verdi
Tu che le vanità from Don Carlo by Verdi
bonus: Una partita a poker from Puccini's La fanciulla del West where at 4:45 you can witness the single sexiest moment in the history of opera aka Tebaldi's legendary TRE ASSI E UN PAIO scream.
Ettore Bastianini
Urna fatale from La forza del destino by Verdi
Il balen del suo sorriso from Il trovatore by Verdi
Eri tu che macchiavi from Un ballo in maschera by Verdi
Per me giunto + Io morrò from Don Carlo by Verdi (he sang A LOT of Rodrigo - it was also the last role he ever sang on stage - and there are plenty of different recordings, my personal favourite isn't on yt but you can literally choose any and it will be gorgeous every time)
Cruda funesta smania from Lucia di Lammermoor by Donizetti
Largo al factotum from Il barbiere di Siviglia by Verdi
Nemico della patria from Andrea Chenier by Giordano
Te deum from Tosca by Puccini
Prologo from I Pagliacci by Leoncavallo
Also, if you want recommendations of entire operas with both Tebaldi and Bastianini together - Tosca and La forza del destino, both from 1958, are an absolute MUST.
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variantia · 3 months
most hero agencies : multiple heroes, sidekicks, some interns / work studies
Elsa's hero agency : a few heroes and sidekicks, but like 75 % ex-cons and villains / vigilantes who are doing the villain rehab thing with her help
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lovinggreeniehours · 2 months
so many renata thoughts, and yet too little coherence to describe them
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