#ren kouha magi
babymagi · 7 months
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m-rc2525 · 9 months
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rettomus · 10 months
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Inktober 2023 works PART III
22. Scratchy [Neku & Shiki - The World Ends With You]
23. Celestial [Amaterasu - Ôkami]
24. Shallow [Sora - Kingdom Hearts]
25. Dangerous [Protagonist - Persona 3]
26. Remove [Jeremiah Gottwald - Code Geass]
27. Beast [Shirou Ogami - BNA]
28. Sparkle [Ren Kouha - Magi]
29. Massive [Kon Kinpon - Patapon]
30. Rush [Zidane Tribal - Final Fantasy IX]
31. Fire [Kuja - Final Fantasy IX]
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lexsssu · 11 months
Car Sex (Ren Kouha)
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TAGS: Kouha/F!reader, carriage sex, smut, drabble Ao3 ver.
“Don’t you dare hide those pretty moans from me, princess. I want you to let everyone know how your husband fucks you so wonderfully that it makes you sing so sweetly~”
Despite being hidden within an ornate and sturdy carriage that only an esteemed royal prince of Kou could use, your whimpers and shrieks are clearly heard outside of the moving vehicle. Specifically, Kouha’s retainers who did their utmost best to pretend they didn’t have ears.
“Look at the mess you’re making, darling. You can’t tell me you’re not enjoying this when you’ve been clamping around me so tightly ever since I settled you down on your favorite seat~”
The prince wore an almost manic grin as he gripped your waist and pulled you flush against him, your soft and smooth rump resting on his lap with his cock nestled deep within your moist and warm depths. There is no need for him to move, because the frequent bumps in the road jostled the carriage so often that he simply just had to hold you while gravity did its own thing. 
Your disheveled hair, makeup, and clothes were more beautiful than any outfit you meticulously put on. For him, the sight of you at your most vulnerable is the most gorgeous version of yourself that you could ever show him, because it is a sight that only he is privy to.
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ariaswrites · 2 months
This is a repost of blacksun-Judar. This is NOT my personal work
Judar,Hakuryu,and kouha found out their fem s/o was pregnant after escaping a few months ago (the child is theirs but they didn’t know because s/o left without telling them)
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- Judar would be infuriated upon finding out she’s pregnant. Was it another man’s? Why hadn’t he heard of this? Had she moved on from him that quickly? He’d slam her against the wall, his ice magic already freezing her ankles to the floor. He’d yell and demand answers, but her shaky reply left him with his mouth gaping.
- Judar would freeze on the spot. He would stare at his darling with a completely blank expression as he rolled the words around his head, again and again. Even when her panicked tears were spilling over, he paid no mind to her, only snapping his head back when she started to squirm, lowering her head to softly sob in shame. Her body badly shaking, and her arms holding her stomach tightly, shielding it from whatever wrath he would unleash upon her.
- Unable to really process the situation, he would melt the ice, grab his darling’s arm and drag her back to the palace. If she struggled, he just had to dig his nails into her flesh and threaten her baby, and she quieted rather quickly. The entire carpet ride, she would be pinned to his lap, his wand pointed at her stomach. No matter how much she shivered and cried, pleading for him to spare their child, he didn’t budge. Normally he enjoyed it when she escaped - he got to punish her, but this, this was different. She was pregnant, of all things. With his child.
- When they finally get back, Judar will have no tolerance for anyone, pushing aside servants and even Kougyoku if she tried to ask what was wrong. As much as he hated Al-thamen anywhere near her, they were the only one’s whose magic could figure out the truth.
- When the results come out that Judar is indeed the father, he’ll have no idea how to react. He didn’t want a child, never wanted one. They were annoying, messy, and they would require his darling to pay attention to them instead of him.
- He immediately starts researching magic for abortion. If he can go through with it or not entirely depends on how good his sweetheart is. If she can make an earnest enough plea to melt the ice around his heart, that this was his child, that he couldn’t just kill it, then maybe… it could be born. But if not, Judar would kill the baby in the womb without mercy. After all, if it’s not born… he’s technically not murdering his child, right?
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- Once finding out that she was pregnant, he’d stand there, mouth agape, before narrowing his eyes and glaring. He wouldn’t raise a hand against her, not yet, but Hakuryuu is unable to keep his voice level enough and ends up shouting at her. Whose child is this!? When did this happen!?
- When she softly utters that it’s his, Hakuryuu would definitely be caught off guard. His? His baby? She was going to have his baby? As he processed the information, warmth suddenly enveloped his chest.
- He slowly raised a hand out to touch her stomach, ignoring the way she flinched and reached out to stop him. He’d reach out another hand to gently caress her cheek, wiping away the tears that wet her cheeks. He was still mad, and he told her as much, but… he was so happy at the same time. He wouldn’t be able to bring himself to hurt her, not after hearing those wondrous news.
- He would still be gentle with her though, taking her to the carriage and setting off back for the palace. However, once she was safely chained to her chair, he would begin to scold her. How dare she run from him while carrying his child! Hakuryuu knows how dangerous the world is, how his precious little darling could be hurt at a moments notice. How beautiful she was, that anyone would want to ruin her. Why would she take that risk?
- Hakuryuu would be in complete denial that he was the reason behind her running away. And when they arrived back at the palace, he’d drag her back to their shared room, and chain her up on their bed, admiring how beautiful she was, with her baby bump just beginning to show through. He’ll make certain that the chains are loose and that she’s comfortable, and will quickly get a glass of water if she looks parched. He might even put a few books beside her, though he gave her shorter then normal ones out of spite for her running.
- He’d get pregnancy books of all and any kind, researching any information he could get. He’s decided he’s not going to punish his darling, not just yet - not until their baby is weened off milk and doesn’t need her tending to it every hour of every day. Even then, Hakuryuu probably won’t have the heart to punish his darling by that point. All the while, he’s got his precious s/o chained up, and her chance at freedom grows ever smaller, because she knows all to well this won’t be the only child they’ll have…
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- Once he finds out she’s pregnant, he has half a mind to chop her to pieces right there. Not only did she run away from him and reject his love, but she’s going to have a baby too! The very audacity already has his fingers curling around her neck, not even caring for any excuses she has to spare. Until she sputters out the one excuse that causes him to freeze and stare at her like she’s got two heads.
- Kouha stares for a moment, not sure of what to do, before giving her a great big smile and letting her go. As his darling kneels to the floor and wheezes for breath, that dark grin never once leaves his face. Oh, he’s still angry, no doubt, but what she just told him helped him make up for it and more. It’s his child. Now, all that’s on his mind is getting her back. His brain processed the information quickly, and his mind was already racing with ideas. Before she can even process it, her arms will be bound by golden chains, and she’s already being dragged away.
- His grip on her arm is tight as he drags her to the carriage, his three loyal attendants in close toe, making certain not even a pebble could cause his darling to trip. When the get back to the carriage, Kouha is all smiles, keeping her on his lap and cuddling, softly caressing her stomach. Ignoring that way his sweetheart flinched and leaned away from his every touch. It’s not as though he could ever hurt her - not now, after finding out she was with his baby. Afterwards, is certainly a different story, however…
- When they return to the palace, Kouha is excitedly dragging her around, practically screeching it to everyone in earshot. In fact, Koumei’s positive he went deaf. Even the members of Al-Thamen were groaning and shaking their heads at the princes antics. Despite that, Kougyoku expressed joy at the news, both happy his s/o is back, and for their child. Though she can’t help but question the fear in his darling’s eyes… and why she even ran away in the first place.
- His darling will quickly be chained to the extravagant bed they shared, surrounded by the softest pillows and blankets imaginable, so quickly it will make her head spin. Of course, Kouha will assure her she will be punished in due time - but only once the baby is born. He couldn’t help but to bite his lip and shiver at the despairing look she gave him.
- Kouha too, will overload on pregnancy books. However, he’ll sit down with his darling and read out loud with her, practicing for when the baby is born. Kouha will put some limits on spoiling her, of course - she did run away, and waiting possibly more then nine months to punish her will drive him mad. He will allow her on walks occasionally, but only to the balcony and back. She has no say in what she eats or wears, and Kouha won’t give into her pregnancy cravings either - only if it’s good for the baby will there be an exception. Then again, isn’t this how he always treated her? He’s just stricter now. Plus, after the pregnancy is when things start getting intense…
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25ne0n · 4 months
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ren kouha
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misquitz · 1 year
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It was brought to my attention that the scene where Rimuru sticks out his tongue is very similar to the scene when Kouha sticks out his tongue
So of course I had to redraw it with Rimuru !! 💕
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queenofanime · 2 years
Can you do kouha ren headcanons with his wife but she’s pregnant
Why of course I can! (Secretly one of my favorite characters. LOVE that little psycho)
Photo uploaded by Anime Icons on Pinterest
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Kouha Ren x pregnant wife reader
Kouha has always been and will always be protective. He was protective of his mother, of his outcasts, of his brothers and sisters, so it's only obvious that he will be protective of you. 
Honestly, I don't believe the pregnancy was planned. Kouha wasn't trying to prevent it, but he definitely wasn't trying to conceive either. 
After he finds out about it, he doesn't react the way you would have hoped. In fact, he doesn't react at all. The old Kouha would have probably been ecstatic and excited. Now, he feels detached from the situation. 
His aloofness makes you wonder if he has lost interest in you (believe me, that is far from the truth). That man adores you! He loves you all the way to the moon and back. It's just that sometimes his head can get in the way.
After everything that happened. Hakuryuu, the betrayals, the execution, Kou, Sinbad. His faith has taken the hit. He feels a bit of a failure, and he doesn't want to keep failing, failing you.   
You'll have to confront him about it. And save the poor guy from his own demons. 
Throughout the whole pregnancy, Kouha will be leaning on you more than he should, but I mean, you did marry a toddler. 
Once your belly starts showing, the reality sinks in, and the emotion in his eyes will return. He already treated you as royalty (technically, you are), but as the months progress, Kouha will treat you like porcelain. 
Kouha never thought about all the things that could go wrong in a pregnancy. Therefore, he is visibly distressed when you're in pain but he makes up for it. The best at cuddles and comfort. Him, talking about everything and nothing, helped you get distracted.
Won't ever say what gender he wants out loud, but he secretly wants a girl. He would spoil her rotten (lucky thing). He even came up with the nickname 'pineapples' and has his heart set on calling his daughter that. 
Very goofy when he feels the baby's kicks. Can't stop looking at his hand all day, reliving the sensation.
The doctor said the baby would arrive on April 29. That gave Kouha a chance to organize his thoughts and have time to prepare. That plan, however, goes out the window when you go into labor at 26 weeks. 
Kouha will never forget your scared expression. When the baby is born, it is so small and fragile that the doctor tells you not to keep your hopes up. Premature babies rarely survive. Your spirit might be shattered, but Kouha isn't giving up on his child. Truth be told, pineapples survives. (That's not how you name your child, don't worry)
After the scare, Kouha will never be seen without his daughter/son.   
We all know he loves fashion, meaning he chooses the clothes, you don't. Also braids hair so don't worry if you suck at it.
Overall, he becomes a more attentive husband and dad (something you didn't know was possible). He always tries to make you smile. 
You know you marry one of the good ones.
Hope this is okay. I really enjoyed writing it!
If you enjoy my writing, even just a little bit... can you follow my insta?
I'm trying to grow my newly created art account: nena_rpa
Your support would mean the world to me :)
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yeiko-za · 2 years
I made this drawing based on the fact that Kouha Ren and Scara share a voice actor.
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only-wonder · 1 year
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Jiangshi Kouha!
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blasphemecel · 2 years
Ren Kouha — Pest Control
PAIRING: Ren Kouha/Reader WORD COUNT: 3.7k TYPE: Humor WARNING(S): Flabbergasting behavior
You were under the impression Kouha Ren is pleasant.
Sure, he's a little eccentric and immature and annoying and bloodthirsty, but you saw some charm in him, anyway. You'd see him for a few hours once every other month, so maybe that’s how he fooled you. Now, you find he's only good in small doses. The extended 'diplomatic stay' your kingdom's ruler came up with was a mistake and clearly the idea of a senile mind.
You're a mere magician, so your standing isn't that high, at least not compared to the imperial princes. The implication here is that to keep in the Kou Empire's good graces, you're to grovel and lick boots or even toes if you need to. If it weren't for Kouha, you wouldn't have to, you think. Kouen and Koumei ignore you outside of common pleasantries, but Kouha has some twisted fascination towards you for reasons you can't even rationalize. He acts like he doesn't have three dedicated personal attendants at his beck and call and as if he can't take a shit without you wiping his ass. (Which, at the moment, is thankfully just hyperbole.)
This leads you to now, eye twitching and legs hurting from standing too long. The civilian worker exchanges a weary look with you and you nod at him solemnly. Your shared pain has transcended past the need for words.
... Kouha contemplates the wall while rubbing his chin like choosing bathroom tiles is a big deal. Maybe this would've been fine if he hasn't been cycling between the same three designs for the past seven hours. Now you can't leave because you offered your help too naively, and the worker is stuck until Kouha buys something, putting you both in a hostage situation.
"I like this one," he says thoughtfully, extending a finger to pick at it. "But I think I should check out how the other two look one more time. Just to be sure."
He's smiling that shit-eating grin he does when he's doing something on purpose. What his motives are, you're not sure, but tension coils down your back and you can sense an outburst coming.
After you wave your wand for the nth time and all the tiles move back down, you can't hold your tongue any longer. "Prince Kouha, my magoi is running out and I'm about to die because of your fucking toilet home decor side project. And this poor man has been here for hours, waiting. Just pick one and put us out of our misery already."
He has the nerve to pout, as if he's in any position to be unhappy. "Aww! I didn't mean to try to kill you! I just wanted to spend some more time with you."
You stare at him in judgemental silence.
Kouha deems it appropriate to grab you by the shoulders and shake you back and forth. He even bawls his eyes out, but you know they're crocodile tears. "Forgive me! Forgive me! Forgive me! Forgive me! Sniffle, sniffle. Forgive me! Forgiiive me..."
Did this moron just say sniffle, sniffle?
The other guy glances between the two of you, uncomfortable, then back at the bathroom tiles with such keen interest, you'd think he hasn't been examining them the entire day.
Dizzy from his nonsense, you concede with a huff. "Fine. Just stop it already!"
If anyone else did this to you, you would've pushed them off and sworn at them, but you're not trying to get executed on one of his whims, so you just have to bear his attitude with grit teeth.
After your reluctant acceptance of his apology, he stops the theatrics, letting you go. Kouha's demeanor changes in the blink of an eye. "Alright then," he says, addressing the craftsman in the flattest tone possible. "I'll buy the red ones. Bye-bye, Mister." He finishes his commission with a little wave.
Your jaw tenses again. You clench your fists until your knuckles hurt and you think you're about to pop a blood vessel. The bastard has been saying they've got the ugliest design this entire time, arguing with you after you said you thought they fit the most. You don't know what game he's playing, but what's even worse is, you do not know how to oppose it.
Kouha is creeping you out.
He keeps looking over at you and laughing to himself during dinner, occupying the seat opposite yours. You wonder what's so funny and if you have a chunk of food stuck in your hair or something like that, but every time you snap up your head to glare at him, he just smiles. Koumei is ignoring him, on the brink of dozing off with his cheek stuck to a plate, while Kougyoku seems to find this endearing.
"What is it, Prince Kouha?" you ask, trying to sound as civil as possible.
Kouha squishes his own cheeks and averts his gaze before he looks at you again and breaks out into a huge smile. "Nothing." Cue more obnoxious giggles.
You decide not to pay him any mind for the rest of dinner and instead fixate on your food. After a while of chewing, you hear more laughter, some whispers and then Kougyoku's 'aww,' so you figure he's up to something again. Still, you continue ignoring them since you're sure he'll get bored if you stop entertaining him with your bemusement.
You don't get the opportunity to dedicate yourself to this 'pretending Kouha doesn't exist' gig because he slides his dish towards you. With the meal's red sauce, he has drawn two stickmen standing over a dead body — with lots of unnecessary and possibly incorrect blood spurts — while holding hands.
You thought he was mocking you, but this looks like a... threat, maybe?
In your desperate search for an explanation, you meet his eyes again, and instead of providing anything of substance, he winks at you. At first your eyebrows disappear in your hairline, but then you pull them together harshly, resulting in a constipated and wrinkled expression which makes it look like you're struggling to shit.
Kouen had told you attending this wine-tasting event with someone from Kou would be good for the two kingdoms' images. You're not sure how this is beneficial, but regardless, you agreed, since you know how much royalty cares about appearances. The thing he conveniently forgot to warn you about was that the other person attending would be Kouha.
He looks giddy, but you're not sure why. He has all the wine he could want at his disposal in the palace, yet he seems all too happy to talk your ear off while the two of you make your way around tasting the samples. You keep silent, only offering short answers when prompted, but it doesn't stop Kouha from rambling about this or that.
"I have an idea," says Kouha.
You're not sure you want to know, but you humor him anyway, asking him to continue with his proposal. Instead of elaborating, though, he hands you the glass he's been drinking from. After you take it from him, you can only look at him with confusion.
"Well, finish it."
"Just do it!"
"Prince Kouha, this is very generous-" it isn't, "-but there are just a few drops left at the bottom."
"Come on. I'll start crying in front of everyone if you don't," he says. "And stop talking to me so formally! We're close." At the last word, Kouha's face twists into something more licentious for emphasis, which you've noticed is a gesture he only aims at you. You theorize you're his current social experiment.
Annoyed, you roll your eyes at his threat, which you're sure he'll fulfill, and at his caprice regarding the way people refer to him. Lifting the glass, you examine it while you wonder if it's poisoned, then bring it up your nose to sniff it. The chances aren't high, but you can never be too safe.
Kouha taps his foot, impatient for you to do this. "What's with you?" he demands, like your blatant display of paranoia has somehow inconvenienced him.
You're not sure why he's so eager — it's a little gross, exchanging germs, isn't it? If not off-putting, it's at least unhygienic. However, you set aside your inhibitions and commit to it since staying on his good side is in your best interest.
He claps at you like you're a circus attraction and then grabs your glass too, downing the rest of your drink like you had done with his. When he has finished his ministration, Kouha offers you his serial killer grin before he covers his mouth with his hands and lets out a strange noise.
"I don't get it," you say, disregarding his obvious loss of sanity. Though, now that you think about it, he has always been rather shameless. "What was the point of all this?"
Kouha winks at you. Again.
"You know that doesn't substitute for an answer, right?"
"Well," he says with a harsh laugh before gesturing grandiosely around the room, "I think you ask stupid questions, [Y/n]. Anyway! We have more wine to try."
"I think you ask stupid questions, [Y/n]," you mumble under your breath in a snotty tone, trying to imitate him. When he doesn't show hearing any of that, you continue with your hateful muttering, though it devolves into incoherent gibberish.
It's too late at night for any Kouha-esque shenanigans. You're trying to reach your temporary chambers, walking down the hallways as quietly as possible until something jumps out of nowhere and rams into you at full speed, and there's the distant screech of your name that you register a tad too late.
At first you think it's a creature, but soon you have a mouthful of Kouha's hair in your mouth as the two of you tumble around in a ball of limbs and you're irked to understand he body-slammed you for no apparent reason. When you hit the wall and he doesn't let you go, but tightens his hold against your waist, you spit out his pinkish tresses and grunt before kneeing him in the abdomen.
"What was that for?!" he yells in a shrill voice.
"For attacking me in the middle of the night," you say like it's obvious, which it should have been. It's hard to resist the urge to shush him.
"I wasn't attacking you. Do you not know what a hug is?" Kouha occupies himself by stretching the flesh of your cheeks, mimicking a smile through your often neutral face, and then he jabs your forehead. "You're going to get an angry crease right here if you keep frowning so much."
"Whatever, let it wrinkle." I'll crease you in two if you keep annoying me, you little troll, you want to say, but the more honest part of you hasn't subscribed to the idea of free speech yet.
Kouha then amuses himself by pinching your nose, hovering his face right over yours. You're not sure if he's trying to suffocate you or if he wants to instigate a fight — since that's what his behavior suggests at all times — but you slap his hand away once it gets difficult to breathe.
"Seriously." You scoff. "What's your problem?"
"I just wanna hang out with you. Is that a crime? Well, if it is, I guess I could overturn it." Kouha seems to find himself hilarious. You consider his question, then shrug like you don't know, which was apparently the wrong choice since Kouha grabs and shakes you again while weaponizing his fake tears. "Stop being cold! Stop being cold! Stop being cold! Stoooop being cooold!"
"No, stop doing this bullshit," you say, resisting the urge to push him off. "I'm going crazy in here."
Kouha laughs at that before his arms fall down to his sides. "Oh, I understand. I really do."
Instead of answering, Kouha uses his fingers to twist your lips closed and smiles at you with irrational glee. You try to tell him something, but it comes out incomprehensible. Your babbling gone disregarded, Kouha stands up from the way he was straddling you and runs away with a bounce in his step. He spares you no clarification.
You stare at the ceiling for a few minutes of silence, wondering what's wrong with him.
The next morning, there's a knock at your door. You groan out something unintelligible until you hear what sounds like the voice of one of Kouha's maids. "Great Magician, it's me, JunJun."
"Oh yeah," you say uselessly before you stumble your way out. After you open the door slightly ajar, you see she's holding a bouquet in your direction. "Uh, do you need help with something... JunJun?"
"No, no!" Like you just uttered blasphemy, she shakes her head at you, frantic. "That's ludicrous. Prince Kouha wanted you to have this." She then thrusts the flowers at you and shuffles away, missing your displeased frown.
You close the door behind yourself and stare at the bouquet with incredulity, then you touch around the stems and wrapping, trying to feel for anything suspicious. Perhaps a smoke bomb or something that'll spurt acid in your eyes or a poisonous spore hidden in the arrangement. When you find nothing, you wonder what else might be wrong with it.
Why would Prince Kouha give me this?
You scratch your head, deep in thought. Still wary of them, you throw the flowers on your bed and make yourself presentable before you rush down towards the library.
The reading choices are extensive, and you take a while to find what you're looking for. You're still not convinced the bouquet is innocuous. Kouha does no kind gestures without making the situation weird. (And fine, maybe you've felt bias against him ever since you witnessed JunJun begging him to hit her 'again' with a strange amount of desperation, which is a Pandora's box you don't want to pry open.)
You open the textbook about floriography and begin searching for the explanations that don't go into too much detail.
Black rose — death.
Petunia — resentment, anger.
Butterfly weed — you must leave.
Your eyes widen, and suddenly you're enlightened, and revelations are coming to you. It all makes sense.
I've overstayed my welcome, and I didn't understand his hints before. He gave me a chance, and now he's plotting my assassination. I knew it! I knew he wouldn't just do something nice and normal!
When you're done with your investigation, you run back to your room, trying your best to avoid being seen by anyone. You throw out Kouha's bouquet and start packing your things. You think you might also jump out from a window on the first floor and try to escape the palace by climbing the fence. Since you haven't worked out your plan yet, maybe it could use a few tweaks.
In the garden, something falls on top of Kouha's head mid-sentence. Kougyoku stares at the flowers with curiosity, though before she can comment, Kouha picks it up, and a scandalized gasp escapes him. "Huh? Why'd [Y/n] throw my gift away?"
Kougyoku puts her hand to her mouth, scrutinizing it in silence. Glaring, assessing. She seems serious, which is unlike her outside of battle.
"Why are you looking at it like that?" He tilts his head to the side, then turns prideful. "Anyway, I made it myself, you know? It has a note and everything."
Unimpressed, Kougyoku says, "You made this? For the magician?"
"Is something wrong with it?"
"Let's just hope [Y/n] doesn't know anything about flower symbolism."
"Kougyoku! Tell meeeee! What's wrong with it?" Kouha jumps up and down, already whining, shaking his fists at his sister.
Pointedly ignoring his tantrum, she snatches the bouquet from his grasp and fishes out the note he wrote. After unfolding it, she reads the contents.
Kouha sways from side to side, though he makes no move to take it back. "Hey! That's an invasion of privacy." Despite his words, he seems curious about what she'll say.
"Nevermind." A prolonged moment of silence passes. She tucks backs the letter before she turns to address him with a forced, close-eyed smile. "Let's just hope [Y/n] can't read."
"Hey. Hey, it can't be that bad, right?"
"Kougyoku, say something. Anything. Please."
Your escape doesn't turn out too successful, though maybe wording it like this is your trying to save face. You were about to jump and disappear when JunJun, JinJin and ReiRei appeared out of probably Kouha's asshole and ambushed you, leaving you restrained. It would've been easy to get rid of them with a spell if they were regular maids, but you know they're considered witches.
Like in a movie, Kouha ambles towards you, taking his sweet time. Halfway through his stroll, you feel irritated at him, though you figure he's doing this for dramatic effect before he lets you face your imminent fate. Sweat runs down your face in copious amounts.
You don't expect him to cry out your name in a way that's not as disingenuously upset as usual. "Where are you going?" he asks, voice hoarse and broken.
"Erm, I was trying to head for a ship back home before I got rudely interrupted." The three attendants don't react to you implicating them to their faces.
"Why?" He turns angry then, quitting the sniveling act and choosing to point in your face and hurl strange accusations at you. "You're just trying to spite me!"
"Well, why else would you want to flee?"
You don't understand what this has to do with miffing him, but you decide to explain yourself anyway, on the off chance they let you go alive. "I've been here for almost half a year now. I don't want to intrude," you say, not revealing you're aware of his scheme to kill you. You don't even want to bother imagining what torture methods his sick head might have come up with.
"Noooooo," Kouha says before lying down to take position and roll around on the floor in one of the most embarrassing frenzies you've ever seen. "No, please, please, pleaaaaaase intrude! Please! Come on. You can't do this! Please."
"Look, [Y/n], you've made the prince cry!" the one you think is JinJin says.
"Yeah. You should keep being invasive, forever and ever! Really, I thought we were close."
What's with these mixed signals?! you think. First, he writes you a cryptic murder message with flowers, now he's begging you to stay? Bullshit. Wanting his shameful display to end, though, and not having any desire to be found at fault for it, your resolve to run away wanes.
"Okay, fine. Don't cry, Prince Kouha. If it really isn't a problem, I can stay."
The three attendants release their iron grip on you. Only Kouha stays behind, rubbing his eyes and wiping away snot on the back of his hand, which you don't find very prince-like. Still, you're confused. This suggests he wasn't faking his sobbing a few minutes ago.
You look at him with down turned lips, full of inner questions, and you expect some justification for his actions. At least, you think, he should come up with a silly excuse for why he'd overreact to the idea of your departure — which will have to happen sometime, either way — so severely.
He winks at you as if nothing happened and walks back, and all you can do is stare at the place he'd been standing in like a cretin.
"I told you it's just Kouha," he calls back where he came from, now with something lighthearted in his tone. This irritating man is playing you like a fiddle, and you don't see the point.
This time, he doesn't ask any of his maids to come for you and instead goes through the tedious process of knocking on your door until you wake up. You get ready in a daze, finding it best to go along with whatever Kouha says to smooth out the awkwardness between you two, which first arose after you randomly decided he's trying to murder you. Still, you don't know what to expect when you let him drag you along.
No amount of direction, mediation or imagination would've prepared you for whatever this is. There it is, an enormous ice sculpture of you, with perhaps exaggerated proportions — you're aware your jaw isn't that strong, and your muscles aren't this pronounced if at all — already melting and dripping all over the floor during the heat of the summer.
JunJun, JinJin and ReiRei stand beside it, saying nothing.
"Well?" Kouha prompts. "Do you like it?"
"Kouha, what's the meaning of this?"
"Alright," he says. You think he's about half-serious since he drops the playful lilt of his tone, but he's still smiling at you in a manner that's wannabe suave, observing you with half-lidded eyes. "Let's cut the bullshit."
Yeah, you think this sounds good, but you're not sure what it entails. Maybe this time he'll really exile you and tell you the Kou Empire has cut off all contact with your kingdom. Or maybe he'll ask you to curse the craftsman who delivered his new bathroom tiles all these months ago. He could even suggest you join his servants in his weird sadomasochistic circle. There's a chance he might wink at you again, forcing your hand to diagnose him with blepharospasm, and then leave without ever speaking of this. With him, it could be anything.
"Sure," you say warily.
Much to your befuddlement, Kouha... drops on one knee? And the maids who are obsessed with him swoon in the background, though you pretend they're not there, watching this fiasco. The hand of the ice sculpture made in your likeness breaks and shatters somewhere behind him.
???, you think again. You also wonder what kind of blackmail Kouha has on Judar to convince him to take part in this, even if indirectly.
He pulls out something. "Can I get the honor of being your boyfriend?" You're pretty sure asking someone out doesn't include expensive rings, but whatever.
By the way he's looking up at you, you think he's waiting for you to be in awe, but all that comes out is, "Huh… Where'd that come from?"
"What do you mean, where did it come from?! I've been courting you all this time!"
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babymagi · 1 year
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m-rc2525 · 10 months
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ethereii · 1 year
hi :) uhhh i’m new on tumblr! i’ve loved magi since i was like 12 and i’m here to find the other magi lovers. here’s a screencap redraw i did of ren kouha when i was hyper fixated on him months ago 🌞 still really proud of it. feel free to stay and find out what other fandoms i’m interested in :)
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i splattered blood on him in my art because we all know good and well he really should’ve been doused in it
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everykoumeipanel · 2 years
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Night 366, The Coward
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haha what if i taught myself to make DA stamps for no reason. JK. Unless??
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