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Trentodoc: il Remuage!
Il remuage, noto anche come dégorgement à la glace, è un’importante fase del processo di produzione del vino spumante metodo classico. Questa pratica consiste nel far scendere i residui di lievito e di altre particelle all’interno della bottiglia, rendendo il vino più limpido e cristallino. Nella zona di produzione del Trentodoc, il remuage è un’attività tradizionale e importante per la…
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Hey y'all! Remember when I said I had a Lucky Contestant FC of my very own? Well, here they are! They mainly appear wearing the mask, but I wanted to show off their face for this bio so y'all can get a taste of what they look like.
Onto my Contestant...
Leni Sorensen had it all. They were the star athlete/gymnast at their high school, found the perfect man and moved in with him in a nice house after graduating. But then, something crashed and burned in their mental state and now they've turned into a bitter adult who lives in a crappy rundown apartment, has gone through a breakup, dealing with a smoking addiction, and is struggling to find a job. Desperate to get their life back together, upon hearing that if you managed to find a VHS tape in one of the Frankie's Fruit Flake boxes, you'll be granted to participate in a private indoor gameshow with the promise of 5 million dollars, they obsessively remuage through every box for the to be signed up and luckily for them, they finally found it after 769 boxes. They even toke rehab to get rid of their addiction and train really hard so that they can regain their parkour skills in time for the game. Under the impression that it was a simple and harmless yet goofy gameshow like Wipeout, they quickly realize upon being accepted that this "gameshow" is actually a streaming podcast located in the dark web AKA a "red room", where sick fucks pay money to watch people get sliced up by saws, have their skins melted by toxic slime, and be hunted down and killed by monstrous versions of the mascots. With Leni being the only surviving "contestant" able to outwit the monsters with her athletic gift and win the prize, they ended up making the red room more money and is now forced to remain imprisoned at the Parkour Palace until the next season arrives, rather they accept the offer or not.
Extended Bio:
Full name: Magdalena Sorensen Nickname: Leni and Maggie (but if you value your life, don't call them that. Just don't) Age: 24 Gender: Nonbinary (goes by any pronouns) AFAB Nationality: Dutch-American Orientation: Bisexual Family: Mother and father, older sister named Amelia (26) and younger brother James (20) Personality: Leni is as confident and boisterous as they are arrogant. They often act rude, dismissive, and sarcastic. They have an ego the size of Jupiter, they know that they are a gifted athlete and won't let others forget. They believe in "survival of the fittest" and looks down at the more weaker ones, blaming them for their shortcomings and willing to leave them behind if they were in a survival setting.
Leni in general isn't the most pleasant person to be around, which was why they don't really have friends, not that they wanted any to begin with (or do they?). But… They are not without a few redeeming qualities… Right? Yes, their negatives do outway their positives, but Leni's not evil. The whole reason they wanted to enter the gameshow was not just because they want a better living space, but to also have a better living space and makes things right with their ex Brett, so they are capable of feeling remorse. Deep down, Leni does long for companionship, but they don't know how, and because of their crass attitude, no one's willing to tolerate them. Needless to say, they are one tough nut to crack.
Fun facts:
🐇Leni has near vision so she wears glasses, but she does sometimes wears contacts. They wore contacts during the gameshow. They hated wearing the mask and if they have an opportunity to take it off they will. 🐇Leni didn't have the best homelife. Their parents (although they love all three of their kids squally) have jobs that require them to work for long hours, so they're rarely at home and when they are, they are exhausted. But that is not the worst part, they often leave her at home with her older sister who makes it her goal to make Leni's life a living nightmare. James however, is the only one who sees the good in them (and still does) and has looked to them his life, but has unfortunately inherit some their boasting which they nowadays try to discourage. 🐇Before moving out, Leni was the one who does all the chores around the house and prepare food. Amelia is more concerned with being on the phone and James was little at the time, but as he grew up he tried to help their older sibling out. 🐇Outside of a boyfriend, Leni did have a small group of friends at one point, although they all got fed up with their prideful nature. 🐇When they're not training for season 58, Leni would try to come up with plans to escape, lay in bed all day, thinking back on their time with Brett and their friends in guilt or trying (and failing) to avoid conversing with Frankie. 🐇James refers to Leni as his "brother". Amelia and their parents refer to Leni as their "sister" and daughter. Brett referred to them by they/them pronouns. Frankie and Henry also refers to them by they/them pronouns. That was when they came out as nonbinary and say they don't mind being referred to as a "he", "she", or a "they". 🐇Leni sleeps in a fetal position and always hugs onto their pillow or blanket. 🐇Leni has a soft spot for animals, although she has a fear of rats, or atleast used to. It helps that every animal she comes across like her, or atleast don't mind her presence. 🐇During their imprisonment, they noticed an injured rat. Despite their phobia of rats, pity overcomes fear within them (and because they were desperate for a companion to stay sane) and they toke it upon themselves to try and nurse it to health. The rat started to imprint on them and they ended basically adopting it. They haven't thought up a name for it. 🐇Leni does become a amicable person in the future. The gameshow shattered their pride and made them question their motto especially regarding the Noob Noobs and eventually Henry. There are still a few bumps in the road, but they are trying their best to be nicer. Leni isn't fond of children. 🐇They hates anime and sees them as overrated and stupid. 🐇Leni thinks that vegans are pathetic. Leni is a big eater. 🐇Their favorite food are ramen noodles and their favorite drink is strawberry and cream soda. 🐇It's possible that her rudeness and sarcasm is also a defensive mechanism. 🐇They haven't been to college.
🐇They have a secret Tumblr blog, you can talk to them if you like... 🐇They are suffering from nicotine withdrawals.
#finding frankie#the lucky contestant#contestant oc#original character#noob noobs#henry hotline#all are mentioned
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La Maison Pommery. “Qualitè d’abord”, la qualità innanzitutto, fu il motto di Madame Pommery quando nel 1858, prese le redini della Maison. Creò con grande successo il primo champagne “brut”, secco, dalla leggendaria annata del 1874 sconvolgendo la Londra vittoriana di allora. Il mercato inglese era quello maggiormente di punta e la nostra vedova riuscì a portare il dosaggio zuccherino a 6/7 grammi litro. Lo champagne si produceva ancora dolce con tenori zuccherini che oggi classificheremmo extra- dry o addirittura dry.
Altra mossa vincente di Madame Pommery fu l’acquisizione di 120 cave sotterranee di gesso scavate in epoca romana (profonde oltre 60 metri), allora in periferia sud di Reims (oggi in centro città) che furono riempite fino alla profondità di 30 metri e collegate tra loro con cunicoli, passaggi, rese abitabili con diverse prese d’aria.
La visita inizia scendendo i 116 gradini che portano il visitatore direttamente alla massima profondità (30 metri con una umidità rilevata del 98%).
Da qui un percorso guidato che porta l’ospite, meglio definirmi turista, alla conoscenza di un mondo operativo “da miniera”, con luci tenue di candele o simili, carrucole con cesti che servivano a trasportare i grappoli da pressare con i torchi e procedere con le tecniche conosciute allora.
Interessante è la storia della cava di Notre Dame, chiamata così per la presenza di una statua della Vergine, “Notre-Dame des Crayères” , posta a vegliare su questo mondo sotterraneo.
Nella profondità della cave sono presenti tutte le condizioni per far raggiungere al vino la maturità necessaria con un perfetto regolatore termico. Temperatura costante di 10°.
E mentre si osservano le opere d’arte poste di sala in sala, meglio dire di cava in cava, il silenzio viene interrotto dal rumore dei carrelli elevatori trasportanti le bottiglie pronte per il remuage con i potenti gyropalette.
Interessanti i nomi dati alle singole cave.
Riportano nomi di città a significare i luoghi nel mondo raggiunti dal marchio Pommery. Impressionanti i numeri che provengono da questi cunicoli: 25 milioni di bottiglie giacenti sui lieviti.
fonte https://corrieredelvino.it/primopiano/visita-alla-pommery-un-luogo-straordinario/
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Révolution verte en ville : composter en appartement, c'est facile
Le compostage en appartement n'est pas un mythe, c'est une réalité ! Oui, vous avez bien lu. Ce mouvement éco-responsable, autrefois réservé à nos amis jardiniers, s'invite désormais chez les citadins. Transformez vos déchets organiques en un engrais naturel et précieux, le tout dans le confort de votre appartement. Composter en appartement : un geste écologique, simple et éfficace Pourquoi composter ? Composter, c'est une manière simple et efficace de réduire son empreinte écologique. Au-delà de limiter le volume de vos déchets, le compost offre à vos plantes d'intérieur une nourriture riche et naturelle. Parce que vos pots de fleurs méritent le meilleur ! Le compostage en appartement, comment ça marche ? Il est essentiel de choisir le bon contenant. Pour le compostage en appartement, optez pour un composteur d'intérieur spécifique, compact et sans odeurs. Ensuite, c'est une question d'équilibre entre déchets verts (épluchures, restes de légumes) et déchets bruns (papier, carton), ainsi que d'aération. Lisez aussi : La déforestation démasquée : impact invisible sur la biodiversité Les étapes clés du compostage en appartement Le choix du composteur Un composteur d'intérieur doit être compact, mais suffisamment grand pour contenir vos déchets organiques. Il existe des modèles adaptés aux petits espaces, certains même dotés de designs modernes et esthétiques ! L'équilibre des déchets Il faut un équilibre entre les déchets verts, riches en azote, et les déchets bruns, riches en carbone. Une bonne règle à suivre est d'alterner une couche de déchets verts, puis une couche de déchets bruns. L'aération du compost Pour éviter les mauvaises odeurs, il est crucial d'aérer régulièrement votre compost. Un simple remuage de temps en temps suffira pour favoriser le processus de décomposition et pour garder votre compost en bonne santé. Alors, êtes-vous prêtes à rejoindre cette révolution verte urbaine ? Transformez vos déchets en trésors et contribuez à un monde plus durable grâce au compostage en appartement. C'est une aventure passionnante, utile et éco-responsable qui vous attend. Allez, mettez la main à la terre et laissez le cycle naturel de la vie opérer sa magie dans votre salon ! Read the full article
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at work Antonio
#remuage #sparkle #winelover #enologia #cellars #pugliamia #pugliafood #wineemore #details #work
pH Franco cogoli @cogolif
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The project consisted in the search for a new aesthetic for the facades of the historic Aldo Rainoldi winery in Chiuro in the province of Sondrio. This research should have been appropriate and representative of how the winery is evolving. The building is composed of two different bodies, a building in “rasopietra” characterized by the materiality of rural houses, used as offices and over the cellars, and a more recently built production part that was compositionally detached from the first. The design idea was to find a very simple element that would at the same time create a link between the two bodies and redefine the composition of the more modern part. The starting point was the renovation of the historical façade, taking particular care to avoid distorting it, so it was decided to carry out a conservative restoration, punctual and respectful of the pre-existing structure. We then looked for an element characterized by pure geometry that would fulfil the task of redefining the composition of the whole by covering one part and framing the other. The compositional research has led to the creation of a curtain wall, parallel to the main body and which partly overlaps the historic facade, redefining its entrance. For the realization of this architectural element, it was decided to use “pupitres”, trying to obtain the desired result by means of an element that simultaneously combines formal cleanliness with a close relationship with the activity it helps to represent. This element, originally conceived for the "remuage", born for the collection in the neck of the bottle of the solid and lees sediments produced during refermentation, was transformed into a standard module to serve as the constituent element of the new façade. It consists of articulated oak elements, made up of planks with slanted holes and joined in groups of six by a frame also made of wood. The size of the facade and the metal frame that supports it were determined in advance and then adapted to the scan required by the size of the elements.
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Operaio muore schiacciato da un macchinario nel Bresciano
(ANSA) – BRESCIA, 07 GIU – Incidente mortale sul lavoro in un’azienda vitivinicola nel Bresciano. Un cinquantenne è morto mentre stava lavorando all’interno dello stabilimento dell’azienda vitivinicola Monte Rossa a Cazzago San Martino. Avrebbe avuto un malore ed è rimasto schiacciato sotto il peso di un macchinario avvolgi pallet per il remuage delle bottiglie che effettua il procedimento per…
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滴滴香醇 法國香檳酒的釀造過程
作為世界一流的是如何釀造出來的? 法國香檳備受人們的喜愛自然與它頂級品質分不開,今天我們就全面瞭解下它的製造工藝吧~種植採摘
從冬天到8月,依次進行剪枝,捆枝,去芽,培土,綁蔓,摘心,後去尖; 從春天到6月,還要注意花開的情況; 到了採摘季節,葡萄種植人依據每年由香檳地區酒業聯合會公佈的採摘時間進行手工採摘。 而後是壓榨取汁的過程。 抵達酒廠時,每種葡萄都經過傳統的垂直式或較溫和的水準式榨汁機加以壓榨。 為了確保品質,每150公斤的葡萄多只能榨出 100 公升的果汁。發酵和勾兌
那麼,香檳的氣泡是如何取得的呢? 這要歸功於傳統的「香檳」釀造方法; 在葡萄取汁,初步澄清后,便要進行第一次的酒精發酵; 11%的酒精度是通過活性乾酵母的參與發酵而取得的,這一過程在木桶中進行;
之後便是對不同品牌或不同年份,或不同社區的酒進行勾兌。 這源於17世紀末,調酒師反覆不斷地品嘗,通過調節不同成分的含量,使每種品牌特有的風格和諧地體現出來。
春藥 春藥是什麼 春藥用法 春藥使用方法 春藥哪裡買 有效春藥 乖乖水 聽話水 失憶水日本春藥 日本性奮劑 FM2 瀰漫之夜 DDK迷姦粉 金蒼蠅迷情液 一滴銷魂催情水 卡宴催情水 日本淑女剋星 春藥怎麼用 媚藥
調配好后,就可以添加由蔗糖和酵母為原料調配的再發酵液(liqueur de tirage),封瓶後置於挖空葡萄園下方的白堊土酒窖里準備第二次發酵。 第二次發酵(prise de mousse)是在封閉的瓶中進行,再發酵液的糖份發酵后產生的二氧化碳無處遁逃,便溶入酒液中。
重要的二次發酵,這個過程是在密封的酒瓶中進行,在這階段回填加糖和酵母,造成二氧化碳的產生—這就是氣泡的由來。 氣泡被封在酒瓶中,直至開瓶。
在二次發酵完成後,死去的酵母會慢慢沉入瓶底產生沉澱物,起先酒瓶被水準放置在稱為 “pupitre” 的 A 形架子上,搖平工人會定期將酒瓶搖晃,並且一點一點改酒瓶的角度,直到發酵過程結束幾乎垂直倒立。 這個動作稱為「搖瓶」 (remuage),目的是要讓死去的酵母沈澱物聚集在瓶頸,以便除去。 不要小看這個動作,在很長一段時間里,都���有工人手工地按照一定的時間頻率和角度進行轉動的,直到今天,人們即使用大的木架子來代替,也是半手工的方式。 其間的工作量可想而知。 裝瓶時,將瓶頸浸入極低溫的鹽水中,使包含沉澱物的酒結冰之後,再打開瓶塞。 此時瓶中的氣壓會將結冰部分噴出,這個過程稱為「除渣」(degorgement)。
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et c'est là que le remuage de queue typique des canards devient utile pour s'intégrer au gang des clebs
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On me demande souvent, pourquoi j'ai choisi cette filière professionnelle. Dire que je suis dans le luxe, la plupart de mon entourage ne font que me donner préjugés : " c'est pour être riche", " tu veux te montrer", " comment tu peux aimer des choses aussi chères ?", " tu vas devenir hautaine". Tant de phrases, de mots prononcés n'ayant aucun sens pour ma part.
J'ai choisi d'être dans le luxe car c'est un monde que je qualifierai de magique. Un monde qui ne cesse d'évoluer sur plusieurs générations, un monde où le dépassement de soi est une clé pour réussir, un monde où valeurs et traditions sont transmises sans oublier le savoir faire unique qui prone l'artisanat. Un monde qui est quête de sens, nouveauté, qui recherche sans cesse la perfection, l'excellence. Le luxe ne s'arrête pas à un prix, loin de là. La notion de rareté est présente, faisant de chaque produit une œuvre extraordinaire. Le luxe, c'est aussi vivre une experience insolite. Oui, nous professionnels nous sommes avant tout Humain, où nous cherchons à satisfaire n'importe public, de n'importe quelles classes sociales. Être au petit soin pour eux, pour vous, vous accompagner, vous conseiller, échanger. Ah l'échange ! Il me fait tant rêver. Pourquoi ? Pour la simple raison, qu'en échangeant avec les autres on apprend, on grandit, on s'instruit. Les dialogues, les discours sont différents et m'apporte leçons de vie. Je suis d'ailleurs convaincue que les humains ensemble, en mettant toutes leurs idées peuvent accomplir de belles choses.
Mais passons le sujet, et revenons à mon sujet de départ le luxe. Outre mes études, j'ai décidé de travailler dans le champagne. Pour quoi ? Je vais alors prononcer cette fameuse phrase par coco Chanel : " Je bois seulement du champagne à deux occasions. Quand je suis amoureuse et quand je ne le suis pas ". Quelle belle citation, n'est ce pas ?
Le champagne pour moi est l'excellence des vins. Avec ses infines bulles, il montre la beauté d'un terroir français. Situé sur la zone septentrionale, son sol calcaire, les conditions climatiques, l'exposition des vignes font de ce vin pétillant une exception. Le terroir, je prône le terroir français. Cela fait peut être chauvin mais il est tellement riche, pourquoi aller voir dans d'autres pays ? Nous sommes le meilleur pays dans ce domaine.
Nous savons comment embellir ces grappes de raisins qui donnent un jus plus ou moins claire, plus ou moins acide, plus ou moins esquis. L'art de l'assemblage donne aussi au vin un caractère unique et précieux. Le remuage, et tant d'autres choses importantes à l'élaboration d'un champagne et dire qu'il faudra attendre 2023 pour goûter les champagnes de 2020.
C'est cela que j'adore: goûter ces vins qui sont parfois fruités, aux notes d'agrumes, de terres, de bois. Avoir cette explosion de bulles qui chatouille mon palais, qui dansent et parcours chaque recoin pour analyser les caractéristiques de ce savoir faire d'excellence. Une passion qui me dévore.
Alors, être commerciale et chef de projet marketing dans ce domaine me permet de m'épanouir plainement. Je suis souvent considérée comme quelqu'un qui se donne à fond et qui aime le business. Oui certes, l'argent contribue au bonheur mais il faut bien comprendre que chaque chose que je fais est avant tout avec le cœur. La beauté de l'homme réside en l'amour et la passion est une partie de cet amour. Alors je ne cesserai jamais de combler cette petite flamme qui anime mon être. Mon but ? Ou devrais je dire, mes buts ? Développer la petite entreprise dans laquelle je suis, me dépasser, prouver que ces infimes bulles sont dignes d'un compte de fée, construire un projet professionnel de A à Z. Prouvez que j'ai les épaules pour être novatrice et plus intelligente que les concurrents.
J'ai, dans mon passé souvent été enviée, jugée, jalousées et d'autres termes non gratifiants. Je pense qu'aujourd'hui grâce à ces personnes je suis devenue ce que je dois être. Grâce à elles, j'ai trouvé comment avoir la détermination d'atteindre des objectifs, d'analyser . Ah l'analyse ! Un sujet qui me me prend aux tripes car il est tellement vaste. Analyser la gestuelle, analyser les tics, analyser les expressions, analyser les mots prononcés, analyser la personnalité, analyser le mode de fonctionnement de quelqu'un mais aussi analyser un territoire, analyser un marché, analyser la concurrence et tant d'autre. Dans mon métier je l'utilise souvent cela m'aide énormément. J'avoureai que personnellement aussi.
Je me suis ainsi faite la promesse de toujours me dépasser. La vie professionnelle est un berceau pour moi, un joyau qu'il faut chérir, un cadeau car j'ai la chance de faire des études, de m'instruire et de montrer que la petite Coralie est devenue quelqu'un.
Je terminerais mon discours en citant Georges Sand " le champagne aide à l'émerveillement". Pour moi le champagne est bien plus qu'on vin effervescent, il est passion, vie et dépassement.
Ainsi, Je ne cesserai jamais d'aimer profondément ce produit de prestige qui me facine. Ou chaque maison de champagne sont inscrites dans l'histoire, cherchant à faire vivre de nouvelles expériences comme Krug et la dégustation avec la musique ou encore Veuve Cliquot qui allie l'art et la visite de ses caves, montrant de jeunes artistes. Tant de choses sont à developper.
Je m'épanouis pleinement dans ce domaine et cherche d'avantage à en savoir plus. J'ai même eu l'idée de devenir journaliste dans le domaine viti vinicole pour ne jamais arrêter de m'instruire. Et aujourd'hui encore plus déterminé que la veille, je souhaite intégrer une école de commerce en Master situé à Dijon pour continuer ma lancé. Mais je vais devoir patienter et travailler car je dois passer un concours pour y accéder.
Mais j'y arriverai, j'y suis toujours arrivée par détermination et par passion.
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Over the summer, I watched Good Omens in Italian and made a post about it to compare and contrast
And then I did the same with French and FINALLY got around to make sense of my notes. Here they are, enjoy the laughs.
Good Omens in French is Bons Présages which is a literal translation.
French shows/movies/books always seem to do literal translations of things (see Harry Potter)
Crowley’s name goes from Rampant (something that CRAWls) to Rampa.
God, although voiced by a female sounding actor, is referred as tout puissant (male) and not toutE puissantE (female)
At least Crowley and Aziraphale use tu around each other instead of using the formal vous. (Listen, the number of shows/movies where 2 characters are friends, but because of the age dynamic they get downed to vous – it’s annoying. I’m glad 6000 yrs of friendship meant they could use tu.)
Agnes Nutter’s last name is Barge
The way Crowley greets Hastur and Ligur “hey salut les gars” it’s so casual lamao
When they’re going through the deeds of the day Crowley goes on to say “oké vous allez adorer – j’ai fait bugger tous les réseaux” he sounds so pleased
Ciao remains but (according to my old notes – I don’t remember but this is what I wrote like this summer) apparently they go on to say that it means poule (chicken) and not food (so the ciao –chow pun is lost)
The person from hell who comes through on Crowley’s radio (I was never sure who that was supposed to be) but anyways, that person, they use darling and in French it was translated as mon choux, which is cute and also really funny.
The Japanese bit was not translated (so it’s still Michael Sheen we hear say the one Japanese line)
French also does not have another word for cookie (cookie and biscuit – which is funny because in French the word used for cookie is biscuit) ANYWAYS so Sister Mary L says cookie but with a French accent.
Aziraphael sounds like Azirafal.
When Aziraphale asks Crowley what he wants to do next (or whatever the line was) and Crowley goes des litres, des fleuves, des océans d’alcool (litres, rivers, oceans of alcool)
The drunk scene deserves a special mention
Personal opinion: but Crowley’s VA grows more on you than Aziraphale’s VA. They both sound much younger than D. Tennant and M. Sheen. Sometimes the French VAs don’t... fit lol and fall a bit flat.
Aziraphale’s “oh doux Jésus”
Their voices as Nanny and brother Francis were sad.
Warlock’s voice at age 5 was also sad.
However warlock calls Nanny “Nounou” and that’s cute
When Nanny sings the lullaby in French – bless them they tried lamao
When Aziraphale does the practice magic trick to Crowley, Crowley goes on to complain and say “c’est toi que j’vais faire disparaître” and it’s a gem
JEANNOT LE LAPIN BLANC (when Aziraphale presents his white rabbit) it’s a Gift.
The Them = les Eux
In her cottage = dans son cottage (did you even try)
When God asks Aziraphale for the sword and Aziraphale describes it as it’s “machin coupant très aiguisé”
Aziraphale uses vous for God, but God uses tu.
John and Virtue Device à John et Virtue Bidule (another one of those literal translations.)
Ok but this one annoyed me. Anathema’s name got changed to Anatheme and like sometimes I get it it’s cause of the way words are pronounced so when you dub you gotta find things that fit the movement of the lips as much as but Anatheme does NOT fit with Anathema. ALSO IT’S THE PERSON’S NAME. LIKE. (Re: see Harry Potter again.) aNYWAys.
Dick Turpin gets changed to Jesse Janes ????
Grow better is “et vous les filles, continuer de POUSSER” (so the plants get referred to as “girls”)
Mme. Tracy’s line about the refined gentlemen (or whatever it is) is aux gentlemen avertis.
Du beebop.
When they return to the convent Crowley says “j’me demande où sont passés les nuns” he could have sais soeurs insteand of nuns.
Aziraphale tells Crowley “tu es un gentil garçon » (you are a nice boy)
Oh lord heal this bike à oh seigneur, réparez ce vélo
Angel is sometimes mon ange and I’m die. (My angel.)
The scene in Rome when Crowley asks “qu’est-ce que vous avez à boire?” He sounds So Done
My dear fellow = mais mon cher camarade (my dear comrade lol)
When they’re complaining about horses during the Shakespeare scene = oh aye aye les chevaux ça fait mal aux fesses
Headquarters = maison mère
The whole Bastille scene with the Jean Claude is lost because they’re already talking French
Another transformation of angel is angelot (small angel)
The description of the head cutting machine is une énorme machine coupeuse de têtes
Pear shapped = boudain (really not the same thing.)
Obviously = manifestement
During the Blitz scene, when Aziraphale is Super Proud he double crossed the Germans he goes on saying “vous vous petes faites pigeonner! Allez, hop, hop, hop”
The German bit was kept as is
When Crowley is tap dancing through the church, the French VA makes some key noises
You go too fast for me = Tu roules trop vite pour moi (two things; the delivery of the line falls flat and tu roules is literally a driving reference so it’s like more car feeling than like moving in life)
When Anathema offers the Them lemonade they translated it to citronade, instead of limonade. And I don’t get it.
Wicked = mortel (Deadly)
When Shadwell mimics Aziraphale’s pip pip it’s something along the lines of hop hop hop espèce de tonton Suisse ????? I’m never sure what he says, but just – it’s a riot.
I don’t even like you = je ne t’appréci même pas (I don’t appreciate you)
But then Crowley’s you dooo is tu m’adores which, is you adore me and I lost it.
I’m soft = je ne suis pas un guerrier (I am not a warrior) and wow, okay, not the same, not the same impact. 0/10
Michael sounds more like Mi-ka-el and meh ok.
When Crowley talks to God when he’s having a minor existential crisis it – doesn’t deliver as much.
Adam uses vous for Anathema
When Pepper realises whales have got the good life she says “oh purée, j’ai trop envie d’être une baleine” (France French expressions are sometimes a whole riot on their own)
Avocado was changed to amandes (almonds and I don’t know why)
One big avocado = ce sera bientôt la fin des amandes (it’ll soon be the end of the almonds) re : ??
You smell like poo = vous sentez vraiment la merde
Crowley’s I’ve got an old friend here = tu tombes mal, j’ai d’la visite (I’ve got visit)
Uriel tells Aziraphale “ton p’tit copain aux lunettes fumées” which is your little boyfriend with the dark sunglasses lamao
Bandes de..... méchants anges! = you bad angels! It sounds more petulant though.
The whole wrong shop allusion is lost in translation
You stupid man = espèce de crétin
Oh fuck = oh merde (really not the same intensity lol)
The emotion and distress in the dire scene is l o s t . L
When Crowley is in the bar and he asks for another bottle he asks for la p’tite soeur which means the little sister.
When Crowley is like Aziraphale is that really you (when his ghost-spirit-nebulous appearance shows up in the bar) it sounds more disbelieving? But like in a what the hell is going on and less in awe/relief??
Get a wiggle on = remuage des fesses (fesses is butt)
Pollution sounds very young.
The 3 other horse people use vous for death
They had the French VA of Aziraphale say the spreichen ze deutsch bit and He Tried.
Wahoo = woow
Not just the southern pansy, THE southern pansy bit = pas simplement une tantouze sudiste, mon chéri, je suis LA tantouze sudiste
A) He sounds so very pleased with himself
B) And flirty?? Come hither??
C) It’s perf
D) Tantouze sudiste = a vulgar term for a homosexual man
Shadwell uses vous for Mme. Tracy
Cowwley = Rampra (when Lisa the insurance girl calls)
Car = caisse
When Adam yells his life to get evil out of him or whatever, in the flashback sequence when Ms. Young speaks to Adam when he was born, she speaks to him in French (not like in the Italian version where they just – did not translate that bit.)
Crowley sounds very suave when he tells Aziraphale in Mme. Tracy’s body that he’ll take care of it when the military dude won’t let them through.
Dagon à je suis présent not présente (so Dagon uses male words?? pronouns??)
You were a good car – t’étais une caisse d’enfer
Kick/lick some serious butt à brouter quelques derrières
When Aziraphale tells Crowley they should wait before offing Adam the exchange is hilarious
It’s Aziraphale: Peut-être qu’on devrait attendre (maybe we should wait)
Crowley : Qu’il ait le droit de vote? (That he could vote?)
Vous vous êtes rien vous êtes trop naz, Pepper
I believe in peace, bitch à Moi je crois en la paix pétasse LOL
They only buzzed Beelzeebub’s voice for their last line before Satan appears
Crowley at Adam ok mon garçon
Adam uses vous for Satan his dad, but then uses tu for him for t’es pas mon père lol
Le truc cest que tas pu dcamp mon vieux – moi non plus dailleurs
Their voices when they’re pretending to be each other
Tickity boo à tout va très bien
Je te rappelle que je suis un putain d’archange (I’m the archangel fucking Gabriel – or whatever that line was lol)
Shut your stupid mouth and die already à Tu vas te la fermer ta grande bouche et te décider à mourir
Beelzebu : il est revenu à ses origines – il a changé de bord instead of he’s gone native
Miiichael mon pot, tu m’fais un p’tit miracle j’ai pas de serviette à When Aziraphael as Crowley asks Michael for a towel.
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Révolution verte en ville : composter en appartement, c'est facile
Le compostage en appartement n'est pas un mythe, c'est une réalité ! Oui, vous avez bien lu. Ce mouvement éco-responsable, autrefois réservé à nos amis jardiniers, s'invite désormais chez les citadins. Transformez vos déchets organiques en un engrais naturel et précieux, le tout dans le confort de votre appartement. Composter en appartement : un geste écologique, simple et éfficace Pourquoi composter ? Composter, c'est une manière simple et efficace de réduire son empreinte écologique. Au-delà de limiter le volume de vos déchets, le compost offre à vos plantes d'intérieur une nourriture riche et naturelle. Parce que vos pots de fleurs méritent le meilleur ! Le compostage en appartement, comment ça marche ? Il est essentiel de choisir le bon contenant. Pour le compostage en appartement, optez pour un composteur d'intérieur spécifique, compact et sans odeurs. Ensuite, c'est une question d'équilibre entre déchets verts (épluchures, restes de légumes) et déchets bruns (papier, carton), ainsi que d'aération. Lisez aussi : La déforestation démasquée : impact invisible sur la biodiversité Les étapes clés du compostage en appartement Le choix du composteur Un composteur d'intérieur doit être compact, mais suffisamment grand pour contenir vos déchets organiques. Il existe des modèles adaptés aux petits espaces, certains même dotés de designs modernes et esthétiques ! L'équilibre des déchets Il faut un équilibre entre les déchets verts, riches en azote, et les déchets bruns, riches en carbone. Une bonne règle à suivre est d'alterner une couche de déchets verts, puis une couche de déchets bruns. L'aération du compost Pour éviter les mauvaises odeurs, il est crucial d'aérer régulièrement votre compost. Un simple remuage de temps en temps suffira pour favoriser le processus de décomposition et pour garder votre compost en bonne santé. Alors, êtes-vous prêtes à rejoindre cette révolution verte urbaine ? Transformez vos déchets en trésors et contribuez à un monde plus durable grâce au compostage en appartement. C'est une aventure passionnante, utile et éco-responsable qui vous attend. Allez, mettez la main à la terre et laissez le cycle naturel de la vie opérer sa magie dans votre salon ! Read the full article
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Riddle me this...
I have a riddle for you. Ready? What does The Riddler have to do with a bottle of champagne?
Give up? Well, I have to thank my friend Dave Prohaska for the answer. Actually, I have to thank him for both the answer and the question. Dave, you see, is not only a talented cartoonist and TV producer (and we all know those are pretty much the same thing), but a connoisseur of fine wine, as well.
So Dave knows that The Riddler – also known as a “remuer” – is the person who places the bottles of champagne head down (“sur pointe”) in a special rack called a “pupitre” (or “riddling table”) and gives them a slight turn clockwise and counter-clockwise, so the yeast and other sediment will slide off the sides and accumulate in the neck of the bottle. A proficient riddler can turn 40-thousand or more bottles a day, an eighth or quarter turn this way, then that way.
After the riddler performs this “remuage” (literally, “riddling” or “stirring”) for a week or so, all the sediment ends up in the neck and the bottle is ready for the next step, called “dégorgement“ (disgorgement), or getting the crappy stuff out of the bottle.
You may not know that when champagne or other sparkling wines are undergoing their “second fermentation” in the bottle, the wine is not stoppered with a cork, but with a plain old bottle cap. When a bottle was ready for dégorgement, the riddler would pop off the cap, the sediment would gush out, and the riddler would stick his thumb over the open neck of the bottle, so the remaining crystal-clear champagne wouldn’t run out. Since the bottle was a little emptier than before, the winemakers would add a little more wine and sugar to make up the difference.
These days, instead of the “pop-the-cap-off-and-hope” routine, the bottles are placed in a solution of propylene glycol to freeze the sediment in the neck of the bottle. When the cap comes off, the icy plug pops out, so less wine is wasted.
Alas, the riddlers seem destined to suffer the fate of rotary dial phones, VHS tapes, and Frank Gorshin. Since the early 1980’s, riddlers have increasingly been replaced by the “gyropalette” system, which automates the turning and downward angling of the bottles.
The way things stand now, it won’t be long before the only Riddlers left are part of the Batman movie franchise. It’s enough to drive a man to drink…champagne.
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