#reminds him of someone...... maybe he has a type
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blakeswritingimagines · 1 day ago
Relationship List With Auston Matthews
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Auston is a loving person. He always makes sure to show his affection to those he cares about, whether it’s through physical gestures such as hugging or holding hands, or simply by words of affirmation. He enjoys showing his love through small acts of kindness, such as bringing his partner coffee in bed or giving you a thoughtful gift. He also loves snuggling up and watching movies together.
B = Beginning (How would the relationship start?)
The relationship between Auston and you would likely start like any other romantic connection - with a chance encounter. Maybe you meet at a party or a bar and hit it off instantly, or perhaps you're introduced through mutual friends and find yourselves drawn to each other from the moment you first meet. Auston is a natural people person, so he's sure to make an impression, and he'll probably be the first one to make a move and ask for your number or suggest you two hang out sometime.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Oh, Auston definitely loves to cuddle. He’s a big guy with broad shoulders and muscular arms, so he’s perfect for cuddling with. He'll wrap his arms around you and pull you close, pressing your body against his in a tight embrace. He'll bury his face in your neck and give you soft kisses, just breathing you in and relishing the sensation of having you in his arms. He's a big fan of spooning, too, and he’s always happy to be the big spoon, holding you tight against him and stroking your hair softly.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Auston is a homebody at heart and he definitely wants to settle down with someone special. He’s always dreamed of having a family one day, with a few kids playing in the backyard and a big happy dog running around too. He’s not much of a cook, to be honest, but he tries his best. He can make a mean grilled cheese sandwich, and he’s willing to learn if you’re patient with him. As for cleaning, he’s decent, but not the best. He’ll do his part, but you’ll probably have to remind him to do it sometimes.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
Breaking up with Auston wouldn’t be easy. He’s sensitive and caring, so he’d try to make it as gentle as possible. He’d probably want to do it in person, sitting down with you somewhere private and comfortable. He’d be honest and straightforward, expressing how he feels and why he thinks it’s best for both of you to go your separate ways. He’d be sure to apologize for any pain he’s caused and express how much he still cares for you, even if things didn’t work out.
F = Fiancé(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Auston has always been the commitment type. He’s the kind of guy who wants to find his person and stick with them forever. He’s not one for casual relationships and he values stability and security above all else. He’d want to make sure you both really knew each other and had a strong foundation before taking the next step, but once he knows he’s found “the one,” he’s all in. He’d want to get married as soon as possible, and would probably propose in a heartfelt, romantic gesture.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Auston is extremely gentle, both physically and emotionally. He’s always careful with you, and he makes sure to treat you with the utmost care and tenderness. If you’re ever feeling down or upset, he’ll be there to comfort you with soft words and gentle touches. He’ll hold you close and let you cry on his shoulder, rubbing your back and telling you that everything will be okay. He’d never dream of raising his voice to you or getting aggressive in any way.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Auston loves hugs, and he gives them out freely to those he cares about. He’s a big guy, so his hugs are tight and firm, but they’re also soft and comforting. He’ll wrap you up in his arms and hold you close, resting his chin on the top of your head and just relishing the feeling of having you in his embrace. He’s always happy to hug when you’re feeling down, and he’ll even give you a hug “just because” sometimes, just because he wants to express his love and affection.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
Auston isn’t afraid to express his feelings, and if he loves you, he’ll say it. He won’t wait forever to tell you he loves you, but he’ll also want to make sure his feelings are genuine before blurting it out. If he’s certain that he loves you, he’ll likely say it after a few months of dating, if not sooner. He values honesty and communication, so he won’t keep his feelings bottled up inside for too long.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Auston isn’t a overly jealous person, but like anyone, he can get a little possessive sometimes. He doesn’t like to see other guys giving you attention, especially if he thinks they’re flirting with you. He might get a little bit snappy if he sees another guy hitting on you, but he’ll try to control his jealousy and not let it get out of hand. He’s also not immune to feeling jealous if he thinks you’re paying more attention to someone else than him, and he might need a little reassurance from you sometimes.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Auston loves kissing, and he’s good at it. His kisses are soft and sensual, and he likes to take his time exploring your mouth with his own. He especially loves kissing your neck, and he’ll often trail kisses from your jawline down to your collarbone and leave small love bites in his wake. He also loves to pull you close and kiss you deeply, his hand on the back of your head holding you close to him. He also loves it when you kiss him on the cheek or forehead, and he’ll often lean into your touch.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Auston is great with kids. Despite his sometimes-brooding demeanor, he’s a total softie when it comes to little ones. He’s patient, affectionate, and knows how to have fun with them. He’s the kind of guy who’ll play catch with the kids in the backyard or read them bedtime stories, and he’s always ready to give them a big hug and a high-five. He’s even been known to sneak them extra treats when their parents aren’t looking!
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Mornings with Auston are slow and relaxed. He’s not a morning person, so he’ll probably hit the snooze alarm a few times before he finally gets up. When he does wake up, he’s groggy and grumpy before his first cup of coffee, so he might need a little extra coaxing to get out of bed. Once he’s fully awake, though, he’s cuddly and affectionate. He’ll snuggle up with you in bed, his arms wrapped around you, and he’ll give you soft kisses on the neck.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Nights with Auston are cozy and comfortable, like a warm blanket. He loves to unwind after a long day and spend quality time with his partner. He might suggest a movie night in, with snacks and cuddles on the couch.
Once it's time for bed, he's all about getting cozy and close with you. He usually sleeps with just a pair of boxers on, and he'll pull you close to him, wrapping his arms around you and snuggling up against you. He'd love to have you fall asleep in his arms.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Auston isn’t one to spill his deepest secrets all at once. He’s a bit like an onion, and it takes time for him to peel back the layers and really open up. He’ll likely start by sharing some general stuff about himself, like his hobbies and interests, but he’ll save the really personal stuff for when he’s completely comfortable with you. He’s not secretive, per se, he just takes time to build up that level of trust before sharing the intimate parts of himself.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Auston is generally a patient person, and it takes a lot to truly anger him. He has a mild temper and doesn’t fly off the handle easily. He’s pretty good at keeping his emotions in check, but he does have his limits. If he does get angry, he’ll usually try to calm down and have a rational conversation rather than lash out. However, if someone really crosses a line, he won’t hesitate to stand up for himself and defend his boundaries.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Auston has an impressive memory when it comes to the important things. He’s definitely the type to remember small details, like your favorite food or the story about that time you got lost on a camping trip. He’s also a good listener, so he picks up on things you say in passing and stores them away in his brain for later. He might even surprise you occasionally by remembering something you thought he had forgotten, like an inside joke or a silly anecdote from your past.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
Auston’s favorite memory with you is the first time you laughed at one of his jokes. It was a silly, dorky dad joke, and he was pretty sure you were going to roll your eyes and ignore it like everyone else. But instead, you burst out laughing, and the sound of your laughter was so contagious that he couldn’t help but join in. It was a small moment, but it meant a lot to him because it was the first time he felt like you really got him, quirks and all.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Auston is very protective, especially when it comes to you. He’s always on high alert, keeping a watchful eye out for any potential threats or dangers. He knows how to handle himself, and he’s more than willing to step in and defend you if necessary. But he’s also not the type to be overbearing or controlling - he trusts you to take care of yourself, but he’ll always be there if you need him. He actually appreciates it when you look out for him too, even if it’s just a simple “hey, be careful”.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Auston definitely tries his best to impress you on dates and special occasions. He’ll plan thoughtful surprises for anniversaries and birthdays, and he’ll never show up empty-handed when it comes to gifts. He knows that effort goes a long way, so he’ll try to make sure you feel appreciated and loved. As for everyday things, he’s kind of a hot mess, and it can take him a while to figure out how to work the coffee maker or find his favorite shirt.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Auston has a few bad habits that you’ve probably noticed by now. One is that he leaves his dirty socks everywhere. He’ll kick them off in the living room, toss them on the floor next to the bed, and they’ll even end up in the kitchen somehow. It’s like he’s shedding his socks as he moves around the house. Another habit is his tendency to procrastinate. He’s always putting everything off until the last minute, which can drive you crazy when you’re trying to get things done together.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks? Do your looks bother them?)
Auston isn’t vain in the sense that he spends hours in front of the mirror admiring himself, but he does care about his appearance. He takes care of himself, eats well, and works out to stay in shape. He also dresses nicely and tries to look his best, especially for special occasions. As for you, he thinks you’re absolutely stunning just the way you are, and any concerns about your appearance are only in your head.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Auston absolutely feels incomplete without you. You’ve become an essential part of his life, and he can’t imagine going back to the way things were before. He feels like you’ve filled a void in his life that he didn’t even realize was there, and the thought of not having you by his side is unbearable. He doesn’t just want you, he needs you.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
One random headcanon for Auston would be that he has a secret talent for singing in the shower, usually belting out power ballads or classic rock tunes at the top of his lungs. He’s not exactly the next Freddie Mercury, but he’s not half bad either, and he loves to put on a little show in the shower, complete with dramatic hand gestures and over-the-top facial expressions. He’ll never admit to it, of course, and he’ll probably pretend to be embarrassed if caught in the act, but deep down, he’s a total shower diva.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
There are a few things that Auston wouldn’t like in a partner. First, he doesn’t like people who are dishonest or deceitful. He values honesty and open communication above all else, so he’d likely be turned off if he felt like someone was hiding something from him. Another thing he doesn’t like is when people are overly jealous or possessive. He had a past relationship where his partner was insanely jealous, and he won’t tolerate that kind of behavior again. Lastly, he’s not a fan of people who are constantly negative or pessimistic.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs? Does it change around a partner?)
Auston has a tendency to move around a lot in his sleep. He tosses and turns, hogging the blankets and kicking the pillows onto the floor. He also tends to starfish, spreading his arms and legs out like he’s trying to claim his territory on the bed. When he’s sleeping next to you, he’ll try to be more mindful of his movements, but he still ends up snoring a little and stealing the covers from you.
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spr1ngtweaks · 15 hours ago
Again to say!
William isn’t the type to be overly cold, excessively strict, or unnaturally creepy, especially toward the reader. He has an unsettling air about him, sure, but that doesn’t mean he’s some emotionless, cruel figure who’s always acting like a villain. His character is much more complex than that.
I see him as someone who can be strict when necessary, but in a way that feels natural—more like a disappointed perfectionist than a tyrant. He doesn’t belittle people for fun, nor does he get angry without reason. Instead, he carries himself with a level of self-assurance that makes others respect (or fear) him, but he isn’t outright cruel. His unsettling qualities come from how unpredictable he can be rather than from forced creepiness.
He’s definitely got a presence that can be intimidating when he wants it to be, but that doesn’t mean he’s cold or constantly harsh. He’s still human, with emotions, humor, and even warmth in his own way. He can be strict when necessary, but he isn’t needlessly cruel. If anything, he probably has a level of patience that surprises people, only getting truly serious when it’s earned.
And when he does correct someone, it wouldn’t be in a demeaning way. It’d be more like a reminder that he knows exactly what he’s doing, and you should too. Maybe even with a slight smirk, just to let you know he’s aware of how much power he holds in the situation—but never in a way that makes him some creepy, psychotic figure.
When it comes to his interactions with the reader, I imagine him being a mix of teasing, intelligent, and surprisingly caring in his own way. He doesn’t push boundaries in a weird or uncomfortable way—his presence is more enigmatic than outright disturbing.
Some people take too many creative liberties with his personality, making him feel like a completely different character.
Turning him into someone who flirts way too much—especially in a cringey or forced way—just doesn’t suit him. William can be charming, but it’s a natural, effortless kind of charisma. He doesn’t need to constantly throw out pick-up lines or act like a sleazy womanizer to be interesting. If anything, his appeal comes from his intelligence, his wit, and the fact that he isn’t trying too hard.
And yeah, Then the whole "William Afton is a misogynist" thing and "Afton being a PEDO/MINOR GROOMER"??? That just feels bizarre and unnecessary. Like, he’s literally a serial killer in canon—there’s already enough actual evil in his character. Making him some exaggerated sexist stereotype is completely out of place and feels like an artificial addition just to make him more villainous in a way that doesn’t fit his personality.
He’s not the kind of person who wastes time looking down on people based on gender—he only cares about his own ambitions. If someone’s useful to him, he’ll respect their skills, and if they’re not, he’ll disregard them, but it has nothing to do with misogyny.
And about the "Pedo/rapist" one - that’s one of the worst takes out there. It’s completely disgusting and has zero basis in his actual character. Just because he’s a child murderer in canon doesn’t mean he has any kind of that motivation—it’s a completely separate and unrelated thing. People who push that interpretation are just being gross and completely misunderstanding his character.
William’s actual personality—when written properly—is far more focused on his obsession with control, his intelligence, his arrogance, and his ability to manipulate situations to his advantage. He’s not some mindless creep driven by base instincts; he’s calculated, methodical, and entirely self-serving.
It’s honestly frustrating how often people take his character and twist him into something that makes no sense just for shock value. Like, if they want to write a character with those traits, they should make their own villain instead of butchering William’s personality.
Honestly, it seems like people sometimes forget that making a character "evil" doesn’t mean slapping on every bad trait possible.
William Afton isn’t just some mindless, constantly-angry killer who’d murder you for fun. That interpretation misses so much of what actually makes him dangerous, fascinating, and frustratingly complex.
1. He’s Not Just a Murder Machine—He’s Calculated
William isn’t impulsive when it comes to violence. If he ever hurts someone, there’s a reason behind it. It’s methodical, not just some blind fit of rage.
He’s more likely to study you, understand you, get inside your head first. If he does anything, it’s deliberate.
People think he’d instantly kill someone for being annoying, but honestly? He’d probably just toy with them instead, just to see how much he can make them squirm.
Obsessive & Perfectionist: He’s the type who gets hyper-focused on his work or personal ambitions, sometimes to an unhealthy degree. This perfectionism can make him impatient, but he expresses it in subtle ways (lip biting, tapping fingers, slight fidgets).
Calculated & Manipulative: He knows how to act around people to get what he wants. He can be charismatic, even likable, but there’s always an ulterior motive behind his actions.
Theatrical & Expressive: He has a dramatic flair, enjoying control over situations like a director in a play. He loves to monologue, exaggerate, and sometimes even make light of serious situations with a dry, unsettling sense of humor.
2. He’s Morbidly Curious—And He Loves Oddities
You have weird habits? Strange fascinations? A bizarre way of thinking?
He’d find it fascinating.
He doesn’t judge—it intrigues him. He’d probably even encourage it, just to see what happens.
He enjoys things that break the norm, just like he does.
I imagine if you ever said something wildly strange or dark, he’d just grin, tilt his head, and go: “Oh? Now that’s interesting… Tell me more, love.”
3. He’s Got a Temper—But It’s Not 24/7
Cold but Not Emotionless: He’s not constantly angry, that's exhausting but he does have a temper—it's just more restrained. He won’t throw screaming fits, but when he does get mad, his words become sharper, his tone lowers, and his presence becomes suffocating.
When he does get angry? It’s controlled—the kind of anger that’s low, quiet, and dangerous.
The kind that freezes the air rather than erupts.
He wouldn’t yell like some unhinged lunatic. He’d just go dead silent and look at you like he’s considering what to do next.
But also? He moves on quickly—he doesn’t waste energy on useless outbursts.
He doesn’t lash out like a wild animal—he makes it hurt where it matters most.
In The Fourth Closet, when he pushes Elizabeth, it’s not just random anger—he’s frustrated because she’s challenging his patient, and in his mind, she’s supposed to be obedient. It’s a very controlled reaction, not a wild fit of rage. That moment highlights an important part of his character—he’s obsessively driven by his projects, often to the point of neglecting or dismissing others, even his own daughter. Similarly, in the FNAF Movie, when he yells at Vanessa, it’s because she failed at something important to his plans. He’s not just shouting for the sake of being loud—he’s expressing his displeasure in a way meant to intimidate.
(I dont justify his actions at all, please don't misunderstand what I just said.. Emotional neglect, dismissiveness, and outright physical aggression (like pushing Elizabeth) are absolutely forms of abuse. Just because William isn’t constantly yelling or physically violent doesn’t mean he isn’t abusive in his own way. I think what makes his character unsettling isn’t just the moments where he lashes out, but the neglect itself. A parent who consistently ignores their child’s attempts for attention, especially in favor of work, causes deep emotional damage. Elizabeth clearly looks up to him and desperately wants his approval, but he doesn’t even acknowledge her efforts. That kind of neglect can be just as harmful as verbal or physical abuse because it makes the child feel invisible, unworthy, or only valuable when they serve a purpose (which is sadly what happens with Elizabeth, since she later tries to prove herself in a way that leads to her death). So no, his actions aren’t justified. His obsession with his work and his cold, dismissive nature don’t excuse the way he treats his children. It’s just that I don’t see him as an over-the-top, constantly raging person—I see him as someone whose form of abuse is more quiet, neglectful, and manipulative, only resorting to physical aggression when his control is challenged.)
This actually reinforces my view of him: he’s not someone who yells all the time, but when he does, it’s deliberate, meant to assert dominance and control. He’s usually calm, but when things don’t go his way, that controlled façade cracks just enough to show his true nature.
So, while he can be harsh or even physically aggressive, I don’t think it defines his entire personality. It’s just another tool he uses when he deems it necessary.
4. He’s Not Some Slobbering Creep—He’s Playful & Sharp
The way some people make him a gross, weird, breathing-down-your-neck type of creep is so off.
No, no—William is suave, smooth, and dangerously charming.
He’s the kind of guy who’d say something suggestive just to see you react, then laugh if you get flustered.
If he does make you uncomfortable, it’s probably because he enjoys watching you squirm in a way that’s more of a game than a threat.
He’s not crude or sloppy—he’s theatrical. If he’s messing with you, it’s got style.
5. If He’s Attached to You, You’re in Trouble (But Not the Way You Think)
If he actually cares about you? That’s where things get interesting.
If you do something unexpected, something that no one else does—say, staring into his eyes without fear or responding to his darker nature with curiosity rather than horror—he pauses.
That’s when the game changes.
He wouldn’t just discard you like nothing. He’s possessive, protective in his own twisted way.
If he ever threatened you, it’d be more like: “Oh, darling… do you really think I’d ever let you go? Now that’s adorable.”
He’s not reckless with people he values—he wants to keep them. And keeping someone means keeping them safe.
6. If You See Him—Truly See Him…
This is rare.
Most people see the mask, the charming businessman, the clever engineer, or the cold killer.
But if you look at him and acknowledge all of it—the brilliance, the obsession, the monstrosity—and don’t shrink away?
He won’t know whether to be amused, impressed, or unnerved.
7. Detached from Empathy but Not Without Affection
I don’t see him as someone completely incapable of forming attachments, but his way of caring is… unconventional. He values intelligence, loyalty, and those who intrigue him. If he ever gets attached, it’s more out of fascination than traditional love.
Mannerisms & Speech:
He has a very controlled, deliberate way of speaking, rarely raising his voice unless absolutely necessary.
He enjoys wordplay, sarcasm, and theatrical gestures, sometimes speaking as if he’s on a stage.
When amused or intrigued, he bites his lip or taps his fingers—small tells that betray his emotions.
His anger is quiet, slow-building, and venomous, rather than loud and explosive.
He’s a Man of Control, Not Chaos
A lot of portrayals of William Afton make him overly aggressive, constantly angry, or even abusive shit the fuck out of the reader for no reason (no, but seriously, some things are ridiculously unreasonable????), which doesn’t make sense for his character. The same goes for making him ridiculously flirty to the point of being creepy or writing him as someone who randomly snaps between extreme moods like he’s bipolar.
While William is definitely a complex character with a dark side, he’s also highly intelligent, manipulative, and calculated. He wouldn’t just scream at people 24/7 or lash out for no reason—that's out of character. If anything, he’s more of a controlled, strategic person who hides his true intentions well. If he does get angry, it would likely be in a more subtle, terrifying way rather than constant outbursts.
I personally think his character is more interesting when he’s written with layers—someone who can be charismatic, eerie, and even charming in a way that makes people lower their guard. Making him one-dimensional (either just rage-filled or over-the-top flirty) takes away from his depth.
The scariest thing about William isn’t that he’s loud or violent, but that he’s unpredictable, eerily patient, and always watching. He’s not someone who wastes energy on constant outbursts—he calculates, waits, and acts only when necessary.
Some people write him as this chaotic, rabid, constantly-violent monster. But really? He’s a man of control.
Control over himself.
Control over others.
Control over whatever twisted goals he’s pursuing.
And that’s what makes him terrifying—because he knows exactly what he’s doing.
William Afton doesn’t just seek fear. He seeks power. And sometimes, the most intoxicating power is the control of someone who refuses to break.
If you stand before him, unafraid? If you play his game with equal cunning?
Then he might just fall into his own trap.
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liamrrys · 5 months ago
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someone said amen livius hours??
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mommypieck · 1 year ago
⌗︙・jjk men waking up after a wet dream about you ⸜⸜・
a small chuckle leaves his mouth when he wakes up from a pleasant dream about you. his cock is aching for attention, precum already building at the top. it's the first time he had a dream about you. not to lie, he fantasized about your cute little body before but never in a dream. he wraps his hand around his cock and tries to remember little details about the dream. the way you would bounce on his cock or your little hand wrapped around it. he's not ashamed, you're a pretty girl after all. but from your behavior, he can see that you're shy and timid. maybe he can ask you out to turn his dream true. he speeds his hand around his cock, bringing himself closer to his orgasm. he thinks about a specific scene from his dream - you spread in front of him with your fingers in your cunt. he cums at the thought, covering his hand with his cock. he giggles, gojo hopes he will have similar dream soon.
he wakes up with sweat on his forehead, groaning when he notices his hard on. the girl in his dream was too similar to you, same hair, eyes, body type. he can't believe he had this kind of dream about you. it was a good dream, he has to say. geto can't decide if he should take a cold shower and forget about everything or take care of his little problem. after all, he's gonna see you today and he doesn't wanna be awkward. his lips turn into a little smile as he thinks about what would happen if you saw what he is about to do. or what if you had the same dream? mmm, you took his cock so well in his dream, would you be able to do that in real life? he's seen your tiny ass move in your little skirts, you would have problem taking him for sure. fuck it, he thinks as he wraps his hand around his cock. he softly massages his shaft, imagining that it's your tiny hand stroking him. all problems leave him in that moment, he's gonna relive that dream now and hopefully later today when he invites you over.
he groans when he finally opens his eyes to meet a familiar decor of his room. he doesn't wanna think about it, he doesn't wanna think about how hard his cock is right now. he throws his arm around his eyes, trying to breathe deeply to forget all about the dream. he hasn't had a wet dream since he was a teenager and now someone like you is gonna make them pop up again? he thought you were cute when he first met you but he never thought you would be capable of doing such a slutty things. it was just a dream, he has to remind himself, maybe you are innocent. he taps his fingers on his cock, he really doesn't wanna do this. nanami tries to think of different porn starts he's seen online but his thoughts come back to you. his hand finally grips his cock and he squeezes it until it's painful. it's all your fault, maybe it you weren't so cute, he wouldn't have to do this.
she's even haunting me in my dream, toji thinks when he wakes up. his cock is already standing proudly, just begging for him to take it in his hand. he doesn't waste any time wrapping his hand around it. he always thought you were pretty, your body is basically all he ever dreamed about. it's not the first time you appeared in his dream but this time, he is certain that it was you. all of the other dreams were blurry but this one was way more vivid. he strokes his cock slowly, thinking about the way you bended for him in that dream. the only thing that's pissing him off is that you're not here with him right now, that you can't use your mouth or your little pussy on him. he feels himself getting close as he thinks about all the things he would do to you if he could. he cums on his hand, surprising himself how strong this orgasm was. there's something about you and he has to find out what it is.
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quarterlifekitty · 19 days ago
Love the trope of Price mentally constructing a nursery in every home and apartment he’s ever known, in the house of everyone he’s ever dated— it’s the first thing he thinks of (right after where on his body he’s gonna tattoo their name).
He has his dream nursery memorized. It’s his mind palace. He wants cream yellow walls, because his baby is going to be the sun, the same way his wife is his moon, with the away she has over his heart of the sea. He wants an accent wall with wallpaper in a classic motif— the kind they use in pediatricians offices, to be honest. Building blocks, fluffy clouds, circus animals.
John loves tradition, generational passings on, well-crafted things that can last centuries if cared for well enough. He wants his nursery furniture, all of the stuff in his house, really— to be solid wood, handmade (he promises that he’ll make the bulk of it himself, the rest antique). He’d rather die than buy a brand new house without any history. No craftsmanship, all straight lines and 90 degree angles, no consideration to what makes a home feel like home.
Despite being such a trusted member of the team, he knows precious little about your home life. Fine by him— your past is your own, he has no right to it. One day, as you’re about to pack up for leave around the holidays, you ask to speak to him as a friend, rather than a captain.
It’s well known that Price doesn’t have the family he’s dreamed of. An old war dog, bridges burned with the ex wife from his youth, he doesn’t hold out a lot of hope. Maybe in the next lifetime, it will be different. He’ll have that yellow nursery.
You tell him, with an astonishing amount of composure, that your parents passed away almost a year ago. They’ve left the care of the family home to you. It’s quite an undertaking— large, as it used to host all manner of aunt and uncle and cousin generations ago. But now, people are in the spirit of moving far away. Old wounds and grudges, new opportunities. Your parents had their own issues conceiving— leaving you an only child.
Gaz has his family to go home to, so does Soap. No one knows what Ghost does, but everyone suspects he follows Soap home for the holidays. Price has been invited time and time again, but always politely refuses. He doesn’t want to be reminded of the dream out of his reach.
But you tell him this will be your first holiday alone in the house, and that you need him. You don’t know if you can bear the silence for the season. Not to mention all of the upkeep you’re behind on. He figures it’s as good a place to be as any, and he’s the type who needs his hands busy to find any peace.
He falls in love with your old place. Sure, the bannisters could do with being refinished, a bit of carpeting could come up, a few fixtures are spotty— but it’s a beautiful place. Still very much full of love and warmth, the traces of you and your little family are everywhere. In the tarnished silver picture frames, the fraying knitted potholders, the penciled in height markings at the kitchen door.
On the tour, he’s stopped dead in his tracks at one open door. Faded yellow walls, slats of chestnut. A crib.
You explain to him that it used to be your nursery. It had been your mother’s, too, and many more. They kept it perfectly in tact when you’d grown up and moved into another room, hoping that they’d give you a little sibling. The day never came. You’re wondering yourself what to do with it— your career hasn’t left you with much time or appetite for romance. There’s a stinging sadness dripping from your words like lemon juice. You admit that you suspect this family, once monumental, will end with you— the house passed to someone who will strip off the carved filigrees of the stair railing, throw white paint over all of the walls, and put grey vinyl over the hardwood. That is, if they don’t just tear it down. Land could be divided up into a few new apartment units.
You’re barely listening to yourself talk— just ambling along, as if you haven’t just revealed to John Price what his life’s been leading up to all this time.
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kylopen · 6 days ago
In My Head
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: Sunshine reader is always seen as sweet and innocent to the team, always happy to use her healing magic wherever possible. Bucky, touch starved and in love, discovers reader is not as innocent as she seems.
Word count: 8.2k words <3
Plus size reader safe! All body types are safe in this fic! Everyone loves Dom! Bucky I do too but good god I need whipped Bucky who will do anything for Reader. This is the longest piece I’ve written in so long! Enjoy and leave a note<3 I’m in my marvel era again so feel free to request anyone! I didn't proof read (i finished it at 1am)
Tags: There is a plot! (porn with plot lol) AFAB reader, The smut is pure FILTH tbh, Smut, Pining Bucky, no use of Y/N.
Smut warnings: Sub!Bucky, soft dom! Reader, use of ‘Good boy’, Bucky has a praise kink, pussy eating (lots of it), Needy/touch starved Bucky, Bucky has an Edward Cullen moment, Oral (female/reader receiving— THREE times hehe) penetration, Buck likes his hair pulled, Bucky dry humps, Reader squirts (third oral sequence so skip that part if you wish) needy creampie.
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There were things in the modern world that baffled Bucky, Bubble tea, new terms for prejudice ending in 'phobia', babies with Ipads in their faces. And you. The first time he laid eyes on you, you gave him a blindingly sweet smile, and held your hand out for him to shake. When he didn't take it you didn't judge him or look at him funny, you smiled like you understood. From then on, you respected his boundaries and he began to feel safe. It made sense to him that someone like you had the power to help and heal others.
You’d always bring them things; vitamins, water, those weird orange flavoured things that dissolve in water, something a little sugary for a boost, with that sweet, innocent smile he'd grown to adore. He would never- could never admit that though, someone like him wasn't worthy of you. He could settle for some longing and pining instead.
Bucky is lounging on the sofa with Steve, some 50s flick playing that Steve had insisted on, something about a painter in Paris- he wasn't sure. And then, you walk in, your sweet voice drifting into his ear.
“An American in Paris, huh?” you asked, gently teasing as you moved closer to the sofa, catching sight of the movie they were watching.
Bucky shifted a little, his gaze flickering to you, then quickly back to the TV. He tried not to look at you too much when you were around, not because he didn’t want to, but because every time he did, it felt like something in his chest tightened. It certainly didn’t help that it was a hot day today, you’d opted for a cute pink and white sundress that stopped mid thigh.
“Yeah, Steve’s choice,” Bucky muttered, trying to sound casual, but his voice came out a little softer than he intended. He knew that you liked these kinds of old movies, so maybe it wasn’t so bad after all.
Steve grinned from the other end of the couch, catching the subtle shift in Bucky’s tone, but not saying anything about it. Instead, he glanced up at you with a friendly smile.
“You a fan of the classics too?” Steve asked, gesturing for you to sit if you wanted to join them.
You walked over, the scent of your shampoo reaching Bucky’s senses. Vanilla and coconut, coincidentally his favourite fragrance, something that had changed not long after he’d met you… coincidentally of course, and the more you lingered around, the harder it became for him to focus on anything but you.
“Reminds me of my dad. Some are super sexist but I’m a sucker for Marilyn Monroe” you said, sitting down at the edge of the couch, right next to Bucky. Close enough that he could feel the warmth radiating off of you, but still with enough space to respect his boundaries. You always seemed to know exactly how to balance that, without even trying. It amazed him.
Bucky felt his pulse quicken as you sat beside him. You were so close. Too close. Not close enough.
He grunted in agreement with your statement, nodding, though his eyes stayed fixed on the screen. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to talk to you—he just didn’t know how. What could he say that wouldn’t make him seem awkward or broken? Besides, talking might make him reveal just how badly he wanted to be near you, and he couldn’t afford that.
But then you spoke again, your voice soft and gentle, like you were speaking just to him. “How was training today?”
He cleared his throat, trying to push away the thoughts clouding his mind. “Same as always. Steve still hits like a truck.”
Steve laughed from the other side, “You’re the one with the metal arm, Buck.”
Bucky shot him a look, but there was no real bite to it. Just a distraction. He was grateful for it.
You laughed too, and that sound—it was like a melody that settled right under Bucky’s skin, making him feel warm in a way he hadn’t in a long time. He stole a glance at you again, just for a second, and you were looking right at him. That smile on your face, the one that had been seared into his memory from the moment you’d met.
“Let me guess,” you said, eyes twinkling, “you didn’t let him win this time either?”
Bucky’s lips twitched, almost into a smile, but he stopped himself. “Nope.”
“Good,” you replied, your voice soft again, almost as if you were relieved. “Can’t let Cap off easy.”
It was such a simple thing to say, but it hit Bucky harder than he’d expected. You cared. Not just in the way you handed out snacks and drinks after training or smiled when they passed by, but genuinely cared. For him. For Steve. And maybe, just maybe, that meant you’d be willing to see something more in him than he saw in himself.
The silence between you wasn’t awkward, but it was thick with unspoken words. Bucky could feel it. He wanted to reach out, say something—anything—but the words lodged themselves in his throat, like they always did when it came to you.
For a moment, Bucky let himself wonder what it would be like—if he could let himself believe he was worthy of you. Of someone so full of light and warmth, when all he felt was the shadows of his past.
But then the doubt crept back in, and he looked away again. He couldn’t let himself get too close. Not yet. Maybe not ever.
“Thanks,” he mumbled, his voice barely audible. It wasn’t much, but it was all he could manage without giving too much away.
You didn’t push him, though. You never did. You just smiled again and settled into the couch beside him, watching the movie like it was the most natural thing in the world.
And for a fleeting moment, Bucky let himself pretend that it was.
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The training room echoes with the sharp sound of fists hitting metal, the rhythmic thud of boots against the mat, and the occasional grunt of exertion. Bucky and Steve were sparring again; the same routine they'd run through countless times. It usually helped Bucky clear his mind, focus his energy on something physical, something he could control. But today, it was different.
“Come on, Buck, focus,” Steve says as he circles around, hands up and ready. His movements were fluid, precise. He was always like that—disciplined, unshakable. Bucky was too, usually. But not today.
His thoughts kept drifting, unbidden, back to you.
He couldn’t stop thinking about how close you had been on the couch last night, the way your voice had softened when you’d spoken to him, like you saw something in him that no one else did. That smile. It was haunting him in the best way.
As if to taunt him farther, his mind flashes with the image of you in your sundress, the way it swayed around the soft skin of your thighs.
“Bucky?” Steve’s voice cut through his reverie, but not fast enough.
Distracted, Bucky moves just a second too late. He swings wide, and Steve, quicker than ever, ducked under his arm and swept his legs out from under him. Before Bucky could react, he hit the mat hard, air leaving his lungs in a sharp gasp.
“Damn it,” Bucky growles, more at himself than at Steve. He stays on the floor for a moment, trying to shake the thoughts of you from his mind. He shouldn’t be getting distracted like this. Not during a sparring session. Not ever.
Steve stands over him, offering a hand, his brow furrowed in concern. “You okay?”
“Yeah,” Bucky grumbles, accepting the hand and letting Steve pull him back to his feet. His ribs ache from the fall, but it wasn’t anything serious. It was more the embarrassment that stung. Bucky didn’t like feeling off his game, and lately, thinking about you was doing just that.
“You weren’t focused,” Steve says, stepping back into position. It wasn’t a question.
Bucky wiped the sweat from his brow, shaking out his arms as if that could somehow reset his mind. “I’m fine. Let’s go again.”
Steve hesitates for a second, then nods, getting back into stance. He could tell something was on Bucky’s mind, but he wasn’t going to push. At least, not right now. Steve knew when to back off, and when to press—though Bucky had a feeling that conversation would come soon enough.
They start again, trading punches and dodges, but Bucky couldn’t shake the lingering thoughts of you. The way you made him feel—safe, seen. The way you’d praise him. God… the way you’d tell him he did a good job after training or a mission,
Just for a second, his mind drifts again— Your pretty eyes, the way they’d look at him like he was something amazing, the smile you’d give him and then he wonders what your face would look like as he dives down deep between your thighs-
Steve’s fist came in fast, and though Bucky manages to block it, he doesn’t account for the follow-up. Steve's knee connects with his side, hitting just below his ribs with enough force to knock the wind out of him.
Bucky staggers back, holding his side with a grimace.
“Whoa, Buck!” Steve stops immediately, hands out in concern. “You good?”
Bucky clenches his jaw, nodding, though his side throbbed. “Yeah, I’m fine,” he said through gritted teeth.
“You’re not fine,” Steve replies, taking a step forward, but Bucky waves him off, frustrated with himself more than anything.
“I said I’m fine,” Bucky snaps, turning away for a moment to catch his breath. He hates this. Hates how easily you get into his head, how much he let himself think about you when he was supposed to be focused. It wasn’t like him to get distracted, especially not in a fight.
Steve gives him a long, knowing look. He wasn’t pushing the subject yet, but Bucky could see it in his eyes—Steve had noticed something. And knowing Steve, it wouldn’t be long before he asked about it.
Steve lets out a sigh, shaking his head. “You need to go get that checked out.” He motions to the cut on Bucky’s cheek and his ribs.
“I said I’m fine,” Bucky mutters.
Steve doesn’t budge. “Buck, if you don’t get that cleaned up, it’s going to get worse. You’re already bruised, and that cut—” He gestured to Bucky’s face. “—needs to be looked at.”
Bucky was about to argue again when Steve adds, with a pointed look, “Go see her.”
He blinks, his heart suddenly beating faster in his chest. “What?”
“Go see her,” Steve repeats, his voice calm but insistent. “You know she can patch you up. She always does.”
Bucky opens his mouth to argue, but the words wouldn’t come. You always did take care of them after training, offering vitamin drinks or snacks, your touch gentle and your presence calming.
“I don’t need—” Bucky begins, but Steve cuts him off with a significant look.
“Buck, you’re hurt. Let her help you. Besides, we both know she’d want to,” Steve says, his tone softening as he rests a hand on Bucky’s shoulder. “She cares, man. And you’re not doing yourself any favours by pretending you don’t need her.”
Bucky clenched his jaw, his chest tight with a mix of frustration and something else he couldn’t quite name. The truth was, he did want to go to you.
With a heavy sigh, Bucky nods, finally relenting. “Fine.”
Steve smiles, patting him on the shoulder. “Good. Now go get cleaned up. I’ll finish up here.”
Bucky hesitates for a second before turning to leave the training room, his side still aching from the hit.
All he knew was that when he saw you, when you smiled at him with that gentle, understanding look in your eyes, it was going to make it that much harder to keep pretending he didn’t feel anything.
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Bucky’s footsteps echo softly through the hall as he makes his way to the infirmary. When he reaches the infirmary door, he gives a soft knock before stepping inside.
You’re there, sitting at your desk with one thigh crossed elegantly over the other, your attention focused on some paperwork in front of you. You’re dressed in your usual professional attire—a fitted dress that hugs your form just enough to hint at your curves beneath your white lab coat. The subtle click of your black heels against the floor when you shift is a small, but noticeable, sound that makes Bucky's heart beat a little faster.
You look up when you hear him enter, that sweet, welcoming smile appearing almost instantly. “Bucky,” you greet warmly, your voice soft. “What brings you in? Did you and Steve go a little too hard today?”
For a second, Bucky just stands there, distracted by how you look. His heart skips a beat as he takes in the sight of you. He notices, maybe for the first time, how the hem of your dress rides up slightly when you cross your legs. He forces himself to look away before you catch him staring.
“Uh, yeah,” he mutters, gesturing vaguely to the cut on his face. “Just a cut… and maybe some bruised ribs.”
You arch an eyebrow, your smile turning a little coy. “Only maybe bruised ribs? Sounds like you need me to take a closer look.”
Bucky blinks, heat creeping up his neck as he tries to decide whether he’s imagining the playful tone in your voice or if it’s actually there. He clears his throat. “Yeah… probably.”
With that, you uncross your legs and stand up, heels clicking softly against the tile floor as you walk over to him. Your movements are graceful, confident, and Bucky feels his pulse quicken as you draw closer. There’s something about the way you carry yourself today—calm, collected, but with an air of subtle suggestion that makes him feel off balance.
You stand just inches away from him, reaching up to gently tilt his chin up so you can inspect the cut above his eyebrow. Your fingers are cool against his sweaty skin, and Bucky freezes, his breath catching in his throat.
“It’s not deep,” you murmur “But it’s a little more than a scratch. Seems like you need my magic touch~” you wiggle your fingers and Bucky bites back a groan at the subtle implication.
Before Bucky can respond, you place your hand gently over the wound, and he feels a soft, warm tingling sensation spread across his skin. Your healing powers are subtle but effective, and within seconds, the pain is gone, the cut already closing up beneath your touch. He’s experienced your abilities before, but every time he feels a spark from your touch, it’s a simple move but he craves more.
“There we go,” you say softly, removing your hand from his face. Your fingers linger a little longer than usual, trailing down his jaw ever so slightly before you step back, your eyes locking with his for a brief moment.
Bucky swallows hard, trying to shake off the heat rising in his chest. He’s probably imagining it—just reading too much into things. You’re always sweet, always kind and innocent.
Your gaze drops to his side, and you gently brush your hand over his ribs. “Lift your shirt for me?” you ask, your voice light but carrying a tone of suggestion that makes Bucky’s heart skip a beat.
He hesitates for a second, then does as you ask, pulling up his shirt to reveal the dark bruise spreading along his ribs. You make a soft sound of sympathy, a small pout forming on your lips as your pretty eyes lock with his for a moment. You look back down, your fingers grazing his skin as you crouch slightly to get a closer look.
“You really got hit hard,” you murmur, your tone carrying a note of concern but it switches up subtly as you carry on: “Good thing I can take care of you.”
Bucky’s breath hitches. Did he hear that right? Is there something more in your words? You were just talking about the injury right? The way you said it, the way you moved—it feels almost sinful in a way he’s not used to, at least not from you. He tries to keep his focus, but with you this close, your fingers trailing lightly over his bruised skin, it’s damn near impossible.
You place your hand gently over his ribs, your touch soft but firm as you close your eyes for a moment, focusing on healing the injury. Bucky feels the familiar warmth of your powers again, spreading through his body like a gentle wave. The pain begins to melt away, the bruise slowly fading beneath your hand.
“There,” you say softly, your voice barely above a whisper. “All better.”
But your hand doesn’t move right away. Instead, it lingers on his ribs for a second too long, your fingertips brushing the edge of his abdomen in a way that makes his breath catch. Then, just as he’s about to say something—anything—you pull away, turning to your desk, palms flat and bending as if you’re looking for something. Bucky’s mind flashes to pulling up your dress and fucking you senseless then and there, his metal hand clenches and he shakes the thought away.
Bucky exhales slowly, trying to calm the sudden storm in his chest. He has to be imagining it, right? You’re just being your usual caring self- but that touch felt different. Everything you’re doing feels different. More intentional. And the way you’d looked at him just now—
He notices you didn’t actually pick anything up from the desk after you’d bent over it a little.
“Alright, just one last check,” you say as you come back to stand in front of him, a small, almost playful smile on your lips. “Let me make sure everything else is fine.” You reach up, your hand lightly brushing against his neck as if you’re checking for tension or soreness. But then, your fingers linger—soft and warm against his skin, trailing slowly down to his collarbone. The touch is innocent enough, but there’s something in the way you do it that makes Bucky’s entire body tense.
You meet his eyes, your expression still sweet and professional, but there’s a hint of something more—something almost teasing in the way you hold his gaze. “Hmm, seems like you’re all healed up,” you murmur, your voice soft but suggestive in a way that makes his pulse race.
Bucky swallows, his throat suddenly dry as he stares at you. For a moment, he can’t move, can’t speak—stuck between the need to figure out if what he’s feeling is real or just in his head. He tries to convince himself it’s all innocent, but the way your hand lingers on his neck, the way your eyes flicker to his lips for the briefest of moments… it leaves him wondering if you aren’t quite as innocent as he thought.
You finally step back, that same sweet smile on your face as if nothing happened. “Take it easy, alright? Don’t push yourself too hard next time.”
Bucky nods, his voice hoarse when he finally speaks. “Yeah… thanks.”
You tilt your head, your smile widening just a little. “Anytime.” You sit down on your chair again, crossing one thigh over the other, it seemed deliberate.
You rest a pencil on your lower lip, teeth grazing it just slightly, pretty eyes on him. Bucky draws in a breath and feels a problem growing between his legs. He spins around to the door, hoping you don’t notice.
As Bucky begins leave you call out once more: “Let me know if you need me Bucky~ you can always come to me”
As Bucky leaves the infirmary, his mind spins. He came in with injuries, but now he has a different kind of problem, he attempts to calm down, the hardness in his pants making it hard to think. Something has shifted between you two, and whether it’s real or just in his imagination, Bucky can’t help but think back to it all. Did you want him too?
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That night, Bucky stares at his ceiling, mind flashing back to you at your desk. Why didn’t you pick anything up? Did you forget what you were looking for? The look in your eyes told him you must’ve known what was going through his head.
He groans and pushes his face into his pillow, he thinks back to something that had happened a few days ago. You were giving out some sort of vitamin pill to everyone, when you’d leaned in, lips near his ear as you whispered:
“I saved you the last cherry flavoured one, don’t tell anyone” before winking slightly.
He shivers at the memory; he could smell every inch of you when you leaned in.
He grunts and pushes his face farther into the pillow. Why did you always save the good things for him? Was it on purpose? Whenever you baked you’d give him first pick- he thought you were just being nice, the sweet girl they all know. But the more he thinks about you the more he notices those little things.
Before he had even registered what he was doing, he was standing and making his way to your rooms. You did say he could always come to you. Bucky freezes outside the door when he realises where he was and what he was doing. Was he crazy? How could he come up with an excuse for being at your door at eleven at night? Before he can change his mind and turn around your door opens. There you stood wearing nothing but a pair of sleep shorts and a tank top- with no bra.
Bucky freezes, his breath catching in his throat as his gaze locks on you. The soft glow of your bedside lamp spills over your frame, highlighting the way your sleep shorts hug your hips and your tank top clings to your chest. His mouth goes dry.
You blink at him. “Bucky?” your voice is soft, a hint of curiosity laced in your tone. “Is everything okay? F.R.I.D.A.Y told me you were stood outside my door.
For a moment, all he can do is stare. He knows he should say something, anything, but his mind is scrambling for an excuse—an explanation for why he’s standing at your door in the middle of the night. His thoughts drift back to your touch earlier, the brush of your hand on his neck, and the memory of your lips near his ear just days ago.
You tilt your head slightly, a small smile tugging at the corner of your lips, and Bucky swears there’s something teasing in your expression. You step aside, opening the door wider as if you’re inviting him in. “You didn’t have to knock, you know,” you say with that same sweetness. “You can always come to me.”
His heart pounds in his chest, loud enough that he wonders if you can hear it. He swallows, trying to push down the tension, but something in your eyes—something about the way you're looking at him—has his feet moving before his brain catches up.
He steps over the threshold.
Bucky steps inside, the door clicking shut softly behind him. The room is dim, and the soft scent of your perfume lingers in the air, teasing his senses. He watches you as you turn back toward him, your smile still warm, still innocent—at least on the surface.
“So…” you say, your voice soft as you walk a little closer to him, “What brings you here so late, Bucky?” There’s a hint of playfulness in your tone, like you already know the answer but want to hear him say it.
He shifts awkwardly, his eyes darting away from yours. “I… uh, I couldn’t sleep.” His voice comes out rougher than he intended.
“We both know my healing powers can’t help you sleep Bucky. So what’s up with you coming to see lil’. ol’. Me.”
He opens his mouth to reply, but no words come out. His mind is racing—unsure if you're playing a game or if he’s just reading too much into it. His eyes flick down to your tank top, the way it clings to you, the coolness from the hallway had made hard peaks appear on your chest he then glances back to your face. You’re watching him carefully, that same playful glint in your eyes.
You tilt your head slightly, voice soft but teasing. “You’ve been thinking a lot lately, haven’t you?” Your fingers brush lightly against his arm, sending a shiver through him. “About me?”
Bucky feels his pulse quicken. He’s certain now—there’s no way he’s imagining it.
“I—” He swallows hard, trying to find the right words. But before he can, you step even closer, your body inches from his now, your hand lingering on his arm.
“You think I didn’t notice?” You ask sweetly
Bucky’s breath hitches as your words sink in, and his chest tightens, the space between you suddenly feeling far too small. His mind is racing, but his body is rooted in place, drawn to you in a way he can’t explain. He tries to speak, to form some kind of coherent response, but his voice fails him.
“You think I didn’t notice?” you ask again, your voice low, sweet, but with a teasing edge that makes Bucky’s heart race. Your hand is still resting lightly on his arm, your touch burning through his skin despite the fabric of his shirt. The warmth of your body is so close now, and Bucky is overwhelmed by the scent of you—intoxicating, pulling him deeper into the moment. He can feel himself grow hard at the simple touch, he want’s your hands all over him. He just needs to feel you touch him.
He stares down at you, his gaze flickering between your eyes and the way your lips curve into that soft, knowing smile. You tilt your head up slightly, your eyes locking with his, and for a moment, everything else fades away. It’s just the two of you, standing impossibly close, the air between you thick with tension.
“I’ve seen the way you look at me,” you murmur, your voice barely above a whisper, but Bucky hears every word. “I notice where your eyes go when I wear a skirt or dress, if I bend over or wear anything even remotely low cut.”
He swallows hard, his pulse pounding in his ears. He wants to say something, to explain himself, to apologize, but he can’t—because the truth is, you’re right. He has been looking at you, watching you, craving your presence without ever fully admitting it to himself.
You shift even closer, your chest almost brushing against his, and Bucky’s breath catches as your fingers slowly trail up his arm, lingering at his shoulder. His heart feels like it’s about to burst out of his chest, and he’s not sure how much longer he can keep control of himself. The way you’re looking at him, your lips parted slightly, your eyes holding his like they’re daring him to make the next move…
He’s losing it.
“You don’t have to hide it,” you whisper, your voice laced with that same soft, teasing edge. Your hand moves up to his neck now, your fingertips brushing the sensitive skin just below his jaw. “You can tell me what you want, Bucky…”
He whines.
Before the embarrassment can hit him you let out a low groan at the sound. “Fuck…”
Bucky’s breath comes out in a shudder, his self-control hanging by a thread. He feels the warmth of your hand against his neck, the way your touch lingers just a second too long, and it sends a wave of heat rushing through him.
He opens his mouth to respond, but you’re already moving, closing the last bit of space between you. Your eyes flicker down to his lips, and Bucky’s resolve crumbles. He can’t hold back anymore.
His hand reaches out almost instinctively, fingers gently curling around your waist, pulling you closer. He leans down, his breath mingling with yours as he hovers just inches from your lips, his heart pounding in his chest.
“You…” His voice is low, strained, as if he’s barely holding on. “You’re driving me crazy, doll.”
You smile, and the look in your eyes—soft, teasing, and just a little wicked—sends him over the edge.
Bucky leans to close the gap but your finger presses against his lips. A frown forms on his face, and then you speak.
“ah ah ah” you shake your head “we ask for what we want”
Bucky mentally scolds himself for not asking, he was in the moment.
“May I kiss you?” he asks.
“Say please” there was an unexpected dominance to your tone, completely wiping out the innocence.
Oh fuck.
Bucky feels himself grow harder at the tone. He’s momentarily stunned. Your pretty eyes are on him, feigning innocence but there’s something sinful hiding in them. His beautiful blue eyes look down at you, filled with need.
You let out a moan at the word, your body heating up, your core dampens your shorts.
“Fuck… Bucky…” You say breathily before you pull him down a little to reach your height and kiss him. It’s gentle, as though you’re teasing him, giving him a glimpse to what he can have. He just needs to ask politely.
“Doll… please… I…” He struggles to get his words out, brain fogged over from all the sensations hitting him at once. You run your hands along his abs and he whines again. The whine shoots straight through you. Bucky Barnes, the worlds most accomplished assassin is whining for you.
“Please what? Good boys use their words.” You say in a sinfully soft voice that sends a shiver down his spine.
“I need… more… please” He whispers your name at the end and you hum, satisfied. You grasp his hand and it feels so good to him. Too good. He follows you as you pull him towards the bed.
“Sit there. Lean against the headboard” you hum and he immediately does as he’s told. Sure, he was a super solider who could overpower you in a second, you were both aware. But you were both also aware that he didn’t want that. He needed you to guide him.
You plant yourself in his lap, straddling him, before letting out a soft hum as you feel his hardness push against your core over your sleep shorts. Bucky lets out a moan at the contact but you’re quick to swallow it with a deep, heated kiss. His hands claw at your hips and you gasp slightly as the metal of his hand touches your skin. He’s quick to pull it away but you’re quicker, gripping his wrist and shaking your head, guiding it back in place.
You continue the kiss, before taking his lower lip in between your teeth. You open your eyes to see his blue ones are locked onto your own in what can only be described as the hottest, neediest way, his pupils dilated. You lick over his lip before your hand snakes around the back of his neck and up to his hair. You gently tug, its light, testing the waters and his lips part, head nodding. You pull his hair back a little harsher and he moans. You laugh, the sound dark and sinful in Bucky’s ears.
Your lips kiss his earlobe. “You like your hair pulled? Dirty boy~”
He moans again and nods, hands gripping your hips a little harder, pulling you down to grind on him. You make a ‘tsk’ sound and he freezes, quickly remembering your rule.
You get off him and he groans at the loss of contact, his needy eyes falling onto you. You slowly pull down your shorts, revealing your core to him. His breathing quickens, cock twitching and straining against his sweatpants.
“Take your clothes off, honey” your sultry voice fills his ears and he does so immediately, stripping off his shirt first, exposing the honey toned abs with numerous scars here and there. He is beautiful and you let it show on your face. He drags down his sweatpants leaving him in his grey boxers. There’s a dark damp spot on them from his arousal, pre-cum weeping through from the tip. You make a gesture for him to keep going and he obliges, dragging the boxers down. He stands there, glorious cock hard against his abdomen, looking at you, waiting for your next command.
“What do you want? You just need to ask” You inquire, goading him to tell you.
He swallows, looking down at your dripping core and then back to his cock. You fully expect him to ask to fuck you based on his expression, but he shocks you.
“Can I taste you please?”
Your eyes widen briefly, stunned at his choice.
“I’m sorry— if you don’t want—“ He begins to speak but you cut him off with a finger to your lips and standing up. You slowly peel off your shorts, leaning against the wall.
“You asked me so nicely.” You beckon him and the speed in which he’s on his knees in front of you has your legs weak. His hands skim over your thighs, leaving Goosebumps in their wake. “Is this what you want?”
Bucky looks up at you with desperate eyes, his tongue flicking out to wet his lips. “Yes, please” His voice is hoarse.
“You wanna make me feel good?” You coo.
Bucky groans, his hands gripping your thighs a little. “More than anything” He confirms.
You nod, giving your permission and he settles in between your thighs. He grasps your ass, pulling you up so your legs are over his shoulders, his head cradled by your thighs. You’re momentarily stunned, briefly forgetting he’s a super soldier with insane strength. The thought goes right to your core. Your back is against the wall, his hands still firm on your ass, keeping you in place. Bucky’s breath ghosts across your core before he looks up at you. The sight was nearly enough to make you come. With a firm squeeze on your ass, he dives in, licking a stripe up your lips, making you gasp and weave your fingers through his hair. He groans and begins to lap at your clit like a man starved. He occasionally moans and groans, letting you know how much he’s enjoying being between your legs.
“Bucky— oh my god” You moan out. This only drives him more, he focuses his tongue on your bundle of nerves and you see stars.
He is good at this.
Really fucking good.
Too good?
It doesn’t take you long to come at all, you grasp his hair tighter, thighs squeezing around his head in a way that makes his cock twitch against his abdomen. He rides you through your orgasm until you’re squirming and too sensitive.
He pulls back, holding you up still, and looks into your eyes. The lower part of his face is sinfully wet, he gives you a charming smile, eyes still betraying his neediness.
“You did so well… so good for me…” You breathe out and a strangled noise escapes him.
A praise kink.
“You did so so good for me Bucky~ You deserve a reward” You coo, getting off his shoulders and standing up. You tilt his head up with your finger. “You want a reward baby?”
Bucky lets out a breathy noise and nods.
“What do you want? I’ll give you whatever you want”
Bucky Looks up at you, standing up. He shocked you again.
“Please doll… sit on my face… if… you want…” He adds the last part, unsure. All he knows is that being in between your thighs, hearing you, feeling you, giving you pleasure is all he wants right now.
You bite back a groan and nod, watching him scramble to the bed, laying on his back. He’s gloriously naked, thick cock incredibly hard and standing to attention. You crawl up his body, making sure to brush up against his length to hear those delicious whines from him. His hips buck a few times against you and then you’re settled just above his face. You look down at him and he looks ravenous— His desperate eyes flicking from your core to your face. His hands keep flexing as he struggles, wanting nothing more than to pull you down onto his face and hold you there until he can’t breathe.
“You can touch me Buck” you say softly and his hands hesitantly settle on your hips. He pauses before it eventually becomes too much and pulls you down onto his face, groaning at the impact. You don’t move much, assuming he wants to take the lead when he speaks, muffled against your core.
You giggle and look at him innocently. “Sorry honey what was that? I can’t understand you~”
His eyes grow even more needy, looking up at you. He speaks, muffled again before he decided to lift you up just enough to speak.
“Move— please. Grind on my face. Use me to come please”
How could you say no to such a beautiful request?
You settle back down and rock your hips. His tongue moves with the same finesse and you can’t help but wonder if he’s tired. He doesn’t look tired. You move his arms so he’s holding them up and you entwine your fingers, using his arms to keep you upright, moving against him. His eyes are fluttering shut in pleasure and you groan. You make quick work of your shirt, leaving you both naked now.
“Eyes open Bucky~ I thought you wanted to see what you do to me?~” You tease.
His eyes shoot open again, pupils dilated, his eyes more black than blue now.
“Good~ So good to me” You breathe out and he moans against you, making you gasp and your hips stutter. You grip his hands tighter. His pretty eyes are begging you to come and you do, thighs once again squeezing around his head, making him feel dizzy. Your hips are bucking against his face not even thinking about his breathing— but that isn’t on Bucky’s mind either. You ride out your orgasm and get off him, falling on your back, breathing erratic.
Bucky lays there with the lower half of his face wet, stubble and all. His breathing is erratic and his cock is painfully hard against his abdomen.
“Holy shit Bucky” You huff out and a hoarse moan leaves his mouth.
He slots himself between your legs, kissing your shoulder, slowly moving down your body until he’s at your hip, kissing it softly.
“You are so beautiful doll” His eyes are sincere and your cheeks feel hot at the compliment. “One more time? Please?” He asks, eyes pleading.
Sweet mother of Jesus.
“You want— you seriously— you want to eat me out again?” Your eyes are wide.
Bucky nods, nuzzling and kissing your thigh before focusing on your face again. “And to fuck you with my fingers if that’s alright with you doll?”
Sweet. Mother. Of. Jesus.
Your brain short circuits for a moment at the words leaving his mouth and you mindlessly nod, your gaze heated and intense.
He runs a finger along your dripping core and he moans. Was he really getting this much pleasure? You hadn’t even touched him at all. He teases your entrance before sinking a finger in softly. He hisses at how tight it is, his cock twitching. You let out a soft breathy moan at the feeling, instinctively reaching for his hair. Bucky peppers kisses on your thighs before he begins pumping his finger.
It’s not enough.
“More” You demand, gripping his hair. Bucky is happy to oblige, pushing a second finger in, your toes curling. “oh god yes”
Bucky begins to curl his fingers, brushing up against your sweet spot as he increases his pace a fraction and you cry out.
“Am I doing good?” His husky voice asks, desperate for praise.
“So good baby, so fucking good. You’re so good to me” You moan out and he snaps, thrusting his fingers into you with a little more force and latching his mouth onto your clit. You’re so sensitive at this point you let out a whine, your words not coherent. You didn’t even know it was possible to come this many times before being fucked. The coil in your stomach feels more intense than you have ever felt before, you tighten around his fingers and before you could warn him, he pulls away, watching the liquid squirt from you in awe. You, on the other hand are glassy eyed and trembling afterwards.
Bucky gives you a few minutes to settle before he brings himself back up to your face, you pull him in for a messy kiss. His cock is settled on your thigh, Bucky whines into the kiss and you can feel him jutting against it. You grasp his chin as he kisses you, feeling his length as he desperately claims whatever friction he can get.
Bucky is surprised at himself. There has never been a time in his life where he has felt the need to dry hump a woman. But you have the best ways of bringing new feelings and actions out of him.
“Please” He says softly.
“Oh you’re so worked up honey. After doing such a good job. Take what you want Bucky” you coo, stroking his cheek and he leans into it before settling his hips between your legs.
“Can I… are you okay if I…” He begins and you nod.
“You’ve more than earned it” You rake your hands through his hair, nails scratching his scalp.
In an attempt to ground himself, He places his hands on your headboard, letting you guide his cock into place. He pushes in and groans, immediately shattering the headboard where his hands were.
Oh lord.
You squeeze around him and let out a breathy, aroused giggle. Bucky on the other hand looks mortified.
“Oh my god doll I am so sorry—“ He goes to pull out of you but you grasp his arms and shake your head. He doesn’t take much convincing before he pushes into you fully. He’s panting and rests his forehead on yours. Even with the fingers stretching you earlier, you need to adjust. The super solider cock is no joke.
You moan encouragingly in his ear and he pulls back softly before pushing back in. Your eyes flutter and Bucky has his trained solely on you and your reactions.
“Am I hurting you, doll?” He asks, breathily, stopping his motions.
You shake your head immediately. “Please don’t stop”
He keeps his strength in check, bracing on the half broken headboard again, his hands slotting into the Bucky sized hand holes in them. He uses a leisurely pace that does hit the spot, but it’s not quite enough. You could tell he was holding back for your sake but you needed to see just how much he needed you.
“Harder Bucky~ Fuck. I can take it— please”
The headboard crushes even more at your words, your legs were wound around his hips, he leans forward, wrapping his arms around you, his face buried in your neck as he desperately thrusts into you. It’s hard and fast, a string of moans and curses leaving your mouth as you can’t move in his grip, all you can do is take it. You’re seeing stars now, as Bucky is whining and muttering praises in your ear.
“You feel so good doll”
“I would do this forever… beautiful beautiful girl”
And lastly:
“Oh god thank you” He repeats the phrase a few times and your head spins.
He’s fucking thanking you.
You manage to moan out a few praises that are punctuated by his sharp needy thrusts. He pulls his face away from his neck when he’s close. You can see it on his face, begging you to come first. He slips his metal hand down to your clit, stroking the already sensitive bundle of nerves and your eyes widen at the coolness against it.
“Please come” He moans and it doesn’t take you long to oblige his plea, the metal hand on your clit, the whines from Bucky and his cock hitting you deep pushes you over the edge and you come, clenching him hard.
“You’re so beautiful” He says in awe. “Please can I come— please doll” Bucky’s thrusts are faltering.
“fill me up Bucky~” You moan and that’s all it takes, his thrusts become harder, your body jolting from the force, you’ll feel this in your hips in the morning. You could always heal it away. But you probably won’t. You place a hand over his neck holding it loosely, your other hand raking through his hair.
Bucky thrusts into you hard and deep, with hoarse moans of thank you as he comes inside you, filling you up. He simply stays inside you after, his body moving with his deep ragged breaths before he collapses on top of you, making sure to use some strength to stop him crushing you. You stroke his hair, muttering soft praises.
He rolls off you, his honey toned skin covered in a sheen of sweat that made him look godly. Your legs are jelly; you aren’t even sure you can use them for the next few days. Bucky stands and walks to your bathroom, giving you the perfect view of his sculpted ass and returns a few moments later with a warm wet cloth to clean you up with.
When the both of you are cleaned up, Bucky begins to wipe away the crushed pieces of headboard from your bed sheepishly.
“Sorry doll” He says quietly.
“It’s okay” You assure. “It was hot. Made me feel like Bella Swan” You joke.
Bucky looks at you, not understanding the reference.
“From Twi… never mind” You hum, helping to brush off the little pieces of wood. He lays back down and pulls you into his arms.
“Doll… I… I have never felt like that before. What did you do to me? I am under a spell when it comes to you.”
You yawn and let out a sleepy laugh. “You’re telling me. I don’t think I could sleep with a regular dude again after that”
It’s not long until exhaustion rushes through you. Super solider stamina is no joke. You drift off, head on his chest. Bucky watches the soft rise and fall of your chest, your soft snores filling the room.
And for the first time in what feels like forever; Bucky has a deep, dreamless sleep. His nightmares paused as he slumbers beside your soft, warm body.
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It’s late when Bucky wakes up. Your side of the bed is cold. He glances at the clock on his phone, reading 11:07am, and a text from you, timestamped two hours ago:
‘Morning sleepy head. I didn’t wanna wake you. You looked too comfortable ;)’
He smiles at the text and looks for his clothes, only to find you must have taken a trip to his room to grab some fresh clothes. There is a towel on a chair with a new set of clean clothes and a pair of boxers.
When he’s all cleaned up and dressed he makes his way to the kitchen. You’re talking to Wanda, Steve and Sam.
“Bucky good morning!” Your sweet voice drifts over to him. “You slept in late. Are you feeling okay? Late night?” It’s an innocent question, no one bats an eyelash at it. You’re the healer of the team, and you’re concerned. But Bucky bites back a groan at the implications they both know is behind the sweet words.
Before Bucky can respond, Tony walks in.
“Hey Hippocrates” Tony calls out to you. “Why did F.R.I.D.A.Y tell me you needed a new headboard for your bed?
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pinkponytrash · 10 months ago
⋅˚₊‧ secretly dating TXT ‧₊˚ ⋅
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3.2k words. headcannon. boyfriend!txt x fem!reader, nondescriptive smut scenes. light jealousy. friends to lovers. mentions of phone sex, mutual masturbation, oral sex, riding
He’s real cheeky about it, always has a little smirk on his face when you step into the room and he’s so sure no one knows what’s going on but he’s also so obvious about it. Even if they don’t think you’re dating, they definitely think there’s feelings there.
Yeonjun is always the type to try and impress you too, has to show off how good he is at things and makes sure you’re watching when he does.
Anytime you go out with them, he’s going to make sure you’re by him or if you split off into groups he’s going to be with you. Every now and then he tries to hold your hand and has to remind himself to chill out until he sees Beomgyu or someone take your attention then suddenly he’s snatching you away with some excuse.
“We’re gonna go get drinks,” Yeonjun says as he practically drags you away from Kai who had been trying to take a selfie with you, “Who wants something?”
“I’ll come wi—“
“We don’t need everyone, the line’s already long,” he argues, making sure to pull you behind him, “We’ll be quick.”
“Could you make it any more obvious?” You ask him once the two of you are far enough from the others. He smirked, interlacing your fingers together, “I can if you want me too.”
If it isn’t obvious yet, Yeonjun is not good at keeping it a secret. He is confident in his ability to keep it on the low until he gets in too good of a mood, then all he wants to do is put his hands on you.
Especially when you go out for drinks and you’re wearing one of his favorite outfits dancing to some song you like and swaying your hips with just the right amount of rhythm that he feels hypnotized.
Usually, he’ll have to distract himself talking with the others but after one too many drinks, he’ll make his way toward you and push away whoever you’re dancing with so you can focus on him and him alone, hands playfully tracing the curve of your hips, sliding under the hem of your shirt and smirking when you push his hand away.
By the time you call it a night, it’s hard to keep your boyfriend off you and you end up barely making it past the door of your apartment when he’s already pushing you up against the wall with his mouth on yours.
He likes taking his time with you, he swears, but something he gets a little too eager. It’s difficult ‘keeping it a secret’ and sometimes all he wants to do is get down on his knees and show you how much he appreciates you.
He has one of your legs thrown over his shoulders, teasing your inner thighs with soft bites that make your breath hitch.
“Don’t be a tease,” you tried to sound playful but it was hard when you felt breathless from the way he pinched your thighs, getting closer and closer to where you needed him the most.
“Oh, like how you weren’t being a tease in front of everyone?” He asked, kissing your clit softly, earning a light moan to fall from your lips.
“Not on purpose,” you sighed, head back against the wall as you closed your eyes to soak in the feeling of his tongue between your wet folds. Yeonjun knew exactly what to do with your body. Maybe it’s because you started off as friends, learned everything it was about each other that when it came to getting intimate, it didn’t take long for him to know what to do to make you moan his name.
And he loved the sound of your voice when you moaned for him so lovingly. His tongue does wonders between your legs and when paired with his long fingers, you can’t help but let yourself fall for him harder every time.
Nervous boyf to the core. We know he likes to joke around with TXT and technically speaking you are their friend but when you start dating Soobin…
Oh it’s like a schoolboy crush he’s got to hide. He used to be just as playful with you as before but now he’s scared to get too close because what if he kisses you? Oh my goodness, how would he hold himself back if he gets too close?
Sometimes when you’re around everyone he’ll sit down next to you and spread his legs a little further so that nobody else can squeeze in between you and he’ll make sure that his leg touches yours. If he’s feeling extra bold he might put his hand on your thigh, squeeze it a little and try to cover up his teasing by doing the same to Taehyun or Kai under pretense of joking around.
But let’s not forget about jealous boyfriend Soobin.
“No, Y/n, this is a serious question,” Yeonjun reached for your hand and gave it a tight squeeze, “Who do you think is hotter? Me or Soobin.”
You made the mistake of jokingly saying, ‘You’ thinking Soobin would obviously know you’re only saying it to make Yeonjun feel better but boy were you wrong.
He was upset, visibly upset to the point that when you looked over at him, he would give you a side eye and look away. Everyone noticed it too and found it damn near comical that he was so bothered by it but of course they didn’t know why. He didn’t even talk to you about it till later that night.
“I was joking, Binnie,” you clung to him from behind, “Of course I think you’re so much better looking than anyone but if I said you, everyone would think somethings up. They already think I favorite yo—“
“As you should! I’m your boyfriend, you should favorite me,” He would argue with a cute pout.
He's never an angry type of jealous, usually he gets pouty and thinks about it for days which in turn leaves you wanting to prove to him how much you prefer him over anyone else.
“Jagi,” Soobin had to bite down on his bottom lip to keep his voice down but it was getting hard—well, he was, “Everyone is w-waiting for us.”
“So?” You asked, kissing down his chest as you pushed his shirt up and without being told to, he held it up with the hem between his teeth. He even lifted his hips to help you pull his jeans down, “I’ve missed you.”
Your hand teased his growing bulge, palming his erection over his briefs as you got more comfortable in the backseat of his car. The parking garage was dark and almost empty but he still looked out the windows nervously.
You were supposed to be meeting your friends for a game night and he had told them all he was going to pick you up since you were ‘on the way’ to the dorms, but in reality he needed a little more time with you alone. He just didn’t think that meant you’d ask him to meet you in the backseat so you could show him how much you missed him with your lips around his cock.
And what was he supposed to do when they texted him asking where you were? Was he supposed to tell them that he was moaning your name while hiding down in the parking garage? His hands in your hair, head thrown back with pleasure and abs tightening every time he took a deep breath.
“So good,” he sighed blissfully, eyes threatening to fall shut when your tongue traced the vein that traveled down his length, “Don’t wanna go see them anymore.”
“We have to,” you released him from your mouth, stroking him teasingly, “Or else they’ll get suspicious.”
And by the time you made it upstairs, Soobin couldn’t bother to care about the complaints from everyone about your tardiness. Not when it was taking everything in him not to just pull you into his lap and kiss you for everyone to see.
He’s probably the only member who’s actually good at hiding the fact that he’s dating you.
He jokes with you the same way he jokes with everyone else so no one would ever know that when he touches you under the table, he likes to tease too.
They don’t know that when he says he’s going to play an arcade and sneaks away from the dorm, he’s actually going over to your place when no one’s around and hanging out with you.
In all honesty, he’s probably the best ‘friends to lovers’ of them all. You’re his best friend and have been for a while so when the two of you started dating, it just became like an added perk.
Not only does he get to game with you and crack jokes but now he gets to kiss you and make you feel good too.
It’s great, seriously, and the only downside to it is how serious he comes off to you. Sometimes you struggle to remember he's more than just a friend and sometimes he forgets to remember he doesn’t like it when the others get too close to you.
It’s only okay when he gets close to you, not Soobin, Beomgyu, Taehyun or even Kai. He’s made it clear he’s your ‘best friend’ so yes, he does feel like he has a right to get jealous sometimes.
“What does it matter, Gyu? You got up so I took your seat,” Kai laughed, making himself comfortable next to you on the couch, “The movies about to start just sit next to Jun.”
“But I was sitting there first,” Beomgyu practically stomped his foot in a tantrum, “I went to make Y/n and I popcorn, how are we supposed to share if you took my seat?”
Meaning: how am I supposed to cuddle with Y/n under the blanket if you’re in the way?
“Kai, don’t be mean, he was sitting there first,” you laughed, glancing over at Beomgyu who was pouting now, “Maybe you guys should ‘Paper, Rock, Scissors’ this and the winner gets to sit next to me.”
You gave them both a cheeky smile which made Kai roll his eyes and cringe, “Ew, I don’t want to sit next to you anymore.”
“Then move,” Beomgyu said, already forcing himself down next to you and pushing Kai out the way.
Even when the two of you are all alone and you get too touchy, it’s always playful. There’s always giggles here and there and jokes that make you both stop and laugh.
And after a while he gets lazy with his excuses. He stays out later and when he doesn’t make it home some nights, everyone knows by this time that he’s probably just hanging out with you.
“I’m going to the arcade.”
“With Y/n?”
“No, by myself.”
“Right, I thought you’d be with your best friend tonight.”
It’s only when neither of you answer the phone that the rumors start circulating.
“Oh my god, just ignore it,” Beomgyu groaned as your phone rang for the third time. Soobin and Kai were blowing up your phone after you promised to play them online tonight. Meanwhile you’re naked in bed with your boyfriend who just looks so pretty under you.
He even knew you were supposed to be gaming and that’s why he came over to keep your attention from drifting to anyone but him.
“So greedy, all the time,” you moaned softly, raising your hips against his member and sinking back down to feel the way he stretched your walls for you, “Always want my attention. I thought you wanted to keep it a secret.”
“I do,” he nearly whimpered, fingers digging into your thighs with pleasure, “But it’s hard.”
He’s even worse at hiding it than Yeonjun. He’s just too clingy and he can’t really hide that even around the other members. He’s already touchy with the others but when it comes to his girlfriend? Boy, oh boy.
He likes to touch your thigh under the table or trace your spine whenever you stand in front of him and no one’s looking. When you run your fingers through his hair while watching a movie, he tends to get a little lost in the feeling and starts to doze off with his head practically on your lap.
The others ignore it for the most part but every now and then Kai will try to make a comment about his touchiness toward you and suddenly Taehyun has to act out.
One time the two of you almost got caught getting a little too close while at the bar and he literally pushed you off him before Yeonjun could see you try and kiss him. He ended up paying for that in the end.
“Jagi, just one kiss,” Taehyun begged later that night when you rejected his second attempt since you got back to your place. You weren’t actually mad at him but he liked messing with you so what was wrong with it’s you doing it back?
“Well I tried to give you a kiss earlier and you pushed me away, remember?” You asked, hiding your smirk and turning your back to him. Taehyun didn’t like that at all, and practically pounced on your bed to hold you.
“But I want it now.”
Hes a jealous guy too, a quiet, introverted jealous guy. He won’t say anything but there’ll be signs. He’ll keep his eyes on you and whoever you’re with and have no shame about it.
One time you asked Soobin to help you reach something instead of Taehyun and he couldn’t hide how annoyed he was by it. He even went as far as mocking you for it later that night.
Whenever you’re more distracted by your phone than him, he’s always gotta try and get your attention back on him.
Usually, if you’re alone, it’s with little touches here and there.
He likes playfully pulling at your shirt to bring you closer to him, smile on his face when you whine at being exposed.
You’ll try and escape his affection but you always end up giving in and you end up making out on your couch when you’re finally alone.
He’s handsy too, he loves the way you feel under his fingertips especially when your skirts rolled up and he’s gotten your panties off.
“So soft,” he always reminds you when he traces a finger along your clit, massaging into it with some of your slick. He’s always gentle when he touches you, always kisses down your sides and aims to please you first.
“Mhm,” you moan lightly, hand brushing his soft hair back so you could see his big boba eyes look up at you while he kisses your navel. They distract you from his hand until you feel his middle finger tease your entrance.
“It’s so hard to keep my hands off you,” he always makes sure to remind you when he’s making you feel good with those hands. He’s never shy when it comes to touching you either, always knows just when to curl his fingers or rub your clit while he does it. When he can tell you’re close, he likes to kiss you, swallow your moans and feel your tighten around his fingers.
ᯓ★ KAI
He thought it would be easy at first but he quickly realized how wrong he was.
In the beginning, he did his best to treat you like a friend and nothing else. He would talk to you like he talks to the other members and he wouldn’t make a scene whenever you talked too long to someone else.
He would only get nervous when you would look at him for too long, or wink at him, talk about how he’s your favorite or sit close to him.
And you loved to get him riled up when no one’s looking.
You’re the one to usually initiate something, like when you casually trace your fingers through his hair.
How is he supposed to act unbothered by it?
When you’re out with them all and someone tries hitting on you, and you have to quietly explain that you’re kind of seeing someone which leads the others to ask who, how is Kai not supposed to shout out that it’s him?
How’s he supposed to just join in with the interrogation and act like he doesn’t know anything either?
“Wait, have we met him?” Yeonjun asks you and none of them seem to notice how you look over at Kai and smile so innocently while he’s sweating billets.
“I don’t kiss and tell,” you always say, half laughing at how annoyed they all look and Kai has to pretend to be just as annoyed when in reality he wants to smile too.
“I don’t think we’ll ever know,” he’ll try and pipe in, trying not to smirk and when they’re not looking at him, he winks at you and enjoys the little secret you share.
To be honest, you’re the one who fell for him first.
For some reason his cringey jokes and over the top laugh really pulled you in and when you made the move on him, he hadn’t known what to think.
For the longest he thought of you as a friend so the night you were on video call playing a game together and you were laying on your bed, barely covered by the blanket… he kept getting distracted.
Then you would say something flirty while shifting around and showing the little shorts you wore to sleep and how they barely covered anything, along with your tank top. He would remind himself that you’re just a friend and he’s probably reading too into it
So everything was on the low to begin with. None of the others knew how the two of you would spend almost every night on the phone together and Kai could tell them but why would he? So that they could think they could call you too and take your attention away?
Plus, did he really want them to know about how you looked fresh out the shower on the phone with him? Or how you sounded when you whispered softly with your hand down your panties asking if he’s touching himself too?
And it was known Kai had such a nice voice that you couldn’t help but encourage him to let you hear it when he stroked his stiff member in his bedroom late at night.
“I can’t hear you,” you would remind him, hand touching down your body and showing the camera what he can’t see in person.
“They’re going to hear me,” he whispers, letting out a small moan when you pull down your top and tease him with a view of your bare chest.
“Everyone’s asleep,” you say, “Please? It’s not fair, I don’t ever get to see you alone.”
Your words always got to him, and he would stroke himself just a little faster and whisper, “I want to see you too.”
I’ve been gone for months and I needed something kind of quick and easy to write so hope you guys liked it 😭should I do more of these?
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crookedteethed · 5 months ago
18+ slight smut (unprotected piv), sex tapes, mentions of anal, jealous!reader, weirdo behavior
⋆ ★ thinking about how dad!rafe constantly gets hit on by slutty moms and how you have to come in and set them straight : (
Rafe loved his baby girl, but he would bash his fist into the wall if he had to listen to Somewhere Over the Rainbow get played as he watched his little girl prance around in her ballet class one more time. 
Don't get him wrong, Rafe loved spending the daddy-daughter time with his little girl, and it was something (even more) persuasive about your daughter wearing an adorable pink tutu that made him agree to get ice cream after Every. Single. Class.
It was the other parents (and The Best of Oz) who made it so insufferable—not just the other parents—the moms. 
The dads were particularly cool. They typically sat there like Rafe, hunched over into a man's spread, aggressively typing on their phones. 
But the moms--no--the fucking moms always wanted to talk, but not just talk, flirt!
The moms were like cougars, always purposely sitting down next to Rafe, peering over his shoulder, debating whether they should talk to him. 
When they finally do muster enough courage to talk to him (the ones that do), they typically say some dumb shit, like: 
"My heart always goes out to single fathers; it does. I’m single, too. We should grab a drink sometime.”
It was only Cynthia Fucking Allen that asked Rafe dumb shit like this. 
It was dumb because she knew that Rafe wasn't a single father and knew well that you two were happily married. 
The other moms were never as Bold as Cynthia. They typically just tried to talk with Rafe to talk to someone as attractive as he was—which Rafe didn't mind.
Cynthia was a cougar because she didn't fear rejection. She'd never turn down an opportunity to make a pass at Rafe--whether it was inviting him over to dinner or trying to set up "supervised playdates” (which Rafe had always turned her down) or going as far as complimenting his derrière in his khakis.
And though Cynthia's constant badgering was becoming a nuisance to Rafe, Rafe never needed to cut into Cynthia because deep down, Rafe had felt bad for the woman.
Rafe had once heard from you, who heard from one of the other mothers that Mr. Allen, Cynthia's husband, had filed for a divorce. So maybe she was just trying to get her groove back or something, Rafe thought.
Shockingly, you were the one to snap and cut into Cynthia for her nuisance behavior, finally. 
It was a stupid and risky idea, and you don't know what had come over you, honestly. It was something the Queen Bee would do in a raunchy teen movie. 
You had sent Cynthia a video of Rafe full-on fucking you. 
And I mean, you went all out. A tripod was set up and everything. 
It was an 11-minute length video of Rafe fucking you in two positions. 
For five minutes straight, Rafe took you from behind--your plush ass dangling off the edge of the bed as Rafe pounded into your sopping loud cunt, standing up, with his thumb occasionally pressing into your asshole.
With each thrust from Rafe's hips was met with your ass, causing the skin-on-skin slapping to fill the room. 
And then for another five minutes, he fucked you in missionary--with your legs pressed to his sides, Rafe sucking and biting your neck and cursing in your ear about how this is "Your dick."
You had made sure to include a minute of Rafe jacking off and cumming on the folds of your pussy and onto your clit. Then, you told Rafe to hurry up and grab the phone and record him fucking his cum deep inside of you because you were the only one indeed that owned Rafe's cock, and seemingly Cynthia needed to be reminded of that.
When you sent the video to Cynthia, you set it on vanishing mode and made sure it was to be deleted as soon as she finished watching it, so if she ever mentioned it, it was her word against yours.
You never told Rafe about sending Cynthia your sex tape, and Cynthia never brought it up, but you knew she had gotten the message since she never bothered Rafe again afterwards.
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nosyp · 3 months ago
Twst Third Years reacting to someone else calling you 'honey' or 'sweetheart'
First Years | Second years
A/N = Likes, reblogs and comments r apprecaieted btw!
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Trey Clover
He raises an eyebrow. Like what did he just say?
“Honey? Sweetheart? That's a little forward, don’t you think?”
Gives the person a polite but firm smile, subtly stepping closer to you.
HE WILL try to keep things calm but is lowkey plotting how to make sure that never happens again. Like you should probably... do something about him.
BUT in private, he’ll ask you if you’re okay with it, but also makes sure to remind you he’s got your back.
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Cater Diamond
He laughs at first, but the playful glint in his eyes slowly shift into something more possessive.
“Oh? So you think you’re that close to (Y/N)?”
Gives the person a teasing grin before pulling you closer to him.
“You know, I think I’m the only one who gets to call them that. So how about we leave the nicknames to me, yeah?”
When alone with you, he’s definitely more affectionate but might joke about it a bit more.
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Leona Kingscholar
Glares at the person, his face darkening in the process.
“The hell did you just call them?” he scowls.
He doesn’t hold back. His tone DRIPPING with irritation.
“You’ve got some nerve. Back off, they’re mine.”
Will pull you closer to him, practically growling if the person doesn’t get the hint.
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Vil Schoenheit
Freezes for a moment, then smiles, but it’s far from a kind smile. It's more of... getoutofmyfacebeforeismackyouintotomorrow typa smile.
“How cute, you think you’re that familiar with them.”
Casually places a hand on your shoulder, making sure the other person notices how close you two are.
His voice is laced with poison: “I think you should stick to more formal terms. After all, you’re not exactly their type.” ouch that kinda hurts.
Vil keeps it classy but is definitely claiming you in his own way. He's probably not gonna let you out of his sight after this.
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Rook Hunt
He simply... smirks. He's entertained. He's slightly enjoying this... but of course with a possessive glint in his eyes.
“Oh? Honey, you say? You’re a bit too forward for my liking.”
Leans in close to you, wrapping his arm around your waist.
“(Y/N) belongs to me, in a way that no one else can even dream of.”
He loves the tension it creates, and you can expect him to be a lot more possessive afterward.
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Idia Shroud
His face turns red, and he freezes up.
'W-Wait, honey? Who the hell do they think they are?' his mind races.
You can practically see the steam coming out of his ears as he starts muttering to himself, fidgeting nervously. He's like a kettle about to BURST.
'I-I don’t like it when other people call them that! I get to call them cute names, okay?' he thinks to himself.
He doesn’t show it on the outside, but internally, he’s definitely marking his territory.
He tries to listen in on the conversation to know more about him for... reasons. AND goodluck to his online reputation cuz it's gonna be non-existent or absolutely ruined in a matter of seconds.
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Malleus Draconia
Stares at the person, unblinking.
“Did you just refer to them as honey?”
His voice is calm, but his eyes have a dangerous glint.
Steps closer to you, his presence overwhelming.
“No one else has the right to address them that way. They belong to me.”
Will silently observe, but you’ll feel his possessive nature once the clouds start getting dark and raindrops fall from the sky. Then the air around you seems to shift, heavy with his unspoken claim.
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Lilia Vanrouge
He chuckles, but his tone is laced with amusement and something more.
“Oh? Sweetheart, you say? How bold of you, but I think you’ve got it wrong.”
Laughs to himself and then ruffles your hair affectionately.
“(Y/N) is mine, so maybe you should pick a more appropriate nickname.”
While playful on the surface, you can feel the possessive edge in his words.
A/N = I love third years the most tbh
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hyuny-bunny · 11 months ago
skz + types of p*rn they watch (w/links) pt 1. hyung line
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MDNI (+18) content warning: p*rn, nsfw links, mentions of rough sex, use of female anatomy, breeding, spanking, choking, fingering, oral (f receiving) most afab reader terms.
a/n: if the links are not working for you, you may need the app as most are not compatible with a web browser
pt 2. maknae line
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chan: he's definitely watching twitter/x porn. as for what side of x he's on all depends on the mood. he definitely seems to stay on a more "vanilla" side. probably has a keen interest on size kink and breeding videos. but what they all have common is riding. it gets him so riled up seeing ones shot in cars because the next time he sees you it's all he thinks about. he'd love nothing more then to have you riding his dick, his hands holding your hips in place, eventually snacking a hand to lightly you choke and bunching your skirt in the other hand while you sloppily bounce on his cock. maybe he's taking you out to a nice dinner & movie but once your back in that car he's practically begging you to sit on his cock.
"baby, i need you so bad. come here, ride me, need to feel this pretty pussy on me."
minho: there's so many things i could say about him. i don't think he necessarily needs porn to get off or actively looks for it, but i do think he loves being able to send you links that either remind him of the both of yours sexcapades or things he wants to do to you. i feel like he watches a lot of overstimulation, spanking, BREEDING, and just a sprinkle of voyeurism. i think he gets really turned on by the ones of girls in pretty lingerie wearing collars with bells, so every movement makes the bell ring. he almost collapses to his knees when he gets home one day to see you wearing the collar he bought, the one he'd been hiding and waiting for the right moment.
the only thing on your mind is the feeling of your sopping wet cunt being suffocated by minho's cock. he's got a fistful of your hair in hand, pulling you up from your pillow before landing a hard smack on your ass, never letting up on his thrusts.
changbin: another one in my books that loves size kink porn. not because i think he likes someone smaller, but more so the fact that he likes the feeling of being able to make someone feel so small. in seo changbins biceps, we trust. i think this one in particular will have him pleading with you to let him try it. you might feel reluctant because of any underlying insecurities at the though of feeling like you're "too heavy" (there's so no such thing to him) . it isn't till he's got you lifted up against the wall with no holding you either than his arms & shoulders, his mouth lapping away at your pretty cunt, any worries you ever had dissipated along with your ability to use your words.
"bin-binnie please i-i can't hold on much longer" a string of whines follow suit. he's been at it for a while and you've already had two orgasm but he's relentless. all you can hear are his groans and the squelching sound of his tongue abusing your cunt. he lifts his head up from between your thighs with you hand webbed in his hair, mirroring your worn out lustful look.
size kink
making you feel small
hyunjin: to me, i think hyun goes either of these two ways. he's the most depraved man known to walk this earth that loves it sloppy, messy, wet and downright lustfully filthy. the latter also leads me to believe he's not big on porn, prefers either his imagination or his OWN videos. one he's recorded (with your consent + encouragement) while you've done it together. he needs the passion of either love or the passion of wanting to make the either cum so hard they've gone to heaven (preferably both). if he's watching videos, his favorite ones always have the girl shaking and crying in pleasure by the end. he needs to see the passion, lust to be able to get off. when it's you, it's different, if anything it brings him back to those moments to fully remember the need between the two of you. that being said he's heavy into breeding/cumplay and semi restraining. he loves seeing the hands held behind the back and holding someone in place while they fall apart in his lap + cock.
it was supposed to be a quick kiss, which turned into heavy petting, and now he's brought your leg over his hips. the panties you were wearing discarded somewhere in the room, one arm is wrapped around you holding you tightly to his chest while his other hand is at work. his middle & ring finger are knuckle deep thrusting into you and he's groaning into your neck sucking hickies in all your favorite spots.
semi restraints
playing w you in his lap
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pretentious-blonde · 25 days ago
jealous much?
pairing: steve harrington x reader
summary: steve may not be the jealous type, but when he sees someone else eyeing his girl, he’s more than happy to remind you exactly who takes care of you the best
warnings: 18+ this is smut, filth with feelings, depictions of sex, p in v, fingering, manhandling, steve being a cocky little shit, lots and lots of aftercare because how could i not???
a/n: to the anon(s) that told me they wanted steve to be a bit harsher, i gotchu <3 pt. 6 but can be read as a standalone!!
series masterlist
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Steve’s bedroom was always comfortably cluttered—movie tickets scattered on the nightstand, a lone shirt draped over the desk chair, and a rumpled blanket that smelled faintly of his cologne. You loved it here. Loved being with him here. The two of you were sprawled across his bed, legs tangled, currently discussing the goings-on with the people in Hawkins. 
He always had a soft spot for scandal, unable to shake his love for idle gossip. He kept up with every whisper in the school hallways—a habit that only worsened once he gained access to the town’s personal archive of movie choices. 
Dangerous information for him to have, truly. 
“You should’ve seen what Keith has been checking out lately,” he said, propping himself up on his elbow, eyes bright. “Nothing but straight rom-coms. He thinks we don’t notice—‘cause, y’know, he does it on his own time—but Rob went snooping through the store’s computer system.”
“No way. Keith?” You snorted. “I thought he was into those art-house horror flicks or those silent German ones.”
“Right?” Steve agreed with a dramatic roll of his eyes. “We’re putting money on him having a girlfriend. That would explain why he’s been giving us both more hours lately—guy’s gotta prioritise his love-life, you know?”
“Huh,” you mused, nudging his knee with yours. “So he finally snagged a girl?”
“That’s the theory,” he affirmed, voice dropping conspiratorially. “Now we just gotta figure out who it is. Or corner him into telling us.”
You giggled, leaning your head against his shoulder. “Well, I’m sure that won’t take long. Keith has never been good at subtlety.”
“Kinda jealous he’s the one who arranges the schedule, though.” He hummed, shifting closer until you could feel the warmth of his breath on your hair. “Means I gotta argue with him if I want a full weekend off.”
“You poor thing,” you teased, tapping his chest. “I can always come hang out if you get stuck working. Keep you company.”
He brightened. “Yeah?”
“Totally,” you said smiling. “I don’t mind. I'm very entertaining.”
“Well, does that mean when I get a weekday off, I can come crash your work?” he asked, waggling his brows. “I look great in a tie.”
You eyed him skeptically, but there was no denying he’d look downright mouthwatering in a suit. All done up, weaving through your office like he owned the place—it made your insides curl.
He’d probably climb the ladder faster than you, effortlessly charming his way to the top. It was unfair how charismatic he could be, even without trying.
“I wish you could.” You groan, getting your mind out of the gutter. “It’d make the day go so much faster.”
"I’d be the perfect intern," he agreed, "I could grab the coffee for a change—plus,” a playful smile tugs at his lips as he gazes down at you, “I already know exactly how you like it."
You laughed, then shrugged. “Actually, you wouldn’t have to run for coffee now. We got a new hire last week—Ryan, I think his name is? He’s younger, maybe by a year or so, but super eager. I’ve been showing him around, finally getting some of the stress off my plate.”
His expression changed with a touch of curiosity or perhaps just a pang of protectiveness—but it settled quickly into genuine affection. He reached out and brushed a stray strand of hair away from your face. 
“You looking out for him, angel?”
“Yeah—well, I mean—” A flush crept up your cheeks. “I would’ve liked if someone had done that for me when I started, you know? Don’t want him to feel overwhelmed by everything.”
He almost melted as those words left your lips, loving the flustered look on your face when he praised you.
God, you’re too sweet for your own good sometimes.
You snuggled closer and let out a yawn, feeling his arm tighten around you in a gentle hug as you hid your face in his chest.
“Alright,” he said, clearing his throat as he glanced at the clock on his desk. “Come on sleepyhead. You’ve got an early morning, gotta get some rest."
You groaned dramatically. “Ugh, don’t remind me.”
“Hey,” he offered with a warm smile, “want me to drive you? I’ve got tomorrow off so it’s really no trouble.”
“Honestly, it’s fine.” You shook your head tiredly. “Have a lie-in for once, you deserve it. Besides, you’re picking me up after work anyway, right?”
A lazy, content grin spread across his face.
“Yeah, yeah. Alright,” he murmured, leaning in to kiss you—slow and sweet. “Come on, sweetheart. Bedtime.”
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Steve insisted on seeing you off that morning, even when you tried to do the nice thing and let him sleep in. 
He woke up with you anyway. It baffled you how he could sleep through his own alarm but miraculously rise at the first buzz of yours. Even when you tried to turn it off and sneakily creep around his room without rousing him, your efforts were futile. 
He followed you downstairs and sipped the coffee he brewed for you both at the kitchen counter, watching while you tugged on your office blazer, making sure your hair was just right in the reflection of the hall mirror. 
It made him grin stupidly, watching you hustle around in your formal attire—his career girl. 
He couldn’t help himself. He’d pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead at his doorstep before you left, telling you to “knock ‘em dead.” Which earned him a huff from you. 
He was far too corny in the morning for your liking. 
Only when your car was out of sight did he head back inside, now all glum that he had to entertain himself for the rest of the day.
He spent his time alone doing errands—laundry, a quick trip to the grocery store, all while counting down the hours till he could swing by your office.
It wasn’t pathetic, but he’d be the first to admit he was maybe a little too eager. Then again, he’d found his person, and he figured it wasn’t a crime to want every spare minute with you.
When the time finally came, he pulled up outside the Hawkins Post, scanning the pavement for your familiar silhouette. 
He spotted you laughing with someone—the new hire, must be, he deduced as he took in the guy’s slightly younger appearance and the way he stood just a bit too close to you for his liking. His fingers tightened around the steering wheel as he examined him further. 
Great. Of course he’s hot.
You glanced up just then, beaming at the sight of the familiar BMW. After a quick word to your coworker—who, he noted—looked decidedly unhappy as he caught Steve’s eye.
You bounded over to the passenger seat as he gave the guy a little wave, more smug than polite, and felt a twist of satisfaction when the guy’s scowl deepened.
You slid into the seat, barely getting the door shut before he leaned in over the console to kiss you—deep and warm, with a hint of urgency that made your pulse skip. You let out a surprised hum but quickly relaxed into it, hand coming up to rest on his cheek.
“What was that for?” You pulled back, blinking at him.
He shrugged, eyes flicking past you to the figure still hovering on the pavement. 
“Nothing,” he said, casual as can be. “Just missed you, that’s all.” 
He caught your colleague staring and resisted the urge to smirk openly.
You huffed a playful laugh, still a little breathless. “Well, I’m not complaining.”
“Ready to go?” Steve asked, turning the key in the ignition. You nodded, and he eased the car into the street. “Oh—there are M&Ms in the glove box. Grabbed 'em for you.” He added, remembering picking them up at the store earlier. Knowing you’d appreciate it. 
“Ugh, you’re the best, you know that?” you said, popping open the compartment and grabbing the bag, eagerly tearing through the plastic.
He glanced sideways, a small, satisfied grin tugging at his lips. Holding out his hand, he waited as you handed him a few—only fair, after all.
Because, yeah, he is the best.
Damn right.
And he’s glad you think so too. 
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Dinner had wrapped up at your flat, the remnants of takeaway containers still on the coffee table, but neither of you paid them much mind. You were curled up with him on the couch, your legs draped over his lap as you recounted every last detail of your day—he hung onto each word like it was the most important news in the world. 
Well, more important to him than the news you printed, anyway. 
“And,” you said, voice cracking with excitement, “they’re finally letting me write my own story! The whole thing, just me.”
His grin was instant, radiant enough to outshine the lamp in the corner. Pure happiness poured from him as he watched you speak, your joy lighting up the room.
There wasn’t a trace of resentment—just pride, just excitement, just you. 
He was every bit as thrilled as you were, because he knew how hard you’d worked to get here. And now, seeing it all finally pay off, he couldn’t have been prouder of you.
“That’s incredible, honey,” he said truthfully. “Seriously, can’t wait to read it. What’s it gonna be about?”
You shrugged, flustered and thrilled all at once. “I have so many ideas—I haven’t decided yet.”
“Well, whatever you choose, I’m first in line for a sneak peek.” He draped an arm behind you on the couch, giving you a playful nudge. “You gonna let me see the first draft?”
“Nope.” You snorted. “You have to wait until it’s printed, just like everyone else. No boyfriend privileges here.”
“What?” He let out a mock-offended huff. “I’m supposed to wait for the issue like the rest of town? Come on you gotta give me, like, a preview or something.”
“Alright, alright,” you conceded, stifling a laugh at his dramatic pout. “Let me get changed first, and then maybe we can brainstorm together, okay?”
He leaned back, playful grin returning. “But I like the corporate look.”
“Yeah, well, now you get the pajama look,” you countered, sticking your tongue out as you got up.
He watched you walk off, fondness swelling in his chest. He’d never get tired of that view—hair done up from a day at the office, blouse slightly rumpled from a long day’s work. 
You disappeared into your bedroom, leaving him alone on the couch. He let out a contented sigh, kicking his feet up on the coffee table.
With a lazy flick of the remote, he turned up the volume on the TV, barely sparing it a glance. What you wore didn’t matter to him—truth be told, he loved you just as much in cosy attire as in your best dressed-up look.
Comfort suited you, and therefore suited him just fine.
Not even a minute after your departure, the phone rang—a jarring, tinny sound that made him glance over his shoulder. It only rang twice before he heard your cheerful voice answer in the bedroom. 
His ears perked up. He couldn’t help it—he was nosey.
Sue him. 
Muting the TV, he angled his head to listen, as your muffled giggle drifted through the space. 
“No, seriously, don’t worry about it,” you said. “He doesn’t need it until Monday—promise.”
He rose from the couch, moving quietly toward your slightly ajar door. He caught a glimpse of you standing by your chest of drawers, one hand on your hip, the other clutching the receiver. He couldn’t quite make out every expression with your back turned, but your tone was friendly, warm, comfortable. 
An unwelcome pang of jealousy flared in his chest, though he quickly reminded himself that you love him, you’ve talked about this, he trusts you. 
Still, he couldn’t resist sidling closer.
“Yeah, don’t listen to what he said,” you continued, your tone soothing. “He’s all talk, trust me.”
He inched into the room, sliding his arms around your waist from behind and nuzzling his face against your neck. Your skin was still warm and you let out a tiny squeak of surprise, but you didn’t pull away. Instead, you leaned into him.
He inched down to whisper in your free ear, low and soft. 
“Who is it?”
Turning to him, you quickly covered the receiver with your palm. “Ryan,” you mouthed.
Ryan. Right. Great. 
He rolled his eyes a little, then brushed a slow kiss on the side of your neck. 
“Call him tomorrow, sweetheart,” he murmured, voice playful but filled with an undercurrent of impatience. 
You already spent the whole day with the guy, and now he's calling you? Even when he saw him pick you up? It didn’t take a genius to figure out you had other plans, and the thought nudged at him uncomfortably. 
You shook your head in exasperation, though you were smiling. He continued to nuzzle you, pressing you gently forward until your back arched at the contact. 
“Leave work at the door,” he teased, fingers pressing slightly into your waist.
You exhaled a soft laugh and brought the phone back to your ear. “Hey, Ryan? I’ll, uh, I’ll just swing by the office a bit earlier tomorrow if you need anything else, okay? … Yeah, no worries, meet you outside. Bye.”
You placed the handset back in the cradle and turned fully to face your boyfriend, still in your work clothes, not yet changed.
Crossing your arms, you fixed him with a look, and he couldn’t help but smirk, already anticipating the playful scolding coming his way. But all he could focus on was you—standing there in your blouse and slacks, looking far too damn sweet for him to take even the slightest bit seriously.
“Feeling needy, huh?” you asked, tilting your head.
He let out an incredulous huff, the corner of his mouth tugging upward. 
“What? Couldn’t he have waited till tomorrow? I mean… come on. He could have talked to you anytime today.”
You shrugged. “I did tell him he could call if he had any questions.”
He snorted, stepping closer, fingers trailing gently along your waist. 
“Questions, huh?”
“Questions,” you confirmed, heart skipping a beat at the intent look in his eyes.
His touch lingered, a tiny spark of possessiveness flickering behind his eyes. Then the realisation seemed to strike. You saw it—the slight tightening of his jaw, the faint furrow between his brows. It made you bite your cheek to stop from letting a giggle slip. 
“Wait a second,” you said, holding back a smile. “Steve, are you… are you jealous?”
“What? No.” He shifted, clearing his throat. “Absolutely not.”
“You so are,” you pressed, delighting in the way his nose scrunched ever so slightly.
“Sweetheart,” he warned, voice dipping lower, “I’m not.”
You only giggled, emboldened by the rosy flush creeping into his cheeks, wanting to push his buttons just a little. 
“Aw, you think I’d ever pick him over you?”
Something sparked in his eyes, a confident glint that made your stomach flutter. 
“Oh, honey,” he purred, “I know you wouldn’t pick him over me.”
You couldn’t resist teasing him one step further.
“Oh, well…” you sighed, letting the words trail with a mischievous lilt, “I’m not quite sure. I mean, he knows my coffee order too, you know.”
The air shifted—his hand slid up your torso in one smooth motion, fingertips barely brushing the exposed skin of your collarbone before settling at the base of your throat. 
His palm rested there, thumb gently grazing your quickening heartbeat as he angled your chin up to face him.
“You wanna finish that thought, sweetheart?” he murmured, voice low enough to send a tremor through you.
You swallowed, a sudden dryness in your throat. He smirked, clearly relishing your hesitation. 
“Didn’t think so,” he whispered, brushing his lips fleetingly against the corner of your mouth before pulling back.
Your heart pounded, body already hyper-aware of each place he touched you. You wondered if he could feel the way your pulse had sped up beneath his hand—because from the triumphant gleam in his eye, it was clear he knew precisely what kind of effect he had on you.
When his fingers trailed beneath your collar again, you shivered, and the reaction only seemed to spur him on. 
“Think I’m jealous, baby?” His mouth hovered just above yours, teasing, refusing to close the distance.
When you leaned in, he pushed back just enough to make you wait, to make you listen. 
"Need me to show you how well I take care of you?” His other palm slid against your lower back, holding you flush against him. “Can’t have you forgetting, can we?"
The way he was looking at you, like he dared you to argue.
His eyes were locked on yours, hungry and unapologetically smug, as he backed you against the counter. Waiting for the subtle nod of your head to tell him to continue. 
His fingers fiddled with the button of your trousers, and you could practically feel his heart racing in sync with your own.
“H-haven’t forgotten,” you managed to stutter out, trying to sound more confident than you felt.
He cocked a brow as he paused his motions, leaning in until his breath fanned over your lips. 
“You sure? The way you were talking—almost like you need a reminder.” A slow, dangerous smile tugged at his mouth. “And you know how much I love proving my point.”
You swallowed hard. You did know—Steve was stubborn as hell, and once he made up his mind, there was no talking him down. 
You’d learned that the very first time you hung out with him—he spent a whole hour building you that damned bookshelf that was wedged in the corner of your living room, refusing to even let you help him carry it up the stairs. All in an effort to prove himself to you.
And by the way he was acting, he was determined to prove himself again. 
“Say the word, baby, and I’ll stop.” He tells you earnestly, as his brown eyes search your face. 
He would stop in an instant if you told him to, but the way you're looking at him tells him you won’t. Something tells him that you want him to show you how good he can make you feel.
And Steve? 
Well, Steve never backed down from a challenge. 
You let out a shaky exhale, no response forming except the pleading expression you're giving him. A small, triumphant noise rumbled in his throat. Your slacks and underwear hit the floor, and in one swift motion, he coaxed you against the side of the counter, broad hands splaying over your hips.
He brushed his hand against you slowly, cautiously, fingers gliding against your core and making your knees threaten to buckle.
“Already?” His tone was low, teasing, right at your ear as his fingers entered you with a lewd, wet sound. “You’re shaking, baby. Maybe I have been neglecting you.”
“Please,” you whimpered after a moment, overwhelmed by how slow and teasing he was moving—he wasn’t normally quite so unhurried with the foreplay.
Steve usually never made you beg for anything. 
He let out a soft chuckle, pressing a slow, teasing kiss to the side of your neck. Clearly, he was enjoying this—relishing the way your hands pawed at his shoulders, desperate, pleading for more. For him to stop playing and just give in.
“Shhh, I’ll take care of you, alright?” His fingers moved with agonising precision. “So sensitive—so sweet for me”
Your breathing stuttered; the sensations bloomed hot and electric with every brush of his fingers. But his mouth kept going, sliding into that cocky territory he owned so well. 
“Bet he wouldn’t even know where to start with you,” he murmured, voice laced with pride. "Wouldn’t even know how fucking beautiful you sound when you—" his thumb pressed hard against your clit, dragging a desperate, wrecked moan from your lips, “—fuck yourself on my fingers.”
You could tell he was on a roll, completely caught up in the moment, but you mustered the courage to speak anyway.
Feeling bold, you forced a small smirk, even as your body threatened to betray you. You’d never seen him this pent up before—this utterly consumed—and the sheer thrill of it sent a sharp, electric spark through you.
Curiosity burned—just how far could you push him?
“O-oh, I don’t know—” you managed to choke out, stepping on dangerous territory. “He’s a keen learner…”
So that’s how it’s gonna be, huh?
Everything stopped—his fingers, his breath, the push of his body against yours. He stilled, letting a harsh exhale flare his nostrils. 
Then a dark, knowing laugh bubbled out of him as he lifted his head to look at you—really look at you. You caught a glimpse of his determined face, before all composure snapped. 
Now he really had something to prove.
“Fuck, angel,” he groaned, voice taking on a frustrated edge. “You just don’t know when to stop—do you?”
Before you could react, he flipped you around and pushed your hips down against the dresser with a firm grip. The wood pressed into your stomach, your palms splayed on either side as he molded himself to your back.
He cupped your jaw from behind and you gasped at the harshness of his grip, every nerve alive. His teeth found your shoulder, biting just enough to blur the line between pleasure and pain.
You let out a sharp cry, and he swallowed it with a low groan. Running his tongue against the dull ache as a gentle apology. 
“One of these days," he muttered, "that smart mouth of yours is gonna get you in trouble—” you could feel his breath, hot and ragged, “—lucky for you, I’m the one who gets to teach it a lesson.”
His words send shivers across your skin and you tried to twist in his grip. 
“Oh no, you don’t,” he chided as you tried to squirm, pressing against you back as he stilled your movements. “Stay.”
He placed one strong palm between your shoulder blades, guiding you lower, til your chest made contact with the wooden surface. Keeping you where he wanted you.
He wasn’t pushing, wasn’t forcing—just holding you there, making sure you felt him, making sure you knew exactly how this was going to go.
Your legs stumbled as you adjusted to the position, and he just laughed, sliding his fingers inside you once more, coaxing the most desperate little noises from your lips.
“Say my name, angel,” he demanded, that infuriating confidence dripping from every syllable.
“S-Steve,” you whimpered, voice barely recognisable to your own ears.
“Good,” he praised, dipping his head to kiss along your shoulder, fingers hitting that sweet spot inside that he knew drives you wild. “Want it to be the only thing in your head, okay?”
You moaned out his name once more, and he hummed with approval. 
“That’s right." He cooed. "You're a fast learner, baby.”
He pulled away momentarily and you whined at the loss of contact, until you heard the metallic rasp of his zipper. He was right back against you, pressing his length along you with a low moan.
"You feel that?"  he murmured, voice thick with need as he pressed against you, rolling his hips in a slow, deliberate grind. The friction sent sparks through your core, pulling a soft gasp from your lips. His grip tightened, fingers digging in just enough to make you shiver. "You're soaked, sweetheart."
He didn’t want to wait—couldn’t wait. He needed to prove it to you, needed you to understand just how much he could give you. Just how much he deserved you. 
You tried to speak, but your voice came out ragged. Then, mercifully, he pushed inside—slow enough to let you feel every inch. The stretch pulled a drawn-out, trembling whine from your chest.
“Ah, fuck—.” His own voice cracked, hips snapping forward as though he couldn’t possibly wait another second. “That’s it—see how good that feels?—pussy was made for me. Ain't that right, angel?”
You only mewled in response as he settled into a driving rhythm, each thrust pushing you into the surface, bullying his cock deeper and deeper inside.
He wrapped a hand against the back of your neck, keeping you pinned where he could use you, pressing hot kisses along your shoulders when you cried out. It was music to his ears as he continued his relentless pace.
Normally he was gentler, but now, he was done holding back. The litany pouring from his mouth was shameless, full of desire and unfiltered possessiveness.
“Should’ve kept him on that damn phone—” he rasped against your neck, each word punctuated by a thrust. “Should’ve made him listen to how you sound—‘cause that’s the closest he’s ever gonna get to having you like this—”
Your walls tightened around him as his words poured over you, and he noticed—of course he noticed. He drank in every tremor, every flutter of your pussy, letting out a breathless laugh tinged with disbelief as he felt you squeeze him deeper at his teasing remarks.
"You like that?—really?" He let out an amused chuckle at the new information. “Shit—never knew how filthy you were, baby.” 
The way you gripped his length, pulling him deeper, the sinful sounds spilling from your lips—he knew he was giving you both. Worship and destruction. 
And fuck, you loved it.
You dragged your nails across the dresser’s surface, searching for an anchor in the storm of sensation. His hand slid over yours, fingers lacing as he drove into you, relentless.
“Too fucking bad he’s never gonna see how pretty you look when you're fucked dumb,” he whispered, leaning in to kiss the side of your neck, his hot breath sending shivers down your spine. "That's just for me."
You felt your composure slipping, your body teetering on the edge. Your head rolled to the side, a broken string of words escaping.
“Steve, please—” spilled from your lips, but you weren’t even sure what you were begging for at this point.
He tangled his fingers in your hair, pulling you upright just enough so he could whisper directly into your ear. The pain was delicious as you arched against him, lungs gasping for air as he continued to spill every dirty thought he had.
"It's alright sweetheart—I’ll give you what you need. Just look at you—can’t even think straight." A soft, desperate moan tore from your throat as his mouth continued to run. "Just falling apart on my cock, letting me fuck every last thought out of that pretty head of yours."
His pace quickened, your body overwhelmed with the slide of him inside your walls, the heat of his skin, the possessive timbre in every word he rasped into your ear.
"But you know what you will remember?" he purred, teeth grazing the shell of your ear. "Every time you see him, you’ll remember how I had you bent in half, screaming my name—not his." He let you fall back onto the dresser, firm grip returning to your shoulder. "I want this burned into you, baby. So every fucking time you even look at him, all you can think about is me stretching you open—ruining you for anyone else."
Fuck, you knew Steve was loose-lipped in bed, but this was something else entirely. 
He wasn’t making love to you—he was fucking you. Hard. Rough. Saying whatever filthy thing came to mind without a second thought. 
You wished you could throw back a sly quip, but at this pace? You could barely breathe, let alone speak. 
Not that it would matter—he wouldn’t give you the chance.
Your moans rose in pitch, matching the mounting tension in your core, and he groaned, voice unraveling into something so heady it almost vibrated through you.
"I—fuck—I want you feeling me tomorrow, sweetheart—want every step you take to remind you exactly what’s waiting for you when you come home." He thrust sharply, greeted with the cry that tore from your lips. "‘Cause, baby, I’ve got no problem bending you over like this again and again—’til the lesson sticks—"
That final promise was all you needed—you came hard, a wave of ecstasy rolling through you as your body clenched around him. Your cry echoed in the small space, and you felt his grip falter as he groaned your name, riding the crest of your climax.
“Fuck, baby—that’s it,” he choked out, thrusts turning erratic. “So good for me, taking me so—”
Then he followed you over the edge, hips snapping one last time before his body seized. You felt his breath come in ragged pants against your neck, his chest pressed to your back. Every muscle in him went taut, then slack, as he let out a deep, guttural moan of satisfaction.
Your name fell from his lips in a trembling exhale, and for a moment, neither of you moved—both lost in the aftermath, hearts hammering in sync.
He held you for a beat longer, both of you still catching your breath. Your body trembled against the wood, and as he finally pulled out, he stayed close—almost reluctant to let you go.
But as he pulled away brushing a knuckle over your spine, guilt crept into his eyes the moment he took in your shaky form.
“Ah—shit” he murmured, voice low. “Hey, sweetheart, you with me?”
You nodded weakly, turning your head and giving him the smallest smile of reassurance, but he still frowned in concern. Maybe he'd gone overboard.
“Yeah… all right. Can you stand?”
“I—I think so,” you managed breathily.
“Okay,” he whispered, guiding you upright with one gentle arm around your waist. Once he was sure you weren’t going to topple over, he bent down to scoop up your trousers and set them aside. You’d probably complain if they got creased—more creased than they were. Though, that wasn’t his number one priority right now. 
You noticed the way his forehead furrowed in worry as he led you to the bed, helping you settle against the duvet. He slid in behind you, propping himself against the headboard so you could rest in his lap.
Your hands trembled a bit from aftershocks—adrenaline still coursing through your veins. He felt it, too, and his anxious expression only deepened.
He tucked a piece of hair behind your ear, pressing a soft kiss to the crown of your head.
“Hey, angel?” His voice was gentle, coaxing, as he sought your eyes. “Can you look at me for a sec?”
You tilted your head back to meet his worried gaze, your cheeks still flushed and eyes glazed with the rush of it all. His own eyes flickered over your messy hair, the light smudges of your makeup, and your rumpled work shirt. Guilt pinched at his features.
“I didn’t hurt you, did I?” His words tumbled out in a rush. “I’m sorry if I got carried away. I just—just got caught up in everything, and you—”
You let out a soft chuckle, lifting a hand to cover his mouth gently. 
God, he’s adorable when he’s fussing over you. 
“Steve,” you said softly, watching him go silent. “You didn’t hurt me. I promise.”
He still looked unconvinced. “You’re just saying that.”
“No, I'm not,” you replied, smoothing your thumb over the swell of his bottom lip. “I’m really, really good. Better than good.”
He cupped your face gently, thumb brushing soft circles into your cheek, eyes flicking between yours as if searching for any sign of discomfort.
“Didn’t mean to be so rough,” he murmured, voice laced with concern. "Should've been more gentle with you, angel."
You were still quivering in his lap, body still sensitive. He was torn between holding you tighter against him, or letting you breathe.
You leaned forward after sensing his hesitation, brushing a soft kiss to his jaw, you make the decision for him.
“I loved it." You tell him truthfully. "I love you.”
He exhaled a shaky breath, hands finding your hips and holding you there. His warmth seeped into you through the fabric of your rumpled work shirt.
You loved him.
No matter how many times the words left your lips, it still made his chest ache.
"Love you too," he murmurs, eyes avoiding yours as they dart to his lap. "Just... don't want you thinking I, like, lost control or something." He looks up at you sheepishly. "Never want to hurt you."
“I know that.” You rested your palm against his jaw, the intimacy of the moment made your heart flutter. “I trust you. And if it was too much, I’d tell you.”
He stared at you for a moment, brow furrowed in uncertainty. “Promise?”
A long exhale left him, relief slumping his shoulders. 
“Thank God.” He leaned forward to rest his forehead gently against yours.
“But… you’re probably right.” You managed a playful smile as his eyes snapped to yours. “I’m definitely going to feel it tomorrow.”
A rosy flush bloomed across his face, and he buried it against your neck with a half-embarrassed groan. “Sorry.”
“Don’t be.” You gave a teasing shrug, ignoring the dull ache that made itself known the second you moved your hips. “You might’ve had a point, too.”
“Yeah?” he asked, lifting his head, curiosity flickering in his eyes.
A teasing grin curled your lips. “You are kinda hot when you’re jealous.”
“Oh, God, don’t say that.” He winced exaggeratedly, making you laugh. “You’ll give me a complex or something.”
You laughed again, and he couldn’t help smiling back, brushing his nose against your cheek in a moment of affection.
“But, I mean, are you feeling jealous?” You asked him with full seriousness. “Because if you are, you can talk to me about it.”
He swallowed, his grip loosening slightly as his eyes softened, realisation settling deep in his chest.
You cared. So much. He thought about it for a brief moment—was he really jealous?
But then he looked at you, all concerned in his arms. The way you gazed at him, unwavering and sure, the way you had trusted him completely not five minutes ago, letting him take control, letting him have you.
It was all the answer he needed.
There was no room for doubt, no reason for insecurity. You were his—entirely his—and he knew it.
“No,” he finally said, voice gentle. “’M not jealous. Not really. I just—I don't know—wanted to make my girl feel good.” His lips quirked up in a small, sheepish grin. “And I guess I wanted to remind you who you’ve got waiting when you clock out.”
You leaned up to plant a reassuring kiss on his jaw. “Well, message received,” you teased, drawing a chuckle from him.
Steve glanced down at your blouse, still haphazardly half-done-up, and your bare legs still shaking. 
“Let’s get you cleaned up, yeah? I kinda distracted you from changing.”
“You definitely did.” You smile softly as he gets up, offering you his hand to stand.
“C’mon, let’s get a bath running.” He tells you as he cocks his head towards the door.
He guides you to the bathroom, flicking on the light and starting the taps. As water rushed into the tub, he helped you out of your disheveled work shirt, eyes flicking appreciatively across your skin. Gently, he traced a thumb over a reddening mark on your neck where he’d bitten down. A pang of guilt made his eyes tighten.
“Sorry about that,” he whispered, pressing a featherlight kiss over the mark. “Got carried away.”
You rolled your eyes, fighting a grin. “Hey, you got what you wanted, didn’t you? Everyone to know I’m yours?”
“Yeah,” a bashful smile tugged at his lips. “I did.”
Once the bath was ready, you both climbed in. The warm water soothed the lingering tension in your muscles, and you leaned back against his chest with a contented sigh. His arms draped loosely around your middle, fingers stroking lazy shapes over your skin.
“So,” he spoke up after a moment, lips brushing your ear.  “you wanna brainstorm those ideas for your article now, Miss Journalist?”
You chuckled, letting your head fall back onto his shoulder. “Oh, now you’re interested in my writing process?”
“Course I am.” He gave a soft laugh, tightening his hold on you. “I’m always interested in whatever you’ve got going on. You know that.”
“Alright,” you teased, “I have a few pitches… maybe a feature on that new charity coffee place that’s opening up on Maple Street? Or this local teacher doing after-school science programs? I’m torn—so many good leads.”
Steve made an encouraging noise. “I like the teacher one,” he mused, brow furrowing in real consideration. “I mean, c’mon, that sounds like it’d be really feel-good for the paper. Everyone loves seeing that kinda community stuff.”
“You think so?” You felt a wave of affection swell through you at how genuine he was.
“Yeah. It’s definitely the kind of story that’ll get people talking in a good way.” He paused, a grin curling his lips. “But I gotta say… I also love coffee.”
“We’ll see which one the editor likes.” You giggle.
He helped you out of the tub once the water began to cool, wrapping a towel around his waist before carefully bundling you in another. He pressed a sweet kiss to your temple, then led you back to the bedroom, flicking off the overhead light so you were left in a peaceful glow from the bedside lamp.
You slipped into a soft tee and lounge shorts as he grabbed his own pyjamas from your chest of drawers, blushing at what transpired on it previously. He would never look at it the same way again.
You curled up against him in the bed—his arms around you made everything feel warm and safe.
“What time do you have to be at work tomorrow?” you mumbled against his chest.
“Not ’til afternoon,” he said, carding his fingers through your hair.
A content sigh escaped you, eyes fluttering shut. “Nice for some, I guess.”
“But,” he continued, clearing his throat pointedly, “I’m definitely dropping you off tomorrow.”
Your brow creased, and you glanced up at him with a sleepy frown. 
He smirked, his hand coming to rest gently on your hip. “Because… you said you were meeting him earlier, right? The new guy?” He leaned in, voice dropping playfully. “I wanna see the look on your face when you see him—see if you remember exactly what we did tonight.”
Heat flooded your cheeks, and you smacked his chest lightly. “Steve!”
“What?” He chuckled, utterly delighted, pressing a mischievous kiss to your forehead. “I’m curious.”
You huffed in mock-annoyance but couldn’t hide your smile. “You’re incorrigible.”
His chest rumbled with laughter, and he buried his nose in your hair. “That’s me,” he murmured, voice going soft again as he held you closer.
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reignpage · 4 months ago
Physics Tutor!Nanami
conservation of angular momentum: his torque
Warnings: 18+ minors and ageless blogs do not interact, you will be blocked, masturbation, cursing, pathetic men, mentions of overstimulation, edging, and orgasm denial Guide
physics tutor!nanami should really be sleeping. He never stays up this late, and yet there he is, wide awake, padding through the apartment he shares with his childhood friend, Haibara. He’s wearing only his pyjama bottoms, a blue and green plaid number he had gotten for Christmas, and nothing on top. His pale skin is rippling with tension as he rolls his shoulders, feeling restless for reasons he cannot grasp. 
physics tutor!nanami spots a neatly stacked pile of papers on the coffee table. It’s the notes he had printed and scrawled comments on, highlighting key pieces of information and scribbling on the side rewordings of convoluted phrases, for you. He knows how frustrated you get with the academically elitist manner in which these researchers write so he went through the trouble of helping you out. 
Because he’s a dedicated tutor, that’s why. 
Not because he’s been in love with you since ‘like forever’ as Haibara often teased him. 
physics tutor!nanami sighs as he leans against the marble countertop, rubbing a hand down his face. He hopes you have time to read the textbook chapters he assigned you; there’s always a party and there’s always drama that demands your attention, and he hopes you’re getting enough rest. 
So you can do your work, of course. 
But physics tutor!nanami has to make sure. He doesn’t want to waste his time going over information you should already know very well in the next session. That’s the only reason why he’s picking up his phone and sending a message to you, ignoring that weird feeling in his stomach at the sight of your contact picture. 
You had grabbed his phone one Tuesday evening, gasping melodramatically when you saw he had you saved as ’Tuesday Session’ with the default T pic in lieu of your face. 
That had apparently been the most monstrous things anyone could do, so when you typed in ‘fave student’ with a peach and fire emoji, he didn’t argue. And he could only roll his eyes when you snapped an impromptu selfie with your lips puckered and your cleavage in clear view. 
physics tutor!nanami hadn’t bothered to change either. 
Your replies come quickly and they make him purse his lips so he won’t smile. The conversation is going as he expected, your usual flirtations even more irritating in the cold of the night. He wonders why you’re awake. Are you out? Or maybe you’re with someone. 
That thought has his jaw flexing without his realisation. 
And then you send a selfie and it has his ears burning. 
You’re in a thin, pink tank top. No, a camisole with a lacy hem. One strap is falling down your shoulder and the camera was angled enough to tease the curves of your breasts but not low enough to know if you’re as cold as he is. Right in the centre is your face, bare and flawless, glowing like a star.
physics tutor!nanami rushes to his room, hastily locking the door and showing his pants under his solid cock. How is he already so hard? 
He curses under his breath, reminding himself it’s the middle of the night and Haibara gets cranky when he doesn’t get his full eight hours. So he bites his lip, right hand wrapping itself around his blushing cock and the left clutching his phone as he turns up the brightness all the way up. 
physics tutor!nanami is working himself up to a rhythm, pumping at a furious pace as if punishing himself for masturbating to an objectively, barely stimulating picture, like a teenager. He’s throbbing so hard. And when his thumb grazes his leaking tip he shudders. 
Relentless rubbing and low hissing are echoing in his room, the temperature going higher and higher as he presses his forehead to the cool wall, needing to steady himself. 
God, you look breathtaking. 
How many men have you seen you like that? Have had the pleasure of waking up to your bleary eyes and wandering hands? Have seen you in the throes of passion, eyes rolled back and hands desperately clutching at the sheets or leaving trails of claw marks on their back?
physics tutor!nanami narrows his eyes at the glossy sheen of your grin, it’s mocking him, he knows it. You knew this would happen, you wanted this to happen, wanted to fall asleep knowing he’s wrapped around your fingers. 
He groans as his grip tightens. 
Your hands are probably softer than his. Would you hold him softly, tease him with a slow pace and keep him teetering at the edge just because you can? Or are you mean? Would you stroke up and down even faster than he is, intent on humiliating him by making him cum early? Or maybe you’re merciful, giving just what he needs to keep him hooked and his pride intact.
He wonders what you taste like. 
Perhaps you taste how you smell; bright, scandalous and all-consuming. Maybe your lips tastes like whatever lipgloss you have that day, and maybe, just maybe, one day he could play a guessing game with you, finding out by tasting from the source.
Does he mean from your lips or from between your legs?
Fuck, he doesn’t know anymore, his thoughts are running a hundred miles per hour, and they’re all of you. 
You calling him ‘nanamin’, you running your fingers down his arm, pressing close to ask questions about something on a research paper, and you on your knees with those glossy lips parted as you wait for his cum to coat your tongue. 
physics tutor!nanami cums to the image and he’s breathless, cock head twitching as spurts of his seed paint the wall, his phone is precariously held by a shaking hand, conscious not to drop you. 
Eventually, he sobers up, eyes blinking hard. 
He hopes he’s tired himself enough to fall asleep and pretend this never happened, and he almost makes it to his bed, but then he’s bringing his phone up to his face and gulping at the picture of you like he’s seeing it for the first time. 
And physics tutor!nanamithrows his head back, cursing hormones and whatever else he can come up with to explain the growing desire to do it all over again. 
physics tutor!nanami says what he has said many times before and many times after. 
‘one last time .’
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helaintoloki · 28 days ago
Somethin’ Stupid
part two
pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader
warnings: angst, lots of pining, eventual fluff
notes: part two is here! ty guys for the support and hope you enjoy <3
summary: being forced to go on a mission together allows bucky and y/n to come to an understanding
*part one
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You wake up with an awful hangover and a broken heart.
A part of you had hoped that the events that had transpired last night were merely figments of a dream, a peek into some alternate dimension where you had misjudged your tolerance for alcohol and completely humiliated yourself in front of the man you were hopelessly in love with. But the glass of water paired with a bottle of aspirin and a note from Natasha excusing you from training today proved otherwise.
All it took was a single drunken confession to completely obliterate one of the most dearest friendships you had. How could you ever possibly face him after this? Not only had you completely misread his intentions, but he had responded less than enthusiastically to your profession. You’d seen it in his face, the guilt that swam in his eyes and sympathetic smile that he wore so beautifully despite how badly it hurt you. Though Natasha had cut him off before he could offer a full response, you had enough sense to know what had been coming next.
“I’m sorry kid, but I don’t see you that way. You’re just not my type.”
The mere thought has you reeling all over again as you fight to keep your nausea at bay and clumsily reach for the glass of water. You’re grateful that you’ve been given the green light to essentially lock yourself away in your room and hide in your shame for the rest of the day, but you know that eventually you’ll be expected to go back out there and resume your daily routine. But Bucky was part of that routine, and you feel absolutely pathetic as you realize just how much you’d centered your life around him.
It’s obvious that logic is not your strong suit when it comes to these situations, so it made sense that you felt the only natural solution was to simply avoid Bucky for as long as humanly possible. You’d spar with someone else, maybe ask Natasha to join you for a movie instead, and chase away your own nightmares from now on. Surely this would help you get over him once and for all.
At least that’s what you hoped.
However, you were only successful in avoiding Bucky for a straight week until Steve decided you two were the perfect candidates for a recon mission.
You’d followed Steve around the compound pleading your case as soon as he’d handed you the mission file, but the man was adamant that you were the only one right for the job.
“You’re the only one who can see inside the building without actually having to step foot in it,” Steve had reminded you, his stance firm and his arms crossed over his broad chest as he spoke. “We need to know if these guys actually have any stolen Stark tech on their hands before we risk going in there. Your vision can give us the layout of the building and determine their inventory without them even knowing.”
“If my enhanced eyesight makes me the most qualified then why can’t I just go on my own?” You adamantly protested before handing the file back to him. “It clearly states in the report that I’m not expected to go inside or make contact with any hostiles, so why do I need a partner?”
“You’re going to be too busy scanning the building to watch your own back, so you’ll need someone else there to watch it for you,” Steve reminded you with authority, his tone indicative of the fact that as Captain he had the final say. With a softer tone, he placed a firm hand on your shoulder before giving it a comforting squeeze. “Besides, I think this will be good for you both. A team only works if everyone’s on the same page, so it’s important to me that you two figure things out. Understood?”
“You got it, Cap,” you finally relinquished with a discontented sigh before excusing yourself to prepare for the mission.
You end up in the car garage a few hours later anxiously waiting for Bucky’s arrival. A part of you had considered leaving without him and worrying about Steve’s wrath at a later point, but you knew better than to test your luck. He was right about needing someone to have your back, but you just wish that someone could have been anyone else on the team.
The sound of heavy boots making their way towards you prompts you to lift your despondent gaze towards their own. Despite only having been apart from him for a week, you still find your breath catching in your throat and heartbeat speeding its pace by tenfold as you lock eyes with his stormy gaze. You have no idea what he’s thinking, and you desperately wish your x-ray vision could allow you to look into his head and read his thoughts, but unfortunately that’s Wanda’s speciality, not yours.
“Hey,” he greets with a barely visible smile that makes your chest tighten with longing. You’d think that after being rejected you’d be over him by now, but it turns out it’s true when they say absence makes the heart grow fonder.
“Hi,” you murmur meekly, absently dragging the toe of your boot along the ground. The air is thick with tension as you both engage in an unwelcome staring contest and wait with baited breath for the other to address the obvious elephant in the room. After a minute, you finally speak, “Thanks for coming along.”
“No need to thank me,” he assures you in the softest tone he can muster, almost as if you’ll run off again if he doesn’t choose his words carefully. “You know I’ll always have your back.”
His reply has you swallowing harshly while your stomach twists itself in knots; this week had been miserable for you, and yet you’d never stopped to consider how Bucky was fairing in your absence. Even if he did only view you as a kid, you still had formed a close bond with the man, and it must have been jarring for him to spend his days unused to your absence. You’d essentially iced him out without worrying about the repercussions, and now here you were forced to face them head on.
“We should go,” you state suddenly in an attempt to avoid any further awkwardness. Bucky opens his mouth to protest but instead chooses to keep silent and grab the keys for his motorcycle. As much as he’s been dying to talk to you about what had occurred at Tony’s party, he knows you both need to be focused on the task at hand, so he instead chooses to offer you a helmet before starting up the bike.
The world almost feels whole again when you seat yourself behind him and wrap your arms around his torso in a tight hold as he begins to speed off to your destination. You’ve missed this closeness, his warmth, the scent of his cologne and the comfort it brings you to rest your cheek against his back as you watch the scenery pass you by. You’re not sure if your relationship with the super soldier will ever be the same, and a part of you wonders if it’s possible to borrow the time stone from Dr. Strange so you can go back and stop yourself from making such a horrid mistake. You’d feel better if you could at least know what Bucky was thinking.
Unbeknownst to you, Bucky was thinking about a lot of things.
Though everyone around him could see how stupidly blind he was to your adoration for him, Bucky legitimately had no inkling of your romantic feelings for him. The shock on his face that night had been genuine, and your confession left him dumbfounded as he scrambled to come up with the right words, but Natasha had whisked you away before he had been given the chance.
Bucky laid awake for hours that night reminiscing on all the times you’d shared together- evenings spent talking for hours until the sun came out, playful teasing over your earpieces during missions, letting you crawl into his bed at odd hours because it helped your night terrors. He could say he was simply being a good friend, a good teammate even, but he knew he’d only be kidding himself. Bucky would do just about anything you asked of him, and he knew it was because deep inside he loved you too.
The word kid had slipped out, but it was meant to be viewed as a harmless pet name. If he knew just how upset it would have made you he never would have used it, and it haunted him every single day you ignored him. He wanted to make things right, but that would only be possible if you gave him the chance.
And right now, it didn’t seem like that was going to happen anytime soon.
Your eyes are laser focused on the building before you as you nestle into the high branches of a tree and ignore the biting cold from the snowfall. Bucky is perched beside you, gaze constantly shifting as he scans the area for any potential threats to your safety. You’ve been at this for about an hour as you meticulously scan each floor in search of any weapons as well as intel regarding how many people occupy the building. Your eyes are starting to burn from the amount of strain your powers put on them, something Bucky picks up on as he places a hand on your shoulder to get your attention.
“I think you should take a break,” he prompts with worry clear on his features. Though a part of you agrees, you’re too stubborn to relent to his suggestion. This mission is your chance to prove to him that you’re not just some kid he has to babysit; you are just as capable as anyone else, and you want him to see you not as a mentee but as an equal.
“I’m fine,” you insist indignantly before returning your gaze to the weapons base, “you’re breaking my concentration.”
“Y/n, if you put too much pressure on your eyes you’re going to have a crushing migraine for weeks and Steve will have no choice but to bench you from missions,” he reminds you, and though Bucky is only trying to be helpful you feel as if you’re being reprimanded like some child.
“Are you not listening to me? I’m fine,” you grit through clenched teeth. The pressure is getting to you, and this conversation certainly isn’t helping.
“Look, just stop to use the eyedrops Dr. Banner gave you and then-“
“Oh my god, would you stop?! You’re not my babysitter, Bucky!” You finally cry out in exasperation.
“Hey!” A third voice interjects before Bucky can respond, prompting both of you to turn your heads just in time to see a man below raising his gun in your direction. You’d both been so engrossed in your debacle to notice a guard had been sent to search the area, and your little outburst had just given away your hiding spot.
Your head is pounding from the overexertion of your powers, and you’re barely able to register Bucky yelling at you to duck. The man begins to shoot before Bucky can draw his gun, and you’re not quick enough to duck out of the way when a bullet comes in your direction. It shoots straight through your shoulder blade, the force strong enough to hinder your balance and throw you off of the tree branch.
“Y/n!” Bucky cries out, eyes wide as he shoots a hand out for you. He’s barely able to graze your fingertips before you go falling straight to the ground with a strangled cry. The last thing you see is his horrified face before you hit the floor with a defeaning thud.
Everything goes dark after that.
The lights of the infirmary are blinding as you will yourself to peel your eyes open with a groan. A dull throbbing fills your head as you lift your hand to shield your eyes and attempt to sit up only to be gently pushed back down onto the bed.
“Easy there, slugger,” a voice reprimands teasingly, “Bruce says you shouldn’t be making any sudden movements for the next few days. You didn’t break anything, but you’re bruised up pretty bad and need to be on a five day medication regimen to keep the migraines at bay, and that’s not even mentioning the bullet hole in your shoulder.”
“Natasha?” you murmur hoarsely, barely making out her figure through squinted eyes. Your mind is reeling as you try to recall the events of your mission, and your stomach drops as you recall that you hadn’t been alone when you’d been ambushed. “Where’s Bucky?!”
You try to sit up again only for her to push you back down with one hand while the other uses the control pad to dim the lights in the room. You’re grateful for the pressure it alleviates, but your racing heart does nothing to help your anxious state.
“Bucky is fine,” she reassures you, “he left to get you some water, but he’s been in this room all day since you both got back.”
“What happened? I-I remember arguing with him, getting caught, falling out of a tree…”
“You hit a couple branches on the way down which is why you’re all banged up, but luckily the snow helped break your fall and prevented any further damage. Barnes was able to get you both out of there unscathed, and thankfully Bruce was able to remove the bullet out of your shoulder with minimal scarring. But… I have to say, I’ve never seen Bucky look so worried before.”
“God,” you whine in embarrassment, palms pressing into your eyes as you hold your face in your hands. “It’s like I’m incapable of not making a fool of myself every time we’re alone together.”
“Look, just stop dragging your feet and face the issue head on. You two need to work this out,” Natasha reiterates, her eyes subtly shifting to the man that enters the infirmary with a bottle of water in his hands. “The sooner the better.”
Bucky looks like a dog caught with its tail between his legs as he approaches your bedside, swallowing nervously as Natasha moves past him with a “good luck” leaving her lips as she exits the room and allows you both some privacy. You take the bottle from him with trembling hands and a quiet thank you before finally willing yourself to look at him.
“I’m sorry… this whole mess is my fault,” you murmur remorsefully, fingers fidgeting with the paper label on the bottle, "if I had just kept my mouth shut that night-“
“I’m glad you said it.”
“What?” You breathe out in surprise, unsure if you heard him correctly or if it was just your migraine skewing your perception of reality. Bucky swallows nervously before seating himself beside your bed, a bashful smile playing at his lips as he meets your gaze.
“Look, I know I reacted horribly in the moment, but it was only because I thought you were too drunk to mean it,” he confesses almost shamefully, a flash of guilt present in his features. “It’s hard to believe a woman as wonderful as you would want a tired old man like me, and I assumed it was a spur of the moment thing. But I have cared for you the moment Steve introduced you to us as a new member of the team, and I don’t go out of my way to protect you because I think you’re some incapable kid who needs my help. It’s because… well, it’s because I love you too. And I’m sorry it took me this long to say it.”
Your lips are parted in shock as you process Bucky’s words, your mind racing to catch up as you realize the man you’ve pined for so long is now confessing his love for you. A part of you is scared that this is some sort of concussion dream and that you’ll wake up to find it wasn’t real. But the feel of his hand carefully cupping your cheek says otherwise, and you nearly melt into his touch at the feeling.
“You love me?” You repeat again in quiet astonishment. Bucky lets out a small chuckle in response.
“Of course I do, sweetheart,” he reassures you with an adoring smile, “it killed me to be away from you for so long, and I hate that it took us being shot at for me to finally tell you that.”
“I guess we just operate better on chaos,” you weakly joke, smiling when it earns you another laugh out of Bucky.
“It certainly is our specialty,” he agrees with wry grin. Then, tone more serious now as he moves to take one of your hands in his own, he says, “I love you, y/n, and I’d be honored if you would give me the chance to take you out somewhere nice to makeup for this whole mess I put us through.”
With a soft smile, you give his hand a gentle squeeze and answer, “I’d love nothing more.”
And then, in the privacy of the quiet infirmary, Bucky leans in and steals the first of many kisses from you.
| tags: @cjand10 @wamefou @g1g1l @yes-ilovetowrite @greatenthusiasttidalwave @shanksstrawhat @vicmc624 |
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luveline · 8 months ago
could you write plss write something about JJ’s confession and spencer is with bombshell reader and loves her entirely but she gets extremly scared and insecure??
Your usual confidence is shaken after JJ’s confession, but Spencer is emphatically in love with you. fem, 1.5k
Spencer gives you a rundown after every case. Not just as a colleague who missed it, but as his partner who he loves. This one comes out slowly. Maybe even reluctantly. 
He’s recounting the moment JJ had been forced to tell a secret. “She told me she’s always loved me, but that things are too complicated now.” 
You freeze in total bewilderment, your mug of hot tea swelling over the rim to warm your fingers. Further overwhelmed, you set it down on the coffee table. 
You’re in pyjamas on the couch. Spencer sits in sweatpants on the other end of it, his own cup of tea in hand. He’s watching you carefully. You’d felt generously comfortable only moments ago, riding the high of his continued survival, but now you’re feeling sick.. 
“She told you she loves you?”  
“That she was too scared to tell me before.” 
“And what do you think about that?” 
“I think if I never met you, I would’ve spent half of my life calling after her.” His lips quirk into one of those typical awkward Spencer smiles. “What should I think?” 
“I can't really tell you what to think, Spencer.” 
If he never met you, he’d still want JJ? Or if you weren’t in the way, he’d be with her now? Or what? 
You’ve never been the insecure type, to begin. You met Spencer when you were both rookies trying to establish themselves in the BAU, Spencer as a new member, and you as a hopeful applicant. Each time you liaised, or came around to annoy your good friend Derek Morgan, Spencer would be there, looking cute and lonely as ever. It was easy to become his friend. Easier again to fall in love with him. 
Not easy to convince him you truly wanted to be with him, but you were persistent, and… honestly, you’ve never been in love with someone like you have Spencer. That’s why JJ’s confession sends ice water down your back. 
He lets you steep for a few minutes, but ultimately can’t take the weird silence. 
“Hey,” he says, clear worry in his tone as he puts his own mug on the coffee table and moves to sit beside you, his hand falling onto your knee. “Hey, what’s that face about?” 
“What face?” you ask, schooling your expression. 
“That face.” His head tips to the side. 
“I’m not making a face.” 
“I know you…” he says, a tenderness to him as his hand slips under your leg, his fingers pressing into the softest skin behind your knee. 
“What else did she say?” 
He nods with understanding. “She said she was too scared to say it before, and that things are complicated now, I guess because everything’s changed so much.” 
“She has a family.” 
“Angel, even if she didn’t, you think that would make a difference?” He finds your hand for kissing. “What do you think I said to her? I love you. I told her I love you, she already knew that, but I told her again. I said there’s nothing complicated about it.” 
You stare at him. 
“Nothing complicated about it,” he repeats, pressing your kissed hand to his neck and covering it soundly with his own.  
You’re not expecting the insecurity of it. You and Spencer have never been on surer footing. Every day with him seems to guarantee the next. He just has to look at you and you know he’s your person, but you forgot he could just love somebody else if he wanted to. You forgot he even liked JJ to begin with. This sudden reminder is like having your legs kicked out from under you. 
You panic. 
“I love you,” he says, your hand moving down, pressed with fever to his chest. “More than anyone.” 
“I love you too… I just– I guess I thought JJ was my friend,” you say. 
“She is. She said she needed something that would shock the UnSub… I don’t think she expected anything to change. We just needed to get out of there.” 
He almost died and you’re thinking about JJ. Shit, JJ could’ve died. 
You bow your head. “I’m sorry.” 
“Oh, no, for what? For what?” He sandwiches you to his side. “I’m sorry, it’s not fair. It puts you in a bad position. But you don’t have anything to worry about, I love you, and I don’t have any feelings for JJ.” 
You wonder if that’s true. 
You’re being unlike yourself. Embarrassed, you hide your face in his collar and let him hug you gently. 
“I’m sorry,” he says, “I have no idea what to do right now.” 
Insecurity isn’t your style, but it’s not something that can be helped. You have, through everything, pioneered desperately to put your best foot forward. You wear clothes ordered to fit and then tailored for good measure, you take care of your appearance in a way that others might find objectionable. Who you are outwardly is just as important to you as the inward, which makes this all the worse. You hate being out of control. 
Spencer can make it better, despite his insistence on cluelessness. “You know it could never be anyone else but you, right?” he asks softly. 
“Sorry, I’m just… I’m not angry because she didn’t have a choice, but do you really believe she didn’t mean it? She could’ve made up a hundred different lies.” 
“I think she meant it,” he says, still speaking softly. 
“You understand why that would freak me out, right? If you never met me, you could be with her.” 
“I can’t imagine a universe where we don’t meet,” he says. 
Spencer delivers it with that sincere yet shy honesty that he tends to say many things. Like it’s simple, like he’s aware of how cleanly cut it is, and like he’s worried you won’t agree with him. 
You try not to act so small, straightening your back, and sewing an arm behind his neck and over his shoulder. You’re not feeling a hundred percent just yet, and so you press your forehead to his cheek, his hair kissing your  ear. Spencer drags your leg across his thigh and lets you stew for a little while. 
“I don’t want to be with JJ.” He squeezes you closer, nearly has you in his lap. “Is that what you’re worried about? If I never met you, I wouldn’t want to be with her, because she had no interest in me, or– or maybe she did, but she didn’t show it. I know exactly what it feels like now to be loved without remorse, to– to never be told I’m too much. JJ is one of my best friends in the whole world, but you’re my heart. You’re the only person who’s ever liked me for me, all of me, even when I know it wasn’t easy.” 
“It’s always easy,” you murmur.
“That’s not the only reason I love you, but it’s important. JJ’s smart and she’s beautiful and she’s such a good mom, but she’s not you. She could never be you, and I don’t want anyone that isn’t you.” 
You don’t want him to say cruel things about JJ and you’re glad when he doesn’t, but you definitely need his assurance that he prefers you. Then you feel silly, because it’s your bed he comes home to, your hip he’s caressing as he waxes poetic for you. 
You feel less like he doesn’t love you and more like you’ve made a fool of yourself for even suggesting it. “Am I your best friend?” you ask (childishly, depending on who you ask). 
“You’re my best friend. You’re the best friend. Every day I get to be with you is perfect.” 
“That’s really romantic,” you mumble, nearly not quite kidding as you rub the tip of your nose into his cheek. 
“You bring it out of me.” 
You sigh and wrap your arms around him tightly. “Thanks, Dr. Reid. I think you fixed me.” 
“You’re still making a face.” 
“You almost died today, baby. JJ isn’t the sole thing on my mind.” 
“Almost died is an exaggeration. We almost die all the time.” 
You sniff his hair at your discretion. When he holds you like he’s doing now, you realise you have no need to worry. How can he squeeze your soft sides and chase your nose with his if he doesn’t mean what he says? Spencer’s not like that. 
“I’m sorry I overreacted,” you say. 
“I don’t think you did. But would you feel better if I say it’s okay? Because it’s okay. I’m sorry for telling you something I knew would upset you, but we don’t–”
“Have secrets, I know.” 
You give him a teeny kiss by his ear. 
“Thank you,” he murmurs pleasantly. 
You press another right on top of the first. Slower, you peel away to stroke his hair. His eyes hold all the proof you need —you’re loved without competition. 
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acid-ixx · 6 months ago
to you, my greatest passion (soft yandere! batfam x traumatized! reader oneshot)
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reblogs and interactions are encouraged and appreciated.
tw: allusions to stockholm syndrome, flawed relationship (they have no concept of boundaries) and mild descriptions of injuries and torture (not by the batfam). read until the end for an author's note. happy 4k followers to me :)) uh leave comments if u like this type of analysis and want to see more. i had no direction for writing this. please don't let this flop huhu i might delete this since i don't like it
as much as i love my angst, we all need something soft at times, and moments with yan!batfam with a reader who is absolutely fucking broken from their past that the mere implication that someone could love them is enough to let them melt into whoever's chest they lay upon that night.
just, hurt/comfort. one that heals the soul in its overly possessive embrace. the same way chapped lips peck softly on your cheeks, muscled arms caress your fragile, shivering body, and legs tangle upon yours in a cacophony of warm, cozy blankets.
where as the longer time passes in the manor, the more you learn to love. to let go of the painful memories your tormenters left you. to allow past scars to heal into a mere visage of what once was streaks coated in blood. your family acts as your new abductors, yes, but how could you hold your freedom against them when it is them that comfort you from drowning through the deepest depths of your nightmares?
nightmares of the past, of the knives that break through your already gashed skin, or the ropes that burn through bruises and laceration— every time you wake up crying, with tears running down your cheeks and a pained cry; a recollection of the torture you were subject to, it is them that come running to your room not a moment after.
it's bruce's tall, domineering form that crumbles into soft, snug pillows for you. your father arms that punches criminals into prison become the shoulder you lean on. calloused fingers rub your cheeks, wiping away your tears, holding your face in his palms like you're the most fragile thing on earth— and you are. every time he looks at your dampened eyes and sniffling nose, he gets reminded of how lonely he was as a child, who lost his parent too young to the cruelty of the world, of gotham and her unyielding coldness. and when he reminisces, he begins to cage you in his arms a tad bit tighter, begins to comfort you longer and softer than he has ever done with anyone else, as if he is reassuring himself. it is with you that his vulnerability, that fear of loss becomes all too stronger. and every time you cry a bit longer, your hold on his sleeves becoming unyielding, does bruce become crueler in his pursuit of fighting crime, a lesson to himself that the people he punishes are those with hands capable enough to harm you, his precious, his pearl that glints throughout the moonlight.
whenever your father is unavailable, it's dick who runs to you, with all the intention to provide you comfort. it's him who calls you his baby bird, as he reassures you that you're no burden in his eyes every time you scream in terror as your sleep. it's him who loves to drown you in his affection, always near, always close, never far and never too much. physically, he's the most doting to a fault. tender, yet tight were his hugs. his kisses to your cheeks and your forehead always linger, as if hesitant to release itself from its rightful place. it's a testiment to how much he loves you, how he's incapable of separating himself from you. god, he loves you so much he wishes he'd just melt right into your skin, so that you actually finally realize how you're the most important thing in the world to him. you, his baby bird. if he had met you sooner, quite earlier, right after his parent's have died, then maybe he could've managed his anger better, could've learned to cope with you through the battles you both fought. it's with you that dick feel unbearably euphoric, ready to spill his love to the point where tears consume his eyes and his head laid on your chest refuses to detach itself.
jason isn't familiar with what warmth feels like, not anymore. but when he sees your hapless state, he sees a reflection of himself in that abandoned warehouse. broken, defiled, hurt. with nothing to comfort you from the cold other than the ropes that burn through your skin and the adrenaline that runs through your veins. he forgots what solace feels like, what it means, but through your shared trauma does jason learn. he learns to talk to you, with you, learns to pinpoint each and every emotion he felt at the time, what you felt inside that putrid basement. he learns to manage his grief because he doesn't want to anger himself looking at you, at just how much justice can only serve so many. the longer you talk to jason, the more he becomes softer, yet hungrier. he learns how to hold you in a way a brother learns to hold his baby sibling for the first time when conceived. he relearns the warmth he felt, like when he was finally able to be good enough to be the successor to the title of robin, when he felt you drool on his chest when you trusted him enough to sleep in his room. yet this time that feeling was accompanied with that ominous, distracting essence. one that makes jason's knuckles crack and have him prepare his guns, as he discovers that you can never truly erase the past. and even though it might take years for him to be your ideal brother, he could at least be your sole protector.
then there's tim, who never truly had the opportunity to develop that deeper sense of love he wanted to feel until he was officially adopted into the wayne family right after his parents' death. don't get him wrong, he loves his mom and dad, and so does he loves his current family— but it's obsession that drives him nonetheless. the need to prove himself, to gather information about everyone to know who they truly are; beyond that there's nothing more than shallowness, a neverending hole he can't satisfy. but with you? oh god, you. to tim, you're his everything. you devour his being whole. with you, there's always something new. the need to track every single thing about you leads him into this cycle of want and need that coagulates into desire, into drive. every time you smile, or laugh, or frown, he gains newer intel about you, one he loops into the deepest crevices of his brain at a constant, you are his constant. but staying right behind you can only do so much. and as he sits right beside you in bed, awkwardly comforting you through the ways he mirrored off from his brothers: a sloppy kiss to your knuckles, a joke cracked here and there, and wiping your eyes and nose with his sleeves; tim learns that stalking can only do so much. he learns what it feels like to be needed for emotional connection and nothing else and that only further motivates him to be perfect for you, and to be with you, his sibling, more often than to simply live right under your nose.
and damian, your baby brother, who's unsurprisingly the one who sleeps in your room, or has you sleep in his room, the most. damian tells himself he's incapable of love, of showing it or reciprocating it. but for you, he tries, and like jason, he learns. he discovers just how depraved both of you are when it comes to love. it enlightens you both and it makes damian feel a deeper sense of connection with you than anyone else. with you, he feels like a child: vulnerable, yet uncaring and free, like the true meaning of being a robin, one the soars through the skies with no grandfather or mother or league to watch your every step as their successor. all the times you cry, he silently sobs with you, holding your cheeks down to his level with scarred palms. silent, yet comforting, he'd allow his smaller form to simply become your teddy bear whilst he whispers consolations. about how strong his older sibling is, how precious you are for being comfortable with him to speak of your problems, how you're everything to damian just as he wishes to be the world for you. it makes you think you're more immature that him, it makes him grateful that he has you. even though he doesn't say it, he shows through actions just how truly important you are whenever he draws a sword towards his enemies, thinking about you and his unsaid promises.
nights where you're reminded of that solitary confinement, of the darkness that creeps into your vision and the voices that pierce through your ears. nights where you feel you've exhausted yourself of hope, where what was once warmth that hugs your heart is now that frigid, yet burning spikes that penetrates into the confidence that you'll somehow, someday, run away from that hellhole— those were nights you thought you'd never live with proper sleep. but as one or two of them holds you in their embrace whenever your nightmares consume your being, you're slowly allowing your established walls to fall apart, all for the mere implication of their love.
who would save you, if not for them? their hushed whispers of consolation, hands that wrap around your figure, and fingers that knead your cheeks provide you that deep sated comfort you always wanted. the sleeves they use to wipe away both saltine liquid and snot, to slowly silence your blubbering rambles, your inconsolable crying; it's warmer than the basement you used to be locked in as a child, with dripping faucets the only source of your water— they saved you once before, who's to say they won't save you a thousand times more?
every time you feel like crying, every time that familiar faulty tap in your eyes begins to dampen against ashen skin, it's them that asks you if you're alright. even if you grit your teeth, even if you seeth or bite or beat or punch or kick, to punish yourself, to cope through the trauma, to not feel nothing.
every time pain begins to sear through your skin, it's your grandfather, father, brothers and sisters that huddle around you and tell you 'you're safe here, in the manor, with us'.
every time they spend hours, ditching patrol nights, cooking your comfort food, reading your favorite books, watching movies for hours, ignoring your assigned sleep schedule, kissing your scarred hands gently, reverently, cuddling your form against their strong ones as a silent promise that with them, there's nothing to harm you no more— you'd feel lighter every time, a tad happier, even. slowly, but surely, melting against the confines of your adorned cage and the embrace of your loving captors.
every time they help you heal, it makes you forgive, and it makes you forget their prior kidnapping in return of building new memories with them, in a safer haven, with nobody to hurt you any longer, with nobody to bash your head against concrete walls, to punish you. you who is underserving of the circumstances bought upon you back then.
safe, a word you thought you'll never feel, a word you didn't even know existed in the crevices of your heart. but it is with them that you slowly start to associate safe with family.
the family that you've come to love and cherish in your own imperfect ways, the same way a stray dog becomes too loyal to a passerby when given bones for leftovers every day.
but you're not an animal, and you're not a pavlovian dog meant to be conditioned. no, you're their baby, their love, their treasure and their only one. the love they feed you exceeds beyond leftovers. only you can devour them wholly, the same way they cloak your world in the love that fills that neverending pit in your heart.
you're not biologically related to any of them in any way, too. yet it was all a matter of coincidence that they stumbled upon you.
but really, past is past.
then is then.
now it's just you and them.
it's you, with them.
just your family. overbearing, overprotective, overpowering.
but nothing is always over to you. their love isn't too much. how could you tell yourself it's too much? not when you were never given a basis of what is too much. how is one too much when you were never even given enough?
trust is built upon a foundation of connecting with others who can relate with you one way or another, who can see past through your flaws and mistakes— it's a bond that precedes mere acquaintanceship.
you might've met them later than everyone else, but it's you that completes them.
you're the puzzle that completes the family photographs, the goal for bruce to continue his legacy as batman and to ward off all evil, the inspiration for dick to be that aspiring hero everyone sees him to be, the reason jason begins to reform himself for your sake, the purpose for tim's endless pursuit of knowledge, the muse for damian's painting, the subject for his love he thought was no more, the ambition for steph's prolongation despite her countless of failures, the motivation for barbara to seek out all the criminals who have harmed you, the influence for cass to be stronger to protect you, the catalyst for duke to use his metahuman abilities for good, to take out those who walk in broad daylight, as if they weren't involved in your past tortures.
you're everything that they are.
their sunshine and moonlight, their companionship and loneliness, their pain and pleasure, their yin and yan.
their greatest passion.
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a/n: hii guys erm. this is so sudden and also counts as a rant but yk... i feel like quitting this blog but at the same time not. it's just, i feel like writing has been more of an obligation than anything else. it doesn't help the fact that i've only been getting interaction if i were to actually produce something good. beyond that, it feels like people are expecting more of me. i get it, updates are sporadic, they appear in the blink of an eye when you least expect it, but at the same time it's just hard juggling what i want to write and what i feel like i need to write. this blog was primarily to post about my thoughts and to talk to people but lately, every time i open this app to write, i feel these plethora of thoughts and expectations telling me that if i don't do well enough then people would merely ignore whatever i post or it's just bad by standards. and yes i'm grateful for all the people supporting my writing, but at the same time i'm lead to a cycle of me losing my motivation to continue writing. ugh idk what im doing anymore help :((
tl;dr: will i stop writing? no, but at the same time i don't know. someday, i may deactivate this account out of impulse if i feel too much, or not. it depends hehe.
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honeydewandcake · 7 months ago
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“Shrimpo, you’re pathetic”
This was based on the note found in Shrimpo’s room! I have so many theories and speculations on everything in his room it’s actually making me go crazy
Read more if you want to listen to my insane ramblings!! ↓
So I have so many things to talk about —
Firstly, the punching bags and holes in the walls. Shrimpo’s hatred towards everyone is always usually verbally, but in his room there’s proof that it’s physically too. This leads me to believe a lot of things:
— Shrimpo is somewhat strong, at least strong enough to break through the walls.
— Shrimpo tries to at least control his anger. He could easily beat someone but he limits himself by only being a verbal bully. He must relieve all his more aggressive emotions in private in his room.
— The wardrobe in his room is partially blocking holes he presumably made. This could either mean that he is embarrassed or he’s trying to hide it to avoid getting in trouble.
Overall, it’s clear that Shrimpo’s anger is a lot more than people might have expected
Secondly, the papers. There’s plenty of other toons that also have crumpled paper in their rooms but to me Shrimpo is the most interesting. Shrimpo is definitely not the type who writes, but the note and trash says otherwise. A few things I immediately think of is:
— Shrimpo can write, but everything he writes is always deemed “not good enough” by him and thrown away.
— Shrimpo is either willingly writing things or being forced to write by others (possibly as a required thing by directors and such).
— The note on his desk can tell a lot about him. The fact that he only writes about the things he hates is expected, but the way it continues is more interesting. He repeatedly writes “hate” over and over and it gets bigger. To me, this looks like Shrimpo having a mental breakdown. It’s not uncommon for someone who’s venting out their frustrations to repeat a phrase or word, but the fact that it gets bigger makes me think Shrimpo is writing it more desperately. He could have been writing to relieve stress but it only made him more frustrated, causing a slippery slope into a terrible episode. If this was in writing and not text, I expect his note to be sloppier than it seems.
— Shrimpo’s discarded paper can mean anything, but the thing I immediately think of is ideas or failed writing. Someone in a server I’m in brought up the idea that the reason why Shrimpo has only posters of himself in his room is because he’s reminding himself of all his flaws. Maybe his writing helps him cope with that or he’s trying to come up with ideas of how to be better.
Shrimpo’s room also has many knocked over furniture. He has multiple desks, traffic cones, trash cans, and a coat hanger.
— This supports my theory that Shrimpo is a lot more aggressive in private. He knocks over furniture out of frustration, imagine someone flipping a table because they got upset at something.
— Shrimpo’s room could have been a storage room. It seems to be more bland (could just be Shrimpo not liking decorating) and it has a lot of useless things. Really, the only thing that makes sense for a room is the desk, wardrobe, and bed.
— A confusing thing to me is the airhorns in his room. Shrimpo could be using these or they just came with the room. If he did use them, it would probably be on other toons as a “screw you” signal.
Sorry I talked so much, usually I don’t like doing this but I needed to yap for a good 5 minutes about my favorite toon. I love you Shrimpo!! No one could make me dislike you!! I will make many, many more theories for you. . . .
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