#remember the kind of jokes mark made on drunk minecraft back in the day?
“No, I can’t believe *insert celebrity here* did this awful thing! I was rooting for them, I’m so disappointed, why them :(“
Maybe because they’re a human person and not completely perfect? We need to stop putting celebrities on a pedestal and idolizing them for anything but their talent. They’re people, and people support problematic things without knowing every little detail about it sometimes, people say offensive things by accident, people grow up in unfortunate conditions. Celebrities aren’t gods, they’re people who are allowed to make mistakes. “But what about this thing they said in 2009!” That was 14 years ago and they’ve probably grown since then, do your actions 14 years ago reflect you as a person now? Absolutely not. “You’re a bad person for supporting this guy since he made a transphobic joke in 2010” and that guy now donates thousands to charities supporting trans kids. Y’all need to chill, PEOPLE CHANGE. A few bad actions and words that have been atoned for don’t make someone a bad person for the rest of their lives. Some people think way too black and white, they hear “This person did bad things” and think “They’re a bad person and their fans are also bad people” when in actuality it’s “This person has done bad things, but also countless amazing things therefore they’re a human who shouldn’t be idolized for being perfect but also shouldn’t be demonized for their past or have their hard work discredited.”
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